New Year's corporate party - a scenario for adults for the Year of the Rooster. Topics and competitions for the scenario of a New Year's corporate party in the office

What holiday would be complete without a fun production, the script of which is prepared in advance by the owners of the house for their children and guests? New Year's games It is customary to start only after the last chimes of the clock have already rung and the first bottle of champagne has been drunk. Here is an approximate scenario for a New Year's family holiday.

Main action

At the beginning of the festive evening, you can provide quick and simple entertainment, which will give the feast a fun start and a stormy atmosphere. Each participant, upon entering the apartment, receives from the owner a fragment of a certain picture, and each guest has his own image. It’s good if the theme of the drawing is New Year’s. When going to festive table The players' task is to find a plate under which another fragment of his picture is glued, and a chair - the last part of the image lying on it allows you to assemble the picture completely. In addition to pictures, you can use the text of jokes or short tales about winter and New Year. Father Frost(suddenly appearing at the door):

I see a holiday in this house,

I see a Christmas tree in the yard.

I see the doors are all open,

I decided that this was for me.

Oh, I’m late... Don’t be offended - I was in a hurry to get to you, but got lost on the way. But he brought games and gifts with him too! The gifts are all good, tasty and beautiful, but they will go only to the most dexterous and skillful, who can cope with all my tasks and answer all my questions. Well, are you ready for the competition? Children and guests: Yes! Father Frost: Then here is my first question for you:

What hangs on the tree

What comes across our noses

What we often encounter

Is it just too dangerous? (Icicles)

Well done! The second question is already on its way.

I wanted some pie

He immediately flew into the field,

There's a favorite cook there

She gave me so much fluff,

What, having tasted the pie,

I set to work on the snow.

Who is that sweet old lady? (Blizzard)

The one who solved the riddles became the sweetest to me! (Distributes gifts.) Well done, you completed the task. Now tell me, what tales about winter do you know, what cold characters have you met?

Answers from children and guests. You can organize a competition between adults and children: who knows more fairy tales about winter? fairy-tale heroes remembers, as well as songs and ditties, proverbs and sayings, jokes and jokes on a winter theme.

Father Frost: I see you know a lot, you were probably preparing for my arrival. I just don’t see any festive costumes. Disorder! Come on, come on, boast, spin around the Christmas tree! Children show off their costumes - dance a snowflake dance, prepared in advance or improvised to the music. Father Frost: Wonderful, beautiful, where else can you see a miracle, even the Christmas tree itself shone! Guys! We need to sing a song for the Christmas tree, it’s her birthday today! Everyone stands in a round dance near the Christmas tree and sings a New Year's song. Father Frost: Or maybe someone would also like to give a poem to the Christmas tree? Whoever wants to, let him tell, and I will give him a gift. Children recite poems about the Christmas tree. Father Frost: Well done, guys, but the parents are completely out of their hands, they don’t want to participate in the competition. What, you don’t know poetry? Then tell me all the prickly brothers of the beautiful Christmas tree. And now all the animals that resemble a Christmas tree. (Answers from parents and guests) Well, say you don’t know. Oh, I’m somehow tired, apparently I’ve become quite old... I think I’ll sit down, while you dance and please the old man. Everyone is dancing.

Father Frost: I recently heard from my granddaughter, Snegurochka, that you have a new dance now, I, an old man, would like to take a look at this miracle. Are there anyone here who wants to show off their skills? A competition is held for the best dance. Father Frost: Bravo! Bravo! But I once saw a dance performed without getting up from their seats. Can you show it to me, the old man? Only I will complicate this dance a little, all dancers must hold hands and under no circumstances separate them during the dance. All those present sit on chairs, clasp their hands and begin to dance, without getting up from their seats, to cheerful music.

Holding fun competitions

Looking for an item

You will need small items according to the number of guests. Each invitee is given an object that he hides on himself. The presenter announces the names of the hidden items and invites everyone to start searching. The winner will be the one who finds more than the rest.


You will need: 6 glasses, 3 of which are filled with water. Players need to solve the problem of which glasses are full and which are empty, then make sure that there is one more full glass. Additional terms: You can take only one glass and you have 50 seconds to solve. Answer: pour water from the second to the fifth glass.

Hearing experiment

You will need vodka or water, a tray, glasses, blindfolds. Men (confident in their hearing) are blindfolded and brought glasses and bottles. They need to listen to pour the same amount of liquid into glasses.

The mystery behind

You will need signs with the inscriptions: “Maternity hospital”, “Sobering up center”, “Bathhouse”, etc. - for men. And “Bruises”, “Torn tights”, “Forgot to put on a skirt”, etc. - for women. These signs are hung behind the backs of the players so that they do not see the inscription. Then you need to ask questions. For men:

  • Do you go there often?
  • What are you taking with you?
  • Who do you go there with? Etc.

For women:

  • Does this happen to you often?
  • How do others react?
  • How do you explain this? Etc.

The funniest thing is to watch the guests when they discover what the questions were asked about.

Situational tasks

It is necessary to divide the guests into two teams - men's and women's. Each team should read out certain situations. At the same time, women are offered to men and vice versa. The team whose answers are the most witty wins. Tasks for the women's team:

  • You are faced with a choice - a vacation at sea with friends or with your beloved mother-in-law, but at the dacha. Convince your wife to let you go to your friends.
  • A hard day at work evokes only one desire - to sit with a beer in front of the TV. And at home the wife with hair, makeup and evening dress requires you to go out into the world. How will you convince her to stay home?
  • You're getting ready to go fishing, and then there's a surprise in the form of your mother-in-law. What arguments will allow you to escape to the bosom of nature?

Objectives for the men's team:

  • At one of the parties you notice a handsome man, your ideal. In what ways will you attract his attention to you?
  • Your favorite clothing store has received a breathtaking dress, the cost of which is three times more than your husband’s monthly income. Convince him to buy you this dress.
  • It's already after midnight. The husband comes home at drunk, covered in lipstick, and a very interesting piece of women's underwear peeking out of his pocket. What will you do?


For this competition you will need cards with a message on them. You should write about a variety of subjects. For example, a cup, a globe, a book, a bed. The players' task is to sort out the cards and make up several sentence announcements with the suggested words. The funnier the ads are, the better. You can even use fantastic options. Examples of advertisements:

  • I lost my favorite cup, blue with a white flower! I promise to exchange it for anyone who finds the loss for any other item from my collection.
  • I will buy a globe of the Third Universe.
  • I will exchange my single bed for a double bed due to my marriage!
  • I will buy the complete works of Leo Tolstoy. Preferably with a dedicatory inscription.

Father Frost: Well, I see that a cheerful company has gathered here, they are skillful, they are not afraid of anything, and it is not a sin to give gifts to them. Here I grabbed something for you. (Takes out of the bag colorful boxes in which gifts are hidden, as well as small wooden dolls different colors, instead of dolls, you can use small cards, paper toys, etc.) And so that no one is offended, I decided to give you the opportunity to choose your own gift. Here I have dolls - the same colors as the boxes. Choose the one you like. Have you chosen? Then take the gift that is in a box of the same color as your doll. Guests unpack gifts. Grandfather Frost: Well, that's all, now complete order. It's winter outside, there's a blizzard in the forest, there's fun in the house! All I can do is wish you happiness and go to others, otherwise they are probably tired of waiting for me. (Leaves)

Additions to the script

Destiny Cookies

Fortune cookies are traditionally baked for the New Year's table. Cookies can be baked according to your favorite recipe. Inside you need to put a piece of thick paper with some kind of prediction. It is best to print the fortune telling text on a laser printer, or write it with a regular pencil.

Before treating guests, you will need to warn them about the surprise waiting for them inside the cookies.

Here are ready-made examples of predictions:

  • Wait big changes in life.
  • New year, new love.
  • Soon you will have a chance to try your luck.
  • Expect a budget increase.
  • Be careful on the road.
  • You will meet an important person in the near future.
  • Expect unexpected guests.
  • Don't forget about safety.
  • A promotion awaits you.
  • A stork will come to you soon!
  • Happiness to your home and family.
  • The year promises to be successful.
  • Happiness is already on the doorstep!

Jelly and Chinese sticks

Eating dessert can easily be turned into fun entertainment - all you need to do is serve cutlery that does not match the nature of the dish. The best option are Chinese chopsticks, which not everyone knows how to use correctly. It's especially fun to watch guests try to eat fruit jelly or salad this way. Chinese chopsticks can be replaced with toothpicks or skewers. For New Year's table You can have a competition to see who can eat tangerine slices the fastest Chinese chopsticks, the guests must first be divided into two teams.

A fun scenario for a corporate event 3.00 /5 | Voted: 25

A cheerful scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, there are far from salads on the table and beautiful outfits create the mood. Introducing the original and funny scenario for a corporate event, which is suitable for any office party.

This entertainment program can easily be interpreted to celebrate a company birthday or New Year. Just add appropriate congratulations. If you want to run more competitions, a selection fun games and here's some fun.


Hello, colleagues!

For a cool corporate event

A friendly team gathered.

Everyone forgot about the dress code,

About reports and work.

We'll dance until the morning,

Sing songs and rock!


Are you ready to have a good rest? To take on work on Monday with renewed vigor? Then let's start our corporate party! You are a single team, and this is what makes the company successful. I suggest testing your ability to act together in the next competition.

Competition "Catch the Ball"

For the competition, those present are divided into two teams. Each of them chooses a captain. The captains stand opposite the team, at a distance of 2-3 meters (marked by a line), they are given large baskets. There are many near each team balloons and a line they must not cross. The task is to throw as many balls as possible into your captain's basket. They, in turn, should help, but not step over the line. Captains are also prohibited from touching the balls with their hands. 3-5 minutes are allotted to complete the task, the team with the most balls in the captain’s basket wins.

At this stage of the corporate party, you can invite everyone to the table. But the fun doesn't stop. After the guests have had a little refreshment, the entertainment can continue.


I know your boss is perfect. Understanding, generous, positive. And all employees find it without any problems common language, understand each other perfectly. The next game will confirm this!

Game "Deaf Dialogue"

The manager and subordinate are invited. The boss puts on headphones, and the subordinate asks the boss questions.

For example:

  • Can I take tomorrow off?
  • When will the salary increase be?
  • Why am I going on a business trip, and not Ivanov?

The boss, of course, doesn’t hear the questions. He can understand what he is being asked about only by the movement of his lips and facial expressions. However, the boss must answer. As a rule, the answers are “off topic”, and the dialogue turns out to be very funny.

Then the subordinate puts on the headphones, and the boss asks the questions. For example:

  • When will the report be?
  • Why don't you go to work on Saturday?
  • Why are you late again?

Then a new subordinate comes out and the fun is repeated, only with different questions.

There are no winners or losers, but small prizes can be awarded for the coolest answers.


You are a close-knit team, almost like a family. I suggest checking how well you know each other.

Game "Who are you?"

The driver is blindfolded. One of his colleagues sits on a chair in front of him. The driver's task is to guess who it is by feeling only his head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who was guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have a great time!

Game "Fanta"

This is traditional entertainment for the holidays, and we couldn’t help but include it in our fun scenario for a corporate party. The rules are simple: guests, sitting at the table, pass each other a small ball or some round fruit to the music. Suddenly the music stops and the one who has the ball pulls a forfeit out of the box and completes the task.

Forfeits with tasks must be prepared in advance. For example:

  • Say a toast;
  • Sing;
  • Dance, etc.

It all depends on the company and imagination, however, respect the chain of command.


You know how to work well and have fun! I invite everyone to the dance floor.

During the disco, you can hold a dance competition to keep the atmosphere festive.

Competition "Dance like..."

To play the game, you need to prepare cards in advance with descriptions of objects or phenomena of the same topic. For example, for a corporate party in winter the following are suitable: snowflake, snowman, blizzard, sleigh. All pieces of paper with inscriptions are put into a box. Each participant pulls out one card and dances like... a snowflake, a sled, a snowman. Then you can determine the most original performer and give him some kind of prize.

During the dance block, you can play a team game.

Competition "Company Treasure"

The players are divided into two teams. Props will include cocktail straws for each participant, two bracelets, and a pair of chairs. The first player puts a straw in his mouth and puts a bracelet on it. Then, at the leader’s signal, the participants run to their chairs (they are 4-6 meters away), run around them and return back. They pass the bracelet to the next player - hands-free! The winner is the team that quickly passes its decoration from the first to the last participant and does not drop it.


We have a very fun and bright corporate party, right? But can there be a holiday without gifts? Let's play the lottery and no one will be left without a present!

The presenter invites everyone to take turns pulling out a ball with a number that corresponds to the gift from the drum. Presentations must be prepared in advance and numbered. It is important that they be universal; the presenter suggests finding a hidden meaning in each souvenir.

For example:

  • Notepad - career growth;
  • Candlestick house - buying a cottage or house;
  • A magnet with a beautiful landscape - a journey;
  • Keychain – buying a new car, etc.

This is the end of our fun corporate party. I wish success and prosperity to the company, achievement of your goals and inspiration to each of you.

We hope you enjoyed our fun scenario for a corporate event. We wish you a bright party!

To make the winter holidays at work fun and bright, memorable for a long time and bring a lot of joy to everyone positive emotions, you need to select a script with an interesting, funny plot for the New Year’s corporate party in advance. Will be appropriate for young people cool options performances held in modern style and complemented by a rich dance program. For older people, classic performances with simple competitions and quizzes are suitable.

It is worth inviting professionals as presenters who will appear before the audience in the roles of Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Fire Rooster, symbolizing the coming year 2017. If the corporate event is held in the office, you don’t have to spend money on animators, but choose presenters from among the employees and prepare appropriate costumes for them.

It is better to devote the first section of the corporate event to outdoor games, and in the second to focus on tasks that will not require you to drunk company interrupt festive toasts mid-sentence and leave the table to take part in the fun. An effective culmination of the scenario should be a New Year's song, which the employees will perform in chorus, and one of those present will film it on video for memory.

New Year's corporate party 2017 - a cool scenario for holding it in the office

In order to have a fun, cool and original New Year's corporate party 2017 in the office, you need to carefully think through the scenario and correctly distribute the roles between the participants. If the team consists of people of the same age category, you can choose a single style of event. When among your colleagues there are both young people and people of pre-retirement age, you will have to organize the party in such a way that both of them feel comfortable.

The room where you plan to celebrate the corporate party must be decorated accordingly. The minimum required decor is a Christmas tree, rain, compositions of toys and snowflakes, garlands and New Year's lights. The remaining design attributes must be consistent with the thematic direction of the event. You can prepare special costumes for participants or limit yourself to attaching some New Year’s elements to everyday clothes (mask, cap, crown, mantle, serpentine collar, etc.).

It is better to choose a topic for a corporate party together at a preliminary meeting, where each colleague will be able to express their own opinion regarding the future holiday. Among the most popular and in-demand scenarios, the most successful are:

  • "Russian folk". A simple version of the corporate party scenario, perfect for all age categories. Does not require serious expenses for decoration and costumes. Simply add to New Year's decor office has several attributes traditionally associated with the Russian hinterland. These could be bundles of bagels hung in the corners and entwined with rain, a large samovar with tea, covered not with an ordinary doll, but with the Snow Maiden, towels and wooden spoons. For the participating ladies, you need to prepare shiny kokoshniks, and offer the men bright kosovorotkas or rustic caps. In this way, the modern and austere premises of an enterprise or bank will become like a simple rural house, and employees will be transformed into carefree guys and girls, joyfully awaiting the coming of the New Year. It is better to create an entertainment program in the form of a mini-concert, where musical numbers will be interspersed with competitions and simple quizzes. Separately, you will need to think about the prize fund so that each participant is sure to receive a cute, pleasant and memorable present.
  • "Comedy Club". For this scenario, you will need to fence in office space a small stage, and around it there are tables for 2-3 people. Employees will have to try on the roles of popular comedians and amuse everyone present with cheerful, bright and cheerful numbers. Of course, performances will need to be rehearsed in advance. At such a corporate event, it would be appropriate to hear all sorts of humoresques, funny anecdotes, funny scenes and songs remade for the New Year theme from famous hits and hits. Additionally, you can include karaoke in the program so that everyone present gets into the festive mood and enjoys performing their favorite works.
  • "Guests from the Future". This scenario is somewhat more complex than the previous two options and is more suitable for the office in which you work large number employees. All corporate party participants are conditionally divided into two teams, one of which represents earthlings, and the other – aliens from Mars. The essence of the event is that local residents explain to aliens the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia in a light, playful and funny way. Each action is accompanied by music and songs, and the culmination of the holiday is the moment when representatives of the Martians dress up as the Snow Maiden and Father Frost, congratulate those present on the New Year and promise to introduce the tradition of drinking champagne during the chiming clock in their homeland.

New Year's corporate party for adults - a festive scenario for the Year of the Rooster

Theme for an adult holiday scenario New Year's corporate party, timed to coincide with the onset of the Year of the Rooster, must be chosen depending on the age and character of the participants. For small, very close-knit teams, where all employees know each other very well, cozy, intimate gatherings, complemented by musical performances, funny competitions with prizes and team competitions for speed and dexterity, are suitable. Such events can be built in the style of the retro TV show “Blue Light”, thus combining a festive banquet or buffet with entertainment program. Or invite employees to take part in a journey around fairyland called “Childhood,” and play out a funny version of a school matinee in the office, when participants call on the Snow Maiden and Father Frost in chorus, dance in circles and read funny quatrains while climbing on a stool. Adults, serious people will be very pleased to remember their youth and for a few hours turn from responsible managers, accountants and deputy directors into frivolous boys and girls, sincerely and joyfully waiting to see what gift awaits them under the New Year tree. The host of the corporate event can be one of the employees, dressed in a costume of the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster, and as a formal dress code, all participants should be asked to wear some red or orange things, or tie ribbons of the corresponding color on their sleeves.

IN large enterprises and organizations consisting of many departments with a large number employees who know little about each other, large-scale events with a universal holiday scenario, which includes a variety of competitions, games and quizzes on knowledge of the history of the company, corporate rules and all kinds of interesting facts related to professional activity. It is better to choose a neutral thematic focus that does not require those present to dress in specific costumes and learn the roles by heart. All participants should feel very at ease and not experience any discomfort throughout the evening.

Merry New Year's corporate party - competitions for a festive scenario

Regardless of what topic is chosen for the New Year’s corporate party scenario, it will need to include various interesting, bright and fun competitions, in which each employee will be able to demonstrate their abilities in an original way and win a pleasant, memorable prize.

  • "New Year's phantom"— this competition is considered universal and fits harmoniously into the scenario of any format. All participants are invited to draw forfeits from “ magic hat"or a lottery drum, and then perform on stage what came out. Usually such performances cause a lot of delight and receive a storm of applause. It's very funny to watch how harsh general manager reads a poem about Santa Claus, and a sedate lady-chief accountant performs the “Dance of the Little Swans”. However, it is better to coordinate these performances in advance so that none of the participants gets into an awkward position.
  • "Dodgers"— this version of New Year’s entertainment involves close personal contact and is more suitable for teams in which employees know each other well. The presenter invites everyone onto the stage, divides them into pairs and ties a scarf around the neck of one player in the pair. The second participant must untie the knot with his teeth. Helping yourself with your hands is strictly prohibited. The pair that completes the task faster than the rest wins.
  • "The Adventures of a Diver"— a competition for active employees who are not afraid to show their funny, humorous side. All participants are dressed in fins, given binoculars and asked to follow a certain route. The highlight is that you have to look through binoculars from reverse side, and flippers significantly complicate the ability to move. Victory is awarded to the one who gets to the final destination faster than others.

New Year's corporate party - an interesting scenario with jokes for adults

An interesting, funny and very funny scenario. Sparkling humor and jokes will create a joyful atmosphere at the holiday and allow everyone to relax and enjoy casual communication.

  • "Angels and Demons" is an exceptionally funny scenario, ideal for a medium-sized group. The program includes Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Fire Rooster - the symbol of the coming year. Employees are divided into two teams. One of them becomes Angels and puts paper wings on their backs, the second represents devils and decorates their heads with funny little horns. Cunning and insidious devils kidnap the Rooster, due to which the onset of the New Year is postponed. Father Frost, Snow Maiden and the Angels are trying with all their might to bring back the magical bird so that the holiday comes on time. The performance consists of various team competitions, games and quizzes. For variety, moving numbers alternate with musical performances. As a result, the team of Angels must free the Rooster at any cost and celebrate the New Year with a dance around the tree and general rejoicing.
  • "Carnival Night"- this option does not require a rigid plan and completely allows for moments of improvisation. It is best to play out the scenario in a team with young and middle-aged employees who are good at accepting modern humor. The performance is built like a concert, in which cheerful, harmless pranks, funny skits and stand-ups on a humorous New Year corporate theme. For musical inserts, ditties, jokes and songs-remakes are suitable. They can be performed solo or in a choir, which includes the bulk of the employees.
  • "Fairy tale for adults"- this script allows you to remake the plot of any children's work in a modern way and use it as the basis for a New Year's event for adults. For example, the story of a modern Cinderella (secretary or junior manager) looks very unusual and original, who rushes to a New Year’s corporate party and loses not a shoe, but an important report or company documents, and as a result finds her love or gets a promotion from her boss. To implement the idea of ​​the script, the team selects main character, and the rest of the employees play supporting roles and help the newly-made Cinderella get out of a difficult situation.

Cool New Year's corporate scenario for a drunk company

For a drunk company of adults, a simple scenario for a New Year's corporate party that does not require too much is best suited. active actions and allowing you to participate in the holiday program without leaving the table. It is worth using classic characters as presenters, namely, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Fire Rooster, symbolizing the coming 2017. If an office is chosen as the venue for the celebration, you can include simple dance numbers in the performance. Being in a familiar environment and without fear of prying eyes, employees will relax and happily allow themselves to dance around the Christmas tree or dance the legendary tap-hole.

Of the competitions, it makes sense to give preference to cool ones, funny tasks, which does not require mental effort. Competitions for the most interesting, short, long or beautiful New Year's toast, for the very wish made by Santa Claus or the most original compliment for the beautiful Snow Maiden will fit perfectly into the format of the corporate party scenario.

A cheerful banquet on the occasion of the New Year can be filmed so that you can watch it again later and remember how wonderfully, naturally and joyfully the team held a corporate party dedicated to the most important holiday of the year.


The participants of the game stand in a circle. The driver is blindfolded. One by one, the guests approach the driver and extend their hands. Based on the hand, the driver must determine whose hand it is - a woman's or a man's. If the driver believes that the hand is female, he says: “Hello, Masha!”; if it seems to him that the hand belongs to a man, he says: “Hello, Yasha!”

"Yes" and "no" in Bulgarian

Many gestures have an international meaning, such as most threats. But there are also significant differences in the semantic content of the same gestures in different countries. So, for example, if a Russian shakes his head as a sign of denial, then for a Bulgarian this gesture has the opposite meaning - he expresses agreement. And, conversely, the Bulgarian tilts his head down as a sign of denial. The presenter invites everyone sitting at the table to answer his questions with gestures in Bulgarian, and out loud in Russian. The one who makes no mistakes receives a prize.

Prize in riddles

For this game, the prize is wrapped in paper, and the content of any riddle is glued to the wrapper. The prize is wrapped again. And again the riddle sticks. And so ten times.

The players sit in a circle. The host gives the player a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player unwraps one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle, if not, he reads the riddle out loud, and the one who guesses it gets the right to further unwrap the prize, and the game continues according to the same pattern. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

Opener, pourer, drink...

For this game, two teams of 5 people are organized and props are prepared: a plate with a sandwich, a glass, a bottle of mineral water for each team. All this is placed on chairs, and the teams line up three to five meters from the chairs.

The first player (“opener”), on command, runs to a chair, opens the bottle and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next one.

The second player (“nalivayka”) must pour water into a glass and return to the team.

The third participant (“drinker”) must drink what is poured into the glass and pass the baton to the next one.

The fourth participant (“snack”) runs to the chair and eats the sandwiches.

The fifth player runs to the chair and closes the bottle (he is the “closer”).

The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Have a drink and a snack

This fun game is best played while the guests are still sitting at the table. You need to prepare for the game in advance. On small pieces of paper you need to write: “Drink...” (and then indicate what the participant in the game will drink from). You prepare the leaves according to the number of people present, roll them up and put them in a separate box. In another box, put leaves with inscriptions beginning with the words: “Have a bite...” (indicating how the participant in the game should have a bite).

The presenter distributes one piece of paper from each box to the players.

Options for notes for the game “Drink and Snack.”

1) From the spout of the teapot.
2) From the palm of your hand.
3) From a saucepan.
4) From the palm of a neighbor.
5) From the lid.
6) From a jar (three-liter).
7) From a plate.
8) From a thimble.
9) From a paper bag.
10) Standing on a chair with one leg.

1) Did you drink? And there will be no snacks!
2) An apple hanging on a branch.
3) Instead of a snack, hop on one leg.
4) With the words: “You need to drink less!”
5) Avoid touching food with your hands.
6) Smell your neighbor's sleeve.
7) Smell the paper.
8) Licking a large spoon.
9) Choosing a snack with your eyes closed.
10) With a song on your lips.


The host invites the players to salute right hand, and at the same time pull the left one forward with protruding thumb, saying at the same time: “Wow!”

Then you need to clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

In the article you will find tips on holding a corporate party in the New Year 2019-2020.

A corporate party is a celebration among those people with whom you work every day. As a rule, on New Year's Day, any organization holds a corporate party to mark the end of the past working year and to unite the team. To hold a corporate event, you can invite professional actors, or you can do it on your own and assign certain roles to the most active members of the team (which is much more interesting and fun).

On any New Year's holiday Santa Claus must be present. This character is a constant symbol of the New Year, who wishes happiness and inspires people to next year. He comes not alone, but together with his granddaughter Snegurochka.

An adult holiday is significantly different from a children's holiday, and at a New Year's corporate party there is no need to read poetry under the Christmas tree. Here you will need to actively participate in competitions, answer humorous questions, accept funny gifts, laugh and have fun.

IMPORTANT: The appearance of Santa Claus (appearance at the holiday) can be sudden or expected. He must do this with funny words and a loud greeting so that everyone pays attention to him.

Greeting options:

Cool corporate party scenario for the New Year 2019-2020 for the host

The hosts of the corporate event do not have to be Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The right to host a holiday can go to any activist or trade union representative. It is the presenter who offers all participants different entertainment:

  • Dancing
  • Songs
  • Reading congratulations
  • Participation in competitions
  • Riddles

The host in his holiday script must have a large number of congratulatory poems. They are the ones who set people up to celebrate, good mood, positive feelings.

Congratulations and invitation from Santa Claus

Cool competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2019-2020

Of course, no corporate event would be complete without funny and comic competitions. These tasks will lift the spirits of everyone present, strengthen team spirit and give memories.


Funny cool games for New Year's corporate party 2019-2020

In order for the corporate party to be especially successful and leave many pleasant memories for each guest, it is imperative to include comic active games.

What you can prepare:

New Year's jokes and entertainment for celebrating the New Year of the Rat

The host should prepare as many humorous poems and anecdotes as possible in advance in order to cheer up even the most dull guests.

Jokes and poems:

Poems and congratulations for the New Year

Jokes for corporate parties for the New Year 2019-2020

This is a must-have entertainment for an adult corporate party, which will cheer up the guests and allow them to relax emotionally, and also help them show off their theatrical abilities.

Tips and ideas for a cool New Year's celebration in a women's group


  • Quest. You can build an entire holiday in this style. It can be planned by a professional or presenter. IN big cities There are special clubs that offer a lot of quests. Depending on your preferences, you can always choose the theme of the event.
  • Master class. Creative ladies can always give preference to a calm and creative corporate event, as opposed to wild dancing and fun. A group of women can drink champagne with sweets and at the same time create jewelry and home decor.
  • Disco. You can also go to a fashion club with a group of women. There you can order a table and drinks, invite actors who will play the roles of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
  • Striptease. This is a way to celebrate the holiday for brave ladies. Strip clubs have always existed in major cities or the dancer can be invited to a regular nightclub, of course, in the role of Santa Claus.

Tips and ideas for a fun New Year celebration for a fun, drunken group of friends


  • Game "Crocodile". Let everyone present portray some person or film, silently show a scene that needs to be guessed.
  • Alcoholic Tic Tac Toe. Only “steadfast soldiers” are able to withstand such a “game.”
  • Spin the bottle game will add piquant sensations to the company and, perhaps, create couples.
  • Round dance around the Christmas tree. Why not? If there is a room and a Christmas tree, active dancing around it will only give pleasant emotions.

Video: “Cool scenario for a New Year’s corporate party”