Congratulate your mother on her 60th birthday. Script for the anniversary of your beloved mother

Any mother, regardless of her age, remains the main person for her children. The older she gets, the more gray her hair turns gray, and the sweet and kind wrinkles on her face become more and more noticeable. But such changes in appearance suit her extraordinarily, make her even prettier, give her charm and charm. Another mother's birthday has arrived. She is 60 years old. The date is more than respectable. She smiles through tears of joy, looking at her adult loved ones, sometimes no, no, and even thinks about the years she has lived. Her hands are the hands of a worker, affectionate and gentle, stroking the heads of her daughters and sons - completely grown-up, respectable, accomplished people. Mom is happy and proud of her grandchildren, who hug the birthday girl, congratulating her on such a significant date. 60 years is no joke. But mother still feels young, beautiful and loved on this significant day.

You can't go wrong by sending a sixtieth birthday SMS to your phone. The mother will be delighted with this display of attention. Poems in SMS will probably be filled with warm words And tender wishes. What do the mother's children wish for? First of all, this will be a wish for health, joy, love, peace over your head, and long life. Speeches congratulations on the anniversary filled with light, every line in them breathes a deep sense of gratitude to children who were raised by the best woman in the world - their mother. May she rejoice and have fun on her anniversary, surrounded by her big family. Sending SMS congratulations is a must, but on such a day you also need to say the most important words for your mother in person.

Poems for mom's anniversary in SMS

The years fly by like fast water,
And, of course, they cannot be brought back,
You are like a song, beautiful, young,
In my beautiful 60s.

May there be many good days,
To our joy, dear mother, live,
Let it be long life road,
May all your dreams come true.

Today you are celebrating a glorious anniversary,
It's already 60 spring,
We wish you good health, dear,
May we enjoy many more years to come.

In your reliable maternal heart,
So much tenderness and kindness,
Like the sun with your love,
We are always warm.

The only, dear, unique,
On this day we say thank you,
For affection, for love and for care,
We adore you, dear.

You are 60 today, congratulations,
We wish you joy, goodness, happiness,
Let spring always bloom in your soul,
Let all bad weather fly by.

Mommy, we congratulate you with all our hearts,
With one of the best dates,
We wish you to live to be a hundred years old in health,
Not knowing grief and loss.

60 is a wonderful age,
Spring blooms in my soul, as before,
Let the years multiply your health,
May fate be happy.

So the years flew by quickly,
You are sixty today
The whiskey has turned a little white
And their eyes look a little sad.

I want you to be healthy so much
There was you, my dear.
I'm ready for everything else
Buy, dear, for you!

Through the years, through joys, sorrows,
She brought her love to us into her heart,
You raised us and educated us,
I found time for my grandchildren.

You are 60 today, congratulations,
We wish you joy, good luck and warmth,
Let the rain wash away all sorrows,
May spring always bloom in your soul.

I wish my mom
On her wonderful anniversary
Don't be upset, don't be sad,
Come visit us more often!

And remember 60 is just the start,
From now on, just think like this!
We will be close, believe and know,
Choose only joy in life!

Congratulations to my beloved mother today,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your ability to forgive!
Open your heart and accept it with love,
Holy because, because mother!

You are sixty today, dear, congratulations,
I just sincerely wish you to rejoice!
Good health, warmth and tenderness to you,
Let spring always live in your soul!

For the holiday loved one We strive to organize a celebration that would suit the taste of the hero of the day. What is the recipe for a good holiday, a well-prepared script, of course? Let's look at it step by step and prepare a script for mom's anniversary at home.

And the first component is, of course, the guests. Dear relatives and close friends, long-time colleagues - everyone wants to express their respect and congratulate the birthday girl. The format of the holiday is determined by the number of guests.
Next comes a pleasant meeting place for the birthday girl. This could be mom’s favorite restaurant, a boat trip for the whole company, a bachelorette party in the sauna and, of course, no one canceled a cozy home feast.
As we have already determined, the main ingredient of a good holiday is a funny and heartfelt scenario that will allow you to spend an unforgettable anniversary for both your mother and your adored grandmother. In fact, only you can handle this, because no one else but you loves and knows your mother enough to hold a really interesting event. Provided as assistance on our website ready script anniversary for your mother with your family, which will easily become the basis for your ideas.

Festive script “Conversation with Happiness”

In the anniversary scenario for mother below, the daughter acts as the host.
Everyone, including the birthday girl, gathers for festive table. A book of wishes should be placed on a separate table, which guests fill out during the celebration.

Presenter: Good afternoon, bonjour, hello!
Everyone is welcome to our home!
Today we celebrate
Congratulations and let's eat!
Guests will help us
This matter is not easy!
Dear mother!
Happy anniversary!
So few years have passed
That's what we'll sing about!

The minus of the song “Conversation with Happiness” is turned on; guests need to be given the pre-prepared words of the song.

Anniversary suddenly in silence
Came to visit us for the evening.
Every year, look around
Colored with colors.

And a round dance of worries,
There are grandchildren nearby.
Well, mom is blooming,
Looks so young!

Chorus: Believe in such strength of spirit!
Everything has become clear to us now,
You stubbornly argue with fate.
We sing in admiration of you.

You walked through the fields of life,
She took every step lovingly,
We know it was not in vain,
It was not in vain.

Without your smile
Without tenderness and light,
I would have shut up a long time ago
Life in this world!

You give a kind look
How beautiful you are!
So everything is on the way
It was not in vain.

May this day eclipse the moon with its shining lights,
You, mom, don’t count the minutes that have escaped you.
You smile cheerfully and boldly,
And enjoy life happily every day!
We begin the celebration as expected,
Everyone is invited to fill their glasses!

Dating game

The host needs to know the names of all the guests in advance and group them, if possible, in order to fit them into the anniversary script, and for mother’s guests to get to know each other.

Presenter: It's time for us all to get acquainted! And for those who already know each other, remember the names of all those present!

A sparrow walked on the roof,
Gathered my friends
There are a lot of us gathered today,
Anechka (Dimochka, etc.) will get up now.

Presenter: Dear guests, you won’t be able to slack on our anniversary; today everyone is having fun and joking! To be on the safe side, let's take a solemn anniversary oath together!

An oath for guests in honor of the anniversary. It can be passed around the circle so that everyone can read a line.

We swear by the flowers that we brought with us,
We swear by sweet candies,
We swear by the toasts, they have a direct intention,
And our worthy gifts!

We swear by both fork and spoon,
We swear by clean potatoes!
We swear by holiday jokes,
And also good wishes!

We swear to express love all evening!
He will appear again on the next anniversary!
We will always respond to the call of the hero of the day!
We swear to this from our hearts!

Presenter: Happy birthday, dear mother!
How beautiful you are!
Kind, smart, quick-witted,
The happiest in the world!
God sent you to us from heaven,
And in your honor we raise this glass!

This is followed by a showing of a video or an animated gallery of photographs of the birthday girl from birth to the present moment, a short excursion into the life story from the presenter. Just choose the most beautiful pictures of your mother so as not to disappoint her.

Slideshow of mom's photos

A good example of a slide show that was designed for the anniversary of a mother and part-time grandmother

Table break

Presenter: Now, please take a minute!
A man of high rank takes the floor!

Congratulations from my husband and part-time dad

The husband of the hero of the day recites poetry and announces a toast.

In a small kingdom called "Family"
The holiday sounds with increasing force.
And happy anniversary to the queen
The faithful husband is in a hurry to congratulate you!

Sorry, dear, sometimes I don’t even know
How careless I can be.
But you are so wise, my golden one!
How grateful I am!

I wish you to glow with happiness,
Live in harmony and love!
And I am your protector in bad weather.
But take care of yourself too!

I admit, you are getting prettier over the years,
Your smile calls my heart!
I'm in love with you, let everyone know it!
You are a flower from heaven!

Game "Recognize the Guest"

The presenter prepares short and apt descriptions of all guests on cards in advance. Notes about profession, character traits, hobbies, etc. For example, “Queen of the Mountain Peaks”, “Strict director, but a musician at heart”, “First-class chef and businesswoman in one bottle”. The presenter walks around the guests with a hat, everyone takes out a piece of paper and reads into the microphone, trying to determine who they are talking about we're talking about. Hints are allowed.

Congratulations from children and grandchildren

Chant in honor of the birthday girl

Who is your favorite person in the world?
Whom do both grandchildren and children value?
She is sitting between us now -
Our mom is top class!

Who can do everything at home?
And is everyone quicker at work?
Answer this very hour -
Our mom is top class!

She is as dexterous as before, she is brave in her soul,
How did she manage to get so prettier over the years?
Let's say it again:
Our mom is top class!

Presenter: Guests, gentlemen, let us raise the cup,
For the one who is more beautiful to us all!
Who is dearer to us than anyone else in the world at this hour!
In whose honor is the glorious Anniversary celebrated?

Game “Why did I come to the Anniversary?”

This headdress is uncensored
He will tell the whole truth about the guests.
And the secret sides of nature
It will show us openly!

The presenter moves from one guest to another, puts a hat on his head and reads out “thoughts” from the list.

  1. What a long talk here, Time to spend with you!
  2. I’ll dot the i’s - So I can drink half a barrel of wine!
  3. I confess to you, without hiding, I want to play the balalaika!
  4. Today I came to make some noise! I will sing songs loudly!
  5. To be honest, I will sleep under the table!
  6. My answer has long been worked out: I came to you as a master of jokes!
  7. Don't hold back your smile and dance lezginka!
  8. I can give you this answer: I will help you with cleaning!
  9. Why hide the truth here? I came to you to take a shower!
  10. I came to you here to inspect the table!
  11. I won’t hide anything from you, I dream of a sandwich with caviar!
  12. And there is no need to guess here - dance until you drop!
  13. Salute the hostess - eat a bowl of salad!
  14. So as not to be bored at home, I’m going to visit again!
  15. I want to catch an envious glance and show you my outfit!
  16. How to deal with the answer? I like the hero of the day!
  17. And I, as the most polite guest, brought a gift for the hero of the day!
  18. Today, befitting the celebration, I can read you my poem!
  19. In honor of the festive title, I will fulfill the wish of the hero of the day!

Presenter: Now calm down, take your time
We're going out to dance!
This is how the soul asks for music!
And the feet dance!

Dance break

Presenter: I invite friends
Surprise all guests!
So confess your love to the birthday girl,
So that no one can move from their place!

Congratulations from friends

Both in the land of the Aztecs and in England there are fogs
Until one hour until hearts stop beating,
People will honor and respect the family,
I tell you this without a doubt!
Let us drink to a strong, powerful family!
Let him go down in history with good fame!

Table break

Presenter: I announce a general dance!
We'll sweep across the planet,
I hope you know all the dances?
Hold hands, like in ballet,
And just keep up with the music!

The dance consists of musical excerpts: Sirtaki, Scottish folk, Indian folk, Polka, Lezginka, Kamarinskaya, Barynya.

Game at the table

Guests are given a colored sheet of paper, a pen and several scissors for the entire table. The birthday girl also takes part.

Presenter: Dear guests, mother! I ask you to trace your palms along the contour on these sheets, and then cut out the silhouette. (Cutting process) Now we will mix everything and let everyone take one cut sheet for themselves. Next you need to write on it good wishes, the date of our anniversary and return it back to the table. (Process of wishes) And now I ask you to take any card for yourself as a memory of the glorious anniversary meeting.

And we fill our glasses!
The time for congratulations has come!
Our hero of the day, you bloom,
Live 50, 100, and 200 years!

Promotion with guests – Georgian Choir

Presenter: Mommy, a Georgian choir has come to your anniversary from a sunny country!

Dear guests, we are divided into 4 groups! (The presenter gives out the attributes of the choir.) The task of each team is to rhythmically pronounce or sing their words without stopping. I'll conduct and tell you when to enter next group. Let's start with a little training.

(The presenter conducts a rehearsal with four guests, and then everyone sings together).

1st party: Un-tsa, un-tsa, un-tsa, un-tsa!
2nd game: Tumba-kwi-tumba-kva!!

3rd game: Shpili-vili-vadze-tumba-kvili!!!
4th party: Anniversary! Don't regret gifts!

Anniversary cake

Everyone has been waiting for this guest,
They even gave up compote!
Louder, louder applause!
The arrival of such a sweet moment!

A cake with candles is brought out to the music. The guests sing “Happy Birthday to you!”, The hero of the day blows out the candles.

Dear birthday girl!
Dare to cut the delicious pie,
Treat me to some fragrant tea.

Competition "Farewell Dance"

Presenter: I invite everyone to the most beautiful evening waltz! This is both a dance and a competition at the same time! The couple whose flame lasts the longest wins!

The music starts and sparklers are given to each couple. The winners are awarded a bottle of wine with a photo of the hero of the day.

The festive evening is over,
May those candles flicker for us through the years.
You can't find another one like this on the whole Earth.
Romantic, wise, young,
Harmonious and happy
And also stunningly beautiful!
Dear mother, don’t be a bit sad,
Don’t be offended by the years that have passed!
Look bravely, with joy
On the calendar sheets!
Fate has planned for you
Make your dreams come true!
And always remember, dear,
For us, you twinkle like a star!
We wish everyone well
And we invite you to the next anniversary!

The slow favorite song of the birthday girl sounds and fireworks fountains are lit.

Props for the anniversary

  1. Festive book of wishes;
  2. Minus the song “Conversation with Happiness” (from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”) and text for guests;
  3. Competitions: cards with descriptions of guests, wizard's hat, colored paper, pens, several scissors, a bottle of champagne;
  4. Musical compilation from world dances;
  5. Choir attributes: ties, bow ties, as well as caps, false mustaches;
  6. Sparklers, fireworks fountains.

Mom's anniversary video

Of course, it would be best to prepare your own script for the anniversary of your mother or grandmother, but I hope our example helped you create a structure for organizing the holiday and spot a couple of interesting competitions.

Congratulations to Mom on her 60th birthday in verse and prose

Today is my mother's anniversary,
Six decades have passed,
When one of the bright days
Mommy was born.

Dear I love you,
I'm very lucky to have you,
I'm happy to give
Your soul is warm.

I give attention and care
I will always be with you,
So that you don't regret anything
And I was never sad.

Live calmly and happily
That's another sixty years
Always be as beautiful as you are
And may your eyes always sparkle.


I'm on my mother's anniversary
I brought my children.
No better place in the world,
Than in my parents' apartment.
Here for everyone at our mother's
There is enough porridge on the table -
For children and grandchildren,
Our mother is just a treasure.
It's always warm and cozy here
On a rainy day, on a rainy morning,
And if the holiday comes
There is always a chic table waiting for us.
Today my mother is sixty,
Everyone rushes to congratulate her.
Mom, I wish you too
Health without end without end
Live long, brightly, interestingly
A happy and wonderful life!

Mom, on this solemn anniversary,
You look simply amazing.
Your kind eyes are divine,
Not loving them is simply unforgivable.
Wise, beautiful, warm-hearted
Over the years, I love my mother more and more.
Happiness and impeccable health
I ask God for you.
At sixty, look ahead, dear.
You will live happily ever after
Take a break from work, without knowing any worries.
You deserve this happiness!


Today there is a bird under the window
Mommy sings you a song
About how beautiful your home is,
About your interesting life!
Let that bird sing
About your bright youth,
About what happened and what awaits
And about your cherished dream!
You, mom, are sixty,
So let the bird glorify
You! And let your eyes burn
And let your heart not fade away!


My dear mother! You are 60 years old today - An anniversary date worthy of respect. Thank you for your many years of work called education. You were always there, protected from mistakes, guided and supported your daughter. For this I appreciate you very much. And I also love you very much, you know this, I love you just like that, because you are my mommy. Believe me, age has not touched your beautiful eyes, your smile. Above such a bright and kind woman, like you, the years have no power. And we, in spite of time, will still get tired of celebrating your endless anniversaries.


Beloved mother's anniversary -

Date with number sixty.
You will be the most beautiful
Let the years fly back.
May there be a lot of health,
Every day brings joy.
Troubles won't dare touch you,
May life pass happily.

What kind of joke is this?!
Just imagine for a moment:
Our mother is 60 -
Yes, forget - don't remember,
I will never believe it...
She's so young
After all, she is a poet's dream,
Like a flower in the southern summer,
Like the most tender dove...
Let happiness come to our doorstep
Sneaks in like a cat...
60 is quite a bit!


Mom, dear mommy,

Happy sixtieth birthday to you,
You are the only one for me,
And giving congratulations,
I would like to wish you
Be joyful and young
I wish you peace of mind so that
You were so joyful
In the world for a very, very long time,
May fate grant you happiness
May there be a lot of health,
I wish you lovingly.


Sixty is not a lot at all,
This figure is small
It's like a highway
Above which the clouds float!
Sixty is not much, mom.
It's just a special milestone
This is a river in which there is a pie
It's blowing in the wind, which is fresh!
May you still have strength, mother!
To make your dream come true!
At 60, stay cute
And don’t you dare be sad today!


Beautiful, sweet and dear
Today - sixty.
Today it’s all for you alone,
And we must admit
That, despite the years,
You are the best of all
Mommy, my dear,
May success await you
In all worries and affairs
Live and prosper
Health and happiness, about the years
Don't think so, just know.


Mom is sixty today.
What can I please you with?
I came to you with flowers,
Look, and you’re not alone!
Your grandchildren are on the doorstep,
They want to hug you so much -
Busy with the gift of hands.
Now let's congratulate!


I am the best mom
All over the world
Now congratulations
Happy big anniversary!
In your sixties
I first wish
May your eyes be happy
Only yours radiated!


Let the sun shine

On this anniversary!
Let your heart open
For all your friends!
Call me, mommy, for a visit,
Let everyone come to you
After all, living in the world is simple!
Let the fireworks thunder
Let it not be bitter
And let the stars shine
After all, mom, only
Sixty today!


Mommy, beloved,
Mom dear,
Happy sixtieth birthday
I congratulate you!
Be the happiest
Very healthy,
You are kind, beautiful,
There is no more perfect mother!


Life can't be turned back -
The years fly by so quickly
You've come a long way -
You are sixty today!
Let happiness not go away,
Don't let wrinkles make you old, mom,
May luck find a home
And there are no tears in your eyes!
Let the flowers be just for you
Blooming this evening
Let it, my mother,
Happiness will be endless!


Sometimes I think that there has never been a better mother than you in the Universe. How lucky I am that 60 years ago you appeared in this world - my mother. Congratulations on this worthy anniversary. May today's holiday give you an unforgettable experience and fill your heart with happiness. Many years to come life to you - the best of all mothers.


Let's say together: “Congratulations”!
And today at this hour
We only wish you happiness
And it will come immediately
Let’s just say: “Happy anniversary,
Be healthy, mom, always!
It will immediately become warmer for everyone,
In an instant the trouble will go away forever!
And we will also say together:
“Let the years fly forward,
You just don't need to be sad,
You're only sixty!


An anniversary is always scary
But it’s not for you to worry about it,
30+30 is not too much
We wish you to live this long three times.
I will bless my destiny
For every day that I live in the world:
I'm happy that I have a mother
And my life without my mother is impossible!
I'm not like you to everyone, mom.
You are the ideal of a beautiful female soul,
But I will never tire of striving
To be similar to you, as to perfection!
You, mommy, are a restless soul
You multiply goodness on the planet.
Tell me honestly, mom, I'm worthy
Can I compare you at least a little in this?
Mom, you raised me and my brother
Leading by example is a priceless gift.
Where did you get your strength, dear,
Where did you get your patience, mom?
Let's not talk about the anniversary -
Calendars, as everyone knows, lie!
You have always lived, knowing how to combine
Love, dream, fun, joy, work.
I want to surround you with love
And surround with tender care,
I want to wish you health
Protect you from all misfortunes!
Yes, I know: do not make an idol,
And I, trying not to create it,
All the colors of the world, all the smiles of the world
I would still like to give it to you!
May your life always be happy,
May all your dreams come true!
Thank you, mom, my wonderful person,
For the fact that you exist in this world!

I don’t know where to start with congratulations,
After all, I want to wish so much out loud
And express all my gratitude to you
For what you gave me in this life!

Thank you, dear mother, for your affection,
For gentle hands, for a children's fairy tale,
For the life that you once gave me,
For raising me all those years!

Be happy, mommy, for many years to come,
And I will drive away all troubles from you.
Just be happy, mommy.
May your path be both bright and long!

Dear mother, happy anniversary!
Sixty is no reason to be discouraged.
If you look at you, you won’t believe it:
Beauty cannot be taken away over the years.

The main thing is to be in the mood
To live and create.
Let unnecessary worries go away
And they don’t interfere with being happy!

My dearest person on earth, congratulations on your 60th birthday, mom! May warmth and joy warm your heart and soul on this anniversary! I wish you good health, long happy years of life and endless optimism. Always be as tender and blooming as you are now! Happy birthday mom!

Dear Mommy, I congratulate you,
After all, you turned sixty today.
I wish you a very long life,
May the holy angels protect you.

Don't regret the past, you will meet things ahead
Many very bright and happy days.
Let joy and hope warm your heart,
May this anniversary bring happiness.

Good health, kindness, fun
May they always be in your life, mom!
Let all sadness, sorrow, doubts go away,
And fate will become a friend forever.

For more than a dozen years
You guard our hearth.
For several years now
Everything is on your shoulders!
And on this important day you
I would like to wish:
Always beautiful as now
You be. Don't be discouraged
I wish you a new day
Just greet with a smile.
And only more news
Receive good ones.
Health, strength, patience for future use
And life is like in novels,
After all, sixty is not a long time.
So happy anniversary, mom!

Mom turns 60 today!
It's hard to put into words
All my love and tenderness,
Feelings surged endlessly.

Happy anniversary, dear!
I hug you tightly.
May the years that fly by
Only joy is left.

I love your gray hairs
And clear eyes wrinkles.
Every moment with you
It's always a reward for me.

Always be so cheerful
Light, joyful, healthy!
May all the stars in this world
They warm you with light.

You always give your goodness,
Will you help me choose the right path?
And you will never deceive
Always be as gentle.

Congratulations to you, mommy,
I wish you happiness at sixty,
I wish you to forget sadness and sadness,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy.

I wish you a lot of optimism,
Have good health
And so that any disasters
You could overcome it in an instant.

Big date - sixty!
And you are the youngest:
There are sparkles in your eyes
And loud laughter is heard.

And let the heels be lower,
Don't be sad, mom.
Let the men be jealous:
Dad has a super lady.

Let flowers always bloom.
Those that are dearer to you.
Health, happiness, warmth.
Mommy, happy anniversary!

Mommy, you are only sixty,
And this means simply “twice thirty.”
Your gaze has now become twice as bright,
He sparkles with experience and wisdom.

We would like to wish you doubly good luck,
It will take you twice as long to be young,
Twice less tired in life.
We will love you twice as much!

Happy birthday mom
My dear,
Happy anniversary, happy holiday
We congratulate you.

We are your age
Today we are surprised
For us you don't grow old
For us, you don't change.

In your eyes everything is the same
Love and kindness
And in the mother's heart
Still the same warmth.

Fills you with happiness
May fate be your days
To stay longer
We could as children.

Today my mother is sixty,
Today is the anniversary.
Mommy, happy birthday,
And be even sweeter!

And don't be sad because of the date,
You are always beautiful.
The years haven't changed you,
You are always young!

Health, mommy, and happiness,
Always be cheerful
And humor to you, enthusiasm
In all your affairs.

You get better every year
I wish you warmth
Stay beautiful and tender
In life you are always!