How to decorate strawberry cake at home. How to beautifully decorate a cake with fruits at home

Fresh sweet berries and juicy fruits on cakes look very attractive and appetizing. Therefore, they are often used as decoration in desserts. Unfortunately, when decorating confectionery products, housewives often make mistakes; as a result, fruits or berries wither and the cream becomes stained with juice. We will tell you how to avoid such misunderstandings and describe ways to decorate cakes with fruits and berries.

How to decorate a cake with fruits - choosing fruits

Not all fruits are suitable for decorating cakes. Too juicy fruits will release juice onto the surface of the cake, as a result the top cake will become soggy and lose its presentation.

Fruits that can be used as decoration:

  • peaches, apricots;
  • oranges, tangerines;
  • apples, pears;
  • pineapples, mango and kiwi.

It is undesirable to use the following fruits:

  • watermelon and melon;
  • pomegranate;
  • gooseberries, blueberries, blackberries and cranberries:
  • lime;
  • persimmon.

Preparing fresh fruit for cake decoration:

  • We wash the fruits under running water.
  • Remove leaves and stalks.
  • Remove the seeds and cut the fruit in half.
  • Try to remove the film from citrus fruits. To do this, you need to divide the fruit into slices without damaging their integrity, remove the film and remove the seeds.

How to decorate a cake with fruits - “roses” of apples and peaches

This decoration method looks very delicate, adding attractiveness to any cake. It is especially appropriate when the cake is intended for a girl or woman.

Required ingredients:

  • Lemon zest.
  • Apple.
  • Peach.
  • Water.
  • Sugar.

Operating procedure:

  • Wash the fruit, remove the pit from the peach, core the apple, and zest the lemon. Cut the peach and apple into thin slices.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil, you should get a boiling syrup.
  • Dip your ingredients into it and let them cook until they become transparent.
  • Remove the fruit from the syrup, place it in a separate container and let it drain.
  • Carefully twist each plate into a tube, and when it ends, connect it to the next slice and continue twisting until you get a flower of the desired size. For one flower you need 6-7 fruit plates.
  • Transfer the resulting decoration to the cake. To prevent it from falling apart and to adhere well to the cake, use toothpicks.
  • To prevent your flowers from changing color or becoming weathered, you can treat them with jelly. To do this, combine a teaspoon of gelatin, sugar and water in a container. Melt the swollen gelatin in a steam bath and apply the mixture to the fruit flowers with a brush.

How to decorate a cake with fruits - “fruit basket”

To give the cake a colorful appearance, generously coat the top layer and all sides with chocolate cream, then you can start decorating with fruit.

Required ingredients:

  • Chocolate bars or stick-shaped cookies.
  • 50 strawberries.
  • 2 pieces of kiwi.
  • One tangerine.

Operating procedure:

  • Wash and cut the strawberries in half. Place strawberry slices in a circle on the top crust.
  • Wash, peel and cut the kiwi into circles, use it to make a second circle inside the strawberry.
  • Wash and peel the tangerine, divide into slices and remove the peel from each, place in the center of the strawberry and kiwi circles.
  • Place cookies or candy bars tightly around the sides of the cake around the entire perimeter, so you get an imitation of a basket. You can additionally tie them with a satin ribbon, so the cake will take on a festive look.

How to decorate a cake with fruits - fruits under jelly

Cakes decorated with fruit and topped with jelly look irresistible. You can arrange any berries and fruits to your taste that can be used for decoration in the order you like. The main thing is to adhere to the nuances when pouring jelly, which we will tell you about in detail.

Ingredients for jelly:

  • 20 gr. gelatin.
  • A glass of water.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
  • A glass of juice.

Jelly making process:

  • Pour gelatin with water, stir, and leave in this state for half an hour.
  • Pour the juice into the pan, add sugar.
  • Boil the juice with sugar, then pour in the gelatin in a stream, stirring all the time.
  • Cool until the mixture begins to thicken slightly.

Procedure for decorating a cake:

  • Before decorating the cake, coat its surface with a thin layer of confiture or jam to prevent the jelly from being absorbed into the cake.
  • Place a pastry ring on the cake that matches its diameter so that the jelly remains on top and does not run down the sides.
  • To make the jelly harden faster, place the cake in the refrigerator for two hours before decorating. Fruits should also be kept as cool as possible.
  • Fill from the center of the cake in a spiral towards the edges. Pour the jelly in a thin stream so that it is distributed over the fruit.
  • It is very important to consider the color of the jelly. The ideal option is colorless, it is evenly distributed, gives a good shine to the fruit, and hides small blemishes. Red jelly should be used with fruits that match in color - red currants, raspberries, strawberries; green – apples, kiwi; yellow – bananas, apricots, citrus fruits, pineapples.
  • Diluted gelatin cannot be used immediately; it should thicken a little, but do not miss the moment, because too thickened jelly will not be distributed evenly over the surface.

A beautiful, tasty and appetizing cake can not only be bought in a store, but also made with your own hands. To do this, you will need your favorite berries and fruits, a little time and patience. If you follow our instructions and advice, you will make a cake no worse than a professional pastry chef.

DIY baking has gained immense popularity over the past 5 years.

Cakes decorated with fruits and berries provide not only taste pleasure, but also aesthetic pleasure. A beautifully decorated cake delights all guests.

It won’t be difficult to create such a miracle at home: just use proven recipes and follow the recommendations of the bakers who design the confectionery products.

Fruits and berries will become one of your favorite baking decorations for the holiday table.

Girls who love baking cakes themselves are always looking for new, fresh ideas on how to decorate a cake.

Today, famous confectioners produce videos and film master classes on decorating cakes, pastries, and pies.

The original baked goods will not leave anyone indifferent; in addition, such products can be baked to order.

The following cake decorating options are common in confectionery cooking:

  1. Chocolate. The most favorite decoration option for many sweet tooths.

    Milk chocolate is usually used, but white or bitter options are also ideal. The product is used to make glaze and then cover a cake baked with your own hands.

  2. Jelly. This type of decoration is more suitable for no-bake cheesecake-type cakes. A tasty, bright delicacy will delight children and adults.
  3. Sweets. For work they use chocolates, lollipops, chocolate and biscuit cookies. The products are broken or cut into several pieces and decorated the surface of the cake.
  4. Smudges from chocolate glaze. This decoration option involves pre-cooling the cake in the refrigerator, after which the glaze is applied in streaks, which hardens right before your eyes.
  5. Fruits, berries. Confectioners use fresh, frozen fruit, carefully placing them along the edge of the baked goods.
  6. Fresh flowers. There are special flower buds on sale that are beautifully placed on the surface of confectionery products.
  7. Meringue. Meringues are one of the popular types of decoration. By adding various dyes to the composition, you can get a huge variety of shades.

Also used for work are marzipan, mastic, creams, icing, waffles, caramel glaze and marmalade.

What to do in winter

During the winter season, housewives use a trick: when fruits and berries are unavailable or have a high cost, confectioners choose canned, frozen or pickled options.

Let's take a closer look at how to work with these products:

  1. Canned fruit. A cake decorated with canned peaches looks bright and original.

    They are laid out in slices in a spiral. Canned pears, pineapples in rings and pieces are also good for decoration.

  2. Frozen berries. To prevent the berries from releasing juice, they must be squeezed through a sieve in advance.

    Of the frozen options, as shown in the photo, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries are often used.

  3. Pickled fruits. Another lifesaver in the winter season.

    In winter, pickled fruits are saved for decorating baked goods: plums, pears, cherries, apricots - all these fruits will become a real salvation if friends unexpectedly come to visit.

  4. Candied berries. A favorite treat on children's cakes is berries rolled in sugar.

    This includes cherries, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries and other small options.

Before using any of the above products, you may want to prep the surface of the cake. It is recommended to pour it with chocolate glaze or coat it with custard.

Important! Some fruits are not suitable for decoration if they interact with other components of the product. So, pineapples and kiwis will not allow the jelly to harden properly.

Fresh cherries are also not particularly suitable for decorating the surface of cakes: firstly, they give a lot of juice, and secondly, they have seeds, which increases the time spent.

DIY decoration ideas from fruits and berries

Good options for decoration are pineapples and tangerines. And also pears, mangoes, kiwis, apricots, peaches, raspberries, dense strawberries.

Pay attention! It is best to use fleshy berries with an elastic structure for decoration on top.

Let's consider several options for arranging products on the surface of the cake, allowing you to decorate it in an original and quick way:

Idea How to decorate?
Drawing Exotic fruits are used for work: tangerines, bananas and kiwi.

Tangerine slices are placed on the lower part of the surface, then banana halves are placed, then kiwi are placed - you get palm trees

Tangerine rose Thinly sliced ​​kiwis are laid out around the cake.

Place tangerine slices in the center, forming a rose or an aster. Decoration can be combined with cream

Berry mix Strawberries, red currants and blueberries are laid out on the surface of the confectionery product in a chaotic order. The result is a beautiful forest mix
Decoration with whole berries Only hard, miniature berries are suitable for this idea. Strawberries with tails, ripe raspberries and blackberries performed well
Combination of berries with chocolate glaze Dark chocolate glaze is poured onto the surface and waited for it to harden.

After this, use any fruit you like, you can also frame the cake with chocolate sticks

Recipe for decorating jelly with fruits

  • Cooking time – 3 hours.
  • Ingredient preparation time: 20 minutes.
  • After cooking you will receive 3 servings of 150 grams each.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Apple juice – 600 milliliters.
  • Gelatin – 1 package.
  • Kiwi - 2 pieces.
  • Dense raspberries - 0.5 cups.
  • Strawberries - 0.5 cups.
  • Banana – 1 piece.
  • Mandarin – 1 piece.
  • Powdered sugar – 1 cup.


  1. Prepare gelatin. Pour the contents of the bag into a container, add a little apple juice and wait until the gelatin swells.
  2. Preparing the fruit. We wash and peel all fruits. Divide tangerines into slices, cut kiwi into circles, bananas into cubes, and strawberries into slices.
  3. Place the container with gelatin on the stove and cook until it dissolves. Wait for the mixture to cool, add the remaining juice and powdered sugar. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve.
  4. Fruit is placed on the prepared cake, which is in a mold with high sides. They are filled with jelly and placed in the refrigerator for several hours until hardened.

For baking, you can use round and square baking trays; additionally, the cake can be decorated with cream. Napoleon, honey cake and other types of cakes decorated with fruit look good.

Useful video

Fresh juicy fruits, sweet berries - what could be more appetizing and attractive? That is why fruits are used very often as cake decorations. Fruits can be cut into thin slices and placed on the surface of the cake, covered with a layer of special jelly, layered cake layers and added to the cream.

Examples of decoration:

Not all fruits can be used to decorate cakes. Some of them are too juicy and will release completely unnecessary juice on the surface of the product. The top cake may get wet and lose its “marketable” appearance.
The best fruits for decorating homemade baked goods are:

  • pineapples;
  • mango;
  • tangerines, oranges;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • kiwi;
  • apricots;
  • peach and others.
  • melon and watermelon (too much juice);
  • persimmon;
  • lime;
  • some berries - cranberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries;
  • pomegranate (seeds cannot be removed).

In addition to fresh fruits, you can successfully use canned ones yourself or in a factory way. Before using preserves, you must drain the juice and strain them on a sieve.

Preparation for registration

Fresh fruits need to be prepared:

  1. Rinse them under running water.
  2. Remove stems and leaves.
  3. Remove the seeds by cutting the fruit in half.
  4. It is necessary to remove the film from citrus fruits if possible. Divide the fruit into slices and, being careful not to damage their integrity, peel and remove the seeds.


  • apples and pears can be cut into slices: first, the fruit is cut in half, the half is placed on the board with the cut side down and thin slices are cut lengthwise;
  • Peaches can also be cut into slices or quarters;
  • apricots are cut along the line and laid out in halves;
  • the berries are most often left whole;
  • bananas are cut into slices.

Apples darken when exposed to air. After cutting, sprinkle them with lemon juice so that they retain their original appearance.

Registration process

There are many options for decorating homemade cakes with fruit:

  1. You will need tangerines, large grapes and mangoes, fresh or canned. Cut the mango into thin slices, place a flower out of them in the center of the cake, slipping each new slice under the previous one. Along the perimeter of the cake we alternately place grapes cut lengthwise and tangerine slices, forming a beautiful edging.
  2. Rainbow decoration. Take 3-4 types of fruits of contrasting color: for example, green kiwi, yellow pineapple, red strawberry and light banana. Cut everything into slices, banana into slices. Starting from the center of the cake, lay out a circle, alternating colors: banana, kiwi, pineapple, strawberry. The sides of the cake can also be decorated with slices. Place three strawberries in the center of the cake.
  3. From thin apple slices you can form beautiful three-dimensional flowers to decorate a cake. It is better to cut them using a special device - a slicer. The slices are collected into a “rosette” and placed in a recess on the cake on top of the cream. You can place red grapes around it.
  4. Jelly cakes should be decorated with fruit at the stage of preparing the dessert itself. If the recipe assumes that the cake will harden in the mold in the cold, you can place thin slices on the bottom before pouring the mixture. Then the cake mixture is carefully poured, and the product is put away in the cold. After hardening, the cake is turned over onto a plate, with a layer of fruit on top.
  5. Mono decoration looks very elegant. For example, strawberries of the same size are laid out in circles on a white cream cream. The combination of red and white looks solemn and elegant.
  6. A cake decorated with diced fruit looks interesting. The shape of the cake is a hemisphere. Place a small circle of finely chopped strawberries in the center. Divide the remaining surface into 6 equal parts, marking them. Cover the cake with sticky frosting. Layer the “shares” with cubes of orange, pineapple, kiwi, banana and red or black currants. It turns out a bright birthday cake.

Fruits in jelly

To make the fruits shiny and firmly adhere to the surface, you can fill them with jelly. Follow simple rules:

  1. Before decorating, coat the surface of the cake with a thin layer of jam or confiture. This way the jelly will not be absorbed into the cake, but will remain on the decoration.
  2. Place the cake in a springform pan or put a special pastry ring on it. The diameter of the mold or ring should match the size of the cake. Then the jelly will remain at the top and will not flow down the sides.
  3. To make the filling harden faster, place the baked goods in the refrigerator for 2 hours before decorating. The fruits that will be covered with jelly should also be as cool as possible, then the filling will harden much faster.
  4. We start filling from the center of the cake surface to the edges in a spiral. Pour the liquid jelly in a very thin stream, allowing it to distribute evenly over the fruit.
  5. The color of the jelly for filling the fruit is very important. The best option is colorless. It is universal, gives shine, is evenly distributed, and small blemishes are invisible on it. Red jelly is used for fruits and berries of the corresponding color - strawberries, raspberries, red currants. The yellow color of the jelly goes well with apricots, bananas, pineapples and citrus fruits.
  6. Do not use diluted gelatin immediately, let it become thicker and more viscous and only then pour over the fruit. However, do not waste time - too thick a mass will not be distributed evenly over the surface.


  1. A glass of water;
  2. 20 grams of gelatin;
  3. A glass of juice;
  4. Sugar - about 3 tablespoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour gelatin with water, stir and leave in this state for 20–30 minutes.
  2. Pour the juice into a saucepan and add sugar if desired.
  3. Boil and pour gelatin in a stream, without stopping stirring.
  4. Stir until all the gelatin grains have dissolved.
  5. Cool until the mixture thickens slightly and pour into the slices.

Decorating cakes with carving

Carving (from the English word “carved ornament”) in cooking is a figured cutting of vegetables, fruits or berries. Decorating dishes using the carving method appeared relatively recently, but has already gained popularity. The method requires some skills. The basic rule is to thinly slice the fruits in the correct sequence. Therefore, you will need some equipment - a thin sharp knife, a slicer, a vegetable peeler and others.
The most famous and obvious example of carving is watermelon carving. Craftsmen use this berry to create real works of art. However, it is worth remembering that such decorations do not last long and the cake should be decorated with them just before serving.

Carving – apples or pears

The most familiar fruits for us are apples and pears. You can buy them at any time of the year. Decorating a cake at home is not at all difficult; even a beginner can handle this carving.

A few simple techniques:

  1. Baskets of apples. The apple is cut in half, the bottom part is scraped out with a spoon to form a basket. We cut out a flower from the top part, string it onto a toothpick and insert it vertically into the bottom half. Fill the basket with fruits or berries; you can decorate the top with a cap of cream. To prevent the apple from darkening, brush it with lemon juice using a brush.
  2. Large apple flower. Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds. Cut into thin slices and place the flower on the cake; it can be covered with a layer of yellow or colorless jelly, or sprinkled with lemon juice and left in its natural form.
  3. Leaves. Cut the apple into quarters, remove seeds. Make a longitudinal notch in the center of the quarter, make the edges jagged, giving the shape of a leaf.
  4. You can make a hedgehog out of a pear. Peel the fruit from the thin side to 2/3 of its length. Put grapes on toothpicks and stick them into the pear - these are needles. Use blackcurrant berries to make a hedgehog's nose and eyes.

Fruit figurines

Based on almost any fruit, you can make a three-dimensional figure - a circle, a heart - and decorate the finished cake with it.

This decoration has its own characteristics:

  1. You can use metal cookie cutters to cut out the shapes, or use a thin knife to cut out each shape.
  2. The peel and seeds are removed, a slice 0.5-1 centimeter thick is cut off and a figure is cut out from this piece.
  3. Fruits that are too juicy - melon, watermelon - are laid out on a towel before decorating to drain excess juice.
  4. If the fruits are laid out horizontally (on the surface of the cake), they can be filled with store-bought or homemade jelly. You can attach the figures to the side with a toothpick. If they are thin and light enough, you can “plant” them on cream or glaze.
  5. Fruits that darken after cutting can be immediately gelled or brushed with lemon juice.

Berry carving

The berries can also be used to decorate cakes.

  1. Strawberry flowers. The berries are cut lengthwise into thin slices, and flowers are laid out on the cake. It is optimal to place such a composition in a recess in the cake or in a chocolate vase to make the flower look more voluminous.
  2. Small grapes, currants, and blackberries are suitable for creating an original design. Berries strung on toothpicks can fill the space in a large fruit design. It is also convenient to use them to make eyes, mouths, and noses for figures and animals.
  3. You can make a flower out of strawberries by simply cutting the berry to the base and slightly opening the resulting petals. Then the figure is put on a skewer and attached to the cake in the intended order. You can even decorate the side surfaces of the cake with these flowers.

Original ideas for carving

At home, without many special devices, you can make amazingly beautiful compositions based on fresh fruits and berries for decorating a cake:

  1. Peel the banana. Make parallel notches along it with the tip of a knife. Cut into circles. You will get stars.
  2. Any round or oval fruit - apple, mango, apricot - can be made into a small basket for decoration. They are placed on the cake and filled with berries, cream or cream as desired.
  3. You can attach compositions in the form of animals, trees, or any cartoon characters cut out of fruits to children's cakes.
  4. From small berries of different colors cut into halves, you can lay out a congratulation, a picture or any pattern on the surface of the cake. It can later be gelled.

Despite all the apparent complexity, even a novice cook can master decorating a cake using the carving technique. You just need to have patience and some tools - and you will succeed.

Additional decoration

By placing fruit on the surface of the cake, you can further decorate the cake to make it look even more impressive on the holiday table:

  1. Whipped cream. You can use ready-made ones in a plant-based container or prepare them yourself. To do this, beat 300 milliliters of cream (very cold) with a mixer at high speed until fluffy foam, add a little powdered sugar to taste and vanilla extract. Transfer the resulting foam into a pastry bag and squeeze a pattern or small roses onto the sides and/or side surfaces of the cake.
  2. Cream. Butter, chocolate or sour cream also goes well with both fresh and canned fruit. You can decorate the cake using a cornet.
  3. Melted chocolate. They can be used to make thin stripes or a mesh directly over the fruit.
  4. The side surfaces of the product, if they are not covered with slices, can simply be sprinkled with chocolate, nut crumbs or crumbled remains of dough or cookies.

Cakes decorated with fruit and especially filled with jelly should be stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of products with berries and fruits is short, so start preparing them just before serving.

Bon appetit!

Video gallery

Very often, housewives use various types of fruits and berries to decorate desserts. It is thanks to the colorful fruits that the finished delicacy becomes beautiful and original. In addition, this design option allows you not to waste extra money and time, and you don’t have to use special devices for decoration; just choose a sharp knife. In this article we will tell you how to decorate a cake with fruits at home, using a photo step by step, to get an interesting delicacy design.

You can use almost any fruit to decorate a dessert, but it is worth considering that simply putting a piece of fruit on the cake is not enough; it will not make a bright decoration. To make the dessert look very attractive, you need to choose these fruits correctly; they must match each other in size, shape and color. It is important to note the taste qualities of the fruits; they should combine well with each other.

A few important rules

Before you begin the process of decorating the dessert, it is worth learning more about some rules that you will have to strictly adhere to so as not to spoil the finished dessert. These tips will help you create a beautiful design while maintaining the original shape of the product.

To begin with, they begin to prepare the cakes, they are soaked in cream, while more cream mass is spent on the layer than on the top layer. This rule is very important to follow, otherwise pieces of fruit will slide off the dessert. A wide variety of fruits are used for decoration; in addition, you can decorate the dessert with fresh berries to make the cake look more colorful. You can cut an unusual shape out of fruit, it could be a heart or a carved flower. Also, the pieces are laid out in a chaotic sequence, observing a combination of shades.

To ensure that the fruits are well fixed on the surface of the delicacy, it is best to fill them with liquid jelly. The easiest way is to buy ready-made jelly, dilute it with water, and then pour it over the pieces of fruit that are laid out on the cake. If it is necessary to use additional decoration, the hostess can take pieces of chocolate, powdered sugar, and melted chocolate. The design using fruits dipped in chocolate looks very interesting. There are many options for how to decorate a children’s cake with fruit at home, step by step from the photo, we’ll talk about this.

How to decorate a cake with pieces of fruit

There are several options for decorating such a dessert; here we will offer the most interesting ideas. For example, you can take a mango and cut out a large flower from it; this decoration is placed in the middle of the dessert. Even a novice master can make a flower; all you have to do is cut out thin petals and place them one by one on the cake. After this, smaller petals are cut out and placed on larger petals. Finally, make a center of fresh berries or a drop of jam. The sides can be decorated with grape halves or tangerine slices.

There is also another option for decorating a cream cake with fruit at home; the photo shows several design options step by step. In this case, we suggest placing strawberries on the central part. In addition, fruits of different shades are used. Such pieces are laid out further from the center to the sides of the cake in a circle.

The easiest way is to make a beautiful rose from a canned mango or peach in the center. And then you need to lay out grapes and tangerines in a circle, do this one by one, thus decorating the entire cake with fruit. You can put small strawberries around the edges of the dessert; blueberries, blueberries or black currants look no less interesting. The decoration in the form of a rainbow looks attractive; here the dessert is divided into several equal parts, and then they begin to lay out pieces of fruit so as to create a kind of colored rainbow. It is advisable to use different colors here.

It is very beneficial to decorate a cottage cheese cake with fresh berries; for this, the sides are decorated with strawberries, and the central part is decorated with raspberries and kiwi pieces. The dessert turns out very bright and attractive. You can also decorate the middle of the delicacy with any fresh berries, and pieces of canned mango or peach are placed in a fan around the edges. If the housewife wants to know how to decorate a cake with fruits at home, in the photo, step by step, the dessert is decorated with tangerines in various variations. You can use this idea with other fruits too.

How to decorate dessert with frozen fruit

It is not at all necessary to use only fresh fruits; frozen fruits are also suitable in winter. But it’s worth saying right away that not all fruits here can be used to decorate delicacies. It is very important to use a fruit that will not lose its beautiful appearance after defrosting. Ideally, you should use pineapples, various types of berries and cherries. But it is worth considering that proper defrosting plays an important role here.

In order for the fruit to retain its beautiful appearance, it is worth transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator, and only after a few hours take it out to defrost at room temperature. The slow defrosting process allows the pieces to retain their shape.

After defrosting, to make the pieces more attractive, they are dipped in chocolate and then placed in the refrigerator for ten minutes so that the chocolate crust hardens well. The finished pieces are used to decorate the dessert. For this design, it is better to use a cream with a denser structure; it can be curd or butter. The dense consistency will make it possible not to let the juice from the berries pass into the cake itself.

To make it more attractive, the top of the treat is covered with a thin layer of jelly to make the fruit look more delicious. To do this, you can buy instant jelly in the store; it is convenient to use, and you do not need to waste time preparing homemade filling.

The brightest and simplest decoration for homemade cakes is the decoration with fruits and berries. They not only look beautiful and bright, but also give the cake a rich taste.


One of the simplest ways to decorate homemade baked goods is considered to be a fruit fan. You can cut into slices and fan out: strawberries, oranges, kiwi, mango.

Fruit under jelly

Another way to decorate a cake with fruit at home is to pour berries and fruits into jelly. This technique is especially used for decorating sponge cakes. To create this look on your cake, you need a cake layer with sides, fruit jelly, the fruits and berries themselves, and gelatin.

pureed fruit

Among the ways to decorate a cake with fruit at home (step-by-step photos are presented in the article), the option with pureed fruit stands out. So, for example, to make a kind of meadow, you can use pureed kiwi pulp and decorate it, for example, with strawberry mushrooms.

Whole fruit

An absolute hit of decoration is decorating with whole fruits. In appearance, it is a masterpiece that outwardly personifies wealth. You can use a whole strawberry and place a tangerine in the middle. Looks impressive and stylish on the holiday table.

Fruit Rainbow

Here you will need fruits of contrasting colors. For example, kiwi, pineapple, strawberry, currants and banana. Starting from the middle of the cake, you need to lay out fruits and berries of different colors in a circle. The decoration will turn out great.

Apple slices

You can make voluminous flowers from thin apple slices or assemble the slices into a beautiful rose and decorate the middle of the cake.


If you don’t have a lot of fruit in the house, but you want to decorate the cake, don’t worry, because you can decorate the cake with fruit at home (step-by-step photos are offered in the article) using just one fruit. For example, strawberries laid out in a circle on white cream will be a wonderful decoration for the product.

Cream variations on the decor theme

Traditionally, cream decorations include various inscriptions, flowers, and trees. Using the cream, you can form bright roses of large and small sizes, edges with interesting shapes, and write any congratulations directly on the surface of the product. All you need is the cream itself, a culinary syringe and imagination. How to make it yourself.

Oil cream for decoration

The butter type of cream is a combination of softened butter, condensed milk and dye. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Beat the melted butter (100 g) until fluffy, add 5 tablespoons of condensed milk;
  2. Next, divide the resulting mass into portions (according to the number of colors of dye);
  3. Beat each part separately, adding dye until the latter is completely dissolved;
  4. Don't forget to stock up on a quality pastry syringe. Its attachments will be your assistant in creating aesthetic lines, patterns, floral and leaf variations for decoration.

This is important! After decorating, the product must be placed in a cold place to thicken the cream.

Cream based cream for decoration

Since decorating a cake with fruits at home (you will find step-by-step photos in the article) is not always possible, cream-based cream makes an ideal decor. So, let's prepare the cream:

  1. It is necessary to cool the cream in the refrigerator for 12 hours, you will need 500 ml (33%);
  2. Pour the chilled cream into a deep bowl and beat with a mixer; the blender can separate the products;
  3. It is recommended to immediately prepare the syringe and nozzles, because cream requires prompt work;
  4. Dissolve or soak gelatin, depending on the type of preparation (see instructions);
  5. Whip the cream until a stable foam appears, add a bag of vanilla and 100-200 grams of powdered sugar;
  6. Add gelatin in a thin stream;
  7. The cream is ready, all you have to do is quickly place it in a syringe and sculpt masterpieces.

This is important! In order for the cream decoration to lay down better, the surface of the product should be smooth and slightly sticky; To do this, cover the cake with chocolate-based glaze, jam or cream.

Options for decorating a children's cake

Children are not easy to please; they love everything colorful and unusual. The easiest way to decorate a children's cake with fruit at home (step-by-step photos are presented in the article) is to put a number on the product indicating the age of the birthday person. The number can be made from pineapple or mango. You can shade it with berries, bananas, mango or kiwi slices.


If the cake has a shape similar to a turtle shell, then you can decorate it with kiwi slices on top, put banana slices on the sides in the form of legs, and make the turtle’s head, for example, out of lemon.

Lacquered cake

You can get a shiny varnished cake if you use jelly or gelatin. To do this, cover the surface of the cake with all kinds of fruits and berries, and apply jelly or gelatin on top with a brush. Place in the refrigerator to harden. The procedure should be repeated after 30 minutes. This cake will look unusual and intriguing.

Of course, making cake decor requires some available tools, as well as patience and skills. But the result is worth it. A beautiful and unusual cake made with your own hands will amaze guests and delight children.