What is the name of the Scottish Sheepdog breed? Collie - dog breed, tips, secrets, recommendations

The long-haired collie is one of the most beautiful and is also called Scottish Sheepdogs. These are good and kind dogs that are liked by many people, especially children. In this article we will look at the history of this breed. The character of the dogs, their appearance and much more will also be described.

History of the Scottish Sheepdog

Collie has always been considered Although it is called 400 years ago, it was brought from Iceland to Scotland. Therefore, by right the breed should be called Icelandic.

Even earlier, a long-haired collie was needed to guard the herd. And indeed, these dogs did the job very well. Therefore, today many parents are not afraid to entrust their child to a collie, especially if she is trained.

In 1860, the fortunes of Scottish Sheepdogs changed. From England I went on a trip. When she was in Scotland, she noticed a collie there that was very beautiful and noble in appearance. The queen returned home with several shepherd dogs.

Everyone in the royal residence fell in love with this breed. Moreover, the excellent qualities of the collie were noted: intelligence, kindness, tenderness, delicacy, good upbringing. To today Collies have many fans from small children to old people.

The Longhaired Collie became more popular after the famous, interesting film called "Lassie" was released. Then they released a series where they showed a collie that was not only educated, but also devoted to its owner. By the way, it is worth noting that in the film the dog was not idealized, but was shown as it really is.

Collie: description and color

Collie loved by people all over the world. Dogs are very beautiful colors. Collie can be marbled gray-blue color, tricolor and red and white.

In the marbled version, the dog's chest and head are painted light gray, and the back and tail have a blue tint. The tricolor collie is predominantly black. There are very few beige and white colors, but they exist.

Sable is a color that contains red and white colors. There is much more of the first than of the second. Collies with this color can be found more often in Russia than, for example, in England or Scotland.

The coat of Scottish Shepherds is not only beautiful, but also very long, double-layered. Only on the face and lower parts The paws have very short hair.

These dogs do not live as long as we would like. Typically, life expectancy is no more than 12 years. However, these are only statistics. As is known, when good care they can live for 15 or even 17 years.


The Longhaired Collie is a wonderful, kind, sympathetic dog. She is easy to train and quickly becomes a friend and family member. This breed is irreplaceable for children. As a rule, the child is not afraid to play with the dog, and the parents are calm about their baby, since he is under good supervision.

The Scottish Shepherd is kept not only in their own homes, but also in apartments. After all, these dogs are wonderful both as guards and as nannies for children.

The longhaired collie is wonderful dog for the family. These dogs cannot be kept in an empty apartment or country house, as they cannot stand being alone. Even if there are cats, birds or other animals in the family, the collie easily gets along with everyone and even looks after the kittens, which is very interesting to watch.

A collie has no idea that it has one owner. She treats each family member equally. He loves everyone, waits for them from work, from school, and is very happy that finally everyone is home and doesn’t have to wait for anyone. This is why they love the collie breed. Her characteristics are only positive. No one has anything bad to say about this breed.

Predisposition to diseases

In fact, collies are very healthy dogs, they rarely get sick. However, like any living creature, they have a predisposition to certain diseases.

  • Congenital collie eye syndrome. This hereditary disease, which affects vision. The dog doesn't see dark time days, as the retina of the eyes is destroyed. Over time, if sick, the collie begins to see poorly during the day.
  • Entropion. This is a disease in which the edge of the eyelid and all eyelashes are turned towards the eyeball. This causes the dog to have constant irritation and redness of the eyes.
  • Distichiasis. This is an abnormality in which an extra row of eyelashes grows. They affect some parts of the eyelid, causing not only eye irritation, but also gradually loss of vision.
  • Yeast dermatitis. This is a fungus that multiplies quickly, causing your dog to itch.
  • Congenital deafness can be inherited. This disease does not appear on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dog’s heredity.
  • Epilepsy. This neurological dysfunction. This disease is extremely rare in dogs, and not only in purebred dogs.

To avoid the above diseases, it is necessary to get all vaccinations and, at the slightest suspicion, contact a veterinarian, who will immediately find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Choosing a collie puppy

These cute fluffy little balls will not leave any person indifferent. Collie puppies are sold in markets. However, remember that they can be half-blooded. Therefore, always ask the sellers for pedigree.

Most right choice is a certified kennel where collie puppies are sold with all necessary documents. Here you will be shown the parents, their pedigree and given advice on care and upbringing. You won't get this in any market. comprehensive information like in a nursery.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its build and jaw. The body should not be too massive, nor should the jaws. The collie is very gentle and graceful, so it cannot have rough limbs. The puppies' paws are straight, without curvature, and the tail is moderately long.

Wool is an important aspect when choosing. Even in puppies it is straight, bright, long and smooth, but not curly or dull. The coat of small dogs is very pleasant, and the color is rich. White color in puppies may indicate mixed type. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to both pedigree and color.

The puppy from a real purebred Scottish Shepherd is very kind, affectionate, and playful. He has no aggressiveness. Pay attention to friendliness. After all, this is a very important factor in a dog. The friendlier she is, the faster she will become a member of your family. Very beautiful collie puppy. The photo above shows what color they come in.

What nickname to choose for a collie puppy

It is described above what it is service dog. Therefore, it is more acceptable to give short nicknames so that the dog reacts quickly. It is important that the letter “R” is present in the nickname. After all, then the name is more sonorous, which is important for a dog.

Dog handlers recommend the following nicknames for collies: Arnes, Astra, Kirka, Cedric, Lycra, Mink, Laura, Frant, Laur, Lard, Dark, Roy, Bravo, Curry, Sarri, Freda, Madeira, Gerka, Rona. These names will help you name your puppy something that the whole family will like.

Many people name their dogs based on their color scheme. If a collie's color is predominantly black, then it is called English- Black. When there is more red color, the dog is called Orange. Many owners use this method to make it easier to choose a name for the dog.

Collies need a calm atmosphere. They love to bask on the mattress. Long walks are not for her. For this breed, it is enough to get out into the forest once a week. The rest of the time the collie will be happy to walk near the house. Two walks are enough for her (in the morning and evening).

Collie hair is required regular care. It needs to be combed every evening to avoid tangled hairs. Infrequent brushing is bad for the coat. It becomes dull and ugly.

For hair care you need to use special shampoo, which maintains color and shine. If there is very long hair on the paws or belly, trim it, trim it so that the silhouette becomes more harmonious.

Collie food

Puppies up to six months old need to be fed 6 times a day. Then you can gradually switch to three meals a day. Closer to 12 months, the dog is fed 2 times a day. The water needs to be changed every morning to keep it clean.

Collies need to be fed diet food. This is beef, lean chicken, milk, egg, cottage cheese, fish, vegetables. Porridge is the basis of nutrition; you need to add meat, offal, milk, vegetables, fish, and vitamins to it.

Do not overuse dry food, as it is harmful to health. Try to alternate it with cereals. Frequent feeding of dry food becomes addictive, and the dog refuses other food.


The Scottish Shepherd dog easily follows any command. They grasp everything very quickly. The main commands that a collie should know are “fu”, “fetch”, “near”, “to me”, “bring”, “place”. After training, your pet will easily learn to fetch slippers or a newspaper, stand on hind legs, ask to go outside and much more.

A collie will not make a vicious guard, since she has no aggression at all. Therefore, she will not be able to attack the enemy. However, if he sees danger, without any training he will sacrifice himself for the sake of his owner.

Pros and cons of the Longhaired Collie

Scottish Shepherds are very good and friendly dogs. However, in such breeds there are both positive and negative points. The advantages include the dog’s kindness, devotion, and lack of aggression. Therefore, you can safely leave your children with a collie, and you will be sure that the kids are under reliable supervision.

The disadvantages of this breed, although insignificant, still exist. Scottish Sheepdogs have very long hair that requires regular grooming. It is not very convenient to keep such a dog in an apartment. After all, fur is hard to get rid of. People with allergies should not own collies. Plus, these dogs have a very hard time being separated from their owner, even for a few hours.

Look at the collie puppies. The photo shows what a kind and gentle look they have. Is it possible to refuse such a beautiful dog?

After the famous film “Lassie”, Scottish Shepherds became especially popular. The breed gets along well with children and, despite the herding genes, will be able to protect the owner. The collie's appearance is deceiving and behind its cunning fox face hides a serious working breed.

Breed characteristics

History of Scottish Sheepdogs

The collie gets its name from the Dutch word for "helpful." The dog was used in Scotland as a sheep herder. Light and intelligent animals quickly coped with a herd of large cattle and were useful on the farm. The herding instinct is no worse developed in modern collies, and they are used to breed new breeds. The group includes more than twenty various breeds, which were obtained from a Scottish Sheepdog and local dogs. Among the varieties known throughout the world are: Sheltie, Cumberland Sheepdog, Smithfield, English Sheepdog, Bearded Collie, etc.

Description of the shepherd dog

The light breed, with thin paws and an elongated muzzle, is hardy and tolerates long journeys well. The dog is attached to its owner and perceives his entire family as a pack that needs to be taken care of. The dog will not let the children wander off during a walk, but will closely monitor everyone. The breed is suitable as a guide dog for people with limited opportunity, because he has a strong psyche and easily learns any commands. The active and light animal tolerates temperature changes well and is suitable for keeping in an open enclosure. According to the research of the famous dog handler and writer Stanley Coren, the breeds included in the collie group are among the top twenty. The Border Collie takes first place among all in intelligence and devotion.

Breed standard (appearance)

The dog of this breed is found in two types: short-haired and long-haired. Each has its own exterior features.

  • Head. Triangular in shape with an elongated muzzle, the transition from the forehead to the nose is smoothed.
  • Eyes. Almond-shaped from light brown to black.
  • Ears. High-ranking, regular triangular shape. The tips of the ears should hang forward ⅓. But puppies’ ears are delicate, and if you constantly stroke the dog’s head, the ears will stand up and it will be difficult to put them in the correct shape.
  • Tail. Straight saber-shaped, the tip is raised upward. According to the standard, the tail should not curl into a ring.
  • Wool. Dense coat with fluffy and soft undercoat. The long-haired breed has long, soft-to-touch fur and a fox-like tail. The paws have a characteristic fringe. The smooth coat has a thick, hard coat and a dense undercoat. The coat fits tightly to the body and reliably protects the dog from humidity, cold wind, and heat.
  • Colors. There are three color types of long-haired collies: sable, tri-color and blue merle. Sable color can range from fiery red to light sand. Tricolors have black and red markings on the head and paws, less often on the body. The blue merle or merle color is distinguished by its noble silver color with dark spots, black or gray. According to their exterior, merle dogs should have red spots on their paws and head, but their absence is not considered a deviation from the norm. All three colors of the longhaired breed have a chic white collar, which can be whole or broken in one place, a tassel at the end of the tail and white socks on the paws. On hind legs V white Only the very tips are colored, the front ones are highly colored, almost up to the elbow.
  • Paws. Thin, tall, almost straight. The gait is calm with sweeping movements.
  • Back. Straight, no sagging.
  • Height at withers. For males from 56 to 61 cm, for females from 51 to 56 cm.
  • Weight of an adult dog. From 19 to 34 kg, depending on the gender and appearance of the dog.
  • Bite. Standard scissor. But because anatomical features muzzle bites the enemy with his front teeth. This helped the dog pull cattle out of a hole or hole without biting them.

Collie character

The breed includes several varieties of dogs that share common characteristics:

  • the shepherd is attached to its owner, but by the age of one and a half years the cables try to dominate, so toughness of character is required in education;
  • the shepherd instinct is in the animal’s blood, so the dog does not tolerate it when its family disperses different sides. He will run vigorously and gather the whole family while picking mushrooms, walking in the forest or park;
  • treat other animals in the house well. He will not chase strange cats on the street, only in the most extreme cases when you get bored;
  • long-haired dogs are less active and do not like long games; short-haired dogs, on the contrary, prefer to run and jump endlessly;
  • the breed is not suitable for keeping on a chain, since the breed needs to run at least 3 km per day;
  • loves water and has a desire to swim in open waters in summer;
  • the dog accepts children well and will play various games with them, steadfastly endures being grabbed by its fluffy tail or hugging its long muzzle;
  • The dog is smart and remembers commands well; the breed often takes part in circus performances and is suitable as a guide dog. A good choice for beginner hobbyists;
  • have a keen sense of smell and are used to find people under rubble;
  • the dog has good endurance and is suitable as a companion for older people;
  • Be wary of strangers and will monitor the owner’s attitude towards another person. If the owner shows complacency, the dog calms down and even allows himself to be petted;
  • A vindictive breed, it remembers its offenders and can bite on the sly after some time.

A collie will be a great friend for your child and will brighten up the days of an elderly person, but the dog needs a daily walk without a leash. The medium size and light shape allow you to keep a dog, but before buying a puppy you should take into account the animal’s thick undercoat. During shedding, dog hair will be everywhere, including the bed. Therefore, the breed is not suitable for lovers of ideal cleanliness in the house and people with a tendency to allergies.

Caring for a Scottish Sheepdog

A dog with a thick and long hair requires special care:

  1. Once every two days, the animal’s fur is combed with a special metal brush. During shedding, the dog needs to be brushed several times a day. A smooth-haired dog is also combed with a special metal comb; a brush with natural bristles will not comb the soft undercoat.
  2. The fringe on the front legs, fluffy pants and the tail of a long-haired dog constantly collects burrs, string seeds, and small sticks during walks. After each walk, the paws and tail are cleaned.
  3. IN summer time Ticks can get into the animal’s thick fur, so before the walk the animal is treated with a special spray.
  4. Once a month for a dog, since the dog is active during walks and can damage its toes.
  5. Once a year, the wool is washed with a special mild shampoo. Long-haired dogs are additionally rinsed with a special detangling balm.
  6. Eyes and ears are wiped once every three days. Any antiseptics are used for processing.

Immediately after the puppy arrives in the house, a place for a bed is selected. The rug should not be too soft or hard. When lying on a hard surface, the dog develops calluses on the elbows, which can fester and hurt.

Separately select a place for bowls for food and water. The bowls are placed on a special stand so that the dog does not have to bend down and wipe the floor near the bowls with a white collar every time.

Diseases and their prevention

The Collie was bred for herding and the dog has good immunity to various viral diseases. Up to 6 months, the puppy is vaccinated against hepatitis, distemper and enteritis. Additionally, a rabies vaccination is given annually.

The long-haired breed is susceptible to various skin diseases:

  • allergic reaction to food, most often manifested by chicken, some types of cereals and vegetables;
  • staphylococcal skin infection. The animal's ears are the first to suffer. As a preventative measure, constant care of the dog is necessary;
  • dermatitis in the background too high temperature in the apartment. Treat using ointments: Ranosan, Baksinova, Diclorex

It is necessary to vaccinate your dog once a year. The date of vaccination and the drugs used are recorded in the veterinary passport.

Collie training

Collies are easy to train, and even an inexperienced amateur can teach a puppy basic commands: Sit, Come to me, Fu. But immediately after the puppy appears in the house, a nickname is chosen for him. It is better to name a dog with a sonorous and common nickname. The puppy learns its name during play and feeding. When the dog begins to respond to its name, it is necessary to praise it. Collies are an emotional breed and any command executed should be encouraged by your violent reaction.

After the puppy learns basic commands and remembers his name well, he is enrolled in OKD. During the main course, an experienced dog handler will show you how to properly teach a dog to walk next to its owner and perform other basic commands.

Attention! A strict metal collar is not suitable for training the breed. It will damage the dog's gorgeous white collar.

It will be useful:

    The puppy has good appetite, but is prone to overeating. It is important to control the dosage of food. It is easier to feed the animal with ready-made dry food, which contains: sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals. According to owner reviews, the following food brands are suitable for Collies: Vet Life Dog Hypoallergenic Egg & Rice, Vet Life Dog UltraHypo, medium adult sensitive skin.

    A dog's diet on regular food should include the following foods:

    • sea ​​fish;
    • lean meat: beef, veal, rabbit, turkey;
    • offal and cartilage;
    • cereals: buckwheat, rice, rolled oats;
    • eggs;
    • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream.

    Can't be given to a dog potato, onions, chicken, fatty varieties meat.

    The serving size depends on the age of the dog:

    • from 1 to 3 months - serving no more than 200 ml. Up to 5 feedings per day with a 3-hour break. Complementary feeding should begin with formula milk and liquid porridge. By three months they switch to porridge cooked in low-fat meat broth. Every day one feeding is replaced with cottage cheese, kefir;
    • from 3 to 6 months - 3-4 feedings per day, 350-450 ml. Added to the diet meat products, eggs;
    • from 6 months to 1 year - the puppy is gradually transferred to two meals a day. Offal and cartilage are added to the diet.

    For dogs on natural and mixed food, vitamins and minerals are added to the diet: Zoovit Balance, Brewer's yeast from Excel.


    Collie photo

    In the photo the sable color of the collie, with a predominant orange. This color was used in the filming of the movie Lassie.

    Marbled dogs look truly aristocratic. Dogs are sleeker and smaller in size.

    A smooth-haired dog is much more active than its long-haired relative. The dog looks stocky and larger.

The Collie, or Scottish Sheepdog, is a working dog breed with ancient historical roots. Despite its name, it was brought to Scotland from Iceland about 400 years ago. She has always been valued by both commoners and nobles for her external beauty and easy-going disposition. If earlier its main purpose was to herd flocks of sheep, now it is a devoted friend and companion. Gets along well at home with frequent walking.

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    History of the breed

    In Scotland, collies were brought from Iceland. Further spread around the world occurred due to nomadic tribes. Her ancestors looked more compact and were predominantly black in color. The original purpose of the breed is to guard and herd sheep flocks. Over the years, these qualities have been constantly improved by breeders. Therefore, herding instincts are fixed at the genetic level in them.

    The emphasis was not on the exterior, but on service characteristics: lack of aggression towards animals and people, high performance, endurance, responsibility.

    Scottish Shepherds owe their spread to the interest of Queen Victoria, who brought several representatives of the breed to England. They gained popularity quickly enough, and breeders began breeding them. In 1860, collies were introduced to the public as a versatile breed. By the end of the 80s. came to America, and in 1986 the first club for Scottish Shepherd lovers opened.

    Interesting facts:

    • As collies became popular and spread throughout much of Europe, the French began to use them in police service due to their keen sense of smell and good sense of smell.
    • In the Second world war Russia purchased collies in batches for use as orderlies and rescuers.
    • Dogs shed once a year, but the fur accumulated over the entire period is enough to knit a sweater for an adult.
    • Collie wool is considered healing, and products made from it are used in the treatment of rheumatism.


    Several breeds are called Scottish Sheepdogs. The most striking of them are the border collie and the bearded collie. There are other types - long-haired and short-haired, about which there is still debate among dog handlers.

    The Collie is a strong, graceful and active dog.. An adult weighs about 25–30 kg with a height of 50–60 cm at the withers. Bitches are usually smaller than males. According to the description of the breed, the physique is strong, muscular, and lean. According to the standard, a collie looks like this:

    • head has a cone-shaped elongated shape, with smoothly flowing outlines. The narrowing is observed from the ears to the black tip of the nose. The forehead is flat. The jaw is well developed, with strong teeth and a scissor bite.
    • Ears set high, triangular. In a calm state, pressed, when interested - erect, but with drooping tips.
    • Neck graceful, elongated, with a slight bend.
    • Rib cage wide, low rise. The stomach is taut. The back is flat, with an increase in the sacrum area.
    • Eyes kind and expressive, small in size, almond-shaped. They have an oblique cut. Usually brown color, but there are blue-eyed ones.
    • Tail long and fluffy, drooping when walking.
    • Limbs muscular, powerful, smooth. Paw pads are tightly packed.
    • Wool long, thick, with a dense and uniform undercoat. It forms a kind of mane on the cheeks, nape and thighs.

    There are three standard colors:

    1. 1. Sand white- all shades from beige to orange.
    2. 2. Tricolor- advantage of black color, with occasional splashes of red.
    3. 3. Blue- light tones of silver, marble or resin, with darker tan.

    All colors are characterized by large white spots.

    Among the advantages of the breed are:

    • beauty and aristocratic appearance;
    • kind attitude towards children;
    • high mental abilities;
    • good health;
    • devotion;
    • stable psyche.

    Character and habits

    Scottish Sheepdogs differ from other wolfhounds in their balanced character type.. Initially, they were instilled with the instinct of an adequate assistant, capable of protecting their charges and their owner in case of danger. Today, collies have begun to be used as companion dogs, while trying to preserve the original qualities of the breed. In the modern description of the character of dogs, the following characteristics are present:

    • gentleness;
    • friendliness;
    • restraint;
    • calmness.

    Together with their intelligence and ease of training, such animals are also attracted as guides, assistants for the elderly, and orderlies. These are good watchdogs without a hint of aggressiveness.

    Collies are good-natured when interacting with people, and are especially kind to children.. They not only tolerate their pranks and indulge them in everything, but take on the role of caring guardians and faithful comrades. They often share some of the responsibility with adults, turning into a vigilant nanny. They treat other pets as if they were their own herd, trying to take them under their care as well. They behave warily with strangers.

    Since in modern world Collies do not serve as shepherds, so they are not required to have high physical endurance. However, this fact does not cancel daily walks on fresh air with active games. Without this, the pet begins to mope, which manifests itself:

    • sudden change in mood;
    • irritability;
    • the desire to gnaw something from the owner’s personal belongings.

    With enough attention from the owner and family members, the collie will not bother anyone.

    Dogs are endowed with truly royal manners and a sense of delicacy. Therefore, they may be offended by a sharp shout or tugging on the leash. Despite their impressive dimensions, they love affection, love, and are ready to respond in kind. Collie is a devoted friend.

    They are obedient and do not do anything against the will of their owner. They do not attempt to run away from home, as they consider it their duty to always be nearby. They are happy to accompany you on any hikes and trips. During a walk, they do not tolerate it when they move a long distance away from them - this is how the shepherd instinct comes into play.


    Collies are endowed strong immunity and rarely get sick. Congenital diseases no, but purchased ones are possible:

    It's important to do everything necessary vaccinations, since there are quite a few dangerous diseases, not amenable to treatment. A similar procedure They take place three times a year until the age of one, then once is enough.

    The collie gets along comfortably both in a city apartment and a country house. The main thing is to have daily long walks and company. Despite having thick and long hair, grooming is not particularly difficult. It does not roll into tangles due to its rough structure. It is enough to brush your dog once a week with a special brush. When molting, remove the undercoat with a slicker. Particular attention is paid to the areas: behind the ears, under the chin, on the chest and hips.

    Bath when dirty. It is advisable not to wash your dog too often - this leads to loss of stiffness in the hair.. Representatives of the show class who attend various exhibitions require more careful care. They begin to be shown at two years of age, since only at this age does the fur acquire the required length.

    Ears and eyes cleanse wet swabs. IN ears cut off excessively overgrown hair that clogs the canal. The claws are periodically trimmed using special pliers. Teeth are taught to brush from puppyhood, and in addition they are given cleansing dry food and special toys.


    The Scots are unpretentious when it comes to food, but adherence to a certain regime is necessary. The following feeding schedule applies to puppies:

    1. 1. Up to 2 months, feed 6 times a day.
    2. 2. At 3–4 months they transfer to four times.
    3. 3. By the age of eight months, there should be no more than three feedings.
    4. 4. At 1.5 years old, the puppy eats like an adult - twice a day.

    Owners choose at their discretion natural diet or ready-made dry food. IN the latter case it is important to choose the right compositions that are most suitable for large dogs. Don't forget about long hair, which needs appropriate supplements.

    When is preference given natural food, then the menu looks like this:

    • chicken and pork bones;
    • boiled potatoes;
    • raw eggs;
    • lean meat: beef, veal, turkey, rabbit;
    • raw sea fish;
    • pasta;
    • cereals;
    • bakery.

    The emphasis is on meat, preferably raw. Fish is given twice a week in any form. Cereal porridge is cooked every day in water, mixed with chopped vegetables and other ingredients. Season with herbs and vegetable oil.

    Babies are additionally fed milk, but from 3 months they switch to fermented milk products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural yogurt, kefir. The main thing is that the composition does not contain sugar or artificial ingredients. You cannot feed from a human table, as the dog quickly gets used to it and begins to constantly beg.

    Training and education

    Scottish Shepherds are endowed with high intelligence, which facilitates the learning and training process. Competent approach with early age allows you to raise a pet that understands the owner perfectly and has good manners in any society. Accustoming to order and rules in the house begins from the first days of the puppy's appearance. First of all, they give a nickname and point to their place. Any completed command is rewarded with affectionate stroking and treats.

    During training, violence and rudeness are avoided. A severe reprimand is enough for the dog to understand its mistake.

    After firmly mastering the nicknames, they begin to practice cleanliness skills:

    • at the slightest attempt, the puppy is taken outside to relieve itself;
    • Accustomed to a certain walking regime: in the morning, after meals and in the evening.

    Punishments are unacceptable if a child urinates in the apartment. At this age they are not yet able to control bladder, the process stabilizes by 5–6 months.

    From 1.5 months they develop patience with hygiene procedures, such as washing paws, cleaning ears, eyes and teeth, combing, drying. Training begins with elementary commands: “come to me,” “place,” “walk.” By two months they switch to more complex commands: “lie down”, “stand”, “sit”, “no”. During this same period, they begin socialization, which concerns communication skills not only with people, but also with other dogs. Otherwise, the pet grows up timid and overly cautious.

    At approximately 14–16 weeks, the puppy begins to show leadership qualities.

    By the age of six months, when the initial skills have been mastered, serious training begins. These dogs are easily given any science, including guard duty. Depending on the purpose, a specific course is chosen:

    • general training course (GTC);
    • companion dog (VN);
    • managed city ​​dog(UGS);
    • sport herding;
    • Frisbee;
    • dancing with dogs;
    • search and rescue service (SRS);
    • agility;
    • obedience.

    Buying puppies

    Collie puppies are funny, clumsy and not at all like the graceful adults. Only experienced dog breeders can recognize these babies Scottish breed. Puppies develop rather slowly, so they reach the peak of perfection only at two years.

    To buy a purebred pet, it is recommended to contact only experienced breeders or official nurseries. A conscientious dog breeder who breeds collies focuses not only on the exterior, but also on behavioral qualities. Puppies should be raised without harshness, so that the good nature of their character does not disappear.

    The estimated cost of puppies of this breed is $500-2000.

    Nowadays the Internet is full of advertisements for the sale of collies, but in most cases these are half-breeds. In a certified establishment, purebred animals are guaranteed to be sold with the necessary accompanying documentation and a veterinary passport, with a vaccination schedule. Here you can personally meet the parents of the chosen pet and evaluate the conditions of temporary residence.

    When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the presence of a number of indicators:

    • body proportionality;
    • absence overweight and massive skeleton;
    • evenness of paws;
    • long tail;
    • high set ears.

    Healthy puppies should have thick, dense, silky hair. Excessive curliness, disheveled appearance and dull color are unacceptable. Rich colors are welcome, preferably dark shades.

    Scottish Shepherds are monogamous and immediately become attached to their owner. Co adult dog It is much more difficult to establish close contact. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase babies under the age of 3–4 months.

The collie is descended from the Scottish herd dogs. After the Roman conquest, the invaders' dogs were crossed with local breeds (short-haired and long-haired herding dogs). The result was a magnificent animal with a proud posture. The breed originated in Scotland in late XVIII V. In addition to excellent herding qualities, collies have proven themselves in almost all services - sledding, guard, rescue and search. The first collies were brought to Russia in 1904 and became famous as ambulance dogs during the Russo-Japanese War.

Video: Scottish Collie


The long-haired collie has a strong body, rectangular in format, with a dry neck, deep chest, rounded ribs, straight back, slightly convex loin.

The head is wedge-shaped, chiseled, elongated, of proportional size. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size, dark brown in color. Blue Merle dogs have blue or blue speckles. The ears are directed forward, with a “kink”, semi-erect, widely spaced, medium in size.

The tail is long, reaching to the hocks, and the dog usually carries it down. The limbs are dry and muscular, with oval paws and tightly clenched toes.

The coat of long-haired collies is straight and hard, thick, there is a mane and frill, feathering and trousers on the paws. The tail is fluffy. The recognized colors are sable (light golden to mahogany), tri-color (predominantly black with tan markings on the head and legs and with a white collar), blue merle (blue-gray merle, sometimes with a black speckled pattern).


Collie is a smart, intelligent, active and sociable dog with developed intelligence. Excellently brought up and trained, but with patience, gentleness and perseverance. She always tries to achieve the praise of her owner, she is sensitive and affectionate. I am pleased to take part in active games. The collie is usually balanced, but can also be overly timid or temperamental and needs constant movement and physical activity. She is inquisitive, does not treat strangers very kindly, but does not show aggression. Loves to bark.

Specialization and content features

Excellent Scottish Collie herding dog. It is very popular as a companion and pet, and in lately It also became widespread as a decorative plant due to its impressive appearance. Can successfully perform in sporting competitions and be used as a guide dog.

Can live in an apartment, but best of all - on a personal plot. She needs long walks every day physical activity. For grooming, the coat should be brushed twice a week.

The collie dog breed is distinguished not only by its luxurious coat and unforgettable appearance. This long-haired shepherd has truly working qualities.

Appearance characteristics

In the photo of a collie dog you can see large ears, expressive eyes, a narrow, elongated muzzle, the bite is almost always correct, the shape of the eyes is almond-shaped, the color is brown, red, even reddish.

Ears have predominantly triangular shape, stand at 2/3, and the ends hang down.

Based on the type of coat color, the following types are distinguished:

  • Sable. The color of the coat is brownish-yellow, the inside of the down is white.
  • Mahogany. The coat color is wheat-gold or rich brown.
  • Puke merle. The main color is white with admixtures of black and pockmarked shades.
  • Tricolor. Coat color is whitish, black and brown.

Character traits and training

Collie dog puppies are very energetic, active, mobile, they love to walk and play with their own kind. As a Border Collie dog grows up, its temperament changes. She becomes more reserved, but continues to remain friendly to her relatives.

The animal never attacks unless absolutely necessary. When protecting its owner, the dog prefers to stand on the defensive rather than attack.

The family's favorite always becomes attached to all family members, adopts the habits of its owner, tries to help with housework, for example, taking out the trash, helping to pull out rugs during cleaning. They show a friendly attitude towards strangers and children, without aggression.

The four-legged friend's ability to train is very high. This breed of dog is the standard in obedience and speed of learning. They can not only absorb general commands, but also enjoy learning household chores on their own (bringing slippers, newspapers).

Modern collies have herding skills, just like their ancestors. The only disadvantage of keeping such an animal is that the fur is too long, which must be carefully looked after.

Features of care and maintenance

Many collie owners prefer not to keep their pets in an enclosure; keeping such an animal in an apartment is also problematic, since balls of hair will be everywhere.

It is best to purchase such a pet in a private yard, where you can provide it with the most comfortable living conditions.

Grooming conditions require regular brushing of long hair, optimally every other day. When your dog begins to shed, you need to brush it daily.

It is recommended to carry out water treatments for your pet in the warm season, since long hair takes a very long time to dry. In the cold season, in order to protect the animal’s fur from contamination, it is recommended to use special dog outfits during walks.

It is very important to pay close attention to your dog's eyes. They need to be systematically examined and visual acuity checked. Clean your ears as they become dirty.

It is also necessary to systematically examine the oral cavity, examine the teeth for chips and the presence of tartar. If a reddish coating or difficulty chewing appears, you should immediately visit a veterinarian.

The ears should stand two-thirds full, and the tips should hang down slightly. When changing teeth, the ears do not fall off.

Features of the diet

This dog breed needs special attention to your diet. Food should not be given common table, it is also unacceptable to overfeed the animal.

If there are no allergic reactions, you can keep your pet on natural products.


The average lifespan of a collie dog is 12 to 16 years. Puppies need timely vaccination; they are often exposed to distemper and various intestinal infections.

Problems with the animal's vision may also occur. Sometimes this can happen congenital pathology like deafness.

On the skin of representatives of this breed, under long hair, various pathogenic microorganisms can live, which cause various diseases skin. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of your pet’s coat and skin and prevent the formation of fungi and dermatitis.

It is important to visit your veterinarian regularly for a thorough examination of the coat, ears, eyes and oral cavity animal. This will prevent any content issues from occurring.

When choosing such a pet, you need to remember that this noble breed is an excellent accompaniment during hunting and fishing trips.

In addition, in families with small children, such an animal will become a favorite; it is non-aggressive and friendly to all family members.

Photo of collie dog