Basic information about the Nizhny Novgorod surface. Geological structure and minerals

Author of the site "Mushrooms" Novosibirsk region» Dmitry Ageev, who for a long time studies and photographs mushrooms, assures that this summer will be one of the most mushroom-filled in the decade. “This spring has been very warm, humid and rapid,” says Dmitry. - In addition, the summer is rainy and now the conditions for mushrooms in the forests are simply ideal. The first layer of porcini mushrooms began surprisingly early. After all, boletus is considered autumn mushroom. The second layer will begin in the near future and it will be more generous.”

As mycologist of the Botanical Garden SB RAS, Candidate of Biological Sciences Irina Gorbunova reported, this summer in Novosibirsk the growing season of plants began very early. This also applies to mushrooms. Usually, the first tubular mushrooms (boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms) appear at the very end of June, but now they appeared in the middle of the month.

Selling mushrooms in buckets near the Ploshchad Marksa metro station. Photo by Mikhail Permin taken July 7, 2016

“I really don’t like making forecasts,” says Irina Gorbunova. - Scientists have repeatedly tried to make similar mushroom forecasts, but they rarely come true. I have spent most of my life studying the nature of lower plants, mushrooms in particular, and believe me, making mushroom forecasts is a thankless task. Some even tried to calculate the frequency of mushroom appearance. There are mycologists who prove that the yield porcini mushroom in our region - once every four years. But, believe me, in most cases this frequency depends on the weather and nature.”

According to the mycologist, for a good mushroom season, first of all, air humidity is required at least 60 percent. Now this indicator is within the normal range, but no one knows what will happen next. “Mushrooms need rain,” says Irina Aleksandrovna, “if there is none, there will be no mushrooms.”

Now you can easily find boletus mushrooms in the Novosibirsk forests. They can be eaten immediately. According to mycological experts, boletus is an excellent mushroom in all respects, which can be fried, boiled, dried and stored for the winter. It has a calm taste and aroma, it is very easy to recognize in the forest, and is easy to collect and prepare.

"Common boletus" in the forest near the regional center of Ordynskoye. Photo by Mikhail Permin

“In our forests you can often find “common boletus.” Its size is slightly smaller than that of other mushrooms of this species; it grows up to 15 centimeters in height, says another mycologist Vyacheslav Vlasenko. - Butterflies, for example, are more aromatic mushrooms. By the way, there are several types of them, and all are edible. There is a “leafy” oiler that has a bright red cap. It usually scares away mushroom pickers, although the mushroom itself is quite tasty. But the boletus is rightfully considered the king of mushrooms. And not only because of its impressive size, but also because of its taste and nutritional value. At the same time as the porcini mushrooms, other mushrooms will begin to grow, and there are a great many of them. Personally, I like chanterelles the most.”

It is noteworthy that, according to the observations of correspondents, the cost of mushrooms in markets and highways is very different. If on the market a small bucket of medium-sized porcini mushrooms costs 350 rubles, then on the highways near Novosibirsk the same bucket costs 500 rubles. Here and there, sellers claim that the mushroom is local, but they don’t say where exactly it was collected.

It is very difficult to answer the question of how many species of mushrooms there are in the Novosibirsk region. According to the most conservative estimates, there are more than a thousand easily identifiable species of mushrooms,” noted photographer and author of the website “Mushrooms of the Novosibirsk Region” Dmitry Ageev. It is enough for the average resident to know what 10 - 13 types of mushrooms look like.

Let us add that about 5-6 million species of mushrooms grow on Earth, but only 100 thousand of them have been described. All the rest humanity still has to study.

July is chanterelle season. It is in the middle of summer that sunny chanterelles grow, and mushroom pickers open the season of quiet hunting for these very tasty and healthy mushrooms. And chanterelles are amazing mushrooms.
IN rainy weather They, unlike other mushrooms, do not rot, when dry, they do not dry out, but simply stop growing. Chanterelles always look juicy, fresh and are never wormy. In addition, chanterelle is one of those rare mushrooms that is convenient to collect and transport, since it is not at all afraid of being crushed - you can safely put chanterelles in large buckets and bags, they will not wrinkle or break.

Where do chanterelles grow, where do you collect chanterelles?

Beginning mushroom pickers will ask where to look for chanterelles. Let's try to figure out together where chanterelles grow. If you are going to the forest for mushrooms for the first time, know that you can find chanterelles in both mixed and coniferous forests, as well as in birch forests. Chanterelles grow in the shade of trees, but in wet weather they also feel great in open meadows. Like many mushrooms, chanterelles grow in families or groups. Chanterelles grow in clusters, so if you find a mushroom, inspect the ground around it. Look under the leaves, twigs, pine needles and moss - there may be more mushrooms there. Trim the mushrooms carefully.

You should not collect chanterelles that have grown near highways. Even if they are real and have a very attractive appearance, they will bring nothing but harm to the body.

When to collect chanterelles?

Chanterelles can be collected starting at the end of May. Chanterelles begin to grow actively in early July. Thus, the bulk of chanterelle mushrooms grow from July to the end of September. However best time The summer months for collecting chanterelles are July and August.

The chanterelle looks quite remarkable: yellow or yellow-orange in color, a lamellar cap of irregular shape with wavy edges, the plates from under the cap go down to the leg, the leg of the chanterelles itself is not high - no more than 6 cm. Young mushrooms have a flat cap, but the older they get they become, the more the shape of the cap becomes like a funnel.

How to distinguish edible chanterelle - Real and false chanterelle

A real chanterelle has a bright yellow color, a concave cap that is smooth on top and wavy at the edges. The diameter of the mushroom cap is from 3 to 10 cm. The stem of this mushroom is dense and elastic, slightly darker than the cap. Characteristic feature Chanterelles are characterized by their pleasant fruity aroma.

False relatives of the chanterelle are brighter in appearance, yellow-orange in color, with a hollow and thin leg. The edges of its cap are even, unlike a real chanterelle, the shape is close to a circle, and the color is even orange-red. And most importantly: the pulp of the false chanterelle has a very bad smell. If you cut off a mushroom, you will see that the inedible chanterelle has a hollow stem. Beware of false foxes!

Chanterelles - benefits and beneficial properties of chanterelles

Chanterelles are one of the most popular mushrooms with valuable beneficial properties. The benefits of chanterelles for the body are not only high content carotene (that’s why they are red), but also in many other ways. It should be noted that chanterelle is the record holder among other mushrooms for manganese content (20.5% of daily norm consumption). Along with this, the mushroom contains huge amount vitamins of various compositions, such as PP (25% in the unprocessed product), A (15.8%), beta-carotene (17%).

The benefit of chanterelles is also that they are indispensable for proper nutrition. Chanterelles are very low-calorie mushrooms; 100 g of chanterelles contain only 19 kcal. 100 g of chanterelles contains 1.5 g of protein, 1 g of fat and 1 g of carbohydrates - as you can see, chanterelles can be eaten by those who are on a diet. In addition, chanterelles contain 7 g of dietary fiber, which is very beneficial for digestion. 89% of the composition of chanterelles is water (so don’t be surprised when your mushrooms shrink by 3-4 times during cooking).

Chanterelles are hearty mushrooms, so if you don’t eat meat, you can perfectly satisfy your hunger with dishes made from these mushrooms, especially since they are very simple to prepare.

How to cook chanterelles, what to cook from chanterelles

Delicious chanterelle mushrooms are easy to prepare. Special attention Mushroom pickers should pay attention to the fact that chanterelles cannot be stored for a long time at temperatures above ten degrees above zero. Therefore, their processing and preparation must be started as quickly as possible. Let's figure out how to cook chanterelles. So, there is no need to clean the chanterelles, just rinse them thoroughly, remove branches, pine needles, leaves, grains of sand and other forest debris, and then cook.

As a rule, chanterelles are fried or stewed - mushrooms have a very tasty aroma, the smell of fried chanterelles awakens the appetite and makes everyone’s mouth water, without exception. Soups with chanterelles, fried chanterelles with potatoes and onions, and chanterelle pies are very tasty. Cooking time for chanterelles is about 25-35 minutes.

You can also fry the chanterelles in oil (even without salt) and freeze them in the freezer. Then you just need to defrost and fry or boil the mushrooms.

Fried chanterelles with potatoes - recipe for fried chanterelles with potatoes

Chanterelles are tasty, aromatic and very filling mushrooms. Fried chanterelles with potatoes will please even the most picky gourmets, especially if the potatoes are young. This dish is simple and at the same time very satisfying; it can be served without meat for both lunch and dinner. The recipe for fried chanterelles with potatoes is very simple, and even young, inexperienced housewives can easily cope with it.

So, to prepare fried chanterelles with potatoes (4 servings), you will need:

  • frying pan (it should be large enough, with high walls and a lid);
  • 8-9 medium-sized young potatoes;
  • fresh chanterelle mushrooms (keep in mind that during the cooking process the mushrooms lose up to half or even more of their volume, so there will be 2 times less prepared mushrooms than fresh ones);
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • oil for frying (potatoes can be fried in vegetable oil, sunflower, olive or camelina, and mushrooms in cream, so the dish will turn out much tastier);
  • salt to taste.

How to cook fried chanterelles with potatoes:

  1. Fresh chanterelles should be soaked in cool water for 20-30 minutes to make them easier to clean later. When small twigs, soil and sand come off, the mushrooms must be thoroughly washed under running water, and trim off what cannot be washed off. If the mushrooms are very large, cut them into large pieces.
  2. Take a saucepan, pour water into it, and when it boils, throw in the chanterelles. The chanterelles should not be cooked for long: 10-15 minutes, after which the water must be drained. If your mushrooms are small and very clean, then you can skip this step.
  3. Take an onion, peel it and cut it into half rings or quarters. Pour oil into the pan and start frying the onions in it. When the smell of fried onions appears, add mushrooms. Onions and mushrooms should be fried over medium heat for about 15 minutes. In order to determine whether the chanterelles are ready, look at them: they should become even brighter, and the onions should acquire a golden-red color, decrease in volume and almost merge with the mushrooms.
  4. Salt the mushrooms and keep on the fire for another 3-5 minutes. After this, remove the pan from the heat and transfer the mushrooms to another bowl.
  5. At the same time as frying the mushrooms, prepare the new potatoes. We wash it thoroughly, but don’t clean it—we leave it in its uniform. Cut into semicircles (the thickness should be 2-3 mm, no more), change the oil in the frying pan (the oil layer should be 1 cm) and put the frying pan on low heat. When the oil is warm, add potato slices to the frying pan and cover with a lid (air outflow is important, so if the lid does not have a hole, open it slightly). Fry, stirring occasionally, over medium heat.
  6. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the mushrooms and onions to the frying pan. We taste, add salt to taste, mix and cook until the potatoes are completely soft.