Where are the Philippines islands on the world map. Philippine Islands Map

Detailed map Philippines in Russian online. Satellite map of the Philippines with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. The Philippines on the world map is a huge island state that includes more than 7,000 islands and is washed by the waters of the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The capital of the Philippines is the city of Manila. Official languages- Spanish, English and Tagalog.

Philippines - Wikipedia:

Population of the Philippines- 100,981,437 people. (2015)
Capital of the Philippines- Manila
Largest cities Philippines- Manila, Quezon City, Davao, Cebu
Philippines dialing code - 63
Internet domains of the Philippines- .ph

Climate of the Philippine Islands marine tropical and subequatorial with three seasons. In summer and early autumn, the average air temperature is +22...+32 C, in winter and spring it is much hotter - +35...+39 C. In general, the average annual temperature in the Philippine Islands is +25...+27. In mountainous regions, drops to sub-zero temperatures and even frosts sometimes occur.

In the Philippines many cities and small towns, each of which is unique and unrepeatable in its own way. Manila, for example, being a huge multimillion-dollar metropolis, contains many attractions and architectural structures of the colonial era. Those wishing to get to know the local culture, customs and traditions of the local population better should go to Batan Islands, which are distinguished by their cultural heritage and pristine nature.

Tourists can go on excursions to local villages and learn about the way of life of the people. Another remarkable city - Vivan, which has been called an architectural treasure trove with preserved 17th-century atmosphere and Spanish-style buildings.

Holidays in the Philippines- thanks to excellent weather conditions, natural resources, Philippines is a country with a fairly well-developed tourism infrastructure. The Philippines offers tourists large number resorts And various forms tourist holidays: beach holiday on snow-white beaches, excursions, hiking, horseback riding and cycling, extreme sports, as well as surfing and diving.

What to see in the Philippines:

Manila Cathedral, Cebu Taoist Temple, Gilded Mosque, Lon Wa Buddhist Temple, Philippine Cultural Center, Davao Japanese Museum, Boracay Shell Museum, Cebu Magellan's Cross, Fort Santiago, National Park in Quezon, Butterfly Garden in Puerto Princesa, Isabela Nature Reserve in Luzon, El Nido-Taytay Nature Reserve in Palawan, Balinsasayo Lake in Negros Island, Mount Alcon in Mindoro Island, Manila Aquarium, Loboc River in Bohol, Cagban Beach on the island of Boracay.

In Southeast Asia, it is located on a separate archipelago, which is part of the larger Malay Archipelago. There are 7,107 islands in the Philippine archipelago, and only about 2,000 of them are inhabited by people. From south to north, the length of the archipelago is about 2000 km, from west to east – about 900 km.

The total area of ​​the islands is 299.7 thousand km. sq. The length of the coastline of the Philippine Islands is 36.3 thousand km. The archipelago is washed by the waters of the South China Sea from the west, the Philippine Sea from the east, and the Sulawesi Sea from the south. The Philippine Islands are separated from the island of Taiwan in the north by the Bashi Strait.

Map of the Philippines in Russian

Map of Boracay Island, Philippines

Map of Cebu Island, Philippines

Map of Manila, Philippines

What islands are there in the Philippines?

The largest of them are: Luzon, Mindanao, Samar, Negros, Palawan, Panay, Mindoro, Leyte, Cebu, Bohol, Masbate. The two islands to the north and south, Luzon and Mindanao, together make up 66% of the country's territory. Conventionally, all the islands of the Philippines are divided into three groups: in the north the island of Luzon and the small islands adjacent to it, in the south the island of Mindanao and the small islands adjacent to it, and the Visayas group in the center. The large island of Palawan in the western part of the archipelago can be classified as both Luzon and the Visayas.

Most of the large Philippine islands are of volcanic origin. The archipelago is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, a zone of increased seismic and volcanic activity. There are a lot of active volcanoes on the islands. The largest mountain range on the islands is the Cordillera (located in the central and northern part of Luzon). The country's highest peak is Mount Apo Volcano (height 2954 m) on the island of Mindanao.

The longest river in the Philippines is the Cagayan River, which is 354 km long and is located on the island of Luzon. The largest lake is Laguna de Bai on the island of Luzon.


(Republic of the Philippines)

General information

Geographical location. Philippines - a state in the western part Pacific Ocean, lying on the Philippine Islands, which are part of the Malay Archipelago. The Philippines is separated from Taiwan in the north by the Vashi Strait, in the east the country is washed by Philippine Sea, in the south by the Celebes Sea (Sula Vesi Sea), in the west by the South China Sea. The Philippines is located on more than 7,100 islands, of which only 460 have an area of ​​more than 2.5 square kilometers. km.

Square. The territory of the Philippines covers 299,765 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of the Philippines is Manila. Largest cities: Manila (9,280 thousand people), Quezon City (1,670 thousand people), Davao (844 thousand people), Cebu (610 thousand people), Zamboanga (442 thousand people). ). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 13 regions and 2 autonomous regions.

State system

The Philippines is a republic. The head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president. The legislative body is a bicameral Congress (Senate and House of Representatives).

Relief. The Philippine Islands stretch from north to south from Taiwan to Borneo for almost 1,850 km. The islands of the archipelago are of volcanic origin and all mountainous. In the Philippines, which has about 20 active volcanoes, earthquakes are quite common. On smaller islands, mountains occupy almost the entire territory. The larger islands, especially Luzon and Mindanao, have vast plains. In the north of the island of Luzon lies the Cagayan River valley, about 80 km wide, surrounded by the Sierra Madre mountains in the east, the Cordillera Central in the west, and Coraballo in the south. South of Cora Ballo is the Central Plain, stretching from Lingayen Gulf to Manila Bay. At the edge of this plain lies the largest lake in the Philippines, Laguna de Bay. In the south of the island there are two large active volcano: Mayon ( last time erupted in 1993) and Pina Tubo (after 600 years of silence, erupted in 1991 and 1992). In Mindanao, the second largest island of the Philippines, the Dihuata Mountains lie on the Pacific coast, and to the west of them lies the Agusan River valley. In the southwest of the island is the vast Mindanao Plain. In the south of the island there are mountain ranges with highest point Philippines - Apo Volcano volcano (2954 m).

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of oil, nickel, cobalt, silver, gold, and copper.

Climate. The Philippine islands lie in the tropics, and the average annual temperature is about +27°C. Typically, temperatures in the valleys are above average and in the mountainous areas slightly below average. The average annual precipitation on the plain is about 23,030 mm. On most islands, the rainy season lasts from May to November, when the summer monsoon blows. From June to October, typhoons sometimes hit the Philippines, causing significant destruction.

Inland waters. On large islands The Philippines has partially navigable rivers: on the island of Luzon these are Cagayan, Chico, Abra, Pampanya and Bicol. In Mindanao-Rio Grande de Mindanao (in upper reaches called Pulangi) and Agusan.

Soils and vegetation. About 37% of the country's territory is covered with forests. The most common are the banyan tree, many types of palm trees, rubber trees, as well as purely Philippine species - apitong, lauan, white and red narra, Mayapis. Bamboo, cinnamon, and orchids are widespread. One of the most valuable native plants is abaca, or Manila hemp, used in the textile industry. Mangrove trees grow in coastal areas.

Animal world. There are almost no large mammals on the islands; among the fauna, several species of deer, wild pigs, mongoose, a large number of reptiles and about 760 species of birds stand out. Numerous marine animals live in coastal waters various types. The pearl mussels of the Soudou archipelago in the very south of the country are especially famous.

Population and language

The country's population is about 67.114 million people, the average population density is about 259 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Malays - 95%, Chinese, Americans, Spaniards, Visayans, Ilocanos, Moros, mestizos. Languages: Filipino (official), English, Spanish, Cebuano, Bicol, Pampano, about 80 more languages ​​and dialects.


Catholics - 83%, Protestants - 9%, Muslims - 5%, Buddhists and pagans - 3%.

Brief historical essay

Between 7000 and 2000 BC e. migrated to the Philippines large groups people who lived in the territory of modern China and Vietnam. These settlers influenced the early civilizations of the Philippines. Later, the peoples of Indochina and the southern islands of the Malay Archipelago also migrated to the islands. Around the 5th century n. e. A new civilization arose in the Philippines, based on a mixture of different nationalities and cultures.

In the 12th century. The powerful kingdom of Srivijaya, located on the island of Sumatra, had a great influence on the Philippines. From the 13th century Islam began to spread on the islands. In the 15th century China maintained close trade and diplomatic ties with the islands.

The first European to see the islands was the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan. A year later, Magellan was killed on one of the islands of the archipelago, where he tried to introduce Christianity. After two decades of disputes between Spain and Portugal, the islands ceded to the Spanish crown and were named the Philippines after the then Spanish king Philippa P.

By the end of the 16th century. other European powers began to show interest in the Philippines. After the Spanish-American War of 1898, the islands were given to the United States for $20 million. On May 19, 1898, the Philippines was declared an independent republic. However, a great influence on the external and domestic policy countries provided assistance to the United States, and in fact the Philippines was a protectorate of the United States.

In 1934, a law was passed granting full independence to the Philippines after 12 years and creating a temporary commonwealth. The Republic of the Philippines was officially proclaimed on July 4, 1946. Since 1966, the president of the country was Ferdinand Marcoe, who in the early 70s received almost absolute power in the country. At the end of February 1986, Marcoe resigned and Corazon Aquino became president, who was replaced in 1992 by Fidel Ramos.

Brief Economic Essay

The Philippines is an agrarian-industrial country. Main export crops: coconut palm and agave (one of the first places in the world for the production and export of copra and Manila hemp), sugar cane, tobacco, tropical fruits and citrus fruits. They cultivate grains, sweet potatoes, cassava, peanuts, vegetables, coffee, and cocoa. Animal husbandry. Harvesting of valuable tropical wood. Fishing. Mining of coal, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and nickel ores, chromites, mercury, gold, silver. In the manufacturing industry, the chemical and radio-electronic industries are developing at the highest rates. Mechanical engineering (including car assembly), food and flavoring, textile, clothing industries. Various crafts. Export: agricultural products, machinery and equipment, concentrates.

Currency- Philippine peso.

Brief essay culture

Art and architecture. Pasay. Lopez Memorial Museum, which has a large collection of paintings by Filipino artists. Manila. Museum of Santo Tomas with a collection of exhibits on natural history and archaeology; National Museum with departments of anthropology, botany, geology, zoology and art; Metropolitan Museum of Art; Old town; zoo; botanical garden. Begita (summer capital of the country). Municipal museum with a collection of household items and art of the Igorot tribe.

To find the Philippines on the map, you need to move from Bangkok on the map strictly east (to the right). Large group islands stretching from north to south for 2000 km, these are the Philippine Islands. In the north, the Bashi Strait separates the Philippines from the island of Taiwan; in the west, the coast of the Philippines is washed by the South China Sea, east coast washes the Philippine Sea, and in the south the Sulawesi Sea separates the Philippines from the island of the same name Sulawesi, which belongs to Indonesia.

All these seas belong to the Pacific Ocean basin.

Philippines on the world map

The Philippine Islands are part of the vast Malay Archipelago. The Philippines is an island nation consisting of 7,107 islands.

Many islands have airports, so travel between islands takes place using local airlines. There are more than 220 airports on the islands, of which more than 70 are paved, and like the Maldives, seaplanes are widely used, which do not require airports.

Also, movement between the islands is organized using ferries.

Visa to the Philippines

From August 1, 2013, Russian citizens can visit the Philippines without visas. See visa-free islands for more details

The most popular resorts in the Philippines are Boracay, Cebu, Bohol, Palawan, Mindoro, Negros, Mactan, Mindao, Panglao

Sights of the Philippines

Bohol Island - Chocolate Hills

The main attraction of the Philippines, known throughout the world, is the “chocolate hills”. Hills unusual shape- regular cone, covered with vegetation chocolate color, and therefore surprisingly similar to chocolate truffles. The Chocolate Hills are located on the island of Bohol.

Palawan Island - underground river

On the island of Palawan, near the city of Puerto Princesa, there is another miracle of Philippine nature - a unique navigable underground river, along which you can ride on an excursion boat.

Mindoro Island - Galleon Port

On the island of Mindoro there is an area called Puerto Galera - which means Galleon Port in Spanish. This is a Mecca for divers - as here you can not only admire the beautiful underwater world, but also to see sunken ships.

Benguet Province - mummies

An eerie landmark of the Philippines - caves in the province of Benguet in the village of Kabayan, where it is stored huge amount ancient mummies of the Ibalou people. Scientists argue about the age of the mummies, the range is several thousand years. It is only known that they already existed by the time the Spaniards arrived on the islands

History buffs should visit the colonial districts of the capital of the Philippines, Manila, as well as the chapel of Ferdinand Magellan, founded by him on the island of Cebu. See more details - Philippine Islands
Also in the Philippines, it is worth checking out the local famous healers - healers who perform operations with their bare hands; and visit a masahist - a master of traditional Filipino massage - hilot.

History of the Philippines

It is still unknown how, by whom and when the Philippines were settled. However, in the 5th century AD. a developed civilization already existed on the islands, created by the Negritos who came from the Andaman Islands and the Austronesian peoples - immigrants from China and Taiwan.
In the 7th century The Chinese appeared in the Philippines, and in the 16th century - Arabs and Europeans. The islands were discovered by the famous navigator Ferdinand Magellan for Europe, and he died in the Philippines after getting involved in a local feud.
By the time the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Philippines, the islands were ruled by Muslim Rajahs, who paid tribute to some states of Southeast Asia, but formally remained independent.
In 1543 the islands received their modern name, they were named after the Spanish King Philip II. 22 years after this event, the Philippines came almost completely under Spanish rule. However, the Muslim population of the southern islands constantly rebelled against the colonial authorities, opposing the spread of Catholicism.
In 1762, Manila, the capital of the Philippines, was captured by the British, but a year later they returned the city to the Spaniards, however, continuing to support the Chinese and Muslims who opposed the Spanish crown.
TO end of the 19th century century in the Philippines, a revolutionary underground was created among the Spanish-speaking Catholic population, the leader of which was the poet and writer Jose Rizal. His arrest in July 1896 sparked the Philippine Revolution. On January 21, 1899, the revolutionaries succeeded in proclaiming an independent Philippine Republic.
However, as a result of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars in 1901, the Philippines came under the protectorate of the United States, only 25 years later the islands received autonomy within the framework of this state. The Philippines became completely independent after World War II in 1946.

? important to know for everyone who is interested in local rice fields, beaches, smoldering volcanoes. In December-May the high season begins in the Philippines, which is reflected in the prices - they are overpriced for all services. In the low season, you can count on a 20-40% discount, as well as not very comfortable weather (hot and humid + risk of typhoons).

Philippines: where is this country of 7000 islands located?

Between the Philippines (area - 299,764 sq. km, and the coastline accounts for 36,300 km), located in the Southeast, there is and. Before becoming a republic (early 20th century), the Philippines was under the rule of the Spanish Empire (over 300 years). After this, until the end of World War II, the islands had to be under American domination.

The Philippines (the capital is Manila) consists of more than 7,000 islands (Cebu, Palawan, Luzon, Mindanao and others), of which only 200 are inhabited, and 5,000 are not even given names. Due to its location in the Pacific Ring of Fire zone, the Philippines, whose shores are washed on the eastern side by the Philippine Sea, on the southern side by the South China Sea, on the western side, and on the northern side by the Bashi Strait (thanks to which the Philippine Islands and Taiwan are separated), often subject to earthquakes. The Philippines' closest neighbors are Taiwan, Indonesia, .

Mountains are the predominant relief in the Philippines: the highest of them is the 2900-meter Apo Volcano (the island of Mindanao, off the coast of which the Philippine Trench, whose depth is more than 10,800 m, also passes).

The Philippines includes 80 provinces (Benguet, Siquijor, Ifugao, Pangasinan, Zambales, Marinduque, Rizal, Sorsogon, Camiguin and others), which for convenience are combined into 18 regions (Ilocos, Central Luzon, Mimaropa, Western Visayas, Negros, and others ).

How to get to the Philippines?

Filipinos and Russians prefer to fly to, making stops at airports. So, connecting flight(flight via Doha) with Qatar Airways will take 17 hours. As for the flight – Manila with Emirates (stop in Dubai), it will last 18 hours. It will be possible to get to Manila a little faster (14.5 hours) on the “wings” of Cathay Pacific (passengers will be offered to board 2 planes in Hong Kong).

As for Ukrainians and Belarusians, it is more convenient for them to fly to the islands with stops in, Bangkok or (such flights are organized by Qatar Airways and KLM). And those who will be vacationing in the Malay states of Sarawak and Sabah will be able to travel to the Philippines by ferry.

Holidays in the Philippines

The cathedral is worth a visit Holy Virgin Mary of the Redemption and the Mension mansion, and in Manila - the fort (16th century), St. Augustine Cathedral, Rizal Park, Malacañang Palace, Manila Butterfly House. On the island of Bohol, tourists can admire the Chocolate Hills, in Philippine villages they can attend cockfights (the day of the event is Sunday), and on Palawan they can go on a boat trip along the underground Puerto Princesa River.

Philippine beaches

  • White Beach: beachgoers relax on White Beach, where there are inexpensive bars, hotels and restaurants, in January-May, and windsurfers in November-April.
  • Puraran Beach: The beach attracts surfers who flock here for the impressive waves (August-September), as well as romantics (from here they admire the bay and sea) and photographers (they photograph the “waking up” sun). April-June is suitable for a holiday on Puraran Beach.

Souvenirs from the Philippines

Excellent Philippine souvenirs include pearls, silver and mother-of-pearl items, laud (musical instrument), terracotta dishes, traditional men's shirt(Barong Tagalog), paintings made from natural materials (leather, sand, shells), Filipino Tanduay rum and cigars (Calixto Lopez, Alhambra, Tabacalera).