How to survive a nuclear war: the atomic threat. How to survive a nuclear war

Nuclear war is one of the most common and real options end of the world. This manual will briefly tell you how to protect yourself from the consequences of a nuclear apocalypse.

So, comrades, you live your measured life, go to work/study, make plans for the future, and suddenly this harsh moment has arrived - the nuclear apocalypse. Hundreds of nuclear Polaris, Tridents and other global sowers of democracy flew to the borders of our country with a joyful whistle. This entire “overseas gift” will arrive in about 30 minutes - approximately how long it takes for a rocket to fly from the launch silo to the “recipient”. And a completely logical question arises: “What to do?” (of course after the question - “Why did this happen to me?”). First of all, comrades, don’t really hope to quickly move to another world and party there with angels/devils/houris. There are not many thermonuclear munitions in the world, and they will be spent primarily on destroying retaliatory strike weapons hidden in the depths Siberian ores/ in the vastness of Texas and Oklahoma. Democracy and spirituality will be delivered to the bulk of the population by “regular” versions of this subject, that is, by nuclear devices.

To begin with, despite statements such as: “In Russia everything is in the wrong place,” early detection systems and civil defense are still working, and are even being modernized little by little. So you will be warned. They will warn you in the simplest and most intelligible form; you don’t need to remember any three green whistles. The warning system horns that hang on houses and at all intersections will simply blare (no, these are not decorations from the Soviet period), after which the voice of an elderly, frightened woman (or, alternatively, a wooden military man) will utter the words: “ATTENTION EVERYONE!!” and in the same voice it will be stated exactly what kind of apocalypse is approaching us. In our case it will be about a nuclear missile attack. If you hear a signal, but it’s far from the swearing place, turn on the radio or zombie box - the same thing will happen there on all channels. The voice, by the way, will give advice on how to behave and where to run, as long as you have time. Then he will be silent forever.

In the first 24 hours after the impact, speed of movement will be vital - scurrying away from the epicenter, every kilogram of weight taken will directly affect your chances of survival and the rest of your life later. You should definitely take documents with you: passports, birth certificates (if you are a schoolchild or, on the contrary, have already planed your Pinocchio), registration certificate / military ID. Do not think that after the blow mother anarchy will come, some kind of power will definitely survive, as well as its instruments: the police, the army, officials, and all of them will check the documents first. Persons without documents will be pushed into filtration camps, and if they behave inappropriately, they may be killed - citizens in uniform will also be very nervous. Take the money - communism will not come either. It’s still impossible to eat food until you leave the infected zone, and you won’t come out of it “clean”. Household radiation dosimeters are practically useless if it does not turn sour from an electromagnetic pulse and penetrating radiation; their sensor is still not designed to operate in conditions of severe infection, it quickly degrades and will show nonsense. Unless you get food and water later, check it, but the batteries will run out quickly. The devices of nuclear scientists and the military require certain knowledge, and most importantly, they are heavy - the weight has already been mentioned. But be sure to take the radio receiver, just disconnect the antenna and battery, otherwise it will burn out from the impulse. And don't forget a map of the city and immediate surroundings, if available.

Leave your cell phone at home - cellular networks will be turned off once and for all. In view of objective reasons, immediately after an alarm, you most likely won’t be able to get through anywhere. About special anti-radiation drugs: they will probably slip in expired or improperly stored ones. In general, then contact the military or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they will give you something suitable and in the correct concentration (by the way, about getting drunk: vodka does not remove radiation! But it reduces its damaging effect, so you need to drink before, not after, but it’s still better not to , because you won’t be able to run fast anymore - and this is important). As soon as all this nuclear fuss dies down, there is a choice of two options...

Option #1: Sit in the basement as long as there is enough air and food. In the first days after the impact, radiation levels are expected in the surrounding area at which the existence of protein bodies is very difficult. Remember - the great law of half-life works for you, according to which the level of radiation will steadily decrease. In addition, not everyone is able to quickly cover the 10 - 20 kilometers over rough terrain necessary to escape a deadly zone. dangerous level infection. If we assume that the explosion was simply nuclear (if still thermonuclear - in this case you are already dead and you don’t care), then already at a distance of 500 meters from the epicenter, just an hour after the explosion, the radiation level will not exceed 1 R/h. This level of radiation already poses little threat to life. At a distance of 1 km, the radiation level in an hour will be completely less than 0.1 R/h. The only danger is the ingestion of radioactive dust into the body (but you will not die from this immediately, but after years). So, if you have a respirator, there is no point in sitting out for more than an hour waiting for the radiation level to drop. A respirator or gas mask is for you best friend in this case. Yes! You also need to choose the right direction in which to scurry, otherwise you might end up running somewhere you shouldn’t.

Option No. 2: Based on the fact that you won’t be able to sit in the basement, you should get out and move on while you can still walk. If there is gas in your house, you will have to get out immediately, otherwise you will quickly feel like a grilled chicken. However, even without gas, fires will pose a much more obvious threat than radiation. If the basement is completely blocked, breathing problems will quickly begin, and if it was plowed up by a shock wave, its remains will not protect it from radiation. Quite cosmic levels of radiation will be closer to the epicenter than your basement (since you survived the penetrating and shock wave in it), and in the first hours after the explosion, the bulk of the radioactive crap is still hanging high in the atmosphere. It is quite possible to leave the most dangerous infection zone during this time.

Regardless of when you got out, use the rubble of the surrounding buildings to determine where the shock wave came from, and quickly stomp in the opposite direction, but towards the exit from the city (but under no circumstances into the wind!!). Don’t be too distracted by saving others; in general, avoid people who have obvious signs getting hit - severe burns, torn legs, etc. You won’t be able to save them, you’ll just die yourself, because they are already self-propelled Chernobyls, not people. The faster you get out of the city, the less radiation you will pick up, and the less likely you are to fall under the second strike

The main threat in the first few days will be dust enriched with both primary nuclear decay products and secondary sources. Inhaling it or swallowing it means passing radiation directly to life. important bodies, and it is extremely undesirable to contact it with bare skin. Do not breathe through your mouth and in general breathe only through a rag, do not eat, drink only tap water, at worst running water (unless of course it flows from the direction of the last observation of mushroom clouds), do not sit / lie down on the ground, avoid lowlands (there will be the highest concentrations radioactive canoe), do not go downwind unless this is the only available direction from the epicenter. Restrain excretory processes for as long as possible. The worst thing that can happen is it's going to rain and this rain will be so intense that at the first sign of it, immediately hide under awnings, trees, etc.

As soon as you get out of the city so much that the city is barely visible, turn on the radio and listen to alerts. The army and other services will set up service points for the population, look on the map to see which one is closest, and go there. A real paranoid person will know the collection points in advance; the local Ministry of Emergency Situations will tell you about them - the main thing is to inquire in advance. Upon arrival, go through control (memorize or write down the results), decontamination - eat the given drugs, remove and throw away outerwear. Next, little will depend on you, just don’t worsen the situation, especially with screams like: “Everything is lost!!” - this is breeding panic, they have the right to shoot. Help (or at least do not interfere) with those who save you.

Most civil defense shelters built from the late 1970s to the present day for civilians are designed for a shock wave pressure of 0.1 MPa ( type A-I V), and now only this type is being built. The best and smallest shelters (type A-I) are at 0.5 MPa, 0.3 MPa (A-II), 0.2 MPa (A-III). But don’t delude yourself: as a rule, the stronger the shelter, the more strategic the object next to it, which means the higher the likelihood of a targeted strike on the object. Since the late 1950s, structures at 0.15 and 0.3 MPa have been built. Pre-war structures were not designed for a nuclear explosion, but ordinary basement shelters will withstand some kind of shock wave, no more than 0.5 MPa, more likely 0.1 - 0.2 MPa. More durable protective structures, except for the metro, are not intended for us, ordinary citizens. In the 1960s - 1970s, shelters of the fifth class (0.05 MPa), fourth (0.1 MPa), third class 0.4 - 0.5 (MPa), second and first classes were built - these are the metro and some special bunkers . Metro stations located at a depth of about 20 meters (second-class shelters) will withstand not only the epicenter of an airborne explosion, but even in the immediate vicinity of a small-caliber ground explosion (up to 10 - 15 kilotons). Deeply located, over 30 m stations and tunnels (first class shelters) will withstand a medium-caliber explosion (with a power of up to 100 kilotons) in close proximity. In the immediate vicinity - does not mean that directly under the explosion, it is somewhere in a few dozen - a hundred or two meters from the boundaries of the crater; 15 kt in an explosion on the surface is a crater with a depth of 22 m and a diameter of 90 - 95 m, 100 kt respectively 42 m and 350 m.

I found an invaluable reminder on the Internet in case - GOD FORbid it comes in handy - a nuclear war or an attack on Moscow and other Russian cities.
After the recent well-known events over Chelyabinsk, it is also relevant.

Activities related to the “Nuclear Alert” situation

Headquarters of the Moscow Civil Defense Departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Management of fire, emergency, rescue and medical services.

1. Preliminary information.

1.1. The most likely time for a nuclear strike on Moscow is around 18:00 Moscow time. This is due to the fact that:

A ) 10 a.m. Washington time allows the strike to be prepared and carried out during the corresponding business morning security forces without prematurely attracting increased attention from our intelligence services to the activity of departments of a possible enemy during non-working hours;

b) all types of urban and intercity communications are overloaded at the end of the working day, and the coordination of emergency defensive measures is difficult;
V) the attention of the duty services decreases at this time;
G) a significant part of the population is on the road between places of work and residence, which further complicates the coordination of measures and actions;
d) Transport arteries are paralyzed by traffic jams, and the population located in them is primarily unprotected from damaging factors.

1.2. The most likely yield of a thermonuclear weapon is from 2 to 10 megatons. The super-power of the ammunition is limited by the capabilities of the delivery vehicles and is due to the large area of ​​the Moscow metropolis, the concentration of central intelligence and defense units and enterprises there, and along its perimeter - belts of missile and aviation cover systems, but first of all - the high security of the shelters of the presidential and government apparatus and control services Ministry of Defense, which is the main target.

1.3. The most probable time from the moment of the warning signal “Atomic alarm!” until the moment of striking:

A) about 14 minutes when launching ground-based launch vehicles from the American continent;
b) about 7 minutes when launching carrier rockets from sea-based submarine-launched missile carriers occupying positions in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. This corresponds to the flight time of ballistic missiles moving in above-atmospheric space along ballistic trajectories at a speed of the order of the first cosmic speed, i.e. 7.9 km/sec, or approx. 28,000 km/h. In practical terms, in combat conditions it is possible to foresee some failures and communication delays, which can actually reduce the warning time to several minutes.

2. Signal “Atomic alarm!” served voice on all television and radio broadcasting channels, and is also duplicated by the beeps of railway locomotives and watercraft - one long beep and two short beeps, repeated several times.

3. Individuals who are wealthy in their own way official position shelters, immediately begin to act according to the evacuation plan in case of a nuclear alarm under the leadership of civil defense officials, or building commandants, or team leaders, or independently. You should act without panic, in an organized manner, without the slightest delay. Any manifestations of panic must be immediately suppressed by any by possible means, up to the use of force and weapons. No more than 6 minutes later (or earlier by order of the shelter senior, who is convinced that there are assigned groups in the shelter in in full force) after the first warning signal, all entrances to the shelter must be blocked and blocked according to combat mode, regardless of the cases of those who did not have time to take refuge in them and the number of those remaining outside. Attempts to prevent the closure of entrances by any persons without exception must be immediately suppressed by any means, including the use of weapons.

4. At the signal “Atomic alarm!” persons without shelter, act independently depending on where they are in at the moment are, without delay and panic, accepting everything necessary measures for protection and shelter from the factors of nuclear destruction. You should act calmly, competently, assessing the specific conditions of your location, using your voice and action to encourage others to follow your example and instilling confidence in them. First of all, it is necessary to take care of the safety of children and women, as well as the elderly.

4.1. If the house has a basement, you should take refuge in the basement. The cracks in the doors should be plugged with any cloth that can be wetted. It is useful to take a small supply of drinking water with you.

4.2. While in a building, it is better to take refuge in a closed room - an internal corridor, a bathroom, a storage room - which is separated from the external walls by an additional partition and has no windows. It is also useful to seal door cracks and stock up on water.

4.3. In a room with a window, lie on the floor with your feet facing the outer wall, covering your head with your hands. Choose a spot at the bottom or side of a window so that as little light falls on you as possible. It is better to hide from the light behind a heavy object - a closet, a sofa, a table.

4.4. Those on the streets should immediately take shelter in buildings, at least in their entrances, or use other natural shelters, which include:

A) the metro is the best of all possible shelters;
b) any basements, boiler rooms, underground garages;
V) sewer wells and tunnels of any underground routes;
G) foundations and lower premises of new buildings;
d) underground passages and road tunnels;
e) warehouses, underground toilets, etc.

4.5. While in public ground transport, you should immediately leave it and take cover (see above). ….

….4.9. All entrances to the metro are closed immediately upon a warning signal. Any manifestations of panic among the population or attempts to resist the immediate closure of entrances are suppressed immediately by station police pickets by appropriate means, up to and including the use of lethal force. At the same time:

A) all escalators switch to descent; after all citizens have descended onto the station platforms, all escalators stop;
b) station personnel switches the power supply of all equipment to emergency in economic mode;
V) trains do not depart from the stations; trains located in tunnels on stretches continue moving to the nearest station and remain there or within possible proximity;
G) trains that find themselves in open spaces must reach the entrances to the tunnels and, if possible, go deeper into them.

5. In clear cloudless weather During daylight hours, the approach of a descending warhead can be determined by a white contrail, similar to that of an aircraft at a higher altitude, arcing down from the upper atmosphere towards the center of Moscow at high speed.
Remember: the sound of a warhead approaching and descending will not be heard due to its supersonic speed.

6. With accuracy modern means guidance The epicenter of the explosion will be located within the Boulevard Ring, focusing on the Kremlin-Lubyanka-Arbat area.

7. A ground explosion should be expected in Moscow. This somewhat reduces the radius of the overall damage compared to an above-ground explosion, but increases the strength of the seismic wave, which leads to ground movements such as tectonic disturbances of a nature similar to a high-power earthquake in the upper layers, leading to crushing and destruction of even significantly buried shelters of increased strength within the radius ten to fifteen kilometers.

8. Thermal damaging factor.

8.1. At the epicenter of the explosion, a light flash appears, the brightness of which is many times greater than that observed sunlight. Within 0.03-0.04 seconds. the flash forms into a dazzling luminous sphere 1.5-2 km in diameter, with a temperature of 10-20 million “C. It covers the city center within the radius of the Boulevard Ring - the Kremlin - Polyanka, and everything entering this space instantly ceases to exist, turning into a plasma state.

8.2. Within a radius of 3-4 km, all objects instantly evaporate and incinerate organic origin, directly exposed to the direct thermal radiation of the explosion (unsheltered people, animals, plants, wooden parts of buildings facing the direction of the explosion). Asphalt road surfaces, metal fences, roofs and parts of building structures, concrete and brick walls, including those with stone and ceramic cladding, both exposed to the direct thermal radiation of an explosion and hidden to a depth of several meters, melt, evaporate, and instantly burn out. . All substances, both organic sheltered and inorganic heat-resistant, within the radius of the Garden Ring, immediately following the moment of explosion, burn within a few seconds with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees.

8.3. Within a radius of 20-25 km, all wooden, plastic, painted surfaces and plants facing the direction of the explosion and accessible to direct thermal radiation flare up, metal roofs burn through, concrete, brick, glass, metal, stone melt; Window frames burn, glass evaporates, wires melt, asphalt catches fire. The active fire zone instantly covers the city within the Moscow Ring Road. A ring forest fire breaks out outside the Moscow Ring Road. Fully built-up areas and forested areas catch fire. The reservoirs of the Moscow River and Yauza are evaporating, and the upper layer of the Khimki Reservoir is boiling. Remember: direct radiation thermal effects last from fractions of a second to several seconds and even up to several tens of seconds, depending on the power of the explosion, and spread only in a straight line, i.e. any obstacle between you and the explosion, in the shadow of which you find yourself, can to save your life in a situation of sufficient distance from the epicenter of the explosion.

9. Damage factor shock wave.

9.1. The action of the shock air wave begins immediately at the moment of the explosion and follows the thermal radiation, but lags behind its instantaneous effect as it moves away from the epicenter of the explosion, the further, the longer the period of time. In the second affected area, the speed of the air shock wave reaches 1-5 thousand m/sec, i.e. everything in this zone, which has already been subjected to thermal effects, is blown away by a powerful explosion in the direction from the epicenter to the periphery, turning into a leveled surface of crushed debris burning from high temperatures(so-called deflation of the landscape). Crushed burning fragments of substances located between the radii of the Boulevard and Garden Rings are ejected by a shock wave along an expanding concentric circle into zone three.

9.2. In the third zone, i.e. within Moscow inside the Moscow Ring Road, the speed of the shock wave decreases slightly, especially at the surface itself, but continues to remain above supersonic, i.e. up to 300-500 m/sec at the border of the Moscow Ring Road, which causes instantaneous destruction all ground-based buildings, both high-rise and low-rise. The hot and burning parts of the surfaces facing the epicenter, mixing with other materials during demolition, give the so-called. a fire carpet with a temperature that ensures the combustion of metals and the melting of ceramics. During the passage of the shock wave, individual parts and components move in the air at speeds on the order of artillery shells, aggravating the process of destruction of everything that rises above the surface. All plantings are torn out, water is squeezed out of all reservoirs.

9.3. The nearest forests beyond the Moscow Ring Road, settlements and airports are also subject to complete or mostly destruction, partial or complete destruction and burning.

9.4. Within the entire affected area, an area of ​​sharply decreased atmospheric pressure due to both the burnout of oxygen in the air and the concentric separation of air masses. As a result, soon after the passage of the shock wave, a reverse shock wave appears, directed towards the epicenter. It is characterized by a significantly lower speed, comparable to the speed of an ordinary hurricane, but it brings masses of fresh oxygen to the entire burning area, which creates the effect of a bellows, creating the so-called. firestorm over the entire affected area. The zone within the Moscow Ring Road is likened to the leveled surface of hot coals in a furnace.

10. Seismic impact of ground explosion causes an earthquake effect with compaction and displacement of surface layers. All underground metro structures within the Circle Line and the stations closest to it are destroyed and completely collapsed. All bomb shelters within the Garden Ring are completely destroyed. All basements within the Moscow Ring Road are completely destroyed. All sewerage and ventilation underground structures in the area of ​​Prospekt Mira, Zoo, Serpukhovskaya, Ilyich Square are crushed, destroyed and collapsed. All entrances and exits from the metro, ventilation shafts, emergency and service exits collapse, or are crushed, or are completely blocked by a layer of hot mass on the surface.

11. The external picture of the explosion looks normal and is typical for thermo nuclear explosion high power. The white plasma sphere, which covers the center of Moscow like a two-kilometer cap and is four times the height of the Ostankino TV tower, after a few seconds begins to dim, becomes covered with a crimson smoky veil and separates from the surface, floating up. The burning city lies in all directions, like a circle of dominoes, is covered with billowing smoke, and streams of smoke and fire rush from the periphery of the MKAD circle to the rising sphere, forming a characteristic mushroom stalk, which expands at the bottom to the limits of the affected area, narrowing at the top to a sphere that is enveloped in a cloud mushroom caps. The billowing smoke at the base of the mushroom reaches a kilometer in height, the diameter of the stem narrows to eight hundred thousand meters under the cap. The mushroom continues to rise, and although the rise looks slow due to its gigantic size, after three to five minutes its height reaches 25-35 km. With a high-power explosion, this picture can last up to several hours.

12. The fire itself, which does not make it possible to begin any rescue work, can continue, taking into account the affected area of ​​​​the Moscow metropolis, for up to several days.

13. High background radiation will not allow any rescue work to begin in the metropolis earlier than in 15-20 days, with the exception of special operations of special importance. Conducting any rescue operations should be considered appropriate in an area no closer than 5 - 10 km beyond the Moscow Ring Road line.

14. The crater at the epicenter of the explosion is a crater with a diameter of about 2 km and a depth in the center of up to 200-300 m. Its surface is a glassy mass up to 10-12 m thick.

Second affected area It is a relatively flat surface covered with a layer of glassy sintered mass 0.3-0.9 m thick.

Third affected area It is a lumpy surface, largely covered with a glassy sintered mass ranging in thickness from several millimeters to several centimeters. Tests of such ammunition, carried out by both the USSR, the USA and France, have reliably shown that attempts to carry out any rescue operations in specified radii have no real basis . The defeat of open and hidden manpower, equipment and buildings reaches 100%. Rescue efforts should focus on relocating and providing assistance to people who find themselves outside the immediate affected area, beyond the 100-kilometer zone.

How to survive in nuclear war

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As a rule, within a radius of about 4 km from the point of explosion, everything is completely destroyed, and it is impossible to survive there. Severe destruction will follow up to 8 km, where it will be extremely difficult to stay alive.

Up to 15 km, the destruction of a nuclear attack will be less severe, and you will be able to survive there. Up to 30 km there will be minor damage, and the likelihood of death is reduced to zero. However, do not forget that these figures depend on the power of the bomb being exploded.

Radiation spreads quite quickly. The primary one appears directly during the explosion and covers an area with a radius of about 5 km. The secondary one is formed from nuclear fallout that is carried by the wind. It can spread 20 km within a few hours after the start of a nuclear war.

To protect against radiation, you must use special respirators. If they are not available, then any fabric products that can provide the slightest protection will do. During a nuclear strike, it is best to be in a basement or shelter, since the degree of protection from radiation there is noticeably higher than in an ordinary house. However, it is worth noting that you need to be there before radiation contamination occurs.

When such a danger occurs, a special signal is given using sirens, which are turned on for several minutes. At the same time, pre-prepared messages about the approaching nuclear strike. Therefore, it is important to always keep a radio on near you. When moving to a shelter, you need to take a small radio with you, which will help in the future. You should also turn your car radio on as loud as possible so that you can hear it in your hiding place. If warning signals do not stop after the outbreak of a nuclear war, then there is a possibility of a second strike. Soon they should inform about the nearest places of shelter and methods of rescue.

Shelter from a nuclear attack

As noted above, the best shelter is a special shelter or basement. Some people create their own personal shelters in advance, and this can save the life of the entire family. However, to really build quality place, capable of 100% protection against a nuclear strike, is almost impossible, since this will require a lot of knowledge and resources.

If you are on the street during a warning, you need to immediately get into a bomb shelter (in the worst case scenario, you have 10 minutes to spare). If there are none nearby, then you should at least climb into one of the basements of the nearest buildings, but you need to choose the most protected ones. At the very least, you can try to set up a shelter at home.

Important to know. Residents big cities There is a bonus - the metro. Within 5 minutes after the threat signal there is an opportunity to take refuge there.

In the case of sheltering from a nuclear attack in the basement or your apartment, you need to create an imitation shelter as soon as possible: close all entrances and exits, getting rid of the slightest cracks. Any pieces of furniture and boards will help for this. To create more strong defense you need to give the walls as thick a layer as possible.

Stockpiles in a Nuclear War

Some people always have a number of products at home that can serve as supplies for such an occasion. In the event of a nuclear strike, this can save lives. Therefore, it is better to take care of this in advance and buy everything you need. During evacuation, you need to carefully select the most important and necessary things. The main thing is that you can carry them without problems.

To survive a nuclear war you will need:

  • cards;
  • knife and axe;
  • canned food and cereals;
  • first aid kit;
  • matches and candles;
  • compass;
  • fabric and bags;
  • watch;
  • flashlight and batteries;
  • documents;
  • soap;
  • water.

This is just the bare essentials. You can also take additional things with you at your discretion, but within the limits of your ability to carry them.

Hygiene and medicine during a nuclear attack

If possible, you need to dial maximum quantity water. It will help in washing wounds and personal hygiene. This main friend a person at any time, be it peaceful or war, especially in the conditions of a nuclear war. It should be stored in closed containers, otherwise there is a risk of radiation sickness.

It is advisable to throw garbage outside. If radiation does not allow you to leave the shelter, then the waste can be stored in one place, preferably in some boxes or buckets. You also need to use a broom regularly to keep your new “home” clean. It plays for health big role, especially in a nuclear war.

Need to study in advance medical literature, to know how to provide first aid and how to behave in the event of any injury. At least one person in the family must have medical knowledge and skills. This is a very important point.

Nuclear war plan

It is very important to know the approximate consequences of a nuclear war and the official government plan. It was compiled by people who have all the necessary knowledge for this. If the plan is drawn up independently, then you need to take into account everything that is written above. It is necessary to draw up several options for the development of events, while thinking about each separately, including possible problems and difficulties. Each point should be written as clearly and clearly as possible. It would also be a good idea to study the map of bomb shelters in advance so that you know where to run if a nuclear war breaks out. You should always have at home all the necessary things, as well as their supplemented list.

After a nuclear strike, sooner or later the question will arise: to climb to the surface or sit still. If the shelter is more than reliable and there are enough supplies, it is better to stay in place. On the first day, the level of radiation can seriously undermine your health and force you to say goodbye to life.

In the event of a forced exit from cover, you will have to get as far as possible from the epicenter of the explosion. And as quickly as possible. In a nuclear war, radioactive fallout and dust pose a serious danger, so rain and wind blowing from the direction of impact must be avoided at all costs. Respiratory protection in this case is a priority.

When the city is left behind, you need to move to the nearest public service point (the location should be broadcast on the radio). After passing passport control and sanitary processing, a person can only hope for the best.

1. Don't look at the flash or fireball - you may go blind.

2. If you hear an attack warning:

Take shelter as soon as possible, UNDERGROUND IF POSSIBLE, and do not emerge until otherwise instructed.
- If at this time you find yourself outside and cannot immediately get into the room, take cover behind any object that may provide protection. Lie flat on the ground and cover your head.
- If the explosion occurred at some distance, the blast wave may take 30 seconds or more to reach you.

3. Protect yourself from radioactive fallout. If you're close enough to see a blinding flash or nuclear explosion, fallout will occur in about 20 minutes.
Take shelter even if you are miles from the epicenter—winds can carry radioactive particles hundreds of miles. Remember the three protective factors: reflection, distance and time.

4. Carry a battery-powered radio with you and listen to official announcements. Follow the instructions you receive. Instructions from local authorities should always be followed first: they know the situation on the ground best.

What to do after a nuclear explosion or radiation contamination

In a public or home shelter:

1. Do not leave your shelter until officials say it is safe to do so. Once out of hiding, follow their instructions.

2. In a special radiation shelter, do not leave until local authorities say that it is possible or advisable to leave. The length of your stay can vary from one day to two to four weeks.

Contamination from a radiation propagation device can cover a wide area, depending on the amount of conventional explosives used, radioactive material and atmospheric conditions.

A terrorist’s “suitcase” nuclear device, detonated on the ground or near the surface of the earth, will draw soil and debris into the explosion cloud and produce large number radioactive fallout.

A nuclear weapon delivered by a missile from a hostile country would likely explode much more powerfully and create a larger cloud of radioactive fallout.

The decay time of radioactive fallout is the same, that is, residents of areas with the most high level radiation must remain in the shelter for up to a month.

The most intense precipitation will be limited to the explosion area and the area along the wind movement. 80% of precipitation will fall within the first 24 hours.

Due to this, and due to the extremely limited number of weapons that terrorists could use, most of the country will not be affected by the fallout.

In most affected areas, people will be allowed to leave shelters within a few days and, if necessary, evacuate to uninfected areas.

3. Although it may be difficult, make every effort to maintain sanitary conditions in the shelter.

4. Water and food may be in short supply. Use them sparingly, but do not impose a rigid diet, especially on children, the sick or the elderly.

5. Help shelter managers. Being with a lot of people in a small space can be challenging and unpleasant.

Returning home

1. Listen to the radio for information on what to do, where to go and what places to avoid.

2. If your home was within the shock wave of a bomb, or if you live in a high-rise or apartment building that was hit by a normal explosion, check for signs of collapse or damage, such as:

Leaning chimneys, falling bricks, crumbling walls, crumbling plaster.

Fallen small pieces of furniture, paintings and mirrors.

Broken window glass.

Overturned bookcases, walls or other solid objects.

Fire escaping from damaged fireplaces.

Breakthrough of gas and electric lines

3. Immediately clean up spilled medications, flammable liquids, and other potentially hazardous substances.

4. Listen to battery-powered radios for instructions and information about services in your community.

5. Regularly listen to information about help that may be announced on radio and television. Governments of local, regional and federal level and other organizations will help meet all needs emergency and recover damage or loss.

6. The danger may be aggravated by damage to water mains and power lines.

7. If you turned off gas, water and electricity before going to the shelter:

Do not turn on the gas yourself. The gas company will turn it on or you will receive other instructions.

Turn on the water, the main valve only after you know that the water supply is working and the water is not contaminated.

Turn on the electricity, the main unit, only after you know that the wires in your house are not damaged and the power supply in your area is functioning.

Check the waste disposal system for damage before using the toilets.

8. Stay away from damaged areas.

9. Stay away from areas marked "radiation hazards" or "hazardous materials"

Many people are afraid to even think about the possible outbreak of a nuclear war. Any war is always associated with a huge amount casualties and destruction, and even more so with nuclear weapons. At the moment in the world there is great tension in the relations of many large countries, while everyone is trying to demonstrate their military power to each other. People watch the news and are afraid to even think about the future if a nuclear war breaks out. Some begin feverishly studying specialized literature and searching the Internet for instructions on how to survive in such a war. This article contains all necessary information, which a person may need if he finds himself in the area of ​​a nuclear strike.

The real consequences of nuclear war

Based on films and literary works people know that an explosion will produce a bright flash of light. After which a shock wave will spread and everything within the affected radius will be destroyed and contaminated with radiation. But that's not all. After nuclear the attack will pass powerful electromagnetic pulse, which will literally destroy all electronics, making it impossible to use them. However, very small radios are likely to survive and continue to work.

The release of energy depends solely on the type of rocket or bomb that explodes. This also determines the radius of destruction, the criticality of the consequences of a nuclear strike and the likelihood of rescue. Some bombs are capable of covering a radius of 30 km.

After the flash, a person has a few more seconds, after which he will be overtaken by the blast wave of a nuclear strike. This wave can knock you off your feet. Therefore, it is best to lie down and lie away from windows and small heavy parts, and you need to cover yourself with a dense and thick cloth.

As a rule, within a radius of about 4 km from the point of explosion, everything is completely destroyed, and it is impossible to survive there. Severe destruction will follow up to 8 km, where it will be extremely difficult to stay alive. Up to 15 km, the destruction of a nuclear attack will be less severe, and you will be able to survive there. Up to 30 km there will be minor damage, and the likelihood of death is reduced to zero. However, do not forget that these figures depend on the power of the bomb being exploded.

Radiation spreads quite quickly. The primary one appears directly during the explosion and covers an area with a radius of about 5 km. The secondary one is formed from nuclear fallout that is carried by the wind. It can spread 20 km within a few hours after the start of a nuclear war.

To protect against radiation, you must use special respirators. If they are not available, then any fabric products that can provide the slightest protection will do. During a nuclear strike, it is best to be in a basement or shelter, since the degree of protection from radiation there is noticeably higher than in an ordinary house. However, it is worth noting that you need to be there before radiation contamination occurs.

Objective: survive a nuclear war

When such a danger occurs, a special signal is given using sirens, which are turned on for several minutes. At the same time, pre-prepared messages about an approaching nuclear strike are broadcast on TV and radio. Therefore, it is important to always keep a radio on near you.

When moving to a shelter, you need to take a small radio with you, which will help in the future. You should also turn your car radio on as loud as possible so that you can hear it in your hiding place. If warning signals do not stop after the outbreak of a nuclear war, then there is a possibility of a second strike. Soon they should inform about the nearest places of shelter and methods of rescue. It is not recommended to use a telephone, as it will put a heavy load on the network.

A selection of books about the nuances of nuclear war and the history of the creation of atomic bombs:

Shelter from a nuclear attack

As noted above, the best shelter is a special shelter or basement. Some people create their own personal shelters in advance, and this can save the life of the entire family. However, it is almost impossible to build a truly high-quality place capable of 100% protection from a nuclear attack, since this will require a lot of knowledge and funds.

If you are on the street during a warning, you need to immediately get into a bomb shelter (in the worst case scenario, you have 10 minutes to spare). If there are none nearby, then you should at least climb into one of the basements of the nearest buildings, but you need to choose the most protected ones. At the very least, you can try to set up a shelter at home.

Important: Residents of big cities have an advantage or bonus - the metro. Within 5 minutes after the threat signal there is an opportunity to take refuge there.

In the case of sheltering from a nuclear attack in the basement or your apartment, you need to create an imitation shelter as soon as possible: close all entrances and exits, getting rid of the slightest cracks. Any pieces of furniture and boards will help for this. To create stronger protection, you need to give the walls the thickest possible layer.

Stockpiles in a Nuclear War

Some people always have a number of products at home that can serve as supplies for such an occasion. In the event of a nuclear strike, this can save lives. Therefore, it is better to take care of this in advance and buy everything you need. During evacuation, you need to carefully select the most important and necessary things. The main thing is that you can carry them without problems.

To survive a nuclear war you will need:

  • cards;
  • knife and axe;
  • canned food and cereals;
  • first aid kit;
  • matches and candles;
  • compass;
  • fabric and bags;
  • watch;
  • flashlight and batteries;
  • documents;
  • soap;
  • water.

This is just the bare essentials. You can also take additional things with you at your discretion, but within the limits of your ability to carry them.

Hygiene and medicine during a nuclear attack

If possible, you need to collect the maximum amount of water. It will help in washing wounds and personal hygiene. This is man’s main friend at any time, be it peaceful or war, especially in a nuclear war. It should be stored in closed containers, otherwise there is a risk of radiation sickness.

It is advisable to throw garbage outside. If radiation does not allow you to leave the shelter, then the waste can be stored in one place, preferably in some boxes or buckets. You also need to use a broom regularly to keep your new “home” clean. This plays a big role for health, especially in a nuclear war.

It is necessary to study the medical literature in advance in order to know how to provide first aid and how to behave in the event of any injury. At least one person in the family must have medical knowledge and skills. This is a very important point.

Nuclear war plan

It is very important to know the approximate consequences of a nuclear war and the official government plan. It was compiled by people who have all the knowledge necessary for this. If the plan is drawn up independently, then you need to take into account everything that is written above. You need to draw up several options for the development of events, while thinking about each one separately, including possible problems and difficulties. Each point should be written as clearly and clearly as possible. It would also be a good idea to study the map of bomb shelters in advance so that you know where to run if a nuclear war breaks out. You should always have at home all the necessary things, as well as their supplemented list.