How long do people live with metastases if they have already gone? Metastases What is cancer metastasis with cell degeneration.

Today we will tell you about the reason why metastases form, describe the symptoms in detail and much more. To better understand what metastases are, what the symptoms are and how they form, you must first talk about cancer in principle.

Oncology this is generally enough dangerous group diseases. Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases of our century. Unfortunately, despite significant advances in medicine in the field of treatment oncology , cancer can still be called practically incurable disease on late stages.

All diseases in the field of oncology (we are talking about malignant tumors) are characterized by extremely rapid development and extensive coverage of body tissues. There are cases when cancer destroys the human body in a matter of weeks! This is our reality, and doctors cannot do anything about it yet. But why do such diseases occur? Let's try to understand this issue.

Unfortunately, modern medicine cannot accurately answer the question of why malignant neoplasms occur in the body, despite all the advances in the treatment of such diseases. Today we can only operate common factors and only partially talk about the mechanism of occurrence of such diseases.

Mechanism of cancer

Every day many atypical cells appear in our body, which, one way or another, differ from ordinary ones. This may be internal or external difference, but most importantly, they are destroyed by the body’s immune system. Every day she fights them, but for some reason it happens that the immune system misses some atypical cells.

It is these cells that cause the development of a malignant tumor. Cells begin to divide uncontrollably, and the tumor grows rapidly, feeding on the body's resources.

After development to the third stage, the malignant neoplasm begins to metastasize. This is a very dangerous process. Secondary malignant neoplasms affect even distant organs and tissues in the body, and such tumors are not always detected by doctors, which carries serious threat patient's life.

Metastases also develop rapidly, leading to the fourth stage malignant neoplasm. In this case, as a rule, treatment methods are used to improve the quality and prolong the patient's life. We can say that only a few survive and fully recover.

Causes of cancer

As mentioned above, the causes of cancer are still not fully known to doctors. If humanity solves this mystery or learns to identify malignant tumors on early stages development, then this will mean victory over cancer! Today we can only name the general causes of cancer, forming a risk group:

  1. genetic predisposition. If your relatives have ever suffered from cancer, and even if they had benign tumors, then you are at risk;
  2. effects of radiation on the body. If you have ever been exposed to radiation or work in this area, then you have increased probability the appearance of malignant neoplasms. Unfortunately, no personal protective equipment can completely protect the body from radiation, so work related to radiation always increases the risk of such diseases;
  3. bad habits. Alcohol, cigarettes and consumption narcotic substances significantly increase the occurrence of any disease, including cancer;
  4. constant mechanical stress on the body. If cells are constantly damaged, they are regularly renewed. Accordingly, the risk of the appearance of atypical cells increases;
  5. weakened immunity. If your immune system is weakened for any reason, then the likelihood that it will miss an atypical cell also increases, so you need to be especially careful about your health;
  6. If you have ever had a tumor, you are more likely to develop cancer.

Important to know! If your work involves constant mechanical damage to any tissue, then you are at risk. Any processes that lead to the emergence of the causes of malignant neoplasms are potentially dangerous, and every person needs to protect themselves from them.

Why do metastases appear?

All metastases appear due to primary focus diseases. Atypical cells are separated from the primary tumor and spread throughout the body, becoming the causes of the appearance and development of metastases.

The causes of metastases always depend on the location of the main tumor. However, there are also common causes of occurrence, or rather ways of development, of secondary malignant neoplasms:

  • hematogenous (atypical cells move through the blood from an infected organ to a healthy one);
  • lymphatic (affect lymph nodes, and metastases are localized in them);
  • contact (cancer tumor metastasizes to neighboring organs).

Modern medicine identifies several signs by which we can say that a patient with a cancer tumor has metastases, even when symptoms do not appear. It is important to understand that metastases pose a huge threat, so it is important to find them and neutralize them when the first signs of their presence appear in the body.

One of the main signs of the presence of metastases in the body is the diagnosis of the third stage of development of a primary malignant neoplasm.

As a rule, the reason for determining the third stage is the presence of metastases, but there are other signs depending on the location. If the third stage of cancer is detected, then doctors need to find metastases using various diagnostic measures, which will be described below.

Diagnosing is somewhat easier than the third. But even in this case, metastases may not show symptoms. In this case, it is also important to find and destroy them.

Clinical picture. Metastases can reveal themselves by palpation of their location. Therefore, when a patient is diagnosed with cancer, he needs to regularly examine himself for the presence of round tumors with smooth edges, and also monitor the appearance of spots on the skin.

General symptoms

Unfortunately, we can only talk about the general symptoms of cancer and metastases, since local neoplasms can cause specific symptoms. For example, metastases on the ribs at a late stage of development affect bone tissue and cause severe pain at the location.

In order to understand the symptoms of metastases in more detail, it is necessary to study general symptoms malignant neoplasms:

  • pain at the location;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • increased body temperature;
  • depression;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • decreased performance;
  • increased fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • deterioration of the immune system.

It's just general symptoms, which, as a rule, disturb the patient only in the later stages of the development of a malignant neoplasm.

It is important to know that in the first stages of cancer development there are practically no symptoms, which is one of the most dangerous features oncological diseases. If doctors learn 100%, this will mean victory over this terrible disease.

It should be borne in mind that diagnostic measures, like treatment, are primarily aimed at the primary malignant neoplasm. General diagnostic measures of metastases coincide with the differentiation of primary foci.

  1. Ultrasound examination. A basic diagnostic measure designed to clarify the location of the tumor, as well as its size. Most often provides sufficient information to further treatment, if it concerns a tumor detected visually or instrumentally.
  2. General blood test. During this diagnostic event, a search is made for special antibodies that appear due to the development of a particular type of cancer in the body. Metastases also lead to the appearance of specific antibodies.
  3. Biopsy. An invasive diagnostic method that continues to be quite common, as it allows one to obtain a large amount of information about the tumor. Its essence lies in taking part of the tissue of the tumor itself and further studying it.
  4. X-ray. Assigned when the information obtained during ultrasound examination not enough to establish an accurate diagnosis.
  5. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging. These are the most modern and informative methods diagnostic study, which allow not only to make a diagnosis, but to build a three-dimensional model of any organ and tumor. Prescribed in cases where ultrasound has not provided enough information about the disease.

The scope of diagnostic measures, as well as treatment tactics, is always chosen by the attending physician, based on the patient’s health status, the strength of his immunity, as well as other individual characteristics. In the case of any malignant neoplasms, it is extremely important to contact medical institution as early as possible to increase chances of survival.

Skin metastases: symptoms and diagnosis

What do cancer metastases look like and can they be seen?

Every day, thousands of abnormal cellular structures appear in the human body, which can later acquire a malignant status. Thanks to the immune system, these cells are destroyed in a timely manner.

But if the immune defense for certain reasons allows these cells to pass through, then they multiply unhindered, forming into a tumor.

What are metastases in cancer?

Malignant cells from foci of primary localization spread through blood and lymph flow to other organic structures, forming metastatic foci, which are actually secondary localizations of cancer.

So, metastases are cancer cells that spread throughout the body from the main focus of the tumor process.

When cancer spreads into neighboring tissues, it is called regional metastasis. If malignant cellular structures with the bloodstream or lymphatic fluid penetrate into peripheral tissues, distant metastasis occurs.

Reasons for the spread

In general, metastasis is caused by certain factors oncological growth, which stimulate the formation of capillary and vascular networks around the tumor formation.

As a result, a favorable environment is created for malignant structures, which provides them necessary nutrition. In this scenario, metastasis occurs throughout the body.

Overall distribution malignant cells can occur in different ways:

  • With the bloodstream - malignant cells spread hematogenously through veins, capillary structures and vessels throughout the body;
  • With lymph flow. Lymph nodes act as a protective barrier for malignant structures and their partial destruction occurs in them. But when there are too many changed cells, macrophages cannot cope with them;
  • Implantation or along the membrane of serous tissue.

Metastases of lymphogenous origin are most common in both, and, and.

Hematogenous routes of metastasis are usually observed in late stages of chorionepitheliomas, pelvic and abdominal tumors, hypernephroma, etc.

At what stage do they appear and how quickly do they spread?

If a cancer patient does not receive the necessary treatment, then metastases will occur over time in any cancer process, but the timing of appearance is not always clear.

In some oncological pathologies, metastasis occurs within a few months after the formation of the primary tumor focus, while in others it is detected only after several years. Therefore, it is impossible to even tentatively establish the timing of metastasis.

Considering metastasis in the lymph system, we can say that metastases are a sign of the transition of cancer to the second stage of development.

If hematogenous spread of malignant cells appears, then we're talking about about the transition of oncopathology to stage 4. On average, metastases form at stages 3-4 of cancer. That is, in fact, the appearance of metastatic processes determines the stage cancerous tumor.

Video about how cancer metastasizes:

How do different types of cancer metastasize?

Typically, metastases are detected in the pulmonary structures, liver and lymph nodes. Much less frequently, metastatic foci are found in the heart and skeletal muscles, spleen and pancreas.

Experts have identified a certain pattern of cancer metastasis in different locations:

  • Melanoma usually metastasizes to muscle or skin;
  • – into a healthy lung, liver and adrenal tissue;
  • A malignant tumor in the uterus, stomach and pancreas usually metastasizes to the lungs, liver and abdominal cavity;
  • It is mammary glandular and spreads mainly to liver and lung tissues.

Why are they dangerous?

Lethal outcome in cancer pathologies often occurs precisely because of active metastasis rather than due to the presence of a primary tumor. Therefore, metastases are very dangerous.

  1. They disrupt the activity of vital systems and organs;
  2. If metastases appear, the body can no longer resist cancer on its own;
  3. Metastasis negatively affects the course of the oncological process and the patient’s condition, worsening it.


Metastasis has many options and varieties that differ significantly from each other.


Virchow's metastasis is localized in the supraclavicular region of the neck and occurs against the background stomach cancer. This location of the secondary cancer focus is determined by the direction of lymph flow from the abdominal cavity.

Malignant cellular structures rise along the lymphatic pathways precisely to the cervical lymph node; they cannot pass further, so they begin to form into a secondary tumor. Virchow metastasis can occur as a result of other abdominal structures.


Such metastases are also characterized by lymphogenous origin and are localized in the ovaries. The share of similar secondary tumors accounting for about 35-40% of the total number of ovarian metastases.

Krukenberg metastases are observed in malignant gastric, mammary glandular, intestinal or bile duct lesions, bladder or cervical cancer.


Schnitzler metastases are the spread of a malignant process to the perirectal tissue and perirectal lymph nodes.

Such metastatic formations can be palpated during rectal digital examination and present as painless lumps.

Most often occurs against the background of stomach cancer.


Metastatic tumors that form in bone tissue and promote the activity of osteoblasts are called osteoblastic. Against the background of increased osteoblastic activity, increased calcium deposition occurs in bone tissue, which contributes to their rapid growth.

Such metastatic foci occur against the background of mammary glandular or prostatic cancer, sarcomas, etc. The prognosis is mostly unfavorable.


Metastases of the solitary type are large-nodular single formations localized in the lung, brain and other tissues.


Osteolytic secondary formations are also localized in bone structures Ah, however, their effect on bones is of a slightly different nature. They destroy bone tissue and activate osteoclasts, which leads to destructive changes bones.

Symptoms and signs

The clinical picture of metastasis depends on its location and type of primary tumor. Typically, metastases lead to severe dysfunctional changes in the structures of the body.

  • With liver metastasis Patients experience itchy skin, jaundice and liver failure;
  • Brain metastatic processes lead to rapid;
  • Pulmonary metastasis causes bronchopulmonary inflammation, respiratory disorders, etc.;
  • Bone metastases are characterized by severe pain throughout the body.

On the skin

Skin metastases occur predominantly against the background of malignant lesions of the ovaries, lungs and kidneys. Metastatic processes on the skin are of lymphatic or hematogenous origin. In men, such metastases are localized on the abdomen and neck, chest and head, and in women on the chest and abdomen.

Signs of skin metastases:

  1. The appearance of formations similar to moles;
  2. Change in skin color at the site of metastases;
  3. Rapid increase in skin formation;
  4. Asthenia;
  5. Exhaustion;
  6. Drowsiness and weakness;
  7. Lack of performance;
  8. Painful sensations in the area of ​​the tumor;
  9. Weight loss and hyperthermia.

The photo shows what stage 4 cancer looks like with metastases on the skin

If the metastasis has formed on the scalp, it usually looks like a sebaceous cystic formation.

In the ribs

The first signs of rib metastases are intense painful sensations leading to limited mobility. At later stages, secondary tumor foci can lead to rib fractures that occur even with minor loads.

Cancerous tumors of the thyroid gland, breast, prostate and cervix, liver and lungs, etc. most often metastasize to the ribs. To detect them, it is necessary to carry out.


Secondary cardiac tumors usually arise from pleural, carcinoma, melanoma or esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, renal and thyroid oncology or.

Signs of cardiac metastases are:

  • Pericardial effusion;
  • Obstruction of veins in the myocardium;
  • Depression of cardiac activity;
  • Arrhythmia, myocardial failure.


Cancer cells can invade any part of the body, particularly the abdominal cavity. Malignant structures settle on the surface internal organs and the walls of the peritoneum. Enough for a long time they accumulate, gradually forming a secondary tumor.

Such processes in the body are usually accompanied by an enlarged abdomen. If the tumor begins to disintegrate, then general signs intoxication.

For breast cancer

Metastatic foci in the mammary gland are manifested by the appearance of lumps in the breast, which are easily felt by palpation.

Malignant cells penetrate into the mammary gland through the bloodstream or lymphogenously. The patient feels intense pain in the chest and other uncomfortable sensations.

Distant metastases

The greater the parameters of the primary formation, the earlier the metastatic processes will begin. Typically, the real threat of metastasis occurs when the tumor exceeds a 3-cm diameter.

Together with the bloodstream, malignant cells spread to distant tissues and organs, which indicates the late stages of the tumor process.

  • If metastases occur in the skeletal system, then patients experience bone pain, which can seriously reduce their quality of life.
  • If breast cancer has metastasized to the lungs, then the patient is worried about shortness of breath, cough and chest pain.
  • With nervous system metastasis dizziness and headaches, convulsions and hallucinations, auditory and visual disturbances, coordination disorders, etc.


Already in the early stages, metastases may occur in regional lymph nodes. Typically these are axillary lymph node structures.

But if the primary tumor formed closer to the center chest, then the sternal lymph nodes undergo metastasis.

Subsequently, the cancer process spreads to more distant lymph nodes.

In the intestines

Metastasis to the intestine is accompanied by frequent diarrhea or constipation, blood in the stool, abdominal pain and bloating.

In addition, waste products of cancer formation cause general intoxication of the body, which is manifested by dyspeptic disorders.


The main sign of metastasis in the kidneys and adrenal structures is hematuria, which is characterized by the presence of blood in the patient’s urine.

An additional sign of metastasis in the kidneys is pain in the lumbar region, constant temperature and weakness, elevated blood pressure and progressive anemia.


Metastases in the spleen are extremely rare, because the organ itself is capable of producing substances that destroy malignant cells.

Among obvious signs metastases include fever, thrombopenia, increased organ size, heaviness and pain. As the secondary tumor grows, the condition worsens and the body becomes exhausted.


Pleura lines chest wall and lungs with inside. It produces a special lubricant that facilitates pulmonary function during breathing. Metastasis to pleural tissue is accompanied by cough, low-grade fever and pain in the sternum.


Metastasis in the stomach is quite rare, with tumors spreading here from the uterus, esophagus, breast or lung. Metastasis is accompanied by hyperthermia and lack of appetite, anemia and taste changes, pain in the stomach, etc.


At the initial stages, ovarian metastases do not manifest themselves in any way. Some cancer patients experience a lack of appetite and general weakness, menstrual irregularities and hyperthermia. When the metastasis increases, painful sensations and a bursting feeling appear in the lower abdomen.

Adrenal glands

Many tumors metastasize to the adrenal glands, for example, from the lungs, kidneys, mammary glands, etc.

Such tumor spread causes adrenal insufficiency.

Large secondary formations are almost always accompanied by necrotic processes.

For uterine cancer

Metastasis begins at stage 3 of the oncological process. The spread of malignant cells occurs through the lymphogenous route, and hematogenous spread is possible at the last stage of cancer.

Patients complain about spotting between periods, lumbar pain and pain in the lower abdomen, especially during exercise.


Metastatic spread of malignant cells into the bladder structures occurs through the lymphogenous route, mainly from the pelvis or ureter.

At first, symptoms most characteristic of cystitis appear, including frequent urges, lumbar pain, and painful urination.

With the development of metastasis, the condition worsens, constant hyperthermia appears, blood in the urine, etc.


Pancreatic metastasis is characterized by such manifestations as sudden weight loss and lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting syndrome, epigastric pain and frequent diarrhea.

Sometimes metastases in the pancreas cause some yellowing of the skin and girdle pain in the abdomen.


Metastatic formations in the throat usually appear from tumors of the mouth, respiratory and digestive organs. Most often, such localization of metastases causes the following symptoms:

  • Sores and sores in the throat;
  • Swelling of oral tissues;
  • Problems speaking, breathing, swallowing;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes, etc.

How to detect in the body?

Detection of metastases requires a thorough diagnosis, including:

  • Survey radiography;
  • Radioisotope diagnostics.

Such procedures make it possible to determine the degree of metastasis, the size of secondary tumors, germination into other tissues and the presence purulent processes or decay, the nature of growth, etc.

Are they visible on ultrasound?

Ultrasound diagnostics is one of the main methods for detecting the metastatic spread of malignant processes.

Such a study is considered quite informative and is widely used in modern diagnostic practice.

How to cure?

Treatment of cancer pathology with metastasis is determined by the location, size and number of secondary foci. Several different techniques are used: surgical removal, and drug therapy.

Surgical treatment

Initially, doctors try to remove the primary formation, which in the future may act as a source of metastases.

Then they proceed directly to the removal of the metastatic foci themselves. To do this, the lymph nodes and adjacent tissue are removed.

When removing secondary formations, the surgeon also cuts off part of the healthy tissue, which may also contain micrometastases.

Radiofrequency ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is now successfully used in the treatment of metastatic spread of tumor processes.

This method involves destroying the tumor through high temperatures, which are created by special electrodes. Electromagnetic currents heat up malignant tissue and destroy them. Then the dead cells dry out, and a scar forms in their place.


Drug treatment of metastatic tumors involves the use of methods such as and hormonal therapy.

Chemotherapy with antitumor drugs stops the growth and spread of metastases. This technique is often combined with radiation or radiofrequency ablation.

How long do people live with metastases: prognosis

Typically, the presence of metastases in lymph nodes and other organic structures indicates unfavorable prognosis oncopathology.

  • Prognosis of metastases in the abdominal cavity. The mortality rate for such metastasis today is 5%. Timely detection of abdominal metastasis and mandatory chemotherapy with appropriate rehabilitation greatly increases the patient’s chances of a favorable outcome of oncology treatment.
  • To the adrenal glands. Adrenal metastases are usually combined with damage to other organs, so the prognosis depends on the specific clinical situation.
  • Mediastinum. Such metastasis, if detected early, can have a positive outcome, however, if detected late, the prognosis is unfavorable.
  • Intestines. When contacting an oncologist in a timely manner, there is a tendency to successful outcome diseases. Cure with timely surgical intervention in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy occurs on average in half of the patients. In the later stages, the prognosis is disappointing.
  • Liver. Without treatment for metastatic liver lesions, survival is 4 months. Upon receipt necessary assistance The patient’s life is extended by one and a half years; additional chemotherapy can give the cancer patient about another year of life.
  • Lungs. Unfavorable factors for pulmonary metastasis are its appearance earlier than 12 months after removal of the primary cancer focus, as well as the rapid increase in metastatic tumors. The 5-year survival rate for single metastases and after adequate treatment is about 40%.

Almost all patients suffering from cancer die within a decade, regardless of the presence of metastatic processes. And if they are present, then life expectancy is significantly reduced.

If the patient has terminal (fourth) stage of oncology and there are metastases, then life expectancy is several weeks, and sometimes days, depending on the type of tumor.

During the oncological process, metastases form in the lungs, which also occurs with a similar disease of the breast, as well as other internal organs and structures of a person. In some cases, the brain is affected. Many people wonder what metastases are in cancer - everyone needs to know this in order to suspect dangerous processes in time and contact an oncologist.

Metastases are secondary foci of enlargement of the vast majority of tumors of malignant origin. The presented diseases provoke the formation of subsequent lesions in local and distant lymph nodes. This phenomenon may affect internal organs, namely the liver, lungs, spinal column, and mammary gland. This can affect the brain, no matter how long the condition lasts, in which they live with complications.

Concepts indicating the formation of metastases are based on the fact that the structures presented are formed immediately after the formation of not benign tumor. Fragmented cellular structures penetrate into the area of ​​the luminal narrowing of the blood vessel. This is called the hematogenous route of dissemination, possibly affecting the lymphatic structures, which is a lymphogenous way of increasing their numbers.

After this, in case of lung cancer, breast cancer and when they affect the brain, they are transported through the blood or lymphatic fluids.

They stop at some place, after which they leave the area of ​​the vessel and increase, forming metastases, no matter how many there are.

At the initial stage, the presented algorithm develops slowly and not too noticeably, because malignant cells from the maternal lesion aggravate the degree of activity of non-primary lesions.

Development factors

Cells associated with neoplasms break off and will always carry out the presented actions. Oncologists pay attention to the fact that:

  • local factors associated with immune system the body of each person, over a long period of time, create protection from a forced increase in the number and size of tumor cells;
  • spreading, the neoplasm cells for 2-3 or more years can remain passive (or increase extremely slowly) for a specified period of time, provoking a condition such as apathy;
  • The exact algorithms for activating multiple metastases in the human body have not been fully determined - this applies to lung cancer, breast cancer and affects the brain.

An important criterion that oncologists call is that as the number of cells in metastases changes, they begin to independently produce growth hormones. The presented structures make it possible to stimulate the formation capillary mesh near tumor cells. This makes it possible to provide malignant tumor cells with nutritional components, which occurs to the detriment of normal, healthy tissue structures of the body.

Speed ​​of process development

The time required for the formation of symptoms of primary metastases depends on the type of tumor found and the degree of independence of its tissue structures from other parts of the body. Education with high threshold differentiation begins to develop much less frequently and later than the neoplasms opposite to them.

In some cases, the structures presented form quickly, as a consequence of the formation of the initial tumor-type node. In many patients, metastatic structures are identified after 12-24 months. No less rarely, oncologists note that latent or “passive metastases” are detected many years later. This occurs after surgical intervention associated with tumor removal for lung cancer at any stage, breast cancer, and when pathological condition affects the brain, and complications arise.

Modern treatment methods, which include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, arterial embolization and others, have a positive effect on reducing the frequency of formation of these structures. A widespread misconception is that they are formed as a result of the procedure performed. Oncologists are confident that resection of a certain part of the tumor or its biopsy examination does not increase the incidence of metastases, no matter how many there are and no matter what the stage of development.

Characteristics of metastasis

Most often, metastases are identified in the lymph nodes, liver and lungs. Much less often this occurs in the heart muscle, skeletal structures, skin, spleen and pancreas. The average place in the frequency of diagnosing metastases for all types of cancer (brain, breast) is given to the central nervous system, bone structure, kidneys and adrenal glands, in which they live with numerous complications.

Oncologists identify the most frequently formed types of cancer and the most typical places detection of metastases:

  • for breast cancer, these are the areas of the lungs, liver and bone structures;
  • for neoplasms in the ovarian area - abdominal region, liver, lungs;
  • in case of stomach cancer, metastases are detected in the lungs, abdominal area and liver;
  • in the case of a tumor in the lungs – adrenal glands, liver and second lung, which look like lenses.

Speaking about brain disease, it should be noted that this is the most complex form that can metastasize to various areas human body: from internal organs to bone structures, no matter how long the disease lasts.

Danger of metastasis

The presented phenomenon in relation to many tumors occurs in situations where the body’s reserves remain exhausted in the process of fighting the tumor structure at any stage.

Metastases seriously destabilize the functioning of vital organs and human systems.

In 80% of cases death in relation to cancer patient associated with the formation of metastases of the main form of cancer: breast, lungs and if it is the brain.

Oncologists note that the structures significantly aggravate the overall health condition. They are often accompanied by terrible painful sensations that require continuous use of painkillers.

Symptoms of the process

Symptoms in relation to metastatic cancer are determined by the area where the metastases are located and their initial structures. Damage to the abdominal region, or its carcinomatosis, provokes the formation of ascites, which implies the subsequent implementation of a procedure called laparocentesis. If we talk about damage to the pleura, then it provokes the formation of pleurisy of the exudative type, to exclude which it will be necessary to perform thoracocetesis.

Metastases that form in tubular bones skeleton and spinal column, can affect the formation of accelerated painful sensations in the body. This also leads to the rapid development of compression and standard fractures. The use of bisphosphonate components as an addition to the main rehabilitation course significantly optimizes the health of each patient.

The main symptoms of metastases in the brain and sometimes the lungs should be considered:

  • deterioration of character;
  • obvious headaches;
  • convulsive muscle contractions that look like sudden movements;
  • change in levels of consciousness;
  • worsening of the respiratory process.

In addition, toxins released as part of the permanent death of neoplasms and tumors provoke intoxication of the body along the lines of cancer. This can affect the breast, lungs and affect the brain.

Diagnostic norms

If metastases are suspected, special attention should be paid diagnostic examination at any stage. Oncologists and diagnosticians insist on performing plain radiography, ultrasound and radioisotope examinations. To confirm the diagnosis in problematic situations, CT and MRI, as well as positron emission tomography, are used. Each of the presented techniques is characterized by significant importance when it comes to identifying metastases.

The presented diagnostic methods make it possible to establish the size, extent of prevalence and characteristics of the increase in metastases, and the criteria for their disintegration. In case of disease of the breast, lungs and when an oncological process of the brain is detected, the diagnosis determines suppuration, germination into organs and tissue structures located nearby.

Additionally, the presented diagnostic methods make it possible to control the degree of effectiveness of therapy in accordance with the degree of worsening of metastases, no matter how many there are.

Treatment Basics

The main goal of implementing active chemotherapy and radiation treatment prevention of the formation of metastases should be considered at the initial stage of development of the process. Recovery is based on the principles of tumor control, which include:

  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • surgical treatment (for single metastases).

Treatment of the presented processes in cancer is associated with certain difficulties. In this regard, in a number of situations, treatment of the presented structures is carried out in order to eliminate negative symptoms and prolong the life span of a neoplasm that affects the lungs and other structures. For this purpose it can be used systemic therapy, which includes chemotherapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy. The same applies local therapy, in particular surgery and radiotherapy.

The appearance of metastases at any stage of cancer is dangerous process. It indicates the accelerated development of the underlying disease and provokes numerous painful sensations. In some cases, diagnosing and treating the condition causes problems, and therefore makes sense when the first appearance warning signs contact a diagnostician or oncologist.

When a cancerous tumor metastasizes, this indicates the third or fourth stage of the disease. Naturally, the terminal stages of development cancer pathologies are much more difficult to treat, and in some cases, cancer with metastases is considered inoperable. And if 20 years ago metastases in cancer promised a fatal outcome of the disease, today everything is changing.

Thanks to innovative treatment methods, even with metastases, it is possible to achieve remission and significantly prolong a person’s life. Good results shows immunotherapy, which is increasingly used in treatment terminal stages cancer. Currently other experimental species this method pass clinical studies, and doctors and scientists have great hope that immunotherapy will help achieve complete victory over cancer.

The best clinics in Israel for cancer treatment

General information about metastases

Malignant tumors not only increase in size, but are also capable of producing secondary tumor foci - metastases. They occur when a malignant cell moves from the primary focus to another location (tissue or organ). This process is called metastasis.

The movement of malignant cells can occur in different ways:

  • Through blood vessels - hematogenous metastases.
  • Through lymphatic vessels - lymphogenous metastases.
  • Inside the body cavities there are implantation metastases.

The mechanism of movement of tumor cells is associated, first of all, with the fact that at the point of contact with the tumor, the integrity of the vessels of the lymphatic or circulatory system is violated. If a detached malignant cell manages to attach to an organ or vessel wall, it can continue to divide uncontrolledly. This is how the second tumor forms, and their number can be unlimited.

The structure and metabolism of metastatic cells is the same as that of the primary tumor cells. This information can be valuable when diagnosing a cancerous tumor, when, for example, metastases with a structure of malignant cells that is atypical for a given organ are initially detected. This means that there is a primary focus somewhere in the body.

It is noteworthy that the ability to metastasize varies among different malignant tumors. For example, melanoma has an extremely high ability to metastasize, while another type of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, metastasizes extremely rarely.

Diagnosis of metastases, like any other disease, always begins with a consultation with an oncologist. It is noteworthy that foreign patients can consult an Israeli doctor via video call while remaining at home. The doctor will review your medical records and conduct a survey. In this case, you will get a “second opinion” from a foreign specialist without visiting Israel, saving on flights and accommodation in the country. Patients who have undergone a remote consultation are provided with a face-to-face consultation in Israel free of charge.

Directly in an Israeli clinic, diagnosing metastases takes approximately 3-4 days. During this time, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • Face-to-face consultation with an oncologist.
  • Blood tests for tumor markers - specific substances that indicate possible availability tumors in the body.
  • Biopsy with histopathological examination of the biopsy specimen.
  • Instrumental research. These include CT, MRI, and PET-CT. Last method The test can detect even the smallest clusters of cancer cells in the body, which is why it is often used in Israel to detect metastases.

After all the studies have been completed, a course of treatment is prescribed, which may consist of one type of therapy (monotherapy) or several (combination therapy).

Leading Israeli oncologists

Treatment methods for metastases in Israel

Choice therapeutic tactics depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the primary tumor, the number, size and location of metastases, as well as the age and general health of the patient.

All methods of treating metastases in Israel can be divided into three groups:

  • Systemic therapy – hormonal, radiation, chemotherapy and other types that systemically affect the body.
  • Local treatment is surgical removal of metastases, as well as local radiation or chemotherapy.
  • Treatment of pain syndrome as palliative therapy.

Depending on the diagnostic data, the patient is offered one or more options:


The advantages of treating metastases in Israel are not only high efficiency therapy and brilliant successes, and at a reasonable price. Prices for diagnosis and treatment in Israel are 30-40% lower compared to other countries Western Europe, which explains the popularity of Israel among foreign patients.

The exact cost of treating metastatic cancer depends on the type of disease, stage, treatment methods and many other factors.

Cancer cells metastasize hematogenously - through the blood

Metastases (from Greek metastasis, movement)– is the spread of tumor cells from the site of origin (primary tumor) to other parts and organs of the patient’s body. There are two main ways of spreading metastases: through the vessels of the lymphatic system ( lymphogenous metastasis) and through the vessels of the circulatory system ( hematogenous metastasis).

Metastases are nothing more than cancer cells that have broken away from the primary tumor and begun their “journey” through the blood vessels. Typically, tumors metastasize at later stages, so it is extremely important to determine whether the identified tumor is primary, or you should carefully examine the body in search of the source of metastasis.

Treatment of metastases

In our cancer center in Kyiv, treatment of cancer metastases is carried out using all methods available in world medicine: modern antitumor chemotherapy, gentle radiation therapy IMRT, low-traumatic surgery, as well as innovative remote radiosurgery using the CyberKnife system. The decision on treatment tactics is made by doctors jointly - at a meeting of an interdisciplinary council, where each specific case of the disease is considered.

But the “gold standard” for the treatment of cancer metastases is bloodless remote radiosurgery using the CyberKnife system, which in Ukraine is available to patients only at the Spizhenko Clinic. In particular, treatment of such spreads is carried out oncological process How:

“Treatment of cancer metastases with CyberKnife is a non-invasive, non-toxic and safe effect on the body, which allows the patient’s body to recover and gain strength before the next stage of treatment of the tumor process,” - radiologist at the Spizhenko Clinic.

Movement of metastases

Tumor cells enter the vessels of the lymphatic and/or circulatory systems after the integrity of the vessels at their point of contact with the tumor is disrupted.

If a tumor cell circulating in the blood or lymph manages to attach to the wall of a vessel or to the organ through which the vessel passes, it penetrates beyond its “transport corridor” and continues uncontrolled reproduction.

Thus, another tumor is formed ( secondary, or metastatic), which can be identified during clinical diagnosis. Upon closer examination, the cell type of this new tumor ( metastasis) matches the cell type primary tumor. Thus, metastatic cells in structure and metabolism, in most cases, correspond to the cells of the primary tumor. In some cases, this helps make cancer treatment more effective - identifying a tumor type that is nonspecific for a given location serves as a signal for further search for the primary tumor focus.

For example, breast cancer most often metastasizes to the lungs. Therefore, when a tumor consisting of abnormal breast cells is detected in the lungs, the oncologist is obliged to take action to detect the primary tumor.

Metastasis is the main (but not the only) sign of tumor malignancy. However, the ability to metastasize various types cancer is different. For example, of the two skin tumors, it metastasizes extremely aggressively, and cases of metastasis of basal cell carcinoma (basal cell skin cancer) are extremely rare.

Relapses and metastases of a malignant tumor are a serious complication, more dangerous to the patient’s life than the primary tumor. Early detection These complications and specialized treatment are the main focus of the fight for the life expectancy of cancer patients.

Features of tumor recurrence and metastasis

Varied clinical observations and the results of statistical studies have proven that the frequency and characteristics of relapses and metastases, which determine the prognosis of the disease, are influenced by the following factors:

  • Tumor stage at the start of specialized treatment

Theoretically, in patients who received radical treatment (surgery or radiosurgery) at the FIRST stage of the disease, tumor cells did not penetrate beyond the tumor into the vessels of the lymphatic or circulatory system. This means there is no reason to expect metastases or tumor recurrence.

Metastases to the skin, the primary tumor is gastric adenocarcinoma

However, there is no accurate information about whether single cells have penetrated into the bloodstream/lymph flow, whether the tumor has been completely excised, or whether a radiosurgical dose of ionizing radiation has been delivered to the full volume of the tumor lesion. CyberKnife or Gamma Knife, no.

Therefore, patients who received treatment at the first stage of cancer are subject to mandatory examinations.

  • Tumor localization

Modern treatment methods make it possible to achieve treatment effectiveness, for example (except for melanoma), of 70-80%. The same figure in patients at the first stage of non-melanoma skin cancer reaches 100%. In this case, the location (localization) of the primary tumor affects only the frequency of metastasis, but also the “targets” to which it “sends” metastases.

Due to the features anatomical structure of each organ, even the location of the tumor in a certain part is a factor influencing the prognosis of spread. For example, if a breast tumor develops in the inner quadrant, the prognosis may be worse than if it is localized in the outer quadrant, etc.

Superficial forms of skin cancer grow slowly, without metastasizing for many years. Tumors of the infiltrative type grow quickly and metastasize early. Unfavorable results of treatment of patients with lung cancer were observed in poorly differentiated forms of cancer. Melanoma metastasizes extremely actively. Exophytic tumors gastrointestinal tract(polypoid, mushroom-shaped) are less malignant than infiltrative forms of cancer of the same organ.

The way the patient received treatment for the primary tumor has a direct impact on the likelihood and nature of metastasis. Modern oncology has repeatedly proven that the greatest effect (including reducing the frequency of relapses and metastases) can be achieved when carrying out combined treatment, which uses a combination of methods: radiosurgery (, Gamma Knife), etc.

  • Patient age

Tumor growth and metastasis in younger people, compared to older patients, proceeds similarly to others biological processes- faster and more intense.

Pathways of metastasis

There are two main ways of metastasis (paths of spread of tumor cells from the primary tumor to other parts of the body).

Lymphogenic pathway- transfer of tumor cells that have grown through the wall lymphatic vessel, with lymph flow to regional (nearby) lymph nodes or distant lymph nodes.

The most common tumors that metastasize by lymphogenous route are:

Hematogenous route metastasis is the transfer of tumor cells from the primary tumor through the bloodstream. The targets of such metastases are the lungs, liver and bones. The following types of tumors most often metastasize by hematogenous route:

  • malignant tumors of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue,
  • hypernephroma,
  • chorionepithelioma.

At the same time, the most frequently registered tumors (lung and bronchial cancer, breast cancer) spread metastases with equal intensity both hematogenously and lymphogenously.

Also, one of the manifestations of metastasis of tumors of the abdominal cavity (stomach cancer) and pelvic cavity (ovarian cancer) is dissemination process along the peritoneum in the form of small "dust" metastases with development asciteshemorrhagic effusion.

Peritoneal cancer is the presence of cancer cells scattered by metastases throughout the peritoneum. In the photo you can see the small intestine, covered with a shiny peritoneum with several small pink implantations of cancer cells (indicated by a blue arrow)

The most predictable is lymphogenous metastasis, which is also the most studied; regional metastases to the lymph nodes are one of the main objects of diagnosis in each case. This allows metastases to the lymph nodes to be detected earlier and treated more effectively.

Lymphogenic metastases

The main “target” of metastasis is neck area, or rather, lymph nodes of the neck, through which lymph flow passes from both the upper part of the body (head, organs chest cavity, upper extremities), and from the structures and organs of the lower half of the human body (abdominal organs, torso, lower extremities).

Due to the peculiarities of the topography of the lymphatic system, the most common “routes” of lymphatic metastasis are the following:

  • Cancer lower lip, anterior parts of the tongue and oral cavity, upper jaw metastasizes primarily to the mental and submandibular lymph nodes;
  • tumors of the posterior parts of the tongue, floor of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, thyroid gland- into the lymph nodes along the neurovascular bundle of the neck;
  • Lung cancer and breast cancer metastasize to the supraclavicular region, to the lymph nodes located outside the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

  • Abdominal cancer metastasizes to the supraclavicular region, to the lymph nodes located inward of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, between and behind its legs
  • metastases of stomach cancer spread so exponentially that metastases to each of the targets have their own classification depending on the “target”: metastases to the lymph nodes in the left supraclavicular region (Virchow’s metastases, Virchow’s nodes), to the lymph nodes of the pelvic region (Schnitzler’s metastases, Schnitzler’s nodes), lymph nodes axillary region (Irish metastasis), ovarian metastasis (Krukenberg metastasis), navel (metastasis from Sister Mary Joseph)

The second place in the frequency of concentration of lymph nodes to which metastases are sent is the axillary region. Their examination is required if the patient has breast cancer, skin cancer of the torso and upper limbs(including melanoma).

Metastases to lymph nodes groin area give rise to malignant tumors of the external genitalia, lower extremities, and sacro-gluteal region.

Hematogenous metastases

Unlike lymphogenous metastases, hematogenous metastases are often multiple and located at a considerable distance from the primary tumor. Most common sources hematogenous metastases in the lungs - malignant ovarian tumors, breast cancer, kidney cancer, osteosarcomas and soft tissue sarcomas. Stomach and pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer, lung cancer, and kidney cancer often metastasize to the liver.

Signs (symptoms) of metastases:

For metastases to various “targets” there are characteristic features, by which the doctor or the patient himself can determine the presence of a metastasis process:

  • lymph nodes: lymphadenopathy;
  • lungs: cough, hemoptysis and shortness of breath;
  • liver: hepatomegaly (liver enlargement), nausea and jaundice;
  • bones: bone pain, fractures of affected bones;
  • brain: neurological symptoms, symptoms such as headaches, seizures and dizziness occur later.

Conversely, metastases to individual “target organs” characterize groups of localizations in which the primary tumor is highly likely to develop:

  • squeezing laryngeal nerve(hoarse speech, whispering, change in voice) may indicate a primary tumor of the esophagus, thyroid gland, lung;
  • pain in the spine, pelvic bones and tubular bones - may be signs of metastases from breast cancer, thyroid cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer.

Tumor recurrence

When monitoring patients who have received treatment for a malignant neoplasm, attention should be paid not only to the development of possible metastases, but also to relapse of the disease - resumption of growth from tumor cells remaining after surgical treatment or after radiation treatment. Relapse can begin from a single tumor cell. As a rule, relapses occur after radical treatment, which used outdated radiation treatment technologies (for example, radiation therapy without visualization of the location of tumors and zones of different doses delivered), surgical intervention performed in a reduced volume due to the location of the tumor or the patient’s condition. However, cases when tumor recurrence occurs from several primary foci located in different parts of the same organ (primary multiplicity) also occur.

One of the tasks of observation after treatment is to identify a probable relapse. That is why patients are strongly advised not to ignore scheduled visits to the Clinic. Methods for determining probable relapse are similar to those used to make the initial diagnosis.

However, the task of timely detection of tumor relapses should be solved not only by the attending physician. As a rule, first notices earlier past symptoms the patient himself. Unfortunately, the psychological aspect, which consists in patients not accepting the likelihood of recurrence of the disease and the associated treatment, leads to untimely contact with an oncologist.

An important role in early diagnosis the possible recurrence of a tumor disease has the attention of family members, friends and relatives of the patient who has received radical treatment. Symptoms such as weakness, swollen lymph nodes, local tenderness, mental disorders, depression, etc. are a signal for an unscheduled visit to an oncologist and an appropriate examination. Moreover, many tumors and their metastases have a number of characteristic symptoms, for example, swelling of the upper extremities in a patient after treatment for breast cancer may be associated not only with scarring of the tissues of the axillary region after surgery, but also with symptoms of growth of metastases in the axillary lymph nodes, lymphostasis in lower limbs in a patient after radical treatment of cervical cancer may also indicate relapse of the disease or the presence of metastases.

Rehabilitation of patients after treatment of metastases and relapses

Rehabilitation of a patient after treatment of malignant tumors is an important component of a comprehensive cancer care. Correct development and implementation of a plan for physiological and psychological rehabilitation- this task should be solved simultaneously with the end of the treatment phase and the beginning of observation to identify possible relapses or metastases.

One of the stages of cancer development is the spread of the tumor to other parts of the human body. About what metastases are, how the process of metastasis occurs, how to treat metastases and whether it is possible to prevent their occurrence, in the material of the radiation therapist of the Spizhenko Clinic Oleg Grigorievich Yarmak.