The highest peak of the mountain. The highest mountains in the world

Everyone knows that the highest mountain is Everest. Can you name the second tallest? Or at least three more from the TOP 10 list? How many eight-thousanders in the world do you know? Answers under the cut...

No. 10. Annapurna I (Himalayas) - 8091 meters

Annapurna I is the highest peak of the Annapurna mountain range. The height of the mountain is 8091 meters. It ranks tenth among all the peaks of the world. This peak is also considered the most dangerous - the mortality rate of climbers for all years of climbing is 32%, but in the period from 1990 to the present, the mortality rate has decreased to 17%.

The name Annapurna is translated from Sanskrit as “Goddess of Fertility.”

The peak was first conquered in 1950 by French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal. Initially they wanted to conquer Dhaulagiri, but found it impregnable and went to Annapurna.

No. 9. Nanga Parbat (Himalayas) - 8125 meters.

Nanga Parbat is one of the most dangerous mountains to climb among the eight-thousander mountains. The height of the Nanga Parbat peak is 8125 meters.

Among the Europeans, the peak was first noticed in the 19th century by Adolf Schlagintveit during his trip to Asia and made the first sketches.

In 1895, the first attempt to conquer the peak was made by British climber Albert Frederick Mummery. But he died along with his guides.

Then several more attempts were made to conquer it in 1932, 1934, 1937, 1939, 1950. But the first successful conquest occurred in 1953, when Hermann Buhl, a member of the German-Austrian expedition led by K. Herligkoffer, climbed Nanga Parbat.
Nanga Parbat has a climber mortality rate of 21%.

No. 8. Manaslu (Himalayas) - 8156 meters.

Manaslu (Kutang) is a mountain that is part of the Mansiri Himal range in Nepal.
In 1950, Tilman made the first reconnaissance of the mountain and noted that it was possible to climb it from the northeast side. And only 34 years later, after several unsuccessful attempts to conquer the peak, on January 12, 1984, Polish climbers Ryszard Gajewski and Maciej Berbeka climbed the main peak of Manaslu for the first time, conquering it.
The mortality rate among climbers on Manaslu is 16%.

No. 7. Dhaulagiri I (Himalayas) - 8167 meters.

Dhaulagiri I - nai highest point Dhaulagiri mountain range in the Himalayas. The height of the peak is 8167 meters.

From 1808 to 1832, Dhaulagiri I was considered the highest peak in the world. Climbers paid attention to it only in the 50s of the 20th century, and only the eighth expedition was able to conquer the peak. A team of the best climbers in Europe, led by Max Eiselin, conquered the peak on May 13, 1960.

In Sanskrit, dhavala or dala means “white” and giri means “mountain”.

No. 6. Cho Oyu (Himalayas) - 8201 meters.

Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain peak in the world. The height of Cho Oyu is 8201 m.

The first successful ascent was made in 1954 by an Austrian expedition, which included Herbert Tichy, Joseph Jächler and Pazang Dawa Lama. For the first time, an attempt was made to conquer such a peak without oxygen masks and cylinders, and it was a success. With its success, the expedition opened a new page in the history of mountaineering.

Today there are 15 different routes to the top of Cho Oyu.

No. 5. Makalu (Himalayas) - 8485 meters.

Makalu is the fifth highest peak in the world. Located in the central Himalayas, on the border of Nepal with China (Tibet Autonomous Region).

The first ascent attempts began in the mid-50s of the 20th century. This can be explained by the fact that most expeditions wanted to conquer Qomolungma and Lhotse, while Makalu and other lesser-known neighboring peaks remained in the shadows.

The first successful expedition occurred in 1955. French climbers led by Lionel Terray and Jean Cauzy conquered the peak on May 15, 1955.

Makalu is one of the most difficult peaks to climb. Less than 30% of expeditions are successful.

To date, there are 17 different routes to the top of Makalu.

No. 4. Lhotse (Himalayas) - 8516 meters.

Lhotse is the fourth highest peak in the world, at 8516 meters. Located on the territory of Tibet Autonomous Okrug.

The first successful ascent was made on May 18, 1956 by a Swiss expedition consisting of Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger.

Of all attempts to climb Lhotse, only 25% were successful.

No. 3. Kanchenjunga (Himalayas) - 8586 meters.

Until 1852, Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak in the world, but after calculations based on data from the 1849 expedition, it was proven that the highest mountain is Everest.

All peaks in the world tend to have a decreasing mortality rate over time, but Kangchenjunga is an exception. IN recent years The mortality rate when climbing to the top has reached 23% and is only growing. In Nepal, there is a legend that Kanchenjunga is a woman mountain that kills all women who try to climb to its peak.

No. 2. Chogori (Karakorum) - 8614 meters.

Chogori is the second highest peak in the world. Chogori was first discovered by a European expedition in 1856 and was designated Mount K2, that is, the second peak of the Karakoram.
The first attempt to climb was made in 1902 by Oscar Eckenstein and Aleister Crowley, but ended in failure.

The summit was conquered in 1954 by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio.

To date, 10 different routes have been laid to the top of K2.
Climbing Chogori is technically much more difficult than climbing Everest. In terms of danger, the mountain ranks second among eight-thousanders after Annapurna, the mortality rate is 24%. None of the attempts to climb Chogori in winter were successful.

No. 1. Chomolungma (Himalayas) - 8848 meters.

Chomolungma (Everest) is the highest peak on Earth.

Translated from Tibetan “Chomolungma” - “Divine (jomo) Mother (ma) vital energy(lung)". The mountain is named after the Bon goddess Sherab Jamma.

The English name "Everest" was given in honor of Sir George Everest, the head of the geodetic survey British India in 1830-1843. This name was proposed in 1856 by George Everest's successor Andrew Waugh after the publication of the results of his collaborator Radhanath Sikdar, who in 1852 first measured the height of "Peak XV" and showed that it was the highest in the region and, probably, in the whole world.

Before the first successful ascent to the summit, which took place in 1953, about 50 expeditions were carried out to the Himalayas and Karakoram (to Chomolungma, Chogori, Kanchenjunga, Nanga Parbat and other peaks).

On May 29, 1953, Everest was conquered by New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.

In subsequent years, climbers conquered the highest peak in the world different countries world - USSR, China, USA, India, Japan, and other countries.

Over the entire period of time, more than 260 people died while attempting to climb Everest. Nevertheless, more than 400 people try to conquer Chomolungma every year.

The answer to the question about eight-thousanders is that there are 14 of them in the world, 10 of them are in the Himalayas, and the remaining 4 are in the Karakoram.

There are many highest peaks on planet Earth. People conquer them, sing their praises, and study with interest where the most high mountains. One of these places is called Everest - this is the highest mountain in the world, known not only for its height, but also for numerous ascents in attempts to conquer it, hundreds of lives lost and interesting story research. In addition to it, there are 13 more mountains that have exceeded the mark of 8000 meters.

The highest mountains

The list of the largest mountains on planet Earth includes 117 names. It includes most of the highest peaks, which number more than 7200 meters. Most of them are located in Asia, in the Himalayas - a chain stretching from India to Bhutan. The ranking opens with the highest peak on earth - Everest. The highest mountains on earth also belong to the Himalayan eight-thousanders: Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Kanchenjunga, Karakorum, Lhotse, Makalu, Manaslu, Nanga Parbat, Chogori. Let's pay attention to those mountains that are located on other continents of the world:

  • In first place is Everest (Chomolungma), 8848 meters. It is located in the central Himalayas.
  • The American mountain Aconcagua from Argentina takes second place and reaches 6961 m.
  • In Alaska there is Mount McKinley, 6168 m.
  • The famous Kilimanjaro from Africa takes fourth place thanks to its 5891.8 meters.
  • Elbrus, popular among climbers, is located in the Greater Caucasus. Height - 5642 m. Its first conquest in the Caucasus Mountains dates back to 1829.
  • Vinson, whose height is 4897 meters. This is the highest peak in Antarctica.
  • Mont Blanc is the largest peak in Europe. Reaches 4810 m.
  • Kosciuszko is a mountain that Australia can boast of. Height - 2228 meters.
  • Pyramid of Carstens (4884 m). Refers to the highest peaks of Australia and Oceania.

The highest peak in the world

Any height on land is usually measured from sea level, which determines which mountains are the highest. Since its position is constantly changing, a constant average annual indicator is taken as a basis. It does not depend on water fluctuations, ebbs, flows and evaporation, therefore it is an accurate mark. The mark above this level is calculated vertically from the mountain, the position of which is determined to the average surface level. Thus, it was revealed that the largest points on the earth reach almost 9 thousand meters.

What is it called

The highest mountain in the world is part of the Himalaya mountain belt, located on the Mahalangur Himal mountain range and is known by the names: Chomolungma, Everest, Sagarmatha, Chomo Kankar. The first name was given to the mountain by the inhabitants of Tibet. It means Goddess of Peace or Divine Mother. The second name, Everest, appeared in 1856. The mountain is named after Sir George Everest, who was the first to conquer it. European name preceded by the local name Chomo-Kankar or Queen of Snow White. Sagarmatha is a Nepali word that means Mother of the Gods.

Where is

The Himalayas have gathered in their chain the highest mountains in the world. This is Everest, which is located on the border of Nepal with the border of China. There is a smaller peak in Nepal, and the highest one in China. Everest is the crown of the main ridge of the entire chain. Around the base of the mountain is the national park of the country Nepal - Sagarmatha. In the same region there is a base camp from where you can begin your ascent. The closest locality, where the base for climbers is located, is also located on Nepalese territory. This is the village of Lukla.

What is the height

There are two highest points on Chomolungma: the southern one, whose peak reaches 8760 meters from sea level, and the northern one, which is the main one, reaching 8848 meters. On the southern slopes and on the eastern side, the mountain consists of sheer cliffs that are not even covered with snow. The northern slopes reach 8393 meters. Because of these three sides, Everest has the shape of a triangle. From the ground to its highest point, the mountain stretches upward for three and a half kilometers.

Climbing history

Although the mountain is distinguished by its harsh natural conditions, the temperature exceeds -60 degrees and a strong wind constantly blows, climbers regularly try to conquer Chomolungma - one of the most difficult peaks. The history of ascents began in 1921, but the mountain did not give up immediately. The first to reach the top was an Englishman, in whose honor the mountain bears one of its names. This dates back to 1953. Since then, four thousand more people have climbed. Every year 400 people storm Chomolungma. Of the total number of climbers, 11% have died and continue to die.

The highest peak in the world

Long before Everest became the answer to the question of what the most big mountain in the world, he was extinct volcano Chimborazo from the Ecuadorian Andes. The top of the volcano is located at the farthest distance from the center of the Earth. According to the navigation satellite system, with which measurements were made in 2016, the volcano reaches a height of 6384 meters from the center of the Earth. Based on this indicator, Everest loses three meters to it and takes second place. The length of the Himalayan peak is 6381 meters.

Which mountain is the highest

High mountains are also located in Hawaii. There is a mountain there called Mauna Kea, which means “white.” The visible section reaches 4205 meters above sea level, but most of it is in the ocean. Scientists believe that if you count from the foot, located deep under water, then the Hawaiian Mauna Kea leads among all and reaches a total height of 10203 m. In addition to its record length, the mountain is famous for being the most convenient point for astronomical observations.


The program of climbing the highest peaks of all continents has an abbreviated name, which can also be called a brand - “Seven Summits”. In English, which is understandable to the whole world - “Seven Summits”. This is one of the mountaineering collections, the implementation of which is an incentive to determine goals in life for hundreds of citizens of different countries. The vast majority of those who climb Everest, one way or another, make it their goal to complete this program. Because other peaks are easier and cheaper than reaching the highest point on Earth. It is very prestigious to become the first “seven-peaker” in your country, in your state, to become the first woman in the country, the oldest, youngest, fastest.

Climbing all seven peaks is very expensive. Even the most economical option will total close to 100 thousand dollars, not including the cost of equipment and preparation for expeditions. In reality optimal cost the entire program is around 150 thousand dollars.

It is clear that such expenses are available only to very few climbers. If we are talking about personal funds. However, a minority of those who hunt for the “Seven Peaks” spend their own money exclusively. Most are supported by sponsors, governments, or travel to implement programs charity collection funds. The legislation of, relatively speaking, “Anglo-Saxon” countries allows donations for the needs of a number of organizations to be deducted from the tax base. This medical institutions, funds to help veterans of military conflicts, disabled people, etc... By collecting donations for them, the climber “unfastens” a little for his travels. At the same time, more money is printed in these countries than in others, this leads to the fact that half of the list of “seven peaks” are citizens of the USA, Great Britain and Canada and Australia, which joined them.

The Seven Summits program was born in the first half of the 80s, when the first signs appeared that this could be done. The entire history of its occurrence is described in our article.

Let us recall that, according to encyclopedias: “continent” (from seasoned - strong, large), this is the Russian analogue of the European word “continent” (from Lat. continens - singular). Continents are large massifs earth's crust, most of the surface of which protrudes above the level of the World Ocean in the form of land. Islands do not belong to continents and continents.

From a scientific point of view, the objects of the Seven Summits program are highly controversial. Firstly, the prevailing opinion among scientists is that Eurasia is one continent and its division into Europe and Asia is cultural, but not geographical. We are actively against this. If Elbrus is deprived of its status as the highest peak of the continent, the number of foreign climbers will decrease significantly. Although the status of the highest point in Europe for the Caucasian peak is very controversial. From the point of view of Soviet geographers, the border of the parts of the world runs along the Kuma-Manych depression, while Elbrus goes to Asia. More more variety views on whether the Carstensz Pyramid should be considered the highest point in Australia. None of them scientific theories The western part of the island of New Guinea does not belong to the “Green Continent”. These are all amusing debates and arguments that so far have practically nothing to do with practical life.

So, the 7 highest peaks of the continents are:

  1. Everest (Chomolungma or Chomolungma), 8848 m. Asia.
  2. Aconcagua, 6962 m. South America.
  3. Denali (old name - McKinley), 6194 m. North America.
  4. Kilimanjaro, 5895 m. Africa.
  5. Elbrus, 5642 m. Europe.
  6. Vinson Massif, 4897 m. Antarctica.
  7. Pyramid Carstensz (Puncak Jaya), 4884 m. Australia. Peak Kosciuszko (Kostyushko), 2228 m. Australia.

So, scientific debate on this topic is best left to those who are paid to do it. We love the magical (divine, as they say) number “Seven”, not “Six” (considered devilish). It doesn’t matter that there are eight vertices! And based on this we build our story. So, what mountains are included in the list of the highest peaks of the continents?

Everest (8848 m) - highest peak in Asia, continent of Eurasia and the highest peak of planet Earth (if you count from ocean level), also the highest in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet. The mountain is located on the border of Nepal and Tibet (China). Numerous height measurements showed even with modern techniques different results. Therefore, the indicated height is conditional; it was adopted as a result of agreement, so as not to inflame passions.

Climbing Everest requires careful preparation, about two months of living in expeditionary conditions and overcoming the problems associated with being in the so-called “death zone”, at an altitude of above 8000 meters. However, in modern conditions it can be stated that when proper organization and with a sufficient degree of luck, every physically healthy person can climb Everest. IN lately Ascents are made mainly in the spring, during the so-called weather windows. This usually happens on the 20th of May. In this case, the routes from the south and from the north are first completely hung with railing ropes.

Climbing Everest, which 30-40 years ago meant joining the mountaineering elite, has become a commercial endeavor. Sports expeditions have become a rarity; most of the routes (all but two) are not repeated. The 7 Summits Club prefers to conduct expeditions from the North side. Here the permit is much cheaper, access by car to the base camp is possible and there are much fewer objective dangers (ice collapses and avalanches). Western firms prefer the southern route. First of all, fearing the unpredictability of the Chinese authorities, who may close the area for minor reasons, without any compensation to the organizers. They may not issue a visa to certain participants due to political reasons. But there is another point: in the South, with a higher price, the organizers’ profits are much higher than in the North.


Aconcagua (6962 m) is the highest peak in the Americas and the continent of South America, also home in Southern Hemisphere planets. The mountain is located in Argentina, a large and colorful country. The ascent to Aconcagua is a real high-altitude ascent, which is carried out, so to speak, under the conditions of a lightweight expedition (the duration of the trip is only 20 days). Separate cargo transportation at the bottom of the route makes the ascent easier, as do certain amenities at base camp. There are no technical difficulties on the classic route, however, there are plenty of physical ones. First of all, this is height, the reaction to which is often unpredictable even among experienced athletes. The main obstacle is considered to be strong winds, which are associated with the openness of the territory to air masses from the oceans.

Every year, about 3,000 climbers attempt to climb Aconcagua. They climb two gorges from two base camps. However, the routes at the top are the same. About half of the participants achieve success. This is due to the lack of preparedness of the climbers. And partly with the attitude of local guides, who are not risk-averse and, at any opportunity, are ready to turn the whole group or individual participants around. So we strongly recommend joining a group led by visiting, Russian-speaking guides. Better - from our company...

Climbing programs on Aconcagua are becoming more expensive from year to year due to the policies of local authorities. So don't delay.


Denali (6194 m) - the highest peak of mainland North America. Located in the USA, in the state of Alaska, near the Northern Arctic Circle. A typical climb takes approximately three weeks, of which two weeks are strenuous work in the glacier zone, in conditions close to extreme. Participants are required to use purely mountaineering skills to a greater extent than on other peaks of the “seven”. In this case, all cargo must be carried independently, including recycled waste. And when organizing a trip to Denali, you will have to solve the puzzle of obtaining an official permit and an American visa. All this is not at all difficult if you start in time.

In recent years, the number of climbers aiming to climb Denali has stabilized at around 1,500 per year. A season is considered successful when the percentage of “climbing” is above 50%. The bulk of ascents take place in June - the first half of July. In mid-summer, due to the condition of the glacier, airplane flights become dangerous and cease by the beginning of August.

The American authorities issue permission to organize commercial programs only to a few companies and only with American “registration”. For us, this means the need to use American guides under an agreement with one of the local companies. Let's face it, agreeing on all the details of interaction with them was not a smooth process. The difference in the mentality of our two mountaineering schools is quite significant, but now mutual understanding has already been achieved and the problems are a thing of the past.


Kilimanjaro (5895 m) is the highest peak of the continent and part of the world Africa. The mountain is located in Tanzania, close to the Kenyan border and the equator. She is considered the highest single standing peak peace. Local National Park strictly regulates ascents and allocates a limited number of days for expeditions, on average a week. In this case, one of the goals is to ensure maximum employment for the local population working in group services. Therefore, for one climber there are two or even more employees of host companies.

Mount Kilimanjaro is located in the equatorial climate zone. The difference in temperature between seasons is minimal. Almost ascents can be made all year round

Due to the limited time, the ascent is carried out without sufficient acclimatization, which complicates the task of reaching the top for an unprepared person. And these turn out to be the absolute majority. Therefore, no more than one third of visitors manage to climb to the highest point. At the same time, almost all of our country’s representatives reach the top. What is at play here: the power of salt or greed (money has been paid)?

In any case, a trip to Kilimanjaro is an exciting adventure; getting to know the amazing nature of Africa and its people is simply amazing. This best way to fall in love with the “dark continent”, which many are wary of. And, of course, we consider it obligatory to include so-called “safari” excursions in national parks in the program.


Elbrus (5642 m) is the highest peak in Europe. The mountain is located in Russia, slightly north of the Main Caucasus Range and, accordingly, from the border with Georgia. Climbing in favorable conditions requires only basic mountaineering skills and is physically accessible to everyone healthy people. However, the load will still be serious, and the effect of the height will make itself felt. The recommended period for the Elbrus climbing program is 9 days.

There is a fairly developed infrastructure that provides relatively comfortable living conditions on all days except the day of ascent.

Elbrus is still a territory of freedom. In this regard, only Kosciuszko can compare with him. Attempts to introduce payments do not meet with understanding from the majority of climbers.

There are no general statistics kept on Elbrus. An approximate estimate of the number of climbers is 25-30 thousand per year. The vast majority rises in July and August.

Programs of the 7 Summits Club on Elbrus


Vinson Massif (4897 m) is the highest peak in the world and the continent of Antarctica. The mountain is located on an amazing ice continent that so far belongs to all of humanity. However, in the area of ​​the very top, the absolute owner is the ALE (Antarctic Logistic Expedition) company, which determines the “rules of the game” here. But they are not able to make even the simplest calculations of how long the ascent will last, real graph"flight" is dictated by unpredictable weather.

Since the price of an expedition to the Vinson Massif is very significant, only serious people get to its foot. And, as a rule, they successfully ascend, overcoming the terrible cold and wind.

It is important to dress correctly. But this is also checked.


And the highest point of the part of the world and the continent of Australia, coupled with the colossal Oceania, is represented by two options: the Carstensz Pyramid and Mount Kosciuszko.

The Carstensz Pyramid, also known in Indonesian terms as Puncak Jaya (4884-5 m, on some maps even 5030 m) is the highest peak in Australia and Oceania. Located on the island of New Guinea. The most politically problematic mountain of the “Seven Summits”, which until then had been simply closed to visitors for 10 years. It is a rocky ridge of considerable length located above the humid tropical jungle. Ascent and descent require skills in working with climbing equipment and rope. However, as part of a group and under the guidance of experienced instructors, overcoming difficult rocky areas is quite possible for anyone.

For quite a long time, there has also been a helicopter option, in which one flies to the base camp in a rotorcraft. However, there are pitfalls here too. Bad weather is a daily occurrence here, every flight is in danger of being disrupted.

For most people living in the concrete jungle, the idea of ​​spending a couple of days in the mountains seems like the perfect vacation solution. It is worth considering that the mountains suitable for such a holiday are slightly different from those presented in this list. The highest mountain peaks offer fairly harsh conditions. Interestingly, almost all of these peaks are located in the Himalayas. There are practically no traces of civilization here, the conditions in these mountains are so harsh. Nevertheless, expeditions are constantly sent there, the most courageous people decide to climb these high peaks. Even if you don't plan to do the same, you should still check out the list of these mountains.

Nuptse, Mahalangur Himal

The name of this mountain means “western peak” in Tibetan. Nuptse is located on the Mahalangur Himal range and is one of the mountains surrounding Everest. It was first conquered in 1961 by Dennis Davis and Tashi Sherpa. This peak is the twentieth highest in the entire world and opens this impressive list.

Distagil Sar, Karakorum

This point is located among the Karakoram ranges in Pakistan. Distagil Sar rises to 7884 meters in height and extends three kilometers in width. In 1960, the peak was conquered by Günther Störker and Dieter Marhar, who were representatives of the Austrian expedition. IN this region this mountain is the highest, and was in nineteenth place on the list.

Himalchuli, Himalayas

This peak is part of the Himalayas in Nepal and is located near an even higher peak. With an altitude of 7894 m, Himalchuli can be called the second largest in this mountain chain. The summit was first reached in 1960 by Japanese Hisashi Tanabe. Since then, few have dared to repeat his impressive achievement.

Gasherbrum IV, Karakorum

This is one of the peaks of the Gasherbrum range located in Pakistan. It is part of the northeastern edge of the Baltoro Glacier, which belongs to the Karakoram. The name means "shining wall" in Urdu. The other three peaks of Gasherbrum exceed eight thousand meters, and this one rises to approximately 7932 meters.

Annapurna II, Annapurna Massif

These peaks are part of a single massif that makes up the bulk of the Himalayas. This peak rises to 7934 meters and is located in the east of the Annapurna massif. It was first conquered by Richard Grant, Chris Bonington and Ang Nima Sherpa in 1960. Since then, we have climbed to the top only a few times, the conditions here are so harsh.

Gyachung Kang, Mahalangur Himal

This mountain is located between the two highest points in the world, exceeding eight thousand meters. It is part of the Mahalangur Himal range that straddles the Nepal-China border. The mountain was first conquered in 1964 by a Japanese expedition. Among the mountains below eight thousand meters, this is the largest, its height is 7952 meters.

Shishabangma, central Himalayas

All the mountains described below exceed a height of eight thousand meters! Shishabangma is the lowest of them all, but that doesn't mean it's easy to conquer. It is located between China and Tibet, in a limited area where foreigners are not allowed. This is due to security reasons. In the Tibetan dialect, the name means "ridge above the grassy plains."

Gasherbrum II, Karakorum

As mentioned above, Gasherbrum is part of the Karakoram. This is a peak with a height of 8035 meters, which was conquered by Austrian climbers in 1956. This peak is also known as K4, which denotes that it is the fourth in the Karakoram chain.

Broad Peak, Karakoram

This 8051 meter high mountain is quite popular among climbers. It belongs to the Baltoro glacier and ranks twelfth on the list of the highest. The slopes have extremely harsh conditions, making climbing almost impossible for most of the year. It is not surprising that there are few climbers who have conquered this peak.

Gasherbrum I, Karakoram

Another name for this mountain is Hidden Peak. This is because this is a place extremely remote from civilization and difficult to reach. The peak, 8080 meters high, was conquered for the first time in 1956, when Americans Pete Schoening and Andy Kaufman climbed here.

Annapurna I, Annapurna Massif

Tenth place on the list! The further you go, the more impressive the scale of the mountains becomes and the more fewer people who conquered them. The main peak of the Annapurna massif is the tenth largest in the world and rises to 8091 meters. The name means "full of food" in Sanskrit.

Nanga Parbat, Himalayas

This is the ninth largest peak, rising to 8126 meters. The mountain is located in Pakistan and is known as the “killer peak” because the most large number unsuccessful attempts to climb. It was never possible to climb the peak in winter: severe weather conditions with strong winds they make the task simply impossible.

Manaslu, Himalayas

The name translated from Sanskrit means “intelligence” or “soul”. This is a peak located in the Himalayas very close to Annapurna. This is a peak with a height of 8163 meters. This area is considered a protected area and is protected for environmental reasons.

Dhaulagiri I, Dhaulagiri Massif

These mountains extend one hundred kilometers from the Kalingandaki River to the Bheri River. One of the peaks of this massif rises to 8167 meters and ranks seventh in size in the world. The highest point is named in Sanskrit, the word “dhaula” means “shining” and “giri” means “mountain”.

Cho Oyu, Mahalangur Himal

The name translated from Tibetan means “turquoise goddesses”. This is a peak with a height of 8201 meters, which is the highest in this range and is located twenty kilometers west of Everest. Thanks to its moderate slopes and close passes, this mountain is considered the most easy option to climb eight thousand meters. However, it is worth considering that this lightness is only in comparison with other peaks of this size. An unprepared traveler still cannot make such an ascent.

Makalu, Mahalangur Himal

This is the fifth place on the list - a mountain with a height of 8485 meters! Mahalu Peak is part of the Mahalangur Himal range and is located a little further away. Its shape resembles a pyramid with four sides. The summit was first conquered in 1955 by the French.

Lhotse, Mahalangur Himal

The name means “southern peak” in Tibetan. This is the second largest mountain in the massif, rising to 8516 meters. It was first conquered in 1956 by Swiss climbers Ernest Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger.

Kangchenyunga, Himalayas

Until 1852, this peak was considered the highest in the world. Its height is 8586 meters. This is a peak located in India. This mountain range is called the “five snowy peaks” and is worshiped by some Indians. In addition, this place attracts tourists.

K2, Karakoram

Baltistan, a region of Pakistan, is home to the highest point of the Karakoram called K2. This 8611 meter high mountain is known for its harsh conditions, making it incredibly difficult to climb to the top. Few succeeded, and there was no successful ascent at all in winter.

Everest, Mahalangur Himal

So, here is the leader of the list - Mount Everest, also known as Chomolungma. It was discovered in 1802 and conquered in 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. Since then, thousands of expeditions have been here, but not all of them ended in success. After all, it is a peak of 8848 meters high! Climbing Everest requires serious preparation and considerable financial investments, because without special equipment and oxygen cylinders it is possible to achieve this. a daunting task It's simply impossible.

It’s not for nothing that the famous song says, “Only mountains can be better than mountains.” Snow-capped peaks attract people like a magnet, forcing them to climb upward, overcoming all difficulties and hardships. Climbers are especially attracted to the highest mountains in the world, which only the most prepared, brave, desperate and lucky can climb. Meet the ten highest mountain peaks in the world, whose height exceeds eight thousand meters. All of them are located in the Himalayas in a small area on the borders of China, Nepal, India and Pakistan.

10. Annapurna I, 8,091 meters

The Annapurna I peak, which in Russian from Sanskrit means “Goddess of Fertility,” rises up to 8,091 meters and is part of the Annapurna mountain range of the same name in the Himalayas. For the first time, two French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal were able to climb the mountain in 1950. Today this is one of the most dangerous mountain peaks in the world, where preparation and experience mean nothing, everything depends only on a lucky coincidence of circumstances. Travelers are faced with climbing difficulties even before approaching the base camp and most of the way they have to climb slopes with a slope of 40%, constantly risking being caught in an avalanche. To this day, only about 150 successful ascents of Annapurna have been made, and the mortality rate is about 40% of the total number of people who tried to climb to the top.

9. Nangaparbat, 8.126 meters

The ninth highest mountain peak on Earth, Nanga Parbat, also known as the “Mountain of the Gods,” in the western Himalayas, rises to a height of 8,126 meters. Travelers have tried to climb this peak many times since 1859, but they managed to conquer Nanga Parbat only in 1953. This feat was accomplished by the Austrian Hermann Buhl, who for the first time in history conquered an eight-thousander alone. Nanga Parbat is one of the three most dangerous mountain peaks for climbing, where the death rate of climbers is more than 22%.

8. Manaslu, 8.163 meters

Mount Manaslu, in the Himalayas, has a height of 8,163 meters. It was first climbed by Japanese Toshio Imanishi and Sherpa Gyalzen Norbu in 1956. For a long time the mountain and its surroundings were a closed area for foreigners due to its proximity to Tibet.

7. Dhaulagiri, 8.167 meters

Dhaulagiri is a multi-peaked mountain range in the Himalayas, the highest point of which rises above sea level to a height of 8,167 meters. The peak was first conquered in 1960 by a team of European climbers and Sherpa porters. This mountain is considered one of the most difficult to climb, and its southern route, known as the Dhaulagiri Wall, has never been climbed to this day.

6. Cho Oyu, 8,188 meters

The peak of Cho Oyu is located in the Himalayas, on the border of China and Nepal and has a height of 8,188 meters. The mountain was first conquered in 1954 by an Austrian expedition consisting of Herbert Tichy, Joseph Joechler and Pasang Dawa Lama Sherpa. This is one of the easiest peaks over eight thousand to climb, which has turned into a real Mecca for amateur climbers.

5. Makalu, 8.485 meters

The fifth highest mountain peak in the world is Makalu, also known as the "Black Rider" located in the central Himalayas, rising to an altitude of 8,485 meters above sea level. For the first time, a French expedition was able to climb the mountain in 1955, in three groups of three people. This peak is considered one of the most difficult in the world to climb, with only about 30% of expeditions to the summit being successful.

4. Lhotse, 8.516 meters

By and large, the fourth highest mountain in the world, Lhotse in the Himalayas, has three peaks over eight thousand meters high, where the highest peak has a height of 8,516 meters. The first ascent of the mountain was made by a team of Swiss climbers Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger in 1956. Among other eight-thousanders, Lhotse has the fewest routes to the top, there are only three of them, where one at a time, climbers were able to reach the peak only once in the 90s

3. Kanchenjunga, 8.586 meters

Mount Kanchenjunga, 8,586 meters high, is located in the Himalayas on the border of India and Nepal. The peak was first climbed by a British expedition consisting of Joe Brown, George Bend, and Charles Evans (leader) in 1955. For some time Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak in the world, but after precise measurements it ended up in third place.

2. Chogori, 8.611 meters

The second highest mountain in the world, Chogori in the Himalayas on the border of Pakistan and China has a height of 8,611 meters. The peak was first conquered by a team of Italian climbers Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni in 1954. Chogori is one of the most difficult peaks to climb in the world, where the death rate of people who dare to climb is 25%. For climbers, it is much more honorable to climb Chogori Peak than the highest peak in the world, Chomolungma.

1. Chomolungma/Everest, 8.848 meters

The highest peak on earth, Chomolungma, 8,848 meters high, is located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China. The summit was conquered in 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. Every year, more than 500 people attempt to conquer the peak and it takes approximately two months. At the beginning of the year, 4042 climbers climbed Chomolungma, of which 2829 people climbed the mountain twice.