Tender wishes to your beloved girl in prose. Wishing good night to your girlfriend in your own words

I wish you the softest, warmest and Good night! The sweetest and most beautiful dreams. May tomorrow be one of the best and brightest days in your life!

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The sun has been sleeping sweetly for a long time, and you, my sun, for some reason are not sleeping yet. Put off everything until tomorrow and go to bed. It’s so nice to find yourself in your own bed, just close your eyes and not be dependent on time. Just put off all the problems, fuss and affairs until tomorrow, switch your brain to a well-deserved and long-awaited rest. And the night will bring you the key to solving all your problems. Good night. Good night! May your dreams be the sweetest. May tomorrow morning bring good luck and happiness, and may all disappointments, grievances and anxieties remain in the past.

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Night silently falls on the ground... The lights went out and bright stars lit up in the sky. I want to wish you good night! Close your eyes - it's time to watch your sweetest dreams so that you can greet the morning with a smile. Rest and continue with renewed vigor exciting journey through life. Sleep sweetly in your bed. Let your dreams be colorful, and let the silence pacify and lull you to sleep. Throw away worries and worries, go into the strong arms of Morpheus - the god of sleep... He will fill you with the energy so necessary to meet a new day. Good night to you! Go to sleep, good night! Even if you don’t want to sleep, close your eyes... People really need rest, after difficult everyday life, after vivid impressions and exciting events, every cell of the body wants to relax, and for this you just need to close your eyes and go to the amazing kingdom of dreams! Sleep well! The city is covered by a mysterious dark night - the mistress of dreams. Leave all the problems and sorrows in the passing day, throw away anxious thoughts and plunge into the abyss of rainbow dreams. May you sleep sweetly, sweetly... Good night! Now all the bustle of the day is coming to an end, and night is gradually coming, everyone is getting ready for bed. May you have a special dream today that will change your life in the future and give you the sign that you so needed. I wish you a good night's sleep and with new strength, with joy in your soul, start a new day. Close your eyes and dream, just dream, transport yourself to the reality where you want to be. Sweet dreams. Good night! May the moon smile through your window, may your dreams be the kindest, and may tomorrow bring only happiness!

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Good night and sweet dreams ideas! Sleep soundly until dawn and let nothing disturb your peace or interrupt your magical, colorful dreams. And in the morning you will wake up rested and inspired. For now, go to sleep...

I won't write poetry! I wish you good, sweet dreams! 143

Tomorrow morning a ray of sunshine
Will slip through your window
Tomorrow a new day will begin
The room will become light
The hard day is behind us -
You better get some rest
Close your eyes
And imagine that I am with you.
Go to sleep, come with me
To a wonderful unearthly land,
I give you the whole world -
After all, I only love you! 65

All the cats and little animals are getting their own pillows! They snort, yawn, and wish you sweet dreams! 48

Sleep tight, my cat, soundly, I kiss you sweetly, stroke your ear gently, good dreams, my friend! 39

I miss you so much!
Sleep rushes to my bed,
It's sad to sleep without you,
I will think how beautiful you are
How tender and unique! 51

Sleep peacefully, serenely, I brought the box gently, there I keep my dreams and I will show them to you! 29 - Wishes to your beloved

Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep, but I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams! Good night! 66

And even if we are apart today, I still love you... Good dreams, everything is ahead of us! 13

Tonight, in your crib, when you are already asleep, I will sneak a peek into your dream to kiss you!!! 45

Be careful, the eyes are closing! Next station - Good Morning! 32

I wish you a sweet sleep, I love you, kiss you, I’ll be waiting! 46

Sleep peacefully and easily
All problems are far away
You are in the cloudless distance
Do you see fabulous dreams?
And quietly in your ear
I whisper - go to sleep baby! 52

Evening comes, the cities fall asleep, know that in this world you are very dear to me. 49

May you have the most beautiful and fabulous dreams today. And when you wake up, I will try to make them come true! 23

I kiss you deeply! I wish you wonderful dreams! You are just super, baby, and you are my love! 34

May your dream be as bright as a star, as bright and gentle as silk as the sun, as cheerful as a clear murmuring stream, so that you may greet the new day with joy! 36

Let your blanket be warm like my hands
May your pillow be as soft as my lips
May your dreams be beautiful and sweet,
I kiss you good night and wish you a sweet sleep! 27

I don’t know whether you are sleeping or not, but I want to tell you - you are like the sun to me, and I want to hug you! 22

May fate keep you in your dreams and prepare a wonderful day for tomorrow, and I will tell you with it - Good night! 6

Embryos sleep in a test tube, pharaohs sleep in Egypt, flies sleep in a spider's web, sleep or else I'll kill you with a pillow! 19

I send my beloved SMS, good night! Let me dream of a world of miracles, I want to kiss you! 30

I lie silently in silence and miss you. But if you come to me, I will simply melt with love! Good night:) 12

Another evening is coming to an end, and again I type SMS, I write to you: Good night, I love you very, very much! 36

Good night, kiss you on the cheeks, may your sleep be protected by angels! 96

Well, it’s evening, me again. I want to ask: how are you? And here’s a gift for you - smack, good night, smack-smack-smack! 39

Let the blanket tender night The clear moon will cover you and give you a sweet dream. May all the love and tenderness on the planet be just for you tonight! 92

How beautiful the night sky is. The stars, whispering among themselves, blink with a bright, radiant light. Every star wants to please the month. And for me, the most beautiful, brightest star is you, my love. I want to wish you good night. May this night be good and magical. May you dream of the most amazing, most best sleep. After all, you deserve all the best. Good night, my kind, gentle, affectionate and sweetest girl. May your sleep be guarded by a good angel.

The day ends and gives way to the mistress of darkness and silence - the queen of the night. Everything around falls silent, all nature is preparing to rest, and it’s time for you to sleep, my beloved. Today you had a very busy day. It's time to rest. I wish you peace of mind Good night, and the most beautiful sweet dreams. Let yours night rest guard the month and the bright stars in the sky. May you dream of a bird of happiness that will bring you good luck. May all the good things you dreamed about at night come true in the morning.

Night is coming. There is silence all around. Everyone is getting ready for the night's rest. And for you, my fidget, it’s high time to sleep. I want to wish you good night. May a good wizard fly to you in a dream and, like in a fairy tale, fulfill your cherished desire. May your sleep be sweet like honey. Let the guardian angel protect your night's rest, and let the clear month guard peace and quiet. May God grant you health, happiness and goodness. Good night, my beloved, gentle and unique, my dearest.

The witch night comes into its own and gives everyone the opportunity to rest from the hectic day. Everything around is quiet. A good dream wizard walks under the windows and distributes dreams to all people. May it give you, my beloved, the best sleep in the world. May your night's rest be guarded by the stars. I wish you happiness, health and goodness. I want to see you always at your most beautiful. You are my guardian angel. Good night to you, my kind, gentle, only and sweetest girl. Sweet dreams to you, my precious.

The best time of day to relax is at night. During the whole day of bustle, we so want peace and quiet so that, lying in bed, we can enjoy reading our favorite book under the soothing light of a night lamp. There is silence all around, and it is such a pleasure. My beloved, I wish you good night. May you have the sweetest dreams. Let nothing disturb your night's rest. I so want to hug you and kiss you on your sweet lips, my dear, good and only girl in the world. Good night to you, my princess.

How nice it is to watch the night sky from your apartment window. This sight is so calming, your soul becomes light and warm. I really want to forget myself and go to bed quickly. Honey, I wish you good night. May this night be truly good and calm. May the most beautiful vision come to you in a dream. May you dream of everything you dream of. I really want to see you as the happiest girl in the world. You are the most charming, the kindest and most affectionate. May your sweet dream last for a long, long time today, because tomorrow is a day off.

In the dark sky, the stars begin their next carnival. Looking at them, it seems that they are performing a dance to the music, winking at each other every now and then. Let the stars dance, and for you, my beloved, it’s time to go to bed. Let the turmoil of the day be left behind, and the night's rest ahead of you. Go to sleep and gain strength for tomorrow. Good night to you, my dear, good night and sweetest dreams. May all your wishes come true in your dreams, and in the morning they will turn into reality. Good night to you, my love.

The Night Queen takes her throne. The time has come for her power. The stars and the moon wink cheerfully, waiting for everyone to fall asleep. I want to wish you, my dear, good night. May you have the sweetest dreams today. May the stars sing you a lullaby, and may the moon guard your night's rest. Sleep well, my beloved, so that tomorrow you wake up in a great mood. Good and good night to you, my beloved. Sleep, my joy, sleep like small child. Let my love warm you on a cool night.

Dusk falls, and the stars in the sky with the month arrange a night carnival. Every night the month chooses its own beautiful star, and dances a dance with her. Looking at such a spectacle, the soul calms down. I know, my love, that you really love looking at the starry sky. I wish you, my joy, good night. May you have the most pleasant dream, and in this dream I will certainly be. I will confess my love to you, tell you that you are the most precious thing in the world to me. Good night, my dear.

What a beautiful night sky. The stars, smiling at the moon, try to please him. There is peace and quiet all around. The night comes into its own. I want to wish you, my love, good night. May you have dreams as sweet as honey. Let a good wizard fulfill all your wishes in a dream, and in the morning the dream will turn into reality. Darling, let the stars sing you a lullaby. And let the month protect your night peace. Good night to you, my affectionate, gentle and most beautiful girl on earth.

Queen Night covers the entire earth with her black, light blanket. There is silence all around, only the stars twinkle dark sky, illuminating the earth with its bright light. I wish you, my love, good night. Let today's dream will be sweet and pleasant. May you dream of everything you dream of. Let nothing disturb your holiday. Sleep, my joy, go to sleep, because tomorrow you need to get up early. Good night, my good, my most beloved girl. May the golden angel guard your sleep.

Night falls, dark, quiet, calm. Everything around is calming down, calming down, The bustle is behind us, and now it’s time to rest. I wish you, my beloved, good night. May your sleep be sweet and pleasant. Let you dream good fairy tale, in which you will certainly be a princess, and I will be your prince. I will declare my love to you, and let this declaration continue in the morning, but not in a dream, but in reality. Let the stars guard your sleep and sing a lullaby. Sleep, my joy, sleep, may your rest be peaceful.

The starry sky is so beautiful and quiet. The silence of the night sets in, Everything around falls silent, everyone is preparing for a peaceful sleep. And you, my love, it’s time to sleep. I wish you good night and best wishes beautiful dreams. May your guardian angel protect your night's peace. May the month give you a wonderful magical dream, and may the stars quietly sing a lullaby to you. Good night, my kindest, most gentle and most beautiful girl. Sleep, my joy, sleep peacefully, and know that I love you very much.

The stars twinkle beautifully in the dark sky. Everything calms down and prepares for the night's rest. It's time for you to go to bed, my darling. You should definitely get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow you have a busy day. Good night, my beloved, tender and unique. Let the yellow-eyed moon sing you a soft lullaby. I so want to appear to you in a dream and declare my love, my dear. Let today's dream pleasantly surprise you, and in the morning you wake up in the best mood. Good, good and magical night to you, my princess. May the angels protect your night's rest, and may my love warm you in your sleep.

The day is gradually covered by a dark curtain. Evening comes, and after it the night, the stars start a round dance in the sky, every now and then, winking at each other. The moon is pleasantly surprised by the beautiful stars and chooses the brightest one. And I, too, have long ago chosen the brightest star for myself, you, my beloved. I want to wish you good night. Sleep, my joy, may only sweet dreams visit you in your sleep. I wish you a good rest so that you can wake up tomorrow in a great mood. Let night sleep nothing worries. I will ask the wind to quietly hum a lullaby to you. May the Lord protect you. Let magical night will give you a sweet dream.

The dark night confidently comes into its own. She urges everyone to calm down and prepare for a night's rest. The stars turn on cheerfully, like light bulbs in the sky, rejoicing that their time has come. It's time for you, my beloved, to rest. Go to bed and fall asleep like a little child. I have composed a lullaby for you and am ready to sing it for you so that your rest will be calm and long. May you only have sweet dreams. Let good sleep It will definitely come true in the morning. I wish you only happiness and health. May golden angels guard all your dreams, and may my love give you warmth and tenderness, sleep well, my beloved

Good night, my happiness, my most desired and beloved. I wish you good and sweet dreams. How I want to come to you in a dream, so as not to part with you even at night. May you dream of a magical bird that will certainly fulfill your every wish. May your night's rest bring you a lot of strength, and may you wake up in a great mood tomorrow. Close your beautiful eyes and fall asleep quietly, my dear. I will miss you, my kitten, and look forward to meeting you. Let the angels whisper magic words to you in your dreams so that you can rest peacefully.

The moon reigns in midnight silence, the night steps lightly on the earth. Everything calms down, night time comes. I'm in a hurry to write a text message while you're still awake. I wish you a good night, my love. Rest, get enough sleep, my dear, so that tomorrow you wake up in a great mood. May you have the most beautiful colorful dreams. Good night, my brightest star. May the angels guard your sleep, and the stars sing the most tender lullabies. Let the dream tell you how strong my love is. Sleep, my fragile, tender and desired one. Good night darling.

Good night my beloved girl! May your dream be filled with the fulfillment of the most desired holiday, which will surround you with an atmosphere of tender care and warmth, give beautiful smile and bliss! I wish that every minute of your sweet oblivion will be permeated with my love for you!

I look at the stars in the sky and think about you. Go to sleep quickly, my little star! May you dream of a starry road along which we will walk together! To be with you both in dreams and in reality - that’s what I dream about, looking at the stars this evening!

Good night, my joy! May you dream of happiness, may the angels guard your sleep and bring you fabulous dreams. Tomorrow will be a new day, and it will be beautiful, because you will be in it. Sweet dreams, my love, I am always by your side, even when you sleep, I steadily guard your peace.

I wish you to dream of a very kind and purring cat today, let him tell you a sweet and affectionate fairy tale, and at the same time, you will slowly close your eyes and surrender to the power of sleep! And may this dream give you rest and strength for the new day, because even if you have to do something difficult, may you be able to do everything very simply and without any problems!

Good night, my beloved girl! I hope that you will have a beautiful and kind dream in which I will play main role. I want you to get a good night's sleep and gain strength, because tomorrow you will have a difficult day. But you can handle everything with me, most importantly, sleep peacefully. Although, of course, I myself will be responsible for the peace of your sleep, because I love watching you when you sleep. Sometimes, by the way, you smile in your sleep. I love you very much, dear! May you dream of everything you want, so that tomorrow morning you will please me with your half-asleep smile. You are so beautiful when you sleep, but also so defenseless, but rest assured that I will always be there, I will protect you. Good night, my beloved!

My beloved, I love falling asleep with you because you are so small and defenseless. I want to be near you all the time, especially when you sleep, so that no one and nothing can interfere with your restful sleep. I wish you pleasant and vivid dreams, in which you and I will walk along the beach, build castles, and then swim in the sea. Imagine all this before going to bed so that you are sure to see it, and then you and I will make this dream come true. My girl, I wish you a good and quiet night. You need to take a break from a difficult day and prepare for another day that will be even more fruitful. You'll see that everything will work out for you, but now you should get a good night's sleep. Good night, dear! I will guard your sleep.

My beauty, it’s time for you to sleep, because you are very tired from work today. I want you to rest and gain strength for tomorrow. Lie down on your pillow, close your eyes and imagine something beautiful. For example, imagine how very soon you and I will go on vacation to a hot country. You will definitely like it there. Imagine us walking around the city, eating ice cream and doing... beautiful photos. I hope that you dream about all this today, so that even in your dreams you will rest and gain strength. Good night to you, dear! May tomorrow give you only joy and happiness. Now go to sleep, and I will make sure you sleep peacefully. Moreover, I love watching you when you fall asleep.

I want to wish good night to my beloved girlfriend, my soulmate, who is always next to me. And now I will be next to you when you fall asleep, because I want you to sleep peacefully and enjoy your sleep. May you have a bright and colorful dream that you will remember with an interesting and kind plot. After such a dream, you will wake up in a great mood and be ready to conquer all the peaks, because you will be full of energy. I love you very much, my princess! I promise that no one and nothing will dare to disturb your sleep, because I will be there, my beloved. It is important for me that you can rest, because you have been very tired all day. But you are always beautiful, my dear! I never tire of admiring you. Now it's time to sleep!

Most beautiful girl Tomorrow is a difficult day, so you must get ready for bed now. Get changed and go to bed, because you need to get a good night's sleep, otherwise I simply won't let you go to work tomorrow. My beloved, I am very worried about you, about your health, that’s why I care about you so much. I wish you a good night and good night, pleasant dreams. I hope that you will see in your dreams how brilliantly you will spend your day tomorrow in order to properly tune in. My beloved, go to sleep quickly, because I want to see your unique sleepy smile. You sometimes smile in your sleep, but I like it so much. Good night, my dear and most beloved! Tomorrow you'll wake up in a great mood, you'll see.

Do you want me to come to you in your dreams? I’ll sit on the bed in silence, quietly touch the throne, wake up dear, stretch out your hand and smile. Tell me more about yourself, Show me how you know how to be sad - Let your hand lie in mine, We will disperse the clouds of sadness, I won’t let you sleep until the morning, I will kiss you until dawn, And when the earth wakes up at dawn, I will melt quickly in silence.

Good night wishes to your beloved girl: In verse | Short | Postcards

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There are many words that I want to say to you, there are many excuses to kiss you, but the most important thing is not nearby. no you. But in the morning I will get up, rub my eyes, go to work and meet you, kiss you tenderly, look into your eyes, and quietly whisper in your ear - Honey, I love you. And while the night separates us, I will send an Angel to guard your sleep, so that he does not allow a single nightmare or bad dream to come to you. So that not a single insect could disturb the sleep of my beloved queen. You are for me whole life, and only to you I give all my love. Good night my baby. Let you dream about what you dream about.

Darling, when I see that night is falling on the earth, and the moon appears in the sky surrounded by stars, I want to find the brightest of them and give it to you. Because you are more to me than the sky and stars. Sweet dreams, desired, beloved and unique girl. You are my whole life. I can't imagine myself without you. And I want every night to be sweet and beautiful for you. So that nothing can disturb your sleep. And only about you, outside, all my thoughts. You, the lady of my heart. Conqueror of my feelings. You are the one without whom the whole world is not dear to me. Have a good and magical night, dear.

My dear girl, today you sleep alone again. I feel sad and lonely without you. And I would really like the stars that shine so brightly in the sky today to give you magical colorful dreams. And I wish you good night, gently kiss and hug you. I promise, very soon we will be together. I would give you the sky, but it is so high... I would give you the sea, but it is so wide... I would give you the sun, but it is so hot... I would give you myself, but I am already yours. And I really want to fall asleep with you today. Sleep, my angel, sweet dreams. And let no one disturb the peace of my sweetie. Let comfort and warmth reign in your crib.

If I could sing, I would definitely sing you a lullaby today. But, alas, I do not have such talent. But by the time we sleep together, I will definitely learn to sing, I promise. Why sing lullabies not only for you, but also for our baby. Sleep well, my beloved. If you imagine for a moment that angels make people fall asleep by pouring magic sand into their eyes, then you can certainly convey a request to the angel...Angel who will come to my dear, can you hear me? Kiss her tenderly good night and wish me sweet dreams. Although I am not a singer or a magician, I am capable of miracles for the sake of our love. Good night princess.

There are so many inexplicable things in the world... For example, why fire produces smoke, why grass has green, why do flowers give off different smells... Why, despite the fact that I am far from ideal, do you still not leave me, but support me? You are the only one, I will always be with you. Good night, kitten. After all, night is the strangest time. At night, the world changes colors to dark blue, and only lonely lanterns, illuminating the path, show the true colors. And at night people fall in love with each other, begin to love each other even more. So it is with me, more and more every night. Sweet dreams, I love you baby. You are everything to me!

When the next night you see a star fall from the sky, it means that I miss you madly. I look forward to the moment when we can fall asleep in the same bed. In the meantime, close your eyes and fall asleep, my gentle girl. I will ask the angels to guard your sleep. And look at the sky... The night covered the city with its huge blanket, poured a million bright sheep stars into the sky, seated the shepherdess moon in the very center, and put all living things to sleep until the morning. Look how magnificent and mysterious this time of day is, it makes us think about a lot, remember a lot, appreciate something. Go to bed, dear, with only pleasant thoughts. It's time to sleep. May you have a good, good dream. Good night!

I wish you good night, my love. After all, the night itself carries within itself something mysterious and enchanting. May you have a pleasant dream that will fill you with energy for the whole day. May your Guardian Angel protect your sleep. And the moon charges you with positivity and optimism. So close your eyes, leave all your problems for tomorrow and don’t think about anything. Wake up with a smile on your face, and the whole day will be successful and fun. Unforgettable dreams! After all, at night the edge of the world opens up to us from a completely different side. The world is becoming so romantic and mysterious. And finally, after a hard day at work, you can lie down in your favorite bed and just relax, close your eyes and leave this world before the sun rises. I wish you a good and pleasant night. Let your body, the soul and mind will take a break from the bustle of the day and fall into sleep. Let millions of bright stars wink at you and each bring you a small piece of happiness.

I don’t know what’s going on in my heart, it hurts even more than the time I kissed you for the first time. You are the whole world to me, you are my sadness, you are my pain, you are a ray of light in my heart. With you I feel happy, with you I forget everything in the world. I am writing now and thinking about you, the most beloved in the world. Baby, I'm crazy about you, I wish you good night, I kiss you sweetly.

Wishes for your girlfriend for the night: In verse | SMS

Wishes for a girl in poetry and prose:

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Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care for fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to children infancy? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

My beauty, night has crept up unnoticed. The day flew by so quickly because I spent it with you! I hope that someday we will meet the dawn together and I can start a new day with your luxurious smile! Close your sweet little eyes and fall asleep quickly so you can rest properly! I love you and miss you already* Good night, baby!

You and I have long become one

Zay, sweet dreams! You and I have long become one and the song “I am you. You are me” is about us! It’s sad and lonely to fall asleep without you, but I know that soon we will be together and I will be able to drown you in my tender embrace. May you dream of something beautiful and romantic, tender and inspiring. I love you very much and wish you good night * Kisses!

On this frosty night, let my message warm you

My dear, my dear! On this frosty night, let my message, which contains all my tenderness, all my love and care, warm you. I want you to smile after reading this message and feel that you are not alone in this cruel world! A faithful and loving dog loves you and is always waiting for you, dreaming of seeing his princess again! Have beautiful dreams, baby*

Your eyes are a huge world of a big ocean in which you can drown

Your eyes - huge world big ocean, in which you can drown. The look captivates the first time, it’s impossible not to think about it. Your lips are like a delicious bun with delicious fudge that you want to lick immediately! The dimples on the cheeks add innocence and immerse me in a state of tenderness. Tonight I want to cuddle you like a beautiful fluffy kitten or a little girl. I like you madly and I want to wish you incredible dreams this night! Think about good things and they will definitely happen, and if something bad happens, I will always save you! Good night, my most, most, most beautiful girl!!!

My beloved girl, sleep soundly and don’t think about anything.

The golden time has come to the streets. Nature gives an insane riot of colors, the sun shines, but does not warm, and this doesn’t bother me much, because I have my own, the hottest sun in the world. I have you, my baby! Just like your love warms me autumn days, I want and will warm you on dark, cold nights. My beloved girl, sleep soundly and don’t think about anything, I will take care of everything even from a distance. I kiss you deeply, hug you tenderly and wish you good night and sweet dreams! Smack*

I wish you the most pleasant dreams and a light, airy awakening in the morning!

My baby, I don’t want to part with you, even for something useful and not so long sleep, but without you these hours seem like an eternity. All that remains for me is to close my eyes and replay our meetings for the hundredth time, your smile, hair blowing in the wind, body curves, gentle touches, velvet voice. Without you I feel lonely, especially at night. I wish you the most pleasant dreams and a light, airy awakening in the morning! See you later* Kisses!

Sweet dreams, my queen!

Good night, my princess! After a hard day at work, you just need to get a good night's sleep and rest. I recommend taking a relaxing bath, wrapping yourself in a blanket, lying down comfortably, closing your eyes, remembering the happiest moment in your life, and then dreaming about a future that now seems unrealistic to you. I am sure that after such reflections, your sleep will be pleasant and your morning will be special! Sweet dreams, my queen!

Good night, my energizer!

Good night, my energizer! Try, at least in your dreams, not to look for adventures or do activities. Just relax and rest, because tomorrow is a new day and I know for sure that you will again spin like a bee and have time to do a million useful things. I miss you endlessly, especially tonight. Sending you the most tender hugs and kisses! Sweet dreams*

May you dream of a serene, calm and warm ocean

May you dream of a serene, calm and warm ocean. Let it take you to the extraordinary underwater world and will reveal all the secrets of its exciting and alluring depth. Let this fabulous dream captivate you with its beauty and unusualness and give you unforgettable emotions. And in the morning you will wake up with new ideas, thoughts and impressions. Good night, my beloved girl! Looking forward to your morning stories :)

If I were nearby, I would sing you a sleepy lullaby :)

This night is one of the most difficult for me, because it is without you, my little flower. I want to fall asleep quickly so that I can wake up and hear your voice again. Therefore, I bow and wish you, my beloved and fatal girl, good night! Try to turn off the Internet/TV early and go to bed. If I were nearby, I would sing you a soporific lullaby:) Have magical dreams, I kiss you everywhere!

Wishes to your beloved girl for pleasant dreams in prose

There are many words that I want to you to say, there are many excuses to kiss you, but the most important thing is not nearby... you are not there. But in the morning I will get up, rub my eyes, go to work and meet you, kiss you tenderly, look into your eyes, and quietly whisper in your ear - Honey, I love you. And while the night separates us, I will send an Angel to guard your sleep, so that he does not allow a single nightmare or bad dream to come to you. So that not a single insect could disturb the sleep of my beloved queen. You are my whole life, and only to you I give all my love. Good night my baby. Let you dream about what you dream about.

My dear girl, today you sleep alone again. I feel sad and lonely without you. And I would really like the stars that shine so brightly in the sky today to give you magical colorful dreams. And I wish you good night, gently kiss and hug you. I promise, very soon we will be together. I would give you the sky, but it is so high... I would give you the sea, but it is so wide... I would give you the sun, but it is so hot... I would give you myself, but I am already yours. And I really want to fall asleep with you today. Sleep, my angel, sweet dreams. And let no one disturb the peace of my sweetie. Let comfort and warmth reign in your crib.

If I could sing, I would definitely sing you a lullaby today. But, alas, I do not have such talent. But by the time we sleep together, I will definitely learn to sing, I promise. Why sing lullabies not only for you, but also for our baby. Sleep well, my beloved. If you imagine for a moment that angels make people fall asleep by pouring magic sand into their eyes, then you can certainly convey a request to the angel...Angel who will come to my dear, can you hear me? Kiss her tenderly good night and wish me sweet dreams. Although I am not a singer or a magician, I am capable of miracles for the sake of our love. Good night princess.

There are so many inexplicable things in the world... For example, why fire gives off smoke, why grass is green, why flowers give off different smells... Why, despite the fact that I am far from ideal, you still do not leave me, but support me? You are the only one, I will always be with you. Good night, kitten. After all, night is the strangest time. At night, the world changes colors to dark blue, and only lonely lanterns, illuminating the path, show the true colors. And at night people fall in love with each other, begin to love each other even more. So it is with me, more and more every night. Sweet dreams, I love you baby. You are everything to me!

When the next night you see a star fall from the sky, it means that I miss you madly. I look forward to the moment when we can fall asleep in the same bed. In the meantime, close your eyes and fall asleep, my gentle girl. I will ask the angels to guard your sleep. And look at the sky... The night covered the city with its huge blanket, poured a million bright sheep stars into the sky, seated the shepherdess moon in the very center, and put all living things to sleep until the morning. Look how magnificent and mysterious this time of day is, it makes us think about a lot, remember a lot, appreciate something... Go to bed, dear, only with pleasant thoughts. It's time to sleep. May you have a good, good dream. Good night!

I wish you good night, my love. After all, the night itself carries within itself something mysterious and enchanting. May you have a pleasant dream that will fill you with energy for the whole day. May your Guardian Angel protect your sleep. And the moon charges you with positivity and optimism. So close your eyes, leave all your problems for tomorrow and don’t think about anything. Wake up with a smile on your face, and the whole day will be successful and fun. Unforgettable dreams! After all, at night the edge of the world opens up to us from a completely different side. The world is becoming so romantic and mysterious. And finally, after a hard day at work, you can lie down in your favorite bed and just relax, close your eyes and leave this world before the sun rises. I wish you a good and pleasant night. Let your body, soul and mind rest from the hustle and bustle of the day and fall asleep. Let millions of bright stars wink at you and each bring you a small piece of happiness.

Confessions to Girl S good morning beloved Good night darling Good night to my wife I miss my beloved Apologies to my beloved Love girlfriend

Let the blanket be light, let the bed be soft, let the sheet be soft! I wish you, my beloved girl, to sleep so sweetly all night until the morning. Good night!

Even such irrepressible optimists, such energetic fidgets like you, my beloved, must rest. So lie down in your bed, close your eyes and start counting the white lambs in the green meadow. Sweet dreams!

The evening quietly extinguishes its romantic lights, the night straightens its dark silks, the angel of pleasant dreams is knocking on your window. And I mentally hug you and gently whisper in your ear: “Good night, my love!”

Let a good magical dream land like a gentle cloud on the edge of your pillow. Close your eyes and relax without worrying about anything. Leave the solution to any problems to me, very soon they will all evaporate like a wet mark on a tiled floor.

My dear, how beautiful you are when you fall asleep and the airy fairy of the night lands on your eyelashes. Take with you into your dreams a piece of a bright morning, a warm day and the chill of a sunset, my smile and great love for you!

Fall asleep, my dear, to the twinkling of distant stars and the mysterious whisper of the wind. Let the breeze tell you one of its wonderful magical stories, and let the little stars invite you for a walk along the Milky Way!

Let tonight be the most affectionate, gentle, serene and soft, with colorful and pleasant dreams - just like in childhood! Good sleep, my precious beauty!

The night changes the world, thickens the colors, making familiar places unusual, but it is unable to change anything in my feelings, therefore, falling asleep, I, as before, strive for you, my love, and today I will dream again.

May the night, my dear, wrap its quiet starry carpet around your thoughts, the worries of a hectic day, may it bring sweet dreams, colorful pictures, lightness and peace to you. Have sweet dreams and a pleasant awakening.

Beloved, I want you, falling asleep, to remember once again that I love you, let the soft light of the moon and the quiet song of the stars that patronize lovers remind you of this. Good night.

Your beauty brighter than the stars appearing in the sky now, your character is softer than the clouds floating slowly in its heights, your smile is more beautiful than moonlight! May you have only beautiful dreams!

Good night, my beloved girl. Let the delicate white linen and soft moonlight outside the window give you a sea of ​​pleasant sensations and romantic dreams.

My beloved, get comfortable and let your dreams be like ice cream: sweet, tender and colorful. Don’t worry, you won’t be disturbed by the peas under the feather bed, because I know even without checking that you are my real princess!

Darling, I wish you a night in which you, as the ruler of the Moon, will draw happiness for yourself with stars, which will shine for you not only in your dreams! And my love for you will frame this happiness for eternity!

I wish that this night the stars shower sparkles on your bed, my love, warming you with the warmth of my love! And let the solutions to all difficulties come in your dreams, so that in the morning your heart will be open to my kisses!

Alina Ogonyok

Sometimes even the simplest, yet open and sincere actions can bring much more pleasure and joy than, for example, expensive gifts and surprises. So, if you want to please your girlfriend, if you want her to go to bed in a good mood and with warmth in her heart, you can express beautiful good night wishes to your beloved girl in prose. It will be original, unexpected and pleasant. Believe me, not a single female person can resist such a gesture of attention, so after it you can count on maximum returns and even greater strengthening of your relationship.

What’s most interesting is that what you say is far from the most important thing here. Whatever you say, your crush will be very pleased to hear it addressed to you from you. However, your desire to stand out as something special is understandable. In the end, we're talking about about not the last person in your life. And he probably deserves only the most beautiful and sincere words.

Well, if your intention is firm and you are confident in your desire, then all you have to do is choose the right one on our website. Vlio.ru will help you please your girlfriend!

Let sleep, taking you in a warm embrace, stroking your delicate skin, breathe into your ear fairy tales filled with the smell of flowers and the rustle of herbs. I kiss you sweetly and wish you pleasant dreams!

Congratulations on mobile

Darling, when I see that night is falling on the earth, and the moon appears in the sky surrounded by stars, I want to find the brightest of them and give it to you. Because you are more to me than the sky and stars. Sweet dreams, desired, beloved and unique girl. You are my whole life. I can't imagine myself without you. And I want every night to be sweet and beautiful for you. So that nothing can disturb your sleep. And only about you, outside, all my thoughts. You, the lady of my heart. Conqueror of my feelings. You are the one without whom the whole world is not dear to me. Have a good and magical night, dear.

May the God of sleep shower you with white and red poppy petals, intoxicate you with the honey aroma of blooming gardens and take you with him into a sweet sleep full of bliss and tenderness! Sweet dreams my beloved!

A majestic night fell, shrouding everything in darkness. In the silence you can hear the songs of birds, which, like you, are preparing to leave for the colorful land of dreams. I want to wish you, my most important person, the most pleasant dreams that will delight you with their fantastic nature, and give you a great mood in the morning and a desire to quickly get out of bed and get down to business. Let the sorcerer fly to you in a dream and make all your dreams come true secret desires, about which you think and secretly dream. May your sleep be as sweet as candy, soft as a pillow and as beautiful as you are. Let the gentle angel protect your peace, and let the clear stars guard your peace. Gain strength and get ready for the coming day, which has only the most pleasant things in store for you. Sleep well and think about me, my most beloved girl in this world.

Imagine that you and I are lying on the ocean shore under starry sky, I hug you tenderly, and you quietly fall asleep with a smile on your face. It may be an illusion, but it is very pleasant and will definitely become a reality! Good night, my love!

The witch night comes into its own and gives everyone the opportunity to rest from the hectic day. Everything around is quiet. A good dream wizard walks under the windows and distributes dreams to all people. May he give you, my beloved, the most in the world. May your night's rest be guarded by the stars. I wish you happiness, health and goodness. I want to see you always at your most beautiful. You are my guardian angel. Good night to you, my kind, gentle, only and sweetest girl. Sweet dreams to you, my precious.

Good and gentle, good night to you, my love! Let the moon gently whisper to you my words about how much I adore, love and appreciate you, and let the stars shower your face the tender kisses that I send you! And then the night will pass fabulous, bringing you and me a new day and our love as a gift!

You know, I don’t know how to express what I want... I just want to say that for some reason I’m waiting for you, for some reason I miss you, for some reason I want to do something for you and for some reason in I believe you! Good night and thank you for being there - my dream and hope!

Night falls, dark, quiet, calm. Everything around is calming down, calming down, The bustle is behind us, and now it’s time to rest. I wish you, my beloved, good night. May your sleep be sweet and pleasant. Let you dream of a good fairy tale in which you will certainly be a princess, and I will be your prince. I will declare my love to you, and let this declaration continue in the morning, but not in a dream, but in reality. Let the stars guard your sleep and sing a lullaby. Sleep, my joy, sleep, may your rest be peaceful.

Darling, what an impossible desire within me now to kiss you on the lips, on the nose, on the cheeks. The night without you is torment and suffering, but I look forward to the morning to hear your angelic voice again. Good night, my love!


Every girl wants to hear a gentle “Good night, darling!” from her other half before going to bed. But what will sound even more beautiful is not a trivial wish for pleasant dreams, but a beautiful poem or heartfelt and touching prose composed in your own words.

Good night wishes to your beloved girl can be very different. But most of all, young ladies are usually impressed by touching and romantic options. It’s not difficult to write such a text yourself; to do this, you just need to confess your love to your other half, wish her the most pleasant dreams and promise to keep her in peace.

When beautiful words They don’t want to formulate lines; ready-made options from professionals will always come to a man’s aid. Among them there are both poetry and prose.

The way a young man conveys his prepared wishes to his beloved is also very important.

If lovers fall asleep separately from each other, then good night wishes will be easiest to send to social networks or via SMS message.

Of course, you shouldn’t write to your chosen one when she’s been sleeping soundly for a couple of hours and plans to get up early. It’s better to try to guess the time when the girl is just going to bed and, perhaps, is just remembering her lover. A gentle SMS at such a moment will definitely bring a happy smile to the face of the fair sex.

  1. Good night! Sleep, dear, I wish you wonderful dreams. Sleep takes you far, I feel lonely without you. The stars in the sky are shining, Sweet dream yours is protected. So that you wake up in the morning and smile at me and the sun.
  2. Sleep, my kitten, sleep, fall asleep. I'll tuck the blanket under the edge. I will stand guard all night, guard your beautiful dream from everyone. May you dream of the endless sea, night, silence, and only the two of us. May you dream of blue mountains, rivers, valleys, beautiful valleys. I will hug you tenderly in my dreams, You are my happiness in a magical land. In the morning you will gently push me in the side, And I will smile - I am not alone.
  3. My tenderness, my beloved beauty, outside the windows the night has long received its powers, and you are still not sleeping. Leave everything you're doing, dive under a warm blanket in your favorite bed and fall asleep. Good night, my incredible, sophisticated, magnificent one. May you have only good dreams that will fill your new day with lightness, brightness and joy. Go to sleep, my girl. I promise that no one and nothing will disturb your peace, as I will take care of it until the morning. I kiss your sweet lips and cute little nose. My love is with you.

Good night to my beloved girl in prose

Even if lovers live together, this will not stop a man from doing pleasant surprise beloved one before bedtime. You just need to choose one for the girl beautiful wishes and write them down on a postcard. All that remains is to place it under a blanket or under a pillow in the place where your beloved usually sleeps. Going to rest according to the usual schedule and calmly talking with her other half, the girl will definitely not expect that a small pleasant surprise awaits her in bed, and will probably be happy.

You can wish the young lady the sweetest and most tender dreams in prose. For example: “May you dream of soft fluffy clouds that envelop you in warmth and love, like me,” “I wish you bright, “tasty,” pleasant dreams, like your beloved strawberry cake. Let them allow you to fully rest, gain strength and energy for tomorrow.” And so on... There are a lot of interesting options! Here you just need to use your imagination and try to make your wishes individual, dedicated to a specific girl.

  1. Beloved, my most wonderful and irresistible, my clear star, my ray of sunshine, I wish you good night and the kindest, most rosy, most wonderful dreams. May your night's rest envelop you in the embrace of a wonderful night, may sweet dreams give you inspiration, may an incredible and happy story your new adventures.
  2. My beloved, my angel and my soul, good night to you. I wish you to have the kindest and most cheerful dreams. I wish you a cozy and comfortable night's rest. I wish you to start your morning with a smile and good mood, and continue with a busy and happy day.
  3. Good night, my beloved and dear. I wish you to close your eyes and go to a fairy-tale world, where everything is beautiful and wonderful, where there is an answer to any question, where you will magically relax and receive a charge of good energy and inspiration for the whole coming day.

Funny and cool wishes

Wishes in verses for good night to your beloved can be made not only beautiful and touching, but also funny. This is especially true for cases when a girl has had a hard, bad day. Then a correctly composed wish will lift your spirits, cheer you up and allow you to fall asleep peacefully, without being tormented by numerous unpleasant thoughts.

The easiest way is to write such a text in your own words. For example, use a problem that has been bothering a girl all day and turn it into a joke. At the end of the text, it would be appropriate to offer your loved one your help in solving this problem. Such a wish will simultaneously amuse the young lady and allow her to once again feel the care and love of her other half.

You can simply use any funny texts wishing good night and pleasant dreams. Or note: “May you dream of the most beautiful, smart, interesting, romantic, amazing man. Of course it’s me.”

  1. Darling, good night! I wish you a soft pillow like feathers, a comfortable bed like a princess, sweet dreams like May honey, interesting adventures like in a fairy tale.
  2. The night lights glow with bright light. The stars are scattered in the heavenly expanse. Beauty, I wish you a good night, spreading out my sea of ​​love for you! I will emerge in your dream like a huge shark and I will kiss you predatorily all night! I want you to fall asleep quickly. Oh, how erotic my prey is!
  3. There were no roses, there were only daisies all around, And the beautiful cuties were so modest, It’s a pity to sprinkle petals on the bed, But you can find out the truth from them! Good night, honey, you know that I love you, no matter how you guess!

Wishes in your own words

Wishes for a girl, written in your own words, usually turn out to be especially sincere, tender, and touching. A man doesn’t have to spend a couple of hours of his life to compose a perfect “smooth” text without a single mistake. You just need to write down on paper all the “tenderness and pleasantries” that you want to voice to your other half. It is precisely this wish that will become the most valuable and long-awaited for a girl.

If a man writes a text on his own, he can use it as one of the ways to provide emotional support to his other half.

Is the girl having a difficult, exciting day tomorrow? It is worth wishing her that the difficult time will pass quickly, that all plans will be brought to life, and that problems will be resolved as quickly and simply as possible. If a young man gives his beloved a note with wishes, you need to add his beloved’s favorite chocolate to it: “May tomorrow become at least a little sweeter for you!”

  1. My beloved, the whole city has already fallen into sleep, and I wish the same for you. Close your beautiful eyes, get as comfortable as possible in your amazingly soft bed and tune in to the interesting, sweet dreams that will undoubtedly bring you good mood in the morning. I wish you good night, and try to get a good night's sleep, because a new, interesting, eventful day awaits you, which will give positive emotions and perhaps even delight.
  2. My joy, beloved, dear, the city has long fallen into sleep, and you are still just getting ready. Get comfortable and get ready to see bright, amazing, colorful and good dreams. Let the night take away all your bad thoughts, relieve you of sorrows and fill you with strength for the coming day. I know everything will be fine, and you will have time to accomplish everything you plan. Go to sleep my darling, have a good and quiet night.
  3. My beloved, good night to you and the most pleasant dreams. I wish you to dream about the beautiful and wonderful island of our love, the Cote d'Azur of our happiness, our kind and bright dream.

All kinds of wishes and nice words from a loved one. A man just needs to spend a couple of minutes of his time and select original poems or short prose texts for his chosen one. And, of course, figure out how to gracefully present them to the girl.