Extracurricular event "autumn quest". Scenario of autumn entertainment for children of senior, preparatory groups "autumn quest"

Family quest game "Secrets" autumn meadow"

This quest game is best played outdoors. I conducted it in the fall, but you can do it in the summer or spring, but then it would be better to replace the season in the name of the game.
Target quest games:
acquaintance of game participants with natural objects Khabarovsk Territory– mushrooms, berries, trees, animals and herbs;
creating conditions for the development of communicative qualities among game participants - mutual assistance, a sense of camaraderie, the ability to listen and defend their point of view;
creating conditions for active communication between parents and children in a quest game;
nurturing a love for natural objects through interesting and creative tasks.
Target group: students in grades 2-4 (8-10 years old) and their parents.
Venue: clearing in the forest, school site.
Quest game rules: Participants are divided into teams. Each team is tested at stations and receives a piece of the puzzle for this. After passing all the tests, the team assembles a puzzle where the location of the treasure is indicated.

Quest game scenario

Preparatory stage. The group is divided into five teams. Each team receives a serial number from 1 to 5 (for the convenience of further play). Everyone on the team is equal. The team motto is: one for all and all for one. The teams are explained that only together can they complete all the tests and find the treasure.
For the quest game, a fairly large clearing in the forest is selected. Stations are placed along the perimeter of the clearing, their names are hung on the trees - MUSHROOMS, BERRIES, TREES, ANIMALS, HERBS.
When the teams have been formed, the observers have prepared their stations, the leader of the quest game says an introductory word:
Guys, today you will become participants in the quest game “Secrets of the Autumn Meadow”. You have to go through five stations. At each station, you must first find a way to get a note with a task, read this task and complete it correctly. All tasks relate to the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory. After you complete the task, the observer at the station will give you a piece of the puzzle. You must collect all the pieces of the puzzle and then you will find out where the treasure is hidden. So, good luck to you! Let's start the first test!

First stage.
Equipment: deflated balloons (one per team), station name keys printed, rolled and placed in balloons.
Assignment: in order to go looking for treasure, teams need to guess which first station they need to run to. To do this, each team must inflate balloon until it bursts. When the balloon bursts, the team guesses the key to the station and runs to it. From there the team will begin their adventure.
At the stations there are observers (parents), whose task is only to correct the actions of the team. Observers at the first station for each team must give the participants of the quest game route sheets with keys to the names of the stations. Riddles based on the names of the stations can be written as clues to the stations.
At each station, teams must first figure out how to get the task note. After they took out the note, it says detailed description assignments. Having completed it, the team receives a puzzle piece from the observer and runs to the next station. If the team does not complete the task correctly, then it does not receive a piece of the puzzle.
About puzzles. Each observer at the station has one puzzle piece for each team, signed with reverse side team numbers from 1 to 5. When a team comes running to the station, the observer asks for the team's serial number and, upon completion of the task, gives out a puzzle piece with the team's serial number. In our case, the puzzle contained text stating that the treasure is located at class teacher.
After the teams have collected all the pieces of the puzzle, they run for the treasure. The owner of the treasure (in our case, the class teacher of the children) does not have the treasure, but there are photographs of places in the clearing where the treasure is hidden. Teams must determine what this place is and find the treasure. There are five places where the treasure is hidden (according to the number of teams), so that the participants of the quest game would not be offended. The treasure can be sweets, stationery, etc. But so that each team member gets a part of the treasure.
What follows is a description of the stations, tasks for them, equipment and other details. Bulk equipment at stations (cups, Kinder Surprise eggs, etc.) for this methodological development is not included, since the organizers of the quest game can easily find these materials. As a rule, this equipment is waste material that can find a “second life” in this quest game.

Equipment: a box with a hole in the lid, filled with foam, a note, a tablet, a crossword puzzle.
Task: the team must take out a note from a box filled with foam plastic with a hole in the lid. The hole in the lid of the box is cut just enough to fit one hand.
Assignment in note No. 1:
Note No. 1. Get the crossword from the Observer. In a crossword puzzle, guess all the words vertically. Read the word horizontally - this is an animal that lives in the Silinsky forest. Answer the observer's question: what does this animal eat?
Note: teams can, by guessing the first word vertically, immediately guess who we're talking about. However, teams must still complete the entire crossword puzzle. Once the teams answer the question “What does this animal eat?” (seeds of various wild plants, buds of trees and shrubs, their young shoots, grass, various berries, acorns, pine and hazelnuts, mushrooms), the observer gives them a piece of the puzzle.

Equipment: a large plastic glass, an egg from a Kinder Surprise, with a note inside, filled with something heavy so that it can sink in a glass of water, straws according to the number of participants, any book about mushrooms, placed at the station, among the foliage, small “sweets” (chupa chups, caramels, etc.).
Assignment: the observer at the station for each team pours water into a large glass, which the team members must drink from the straws in order to get the egg with the note.
Assignment in note No. 2:
Note No. 2. Your class teacher has a book about mushrooms. Run to her. In this book, on page 83, find information about mushrooms. What kind of mushrooms are these? Run back to the station and find this mushroom in the mushroom clearing near the observer.
Note. When the team comes running and finds the mushrooms indicated in the book, they are invited to earn “goodies” (caramels, lollipops, etc.) by naming other mushrooms in the clearing. After completing the task, the observer gives the team a piece of the puzzle.

Equipment: “drafts” crumpled into balls, a note with a task glued to one of the crumpled balls from the “drafts”, A4 cardboard with a drawn tree trunk, PVA glue, funny puzzles (6 pieces), key to the puzzles.
Task: There are a lot of paper balls lying around the station. Note No. 3 is hidden in one of the balls. Teams need to find her.
Assignment in note No. 3.
Note #3. Take cards with funny problems and the key to the problems from the observer. Solve funny problems. The answer to each problem corresponds to a letter in the problem key. Arrange the answers to the puzzles in ascending order, and then the letters will form the name of the tree. Bring a leaf from this tree to the observer, show it, and then glue it onto the drawn tree trunk.
Once the team has brought a leaf from the tree, they glue it onto cardboard with a drawn trunk. After completing the task, the observer gives the team a piece of the puzzle.
Note: depending on the presence of certain trees at the location of the quest game, the organizers write in the key to the problems next to the letters of the planned tree the numbers of the answers to funny problems, but it is desirable that the name of the tree consists of six letters. If there are more letters, then the organizers add even more funny problems. In our case, it was birch.
B-10 E-11 R-15 E-18 Z-32 A-410

Equipment: empty matchboxes, one of which has a note glued to the top of the lid, cards with berries (Appendix 5.5), cards with the names of the berries
Assignment: There are a lot of empty matchboxes lying around the station. The team needs to find a box with note No. 4 among them
Assignment in note No. 4.
Note No. 4. In autumn, many different berries ripen in nature. Find these “berries” on the station territory. Take cards with the names of the berries from the observer. Match the berries with their names.
After the teams complete the task, the observer gives them a piece of the puzzle. If the team “planted” the berries incorrectly, they are not given a piece of the puzzle.

Equipment: rope, scissors, note No. 5.
Assignment: There is a rope stretched between the trees, with notes hanging on the strings according to the number of commands. One person from the team is blindfolded by the observer and must, with the team's prompts, cut off the note.
Assignment in note No. 5.
Note No. 5. Bring the following herbs to the observer: yarrow, plantain, wormwood, clover. Answer the questions.
Count how many leaves the yarrow has.
Why was the plantain called that?
Why are mice afraid of wormwood?
There is 80% of this gas in the air and clover enriches the soil with it through its roots.
After the teams complete the task, the observer gives them a piece of the puzzle.

Methodical recommendations
Conducting and preparing a quest game is a labor-intensive process in terms of time and content. The organizers of the quest need to get acquainted in advance with the location of the quest game, with necessary equipment, print and prepare handouts, think about where to place observers. In our case, it was a large clearing; observers were positioned around the perimeter of the clearing at approximately the same distance so that the teams could see each other. The children's parents and the class teacher were invited as observers.
If you don’t have any materials when preparing the stations, it’s okay, they can always be replaced with something similar, for example: matchboxes can be replaced with eggs from Kinder Surprises, lids from plastic bottles etc.
In order for the quest game to be fun and relaxed, it is necessary to properly set up the guys for the game, tell them that they are one team, one for all and all for one. Each team player carries knowledge in his head, and skills and dexterity in his hands. Therefore, everyone’s knowledge, skills and dexterity will help the whole team find the treasure. Say that there is a treasure for each team, but you need to be able to find it by collecting all the pieces of the puzzle at the stations, where the location of the treasure is indicated.
This quest game is universal. Leaving notes as a basis for assignments, you can change or add station topics. The places where the treasure is hidden can be photographed immediately before the game itself.

Thank you for your attention! Take care of yourself!

Dear quest participants! This week we will play with you different games. At the end of the quest, on Sunday, we invite you to organize a small family celebration. You practically won’t have to prepare for it; we will prepare all the games and materials during the apple quest. But now you can think about what little friends you want to invite to the holiday to make it even more interesting!

So, the hare's family is planning an apple festival, and he went to collect apples for it. Along the way, the hare meets the inhabitants of the forest in which he lives, helps them, invites them to visit and treats them with apples collected for the holiday.

Today, together with the bunny, we will recognize plants by their fruits, collect apples and please the crow. You can use our script or remake it for yourself, whichever suits you best. Let's go!

We will need:

  • Figures of a hare and a crow - print from the file that you received in the letter with the preliminary task (it comes after registering on this page).
  • A bag with fruits and leaves of various trees and plants (pine cone, chestnut, acorn, apple, rowan, grapes, seeds - everything you can find at home or on a walk).
  • Green and brown fabric - lay the fabric on the floor in the shape of an apple tree, place apples on the apple tree. If there is no fabric, you can lay out the silhouette of an apple tree from anything - felt-tip pens, cubes, sticks. An apple tree can also be depicted simply as a bowl of apples or as a houseplant, next to which you place apples.
  • Place a “bridge” on the floor - a narrow strip of fabric, rope, log, sheets of paper or anything else that your imagination suggests.
  • A piece of fabric that will represent a boat.
  • A bag or pillowcase in which you will place the apples.
  • Large spoons that you will use to carry the apples.
  • Rowan and a needle with thread or fishing line - for.

Route: meeting with a hare - lake - apple tree - lake - swamp - crow

Progress of the adventure

The hare's family is planning an apple festival

1. We take a hare figurine and invite the child to go with him to get apples for his family. We read the poem “Autumn Garden” and perform the movements:

Like blush autumn garden!(Light clapping of palms on cheeks)
There are apples hanging everywhere. (Raise your hands up)
Red-sided, red-cheeked. (Hands on the belt, turns right - left)
On its tall branches (Raise your hands up)
Like the suns are burning! (Join your hands in a circle above your head)

2. Before the trip, the bunny invites the child to check whether the child knows different trees and plants well and whether he can recognize them by their fruits and leaves, so as not to miss the apple tree.

Game "fruit and leaf bag"

We take out natural material from our bag and ask what tree it is from. We invite older children to guess objects by touch by placing their hand in the bag. Little children take out objects, and we name them and talk about them ourselves. We are very happy with the hare’s voice when the child guesses right. We show the apple last and hit the road.

3. The bunny leads the child to the apple tree across the lake on a boat - a scarf. We play an active game there “Carry the apples on a spoon to the boat.”

We transfer the apples to the “boat” - an unfolded handkerchief. We also put the bunny in the “boat”. The boat floats - we carry the handkerchief by the corners with the child. If there are several children, they will cope without their mother.

You can invite your child to come up with his own ways to transfer the apples to the boat. For example, on the head or held between the knees - walking or jumping.

4. When we crossed the lake, the apples need to be put into a bag. A pillowcase left on the “shore” will serve as a great bag.

5. With the bag we overcome the path through the swamp along the log and meet a crow.

6. Conversation with the crow:

- How many apples did you pick? And you can't carry so much.

- I bring apples to my bunnies for the holiday! And you crow come! (You can sing the song “Four Sons” together with the bunny in a round dance).

- I don’t want to go to the holiday, I’m ugly... And no one loves me.

- Don't be sad, crow! Here's how we'll make a decoration for you!

- I will be very grateful to you!

Craft of the day - rowan beads for a crow. Here are some unusual ideas:

You can do something else autumn decoration for the crow - a crown of leaves. Two master classes:

Additional tasks:

1. If there are several children, you can play these outdoor games with apples.

"Apple Tree and Children"

Children stand in a circle, and in the center stands one child - an apple tree. Children walk in a circle and say the following words:

Apple tree, apple tree, where are your apples?
Did the frost freeze them?
Or did the wind carry them away?
Maybe the birds pecked?
Well, where did they go?

The children stop and the apple tree answers them:

The frost did not freeze them!
And it wasn’t the wind that carried them away!
The birds didn't peck them.
The children interrupted!

After these words, the children run in a circle, one after another, clockwise. The apple tree child, standing in one place, tries to touch the children. The child who is touched by the apple tree leaves the game.

"Wormy Apple"

Holding hands, the children form a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle and says:

Apple, wormy apple,
The wind blows, it falls.

When the driver begins to pronounce these words, the players run in a circle. At the end of the phrase, everyone should quickly squat down. Anyone who fails to accomplish this, i.e. takes at least one step or falls, is out of the game. The game continues until there are three players left in the circle. They are declared the winners.

Players running in a circle are not allowed to separate their hands. Of the two players who violated the rule, one leaves the game - the one who has a free right hand. However, by agreement, it is possible to remove from the game even the one who has a free left hand. The driver monitors compliance with the rules during the game.

2. Coloring book based on the cartoon “Bag of Apples” (click on the picture to enlarge):

Sincerely, Elena Mulyukina and Oksana Ageenkova
"School of Organized Moms"

P.S. If you came to this page by accident and want to receive the tasks of the “Autumn Apple Quest” for free and a gift - themed sets “Autumn Day”, “Rain”, “Mushrooms”, register

It was fun, but this one turned out even brighter, more dynamic and creative. Camilla helped migratory birds get to warm countries, harvested crops and even caught the tricky wind... But first things first!

To begin with, Kamik and I remembered what the signs of autumn are, but it was not at all difficult, so we immediately started playing. I made all the creative templates myself in advance in order to have more time during the quest, but at the same time not lose interest in the process.

These are the simple preparations I came up with.

Task one was creative and it was connected with the main autumn sign - the leaves on the trees are turning yellow. In fact, Kamik depicted this process quite successfully using gouache and cotton swabs.

Second task was active and it was associated with cold snap And falling leaves. At first we tried to catch the wind with a bag (by the way, it’s just been a hit game for us for several years now), but, as luck would have it, there was no wind, but we did not despair and turned into the wind ourselves.

Actually, in this windy role, we continued the game of fallen leaves. The wind threw leaves - kinders, and the janitor caught them with a cup, there is no point in littering :-) We played this game several times, changing roles. It turns out that the Kinders are bouncing around like balls, laughing so hard :-)

Third task again it was creative and dedicated autumn rain. Kamik made the applique with felt and cotton wool, using PVA glue, but first she hid well from this very rain under an umbrella :-)

Fourth task was both creative and small-motor at the same time and it was connected with ripening and harvesting, V in this case our favorite grapes. First, Kamilka returned the juicy bobushki to the previously gnawed bunches of grapes using plasticine.

And then she started decorating the hedgehog from a pear, which she immediately and happily ate :-)

Actually, just while Kamik was having a snack, I managed to prepare the final fifth task active-creative, associated with migratory birds. The essence of the task was this - it was necessary to move all the birds (the same kinders) from one cold place to three warm ones and this had to be done using paint, which had to be left in the center on a large canvas. For this I needed IKEA liquid paints, four files and a piece of wallpaper.

We really enjoyed this task, and quietly playing and dragging the eggs, Kamilka ended up “painting” a very colorful and truly autumnal picture, from which I then made an umbrella and the inscription “Autumn” to decorate our autumn wall of crafts.

But for now let's return to the quest. For completing each task, Kamilkin received a white piece of paper. Although in fact it was not the past, a letter was written on it in colorless pastel, which had to be disenchanted by painting it with autumn flowers, which Kamik did perfectly, and the word immediately formed the same thing - AUTUMN!

After that, of course, we went to look for autumn around the apartment and unexpectedly found it in the kitchen (and how did we not notice this before?) right on the refrigerator. Autumn appeared in the form of a omens tree, which I made the day before from colored paper and painted cupcake liners.

Quest script for students primary school
"In Search of Autumn"
Goals of the game:
 Summarize children's knowledge about autumn phenomena in nature.
 Develop artistic ability, creative activity of children, horizons.
 Cultivate curiosity, goodwill, cohesion.
 Build a sense of team mutual assistance.
Hello guys! Today our holiday is dedicated to the most beautiful
season - autumn. You have been preparing for this holiday for a long time: you learned poems, songs,
riddles; painted and made crafts. At the holiday we will play different games, you
take part in various competitions. So let's begin!
1st student.
Falling leaves wander in the grove
Through bushes and maples.
Soon he will look into the garden
Golden ringing.
2nd student.
Let's make a fan out of leaves,
Bright and beautiful.
The wind will run through the leaves,
Light and playful.
3rd student.
And obediently following the wind
The leaves are flying away.
So there's no more summer
Autumn is coming.
Repeat after me: “Autumn, Autumn, come, give us magic!”
Children. Autumn! Autumn! Come! Give us magic!
Why isn't Autumn coming? Maybe she can't hear us. Let's shout louder.

Children. Scream again.
Music is playing. The goblin runs out.
Leshy. Help. Save. Trouble. Trouble.
Leading. Leshy. Calm down. Tell me exactly what happened.
Leshy. Autumn has three daughters: Sentyabrinka, Oktyabrinka and Noyabrinka.
This morning Autumn’s mother gathered to check her possessions and ordered her daughters not to
leave the house until she calls them herself.
The daughter did not wait for her mother’s call and decided to go for a walk themselves.
As soon as September opened the door, the yard was filled with leaves and grass.
turned yellow, the flowers withered.
Oktyabrinka crossed the threshold - the wind rose, tore off all the foliage from the trees,
caught up with black clouds.
Noyabrina went out into the yard - it started snowing and raining, it became cold and dark.
The daughters got scared and forgot who they were, what their names were and where they were.
live. Divorced in different sides, and pitch darkness fell on Earth.
Autumn returned home, unable to find her daughters in the dark and cold.
Now she sits and cries. He doesn’t know where to look for his daughters. Who Autumn
will it help?
Leading. Guys, maybe you can help. Autumn to find her daughters?
Leshy. Thanks guys for your help! The forest inhabitants will be grateful to you.
Presenter: So that you don’t get lost, here’s a map. And all the signs and finds you
you will collect it on this poster so that later we can all know what you found.
Captains, get your cards.
Let's go guys.
Children receive cards and sheets to fill out and go to stations:
1. "Poetic"
2. “Forest mysteries”
3. “Autumn Tricks”
4. “Drawing a portrait of autumn”
5. “Mushroom basket”

6. “Autumn mosaic”
Description of stations.
1. "Poetic". Conducted by a librarian.
Hello guys!
I am glad to see you visiting me.
 Name the autumn months. Why are they called that? (September, October,
november. The names of the months were given by the Roman calendar. Septem, octo, novem –
that means seventh, eighth and ninth. This is the serial number of each month,
because in the Roman calendar the year began in March.)
 Who are “frown”, “dirty” and “breast”? (These are Slavic names
autumn months.)
 Which month of autumn did the poets devote their poems to? If you can, please call
these poets.
There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...
Where the cheerful sickle walked and raised the ear,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away,
And pure and warm azure flows,
To the resting field...
F. Tyutchev (September)
It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
A.S. Pushkin (October)
The forest looks like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the Christmas trees are darkening.
And between the maples they turn blue

Now there, now here, through the foliage,
Clearances in the sky, that window,
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun...
The forest looks like a painted tower
Lilac, gold, crimson,
Standing above a sunny meadow,
Fascinated by the silence.
I. Bunin (September)
The sky was already breathing in autumn.
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time
It was already November outside the yard.
 Using rhyme, write a short poem about autumn. Can
A.S. Pushkin (November)
do not use all rhymes.
Last autumn
Sings and calls
Sal leaf fall
Autumn - please
It has arrived - sadly
In short - nights
Flew away - empty
 Write it down and stick it on a poster.
2. “Forest Riddles” (folklore)
The guys are met by a presenter in Russian folk costume with songs and
jokes. Seats in a circle.
Dear guys! You came to visit your aunty entertainer. I know a lot of mysteries
nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales... Oh, how much I know. And you
do you know? Now I'll check this.
 Guess my riddles, and make a picture from the answers...
She dies in the fall
And again in the spring it comes to life.
Cows are in trouble without her:
She is their main food. (grass)

The eagle is flying
Across the blue sky
Wings spread out
The sun was covered.) (cloud)
In the middle of a dark forest
The beautiful girl is standing. (rowan)
Her clothes are sharp: All needles and needles.
The animals joke: “Uncle the hedgehog looks a little like her.” (Christmas tree)
Amazing Tailor:
There is no reel, not a single one,
And there is no sewing machine...
And the iron is not hot...
But there are needles.
How many? You can’t count them! (hedgehog)
We can see the red hat from afar
Forest deceiver braggart.
Add it to our basket
You won't have to get there
Let the flies die
Stays in the forest! (fly agaric)
Maybe you'll believe me
But I saw mushrooms on a pine tree.
Do mushrooms grow on trees?
Something completely unclear here...
Butterflies and honey mushrooms are put on the branches...
Who dries them for the winter, guys? (squirrel)
Sits - turns green,
It falls and turns yellow,
He lies there and turns black. (sheet)
 Game "The birds have flown away"
The presenter reads poetry, the children listen to him carefully and, if they hear an “extra” word,
they begin to clap their hands.
The birds flew away:
Pigeons, martens.

The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts.
The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Mosquitoes, cuckoos.
The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts
Lapwings, hedgehogs.
The birds flew away:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Lapwings, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos,
Swans and ducks
And thanks for the joke.
Well done, guys! You are very attentive. Go ahead and look for signs of autumn.
3. “Autumn tricks” (Sports)
I'm Auntie Badass. I love to misbehave and play. Who's with me?
 Game "Pick up an acorn"
Put the acorn on the floor
Show yourself dancing.
The music will stop playing,
You need to grab the acorn quickly.
 Game "Thunderstorm"
Participants wear a jacket, a scarf, a beret, and an umbrella in their hands. To the music
participants walk around the hall. At the “clap” signal, everyone takes off one thing and
puts it in the place where the cotton found him. When participants remove 23 things,
the signal "Thunderstorm!" is heard. The one who puts on the removed items faster will win.
Well done guys. Here's one of the signs of autumn for you.

4. “Drawing a portrait of autumn”
Hello guys. I am a master artist. And these are my apprentices, my assistants -
young artists. So clueless. I painted autumn portraits of my daughters:
September, October and November. He asked me to color them. But they can't.
Help them guys.
Children are divided into three groups and complete three portraits using torn
applications. Glue them onto your sheets.
5. “Mushroom basket” (informatics room)
Hello guys. Autumn is also the time to pick mushrooms. Let's check how good it is
you know mushrooms.
6. “Autumn mosaic”
Hello guys. You have arrived at the Autumn Mosaic station. I
I have prepared very difficult tasks for you, and I won’t just give it to you
signs of autumn. Are you ready to fulfill them?
 Memorization.
Now I will show you a picture. Look at her carefully during
1 minute. And then I will take the picture from you and ask you a few questions.
Children look at the picture (grade 12)
 What weather is shown in the picture?
 What tree did the artist depict?
 How many leaves fall from the tree?

 What is the girl holding in her hands?
 What color is it?
 What color are the girl’s boots?
 Does the girl have a scarf?
 What color are the leaves on the tree?
 What kind of bows does the girl have?
 Is the girl sad?
 Of course the girl is cheerful. Why should she be sad, because you handled it so well?
Here are cards with proverbs. But they fell apart. Collect them and stick them on
your sheet.
Picture (grade 34)
 What time of day did the artist depict?
 Which tree leaf did the artist depict in the foreground?
 How many birds are shown in the picture?
 What kind of birds are these?
 What are the sparrows doing in the picture?
 What berries did you see in the picture?
 What else did you see in the picture?
 What is reflected in water?
 Well done, guys. Here are cards with proverbs. But they fell apart
Collect them and paste them onto your sheet.

Autumn rain is sown finely, but lasts a long time.
September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
Autumn is the time to harvest
In autumn bad weather there are seven weather conditions outside
Autumn is in a hurry, winter does not wait.
Autumn is coming, and the rain is coming with it.
After passing all the stations, the children gather in the hall. Each team in
As a result of completing the game, he produces a themed newspaper about autumn.
Leading. Well, guys, have you collected the signs of the daughters of autumn? Have you learned everything about them?
Leshy, take these newspapers that the guys made. Maybe they
will help forest dwellers find the daughters of autumn. (Leshy takes the newspapers)
Leshy. Thanks guys. I'll quickly run back to the forest. I think that now we
Let's find all the autumn months and autumn will stop being sad. (The goblin leaves).
Leading. And we guys will continue. Now for you the 1st grade students will perform
And the second graders prepared funny ditties about autumn. Let's get them
Let's listen. Maybe Autumn will hear our guys and come to us.
Autumn. Hello! Are you talking about me? Here I am! I am Autumn Beauty, I
people admire. I am the Autumn Artist, I painted all the trees. I am Autumn
harvester, with my help the harvest has ripened. Thank you guys for your help.
I found my daughters. You did a great job, you found all the signs of autumn. Me
pleased. I also want to please you and thank you. Here are mine
gifts. My daughters are obedient, bring gifts to the children. Thank them
because they found you, they returned you home.
The daughters of Autumn are coming. They say words of gratitude to the guys and give them
fruit baskets.
Autumn. Guys, hang newspapers about autumn in your classrooms so as not to forget
signs of autumn, because very soon winter will replace me. It's already at the doorstep,
knocking. It's time for us to return to the forest, otherwise winter will quickly take our place. To
goodbye guys.

Leading. This is it, guys, our holiday game ends and we can go
to their classes to enjoy the autumn gifts. Until next time.

How to diversify autumn walks with your child and transfer educational activities to the street? The task from the “Colors of Autumn” marathon will help us with this - a quest from Anna Ignatenia (blog “Happy Everyday Life”).

Quest for children is an interesting adventure game with tasks. IN blog Anna Ignatenia, you will find detailed instructions and even materials with which you can organize this autumn quest.

Andrew and I had a small supply of items in the autumn box that were useful for organizing the quest (and we made some specially with our own hands).



  • Gnome
  • Doors (for trees)
  • Colored pebbles (for “treasures”)
  • Homemade paper lantern
  • Paper (for a letter from a gnome)
  • Fruits and leaves of different trees
  • You can take a magnifying glass or children's binoculars for a walk


I typed the letter from the gnome on the computer, chose a “fairytale” font, inserted pictures and printed it out. To make the letter resemble a magic scroll, I covered it with a brush with a small solution of water and chicory, dried it, and burned the corners a little with fire.

Text of the letter from the gnome:

"Hello! I am a gnome. I live in a forest park. I'm in trouble and need help. The little squirrels played around and stole everything gems from my treasury. They imitated the mother squirrel, who was collecting supplies. Help me, please, get everything back! To do this, you need to go to the park and find a tree under which there will be seeded fruits that do not grow on it. When you can find my stones, you will find me behind the small door. So that I don’t hide from you, take a homemade flashlight with you. I will understand that there is no need to be afraid of you.”

According to the quest scenario, the squirrels offer to solve riddles:

"Hello! We are baby squirrels. To find the gnome's treasures, solve our riddles."

The riddle should send the child to another tree. As riddles, we used fruits and leaves of trees, as well as the riddle-verses suggested by Anna in the assignment.

In our park, near the house, we found the following trees:

The princess of the forest on the hill,
Brand new green dress
The sleeves are fluffy,
Their cones are crowned with ribbed ones.


The pillars stand white,

Their hats are green us.

I dropped my curls into the river
And I was sad about something.
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.

Turned green in spring
Sunbathed in the summer
I put it on in the fall
Red corals.

A relative has a Christmas tree
Non-thorny needles,
But, unlike the Christmas tree,
Those needles are falling off.

Horny bitches,
Winged fruits
And the leaf - with your palm,
With a long leg.

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.
I grow in height very straight.
If I'm not on the edge,
The branches are only at the top of the head.

The last puzzle should lead to the gnome stones.We discovered the treasures on a very fancy-shaped stump! 😉

The evil fate has come to pass,
There was once a tree
And now there's a round table
And honey mushrooms are sitting behind him.


The assignment contains detailed diagram, how to make a paper lantern with a child, but I had long promised Andrew to make a lantern with an electronic candle, so we took it for a walk so that the Gnome would recognize us! 🙂


After the child finds the stones, he will go in search of the gnome. To find the gnome, we had to place small doors near the tree (we made them from self-hardening mass and wooden sticks). Hide a gnome behind one of them so that the child checks each one and finds it.

Thank you Anna for interesting task and great ideas!