A short script for a New Year's corporate event. Scenario of the New Year's holiday for the women's team: “Legitimate New Year”


1 part of the feast
(a melody sounds, presenters come to the microphone)

Presenter 1:
There are many wonderful holidays,
Everyone takes their turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
The best holiday is New Year!
Presenter 2:
He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
Mysterious and strict beauty
New Year fills the heart!
Presenter 1:
He gives us faith in a good chance,
On the first day and on a new turn,
Helps you become better
Happy New Year to everyone in the world!
Presenter 2:
Louder laughter and joyful hugs,
And flies from all latitudes of the earth
The clock strikes. We are all each other's brothers!
There is a holiday on the planet - New Year!
In chorus:
Happy New Year!
Presenter 1:
And we propose to raise the first glass to the outgoing old year!
Presenter 2:
Pour champagne into glasses
And together we drink everything to the dregs!
We raise a toast to the old year,
Let's all have a drink with you, friends!

(they drink the first glass, have a snack, a song sounds)

Presenter 1:
And now, before the next toast, we would like to introduce you to the Charter of our evening, with its rules, which we hope you will all strictly and with great pleasure follow.
Presenter 2:
Rule 1:
Play and sing in your favorite hall,
This is why you were called here!
Presenter 1:
Rule 2:
Today we will forgive all mistakes, but not the lack of a smile!
Presenter 2:
Rule 3:
Dance seven times, rest once!
Presenter 1:
Rule 4:
We'll send the boring ones back,
You can be bored at home, completely free!
Presenter 2:
Rule 5:
Entrance to our evening is free, but exit from the hall requires tickets signed by the hosts of the evening. The price of an exit ticket is 42 smiles, 1000 hand claps, 5000 dance movements.
Presenter 1:
And now that you are familiar with the rules of the evening, we can move on to its main part - friendly congratulations and wishes - because on the eve of the New Year they sound especially exciting.
Presenter 2:
Our chef has prepared words of congratulations and wishes for you, a word for him for New Year's greetings!

(the director makes a toast)

Presenter 1:
We pour all the alcohol into glasses,
And together we drink to the bottom again.
We raise a glass to the director's toast,
Please note that there is more than one glass waiting for you today!
Presenter 2:
In this regard, I would like to give you the following instructions:
Drink, laugh, have fun,
But know moderation in everything.
Drink so that New Year
Didn't cause you any trouble.
To Santa Claus
He didn’t take me to the sobering-up station!

(drink and eat)

Presenter 1:
Dear friends! Continue to eat, but we ask you not only to eat, but also to listen to us very carefully.
Presenter 2:
And we will introduce you to some interesting pages of history related to the New Year celebration.
Presenter 1:
The custom of celebrating the New Year on the night of January 1 was introduced in Rus' in 1700. Before this, the New Year was celebrated on September 1st. And we owe the New Year’s fun to Peter I. It was he who began to hold cheerful winter assemblies with fireworks in the winter night sky, and he came up with the idea of ​​decorating houses and gates with pine branches.
Presenter 2:
And the custom of decorating a Christmas tree for the holiday appeared later in European countries. The Christmas tree was first decorated in the first half of the 17th century in Alsace. Then it was German territory, now it is part of France.
They chose this particular tree because it was believed that the tree has magical powers and its needles protect from evil. In addition, the Christmas tree is evergreen, which means it brings long life and health to people.
At that time, the Christmas tree was decorated with paper roses. It began to be decorated with glass toys only in the middle of the 19th century. Where Christmas trees do not grow, other trees are decorated. For example, in Vietnam, a peach replaces the Christmas tree; in Japan, bamboo and plum branches are added to pine branches.
By the middle of the 19th century, the Christmas tree became famous in Russia.
Presenter 1:
Nose October Revolution the tradition of celebrating the New Year at a decorated Christmas tree was consigned to oblivion, as a bourgeois holiday contrary to the worker-peasant worldview. And only in the mid-30s did New Year's holidays revive again in our country and the Christmas tree was no longer considered a “bourgeois prejudice.”
Presenter 2:
And today the tree is again the main participant New Year's holiday in any home.
The Christmas tree came for our holiday. Here she is, in front of you - beautiful, elegant. And now we invite everyone to sing together in honor of our green guest a song that we all know well from childhood.
Presenter 1:
But the words to this song will be different - taking into account the fact that, unfortunately, we are all no longer children.
The words of the New Year's song about the Christmas tree for adults are on your tables. Take them in your hands, put them on, if you need glasses, gather your spirit and thoughts. And with feeling, lyrically, sometimes nostalgically, we sing a song about a Christmas tree!

(a song about a Christmas tree is sung)

A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest.
We sing, remembering our youth,
And youth has passed.

We no longer believe in fairy tales,
New Year's dreams.
And Santa Claus presents,
It doesn't bring us any.

We sang about the Christmas tree,
Every New Year.
And even though we've grown old,
But the Christmas tree lives.

Thank you, little Christmas tree,
That you were with us.
And a lot, a lot of joy,
Brought to us in life.

Presenter 1:
Well done! With the first task for children of age kindergarten you did well. We hope that our next tasks will not take you by surprise.
Presenter 2:
And remember that...
Those who will be more fun
Today in this room.
We will reward such people
Good prizes.
Presenter 1:
Happy New Year, with new happiness,
WITH new joy all of you.
Let it ring today
Songs, music and laughter!
It is for this that we propose to raise the next toast!

(drink and eat)

Presenter 1:
There is a legend. One day on New Year's Eve, Buddha called the animals and promised to reward them. 12 animals came to him: a mouse, a buffalo, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog, and a boar. All these animals received “possession” for a year. Presenter 2:
The Eastern horoscope believes that people born in the year of any animal receive the traits and character of that animal. And now we would like to check this.
To do this, we ask all those who were born in the year we are about to meet to come to us - the year of the dog.

(people born in the year of the dog come to the middle)

Presenter 1:
According to the eastern horoscope, those born in the year of the Dog are the most...

(a competition is being held. If there are a lot of “dogs”, then not everyone can be involved in the competition, but only 3-4 people. The winner needs to be awarded a prize. Prizes can also be awarded to other participants in this competition.)

Presenter 2:
Now we will test the intelligence of our “dogs”. And we will do it this way: while you are filling the glasses, the “dogs” will have to come up with words of congratulations for you and offer us the next toast.

(words of congratulations and a toast to the “dogs”)

Presenter 1:
New Year is the time for wishes to come true. These wishes can be very different, but we all want the coming year to be more joyful and happy.
In anticipation of a miracle, we read various horoscopes to find out what the stars tell us about the coming day. After all, a person is designed in such a way that he always wants to know about his past, present and future. This need especially increases on New Year's Eve. And now we want to satisfy your curiosity.
Only now, and only once, can you find out about your future fate.
One of you just has to gild my pen, and I will give you an accurate forecast about your future.
Presenter 2:
Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I invite everyone present to make a wish. Did you make a wish?
Now look at the back of your chair, there is a number there. Have you looked?
Remember it, since the fulfillment of your desire will largely determine it.
Having remembered the number that you got, remember the wish you made, and listen carefully to the forecast about whether your wish will come true or not.
Raise your hand who got the number 1.
Remember, you need to act boldly, decisively, riskily, assertively. All this is required to fulfill your desire. It can come true, but for this you will have to fight.
Number 2: Your wish will come true, which will undoubtedly bring you joy and a feeling of fullness of life. Moreover, nothing will interfere with the fulfillment of your desire.
Number 3: Stands for a clear “no.” The forecast advises you to refuse decisive action and not try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.
Number 4: The time has not yet come to fulfill your desire. You have to wait, and then perhaps it will come true.
Number 5: Indicates that you have every chance of getting what you want. This figure inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions to fulfill the plan.
Number 6: A categorical “no.” The path to fulfillment of desires is completely closed. What you want will not come true. But if you gild my pen again, then perhaps the forecast will be more favorable.
Number 7: Number of luck. But don't interpret it as a definite "yes" to your question. The forecast suggests that to fulfill your desire you will be given a wide range of opportunities, and extremely favorable ones. You will take full advantage of them if you show the will and moderate your conceit.
Number 8: What you wished for may come true, but provided that in achieving what you want, you do not act headlong, spontaneously. The voice of reason will give you the exact answer. Gossip and intrigue can interfere with your plans.
Number 9: This is “yes”, and the wish will be fulfilled without any effort. The forecast for you is such that there will be no obstacles to you on the way to achieving what you want.

(then the presenter selects 2-3 people from among those who thought of the number 9 and invites them to the microphone)

(guests talk about their desires)

Presenter 1:
If you are lucky today, may you be lucky in everything. Therefore, the following words of congratulations to your colleagues and a toast are yours.

(congratulations and toast to those who, according to the forecast, will come true)

(drink and eat)

Presenter 1:
And now it's time for another test. To do this, we invite one representative from each to come to the microphones. structural unit our team.

(representatives come to the microphone)

Presenter 2:
Dear friends, now you will all take part in a poetry competition. After all, every person is a poet at heart, even if he cannot come up with a single rhyme.
Presenter 1:
Don't be afraid, the poems have already been composed for you, you just need to come up with them last word. We will read poetry, and you name this word. Whoever names the words in rhyme faster, better and more will be the winner.
All people present at the table participate in the vote counting commission.
Are the terms of the competition clear? Then let's start:
To do makeup
Acquired by a beauty...(trellis)

Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown….(swim trunks)

I made all the girls fall in love with me at some point
Rybnikov in the comedy...(Girls)

One can and many jars
The thrush is taking her to... (market)

A milk carton burst
I flooded my trousers and...(jacket)

One blond guy wrote this for fun:
In the column, country of birth...(Angola)

Tell me, darling frankly,
Was it on your part... (betrayal)

In Lukomorye the cat decided
That he is local...(racketeer, rowdy, guard)

Grand stage and screen -

Once upon a time a new faith light
Lighted the Arabs... (Muhamed)

Scarier and more dangerous than a mine
For mountain climbers…(peak)

Publications are kept by the library
And dominoes and cards... (toy library)

I, as a karateka, will not calm down,
If they don’t give me a black one... (belt)

Both halves have already expired,
And on the scoreboard it’s still... (zeros)

To the sumo champion for the load
It's good to have a big...(belly)

The sports elite is happy
Another one is coming again...(Olympics)

The wolf, after watching football, finally decided:
“Like me, they are also fed...(legs).”

The peak was almost conquered,
But a snow (avalanche) got in the way.

Presenter 2:
The calculation showed that he won this competition.... He is awarded a prize and the honorable right to say words of congratulations and the next toast.

(congratulations and toast to the winner of the competition)

Presenter 1:
We laughed a lot and joked a lot,
But we completely forgot about one thing.
Who will say: what awaits us ahead, friends?
Who should come to the holiday immediately?

(those sitting at the table shout that these are Father Frost and Snow Maiden)

Presenter 2:
You are right, of course these are Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, without whom not a single New Year's Eve is complete.
But in order for them to come to us for the holiday, we must invite them. Considering that Santa Claus is already old, you need to call them together, and as loudly as possible.

(those sitting at the table shout “Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden” several times)

Presenter 1:
With wind, blizzard and snow
Gray-haired Santa Claus rushes with the young Snow Maiden.
Meet Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

(only one Snow Maiden appears in a very modern outfit)

Snow Maiden:
So...everything is already assembled, but for some reason my grandfather is not there yet.
Where's my cell phone? I need to call.

(takes out a regular phone from his bag)

Hello, is this the Zarya company? What? Not Zarya, why are you picking up the phone then? What? Did I dial the wrong number? Don't mess with my brains! Look for "Zarya"!
I dialed the number and will wait. So don’t drag your feet and give me Zarya.

Hello "Zarya"? Snow Maiden says. What do I want? I want to ask, who will I be working with today?
How to work where? At an evening with the staff of the College of Economics.
Where are they? Yes, they are sitting at the table, staring at me with all their eyes, as if they had never seen the Snow Maiden.
What? Will you send Santa Claus now? Why not Santa Claus? I'm somehow already tired of Santa Clauses.
What? Santa Clauses only for currency and everything is in great demand? Damn it, I didn’t have time again!
Well, okay, okay, let's at least have Santa Claus, but not quite the ancient one.

(Addresses those sitting at the table)

Wait a little, now my grandfather will dust himself off, and we will powder your brains. That is, we will entertain.

(Father Frost comes out, also dressed in a modern outfit)

Father Frost:
We haven't met for a whole year.
I missed you.
I would hug you all today
On this New Year's holiday.
Yes, I'm afraid there won't be enough hands...
Snow Maiden:
My grandfather is still that beetle!
Hey Frost, don't get carried away
Mind your own business.
Let's congratulate people
I want to drink quickly!
Father Frost:
New Year is knocking on the window,
Congratulations people!
Along a snowy path
I arrived at the desired hour.
I gave you blizzards as a gift,
Wind, sun and frost,
And the resinous smell of spruce,
And a whole cartload of hope.
Happy New Year to you friends,
Congratulations on the Christmas tree! I!
Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year,
We wish you a lot of happiness,
And we want it on the Christmas tree,
Instead of holiday animals,
There were many different
Half-liter bubbles.
To make Santa Claus smile,
Half-drunk, squinting my eyes,
The most delicious, the sweetest
I treated you to champagne.
Father Frost:
We wish you clear skies
And crystal air,
Twelve months of spring
And nothing sad!
Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness and joy!
Father Frost:
Everyone who is single should get married,
To everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about grievances.
Snow Maiden:
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom and rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny should become fatter
Too fat - lose weight.
Father Frost:
Too smart - become simpler,
Narrow-minded people need to wise up.
Snow Maiden:
To all gray hairs - to darken,
So that the hair on the top of the head becomes thicker,
like Siberian forests!
Father Frost:
For songs, for dancing
They never stopped talking.
In chorus:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
May trouble pass you by!

(raises a toast to the New Year)

Father Frost:
You've known me for a long time
We are old friends.
You meet at the holiday
Not the first year for me.
I'm a winter prankster grandfather
Naughty beyond his years
And so that the holiday is a success
I'll set the tone for him!

(a dance melody is played, performed by Father Frost, Snow Maiden and the guests whom they invite to be their partners)

Father Frost:
You've been waiting for this day for a long time,
Haven't seen each other for a whole year.
Stand up, friends,
All faster in a round dance.
With song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

(they lift all the guests from the table in a round dance around the tree)

Snow Maiden:
So that on a big holiday
It's more fun
We will walk in a round dance
Let's sing a song together.

(round dance around the tree)
(block of dances and competitions)

Presenter 1:
We played and had fun
And they did a great job
It was hard for all of us
It took us a lot of energy.
I need to rest a little
And eat at least a little.

(invite everyone to the table)

Part 2 of the feast

Presenter 1:
The postman goes to the neighbors again,
How rarely news sometimes comes to us.
But they say that on New Year's Eve
The hearts of relatives are always together.
Presenter 2:
New Year is a family holiday. Therefore, today we celebrate him among our colleagues, and tomorrow we will celebrate the New Year among our family and friends. Those who love and appreciate us no matter what.
Presenter 1:
So let's raise a glass to all our family and friends, and all together say such simple, but such exciting words that we say to each other only once a year: “Happy New Year to you! Happy New Happiness!”

(everyone says these words in unison)

Presenter 2:
For the happiness of our family, loved ones, and friends, we offer to drink a glass to the bottom. And then, no matter what the distance is between you and the people dear to you, your hearts will always be together.

(drink, eat)

Presenter 1:
And now we invite you to sing with us. Pay attention to the words of the song that are on your table. Let's try to do it all together.

(song performed to the tune of “Call me with you”)

Again from me the wind of good hopes
takes you away
Without leaving us even a shadow in return,
and he won't ask
Maybe we want to stay with you,
With yellow autumn leaves,
Happy summer dream.
But New Year comes
And the evil nights go away
We'll meet you again,
Whatever the path prophesies for us.
We will come to where you are
Draw the sun in the sky
Where are the broken dreams
They regain the power of heights.
Old year passed like a shadow
in the crowd of passers-by.
The last day will end
and you come.
You will give us joy without harboring resentment.
And loving as before,
we meet you again.
But New Year comes
And the evil nights go away
We'll meet you again
Whatever the path prophesies for us
We will come to where you are
Draw the sun in the sky
Where are the broken dreams
They regain the power of heights.

Presenter 1:
After such a soulful song, I came up with a toast.
Presenter 2:
Presenter 1:
Let's raise this toast so that our dreams always gain the power of heights. And may the New Year give us only joyful days!
Presenter 2:
To the chime of the clock, to the sounds of the waltz
We wish you again for the New Year,
Raise a glass to peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

(raises a toast)

(astrologer performs comic fortune telling)

Presenter 1:
And now dear friends, colleagues, let's warm up a little.
I suggest, without leaving the table, to play one ancient game, “FANTS”.
For a whole year you have been carrying out all sorts of orders from your immediate superiors, and now please carry out my, comic orders.
To simplify everything, we have already prepared forfeits. And everyone I ask about this now pulls out one piece of paper and completes the task that is written on it.

(He approaches those sitting at the table and asks them to take a forfeit. Everyone who takes a forfeit immediately completes the task.)

Tasks for forfeits:
1. Apologize to your neighbor and gain his (her) forgiveness
2. Kiss your neighbor (neighbor).
3. Explain to your deaf neighbor that you are very hungry.
4. Have a brotherhood drink with your neighbor.
5. Depict the flight of an eagle
6. Crow three times
7. Give (if you can) something to your neighbors.
8. Draw a picture of a child lost at the station.
9. Compliment your colleagues.
10. Solemnly say the phrase “I’ve been sitting at the table and drinking for four days.”
11. Depict how you eat last year’s cracker.
12. Shout in a scandalous voice: “I’m not some kind of guy, I’m decent!”
13. Sing your favorite song.
14. Express your love to your neighbor with your eyes or facial expressions
15. Try to persuade your neighbor to drink wine or vodka.
16. Offer a toast and wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Presenter 2:
Who do you think coped with the task, i.e., fulfilling the order better than anyone?

(Everyone chooses the most efficient colleague).

Presenter 1:
He is awarded the title of “the most efficient in college”, given a prize and given the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

(congratulations and toast to the winner of the game of forfeits))

Presenter 2:
And now we again invite representatives from different tables to the microphone.

(3-4 representatives come out)

Presenter 1:
You will sing with us now. Each of you will try to remember a verse of songs about the New Year, about winter, snow, blizzards and frosts - and begins to sing this verse. Those sitting at his table can sing along.
The conditions of the competition are clear, then we begin the song competition.
Dear viewers, only once, while traveling from Paris to Moscow, the best soloists of the La Scala Opera House will sing for you!

(a competition is held, the winner is determined, he is awarded a prize and given the floor for congratulations and a toast)

(words of congratulations and toast to the winner of the song competition)

Presenter 2:
In the days filled with New Year's worries, we still find time to look back at the path we have traveled and fix our gaze on tomorrow, an even more joyful and happy day. And therefore, today, on the eve of the New Year, I would like to conduct a small sociological survey of colleagues who came to the New Year's holiday.

(asks questions to people sitting at the table)

What good has the past year brought you?
What dreams and hopes do you have for the upcoming New Year?
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year holidays?
What would you like to wish your colleagues?

Presenter 1:
And now I ask everyone who just took part in a sociological survey and answered our questions so brilliantly to come to the microphone.

(survey participants come out and are given the floor for congratulations and a toast)

(congratulations and toast from the sociological survey participants)

Presenter 2:
Listen, (addressing 1 presenter) I want to tell you a funny story.
One Jew is asked: “Rabinovich, why do you look so haggard? You don’t have a face.”
“You see, I came to the hippodrome today, it was full of people. And at that time my shoelace came undone. I bent down to tie it, and suddenly someone put a saddle on my back.”
"So what"?
"Nothing. Came third."
Presenter 1:
After listening to your story, I realized that we probably need to announce a competition for the best joke. A prize awaits the most original storyteller.

(a competition of jokes is held, a prize is awarded to the winner and he is given the right to congratulate his colleagues and make the next toast)

(toast from the winner of the joke competition)

Presenter 1:
Good luck, without promising, I hope that the New Year
It will save you all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for something else, and I believe in it fervently,
That happiness awaits you all like never before.

(a toast is offered in a circle)

Presenter 2:
Dancing and games, songs and jokes
Games and dancing again and again
You've all had a little rest already
We invite you to dance again.

(block of dances and competitions)



Characters: Zoya Veselushkina, Pyotr Charodeev, Nikolai Non-Smokers, Leonid Non-Drinkers, Katerina Balabolkina, Father Frost, Snow Maiden.
The melody of the song “Snowflake” sounds (music by E. Krylatov. The presenters, the elegant Zoya Veselushkina and Pyotr Charodeev, dressed in a wizard’s costume, come out into the middle of the hall.)
In our hall there is a lot of space for jokes, games, dancing, songs! Peter: It’s elegant and beautiful here, the lights are shining playfully!
The Christmas tree has given everyone a rich aroma of pine!
I am immensely glad to see your perky, sweet look!
We promise you surprises and funny reprises!
Let's celebrate the New Year together without sadness and worries! Zoya:
A New Year's carousel is being started for you: Zoya Veselushkina
And Pyotr Charodeev!
As you know, a song brightens up any holiday.
And we have an unusual song - New Year's.
Veselushkina and Charodeev sing “New Year’s Song” to the tune of the song “Snowflake”.
New Year's song
1. When there is a snowstorm outside the windows And the night is longer than the day, The last sheet of the calendar Calls, cunningly beckoning. Pluck it and the New Year will come at the sacred hour. The chimes are about to strike 12 times throughout the country. 2. Secretly make wishes while the chimes are striking. In a magical moment at night, they give anyone a chance. The coming year will fulfill everything, just firmly believe in yourself; And there is no turning back to the past year now. Chorus: We will celebrate this holiday at the table In the circle of loved ones and friends. May the year be good and bright, May it give joy to our children, And may it give us all a happy string of days as soon as possible!
(to Charodeev): In my opinion, the beginning turned out just wonderful.
Yes. Everyone liked the song and they applauded us loudly. Zoya:
Now we need to play a fun game.
: Right. The game is called "Everything is the other way around." Game "Everything is the other way around"
The presenters say phrases, and the audience must answer “yes” or “no” regardless of the rhyme. - Just a joke, a festive bouquet. Do you need it? Of course... (Yes.) - At work we always Talk idle... (No.) - We have one secret, Will we reveal it?... (Yes.) - You guessed it without difficulty! Autumn is coming... (No.) - The hall is warmed with smiles, So there will be a holiday?.. (Yes.) - We will celebrate then, Let's say boredom together... (No.) - Santa Claus went to the buffet. Will we wait for him?.. (Yes.) - When will he return? Shall we scold Grandfather?.. (No.) - A very correct answer! Does Grandfather love us?.. (Yes.) - Does Grandfather sometimes forget gifts at home?.. (No.)
Peter, don’t you think that Santa Claus is actually delayed? He and his granddaughter Snegurochka should already be here. (Looks at his watch.)
Don't worry, Zoya, they will be in our hall now.
We'll have to loudly call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
We won’t call anyone loudly. This is an outdated way.
What then needs to be done? Peter:
You don't need to do anything. Leave me to cope with such an honorable mission. It’s not for nothing that I recently completed a wizard’s course.
Charodeev adjusts his suit and important look, spreading his arms, whispers something. As a result, nothing happens.
Peter, what were you whispering so earnestly?
Magic spell.
Let me know why?
So that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear in our hall now.
But for some reason they are not there. Maybe you mixed up the spell?
No, everything seems to have been done correctly. I want to admit that this is my first time practicing miracles, and I want to make a lot of surprises today.
Peter, maybe you can try again to create your first miracle?
With great pleasure!
Charodeev again tries to use his magical abilities, but in vain.
(discouraged): Unfortunately, nothing worked out for you again.
Don't be upset, Zoya. For the third time mine magic spell will definitely work.
Charodeev again spreads his hands and whispers a spell. The lights in the hall go out and drums begin to beat. Then the light turns on and everyone sees two men standing and looking at those around them in surprise.
(cheerfully): Oh, these are Nikolay Nesmoking and Leonid Nedrinking - our colleagues!
How did you end up here?
We wanted to know this ourselves.
We sat in reading room city ​​library, got acquainted with the latest press. (Shows the newspaper.)
Fresh press is good. We invite you to join in the general fun. Peter:
Please take your seats at the festive table!
(surprised): At the table?
We lead healthy image life.
We don't smoke. Leonid
: And we don’t drink.
Nobody offers you to smoke or drink.
And I see a subject with a cigarette.
And there is champagne on the tables.
Colleagues, let's not indulge in demagoguery. Better tell us something funny.
This is possible.
For example, I watched one musical on video, it’s called “Kolobok - a rich side”.
Lenya, maybe you can show it to everyone now?
Not a bad idea. Kolya! (To the hall.) Look at your health! Musical "Kolobok - a rich side"
Characters: Grandfather, Grandmother, Gingerbread Man, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox. (The actors are dressed in a modern way with elements of the costumes of their characters. Non-Smokers and Non-Drinkers alternate in the role of the presenter.) Presenter: Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Grandmother. (Grandfather and Grandmother come out and sing to the tune of the chorus of the song “Many, many” from the repertoire of the ABBA ensemble.) Grandfather and Grandmother’s song Money, money, money We saved. We have them! Poor, poor, poor We lived before, rather than now! Now the two of us will live together to be the envy of everyone! If there is a lot of money, we will avoid troubles!
Grandma, look how much money you and I have accumulated! Grandma:
Visible and invisible!
Grandma, I'm afraid that we might be robbed and iron door It won’t help, and neither will the bars on the windows.
: Where will we hide our money?
Bake them in Kolobok, no one will covet it for sure.
Well, Grandfather, you came up with this idea. I'll bake it now. (Imitates that he is baking.)
Grandma baked Kolobok. (Kolobok comes out and sings to the tune of a verse of the song “Bouquet” from the repertoire of A. Barykin.)
Kolobok's Song
I've become cool! There is no one richer than me! I'm stuffed to the brim with money! I was lucky - Rich relatives! She guessed my appetite!
It turned out to be a cool Kolobok!
: Kolobok is a rich side!
Now you can sleep peacefully! (Grandfather and Grandmother leave.)
Kolobok became bored. He decided to have fun. He left the apartment, and the Drunk Hare was walking towards him. (The Hare comes out and sings to the tune of a verse of the song “Yesterday” from the repertoire of the Beatles ensemble.)
Song of the Hare
I didn't drink. I haven't had a drink since tonight. I haven't gotten my throat wet yet. I feel very, very sorry for myself. Where to find it? Where can I find money for a bottle? Maybe I should go visit someone and quickly drown my sadness?..
Kolobok, come hang out with me for company.
Why shouldn’t I get over my hangover? I’ll get over my hangover!
(joyfully): Then you have a bottle!
: I bought a bun of expensive wine, drank it with the Hare, blushed and moved on. Suddenly, the Robber Wolf turns around the corner.
(The Wolf appears and sings to the tune of the song “And I recognize my dear one by his gait” from the repertoire of G. Sukachev.) Song of the Wolf
And I recognize a fraer by his gait. My gaze attracted him to Pocket. I will be glad to have such an unheard-of find - This fraer will give me a wallet!
Life or wallet?! (Puts a pistol at the kolobok’s side.)
(scared): Life. Wolf: Then you'll have to fork out the cash!
Kolobok paid the Wolf a large sum of money. The wolf was happy and released Kolobok. Kolobok goes further and sees a casino.
The Sharpie Bear approaches Kolobok.
(The Bear comes out and sings to the tune of the chorus of the song “For lovely ladies!” from the repertoire of M. Shufutinsky.) The Bear’s Song
I love to play cards - I can’t take away the talent for that! I'll fool the simpleton by playing poker with him, playing the fool! I've been an expert in cards since childhood! I'm more of a sharper than a gambler, But no one even knows about all this!
Kolobok, I see you are a cool guy! Shall we play cards?
(cheerfully): Let's play!
: Then money's on the table!
: Kolobok lost a lot of money to the Bear and sadly wandered away... Out of nowhere, a prostitute Fox appears in front of him.
(Lisa appears and sings to the tune of the chorus of the song “Toy” from the repertoire of I. Allegrova.)
Song of the Fox
Where are you, dear passer-by? I will warm you and save you. Appear, my good, my dear, Appreciate the countless beauty. With me you will forget about everything, even about your beloved wife. You will know why I am worth it, Having now desired me alone, me alone. Fox:
Kolobok, do you want to have a nice time?
: Wish.
Then come with me. (Takes Kolobok by the arm and leads him out of the hall.)
The bun squandered the last money and returned back to Grandfather and Grandmother for new luggage.
A very instructive story.
Thank you for showing the musical!
Let's go, Lenya, celebrate the alcohol-free New Year.
With great joy!
The Non-Smokers and Non-Drinkers leave wishing everyone a Happy New Year.
What a good feast we have, everything is according to etiquette!
Zoya, let's cancel etiquette for a while?
(surprised): Peter, don’t you like table etiquette?
Of course I like it. I just wanted to hold a competition called “Gluttons.” Competition "Gluttons"
Two participants in the competition are asked to demonstrate eating salad in a way that does not comply with etiquette. The audience chooses the winner with applause, i.e. whoever empties his plate funniest.
Peter, can you perform magic tricks?
Of course! I graduated from wizard courses!
Charodeev shows tricks. As a result of his last trick, he ends up with rubber gloves with small holes at the end of each finger.
Oops, rubber gloves! Peter, what are you going to do with them?
Hold another competition! Competition "Milkmen"
4 contestants are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a rubber glove filled with water: one holds the glove, the other squeezes water out of each finger. The couple that quickly milks the water from their glove wins.
A wonderful competition, but it reminded me more of autumn with rain than New Year.
I read your thoughts, Zoya, and now I will do what you want!
Charodeev spreads his hands and whispers a magic spell. The lights in the hall go out and drums begin to beat. Then the lights turn on and everyone sees a smartly dressed girl with curlers in her hair.
Peter, I was thinking about the Snow Maiden, and not about our employee Katerina Balabolkina.
I don’t understand how she ended up here? (Shrugs shoulders.)
(quick speech): I don’t understand anything either: I was just standing in front of the mirror at home, getting ready to go here for a holiday, and suddenly I found myself there, I didn’t even have time to take off my curlers. (Takes off the curlers and places them under the tree.)
You, Katerina, are always late.
Better late than never! Tell me, how did I get into this room?
: Pyotr Charodeev tried. He's a wizard now.
True, I cast a magic spell on the Snow Maiden, and for some reason you appeared. Katerina
(ironic): This can only happen with a half-educated wizard, like the one from one famous song! Zoya:
Let's not criticize each other, let's have fun instead.
: I love this very much!
Then tell us a funny story.
Now I’ll tell you - either stand or fall! Monologue "Blonde Wig"
I met a man. He is such an intellectual, in general, very literate. He invited me to the theater for an operetta. Of course, I immediately agreed. I spent the whole day picking out a dress. Finally, I got dressed up, but the neighbor came in and didn’t recognize me. A beauty, she says, she looks just like Marilyn Monroe, only with dark hair. But she quickly solved this problem - she brought her new blond wig. On the street, passers-by look at me in fascination, and on the subway one pensioner noticed that I looked like the idol of his youth, whose name he forgot. I suggested the name of the idol to him and the pensioner enthusiastically agreed. So I got to the theater. My intelligo with flowers stands, worries, casts an admiring glance at me, but does not approach. Just think, what a modest person he was! In general, I approached him myself and said hello. What a bewilderment he was, you should have seen! He mumbled dumbfoundedly: “Hello.” And I reminded you that it was time to take your seats in the hall. For some reason my intellectual began to look around, but not seeing anyone, he agreed. There was no line at the cloakroom. My gallant gentleman politely offered his services, helping me take off my cloak. I suddenly felt like a true Marilyn Monroe and, enchanted, freed myself from the headdress that my neighbor had rented. The wardrobe attendant stared at me strangely, but she completed her mission. Here my intellect changed bewilderment to joy, as if he saw an old acquaintance in me. His behavior seemed incomprehensible to me, but I didn’t show it. The overture was playing in the hall. We took our seats according to the tickets and began to enthusiastically watch the operetta. During the intermission, walking in the foyer, I looked at myself in the mirror (it should be noted that I did this for the first time during my entire stay at the theater) and discovered a terrible fact - there was no wig on my head! I began to think about what excuse I would give to my neighbor. My gentleman seemed not to notice anything and was, as before, courteous. When, at my request, he went to the buffet for chocolate, I immediately went down to the wardrobe. The wardrobe attendant handed me a cloak and... a wig. And I thought that it was stolen: somehow removed from my head during the operetta. I stuffed the wig into my bag and ran out of the theater. Then I didn’t care at all about the sophisticated intellect. That evening I firmly decided never to wear a wig again in my life - for the first and last time! My gentle boyfriend called the next day and said that I was charming, mysterious and unpredictable. To all this, he also added that he loves various surprises and invited me to the ballet. It turns out that the wig came in handy after all!
Indeed - either stand or fall!
And what funny things happen to lovers!
That's for sure! Tell me, presenters, are there dances planned at the celebration today?
Of course they are planned.
Their time has now come.
: Then let's dance!
Dancing. After dancing to the sounds of fanfare, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.
Finally, Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka came to us!
We've already been waiting for you! Snow Maiden:
We are always glad to come to you on New Year's holiday! We have walked a lot of paths with Grandfather today.
Father Frost:
But snowdrifts have never been an obstacle. Every year we rush to a place where we are very welcome!
After a long journey, you need to rest. (Seats guests on chairs near the Christmas tree.)
And at this time we will listen to family verses!
A woman and a man perform verses to the tune of the song “My Darling.”
Family verses 1. My dear, Let's go home quickly. There, in your native mansions, you will be happy with me. My dear, why did I get married? It's very boring at home, there's only you there. 2. My dear, then let's not go home. Let's take a walk at night. It's like you're single. My dear, I have not been a boy for a long time, To walk arm in arm and look at you. 3. My dear, Let's go to the cinema. The film there is interesting. Watching is not prohibited. My dear, I’m not an idol, - Sit in one place and look at the screen. 4. My dear, then let's go to the forest. Let's have fun and sing a song. My dear, go there yourself and have fun if you want. Stay there forever. 5. My dear, let's go to the restaurant. Together you and I will take a break from everything. Get off, wife! You got me! There are enough cute ones in the restaurant without you!
The man grabs the presenter and the Snow Maiden by the arms and leads them away from the audience. The woman, waving her hand, takes her place among the spectators.
Father Frost:
Where did he take my granddaughter? Peter:
Don’t worry, Grandfather Frost will bring you back soon, but in the meantime we’ll hold a competition called “What are you standing there, swinging...”! Father Frost:
I know a lot of competitions, but I’ve never heard of this one.
This is a very funny competition!... (Gathers the contestants from the audience and addresses them.) You have to compose one verse at a time, the first line should begin the same way: “Why are you standing, swaying...” For example: Why are you standing, swaying, Like a blade of grass in May? I've been riding all day, That's right, you're on a tram. Or here’s another: Why are you standing there, swaying, you bug-eyed fool? If I drank a little, I would say so right away. Competition “Why are you standing, swinging...”
Each competitor is given a piece of paper and a pen. (Dances are held during the process of composing verses.) Contestants are allowed to use the help of dancers. Then the newly created creations are performed to the tune of the song “Thin Rowan”. The winners of the competition are determined by applause.
The presenter and the Snow Maiden appear in the hall.
Father Frost:
Granddaughter, you missed one very interesting competition.
Snow Maiden:
I think that my game will seem no less interesting to everyone, it will help you instantly get rid of unnecessary problems.
Game “Extra Problems” Everyone present in the hall is given a piece of paper and a pen. Everyone writes down their problems and places the folded piece of paper on the leader’s tray. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden set fire to the contents of the tray with the help of burning candles.
Snow Maiden:
Now all of you have gotten rid of your problems that remained in the old year.
Father Frost:
And since the old year says goodbye to you, it means that the New Year begins without unnecessary problems.
The phonogram “Chime” sounds. The presenters pour champagne into glasses.
Snow Maiden:
Champagne flows like a river, filling glasses. Let's raise them for the New Year, without wasting a moment! May he bring you, friends, Health, a lot of laughter, Prosperity in the family, Success in all matters! Santa Claus: Let's celebrate the New Year with a cheerful, kind look. It’s so good that we are all gathered here now! Lovely smiles from the heart There is nothing more beautiful! The New Year has come to us, friends, and with it love and happiness!
Everyone present drains their glasses and the feast begins...
Our New Year's carousel is picking up speed! Let's keep having fun! Game "Funny handkerchiefs"
Players are divided into 2 teams, each forming a circle. Players stand one after another and receive a handkerchief. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, they begin to tie handkerchiefs to those in front: the second to the first, the third to the second... the first to the last. At the same time, those in front should stand with their backs to those who are tying the scarf and not straighten it. The team that completes the task first wins, and the way the players are wearing handkerchiefs is also assessed. (It is possible that this game will be a draw.)
And now I will ask those who know funny phrases to come to me.
Competition "Funny phrase" 2 teams participate in the competition. Competitors are given newspapers, scissors, glue, brushes and a landscape sheet. Cheerful music is playing. Contestants look through newspapers, cut out signs, words or individual letters from them, compose some funny phrase and paste it onto a landscape sheet. The team that turns out to be the most agile and witty wins.
Snow Maiden:
A competition has begun for those who love surprises!
Competition "Surprises"
The contestants are taken out of the hall and a sign with an inscription is attached to each person’s back (for example: juicer, orange, crocodile, double bass, etc.). The surprise for the contestants will be that none of them knows who he is at the moment (what is written exactly on his sign). The contestants, in order of priority, enter the hall, sit on a stool with their backs to the audience and begin asking them questions about what is written on their signs. The audience responds with “yes” or “no.” The winner is the one who, in a short period of time, can find out who he was during the competition.
Father Frost:
The New Year's carousel spun so quickly that my granddaughter and I were about to melt. It's time for us to take a walk through the snow-covered streets and squares. Snow Maiden:
But before we go, Grandpa and I want to give you all a fireworks display of snowflakes with New Year's wishes. Z
plays the phonogram of a song about the New Year performed by the group “Disco “Avaria”. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden scatter snowflakes across festive table, say goodbye and leave. The evening ends with dancing.



How can you not have fun now?

From pleasant things, from troubles,

The snow outside is sparkling,

New Year is coming!

We have been waiting for the holiday for a long time

And the house is full of guests,

He walks through the darkness and distance,

The one that we have known since childhood!

Others feel melancholy and boredom,

We don't need sadness

So much light, so much sound

I don’t understand how to be sad here!

At midnight he comes,

A fairy tale brings us joy,

He gets everyone around playing,

This glorious New Year!

Those who don't like holidays

They're resting, so be it

But this evening we

Let's drive away sadness forever!

I sing for you today,

And believe me friends,

This New Year's Eve,

You came here for a reason!

Crystal ringing and lyrical music sounds.


We have gathered today in this hall,

To congratulate everyone, hurray, hurray!

Look, is there anything in the glass?

For last year It's time to drink!

Let's forget about worries,

About flu, colds, headaches,

About the fact that work stresses us out,

There is no extra zero added to the salary...

Let's drink, let the wine sparkle,

Pour me some champagne quickly,

And let only good things happen in the New Year,

And only happiness will greet you at the door!

The host takes a glass of champagne from the table and walks around the guests.

As soon as she has walked around everyone, cheerful music begins to play and a strange couple, Zina and Vanya, “barges” into the hall, they look like alcoholics, but with a touch of nobility.

Miniature for V. Vysotsky’s song “Oh Van, look at the clowns.”

New remade songs, song parodies


Oh, Van, look at the audience,

There's probably a holiday going on here,

Well, someone give me half a bagel,

Or maybe someone will splash?


Well, do you remember here, Zin,

For a birthday, shame on one,

I drank perfume like a master

Well, really, Zin!


You, Van, are running into rudeness,

Why is all this in front of people?

You are also gaining perfume,

I look, and you’re already on your eyebrows!

But with people it’s not like that at all,

They only eat for a nickel,

And you eat like a fool,

Don't be offended, that's how it is!


You, Zin, are on the verge of being rude!

That's it, Zin, you try to offend,

Just the way you tumble,

I’ll come, sit with the men!

How can I ask you,

So everyone is distant relatives,

And my brother-in-law was actually Georgian,

Aren't you ashamed, Zin?


You, Van, have already noted for this,

I've been wearing glasses for a month now.

It hit me in the eye, as if aiming

As soon as I remember, I’m shaking all over again!

Well, what about Georgians, what about Georgians,

And remember all your cousins?

How to remember is such a shame,

And you all: “Zin.”


Come on, Zin, let's not quarrel,

After all, the holiday is still going on here,

Look how they are all arguing,

Maybe someone else will pour it!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

All your guests are good,

Well, everything is as usual with us,

let's go then...

During the miniature they work with the public, have drinks and snacks, Zina hides everything they give her in her bag.


It’s good that most women look and behave completely differently! And men appreciate them very much for this.

Competition “What I like about this woman.”

5 men and 5 women are called from the hall. The men sit on chairs in a row, and in front of each one a woman dances an oriental dance. After the dance, the man is asked: “What do you like about this woman?” The man answers.

And then the presenter says that the man must kiss the woman in the place that he liked!

After this the music block begins.

The presenter invites you to the competition “Sign of a temperamental man”

They call five men, seat them in a row and ask them to sit cross-legged, with the leg on top being asked to roll up their trousers so that their bare leg is visible.

In this form, every man should utter a temperamental dialogue, such a congratulation that the Snow Maiden begins to melt!

After all the men have flashed their intelligence and wit, the presenter says:

“In fact, the competition was the most hairy leg! and evaluates the winner precisely according to this criterion!


We present to your attention lucky horoscope for New Year 2012!

After this there is a music block, a disco and the appearance of Santa Claus.

Happy New Year! Happy New Happiness!

Be cheerful and healthy!

The year will fly by very quickly,

Option 1

Small preparations before the start of the celebration:
- you need to purchase several inexpensive souvenirs (as many as there will be guests + 4…5 pieces extra, just in case);
- you need to prepare lottery tickets, they can be printed on a computer, on the lottery ticket you can depict a New Year’s drawing, for example a snowflake and the inscription Lottery ticket No. 0001. There should be as many numbers as there will be guests + a dozen more;
- you need to make a piggy bank, for this you can take an ordinary metal coffee can with a plastic lid, make a slot in it for coins, glue a copy of a ruble bill or dollar bill and the inscription “Piggy Bank” on tape;
- warn everyone to have spare change; if the team is rich in money, then decide on the amount of contributions yourself;
- before entering the hall where the New Year celebration will take place, the host places a “piggy bank”, and each person entering puts a few coins or bills into the jar and receives a lottery ticket, it is necessary to explain to everyone that this piggy bank with money will go to one of the guests at the end evening (it is better if the presenter writes down the number of the lottery ticket for himself on a piece of paper, who got it, this will later be useful to him during the evening);
- the competitions given in the script can be replaced with others that you like better.

Dear colleagues! Let's open the champagne, pour it into glasses and listen to me for a while.

There are many wonderful holidays,
Each one comes in its own turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
The best holiday is New Year!
He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
The New Year fills the heart with mysterious and austere beauty!
Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing
My love is the spark of all my deeds.
My first toast is to your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For all the moments I spent with you,
For the joy of meetings that awaits us -
For a thirst that knows no quenching!

(we have a drink and a snack)

Celebrating the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words"Happy New Year! Happy new happiness!” we say them with special feeling, because they can only be said once a year. And this “once a year” has finally come. And this opportunity to speak out and congratulate all of us is given to our “beloved leader” Pal Palych.

(a fiery, exciting speech is made, after which everyone takes a long snack)

Dear friends, colleagues, today we have an unusual evening, today is the evening of receiving congratulations, surprises and winnings. You have all received a lottery ticket, the drawing of lottery tickets will begin immediately from the very beginning of the evening. But I have a few more lottery tickets that I offer to buy for everyone, the money from the sale of the ticket goes into the general “Piggy Bank”. In addition, I want to announce to everyone that whoever does not want to participate in any competitions, or will suggest to other participants in the competition the correct answers, or will behave too indecently during the evening, he will be immediately punished with a fine in the amount (which install it yourself), which will immediately go into the common treasury.

The presenter begins to sell lottery tickets, which may not be enough; in my experience, there are a lot of people who want them, especially if the price is reasonable. Immediately after the end of sales, the host continues to lead the evening:

Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle,
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night you can’t live without smiles,
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy New Year friends!

And now we will arrange a shower of smiles in this hall. Now we will start the “Merry New Year's Lottery”. The following ticket numbers are declared winners (here and below you need to know what ticket number someone has):
- let’s say ticket numbers 0001, 0010, 0020, 0030 - these are all participants in the next competition;
- ticket No. 0002 - wins the right to be called a judge of all today's competitions and competitions (he is awarded a prize - a carnival mask so that he will not be recognized when he judges);
- ticket No. 0011 - wins the right to make a New Year's toast after this competition, in the meantime he is given the opportunity to prepare for such a great honor for him - to wish everyone a Happy New Year! (he is awarded a prize, for example a pocket calendar for the next year);
- bits No. 0003, 0021, 0031 (depending on the number of tables) - are appointed by the main stewards of the tables at which they sit, their responsibility is to ensure that their neighbors always have full glasses and plates, to all of them and torches in their hands (all they are awarded prizes - sparklers);
- ticket No. 0004 is announced by the main disc jockey of the evening, his duty is to announce musical breaks and dances, and if there is a need, for example, to monitor the music center;
- ticket No. 0025 is announced by the chief banker, he is given our piggy bank for temporary storage, and he is obliged to monitor the replenishment of the piggy bank.

Anyone who is dissatisfied or does not agree with the announced winning ticket numbers is allowed only once, and only now to exchange their tickets with other participants; in the future, exchanges of tickets will be punished to the fullest extent of the law of the table, evening. The remaining winnings will be announced later, please save your tickets until the end of the evening.

The first three participants in the competition are already known, they will now try to win the prize.
So, COMPETITION “The Enchanted Glass”
The presenter invites all participants in the competition to pour full glasses and says: “I will now enchant these glasses. I can hold one or even two glasses in my hands at the same time, as many as I want, but any of you will not be able to cope with this task and will throw them or put them on the table before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not move.”
Next, the presenter “speaks the glasses” and gives them to the competition participants. Then the countdown begins: “One, two... And I’ll say three tomorrow.” Naturally, no one will hold it until tomorrow
The presenter continues:
Well, since you couldn’t hold it, then I hope you can have a drink? Whoever had ticket number 0011, I hope you are prepared to make the toast that you deserve with the right to win.

(a toast is made and everyone drinks)

Attention: Armenian Radio says: “The program for the deaf has ended!”

Without promising complete success, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for Drugov, and I believe in it fervently,
What awaits us all now is something that has never happened before.

And the continuation of the “Merry New Year’s Lottery” awaits us. Whoever has ticket No. 0004 has won a prize. Come out here and try to take the prize, if of course you manage to take it. (The game is as follows: A prize, for example, a chocolate Santa Claus, an apple, a candy, is placed on the edge of the table and covered with a paper cap, but it is possible without a cap, and the participant is given his back to the prize, he is blindfolded. Then he takes a few steps (for example 5) turns around the axis, goes for the prize and tries to take it. You can complicate the competition procedure and replace the prize with a glass of vodka, which he must take, and someone must hold the glass on the table so that the contestant does not drop it. continues until someone participating in the next lottery ticket numbers wins a prize.
The winner is given the floor.

Dear friends, the evening continues. I ask for a little attention! Let's continue the lottery draw. Now we will find out the happiest participants in the next competition. We won tickets No. 0006, 0007, 0012, 0013, 0022, 0023. I suggest holding a little game entitled “AND I AM THE SMARTEST”
The presenter attaches a piece of paper the size of a matchbox to each person’s forehead or hair using an ordinary paper clip. The name of an animal, insect, bird, or fish is written on a piece of paper. Everyone can see what is written by others, but not by themselves. Players take turns asking each other questions and must guess who he is based on the answer. The answers can only be “YES” or “NO”. Having heard “YES”, you can ask another question, and having heard “NO” the word goes to another participant in the competition. The one who guessed correctly leaves the game and watches the others. At the end of the game, the winner is announced - the one who guessed first. He is awarded a more significant prize, the rest are given consolation prizes.
The loser is punished by congratulating everyone and making a toast.

Dear colleagues, if the alcohol suddenly runs out, we will stop respecting each other - it was a joke. I know my limits: I fell, that’s enough, and the degree of intoxication depends on the frequency of raising the glass and does not depend on the amplitude - this is also a joke. Well, that's enough jokes for now, let's move on to serious matters, to the QUESTORINE “AH LUCKY”
The essence of the game:
A question is asked and several answers to it, and only one is correct. Everyone begins to answer, the judge judges, Whoever named the correct answer, the chief banker gives a candy wrapper or candy, whoever collects the most candy wrappers or candy is the winner.
The answer to the questions "BALAAM'S DONKEY", or they with *:
1. What is the name of the dish made from whipped yolks with sugar?
V. Gogol – Mogol*
W. Herzen - Perzen
B. Pushkin – Mushkin
R. Bryullov – Murlov

2. Who was jumping under the Christmas tree in the forest?
W. Wolf - clicking teeth
A. Gray Bunny*
J. Santa Claus
L. Sober forester

3. Andrey Cherkizov hosted the program on NTV:
D. Snake Day
R. Year of the Alligators
L. Hour of the Bull*
M. The Age of Maggot

4.What clothes did Schelenberg wear to the service?
b. Dress uniform
X. Field overalls
A. Civilian suit*
Y. House robe

5. How does Lermontov Borodino begin?
A. Tell me uncle*
SH. Shut up, auntie
G. Over to you, Comrade Mauser
Yu. Shut up, all of you.

6. What did the Englishman Francis Drake, who made the second trip around the world in history, do “part-time”?
M. Piracy*
WITH. Scientific experiments in Zoology
A. helping the aborigines
I. Testing new guns

7. What is “ZGO” and the expression “not visible not OGI”?
V. Star in the sky
Z. Lonely tree
O. Ring on a horse arch*
N. Light in the distance

8. Winston Chertill usually drank cognac on the day:
O. 75 grams
S. 150 grams
L. Half a liter
B. One liter*

9. The famous “Tsar’s Mound” is located in Crimea near the city:
A. Kerch*
I. Feodosia
Y. Bakhchisarai
E. Balaklava

10. What was Cheburashka made of, according to his own admission?
N. From a bottle
O. Made of wood*
U. From fur
T. Made of plastic

11. For ... (how many) rooms is there only one toilet? (According to V. Vysotsky)
F. 28
Ya 29
E. 39
S. 48*

12. The first nuclear bomb was called:
R. Fatty
A. Dorothy
L. Malysh*
W. Ann

13. Observation of village girls helped create a vaccine against smallpox:
P. Vegetable growers
K. Needlewomen
I. Milkmaids*
L. Pig farms

14. The modern local name of this river is “El Bahor”. What about the generally accepted one?
A. Amazon
I. Indus
K. Congo
Ts. Neil

15. Which of the stage stars replaced the “burning” surname with this cold pseudonym?
A. Alexander Ostuzhev * (there used to be a Fire, and when they shouted “Fire on stage,” panic began among the audience)
N. Vera Kholodnaya
T. Tatyana Snezhnaya
M. Mikhail Zimin

(you can add your own questions, for example: 1. In which office does the head of the company sit? 2. What was the last name of such and such an employee before she got married? etc.)

After summing up, the winner is announced, he is given a small souvenir and given the floor. The presenter announces: “We will now check with what words our respected (may_ erudite) can please us. Pour him (her) a drink and everyone else too.


Hear, the music started again:
This is the beginning of Dance Friends!
Fun and joy sparkles everywhere
Let each of you spin in a waltz!

The floor is given to our “Disc Jockey”.
(The music director wishes everyone a Happy New Year and invites them to a break.)


During the break, additional competitions are held.


Dear guests, I ask everyone to come to the table. Our treasurer will keep track of who did not sit down at the table, and also monitor the replenishment of our “Piggy Bank:.
Dancing is a strain on your legs, now let’s give your head and arms some work. It is necessary to replenish the expenses incurred by each of you during the break. While everyone is pouring glasses, we will continue drawing our lottery. So we won lottery tickets No. 0007, 0009, 0016. 0017, 0024, 0026, 0027, 0028. I’ll ask everyone to leave the table and come to me. Of the six participants, 4 are selected, two men and two women, the remaining are declared understudies, and help the referee judge the game. The game is called “WHERE TO INVEST MONEY AND WHERE TO GET MONEY.”
The essence of the game:
The presenter prepares the props in advance, i.e. money is printed on paper of two colors, for example white and blue, on a copier, for example 10 ruble bills, in the amount of 20 pieces of each color (the bills can be replaced with candy wrappers). The selected 4 players are paired. Women are given banknotes, each of a different color. They count them, both of them should have the same number. Their task is to open jars, not glass ones of course, and as many as possible. Men will serve as banks, i.e. their clothing - pockets, lapels, collars, linen, etc. You can only put one bill in each bank (let's say a pocket). Women must place as many bills as possible into their partner within 1 minute, with one bill in that space. The presenter begins the countdown: three, two, one, started, and the judge marks the time on the clock. After a minute, the game stops and the number of bills each woman has left in her hands is counted. The game continues. The women change places. Within 1 minute they must find the hidden bills, i.e. search the other partner. Based on the results of the competition, the winner is announced and awarded a prize; the rest of the participants are also awarded prizes, but of lesser value.

The word for congratulations goes to the best Banker.

Everyone drinks and eats

I wish that Santa Claus brings you a bag of joy,
Another bag - with laughter, and let the third one - with success!
You put your sadness, your melancholy in his bag
Let him collect everything and take it away as quickly as possible!

While Santa Claus takes away your melancholy and sadness, we will continue the lottery draw. Won another ticket No. 0033. Now our winner will take part in the next competition and try to win the prize. The competition is called “THREE FWAZES”

The essence of the game:
The presenter announces: “If you can repeat after me three phrases, any, word for word, you will receive a prize! Are you ready? Let's start."
- the first phrase - “What a wonderful evening today.” The player must repeat word for word.
- second phrase = “You are simply beautiful”, while the presenter does not behave confidently, and after the player says this phrase, the presenter joyfully throws up his hands and says: “So you lost!” This was the third phrase that the player had to repeat. Players most often make mistakes and ask what they did wrong and lose. The player is awarded a prize if he wins, or a consolation prize if he loses.

The word for the ceremonial speech is presented to the lucky one (or the unfortunate loser),

At the end of my program, I want to offer one more competition, everyone should take part in this competition. The competition is called “PIGGY BANK”, or “GREED”

The essence of the game:
Take a common piggy bank filled during the evening. Anyone who believes that he is generous in soul, likes to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts (meaning monetary and other promises) before the New Year should throw a coin of 1 kopeck or more into the piggy bank, no matter how much he doesn’t mind.
A banker with a piggy bank goes around everyone and collects tribute. The presenter announces that this piggy bank will now be drawn, and it will go to the one who guesses how much money is in it. The winner will be declared by the one who says the closest number to the amount in the piggy bank.
Each participant names approximately the amount that may end up in the piggy bank. The judge writes down the named amounts on a piece of paper. The banker counts the contents of the piggy bank. The judge and presenter announce the winner after meeting and reviewing the numbers named by the participants.

The presenter offers the winner the floor for congratulations, and relieves himself of the duties of toastmaster. Then the evening continues according to an unplanned scenario with breaks for dancing until you drop.

It is very important to choose funny and modern scenarios for a corporate party, because this is a bright and long-awaited event on the eve of the New Year. And then, during the New Year's celebration, we will not only treat ourselves to salads and raise table toasts. Let's show a little imagination, dilute the traditional plan of collective gatherings with funny scenes, ditties, and dances. Funny scenarios for the New Year 2019 will help unite and involve the entire team in the celebration. And no one will be bored!

Santa Claus must be present at the New Year's holiday. This is the constant symbol of the New Year, which wishes us happiness and inspires us to next year. He comes not alone, but together with his granddaughter Snegurochka. :))

An adult holiday is significantly different from a children's holiday; at a New Year's corporate party there is no need to read poetry under the Christmas tree. :)) Here you will need to actively participate in competitions, answer funny questions, accept funny gifts, laugh and have fun.

In previous articles, we looked at how to beautifully congratulate your colleagues on the New Year and. These wishes are perfect for a corporate event!

Funny and modern corporate party scenario for the New Year

Corporate event – ​​celebrating the New Year with the people you work with every day. Usually on this holiday, any organization throws a party to celebrate the end of the past working year and to unite the team. To do this, you can invite professional actors, or you can do it on your own and assign certain roles to your colleagues - it will be much more interesting and fun.

The appearance of Santa Claus may be expected, or it may be sudden. He should greet everyone with cheerful wishes and words.

Greetings could be something like this:

We wish you a Happy New Year, as usual!

With happiness and new health!

We would like to give you some good mood on this holiday!

Well done to you! You are beautiful girls!

The presenters do not necessarily have to be Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, it can be any interested artistic person.

It is he who will organize entertainment - dances, competitions, riddles, songs, skits.

When conducting a corporate event, it is advisable to use poems, proverbs, and sayings. They will put everyone in a cheerful mood, a feeling of celebration:

Snow falls quietly outside the window on New Year's Day

Let there be joy and laughter at our table!

May brilliant success await you in any business!

And happiness will enter your bright home without hindrance!

I wish Santa Claus

I brought you a bag of joy,

Another bag - with laughter,

And the third - so that with success!

Your sadness, your melancholy

Put everything in his bag.

Let him collect it all and

Girls or men dress up in Babok-Ezhek. You can use scarves, long skirts, brooms. Just the sight of these fairy-tale characters will make everyone die laughing!... :)) Grandmothers-Hedgehogs sing ditties fervently (Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:)) You can even take each other’s broom - it’s funnier that way :)) ! The phrase “Sing, don’t talk” can be replaced with “Drink, don’t talk!” :))

Stretch your furs, accordion,
Eh, play and play,
Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka,
Sing, don't talk.

I was tipsy
And flew on a broom,
Even though I don’t believe it myself
These superstitions.

I walked along the forest side,
The devil is following me
I thought the man
What the hell.

I turned home
The devil is coming after me again
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil.

The most harmful of people
This is a villain storyteller,
What a skilled liar he is,
It's a shame it doesn't taste good.

Stretch your furs, accordion,
Eh, play and play,
Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka,
Sing don't talk.

Or you can completely remake the words of this well-known song:

Funny ditties of Babok-Ezhek remade

Stretch the fur accordion,
Let's sing the song loudly,
We'll tell you everything a little bit,
If only I could catch up with everyone:

1. We have a large team,
Likes to relax his soul,
We're having fun,
We don’t know complexes!

2. The best character -
This is our director!
The awards are beautiful
Gives it to the team!


3. We have a service manager
Simply super-top class,
Let's clap our hands
He's good for us!

4. And our sales department
I managed to do a lot of things,
Let's say in short,
They work until the night!


5. We have a service bureau
Sometimes it seems fragile
Attracts clients
Closing outfits!

6. Have a blast
Ours are all accountants,
We're at work
Everything is held in high esteem!


Stretch the fur accordion,
Let's sing the song loudly,
We'll tell you everything a little bit,
If only I could catch up with everyone:

7. And we have mechanics
Everything will be done for you in an hour,
They will cure the car -
Change the tire!

8. When hiring
They have one concern -
Selects personnel
Our best HR department!

9. There is one more verse
About our warehouse men,
Let's dance with them today
New Year's dance!


10. Stop singing songs,
It's time for everyone to pour, drink some money Yozhki
They love a little bit!

11. They sang this song to you,
We continue our banquet. Everyone really agrees
There is no better team!!!

Cool competition – Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Everyone unanimously answers the Snow Maiden’s questions - Yes or No:

1. Is Santa Claus a great guy?

2. Will he drink a bucket of Stolichnaya?

3. Does he like jokes and anecdotes?

4. What about working Saturdays?

5. Does Santa Claus sing ditties?

6. Does Grandfather have a girlfriend?

7. Did he remove the bag from the warehouse?

So who should we call?

All together: Santa Claus! Father Frost! Father Frost!

Competition – “Guessing the Movies”

They celebrated the New Year at the dacha..

It was a film -... (Gentlemen of Fortune)!

And, as usual, we would look

That night….. (irony of fate)!

Although he is actually the namesake of Santa Claus

But in the film it is affectionately called…. (Frost)!

He was a freak, a dwarf, but lucky,

And the cartoon is called... (The Nutcracker)!

She was lucky to meet everyone at once,

A film about these brothers... (12 months)!

And in fairy tales there are scientific ideas,

This is a wonderful film about this... (Sorcerers)!

We wouldn’t mind watching it for the tenth time,

The film is called….. (Carnival Night)!

You can organize dances in the form of a competition game, for this we will watch a wonderful video:

Celebrating the New Year with a big, cheerful group is a great opportunity to make new acquaintances or just have fun. Cool scenes for the New Year 2019 will interest all those present and create a unique holiday atmosphere. There will always be acting talents in the team who can “ignite” with their acting and charisma.

Scenario for a corporate event with a small number of people

A cheerful scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, it’s not only snacks, salads on the table and beautiful outfits that create the mood. Let's consider an original and fun scenario that is suitable for any party in the office or at home.

For small companies where it is not planned to hire outside presenters, organizing a corporate event in the form of competitions and games collected in one scenario is perfect. An organizer is selected from among colleagues who will assign tasks. To help himself, he chooses the Snow Maiden, who will help.

While all the guests are gathering, the host (the owner of the house) offers to cut out wishes and write them on them and put them in a “mailbox” (hat) :)). And then they will definitely come true!

Then he wishes everyone a Happy New Year or offers them a drink and a snack.

Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness and joy!

Everyone who is single should get married,

To everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,

Forget about grievances!

Everyone who is sick - become healthy

Bloom, rejuvenate!

I wish everyone health and happiness!

For many years!

So that songs and dances

Never ended!

Happy New Year,

Happy New Happiness,

My dear friends!

Dressed as Santa Claus, our holiday organizer offers everyone a drink, a snack, organizes various competitions, and invites everyone to dance. With the text at hand and a good mood, anyone can handle this:

Competition “Dance Like”

We prepare cards with tasks, for example - snowflake, snowman, blizzard, sleigh. The participant dances like... a snowflake, a snowman, a blizzard, a sled.

Game “Fanta”

This is a traditional entertainment for the New Year - a fun scenario for a corporate party. The rules are simple: guests, sitting at the table, pass each other a small ball or any round fruit to the music. Suddenly the music stops and the one who has the fruit or the ball pulls a phantom out of the box and completes the task.

Fun game “Who are you”

We blindfold the driver. One of his colleagues sits on a chair in front of him. The task in this game is to guess who it is by feeling only his head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who was guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have a great time!


We invite everyone to write on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen what they would like to buy in the new year. For example, a car, a key new apartment, baby, banknote, new dress. All pieces of paper are placed in a hat (deep bowl). We invite guests to pull out one piece of paper and read it out. What happened there will definitely come true in the coming year.

Tongue twisters

Participants, no more than 3 of whom are selected, are asked to read any tongue twister from a sheet of paper, for example, “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer” or “Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.” At the time of the feast, any such phrase will be beyond the power of half of the adults. The winner of the competition is awarded a bottle of champagne or any other prize.

You can do musical numbers - sing with a guitar, karaoke or ditties are perfect: :)


What kind of Christmas tree do we have?
Just a sight for sore eyes
So what, what's outside the window?
Spring thaw.

We've been waiting for a whole year
That Santa Claus will come to us
He came with a bag of gifts
And he took two with him.

I'll dress up as the Snow Maiden
And I will glue the braid
I really want to get married
For Santa Claus.

Dressed up as Santa Claus
And glued the beard
And I walk like a fool
Second day in the city.

Hello, Grandfather Frost, Cotton wool beard.
Where's my new Mercedes? And there’s a hut in the Canary Islands?

Hello, Grandfather Frost!
Where's my computer?
He brought me chocolate!... - Apparently he got it mixed up.

Comic, funny wishes-predictions:

We put the notes in a big hat and go around all the guests in a circle. Everyone takes out their note and reads it out loud. Their content depends on the age and preferences of the gathered guests. Playful, funny wishes will perfectly cheer you up for the New Year.

1. Good luck, happiness, peace to you! You will have your own apartment!

2. A toast to your health! There will be career growth for you!

4. Luck will not leave you! There will be a new dacha for you!

5. I wish you luck! A new addition to your family is waiting for you!

6. Surround you for comfort! And your income will increase!

7. May success follow you! You are the best to study!

8. There are many different impressions! On wonderful journeys!

9. Don’t let worries bother you! The best job awaits you!

10. I wish you not to be bored in vain, all your friends are with you!

11. Approach your boss with the left foot - and a promotion awaits you.

12. Always smile! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Keep quiet! And no one will call you a bore.

13. Your life is an endless road, so choose reliable means to move around it - a car.

14. Today is the best day for you! Just like everyone else!

15. During the first week after the New Year, a pleasant surprise awaits you.

16. In the New Year, you will have the pleasure of spending a lot of money, as well as the pleasure of earning it.

17. In the New Year, you will learn and discover a lot of new and useful things, but now please open a bottle of champagne.

We looked at some ideas on how to spend a holiday with a small circle of friends in the office or at home.

Scenarios - fairy tales with jokes for the New Year

Scenarios for fairy tales for the New Year are fairy tales in a new way! We take a well-known plot, well-known characters and come up with our own performance. Let's try to write the script ourselves, it's not difficult! The most important thing is that there are many characters and that everyone knows this fairy tale.

We come up with a simple plot, play it with interesting, amusing, funny, funny situations - and the fairy tale script is ready!

Scenario #1.

The Tale of Kolobok.

Roles are assigned. The presenter reads the text, each of the participants, as soon as they hear their role, must utter a certain phrase.
Grandfather“I want to eat!”
Woman“No money!”
Kolobok“And I’m a difficult guy!”
Hare"Slanty eyes!"
Wolf“We are from Tambov!”
Bear"Dmitry Anatolyevich!"
Fox" IN " To the Snow Queen"sale!"

Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba. And Grandfather wanted to invite Baba to dance. But then Kolobok came out of the oven. And Grandfather immediately forgot about Baba and reached for Kolobok with a fork. And Kolobok turned out to be a wushu wrestler, a karateka and mastered sumo techniques. After showing Grandfather a couple of tricks, and Baba showing his fist, Kolobok went to the animal party. Wolf was the DJ at the party. Toastmaster bear. The Hare drank the most. Lisa showed a striptease. Kolobok ordered the song “For the Rostov Brotherhood” to the Wolf. The Wolf sent Kolobok...to the Bear. And the Bear sent him to the Hare. And the Hare... was already asleep. Then the Fox came up and invited Kolobok to dance. Kolobok agreed. The party was a success.

Scenario #2

Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs:


Behind seven forests behind seven mountains lived 7 dwarves
(they come out dancing to Letka-Enka)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (dwarfs bow)
The gnomes were real heroes, handsome men and hard workers.
Of course, everyone had their weaknesses.....
Monday – loved to sleep
Tuesday – I loved to eat even more
Wednesday - constantly bullied... he lifted his shirt both in front and behind
Thursday – constantly picked his teeth and tried to pick someone else’s
Friday - he sneezed endlessly, he sneezed left and right, on everything and everyone
Saturday - always sticking his nose where it doesn't belong
And Sunday - hovered in the clouds and caught flies
But most of the time they worked, mining gold and precious stones.
They did all this for one thing... the only woman- beautiful Snow White!
(comes out to the music of “royal fanfare”)
They all loved her very much, looked after her and vying with each other to compliment her.
She responded to them with care and affection... and the dwarves did not miss the opportunity to pamper Snow White.
Monday sat her lovingly on his lap
Tuesday massaged her shoulders
Wednesday gently stroked her head and admired her wonderful hair.
Thursday kissed her white hands
Friday massaged her tired legs
Saturday sang romances to her
And Sunday was swatting away flies
But they had one more favorite activity that they all did together...
and then Snow White was the happiest woman in the whole wide world.....
Snow White and the dwarves dance and invite the public.

Scenario #3

"Teremok in a new way"

Required details:

1. Umbrella, large, to represent Teremok.

2. Mop, plate and spoon, measuring tape.

3. Musical accompaniment: classical music and rhythmic New Year's music.

4. Prepare cards with prescribed roles in advance:

Mouse(Always dissatisfied with something, hysterical, at every opportunity she yells her “Peep-pee-pee!” Actions include washing the floor in the mansion.)

Frog(The most severe, stubborn. “Kva-kva!” screams like an opera singer. In Teremka she plays the role of a cook.”

Hare(He is cheerful, laughing, and always wags his tail when he jumps. He runs around with a centimeter and measures the length of his clothes.

Fox(Pretty, sexy, graceful, always says “Urrrr”, flirts with male characters.

Wolf(Insolent and seasoned, in the time allotted to him he coughs and runs into everyone!)

Bear(So ​​kind-hearted, he constantly says “Uuhhh”, as if “I’ll catch up.” He climbs up to everyone with hugs and kisses.

It would be nice if every hero had an attribute so they could be recognized. The bear has mittens, the fox has a tail, the mouse has ears, the hare has ears, the frog has a green scarf, the wolf has gloves. The attributes can be anything.

Leading: Hello! For me, New Year is a holiday that brings me back to childhood. Have you read the fairy tale "Teremok"? (Yes)

Do you remember her well? (Yes)

I wouldn't be so sure if I were you! Now we will check, I need 6 volunteers.

(It is advisable to choose the most non-standard guests from the audience so that they match the roles).

I won’t give you the opportunity to choose who you will play in this fairy tale, it’s more interesting. Are you ready?

(Participants draw cards with roles and their descriptions from the presenter’s hands. Next, everyone is given attributes of “recognition.” Each participant is given elements of the game, who will play Mouse - a mop, Frog - a plate and spoon, Bunny - a tailor's centimeter).

The actors get used to the role, go out into the auditorium, while the presenter explains the task.

Leading: In our fairy tale, only I will speak, the artists will perform their roles in all possible ways. When you go to Teremok: the bear stomps loudly, the mouse runs quietly, and so on. Be sure to take into account the emotions that are written on the card. When the music starts, you must dance and do something in the manner that is also written on the card.

Be sure to do all actions interacting with each other, since you live in the same mansion!

Leading: So, all the rules have been announced, let's begin!

In one of the cottage villages, someone took and built a very cute Teremok! One day I ran past mousenorushka. She saw Teremok and began to run around it very quickly, looked inside, and it was empty, so she decided to live in it (when she entered the house she immediately began to wash the floor!)

Leading: Jumped past along the same path frog - frog! I saw Teremok and fell in love, I also wanted to live in it. She came closer, and there was a mouse and a frog and asked if she could live with her. The mouse agreed.

(The music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, while the mouse frantically washes the floors)

Leading: Ran nearby bunny smelling have a delicious lunch, he ran to the tower and was so impressed that he wanted to live in it too! He asked the mouse and the frog if he could live with them, and they agreed!

(A funny song comes on, to which the frog feeds them in turn, the mouse washes the floors, and the bunny takes the measurements of the mouse and the frog's clothes)

Leading: I wanted to have some fun in a luxurious mansion and fox! For the sake of eternal fun, I asked to live in Teremka, the owners were not against it, so they let me in.

(The dance music starts again, all the characters in their own way do the actions that are written on their cards, and the fox begins to pester the hare)

Leading: Having heard the booth and smelled the delicious smell of food that the frog had prepared, he ran to Teremok wolf! Naturally, he wanted to live in the mansion, but he did not stand on ceremony, kicked the door down and entered.

(Dance music turns on, all the heroes do their business, and the wolf runs into everyone)

Leading: The farce has begun, thanks, I was passing by bear. He enters Teremok playfully and contentedly, and let’s hug and kiss.

Leading: Why do you think he didn’t ask for permission to live? It’s simple - this is his Teremok, he built it for himself for a very long time!

(Dance music turns on, all the animals begin to dance in the manner prescribed on the cards, the bear continues to kiss and hug)

Leading: This fairy tale has a good ending, because the kind bear didn’t throw anyone out into the street, and they all began to live together and be friends!

Then you can hold 2-3 competitions. Don’t forget that guests need to relax, dance and eat, so we make sure to take a break between competitions.

Scenario #4

A fairy tale about a turnip for adults
Each character says only one phrase.

1. Where the mountains are high, in a house near a river
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather named Tolik, he was an alcoholic at heart.
Even though he was in his old age, he stood firmly on his feet.
If I didn’t pour it in the morning, I lived happily and had no worries.
Drink and let's scream...
Grandfather: Let's live vigorously mother!

2. Grandma Anna lived with him, oh, and she was harmful
The height of a giantess, the disposition of an ataman
Her grandfather's drinking also made her unable to live.
That's why she was bored and greeted her neighbor
Grandfather goes on a drinking binge, she goes to a neighbor for a heart-to-heart conversation
Even though she kept saying...
Grandma: The other requires strength!

3. Their granddaughter was visiting them there, this granddaughter is simply powerful!
Mini skirt, and a slit! Looks like he's wearing a skirt, maybe without it.
Melon breasts, lips filled with juice
And of course the miracle of legs, like from a playboy cover
It's like a rose has bloomed...
Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

4. And on the farm y grandfather had nothing but a trifle
Two goats and a vegetable garden and a dog at the gate
A smart, nice little dog named Tail
It was not at all out of boasting that he was simply without a tail.
Either God didn’t give it to him, or he tore it off somewhere
But the absence of waving did not annoy anyone
The dog barked rather sluggishly...
Dog: Let me eat, I don't have enough bones!

5. The cat Murka lived there, she was clean
She ate whiskey, drank juice, and slept on a chair.
And in my girlish dreams I was waiting for a young prince.
There is bad weather in her soul...
Cat: Where do you wander, my happiness?

6. The Mouse lived there freely. He was stronger and taller than everyone else.
The whole Village..... Mouse knew, he was the first bouncer
In a village tavern called "Sake"
And in the Village ..... all the people of the Mouse called the muzzle
It’s just great to communicate with him...
Mouse: Fir-paly sha atas!

Leading: (Turnip sits on a chair, bent over, Grandfather plants grains on the chair and waters it from a bottle)
7. Well, now you all know the inhabitants of their house.
So here’s part two: one day in early May
Alcoholic - Grandfather thought it was a misfortune
He decided to plant turnips and went out into the field at dawn.
I buried the grains in the ground, buried them, watered them with water...
And I went to hand over the glass...
Grandfather: We will live, vigorous mother!

Leading: (Turnip straightens and stands up)
8. And then he went on a drinking binge and forgot about his root.
Well, summer at that time was generous with heat
The turnips were ripe, filled and washed by the rains
So by autumn she became large and strong.
Everyone around was admiring...
Turnip: Now I'm your first friend!

9. Grandfather came out into the field and looked...
Grandfather: We will live, vigorous mother!

10. Grandfather strained himself, but only a belt
The frail one burst from the movement, because there is such tension
Turnips are there at least, Grandfather tried again
But there is no progress to be seen...
Grandfather: We will live, vigorous mother!

11. And he went out of the field to finish his moonshine.
And at that time, from a neighbor, the grandmother was walking after a conversation
Grandma sees a turnip in the field, and the fields are twice as big.
He pulls this way and that, but his reserve of strength has dried up.
I shouldn’t have gone to my neighbor’s...
Grandma: The other requires strength!

12. Stretching out on the porch, she crawled to the stove
Sends his granddaughter Sveta to pull out turnips for lunch
The granddaughter raised an eyebrow...
Granddaughter: Well, come to think of it...

13. She went out into the field to pick turnips and doesn’t know how to get to them.
And he will push her sideways and press her the other way around.
The girl tore her stockings - Turnip is right where it was.
The girl spat out of frustration and went to change her outfits
At the fence, Tail is tearing his strap.
I would like to refresh myself from the beginning...
Dog: Let me eat, I don't have enough bones!

Leading: (The presenter unties Tail)
14. The tail was untied, the turnip was ordered to be pulled
He ran up to grab it with his teeth and let’s bite it
And claw and mouth together, only Turnip is still in place
He sits smiling and moves his tops.
The little guy, out of annoyance, did a “psycho” on this Turnip
He growled for another minute and wandered tiredly into the booth.
And Murka was already aware of all these matters
She was relaxing on the porch and saw the whole picture.
Passions suddenly boiled over in Murka...
Murka: Where do you wander, my happiness?

15. She wanted so badly to use her maturity somewhere
Turnip crept up from behind and dug in with her claws!
She pulled as hard as she could, only dulling her claws.
Here I woke up from a drinking binge, Tolik the grandfather on the old bed
And I decided to invite people to go out into the garden together.
Make a circle around the Turnip...
Turnip: Now I'm your first friend!

16. Grandma clutches grandfather’s trousers in two hands
The granddaughter also came running and got into a cutesy pose
The scoundrel Tail grabbed her stocking.
Well, Murka is our light, looking for his tail, but there is none.

Murka was very surprised and grabbed Tailtail’s paw.
Here they are pulling that Turnip, only their strength is fading, fading
Who swears like a thief...
Grandfather: We will live, vigorous mother!

17. Who moans cute...
Grandma: The other requires strength!

18. The granddaughter has already brought everyone...
Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

19. The dog whines again at first...
Dog: Let me eat, I don't have enough bones!

20. Murka is boiling with passion...
Murka : Where do you wander, my happiness?

21. That heavy barge-haul howl, our hero Mouse heard
The muzzle hastened to the showdown in the garden
And I decided to help at least once...
Mouse: Fir-paly sha atas!

22. He slowly approaches Turnip and looks around everyone with an impudent look.
He gently hugs the turnip and takes it out of the garden.
And everyone gathered around...
Turnip: Now I'm your first friend!

23. Here our people stretched, perked up, looked around
And he went to drink moonshine, fortunately there is always some.
Moonshine flows like a river in the VILLAGE……….feast like a mountain.
And our story is over...
Mouse: Fir-paly sha atas!

Let's look at an interesting corporate fairy tale:

You can remake your favorite fairy tales in your own way. To cheerful music, with good mood- you can have a lot of fun!

Cool scenario for adults for the New Year

For a festive New Year's event for adults - a New Year's corporate party, ball or home new year party were fun, lively and exciting, it is important to select interesting and original ones in advance New Year's scenarios. IN Having chosen the best and adding our own twist, we begin to prepare the adult New Year's holiday.

Basic rules for holding a corporate event:

  • The holiday opens with an introductory speech from the host or presenter who is leading the event (5-10 minutes)
  • Next, we give the guests a quiet drink and snack for 20-30 minutes.
  • Competitions and dances should not be consecutive (we take a break of 15-20 minutes).
  • For guests and competition participants, you need to think about small souvenirs and prizes.
  • You should not force a person to participate if he has firmly given a negative answer.

Sketch Happy New Year from China

The audience calls for Santa Claus. Two Chinese women come out.

Together: Show off!
1st Chinese woman: Who's where? Shall we welcome Santa Claus here? Where, where – In Kalaganda! In general, we decided: no one will advise us about race, we will come ourselves! As you say, the mountain does not come to Mohammed... What?
2nd Chinese woman: Unsworn guest of Khuze Chinasa.
1st Chinese woman: Syo? Are you laughing? Almost a hundred, immediately quick-voiced, but when you need to buy everything, you can’t drive it out with a shovel.
2nd Chinese woman: Somehow you’re not sitting according to feng xu, SOE?
1st Chinese woman: Lutse stand! So more woody. Now we will guide you through feng xu. Sit like this with your feet pointing south and your head pointing north. Yes, Suvorov said: keep your feet warm, but keep your head cold!
2nd Chinese woman: One hundred? Let's start with the simplest things. (pulls out 19 sparklers from the bag and distributes them to the tables). So 19?
From the audience: 2019.
Young people! (shows two hands to one participant) In which hand? (one gets the lighter) This is for you, go for it! (gives the lighter)
1st Chinese woman: And here it is for you! Zip my snack! Race, two, three! (light up) The overhangs are burning. Whoever zazed the overhang with a sazigal will be zazig all year long!
2nd Chinese woman: Let's move on to the next section. Feng xu of the holiday table! For nasyal we will find the cardinal directions. North, south, west, east are determined by the treats on the table. Where there is jellied meat, there is... the north, young man!
1st Chinese woman: South - where the water is! Still 40 degrees. Where is the East? ...Oh, you! East - sandwiches with caviar, because the East is a delicate matter!
2nd Chinese woman: Where is Sapad?
1st Chinese woman: Sapad bye bye! Chinas Lo is not to blame! ...
2nd Chinese woman: Yes, I almost lost it. Salads should stand in front of the person at a distance of one elbow. Therefore? In the morning it will be clear!
1st Chinese: And the last feng xu scam. It was fun at the table, check your glasses. They are empty, there will be no fun - this is a party of tresvenniki-yasveniki. If you're full, there won't be any fun. Therefore? There will be a toast! Which?
From the audience: New Year!
2nd Chinese: Of course not! Wise! Because the Chinese are wise people!
1st Chinese: One day on New Year's Eve, an ideal mussina, like Dzeki Xian, and an ideal zensina, like Zenifer Lopez, were riding in a masina. On the side of the road they saw Santa Claus with a gift. They decided to help him. They drove off and got into an accident. Only perfect zenshina came out. That’s why neither Dzeki Xian nor Father Moros exists in the world. And this explains the accident - Masina drove Zensina. Here's to Zenshin!
2nd Chinese: Okay, as they say, take care to sit down young. Syo? Isn't that right?!
1st Chinese: It's time to sit down and find out! Tosno! But take care to sit down! I have to sit down!

Happy New Year!

Next, the real Father Frost and Snow Maiden come on stage, congratulate everyone and give gifts. Then the host offers the guests a drink and a snack. You can dance. After this, you can watch the next funny performance.

Scene for the celebration “Italian Guest”


Dear guests! Signor Nachihante arrived from sunny Italy with his translator to wish you a Happy New Year. Naproblem! Greet them with thunderous applause!
(an Italian comes out, wearing fashionable black glasses, a beautiful scarf thrown over his shoulder around his neck, in his hands a suitcase in which pasta is hidden, he came with a translator)


Ciao cocoa, friend!


Hello, dear friends!


Ciao cocoa, sesdanto parasite!


Hello, dear guests!


Italiano tourist, immoral appearance!


I came to you from sunny Italy!


Creeped diversanto passportino lost!


My path was long and difficult!



But I’m cheerful and cheerful and brought a whole suitcase of gifts!


Amore mia!


My dears!


Signore guestione free!


Dear guests!


Macarone na ushanto mon señore navesanto!


Listen to me carefully!


Bravissimo spaghetti! The stomach is purring in the morning!


The most satisfying food is Italian spaghetti!


Neotdanto nizachtone italiano macaroni!


Therefore, I am happy to give everyone a pack of Italian spaghetti!

(gives a pack of spaghetti)


Neprosinte beg nizachtonte neodamo!


I don’t feel at all sorry to give everything I have!


Pozhelanto druzianto great life!
Don't worry about a hangover in the morning!


I wish everyone good health!


Pozhelanto gostanto i druzianto cabbage doloranto!


I also wish that there will always be a lot, a lot of money!


Oprokinto nemeshanto un momento free!


If they offer me a drink, I won’t refuse!

Snowflake competition

All participants in the show are given scissors and napkins from which they must cut out a snowflake. Those who make the best snowflakes receive prizes and move on to the next stage of the competition.

Snowball fight

Each participant is given 4-5 sheets of A4 or any other paper. You need to roll snowballs out of them. A bowl or hat is placed approximately at a distance of 2 m. You need to throw snowballs into it with your left hand, don’t help with your right. 🙂

Competition “Riddles behind your back”

You will need signs with inscriptions for men - “Work”, “Bathhouse”, “Maternity Hospital”, “Strip Club”, etc. , “I forgot to put on a skirt”, “I tore my tights”, “I met a prince”, “Holiday in the Canary Islands”.

Signs are hung on the backs of participants and questions are asked:

For men:

Do you go there often?

What are you taking with you?

Who do you go there with? Etc.

For women:

Does this happen to you often?

What do people around you say?

How do you explain this? etc.

You can organize, for example, such a wonderful competition as in this video.

Before New Year's Eve, you need to purchase some souvenirs for future competitions, quizzes and table games. The presenter also needs to select assistants. And, of course, stock up on wonderful clothes and a good mood.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party for doctors

The New Year's scenario for doctors is not particularly different from the usual one, but it has its own twist. :))

Holiday leading begins with the words:

They saved people for a whole year,
And a little tired.
We will hold a corporate event,
Let's relax together with you!
All the doctors have gathered here,
Everyone is beautiful and smart.
Everyone is waiting only for you,
Santa Claus, come here!

Father Frost:

- Good evening! My granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, and I came from afar to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - the New Year. Oh-oh-oh! (grabs his heart)

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather, what happened?

Father Frost:

“Oh, something’s taken my heart... I’ve become completely unfit, old, give me some medicine, please!”

Snow Maiden:

- Frost, how can they give you medicine if they don’t know what exactly happened to you?

Father Frost:

- Well, either everything infuriates you or something happens to your memory. The animals over there don’t say hello to me at all. The hares say that there are fines for traveling without a ticket, but they themselves bought travel tickets... they bought them from me. It’s like I have amnesia, I don’t remember!

Lisa complains that he fired everyone for intrigue and gossip. The squirrels are panicking, saying that the tax on the export of nuts is high. Well, how big?

I only had enough for a new caftan and a sleigh!

Snow Maiden:

“They actually broke because grandpa smeared them not with butter, but with Irish liqueur.”

Santa Claus (embarrassed):

– Are you writing me off completely? Should I not have a couple of drinks with the reindeer?

Snow Maiden:

- Yeah... that's more fun!

Father Frost:

- Oh, here's another one! They also helped me with advice. I’ll find it now... (opens the bag, digs into it, then gives one of the guests the recipe). Read what’s written, dear/dear, otherwise I’m already blind, and the handwriting is crooked.

A guest from the audience reads out the Recipe: Internal: mix 10 mg of purgen and 5 mg of sleeping pills together, pour in hawthorn tincture, then pour in 300 mg of medical alcohol. Pour three mugs of cold beer “Gus Zhatetsky”. Add ascorbic acid to the resulting mixture. Keep in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Santa Claus (with hope):

– Do you think this will help? No… !? Well, apparently we’ll have to look for a successor, my friend’s grandfather is looking for a job, he’s only 2019!

Snow Maiden:

– There is no need to be sad, Grandfather! Now we will all try to cure you together using New Year’s healing methods. Now we’ll train both your memory and the memory of our guests.

We are holding a competition:

We divide the hall into 2-3 teams, each in turn remembering songs about New Years and winter. Which team remembers more wins.

Snow Maiden:

- Well done! You know a lot of songs!

Father Frost:

“I should study, otherwise I’ve become quite sclerotic.”

Snow Maiden:

Don’t rush to give up on yourself, grandpa, I know another way to train your memory!

Father Frost:

- What is this, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden:

– My favorite, festive... You yourself use it so often.

Father Frost:

“Granddaughter, I’m in such a good mood, I don’t want to freeze those present.”

Snow Maiden:

- Don't scare people. This won't help (whispers)

Father Frost:

“Then bring a stool, I’ll make everyone read poetry, and I’ll take a nap in the corner!”

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather!

Father Frost:

“Then I don’t understand you at all!”

Snow Maiden:

“We’ll make riddles and guess everything.”

Father Frost:

- Aaaaah, there it is...

We ask riddles and award prizes to those who guess them:

Snow Maiden:

- There is such joy around,

And suddenly - such disgusting!

Father Frost:

- Is this a kikimora or what?

Snow Maiden:

– Grandfather, why does everyone get a kikimora for the New Year??? Help grandpa, tell me what is this? (Jellied fish).

- And here’s another riddle: Always dressed for winter,

But she herself doesn’t care about it!

Father Frost:

- Snow Maiden, I’ll buy you a fur coat, I’ll buy it, and then I’ll collect taxes!

Snow Maiden:

- Oh, grandfather, that’s not what I’m talking about at all! (Herring under a fur coat)

Snow Maiden:

– Stands in the corner, but is not punished,

And Putin is shown through it. (TV)

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather, look, the owners have excellent memory!

Father Frost:

- Not like mine...

Snow Maiden:

- It’s okay, grandpa, we’ll still cure you! And we will give our wonderful team a gift for such resourcefulness! Horoscope for next year...

Father Frost:

Horoscope: This year will bring you a lot of joyful worries and everything, everything, everything...

Snow Maiden:

– Your grandfather has a wonderful horoscope! Now the time has come to give gifts to the kind hosts of the holiday.

Father Frost:

- Present? I haven’t heard of any gifts!

Snow Maiden:

- Grandfather, I see that your toad has become even bigger... And, apparently, you will have to consult with someone about what to give you, because of your exorbitant greed (addresses the pharmacists). Do you sell syringes? I hope the needles are big? Will the patient have an injection?

Father Frost:

- Oh-oh-oh! The toad let go! I don't need an injection!

Snow Maiden:

- That’s the same miser!

Father Frost:

- Yes, it's time to give gifts. Let's give gifts, my friends the snowmen and I have prepared something interesting for you (takes out an empty bottle).

Snow Maiden:

– Grandfather, did you drink the gifts???

Father Frost:

- What are you doing, granddaughter! We have prepared an interesting task for our doctors, now we will see how they can prepare medicines. Who is the bravest here? Come out to me!

Participants take turns, read aloud and put paper “pills” into a bottle with various inscriptions: “so that your head doesn’t hurt after the New Year holidays,” “so that your liver doesn’t fail you,” “so you don’t see double,” “so your hearing doesn’t fail you,” “the brains rested more often” - everyone has their own pill, whatever they come up with.

Father Frost:

Well, I was cured, I have enough health for a whole year!

(Gives gifts prepared in advance, says a toast).

Father Frost:

- Unfortunately, it’s time for us to run goodbye, we would love to stay with you, but we need to have time to congratulate many more people.

Snow Maiden:

Thank you, my grandfather was cured, and his memory began to return! We came to you just in time!

Father Frost:

- Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:

- Goodbye! We will definitely meet again.

You can also hold a competition “Medical diagnosis”

The presenter reads short fragments of songs, and the guests try to determine what is bothering the patient, that is, make a diagnosis. To the one who bets more correct diagnoses, some kind of medical prize is supposed.
Fragments of songs and diagnoses:
1. “And my heart stopped,
My heart sank” (diagnosis: heart failure).
2. “If you don’t hear me,
This means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).
3. We walked with you,
I cried, oh, I cried (diagnosis: nerves).
4. We honestly want to tell you:
We no longer look at girls (diagnosis: impotence).
5. You shouldn’t scold the rain, you shouldn’t scold it
You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).
6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
This means that everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).
7. She even wanted to hang herself
But college, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).
8. I know - if you want, I know for sure - if you want,
I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: muteness).
9. It hurts me, it hurts
This evil pain cannot be relieved (diagnosis: pain shock).
10. And his wound rots,
And it won't get any smaller
And it won’t heal (diagnosis: gangrene).
11. Every step through it hurts,
Every gesture hurts (diagnosis: broken limbs).
12. Judge people, judge God, How I loved
I walked barefoot in the cold to see my sweetheart (ARI)
13. I got drunk and drunk,
I won't make it home (alcoholism)
14. Black eyes, passionate eyes, burning and beautiful eyes!
How I love you! How afraid I am of you!
You know, I saw you at an unkind hour! (Hypnosis session.)
15. I am not an angel, I am not a demon, I am a tired wanderer.
I'm back, I'm resurrected
And he knocked on your house. (Clinical death.)
16. Never said
But there is no more patience. (Muteness.)
17. Night! Expectations are cold.
Pain! It's like I'm split.
I don't see anything
I hate myself. (Night blindness.)
18. And the dawn is already becoming more noticeable,
So, please, be kind... (Hangover syndrome.)
19. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why does the light dim so often? (Fainting.)
20. I rush into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I am standing and cannot run. (Paralysis.)
21. Unfortunately, I, but fortunately, am not alone
I fell into your insidious addiction. (Addiction.)
22. The snowstorm covered the road,
The sled trail disappeared...
Your hands are getting cold, your feet are getting cold,
And he’s still not there (frostbite)
23. This girl is nothing.
And this one is empty.
And this one, I note,
The belly sulks from the tea. (Overeating.)
24. Oh, and I myself have become somewhat unstable these days,
I won’t make it home from a friendly drinking party. (Alcohol intoxication.)
25. And I recognize my dear one by his gait. (Flat feet.)
26. I tried to get away from love,
I took a sharp razor and edited myself. (Plastic surgery.)
27. There is no logic in your thoughts,
How can I find the truth in them? (Schizophrenia.)
28. Why are you, dear, looking askance,
Bowing your head low? (Osteochondrosis.)
29. They picked a sweet berry together,
Bitter berry - I'm alone (Poisoning)
30. Far, far, far
My only true friend.
It's not easy, it's not easy, it's not easy
Without reliable, proven hands (A massage therapist is needed).
31. Hot sun, hot sand,
Hot lips - a sip of water. (Sunstroke)

The presenter wishes everyone health, no matter what:)), happiness, love in the coming year!

New Year's party for women's corporate party in the style of the 90s

You can make fun of it :)) and organize a bachelorette party for the New Year in the style of the 90s. I think that someone will like it, because youth is the most best years life, and it’s so wonderful to plunge into this difficult, but at the same time happy time...

At the New Year's corporate party, as you can see, you can arrange a lot of entertainment - funny modern skits, short and long tales in a new way, cool reprises in fun company. We have reviewed interesting ideas to celebrate the New Year, as well as videos with original stories on the New Year theme.

Happy New Year!

Leading: Hello, dear guests! Happy New Year to you! On this wonderful winter evening, when everywhere and in everything you can already feel the magical atmosphere of the most long-awaited holiday, I greet the wonderful team... (name of organization). It is a great honor and great joy for me to spend this evening with you, in such a friendly and friendly team! Friends, let’s not wait long and raise the first toast to the joyful expectations with which we greet the arrival of the New Year, as well as how pleasant it is to share this New Year’s mood with our old, but so familiar and beloved team!

An excerpt from the song “If only there were no winter” (Spanish by V. Tolkunova) is playing.

We have a long evening ahead of you, a lot of fun, funny and unexpected things, and to prepare for all this, treat yourself well! For example, in tsarist times, the most amazing New Year's dish was stuffed pig. What is so amazing about it, you ask? And it was prepared like this: overseas olives were stuffed with anchovies, partridge was stuffed with these olives, pheasant was stuffed with partridge, and pheasant served as a stuffing for a pig! This is how the multi-layered roast turned out. But even without it, there are a lot of things on the tables here that are no less tasty and original!..

Plays an excerpt from the song “New Year’s” (Spanish gr. “Brilliant”)

Leading: So, the first toast has been made, the first hunger has been satisfied, and while everyone is still able to listen about serious things, I invite your manager here to tell you what the past year was like for the company.
The director comes out, briefly talks about the company’s successes, and the presenter offers to raise a toast to it.
The director sits down.

Plays an excerpt from the song “Agent 007” (Spanish gr. “Brilliant”)

Leading: And you know, dear friends, your director quietly whispered one thing to me. He said that your company is developing mainly thanks to the people who work in it! Because everyone is in their place and doing their job, and professionally. Your director asked me to say something good about each employee, but I decided that words couldn’t tell everything... It’s better to sing!

Joke song "Collective"

(to the tune of the song “Five Minutes” from the film “Carnival Night”) You will need a karaoke recording.

1 I’ll sing you a song about the team, This song contains love and positivity!
About ordinary employees, Very nice ones, This song is about the team...
Here sits the secretary, she is immensely beautiful,
But don’t dream about it: The reputation is exemplary!
All in business every day, all trying and busy,
After all, the company’s face depends greatly on it! (repeat lines 1, 3 and 4)
2 Here is the accountant sitting next to her, The accountant’s job is not worth it:
He keeps counting and counting, Debit-credit is knocking down, After all, the banquet will cost a pretty penny!
The New Year is coming, Let the wine flow like a river!
Here is a guy sitting, his name is Office Manager.
He is still young, but his talent has been noticed
Career growth is definitely guaranteed for him! (repeat lines 1, 3 and 4)
3 Here is the driver. He, of course, doesn’t drink, Even if he’s saying goodbye to the old year:
Let the people have fun, And let them get behind the wheel, Deliver to the people's address!
Here sits our courier, simply a master in his field,
Here sits an engineer, For him (her) work is happiness!
Here the guard sits, He does not know sentimentality,
He will protect the company from enemies and competitors! (repeat lines 1, 3 and 4)
4 The team is so cheerful and big, Here they respect each other with all their hearts,
Here they work as a team, discover their talent and rush home happy!
The New Year is coming, the best and most beautiful.
Have fun, team, Sing, dance, fall in love, celebrate!
But while we were singing the song, Our glasses were empty... It’s time for us to fill them!

A toast is raised to all employees. An excerpt from the song “Yolki” (Spanish: V. Serduchka) is playing.

Leading(after the toast): Just a minute, friends... Where is our respected leader? Where did you go? And there is no secretary! Something tells me that this is not without reason...
Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter (the presenter needs to agree in advance with the director and secretary whether they will agree to play these roles. Or another option is possible, when someone from the team becomes Father Frost and Snow Maiden).
Santa Claus pretends to be very drunk, Snow Maiden leads him by the arm.

Father Frost: Dear friends! Congratulations to everyone... on this... what's his name... on the new... well, in short, on the new director! Here. Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you better shut up, I’ll tell you everything myself! In short, yes. My grandfather is now your director, and I am his secretary and closest assistant! Your leadership has resigned and now everyone must listen to us!
Father Frost: Yeah! Obliged!
Leading: But where is... (director’s first and patronymic name)! And where... (secretary's name)!
Father Frost: And they... this... have already flown to the Canary Islands! Rest!
Leading: Well, in that case, come on in and meet the team. We literally just raised a toast to him. Personnel, as you know, decide everything... Start delving into the intricacies of the work!
Father Frost: And I’m not s-going to get into it! And I’m not going to meet you! I'll recruit my team! (rummages in his bag, takes out a kokoshnik). For example, I’ll take Vasilisa the Wise as an accountant! (Santa Claus approaches the accountant and puts a kokoshnik on her). Emelya and her stove will be in charge of transport! (takes a hat out of the bag and puts it on the head of the transport department). I'll make security Tin Soldier! (puts a three-cornered hat on the guard). The cleaning lady will be Cinderella (puts the cleaning lady on an apron), and the storekeeper will be a fairy! (hands the “magic” daddy to the storekeeper).
In general, everything will be new, that is, in my opinion!
Leading: You know, it seems to me that arbitrariness in such a serious matter as the management of a company is completely unacceptable! I propose a vote. Who from the team is for the new management? Who's against it?
The team, of course, is in favor.
Leading: Well, the team trusts you. Therefore, since the New Year is just around the corner, you should be the new director! But there is only one “but” here...
Father Frost and Snow Maiden: What other “but”?
Leading: Where have you seen bosses appearing drunk in front of employees?
Father Frost: Today is possible, today is such a day! But if necessary, I’ll sober up in no time! I brought you gifts here...

Santa Claus has small souvenirs in his bag for employees - you can order them with the company logo, for example, pens, folders, mugs or Christmas tree balls. An excerpt from the song "Santa Claus" (Spanish gr. "Disco Crash") is played.

Leading: Even if it’s cold outside the windows, there’s snow outside the windows, But loud laughter rings in this hall, Here everyone feels warm from the warm company, Here is a gray-haired, mischievous and funny old man, It’s not in vain that he comes to us again and again, To call happy midnight together, To make the year to see off the departing one with kindness, Didn’t you do something for the year? Forgive for this, Because there are so few minutes left, And other hopes will enter our doors, A new holiday will begin and a new countdown... We welcome you, dear New Year! And now, dear viewers, would you like to dance a little?

Dance break.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden can change clothes. During the dances, the leader suggests the following game: two people each receive a ball of thick thread. Their task is to unwind the thread and tie it to themselves as much as possible. more people. When the music ends, the winner is determined, i.e. the one who managed to tie more.

Leading(invites everyone back to the tables): And now I give the floor to you, dear employees. Who wants to congratulate everyone present and wish something very special for the New Year?

Those who wish to speak from the team speak.

Leading: We will raise a toast to these wishes! And we continue our magical evening... We have a guest again, and what a guest! A real VIP! Meet!..

A solemn march is playing.

New Year's greetings from the Master of the Year

One of the guests is asked to become the “Host of the Year” and is dressed accordingly: if they are celebrating the Year of the Mouse, then they will need foam rubber ears and a rope tail, if they are Sheep, then horns and a tail, etc.
The host asks to greet the Lord of the next year and show him all respect, because the well-being of the new year will depend on this. The host and the “Host of the Year” ask if among the guests there are those born in the year of the Mouse, Ox, Dragon, etc. and take turns reading out wishes for them.

Host of the Year: Now we will find out about each of you what kind of animal you are! And for each “beast” we have our own special wish!


Dance while the cat sleeps! Remember that free cheese is only in a mousetrap! Don't sulk like a mouse on a rump! And don’t waste your time on mouse fuss!


Make a LOT of friends! Raise themMUUnity! Find advantages in everything! Get financially stimulated! And rejoice in everything good!


May the hunt be a success! So that life can be striped, but without black stripes! And female tigers should be given tiger lilies!


Lick your lips with pleasure! Walk on your own! Don't murmur! Don't end up in KOTOvasia! And let there be a continuous Maslenitsa!

to the dragon

Fly high! Wingspan! Fiery passion! And so that you don’t get “dragonized”!


Keep cool! Avoid failure! Don't warm a snake on your chest! And so as not to be surrounded by complete bastards!


Plow only for yourself! Laugh more often! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! And don’t forget: whoever brings the luck gets the ride!


To live a curly life! So that there are no sheep on the way! And so that the game is always worth the candle!


Don't take on monkey work! Make a grimace in response to the grimaces of fate! And remember that all people descended from monkeys!


So that luck does not fly away! So that it always “pecks”! And so that there is always money for a golden comb!

To the dog

Puppy delight! Dog devotion! Let them walk in front of you on their hind legs! And don’t let your life be a dog’s life!


Don't "sniff" at the holiday! May the trough always be full! Let the pearls be thrown before you! And let them never put the pig down!

Excerpt from the song "Ap! And the tigers sat at my feet..." (Spanish: M. Boyarsky)

Leading: Thank you dear Host of the Year! And everyone else is advised to pay extra attention to the Master this evening and under no circumstances make him angry, otherwise he will do everything to harm you this year! And first of all, it will not let you celebrate the holiday the way you plan! Here, for example... This is how it has been with us: New Year has been around for a long time Regardless of fashion It has become the event of the year for everyone: We buy groceries, Without counting, without skimping, We select outfits, Spinning in front of the mirror, We write envelopes and postcards for our relatives, To congratulate them with a word and a smile on the New Year. Finally, it's coming! Christmas tree, dancing, laughter of guests... Time flies quickly: Midnight has a limit. The morning will greet you with cold darkness, Headache everyone, Where are you, New Year's holiday? Where is the cheerful friendly laughter? The lights on the Christmas trees are not burning, The salad on the table has turned sour, The floor is covered in fragments of plates - Goodbye, service, The chandelier is broken by the cork, Cigarette smoke floating, The door is treacherously open... And all this is the New Year?! So let's celebrate the holiday so that we don't suffer afterwards, don't regret it in vain, and don't remember it with sadness! Let's raise a toast to this - so that each of you will celebrate New Year's midnight exactly the way he wants, in the circle of the most dear people with whom you want to be close throughout the coming year! And now, dear viewers, would you like to play a little?

New Year's game "Numbers"

And now we will hold a sobriety competition! Let's check if you haven't forgotten how to count?..
The presenter explains the rules: he will show pictures with numbers, and the players must name everything that is connected with this number - the names of films, books, proverbs, phrases from songs, etc. etc. For example: 3 - line “Three girls under the window...”, painting “Three Heroes”, film “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”, etc. 17 – film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, ditty “Where are my seventeen years...” etc. 33 - song “Thirty-three cows”, saying “Thirty-three misfortunes”, etc.

An excerpt from the song “Winter Cold” (Spanish A. Gubin) is played.

New Year's "Tasty Competition"

According to one legend, after the chiming clock you must definitely eat twelve grapes - so that every month of the year will be successful and fruitful. Today we won’t hear the chimes yet, but it’s quite possible to eat twelve grapes each. However, those who obtain their grapes in a difficult but have a fun competition, it will bring much more happiness, good luck and everything else pleasant! I invite six people to participate. Who will be the lucky ones?
The competition is as follows: participants are tied with their hands behind their backs and given plates of corn flakes, in which twelve grapes are hidden. You need to get and eat grapes without using your hands. The fastest one wins and receives a prize.

The game is played to the song "Yum-Yam" (Spanish by A. Pugacheva).

Leading(after dancing): While you were dancing, more guests came to us! Meet the Bremen Town Musicians! Four guests put on Dog, Cat, Rooster and Donkey masks and sing a song (needs to be printed).

New Year's Song of the Bremen Town Musicians

(to the tune of “There is nothing better in the world...”)

1 There is nothing better in the world than to come to this company for a holiday,
There are smiles, dancing and fun, And the girls are just a sight for sore eyes, And the girls are just a sight for sore eyes!
2 The holidays will pass, everyday life will come, But it’s not difficult to diversify them:
You smile wider at each other, And you will not be happier in the world, And you will not be happier in the world!
3 If you hire us, we’ll teach you how to sing songs at work!
Life will become even more beautiful with us. Every day will be like a holiday for you, Every day will be like a holiday for you!

Leading: Take a seat at the table, dear guests! I feel like there’s never a dull moment in your company. Let's raise a toast so that every day in the coming year will be like a holiday, so that you will continue to be just as cheerful and lively! (after the toast): And since everyone knows that happiness in the new year depends on how you celebrate it, let's double our efforts and have even more fun. Let's play!

New Year's game "Hat analysis"

This competition is for accuracy. You will need all kinds of headwear (hats, Panama hats, caps, etc.). Each player is given several pieces. The presenter places 2-3 bottles of champagne on the floor as “targets” (to prevent them from falling, you can secure them with tape). Those who play on them will throw all this from a distance. The most accurate ones receive champagne as a prize. The game is played to the song "You Got It Cool" ("Star Factory").

Dance break.

Leading(invites everyone back to the tables): Aren't you tired of having fun, dear guests? I suggest you take an intellectual break!

New Year's express survey

On pieces of paper, write in advance the names of objects that at first glance have nothing to do with the New Year holiday. Each guest pulls out a piece of paper, reads out the word and must come up with an explanation as quickly as possible on how to connect this word with the New Year. For example, the word "tractor". Explanation - a tractor is used to clear the fallen snow for the holiday! An excerpt from the song “White Snow” (Spanish gr. “Dynamite”) is played. Then the presenter announces a competition of New Year’s jokes. After this, the outdoor game is played again.

New Year's relay race "In one harness"

Two teams play, each with an even number of people. Everyone splits into pairs. Each couple is given two round elastic bands (for example, for hair), into which, standing shoulder to shoulder, the couple must thread their adjacent ankles and hands together and be “in the same harness.” The relay race begins to the music - pairs from both teams cover the distance to the finish line, where a bottle of alcohol and glasses await them; you need to drink, go back and pass the rubber bands to the next couple. The fastest team wins.

The game is played to the song “Three White Horses” (Spanish: L. Dolina). After the active game, another toast, then the next entertainment -

New Year's game "Lisps"

The essence of the game is that two teams must take turns naming any words starting with the letter Sh. Whichever team has difficulty first loses.

An excerpt from the song “Winter” (Spanish Alsou) is played. Finally, if the guests are still able, another game is offered.

New Year's game "I am a bartender"

Everyone can participate - some as a bartender, some as a taster. The most fantastic cocktails need to be prepared from alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and fruits on the table; the presenter gives the “bartenders” glasses and straws. "Experts" evaluate and select three prize cocktails.

The game is played to the song “Splashes of Champagne” (Spanish: V. Tokarev).

Leading: I think our participants made a successful debut in their new role! Never be afraid to try something new - because there may be completely unexpected talents dormant within you! Let's raise a toast to everything new, to new hopes and plans that we always associate with the arrival of the New Year! Never stop hoping and dreaming and, of course, taking action! My friends! May sadness never come into your homes, may your loved ones always be healthy, may your affairs and plans go well, may you not be sad for a minute! I wish you new heights and victories, development and prosperity to all of you and your organization, new joys in the life of each of you! Happy new year to you!
Fireworks, continuation of the evening at the request of the guests.

Famous folk saying says: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” Every minute the day of the next winter celebration, which will take place under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Pig, is getting closer. However, for many people, preparing for a joyful event can raise well-founded questions. Here is one of them - how can you successfully hold a New Year’s corporate party in 2019? Great solution will be the selection of an original, cool scenario that will allow colleagues not to get bored and unite even more!

Christmas mood

The main persons in playing out this scenario at the New Year's corporate party 2019 should be the Presenter and Santa Claus.


Good evening to you, friends!

I'm glad to see you all.

There will be a celebration, loud laughter!

Lots of games and fun

Plenty of treats for all of us,

I wish everyone good spirits.

I'm starting our holiday,

I invite Santa Claus!

Santa Claus (knocks on the door and enters, a little shabby). Hello! And where did I end up, if you please ask?

Presenter. Like where, at the most important holiday in the city, which is taking place (here the girl gives the address).

How can that be! No, it’s not good, it’s not good at all. After all, I should have already been in Paris. And then - in Milan, Tokyo, London, Washington and a bunch of other places. After all, my schedule is written down minute by minute.

I'll wander around for a while,

Maybe I'll remember what's what,

The road is already waiting for me,

But I swear I’ll come to you again!

Presenter. Well, here you go - gone! Friends, my dears, then I suggest you raise your glasses. I am sure that this year was filled with a variety of events that connected us even more tightly with bonds of friendship. I have prepared a game for you: we will take turns remembering the funniest, most interesting and unusual situations that have happened to us over the past 365 days. The one who proves his constant presence at the epicenter of original curiosities and has a good memory will receive a prize!

A competition is being held. One of the participants receives a gift - a diploma or certificate of honor.

Presenter. Well, we've warmed up our tongues - now I propose to warm up our bodies. Next up is “Dance Boom”. Become someone who is not afraid to fight in a daring dance!

There are 3 pairs, whose only task is to dance. However, the songs for the participants are not so simple, namely “Lezginka”, “gypsy”, “lady” and “tango”. The audience chooses the winners with their applause.

Santa Claus (knocks again and flies in, spinning). I’m almost finished, almost finished, but I forgot where my staff and bag of work went. Haven't you seen it? (After a negative reaction from the audience, Grandfather hangs his head and leaves again).

Presenter. What strange Santa Clauses are these days! Well, okay, let's continue. So, friends, now it’s time to raise our glasses to the brightest and most inspiring feeling that gives us strength for life and work - for love!

The time for congratulations has come,

Let good rule everywhere,

You don't skimp on your words,

Let everything be fine!

A competition is held for the most memorable New Year's toast, the winner of which is given a symbolic gift.

Presenter. Our evening is missing the main beauty - the Snow Maiden. Our absent-minded Grandfather must have left it in some Head-Smash-In-Buffalo-Jump. Well, that’s okay – now our men are making their snowy granddaughter themselves!

The "Make Me" competition begins, in which each of the 2 men's teams is given balloons, tape, thread and markers. The task is to create a female sculpture. The competition can be arranged for a time period. Then there is no need to pre-inflate the balloons.

Presenter. Wow, you are our great sculptors! Now we are the only ones who can boast of 2 Snow Maidens at one holiday. (They raise glasses to the men.) Do you know what, friends? We could use a little color in our lives...

The game “Clothes” is being organized. Participants stand in a circle, after which, to the music, they begin to pass each other a box with funny and absurd wardrobe items pre-folded into it. The one on whom the music stops will have to, with his eyes closed, pull out and put on the thing from the box. You will not be able to remove your “decoration” (wig, false nose, glasses, oversized trousers, hat, etc.) for the next 20-30 minutes.

Presenter. And now, my extraordinary ones, let’s check which of us is the most accurate.

The essence of the “Coin” competition is that a woman needs to get as many of all 10 coins as possible into a cut-off tin can or plastic bottle tied to a man’s belt. 2 pairs are selected to participate, but the game itself can be played more than once. The duo that teams up and collects the most coins wins.

Presenter. You are just a find, not a team - accurate, dexterous, talented! Let's drink to ensure that we always remain like this.

Santa Claus (enters with a bag and a staff). Phew, here I am. Imagine, it turned out that your evening (names the address of the event) was last on my list. Do you know what saying exists in our International Santa Claus Community? “Every Morozko meets his professional holiday only with the best people!

I found my goodness

And I came to you for the holiday,

I'm ready to dance here,

Raise toasts with you!

And now I’m announcing a competition to identify the most active craftswoman who is ready to go on tour with me in January. Music!

Employees are selected to participate and will have to repeat Grandfather’s movements. The winner whose dance is particularly synchronized and rhythmic will receive a prize.

I danced and got drunk,

It's time to give me gifts,

And for all this to happen,

They should say congratulations to me!

Toasts and congratulations are made.

Presenter. And now I invite you to say goodbye to the old year and enter the New!

A ribbon is tied between the chairs, and workers take turns stepping over it, holding hands. You can first ask them to make wishes.

Final word. Our evening is coming to an end,

Good luck to everyone, I want to wish you happiness,

So that what you wish comes true,

This coming year!

May there be prosperity and patience,

Good luck to you in your future endeavors,

Creative inspiration, mood,

And don’t be afraid to get lost in your dreams!

Important! This scenario for the 2019 New Year allows for changing the order of competitions and combining components (separate poetic passages, plot twists) with other ideas. If you approach the matter in advance, with interest and thoughtfulness, the corporate event will definitely turn out to be unforgettable.


Posters and posters at the entrance read:

"Our New Year's Eve

Calling everyone to joy!

Be happy today

It will be a fun year!

If you came to the ball,

So you are not a baby.

Just do it well

And don't do anything bad!

Hurry up, come in

Look at the show!”

Leading. Colleagues! Perhaps the most long-awaited and magical holiday of the whole year has arrived. Someone meets him in a restaurant, someone at home, and today we have gathered together in this beautiful hall. But don’t think – we won’t stay here. Today we will go on a trip to 3 amazing countries to find out how other peoples of the planet celebrate this special day. Please make yourself comfortable in our comfortable express train. First stop – Poland!

Of particular importance for this New Year 2019 scenario is musical accompaniment, which is required to recreate the atmosphere of the station with its shouts, din, clatter of wheels, and in general for a comprehensive contact with the cultures of different countries through national melodies.

Presenter (speaks to Polish music). Did you know, friends, that the Poles begin popping balloons during the chiming clock, causing the streets to be filled with clapping noises, and on the ground, just like in the sky, it’s as if fireworks are exploding? Let's try to take part in this exciting action!

From 3 to 5 couples consisting of men and women are invited to participate. They place the given balls among themselves. While the music is playing, couples must dance, but as soon as it stops, each of the participants will need to hug their partner so tightly that the balloon bursts. Those who can do it faster than others win and make a toast.

Presenter (after the sounds of horns and the sound of wheels, the motives of the natives are turned on). Oh, how the sun burns! Oh, but we came to sultry and hot Africa. Can you imagine that in Kenya, people wish each other a Happy New Year... By spitting! They symbolize wishes for happiness, health and good luck. Don’t be afraid - we will do without these rituals, but we will borrow one game from our African comrades, so be it.

3-5 participants are given baby pacifiers, which they must spit out as far as possible. The winner makes a toast and receives a gift.

Leading. Now we will go to the United States of America, but for this we will need to transfer to a ship (water splashing, seagulls screaming). It's time to follow the good old custom of breaking a bottle on the boat for good luck before setting sail. However, we will use the contents for future use, so we’d better pour the champagne into our glasses! (Toasts are made).

Presenter (to a song by Michael Jackson or Madonna). America, America... Skyscrapers, Hollywood and, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Every year on the eve of the New Year, a competition is held in this country to determine the strongest and most dexterous man. It's time for us to take part in this!

Up to 5 employees are selected and given expanded newspapers. Each worker must, with his right hand behind his back, take the material by the corner with his left hand and try to gather it into a fist. The fastest one will be the winner.

Leading. As they say, visiting is good, but home is better. It's time and honor to know - we're going back to Russia! (Russian folk tunes sound).

Leading. Do you know, dear ones, that the tradition of celebrating the New Year appeared in our country only after on December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree on the beginning of a new chronology in Rus' from January 1700. The monarch decreed that it was necessary to burn resin, fire cannons, decorate homes with spruce and fir branches, and also “have fun with dancing, music and games.” Let us follow the behest of the great emperor!

The dance section begins, interspersed with toasts, meals and a meeting between Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. The latter present gifts to those present.

Snowmen fun

In this scenario, the New Year 2019 celebration will be led by 2 representatives of one family clan, namely snowmen, from whom a certain amount of acting talent will be required. Their conversation begins after they collide, walking with their backs to each other.

1 snowman. Good evening, brother! Where are you going?

2 snowman. Hello to you too! I go where the sister snowflakes fly. And you?

1 s-k. I wanted to find Grandfather Frost and ask him for something, but I don’t see him anywhere.

2 s-k. Why am I not Frost to you? (Stands in the appropriate position.)

1 s-k. Oh, well, it doesn't look like it at all. You don’t need to stand, but sit, like this, not like that (shows). It’s decided - I’ll be Frost!

2 s-k. No, you are not the same either.

1 s-k. Let's turn to the audience for help. So, who is ready to become the self-proclaimed Leader of the evening? (6-7 participants are selected).

2 s-k. Our Grandfather has the biggest one... (looks sarcastically at the stomach area). What are you talking about! The belly is, of course, the belly!

Men stick out their bellies. Thanks to applause, 4 participants are selected to move on.

1 snowman. So, our Morozko must also be dressed appropriately. (Takes out old robes, slippers and caps for the babies). Let's take it apart, take it apart, don't be shy! (Employees get dressed up).

2 snowman (looks with an uncomprehending squint). How long has it been since you saw Grandfather?

1 snowman. But I only heard about him, I didn’t get around to meeting him in person. So, now we need a deer - the most first-class. Well, who is ready to become one?

8 men are selected from the audience, for whom the song “I’ll take you to the tundra” is played. To the accompaniment of music, participants need to portray deer. It is necessary that at the end there are only 4 pieces left.

2 snowman. Yes, there are artiodactyls. Now we need a sleigh. Well, since you guys weren’t good at horned ones, you’ll be made of wood!

4 men who did not pass the previous selection become sledges. They are put on all fours, placed in front of the “reindeer” and placed on top of the “Santa Clauses”. Then the relay is announced. Each “trio” needs to get to their destination. From the participating teams, only 2 teams are selected that will cope with the task faster than the rest.

1 s-k. Someone is missing...

2 s-k. Who is this? Just look what cool guys we have!

1 s-k. Yes, but without the Snow Maidens they are nowhere! Let's choose. What kind of women do you like?

2 s-k. Here they are (shows). And also these (shows again). But I just can’t resist these ones!..

1 s-k. Why these forms - the spark is important in a woman! True, it might make me melt, well, that’s okay. Ladies, shall we light up?

A “Dance Medley” competition is being organized. For the employees, cuts from a variety of styles are included, after which each of the snowmen chooses a winner for themselves.

1 s-k. What great fellows we are - we simply saved this holiday.

2 s-k. Exactly! That’s enough for them, and we’ll take the gifts for ourselves, come on, huh?

1 s-k (looking sideways into the hall). Something tells me they heard you, but they didn't like it.

2 s-k. Then until the last drop of water! Do you have a weapon?

1 s-k. Always with me.

2 s-k. Launch it!

The snowmen salute with firecrackers and, covering their heads, fall to the ground and then rise, shaking themselves off.

The giving of New Year's gifts begins, which ends the performance.

Seeing off

The Snow Maiden (Sn-ka) appears before the public, dragging the Old New Year (CIS) behind her.

Sn-ka. Oh, I suffered so much with you, oh, I suffered so much! People are watching, but you are not ashamed. I’m telling you that it’s time for you to leave, but you don’t want to hear it.

CIS. To me? Where is this going? For retirement? Into oblivion? And I don't think so. I'm still in my prime. My life may just be beginning! Don’t you yourself see that I am a hero like no other?

Sn-ka. How can you not find it, look, old man, how many men around you are nicer and more beautiful than you. Please, at least help me prove to him that he is not the same person.

The game “Let's compete with sausages” begins. Employees are given elongated balloons that are not easy to inflate without a special pump. Participates and main character who, no matter how hard he tries, cannot cope with the task.

Sn-ka. Look how small your sausage is! It just made people laugh.

CIS. Eh, woman, happiness is not the size of a sausage! In general, I don’t intend to leave here, but if you want to kick me out, send me off with dignity, with all honors.

Sn-ka. Which ones?

CIS. Well, for example, fulfill my wishes. Maybe I want a luxurious chaise lounge.

A girl is selected from the audience, who needs to sit on a chair and take the main character in her arms.

Sn-ka. Is your soul satisfied?

CIS. No, that's not enough for me. It’s such a day, and I’m without champagne. I want a sparkling drink.

CIS. Oh, if only they would give me a gift, like in ancient times...

Sn-ka. Aha, so, then, there were these “distant times”?

CIS (looking with disapproval). I just phrased it wrong. I want poetry, poems, high art!

The Snow Maiden places a stool in the middle, where those who wish to read the poems that came to their mind or hastily composed. The old hero applauds, after which he suddenly begins to groan and clutches his heart.

CIS. I didn’t feel good, oh, I didn’t feel good...

Sn-ka. Indeed, you have turned completely pale, grandpa.

CIS. What am I going to tell my old women now... I mean, my girlfriend?

Sn-ka. Don't worry. You rest, come to your senses, and in the meantime we will make you up so that you will become even better than before!

Volunteers are selected from the audience and given a cosmetic bag with makeup products. Colleagues “decorate” the hero.

Sn-ka. So this is what the phrase “reindeer” means! Now I understand.

CIS. You yourself... But what do I look like? Where is the mirror? (Looks around).

Sn-ka. Don’t worry, now we will ask our heroes to portray you, because with us they are objective and impartial. Just for starters...

Participants are blindfolded, after which they are given markers and sheets of paper. Everyone draws the main character from memory. The game can also be played in teams so that each team draws one or another part of the body. The old year is horrified by the results he sees.

CIS. Well, you made me angry. Rejoice, Snow Maiden - I'm leaving!

Sn-ka. Well, really. And I thought there was no way I could get rid of him. Thank you, honest guests. Now the celebration can begin!

Toasts sound, firecrackers explode, chimes ring.

Modern history

Finally, last scenario New Year 2019 celebrations are perfect for those organizations that employ mainly young people who are familiar with the latest technologies People. Father Frost (DM) bursts into the hall, dressed in a characteristic red fur coat, but with a general’s shoulder straps and a cap on his head. His homemade “carriage” is driven by a trio of strong employees pretending to be horses.

DM. Form up, my crow friends!

The “horses” come to attention and salute their “boss.” General Frost greets those present to the composition “Three White Horses.”

DM. I wish you good health, dear guests!

Oh, I've been looking for you for a long time,

I'm getting pretty tired!

General Morozov to all!..

The general's cell phone rings. He answers as if talking on a mobile phone is a common thing for him.

DM. Hello, yes. Found it?

DM. That's right, she is my granddaughter. Well, bring her here.

The general hangs up, but after a while the cell phone rings again.

DM. Yes. What? Gift for operational service? How many? (Addressing the horse) December, deliver 10 boxes of chocolates with cognac to my police friends. What are you saying, Alekseevich? End of order - no need for candy! Well, we'll figure it out later...

To the sound of a police siren, a tearful Snow Maiden, dressed in a short dress, enters the room. Grandfather immediately rushes to her.

DM. It is found, my soul, it is found! Where did the evil one take you?

Snow Maiden. To Hollywood, grandpa, to Hollywood! They didn’t take me to act in films...

DM. Ugh, I thought, to an overseas land for glory! What are they, tea, completely blind? After all, we still need to look for such a miracle. And he knows how to shoot, and do push-ups, just blood and milk - all like his grandfather!

Snow Maiden. They said my IQ was too high. Smart as hell.

The hero angrily hits the floor with his staff and takes out his cell phone again.

DM. Hello! Have you sent gifts to Hollywood? Urgently turn back to Russia. (Addresses his granddaughter). Don't be sad, honey. Both I and the people here need you, at home. Just look how many good guests have gathered here today. We need to respect them.

Snow Maiden (calming down). Are they exactly what you say they are?

DM. Certainly! The guys are smart, friendly, hardworking. Look, now we’ll give them a test. Have you heard about “team building”? Team, line up to take the ceremonial exams!

The gaming part of the event begins, including:

  1. Test for accuracy. The two participants are blindfolded, after which the Snow Maiden places a soccer ball on the floor. The first one to hit it wins. The game can be played an unlimited number of times.
  2. Speed ​​check and fine motor skills. A pair of people is selected from those present and given bowls with small multi-colored mugs made from firecrackers. The winner is the one who distributes the material by color faster than others.
  3. Orientation check. The blindfolded participant is spun around several times by the general. In this state, he will need to find a “treasure” in the hall, focusing only on the comments of his colleagues (“Hot!”, “Cold!”, “Warmer!”, etc.). The employee will be able to take the found gift for himself.

DM. Just look how they coped with my difficult tasks! But I told you that there are people here everywhere.

Snow Maiden. That's right, grandpa! I had so much fun that I don’t miss anything about Hollywood anymore. It’s decided – I’ll stay, I’ll stay forever. Let's give gifts to our daring friends.

Presents are distributed, after which the party continues with a buffet table, dancing and karaoke.