Treatment of psychological problems. Psychological treatments

Have you ever noticed: when something unpleasant happened at work, upon returning home you got a headache, nervous tic or did the joints in your hands ache? Or perhaps after another forced march at work, say, after an audit, you got a sore throat? These diseases are not always caused by bad weather or someone sneezing on you. Sometimes our body signals that we are overtired and it’s time to take a little break.

Initially, scientists considered bodily (soma) and psychological illnesses separately from each other. In 1818, the German psychiatrist I. Heinroth first suggested that disorders in the body could be caused by problems in the spiritual sphere, and proposed introducing a new scientific discipline that would deal with such diseases. This opinion met with fierce criticism. However modern doctors It has long been understood that the formula “all diseases come from nerves” works in practice.

Thus, at the intersection of medicine and psychology, a direction has emerged that studies the influence of psychological and emotional sphere a person on his bodily health. This direction is called psychosomatics. It has been established that psychological causes of diseases lead to the so-called. somatoform disorders, which are included in international classification diseases (ICD 10).

Even the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates believed that diseases of the body cannot be separated from diseases of the soul.

So, what do human diseases indicate? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Classification of psychosomatic disorders

Scientists divide the manifestation of psychosomatic disorders into the following categories:

  • Psychosomatic reactions. They do not need any correction, they have a short-term, situational nature (redness from shame, loss of appetite with bad mood, sweaty palms when stressed, a feeling of “chill” on the back and trembling with fear).
  • Psychosomatic disorders. A violation of one or another body function develops. They are divided into the following types:
  • Conversion symptoms . There is a transformation of emotional experience into a bodily symptom:
    • hysterical lump in throat;
    • psychogenic blindness/deafness;
    • numbness of the limbs.
  • Functional syndromes . Characterized by the appearance pain without physiological reasons:
    • cystalgia;
    • cervicalgia;
    • lumbodynia;
    • vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).
  • Psychosomatoses . Operational disruptions internal organs. These disorders include the famous Chicago Seven, described by the American psychoanalyst, the father of psychosomatics, Franz Alexander in 1950:
    • hypertension;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • neurodermatitis;
    • hyperthyroidism;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • rheumatoid arthritis.

In the light modern research The Chicago Seven have officially been completed the following diseases arising against the background of neurotic disorders:

  • oncological diseases;
  • panic disorder;
  • sleep disorder;
  • heart attack;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • sexual disorders;
  • obesity;
  • Anorexia nervosa/bulimia.

A person, due to his destructive behavior, peculiarities of thinking and methods of emotional response, finds himself hostage to the disease. Most often, psychologists talk about stress and negative feelings as the causes of certain diseases. Traditionally, there are several basic emotions that act as a catalyst for certain ailments:

  • joy and sadness;
  • anger;
  • love and resentment;
  • attraction and aversion;
  • shame and guilt;
  • sadness;
  • interest;
  • fear and anger;
  • greed, jealousy and envy.

Experts in the field of psychosomatics believe that feelings and emotions are essentially energy. If it does not get out or is directed in a destructive direction, it becomes a psychosomatic source of illness for our body. Research has proven that than more people expresses the experiences of his inner world, the less he gets sick. Otherwise, he risks encountering a psychosomatic disorder - a physical illness provoked or aggravated as a result of exposure to unfavorable psychological factors.

Sources of psychosomatic diseases

However, it is not only destructive feelings or emotions that can cause problems. Psychologists note that other factors also affect our health. These include unresolved intrapersonal conflicts, problems with motivation, unprocessed or sad experience from the past, empathic transfer of illness, as well as self-hypnosis. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Internal conflict. Most often this is a conflict between “should” and “want”, between social attitudes and our desires.
  2. Suggestion effect. Suggestive patterns that many parents demonstrate in front of their children are imprinted in the child’s psyche for a long time and can come out in the form of a disease.
  3. Element of “organic speech”.“My heart aches for him,” “my head is spinning,” “he makes me sick.” We often use these phrases, but we do not suspect that we are thereby inclining ourselves to disorder.
  4. Identification. The psychosomatic illness is adopted from an authoritative person. Acting according to the example of a charismatic person whom a person respects, he risks transferring to himself not only her positive qualities, but also negative ones, including diseases.
  5. Self-punishment. Psychologists often encounter the phenomenon of abdication of responsibility through withdrawal into illness. After all, concessions are made for sick people. A person subconsciously understands this and does not intentionally get sick.
  6. Post-traumatic stress disorder . If there are difficulties in processing a painful situation, then it is embodied in the form of a psychosomatic disorder.

Freud's theory

Conversion technology has helped advance our understanding of the causes of psychosomatic disorders. psychoanalytic theory Z. Freud. A clue for modern specialists was his discovery of mechanisms for repressing conscious processes into the unconscious, suppressing or censoring internal attitudes that conflict with society. These mechanisms, as well as any unfulfilled desires, according to the scientist, directly relate to the emergence of neuroses - mental disorders.

Neuroses, in addition to mental ones, also have physical symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • colic in the abdomen;
  • panic attacks;
  • etc.

Hello from the past

Many modern psychologists see the root of illnesses in the patient's past. Unsolved problems of the formation of an individual, personality, interaction with parents on early stages developments can leave a deep mark on the child’s psyche and affect his health in the future. For example, constant suppression of a child’s hyperactivity can lead to the formation of a psychosomatic disorder in adulthood.

Parents, demonstrating adequate behavior in relation to the needs of the child, strive to reduce the risk of psychosomatic disorders. If they (mainly the mother) exhibit “unsafe behavior” in the presence of the child, then the child is thereby programmed for illness. The following styles of behavior are considered “unsafe”:

  • anxious-ambivalent (inconstancy in response, behavior, attitude towards the child);
  • avoidant th (removal from the child);
  • disorganized (chaotic reactions with the use of violence).

Such styles of behavior indicate the so-called. psychosomatogenic family, in which upbringing often becomes the reason for the development of a disorder in a grown-up child.

Philosophical approach

Other experts go further and argue that psychosomatic illness- this is a kind of signal that a person is leading a lifestyle that is not just right, but not suitable for him. They classify such a disorder as a mystery thrown up by life itself, the answer to which will be the key to healing.

Still others try to approach the question of what illnesses mean from a philosophical point of view and argue that a psychosomatic disorder is a teacher. Therefore, it should not be denied, but listened to, learning valuable lessons that are presented to the patient in the form of a disease.

In general, all experts agree that psychosomatic disorder is symbolic in nature. The psyche uses our body as a canvas on which it draws a pattern of a particular problem in the form of a disease in order to show a person about his psychosocial conflicts that he cannot solve or to which he does not pay attention.


When considering the prerequisites for the development of psychosomatic diseases, psychologist M. Palchik divides the human being into certain levels. In each of them, a person can discover one or another predisposition to psychosomatic disorders.

1.Physical body

Our body is always with us. But often we become immersed in the world of our thoughts, forgetting about its existence. Perhaps illness is the body’s only way to remind us of its existence.

2.Emotional states

Not each of us can clearly answer the question “how do you feel now?” In this case, psychologists are faced with alexithymia - the inability to verbally report their experiences. Sometimes, in order for a particular illness to go away, it is enough to identify and express what the patient feels.


What is important to a person right now? A change in values ​​is an indicator of human growth. Lack of values ​​can lead to psychosomatic disorder.

4. Purpose

This level presupposes the presence of an answer to the question “why do I live?” Often those who cannot answer it for themselves become depressed and fall ill.

Predisposition to psychosomatic disorder can be projected at each of these levels.


Modern theories about the mechanisms of psychosomatic diseases have also put forward a physiological model of predisposition to this type of disorder. Doctors and psychologists divide people into three types: asthenics, athletics and picnics. It is believed that people with an asthenic constitution are more susceptible to psychosomatic disorders.


Exists huge variety personal types that psychology presents to us. Experts believe that personality can also act as a risk factor. Most often, representatives of the epileptoid and hysterical classifications are susceptible to psychosomatic diseases.

Body signals

Symptoms of psychosomatic disorders can also be expressed through painful sensations in the body. We all know the notorious headache, which does not allow you to relax, or a sore throat, which is not always clear to doctors. Each part of our body takes on certain psychosocial blows and reacts to them with pain. Here is a table of the relationship between problems and bodily signals.

Table 1. Psychological reasons pain in the body

Body part

Causes of pain

Stress, overexertion, frequent worries
Resentment, inability to express oneself, holding back emotions
Lack of support, excessive imposition of one's will on others
Emotional overload, oppression by the environment
Financial problems

Upper back

Lack of support, feeling of uselessness

Lower back

Worries about money
Lack of flexibility, rigidity
Emotional fixity, lack of friends
Dissatisfaction with your job
Isolation and loneliness
Fear of change, fear of leaving the “comfort zone”
Hurt ego, excessive selfishness, self-obsession
Jealousy, excess of passions
Inability to relax, actions to harm oneself
Indifference, apathy, fear of the future

Table of causes of psychological illnesses

The first disease of internal organs that psychoanalysts began to study was bronchial asthma (1913). Since then it was born large number psychoanalytic concepts regarding other diseases.

Every organ of our body works in resonance with our psychological attitudes and reacts to emotional manifestations. Certain negative experiences or unresolved problems have a destructive effect on the functioning of certain organs (for example, problems in communication cause a sore throat, the thyroid gland suffers).

Let's take an example physiological mechanism the course of diseases associated with circulatory disorders. Local circulatory disorders are associated with a catalyzing emotion - fear. In the face of danger, a person must quickly make one of the decisions: run away, freeze or attack. To speed up this decision, the blood in the body is instantly redistributed and sent to the brain. There is a release of adrenaline, which has a sharp vasoconstrictor effect. Thus, frequent experiences of fear lead to certain disorders. Pathological fear can take on completely various shapes: from panic attacks to the fear of losing a loved one. It follows from this psychosomatic factor risk for heart attack, hypertension, vascular diseases.

A huge number of precedents in psychotherapy have allowed specialists to form a definite picture of what exactly is behind psychosomatic disorders in the lives of certain people. Let's consider what human illnesses indicate in the context of psychosomatics.

Table 2.

Disease Psychological reason Treatment

Bronchial asthma

Muscle spasms and suffocation during asthma are caused by various untreated internal processes. One of them is a ban on crying in childhood. Other unfavorable factors are our misconceptions: unhealthy perfectionism, excessive cleanliness, constant seeking of approval, resentment over unjustified expectations, fear of failure. A person suffering from this disease always wants to receive something from others, attracts attention to his personality and his problems. An asthmatic suppresses aggression and resentment and keeps them inside. In communicating with people he acts exclusively as a consumer.Work through the problem of aggressiveness and adequate ways to resolve it. Analyze your relationships with people in the “take-and-give” plane.

Oncological diseases

The development of cancer is provoked by three factors.

Firstly, stubbornness and conservative thinking. Manifestation of one's own rightness. Inability to change, stereotypical lifestyle.

Secondly, extreme pride, selfishness, inability to ask.

Thirdly, an old grudge against someone close to you that has grown into anger.

1. Stop fighting windmills, stop proving something to someone.
2. Reconsider your positions, stop considering yourself the ultimate truth.
3. Work out the gestalt with the person you are angry with.
4. Openly ask him for forgiveness for holding a grudge against him.


Headaches are a way out of unresolved conflicts. Characteristic of people who are intellectually oriented and have an underdeveloped emotional sphere. Feelings are replaced by constant mental activity.

In men My forehead often hurts. This area symbolizes intelligence and future orientation. Accumulated questions that have not been resolved lead to this symptom.

Female A variant of headaches is temporal migraine. For them, this is a bodily projection of those unpleasant things that they can actually hear from others or inventing them for themselves (the ears are located next to the temples). This also includes the fear of what other people will think of you.

1. Learn to make decisions quickly. If possible, delegate some of your tasks to other people.
2. Relieve your head by symbolically capturing unsolved problems on paper.
3. Women should verbally work out their imaginary fears regarding other people’s opinions (ask people questions, not make guesses).


Hypercontrol in relation to others. Suppressing anger or tension. Prohibition on showing emotions.Be able to let go of the situation, let off steam.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is caused by severe stressful experiences (“I couldn’t digest the situation”), which accumulate over time.

Prolonged uncertainty, a sense of doom, irritation, and constant nervousness are also catalysts.

A big role in the development of gastrointestinal diseases is played by stereotypical ideas about the value of food put on a plate, that you need to eat everything that is put on it, and also that sometimes it is a pity to throw away spoiled food. These imposed thoughts are often embodied in the form of poisoning, nausea and vomiting.

Sometimes disruption of the stomach is due to the fact that a person literally cannot digest this or that idea that they are trying to instill in him. Then turn on defense mechanisms in the form of inflammation of the mucous membrane and nausea. On the other hand, poisoning is quite often caused by the inertia and conservative thinking of the patient himself.

The classic symptom of irritable bowel syndrome comes from the fear of embarrassment.

At the intellectual and emotional level, be able to differentiate between “your own” and “someone else’s.” Become discerning about people and surrounding information.

Learn to deal with stress, get more rest, and be able to relax. Avoid irritating factors, change your attitude towards the situation.

Skin diseases

The skin is responsible for contact with other people and society. This is a kind of border between us and the outside world. Skin diseases take their roots from childhood, when a child, seeking physical contact with a parent, is denied touch or hugs. This also includes the inability to express emotions, fear of rejection, and tightness.Practice body-oriented practices. Create an attitude of openness to the outside world. Learn to relax.


Pay attention to the phraseology “they carry water for the offended.” The fat cell consists of 90% water-fat gel. Modern medicine came very close to the fact that water is an ideal carrier of information. Multitude surveys fat people have shown that they are prone to frequent grievances. Moreover, they tend to deny the fact that they were offended, displacing this feeling to the level of the unconscious. The process of accumulation of resentment at the physiological level is presented in the form of the process of accumulation of water by a fat cell, with negative information recorded on it. Destructive feelings are converted into bodily fullness, transferring the load from the psyche to the body.Apologize for your insincerity to the offender, identify the fact of your hypocrisy when you accepted his words, although you internally did not agree with them. Change the strategy of accepting offense, do not keep it to yourself, and boldly express your feelings to the offender.

Eye diseases

Women have an internal lack of self-confidence as a woman, which they carefully try to hide from others. Symbolizes fear in the future in terms of female characteristics(fear of losing beauty, doubts about one’s femininity, fear of not giving birth or not getting married). Fear of not meeting the ideal of beauty that is implanted by society or parents.

Men have uncertainty about the future. Reluctance to take responsibility for one's actions. Infantility.

Women – accept yourself for who you are. Discard stereotypes. Learn to love yourself.

For men, to gain masculinity. Learn to take responsibility for your words and actions.

Women's diseases

The psychological causes of female diseases lie in stress and overwork. Lack of desire to realize one's natural female function and self-flagellation about this lead to disturbances in the functioning of the female genital organs. Inability to switch from work to personal life. Ignoring your needs for “female happiness.” Inability to say no, to forgive. Excessive touchiness. Shame in relation to one's genitals, masculinization.Learn to accept your femininity, say no. Work off your feelings of guilt for not wanting to procreate and perform the functions inherent in nature.

Dental problems

Sick teeth signal an inability to adequately show aggression (front teeth), make decisions ( lateral teeth), about the delay in spiritual growth(wisdom teeth). The appearance of tartar is a symptom of some insignificant but annoying internal problem.Learn to interact with others on an emotional level. Don't burden yourself with postponing important decisions.

Irritating cough

A nervous cough is characteristic of people who suppress the desire to express reasonable criticism to others. For fear of hurting someone, they would rather remain silent than point out a person’s mistakes. With the help of coughing, a person frees himself from stuck emotions or attracts attention. Oppressive understatement and avoidance of conflicts also play a destructive role. Inability to accept the situation as it is.Cultivating openness, objectivity, the ability to bring things and conversations to an end.

Upper respiratory tract diseases

Frequent runny noses can symbolize our crying inner child. Diseases of this kind (sinusitis) arise against the background of self-pity.Stop feeling sorry for yourself, or work out the gestalt: live through the situation once through intense self-pity.

Thyroid dysfunction

Loss of flexibility in decision making. An unconscious prohibition to look at the situation objectively and accept experience. The body signals us about the need to respond more adequately to society. Taboo aggression.Stop limiting yourself, learn new reactions, express yourself in a new way.

Sleep disorder

Insomnia can be caused by post-traumatic stress disorder. It is also the result of an activity that is disgusting to us. People who cannot sleep experience fear of death or fear of losing control. The constant desire to sleep is an unconscious desire to escape from life into the world of dreams, the presence of difficult tasks.Avoid stress, learn not to put off solving problems, learn to let go of the situation.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Hyper-responsibility (disease of domineering old people). Overactivity, inability to say no

(“the disease has put a straitjacket on a person”), stereotypes, stereotypes, suppressed aggression, reluctance to change. In patients with this psychosomatic illness there is a rigid value system from which they cannot deviate. It is important for them to comply with social norms, to be correct and decent. This leads to suppression of a person’s emotional sphere.

Stop being afraid to deviate from the value system and allow yourself little weaknesses. Listen to your desires. Learn to sacrifice your sense of duty for the sake of your feelings and desires.

Sexual disorders

Feeling of powerlessness, inability to influence the world around us. Pathological narcissism. Feeling guilty for not conforming social norms regarding gender norms. The tension from the imposed social responsibility causes the body to escape into impotence or anorgasmia (a symbolic message - there is nothing more to take from me).Learn to protect yourself from unnecessary worries and relieve stress.

Bulimia and anorexia

Anorexia symbolizes difficulties with self-identity. Refusal to eat is a protest against the dominant mother in childhood. Women's lack of acceptance of their own femininity.

Bulimia speaks of self-doubt and low self-esteem. Inconsistency in images between who I am and who I want to be.

Learn to say “no” to your parents. Gain autonomy. Stabilize the relationship with your mother.

Working with a defensive reaction.

Diabetes mellitus

Sweets in food are an analogue of love. Diabetic patients psychological level do not accept love from others, or do not see its manifestation. They try to control everything, the loss of autonomy for them is a serious test that can develop into diabetes.Learn to accept love and care from others.

The roots of all diseases can be found in our head. Rummage a little, think, change your thinking style and you will feel better. And if you don’t feel any improvement, then at least take a break.

An excellent video from a leading psychologist who will tell you in detail what diseases of the body are talking about, the causes of our diseases. Anyone interested in this topic should definitely watch it.

Every person has their own psychological characteristics, which are reflected in various fields life, including sexual life. The same events different people can be perceived differently: for some they go unnoticed, for others they leave severe psychological trauma. In men in particular, such injuries can cause sexual dysfunction. All these conditions are manifested by decreased libido.

Psychological erectile dysfunction: causes

Sexual desire originates primarily in the brain and is a response to visual images, memories, or fantasies. The resulting impulses are transmitted via spinal cord to the nodes and nerves of the genital organ. Thus, penile enlargement is not only the result of tactile stimulation.

Psychological characteristics of personality. The emergence of psychological erectile dysfunction the following factors may contribute: congenital low libido, low self-esteem, fantasies of unusual sex, difficulties in determining sexual orientation, psychological trauma in adolescence and adulthood.

Psychosocial reasons. Sexual problems in a man, they can appear against the background of poor communication skills, homosexual needs, strict anti-sexual education, unstable family relationships during childhood, unhealthy lifestyle, problems with a partner, lack of sexual experience, suppressed sexual desire.

Psychoneurological reasons. As practice shows, the most common reasons of this type of disorder are age-related changes body, depression, stress, neurosis of expectation of failure, specific sexual incompatibility with a partner or the presence of sexual dysfunction.

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

Very often, men find it difficult to admit to themselves and their partners that they have intimate problem, and a trip to the doctor is constantly postponed due to a feeling of shame, fear of a disappointing prognosis, or hope that the illness will go away on its own. In any case, diagnosis and consultation with a specialist is necessary. To begin with, the doctor must collect information about the patient’s sex life; to do this, he can ask the following questions:

  • “How did the sexual disorder manifest itself - suddenly or was there a gradual deterioration in the condition?”
  • “How often do you have sexual intercourse?”
  • “What is the frequency of dysfunction?”
  • “Is the ability to have sexual desire and ejaculation preserved?”
  • “What is the quality of erection during masturbation, sexual stimulation, during insertion of the penis and subsequent frictions?”
  • After finding out all the necessary details, the patient is prescribed a certain type of therapy or given recommendations for lifestyle changes.

Psychological impotence (erectile dysfunction): treatment

In some cases, a man can cope with the disease on his own, without the help of a specialist. Before wondering how to treat psychological impotence, you first need to reconsider your daily routine, learn to deal with stress, get more rest and improve your relationship with your partner. If no improvement is observed, then help medical worker will be necessary. As a rule, such patients are prescribed medications and psychotherapy sessions (conversations with a psychotherapist and/or sexologist).

If psychological impotence is associated with the neurosis of “expectation of failure”, a man will need to remember when this fear first arose, what it was associated with, what his thoughts were after this incident, and what his behavior during sexual contacts became. This information helps the specialist understand the essence of the problem and begin to work effectively with it.

If named psychological trauma at a young age, the patient is asked to mentally travel back to his childhood and remember what contributed to the development of the disease. Perhaps it was a parental suggestion (sex is shameful), worries about the size of the penis, an unsuccessful first sexual experience, etc.

Always remember that you need to take care not only of psychological state, but also the health of your body. You need to start leading healthy image life, give up bad habits(smoking, alcohol), eating right, working out optimal mode day and have regular sex life.

Psychosis, as defined medical encyclopedia, this is a clear violation of mental activity, when the reaction to what is happening does not correspond to the situation. Psychosis is treated with different types psychotherapy, when medications have already removed the most sharp forms manifestations of this condition.

Psychotherapy methods for treating psychosis are used both individually and in a group. When communicating with the patient, the psychotherapist helps restore the integrity of the personality, which was lost during the illness, and is a kind of support for the person. With its help, the patient begins to respond adequately to what is happening around him.

And during group sessions, participants are led by someone who has already dealt with this problem; he helps others socialize and feel like a member of the group. His example allows patients to overcome their own uncertainty and feel the possibility of recovery.

There are many methods of psychotherapy for psychosis, but the most effective are the following:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • psychoeducation;
  • addiction therapy;
  • family therapy;
  • cognitive therapy behavior;
  • art therapy;
  • occupational therapy.

Besides, good results show psychosocial activity training: metacognitive, social competence training.


One of the methods of psychotherapy used is education of the patient and his loved ones, or psychoeducation. The psychotherapist talks in detail about the disease, its prerequisites, what leads to recovery, and what medications can help relieve especially acute symptoms.

He tells the patient’s relatives how to behave correctly with him. It is very important that the patient and loved ones have no doubts, so the doctor must answer all questions, clarifying vague points. The success of treatment depends on this.

The psychotherapist meets with the patient and relatives once or twice a week. By constantly attending these meetings, the patient develops an adequate attitude towards his illness and its treatment, including medication. As shown medical statistics, meetings with a psychotherapist reduce the possibility of psychosis recurrence by at least half.

Addiction therapy

If psychosis has developed due to drug or alcohol use, it is necessary to work with the addiction. Such patients have an internal contradiction: realizing that they do not need to drink alcohol, they feel a strong attraction to them.

In this case, classes are held as an individual conversation. The psychotherapist explains that there is a direct relationship between psychosis and drug use. Suggests how to behave to reduce the desire to take a dose. Forms motivation to complete refusal from alcohol or drugs.

Behavioral or cognitive therapy is perhaps the most effective method psychotherapy for psychosis accompanied by depressive state. The term “cognitions” refers to incorrect thoughts and judgments that prevent the patient from perceiving reality critically. During therapy, the therapist identifies cognitions and the emotions associated with them. The psychotherapist teaches the patient to critically perceive such thoughts, not allowing them to influence behavior.

The doctor takes notes negative thoughts, records the situations when such thoughts arise, as well as the prevailing feelings, emotions and the exact facts on which these thoughts are based. The treatment period in this case is long, from 4 months to a year, about 20 sessions should be completed (conducted individually).


The essence of the method is that the patient tells the doctor about his inner world, transferring to him the feelings that he experiences for other people. And the psychoanalyst looks for the reasons that led to the onset of psychosis and the mechanisms used by the patient to protect himself from traumatic situations. The treatment process is even longer than with cognitive therapy.

Family therapy

The method involves the doctor communicating with the patient's family members. With the help of therapy, he tries to eliminate family conflicts that could cause repeated manifestations of the disease. The psychotherapist reveals the peculiarities of the course of the disease, explains how loved ones should behave in difficult situations. The main goal of such therapy is to prevent relapses of psychosis and create a comfortable atmosphere in the family.

Occupational therapy

Another type of group therapy. The patient comes to classes where he can show his talents in wood carving, sewing, cooking, modeling, music, and so on. All of them contribute to memory training, development of creativity, and help to establish good relationship with other group members. The awareness that he can achieve certain goals and solve specific problems helps the patient gain hope that he will again be able to take what is happening in life into his own hands.

Art therapy

This method is based on psychoanalysis. With the help of art, the patient expresses himself in painting, sculpture, music, creates an image of his “I”, and the doctor examines the cultural object using psychoanalytic methods. Such therapy can activate self-healing capabilities.

Social competence training

During group sessions, patients put into practice previously unfamiliar forms of behavior and find out:

  • what happens during the interview;
  • how to behave with strangers in conflict situations.

The problems that patients encountered in implementing these behaviors in their lives are then discussed.