Tobechik Lake on the map. Medical Tobechik - a salt lake in Eastern Crimea

There is a unique salt lake in Crimea, Tobechik, a storehouse of natural mineral salts and healing mud. In addition to the health benefits, on Tobechik you can enjoy beautiful sunsets and beautiful proud birds - swans. The second name of the reservoir is Swan Lake.

Tobechinskoye Lake in numbers:

  • The water surface area is about 18 square km;
  • the length of the reservoir is almost 9 km;
  • width - from 2 to 4.5 km;
  • The lake is separated from the Kerch Strait by a sandy isthmus 100 meters wide.

Historical excursion

Salt was mined and treated with Tobechik mud back in the era of the ancient Greeks. This is eloquently evidenced by archaeological finds: the remains of various buildings and small fragments of text on stones.

And in the 19th century, there was a mud bath on the shore, and supplies of brine were organized to Europe. It existed until 1907.

Tobechik is translated from the Turkic language as a small hill. And indeed, next to the lake there is a small hill on which you can examine the remains of a coastal artillery battery.

The uniqueness of the lake

Lake Tobechinskoye has healing properties due to mud volcanoes at the bottom of the estuary and the presence of specific microorganisms that settle in the silt. The issue of giving the territory the status of a balneological resort is currently being discussed. Brine, gray and black clay have healing properties.

Mud baths are indicated for diseases:

  • nervous;
  • digestive;
  • cardiovascular;
  • musculoskeletal systems of the body.

Video review:

Ideas for an interesting pastime and relaxation on the lake

The presence of algae and changing lighting allow you to do it on the lake good quality pictures. The color of the water changes from soft pink to burgundy and even inky. And if you show your imagination, you can arrange a romantic date and conduct a spectacular photo shoot.

Shallow depth, maximum 2 meters, gives additional benefits: during the season the water warms up well, taking warm mud baths is especially pleasant. And when you get tired of lying in the mud, you can go to sea ​​coast. Luckily it’s just a stone’s throw away!

How to get to Tobechik

While there are no medical resorts around, tourists get to Lake Tobechinskoe as savages. Let's consider three options:

1. From the Kerch bus station to the village of Chelyadinovo. Local residents will show you a short way to the shore.

2. In the format of a one-day excursion. Tours to Lake Tobechenskoe in Crimea are sold by Kerch travel agencies.

3. By car from Kerch along the Heroes of Stalingrad Highway to the village of Chelyadinovo and further along the road along the coast. You can stop on the sand spit that separates the Black Sea and Tobechik.

Lake Tobechik on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: N 45 10.167 E 36 21.217 Latitude/Longitude

Crimea has always pleased me with a huge number of reservoirs. Especially numerous lakes, which become an excellent alternative to balneological treatment in a sanatorium. Tobechik is rightfully considered one of these amazing salt lakes. That's exactly what we'll talk about today.

Location, features

The lake is located just 12 kilometers from the city of Kerch, in close proximity to the strait. Main feature it is considered not quite natural origin. Previously, it was a small bay, but when they organized a connection with nearby villages by pouring a sandy isthmus, it turned out to be a salt lake.

Today the reservoir is officially considered salty, but some areas are fresh, they are immediately visible by the large number of thickets. Tobechek is one of the largest lakes on the peninsula, its area is 18 thousand square kilometers. The length is about 9 kilometers and the width is about 4.5 km. The depth here is relatively shallow - 2 meters. Due to this, in the warm season, the water warms up quite quickly. And drowning is problematic, even for those who don’t really know how to swim.

Tourists consider the isthmus one of the best and are happy to stay here for several days with tents. If you are used to having what is called a “savage” vacation, and at the same time strive to get the maximum benefit from your vacation, Lake Tobechinskoye is just the right place. The fact is that the shores of the lake are hilly, even steep in some places, so entering the water from them is not very convenient. But the location on the spit is an ideal option for a relaxing and healthy holiday.

Do you like “wild” holidays? Relax at campsites. A list of campsites in Crimea is here.

Some tourists are surprised by the name of the reservoir. After all, “Tobechek” in translation means “small hill”, as if there is no connection, and here the lake has to do with the hills. In fact, it was so named most likely due to the numerous hills surrounding the healing pond.

The benefits of rest, dirt

The lake is considered healing due to its mud. By the way, at the bottom of the reservoir huge amount mud volcanoes. They are the ones who provide serious therapeutic effect. Previously, mud was mined here on an industrial scale. Today, guests of Crimea come here on their own, not only to experience the enormous power of mud therapy, but also to enjoy magnificent views, do beautiful photos, swim in the Kerch Strait.

Parking on the sand spit is free and for many travelers this fact is quite important. By the way, the ancient Greeks knew about the healing power of the lake. In these places, scientists discovered the remains of ancient structures, with inscriptions confirming the fact that the lake was actually used for therapeutic purposes.

In general, there are many legends about these places, each of them is beautiful in its own way and can be another reason to visit the reservoir. For example, I like to listen to different beautiful stories, and not only about lakes, but also others. By the way, about legends, one of them seems absolutely implausible to me, but you never know. Local residents claim that previously there was so much fish here that you could go into the water and catch it simply with your hands. But after the dam was built, all the living creatures disappeared and now there are no fish here at all.

By the way, if you do not have your own transport, then from Kerch you can use the service of organizing a one-day trip to the reservoir. Yes, in principle, the path to it will not cause any particular inconvenience.

How to get (get there) to Lake Tobechikskoe in Crimea

For tourists using public transport services, I recommend taking bus number 67 from Kerch to the village of Chelyadinovo. And there every local resident will be happy to tell you the best way to get to the lake.

In my opinion, it’s better to travel in your own or a rented car, and that’s what I do. And to get to the right place without any problems, I use a map. Exact coordinates and map below.


Lake Tobechik is a lot of fun to spend time on. It's not just about enjoying beauty surrounding nature, but also a great opportunity to solve many health problems, including the musculoskeletal system. This is also a great chance to escape from everyday worries, worries and city noise. If you have already been to these places, share your opinion with us by writing a few words in the comments.

Tours to Crimea, and not only (Türkiye from 12,000 for two)!!!

The healing properties of Crimea are not limited to sea bathing and mountain air. The healing mud of local salt lakes has also gained worldwide fame for a very long time. They almost miraculously help cope with many serious illnesses. Near most of these reservoirs there are sanatoriums and health centers, but not near everyone. Lake Tobechik in Crimea continues to remain sparsely populated and almost untouched. They don’t sell vouchers here - tourists who want to relax and get medical treatment travel like “savages.”

Where is the reservoir located in Crimea?

Lake Tobechik is located in the southeastern part, near the sea strait. it is separated by about 12 km. The nearest settlements are the villages of Chelyadinovo, Maryavka and Ogonki.

Tobechik on the map of Crimea

From the history of appearance: former bay

Today it is difficult for tourists to believe that nature did not create Lake Tobechikskoe. Crimea abounds in places where former bays and gulfs of the sea along various reasons turned into salt ponds. Tobechik has the same origin. An isthmus 1 km long, separating it from, was built for the purpose of laying a road. Thus, the bay (one of the largest in the Kerch Strait area) became a salt lake. There are many mud volcanoes at its bottom, which explains healing properties silt.

appeared 10 years ago new project– construction of a large international port here. Environmental specialists organized a protest campaign against the decision, which could have destroyed the unique healing mud and the entire natural complex. The implementation of the project has slowed down, but it has not been completely “buried” until today.

At the same time, there is not a single hospital on the shores today, although archaeological research has proven that the ancient Greeks already knew about the healing capabilities of the mud from its bottom. Gray and black medicinal silt was found here; it has no unpleasant odor rotten eggs, so characteristic of such fossils. Remains of ancient hospitals and inscriptions have been found, which leaves no doubt about the purpose of these buildings. In the 19th century, the mud of the reservoir was even exported to Italy, but at the beginning of the 20th century, the last health resort on its shore closed. The reason is unknown.

Myths and legends about. Tobechik: a controversial name

The contradiction is that “Tobechik” translated from Turkic means “small mound, hill” - a strange name for. However, under certain conditions, without knowing about the presence of a reservoir here, it is indeed not easy to see it among the surrounding hills.

Crimean old-timers also say that when it was an estuary, the lake was distinguished by an incredible amount of fish - “you can even catch it with your hands.” However, this has already become a thing of legend - now there are no inhabitants here at all, they disappeared after the construction of the dam.

They also say that during the Great Patriotic War The surface of Lake Tobechik was used as a hydroairfield. Perhaps several planes still lie at its bottom, submerged in the mud. All this is covered in secrets and darkness of the historical past!

Lake Tobechik: healthy holidays in Crimea

Today, Lake Tobechik in Crimea is often visited by guests of Kerch. They come either for one day or to camp with a tent. Holidays here are not particularly exotic, but that is precisely why they are pleasant. Although the reservoir is quite large (length - up to 9 km, width - up to 4.5 km), its depth does not exceed 2 m, so the water warms up very well. In desalinated creeks it can “bloom”; saltier areas remain clean. The shores here are largely indented; steep cliffs several meters high are not uncommon, but more often the coast is still low. It is difficult to drown while swimming due to the shallow depth,
and the sandy embankment near the dam is considered one of the best beaches in this area.

Many tourists try to “treat themselves” in their own way by smearing themselves with silt from the lake bottom. Others are simply attracted by beautiful nature. True, the photo cannot correctly capture some specific effects that arise due to changes in the color of the water (a consequence of the activity of mud volcanoes) and at the same time the appearance of a reflection of the surrounding landscapes. But reviews from those who have seen such pictures indicate that the impressions are unforgettable.

It is impossible to receive a referral for treatment in Tobechik due to the lack of infrastructure. But first you can consult with good specialist on mud therapy to use your vacation profitably. Lake mud was previously used to treat skin and gynecological diseases, consequences of injuries, joint diseases. You just need to exercise some caution when self-medicating - the local silt is more active than you might think, and your health can deteriorate. There is no need to smear it with it and stay directly in the sun for a long time. It’s better to let the “procedure” be short.

How to get to the lake?

Get to Lake Tobechik from Kerch by public transport You can take bus No. 67 going to Chelyadinovo - ask the driver to stop at the reservoir.

By car you can get to Lake Tobechiki like this:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Kerch Peninsula, Leninsky district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 45.170624, 36.378104.

There are many tourists who do not like the noise of large resort towns. They are also invited to visit Crimea. Lake Tobechikskoye will help lovers of silence and natural beauty tranquility, excellent beach, mysterious reflections in the water and healing mud, which the ancient Greeks were able to highly appreciate! Finally, we offer a video about this attraction, shot by an aerocobra, enjoy watching!

The Kerch Peninsula is rich in picturesque landscapes that attract tourists from all over the world. Lake Tobechik is rightfully one of the most marvelous creations of Mother Nature. It is worth noting that the water in this lake warms up very quickly due to its shallow depth (maximum 2 meters). The swimming season opens in May, the water temperature during this period is about 20 degrees.

An interesting feature of the reservoir is that it seems to be hiding from tourists. Its banks are so high that it is simply impossible to notice Lake Tobechik from afar. Some time ago, the lake was a small bay, which had to be limited by a sand spit to protect it from the waves of the raging Black Sea. On at the moment The lake and the sea are separated by an isthmus, the width of which reaches 100 meters. The length of the lake is 9 km, the width ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 km. Tourists value this reservoir for its healing properties. You can visit the reservoir with children of any age; you can get to it by your own transport.

Interesting fact! “Tobech” translated from Turkic means “small hillock”.

Why does Lake Tobechik attract tourists?

Tourists are attracted not only by the picturesque landscapes, fresh air And pure water lakes. Many people come to experience it for themselves. healing power water. At the bottom of the lake there are peculiar mud volcanoes that emit sufficient quantity healing mud and salt necessary to enrich the water with minerals. Chemical composition water is similar to the composition of Lake Chokrak.

Interesting fact! As a result of the vigorous activity of microorganisms living in the reservoir, the water in it turns an indescribably bright pink-red color.

Healing mud is used to treat the following pathologies:

Many people choose this area for recreation because this area is not crowded and is located far from the city limits. This kind of vacation will appeal to married couples, it’s perfect place for romance.

It is important to remember that mud treatment is a rather serious undertaking, so before going to this resort, you should consult with a specialist. You should not abuse therapy and stay in the brine for a long time.

How does Lake Tobechik differ from other lakes in Crimea?

The healing properties of the lake have been identified since time immemorial:

    The first mud baths were formed back in the days ancient Greece. This fact is confirmed by artifacts found by archaeologists in this area.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, local healing mud was delivered to European hospitals. There they were valued for their unique composition and unique healing properties.

It is also interesting to know the following:

    In the pre-war period, a hydroaviation base was located in this area.

    During the Second World War soviet army used the lake as a runway for seaplanes.

    Local residents claim that some fragments of aircraft parts were peeking out of the surface of the water in post-war years, but then they were sucked in by the muddy bottom of the lake.

The marvelous wild beaches of the Black Sea are located not far from the lake; they are clean because they are located at some distance from the city itself.

Tourists can catch an interesting natural event - the activity of mud volcanoes on the peninsula. Such an action amazes the eyes of vacationers - the height of the fountain reaches 10-20 meters in height. At this moment, the slope of the hill is covered with a thick layer of healing mud.

Useful information for tourists

Before traveling, please note that hotel and hotel prices may vary depending on the season. You can rent a room in the private sector (this will help you save money). Accommodation prices in Kerch are much lower than on the South Coast.

The following holidays are celebrated annually in the city:

    City Day (second Saturday in September);

    Fisherman's Day (second Sunday in July);

    On May 8, in honor of the celebration of the liberation of the city from the Nazi invaders, a torchlight procession takes place to Mount Mithridates;

    At the beginning of June, the Bosporus Agons festival takes place;

    In the summer, festivals are held for arm wrestling, acrobatic rock and roll, and windsurfing.

Entertainment activities will help tourists fully relax. And the fresh air of the Crimean coast will improve your health and help restore vitality.

Holidays in the city of Kerch will appeal to any tourist because:

    There is an opportunity to see all the sights of the Kerch Peninsula.

    Visit to the lapidarium.

    Relax on clean beaches.

    Visit to the Exotic ostrich farm.

    Availability of sports bars, breweries, night clubs.

    Visiting Russian and Turkish saunas.

The listed objects are located in the city of Kerch; there are no entertainment events near the lake itself.

A visit to Lake Tobechik is possible on any day, but please note that swimming is only possible from May to October. The water in the lake during the velvet season is even cleaner and warmer. This place is great for families with small children. Visiting the reservoir is free, but you should take some money with you to purchase souvenirs.

How to get to Lake Tobechik

The lake is located 12 kilometers southeast of Kerch, near the small village of Chelyadinovo, nearby are the settlements of Maryavka and Ogonki.

A distinctive feature of the Crimean peninsula is its diversity water resources. Without taking into account the Black and Azov seas, which wash the peninsula, on its territory there are large number mountain and steppe rivers. The lakes are particularly unique; their landscapes are worthy of admiration; there are about three hundred of them on the peninsula. The largest lake Tobechikskoe, Crimea is the owner of this unique salt lake in the south of the Kerch Peninsula.

The uniqueness of the lake

The lake is located right next to the sea strait, its area is considerable - about 18 square kilometers, and its shape is oblong. The scale extends over nine kilometers in length and two kilometers in width. The depth of the estuary is insignificant, not even two meters, so it warms up well during the holiday season. The coast is winding, with shallows, there are desalinated places that are overgrown with algae.

The shoreline of the reservoir is quite high and steep. Before the development of the isthmus, the largest bay in the Kerch Strait was located here. The geographical location of the lake contributed to the determination of its name - a small hill (translated from Turkic). Not far from the estuary on the northern side is the village of Chelyadinovo, also Ogonki, and on the southern side the village of Kostyrino.

Currently, the bay is separated from the strait by an isthmus; it was built artificially to connect the nearest populated areas. The spit contains shell sand. Today it is the largest, but not deep (up to two kilometers) salt lake. The isthmus is considered best beach in the vicinity, its width is no more than one hundred meters, its length reaches about a kilometer. The views from here are spectacular, especially when the water changes color and becomes:

  • Reddish;
  • Pinkish;
  • Burgundy;
  • Violet shade.

The lake acquired this property due to the presence of microscopic organisms inhabiting the local silt. The peninsula is characterized by this natural phenomenon like mud volcanoes, so the bottom of the estuary has layers of healing mud. The opinion of scientists, based on the research conducted, confirms the possibility of the lake becoming a balneological resort, where you can use brine, gray and black mud, which help in the treatment of diseases:

  • Nervous;
  • Musculoskeletal;
  • Cardiovascular;
  • Digestive system.

They also help cure skin and gynecological diseases.

There are no mud baths near the lake, but tourists who know medicinal properties lakes, when in Kerch they definitely come here.

A place where you can enjoy peace, quiet, picturesque landscapes, be alone with nature, and improve your health. It is not crowded, the Black Sea beaches are nearby, good place for a romantic getaway.

History of Tobechik

Since ancient times, salt of special quality was mined from its bottom, and its mud was used for treatment. Archaeological excavations indicate the first mud baths, established by the ancient Greeks. In the nineteenth century, a mud bath was built near the lake, from where local mud was supplied to hospitals in Europe. Among the European nobility, local muds were used in great demand, they were used in the treatment of:

  • Skin;
  • Joints;
  • Spinal cord;
  • Consequences of injuries.

Local residents claim that before the construction of the isthmus in the bay, fish could be caught by hand. Today, ecologists stand to protect the lake’s ecosystem, its natural resources, therapeutic mud, healing silt.

Road to the lake

You can get to the lake by bus from the Kerch bus station to the village of Chelyadinovo. The tourist infrastructure of Kerch provides services for a one-day trip to the lake, but if the trip is possible with your own transport, then you should follow the territorial road in a southerly direction for 25 kilometers to the village of Ogonki.