Names of European countries and their letters. Car codes for countries around the world

Flag formation

The aspect ratio of the flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan is 1:2. The flag is a three-color panel (tricolor). The stripes (blue, red and green) are located horizontally. In the center of the flag on the red stripe there is an eight-pointed star and a crescent. Both images are white. Under blue Turkism is implied, the red color reflects the course towards the modernization of society and the development of democracy, and the green color indicates belonging to the Islamic faith.

The first Chairman of the National Council of Azerbaijan, Mamed Amin Rasulzade, also noted in his speech at a meeting of the ADR parliament that the tricolor banner means Turkic freedom, Islamic culture and modernity. And the author of the music for the anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Uzeyir Hajibeyov, wrote that the meaning of the flag is determined by the blue color - the color of Turkism, green - the color of Islamism and red - the color of progress and culture.

The crescent on the flag symbolized Islam, and the eight-pointed star, according to Fatali Khan Khoyski, indicates the 8 letters of the name “Azerbaijan” (in the Arabic alphabet). The eight-pointed star is also believed to symbolize the eight branches of Turkic-speaking peoples, including the Azerbaijanis, Ottomans (Turks), Jaghatais (Turkmen), Tatars, Kipchaks, Seljuks and Turkomans. Some researchers note that the Kipchaks at that time meant Kazakhs and Kyrgyz; it is also noted that the classification of Turkic peoples during the ADR was different from the modern one. According to other sources, the eight-pointed star may mean 8 traditional peoples living in Azerbaijan.

The crescent symbolized Islam, and the eight-pointed star, according to Fatali Khan Khoyski, pointed to the 8 letters of the name “Azerbaijan” (Azerbaijani: ﺁزرﺑﻴﺠﺎن - Arabic alphabet). Researchers believe that the 8 rays of the star may also symbolize the Arabic spelling of the figurative name of Azerbaijan - “Land of Fire” (Azerbaijani: ﻳوﺮﺪﻮ اﻮﺪ). In 1919, Jafar Jabbarli dedicated the poem “Sevdiyim” and “The Azerbaijani Flag” to the flag, which also contains the association of the eight-pointed star and the eight letters of the “Land of Fire”. The official newspaper “Azerbaijan” published an article “Flag of Azerbaijan”, in which an interpretation was given new form flag

In the years Soviet power The red and blue fields were retained on the flag of the Azerbaijan SSR, but they were given a different meaning. Green which was clearly perceived as a symbol of Islam was excluded.

Flag of the Azerbaijan SSR

The commercial, naval and military flag of the Azerbaijan Socialist Soviet Republic consists of a red (scarlet) colored panel, in the left corner of which, at the top of the staff, on a green field, are the golden letters “A. S.S.R.” or the inscription “Azerbaijan Socialist Soviet Republic”.

Due to the fact that the state language of the Azerbaijan SSR was Turkic-Tatar (as Azerbaijani was called until the end of the 1930s), which at that time had a written language based on Arabic script, the abbreviation “A. S.S.R.” depicted in the Turkic-Tatar language in Arabic graphics.

The state flag of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic is a red rectangular panel consisting of two horizontally located colored stripes: the upper, red, making up three-quarters of the width, and the bottom, blue, making up one-fourth of the width of the flag, with a red stripe in the upper left corner , at the shaft, a golden sickle and hammer and above them a red five-pointed star framed by a golden border. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1:2.
The hammer and sickle fit into a square whose side is 1/4 the width of the flag. The sharp end of the sickle is in the middle of the upper side of the square, the handles of the sickle and hammer rest against the lower corners of the square. The length of the hammer with handle is 3/4 of the diagonal of the square. The five-pointed star fits into a circle with a diameter of 1/8 of the width of the flag, touching the middle of the upper side of the square. Distance vertical axis star, sickle and hammer from the staff is equal to 1/3 of the width of the flag. The distance from the top edge of the flag to the center of the star is 1/8 of the width of the flag.

Use of the ADR flag after 1920

After the fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in April 1920, the ADR flag was used by emigrant organizations outside the borders of the USSR.

Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan

And the presidential decree “On the rules for using the State Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan” dated June 8, 2004 regulates the forms and cases of use of the flag. On February 7, 2006, a presidential decree “On the establishment of a Heraldic Council under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan” was issued.

Gallery of flags of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Use of the national flag

According to Law No. 683 of the Azerbaijan Republic dated June 8, 2004 (as amended on September 1), the State Flag of the Azerbaijan Republic must be raised:

  • In front of the building of the Presidential Palace and state institutions of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Supreme Court, the Judicial-Legal Council, central authorities executive power, the Prosecutor's Office of the Azerbaijan Republic, the National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Central Election Commission of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Accounting Chamber of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the Supreme Court of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and central executive authorities, local authorities executive power, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • In front of the buildings of diplomatic missions and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as in front of the residences of diplomatic representatives and heads of consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the norms international law and rules of diplomatic protocols.
  • On ships registered in one of the registries of the Azerbaijan Republic, in accordance with the Commercial Maritime Code of the Azerbaijan Republic.
  • In front of the buildings of border checkpoints and border outposts of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • Above the buildings of military units and on military vessels in the following cases:
1. On holidays of the Republic of Azerbaijan 2. During the military oath 3. In case of awarding military units or military courts 4. When a military unit or military vessel is located on the territory of another country
  • Above the headquarters of military units of the Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, on military vessels in accordance with the maritime regulations of the Naval Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic.
  • On foreign ships when they are within the waters of the Republic of Azerbaijan or are docked in the ports of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Responsibility for desecration of the flag of Azerbaijan

Desecration of the State Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a crime. Abuse can be expressed in the commission by persons over 16 years of age of a wide variety of active public actions that indicate disrespect for the flag, for example, in its destruction, damage, and the application of cynical drawings or inscriptions.

During his speech at the opening ceremony of the State Flag Square, Ilham Aliyev emphasized that the reason for signing the order on November 17 is that it was on November 17, 1990 that the flag of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was first raised in Azerbaijan as a state flag.

Area of ​​the national flag

To Baku

The area of ​​the national flag covers an area of ​​60 hectares, and its upper part is 31 thousand square meters. The height of the flagpole is 162 meters, the diameter of its base is 3.2 meters, and the top part is 1.09 meters. Total weight structures - 220 tons. The flag is 35 meters wide, 70 meters long, has a total area of ​​2,450 square meters, and weighs approximately 350 kilograms.

The square also depicts state symbols- coat of arms, text of the anthem and map of Azerbaijan, made of gilded bronze. The National Flag Museum was also created on the square, which opened on November 9, 2010 on National Flag Day.

In other cities of Azerbaijan

State flag squares were created in other cities of Azerbaijan. For example, at the flag square in Jalilabad, the height of the flagpole is 41 meters, the length of the flag is 20, and its width is 10 meters. Construction of Flag Square in Lankaran began in May 2012. This square is located at the entrance to the city, on Heydar Aliyev Avenue; the height of the flagpole is 70 meters, the length of the flag is 20, and the width is 10 meters; words are carved on a pedestal lined with natural marble National Anthem and the Coat of Arms of Azerbaijan, corners with information about the State Flag have been created. In Ganja, the length of the flag fluttering at a height of 110 meters is 50 meters, the width is 25 meters, and the height of the pedestal is 4 meters. A granite slab is installed on the square, on which the words of the National Anthem and the State Emblem of Azerbaijan are also carved.


The flag is mentioned twice in the Azerbaijani anthem - in the fifth and fifteenth lines (in the official Russian translation - only once).

See also



  1. Whitney Smith. Flag Lore Of All Nations. - Millbrook Press, 2001. - P. 13. - 112 p. - ISBN 9780761317531(English)

    Original text(English)

    AZERBAIJAN (ah-zer-bie-JAHN): Ali Bay Huseynzada, the leading nationalist of Azerbaijan, created its modern national flag. The colors of that tricolor stood for the Turkic people (blue), their lslamic faith (green), and the commitment to modernization. In the center of the flag was the traditional Muslim star and crescent. The eight points stood for the eight Turkic peoples, including the Azerbaijanis. This flag was used from 1918 to 1920, when Azerbaijan was independent, and it was revived on February 5, 1991. After the fall of the Soviet Union, independence for Azerbaijan under this flag was proclaimed on August 30, 1991.

  2. Symbols of the Azerbaijani state. (inaccessible link - story)
  3. U. Gadzhibekov."One year" // Azerbaijan: newspaper. - 1919. - No. dated May 28.
  4. I. Əliyev, E. Məhərrəmov. Azərbaycan Respublikasınn Dövlət Rəmzləri. - Baku: Nurlan, 2008. - 500 copies.(Azerb.)
  5. DK Publishing, Inc. (COR) Dorling Kindersley Complete Flags of the World. - DK Publishing, 2008. - P. 172. - 240 p. - ISBN 9780756641153

    The eight points on the flag’s star stand for the eight groups of Turkic-speaking peoples - the Azeris, Ottomans, Jagatais, Tatars, Kipchaks, Seljuks and Turkomans.

  6. António Martins. Meaning of the flag of Azerbaijan. - 27 January 2000.
  7. Anjali Kamath. Flag Book/Editor: Aziel Karthak. - Millbrook Press, 2009. - P. 36. - ISBN 9788179915127(English)
  8. Sabuhi Akhmedov, candidate of historical sciences. State flag of the Azerbaijan Republic // magazine: İRS. - 2010. - No. 2 (44).
  9. Azərbaycan Xalq Cumhuriyyəti Ensiklopediyası. - T. 1. - P. 158, 310.(Azerb.)
  10. I. Əliyev, E. Məhərrəmov. Azərbaycan Respublikasının dövlət rəmzləri. - Baku, 2000. - P. 10.(Azerb.)
  11. M. Mərdənov, Ə. Quliyev. Azərbaycan Respublikasının dövlət rəmzləri. - Baku, 2001. - pp. 74-75.(Azerb.)
  12. D. Jabbarli.Ədirnə fəthi. - P. 151.(Azerb.)

    Original text(Azerb.)

    Altun köksün hilal-yıldız, işıqları öpüncə,
    Yaşıl donlu, mavi gözlü, al duvaqlı sevdiyim.
    Altaylardan, Altun dağdan doğma səslər gəliyor,
    Yaşıl donlu, mavi gözlü, al duvaqlı sevdiyim.
    Qollarilə türk ellərin bütün qucmaq istiyor,
    Yaşıl donlu, mavi gözlü, al duvaqlı sevdiyim.

  13. T. Zhemchuzhnikova. The socio-political activities of Jafar Jabbarli have not been studied to this day. newspaper: "Echo." - Thursday, May 3, 2007. - No. 77(1558).
  14. Cabbarli C. Azərbaycan bayrağına. - Mədəniyyət, 2008. - P. 15.(Azerb.)

    Original text(Azerb.)

    Azərbaycan bayrağına.
    Buraxınız seyr edəyim, düşünəyim, oxşayayım,
    Şu sevimli üç boyalı, üç mənalı bayrağı
    Mələklərin qanadımı üzərimə kölgə salan?
    Nə imiş bu, aman Allah?! Od yurdunun yaprağı!
    Goy yapraqlı, al çiçəkli, yaşıl otlar topasımı?
    Xayır, xayır! Çiçək solur, otlar yerdə tapdanır.
    Fəqət bizim bayrağımız ucaları pək seviyor
    Yıldızlardan, hilaldan da yüksəklərdə fırlanıyor.
    Kölgəsində ay əyilib bir gözəli qucmada.
    Qucaşaraq sevdiyilə yüksəklərə uçmada,
    Şu görünüş bir ananın şəfqətinə oxşayır.
    Düşündükcə zövqlərimi, vicdanımı oxşayır.
    Bu ay, yıldız, boyaların qurultayı nə demək?
    Bizcə boylə sevilmək!
    Bu göy boya Göy Moğoldan qalmış bir türk nişanı,
    Bir türk oğlu olmalı!
    Yaşıl boya islamlığın sarsılmayan imanı,
    Ürəklərə dolmalı!
    Şu al boya azadlığın, təcəddüdün fərmanı,
    Mədəniyyət bulmalı.
    Səkkiz uclu şu yıldız da səkkiz hərfli OD YURDU
    Əsarətin gecəsindən fürsət bulmuş quş kibi,
    Səhərlərə uçmuşdur
    Şu hilal da türk bilgisi, düzgün sevgi nişanı,
    Yurdumuzu qucmuşdur!
    Allah, əməllərim edib şu bayrağı intiqal,
    Birər-birər doğru olmuş, bir ad almış: İSTİQLAL!
    Yürəyimdə bir dilək var, o da doğru kəsilsin,
    O gün olsun bir göy bayraq Turan üstə açılsın.

  15. Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti. - Baku: Parliament (verbatim report), 1998. - T. I. - P. 34.(Azerb.)
  16. Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti. - Baku: Parliament (verbatim report), 1998. - T. I. - P. 76.(Azerb.)
  17. Pokhlebkin V.V. International symbols and emblems. - Moscow: International Relations, 1989. - P. 236. - 300 p.
  18. The State Armory Chamber. St. Petersburg, 2002, pp. 46-48, 136, 56, 140.
  19. Əhməd Cavad. Əsərləri. - Baku, 1992. - T. I. - P. 138.(Azerb.)
  20. . - Collections of laws and orders of the workers' and peasants' government of the AzSSR, No. 5, May 1921. - P. 109.
  21. Constitution (Basic Law) of the Azerbaijan SSR. - Baku, 1921, p.21. - cit. From: Vexillological reference book on the flags of the Russian Empire and the USSR. T.2./ Comp. S. A. Sokolov. - M.: MGIU, 2002, ISBN 5-276-00240-1, P.121
  22. Constitution (Basic Law) of the Azerbaijan SSR. - Baku: AzCEC, 1931. - P. 32.
  23. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR dated 10/07/1952 “On the state flag of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic”
  24. R. Orudzhev. Memory of Azerbaijani legionnaires // newspaper: "Echo." - April 7, 2007. - No. 59 (1540) Sat..
  25. N. M. Ramanichev. Vlasov and others.
  26. N. Yagublu.Əbdürrəhman Fətəlibəyli-Düdənginskiy / Ed. Sabira Mammadli. - Baku: “Abşeron Nəşr”, 2009.(Azerb.)
  27. Newsreel about the Congress of Azerbaijanis in Berlin.
  28. A flag made by Mammad Amin Rasulzade and Gulmamed Bagirov, who is in Turkey, in the Museum of History of Azerbaijan (exhibit no. 178). Cm .
  29. President Ilham Aliyev took part in the opening of the State Flag Museum // news agency: Trend. - November 9, 2010, 19:07.
  30. Photo of Fataliev's grave in Munich.


"The state flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width. The top stripe is blue, the middle stripe is red, the bottom stripe is green flowers, in the middle of the red stripe on both sides of the flag there is a white crescent with an eight-pointed star. The width of the flag is related to its length as 1:2".


  • Crescent means religious affiliation the bulk of the state's population.
  • The eight-pointed star represents the eight letters that make up the country's name in the Arabic alphabet.
  • The blue color indicates belonging to the Turkic language group.
  • The color red represents modernization.
  • Green symbolizes the main religion of the state - Islam.

The standard of the President of Azerbaijan is similar to the flag of the country, but has the traditional square shape for standards.

South Azerbaijan

This flag is used by the national awakening movement of South Azerbaijan.

In terms of area, Southern Azerbaijan is a territory inhabited by ethnic Azerbaijanis. The estimated population of South Azerbaijan is 7.7 million people. In terms of area, South Azerbaijan also exceeds the territory of independent Azerbaijan.

In 2005, riots broke out in Terbriz (considered the center of Southern Azerbaijan), which lasted 10 days and were harshly suppressed by the Iranian authorities.

The Qashqai flag was created based on the flag of independent Azerbaijan.

The Qashqai people are a people whose main language of communication is Azerbaijani. They live in the south of Iran (Fars). At the beginning of the 20th century they remained a nomadic people.

Historical flags of Azerbaijan

Transcaucasian Democratic federal republic- this is a historiographic name for the state in Transcaucasia (the territories of Baku, Elizavetpol, Yerevan, Tiflis, Kutaisi provinces, Batumi and Kars regions, the Administration of Western Armenia, Zagatala, and Sukhumi districts), which on April 22, 1918 the Transcaucasian Seim proclaimed a “democratic federal republic” ".

In the same year, at the request of Turkey, the Transcaucasian Seimas was dissolved and the Western Democratic Republic disintegrated into three states: on May 26, 1918, the Republic of Georgia was proclaimed, on May 28, the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the Republic of Armenia.

Flag of Azerbaijan in 1918

An independent state declared Provisional National Council Muslims of Transcaucasia.

Description: " Recognize as the flag of Azerbaijan a flag made of red material with the image of a white crescent and a white octagonal star on a red background".

Symbolism: The crescent moon represents Islam, and the 8-pointed star indicates the 8 letters of the name "Azerbaijan".


  • Encyclopedia Iranica.
  • "Introduction to the study of Turkic languages." N.A. Baskakov.
  • Resolution "On the Flag" of June 21, 1918.

The white crescent is almost as common a sign of state symbols as it is on banners different states in all parts of the world. What does the crescent mean in each country?


The cloth was officially approved in August 1947. He has rectangular shape with sides related to each other in the proportion of three to two. The main field is dark green. This is a color characteristic of most Muslim states. Along the shaft is located white stripe, occupying a quarter of the length. The white crescent on the flag is located exactly in the center of the green field and surrounds a five-pointed star, the same image is present on the coat of arms. Associated with interesting fact. Residents who love and appreciate their symbol showed their feelings with a beautiful ceremony. In October 2012, more than twenty thousand people gathered in the city of Lahore to form a living flag. They broke a record previously held by Hong Kong residents and were included in the Guinness Book of Records. The country's authorities noted that such an achievement can be considered universal for all citizens of the country.


When thinking about which state’s flag has a white crescent, one cannot help but think of Turkey. Its red banner has a history going back centuries. In the center is a white crescent, enclosing a five-pointed star of the same color. It is interesting that the Turks began to use this image before they adopted Islam. It is believed that the symbol was created after the victory at Kosovo or is associated with Sultan Osman. According to legend, during the attack on Istanbul by the Macedonians, a lot of blood was shed, in the puddles of which a crescent moon with stars was reflected. Thanks to their light, the Turks managed to win. The white crescent in other Muslim countries was depicted before and now precisely as a sign of Islam, but only Turkey connects it with its history. The color of the banner is also unusual for a state with such a religion - green is usually used instead of red. The Turks associate scarlet with the times, which is another reference to the past. That is why the simplest answer to the question of which state has a white crescent on its flag is Turkey.


It is not surprising that the correct answer to the question of which state has a white crescent on its flag is: countries of the East. Here it is on the list possible options. The flag with a white crescent was adopted back in 1918 by the Democrats. After their overthrow it was banned, but returned again in 1991, and since 2009 the day associated with the symbol of statehood has been celebrated annually. The flag of this country is a tricolor. There is a blue stripe at the top, a red stripe in the center, a green stripe at the bottom, and they are all located horizontally. In the center is depicted with a crescent moon, for them selected white. Blue serves as a symbol of the Turks, red represents democracy, and green signifies the Islamic religion. The crescent moon is also associated with faith, and the number of rays of the star indicates the letters of the word "Azerbaijan" written in Arabic.


State symbols were adopted in the country in December 1962. So Nepal became another answer to the question: “Which state has a white crescent on its flag?” In addition, the standard itself is different unusual shape. It consists of two triangular pennants in red outlined in blue. On the top there is a horizontal crescent with a star. They are made in white. The lower one depicts a star with twelve rays, symbolizing the sun. She is also white. These symbols mean hope for a long existence, because the two main luminaries, according to the Nepalese, will always be in heaven. The same image is used for the state emblem. In addition, it is crowned with a crown, a symbol of the monarchy, and below it are the footprints of the god Gorakhnath. On the sides are crossed national flags and local kukri knives, which signify courage. On the coat of arms you can also see stylized drawings of a cow, pheasant, the Himalayas and the geographical contours of the state.

Vehicle country codes are required to identify the vehicle's state of registration. Previously, a sticker on which the country code was indicated in capital letters served this purpose. The distinguishing sign of the country of registration must be affixed to the rear of the vehicle near the license plate and may also be included in the registration number of the vehicle. If the decal is included in the registration number, it must also appear on the front registration plate of the vehicle.

The distinctive sign may be supplemented by the flag or emblem of the nation state or emblem regional organization economic integration to which the country belongs. The insignia must be displayed on the far left or far right corner of the registration plate. If on registration number symbol/flag/emblem is present, the decal must be placed at the extreme left of the registration plate.

IN lately Countries are switching to identifying ownership on registration plates. For example, in the European Union countries this code is displayed on the standard vehicle registration number. In this case, the sticker is no longer required.

Nevertheless, there were cases (for example, in Germany) when a fine was issued for its absence. To avoid misunderstandings, even if you do not want to stick it, it is better to take the sticker with you and stick it on request.

According to the Convention on International Traffic, the sticker must be made in the form of an ellipse, the main axis of which is horizontal, and the letters must be black on a white background.

The data in all tables can be sorted in ascending/descending order by clicking on the column header.

European car codes

Car codes for European countries
Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
A Austria 1910
ABH* Abkhazia 2006
AL Albania 1934
A.M. Armenia 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
AND Andorra 1957
AX* Åland Islands 2002 SF Official code - FIN
AZ Azerbaijan 1993 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
B Belgium 1910
B.G. Bulgaria 1910
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992 YU Previously part of the SFRY
BY Belarus 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
BZH* Brittany Region in northwestern France
CAT* Catalonia Autonomous community of Spain located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula
CD* diplomatic corps
CH Switzerland 1911 C onfoederatio H elvetica
C.Y. Cyprus 1932
CYM* Wales 1932 Cym ru
CZ Czech Republic 1993 C.S. Formerly part of Czechoslovakia
D Germany 1910 D eutschland
DK Denmark 1914
E Spain 1910 E spaña
EH* French Basque Country Located in the southwestern part of the French department of the Pyrenees-Atlantiques
EIR Ireland 1938 GB−1910
SE − 1924
Formerly part of Great Britain and the Irish Free State (1922-1937). Used in conjunction with the IRL code.
ENG* England
EST Estonia 1993 EW 1919–1940 & 1991–1993
SU 1940–1991
Previously part of the USSR
F France 1910
FIN Finland 1993 SF Suomi Finland
FIN Liechtenstein 1923 Fürstentum L iechtenstein
F.O. Faroe Islands 1996 FR royal
G.B. United Kingdom 1910
GBA Alderney 1924 G reat B ritain – A lderney
GBG Guernsey 1924 G reat B ritain – G uernsey
G.B.J. Jersey 1924 G reat B ritain – J ersey
G.B.M. Isle of Man 1932 G reat B ritain – M an
GBZ Gibraltar 1924 G reat B ritain – Gibraltar ( Z used since G is already used for Guernsey)
G.E. Georgia 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
GEO Georgia 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
GR Greece 1913
H Hungary 1910
HR Croatia 1992 SHS 1919–1929
Y 1929–1953
YU 1953–1992
HR vatska. Previously part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY
I Italy 1919
IRL Ireland 1962 GB−1910
SE − 1924
EIR - 1938
Formerly part of Great Britain and the Irish Free State (1922-1937). Used in conjunction with the EIR code.
IS Iceland 1936
KN* Greenland 1910 GRO K alaallit N unaat. Official code - DK
L Luxembourg 1911
LT Lithuania 1992 SU 1940–1991 Previously part of the USSR
LV Latvia 1992 LR 1927–1940
SU 1940–1991
Previously part of the USSR
M Malta 1966 GBY 1924–66
M.C. Monaco 1910
M.D. Moldova 1992 SU−1991 Previously part of the USSR
NMK North Macedonia 2019 YU − 1992
MK - 2019
Previously part of the SFRY.
From 1992 to 2019 Macedonia.
MNE Montenegro 2006 MN 1913–1919
SHS 1919–1929
Y 1929–1953
YU 1953–2003
SCG 2003–2006
Independent nation until 1918. After that, part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY, and then Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia and Krna Gora - Serbian). Independence was restored in 2006.
N Norway 1922
NIR* Northern Ireland N orthern Ir eland
NL Netherlands 1910
P Portugal 1910
P.L. Poland 1921
PMR* Transnistria 1990
RKS Kosovo 2010 KS
R.O. Romania 1981 R 1930–1981
RSM San Marino 1932
RSO* South Ossetia
RUS Russia 1992 R 1910–1917
SU 1917–1992
S Sweden 1911
SCO* Scotland
SCV* Vatican
S.K. Slovakia 1993 CS 1919–1939 & 1945–1992
SQ 1939–1945
Formerly part of Czechoslovakia
SLO Slovenia 1992 SHS 1919–1929
Y 1929–1953
YU 1953–1992
Previously part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY
SMOM Sovereign Order of Malta S overeign M ilitary O rder of M alta
SRB Serbia 2006 SB – 1919
SHS 1919–1929
Y 1929–1953
YU 1953–2003
SCG 2003–2006
Previously part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY, and then Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia and Krna Gora - Serbian). Independence was restored in 2006.
TR Türkiye 1923
U.A. Ukraine 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
V Vatican 1931 SCV (Stato della Città del Vaticano) is used as a prefix on the license plate itself
VL* Flanders 1923 Historical region in the territory of modern France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

* - unofficial code

America's Automotive Codes

Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
AG* Antigua and Barbuda
ARU* Aruba
AXA* Anguilla
BDS Barbados 1956
B.H. Belize 1938 B ritish H onduras. After independence and name change, the state did not notify about the code change
BOL Bolivia 1967
BR Brazil 1930
B.S. Bahamas 1950
BVI British Virgin Islands 1910
C Cuba 1930
CND Canada 1956 C.A.
CO Colombia 1952
CR Costa Rica 1956
DOM Dominican Republic 1952
E.C. Ecuador 1962
ES Salvador 1978
G.C.A. Guatemala 1956
GUY Guyana 1972 BRG Formerly British Guiana
HN* Honduras
JA Jamaica 1932
KAN* Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint K itts a nd N evis
MEX Mexico 1952
N.A. Netherlands Antilles 1957
NIC Nicaragua 1952
PA Panama 1952
P.E. Peru 1937
PR* Puerto Rico
PY Paraguay 1952
R.A. Argentina 1927 R epública A rgentina
RCH Chile 1930 R epública de Ch ile
RH Haiti 1952
S.M.E. Suriname 1936
TT Trinidad and Tobago 1964 T.D.
UY Uruguay 2012 U 1930-1979
ROU 1979-2012
W.D. Dominica 1954
W.G. Grenada 1932
W.L. Saint Lucia 1932
W.V. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1932
YV Venezuela 1955

* - unofficial code

Asian car codes

Automobile codes of the countries of America
Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
AFG Afghanistan 1971
BD Bangladesh 1978 PAK Formerly East Pakistan
BRN Bahrain 1954
BRU Brunei 1956
BRU Brunei 1956
BT Butane BHT
C.L. Sri Lanka 1961 Previously C ey l on
CN* People's Republic of China
HK* Hong Kong H ong K ong
H.K.J. Jordan 1966 JOR H ashemite K ingdom of J ordan
IL Israel 1952
IND India 1947 BI 1930-1947 Formerly British India
IR Iran 1936 PR 1930-1936 Previously Persia
IRQ Iraq 1930
J Japan 1964
K Cambodia 1956
KG Kyrgyzstan 2016 SU−1991
KS 1991-2016
Previously part of the USSR
KGZ* Kyrgyzstan 1992 SU−1991
KS 1991-2016
Previously part of the USSR
KP* North Korea
K.S.A. Saudi Arabia 1973 S.A. K ingdom of S audi A rabia
KWT Kuwait 1954
KZ Kazakhstan 1992 SU−1991 Previously part of the USSR
LAO Laos 1959
MAL Malaysia 1967 PRK – 1957
FM 1954-1957
PTM 1957–1967
Previously Perak, then Federated Malay States, then Federation of Malaya
MNG Mongolia 2002 MGL 1997–2002
MV* Maldives
MYA Myanmar 1989 BUR 1956-1989
NEP Nepal 1970
OM Oman
PK Pakistan 1947
PS* Palestine
Q Qatar 1972
R.C. Republic of China(Taiwan) 1932
R.I. Indonesia 1955 R epublik I ndonesia
R.L. Lebanon 1952
ROK South Korea 1971
R.P. Philippines 1975
SGP Singapore 1952
SYR Syria 1952
T Thailand 1955
T.J. Tajikistan 1992 SU−1991 Previously part of the USSR
TL* East Timor P, RI T imor- L este
TM Turkmenistan 1992 SU − 1991, TMN Previously part of the USSR
UAE United Arab Emirates 1971
UZ Uzbekistan 1992 SU−1991 Previously part of the USSR
VN Vietnam 1953
YEM Yemen 1990 YAR 1960-1990

* - unofficial code

African car codes

Automobile codes of the countries of America
Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
ANG Angola 1975 PAN 1932-1957
P 1957-1975
B.F. Burkina Faso 1990
B.W. Botswana 2003 BP 1967-2003
CAM Cameroon 1952
C.G.O. Democratic Republic Congo 1997 CB, RCL, CGO, ZR
C.I. Cote d'Ivoire 1961
COM Comoros
CV* Cape Verde 1975 P
DJI* Djibouti F
DY Benin 1910 F Pre-1975 Dahomey
DZ Algeria 1962 F − 1911
EAK Kenya 1938 E ast A frica K enya
EAT Tanzania 1938 E ast A frica T anzania
EAU Uganda 1938 E ast A frica U ganda
EAZ Zanzibar 1964 E ast A frica Z anzibar
ER Eritrea 1993 AOI Africa Orientale Italiana (Italian)
ET Egypt 1927
ETH Ethiopia 1964 AOI - 1941 A frica O rientale I taliana
G Gabon 1974 ALEF - 1960 Afrique Équatoriale Française
G.H. Ghana 1959 WAC - 1957 West Africa Gold Coast
GQ* Equatorial Guinea G uinée É q uatoriale
LAR Libya 1972 I − 1949, LT L ibyan A rab R epublic
LB Liberia 1967
L.S. Lesotho 1967 B.L.
M.A. Morocco 1924
MOS Mozambique 1975 MOC 1932–1956
P 1957–1975
Formerly part of Portugal
MS Mauritius 1938
MW Malawi 1965 EA 1932–1938
NP – 1938–1970
RNY option 1960–1965
NAM Namibia 1990 S.W.A. Formerly South West Africa
RCA Central African Republic 1962
RCB Republic of the Congo 1962
RG Guinea 1972
RIM Mauritania 1964
R.M. Madagascar 1962 R publication M adagascar
RMM Mali 1962 AOF − 1960 Republique du Mali.
RN Niger 1977 AOF − 1960 R publication du N iger"
Formerly part of French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Française).
RU Burundi 1962 R uanda- U rundi
R.W.A. Rwanda 1964 RU − 1962 R uanda- U rundi
SD Eswatini 1935 Previously Swaziland until 2018
SN Senegal 1962
STP* Sao Tome and Principe 1975 P São T omé and P ríncipe
SUD Sudan 1963
S.Y. Seychelles 1938
TCH Chad 1973
TG Togo 1973
TN Tunisia 1957 F − 1956
WAG Gambia 1932 W est A frica G ambia
WAL Sierra Leone 1937 W est A frica Sierra L eone
WAN Nigeria 1937 W est A frica N igeria
WSA* Western Sahara 1932 W estern Sa hara
Z Zambia 1964
ZA South Africa 1936 Z uid- A frika
ZW Zimbabwe 1980 SR - 1965
RSR - 1980
Previously Southern Rhodesia, then Rhodesia

* - unofficial code

Car codes of Australia and Oceania

Automobile codes of the countries of America
Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
ARK* Antarctica
AUS Australia 1954
F.J.I. Fiji 1971
FSM* Federated States of Micronesia F ederated S tates of M icronesia
KIR* Kiribati
MH* Marshall Islands M ars h all Islands
NAU Nauru 1968
NC* New Caledonia 1968 N ouvelle- C aledonie
NZ New Zealand 1958
PAL* Palau
PNG Papua New Guinea 1978
SOL* Solomon Islands
TO* Tonga
TUV* Tuvalu
VU* Vanuatu
W.S. Samoa 1962

* - unofficial code

Legacy codes

Automobile codes of the countries of America
Code Country Valid until Replaced by Notes
ADN Aden 1980 Y 1938-1967 South Yemen
1967-1980 People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
AEF French Equatorial Africa 1960 G, TCH
AOF French West Africa 1962 DY, RMM, RN
AOI Italian East Africa 1964 ER, ETH
B.A. Burma 1956 BUR
B.P. Bechuanaland 1966 B.W.
C.S. Czechoslovakia 1992 CZ, SK
D.A. Free City of Danzig 1939 D (1939–1945)
PL (1945-...)
DDR GDR 1990 D 1974-1990 German Democratic Republic
G.B.Y. Malta 1966 M
E.W. Estonia 1940 S.U. 1919-1940
LR Latvia 1940 S.U. 1927-1940
PR Persia 1936 IR 1930-1936
R Russian Empire 1917 S.U. 1910-1917
RSR Southern Rhodesia 1917 S.U. 1910-1917
S.A. Saar 1956 D 1926–1935, 1947–1956
SHS Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1929 Y 1919–1929
S.M. Siam 1939 T 1930–1939
S.U. USSR 1991 EST, LT, LV, BY, MD, UA, TJ, TM, GE, KZ, UZ, KS, AZ, AM, RUS 1917-1991
T.S. Free Territory of Trieste 1954 I
Y Yugoslavia 1953 YU 1929-1953
YU Yugoslavia 2003 BIH, HR, MK, MNE, SLO, SRB 1953–2003
H.V. Upper Volta 1984 B.F. now Burkina Faso
MK Macedonia 2019 NMK Now North Macedonia

* - unofficial code

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