Advertising agency – business for business. What to consider in an advertising agency business plan

Capital investments: from 280,000 rubles.
Payback: from 6 months.

This article will examine in detail the issue of the main sections that should be covered advertising agency business plan.

Why this particular line of business?

If only because without competent promotion, any direction of entrepreneurial activity can be doomed to failure.

In simple words: what difference does it make that you make the most beautiful ceramic cups in Kemerovo if no one knows about it?

But experienced businessmen understand perfectly well that the success of a business directly depends on how wide the audience knows you.

Also, what is the reputation of the company in the eyes of clients, how many people who contact you will ultimately conclude a deal?

And such conditions are an excellent basis for developing your business.

It is worth considering that tasty conditions have led to fierce competition.

Therefore, the future owner needs to think through the business down to the smallest detail, writing everything out in a plan.

Analysis of the relevance of an advertising agency’s business plan

As long as there is a business, there is a need for advertising.

This is the main idea that is worth noting in the company's business plan.

At the same time, the market is not yet at the same level as abroad.

Although it is worth noting the extremely high competition in the current conditions of the reign of the mass market.

In Europe, for example, the FCMG product group, popular in Russia, has managed to fade into the background, and brands dominate.

Analytics confirms that the advertising industry in our realities will move in this direction.

As long as everything exists as it is, you can include at least the main European advertising principle in your work - work for the client.

Don't just worry about making money or fulfilling yourself.

Strive to solve the buyer's problem and give him the best.

There are many options for the direction of advertising activities.

The entrepreneur must decide and note in the business plan which of them he will implement in business.

What kind of premises is needed for an advertising agency?

While in most types of business location plays an almost key role, for an advertising agency the situation is different.

IN in this case should be based on the purpose of the office.

Will it serve solely as a place of work for staff and management?

Or are you planning to accept clients, contractors, or enter into contracts?

If you are not yet planning to conduct large-scale business activities, the first option is preferable due to savings.

To work within your own circle, it is enough to rent small premises in residential area.

You can also furnish them at your own discretion and according to the needs of your employees, and not for the sake of the impression you will make on your guests.

But don't overdo it either!

Perhaps one of your clients suddenly expresses a desire to come to you to discuss work issues.

And it is unknown what will undermine the reputation more: if you invite him to a creative den or urgently look for a cafe or restaurant nearby.

If your intentions are serious and communication with clients is part of your plans, you should pay more attention to the design. Of course, your place must be clean and tidy.

It is worth presenting samples of your work in a prominent place - an advertising “portfolio”.

Make sure there is a reception area that is comfortable and spacious.

Also, do not forget about the legal requirements for the work office.

All these subtleties and costs of arrangement need to be included in the relevant sections of the advertising agency’s business plan.

Advertising agency business plan: office equipment

Unlike location, the equipment of an advertising agency will greatly affect the work of an advertising agency.

Therefore, you should not save on this point of starting costs.

To begin with, you will not be able to do without:

  • professional computers for designers (they, of course, cost much more than usual budget laptops, but it is especially important not to skimp on this technology);
  • printer;
  • provision of high-speed Internet and telephone line;
  • purchasing a set of necessary software (do not try to save money by downloading pirated copies of programs - this way you will only deprive yourself);
  • a set of furniture (desks and chairs, a filing cabinet, items for the kitchen and recreation areas).

It is advisable to allocate a separate room for this, purchase a coffee machine, install air conditioning, but the main thing is to purchase a comfortable table and chairs.

Experts say that the more comfortable the client feels, the easier it will be to reach a consensus with him.

We fix the staff in the business plan of the advertising agency

Properly selected employees are the basis for the functioning of an advertising agency.

Therefore, an entrepreneur should submit the section of the business plan dedicated to the staff for separate careful consideration.

The list of positions in the business plan should include:

  • designers (preferably two people);
  • director (often his duties are performed by the founder of the advertising agency, but this can only be undertaken if you have experience);
  • managers (the optimal number of people to start with is two who can work in shifts);
  • But you will only need accounting services from time to time, so it makes sense to delegate these tasks to or hire freelancers.

However, such a number of employees makes sense if you plan to enter the business not gradually, but quickly and confidently.

And you have the appropriate resources, accordingly.

If your plans are much more modest, you can get by with three people at the start: a director, a manager and a designer.

Marketing department of an advertising agency business plan

It won’t be so easy to create the marketing section of a business plan.

Usually at this point it is not difficult to decide on promotion methods for other types of business.

The answer is simple - use connections.

If you decide to recruit a team of young enthusiasts, it may be of little use simply due to the lack of an established customer base.

Therefore, managers should be hired with experience.

If you do everything correctly, word of mouth will start working in 3-4 months.

By that time, it’s worth compiling a portfolio of your work.

But as for the notorious direct sales, this method is long outdated.

Calling potential clients by managers will more often cause dissatisfaction already in the first stages of acquaintance.

On average, existing agencies received only up to 30% of orders within a year of launch through direct sales.

For greater efficiency, you can supplement this method with publications in the media.

Any sources will not suit you.

Pay attention to thematic publications and reference books.

Financial section of an advertising agency business plan

One of the most important sections of an advertising agency’s business plan is financial calculations.

An entrepreneur needs it to make forecasts and make adjustments.

And also for investors and lenders to assess the required start-up capital and payback periods.

Capital investment in opening an advertising agency

In the business plan, the entrepreneur must indicate from what sources the opening of an advertising agency will be financed.

Let's look at the main expense items to get an idea of ​​the minimum amount of funds needed to start a business:

Regular costs of operating and promoting an advertising agency

We must not forget that in addition to opening costs, the agency’s business plan needs to outline current expenses.

Until it reaches the level of self-sufficiency, money for the development and promotion of the business will need to be taken from some sources. And it is important to take care of them in advance.

This way you will avoid the common risk when start-up companies close after just six to a year of operation.

Profitability and payback in the business plan of an advertising agency

It is difficult to discuss the potential revenue for the agency.

By profitability, the main industries are distributed as follows:

As a rule, the period will be 6-12 months with proper management of the case.

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Our target audience is medium and small-level companies, since most large enterprises already have long-term contracts with large PR companies. First, it is planned to open a small advertising agency, where several specialists of different professional orientations will work. We will offer clients consulting, choosing a strategy for promoting the company in accordance with the wishes and budget of the customer, and creating a script for an advertising campaign. A guarantee of the quality of our agency’s services will be the presence of knowledge about marketing from the owner of the enterprise, his experience in working in leadership position in an advertising company. He himself will serve as director of the company.

We will set average tariffs for this type of business. Too much high cost services may scare off potential clients. And prices that are too low compared to competitors will arouse suspicion.

To make our business competitive, we will place emphasis on an individual approach to each client and creative solutions to the tasks assigned to them. To do this, you need to hire qualified specialists who work responsibly and with soul. The best proof of their professionalism will be a well-thought-out marketing campaign of our agency. Also, new clients should be attracted by positive recommendations from customers who are satisfied with the services provided to them.

To produce printed products (business cards, leaflets, booklets, banners and posters) and souvenirs with company logos, we will cooperate with the printing industry. Subsequently, as the business expands, it is planned to establish its own production.

Starting a business

To register an agency, we choose the LLC form, so that in the future we can expand the circle of our clients by participating in tenders and fulfilling government orders. When registering with the tax service, select the simplified tax system and OKVED codes:

  • 0 “Advertising activities”.
  • 13 “Research of market conditions and identification of public opinion.”
  • 81 “Activities in the field of photography.”
  • 22 “Printing execution of advertising materials.”
  • 25 “Other printing activities.”
  • 40 “Activities of news agencies.”
  • 20 “Activities in the field of radio broadcasting and television.”

We open a bank account to receive payment for services by bank transfer. We order a seal with the company logo for concluding contracts.

Costs for registration of starting a business:

Office location

We rent a room of 50 sq. m with a partition in an office center for 15,000 rubles. The smaller part of the room that is fenced off will be the director's office. The advantages of such placement:

  • Availability of convenient access roads and parking spaces.
  • Good condition of the premises (no need to spend money on repairs).
  • High-quality office lighting and ventilation.
  • Cleaning of the premises by the center's technical staff.
  • Availability of cables for connecting the Internet and telephone.
  • The location of the center is in one of the busiest areas of the city.

Room equipment

To prepare the office for work we will need:

Tables, 7 pcs. (we’ll put two in the director’s office in the shape of the letter T, so that there is space for negotiations and meetings, one for the kitchen corner, 4 for employees) 14 000
Chairs for employees, 10 pcs. 10 000
Chairs for clients, 4 pcs. 8 000
Computers good quality with software, 5 pcs. 250 000
Copier, printer, scanner, 1 pc. 15 000
Cash register, 1 pc. 15 000
Router for WI-FI operation 1 000
Electric kettle 1 000
Microwave oven 5 000
Dishes 500
Document storage racks 6 000
Total 325 500


The agency will work on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00. Employees will have a five-day working week in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At first, the role of the head of the agency should be performed by the owner himself; knowledge and experience will help him to be a competent leader. He negotiates with clients, distributes responsibilities, organizes and controls the work of employees. Also, the owner-director will have to take on all the calculations, at least at first. Subsequently, you can resort to outsourcing services.

The manager determines the circle of potential clients, sends them commercial proposals, conducts telephone and personal negotiations with clients and partners, organizes work on projects at all stages, and monitors compliance with deadlines.

A web designer (artist) develops sketches of printed products, monitors the accuracy of their production, and creates image layouts for advertising in the media and the Internet.

An IT specialist ensures high-quality operation of the Internet, computer equipment, and equips it with new software. Helps in the development of online advertising.

Expenses for wages personnel are presented in the table:

In the future, when our agency develops, income will become larger and easier to predict; to motivate employees, percentages of total profits will be added to their salaries.


To promote an advertising agency, there is no need to contact other organizations. All stages of a marketing campaign can be carried out by their own specialists. Advertising will not be intrusive, so as not to undermine the authority of our company in the eyes of potential customers.

The marketer and manager will prepare a commercial proposal and send it to enterprises that may be interested in it.

An IT specialist and a web designer will develop the company’s website. It is important that there is fresh, useful information for customers. A well-designed website is not only the best advertising, but also an example of the services that we can offer to customers.

Also, an IT specialist, as an experienced Internet user, determines where and under what conditions it is most profitable to place information about the agency on the Internet. A web designer and marketer will develop a layout for advertising in the media and select a publication. Starting investment in marketing is 50,000.

It is optimal to work according to the base of the business creator at the start. To do this, he himself needs to be qualified specialist according to advertising. By the way, in this case it will be possible to put his own advertising cases in the portfolio. A portfolio is the best advertising tool in this field of activity.

Financial plan

Monthly costs are presented in the table:

At first, it is planned to carry out five projects every month, the expected profitability of which will be 200,000 rubles. The monthly profit is 60,000 rubles. Excluding taxes – 51,000 (60,000 x 15%).

Start-up costs are presented in the table:

Starting a business 29 000
Office equipment 325 500
Marketing 50 000
Total 406 500

To determine the payback period, we divide the initial investment by the net profit. It turns out 3-4 months. Profitability – 36%.

To successfully run this type of business as an advertising agency, first of all, you need professional and active employees. The manager himself must have a good understanding of the business, be able to motivate employees and constantly monitor their work. Specialists advertising company must be creative, professionally savvy people who know how to negotiate.

Why is opening an advertising agency a profitable and sought-after business? Because any other business always needs advertising. In the modern business world, advertising means a lot, and almost no business without advertising events will be able to reach heights or simply will not survive.

As long as firms and companies exist, and as long as they offer their goods and services on the market, there will be a need for advertising. And in order for their products to be bought, many companies are willing to pay a lot of money for advertising. Therefore, by opening a high-quality advertising company, you will always be in demand.

How to open an advertising agency

Often their own advertising companies are opened by former advertising agents who have already worked in this field for other employers. Such people have some advantage over beginners who also want to own their own advertising business, since they already know some of the nuances of this type of activity.

Market analysis

You need to spend a sufficient amount of time and effort analyzing the advertising services market in order to understand in which direction you should move next. To begin with, it is important to decide to what territory you will distribute your services and whether you will work only within your city, or within a region, region or even a country. Next, you should study the presence of competitors and the principles of their activities, including which areas of the advertising business are already fully occupied, and which areas can still be penetrated.

The advertising business is now very developed and widespread, so you are unlikely to find an area in which there would be no competition for you at all. But still, market research will tell you which advertising area may be more promising for introducing your services, and which less so. In any case, for an advertising agency to bring good profit, it should offer customers as many services as possible. But you need to invest much more work and effort into such a business.

Business registration

The preferred organizational and legal form for registering an advertising agency is a limited liability company. If you work primarily with legal entities (and most serious advertising agencies work this way), then you yourself must become a legal entity. A small advertising agency that involves working only with private owners can also be registered as an individual entrepreneur.

However, even if you are starting small, we still advise you to immediately consider registering an LLC, since, most likely, after a while you will want to expand your business and start accepting orders from large companies and organizations (which are legal entities), and accordingly, go to new level profit.

Selection of areas of activity

All advertising agencies can be distinguished by their main type of activity. In the most general view There are two main areas of activity: advertising creation and advertising placement. Companies that create and develop advertising are called creative advertising agencies. Those that offer media planning services and placement of advertising products in various means mass media, are called media advertising agencies.

When the advertising business was just beginning, most advertising organizations offered both services simultaneously. That is, they created the advertisement themselves and placed it themselves. Over time, the market changed and agencies began to appear, say, part-time - they worked either on developing advertising or on delivering it to consumers.

Nowadays, full-cycle advertising agencies that offer all possible advertising services from A to Z have again become popular and in demand. It is these advertising companies that are the most competitive and have a better chance of firmly establishing themselves in the market.

Advertising agency services:
1. Market research for a product or service.
2. Building an advertising strategy.
3. Tactical media planning and development of a media plan.
4. Purchasing advertising space.
5. Development of principles for positioning a product or service.
6. Creation of a corporate identity for the company.
7. Organization of PR campaigns and promotions.
8. Development of style and design of product packaging.
9. Development of the design of any polygraphic advertising products - posters, booklets, leaflets, business cards, etc.
10. Development of a brand name, product, service, etc.
11. Development, production and placement of objects outdoor advertising.
12. Development, production and placement of advertising videos and radio spots.
13. Development of slogans, slogans and other advertising expressed in text format.
14. Organization of presentations, exhibitions, tastings.
15. Organization of sampling (providing free product samples to consumers).


Employees are the main and most valuable element of any advertising agency. It depends on them how much quality product your customers will receive. Hiring beginners and inexperienced workers is a rather risky step. It is very easy to ruin a company’s reputation and lose trust (and when a company is just entering the market it is even easier), but to win it back is a very long and laborious process, and sometimes even impossible. Therefore, when hiring employees, give preference to those candidates who have been working in the advertising field for several years, know what’s what in this matter, and perhaps even have their own client bases. Young specialists (for example, those who have just graduated from universities) can be hired as assistants and assistants.

But still, you should pay the most attention not to the length of service, but to the talent and skills of the employees. Ask to see the candidates’ completed advertising work and tell them about the projects they have worked on. And it is best to hire each new employee first probation(about 1-3 months depending on the specifics of the work), during which he will be able to show what he is capable of, and you will make a decision regarding his future fate in your agency.

To work in an advertising agency you will need a director, managers, designers, copywriters, creators. The director will be responsible for the general management of the agency, enter into various agreements, conduct negotiations, etc. Designers create layouts, develop corporate styles and are directly involved in the design of advertising products. Copywriters work on creating advertising texts of any format - advertising articles, slogans, mottos, video and radio advertising texts.

Managers are divided into different categories depending on the type of activity: sales manager, customer service manager, recruiting manager, etc. Creators are common name all the specialists who create something unique. This includes brand positioning, advertising strategy, and brand and product names. For a good creator, it is important to have talent and a certain mindset, and not everyone can work as one.

There is no point in hiring a permanent accountant; it makes more sense to outsource bookkeeping. Freelancers play a special role in the advertising business. You should not fundamentally refuse to hire freelancers for certain projects, since among them there may also be worthy and talented specialists. And some advertising agencies do not have creators on their permanent staff at all, but work exclusively with freelancers.

Search for premises

For an advertising agency, a presentable appearance of the office is important, in which negotiations with clients will take place - discussion of orders, presentation of projects and issuance of finished materials. It is most convenient to locate an advertising agency in one of the office complexes in the city center.

Office equipment

Equipment for an advertising agency will need the following: furniture, computers, telephones, printers, scanners and other office equipment. Computers must be equipped with special software that designers will work with. High-speed Internet is also required. Since the advertising field is developing very quickly, and your employees also need to constantly improve themselves, you will need to provide them with modern professional literature on this topic.

Search for partners

Each advertising agency has in its arsenal several reliable partners who carry out orders from the agency itself. For example, to print printed products you cannot do without the help of a printing house. To create an outdoor advertising object (for example, a billboard), you need companies that work with the appropriate material. They will make an “empty” billboard, and you will fill it with advertising content.

To hold various exhibitions, presentations, tastings and other things, it is important to have connections with the owners of exhibition centers and other premises that can serve as space for these events. Therefore, you must maintain your reputation at a decent level not only for clients, but also for partners.

Even if you are still a young organization, you should not accept the first offer of cooperation. Study first possible options, consider all the pros and cons of cooperation with each potential partner, and then make your final decision.

1. When creating your own advertising agency, you must carry out the first creative work yourself - this is to create an original name for your agency. As you know, people are greeted by their clothes, and the name of your agency is what will create the very first impression of your company. The name should be bright, sonorous, arouse interest and be remembered.

2. If one of the ways to attract potential clients you have chosen to call and offer your services, then first think about what exactly you will offer. The standard set of services and products that every advertising agency has is unlikely to generate much interest. First, develop something unique that can set you apart from your competitors.

3. At the first stages of business, you should not immediately “swing” at large clients. Small and medium-sized customers will contact you, so you work with them. To attract the interest of large customers, you must have a certain history of your activities, an impressive portfolio of completed projects and serious experience in the market. All this will take at least 1-3 years.

5. Don't think that your business will grow only because of the enthusiasm of your employees. Like employees in any other field of activity, your staff needs motivation, both material and intangible. Opportunity for career growth, bonuses, bonuses, incentives - all this should be present.

The profitability of the advertising business can reach up to 40%. Advertising agencies make the most profit from those products that were created thanks to the creative thinking of their employees. Uniqueness is always valued, and in advertising it is simply necessary.

In this material:

Where should you start with an advertising agency business plan? It depends on how exactly you plan to start in this business. Some people count on a good initial investment and expect it to pay off very quickly, while others have to hope to start the project from scratch. Both have a good chance of succeeding in business.

Main mission of the project

This is the mission that an advertising agency fulfills because it helps hundreds and thousands of people succeed. Many people who have good organizational skills, feel the needs of potential customers and the mood of the market, are able to produce good goods and services, but cannot sell it all. For this reason, their projects fail, they are forced to close their enterprises, although all they lacked was competent promotion.

In this case, traditional advertising agencies, which act in a formulaic manner, quickly sink these projects, draining thousands of advertising budgets. They do not recommend bringing clients, but suggest using the advertising budget by completing a chain of simple actions, including developing a beautiful flyer or banner design, hanging or distributing printed materials. Their advertising is ineffective.

Customers are already tired of all this, although there is no particular alternative. The need for advertising is only increasing, but there is also considerable competition in this market. At the start, you need to try to distance yourself from competitors, to offer potential clients something that would distinguish them favorably from all other agencies. But the main thing is to bring real consumers to the customer. Set this mission for your advertising venture. If you manage to perform this task regularly, then there will be no end to customers.

What does it take to start traditionally?

What does a traditional advertising business look like and what does it take? Most advertising agencies offer the following range of development and creation services:

  • layouts;
  • banners;
  • business cards;
  • flyers;
  • logos.

Profitability in this area reaches 40-50%. For some reason, this is called a business based on creativity, but there is no smell of special creativity here, because basically some kind of hackneyed template or its processing is offered. Example of the cost of some services:

  • they offer to develop the script for 12-15 thousand rubles or more;
  • a logo costs from 20 thousand rubles;
  • development of a panel layout of 18 m2 - from 7-8 thousand rubles;
  • original layout of a corporate publication - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • advertising layout for a magazine - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • corporate identity - from 70 thousand rubles.

No one can guarantee that the money spent on the developed layout will somehow pay off. It is very good if a new enterprise:

  • may purchase or rent space on which advertising is carried out and lease or sublease it;
  • it produces advertising in the form of signs, stands, etc.;
  • has the potential to sell advertising via the Internet (creation of sales pages, business card sites, their promotion, etc.).

To do this on initial stage The following investments in equipment will be required:

  • several computers with high performance for design work and software for them from 2 thousand dollars;
  • printing equipment used to produce signs, business cards, banners - from 15 thousand dollars;
  • good Internet channel and dedicated telephone line - depending on tariffs;
  • office furniture - from $500;
  • stationery, materials for making products - from $500.

In general, at the start you will have to count on an amount of 20 thousand dollars, because you will also need to create a company website, invest in promoting advertising services, pay for the rent of the premises while everything is being set up and repaired. Finally, finding staff and customers will take some time.

Personnel you will need:

  • designer;
  • creative;
  • agency services promotion manager.

As soon as everything is ready, the staff has been hired, the equipment has been purchased, you need to start looking for clients, although this should be done earlier.

Why start from scratch?

But you don’t have to buy expensive equipment. It is enough to have a computer and a telephone, good Internet - the minimum that is needed for your own advertising agency. As for the necessary printing equipment, printing can be ordered from agencies that have it. There is no need to worry that once you produce printed materials for your client, they will intercept him.

First, they don't know that you are not the client's representative. And secondly, unlike this print shop, you don’t just provide a banner or some kind of layout. Your agency is not selling advertising. It solves the client’s problem of promoting his goods and services. And printed materials in this solution are only one of the tools, and not the main one, while traditional advertising ends there.

Therefore, in the business plan of an advertising agency (Appendix No. 1), there is no need to enter any value at all in the column that lists the costs of purchasing equipment and hiring personnel. Everyone has a computer and a telephone, and stable Internet does not require a lot of money.

Some people think that it takes a lot of money to start an advertising business. But that's not true. You need money to create your own image and brand. How to do this? 100% markup on services, even on business cards. Having received the order, taking a 50% advance payment, we have already paid for the order and broke even. The remaining 50% is your profit. Having received several thousand rubles in profit from your first order, invest in the provision of advertising services in your business. You can and should start working in the advertising business from scratch.

How to be different from others?

Whether you start with everything necessary equipment or from complete scratch, for the successful development of the project you will have to follow the basic principle - to combine technologies, people and their capabilities. It's easy to say, but not difficult to do if you approach the process creatively.

For example, many types of businesses prefer online advertising. This is especially true for small businesses, for which this type of promotion is very accessible and effective. At the same time, every day hundreds of thousands of people travel in the subway or other public transport. Almost everyone is on their own gadget, be it a smartphone or tablet. If at this time he sees an advertisement with an attractive title and a site address, he will be able to enter it through his own device.

But on the page of the Internet resource itself (selling page, business card website, one-page website), it is taken into circulation by the main appeal, pictures, special offers and the offer itself. That is, the task of printed products should not include selling the product or service itself, it should be an impetus for a potential client to move further along the sales funnel, which is built by the advertising agency. The advertising market has changed, now offline complements online advertising.

That is why blind copying of one element by a competitor will not bring clients to the customer. This means that even if the customer is offered to order printed products directly, this will not suit him. By placing an order directly from those who print banners or flyers, he will save 1-2 thousand rubles, but in general he will lose: this tool will not fit into common system sales This approach to working with customers can be built into offers not of any individual services, but of a whole complex, when cases are offered to potential clients of an advertising agency.

Expect to open your own website right away. A website is absolutely necessary, it’s not even discussed. Nobody canceled orders online. An agency is exactly the same small business that needs cheap and fast promotion. Try to focus on interpersonal relationships with clients who play big role. Observe the deadlines and accuracy of order fulfillment.

Use the power of social networks. Many people live in social networks, so make it work for you, rather than you being in it. But the group should be conducted in an interesting and non-persistent manner. You don't need to sell it right away. Sales should be unobtrusive.

Create a short, convenient, memorable number. Parallel it with the box email so that people send an email, match the address with the phone number. There is no need to worry about a landline phone, since there is no urgent need for it. Learn at a basic level graphic editor Photoshop or CorelDraw.

Place such a unique selling proposition (hereinafter referred to as USP) with a good offer on the agency’s website in order to differ from competitors. Example: free delivery of printed materials or a manager or designer coming to the customer’s office. Please note that the more time you spend on a client, the more responsiveness you can expect from him.

In the USP it is better to offer a range of services. Having made a banner, the customer will find that there is no one and nowhere to place it. Advertising is not running. One banner requires a range of services - design development, preparation of an offer, printing, finding a location and hanging. Offer all this to your clients in one package. You can enter into partnerships with other entrepreneurs to perform other services.

The site needs to display enthusiastic real reviews, even if they are about making a slogan or business cards.

Some important points in work

First, be prepared for refusals; don’t let them be a disappointment to you. Know that everyone needs advertising and no one will refuse new clients. So this time you weren't convincing. Second, don’t suggest a process, suggest end result. If you provide them with new clients, they will stay with you forever.

Where can you get ideas about recruiting customers for the agency and clients for them? They are everywhere. Pay attention to the example with low-quality advertising that is hanging, come up with your own version, test it using the network’s capabilities and offer it to a potential customer who is already wasting their budget on low-quality advertising.

Keep in mind that your first clients must be completely confident that you are being honest with them. Otherwise, they will run away, sensing any falsehood. Show yourself as a specialist, speak in a clear language, partner with large advertising agencies that may have customers that are not suitable for them in price and size.

Don't just show up and say you're a newbie. Website, business cards, own style- all this shows the customer that you are a professional. Be sure to include all your first works in your portfolio so that it grows very quickly. Publish on the site materials about the emergence of innovations in the field of advertising, about new equipment, new technologies. This shows the professionalism of the agency itself. And this needs to be done as quickly as possible.

If it so happens that the customer needs a nosebleed to know how long you have been working in the market, do not lie. Showy efficiency is one thing, and outright lies are another. Admit that you haven’t been in this business for long, but you’re ready to be creative and show what the customer won’t find in other agencies with their formulaic thinking.

Many people are attracted to this business by the high margins and the ability to recoup their investments in a few months. If you go the other way, offering clients not a process, but the end result, as few do, the agency can grow into a large enterprise with millions in turnover. Today there are no problems with the production of goods and services, but there is a high demand for their sale. The main thing is to learn how to satisfy this demand. And this is an art that needs to be comprehended.

Order a business plan

no matter Auto Jewelry and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Food Gifts Manufacturing Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health products Business services (b2b) Services for the population Financial services

Investments: Investments 320,000 - 1,570,000 rubles.

Investments: Investments 3,800,000 - 5,000,000 ₽

G.Bar is the most large network beauty bars in the world, which serves more than 60 thousand clients and provides more than 140 thousand services annually. The G.Bar network includes 6 own beauty bars (Kyiv, Moscow) and 21 franchised ones in the world, including Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Cyprus, and the USA. The company was founded in 2015 and provides…

Investments: Investments 800,000 - 5,000,000 ₽

ISABEL GARCIA -Italian brand designer clothes. Our goal is to be represented in every country. Today the brand wins thousands of fans all over the world. Headquarters trademark, the main creative and production centers are located in Bologna (Italy). The brand's representative office is located in Moscow. The company's principle is “Straight from the catwalk to the wardrobe.” The brand's mission is to bring elements of high fashion to…

Investments: Investments 1,200,000 - 3,000,000 ₽

The history of the SushiStore brand began in 2009, at the peak of the financial crisis. The crisis of 2008-2009 significantly affected the well-being of Russian citizens. In the country, in the catering sector, meanwhile, a pan-Asian trend was seriously brewing. This was due to the popularity of Pan-Asian cuisine throughout the world, due to the low cost of its ingredients. It was during this period that...

Investments: Investments 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

The company was founded in 2005. Share by Evgeniy Vasilievich. This was a response to the ever-increasing demand of consumers to organize space at their own discretion. And this trend is increasing every year. People do not want to live under planning decisions imposed on them by developers and are remodeling residential and non-residential space to suit their goals and objectives. Construction of openings Do you want...

Investments: Investments 290,000 - 700,000 ₽

The company appeared in 2015. The founder is Anton Sergeev, participant and prize-winner of the Russian and European Championships in sports and ballroom dancing. The idea of ​​the company's existence is the development of children preschool age through sports ballroom dancing. "Children on the floor" is a new approach to organizing children's dance schools. First of all, these are the most comfortable conditions and special attitude towards the dancer with…

Investments: Investments 1,500,000 - 2,500,000 ₽ is the first and largest online auction of used cars in Russia. The reason for the appearance of CarPrice Before the appearance of CarPrice on secondary market cars there were 2 main ways to sell a car 1. Advertisements for the purchase and sale of cars - auto, avito, irr. Disadvantages: Endless calls; Lower prices by resellers; Negative emotions - people are nervous and worried because they are afraid that they will be deceived and sell the car...

Investment: Investment 75,000 ₽

We have been producing unique "Norwegian houses" for 5 years. We invite you to open the production of “Norwegian Houses” in your region and earn 2.5 million rubles. per year! The uniqueness of "Norwegian Houses": A residential 2-storey house for permanent residence, with an area of ​​33 sq.m., is installed in 1 day and costs only 590,000 rubles! The house is manufactured in a factory, ready to be transported and installed...

The number of advertising agencies began to increase rapidly after 2000. These are companies that provide advertising services to various companies: the work includes consulting services, development of a suitable advertising strategy, risk assessment, and provision of advertising services. This business will not require more investments, and this is its main advantage. Below we will look at the business plan of an advertising agency so that you can assess your capabilities for working in this segment.

The first thing worth noting is that the advertising services market is constantly expanding, despite the fact that it is already quite large. What follows from this? The demand for advertising campaign services is constantly growing, as the share of business in all segments is increasing, therefore, the volume of work performed is also growing. Among the advantages of this business there is the absence of a seasonal factor. Although seasonality may affect demand, the impact will be minor. The majority of clients seek advertising services on a regular basis.

If we analyze the services market as a whole, we can conclude that this area is one of the most promising. Anyone's success investment project or businesses today will directly depend on marketing and advertising, as well as their effectiveness. This allows us to speak about a very high level of demand.

If we judge the market relative to the share of companies, we can say that it is only half full, which makes entry into it quite easy. It is important to understand that this type of business requires ingenuity, flexibility, creativity. Therefore, if you are going to open an advertising agency, it will be better if you understand this field. If you have no idea about the advertising business and the advertising services market, it will be very difficult for you in this niche.

The most difficult stage is not only entering the market, but also capturing a site or market share. Today in all major cities There are quite a few advertising campaigns, such services are provided by well-known media. You need to be prepared for high level competition, which is ensured as large companies, and small.

How can an entrepreneur fight serious competitors? It is important to immediately prepare a creative approach to developing advertising strategies and campaigns. You should try your best when writing proposals for clients. By providing quality work, you can be sure that the number of your clients will grow every day. A low price may be an attractive factor. Therefore, at the initial stage, make the cost of services slightly lower than the market average.

The main potential clients will be legal entities. An ordinary person rarely uses the services of an advertising campaign, but companies often resort to them: it’s not just that they say that advertising is the engine of trade. Most often small and medium-sized companies will contact you, since large enterprises We are used to dealing with large advertising agencies that already have a name and reputation.

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Types of advertising agencies: how to choose an activity format

Before you start working, determine the direction of your company's activities, and also choose a work format. Depending on the functions of the advertising agency, they can be divided into distributors and advertising producers. For absolutely small companies it will be very difficult to combine this functionality, and therefore at the initial stage you need to give preference to one direction. Of course, the ideal option would be an advertising agency that would independently generate content and also have established channels for advertising distribution.

  • full-cycle advertising agency - performs a full range of turnkey tasks;
  • a creative advertising agency develops different types of advertising campaigns;
  • The PR agency specializes in PR campaigns, their development and implementation;
  • The Internet agency specializes in Internet marketing, online promotion, website promotion;
  • outdoor advertising agency.

Organizational and legal aspects

The first step that you will need to complete according to the advertising agency business plan is to register your own company with government authorities. You can give preference to individual entrepreneurs or LLCs. Your choice will depend solely on the scale of the company's activities.

You will need to enter the following codes according to the OKVED classifier:

  • 40 advertising activities;
  • 13 research of market conditions and identification of public opinion;
  • 29 activities in the field of radio broadcasting and television;
  • 22 printing of advertising materials;
  • 25 other printing activities;
  • 81 photography activities.

Please note that you may not need all of the codes presented. In order to accurately and clearly determine which codes you will need, decide on the direction of your activity.

As a taxation system, you can give preference to UTII or a simplified system. In order to accept payments by bank transfer, be sure to open your own bank account. In addition, it is very important to familiarize yourself with local legislation that regulates the work of advertising companies. Perhaps your region has a different procedure for providing services.

Another important point What you should know is that advertising in some places must be done with permission. For example, if you are going to post notices in an elevator, you must obtain permission from the maintenance company. In order not to encounter problems in these nuances, you need to study the legislation.

Before starting activities, you must notify Rospotrebnadzor. The office premises must be brought into compliance with all fire safety standards. The lease agreement for office space must be official.

Marketing business plan for an advertising agency

It is important to understand that the marketing plan for an advertising agency must be ideal. If you can't advance own business, then how can you put together a suitable advertising campaign for your clients' business?

  • take care of integrated approach. This means that before taking any action, it is necessary to study the market and its conditions, develop all the steps, create advertising and printing products, conduct work on the Internet, and do much more;
  • when searching for advertising channels, you should focus on your potential client - medium and small enterprises;
  • you can focus on the benefits. Since most advertising campaigns do not differ from each other, it is necessary to show clients your reasonable prices and high speed of work, as well as a pleasant level of service provided.

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Since the main direction of your business is the provision of advertising services, going somewhere to order marketing and promotion of the company would be a bad step. You must do all the work yourself. When developing a strategy, be sure to pay attention to the following types of promotion:

  1. Creating your own website. An organization's website is its face. Firstly, it is an attractive marketing product, and secondly, it is a full-fledged information platform for promotion, which will provide basic information about your services and promotions. Be sure to share information about your work here.
  2. Advertising on the Internet. This type advertising will be ideal for an advertising agency. More clients will come to you via the Internet. Use different advertising channels to reach more clients.
  3. Advertising in the media. In a good way There will be advertising on both radio and television. Place advertisements in newspapers and magazines.

Selection of premises for an advertising company

The first thing you need to understand when choosing an office is what functions it will perform. If you expect to meet clients on their turf or in neutral zones, you may prefer more budget options. If you plan to receive clients in the office, it is better if it is respectable and solid. The good thing is that, unlike most lines of business, for an advertising agency the office will not play a key role, especially if you can work with clients remotely or on neutral territory.

If you are just opening an advertising agency and do not intend to conduct large-scale activities, the first option will be more preferable for you. First of all, you can save a lot. To do this, look for a room in a residential area, but with good transport interchange.

If you plan to receive clients in the office, things will be a little different. Accommodation suitable for you:

  • in the business center;
  • in an office building;
  • V shopping center;
  • prestigious areas of the city.

In order to impress the client, you need to take care of the office interior. If you want to show off your creativity, you can opt for bright trends and furnishings. office space in Art Nouveau or kitsch style. However, don't overdo it. Clients prefer a serious approach. Remember that everything in the office should always be neat and clean, it should be furnished depending on the requirements of the staff.

Good decision will be used in the presentation of your work, you can create a special stand on which the portfolio will be placed.

When it comes to decorating your office space, you also need to think about purchasing the required equipment. First of all, you need to make sure that a comfortable area is created for receiving clients. Also, you cannot do without:

  • office furniture for employees;
  • professional computers and equipment for designers;
  • printer for self-development printed materials;
  • telephone line and high-speed Internet;
  • photo and video equipment;
  • purchasing necessary software, which is required for work.