The man has a list php section id. Intimate male problem: phimosis

To hate even one person means to hate the whole world.

Hieroschemamonk Simon (Bloodless)

It is not good when someone's sins become public. By exposing the moral failure of our neighbor, we will not correct others. And we won’t correct ourselves. We are ready to do anything except correct ourselves, because it is not difficult to teach others, but to change ourselves we need to make a considerable effort.

St. Paisiy Svyatogorets

Don't be angry with your neighbor. Bear their mistakes so that they can bear yours. Love so that you will be loved, and be patient so that you will be tolerated. Be kind and everyone will be kind to you.

St. Joseph the Hesychast

There are a lot of people around who say all sorts of things, and their words are often nasty. They are in a passionate state and think only about temporary, vain things, about earthly pleasures. If the person praying is attentive, he will not follow them, but will take pity and pray that the Lord will enlighten them. And to do this, every day in the middle of the day or in the evening before going to bed, let us bend our knees, open the New Testament and read at least one chapter.

Elder Ephraim of Philotheia

If you are not able to stop the mouth of someone slandering your friend, then at least beware of communicating with him.

St. Isaac the Syrian

If one person or several people have an ascetic spirit, it greatly helps others. Because if someone succeeds spiritually, then it will benefit not only himself, but also those who see him.

St. Paisiy Svyatogorets

Do not take your example from someone who is weaker than you, but from someone who is more perfect than you.

St. Anthony the Great

If we do not forgive our neighbors, then we will not cause them any harm, but we will prepare for ourselves unbearable hellish torment.

St. John Chrysostom

Let everyone put himself in the other’s place more often. When a person puts himself in the place of another, all things get better.

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

Make comments without giving food to your own pride, considering whether you yourself could bear what you demand from another. Know when to make a comment and when to remain silent.

St. Hilarion Optinsky

Love your neighbor as yourself, for by loving your neighbor, you love yourself, and by hating your neighbor, first of all you harm yourself.

St. rights John of Kronstadt

You must first learn to manage yourself, and then others.

St. Tikhon Zadonsky

He who does not harm himself will not be harmed by anyone.

St. John Chrysostom

Make comments without giving food to your own pride, arguing whether you yourself could bear what you demand from another.

St. Hilarion Optinsky

It is good for the baby who is given the name of a saint not only out of custom, but out of faith and love for the saint.

St. Filaret of Moscow

Accustom yourself, when you first look at a person, to always wish him well from the bottom of your heart.

St. Basil the Great

Many of us weep with those who weep, but do not rejoice with those who rejoice.

St. Basil the Great

If you hear about your brother’s sin, do not pass on such information to anyone else: by such an act you will inflict a mortal wound on your soul.

St. Isaiah the Hermit

Mercy and condescension towards others and forgiveness of their shortcomings is the shortest path to salvation.

St. Ambrose Optinsky

Prayer for them has a stronger effect on neighbors than the word, because prayer brings into action the omnipotent God Himself, and God does with His creation everything that is pleasing to Him.

St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

Conceal the act of a sinner if it does not harm you. By this you will encourage him to repent, and you will be supported by the mercy of your Master.

St. Isaac the Syrian

Do not have malice towards a person, so as not to make your labors in vain.

Abba Daniel

It is better to say bad things about yourself than to say bad things about others.

St. Gregory the Theologian

A husband and wife should be like hands and eyes. When your hand hurts, your eyes cry. And when the eyes cry, the hands wipe the tears.

St. John Chrysostom

It is not permissible to impute to others a necessity that you yourself do not fulfill.

St. Basil the Great

If you have a grudge against someone, pray for him.

Venerable Maxim the Confessor

Don’t reproach anyone, because you don’t know what will happen to you. Speak a word of consolation to a careless soul, and the Lord will strengthen your heart.

St. Ephraim Sirin

Cover the sinner, if there is no harm to you from this: you will give him courage, and the mercy of your Master will support you.

St. Isaac the Syrian

Do you want to enjoy the championship? - Give it up to someone else first.

St. John Chrysostom

The prayers and deeds of a person who harbors anger towards his neighbor and a desire for revenge in his heart are in vain.

Abba Isaiah

Beware of humiliating your neighbor not only with your lips, but also in your heart.

St. Isaiah the Hermit

Do not prefer anything to the love of your neighbor, except in those cases when because of it the love of God is despised.

St. Neil of Sinai

Love for neighbors is preceded and accompanied by humility before them.

St. Ignatiy Brianchaninov

If you want not to fall away from Divine love, then do not allow your brother to fall asleep in grief at you, nor do you yourself fall asleep in grief at him.

St. Maxim the Confessor

If you do good, you should do it only for God. Why shouldn’t anyone pay any attention to people’s ingratitude?

St. Ambrose Optinsky

Every Orthodox Christian, if he wants to work on his own salvation, must, first of all, pay attention to his attitude towards his neighbors.

St. Ignatiy Brianchaninov

One must not only warn one’s neighbor before sin, but also offer one’s hand after a fall.

St. John Chrysostom

Humility is born in one who does not hurt the conscience of his neighbor.

St. Isaiah the Hermit

Try to live in such a way that all people bless you.

St. Anthony the Great

Have mercy on each other, may the Lord have mercy on you.

St. Anthony the Great

There is no need to seek peace for ourselves. This prevents the coming of Christ. We must strive for what brings peace to another person. Real peace comes from bringing peace to another.

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

One must bear one’s brother’s spiritual infirmities complacently without grief. For if someone is sick in body, then not only are we not upset with him, but we also serve him in every way. We must act in the same way when dealing with mental illnesses.

St. Moses Optinsky

For persons who have fully mastered the educational program in their specialty, including the educational program in accordance with the state educational standard (hereinafter referred to as the State Educational Standard), but have not passed the state final certification (hereinafter referred to as the State Final Attestation), the procedure for passing the State Final Attestation is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for conducting the state final certification certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs and master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 29, 2015 N 636 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 22, 2015 N 3813) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

According to paragraph 42 of the Procedure, a person who has not passed the State Examination can take it again no earlier than 10 months and no later than five years after the date of the State Examination, which the student did not pass. In this case, it is possible to re-pass the State Examination no more than two times.

Reinstatement of persons who previously studied in accordance with the State Standards for re-passing the State Educational Test is possible provided that the license for carrying out educational activities contains State Standards specialties. If such specialties are not included in the license, reinstatement for passing the State Examination Test in these specialties is impossible.

At the same time, the person has the right to recover and continue studying in this educational organization according to the main educational program, which is implemented in accordance with the federal state educational standard of higher education according to the level of higher education. At the same time, the direction of training to which the person is reinstated is determined by the educational organization on the basis of the compliance of the areas of training of higher professional education established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, confirmed by the assignment to persons of qualifications (degrees) “Bachelor” and “Master”, areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education, confirmed assignment to a person of the qualification (degree) of “specialist”, the list of which is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 No. 1136, areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment to the person of the qualification “certified specialist”, specified in the All-Russian Classifier of Specialties for education OK 009-2003, adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated September 30, 2003 No. 276-st, with amendments No. 1/2005 OKSO, put into effect by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology with October 1, 2005, and No. 2/2010 OKSO, adopted by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 31, 2010 No. 48-st and put into effect on June 1, 2010 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 18, 2010) -13, No. 1245).

When reinstated, an academic difference may arise between two educational programs - the program currently being implemented by the educational organization and the program that the person previously mastered. The procedure and grounds for the reinstatement of students, the forms, frequency and procedure for ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students are determined by local regulations of the educational organization (Part 2 of Article 30 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law).

According to clause 7 of part 1 of Article 34 of the Federal Law, students are granted the academic right to credit an educational organization in the manner established by it for the results of students’ mastery of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), internships, and additional educational programs in other educational organizations. The specified procedure is a mandatory local regulatory act regulating the main issues of organizing and carrying out educational activities (clause 23 of Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 9, 2016 N 1385 “On approval of lists of documents and materials required for conducting an on-site accreditation examination (without on-site) to an organization carrying out educational activities or its branch").

In addition, in accordance with paragraph 37 of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 5, 2017 No. 301, when mastering the educational program by a student who has higher education and is studying (studied) in an educational program of higher education, by decision of the educational organization, accelerated training of such a student is carried out according to an individual curriculum in the manner established by the local regulatory act of the educational organization. In this connection, if reinstated to a different educational program than the one in which the student studied before his expulsion, the academic debt that has arisen can also be eliminated with accelerated education of such a student.

When studying according to an individual curriculum, the annual volume of the educational program, which is established by the federal state educational standard, is no more than 75 credit units. The procedure and conditions for certification of disciplines (modules) in the event of an academic difference are determined by local regulations of the educational organization. At the same time, the period during which the student must pass exams and tests that make it possible to eliminate this difference is established by the educational organization independently. Re-crediting of previously mastered disciplines is carried out according to the scope of the discipline’s competencies, and not just by its name.

Thus, if, upon reinstatement, the annual volume of the program, taking into account the academic difference, exceeds the specified norm, the educational organization has the right to reinstate the student with a downgrade.

The answer is given according to the state of the law as of May 27, 2019

(Based on materials from the best-selling book by Ariel Ford "Book No. 2. About love. The Law of Attraction: how to attract a loved one into your life")

The time will come when, after conquering outer space, winds, tides and gravity, we will tame the energy of love for God. And on this day, for the second time in the history of the world, we will discover fire.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

When you walk into your favorite coffee shop, what is your first action? Of course you place an order! You confidently tell the bartender: “Please, I’d like a classic espresso with milk foam, no sugar, to go.” The bartender smiles, writes down your order and takes your money. A few minutes later you go outside with a fragrant cup of coffee - exactly the kind you ordered.

Ordering your soul mate from the Universe occurs in approximately the same way. It is not always performed so quickly, but it can be no less accurate. Here is the key that will help you unlock the power of the Universe: you must make your order clearly.

Of course, placing an order for the love of your life requires more thought than ordering your favorite cup of coffee. To do this correctly, you must first examine your heart and find out exactly what it desires. It is likely that by now you know quite clearly what you do not want to see in your future partner. However, this is not enough to attract your soul mate. You have to ask yourself what exactly you want. And the more clearly and specifically you ask, the easier it will be for the Universe to answer your order.

Now is the time to think deeply and honestly about your individual goals, desires, tastes and preferences. When you figure out what really matters to you in each area of ​​your life, you will begin to send out strong and consistent signals that will attract a partner with similar values ​​and goals to you. But if you allow yourself to vacillate for too long, or fall into the well-known trap of “leaving all options open,” then you can completely confuse the Monitor of the Cosmic Order.

Trade-offs and barriers to further communication

Each of us has our own unique preferences and set standards, and what seems completely normal to one person may not be acceptable to another. Every relationship requires some compromise, and I'm not suggesting that you and your ideal partner can enjoy life without the slightest compromise. Compromise and flexibility towards the other person's needs are part of growth as a couple and as an individual. However, if you find that being with a certain person requires you to compromise on one or more of your fundamental positions, then I would suggest that he is not the right partner for you. If you desperately want children and have met a person who is disgusted by the very sight of them, then this is the very factor that prevents further communication. Creating a list of desirable qualities in your spouse is a great way to define your core values. The more clearly you are aware of them before you meet your other half, the easier it will be for you to recognize your “one.”

God is in the details

Once you've decided which areas you're willing to make concessions on and which ones you're not, you'll be ready to make your list. First, think about all aspects of the life you dream of. Imagine what you want to do with your partner and how you want to feel in his presence. Here are some questions to help you build and improve your list.

How do I want to feel when I wake up in the morning next to my loved one?

What kind of life will we have? Are we both workaholics, or homebodies, or a combination of these two qualities?

How will we spend our weekends? Hiking, going to the cinema, cultural events or just hanging out close to home?

Will we have or want children? And am I ready to accept other people's children into my life?

Describing to the Universe the characteristics by which you are looking for your future partner, it is as if you are typing a keyword into the Internet search bar. The more clearly you define your request, the more likely it is that the search will highlight exactly what you need. You are making a very important order to the Universe, so when making your list, make sure it includes two criteria:

1) My loved one is single, heterosexual (homosexual) (yes, you have to be that specific) and ready for a healthy, affectionate, reliable and long-term relationship (or marriage, if that is your desire).

2) My other half lives within......... km from me or wants to move here. If you're willing to move to be near your loved one, but still want to live in a specific state or city, check that too.

Of course, there is a danger that we may become too specific. For example, one woman who had such refined ideas about the type of man she wanted to marry, that she simply refused to date a man whose waist was larger than 32 inches! She thought about this requirement all the time and did not want to see anyone who did not meet it! Eventually, she met a man who met this criterion. He was a terrible penny-pincher, but his waist was exactly 32 inches! It is much more important to specify the internal qualities you need in a partner than to describe individual physical characteristics. Of course, if these external signs do not simply suit your taste, but rather help you recognize your soul mate at the moment of meeting, that is another matter.

Letting go of expectations

The Rolling Stones discovered this decades ago and tried to convey this to us by saying, "You can't always get what you want." Sometimes we have to give up the object of our desires just to create space and allow the Universe to deliver to us what we need. There is a fine line between what we really want (love, happiness, success) and rigid requirements (I must meet him before Valentine's Day, he must be at least six feet and have brown eyes). One woman's story serves as a perfect example of what can happen when we give up our expectations and stop trying to be the Master Manager of the Universe. She couldn't get married for a long time. And somehow, when her sense of isolation reached a critical point, she suddenly realized that she could not see her future life partner in her imagination - instead of a man, she saw a black hole. This made her understand that no one could fit into the image of the ideal man she had created for herself. After that, she met a man whom she had known for a long time, and even then she liked him, but in the past she ignored his invitation to a date - at that time it seemed to her that he did not meet her ideal. Now, having forgotten about her imaginary ideal partner with a certain appearance, she was finally able to appreciate this man and looked at him with completely different eyes. Thus, only in her fourth decade did she fall in love with her soul mate, although she met him much earlier. Outwardly, he did not resemble her imaginary ideal, but all his main internal qualities exactly corresponded to the person she had always dreamed of meeting.

Creating a list of desirable qualities in your partner

Before making your lists of desired qualities in a partner, look at a few examples. When you make your list, write down only those qualities that you consider truly important. If you have ex-lovers with fond memories (or perhaps you're still friends with), then think about what you valued most about them. This may give you a clue as to what type the person you want to share your life with is. Take your time and create your list, the length of which should depend only on your desire.

  • Secured
  • Gentle
  • Ambitious
  • Able to express oneself clearly
  • Admirable
  • Beautiful
  • Vigorous
  • Caring
  • Charismatic
  • Tactful
  • Creative
  • Attractive
  • Enjoys ........................ (add yours - dogs, cats, traveling, singing, etc.)
  • Perceiving the world in the same way as me
  • Family Oriented
  • Compliant
  • Funny
  • Happy
  • Healthy
  • Independent
  • Generous (you might add - in terms of money, time, love, etc.)
  • Excellent relationships (with family, with children, with ex-wife, etc.)
  • Likes......................... (cooking, playing golf, skydiving and whatever else you want)
  • Loving
  • Ready to help
  • Playful
  • Sexual
  • Emotional
  • Spiritually open (or attends church, temple, mosque, etc.)
  • Savvy
  • Successful
  • Ready to help (with your career, dreams, training, etc.)
  • Talented
  • You can rewrite your list as a thank you:

    “I, so-and-so, thank God for my beloved. I am grateful that he..... (list his qualities), lives.... (there), is engaged in.... (that- then) etc. And we are happy living together. Thank you, Lord...."

    In your list, try to describe your future partner in as much detail as possible, down to the details if you can. For example, describe personality, smile, demeanor, interests, likes, dislikes, sexuality, views on religion, travel preferences, etc.

    You can put the list in a folder or other safe place. And believe that your partner is already on his way to you. Believing in the power of your action will change your life. Trust the Universe. And she will do everything so that you find your soul mate without effort. Don't rush the time.

    Making a list

    Now that you have decided on the qualities of your partner, write them down on a beautiful piece of paper. As you write each word, imagine that you are living with your loved one right now and thank him for his presence in your life. Feel the joy, happiness, passion of knowing that you are reunited with your soulmate again.

    Release from the list

    This is a sacred ceremony. By symbolically letting go of the list, you stop trying to figure out how, where and when it will appear and let the Universe handle the details.

    D. Chopra in the book “The 7 Spiritual Laws” writes: “In order to acquire anything in the physical Universe, you need to stop thinking about it. This does not mean that you need to give up the intention to achieve the dream, but you don’t need to constantly think about the outcome."

  • Choose a special day for the ritual of releasing the list (this could be a full moon, or Friday (Venus day), or any other day you see fit to choose), time of day (for example, noon), place (bedroom, for example, in front of the Altar of Relationships), or to another quiet place).
  • Read the list out loud, feeling each word seep through you. Trusting that your wishes have been heard and accepted by the universe, burn your list in a fireproof container. And know that now your desires are handed over to invisible Higher powers, which will control time and place, directing you to meet your chosen one.
  • The ashes can be scattered over water, or buried in the garden, or wherever you like. If you are against the idea of ​​burning the list, you can simply fold it many times and launch it into the sky on a balloon in a red (pink) box. Or seal it in an envelope and place it under your mattress or other safe place. Or you can place it on your Relationship Altar. Choose that method. whichever one is closest to you.


    The last phase of the list-free ritual is the creation of a personal holiday. Make it the way you personally want. You can, for example, take champagne, candles, beautiful dishes, set a table for two, turn on beautiful music, etc. And feel the joy that the wheel of fate has already started for you. It is important to feel positive emotions from this.

    Do it your way

    If the process of writing a list seems like a formality to you, or does not suit your soul, make the order of the qualities of your chosen one more creative, non-standard. For example, in the form of schematically drawn qualities painted by you. This will help you identify the longings of your heart and fill in the empty spaces in your ideal. For example, like this:

    Coloring a love mandala

    Take a mandala (a complex pattern of geometric shapes, in the form of a circle) and color each tiny piece of it with colored pencils or felt-tip pens. At the same time, meditate on each of the qualities of your beloved that you paint over.

    For example, say: “I need a man who loves animals” - painting one piece of the pattern with pink, “I will like a man who will appreciate my sense of humor” - painting the second piece with blue, “I want a man who speaks politely” - and coloring the third a piece with a third color, etc.

    Having finished drawing a portrait of your lover in this way, you will convey your request to the Universe, and then it is no longer your concern, but its concern - how to deliver this order to you. Your meeting will take place soon. Believe it.

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    Read other materials on Ariel Ford's book "Book No. 2. About love. The Law of Attraction: how to attract a loved one into your life" on our website:

    Today, a fairly large number of adult men experience inconvenience due to an unpleasant physiological feature - narrowing of the foreskin, or, in medical terms, phimosis. Problems arise both during sexual intercourse and in ordinary everyday situations. Experts note that in the vast majority of cases, this structural feature of the penis is hereditary. So, in almost all newborn boys (namely 96 percent), the head of the penis does not open. In three-year-old children, narrowing of the foreskin is observed in only 30 percent of cases. And by the time of puberty (16-17 years), only three percent of men are susceptible to this disease.

    Are there medical treatments for phimosis? After all, in fact, the growth of the foreskin is not only an unpleasant sensation during the act of urination or a moment of intimacy, it is also an open gate to the emergence of infectious diseases. The fact is that secretions and dirt can accumulate under the foreskin. After stagnation, inflammation forms and, as a result, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other serious diseases of the genitourinary system. And, of course, pain and the presence of inflammatory processes do not at all contribute to normal sexual life. What should a man do when faced with such a delicate problem?

    First of all, there is good news for all those suffering from phimosis - a radical and quick solution to the problem exists. Doctors recommend circumcision as an effective treatment method for all men who have already been diagnosed with phimosis. This operation is performed in a hospital setting. The patient completely restores sexual function within 2-3 weeks. Unfortunately, many men are afraid to undergo circumcision according to indications or postpone the time of the intervention to a later date. Usually, such delays only aggravate the situation, and more and more unpleasant consequences of phimosis arise.

    Along with surgical intervention, therapeutic options for the treatment of phimosis are also practiced in medicine. They are resorted to in cases where the patient refuses to undergo surgery, or in the presence of serious contraindications. The technique itself is as follows: the foreskin is steamed daily, then hormonal and anti-inflammatory agents are rubbed into the problem area. It should be emphasized that this technique is ineffective, and the course of treatment is very long. In fact, the use of this method is comparable to how in former times cervical erosion was treated with herbs and ointments, whereas in this case only cauterization is necessary. Therefore, all men who are tormented by such an intimate problem should make the right choice in order to find the joy of sexual life with the woman they love in just a couple of weeks.