National Economic Development Council. National Economic Development Council I

In most imperialist states, special bodies have been created to carry out economic programming. In France there is a Commissariat for a Plan for the Modernization and Equipment of the French Economy, in England there is a National Council for Economic Development, etc.  

Historically, the first form of indicative planning was opportunistic, associated with the increasing influence of the budget on the rate and proportions of economic growth as government spending increases in GDP. In the conditions of structural restructuring of economies and their accelerated development, the need to coordinate budgets with the indicators of national economic forecasts on which estimates of tax revenues were based became increasingly urgent. The first plans at the macro level covered fiscal and monetary policies and were expressed in the formulation of national budgets. They differed from state budgets in that they took into account not only state income, but also income in the country as a whole. This led to the development of medium- and ultimately long-term forecasts, which became the Ten-Year Plan for Doubling National Income (1961-1970) in Japan, and the Choice of Economic Growth Paths (1976-1985) in Canada. As forecasting activities improved and became more complex, they began to be separated from budgeting both methodically and in an organized manner; if at the first stage, national economic plans (forecasts) were drawn up in the ministries of finance, then from the beginning of the 60s. special planning bodies are created (Commissariat General for Planning in France, Economic Council in Canada, Economic Advisory Council in Japan). In the EEC, planning quickly entered the supranational level; Union bodies began to draw up short- and medium-term programs for the economic development of the region, on the basis of which recommendations were prepared for national economies. Back in 1962, the Economic Development Prospects of the EEC for 1960-1970 appeared. , then medium-term economic policy programs were developed for 1971-1975 and 1976-1980.  

It should be especially emphasized that as socialist economic integration develops, maneuvering of material resources goes beyond the scope of the economy of one country. The creation of special organizations at the national level to carry out exchange operations marked the beginning of their intensive development. The activities of the All-Union Association Vneshpromtekhobmen of the USSR State Supply Committee provide a clear example of the effectiveness of maneuvering unused products between countries. The growth rate of international exchange is largely determined by the state of national information systems of supply and marketing authorities. This kind of exchange in some cases can be more effective than domestic maneuvering, especially taking into account the transport factor, since enterprises holding unused products can sometimes find a foreign consumer located closer than a similar buyer in their own country.  

Ryzhkov N.I. On the restructuring of national economic management at the present stage of the country’s economic development Report at a joint meeting of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities of the seventh session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the eleventh convocation. M. Politizdat, 1U 7. S 12.  

The set of tables proposed by the CMEA Standing Committee containing indicators on the main elements of expanded reproduction in their relationships and interdependence has found practical application in the activities of the central statistical bodies of all member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. However, the model of the balance of the national economy in individual socialist countries is built taking into account the specific conditions of the reproduction process; there are national differences in the content and methods of calculating individual summary economic indicators characterizing the level of development of the national economy and the well-being of workers. Despite the national characteristics in the construction schemes, the balance of national-  

Strengthening interrelations in economic development made it necessary to create a special international body whose purpose is to promote economic cooperation. In 1949, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was established, in whose activities international economic relations of a new type, based on the principles of socialist internationalism, respect for state sovereignty, independence and national interests, non-interference in the internal affairs of countries, complete equality, mutual benefit and comradeship, found practical embodiment mutual assistance.  

An important event in the practice of forecasting and planning was the creation of a single body for the socialist camp - the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), which dealt with the coordination of plans of the different countries that were part of it, as well as the integration of national economies, the development of measures to develop and strengthen their cooperation and mutual assistance.  

Issues of long-term economic strategy are fundamental for governments of developed countries. In today's busy world, they rarely pursue the goals of economic prosperity. Their actual goal is to prevent economic disasters. Naturally, the corresponding programs and mechanisms for their implementation are designated in less intimidating, but still extremely harsh terms. Thus, under President F. Roosevelt, the National Economic Security Council was formed in the United States, and 60 years later, under President B. Clinton, the National Economic Security Council was formed again - under the same name, but significantly expanding the scope of its work. Now its main functions are protection against external economic threats (by increasing the competitiveness of American goods) and maintaining social stability.  

PLANNING is an integral part of managing the economic system and solving long-term and current problems of economic development. Covers the development and practical implementation of plans, ways and means of achieving them. Plans are divided into long-term (long-term, for a period of 10-15), medium-term (for 3-5 years) and current (short-term, for a period of up to one year). A distinction is made between directive plans, which are subject to strict execution, and indicative plans, that is, advising plans that are close to forecasts (see INDICATIVE PLANNING). Plans are developed at the level of the entire economy of the country (state, national plans), for individual industries and regions, at the level of enterprises and firms. In addition, planning of certain types of resources (for example, financial planning) and social planning are highlighted. Planning in a directive form is inherent in a centrally controlled economy, where state plans play a leading role. In a market-type economy, planning at the level of companies and firms in the form of business plans is much more common.  

One of the recent trends in determining the competitiveness of goods and, accordingly, their producers is assessment based on patent information. The French Social and Economic Council has emphasized the importance of using patents as a means of obtaining information about technology and forecasting the development of foreign markets. Based on instructions from the council, the National Institute of Industrial Property in early 1983 introduced a system for conducting comparative analysis of statistical data on patent applications in order to better study priority and strategically important industries.  

V.I. Lenin pointed out the enormous importance of economic accounting and control in a socialist society. He wrote: Not a single product, not a single pound of bread should be left out of accounting, for socialism is, first of all, accounting> 1. And further, Accounting and control are the main economic task of every Council of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies, every consumer society, every union or supply committee, every factory committee or workers' control body in general. The further development of V.I. Lenin’s ideas in the field of accounting was reflected in the CPSU Program, in the decisions of congresses and Plenums of the CPSU Central Committee, and in decrees of the Soviet government. The Party Program states that Soviet society has huge public funds, therefore the role of accounting and control over the safety and proper use of national wealth is increasing.  

In this aspect, it is useful to turn to the experience of countries with developed market economies. Thus, in the USA, all work on economic education is coordinated by the National Council of Economic Education. This non-profit organization offers strategies for implementing economic education in school classrooms, providing high-quality educational materials and teaching methods that are nationally standardized. A significant contribution to the economic education of schoolchildren is made by non-governmental programs, the most famous and widespread of which is Junior Achievement, in which an introductory course is taught in junior grades, an introductory course to the world of business in middle grades, and an Applied Economics course in senior grades.  

The French plans of the 40s and 50s were indicative in nature and nevertheless had a real impact. Several factors explain their success. Firstly, statist and centralist tendencies have always existed in France. The state as a result had a full understanding of the existing economic structure, as well as attempts to create cartels and mutual cooperation organizations. Secondly, there was a privileged relationship between representatives of the state administration and entrepreneurs, most of whom were graduates of the same educational institutions24. The good organization of the Modernization Committees, where disputes were held about the interaction of the plan at the sectoral level, also greatly contributed to the creation of a climate of cooperation. No less important was the support from the State Treasury provided to the Planning Commissariat. The government's provision of loans and other financial benefits depended on this department of the Ministry of Finance. Close cooperation between the Treasury and the Planning Commissariat allowed the latter to have a real and effective influence on. Thus, the government controlled investments not only in the nationalized but also in the private sectors. 25 In addition, other institutions with powers in the financial sector - the National Credit Council (1945) and the Fund for Economic and Social Development (1955) - through selective subventions, loans and guarantees could influence investment policy and guide industrial development in a certain direction26.  

At the same time, there is an example of the successful activities of centers created with the help of various charitable foundations, in particular, the International Center for Economic and Business Education (ICEBO), created in 1992 with the support of the Soros Foundation. The main task of the Center is the development of the economic education system in Russia. One of the Center's foreign partners is the American National Council on Economic Education, the largest educational organization covering 275 leading American universities. More than 4,000 teachers from more than 210 cities and towns in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus received retraining at MCEBO seminars.  

AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK, AfDB (African Development Bank) is an international financial organization of independent African countries, created by decision of the UN Economic Commission for Africa. Operates since July 1, 1965, headquartered in Abidjan. The bank's members include 53 African countries (except South Africa) and 24 non-African countries. African states own a controlling stake in the share capital. Non-African members of the AfDB account for /3 of capital. The bank is headed by the Board of Governors and the Management Board. The executive body is the Board of Directors. The bank's activities are aimed at lending, as well as guaranteeing loans for the implementation of projects that contribute to the rise of the national economy of African countries. Particular attention is paid to financing joint projects of African countries - the construction of dams on rivers, railways and highways, etc., in which a number of countries are interested. In recent years, in the context of the deteriorating economic, especially food, situation in African countries caused by drought in several regions of the continent, the bank has been paying attention to measures aimed at achieving self-sufficiency in food and

September 3, 2019, Technological development. Innovation On the signing of an Agreement of Intent between the Government of Russia and the Management Company of the Russian Direct Investment Fund in order to develop the high-tech field of Artificial Intelligence in Russia Order No. 1964-r dated September 3, 2019. The signing of the Agreement is aimed at attracting mutually beneficial cooperation between industrial, scientific, educational and other organizations, the pooling of efforts of which is necessary to achieve the target indicators of technological development in Russia.

August 19, 2019, Business environment. Development of competition Rules for the implementation of the action plan “Transformation of the business climate” were approved Resolution of August 10, 2019 No. 1042, order of August 10, 2019 No. 1795-r. The decisions made will make it possible to create a comprehensive system for the formation, monitoring and control of the implementation of the “Transformation of the Business Climate” action plan, establish the powers of expert groups and increase responsibility for the results of their activities, as well as involve business entities in the process of regulatory improvement of business conditions.

August 15, 2019, National Project “International Cooperation and Export” The Strategy for the Development of Exports of Services until 2025 was approved Order of August 14, 2019 No. 1797-r. The purpose of the Strategy is to create the prerequisites for increasing the competitiveness of Russian services in global markets and creating attractive conditions in Russia based on approaches to regulation and taxation of export activities.

August 12, 2019, History. Memory The federal target program “Perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland for 2019–2024” has been approved Resolution of August 9, 2019 No. 1036. As part of the implementation of the federal target program “Perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland for 2019–2024,” it is planned, in particular, to arrange and restore military graves on the territory of Russia, and to place the names of those killed in defense of the Fatherland on memorial plaques at the burial sites.

August 12, 2019 The government has submitted to the State Duma a bill on changes to the system of state registration of intellectual property objects Order of August 9, 2019 No. 1771-r. The bill is aimed at developing digital services in the field of examination and state registration of intellectual property. It is envisaged, in particular, that patents and state registration certificates will be issued by Rospatent in electronic form. It is also proposed to establish the possibility of including three-dimensional models of these objects in electronic form in applications for intellectual property.

August 6, 2019, Federal Property Management The government has submitted to the State Duma a bill to change the procedure for approving reporting requirements for companies with state participation Order No. 1750-r dated August 6, 2019. In accordance with current legislation, the competence of the highest management body of a state corporation and a state-owned company includes the approval of a long-term program of its activities and development, which provides for the implementation of production, investment and financial indicators, or another document on long-term planning. The main document for planning the activities of a public law company is a development strategy that defines the main directions, targets and expected results of its activities for a period of at least five years. In order to increase the efficiency of state corporations, state-owned companies and public law companies, the bill proposes to amend a number of federal laws that define the legal status of state corporations, state-owned companies and public law companies. The Russian government is proposed to be given the authority to approve the requirements for the form and content of their annual reports on the implementation of activity programs and development strategies.

July 29, 2019 The Commission on Legislative Activities approved a bill on changes in the system of state registration of intellectual property objects The bill is aimed at developing digital services in the field of examination and state registration of intellectual property. It is envisaged, in particular, that patents and state registration certificates will be issued by Rospatent in electronic form. It is also proposed to establish the possibility of including three-dimensional models of these objects in electronic form in applications for intellectual property.

July 23, 2019 About the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Order No. 1630-r dated July 22, 2019

July 19, 2019 About the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Order of July 17, 2019 No. 1558-r

July 15, 2019 The Commission on Legislative Activities approved a bill to clarify the procedure for compensation for the forced seizure of real estate for state needs in the territories annexed to Moscow Pursuant to the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2019 No. 9-P. The adoption of the bill will make it possible for the owner or other legal holder of the seized property to exercise the right to receive fair and equivalent compensation for the forced seizure of real estate.

July 8, Monday The Commission on Legislative Activities approved a bill on the formation of a unified register of small and medium-sized businesses - recipients of support The bill provides for the formation of a unified register based on information about SMEs - recipients of support, which are included in the relevant registers of federal and regional authorities, local governments, JSC SME Corporation, determines the suppliers of such information and the procedure for their submission to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.


In order to ensure increased efficiency of expert and analytical activities of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and the formation of a balanced state policy in the field of corporate governance, I order:

1. Establish an Expert Council on Corporate Governance under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

2. Approve the Regulations on the Expert Council on Corporate Governance under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in accordance with this order.

3. The Department of Financial and Banking Activities and Investment Development (Yu.A. Leshchevskaya), together with the Department of Corporate Governance (O.V. Tarasenko), within a month, submit proposals on the personal composition of the Expert Council on Corporate Governance under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

4. To recognize as invalid:

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 2, 2004 N 325 “On the Expert Council on Corporate Governance under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia”;

paragraph 3 of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 11, 2007 N 313 “On invalidating the orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 25, 2006 N 295 and dated October 9, 2006 N 318, as well as on amending the orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 4 March 2005 N 50, dated March 25, 2005 N 63, dated December 2, 2004 N 325, dated December 29, 2006 N 432 and dated April 10, 2006 N 90-dsp."

on the Expert Council on Corporate Governance under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

I. General provisions

1.1. The Expert Council on Corporate Governance under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is a permanent expert advisory body under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia) on issues arising in the field of corporate governance and regulation of corporate relations.

1.2. The Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and these Regulations.

2.1. The Council is being created in order to increase the efficiency of expert and analytical activities of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the formation of a balanced state policy in the field of corporate governance, including corporate governance in companies with state participation, with the involvement of experts from among representatives of the scientific, professional legal, and business communities in this work. organizations, as well as representatives of legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

2.2. The tasks of the Council are:

Discussion and analysis of various initiatives put forward in the field of corporate governance, including draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts;

Discussion and analysis of various initiatives put forward in the field of corporate governance in companies with state participation, privatization, including draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts;

Organization of the preparation of opinions on draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts submitted to the Council for consideration;

Organizing the revision of the texts of draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts based on the results of their discussion at a meeting of the Council;

Discussion of current federal laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of corporate governance, as well as analysis of the practice of their application;

Development of recommendations in the field of improving the quality of corporate governance for Russian organizations, including joint-stock companies with the participation of the Russian Federation, development of a methodological basis for the development of corporate governance in Russian organizations, new areas of activity and plans for improving corporate governance in accordance with the objectives of state development and social change -economic situation in the Russian Federation.

2.3. To carry out the tasks established by these Regulations, the Council has the right to:

Provide assistance in developing proposals to improve legislation in the field of corporate governance;

Request necessary materials related to the scope of the Council’s activities from government bodies, public associations, scientific and other organizations, including international and foreign ones;

Create working bodies (working groups and committees) of the Council for the purpose of implementing individual tasks arising within the framework of the activities of the Council;

Invite representatives of scientific, professional legal, business communities, organizations, as well as representatives of legislative, executive and judicial authorities who are not members of the Council to participate in the discussion of Council decisions at the Council meeting;

Communicate Council decisions to interested parties.

3.1. The Council carries out its activities in accordance with the goals and objectives of its activities on the basis of the principles of legality, objectivity, independence and transparency.

3.2. All members of the Council carry out their activities free of charge.

4.1. The Council consists of the Chairman of the Council, deputy chairmen of the Council, the executive secretary of the Council and members of the Council.

Members of the Council may be representatives of the scientific, professional legal, business communities, organizations, as well as representatives of legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

The composition of the Council is approved by the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The Chairman of the Council is the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Chairman of the Council:

Manages the work of the Council;

Determines the directions of the Council’s activities;

Issues orders on the activities of the Council;

Approves the work plans of the Council;

Approves the agenda of the Council meeting;

Approves the composition of the Council;

Appoints and dismisses the executive secretary of the Council;

Appoints and dismisses the vice-chairmen of the Council.

4.3. The Chairman of the Council has three deputies, one of whom is a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the second is a representative of the scientific community, and the third is a representative of the business community. Deputy chairmen of the Council are approved by the chairperson of the Council from among the members of the Council. In the absence of the chairman of the Council, his functions are performed by one of the deputy chairmen of the Council, upon the preliminary decision of the chairman of the Council.

4.4. Executive Secretary of the Council:

Organizes the current activities of the Council;

Coordinates the activities of Council members;

Organizes control over the execution of orders of the Chairman of the Council;

Coordinates with the Chairman of the Council the work plans of the Council, as well as the time, place and agenda of the Council meeting;

Informs Council members about the time, place and agenda of the Council meeting, as well as the approved work plans of the Council;

Accepts proposals from Council members for the agenda of Council meetings;

Summarizes and prepares other information necessary for the Chairman of the Council;

Keeps minutes of Council meetings.

4.5. The activities of the Council are supported by the Department of Financial and Banking Activities and Investment Development (Yu.A. Leshchevskaya).

4.6. Council members:

Take part in the work of the Council on the basis of the work plans of the Council, orders and instructions of the Chairman of the Council;

Has the right to make proposals to the agenda of a meeting of the Council by sending proposals to the executive secretary of the Council;

They have the right to a special opinion on all issues considered at a meeting of the Council.

4.7. The Council approves the Rules of Procedure of the Council.

5.1. The work plans of the Council are drawn up by the Chairman of the Council together with the deputy chairmen of the Council and the executive secretary of the Council and approved at a meeting of the Council. When drawing up work plans for the Council, the needs of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development for expert, advisory, scientific, methodological and other assistance from the Council are taken into account.

5.2. Members of the Council have the right to proactively make their proposals regarding the formation of work plans for the Council. Proposals are submitted in writing to the executive secretary of the Council for summary and subsequent reporting to the Chairman of the Council.

5.3. Meetings of the Council are held at least once every three months. Persons who are not members of the Council may be present at a meeting of the Council with the right to an advisory vote. The personal composition of these persons is determined by the Chairman of the Council.

5.4. At the initiative of the chairman of the Council or one of the deputy chairmen of the Council, an extraordinary general meeting of the Council may be held.

5.5. The agenda, time and place of the general or extraordinary general meeting are determined by the Chairman of the Council.

Information about the date and place of a general or extraordinary general meeting of the Council is sent to members of the Council no later than twenty and fourteen days, respectively, before the date of the meeting of the Council. The agenda of a general or extraordinary general meeting of the Council and materials for the meeting are presented to members of the Council no later than seven and five days, respectively, before the date of the meeting of the Council.

5.6. The Council has the right to make decisions if at least half of its members are present at its meeting. A member of the Council whose written opinion on the issues on the agenda is submitted before the start of the meeting of the Council is considered to be present at the meeting. Council decisions are made by a simple majority of votes from the number of Council members present.

5.7. Decisions of the Council are documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the Council or, in his absence, one of the deputy chairmen of the Council and the executive secretary of the Council.

The protocol indicates:

Date and place of the meeting;

Personal composition of the Council;

Agenda of the meeting, surname and initials of the speakers;

List of persons who spoke at the meeting in the debate;

Decisions made on each issue.

5.8. The dissenting opinion of the member(s) of the Council is attached to the protocol, for which the text of the protocol must necessarily make reference to the attached dissenting opinion of the member(s) of the Council.

5.9. The composition and number of working bodies (working groups and committees) of the Council are approved at a meeting of the Council. The head of the working bodies (working groups and committees) is elected from among the members of the Council and approved at a meeting of the Council.

5.10. The working bodies (working groups and committees) of the Council, for the purposes of implementing individual tasks arising within the framework of the activities of the Council, have the right to:

Interact with representatives of government authorities, public associations, scientific and other organizations, including requesting necessary materials and information;

Summarize and present information on issues of its activities at a meeting of the Council.

5.11. The head of the working bodies (working groups and committees) presents a report on the results of the activities of the working bodies (working groups and committees) at the next meeting of the Council.

Document overview

The Russian Ministry of Economic Development has an Expert Council on Corporate Governance. A new regulation on it has been approved.

The goals and objectives of the Council are detailed. Provisions have been introduced on the rights of the Council to carry out tasks. The special form of the Council meeting has been renamed extraordinary. The creation of working groups and committees is envisaged.