Self-massage in the work of a speech therapist report for the year. Children's speech therapy massage for speech development

Children with dysarthria have difficulty coping with sound pronunciation. The cause of the speech defect is a violation of the innervation of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. How massage can help with dysarthria in children, what methods of training and kneading muscles by a massage therapist are the most effective, we will tell you in our article.

Correction of dysarthria with massage

The elimination system includes lessons with a speech therapist on sound production, vocabulary development, breathing training, articulation stimulation, exercises for fine motor skills. Massage of the tongue and face for dysarthria is used to activate the muscles of the speech apparatus. Kneading the muscles has a beneficial effect on the general nervous well-being of children with such a lesion and improves articulation skills.

During the massage process in children with dysarthria, the following changes occur:

  • The number and strength of spasms of articulatory muscles decreases;
  • Speech quality improves;
  • Muscle tone is normalized;
  • Blood circulation in the brain and tissues is normalized;
  • Children become less excitable and sleep better.

Only a doctor or speech pathologist-speech pathologist can prescribe it for dysarthria after diagnosing the disease.

Staticity and difficulties in the mobility of the lips, palate, and tongue are noticeable in some babies from birth. Parents should sound the alarm if the newborn has difficulties with sucking, swallowing food, speech after 2 years is slurred, and there is a nasal tone. Depending on the symptoms of the defect and the location of brain lesions, the following types of dysarthria are distinguished:

  1. Bulbarnaya. The most severe degree of the disease. Facial and articulatory muscles are affected.
  2. Pseudobulbar. Speech is slurred, monotonous, paralysis of the muscles of the speech apparatus is diagnosed.
  3. Cortical. The brain is damaged on one side. The child pronounces sounds well, but not syllables.
  4. Subcortical. Speech is slurred, nasal. The subcortical nodes of the brain are affected.
  5. Extrapyramidal. A preschooler has paralysis of the facial muscles.
  6. Erased. It is difficult for a child to pronounce hissing and whistling sounds.

The type of damage to the central nervous system and paralysis can be differentiated using MRI, EEG, clinical and speech therapy examination. A course of logomassage is prescribed to infants with a severe form of the disease from 3 months, to preschool children - in combination with therapeutic and pedagogical correction of disorders.

Facial massage

A classic massage option that is suitable for children with any degree of dysarthria. Carry out this type of vibration therapy with gloves. Remove jewelry and trim your nails short. Repeat all movements 3-5 times. Increase the duration of the procedure gradually.

The movement pattern is as follows:

  1. The forehead is kneaded smoothly from the central point to the temples. Press into your head with 2-3 fingers. Press your palm tightly, but not too hard.
  2. From eyebrows to hair, move in waves with all your fingers. Stroking movements.
  3. Stretch the cheek muscles from the mouth to the temples, from the cheekbone down to bottom part faces.
  4. Rub the muscles on the wings of your nose up and down smoothly.
  5. Stroke the nasolabial fold to the wing of the nose to the corners of the lips.
  6. Stretch your lips with vibration movements. Move both hands along the top of your lips, spreading your fingers apart different sides(from the middle to the corners).
  7. The eyelids are warmed up with circular strokes without pressure. Move your fingers clockwise around the eyes, then back.
  8. Rub your chin.
  9. Stroke your ears.

If a child has facial asymmetry, a skew to one side, or muscles that are cramped, pay more attention to the affected side.

Note! Be sure to include several facial massage techniques in your treatment course. cortical dysarthria before warming up your tongue.

Tongue massage

It is important for weakness of the muscles of the main speech organ, insufficient mobility of the lingual muscles, paresis and paralysis. Speech therapists and speech pathologists use several techniques for kneading an unruly tongue. Let's talk about each technique in more detail.

Massage with a toothbrush

To knead the muscles of the tongue and cheeks at home and in classes with a professional, you can use a regular toothbrush. Execution technique medical procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Place a paper napkin under your child's tongue. It is needed to absorb excess saliva. If moisture accumulates in your mouth too quickly, change your napkin more often.
  2. Ask your baby to relax his tongue.
  3. Make circular kneading movements along the body of the speech organ.
  4. Then intermittent strokes along the inside of the cheeks, over the entire area of ​​the tongue. It's like you're cleaning something off of him. Be sure to use this movement option for bulbar dysarthria.
  5. Ask the child to tense his tongue and lift it up slightly.
  6. Massage the hollow under the jaw. Make movements smoothly, without increased pressure.

Important! For massage with a brush, buy a soft version of tools with smooth and even bristles, so as not to damage the oral mucosa and not to scare the child.

Tongue massage with fingers

Effectively helps relieve hypertonicity of articulatory and facial muscles. It is carried out using a handkerchief, cloth napkin, massage finger pads. The sequence of actions for an adult is as follows:

  1. Help your child relax his tongue muscles. Take the organ with two fingers, twist it, and lightly tap its surface.
  2. Pull the tongue by the tip, pressing with two fingers from below, one from above.
  3. Take it for middle part. Lift and pull forward. Hold the position for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Hold your tongue near your lips with one hand. With the fingers of your other hand, squeeze its body pointwise to the root. Repeat forward movements in the opposite direction.
  5. Turn the tongue with your fingers and place it on the edge. Then to the other side.
  6. Don't forget to tone your lips. Tap them with your fingertips, roll them into a tube, and stretch them toward your nose.

Perform logomassage with your fingers 1-2 times a day for a week or two. The duration of the lesson depends on the age and temperament of the child.

For preschoolers, it is enough to stretch the lingual muscles for 10-15 minutes a day. Choose 2-3 exercises. Repeat them 30 times during each lesson. The next day, change the set of exercises.

Probe massage

Tongue massage for dysarthria using special instruments-probes, developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Elena Viktorovna Novikova. A specialist or parent will need a set of tools - 8 copies. The probes have different shapes: hatchets, balls, forks, snail, fungus.

Instrumental speech therapy massage for dysarthria is carried out in courses. For severe defects, 2-3 weeks daily, then rest for 1.5 months. Then repeat the course.

The method of treating speech defects using probes involves the following types of tongue warming:

  1. Move the ball tool along the body of the tongue 8-10 times.
  2. Using a plastic probe, move it pointwise from root to tip 8-10 times.
  3. Stroke the transverse lingual muscles with a ball tool 6-8 times.
  4. Take a needle-shaped probe. Tingle the perimeter of your tongue for 10 seconds.
  5. Find dimples in the sublingual area. Use a ball probe and make counterclockwise turns in the recesses. Maximum time pressure on the point for 10 seconds.
  6. Press and comb the tongue with a ribbed probe and a spatula on all sides.

During the procedure, it is better for the child to take a reclining position and place a small pillow under the neck. If a preschooler complains of pain, stop the process or relieve pressure on the speech organ.

Note! To understand the technique and principle of performing probe logomassage, we recommend reading the book by E.V. Novikova “Probe massage” from parts 1 to 4. The manual is illustrated, ideal for self-teaching parents using pictures. Or a textbook for speech therapists O. G. Prikhodko “ Speech therapy massage”.

Is it possible to perform massage at home?

You can do speech therapy massage for dysarthria yourself at home if your parents have at least minimal knowledge and skills for such correctional work. You can learn simple massage techniques through courses or while attending classes with a professional. At home, stretch your tongue muscles with your fingers, a toothbrush, and teaspoons.

Important! It is advisable to coordinate a home course of logomassage with doctors or a teacher.

Important rules of logomassage

  1. Do not prescribe a course of muscle warming yourself; consult your doctor to determine the type and degree of dysarthria. Together with your doctor, plan a course of therapy for your child.
  2. Take classes regularly. If possible, repeat the tasks 3-6 times a day for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Make sure your child's head is positioned comfortably. Let the baby lie down, put a high pillow under his head, sit in a stroller or child seat.
  4. Before the session, ventilate the room and humidify the air.
  5. Wear disposable gloves.
  6. Stock up on a brush and a set of probes for each child individually.
  7. When performing techniques, monitor the force of pressure on the tongue, facial muscles, cheeks, and lips. The fingers should not be relaxed, but you should also not put too much pressure on the organs.
  8. Take your first massage course from a professional, invite a specialist to your home. Watch his actions carefully, buy a few lessons.
  9. Older child preschool age, teach the student self-massage with fingers and a probe.

Overcoming disorders associated with damage to areas of the brain is very difficult. Parents, teachers and children need to be patient. Positive developments in muscle work, speech becomes noticeable after a short course of logomassage (after 10-15 procedures). This is possible provided that the actions of all participants in the treatment process are coordinated and focused.

Anna Rovenskaya

Teacher of Russian language and literature, employee of the Educational Center for Early Development.

Speech therapy massage refers to techniques used in speech therapy to improve the pronunciation and psycho-emotional state of people with speech defects.

If you are skeptical about this method of treating speech disorders, considering it labor-intensive and ineffective, then in this article we will try to convince you otherwise.

Why do you need speech therapy massage?

Speech therapy massage is a special technique for influencing areas of the body that are in one way or another connected with speech activity.

This procedure changes the state muscle tissue, nerve fibers, blood vessels, skin, thus solving the problems for which, in fact, it is carried out.

The benefits of logomassage

Thanks to speech therapy massage, a number of changes occur in the body:

  • normalization of hypo- or hypertonicity of muscles in facial and articulatory muscles;
  • reduction of pathological involuntary muscle movements;
  • activation and increase in strength contractility muscles of the speech apparatus;
  • improving the quality of articulation, including clarity, volume, speed;
  • perception of movements of speech-producing organs.

So what's the result? As a result, massage of the speech areas of the face brings the following benefits:

  • has a beneficial effect on nervous system And general condition body;
  • stimulates lymph and blood circulation, regulates tissue metabolic processes, promotes blood saturation with oxygen and improves cellular nutrition;
  • increases the elasticity of muscles and the strength of their contractions, helps them recover after exercise, improves performance;
  • reduces tone during spasms and increases it during weakness of the articulation organs, engages inactive muscle areas;
  • forms coordination of movements of the speech organs, stimulates their perception;
  • increases volume and range of motion;
  • strengthens muscles and prepares the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds as quickly as possible.

Indications and contraindications

It is thanks to this spectrum of action that this method is actively used for dysarthria, dyslalia, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, stuttering, voice defects, delayed speech development, as well as in all cases where the muscle tone of the speech apparatus is impaired.

There are also contraindications. These are common infectious diseases, diseases of the skin, the mucous membrane of the eyes, the oral cavity, enlarged lymph nodes, as well as a negative emotional reaction of the child to the procedure.

Now let's touch on the technical side of this method.

Types of speech therapy massage

In modern speech therapy, various technologies of speech therapy massage are used:

  1. Classic, when with the help of special techniques, parts of the body are stroked, rubbed, kneaded, and also created vibration.
  2. Point, in which they stimulate or relax biologically active points, its implementation requires special knowledge and skills.
  3. Hardware, which is done using special devices.
  4. Self-massage, in which you massage your face with your hands or bite your tongue with your teeth.
  5. Probe speech therapy massage, when with the help of probes the activity of individual areas of the articulation organs is activated.

The strength and duration of the effect determines whether it will be a relaxing or energizing massage. Light pressure and sliding strokes reduce excitability. Conversely, deep and energetic touches have a tonic effect.

Tools for speech therapy massage of the tongue can be probes, spoons, toothbrush, wooden or plastic spatula.

It is not carried out remotely, because this method involves direct mechanical impact on the human body.

Features of speech therapy massage at home

Speech therapy massage for a child can be done both in the clinic and at home, and this is even preferable because home environment and close surroundings eliminate anxiety and excitement for the baby.

First of all, parents need to create conditions and follow the rules:

  1. Work in a ventilated area.
  2. Use a protective mask and gloves when performing oral massage.
  3. Wash your tools thoroughly and pour boiling water over them.
  4. Treat your clean hands with an alcohol-based solution.
  5. Do not perform logomassage immediately after eating or if your baby is not feeling well.
  6. Increase the duration of sessions gradually.
  7. The child should lie on his back, place a cushion under his neck. A half-sitting position is also acceptable if it provides muscle relaxation and freedom of breathing.
  8. Encouraging words and praise at the end of the procedure will create a positive attitude and a desire to continue the exercise next time.

When performing a massage, consider the age of the child. Infants, children under 3 years old - 5-10 minutes, preschoolers - 15-20 minutes, children over 7 years old - 20-30 minutes. Frequency 2-3 times a week. Course 10-15 sessions.

To do speech therapy massage for children at home, you need to consult a doctor who will draw up individual plan classes, prescribe influence techniques and coordinate your work.

Giving a massage to your small child at home, actively communicate with him. This is necessary to relieve tension. Tell a story, turn on calm music or sing a song - help him relax.

If you want to do children's speech therapy massage yourself, let's learn.

Logomassage techniques

There are certain techniques and techniques for each type of massage:

Speech therapy facial massage for children

Perform the manipulations sequentially, moving from top to bottom. Don't tense up. Remember - your hands heal.

This method of influencing speech zones is a type of facial massage. Prepare a few clean teaspoons. Please ensure that their surface is smooth to avoid injury to the baby’s delicate skin. Repeat each movement 6-8 times.

Articulatory tongue massage for speech development

Speech therapy massage of the tongue at home is carried out using a spatula, toothbrush, or hands wearing medical gloves. You will need a sterile wipe to remove saliva. At pain the child's procedure is stopped.

Before the session, try to relax with massaging movements. collar area, neck muscles and jaws, because they directly affect the functioning of the speech apparatus.

Finger logomassage for speech development

Finger massage has no contraindications and age restrictions. It can also be performed on children under one year of age. It affects the nerve endings of the fingers and thus activates the speech areas of the brain. Massagers and rubber balls with spikes enhance the effect. By developing fine motor skills through massage, you contribute to your child's speech development.


Teach your baby the movements of self-massage. Do it together while playing. It will tone your facial muscles and create a radiant smile.

Self-massage exercises are also simple and accessible.

To carry out a massage with probes, you must vocational training. This correction method is prescribed to children after six months. During manipulations, the child should not be in pain. The course lasts 15-20 days.

It should be noted that any of the techniques described above gives real results:

  • sound pronunciation is corrected;
  • the correct speech breathing;
  • the voice becomes strong;
  • emotional state stabilizes.

Mood is the main assistant of logomassage

If you supplement speech therapy massage and breathing exercises, studying and pronouncing tongue twisters, games for large and fine motor skills, reading children's literature, active emotional communication, you will achieve impressive results.

When giving your baby a massage at home, do not forget about the main thing - your mood. The warmth of your hands, calm and confident movements, a friendly smile, a loving look - these are the best helpers in overcoming any illness!

Non-traditional speech therapy technologies include self-massage. The use of self-massage in complex correctional work in overcoming speech disorders significantly increases its effectiveness. Self-massage in speech therapy correction is part of a comprehensive work. It can also be used for the prevention of dysarthric disorders in early preschool age.

Self-massage- This is a massage performed by the child himself with the help of hands or aids. And it's also dynamic articulation exercises, causing effect, similar to massage.

Basic massage techniques:

stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration.
- To reduce muscle tone, the main movements are stroking, rubbing, movements are performed at a slow pace.
- To activate muscle work - the main movements are rubbing, kneading, movements are performed at a fast pace.

Requirements for performing the exercises:

  1. Painful effects during self-massage are not allowed, because the massaged tissues reflexively tense, thereby sharply reducing the effect of the procedure.
  2. While performing the exercises, pay attention to the range of movements, speed, accuracy, and coordination. Exercises should be carried out purposefully; it is not the quantity of exercises that is important, but the quality.
  3. As children become familiar with the techniques, hand and finger movements will become more coordinated and accurate.


  1. Children learn self-massage techniques under the guidance of a teacher and speech therapist. When teaching children self-massage, the teacher-speech therapist demonstrates each technique on himself and comments on it. Children perform massage appointment independently, first with visual control (mirror), and then without it.
  2. Before performing self-massage techniques, children should take a calm, relaxed position. They can sit on chairs or be in a lying position (for example, in cribs after nap).
  3. The duration of one self-massage session for preschool children can be 5 - 10 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to perform each movement no more than 4-6 times.
  5. When self-massage techniques are mastered by children, it is possible to perform movements accompanied by a poetic text or specially selected music (fast for activation, slow for relaxation).

The form of the training can be either individual or subgroup (4-5 people).

Self-massage can be performed with children after morning exercises, relaxation classes, and naps. Self-massage can be included in a speech therapy session, and self-massage techniques can precede or complete articulatory gymnastics.

Contraindications to self-massage: Any somatic disease or infectious disease V acute period, conjunctivitis, acute and chronic diseases skin, gingivitis, stomatitis, the presence of herpes on the lips or other infections of the oral cavity, the presence of enlarged lymph glands, pronounced pulsation carotid arteries. A regular bruise on the face, allergies or sunburn may also be a contraindication.

Description of exercises:

Poetic lines

Actions performed by the child

Self-massage of facial muscles

We stroked the forehead gently

And they relaxed diligently.

Place the palms of both hands
on the head area, on the forehead,
put your fingers together in a basket, and then
stroke your forehead, hair with your palms,
going down through the ears and
side surfaces neck to shoulders.

I always wash my face

This is how clean it is!

The starting position of the hands is the same. Stroke your forehead from the center of your forehead to the sides,
ears, and then along the anterolateral
parts of the neck to the jugular fossa

And I'll stroke my forehead

So that he couldn't frown

Stroking the forehead from the center to the temples.

How to stroke our forehead

Without moving the skin there.

Circular rubbing from the middle
forehead to temples.

Fingers tapped

Like on a drum.

Light tapping or patting
fingertips on the forehead.

We'll go through the folds,

We will remove all wrinkles.

Movements: stroking and then circular rubbing with fingers on three facial

Let's knead our cheeks tightly -

Let's start drawing a circle there.

Circular kneading of the cheeks,
starting from masticatory muscles To
corners of the mouth.

The goose has arrived, and the goose is cackling.

He wants to pinch his cheeks.

Lightly pinch your cheeks with your index finger
and thumb.

I'll pity my cheeks

I will stroke them lovingly.

Light circular stroking of the cheeks.

The tongue draws big circles

and with the palm of my hand I press my cheek harder
press it.

Circular movements of the tongue from the inside
sides of cheeks and lips: with palm on the outside
press your cheek. “Draw” 5-6 circles
in one and the other direction.

Let's stroke from top to bottom,

from top to bottom - this is my whim.

Stroke with index fingers
from the cheekbone down, then rub along the same lines, starting
from the masticatory muscles.

The samovar puffs: “Puff-puff!” -
We need to take a break.

Purse your lips, puff out your cheeks,
hold the air for 2-3 seconds and
release through the lips, saying: “Puff!”

Self-massage of lips

Schematic representation of the action

Poetic lines

Actions Performed

So that your lip relaxes -
It's time to draw a mustache.

Index finger movement
from the middle upper lip to the corners
mouth to activate and
from the corners of the mouth to the middle,
to relax.

I twist the corners of my mouth -
I want to relax my muscles.

Circular kneading in the corners of the mouth

Yes, yes, yes, grandfather has a beard.

Doo - doo - doo - I'll comb my beard.

Yes - yes - yes - I'm tired of the beard.

Dy-duh-duh - no more beard.

First, stroke with your fingertips from the middle
chin to ears. Then rub
further knead in a circular motion,
then it's easy to pinch. Finish easy

I play with my lips

sometimes I find it, sometimes I lose it.

Sucking the upper and lower lips
alternately. Lick inside with tongue

I'll hold the top one
and lower lip
I'll get a bird's beak,
I'll turn left and right.

Press the top and
lower lip, move them left and right,
up and down.

I'll run up the stairs
and I'll sing a song.

Index and middle finger
move one's lips, move
top down

Teeth like a comb
they stroke their lips deftly.

Stroke your lips with your teeth.

The Indians have this cry:

Knock your hand like this.

Say “ah” for a long time and
pat your mouth with your palm.

Many modern parents are faced with speech development disorders in their children. Speech therapy massage for a child activates the articulatory muscles, increases the strength of the voice, improves speech breathing, and forms the correct bite. It has a complex effect on muscles, nerve endings, blood vessels and tissues of the speech apparatus.

Speech therapists often use articulation massage for hypotonicity or hypertonicity, which has a beneficial effect on speech development, eliminating deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

Possible contraindications for the following diseases:

  • viral colds;
  • eye infections (conjunctivitis);
  • skin diseases;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.

A specialist’s massage, like speech therapy massage for children at home, must meet hygienic requirements.

Before carrying out the procedure, you need to ventilate the room. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the child in the room.

Duration depends on individual characteristics child's health. It is recommended to start with 1-2 minutes, towards the end of the course maximum duration one session can be 15-25 minutes.

Scheme of session durations by age:

  • 0-3 years – 10 minutes;
  • 4-7 years – 15 minutes;
  • 7-10 years – 25 minutes.

The course usually consists of 10-30 daily sessions, which can be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

To carry out the procedure, it is important to place the child in a comfortable position. This is either a lying position with a bolster under your head or a semi-sitting position - in a reclining chair.

Main types of logomassage

The following types of speech therapy massage are distinguished:

  • Manual, called classic, is performed next to problem area or directly on it with the help of stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration. When conducting manual massage The speech therapist uses a spatula, pacifier, and toothbrush.
  • Acupressure is an effect on active points associated with problem areas for speech.
  • Hardware massage involves the use of special vibration devices.
  • Probe massage was introduced by the famous speech therapist E.V. Novikova, who developed special probes.
  • Self-massage involves the child performing the procedure independently.

Method E.V. Novikova

For dysarthria, a speech therapist usually prescribes a probe speech therapy massage. A set of probes developed by E.V. Novikov, are eight devices in the form of forks, hatchets, etc.

Speech therapy massage for children at home involves the use of probes if the parents have undergone special training. If you have doubts or have any questions after learning speech therapy massage, it is strongly recommended that you clarify them with specialists in your field - speech therapists, and not try to experiment on your child

It is important to remember that probe massage of the tongue is carried out only by an experienced specialist who has undergone professional training!

Probe speech therapy massage allows you to correct speech and achieve the following results:

  • normalization of speech breathing,
  • sound pronunciation correction,
  • increasing the strength of the voice,
  • improvement of the nervous system.

The sequence of exposure to problem areas with probes is determined by a specialist. The child should not experience painful sensations. Probe procedures are contraindicated for children under 6 months.

Probe massage of the tongue is carried out using the following techniques:

  1. The fork probe is used to pierce the tongue, which leads to rhythmic contraction muscle fibers. After this, oscillatory and rotational movements with a probe placed at a certain point on the tongue for 5 seconds.
  2. A figure-eight probe is used to press on the tongue.
  3. Sled probes (3 different types devices) allow you to press on the tongue, stimulating muscle fibers.
  4. Using a hatchet probe, pressing and sliding movements are performed.
  5. The cross probe, by pressing on the tongue and pushing back, promotes muscle contraction.
  6. The pusher probe allows you to apply pressure on the tongue for 5 seconds, then relax.

Probe speech therapy massage is used in a course for 2-3 weeks. Each exercise is performed 30 times. Sometimes one course of treatment is enough for children. Logomassage can be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

Logomassage at home

Facial massage for children for speech development can also be done at home. Parents should definitely consult with a specialist about how to do speech therapy massage, paying attention special attention possible contraindications.

Speech therapy massage for children at home involves massage of the face (using fingers and teaspoons) and tongue, including relaxing, gymnastics for the articulation and breathing apparatus

Speech therapy facial massage is based on rubbing, stroking, kneading. It is necessary to take into account that the child should be comfortable.

Facial massage for children for speech development is carried out in stages:

  1. Forehead. First, strokes are used from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then from the eyebrows to the hair. After stroking light movements warm up the forehead.
  2. Cheeks. Kneading and stretching movements are performed from the corners of the mouth to the temples along the cheeks, from the cheekbones to the lower jaw.
  3. Nose. The wings of the nose are stroked, gently stretched, after which strokes are applied from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  4. Mouth. The upper and lower lips are alternately stroked and stretched towards the corners of the mouth.
  5. Chin. Stroking and kneading are performed from the middle of the mouth to the corners.
  6. Neck. Stroking and kneading movements are performed in the neck area.

Speech therapy facial massage can be performed using teaspoons.

Speech therapy massage with spoons is one of the modern effective methods for children's speech development. It is important to use smooth spoons to avoid hurting your baby's face.

Speech therapy massage with spoons is performed using the following techniques:

  1. Stroking the child's temples with spoons.
  2. Stroking the eye sockets.
  3. Stroking the cheeks.
  4. Rubbing your temples with heaps of spoons.
  5. Rubbing the area between the eyebrows with heaps of spoons.
  6. Rubbing the nasolabial area with the end of a spoon.
  7. Stroking the upper and lower lips with gentle pressure.
  8. Kneading the chin and cheekbones.

To make the procedure easier, you need to prepare 4 teaspoons in advance.

Tongue massage for speech correction

Speech therapy massage of the tongue for children is prescribed for dysarthria, characterized by the presence of a short sublingual frenulum.

Before you start massaging your child’s tongue, you need to do relaxing gymnastics:

  1. The tongue is turned first to the right, then to the left, slightly pulling it, taking it with your fingers: thumb lies on top, middle and index - below.
  2. The tongue is slowly curled forward onto the index finger.

Effective speech therapy massage of the tongue for dysarthria is impossible without relaxation neck muscles, collar area and jaw, because they directly affect the functioning of the speech apparatus.

The procedure is performed in the direction from the root to the tip of the tongue using fingers, a plastic or wooden spatula or a soft toothbrush.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue for dysarthria is performed in a strict sequence:

  1. Spatula or index finger The longitudinal lingual muscles are stroked 9-10 times.
  2. Use a spatula to press rhythmically along the entire length 5-6 times.
  3. Using your index finger or toothbrush, perform transverse strokes 5-6 times.
  4. The lateral muscles of the tongue are stroked with the thumb and index finger.
  5. Use your fingers to warm up the entire area of ​​the tongue for 7-9 seconds.
  6. The fingers perform movements in the form of rubbing.
  7. Use your fingers to gently shake the tip of the tongue, followed by light and vigorous pressure with a spatula.
  8. Use your fingers to lightly squeeze the lateral muscles of the tongue, holding for 1-2 seconds.
  9. Lightly pinch the tongue with your fingers, then pat with a spatula for 10 seconds.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria at home must meet hygiene requirements. The rooms should be ventilated and warm.

Effective speech therapy massage for children at home means strict compliance with the specialist’s requirements. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times a day in combination. You cannot skip sessions, because... only painstaking regular work can lead to positive changes in speech development child.

Relaxation of speech muscles

Relaxing speech therapy massage is used for spasmodic conditions speech muscles(muscles of the face, lips and tongue). Increased muscle tone is relieved with gentle stroking and light pressure.

The procedure begins with relaxation of the neck muscles, for which smooth rotational movements of the head are performed. Next, stroking movements are carried out for the facial muscles, then for the labial muscles. The session ends with light rotating and tapping movements of the fingers on the lips.

Relaxation of the facial and neck muscles helps reduce hypertension and improve speech activity child.

Speech therapy massage for children at home is effective together with articulation gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics is performed in front of a mirror. As a rule, the child repeats the movements after the speech therapist or the parent if speech therapy massage is used for dysarthria at home.

Gymnastics for a child’s articulatory apparatus includes the following exercises for the tongue and lips:

  • shows his tongue, stretching it out as much as possible,
  • pulls it gently towards the chin and nose,
  • shakes to relax muscles,
  • pulls aside
  • collects lips with a tube,
  • stretches, fixing with fingers in the corners of the mouth,
  • raises upper lip
  • lowers his lower lip
  • squeezes,
  • licks.

Speech therapy massage for children at home also includes gymnastics for development correct breathing child.

In speech therapy, there are many exercises aimed at developing the child’s correct breathing in game form:

  • « Get the ball into the goal" Smiling, blow so that the stream of air goes in the middle of the tongue lying on lower lip. You need to blow the cotton wool onto the edge of the table.
  • « Blow away a snowflake" Place a small paper snowflake on the tip of your tongue and try to blow it away. The mouth should be slightly open and the tongue should stick out.
  • « Soap bubbles" You need to blow a big soap bubble. Or arrange a competition among children to see who can blow up the most soap balls.
  • « Inflate the toy" You can arrange a competition for children to see who can inflate the toy faster.

For a child with speech problems, especially stuttering, it is useful to buy toy wind instruments to correct breathing.

Work on correcting a child’s speech is necessarily accompanied by learning tongue twisters. Constantly learning tongue twisters will allow you to cope with complex words that are difficult to pronounce. These may be difficult to pronounce sonorant sounds “R”, “L”, hissing “Shch”, “Sh”, etc. In addition, the child masters the tempo-rhythms of speech, because he not only needs to pronounce the “insidious” sounds correctly, but also do it as quickly as possible.

Thus, speech therapy massage for children at home includes probe and relaxing massage of the face (using fingers and spoons) and tongue, as well as gymnastics for the articulation and breathing apparatus. To carry out the procedure with probes at home, parents must undergo special training. Experts recommend using several types of influence on the articulatory apparatus to effectively correct speech in children.

Abstract: Children with speech disorders often have insufficient innervation of the muscles involved in the functioning of the speech apparatus. One of the most effective methods Corrective and pedagogical influence aimed at normalizing muscle tone and stimulating the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus is speech therapy massage. Many speech therapists do not have special skills to conduct speech therapy massage. Therefore, I offer you self-massage techniques (as one of the types of speech therapy massage that does not require special skills), which can be used by a speech therapist both individually and frontal exercises with children who have speech disorders. Using Techniques speech therapy self-massage when correcting sound pronunciation, helps in the work of a speech therapist, prepares speech apparatus child, helps reduce the time of correctional intervention

This development is intended for speech therapists, educators correctional groups and parents of children suffering from speech disorders.

Speech therapy self-massage. Basic techniques and techniques

Why do you need speech therapy self-massage?

Speech therapy self-massage is a massage performed by a child or an adult suffering from speech pathology. Purpose of this massage is the stimulation of kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus, as well as the normalization of muscle tone of these muscles.

The use of speech therapy self-massage normalizes the muscle tone of facial and articulatory muscles, stimulates kinesthetic sensations, thereby reducing the time of correctional work.

Self-massage can be used repeatedly throughout the day, including it in various regime moments child's day.

Contraindications to self-massage:

  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • nosebleeds and tendency to them;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • various diseases of the skin and scalp;
  • stomatitis and other oral infections;
  • excessive mental and physical fatigue
  • increase in body temperature.

Indications for speech therapy self-massage

Speech therapy self-massage is indicated for children with speech disorders. Especially for those children with speech pathology who are most difficult to correct. pedagogical methods, this procedure is especially necessary.

Therefore, if your child is diagnosed with one of the following:

  • delayed speech development,
  • dyslalia,
  • dysarthria,

then in these cases you can use this correction method.

1. Before self-massage, the child must be thoroughly washed.

2. Duration of one self-massage session for preschool children
can be 5-10 minutes.

3. Self-massage can be included in a speech therapy session, and self-massage techniques can precede or complete articulatory gymnastics.

4. Each movement is performed on average 4-6 times.

5. Children learn self-massage techniques under the guidance of a speech therapist, and then can perform it independently.

6. The self-massage procedure is carried out according to the following scheme: massage of the head, facial muscles, lips, tongue

7. While performing the movements, the child should not feel any discomfort; all self-massage movements should bring pleasure to the child.

Basic methods and techniques for self-massage

1. Self-massage of the muscles of the head and neck.

- “I am good.” Movement of both palms, located on the forehead, through the hair, moving down through the ears and sides of the neck to the shoulders.

- “Let’s put on a hat.” Movement of both palms down to the ears, and then along the anterolateral part of the neck to the jugular fossa.

2. Self-massage of facial muscles:

- “Drawing paths.” Movement of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

- “Finger shower.” Lightly tapping or tapping your fingertips on your forehead.

- “Drawing eyebrows.” Run along the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples with each finger.

- “Let’s draw a mustache.” Movement of the index and middle fingers from the middle of the upper lip
to the corners of the mouth.

- “Let’s stroke the chin.” Back side stroke your fingers from the middle of the chin to the ears.

- “Let’s warm our cheeks.” Rubbing movements with palms on cheeks in different directions.

- “Wash your face.” Using the palms of both hands, make light stroking movements from the middle of the forehead down the cheeks to the chin.

3. Self-massage of the ears.

- “We warmed our ears.” Place your palms on your ears and rub them.

- “They pulled my ears.” Grab your fingers earlobes and pull them down 3-5 times.

- “Let’s listen to the silence.” Cover ears palms. Hold them in this position for 2-3 seconds.

4. Self-massage of the tongue muscles.

- “Stroking the tongue with the lips.” Place your tongue through the narrow gap between your lips, then relax it.

- “Slap your tongue with your lips.” Slap your tongue with your lips, saying “five-five-five”

- “Biting the tongue with teeth.” It is easy to bite your tongue with your teeth.

- “Stroking the tongue with teeth.” Insert your tongue between your teeth and move it back into your mouth.

Conclusion: the use of self-massage techniques when correcting sound pronunciation helps in the work of a speech therapist, interests children, as it is carried out in a playful way, prepares the child’s speech apparatus and develops speech.

Sergeeva S.V.,
speech therapist,