Schisandra jam – making a uniquely healthy dessert. Schisandra (berry): how to use and beneficial properties

Chinese lemongrass grows not only in China, but the Chinese told about its healing properties, and it is they who need to be thanked for this wonderful plant from a hundred diseases. In lemongrass, almost all parts of the plant are medicinal and useful, and not only berries, but also leaves and young shoots can be harvested for the winter.

1 Drying Schisandra berries2 Drying Schisandra leaves and shoots

Schisandra berries are harvested in late summer - early September. Arm yourself with scissors and cut off the entire bunch without tearing off the berries. Place lemongrass clusters in a wicker basket and try to avoid contact of the berries with metal objects. Oxides of lemongrass juice and metal can cause unpleasant and not at all beneficial compounds.

Schisandra berries are very tender and instantly ooze juice if you press them a little, so they are dried that way, along with the stem.

If the harvest is not rich, you can hang the bunches in the kitchen, on wire hooks, until completely dry.

If there are a lot of berries, then they are dried, spread out in one layer on wooden boards or special nets for 5-7 days.

After the berries have withered, they should be dried in the oven or electric dryer. In an electric dryer this will take about 6 hours, at a temperature of +50 degrees.

The finished berries acquire a dark, almost black color and a somewhat wrinkled structure.

If the stalks bother you, now you can safely remove them without damaging the berry itself.

It is better to store dry lemongrass berries in a wooden or cardboard box to prevent them from becoming moldy.

Drying leaves and shoots of lemongrass

Leaves and young shoots Chinese lemongrass They are also prepared to brew delicious tea with the aroma of lemon in winter. The leaves are collected immediately after picking the berries, and before the leaves begin to fall.

The leaves and vines are chopped with scissors and dried, spread in a thin layer on a drying tray in a dry and warm room.

Schisandra leaves and twigs can be brewed as a stand-alone drink, added to store-bought tea, or combined with other herbs. And since lemongrass is a medicinal plant, first consult your doctor about its use.

How to prepare lemongrass berries for the winter, watch the video:


Preparation of lemongrass

Bright red lemongrass berries have a pronounced sour taste and delicate aroma. Our article today is devoted to the procurement of this valuable natural raw material.

Preparation of lemongrass

In our region in natural conditions There is also Chinese Schisandra, which came to us, as the name suggests, from China. This liana prefers to settle in mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Domesticated lemongrass produces a good harvest - each plant produces about 7 kg of berries. The bright fruits are an excellent energy drink (a handful of dried berries is enough to make you feel energetic all day - hunters have been using this property for many centuries).

Schisandra berries are harvested in September-October (during full ripening). The brushes are cut off sharp knife so as not to damage the mother plants (if the vines are “injured,” they may stop bearing fruit). The harvest is placed in enamel dishes or wicker baskets, but not in galvanized buckets (the acidic juice oxidizes the surface). The berries are removed from the brushes and processed within 24 hours.

Dried lemongrass

Schisandra berries are washed, laid out on a cloth and allowed to dry completely from moisture. Then they are transferred to iron sieves or baking sheets and dried in the oven (in an oven, in a dryer) at a temperature of 55-60º C, taking a break for 3-4 days after several hours of drying.

Frozen lemongrass

Prepared lemongrass berries are frozen in bulk on plates and then poured into plastic or cardboard boxes (optionally, plastic bags). Store the product in the freezer.

Lemongrass jam

Pure lemongrass berries are steamed and then ground through a fine sieve. The resulting puree is placed in an enamel bowl, sugar is added (1:1) and boiled with constant stirring until thick. The finished jam is placed in sterilized jars and sealed (alternatively, the neck of the jar is covered with parchment paper and tied with twine).

Lemongrass jam

The jam is cooked in almost the same way, but apple juice is added to the composition (100 ml per 1 kg of puree) and the amount of sugar is increased by half (1.5 kg of sugar is required for every kilogram of berries). Otherwise, the cooking technology remains the same.

Lemongrass compote

Sugar – 400 g
Water – 1 l

Schisandra berries are separated from the bunch, washed thoroughly, placed in sterilized jars and filled with hot syrup. Half-liter jars of compote are heated at 80°C for 10 minutes or sterilized in boiling water for exactly 3 minutes.

Lemongrass juice

The harvest is kept for a couple of days, waiting for the berries to soften. After this, they are washed and the juice is squeezed out using a manual juicer (it is better not to crush the seeds, as they have a resinous taste). The juice is mixed with sugar in a 1:2 ratio, until the sweet grains are completely dissolved, poured into dark glass bottles and hermetically sealed. Store the finished product in the cold.

Schisandra wine

Wine is made from the pressings remaining after preparing the juice (at the same time, seeds are extracted from the crushed fruits). The squeezes are poured with cold water and allowed to stand for 2-3 days. The wort is drained, diluted with water and sugar is added (to taste). The wine is allowed to ferment, covered with a water seal, and then drained from the sediment.

Schisandra seed tincture

The seeds remaining after preparing the wine are washed to remove any remaining pulp, crushed and filled with alcohol. After a couple of weeks, the product is ready for use (it is drunk in small doses, no more than 30 drops).

Schisandra syrup

Schisandra berries are washed, poured into a glass jar and ground with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. After 7-10 days, the settled syrup is drained, filtered, poured into sterilized bottles and sent to a cold place for storage.

Lemongrass marmalade

Schisandra juice – 1 l
Pectin – 3 tbsp.
Sugar – 2-3 tbsp.

Pectin is diluted in heated juice and allowed to stand for about half an hour. Separately, boil the syrup using the specified amount of sugar and 150 ml of juice. Pour the pectin mixture into the hot syrup, bring to a boil and cook with constant stirring until thick. The finished marmalade is transferred into sterilized jars and closed.

Harvesting and growing lemongrass may seem like a troublesome process, but this is not entirely true. A liana rising on a support takes up a minimum of space, but at the same time provides maximum benefits, decorating the garden and providing valuable medicinal raw materials.

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Schisandra jam for the winter: a Far Eastern recipe

Hello, dear readers. This year, finally, after all the fruit and berry delights burned during the spring fire a couple of years ago, the lemongrass grew back and began to bear fruit again. And by the way, it’s very opportune. It’s raining in the Far East, I caught a cold, and lemongrass jam is the first remedy in the fight against such an illness.

This plant is even compared in its healing properties to ginseng. Schisandra berries perfectly boost the immune system, normalize blood pressure, invigorate and give strength. So before going to bed, you should refrain from consuming Chinese lemongrass jam. It is so useful that it deserves a separate discussion on this topic, which I will definitely raise in the near future. I’ll just tell you how much of it healing properties help against colds.

In the past summer season, by the way, I was not lazy and was well prepared for the long winter. I made all kinds of jam and, of course, didn’t forget about raspberry jam. What would it be like without him?

In our area, lemongrass begins to ripen in late August and early September. Its bright red clusters hide in the dense foliage, hoping to avoid being boiled in sugar syrup. But that was not the case.

As in the jungle, making their way through vines, the Far Easterners guard the lemongrass. They are not afraid of the midges in the oceans; when it ripens, they wait patiently. As soon as the berries turned a little red, hunters with baskets were right there. The brass basins began to ring and they put the jam in the jars. In winter they will get the elixir of health. They will attach themselves to it once or twice and increase the number of livestock of the tribe. After all, our lemongrass is still a hero.

Chinese lemon berry jam

When weighing, I got 870 grams of sorted lemongrass berries. This is the quantity I needed:

1300 grams of sugar half a glass of natural apple juice.

For jam, it is better to use reddened, but not fully ripened berries. They need to be slightly firm.

Recipe with photos step by step

I wash the lemongrass under running water without removing it from the branches. I let the water drain.

I sort through it, separating the berries from the branches, removing debris and all sorts of bugs. Look closely at the photo where all the ingredients are displayed together. A ladybug is crawling along a leaf. I myself noticed only now that the insect had entered the frame, thereby deciding to immortalize itself. I fall asleep, lemongrass with sugar.

I stir and leave it like this for 12 hours. Not much juice comes out. It's all absorbed by sugar.

I heat it on low heat. At the same time, I constantly stir the sugar and berry mass. The syrup forms quite quickly. After boiling, continue cooking for 5-7 minutes.

Chinese lemongrass or, as it is called differently, schizandra, was used for medicinal purposes back in Ancient China traditional healers. Various remedies were prepared from berries, leaves, bark and even flowers to treat certain ailments. Even in our time eastern countries this plant is widely used.

Composition of lemongrass - vitamins, calories

The use of the whole plant for treatment is due to its diverse and healing composition. Berries contain a relatively small percentage of carbohydrates - only 1.5%. Rich in fruits and essential oils, organic acids: apple, wine, lemon and many others, tannins. The pulp contains the most vitamin C and group B.

Schisandra chinensis seeds contain 34% fatty acids. They contain tonic substances and vitamin E.

The bark contains about 2-3% essential oils. High percentage of hydrocarbons, fatty acids, ketone and aldehyde substances.

Benefits of lemongrass for the body

There is no non-useful part in this plant. The whole lemongrass is useful - from the root to the leaves and fruits. It is classified as a potent stimulant.

Schizandra is used to treat anemia, intoxication, toxicosis of pregnant women, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, diseases of the upper skin layer, some liver diseases and digestive organs, problems with sexual function. One of the most important functions of Schisandra is considered to improve the activity of the uterus and skeletal muscles.

IN modern medicine healing effect This plant is used:

  • In case of loss of strength;
  • To ensure mental and physical endurance;
  • With anemia;
  • In case of bronchitis and asthma;
  • For tuberculosis;
  • For diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver.

Schisandra fruits are also called the “berry of five flavors.” This name arose due to the fact that each part of the berry is different taste qualities. The thin peel is very sweet, the red flesh is quite sour, the seeds inside are tart and slightly hot, and the medicines are salty.

The use of Schisandra chinensis berries against scurvy, therefore there were always plenty of them on board the eastern ships. They have a choleretic and wound healing effect.

They are good to use to restore strength when overworked and after illnesses.

The leaves are used no less widely than the berries themselves. They are dried and:

  • They prepare tea, which has a particularly delicate and aromatic taste and has an antiscorbutic effect;
  • Add to teas with a tonic effect;
  • An infusion is prepared and used as a fortified product.

Schisandra compote is as healthy as any other remedy or dish. It is very easy to prepare, just like any other. It can be prepared for the winter by canning it in jars. The canning recipe is below.

Schisandra berry jam is incredibly tasty and aromatic. It will allow you to fill your body with vitamins even in winter and early spring, when they are very scarce.

  • Schisandra berries - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • Boiling water (as needed) - 0.5 cups.

Cover the peeled fruits with sugar and leave for 24 hours. After enough juice has been released, we begin cooking. If there is not enough juice, add 0.5 cups of water. Cook until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then boil for another 5 minutes. When the jam has cooled completely, boil again for about 5 minutes and let cool. Pour into jars and roll up.

You need to eat this jam in moderation, because after boiling the berries, the properties are not lost. It is used to lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate. During colds, this jam will help strengthen the immune system. Add it to baked goods and desserts to please your family and yourself with unusually delicious dishes.

Healthy tea is prepared from almost all parts of the plant. If these are dried berries, then the liquid has the same healing properties as fresh fruits or jam. Teas made from leaves and stems strengthen the immune system, heal wounds, improve digestion and heart function.


You don’t have to prepare the lemongrass tincture yourself. It can be purchased at an affordable price at a pharmacy along with instructions that indicate indications, contraindications and doses.

This alcohol tincture has the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antifungal;
  • Tonic;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Antitumor;
  • Antioxidant.

Schisandra berry tincture is used for:

  • Replenish the body's strength and strengthen the immune system;
  • Improved functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Prevention and treatment of certain diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys (for example, diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis, etc.);
  • Treatment of cough, asthma, pneumonia.

Lemongrass with sugar

For treatment and gastronomic pleasure, a combination of lemongrass and sugar is also used. The berries are made into a kind of puree and stored for the winter. The cooking recipe is described below.

This product has the same properties as jam. They can be used for treatment or to prepare delicious desserts and add to tea.

Why is it good to eat lemongrass for women?

Since women are very often irritable due to fatigue and other factors, consuming lemongrass in small portions is very beneficial. This is especially effective during menopause.

The fruits of this plant are also known for their cosmetic properties for the skin and hair.

For men

Thanks to the high concentration of biologically active substances and phenolic compounds, the aging of the male body slows down. Antioxidants activate the production of sex hormones, which is why Schisandra chinensis is so beneficial for potency and libido.

Berries not only increase male strength, and also prevent premature ejaculation, impotence and inflammation of the prostate. They have a positive effect on the quantity and quality of sperm.

Schisandra is not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age, as it may be harmful to health. But, once you decide to treat your baby to these fruits, control the number of berries eaten and the possible consequences.


The benefits of lemongrass have been proven by many studies. It is recommended to be used for many diseases. Some doctors believe that eating the berries of this plant during pregnancy is completely undesirable. This can cause your heart to beat faster and your blood pressure to rise.

Schisandra in folk medicine

Traditional healers have always noted that in order to obtain a therapeutic or preventive effect, lemongrass must be drunk regularly in courses. One must be at least 20 days.

To increase performance, mood and energy, juice was prepared from the berries and preserved. It was prepared as follows. The fruits were carefully cleaned of debris, flowers and twigs. They were placed in an enamel bowl and covered with granulated sugar in the proportion of 1 part berries/3 parts sugar. After 5 days, the berries will release juice. It must be strained into sterile jars and stored in the refrigerator. Take the juice by adding 1 tsp to the tea.

To improve the protective function of the immune system, tea is made from dried leaves.

Pour 200 ml of hot boiled water into 1 tsp. dry crushed leaves and leave for a little while. The tea will also be effective if you use the stems together with the leaves. You can add a little granulated sugar or honey to it.

Tea made from bark and small twigs is used to prevent caries. For 0.5 liters of boiling water you will need 1 tbsp. Mix and let sit for a while. Use instead of regular tea.

An infusion is also prepared from dried berries. To prepare, dry fruits (1 tbsp) need to be boiled in 0.5 liters of water and left to infuse. Strain through cheesecloth and add a tablespoon to a glass of water.

Application in cosmetology

All parts of lemongrass can be used to make homemade cosmetics.

For dehydrated skin, a puree of fresh berries (1 tsp) and sour cream with a fat content of 25-30% (1 tbsp) is perfect. Apply to face and leave for 10 minutes. You should rinse your face not with water, but with milk.

The fruits are also suitable for oily skin.

Take 2 tbsp. berries and place in half a liter of vodka. Keep it in the dark and cool for 7 days, and then strain. Add 1 tbsp. liquid glycerin. Dilute the entire liquid in a 1:3 ratio with water and wipe your face, neck and décolleté in the morning and before bed.

Schisandra is also effective in cases of strong hair loss. A rinse made from fresh leaves, young twigs and fruits. For one-time use you only need 1 tbsp. crushed components. Fill them with boiling water (0.5 l) in a thermos and close for 3 hours. Strain and squeeze out the unnecessary pulp, and rinse the liquid into your hair after each hair wash.

Why should you eat honeysuckle? good health, you will find out in this article!

We will tell you how elderberry is useful for women and men here, its use and harm to health

  • Irregular heart rhythm;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Insomnia;
  • Complicated infectious diseases;
  • Chronic liver ailments;
  • Hypertension;
  • Nervous overexcitation;
  • Headaches;
  • Allergies.

It is worth limiting the use of Schisandra chinensis during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but you should not give it up completely.

Even in Ancient China, Schisandra, a berry with wide range useful actions. Today, entire plantations of this crop are grown for the pharmaceutical industry. Schisandra is also often found planted by amateur gardeners on their plots, where it performs a decorative function.


The birthplace of this plant is China, but it has also become quite widespread in Russia (mainly in the Far East), Japan, and Korea. It grows most often on slopes, located at an altitude of 200 to 400 meters above the level of reservoirs. Schisandra is a liana-like bush, the branching stems of which are up to 2 cm thick and reach a length of 15 m. They are covered with reddish-brown smooth bark, which becomes rougher and flaky with age.

Fleshy leaves of light green color are located on long (up to 3 cm) petioles. Their shape is ellipsoidal, the edges have slightly pronounced denticles. At the end of May - beginning of June, the bush is covered with white, dioecious flowers that have a delicate, pleasant aroma.

Later, in their place, fruits are formed, which finally ripen in September - October. The berries of Chinese lemongrass are round and bright red in color. Their pulp is juicy and soft, but the taste is very specific, bitter. The smell, like the leaves and bark, is lemony, which is why the plant got its name. Inside each berry there are two kidney-shaped seeds. Fruit yield is approximately up to 30 kg per 1 ha.

Biochemical composition

The large number of useful components contained in this plant allows it to be widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. Their complex is responsible for its therapeutic effect.

Today, a lot of different medicines have been created that contain lemongrass. Its berries are rich in catechins, anthocyanins, essential oils, pectin and organic acids. It is an excellent source of vitamin C.

Schisandra fruits are also rich in microelements, such as copper (0.1 mg/g), manganese (0.22 mg/g), zinc (0.13 mg/g), nickel (0.33 mg/g). Found in them large number potassium (19.2 mg/g), selenium (33.3 mg/g). All these components have positive action on the human body. Toxic substances not identified.

Medicinal properties of lemongrass

The popularity of this plant in pharmacology is largely due to its tonic and restorative effects. It is not for nothing that Chinese hunters, when going on a long journey, always took lemongrass berries with them. The properties of these fruits stimulate the nervous and muscular system helped to maintain physical shape, for a long time go without food and not feel tired.

Schisandra fruits enhance positive reflexes, activate metabolism, increase immunity and light sensitivity of the visual organs. In addition, they stimulate cardiovascular activity and respiration, increase motor secretion of the digestive tract, and tone the uterus and skeletal muscles. The therapeutic effect is explained by the ability of fruits to increase blood circulation in a diseased organ, and the biologically active substances contained in them help coordinated work the whole organism as a whole.

Schisandra is a berry that is indispensable in the process of intense mental work, when concentration, concentration and integrity of perception are especially necessary.

Use in folk medicine

Products based on this plant are mainly used for loss of strength, to restore performance, and for overwork. Its fruits are recommended for people who have suffered severe debilitating diseases. Their tonic properties help cope with increased mental stress.

The tannins contained in lemongrass promote recovery from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The ability to increase blood pressure explains the effectiveness of fruits for hypotension. Therefore, those who suffer from high blood pressure should take lemongrass products with caution.

For asthma, bronchitis and other diseases respiratory system use various parts of the named plant. Schisandra berries, the use of which is discussed in our article, are effective for myopia, giving excellent results for improving visual acuity.

Tinctures prepared from lemongrass fruits help with impotence, various types depressive states to prevent influenza and colds. Essential oils contained in the plant in large quantities improve the functioning of the liver and heart, and have an antipruritic effect against insect bites.

It has been established that lemongrass berry can even remove glycogen and lower blood sugar levels.


The fruits of this plant are used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes in any form - fresh, dried, frozen. There are a large number of ways to prepare various products, among which the most popular are the following:

  • Juice from fresh berries. It is used for restoration physical strength, adding one spoon at a time to the tea. The collected berries must be washed and squeezed through cheesecloth. The juice is poured into sterilized jars, pasteurized for 15 minutes and rolled up.
  • Infusion of dried berries. Schisandra fruits are placed in an enamel pan, filled with water (in the ratio of 1 glass per spoon of raw materials) and boiled for 10 minutes, covered with a lid. Then the resulting broth is infused, filtered and sugar is added to taste.
  • For alcohol tincture you need crushed lemongrass berries. How to prepare and how to use this product is worth telling in more detail. The prepared berries are poured into a bottle and filled with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Cover tightly with a lid and leave in a dark place for 7–10 days. In this case, the bottle must be shaken periodically. Then strain the tincture, squeeze out the berries and add the remainder back to the resulting filtrate. Leave for another 2 days and filter again. The liquid in the bottle should be completely transparent. Ready-made tincture of lemongrass berries is used to improve performance, relieve fatigue, and also strengthen the immune system. It is taken 30 drops 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
  • Frozen berries with honey. This product not only has therapeutic effect, but also amazing taste. It is prepared from frozen berries that are mixed with honey. The ratio is to taste. The combination of these two healthful products is very effective against many diseases. All thanks to the fact that each of them enhances the positive effect of the other. This mixture has an anti-inflammatory, sedative effect, promotes the excretion of bile, lowers cholesterol, and improves overall well-being. You can take it one teaspoon a day for both adults and children. Overwork, increased drowsiness, vitamin deficiency, anemia - this is not the entire list of problems that can be solved with the help of such a remedy.

Use in cooking

Schisandra fruits are successfully used for making fruit drinks and syrups. These drinks give you energy and lift your spirits. In cooking, there are many options for what to do with lemongrass berries. They make delicious jam, jam, marmalade and even marmalade.

Schisandra for weight loss

There are many main reasons for the appearance of excess weight - it can be caused by poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, slow metabolism, stress, low physical activity etc. Schisandra is a berry that can eliminate many of them, thanks to its amazing properties. She normalizes metabolic processes, lowers cholesterol, balances hormonal background. In addition, by stimulating the body, lemongrass allows you to increase energy expenditure. All this leads to fat burning.

Nutritionists believe that sprinkling schisandra juice on food reduces the absorption of sugar, overconsumption which is one of the causes of obesity. The large amount of vitamin C contained in the fruits of this plant normalizes intestinal function. Regular consumption of water with the addition of lemongrass juice or its berries allows you to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.

You just shouldn’t abuse such a diet. The course should be no more than a month, because otherwise the functioning of the stomach may be impaired.


Any remedies used in traditional medicine should be taken only after consulting a doctor, as there are always some contraindications. Even the seemingly completely harmless Schisandra berries are not recommended for use by people suffering from insomnia, gastric secretion disorders, high blood pressure, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Preparation and storage

Schisandra fruits are collected when they are fully ripe. This usually happens in September, before frost sets in. The brushes are carefully torn off so as not to damage the vines and scattered on burlap. They are left in this form under a canopy for about 2 days. Then the berries are picked and placed in a special dryer for 6–8 hours. The temperature should be maintained between 45 and 55⁰С. Store dried raw materials in hermetically sealed bags.

Schisandra chinensis is a plant with a huge number of beneficial effects. All of them last quite a long time, so it is advisable to take products from its fruits in the first half of the day.

A woody climbing shrub with very valuable fruits grows in China, eastern Russia and other nearby countries. The berries of this vine have a specific lemon aroma and a huge amount useful qualities. They are widely used in folk and conservative medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

Schisandra berries - properties

The main effect of the natural remedy in question is toning. The main benefit of lemongrass berries is to stimulate blood circulation and metabolic processes, activate the brain and nervous system. Long-term use of preparations based on this herbal raw material helps to cope with physical and mental fatigue, increase muscle strength and lung capacity, improve performance and concentration.

Schisandra fruits - medicinal properties:

  • adaptation of the body to unfavorable external influences;
  • immune support;
  • mobilization of glycogen from the liver;
  • intensification of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • removal of excess cholesterol;
  • increased visual acuity;
  • dilatation of peripheral vessels;
  • restoration of nerve cells;
  • increased labor activity;
  • suppression of infectious inflammation;
  • acceleration of excretion of bile and urine.

Schisandra for blood pressure

In conservative medicine, a natural remedy is prescribed primarily to stabilize work cardiovascular system. Before using it, it is important to find out whether schisandra berries increase or decrease blood pressure. Taking medications based on the fruits of this vine provokes the expansion of large and small vessels, so blood flow in the system increases. Schisandra berries are recommended for hypotensive patients to increase blood pressure. People with arterial hypertension are contraindicated to use the fruits of this shrub.

Schisandra for colds

Berries with a citrus scent quickly restore vitality and strengthen the immune system. It is advisable to take the fruits of the plant in question as a prophylaxis against acute respiratory and viral pathologies. What are the benefits of lemongrass berries:

  • increase activity protective system body;
  • replenish vitamin deficiency;
  • prevent flu infection;
  • reduce the body's sensitivity to cold;
  • have bactericidal and antiviral effects.

Schisandra for kidneys

The fruits of the described shrub are sometimes prescribed as part of complex therapy inflammatory diseases urinary system. Schisandra berries are recommended to be used in parallel with conservative methods treatment. Do it yourself natural remedy produces too weak a therapeutic effect. Schisandra berry - beneficial properties for the kidneys:

  • suppression of bacterial growth;
  • acceleration of urine excretion;
  • relief of inflammation;
  • mild pain relief;
  • reducing the amount of solid salts in the urine;
  • normalization of the composition of biological fluid.

Schisandra - contraindications

It is strictly forbidden to drink any medicines based on these berries when arterial hypertension, because their use will lead to increased blood pressure and may provoke a crisis. Schisandra fruits are also contraindicated in the following cases:

  • insomnia;
  • state of overexcitation;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • anxiety;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • epilepsy;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • acute infections with severe course;
  • hypersensitivity to lemongrass berries;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type;
  • breast-feeding;
  • arachnoencephalitis.

Schisandra - harvesting berries

The presented herbal raw materials can be freely purchased at the pharmacy, but traditional healers advise collecting and drying them yourself. In order for the fruits of Schisandra chinensis to retain the entire range of valuable substances and vitamins and bring maximum benefits, it is important to learn how to prepare them correctly. It is necessary to select a suitable place for the vine to grow, away from busy roads and highways, and select a special area for drying.

When to pick lemongrass berries?

The ripening of the fruits of the bush ends in mid-September-October. Ripe berries of Chinese lemongrass have a bright red color and a pronounced sour-citrus, fresh aroma. For harvesting, you should carefully select only ripe fruits and carefully place them in a basket. Experienced experts advise picking lemongrass berries in early October. During this period, the sun is still active, but there are no first frosts.

How to dry lemongrass berries?

The further process of harvesting fruits includes 2 successive stages. First you need to dry the lemongrass - using the berries involves scattering them in one layer on a clean natural fabric under sun rays or in the shade (in the wind). After 2-3 days you can begin direct drying:

  1. The berries should be placed in the oven at 40 degrees. If you have a special dryer, it is better to use it.
  2. Wait until the skin darkens and acquires a burgundy-brown hue.
  3. Raise the temperature to 60 degrees until the berries are completely dry.

The finished natural raw materials must be cooled and poured into a clean fabric bag with drawstrings, a cardboard or wooden box. It is advisable to place the container with berries in a place protected from humidity so that they do not become moldy. It is important to remember how long dry Schisandra chinensis can be used - storage of the fruit is limited to 2 years. Expired plant materials will have to be thrown away and new ones prepared.

Schisandra berries - application

The described natural remedy helps with many serious pathologies. Before using lemongrass berries, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of indications:

  • hypotension;
  • vascular insufficiency;
  • depressive states;
  • asthenia;
  • exposure to acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice;
  • menopause with normal blood pressure;
  • overwork;
  • high blood sugar;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • kidney disease;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • acute liver diseases;
  • anemia;
  • sexual impotence in men;
  • nectalopia;
  • deterioration of intestinal motility;
  • dysentery;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • scurvy;
  • gonorrhea;
  • female infertility;
  • diarrhea;
  • delayed childbirth;
  • bronchitis and asthma;
  • weakness of the heart muscle;
  • slow skin healing;
  • intoxication;
  • whooping cough;
  • low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • enuresis;
  • neurasthenia;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

How to eat lemongrass berries?

The raw material presented cannot be eaten in its pure form; it has too specific (sour and tart) taste. For the preparation of medicines, pre-prepared Chinese lemongrass fruits are used - the application is to brew or infuse dry berries. Experts advise making fresh solutions daily to get the maximum benefit from taking them.

Schisandra (berries) – recipes

Any products based on the fruits in question should be drunk before 18-19 pm, or better in the first half of the day. If taken medicines before a night's rest, this can cause temporary sleep disturbances and even insomnia. Before the course of therapy, it is advisable to practice test– drink one portion of the product and observe the body’s reaction. If allergic reactions occur, stop using the fruit.

Schisandra berry tincture


  • dried bush fruits – 20 g;
  • alcohol with a concentration of about 95% - 100 ml.

Preparation and use

  1. Grind the berries in a mortar.
  2. Pour the resulting raw material with alcohol in a clean glass container.
  3. Seal the container tightly.
  4. Leave the solution in a dark place for 7-10 days at room temperature.
  5. Shake the liquid periodically.
  6. After the allotted time, filter the tincture.
  7. Squeeze out the remainder from the bottom of the container.
  8. Add the resulting solution to the existing liquid.
  9. Leave the filtrate for another 2-3 days.
  10. Strain the product again (until transparent).
  11. Transfer the medicine into another clean bottle.
  12. On an empty stomach, take 40 drops of tincture 2-3 times a day.
  13. Continue therapy for 20-25 days.



  • berries (dry) lemongrass – 15 g;
  • water – 300 ml.

Preparation and use

  1. Grind the lemongrass fruits.
  2. Pour boiling water over it and place on the stove over low heat.
  3. Heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Turn off the fire. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 10-12 minutes.
  5. Strain and cool the resulting liquid.
  6. Drink 1 tbsp decoction. spoon 2-3 times a day, on an empty stomach.

Home » Benefits and harms » Lemon with sugar benefits and harms

Lemons in a jar with sugar - recipe. Benefits of lemon for the body

It is a well-known fact that lemons are a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances. The fruits of the lemon tree are used to improve immunity, to treat many diseases, in cosmetology, and also as a prophylactic. Lemons in a jar with sugar are a storehouse of vitamins that are available during the cold season.

Lemon storage

Currently, the fruits of the lemon tree are available year-round. The only question is how much a kilogram of these fruits will cost in the off-season. That is why housewives are thinking about how to properly store lemons so that they do not lose their value.

Lemons in a jar with sugar are the optimal solution for the cold season. With this storage method, the product retains all its beneficial properties and qualities, remains just as tasty and beautiful. Before you learn about the possibility of storing lemon in canned form, it is worth getting acquainted with some of the features of this fruit:

  • Fresh lemon tree fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 weeks! However, to do this, you need to thoroughly wash the fruit and place it in a tightly sealed container to prevent air from entering. It is best to keep lemons in a special compartment for vegetables, since it is in this place that the optimal storage temperature is from 6 to 8 ° C.
  • At room temperature, fresh lemon will last no more than a week. Over time, the fruit begins to dry out and lose its attractiveness. If you do not use it during this time, the fresh lemon will turn into a decorative element.
  • Cut lemons will only keep for a few days in the refrigerator. However, here too it is necessary to follow some recommendations. To keep the fruit fresh for as long as possible, it is advisable to place it in a special container.

The benefits of lemon for the body are invaluable. To maintain its benefits, it is worth using some little tricks to help extend the life of this fruit. Fruits can be stored at room temperature for no more than 14 days. To give the fruit of the lemon tree a few more days, you can lubricate its peel with vegetable oil.

Recipe for lemons with sugar

Many housewives in lately thinking about how to ensure the greatest preservation of all the beneficial and nutritious substances of lemon. Preserving cut fruit with added sugar is one of the best options. In this case, lemons in a jar with sugar can last all winter and become an excellent addition to evening tea.

You can store the fruits of the lemon tree peeled or together with zest. The recipe for lemons with sugar is designed for 1 kg of the fruit itself and the same amount of sugar. To prepare a healthy treat for the winter, you need to cut the lemon into thin slices (no more than 5 mm) and prepare clean jars with tight-fitting lids.

Lemon slices are placed alternating with sugar. It should be remembered that lemons and sugar should run out at the same time. This means that you should pour the chopped fruit thoroughly.

After all the jars are filled with lemon slices and sugar, you should leave them in this form at room temperature for seven days. This is necessary so that the sugar is completely dissolved. And only after that can you put the jars in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

How to make five-minute lemon jam?

Lemons in a jar with sugar are not just fresh fruit sprinkled with sugar. There is another fairly simple recipe that will help preserve all valuable and nutrients this fruit.

To prepare canned fruit you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg fresh lemon tree fruits.
  • Same amount of sugar.

Wash the fruits thoroughly and chop them. It is advisable to try to remove as much as possible the white part of the fruit and seeds - they are the ones that give the jam bitterness. You can chop fruits using a regular knife, but this can take a good half of the day, so it is best to use a meat grinder or blender. Using the last tool, rub the lemon with sugar. After this, it is advisable to leave the mass alone for some time at room temperature. After this, the lemons mixed with sugar need to be put on the fire, bring the mixture to a boil, while stirring with a slotted spoon. Then let the jam cool and pour into jars.

Savory recipe for lemons without sugar

This method of preservation will be appreciated by tequila fans. It is worth noting that the benefits of lemon for the body do not lose their relevance.

Required ingredients:

  • 6-7 medium sized lemons.
  • 250 grams of coarse sea salt.
  • Half a liter of boiled water.
  • A few pieces of bay leaves (seven will be enough).

To prepare, you need to scald the fruits with boiling water and let them cool. After this, make a longitudinal and transverse cut on each of the lemons into 2/3 of the entire fruit. Place a pinch of sea salt and a bay leaf in the middle of the cut fruit. Carefully and tightly place the lemons in the jars, cover them with the remaining salt, and then fill them with warm water. After this, all jars are closed with tight lids and left in a dark place for 4 weeks. Bay leaf– this is not the limit of imagination. To make zesty lemons, you can use cloves, allspice, cinnamon or red chili pepper.

Lemon scent for the whole winter

The recipe is designed for two servings: 6 lemons, half a kilogram of sugar, several clove flowers and 1 cinnamon stick.

First of all, you need to prepare the ingredients and necessary equipment (clean sterilized jars). Fresh fruits must first be washed well under running water, and then put in a clean bowl, pour plain water and leave for 30 minutes.

After this, the fruits are dried using a waffle towel and cut into arbitrary pieces. It is very convenient when the fruits of the lemon tree are cut into quarters - in this case they fit well in a jar. After this, the sliced ​​lemons are placed on any clean plate and 200 g of sugar are added. Within 20 minutes, the citrus should release juice. On this preparatory stage ended.

Cooking method

As soon as the lemons have released their juice, you should, armed with a tablespoon, carefully transfer them into sterilized jars. The remaining juice and undissolved sugar are poured into containers. After this, sliced ​​lemons are sprinkled with the remaining sugar, cinnamon and cloves are placed on top. The jars are closed with lids and sterilized.

Yes, this method of preparing aromatic fruit is not as simple as the very first option. However, it is in this case that you can get incredibly tasty and healthy lemon with sugar. The calorie content of this product is low, so tea with this jam will be tasty and healthy.

Lemon with sugar in a jar: a healthy treat recipe

Lemons are very healthy fruits, as they contain vitamin C. This substance is a fairly powerful antioxidant. In addition, lemons contain a large amount of mineral salts, which are so necessary for our body. Experts recommend consuming these citrus fruits throughout the year. However, this is not always possible. After all, it is quite difficult to purchase fresh and juicy lemon in winter. If desired, you can make lemon with sugar in a jar. The recipe for this dessert is quite simple.

What you need

To make lemons with sugar for the winter, you only need a few ingredients. There are only two of them in the classic recipe:

  1. Fresh lemons – 1 kg.
  2. Granulated sugar – 1 kg.

The amount of the last component depends on personal preference. If desired, you can add more granulated sugar. This will make the dessert sweeter. As for lemons, you should choose them carefully. The fruits should be firm and ripe. Citrus fruits with not very thick peels are best suited.

Fruit preparation

So, how to make lemon with sugar in a jar? Anyone can master the recipe for this delicacy. To begin with, it is recommended to carefully prepare all the fruits. Lemons should be placed in a deep container and filled with cold water. The fruit should sit for about half an hour.

After the specified time, each lemon must be washed with a brush and then scalded with boiling water. Dry the prepared fruit using paper towels and then leave to dry.

Lemons must be cut into rings or halves. In this case, you should carefully select all the seeds.

Further preparation

For further preparation, you will need a clean, sterilized jar. The container must be dry. It is recommended to lay a layer of sugar on its bottom, and then several layers of lemon slices or circles. The jar should be filled to the very top. Finally, pour granulated sugar into the container.

This way you need to fill all the jars. Their number depends on the number of components. After this, the containers must be tightly closed. To do this, you should use regular plastic lids. Lemon with sugar in a jar, the recipe for which is described above, must be placed in a cabinet for a week. The containers should be shaken every two days. If the lids are closed tightly, then the jars can simply be turned upside down. This is necessary for the sugar to completely dissolve.

What's next

After 7 days, the volume of products in the containers should decrease several times. The jars should be filled to the very top with lemons. The juice accumulated in the containers should completely cover the lemons. Add another layer of granulated sugar on top. It is recommended to close the jars tightly and then place them in a cool, preferably dark place. The product can be stored for 8 months. This delicacy can be added to tea or baked goods. And children really like sweet and sour juice, which is no less healthy than fruit slices.

Lemon with sugar in a jar: recipe two

In this case, you get pureed fruits with sugar. This preparation is somewhat reminiscent of jam. To prepare this delicacy you will need:

  1. Fresh lemons – 1 kg.
  2. Granulated sugar – 2 kg.

Lemons should be juicy, firm and with thin skin. There is no need to add any more sugar. Otherwise, the workpiece will turn out too sweet.

How to prepare lemons

To prepare lemon pureed with sugar, it is recommended to carefully prepare the ingredients. Fruits should be soaked for half an hour in cold water. After this, it is recommended to wash each lemon with a brush. It is also worth treating citrus fruits with boiling water. This will kill any bacteria on their surface. Then the fruits should be dried with paper towels and left for a while. The lemons must be completely dry. To give citrus fruits more juice, you should roll them a little on the table, gently pressing them with your palm.

After this, it is recommended to cut the fruit into pieces along with the peel, removing all the seeds during the chopping process. They can ruin the taste of the product. The slices should be passed through a meat grinder and then mixed with granulated sugar. If desired, the products can be crushed using a blender.

How to close

How to roll lemons with sugar? Only fruits should be passed through the meat grinder. The resulting mass should be mixed with sugar and left for an hour. The mixture should release juice. During this time, it is recommended to stir the products several times.

Granulated sugar grains should completely dissolve. Only after this will it be possible to distribute the workpiece into containers. In this case, a clean sterilized jar is also required. The containers can be prepared while the treat is infusing. They should be washed, sterilized and dried.

Place the lemons, pureed with sugar, into the prepared jars. After this, the containers should be closed with plastic lids or tied with strings, covering everything with parchment paper.

In conclusion

Lemons with sugar prepared in this way can be safely used as medicine for colds, as well as to increase immunity by consuming a treat with tea. In addition, pureed fruits are often used to create aromatic and very tasty cream for cakes and pies.

Some housewives use lemon juice when preparing fish. The carcass is usually cleaned, washed, salted and peppered. After this, add a small spoon of lemons grated with sugar to the fish. During the frying process, the product will not emit an unpleasant aroma, and the taste of the finished dish will significantly improve.

Lemon and lemon juice: benefits and harms

Lemons and lemon juice They have long ceased to be exotic components of our menu. We use them to treat sore throats and add them to tea as a vitamin supplement. Some even grow dwarf lemons on the windowsill of the apartment. Lemon has almost turned into our native fruit!

And hardly anyone remembers that the homeland of this citrus tree is distant India and China. It not only has a special, exotic origin, but also its composition.

The properties of lemons are far from being as clear as they seem to us at first glance. Along with the benefits it brings, lemon can be a dangerous or prohibited product for some people.

We will talk about the nuances of the beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of lemons and lemon products (lemon juice, oil).

Useful and healing properties of lemon and lemon juice

The healing properties of lemon are associated primarily with high content vitamin C. He is responsible for the state of the immune system and our wellness. However, you should be careful with this vitamin. It is its large dose that can cause an allergic reaction. And if you add a slice of lemon or its juice to hot tea, we let's minimize all the benefits of the fruit, because vitamin C is destroyed at high temperatures.

The main rule for consuming lemons should be moderate dosage and the right combination with other menu components.

  • Rutin included in the composition reduces the fragility of blood vessels and is an excellent addition to vitamin C during colds.
  • Lemon pectin improves the functioning of the digestive system.

By regularly drinking lemon juice or lemon drops, we support the work immune system, enrich ourselves with vitamins and important microelements.

Useful elements and chemical composition

Lemons and their juice - low calorie foods. From one hundred grams of juice you can only get 34 kilocalories. Proteins contained 2% , fat 0,2% , carbohydrates 1,2% from daily norm consumption.

The vitamin composition is represented by the entire group of vitamin B (except B12):

  • thiamine – 0.04;
  • riboflavin – 0.02;
  • pantothenic acid – 0.2;
  • pyridoxine – 0.06 milligrams;
  • folic acid – 9 micrograms.

This fruit contains a loading dose of vitamin C, 40 milligrams ( 44,4% daily norm). Vitamin A – 2 micrograms, beta-carotene – 0.01 milligrams. Vitamin E and PP 0.2 milligrams each.

Dietary fiber contains 2 grams.

Microelements are presented (in milligrams per hundred grams of product):

  • calcium – 40;
  • magnesium – 12;
  • sodium – 11;
  • potassium – 163;
  • phosphorus – 22;
  • sulfur – 10;
  • iron – 0.6;
  • zinc – 0.125;
  • copper – 240 mcg;
  • manganese – 0.04 mcg;
  • fluorine – 10 mcg;
  • molybdenum – 1 mcg;
  • boron – 175 mcg.

Healthy and therapeutic nutrition

Lemons are widely used in folk medicine, and in cooking.

  • Lemon wedge with sugar - the best remedy for treatment hypovitaminosis.
  • Lemon juice improves appetite and helps dissolve kidney stones. It is used for treatment urolithiasis. To do this, drink juice diluted in half with water in three doses a day (about a glass of solution).
  • The same composition is used to rinse the mouth and throat for sore throats, chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis and gingivitis.
  • Used externally, the juice heals fungal skin lesions.
  • They make it easier febrile conditions for colds. Taken for gastritis with low acidity and gout.
  • Lemon jam normalizes digestive processes and is mild laxative.
  • Lemon zest can soothe headache. To do this, apply it to your temples for several minutes.
  • By chewing the zest, you can do without pharmaceutical candies for sore throat, flu and pharyngitis. The phytoncides of the zest will relieve a sore throat and reduce pain.
  • Lemon is a good antiemetic. With its help, pregnant women fight the manifestations of toxicosis.
  • In cosmetology, masks with lemon juice are used to brighten facial skin and improve its health. Lemon also helps get rid of dandruff and strengthen hair roots.
  • It should be noted that lemons recognized by traditional medicine as a means for the prevention of atherosclerosis, inflammatory and infectious diseases.

In cooking lemon zest and juice are used for sweet pastries, they are often added to compotes and preserves instead of vinegar. It is traditional to mix lemon juice with honey and nuts. Lemon is also included in many cocktails.

It is known that pure lemon juice has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel. To reduce acidity, the juice is mixed with other sweet fruit juices (apple, pumpkin, orange).

Dietary use

This citrus fruit is also used in many dietary menus.. There are several lemon diets that include water with lemon juice. In addition to it it is used low-fat kefir, fruits or yoghurts, oatmeal steamed with boiling water.

  • Introducing lemon water into your regular menu is considered beneficial for weight loss. In two weeks you can get rid of 10 kilograms excess weight.
  • Mono-diet with lemon water does not last longer than three days, since it does not contain the proteins necessary for the body.
  • And to lose half a kilo of weight overnight, before going to bed you should drink a glass of kefir with the addition of a tablespoon of juice.

As part of any diet, lemon acts as catalyst for metabolic processes and a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Here you can read about various food diets, for example, about preparing a protein shake at home, or try using our resource to create a menu for a week for a low-carb diet.

How to select and store

Sold in stores and markets three main varieties lemons:

  • sour or traditional fruits;
  • with a sweetish aftertaste;
  • panderosa - fruits with a large number seeds and thick skin.

When purchasing lemons, you should pay attention:

  1. on their maturity. Unripe fruits have a matte peel, while ripe fruits have a shiny peel. When squeezed, a ripe lemon springs back in your hand, while an overripe one looks soft.
  2. Peel thickness. The thin peel is smooth, and the thick peel is lumpy. Fruits with thick skins last longer and their zest contains more nutrients.
  3. Peel color and condition. Spots are a sign that the lemons have suffered from hypothermia. Their flesh will be very bitter. If you do purchase such lemons, pour boiling water over them before eating - this will improve the taste.

Lemon fruits are stored in the refrigerator, placed in a vegetable drawer. They are periodically inspected for mold or stains.

Lemon slices or its zest will retain freshness for a long time if used sprinkle with sugar and place in an airtight glass container.

Consumption standards

Lemon juice is introduced to children after two years of age. It is given a few drops per day, diluted with water. This product may cause allergies!

Possible harm of lemon and contraindications

  • individual intolerance;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertension (juice increases blood pressure);
  • tendency to heartburn.

Note. After eating lemon, you should rinse your mouth with water so as not to harm your tooth enamel. The juice is always drunk diluted with boiled water or sweet juices.

Lemons are an important component of our menu. This is a cheap and accessible remedy for boosting immunity, which is difficult to replace with any other product. Yes, this is not required! The main thing is to observe moderation.

How important do you consider lemons and lemon juice to be in your daily menu? What diets have you tried that include this wonderful fruit?>

Lemon zest - what is it, recipes, benefits and harms

We thoughtlessly throw away many parts of foods that, nevertheless, can benefit our body. Such substances include various peelings, including citrus zest. This includes orange zest, lemon zest, pomelo zest and grapefruit zest. This product is a source of a lot of useful substances; it is often used in cooking and in folk medicine. The topic of our conversation today will be lemon zest, what is it, let's talk, discuss recipes with lemon zest, and answer the question of what beneficial properties and contraindications it has.

What is lemon zest?

Lemon zest is the topmost layer of the lemon peel; it is the one that has a pronounced bright color and contains a lot of essential oils and other useful substances.

To obtain such a product, the fruit is scalded with boiling water, and the zest is cut off with an extremely sharp knife, like a spiral ribbon. You can also grate it.

Lemon zest - benefits and harms

Benefits of lemon zest

Lemon zest is rich in significant amounts of fiber, containing potassium, carotene, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and beta-carotene.

This product can be used to prevent osteoporosis, as well as to eliminate the inflammatory process caused by polyarthritis. There is evidence that lemon peel perfectly removes various toxins and carcinogens from the body.

Systematic inclusion of zest in the diet allows one to slow down the growth of cancer lesions by an order of magnitude. This product also has pronounced antibacterial properties. Traditional medicine specialists use lemon peel to eliminate bacterial and fungal ailments, treat anemia and prevent thrombosis.

Lemon peel contains a lot of vitamin C, which makes it useful for the immune system and for the prevention of respiratory ailments. This product is a source of vitamin P, which protects blood vessels from fragility and has a positive effect on heart health.

Essential oils of lemon zest improve mood and have a good tonic effect. Simply chewing such a substance will help cope with throat diseases. Lemon zest also cleanses the liver well, improves blood circulation, and neutralizes ear infections, prevents varicose veins and adds elasticity to blood vessels.

Is lemon zest dangerous? What harm does it cause?

Lemon zest may be harmful to patients suffering from indigestion. You should not use it if you have been diagnosed with an ulcer, gastritis or enteritis. Also, this substance often provokes allergic reactions.

Of course, excessive consumption of zest can also cause harm. Overeating can lead to heartburn or nausea.

Recipes with lemon zest

How to make lemon zest cake (recipe)
To prepare this delicious dish you need to prepare one hundred and fifty grams of refined sunflower oil, two hundred grams wheat flour, two hundred grams of powdered sugar, four tablespoons of lemon juice and four chicken eggs. In addition, use one hundred and fifty grams of sour cream, a couple of tablespoons of baking powder and a teaspoon of lemon zest.

To soak the cake you will need three tablespoons of powdered sugar and three tablespoons of lemon juice.

In a large container, mix eggs with powdered sugar. It is best to mix with a whisk. Add sour cream, zest and lemon juice to a bowl. Pour in the vegetable oil and mix thoroughly until smooth. Add flour and baking powder to the resulting mixture. Mix with a whisk until smooth. Pour the finished dough into the prepared pan. Place it in the oven, preheated to one hundred and seventy to one hundred and eighty degrees, and bake the pie with lemon zest for forty to forty-five minutes. A cupcake for tea with lemon zest should please you!

Mix powdered sugar with lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the hot cake and brush until the sweet liquid is completely gone. Remove the cooled cake from the mold and serve.

Freezer Lemon Yogurt Recipe To prepare such a delicious dessert, you need to prepare three vanilla yoghurts 4.5%, sixty milliliters of lemon juice, seventy-five grams of sugar, 4-6 teaspoons of lemon zest and a glass of raspberries.

Transfer the “yogurt” to a convenient plastic container and place in the freezer until frozen (just until it sets). Take sugar (without a teaspoon), lemon juice and zest. Mix until sugar dissolves. Transfer the frozen yogurt to a blender and blend until soft. Pour the lemon and sugar into the blender bowl and blend again. Divide the resulting mixture into bowls and place in the freezer for half an hour.

To prepare the sauce, blend the raspberries with the remaining sugar in a blender until smooth. Leave for a quarter of an hour to release the juice. Pour the prepared juice over the frozen yogurt and serve.

Baking lamb in the oven in a sleeve with lemon zest To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare two and a half kilograms of lamb meat. Lamb meat marinade: a teaspoon of table salt, a quarter cup of honey, a couple of tablespoons of mustard, a couple of tablespoons of chopped rosemary (fresh), a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper and the same amount of lemon zest, three cloves of garlic.

In a small bowl, mix honey with mustard, rosemary, black pepper, lemon zest and finely chopped garlic. Apply the prepared marinade to the meat. Place the lamb in the refrigerator overnight. Place the prepared meat in the oven, inserting it into a sleeve, preheated to two hundred and thirty degrees, sprinkle it with salt. Bake for twenty minutes, then reduce the temperature to two hundred degrees and bake for about another hour. Then let the lamb sit for about ten minutes, cut it and serve.

Additional information

Preparing lemon zest is possible not only for culinary purposes. Lemon zest, as well as the lemon itself, can be used to treat a wide variety of pathological conditions.
Prevention and treatment of vascular atherosclerosis. Traditional medicine experts advise grinding the dry zest to a powder. This remedy will help prevent and cure atherosclerosis. It should be taken one to three grams three times a day.

If you boil a lemon peel in sugar or honey until soft, this remedy will help improve digestion in the stomach.
Traditional treatment for headaches. If you are worried about strong headache, cut the lemon peel as thin as possible, peel it off any remaining white skin and apply it to your temple for a quarter of an hour.
To remove a callus on a toe or foot. The zest will also help cope with calluses on the feet. To achieve lasting therapeutic effect You need to thoroughly steam your feet in hot water and wipe dry. Tie a lemon peel to the problem area. Carry out this procedure several times (over several days), then steam your feet again and remove the callus.
Rheumatism of the joints - folk treatment with lemon and zest. To prepare the medicine, you need to prepare three peeled lemons and three peeled heads of garlic. Pass such raw materials through a meat grinder. Pour one liter of boiling water over the finished pulp and let it brew for 24 hours. The strained medicine should be taken a quarter glass three times a day immediately before meals.

For those who are looking for what they can increase blood pressure You can add one more remedy to yourself. Tincture of lemon zest will help cope with hypotension, which is accompanied by fainting. To prepare the medicine, you need to grind one hundred grams of dry lemon peel and combine it with a liter of vodka. Leave for three weeks in a fairly dark place. Take twenty-five to thirty drops three times a day.

Inflammation of the mouth and tongue- treatment by chewing lemon peel. It will also help to cope with sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis, etc. In addition, this procedure perfectly freshens the breath.
To remove a wart with vinegar and lemon zest. To do this, you need to remove it from two lemons, chop it and pour half a glass of thirty percent vinegar. Infuse for weeks in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Strain the medicine, soak a cotton-gauze swab in it, and apply it to the wart area. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

Lemon zest is amazing useful product, which can help in the treatment of many ailments. And when used in cooking, this substance gives ready-made dishes an amazing aroma and taste.>

What is the technology for storing lemon with sugar (better without sugar, who knows) in a jar for a long time?

Olga Prilyk (Valerko)

Several ways to store lemons:

For example, the simplest one is in the refrigerator.

You can also wrap each lemon in tissue or parchment paper and place it in dry sand. This way lemons stay fresh for several months.

It is recommended to store lemons in water. To do this, place them in a spacious container and fill with cold water. Change the water every week. Lemons stored in this way do not spoil for several months, do not dry out and remain juicy. By the way, you can return a dried lemon to its former freshness by simply keeping it in a pan of water for a day or two.

This storage method is also often used. Cut the lemon into thin slices, place in a glass jar in layers, sprinkling each layer with granulated sugar and close with a lid.

If the lemon is cut, you can prevent it from drying out like this. Drop vinegar on a saucer or sprinkle a little salt or sugar (depending on the method of further use) and place the lemon cut side down.

The lemon will be more fragrant if you pour boiling water over it before using it. You can do it differently: place the fruit in hot water for 2-3 seconds.

The pith (the white part of the lemon peel) contains bitterness. To prevent them from turning into juice, squeeze the lemon carefully, without excessive force. The juice will also become bitter if the seeds are flattened. Even one crushed seed can give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste.

If you need to get just a few drops of lemon juice, you don’t have to cut the fruit, just make a deep puncture in its peel with a toothpick or a match with a pointed end. To prevent a punctured lemon from spoiling quickly, plug the hole with the same match or toothpick.

Vladimir Ptokhov

There is no such thing. It is very poorly stored and often becomes moldy. I keep sodium benzoate (E211) especially for this purpose, so that I can save the sliced ​​lemons left after the feast. Even 100% sugar is stored with benzoate - which you never need to add a lot of - just sprinkle it on.


Lemon keeps well in the refrigerator. You can wrap it in tissue or parchment paper and put it in dry sand - this way the lemon can be stored for several months.

There is also a way to store lemons. Cut the lemons into thin circles and place them in a glass or enamel bowl with a lid, thickly sprinkling them layer by layer with granulated sugar.

You can store lemons in water: place the lemon in a bowl and fill it with water, which is changed once a week. This way, lemons are perfectly preserved for many months, and not only do they not spoil, but they are also juicy throughout the storage period. Under normal storage conditions, lemons, if they do not spoil, almost always dry out.

A cut lemon can be protected from spoilage by placing it cut-side down on a plate or saucer, after adding a drop of vinegar or sprinkling a little salt or sugar (depending on what the lemon will be used for later).

To make the aroma of lemon stronger, you need to pour boiling water over it before using it or put it in hot water for a few seconds.

It is better to squeeze juice from a heated lemon - to do this, place it in very hot water for 5 minutes. After heating, the juice will be extracted more fully and quickly.

When squeezing the juice, the lemon should not be squeezed too hard so as not to damage the white part of the rind (the pith), which can give the juice a bitter taste. You can’t crush the grains either - the bitterness of even one grain will spoil the whole juice.

You can get a few drops of lemon juice without cutting the lemon. To do this, just pierce the lemon peel deeply with a pointed match or small stick. The resulting hole must be plugged with the same match - in this form the lemon will not spoil for a long time.

Hello, dear readers. This year, finally, after all the fruit and berry delights burned during the spring fire a couple of years ago, the lemongrass grew back and began to bear fruit again. And by the way, it’s very opportune. It’s raining in the Far East, I caught a cold, and lemongrass jam is the first remedy in the fight against such an illness.

This plant is even compared in its healing properties to ginseng. Schisandra berries are excellent, normalize blood pressure, invigorate and give strength. So before going to bed, you should refrain from consuming Chinese lemongrass jam. It is so useful that it deserves a separate discussion on this topic, which I will definitely raise in the near future. I’ll just tell you how its healing properties help against colds.

In the past summer season, by the way, I was not lazy and was well prepared for the long winter. I made all kinds of jam and, of course, didn’t forget about it. What would it be like without him?

In our area, lemongrass begins to ripen in late August and early September. Its bright red clusters hide in the dense foliage, hoping to avoid being boiled in sugar syrup. But that was not the case.

As in the jungle, making their way through vines, the Far Easterners guard the lemongrass. They are not afraid of the midges in the oceans; when it ripens, they wait patiently. As soon as the berries turned a little red, hunters with baskets were right there. The brass basins began to ring and they put the jam in the jars. In winter they will get the elixir of health. They will attach themselves to it once or twice and increase the number of livestock of the tribe. After all, our lemongrass.

Chinese lemon berry jam

When weighing, I got 870 grams of sorted lemongrass berries. This is the quantity I needed:

  • 1300 grams of sugar;
  • half a glass of natural apple juice.

For jam, it is better to use reddened, but not fully ripened berries. They need to be slightly firm.

Recipe with photos step by step

  1. I wash the lemongrass under running water without removing it from the branches. I let the water drain.
  2. I sort through it, separating the berries from the branches, removing debris and all sorts of bugs. Look closely at the photo where all the ingredients are displayed together. A ladybug is crawling along a leaf. I myself noticed only now that the insect had entered the frame, thereby deciding to immortalize itself.
  3. I fall asleep, lemongrass with sugar.
  4. I stir and leave it like this for 12 hours. Not much juice comes out. It's all absorbed by sugar.
  5. Next, to make the jam, you need to add apple juice to the lemongrass. At worst, ordinary water.
  6. I heat it on low heat. At the same time, I constantly stir the sugar and berry mass. The syrup forms quite quickly. After boiling, continue cooking for 5-7 minutes.
  7. I put the basin aside. Cover with a towel and wait for the jam to cool. Then I bring it to a boil again and cool. I seal the jars for the winter, not really worrying about their sterility. I washed it and doused it with boiling water. This is quite enough for the jam to be perfectly preserved until spring or even for a longer time - 2-3 years.
  8. There are recipes in which lemongrass berries are rubbed through a sieve and then jam is made from them. But I like it better when there are seeds in the jam. They are somewhat unobtrusive with their presence. On the contrary, after heat treatment they acquire a specific taste, become pliable, thereby giving the delicacy its own individuality.

The very healthy Chinese and Far Eastern lemongrass berry is great for making jam at home. Many chefs share some recipes and tips, inform about the features, beneficial properties and dangers of fruits. Let's look at all these subtleties in this article.


Schisandra is a perennial deciduous vine that has a woody trunk. The height of the bush can reach 15 meters. Schisandra has oblong, pointed, fleshy leaves; these petiolate leaves are light green in color and reach 10 cm. During flowering, white flowers appear on the vine. The bright red berries look like wax balls and have a distinct scent of lemon and pine. Each fruit has a small seed.

Schisandra has unusual, specific taste qualities. The plant combines 4 flavors: sweet, sour, bitter and salty. IN fresh The berry is usually not consumed because the pulp is too sour and the seeds are bitter and pungent. However, the skin of the fruit is incredibly sweet. Medicines made from lemongrass have a salty taste.

Since ancient times, in China, Japan and Korea, berries were stored for future use. Sailors and hunters used dried fruits, which contain a special tonic substance with invigorating properties. The plant relieves fatigue, helps overcome sleep, and gives a person strength.

The homeland of the shrub is considered to be the Far East, Northern China and Japan. Far Eastern and Chinese fruits ripen in late August or early September. The harvest is harvested in the fall before the onset of cold weather. The grapes are cut very carefully with a sharp knife. If the vine is damaged, there will be no harvest next year.

Schisandra easily lends itself to the process of preservation. It is great for winter preparations.

Useful properties

The plant contains a lot of tannins and organic substances. It contains citric, malic and tartaric acid. The juice of ripe fruits contains carbohydrates, essential oils. The berry is rich in potassium, calcium, selenium, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B, C, E.

Fruit jam gives the body energy, strength and vigor. The plant helps improve immunity, has restorative effect. Jam improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Bone tissue is also strengthened.

For those suffering from certain heart diseases, a berry dessert will bring great benefit. The fruits have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the walls of the heart muscle and stabilize heart contractions.

The berry promotes concentration, increased visual acuity and the ability of the eyes to quickly adapt in the dark. It stimulates the nervous system well and helps cope with depression and stress. The plant improves reproductive function body, slows down the aging process. Metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex intensify.

Jam regulates blood circulation, reduces the risk of blood clots, and has a beneficial effect on blood composition. For anemia and loss of strength, the use of lemongrass is also recommended. Fruits can serve as a preventative against cancer. They are used to make drugs intended for chemotherapy.

During the period of winter colds, lemongrass berry jam helps the body fight viruses, bacteria, and relieves various inflammatory processes. The functioning of the respiratory system is normalized. Schisandra is included in complex therapy to combat bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Possible harm

Far Eastern Schisandra is a very strong natural stimulant. People with increased excitability should refrain from using it. Despite the fact that lemongrass jam contains a high concentration of beneficial substances, it should be given to children very carefully.

Epileptics, hypertensive patients, pregnant and breastfeeding young mothers are better off avoiding Far Eastern and Chinese lemongrass jam. Berry dessert can cause increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.

Jam can cause allergic reactions, so before consuming it is advisable to check your body for individual tolerance to lemongrass.

How to cook?

Far Eastern lemongrass jam is great for preparing dessert for the winter. There is a classic recipe for making jam. To do this you will need a kilogram of berries, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar and 100 ml of hot water. The ripe, dense berries are washed with running water, removed from the branches, and sprinkled with sugar on top.

The berry mixture should infuse for a day. Then add 100 ml of boiling water to the mass and heat over low heat with constant stirring. Boil for 15 minutes. After cooling, the procedure is repeated. The hot berry mass is poured into pre-sterilized jars, rolled up using conventional technology, cooled, and sent for long-term storage.

To prepare jam from Chinese lemongrass, the berries must be carefully sorted, washed, separated from the branches, covered with granulated sugar and left for 12 hours. During this time, the fruits should absorb the sugar. For 500 g of berries you will need 900 g of granulated sugar. Natural apple juice (100 ml) is poured into the berry mass.

The mixture is brought to a boil. Boil for 7 minutes, remove from the stove and wrap in a towel. After the dessert has completely cooled, the procedure is repeated. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up, cooled, and stored. Finished products have a shelf life of up to 3 years or more.

You can make lemongrass jam without adding water or apple juice. The pre-treated berries are covered with granulated sugar and left for 24 hours. Then boil for 5 minutes and cool. Repeat boiling again for the same amount of time. The interesting thing is that jam does not lose its nutritional qualities; it can be added to baked goods or eaten with tea.

This dessert recipe is ideal for canning for the winter.

In addition, jam can be made from lemongrass.

Step by step process:

  1. the fruits are pounded in a strainer until the seeds remain in it and the pulp is in a bowl;
  2. a kilogram of lemongrass, rubbed through a sieve, is covered with a layer of sugar in the same amount, left for several hours until the berry juice appears;
  3. cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  4. add cinnamon for flavor;
  5. boil for about an hour;
  6. check the readiness of the jam by dropping a drop onto a saucer, which should no longer spread;
  7. The hot mass is placed in sterilized jars and rolled up.

“Pyatiminutka” jam is made from berry puree. Schisandra is first scalded with boiling water. Washed, cleared of foreign impurities, dried berries are ground on a strainer. You can use a meat grinder, mixer or other suitable household appliance. The resulting slurry is sprinkled with sugar and cooked over low heat, stirring continuously. Then add half a glass of natural apple juice to the berry mass and boil for 5 minutes. The sweet dish is ready.

In the evening, it is advised to refrain from consuming lemongrass jam, as it introduces the body into a state of wakefulness. The desire to sleep disappears.

You can prepare jam only in enamel or glass containers. High chemical activity fruit contributes to the oxidation of the product, so the use of copper and aluminum containers is not recommended.

To learn how to make lemongrass jam, watch the following video.