Cottage cheese in bodybuilding. Recommendations: which cottage cheese is best for gaining muscle mass? What is the best way to eat cottage cheese for gaining weight?

The most useful technique food is considered breakfast. The healthier and more satisfying it is, the better for both health and figure. This, unfortunately, cannot be said about snacks at night, which can provoke quite serious problems with work gastrointestinal tract. Most safe product Cottage cheese is considered to be consumed before going to bed.

To make cottage cheese, milk is allowed to ferment into kefir. This process is accompanied by the release of lactic acid bacteria. After heating, a curd mass is obtained. The latter is brought to condition by removing the whey. To obtain 200 grams of cottage cheese, you need at least 500 milliliters of milk.

In addition, sold on store shelves dairy product There are quite a lot of preservatives included. Another feature of cottage cheese is that it has varying degrees fat content Athletes are recommended to eat only the low-fat version. Otherwise, the diet will be disrupted, which will lead to an increase in body fat.

You should choose this dairy product as a snack before going to bed for two reasons:

  1. Cottage cheese perfectly neutralizes excess insulin, which is formed when eating any other food containing proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  2. The protein present in the curd mass is of great value for bodybuilders and athletes involved in any other sports disciplines, since it can nourish muscles for several hours. In other words, the protein obtained from cottage cheese acts similarly to pharmaceutical casein.

Thus, cottage cheese consumed at night acts on the body as sports nutrition. If you eat it as an evening snack, your muscles will receive the necessary building material for muscle fibers.

Dairy products are recommended for all those who want to lose weight. This, of course, is only true for the low-fat version. Don't rely on nutrition alone. To reset extra pounds, it is necessary not only to adjust the diet, but also to carry out the appropriate physical exercise. Without sports, no diet will help.

Weight will decrease after eating cottage cheese before bed, but only in cases where several important nuances are observed:

  • They don't overeat. The portion of cottage cheese should be such that it fits comfortably in a saucer. No additional components may be added to the product. Cottage cheese must be unsweetened and low-fat.
  • Eating low calorie foods. Low energy value does not mean that foods can be eaten without restrictions. There must be a measure.
  • Drink at least two liters of unboiled clean water per day.
  • Have a snack with cottage cheese no later than two hours before going to bed. This is only true for low-fat products. Fat cottage cheese takes at least five hours to digest. It is not recommended to eat it at night, as it overloads the digestive system and leads to the formation of fat on the sides.

Cottage cheese is especially useful for people who not only want to lose weight, but are actively involved in sports. The product is also valuable for those who are deficient in protein due to their nutrition and diet. Low-fat cottage cheese compensates for the lack of protein and calcium, but does not negative influence on the figure.

In other words, cottage cheese suits absolutely everyone. It allows athletes to obtain protein for preservation muscle mass, and for people who want to lose weight to overcome the feeling of hunger. The main thing is to snack on cottage cheese no later than two hours before going to bed. Otherwise, it will not have time to be absorbed into the body.

Can cottage cheese cause harm?

Any product has both positive and negative properties. Cottage cheese is considered harmless for both adults and children. It is quite valuable for the body, but not always. The product may cause harm if:

  1. a person has an individual intolerance to this product;
  2. cottage cheese is of low quality or not fresh.

A certain category of people have serious problems with consuming dairy products. They are not digested or absorbed normally, but cause indigestion, bloating, painful sensations V lower area abdomen, as gas accumulates there.

You should always carefully monitor the condition of your body after eating cottage cheese. If any feeling of discomfort arises, but there have been no intolerances or problems with dairy products before, it means the product is of poor quality or not the freshest.

To purchase good cottage cheese, you should remember that it cannot be very cheap. For 400 grams of product you need to pay no less than for a liter of milk. The shelf life of the product should be no more than one week. If the packaging indicates a longer time, it means that the cottage cheese contains a lot of preservatives.

Every person with early childhood I heard about the benefits of milk. This is especially true for breastfeeding. The baby develops and grows thanks to the nutrients and valuable substances obtained from it. With age, only plain milk and its derivatives remain in the human diet. The latter adults eat much more willingly, but even they, being present on the daily menu, quickly get bored. This is also true for cottage cheese.

To give the product a new taste, it is softened with a blender into a curd mass, to which a banana, apple, nuts, oranges or bananas are added. Bodybuilders are recommended to add glutamine or protein. Eating such a mass is much more pleasant, and the variety of additives allows you to give the cottage cheese a new taste every time.

The basis of the product is casein. This protein is absorbed in the body in about five hours. Healthy carbohydrates and fats present in cottage cheese are an excellent source of energy. Therefore, it is recommended to use it several hours before the actual workout. You can eat both curd mass and cottage cheese. One glass of product is enough. There is no need to eat more.

Low-fat cottage cheese contains at least 50% casein. The higher the fat content of the product, the more casein it contains. Along with it, cottage cheese contains fast protein necessary for recovery after a workout, as well as large number microelements such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium. These substances support and restore muscle tissue, nerve fibers, hair, bone and dental tissues, cardiovascular system.

How much cottage cheese can you eat before bed?

To compensate for the lack of protein, just one glass of the product is enough. If you need to build muscle mass, prepare curd mass with glutamine, protein, and amino acids. Specific additives depend on sports discipline. Excellent taste quality cottage cheese mixed with sour cream and sugar has it, but eating such a dish on a diet is prohibited.

Any strength training to gain mass requires the athlete to consume protein. Among the traditional protein-containing products used by athletes since time immemorial, there has always been cottage cheese. Although it has an advantage, in order to get the maximum benefit from its use, it is necessary to know exactly when and in what cases the athlete should give it preference.

Cottage cheese for gaining muscle mass

Professional athletes need to consume cottage cheese daily, since this is an urgent requirement both to increase the volume of muscle mass and to preserve its structure from destruction.

Did you know? 200 g of cottage cheese contains up to 30 g of protein, and this is equivalent to one serving of a protein shake.

Let us consider further why exactly the curd menu is useful for an athlete, what right choice product, at what time it is best to consume it and in what quantities.

What's the use

Main feature this dairy product is great content it contains various benefits that make it valuable for the diet.

We are talking about the following components of cottage cheese (per 100 g of product):

  • fat content - 0.5-15% (depending on the type of cleaning);
  • protein - 15-18 g (casein up to 70%, the rest is easily digestible protein);
  • fats - 5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2-4 g;
  • mineral and vitamin composition of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.

This unique composition makes cottage cheese indispensable for power loads, since its digestibility rate is low, and this allows you to maintain the recovery process for a long time muscle structure. This is the main essence of its use by athletes.

Important! When buying cottage cheese, be sure to read its composition on the packaging: a natural product should not contain vegetable fats, starch, artificial flavors or dyes.

A few more benefits of a diet containing cottage cheese:

  • it is quickly absorbed by the body;
  • inexpensive and accessible;
  • his can be combined with other foods and drinks.

When to use

If we take into account the rate of absorption of cottage cheese by the body (from 1.5 to 5 hours), then consuming the product immediately before strength training will not be reasonable.

  • an hour or two before the training, so that at the beginning of the training the eaten dish has already been broken down and absorbed;
  • during the daytime, cottage cheese can be eaten regardless of time (between main meals);
  • The correct time to consume a dairy product before bed will be because the muscles will be saturated with amino acids long time, which will reduce the catabolic process.

Which one is better and how much is there?

Despite the availability of the product described, making the right choice is not so easy: the store chain offers great variety dairy products. Nevertheless, by adhering to some recommendations, you can choose the option that is acceptable to you.

When purchasing cottage cheese, pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. The consistency of the cottage cheese should not be completely crumbly, but more homogeneous and soft, grainy.
  2. Evaluate the smell: it should smell like milk, without other foreign odors.
  3. The taste of cottage cheese should be moderately sour; if its acidity is increased, it means it has an expiration date of this product expired; A “greasy” taste will indicate that the product contains palm oil.
  4. If you want to not only gain volume, but also dry it out, opt for cottage cheese, which has a fat content of up to 1%.
  5. If you do not set a goal to dry, then you can buy cottage cheese with 5% fat content.
  6. Homemade cottage cheese will also help achieve good results in growth, since its fat content is always higher than that of store-bought counterparts. You just need to buy such products in specialized departments on the market, from trusted sellers who have product quality certificates.
  7. Regardless of the type of workout, sometimes give preference to low-fat types of product: it contains more protein, less fat, and also reduced calories. This will allow you to consume up to 500 g of the product without exceeding the daily calorie limit, and will also spare the gastrointestinal tract.

As for the amount of cottage cheese eaten, it is important to consider several factors:
  • what is the mass of the athlete;
  • quantity muscle tissue and excess fat;
  • frequency and intensity of training.

Did you know? Drinking milk with increased fat content(over 3%) helps overcome pain syndrome in the muscles that occurs after training.

It is also necessary to remember that the body can only absorb a clearly regulated amount of protein:

  • 300-500 g can be absorbed by the male body;
  • 150-200 g - female.

This amount of food should be divided into two or three meals per day. It is important not to forget that in the consumed daily amount protein, it is necessary to include other protein-containing foods ( lean fish and meat, eggs, other dairy products).

What can you add to cottage cheese for even greater benefits?

To enhance beneficial effects curd menu on the body, you can show your imagination and combine the product with various ingredients or prepare separate dishes from it.
Here are several options for the curd menu:

  • as an ingredient in protein shakes;
  • add to various vegetable and fruit salads;
  • dietary dessert with the addition of nuts, honey, jam, dried fruits;
  • do baking;
  • prepare casseroles;
  • add to banana milkshake.

In fact, the ways to add cottage cheese to your diet are varied: from a simple snack to a full meal.

Other Mass Gaining Products

A food package for a strength sports athlete should contain healthy organic food, rich in protein, with “slow” carbohydrates, as well as sufficient quantity water for drinking.

Important! To increase muscle volume, except proper nutrition, drinking enough fluids is vitally important, because in muscle fibers contains up to 80% water.

Products that promote efficient growth muscle fibers:

  1. Milk and its derivatives (yogurt, curdled milk). They contain lactic acid bacteria, which aid digestion, vitamin D and calcium, which help strengthen skeletal system and build muscle.
  2. Fish (cod, etc.). It contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and amino acids that serve to properly digest proteins.
  3. Lean meat (chicken and turkey breast, beef, veal). Poultry contains about 45% protein, and rabbit and beef are rich in creatine, which helps burn fat and build muscle fibers.
  4. Eggs (especially whites). They contain vitamins D, E, A and protein.
  5. Cereals and legumes. Contains “slow” carbohydrates, amino acids and protein.
  6. Vegetables (cabbage,

Hello everyone, everyone and everywhere! It’s been a long time since we’ve been here nutritional articles, and therefore today we will talk on the topic “Cottage cheese in bodybuilding” - the tired and most favorite delicacy of bodybuilders of all times and peoples - cottage cheese. We will learn about its benefits, various “Kachkovsky” cooking recipes and how to distinguish natural product from “mess up.”

So, there's a lot waiting for us useful information on the topic of cottage cheese in bodybuilding, let's start absorbing it.

Cottage cheese in bodybuilding: what is the mass, brother?

There are not many products in a bodybuilder’s diet about which you can hear the following reviews: “I’m tired to hell,” “I have a hard time cramming it in,” or the completely opposite - “I sleep and see.” One of them is His Majesty cottage cheese. It is these white lumps that cause such a bouquet of various food emotions in athletes. On the one hand, it is clear that it is very useful and necessary for the athlete (we'll talk about why later). On the other hand, it happens that just the mere mention of cottage cheese brings crocodile tears to the bodybuilder’s eyes and a gag reflex occurs. (we will also discuss what to do in such cases).

So, let's start in order.

Cottage cheese is a dairy product of animal origin, an indispensable component in the diet of any self-respecting athlete.


We all know from our respected political minds and sociologists nutritionists, what after 6 Under no circumstances should you eat. So, firstly, this rule does not apply to a bodybuilder, and secondly, cottage cheese is, perhaps, the only product that can be easily “hamstered”, and even deep in the evening(for example, after 9 ) .

Like any other product, cottage cheese has its own composition (wow!), which is usually indicated on the packaging. Most often you can see the following “writing” there:

  • natural cow's milk;
  • leaven.

This is the ideal option, as I call it “little text - a lot of benefit.” Those. there are no food colorings, thickeners, sweeteners and various elements of the periodic table, but only the same natural ingredients.

There are also “heavier” product compositions, for example:

  • normalized milk;
  • calcium chloride;
  • enzyme preparation;
  • leaven.

It’s not uncommon to find a whole essay in the composition – this is the most “unhelpful” option.

This concerns the consumer-technological composition, i.e. what components were used to create what you are holding in your hands. Athletes and weight watchers in general are also very interested in the nutritional composition of the product, i.e. ratios: - - . And here it’s worth saying that cottage cheese is mostly protein product, however, keep in mind that there are different types with different compositions.

So, on the shelves of modern stores you can find the following types of cottage cheese:

  • rustic (more fat 20% ) ;
  • bold ( 18% ) ;
  • bold ( 9-10% ) ;
  • lean (low fat, less 3% ) .

You can also find some intermediate options: 5% etc.


Under the guise of cottage cheese, curd mass can be sold - ground cottage cheese + butter/cream + various additives (including sugar).

Actually, as a reminder on dairy products (including types of cottage cheese) p I suggest using the following table.

In addition to the main nutrients, cottage cheese contains the necessary vitamin and mineral components. To finally establish the benefits of this product, let's look at its prefabricated “component card”.


Cottage cheese contains milk sugar (lactose), so if you are intolerant to it, then most dairy products are simply inaccessible to you due to indigestion.

Cottage cheese in bodybuilding: main benefits

Now let's look specifically at the benefits of cottage cheese in bodybuilding. All bodybuilders and fitness ladies need to know that he:

  1. contains (up to 50-60% ) slow (long-lasting) protein casein, which is able to supply the body with energy throughout 5-6 hours;
  2. remaining 40-50% Protein is a fast-breaking protein that is best consumed after a hard, intense workout;
  3. from 14 to 18% accounts for high-quality balanced protein, which is already in half-digested (pepsinized) condition;
  4. contains a lot of calcium, iron, phosphorus, especially necessary during physical activities to strengthen musculoskeletal system body;
  5. has neither cellular nor tissue structure, therefore it is easily and almost completely absorbed during 3 hours;
  6. contains methionine - an essential amino acid with lipotropic (normalization of lipid/cholesterol metabolism) action;
  7. slow carbohydrates of cottage cheese allow you to maintain for a long time high level body energy;
  8. An excellent product before training - to replenish muscles with proteins and a supply of “long-lasting” energy, and after - to replenish energy and restore damaged muscle tissue.

Well, I think we’ve sorted out the usefulness, it’s time to move on to the practical and technical aspects.

So for general development It’s worth knowing that cottage cheese is a “tertiary” product in the chain: milk-yogurt-cottage cheese. Those. it is not taken from somewhere from the trees like oranges and simply packaged - no. It is obtained as a result of a sequential sequence technological processes. First, the milk is “fermented” by introducing organic lactic acid bacteria into it, then it is heated and the “flakes” are separated from the “water” - whey.

Being theoretically savvy and enlightened is, of course, good, but you won’t be satisfied with theory alone :). Therefore, you need to know some of the subtleties and secrets of buying natural cottage cheese, and we’ll talk about...

Cottage cheese in bodybuilding: how to choose a quality product

So, we came to a fancy supermarket, our eyes were immediately wide-eyed from the abundance of food products on display. Just one cottage cheese 10 species, and everywhere it is written - 100% natural product. To figure out what was wrapped there in a beautiful package, you need discreetly open the package and eat adhere to the following tips.

Tip #1. Price

Cottage cheese is made from milk, more precisely from 500 ml of milk is approximately 200 its gram. Those. The value of cottage cheese is much higher than that of milk. Therefore it should not be the case that 1 l of milk costs 70 rubles, and 200 a pack of cottage cheese costs less 35 rubles

Tip #2. Standard

Before purchasing, collect your eyes and look for the inscription on the GOST package “P XXXXX-year”. Such products are manufactured in compliance with all necessary standards, and the quality of the products is such brands– is tracked. If the inscription is TU (technical specifications) , then it is better to avoid such products, because no one knows what they stuffed in there :).

One more nuance. Usually, village (homemade) cottage cheese is sold on the market, and there are no identification marks on its composition because it is done with your own hands, and there is simply no way to measure how much and what is there. Therefore, it is worth saying here that such “grandmother’s” cottage cheese, of course, can be bought (it’s better than store bought – fact), but do not overdo it with dosages, because it is quite greasy. On average 750 gr/ 1 kg will be enough for you (together with “market”) for a week.

Tip #3. Date

The date of manufacture is usually stamped on the product packaging. Shelf life of natural cottage cheese – 72 hours ( 3 days), can reach up to 5 days. Therefore, pay attention to whether the product is expired or whether the numbers on the label are broken. If it appearance doesn't inspire confidence (crumpled, poorly packaged) Despite its correct date, it is better to avoid such cottage cheese.


There is a special technology for storing food - membrane filtration. Cottage cheese using this technology in sealed packaging can be stored for about 30 days.

Follow these tips, and naturalness is guaranteed to you.

Cottage cheese in bodybuilding: how to check for naturalness

If you bought cottage cheese according to all the rules, but are still tormented by vague doubts about its quality, then you can easily check its “authenticity” using a simple test. It is called “a drop of iodine”.

Very often, various “additional goodies” are mixed into various products, which are designed to dilute the product to a lower quality without signs visible to the buyer. For example, add semolina to sugar or dilute the juice with water, etc. Cottage cheese is also not spared from this misfortune, and food starch is often added to it in order to save on quality and sell at the same price.

To determine what kind of cottage cheese is in front of us, we need to do a little chemical (in the truest sense of the word). Take a pipette, dip it in a vial of iodine and drop 1 a drop on the “experimental” one. If there is starch in cottage cheese, then as a result chemical reaction the latter will acquire a bluish tint, while the natural one will be white (with a yellowish tint of iodine, see image)

Here's a simple test, use it!

In general, in order to avoid various irresponsible manufacturers, I have prepared for you the following table with the results of the examination of cottage cheese (clickable).

Now when you go for this delicacy, just remember the table, and you will definitely avoid “mess up” :).

Well, the theoretical part seems to be over, the most delicious part remains - the practical one.

Cottage cheese in bodybuilding: simple recipes

The stumbling block for any athlete watching their diet is variety, which is never lacking. Many athletes simply don’t get into these anymore chicken breasts or bananas, the situation is no better with cottage cheese. After all, you need to eat it at least 1-2 once a day, and no matter how useful it is, after a couple of months it just makes you sick.

What to do in this situation?...after all, if chicken can be replaced with turkey fillet, bananas with pears, then cottage cheese is also cottage cheese in Africa.

There is only one way out - to resort to “tastes”, i.e. using various recipes based on cottage cheese, of course with minimal disruption to the usefulness of the product. The simplest option would be a blender and various natural ingredients:

  • fruits (pieces of banana, orange, etc.) and berries (raspberry, strawberry);
  • honey, rosehip syrup, maple syrup;
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins;
  • nuts: hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts;
  • fermented milk products: yogurt, Varenets, fermented baked milk, kefir.

For those for whom this option is not suitable and generally want something similar, I suggest a series simple recipes, which will help you make original and healthy dishes from such a component as cottage cheese in bodybuilding.

So, we figured out how to buy cottage cheese, how to prepare it, all that remains is to find out how to eat it correctly :). The optimal method is considered to be: 60-70 minutes before the gym, also 30-40 minutes after it (during the period) and for 40 minutes before plunging into the kingdom of morphea. How much of it should you eat at one time?

Let's say if in 100 gr. contains cottage cheese 16,7 g proteins, then 60% of which casein is accounted for, the rest 40% - fast protein, then at night (if dream 8 hours) need to eat about 25-30 g casein protein. The math will look like this: 25-30/(16.7*0.6)=250-300 gr. Eat enough before training 150-200 gr, immediately after better in liquid form(near 200 g) in the form .


Here we have such a voluminous article on the topic “Cottage cheese in bodybuilding”. I assure you that you will not find such details on the Russian-language Internet, if you find it, write and I will return your money :). That’s all, I think, I have completely turned you away today, so come to your senses. See you again, friends.

PS. As always, the party task is to press beautiful buttons and generously share with friends, we do it, we are not lazy!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Eggs, cottage cheese, chicken meat - all these products have long lived in the refrigerators of athletes and are rightfully considered excellent fuel for muscles. But, like any other fuel, products affect our body differently: some quickly give it to him required quantity proteins, others stretch the “pleasure”, supplying it a small amount proteins for a long time. It is for this reason that knowledge about these foods is your trump card during a diet. Today we will talk about cottage cheese, and the topic of conversation will be the benefits of cottage cheese for muscles, which you can use for your benefit, increasing the effectiveness of your training and muscle mass gain.

Benefits of cottage cheese for muscles – 5 properties

Supplying the body with protein for up to 4 hours

Athletes pay a lot of attention to proteins, which are quickly absorbed and delivered to the muscles. Of course, such a nutrition plan is 100% justified before and after training. However, often during the day we can forget about nutrition, and in this case cottage cheese will come in handy. It contains a large amount of casein protein, which takes up to 6 hours to digest. In the end even after 3-4 hours After taking cottage cheese, you can be sure that the body has the necessary amount of protein to prevent muscle catabolism. It will be especially useful to use this feature cottage cheese before bed, during which your body will be deprived of the opportunity to receive building material for muscle tissue.

Appetite suppression

The benefit of cottage cheese and casein also lies in the fact that after consumption it effectively suppresses appetite. Of course, during a mass gain cycle this property can hardly be called useful, but during the drying period Cottage cheese is a great helper for preventing overeating.

A complete supply of essential amino acids

BCAA powder or capsules are one of the best-selling products in the fitness industry. However, a good analogue to the famous pills can be grandmother’s cottage cheese, which contains the full set: tryptophan, lysine, methionine, valine, threonine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and hestidine. Especially good leucine and isoleucine levels, which are quite comparable to meat. Thanks to them high content, cottage cheese promotes the accumulation of glycogen in the liver, which gives strength for training, and also supports protein synthesis in muscles and promotes recovery after physical activity. In a word, cottage cheese will come in handy here more than ever.

Almost half the daily value of B12

Participates in protein synthesis, promotes hematopoiesis and prevents anemia, improves concentration during training and memory function, activates energy processes in the body and reduces cholesterol - all this is a vitamin with the modest name B12. Just 100 grams of cottage cheese contain whole 44% of it daily norm . Not a bad gift in addition to a full set of essential amino acids, right?

Source of minerals

Everyone knows about the benefits calcium and phosphorus contained in cottage cheese. All this is true, but besides them, cottage cheese contains even more than the daily norm of other minerals - selenium and cobalt. The first helps maintain immunity even during intense physical activity, and the second activates the process of hematopoiesis, necessary for normal operation digestive system and removes nervous fatigue after hard training.

Which cottage cheese is healthier

The benefits of cottage cheese for muscles should not result in harm to other body systems, including the circulatory system. It is for this reason that we recommend using moderate fat cottage cheese(no more than 5%), since fatter cottage cheese often contains high cholesterol. As for low-fat cottage cheese, there is no doubt about its benefits, but as a rule, along with the fat, such cottage cheese is also deprived of part fat-soluble vitamins, which makes it a little less useful.