Cool performances at the autumn ball at school. Skits for the autumn ball for high school and elementary school students

Autumn fairy tale for high school students 2017

Presenter: Babusya-Krivusya on video

    Song Autumn, Autumn Polina Lomonosova 8 V and Anya Khodyachikh 8 G

    Dance CLOUDS

    Song Forest Nymph Varya 8 G “This summer is like autumn”

    Dance of MUSHROOMS


    EXIT KOSCHEY and the gang


    Song of the Bogatyrs Young Rus'

    Dance of the Virtual World WITH A LAPTOP

    Dance and song of mermaids 10 b

    Arm wrestling with Koshchei

    Coming out of Koshchei's daughter Angelina

    2 songs by Vitokhin, Ivanov with guitar, piano

    Release of AUTUMN Zaryanskaya Alisa, song Rain-fairy tale

    Everyone sings the FINAL SONG of DDT “What is autumn?” Marchenko A., Ksenia Konstantinova

Good afternoon, dear Guests! We are glad to see you in this autumn hall! Today is ours autumn event I’m leading and Babusya-Krivusya will come out with us for Skype sessions. So if it’s hard to hear her or there are problems with the sound, I’ll translate for you what Krivusya is Telling!

Skype sound

Presenter Krivusya: In ancient, ancient times, fairy tales were told, and I know a lot of legends! So today, my iris, I will tell you a wonderful, wonderful story from my distant youth.

My tale speaks about both friendship and the Evil Koshchei!

And let's not spoil it, let's get started!

It was like this!

(Where is my spinner lying around, otherwise my nerves are getting crazy!)

It was in the forest.

The forest lived ordinary life. Here you will find crooked clouds, forest nymphs and mushrooms in the forest. However, you will see everything for yourself now. Now the clouds are visible.


Tuchek Dance

Oh, who is this beauty? This forest nymph sings autumn songs!

VARYA 8 G "This summer is like autumn"

Oh, mushrooms in a bag!!! Look!

Mushroom Dance

The crooked clouds floated away, the mushroom pickers collected the mushrooms in a little bag, nothing foreshadowed trouble in the forest!

But something didn’t go according to plan that day!

And the clouds thickened over the forest! And its inhabitants became alarmed!

Everyone's Instagram stories were replenished with photos of the stormy sky.

And the hashtag WINTER CLOSE hit the top in a matter of minutes.

It was clear to everyone that the Forest was in for an unheard of and unprecedented misfortune!

Where is my remote control, I need to at least turn on the news.

(11 A VIDEO news release:

We have to pause for an emergency news release. A hacker under the nickname Koschey carried out a cyber attack, as a result of which Golden Autumn was stolen. Our correspondent is broadcasting live in a perescope from the scene.


Ha, Ha, now I'll move to a new level. Autumn is in my hands!

Koschey's Brotherhood: Koschey forever! Autumn is OUR!

K- And at that same hour the forest dwellers began to think. Who is Autumn Golden in real world will it return? Who wouldn’t be afraid to stand up against Koshchei at the versus battle? What daredevil would dare to go to the virtual world of Koshchei?

And then three heroes came out to the forest edge. All the handsome men are daring...

Well, or almost everything.

EXIT OF THE BOGATYRS (To the music of Fizruk)

Bogatyr 1: Hey, brothers, we forgot our horses!

(Horses neigh behind the scenes)

Yes, we ourselves are like horses. Look how much strength and courage!

Bogatyr 1: - Well, brother Ilya, we’ve been sitting too long, it’s been a long time since we performed feats

Bogatyr2: I just got up from the stove, it’s already a feat.

Bogatyr 3: All of you are jokes and jokes, but I sense that a great battle awaits us!


K-And the good fellows pledged to defeat the evil hacker and return Golden Autumn to the human world. The heroes set off for the virtual kingdom of Koshcheevo, but many obstacles awaited them on the way, but you will see everything for yourself.


K- Our fellows turned out to be not timid, they each have 10 in their pocketsiPhone(y). Where are the pixels against them?permissions 10th iPhone(a), they fled, and the heroes continued their journey...


Mermaids: Well done!

Bogatyrs! Come here!

Come to us!

Do you want a selfie with mermaids?

Bogatyrs! Be trendy! Well done!

(One of the Bogatyrs goes to them, and Ilya pulls everyone away)

Bogatyr: What, brothers, have you fallen for Instagram divas! We have our own Russian beauties, not overseas maidens!

K- Insta beauties, overseas mermaids, each with 250 thousand followers. It was not easy for the heroes to bypass the river nymphs, but even here our saviors won. They added the mermaids to the black list and banned them, and from there you can no longer hear their intoxicating songs.

Bogatyrs: How can we defeat Koshchei?

Running for the race!

Eating donuts!


Bogatyrs: - Hey, Koschey! Go offline, stop hanging out in the virtual world with Autumn!

Let's use real force!


Koschey: I still won’t give you autumn! My strength is in my password! And my daughter has my password with a scarlet wreath on her head! But you have nothing to surprise her with!

K- No matter how hard the good fellows fought, they could not hack the system.Exit of KOSCHEY'S DAUGHTER

Koshchei's daughter:

I am Koshchei's daughter! I'm tired of languishing with my dad! I want to go to discos! To the Autumn Ball!

Bogatyr: There will be no Autumn Ball before the disco without the Queen of Autumn? But we just can’t free her from the virtual world! We don't know the password!

Koshchei's daughter: And I'll tell you the password! You just need to pass my test!


Sing songs with me to live music!

Bogatyri: Guys, who can play the guitar?

Bogatyr Alyosha: Brothers, I’ll go! Well, pretty girl, will you sing along with me?


Koshchei's daughter: Oh, good fellow, you sing well, but you probably dance! I want to go to the autumn ball with you! Here, keep the password for the Koscheev central server!

(I know the password, I see the landmark OPEN)

They take a laptop and enter the password there.

K- And they defeated Koshchei, and bypassed all the complex passwords, all the forgotten nicknames, and freed Golden Autumn from the virtual world. Through common efforts They gave us back the beauty of autumn!

Meet Queen Autumn!

-Song Zaryanskaya RAIN-FAIRY TALE

K-That's the end of the fairy tale! And who listened, well done! And the heroes sent Koscheyushka to the gym so that muscle mass increased and left his virtual world! And I walked through the autumn park!

And the jury will now decide who will receive the diploma!

This is where the fairy tale ends! In the meantime, while the jury is awarding the certificate, we ask all artists to take the stage!!!

Interesting, cheerful, funny scenes on the theme “Autumn” will decorate anyone. And you can play them not only in the fall, but also at other times of the year, for example, at a themed parade, at holidays dedicated to the calendar, etc.

Sketch "Janitor"

If you want to play on the theme "Autumn", you can take interesting idea with the participation of one hero.

Participants: announcer, assistants, janitor. The latter is dressed up as a funny janitor - a hat with earflaps, some old jacket and boots. In the beginning main character sleeps peacefully on stage, placing an urn under his head and hugging a broom. The announcer behind the scenes announces: “And so, the happy, carefree time for the janitor ended, leaves fell from the trees.” From behind the scenes, assistants pour out leaves, trying to get them on the sleeping person’s face. A lyrical song about autumn sounds, the janitor jumps up, shakes his head, saying: “Ay-ay-ay.” He pours out the leaves from the hat (which were hidden there earlier) and begins to slowly sweep. After leaving, the announcer announces: “The day has passed.” At this time, the assistants quickly scatter the leaves across the stage. You can close the curtain at this time. A janitor runs out to dynamic club music, grabs his head, sweeps very quickly, shakes his head and does a break dance, for example, after sweeping everything. “The next day,” says the announcer, even more leaves scatter. The janitor runs out to the fastest song, expresses open despair, throws his hat, screams and tears out his hair. After which he begins to run around the stage with a broom, angrily scattering leaves in all directions. Then he runs away and shakes his fist. “A week has passed,” the announcer announces. A janitor is sleeping on the stage, hugging an urn, a broom, there are a lot of leaves on him, but he smiles happily.

"Harvesting potatoes"

A funny sketch on the theme “Autumn”, which covers one of the most pressing topics.

The number of participants is six people, they are dressed up as father and mother, grandmother, grandfather and two children, brother and sister. The clothes should be funny, the grandmother is wrapped in scarves, the grandfather is wearing glasses and big trousers, the father is wearing everything old, like the mother - everyone is gathered to dig potatoes.

A room is presented on the stage, a boy in a cap is sitting in front of the computer, depicting gambling to the races. The girl is reclining on the sofa, chewing gum and talking on the phone. Voice off stage: “Masha, Sasha, you know, it’s time for potatoes!” Children do not hear and do not react in any way. First, the mother comes in, runs up to the girl, starts kissing and squeezing her, then she pesters the boy in the same way.

Sasha, Mashenka, let’s go, and then I’ll buy you some candy.

Mom, leave me alone, feed the candy to grandma.

Mom, are you out of touch, it’s not cool to dig holes.

Mom shakes her head offendedly, wipes away a tear and leaves.

Grandma comes in.

Come on, little ones, wrap yourself up quickly, we need to help out a little.

Bah, decipher it, nothing is clear, what is Morse?

Who, where is Morzya, don’t need a walrus... cover yourself, we’ll go without him.

The children look at each other ironically, but continue to sit. Grandmother shakes her head, mutters about the walrus and calls for grandfather. The grandfather comes in and shouts from the doorway.

Evona, what idiots are sitting there, what masters, it’s impossible to sit there.

Grandfather, you better go help grandma look for the walrus.

What, what? What do you need it for, guys, what a hedgehog it is...

Children say to themselves: “Well, it’s finally darkness.” They sit as before. The grandfather throws up his hands and leaves, muttering about the hedgehog.

And then everything changes, the father runs into the room and starts screaming.

Hey, you homely fraeras, quickly took your drupels in your hands and peeled the potatoes.

The children jump up in surprise, look at each other, but run away to the door.

The father takes out the book and says: “Well, thank you, dear dictionary of youth slang.” He sighs and leaves. Curtain.

"Apple Tree Saved"

This sketch on the theme “Autumn” (7th grade) is interesting and fun, but does not require much preparation.

Participants: grandson, three friends, grandmother. Announcer: “The apples in my grandmother’s garden turned out great. But the trouble is, there’s nowhere to put them.”

There is a table on the stage, a grandmother, an adult grandson, and three of his friends are sitting next to it. There are basins and buckets everywhere, you can put a flask. Everyone eats apples.

Grandson (sings): “Apples in the snow, you will still help them, I can’t do it anymore...”

First friend: “Grandma, maybe it’s better to sell?”

Grandmother: “Oh, dear, I’ve already fed the whole village, the pigs are already spitting out my apples.”

Grandson: “Yeah, she fed the pigs and fed us. It’s been the fifth day of nothing but apples, maybe I should make some soup.”

Grandmother: “Oh, grandson, you helped me out so much, you ate five buckets and fed a bucket to your friends. All the good things don’t go to waste.”

Second friend: “That’s it, now I won’t be able to look at apples for the next ten years.”

Third friend: “Granny, grandma, have you even rolled up the jars for the winter?”

Grandmother: “Wow, darlings, oh, sclerosis, a garden headache... but I haven’t stored anything for the winter...”

"Queen of Autumn"

A fashionable scene on the theme “Golden Autumn”, which requires careful preparation.

Participants: five girls in “autumn” outfits, presenter, 2 jury members.

Presenter: “Ladies and gentlemen, it has finally happened, five magnificent queens are appearing on our podium. The jury will decide which costume is the best. Let's meet them."

The girls come out to the music, all the costumes are a little ridiculous and funny. One has a short skirt, another has a swimsuit with leaves covering her front and chest, the third has “I am autumn” written on her chest, the fourth wears an orange tracksuit, and the fifth wears a blue dress with one leaf.

Presenter: “What magnificent outfits, it will be difficult for us to choose the true queen. Now you must present your outfit.”

Music sounds and everyone takes turns coming out and dancing funny.

Host: “Well, it’s time to find out who became queen. The jury's word."

Jury member: “We have five nominations. Marie (in a short skirt) is a tailless autumn, Lena (swimsuit) is a beggar autumn, Katya (inscription) is the most verbose suit, Nadya is a fitness autumn, and the queen of autumn is Anna. To myself - if only there were more leaves.”

A member of the jury tries to put on the crown, but the girls are against the decision and run at them shouting: “Atas, the judges are in trouble.” The jury runs away and everyone follows them.

"Autumn round dance"

A simple sketch on the theme “Autumn” for 5th grade.

Participants: presenter and ten participants.

Presenter: “Autumn has come to us, and now we are all dancing in a circle,

Let everyone take a leaf and give it to another.

If the tempo suddenly changes, whoever is left with the sheet dances.”

Gives a large and bright sheet of paper to any participant in the round dance, he passes it to another, etc. in turn. The music sounds slowly, when the music changes to a fast melody (apple, square dance, polka, etc.), the one who has the sheet left jumps out of the circle and actively dances, unexpectedly fast for everyone. The music for the shift should be different, it will be much funnier and more interesting. Comic scenes on the theme “Autumn” in a musical style look very impressive and will certainly delight even the most sophisticated viewer.

  • A skit on the theme “Autumn” should not be too long.
  • As a prop, you can make artificial leaves from paper; they look brighter and more impressive, and there is much less waste from them.
  • Invite the brightest and most artistic kids to participate.
  • The presenter must speak loudly and clearly; make sure you have a microphone in advance.
  • Any joke about autumn can serve as a scene.

In conclusion

Autumn is exactly the time of year that makes it possible to come up with hundreds of interesting topics for mini-performances. Show your imagination and be bold in realizing your ideas. A skit on the theme “Autumn” will decorate any holiday, and then the concert will become the most striking and memorable event.

1 presenter. Autumn… Golden time of the year, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, and a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, eye-catching to blurry-transparent halftones.

2 presenter. But it’s true, look around, take a closer look: the foliage sparkles like forged gold, multi-colored lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums flash brightly, rowan berries freeze on the trees with droplets of blood, and the bottomless autumn sky surprises with the abundance and brightness of the stars scattered across it.

1 presenter. Sad October stretches out its business card, where the lines of the brilliant Russian poet are written in colorless ink of mists:

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing.

….And the pond has already frozen……

2 presenter. It’s autumn outside now... We call it different things: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year, it’s the time of harvesting, summing up field work, this is the beginning of school, this is preparation for a long and cold winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - native land always beautiful, attractive, charming! AND folk wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.” So let wonderful music sound on this October day, let unbridled cheerful laughter flow like a river, your legs know no fatigue in dancing, let your fun never end!

Autumn appears. She's crying.

Autumn: - We were planning to have fun, look what you wanted! I shed tears, and they have fun... (sobs)

1st part:- your autumn majesty! Golden autumn! Yes, we glorify you with the most beautiful words...

Autumn: - I don’t want to! I don't need anything!

2 presenter: - what happened?

Autumn: - I'm upset! I'm bored! (sobs)

The presenters talk to each other:

1: - what to do? Tears of Autumn, like autumn rains, if they charge, then for a long time.

2: - we need to save the situation. Otherwise we won’t have a fun ball.

1: - I think I came up with it! Dear Autumn! Maybe we can try to drive away your boredom..

Autumn (incredulously):- Well, try it.

2: - Your Majesty! The throne is waiting for you!

Autumn is setting.

The song “Kil ele yanima” plays

2: - well, how!? Are you having fun?

Autumn: Nobody understands me, no respect... (Sobbing)

1: - then... then... (thinks)

2: - Do you want famous artists?

1: - Where will you get them?

2: - Yes, I only need to make one call. ( calls, talks) So, our guests are unique new grandfathers.

2 grandfathers appear.

1 grandfather: - who needed the stars? Take it while it's free.

1ved. - Grandfathers, are you by chance lost? This is not a nursing home.

2nd grandfather:- listen, you little cat! You wipe your lenses and turn your brains correctly. Cool guys in front of you!

2 ved.: - Guys!?!

1st grandfather:- we are the new Russian grandfathers!

2 grandfather: - They doubt that we are cool...

1st grandfather:- Well, look and admire.

They take turns singing (one sings, the other dances) to the tune “My Bunny”

    Although I am a grandfather, I am a new Russian.

My whole outfit is a French magazine.

I haven't read newspapers for a long time,

I've been missing from the Internet for a long time.

Now I don't need a grandma -

I fell in love with pop stars.

I myself have become a star.

Look how bright it has become.

Chorus: I don’t sleep well at night - I correspond by e-mal.

And I long ago forgot about the hernia and sclerosis.

I started going to dances and loving a fun life.

I don't look at the cow and the dung.

    Don't call me grandpa

I'm now in a new outfit.

I perform on TV

This is the grandfather I am paired with.

I change cars often

And I’ve been to the casino more than once

Don't you look old.

Right now I’ll pick up a guitar - I want to sing.

Autumn:-Well, grandpas, you give it! Do you have any grandmothers?

Grandfathers together: - Otherwise!

1st grandfather:- Yes, our chicks are showing off.

Behind the scenes you can hear: “There are so many single guys, but we love a married man...” new Russian grandmothers appear.

M. : - Oh, Flower, I can’t! Yesterday I went to a disco with my grandson. Oh, I had a blast there.

C.: - Yes, that’s enough, Marina, fill it up. Your snoring scared all the dogs away.

M.: - How do you know?

C. : (embarrassed)- Yes, all night long the Yantirneti sat there like his. (flirtatiously) carried on a love correspondence...with some kind of Sait Wandex

M. : - Well, I got it. Carried...

1st grandfather:- hey! grandmas! Let's dance!

2nd grandfather:- let me dance, madam!

C. - Mademoiselle!

2: - at our ball there are modern rhythms .

Modern dance.

Autumn: - oh, old people, oh, old ladies! Well, have fun! Why is it me, really! Bad weather has spread! We need to have fun. Enjoy this harvest. Guess who it is?

RIDDLES- What vegetable is also called blue? (eggplant)- What vegetable is called “snake grass”? (garlic)- What vegetable is called “ extraordinary berry"? (tomato)- Which vegetable is sweet and bitter? (pepper)- Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch,Adults and little children love me. (apple)- Blue uniform, yellow lining, sweet in the middle. (plum)- Above the ground there is a top, under the ground there is a scarlet head. (beet)- The red nose has grown into the ground,And the green tail is on the outside.We don't need a green tailAll you need is a red nose. (carrot)- The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed.Dig a little under a bush... (potato)

1 presenter. They say that autumn means sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Don't believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. She brings generosity to the soul, warmth from the heart human communication, brings unique beauty into our lives!

2 presenter. Autumn has fully come into its own today and we celebrated its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all together autumn ball. Winter, spring, summer are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us at our school more than once. See you again!

1: - You all know very well that it was customary to come to the ball in pairs, or it was at the ball that a couple was formed. At our ball we will try to remember famous couples. There are many of these couples. I name one name, you suggest the second in unison. So let's begin.

Adam – Eve

Romeo – Juliet

Wolf – Little Red Riding Hood

Basilio – Alice

Winnie the Pooh – Piglet

Evgeniy – Tatiana

Hamlet – Ophelia

Ulyanov – Krupskaya

Misha - Raisa

Bill - Monica

Carlson - Baby

Pierrot – Malvina

Ruslan - Lyudmila

Father Frost - Snow Maiden

Tom - Jerry

Piggy – Karkusha

Abram – Sarah – Anka

Elephant - Pug

Philip - Alla

Sasha – Lolita

Worker - Collective Farm Woman

Ant – Dragonfly

Leg – Hypotenuse

Chip - Dale

Grandfather - Baba

He – She

Jack – Queen

"plus" - "minus"

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

So autumn has returned to us again,

Unnoticed she entered her father's land:

All dressed up in gold embroidery -

Who named you, dear autumn,

And dull and sad at times?

Take a look at our lovely school

And open the autumn ball to us.

Presenter 2: Falling leaves wander through the bushes and maples in the grove
Soon he will look into the garden with a golden ringing,
Let's assemble a fan from the leaves, bright and beautiful,
The wind will run through the leaves, light and playful.
And the leaves fly away obediently to the wind.
This means that summer is no more, autumn is coming.
The cranes are flying south. Hello, hello, autumn!
Come to our holiday! We really, really ask!

Presenter 1: Let's all say together, guys: autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit us!

Autumn coming out: Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

Are you excited to meet me?

Do you like the forest outfit?

Autumn gardens and parks?

I came to your party

Sing and have fun.

I want to be with everyone here

Make strong friends!

Presenter 2: Hello autumn, hello autumn!

It's good that you came!

And we, Autumn, will ask you:

What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn : I brought the magic of magic lines as a gift.

Our poor garden is crumbling.

The leaves have turned yellow and are flying in the wind.

Only in the distance it flaunts - there,

At the bottom of the valleys

The brushes are bright red withering rowan trees.

It's frosty in the morning.

Yellow leaves are falling in the groves.

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

In puddles the ice is transparent blue,

There is white frost on the leaves.

September : Attention! Attention! Today our Empress Autumn deigned to invite all her subjects and overseas guests to the holiday

October : Attention! Attention!

To all the Vanyushkas and Katyushkas!

To all Andryushka Tanyushka!

To all the Svetkas and other children!

Strict order: have fun, sing and dance until you drop at the festival! And whoever disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will - do not cut off his head!

November : : We are glad to see you in this hall and invite you to a place of honor. Lady Autumn, we have reaped a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits and made a lot of preparations for the winter.

Autumn : Let me clarify that the ball in the 21st century is not particularly popular, and therefore it is better to call our program “Autumn Disaster.”

Presenter 1 : Do you agree, dear guests of the holiday? That's good. We invite you all to take part in our unusual program.

Autumn : Allow me to begin the holiday!

Let's have a lot of fun today!

Someone came up with the idea that Autumn is a sad time!

Competition with fans - riddles (Appendix 1).

Autumn : Well done, you completed this task.

Presenter 1: Well, now we move on to competitive program, because for the winners of our competitions we have also prepared pleasant surprises. Therefore, we invite those who have enthusiasm and a cheerful mood to participate in the “Autumn Motives 2012” competition.

Presenter 2: For our competition to take place, participants alone are not enough. We need to select the jury of the competition.

Jury presentation________________________________

Presenter 1: Let me ask you a question: “What would you prefer to wear to the fall prom this season?” Famous fashion designers decided to help you
Here not in dreams, but in reality
I decided to help you “house of models”,
To understand an important issue,
What to wear this season.
Unfortunately, the magazine with the names of the models has been lost, and the school students themselves are invited to comment on the costumes
Competition "Autumn outfit".
Demonstration of outfits.

Presenter 2: I wonder if you know any proverbs about autumn?
3 participants are invited to the stage. (
when the participants have already left) The beginning of riddles and proverbs are laid out on the table; you need to remember the second half of the saying.

While our participants are completing the task, we invite you to answer our autumn questions.

1. How many days does autumn last?(91 days)

2. What is the period of warm weather in mid-autumn called in Russia?(Indian summer)

3. Which tree is a symbol of autumn?(maple)

4. Which universal remedy was it invented in China?(umbrella)

5. Which birds are considered the best rain predictors?(swallows and swifts)

6. How many days did it rain, leading to the Flood?(40 days)

7. Who from ancient greek gods controlled thunder and lightning?(Zeus)

8. How would the phrase “big wind” sound in Chinese?(typhoon)

9. How does autumn end?(November)

Presenter 2: Well done guys. Let's check what our competitors did.

Correct proverbs:

Autumn : Well done guys, you did a good job, and now we are going to the garden, where the harvest is taking place. Let's see what has grown and ripened by autumn...

Presenter 1: 4 participants are invited to the stage. “Collecting vegetables” (vegetables are mixed on the floor, you need to select the desired vegetable with your eyes closed and put it in the basket)

(Wild rock music. A DJ jumps onto the stage with a tape recorder on his shoulder).
DJ : Stop talking! It's time for us to cheer up! And I, DJ ___________________, will warm up for you! You must answer my questions together and in chorus “Yes!” or not!". Is everyone clear? Let's rehearse: Yes! (Everyone responds - Yes!) No! (Everyone in the hall - No!). The answer to my questions is always only “no” or only “yes”! Well, let's go!
—Ice—frozen water?

— Does the old grandfather go to the nursery?
— Does he take his grandson there?
- Wednesday after Friday?..
So much for you! I thought it was Saturday! Okay, let's move on!
— Do rockets have wheels?
— Is a tiger a predator or not?..
Why do you think he, like a bunny, eats carrots and cabbage?
- Does the hare have a beard?
Yes?! It's the goats who have a beard. And hares go to the barbershop to shave!
— Should there be sun?
- Should there be friendship?
- Should we stop this evening?
How to stop this? Everything is just in full swing!
Presenter 2: Autumn comes to us with gifts. We will now see what gifts our participants prepared and for whom. Because our next competition is called “Autumn Song”.
Competition "Autumn Song".

Competition with spectators. We invite 5 people from the hall. We read TV reversals, and you raise your hand to see who can guess faster.
For those who don’t yet know what shifters are, let us explain: this is a phrase in which words are replaced with opposite meanings. For example: “Evening parcel” is “Morning mail”. Is everything clear? Then let's begin.

TV - changelings
1. “Bar of the Sad and Confused” (“KVN”)
2. “Cold Twenty” (“Hot Ten”)
3. “Looking for you” (“Wait for me”)
4. “Your Garden” (“Our Garden”)
5. “Village” (“Town”)
6. "Evening parcel" ("Morning mail")
7. “Be silent, hateful balalaika” (“Play, beloved accordion”)
8. " Good morning, old ladies!” (" Good night, kids!")
9. “With the help of another operator” (“My own director”)
10. “Dumb the Dumb” (“The Smartest”)
11. “Asteroid Factory” (“Star Factory”)
12. "A Man's Handshake" ("A Woman's Gaze")
(The winner is awarded the “Most Smartest” medal)

Presenter 1: One evening in the garden
Turnips, beets, radishes, onions
We decided to play hide and seek
But first we stood in a circle.
Calculated clearly right there:
One, two, three, four, five...
Hide better, hide deeper
Well, I'm going to look.
Where did the vegetables hide?
Where to look for them? We learn about this from the stories of the guys. So, the start of the next competition “Vegetable Presentation” is announced.
Competition "Vegetable Presentation"

The jury sums up the results of the competitions. Rewarding.

Presenter 2: So the evening has passed,
Are you satisfied, friends?
So everything is fine
It was not in vain that we met!
Happy holiday! Happy golden autumn holiday!

Presenter 1: Time for business, time for fun.

The holiday continues

The disco begins after the hall has been prepared.

And Autumn, as the main guest, is invited to it. Let us welcome and thank everyone who took part and came to our celebration.

2-3 people play. There is a prize on the table between the players and the presenter. The presenter reads the text:

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases.

As soon as I say the number “three”, -

Take the prize immediately.

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside

We saw small fish

And not just one,

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night.

Take it and repeat it at night

once - twice, or better... ten.

A seasoned guy dreams

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: one, two,... march!

One day the train is at the station

I had to wait 3 hours...”

If none of the players manages to take the prize, the presenter takes it, saying: “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”


1. Curious red nose,
Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head,
They just hang out in the garden,
Green heels. What is this? (carrot).
2. She was a blade of grass, she drank all the water
She turned white, got fat,
Like sugar crunched,
I spent the summer and made a lot of money
Dressed, dressed
But I couldn’t undress. (cabbage).

3. He is golden and mustachioed,
There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (ear).

4. Grew from a seed,
Golden sun. (sunflower).

5. There was a green fruit - it didn’t want to be put into your mouth.
They put him in a bed, he changed his clothes,
I put on the red one and ripened it for food (tomato).

6. The spring has hung - the whole summer has been sour,
And it became sweet - it fell to the ground. (apple).

7. The cramped house split,
In two halves.
And they poured out from there,
Beads, pellets (peas).

8. And green and thick,
A bush grew in the garden bed,
Dig a little

Under the bush - ... (potatoes).

9. His character is nasty,
He grew up in the garden
Where it won't come

It will bring everyone to tears. (onion).

10. Flower - honey,
And the fruit is heavy. (pumpkin).

11. Red turnip,
Settled firmly into the ground,
For her crest and into the cauldron,
There will be borscht on our table (beets).

Scenario of the Autumn Ball for high school students "The Trial of Autumn"

Scenario of the Autumn Ball for high school students “The Trial of Autumn”. Author: Martin Marina Hello! I am a very frequent visitor to your site, because... I have two school-aged daughters and for every holiday I need scripts or skits. I would like to offer you my script for the autumn ball for high school students. My daughters and I wrote it, and we remade the songs ourselves. I will be glad if you like it, and maybe it will be useful to someone. Host: Hello, dear friends! Let us open our traditional autumn ball. "Autumn time, the charm of the eyes.... (the presenter is interrupted by a suddenly entering cleaning lady) Cleaning lady: They've trampled here, and I'll clean it up! Presenter: Sorry... Cleaning lady: So, we're vacating the room! A meeting will take place here now! Presenter: What kind of meeting is this? Cleaning lady: It's a trial! and despondency, cold and slush, the spread of acute respiratory infections and flu. The word is given to the prosecutor... Prosecutor: On the night of August 31 to September 1, the defendant secretly crept into the territory of our city and brought with her not only bad weather. , cold and slush, but also mass diseases. In addition, two marks appeared in the students’ diaries. Judge: Defendant, do you understand the charge, and do you plead guilty? Autumn: No, Your Honor, I’m innocent. Judge: Okay. Does the defense wish to speak on the merits of this charge? Lawyer: Your Honor, the position of the defense will be expressed during the judicial investigation. Court: Then we will hear the prosecution witnesses. Janitor (autumn): Egyptian power! Yeah! Gotcha! Look, the slush has spread and the leaves have been scattered! There are puddles all around - the residents are complaining. Song "Puddles" (to the tune of the song "Clouds" by the group Ivanushki International) You scold the rain, Puddles by the side of the road. All the people are very concerned about this. They've accumulated, damn it, and they're getting in the way. I need to fall asleep, but no one wants to. Chorus: And there are puddles, puddles at the side of the road, And the puddles are in the way. And puddles interfere with movement, But no one fills up the puddles. My friend couldn't come, the evening didn't work out. He got stuck on the way. He fell into a puddle. You're in vain scolding the rain, You're in vain scolding it. Hurry up, maybe you can wash it. Chorus. Because of you, I lost my bonus for two months! (walks towards autumn with a threatening look) Autumn (moving away from the janitor): But I’m not out of malice! After all, my time has come! Mine! (hides behind the lawyer) Lawyer (waves at the janitor): Pressure on my client! I protest!!! Prosecutor: Beat her! (boxing) The judge knocks with his gavel: Order in the courtroom! Witness, return to your seat! Janitor: Come on, Your Highness. I just thought: I need to cross it off the calendar. Nobody needs her. So my wife says the same thing! (turns to the audience): Really, Mikhailovna? Cleaning lady: Yes, yes, cross it out, cross it out. People drag dirt from the street into the building, and I clean it up!!! Lawyer: I object, Your Honor! My client’s guilt has not yet been proven! The judge knocks his gavel again: Silence! Citizen, take your seat! Call the next witness. Two girlfriends come in. Judge: What else is this? Why together? Girlfriend: Katya can't talk. Her voice is nasal. Katya blows her nose loudly. Girlfriend: See? Judge: Okay, what can you say in essence? Girlfriend: Fuck it this fall. As soon as you put on a clean skirt, the car will splash, your high-heeled shoes will catch the leaves. By the time you get to school, you can collect the herbarium. And this runny nose too. Katya sneezes right on her friend. Girlfriend (wiping herself): You see! In short, complete fuck-up!!! You need to cross it off your calendar! It will be better without her, better. Katya: Yeah! (sneezes) Girlfriend: You see! Prosecutor: Please tell us what happened to you on the way to school. Girlfriend: Well, in short. Katka and I put on brand new skirts. Katka’s is pink, there’s a button, there’s a slit, there’s a belt... And I have a white one with frills, frills, frills... Judge: Witness, closer to the point. Girlfriend: Well, that's what I'm saying. We’re going like this with Katka. And then some racer doused us in a puddle from head to toe. Katya came down with a runny nose, but I still haven’t washed my skirt! And who, tell me, will be responsible for all this? Lawyer: Protest! We are looking at a specific case here. Driving a car. who sprayed the witnesses was not my client. Judge: The protest is accepted. Do you have any other questions for the witness? Katya blows her nose loudly. Prosecutor and lawyer: We don’t. Judge: a break in the court session is announced. (leaves): My head is already swelling from such witnesses. CONTEST. Judge: The trial on the fall charges continues. We begin the interrogation of the defendant. Defendant, stand up. Lawyer: How can you explain the appearance of puddles on the roads? Autumn: Yes, in our city there are puddles in every entrance! Why should I be responsible for everything? Prosecutor (irritated): How do you explain the dirt? Where does dirt come from? Autumn: And dirt is a common occurrence at this time. Autumn has arrived! And some, by the way, don’t mind wearing rubber boots instead of stilettos. And in general, you need to get less dirty! Prosecutor: What can you say about the deuces in the diaries? Autumn: Again, I have nothing to do with it. Do kids need to study? Necessary. And so that there are no failures in the diaries, it is necessary to study. Lawyer: Your Honor, allow me to provide evidence that will refute the prosecution’s version that the guys in their diaries only have bad grades. Judge: I allow it. Quiz. Lawyer: I ask you questions, and you give answers. Is it true... 1.Americans eat pickles with jam (yes) 2. in the Caucasus they salt watermelons (yes) 3. in Uzbekistan they salt melons (no) 4. the proverb “in healthy body- healthy mind" continues with "...rare luck" (yes) 5. to dig a tunnel 1 meter long, a mole needs 1 hour (no, it takes 6 minutes) 6. can a lichen eat a stone? (yes) 7. an octopus turns almost white out of fear (yes) 8. blue roses grow only in China (no, they don’t exist in nature) 9. crocodiles have green fat (yes) 10. camels store water reserves in their humps (no, they store fat reserves there) Prosecutor: Well, what about the ORZ? Lawyer: Your Honor, I ask you to question the defense witness. He will answer this question better. Judge: Well, let’s have your witness. The lawyer comes out: Tell me, witness, what time of year is it most often. Are you suffering from acute respiratory infections? Doctor: Eva, well, well, my little mice, I must tell you that the peak of diseases occurs in the cold season... Prosecutor: Which is what we needed to prove! , they get sick all year round, my Chernobyl squirrels! Lawyer: What was required to be proven (sticks out his tongue to the prosecutor, the prosecutor sticks out his tongue in response) The judge knocks with his gavel: Participants in the trial, stop this! kindergarten ! Maintain order in the courtroom! Prosecutor (to doctor): You should be ashamed! Doctor: What is this? Prosecutor: How can you defend this disgusting autumn? Doctor: I don’t understand how you can blame autumn for the fact that your immune system is weakened? It’s the same as blaming a surgeon for not removing your healthy appendix! We need to toughen up, comrades. CONTEST. Judge: Dear participants in the trial, do you have any questions for the witness? Prosecutor and lawyer: We don’t! Judge: Call the next witness. The poetess comes out. Poet: But so many thoughts, so many insights Appear in the autumn sadness, And so many new lines of poems, Rain of melodies, wind of chants. Just collect her gifts and listen as beauty descends to earth. Judge: What wonderful words! But we digress. Witness, what can you say in essence. Poet.: What could be more beautiful and sadder than autumn?... Autumn is a time to think about something high and eternal... Time to stop for a minute to understand what we need in this life... How wonderful it is to wander through the alleys in autumn your beloved city, strewn with colorful rustling leaves... At these moments, not a single bad thought will dare to disturb you... It becomes incredibly light and good... You want to break away and rush off with the leaves into the distance at the first gust of the fragrant autumn wind... Prosecutor: What's good about the dead leaves and piercing wind? Poet: What is the sacred meaning of weather? This is stupid reasoning! Autumn is only a season and one of four. Janitor: I wish I could give you a broom and send you off to the alleys to dream about eternity. Poet (to the janitor): He is an ass who complains about autumn without catching the essence... It’s good that he only sneezes, But he can cough! Janitor: Yes, I love you!!! (walks towards the poetess, waving a broom) The judge knocks with his gavel: Silence in the courtroom! Witness, take your seat! Colleagues, are there any other questions for the witness? Lawyer: Personally, everything is clear to me, I have no questions. Prosecutor: Everything is clear to me too. And where did you, Madam Lawyer, find such interesting witnesses? Judge: Well, witness, you are free. The debate of the parties is announced. The floor is given to the prosecutor..... Prosecutor: Dear court, dear participants in the process, I believe that the defendant’s guilt has been fully proven. This time of year, if I may say so, has no place in our calendar. Look outside the window, it’s raining again! This means that tomorrow there will be mud, puddles and a bad mood again. How many poets are there among us? Units. So is it really because of these units that we will tolerate this squeaky and whiny lady? Raise your hands, those who have already suffered from this “beauty”? Raise, lift, don't be shy! Do you see how many victims there are? And that's just in this room. Of course, the doctor told us that people get sick all year round. But the peak of diseases occurs in the cold season, namely the cold season. I propose to punish autumn and it will be right, according to its merits. Remove it from the calendar. Thank you, that's all I have. Judge: The floor is given to the lawyer.... Lawyer: Dear court, is it really possible to punish for what you are, for what you should be, for the fact that you have assumed your rights according to the law of nature? I should note that the cold season is not only autumn, but also winter, spring, and sometimes summer can be cold. So why should we now exclude all seasons from the calendar? Next, what about birthday people, those born in the fall? Leave them without a birthday? Raise your hands those who want to go without a birthday. Raise, lift, don't be shy. No, my friends, we cannot live without autumn. So we will be left without a harvest, and without scientists, because we will have continuous holidays. I propose to completely acquit my client. Thank you for your attention. Judge: Defendant, you have the last word. Autumn: What can I tell you? Nature has no bad weather, every weather is grace. Your Honor, I need to be acquitted. Well please! Let me go, will you? Judge: The court retires to pronounce the verdict. The judge leaves. Song “Rains Again” (to the tune of the song “Blizzards Again” by Alla Pugacheva) Autumn began to swirl with falling leaves, slanting rain knocking on the windows. As if to say that we are waiting in vain for a miracle, We cannot return the past back. It's raining again... And the wind carries away the stars with leaves. It's raining again... But don't be sorry that autumn has come... Don't be sad, don't think about the bad. Your heart will be warmed by faith. And the stuck leaf in the window will become clogged with a moth, reminding you and me of summer again. It's raining again... And the wind carries away the stars with leaves. It's raining again... But don't be sorry that autumn has come... The judge is returning. Secretary: I ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway. Judge: In the name of Mother Nature, guided by common sense, acting for the benefit of humanity, the court decided: the defendant Autumn should be acquitted due to the impossibility of life existing without her. The verdict is final and cannot be appealed. The prosecutor began to cry. Lawyer and autumn shake hands: And now disco!

Video of the song “Autumn will not hide” Presenter1 And again autumn portrait Nature hangs in the living room, To the sounds of the crane song, Golden light under the leaves! Presenter2 Dear friends! Today we were invited to this hall by the romantic, mysterious, enchanting, unpredictable, sedate Lady Autumn. Presenter1 She's wearing a veil of rain We won't miss her coming And let's indulge in light sadness, She couldn't find an explanation. Presenter2 Autumn has invited you here to give everyone its last, wonderful moments, the enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright tempting beauty of the collected fruits and, of course, a thoughtful and at the same time joyful mood in autumn. Presenter1 Yes, yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful all around and everyone is looking forward to seeing the most fun time of the year - winter. Presenter2 And therefore, today we will not only sigh and be sad in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but also have fun, sing, enjoy her last moments. Presenter1 Asters are falling in the gardens, The old maple under the window is turning yellow And cold fog in the fields It stays white all day long. Presenter2 The nearby forest becomes quiet, and in it Clearances appeared everywhere And he is handsome in his attire, Dressed in golden leaves! Presenter1 There are two autumns. One is joyful, lush with decoration, rich in harvest, shining with a radiant smile. Presenter1 The other is invisible, in shreds of falling leaves, with a gray cloudy sky through the bare branches of birch trees. Our name is late autumn. Clip “Don’t Sin” Presenter2 We love each autumn in our own way. Golden autumn! The one we love for clear days, for the azure blue sky. Presenter 1 There are in the brightness of autumn evenings Touching, mysterious charm: The ominous shine and variegation of the trees. Crimson leaves have a languid, light rustle. Presenter 2 But we will not be sad, because life goes on, New Year's miracles, winter holidays, spring and the long-awaited summer are ahead! 2 presenter. The cheerful hostess goes to the new residents Fine autumn, in villages and villages. She came at dawn, didn’t sit down for a moment, I looked around and immediately got down to business. 3 presenter . I painted the viburnum with rowan trees thickly, The cabbage creaked on her strong teeth. In the mills it turned white with fresh flour, Dressed in orange birch silk. I spread the curly winter carpet, She led the cranes on a long flight. 1 presenter. A Russian proverb says: “Chickens are counted in the fall.” So today we want to sum up the results: we will choose the queen of the autumn ball. The honorable jury (jury presentation) will help us evaluate it. 2 presenter. They came to see us at the ball Queens of different countries But for better acquaintance Let's give the floor to you. Presentation of the Queen competition. Evaluated: 1. Originality of the hairstyle. 2. Extravagance of a dress or suit. Questions for the evening participants 1. 1. What is your life motto? 2. What is your favorite activity? Dream of your future life 3. Which of you can name the character traits of a Russian girl? 4. Name a proverb or saying about a Russian girl. 5. What features of modern girls do you not like? 6. When meeting a new person, what interests you first? 7. Why did you choose this particular costume, how do you think it symbolizes autumn? 8. What style of music do you like best? What can you say about this style? 9. You found out that your best friend spoke badly about you. What will you do? 10. Do you often change your image? 11. Where do you feel more confident: in a fun, noisy company or in a narrow circle of friends? Why? 12. What do you think a guy should be like? 13. Do you know how to entertain your guests? If you know how, then share the secret of how you do it. 14. You are trying to get on the bus, but someone roughly pushed you. What are your actions? 3 presenter. To appreciate the queen's talents as they deserve, We need to check a lot and probably walk around. We announce the second competition, queens stand in a row, Show us the walk they're talking about! Competition “Royal Walk” Clip “Woman Autumn” 3 presenter. The days of late autumn are usually scolded, But she is dear to me, dear reader, Quiet beauty, shining humbly. So unloved child in the family It attracts me to itself. To tell you frankly, Of the annual times, I am glad only for her, There is a lot of good in her; a lover is not vain, I found something in her like a wayward dream. Competition “Autumn Palette” video “Playful Autumn” 1 presenter. The jury gives the floor, please name the scores for all competitions and the total score of each queen 2 presenter. Competition "Cinderella" (separate beans of different colors from each other)Classical music 3 presenter. For now, the jury is evaluating the teams' assignments. It's time for our holiday guests to get some exercise. This competition requires three people. Your task is to inflate the ball without using your hands; whoever inflates it first will give 2 points to any queen she wishes. 1 presenter. Our queens have been resting for a long time, it’s time to give them tasks. Higher autumn leaf Music 2 presenter. You came to the ball To sing and dance, So that with your dances Celebrate the Kingdom! Music competition 3 presenter. I ask the jury to count the number of points. 1 presenter. It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, Forests dressed in scarlet and gold, And in the canopy of the wind there is noise and fresh breath, And the skies are covered with wavy darkness, And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts, And distant gray winter threats. "Ode to Autumn. Contest" 2 presenter. The generous autumn is leaving us, 3 presenter. And may it remain in your hearts Competition “Knowledge Auction” For the correct answer of the class, the participant will receive a token in the form of a maple leaf and gain additional points 1. What does half an apple look like? (For your other half) 2. Remember the apple, which was included in Greek mythology. (Apple of discord) 3. An apple that went down in the history of world science? (Newton) 4. Which apple is included in literature? (Schiller, "William Tell") 5. Who can name proverbs or sayings about autumn and its gifts? 6. Recite a stanza of a poem or sing a verse of a song about autumn and its gifts. 7. What varieties of apples do you know? Competition “Eat an apple without hands” Leading: - Attention! Attention! Now we will find out which of our contenders won the title of prom queen! The jury writes the girls' names on paper maple leaves. Jury member: The title of Miss November is awarded to... The title of Miss October is awarded... The title of Miss September is awarded... And finally, you understand that our jury chose the most beautiful, the most charming, the most extravagant... Presenter: - Let's welcome the new queen of autumn! The queen of the ball expresses her gratitude and greets the audience. The hosts end the celebration. 2 presenter. The generous autumn is leaving us, We were all warmed by her warmth. 3 presenter. And may it remain in your hearts Our ball took place in this hall! Song "Transparent Morning"