How to polish glasses lenses from scratches. How to polish glass sunglasses

Is it possible to polish glasses from scratches and different types damage? Where did at-home polishing methods come from?

When a person sees that his vision is starting to falter a little, he does right action- goes for a consultation with an ophthalmologist. However, if the spectacle lens is damaged or scratches are found, people try to deal with this problem themselves. They resort to the advice of their loved ones and recommendations of similar articles on the Internet, which are written by people who do not have a medical education.

Phenomenal, but true! People are willing to pay a lot of money for high-quality lens material and reliable frames because they are concerned about eye health. When the glasses have served their purpose and have scratches, we forget for what purpose we purchased them and begin to skimp on replacing them. We remain of the opinion that everything can be corrected independently, without knowledge of the structure of the lens, the composition of the material and reactions under various influences on it.

The Internet is abuzz with a number of methods on how to polish a spectacle lens, be it polymer or glass. They are silent about the quality of the lens after the actions taken.

So, what scratch removal options are offered on the Internet?

Toothpaste, baking soda, glass cleaner, car wax, copper and silver polish, Vaseline, wood polish, cigarette ash, wax. And the list doesn’t end with this list! If no methods help, they suggest using products that will fill the scratches, making them less noticeable.

Shockingly, many people actually believe that these methods are effective and safe! Ignorance of basic knowledge can worsen your vision by wearing polished glasses with your own hands.

What happens to the lens when such operations are performed?

If spectacle lenses scratched, then, unfortunately, it is impossible to fix it with polishing. You will disrupt the geometry of the lens and instead of seeing the correct image through a scratched lens, you will see distorted objects through a smooth lens.

On plastic lenses However, polishing will damage the coatings that are always applied to organic lenses and thereby improve their optical properties. The scratch may be less noticeable, but it will not disappear, and the lens itself will become cloudy and image quality will deteriorate. Mineral lenses, in better case, polishing will not do anything, at worst, additional scratches may appear from microparticles of rubbed products.

Unfortunately, if scratches are found on the lenses, all that remains is to replace them. You can clean the lenses with a microfiber cloth and a special spray.

If you find yourself in such a situation, be prudent and do not believe everything that is written on the Internet. Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and ask him all the questions that concern you. After all, who else knows how important eye health is!

Glasses for vision correction and sun protection must be stored according to the rules, otherwise scratches will inevitably appear on the lenses over time. Violation of recommendations reduces the service life of accessories and negatively affects vision and comfort when using glasses.

Scratches and hairline cracks are a common problem, especially when using inexpensive plastic lenses. It is no coincidence that doctors and stylists advise purchasing high-quality accessories made of glass or special material that is resistant to abrasive elements. How to remove scratches from glasses at home? There are several proven methods. You should always consult with specialists at Vision Centers so as not to ruin your glasses, especially with expensive lenses.

Why do scratches appear on glasses?

The main factor is non-compliance with the rules for storing glasses. Despite the presence of a case and a special cloth with a smooth surface, many people place this important accessory directly on a table, bed, bench, other objects or furniture that may have uneven places.

The result of contact of lenses with rough fabric, wood, plastic, dense pile, tiny grains of sand and specks on the surface is the appearance of microcracks and scratches. The more often a person ignores the presence of a case, the higher the risk of damage to the sensitive surface of the lenses. Even glasses made of high-quality glass lose transparency over time due to scratches and microcracks.

Another factor is using the wrong lens cloth. In Optika salons you can purchase the finest microfiber with minimal pores and no lint. The material perfectly polishes lenses made of any material, removes traces of sweat, stains, dust, and other types of accidental contaminants.

You cannot replace microfiber with a linen or waffle towel, cotton or knitted fabric, or cotton pads. Only fabric with a special weave and a perfectly smooth surface will not damage the lenses during daily care and periodic polishing at home.

Reluctance to take a case for glasses with you. In a hurry, some people often put their vision correction glasses or sun protection glasses in a bag without a case. The risk of scratches sharply increases in a compartment in which documents, a wallet, a cosmetic bag, keys, and other items are located, and glasses without a protective case lie nearby. The more often it repeats similar situation, the sooner the vision accessory will lose its performance.

How to remove

Scratches from glass glasses not easy to remove. Getting rid of microcracks on a plastic surface is also quite difficult. The best option- take your glasses to the workshop at the Optics salon for high-quality and safe lens polishing.

Independent attempts to remove scratches from plastic glasses, other options for products for vision correction and eye protection from sun rays often turn out to be unsuccessful. The sensitive surface of lenses is often damaged, becoming cloudy or rough when using “proven” methods from would-be advisers. Unfortunately, inappropriate ways to deal with scratches are easy to find on the Internet.

Not all readers think about what will happen if you rub your lenses with a mixture of water and soda. The grains can easily scratch the surface of glass or plastic; use strong soda solution cleans lenses, but, at the same time, can lead to the appearance of persistent plaque and a decrease in the degree of transparency.

Pay attention! The same points apply to the question of how to remove scratches from sunglasses.

Storage rules

Important details:

  • Maintenance of accessories should be regular. You need to wipe your lenses every day with microfiber with the smallest pores, use special liquids to care for the glass or plastic surfaces of your glasses;
  • When washing a soft cloth for lens care, you cannot use all types detergents: tiny particles later they end up on the glass and streaks appear;
  • If you don’t have a microfiber cloth, you can wash the lenses with cool water with some soap suds, rinse the glasses thoroughly, and wipe them dry with a soft cloth, for example, flannel;
  • You cannot put glasses for temporary storage or during a break between reading literature or watching TV with lenses on a table or other surface;
  • To store glasses for vision correction, you definitely need a case, inside of which there is soft microfiber for cleaning the lenses;
  • sunglasses often sold without a case, especially inexpensive models. You can avoid scratches on glass or special plastic if you carefully place the accessory with the lenses facing up or place your glasses so that they do not fall due to accidental movements. The best option is to select a box with a soft bottom for storing products;
  • Doctors do not recommend wearing cheap plastic for sun protection: it harms vision. With strong temperature fluctuations, inexpensive accessories for protecting eyes from sunlight may lose quality: the surface cracks, the top layer of material peels off;
  • You should not wear glasses in a sauna or bathhouse: exposure to steam negatively affects even the highest quality products.
  • You should never wipe lenses with compounds containing abrasive particles in the hope of getting rid of microcracks. Only a special type of lens polish can be used for this purpose.

If stored improperly, microcracks often appear on the lenses. Before you start experimenting and decide how to remove scratches from glasses, you need to visit the Optics salon and consult with specialists. Do not rub glass or plastic surfaces with products whose usefulness may be questionable. Only special types lens treatment fluids, approved by specialists, give positive result. If there are multiple scratches and microcracks, the ophthalmologist will probably recommend replacing one or two lenses and tell you the rules for storing glasses. By taking into account errors can be avoided repeat violation integrity of lens surfaces.

Is it possible to remove scratches from glasses and how to polish the lenses? Useful tips in the following video:

The formation of small scratches on glasses not only spoils the mood of their owner, but also worsens appearance accessory and visibility through it. However, such defects are not a reason to get upset, throw away your glasses and buy new ones. You can fix the problem by returning the glasses to their previous appearance yourself.

Minor damage in the form of scratches can appear on the eyepieces not only of children who are careless with this accessory, but also of adults who carefully store this item. The fact is that small cracks form both during active use of the lenses and during their storage - when worn in clothing pockets without a protective case.

During the use of the accessory, micro-dust, invisible to the eye, accumulates near its frame, and during wiping it scratches the material from which the lenses are made. Also, when actively wearing glasses, sand, which has strong abrasive properties, can get on them.

Getting rid of scratches

The formation of scratches on your favorite glasses is not a reason to say goodbye to them and not a reason to buy new ones. You can clean your glasses from scratches in normal home conditions if you strictly follow a few simple tips.

Plastic glasses

If small scratches spoil the attractiveness of eyepieces made of plastic, the easiest way to get rid of such a defect is to use ordinary toothpaste.

It is important to remember that a paste that does not contain abrasive particles is suitable for such purposes.

After squeezing a small amount of paste from the tube onto your finger, it is slowly rubbed into the damaged area using successive circular movements. Then the glasses should be wiped with a damp cotton wool roller. In cases where the scratches are deeper, the manipulation of the paste should be repeated a couple more times.


Almost every home has a wood furniture polish. It will also help remove small cracks. After sprinkling the glasses with this substance, you need to take small quantity Vaseline and rub the lenses with it. The mixture is rubbed until the scratches disappear.

Instead of wood polish, you can use similar substance for cleaning items made of silver, brass or copper. The mixture is sprayed onto the surface of the glasses, rubbed in a little, and then, using a piece of dry and uncontaminated cloth, remove unnecessary residues. This procedure must be repeated until the scratches are no longer visible.

CD Spray

Plastic eyepieces can be restored to their neat appearance by using a computer CD cleaning spray. After applying the liquid to the damaged surface of the lenses, the glasses should be wiped with a dry and clean cloth made of soft fabric.

Car wax and washer

Wax, which motorists use when... repair work on the body of the car. This substance must be rubbed in a circular motion into the scratched areas and wait until the damage disappears. Excess wax is removed with a cotton roller or a piece of soft cloth.

To “repair” plastic glasses, you can use another tool from the arsenal of motorists - glass washer. This product smoothes out most microscopic irregularities, and lenses treated with washer will fog up less.

Glass glasses

You can get rid of scratches on glasses with glass lenses using the same polishes, computer spray and toothpaste. However, one of the best and most popular methods for eliminating defects on glass is the use of GOI technical paste. It is made from chromium oxides and is sold in almost all hardware stores. To eliminate scratches, in addition to the paste itself, you will also need:

  • polishing material (felt, felt, cloth flap);
  • medical cotton wool (dry rag);
  • a little bit of any vegetable oil;
  • grinding machine.

GOI paste is applied to the polishing material mounted on the grinder and, using low speeds, the damaged surface is polished. Then, after lubricating the glass with any vegetable oil, wipe the lenses with a dry cloth or cotton wool roller.

If you don't have a grinder, you can use a shaving machine. And if it’s not there, treat the damaged area manually. IN the latter case The paste is applied to the polishing material and rubbed onto the surface of the glasses in a circular motion. The polishing agent must be distributed over the entire surface. The remaining paste is removed with a dry piece of cloth.

Diopter glasses

The most difficult thing (or rather, simply impossible) is to remove scratches on glasses with diopters used for eye treatment and vision correction. It is prohibited to polish such products, as their healing functions may be damaged. Glasses with mirror, anti-reflective, and darkening coatings cannot be polished either. By acting on them mechanically, such a coating can be erased. Accordingly, if scratches appear on lenses with diopters or with a special coating, such glasses must be replaced.


Lead to normal look sunglasses after scratches appear on them, the same polish for metal products, toothpaste, car wax will help. The method of their use is similar to the restoration of plastic products.

You can also use sunglasses to return them to their normal appearance. baking soda. To do this, you need to prepare a mixture of soda and water, which in its consistency would resemble fatty sour cream. Using a piece of cloth or a cotton roller, cover the scratched areas with it, and after 15 seconds, rinse thoroughly with water. Baking soda not only helps smooth uneven surfaces, but also disinfects them, making the glass more transparent.

In order not to think about how to clean glasses from scratches, it is advisable to adhere to simple tips during their storage and daily use.

  1. When purchasing an accessory, you should pay attention to whether the model you like has a special film to protect it from scratches.
  2. You should not carry glasses in your pockets or in a bag without a special case or hard case.
  3. If you have any doubts that the scratches on your glasses can be removed on your own, it is better to immediately seek help from qualified specialist. Quite often, employees of the optical store where the product was purchased agree to restore its appearance free of charge (accordingly, you need to keep a receipt confirming the purchase).
  4. Do not leave glasses in inappropriate places without a protective case. You should also wipe the glass with special wipes from time to time.

Many sunglasses owners often wonder: how to remove scratches from glasses? After all, no matter how carefully we handle such an accessory, abrasions and small scratches still appear on them over time.

And this not only spoils the appearance, but also leads to poor visibility. As a result, the eyes are under tension.

So what should you do to polish your glasses? And can this be done at home?

In most cases, it is possible to remove scratches from glasses. The means and methods depend on the materials from which the accessories are made.

Let's find out how to remove scratches from sunglasses and vision glasses?

There are several ways to polish the glass on your glasses. True, they help get rid of shallow damage on glass lenses in sunscreens and optical glasses. Before you remove scratches from your glasses, remember these simple rules.

  1. Polishing glasses lenses from scratches takes at least half an hour, so be patient.
  2. Movements should be smooth, light, soft. Before polishing, wash the glass in warm soapy water. The soap product should not contain an abrasive component.
  3. When polishing, do not use paper, as this may further aggravate the problem.

Now you can learn about the methods. Let's highlight the most popular and effective ones.

This method eliminates minor, minor defects. The paste should not have an abrasive component.

Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to the surface of the glass. Rub until the indentations on the surface disappear, starting from the edges and gradually moving towards the center.

Then rinse with warm water and clean the glass with a soft, damp cloth. Tooth powder can be used similarly for polishing.

Method with GOI polishing paste

This method effectively helps to polish glasses lenses at home. Buy GOI paste No. 80. For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll explain. This paste is used to polish the car body.

Apply a small amount of product to a soft felt or felt cloth. Start sanding with gentle movements - this can be done either on a manual machine or by hand. In the first case, you need to fix the felt attachment and grind at medium speed.

If you don’t have a machine, you will need an electric razor with a linear drive. Remove the foil from the razor. Cut a circle from soft fabric and secure it with silk threads along the edges. You will have a homemade polishing device!

After polishing the glass, lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Finally, rub in a circular motion using a cotton swab.

Polishing by other means

Baking soda can also help remove scratches from glasses. Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to form a paste.

Start sanding as described in the toothpaste method.

CD polish can help remove defects on glass. It can be purchased at any computer stores. Lenses should be cleaned in the same way as discs.

Polish included detailed instructions. This method is especially helpful for polishing plastic glasses.

How to remove deep scratches?

Unfortunately, they cannot be completely removed, but the scratches can be masked. This will prevent optical distortion and maintain the thickness of the lenses. Car wax is used to fill deep scratches.

Distribute it evenly over the surface. Repeat the procedure several times until the defective cavity is completely filled.

Colorless nail polish works similarly to car wax. Place a small amount of polish on a toothpick and carefully fill the groove on the lens. Liquid glass is also used for this purpose.

Such recipes can be used not only for plastic, but also for polishing glasses on glasses.

It is impossible to completely restore the mirror sun protection layer at home. But you can remove it completely from plastic lenses. Buy glass abrasive (available at a craft store).

It contains hydrogen fluoride and hydrofluoric acid, which react with the glass surface. Therefore, this method cannot be used for glass lenses.

Glass abrasive removes anti-abrasion and anti-reflective coating without damaging the plastic.

Apply the product to the lenses for two minutes, first removing the frame. Wipe thoroughly or rinse in cold water.

Disadvantages of cleaning at home

Polishing lenses against scratches at home has a number of disadvantages.

With mechanical methods you can overdo it. As a result, geometric aberrations are formed. Such deviations from the norm lead to eye fatigue.

Often it is necessary to completely remove the functional coating that reflects sunlight and prevents overheating, which can also negatively affect vision.

If you incorrectly identify the material from which the accessory is made, you will ruin it. Before polishing, carefully read the manufacturer's care instructions for your glasses.

If you have doubts about whether you can remove scratches from your glasses yourself, it is better to take them to a repair shop. Especially if these are glasses or an expensive accessory.

Scratches on glasses are an unpleasant discovery for many people. In addition to the fact that such a defect distorts visibility, it also spoils the wearer’s vision. In cases where the lenses of the accessory are made of plastic, scratches can be polished out with home remedies available on hand. You will no longer need to buy new glasses or repair old ones at exorbitant prices. It makes sense to consider important aspects in order and bring practical recommendations. So let's get started.

How to remove small scratches on glasses

Removing small scratches that form during light friction of lenses with the surface is quite simple. Before starting the procedure, wipe your glasses with a special cloth for PC monitors or LCD screens. You can also use the cloth that comes with your glasses.

  1. Toothpaste. To remove small scratches, take toothpaste without abrasive particles (any children's or "Black Pearl" will do). Apply a small amount of the composition to the surface of the lenses, go over with a cosmetic sponge in light circular movements, do not press hard. After all manipulations, rinse off the paste. cold water. In the case of deep scratches, you will have to repeat the steps 2-3 times.
  2. Baking soda. If you don't have toothpaste without abrasive particles on hand, use a soda-based one. Dilute the bulk composition with filtered water at room temperature so that a paste-like mass is obtained. Distribute the product over the area with scratches, rub with a microfiber cloth or cosmetic swab.
  3. Anti-scratch paste. At an optician's salon you can purchase a special gel for polishing lenses. As a rule, the cost varies from 220 to 500 rubles, it all depends on the manufacturer. The technology for using the product is quite simple: apply the gel to the surface of the lenses, wipe with a special alcohol wipe (included in the kit). Some manufacturers recommend keeping the paste for some time, follow the instructions.
  4. Silver/copper polish. In cases where the above-described compositions are not effective enough, use a paste for polishing silver or copper. The product can be purchased at a jewelry or antique store, pricing policy relatively low (about 250 rubles). To use the composition, spread a thin layer of it over the lenses, then wipe with a microfiber cloth or piece of velvet cloth. It is important to always remember that copper/silver polish should not come into contact with your glasses frame, otherwise you will ruin it.
  5. Wax for car polishing. There are often cases when scratches do not disappear after using the above methods. Similar feature typical for deep creases that can be filled artificially. For these purposes, purchase car polishing wax (for example, “Turtle Wax”) and use it according to the instructions. The product fills not only deep scratches, but also microcracks. Once polishing is complete, clean the lenses with an alcohol-soaked cloth. Repeat simple steps once every 5-7 days. If desired, you can replace the car polish with furniture wax.

The above remedies are effective for minor scratches. If the lens coating has become cloudy due to defects that have appeared, a more extensive approach will be required, such as removing the top layer. It is important to understand that after the procedure, the glasses will be without protection, and the procedure is only suitable for working with plastic. This is especially true for accessories designed for PC work, as well as sunglasses.

  1. First of all, wipe the lenses with a special glasses cloth soaked in alcohol solution. After this, wipe the lenses dry with a microfiber cloth and lift the glasses higher to examine the scratches.
  2. Visit a store that sells art supplies and craft kits. Purchase an abrasive composition for glass parts, turn the bottle over, and study the “Composition” column. The product must contain hydrofluoric acid, the main purpose of which is to dissolve glass. Since your lenses are made of plastic, this effect will not occur. However, you can remove the top layer without affecting the main part of the lenses.
  3. When working with material in mandatory protect the skin of your hands, respiratory tract and eyes (if possible). Take the lenses out of your glasses frames to make your task much easier. Prepare a glass or plastic container in which the procedure will be carried out. Make sure that the container is not used to store food in the future.
  4. Scoop a small amount of the composition onto a cosmetic swab or sponge, apply an even thin layer to the coating, and place the lenses in the container. Leave it for a certain period of time ( exact time specified by the manufacturer in the instructions). As a rule, it is about 2-3 minutes, no longer.
  5. Remove excess composition with a cosmetic sponge or cotton pad, and rinse the lenses with cold water. Wipe dry and wipe with a piece of velvet cloth. Insert the lenses into the frame and evaluate the result. At insufficient effect Use a polish made specifically for glasses.

After the procedure, purchase a special protective film for lenses at the optics salon; it will prevent further scratches. Carry your glasses in a case and wipe them regularly with a microfiber cloth. Fill cracks with car or furniture polish gel. Consider folk recipes based on toothpaste or baking soda. Buy copper or silver polish at as a last resort remove the coating with glass abrasive.

Video: perfect cleaning of glasses lenses in 3 minutes