Marvel Universe. Hulk red vs green Hulk

Date of birth: Unknown

Real name: Robert Bruce Banner

Nicknames: Gray Hulk, Joey Fixit, Professor Hulk, Mr. Green, Jade Jaws, Green Goliath, Ol' Green skin), The Incredible Hulk(Incredible Hulk), Indestructible Hulk (La Mole)

Relatives: Father (crazy) - Brian Banner, mother (deceased) - Rebecca Banner, aunt (possibly dead) - Susannah (Susan Drake-Banner), aunt (deceased) - Elaine Banner - Walters (Elaine Banner-Walters), uncle - Morris Walters (Morris Walters), former father-in-law - Thaddeus Ross, mother-in-law (deceased) - Karen Lee, first wife (divorced) - Betty Ross (Betty Ross), second wife (deceased) - Caiera, cousin - Jennifer Walters, possible daughter - Carmilla Black, son - Skaar, son - Hiro-Kala ), daughter - Lara (Lyra), clone - Behemoth, clone (dead) - Bruce Banner,

Gender: Male

Height: 177 cm (Banner), from 200 cm to 264 cm (Hulk)

Weight: 58 kg (Banner), from 350 kg to 1,000 kg. (Hulk)

Eye color: Chestnut (Banner), black/green/gray (Hulk)

Hair Color: Brown (Banner), Black/Brown/Green (Hulk)

Skin Color: White (Banner), Grey/Green (Hulk)

Position: Changeable

Universe: Earth-616 (Earth-616)

Origin: Dayton, Ohio

First appearance: Incredible Hulk #1, 1962

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Creators: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

Description of the Hulk

Robert Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, is one of the most popular characters in Marvel comics. He first appears in 1962 in The Incredible Hulk #1 ( The Incredible Hulk #1). Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the character gained great popularity among readers from the very first issues.

The Hulk is the incarnation of Bruce Banner, a humanoid monster with advanced muscle mass and enormous physical strength, depending on the degree of rage. Bruce Banner himself is a brilliant scientist, a nuclear physicist, who was exposed to a wave of radiation during an experiment to explode a Gamma bomb and received a mutation as a result. The mutation allowed Banner to transform into the raging monster Hulk, who was a separate personality. During the hero's existence, the Hulk's skin color changed more than once from gray to green. The principle of transformation into the Hulk also changed. If at the beginning of the existence of the superhero the Hulk appeared at night, then later reason transformation into a monster began to directly depend on emotional state Banner and the amount of adrenaline in his blood. However, the writers did not stop there and gave the Hulk many incarnations, personifying the different psychic sides of Bruce Banner. Thus, readers met the Wild Hulk, Gray Hulk, United Hulk, Devil Hulk, Guilt Hulk, Green Hulk and others.

During his existence, the Hulk, perhaps, opposed almost all the superheroes and supervillains of Marvel comics. On at the moment The Hulk is ranked 9th on IGN's list of the top 100 comic book characters of all time, has his own comic book series and is a favorite of many readers.

Biography of the Hulk

Robert Bruce Banner is the son of Dr. Brian Banner, a nuclear physicist, and his wife Rebecca. Even though Brian loved Rebecca and was attached to her, he hated his child. Brian was very jealous of his beloved son, seeing that he was the main object of her love. In addition, Brian believed that radiation at work affected his DNA and his son was a mutant. One day, Brian went completely crazy, beat Bruce and killed his wife. He was later sent to a mental hospital. Despite the fact that Bruce knew the grief and wrath of his crazy father in early childhood, he was a gifted boy, essentially a child prodigy. The young man was given to be raised by his aunt, Mrs. Drake.

After graduating from science school, Bruce trained in nuclear physics in Navajo Nation, New Mexico. He was one of the best students and later studied at Pennsylvania State University, where he met Walter Langowski (Bigfoot). Bruce is pursuing a PhD in nuclear physics from the California Institute of Technology.

Eventually, as a genius in the field of nuclear physics, Banner began working for the US Department of Defense at a military base in New Mexico. There he meets the base commander, General Feddeus Ross, later known as the Red Hulk. He also meets his daughter, Betty Ross, with whom he develops mutual sympathy and later love. Banner worked on the development of the "Gamma Bomb" or "G-Bomb" - a nuclear weapon that emits high levels of gamma rays.

When the first tests of the Gamma Bomb began, Banner supervised the underground detonation process. After the tests began, it was discovered that the security regime had been violated and an unauthorized person had entered the test site. It turned out to be teenager Rick Jones. Banner instructed his colleague Igor Starsky to stop the countdown until the civilian was eliminated, after which he headed into the danger zone to Jones. Meanwhile, Igor Starsky, as it turned out, being a Soviet agent, did nothing to stop the countdown. Igor hoped that Banner would die during the bomb explosion, and experiments to create new weapons would come to a standstill. At this time, in the danger zone, Banner managed to find a civilian and throw him into a protective trench. The scientist himself did not have time to protect himself and found himself at the epicenter of the Gamma bomb explosion.

Strong gamma waves reached Bruce and heavily irradiated him. Because of the unknown genetic factor in the body of a scientist, he was not killed by radiation. However, the rays caused a mutation in Banner's body, resulting in him transforming into a powerful gray-skinned humanoid monster called the "Hulk".

In Banner's first transformation, he became the Hulk at sunset and returned to human form at dawn. Later the mutation took on a slightly different character. The transformation began to take place with the release of adrenaline. As a rule, this happened when Banner was very excited, both during the day and at night.

Normally, transforming into the Hulk would significantly reduce Banner's mental capacity and memory, while lowering his threshold for violent excitability. The Hulk's destructive behavior led the military to try to contain him and subdue him, but all their attempts ended in failure. The Hulk also had an assistant - Rick Johnson. The teenager felt responsible for the mutation that happened to the doctor and helped him hide from the military. Initially, the Hulk and Banner were different personalities, but from the first issues of the comics, the Hulk spoke of himself in the third person. Generally, aside from General Thaddeus' attempts to capture the Hulk, Banner has had serious radiation-based enemies like the Warchief and the Gargoyle. The Hulk's lover - the daughter of General Thaddeus - Betty condemned her father for trying to catch him and tried to help Bruce.

In subsequent adventures, the Hulk's skin color was changed to green, and Bruce was given the ability to sometimes take control of the Hulk's mind. In an attempt to control his transformations, Banner built his own gamma ray installation, however, it turned him into the Hulk, but did not allow him to transform back.

In subsequent comics, the Hulk faced various opponents. Over the course of his history, he has confronted almost all of Marvel's supervillains and superheroes. The character has undergone frequent changes. At one time, he was even returned to his classic gray skin color. Since 2000, the scriptwriters decided to unite in the body many personalities who fought among themselves for the right to control the mind. The Hulk's incarnations are believed to be different aspects of Banner's psyche. Let's consider the main incarnations known today.

Incarnations of the Hulk

Bruce Banner

Is the main emotionally depressed person. He has a genius intellect and can transform into different versions of the Hulk. At the same time, versions of the Hulk can only transform back into Bruce Banner.

Wild Hulk

The Savage Hulk is one of the most common versions of the Hulk. He has meager mental abilities, the temperament of a child and, as a rule, speaks of himself in the third person. He often claims that he is only looking for peace. Outwardly, he is usually depicted as a green humanoid monster with highly developed muscles and monkey-like habits. The strength of such an incarnation of the Hulk comes from the degree of his rage and directly depends on it.

Gray Hulk

One of the smallest versions of the Hulk. He is distinguished by an average level of intelligence, great cunning and cunning. In most cases, the Gray Hulk performs at night. His powers depend on the phase of the moon and reach their peak at the new moon. Gray Hulk also prefers to wear suits and performs under the pseudonym Joey Fixit.

Mixed Hulk

Is the result of the merger of the Gray and Savage Hulk. This mixture was obtained through the use of a gamma projector, a device developed by Banner to control transformations. This version of the Hulk features the cunning of the Gray Hulk and the brute strength of the Savage Hulk.

United Hulk

The unified Hulk is believed to be the result of the fusion of Banner, the Gray Hulk, and the Savage Hulk. The personality of the United Hulk was not just a mixture of all the entities, but, in a way, an ideal version of Banner. Not surprisingly, this incarnation often partnered with other superheroes, and sometimes led entire teams. This incarnation calls itself "The Professor" and is the largest of the three main versions of the Hulk. Even though the United Hulk has a higher level of power, he has a subconscious limitation set by Bruce Banner. If Hulk's rage level reaches a certain level, Hulk will transform back into Banner. This feature makes the United Hulk a priori weaker than other incarnations.

Devil Hulk

The Devil Hulk is the embodiment of Banner's grief and grievances. The Hulk's amoral personality is constantly trying to break out of control and destroy the entire world in revenge for what he experienced.

Hulk of Guilt

Another incarnation of Banner's personality, based on his regret. Guilt the Hulk originally appeared in Banner's mind as a father figure. It evoked negative memories from childhood, forcing Bruce to relive those tragic events. Ultimately, Banner manages to suppress this incarnation, but it still returns in moments of severe emotional breakdown. This incarnation was distinguished by its enormous size and enormous physical strength. This Hulk also had claws, spikes all over his body and could breathe fire.

King Hulk (Green Hulk)

One of Banner's latest incarnations, the Green Hulk, demonstrates the great intelligence and great strength of the Wild Hulk. Also in the comics he is shown to be peace-loving like Banner. It is later revealed that the Green Hulk is a mix of Banner's personality and the Wild Hulk's. This is a kind of symbiosis, without trying to gain control over each other. The result is a version that has all the advantages of the Savage Hulk and Banner and, practically, without the disadvantages and limitations. At first, this incarnation was weaker than the Savage Hulk, but later its strength and size increased so much that it surpassed all other versions.

Hulk's abilities

The Hulk is one of the strongest creatures on Earth, as his strength and abilities increase depending on his level of rage.


The process by which Bruce Banner typically transforms into the Hulk is believed to rely on a catalyst: adrenaline. Like normal person, Banner releases adrenaline in moments of fear, rage or stress. U ordinary people Physical abilities increase slightly from the release of adrenaline. But for Banner this process causes difficulties. chemical reactions, as a result of which he undergoes a transformation into the Hulk. The total transformation time can range from a few seconds to five minutes, depending on the amount of adrenaline and the level of the initial stimulus. After the transformation, the Hulk begins to slowly reduce his adrenaline levels without irritating factors. Despite its direct dependence on the amount of adrenaline, Banner's ability to transform is not fully known. There are cases when the transformation takes place without any increase heart rate. This suggests that the true nature of the transformation depends more on psychological state Bruce.

Superhuman strength

The Hulk has almost limitless physical strength. However, each of the Hulk's incarnations has a base level of strength. Thus, the Gray Hulk in a calm state can lift about 70 tons, and the Wild Hulk lifts 90 tons. Higher levels of power are achieved by increasing levels of anger/anxiety/stress. In some incarnations, Banner manages to restrain the Hulk and his rage level cannot rise above a certain level, but in most cases, the Hulk's power potential is limitless. Thus, he was once seen holding a falling mountain weighing 150 billion tons.

Superhuman jumping ability

The Hulk can use his developed leg muscles to jump long distances. During a great rage, he can jump three miles. However, with more high level In rage, the Hulk demonstrated a jump of 1000 miles. One day, the Hulk made a high jump and almost flew off the Earth.

Superhuman endurance

The Hulk's body is able to counteract the poison that is produced when physical activity. Physical stamina can sustain the Hulk for days, but it is also affected by rage and can be greatly increased.

Superhuman Strength

In addition to great strength, the Hulk's body has high degree protection. The Hulk's skin is impervious to conventional weapons. Adamantine and vibranium are among the few metals that can harm the Hulk. The invulnerability extends to his eyes. The Hulk is able to withstand a direct hit to the eye from a sniper rifle, a powerful explosion, high pressure and even a fall from orbital height. There were cases when the Hulk was able to survive while in the midst of a nuclear explosion.


Despite the high resistance to physical damage, sometimes the Hulk gets hurt. At such moments, the regeneration process is activated, which allows you to quickly heal wounds, internal organs and even limbs. The healing rate is so fast that Hulk's injuries heal immediately after they are inflicted.

Immunity to diseases and viruses

The Hulk is immune to all known earthly diseases and viruses.


Thanks to gamma energy and the ability to regenerate, the Hulk's aging process is significantly slowed down. When facing an alternate Hulk from the future, it was implied that he could even live forever.

Adaptation to the environment

There have been cases in comics where the Hulk was in outer space. long period time. During this time, he not only did not experience suffocation, but also functioned fully. Because of similar cases a theory arose that the Hulk can adapt to the environment in which he is located and function successfully in it.

Extrasensory perception

The Hulk has the unique ability of extrasensory perception. This allows him to observe astral forms invisible to ordinary person. This power has been demonstrated by him more than once in the comics. There is a theory that the Hulk developed this ability thanks to Banner. Bruce was subconsciously afraid of meeting his father's ghost and learned to view the “invisible world.” It later became clear that the ability belongs not only to Banner, but also to the Hulk, and in a much stronger form.

Possibility of homing to the place of creation

The Hulk has a mystical homing ability that allows him to find the exact location in New Mexico when he first transformed after the G-Bomb exploded. This sense works even when the Hulk is in another dimension.

Gamma radiation

After Banner transforms, he immediately begins generating gamma energy around himself. It is not known exactly how the Hulk emits and controls such energy, but his enemies in the comics have tried to take advantage of this feature several times.

Hulk Equipment

Even though the Hulk fights without weapons or special equipment, his alter ego Bruce Banner wears a variety of gadgets to help in different situations.

Mobile system

Banner has a mobile operating system with which it can hack various devices, and also mentally give commands to your devices.

Energy Shield

Banner created an energy shield based on gamma radiation. With it, he can be protected from many creatures, heal injuries, move across the surface of the water and lift loads weighing several tons.

Teleport bag

Bruce created a special teleporter in the form of a bag. It is connected to the laboratory and allows you to get any item from it. He can also teleport himself using the device.

Automatic scanners

Banner always carries scanners with him, which constantly scan the area within a 50-foot radius. He can also send a special scanning robot to scan an area in more detail.

Shorts made of unstable molecules

Bruce wore special shorts made from unstable molecules. This thing did not break when the transformation into the Hulk and the reverse transformation took place. The shorts came with a special belt on which Banner's main devices were stored.

Banner Costume

Unlike the Hulk, Bruce Banner cannot survive in difficult human conditions. Therefore, he developed a special suit with which he could breathe oxygen underwater and survive at high and low temperatures. The suit is also able to withstand high pressure. An exhaustive list of the suit's properties is still unknown.

Jennifer Walters

Bruce Banner's cousin, Jennifer, was wounded, in order to save her life, Bruce was forced to transfuse her with his blood, contaminated with gama radiation, because of this, Miss Walters received abilities similar to the Hulk. But unlike Bruce, Jennifer does not transform, but is always in the guise of She-Hulk, while she has retained her usual mind, although she has become more self-confident.

General Ross

Red Hulk- Hulk's enemy with red skin. Alter ego - General Ross.

Alternative versions

Ultimate Marvel

Ultimate Hulk

Bruce Banner worked with the young genius Hank Pym (the future Giant Man) and Richard Parker (the father of Peter Parker, the future Spider-Man) on the Super Soldier Serum in an attempt to create a second Captain America. Unbeknownst to his colleagues, Banner tests the serum on himself and turns into the Hulk, who accidentally kills Parker and his wife. Only their son Peter remains alive, who is carried away by Nick Fury.

Ten years later, Fury assembles the Ultimates, which includes Hank Pym, who has become the superhero Giant. Bruce, who is being held in custody, learns of this and, out of envy, injects himself with the serum and turns into the Hulk. Breaking out into Manhattan, he kills several hundred people, but was eventually stopped by the Ultimates. During the Skrull invasion, Fury uses it as a secret weapon, thanks to which the Earth was saved.

After some time, thanks to Loki, the public learns that Bruce Banner and the Hulk are one person and demands his execution. After a mock execution orchestrated by Pym, Banner travels the world and learns to control the Hulk. During Loki's invasion, he returns to Washington and, with full control of the Hulk, helps the Ultimates achieve victory.

During the war with Squadron Supreme, Fury uses the Hulk as a "third party" to stop the battle.

During Ultimatum, the Hulk helped Spider-Man clean up the rubble in New York. Then, put into a trance by Jean Gray, he goes with the X-Men to Magneto's stronghold and helps destroy it.

After the Ultimatum, Gregory Stark (Tony Stark's older brother) shows Fury Smart Hulk, a lab-grown Hulk clone that combines the Hulk's physical strength with Bruce Banner's genius brain. Smart Hulk subsequently rebelled and was killed by Captain America.

Ultimate-Hulk has one unpleasant feature- an addiction to cannibalism, which is why he ate the Abomination.


In the Marvel 2099 reality, the Hulk is John Eisenhart, a selfish film producer from Lotusland (future Hollywood). He was accidentally exposed to gamma radiation by the Knights of Banner (a cult that worshiped the original Hulk) intending to create their own Hulk. As the Hulk, Eisenhart came to represent freedom for a closed society.

Age of Apocalypse

In the Age of Apocalypse, Banner was not exposed to gamma radiation and did not become the Hulk. He eventually became a scientist for the Human High Council and one of its weapons developers. However, Banner sought to become more than human, and therefore offered his services to Mikhail Rasputin, one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who supplied Banner with mutant test subjects. Thanks to his experiments, Banner was able to transform into Creature(a creature similar to the Gray Hulk).

Bullet points

In the miniseries "Bullet Points" ( Bullet points) Peter Parker found himself at the site of a gamma bomb test and absorbed a large dose of gamma radiation, becoming the Hulk. After his first public transformation, which caused Aunt May to have a heart attack, he fled, but later returned to visit Aunt May in the hospital. There he was "met" by Iron Man (Steve Rogers), and after a long fight, Peter ultimately killed Iron Man and fled in terror.

Earlier in the series, in an attempt to find a cure for Peter, Dr. Bruce Banner examined insects taken from the test site and was bitten by a radioactive spider, becoming Spider-Man.


In the single issue "Incredible Hulk: The End" ( The Incredible Hulk: The End), set nearly two hundred years later in an alternate future, Bruce Banner is shown as the last man and sole survivor of a nuclear war. After the war, the Hulk retreats into a cave - emerging to discover that the only other life left on Earth is a swarm of monstrous mutated cockroaches. Banner, now extremely old due to absorbing some of the Hulk's regenerative abilities, has lost the will to live. During a heart attack, Banner sees all his loved ones and accepts death. The Hulk, on the other hand, is not ready to die and turns into himself when Banner finally gives up the ghost, leaving the Hulk sitting on a deserted rock thinking that at least he is truly the strongest and the only one, who remained.

House M

In the altered reality of the 2005 crossover House M Bruce Banner disappeared in Australia, where he befriended an Aboriginal tribe and tried to control his dark side. When the mutants ruling the Earth attacked his tribe, he retaliated and eventually conquered Australia with the help of the Center for Interesting Ideas, mainly his former college girlfriend Monica Rappacini, her daughter Tanasi, Dr. Isaac Aaronson and his son Adam .


In the future, after the devastating nuclear war Hulk absorbed large number radiation, which increased his physical strength, and also made it possible to maintain genius intellect Banner. The Maestro stole Doctor Doom's time machine and went back in time. But he was defeated when Banner sent him, using his own time machine, into the very center of the gamma bomb explosion that gave birth to the Hulk.


In the Marvel Universe, where the accidents that created most traditional superheroes had a more realistic effect, Banner was transformed by a gamma bomb into a grotesque mass of bubbling green tumors. They believed he was dead, but Rick Jones discovered that what was left of him was supposedly still alive, hidden in a secret government base.



In the world shown in the series Marvel Zombies, The Hulk, along with almost every other superbeing on the planet, was infected with a zombifying virus. Although he retains his strength and invulnerability, he no longer heals, feels no pain, and craves the consumption of human flesh. Zombie Hulk's transformations were changed by the virus from controlling Banner's emotions to controlling only his appetite - after eating, he turns back into Banner (also a zombie) until hunger returns. Since Banner is much smaller than the Hulk, one such transformation caused Banner's stomach to burst after the Hulk swallowed a large object (Magnet's legs).

In the second issue, after devouring Magnet's leg, Zombie Banner asks someone to hit him to transform into Zombie Hulk before his chest is torn apart by Magnet's leg. Thor hit him in the face with his "hammer", but since he can't feel pain, he can't transform unless he's hungry, and this subsequently gave Banner speech problems. Soon after, Magnet's thigh tore through his chest. During subsequent transformations, he spoke and behaved as usual, although with a hole in his chest.

The Hulk succeeded in killing the Silver Surfer and became one of the zombies that devoured the Surfer's corpse and absorbed some of his cosmic powers. The zombies then killed and devoured Galactus himself, further increasing their powers, although only the Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Giant-Man, Luke Cage and Wolverine survived the battle. Cosmically enhanced, they took Galactus's ship and went to look for food elsewhere. Devastating and devouring planets, the six zombies eventually became... space threat, known as Galactus.

In the present, the Marvel Zombies attacked the Skrull planet, where they encountered the main reality's Fantastic Four - now consisting of Black Panther, Storm, the Thing and the Human Torch - who left the Zombies eager to capture the Four and transport them to their reality.

Zombie Hulk also appeared in Marvel Zombies 2, killing a zombified Thanos over a disagreement over his share of the food. After becoming Banner, he was subdued and tied up to prevent his transformation into the Hulk. However, this failed, and all the other zombies tried to defeat the Hulk. In the process, the Hulk killed Jean Gray, Hawkeye, Firelord and Iron Man. Reynolds, despairing over the supposed loss of the Wasp, surrendered himself to be devoured by the Hulk. Immediately upon returning from his Hulk form, Bruce Banner asked the remaining Zombies to kill him, since he could not control the Hulk.


The Hulk was shown to still be active in the alternate future of the MC2 universe. There, he is a combination of his three main transformations, possessing the strength of the Savage Hulk, the behavior of the Gray Hulk, and the intelligence of Professor Hulk. Supposedly he has a son named David.


In the Amalgam Comics Universe, the Hulk was mixed with Solomon Grundy from DC Comics, resulting in Skalk.

What if World War Hulk

In an alternate universe, Tony Stark used beams from a satellite against the Hulk. As a result, most of the superheroes and the queen of the Skruls, Varanke, died. This was a sign for the Skruls to attack Earth. This left a small group of survivors, led by the Hulk. But the Skrules tricked everyone into killing her except the Hulk. In desperation, the Hulk asked the Silver Surfer to summon Galactus to destroy the Earth. Galactus invited the Hulk to become his new herald, the Hulk agreed, and took the name Destroyer of Worlds.

What if?

The Hulk appeared in several issues of the What If...? » ( What if?):

  • Issue #2 - Hulk retains Bruce Banner's intelligence.
  • Issue #12 - Rick Jones became the Hulk.
  • Issue #23 - The Hulk became a barbarian.
  • Issue #71 (Volume 2) - A gamma bomb spawned a thousand Hulks.
  • Issue #80 (vol. 2) - Hulk evolved into Maestro.
  • Issue #91 (Volume 2) - Bruce Banner is savage and the Hulk is intelligent.
  • What if General Ross had become The Hulk? (volume 3) - General Ross became the Hulk.
  • What if Planet Hulk - Hulk died instead of Kaera from the explosion of the shuttle and the Illuminati sent the Hulk to a peaceful planet.
  • What if World War Hulk - Tony Stark decided to use beams from the satellite against the Hulk, which led to the death of Varanke - the queen of the Skrules and most of the superheroes and Thor awakened during the World War Hulk.

In this article you will learn:

Hulk - aka Robert Bruce Banner, scientist, nuclear physicist, monster, superhero. Character from Marvel comics, Earth 616 universe.

Original story:


He was born in Ohio. His mother is Rebecca, and his father, David Banner, is a famous scientist who worked for the US government and dreamed of creating a Super Soldier with superpowers. Banner was forbidden to experiment on people, so he decided to inject the serum into himself. After some time, a son, Bruce, was born into the scientist’s family. The father conducted tests on his blood and discovered that the child had undergone mutagenic changes. He tried to kill his son, but the mother rushed to protect the child, and David accidentally killed her, for which he was convicted and sent to prison. psychiatric hospital.

Becoming the Hulk:

When Bruce Banner grew up, he also decided to become a scientist and entered medical school, but in his second year he realized that he liked studying nuclear physics more. He dropped out of college and began working for the US government, which entrusted him with the development of a radioactive bomb.

However, the radioactive experiment was unsuccessful, the bomb exploded, and Bruce Banner was exposed to gamma rays. He received a lethal dose of radiation and was injured, but did not die. But his body, which had already undergone a genetic mutation at conception, began to mutate at tremendous speed. Bruce Banner turned into a huge green monster who called himself the Hulk.

This state of mutation was not permanent. Banner only transformed into the Hulk when he became enraged and uncontrollable.

He possessed incredible superhuman strength, potentially limitless, because his strength increased depending on his emotional intensity. When properly angry, the Hulk could withstand a direct hit from an artillery shell, overcome the effects of poisons and high temperatures without harm to the body. His super-strong legs gave him the ability to jump enormous distances; it is known that the Hulk once conquered almost the entire orbit of the Earth in one jump.


Naturally, concerned about national security, the US military began trying to catch and eliminate the Hulk. The Fantastic Four and other heroes were set against him. However, Banner managed to become one of those who created the Avengers team and received a temporary amnesty from the president.

Some time later, the Hulk teamed up with Doctor Strange and Namorr the Man of the Sea to confront the techno-mage Yandroth and his ultimate computer Omegatron. The team acquired the name Defenders and periodically fought together against all sorts of threats to the planet and humanity.

After the death of Betty Ross, who was Baner's girlfriend from the time they worked together, and died at the hands of the Abomination, the Hulk tried to kill himself. He took refuge in Alaska, where he was barely found by Nick Furry and the Defense, asking him to help them eliminate Hydra's weapon - the Eye of the Gods, a device that could blow up the planet's entire nuclear stockpile in one fell swoop. Hulk completed the task. The Eye of the Gods could not withstand the Hulk's superhuman strength and exploded, and Banner himself miraculously ended up on a rescue shuttle sent by the Defense.

Hulk is king:

Taking advantage of the situation, a group of super beings, the Illuminati, decided to get rid of the Hulk. They sent the shuttle to one of the uninhabited planets in the hope that the green creature they hated would disappear there. However, an error in calculations saved Banner’s life and, instead of a desert planet, the shuttle landed on the planet Sakaar, where militant tribes lived, ruled by the Red King. The Hulk was captured and sold to the Great Arena as a gladiator and was forced to fight for his life.

Soon the Hulk regained his strength, assembled a team of the most powerful fighters in the Arena and led them in the battle against the Red King. In a one-on-one battle with the king, the Hulk managed to save Sakaar and defeat the Red Ruler, for which the inhabitants of Sakaar crowned him and named him the Green King of the planet.

The Hulk soon had a wife and child; it seemed to him that he had finally found peace, but the happiness did not last long. The ship on which he arrived on Sakaar suddenly exploded, and his wife died from the explosion. His son Scar managed to survive.

Return to Earth:

Filled with rage and malice, the Hulk travels back to Earth to take revenge on all the superheroes he thought were responsible for what happened.

Eventually, after many battles against heroes, the Hulk teamed up with the Avengers in the fight against the X-Men.

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Hulk (Hulk) his real name Dr. Robert Bruce Banner- a superhero appearing in the universe. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, he first appeared in the comic book " The Incredible Hulk"#1 (May 1962). Since then, he has become one of the most recognizable.

In May 2011, Hulk was ranked #9 on the " The 100 Best Comic Book Characters of All Time"According to IGN.


Bruce Banner is a genius, but lacks emotion in most of his portrayals. He developed the gamma bomb that caused his misfortune, and the ironic reversal of his self-inflicted fate was one of the most consistent common themes. Ari Kaplan describes the character this way: "Bruce Banner lives in a constant state of panic, always afraid that the monster inside him will break free, and thus he is unable to form significant bonds with anyone."

As the Hulk story progressed, writers continued to frame Bruce Banner in these terms. For different authors, his fragmented personality led to transformations into different versions of the Hulk. These transformations are usually unintentional, and often authors have associated transformation with emotional triggers such as rage and fear. As the series progressed, various writers reworked the Hulk, changing his personality to reflect changes in Banner's physiology or psyche. The writers also refreshed and changed some aspects of Banner's personality, showing him to be emotionally repressed, but capable of deep love for Betty Ross and resolution of the problems that confront him. Written by Paul Jenkins, Banner was shown to be a capable fugitive who used deductive methods to figure out the events happening around him. When Banner controlled the Hulk's body, he applied the principles of physics to problems and challenges and used deductive reasoning.


During an experimental gamma bomb explosion, scientist Bruce Banner rushed to save a teenager who had arrived at the test site. After pushing the boy, Rick Jones, into a trench, Banner himself was caught in the explosion, receiving a massive dose of radiation. He later woke up in the infirmary, seemingly relatively unharmed, but during the night he transformed into his bulky gray form, crashed through the wall, and escaped. A soldier from the ensuing search party called the otherwise unidentified creature a “hulk.”

The original Hulk was often shown as simple and quick to anger. His first transformations were caused by sunset, and his return to Banner by dawn; later the change began to be caused by emotions. Although it was gray when it debuted, printing problems led to the color changing to green. In the original story, the Hulk separated his personality from Banner, denouncing him as "that pathetic weakling in the picture." From his earliest stories, the Hulk was preoccupied with seeking refuge and silence, and was often shown to react quickly and emotionally to situations. Gresh and Weinberg called the Hulk "...the dark, primordial side of (Banner's) psyche." Even with the most early appearances The Hulk spoke in the third person. Hulk kept a humble mind while thinking and speaking in complete sentences, and Lee even gave him expository dialogue in issue six, letting readers know exactly what powers the Hulk has when Hulk said, “But those muscles aren't just for show! All I need to do is get up and just keep pushing!” In Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades of the World's Greatest Comics, Les Daniels called the Hulk the embodiment of cultural fears about radiation and nuclear science. He quotes Jack Kirby: “As long as we experiment with radioactivity, there is no telling what might happen or how much our advances might cost us.” Daniels continues: "The Hulk has become the most disturbing embodiment of the dangers inherent in the atomic age."

Although usually a loner, the Hulk helped form the Avengers and Defenders. He was able to determine that these changes were now being caused by emotional stress.

Fantastic Four #12 (March 1963) featured the Hulk's first fight with the Thing, as well as new way Banner transforms into the Hulk by using a gamma ray machine of his own design to cause the change. Although many early Hulk stories involved General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross attempting to capture or destroy the Hulk, the main villain was often a radiation-based Hulk-like character like the Gargoyle or the Chieftain, along with other enemies such as the Toad Men or an Asian military leader General Fang. Ross's daughter, Betty, loved Banner and condemned her father for pursuing the Hulk. Right hand General Ross, Major Glenn Talbot, also loved Betty and was torn between pursuing the Hulk and trying to gain her love more honestly. Rick Jones in these early stories acted as a friend and sidekick to the Hulk.

Stan Lee and others compared the Hulk in these early stories to a misunderstood creature, a concept Lee wanted to explore. He also compared the Hulk to the Golem from Jewish myths. In The Science of Superheroes, Gresh and Weinberg considered the Hulk as a reaction to Cold War and the threat of nuclear attack, an interpretation shared by Weinstein in Up, Up, and Oy Vey. Kaplan called the Hulk schizophrenic.

In the 1970s, the Hulk was shown to be more prone to anger and rage and less talkative. The writers played with his transformations, briefly giving Banner control over the changes and the ability to maintain control of his Hulk form.

Hulk's stories began to include other dimensions, and in one, Hulk met Empress Jarella. Jarella used magic to transfer Banner's mind to the Hulk and eventually fell in love with him, asking him to become her husband. Although the Hulk returned to Earth before he could become its king, he would return to Jarella K'ai's kingdom.

When Bill Mantlo took over writing duties, he brought the character into the arena of political commentary as the Hulk traveled to Tel Aviv, Israel, encountering both the violence of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Jewish Israeli heroine Sabra. Shortly thereafter, the Hulk encountered the Arabian Knight, a Bedouin superhero.

Under Mantlo's pen, a distraught Hulk was sent to the "Crossroads of Eternity", where it was revealed that Banner had suffered childhood traumas that caused Bruce's repressed anger.

Coming to terms with their problems, at least for a time, Hulk and Banner physically separated under the pen of John Byrne. Separated from the Hulk by Doc Samson, Banner was recruited by the US government to create the Hulk Slayers, a government team dedicated to capturing the Hulk. Bruce and Betty married, but Byrne's change in character was reversed by Al Milgrom, who reunited the two personalities and, as of issue #324, returned the Hulk to his gray color after a second visit to K'ai and his one-time love Jarella.

Shortly after returning to Earth, the Hulk assumed the identity of "Joe Fixit", a shadowy behind-the-scenes figure working in Las Vegas on behalf of crooked casino owner Michael Berengetti. Banner was suppressed in the Hulk's mind for months, but slowly began to reappear. The Hulk and Banner began trading back and forth at dusk and dawn as the character originally did, but this time they worked together to achieve both of their goals using notes to communicate. IN The Incredible Hulk#333 The Chief described the Gray Hulk's personality as being strongest on the night of the new moon and weakest on the night of the full moon. Eventually, the green Hulk began to manifest again.

In issue #377, David transformed the Hulk again. Dr. Leonard Samson enlisted the services of the Ringmaster to hypnotize Bruce Banner and force him, Savage Hulk (Green Hulk) and Mister Fixit (Gray Hulk) to confront the past abuse inflicted on Banner by his father Brian Banner. During the session, the three individuals encountered the "Guilt Hulk", who sadistically tormented them with the violence of Banner's father. Putting a siege to this violence, a new, larger and smarter Hulk emerged, completely replacing the "human" identities of Bruce Banner and the Hulk. This Hulk was highest point three aspects of Banner. He had great strength Savage Hulk, the cunning of the gray Hulk and the intelligence of Bruce Banner.

Peter David then introduced the Hulk to the Pantheon, a hidden organization built around an extended family of super-powered people. Family members, mostly distant cousins ​​of each other, had code names based on myths Trojan War and were descendants of the group's founder, Agamemnon. When Agamemnon left, he left the Hulk in charge of the organization. The plot ended when it was revealed that Agamemnon sold his offspring to an alien race in order to gain power. The Hulk led the Pantheon against the aliens and then moved on.

Soon after, the Hulk encountered a corrupted version of his future self named Maestro. Brought into the future, the Hulk teamed up with Rick Jones, now an old man, in an attempt to destroy the tyrant Maestro. Unable to stop him any other way, the Hulk used the time machine that took him to the future to send the Maestro back to the heart of the gamma bomb test itself that gave birth to the Hulk.

In 1998, David followed editor Bobby Chase's suggestion and wrote a story centered on the death of Betty Ross. Betty suffered radiation poisoning, and a desperate General Thunderbolt Ross worked with Banner, hoping to save her, but they failed and Betty died. After this, David left Marvel due to a conflict over the direction of the series. As time passed, the character's status quo changed. In 2007, one of the major events in the life of the character - through the efforts of the writers, the Illuminati group (, Black Bolt and, the group also includes Professor X, but at the time of the event he was not there) send the Hulk to a distant planet chosen by Reed Richards, citing the fact that “you always wanted to be one". However, the Illuminati did not foresee the wrath of the Hulk, the ship went off course and crashed on the planet Sakaar, scorched by war and dictatorship, where the Hulk became a gladiator, and later a ruler. After an internal conflict, an explosion occurred on the planet, destroying almost the entire population of Sakaar. One of Hulk's friends knew who was responsible, but did not tell him so that he would blame the Illuminati. The Hulk returned to Earth and began to take revenge. He achieved all his goals, but learned of the betrayal and gave up. Later, with the appearance of the Red Hulk, the Hulk disappeared (was absorbed by the Red Hulk), but in issue 610 of the Incredible Hulk comic, the Hulk made his triumphant return.


The Hulk is physically one of Marvel's strongest characters. Its strength is very great, as it increases in proportion to the level emotional stress, which has no limit. The harder the Hulk is hit, the stronger he becomes.

The Hulk uses his super-strong leg muscles to jump great distances, including entire continents. The Hulk was known to cover distances of thousands of miles in a single jump and once jumped almost to the height of Earth's orbit. The Hulk has shown maximum resistance to physical damage regardless of the source and nature of that damage and has also shown complete resistance to almost any temperature, including even the Human Torch's supernova (1,200,000 degrees), as well as invulnerability to all poisons and diseases in addition to regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of tissue.

The Hulk cannot die from lack of air or magic, as he is able to absorb dark energy, adding strength to yourself. It has been shown on numerous occasions in the comics that he can survive without air, such as underwater or when traveling through space.

As Bruce Banner, he is considered one of Earth's greatest minds. He is an expert in the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering and physiology and holds a PhD in nuclear physics. He has "a mind so brilliant that it cannot be limited by any test of intelligence."

In the media
Cartoon series

Marvel Superheroes"1966, where the Hulk was voiced by Max Ferguson and Doctor Bruce Banner was voiced by Paul Soules.

The Incredible Hulk"1982 - 1983, Hulk was voiced by Bob Holt and Bruce Banner was voiced by Michael Bell.

The Incredible Hulk"1996 - 1997, Hulk was voiced by Lou Ferrigno and Bruce Banner was voiced by Neal McDonough.

Hulk appears in the 1995 animated series" Fantastic Four", Ron Perlman voiced the Hulk. He appears in one episode.

Iron Man", Ron Perlman voiced the Hulk. He appears in one episode.

Fantastic Four: Greatest Heroes Mira", where he was voiced by Mark Gibbon and Bruce Banner was voiced by Andrew Kavadas.

Wolverine and the X-Men", Fred Tatasciore voiced the Hulk, and Gabriel Mann voiced Bruce Banner.

Iron Man: Armored Adventures", Mark Gibbon voiced the Hulk.

Superhero Squad", Travis Willingham voices the Hulk.

Hulk appeared in the animated series "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes", where the Hulk was voiced by Fred Tatasciore and Bruce Banner was voiced by Gabriel Mann.

Ultimate Spider-Man", where he was again voiced by Fred Tatasciore.

Hulk appeared in the animated series " Hulk and the Agents of U.D.A.R.", voiced by Fred Tatasciore.

Hulk appeared in the animated series " Phineas and Ferb: Marvel Mission", released in 2013, voiced by Fred Tatasciore.

Hulk appeared in the animated series " LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload", Hulk is voiced by Fred Tatasciore.

Hulk appeared in the animated series " Avengers: Disc Wars", the Hulk appeared as a major character.

Animated films

New Avengers"and its continuation "New Avengers 2" , where Bruce Banner was voiced by Michael Massey.

New Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow", where Bruce Banner was voiced by Ken Kramer.

Hulk appears in the cartoon " Hulk vs...", which consists of two cartoons"Hulk vs. Wolverine" and "Hulk vs. Thor", where Bruce Banner was voiced by Bryce Johnson.

Hulk appears in the cartoon " Iron Man and Hulk: Alliance of Heroes".

Hulk appears in the cartoon "Avengers X-Files: Black Widow and the Punisher."

Hulk appears in the cartoon " Planet Hulk" , voiced by Rick Wasserman. He is the main character of the cartoon based on the comic book of the same name.


Hulk appears in the TV series The Incredible Hulk"coming out 1978 - 1982, where Bruce Banner was played by Bill Bixby, and the Hulk was played by Lou Ferrigno.


Hulk appears in TV movies" The Incredible Hulk: Return"released in 1988," The Incredible Hulk: The Challenge"released in 1989 and" Death of the Incredible Hulk"released in 1990, Bruce Banner was played by Bill Bixby, and the Hulk was played by Lou Ferrigno.

Hulk appears in the film " Hulk", released in 2003, the character was played by actor Eric Bana.

Hulk appears in the film " The Incredible Hulk", which was released in 2008, is a reboot of the previous film. The role of Dr. Banner was played by Edward Norton.

Hulk will appear in the film Avengers", which was released in 2012, Dr. Bruce Banner was played by actor Mark Ruffalo. This is the first film in which the model of the Hulk was not compiled using computer graphics, and when using motion capture technology.

Bruce Banner appears in the film's post-credits scene. Iron Man 3", which was released in 2013, Dr. Bruce Banner was played by actor Mark Ruffalo, he appeared after the credits.

Hulk appears in the film " Avengers: Age of Ultron", which was released in 2015, Dr. Bruce Banner was played by actor Mark Ruffalo. This time, Dr. Banner, as part of the Avengers, fought against an artificial intelligence called Ultron, created by Tony Stark to fight crime.

The Hulk appears in the film Thor: Ragnarok, also played by Mark Ruffalo.

The imagination of the authors of the Marvel universe knows no limits. Comic book readers were convinced of this in the early 60s - another character with an incredible destiny and abilities appeared on the pages of magazines in drawings. The Hulk, far from being the secret alter ego of Dr. Banner, has bypassed many of the inhabitants of graphic novels. According to IGN, the humanoid creature ranks 9th on the list of the hundred most recognizable heroes.


Compared to many Marvel comic book heroes, the Hulk is a newcomer: he was introduced into graphic novels by artist and writer Jack Kirby in 1962. Over its almost 60-year history, the authors have changed, but the general motifs have been preserved. The character had a social meaning; it was a fantasy about experiments in nuclear science.

“As long as we experiment with radioactivity, there is no telling what might happen or how much our advances might cost us,” Kirby noted.

The Hulk's real name is Bruce Banner. This is a genius, a nuclear physicist, born into the family of a mentally unstable scientist Brian Banner, who was jealous of his wife and son. As a result, his father killed his mother and ended up in a psychiatric hospital, and Bruce was taken in by his aunt.

The young man graduated from a scientific school, where he learned the basics of nuclear physics, and also has a doctorate from the California Institute in his collection of achievements. After his studies, Dr. Banner enlisted in a US military base and began creating a gamma bomb. One day, during a weapons test, he ran to save a teenager who happened to be at the test site. The bomb exploded, covering Bruce in a wave of radiation. At sunset that day, the doctor turned into the Hulk.

At first, the ability to take the form of a huge monster disappeared by dawn, but subsequently Bruce Banner began to transform into a humanoid creature with incredible strength at any time due to strong negative emotions - anger or fear. Unfortunately, the Hulk completely lacked the intellect of a brilliant scientist and was filled with anger.

Essentially, these are two separate personalities - the monster despised the weak and pathetic Bruce. In order to somehow maintain control over the alter ego, the scientist tried to irradiate himself with radiation. When I had to come to terms with the fact that the diagnosis “cannot be cured” and the Hulk would not simply disappear, I decided to use the image of the monster to protect people and the Earth.

The “werewolf” began to be pursued by the military from his very birth, and the Hulk had to hide, although the giant just wanted solitude.

Scientific progress does not stand still: Banner was separated from the Hulk more than once, but the “lonely” monster destroyed everything, so Bruce was in a hurry to reunite with him. In one of these cases, the Hulk turned out to be the main one in this dual alliance - the entity acquired intelligence. Later, Banner managed to become a person without an alter ego due to the fact that gamma radiation was removed from his body, although not for long. In the battle, the doctor again absorbed the dangerous radiation, and the Hulk returned.

The next attempts to separate the individuals were not crowned with success. Since the beginning of the new millennium, scriptwriters have united several personalities in a body, fighting for control of the mind. In the latest Marvel comics, released in 2016, the Hulk died at the hands of the superhero Hawkeye. But the monster was resurrected by black magic, revealing to the world an entity that now serves evil.


Thin and of average height, Dr. Banner turned into a huge, muscular Hulk, whose height reached 2.6 m. The original giant appeared before comic book readers in gray, but due to the peculiarities of printing, the hero later turned green.

The Hulk takes the place of one of the strongest creatures on the planet, strength depends on the degree of rage - the higher the level of anger, the more powerful the hero. He is able to hold a mountain and a neural star on his shoulders, and the waves from the impacts pierced several dimensions.

The Hulk's quick reactions are also admirable. Having become angry, the character gains hypersonic speed - the movements cannot be seen with the naked eye. The ability to jump is a separate issue. The Hulk has such pumped up leg muscles that he can easily jump five kilometers.

The giant's body is endowed with an inhuman degree of protection; ordinary weapons do not injure the skin and eyes, nuclear explosions They also do no damage. The character is afraid only of means of destruction created from special metals vibranium and adamantine. However, the resulting wounds heal immediately after they appear.

The Hulk easily adapts to his environment; for example, he physically felt great in outer space. Help the hero psychic abilities: he sees astral entities and inhabitants of other worlds.

A scantily clad Hulk in lilac pants defeats enemies with his bare hands. But the terrifying giant returns to his “native” body from time to time, and this is a completely different matter - Banner is not so durable and strong, so the doctor carries with him the necessary set of tools and weapons.

Genius uses mobile operating system, which opens any devices. Bruce’s protection and assistant is a shield made of gamma radiation, which allows him to walk on water, lift enormous weights, and thanks to the energy of the device, wounds on his body heal instantly.

The doctor navigates the area, armed with a scanner with “intelligence,” and moves in space using a teleport bag. A scientist has invented a matter of unstable molecules that does not break when he turns into the Hulk. Bill also always has a special suit with him that helps him survive in extreme conditions– breathe underwater, withstand temperatures and pressure.

Friends and enemies

Over the course of his existence on the pages of Marvel graphic novels, the Hulk has encountered almost all the heroes and villains. The character became a member of the founding group of the Avengers team. Together with Wasp and Ant-Man, he defeated the evil god. But he soon left the ranks of the organization, giving way to the position of leader. After this, the Avengers became enemies of the green mutant. However, sometimes the Hulk teamed up with the team, for example, against the X-Men.

Another team that adopted a humanoid is the Defenders. Its leader treated the Hulk with warmth and even allowed him to live in his house. The character was also friends with the Sentinel, who is able to pacify his friend. And Bruce Banner's heart belonged to Betty Ross, the daughter of General Thaddeus the Thunderer.

Hulk fought against those who attempted to destroy Earth alien creatures, with Chinese and Russian villains, prevented an invasion of the planet by toad people, and confronted the ruler of the underworld.


Hulk in leading role appeared on television in 1977 and held the attention of viewers for five years. The success of the continuation of the tape was repeated in 1988 - the series stayed on the silver screen for two years. The dual nature was played by Bill Bixby (Bruce Banner) and Lou Ferrigno (Hulk).

Children also fell in love with the green mutant - artists included him in a dozen full-length cartoons:

  • 2006 – “Ultimate Avengers”
  • 2006 – “Ultimate Avengers 2”
  • 2008 – “New Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow”
  • 2009 – “Hulk vs. Wolverine”
  • 2009 – “Hulk vs. Thor”
  • 2010 – “Planet Hulk”
  • 2013 – “Iron Man and Hulk: Union of Heroes”
  • 2013 – “Phineas and Ferb: Marvel Mission”
  • 2014 – “Iron Man and Captain America: Alliance of Heroes”
  • 2014 – “Avengers X-Files: Black Widow and the Punisher”
  • 2015 – “Adventures of Superheroes. Frosty fight"
  • 2016 – “Hulk: Where the Wild Things Are”

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has created six films in which the Hulk either stars or takes a supporting role.