Psychosomatic factors of ovarian cysts. Psychosomatic causes and treatment of ovarian cysts

The results of studies on the psychosomatic aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome have shown that women with polycystic ovary syndrome experience many stressful situations, which often lead to psychological difficulties. In addition, they are more susceptible to developing anxiety disorders, depression and other mental health conditions. violations. Psychological distress (destructive stress) has its roots in several important factors, such as changes in appearance, irregular or absent periods, disturbances in intimate relationships and behavior with men. Compared to healthy women, girls with polycystic ovary syndrome are more neurotic, anxious and depressed. The mechanism of such psychological disorders has not yet been fully determined. The chronic and complex nature of PCOS is believed to lead to negative psychological consequences that may cause decreased motivation and self-confidence.


Polycystic ovary syndrome is a multisymptomatic disease that includes a number of physical and psychological disorders. The deterioration of the psychological health of women with PCOS is influenced by factors such as:

  • constant treatment and control of symptoms,
  • fear of infertility,
  • Concern about one's appearance and attractiveness.

Such women are at high risk for anxiety disorders and even suicide attempts. For this reason, girls with PCOS require a comprehensive approach to treatment, which should take into account psychological and social aspects. In addition, women should receive counseling from a psychiatrist or psychologist to achieve long-term emotional well-being.

One of the mechanisms that causes mental disorders through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and circadian rhythm may be stress. Under the influence of stress, the homeostasis (balance, self-regulation) of stress neuroendocrine function is disrupted, which negatively affects health. In addition, there are reports of increased rates of eating disorders and suicidality among women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Some doctors attribute psychological disorders in PCOS to impaired androgen metabolism. Various data on psychological disorders and emotional function in women with PCOS do not allow us to draw a clear conclusion. There is still considerable controversy and ongoing debate in the medical literature about the social and psychological causes and consequences of polycystic ovary syndrome.

However, one of the latest Iranian studies (“Relationship between clinical and biochemical characteristics and quality of life of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome”, 2018), in which doctors studied the tests, symptoms and results of a survey of patients, showed that the biochemical markers and manifestations of PCOS ( obesity, hirsutism, infertility, etc.) do play a role in the deterioration of quality of life.

Can there be PCOS on a psychological level?

Stress, chronic anxiety and restlessness greatly affect the state of the body and especially the endocrine system. Increased levels of cortisol (stress hormone) could theoretically. In addition, a prolonged lack of joy, dissatisfaction, and depression disrupt the production of progesterone, which in turn is important for the production of progesterone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. All of this is likely to temporarily disrupt the menstrual cycle and cause symptoms similar to polycystic ovary syndrome. However, to be diagnosed with PCOS, a woman must have at least 2 out of 3. If the diagnosis is made correctly, then the causes of the disorder are more serious and are much deeper than just the “psychological level.”


Mental and emotional health is just as important as physical health. Depression and anxiety are common among women with PCOS, but are often ignored and therefore left untreated.

According to statistics, about 7% of healthy women have depression; Among women with polycystic ovary syndrome, this disorder is approximately 5 times more common. 18% of healthy women suffer from anxiety; for comparison, among those with PCOS, approximately 45% of girls have anxiety disorders.

It was also found that the longer it takes to make a diagnosis, the higher the likelihood of psychological problems.

Depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety can affect quality of life in different ways:

  1. Physically - disrupting eating and sleeping habits.
  2. Psychologically - reducing motivation and increasing feelings of worthlessness.
  3. Socially - influencing relationships.

Research shows that symptoms of PCOS, including excess body hair, alopecia, acne, weight changes and fertility problems, can negatively affect your mood, self-confidence, thoughts and appearance. Poor mental and emotional health can make the healing process difficult.

What affects emotional health?

Emotional health is influenced by many factors, including:

  • chronic diseases,
  • lifestyle and stress,
  • genes, personality and thinking,
  • self-esteem,
  • appearance,
  • relationships, family and friends,
  • experience, motivation, habits.

If you have PCOS, it can be helpful to understand how each affects your mental and emotional health.

Reaction to the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome

A diagnosis of PCOS can cause a number of negative feelings and emotions in a girl:

  • disbelief,
  • anger,
  • disappointment,
  • sadness,
  • fear,
  • anxiety,
  • acceptance.

What influences these feelings?

Sometimes it takes too long to get diagnosed because PCOS is a complex condition that is not easy to diagnose correctly, causing worry and anxiety to worsen. The response to diagnosis often depends on a number of factors:

  • how long does it take to undergo a full diagnosis;
  • how the doctor discussed and explained the diagnosis;
  • the symptoms that the woman experiences, their type, intensity, quantity, frequency;
  • the impact of PCOS on quality and lifestyle;
  • treatment options and expected results;
  • life situation, social and cultural background of the woman;
  • the number of people who can understand and support;
  • stress.

Being diagnosed and living with PCOS can in itself lead to chronic stress.

Stress, anxiety, depression

Stress occurs when a person feels threatened or unable to cope with a situation. While small amounts can provide motivation to take action, too much stress, especially over a long period, has a negative impact on health and well-being. In this case, it can be helpful to take the time to learn what exactly is causing you stress (this may be different for different people).

Polycystic ovary syndrome and appearance

PCOS causes physical changes and affects appearance. Therefore, it is important to find appropriate treatment for symptoms - acne, excess hair growth - if it bothers a woman and affects the way she perceives herself.

If polycystic ovary syndrome makes a girl more shy, reduces her self-esteem and self-confidence and/or affects her behavior, for example, makes her obsess over food or avoid new acquaintances and communication with people, then you should definitely seek qualified help from an endocrinologist and psychotherapist.


Treatment (taking control of symptoms) of PCOS should be carried out in stages and cover both physical and psychological areas. It must consist of psycho. screening, lifestyle changes, medications and psychological counseling.

Assessment of mental health symptoms, especially depression, should be included in psychological screening for these women. One of the most effective approaches to solving psychological problems (mood and anxiety disorders) in PCOS is a combination of psychotherapy and medications. This approach is better than drug treatment alone for physical symptoms.

  • Lifestyle

One of the most important and effective treatments for PCOS is lifestyle changes. Even minor lifestyle interventions are important to reduce symptoms, reduce weight, and improve fertility in women with PCOS. Another important factor is psychological well-being. Changing your lifestyle means choosing the right and safe weight loss strategy. This also involves counseling women about regular exercise. One study showed that exercise significantly improves quality of life and health in women with polycystic ovary syndrome compared to traditional exercise.

  • Acne, scalp hair loss,

Treatment and (with the help of oral contraceptives, or laser therapy) significantly increases self-esteem.

  • Obesity, diabetes

Insulin sensitizers such as insulin sensitizers can be used to treat insulin resistance. Antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs may be used to treat mental disorders associated with PCOS. Consultation with psychologists or psychiatrists is the most effective way to determine the severity and adequate treatment of women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Some women are too fixated on their diagnosis, some believe that if it is not curable, then there is no need to deal with the symptoms, others, on the contrary, try to learn as much as possible about polycystic ovary syndrome and control the condition. Experience and research show that a woman needs to receive the right treatment and understand how her quality of life can be improved and what changes to make to feel as comfortable as possible.

Women are more susceptible to external stimuli than men; they experience negative emotions more strongly and often “hide” them inside themselves. Such mental characteristics become fertile ground for the development of diseases, including ovarian diseases. To deal with the problem, you need not only to consult a doctor and tell him the symptoms, but to reconsider your emotional state.

Pathologies of the genital organs, including the ovaries, occur in women who:

  • have problems with self-esteem;
  • suffer from self-doubt and internal contradictions;
  • do not want or are afraid to experience the joy of motherhood;
  • in adulthood they experience childhood grievances;
  • feel not beautiful and sexy enough;
  • do not rejoice in the fact that they are representatives of the fair sex;
  • place increased demands on themselves;
  • do not enter into intimacy for a long time;
  • in relationships they take on the role of the man;
  • feel insufficiently protected;
  • suffer from envy and hurt pride;
  • do not trust their partner;
  • cannot stand up for themselves;
  • they are offended by representatives of the stronger sex, positioning them in a negative way;
  • cannot find harmony in their relationship with their partner;
  • suffer from sexual disorders, internal restrictions, and during sexual intercourse they experience a feeling of guilt caused by upbringing;
  • do not know how to enjoy life;
  • experienced a negative intimate experience, rape or betrayal.

Gynecological diseases have a clear relationship with the inner world. Hidden grievances, a negative attitude towards men, rejection of one’s feminine essence are just the most common reasons that provoke pathologies in the reproductive sphere. Treatment will be more effective if the woman can resolve her emotional problems.

Why ovarian diseases develop: psychological reasons

Pathologies of the appendages, including cystic tumors, arise against the background of psychosomatic problems. The ovaries are the centers of creation and creativity. They bring the feminine principle to life. Their illnesses are caused by rejection of their essence, as well as internal conflicts.

It has been proven that hormonal abnormalities arise due to nervous experiences and lead to the formation of cysts, including the development. If a woman is under stress, then her body actively produces male hormones that allow her to cope with life's difficulties.

When there is a hormonal imbalance, the work of the appendages, rather than the adrenal glands, is triggered, which is why the body receives a high dose of androgens. A woman herself provokes such an anomaly when she tries to solve problems quickly and courageously. She opposes her “weak” essence, belittles her own usefulness.

PCOS is more common in patients who are unable to determine their own nature. The pathology consists in the formation of cysts. It is due to the fact that the reproductive system does not know how to behave correctly: to grow normal eggs or produce them in huge quantities, like a man whose body produces sperm.

Another psychosomatic cause of PCOS is the reluctance to procreate. This attitude may be due to internal fears. By responding to them, the body triggers a malfunction of the reproductive system, which leads to the inability to get pregnant.

In fact, any psychosomatic pathology of the appendages arises as a result of a woman’s refusal to recognize her own beginning, her reluctance to create and create.

Psychosomatic basis of ovarian cyst

Appendage formations are diagnosed in every fifth patient of reproductive age. Researchers believe that the fluid in the tumor indicates a concentration of emotions, nervous tension, and internal experience of conflicts. A woman does not spend her energy on what she really needs. Most often, such emotional problems provoke the formation of cysts.

Louise Hay, founder of the “Heal Yourself” method, believes that appendage formations arise from experiencing past grievances and anxiety about one’s future. Treatment of pathological inclusions comes down to identifying your mistakes and eliminating them. It is necessary to draw the right conclusions about the past. If a woman continues to experience resentment, then a benign cyst can transform into.

To receive healing and prevent the re-formation of a cystic neoplasm, you need to find the source of anger, nervousness and rage, and cope with negative attitudes, most often coming from childhood. Parents themselves “introduce” a life program into the child’s psyche, conveying to him beliefs about how to behave, treat the body and personality. Due to rejection of one’s essence, constant self-flagellation and bad emotions, the reproductive system suffers.

Psychosomatic basis for the treatment of adnexal cysts

The most common diseases of the reproductive sphere are ovarian formations, which can be multiple (polycystic) or single (cysts).

Appendages not only perform the function of procreation, but also represent the feminine principle. Their illnesses are caused by rejection of their essence and internal contradictions.

Treatment for psychosomatic ovarian diseases is to accept your feminine nature and get rid of the qualities that make you suffer. You need to love yourself, realize your individuality, not try to be like others, get rid of past grievances, treat people with kindness.

It is important not only to treat, but also to prevent epididymal cysts. Psychological techniques for preventing disease are:

  • getting rid of past grievances;
  • refusal of self-flagellation and the desire to please everyone around;
  • ending a mentally draining relationship.

You should not constantly scroll through certain situations in your head, reflecting on the correctness of your actions.

Treatment of psychosomatic ovarian pathologies

A visit to the gynecologist is the primary task of a patient suffering from adnexal masses, but in order to achieve a speedy recovery, it is necessary to reconsider your emotional state. To do this, you can contact a specialist whose field of activity is psychology. He will help you find the problem that triggered the development of the disease and tell you how to deal with it.

Pathologies of the reproductive sphere are called “female” because they arise due to the denial of their natural essence. To get rid of ovarian cysts and prevent their reappearance, you must:

  • find femininity in yourself, believe in your own strength, love your body;
  • open up to motherhood;
  • learn to love and show this feeling;
  • do not try to be courageous, realize that a woman has the right to be the “weaker sex”;
  • find harmony with your inner world;
  • allow yourself to enter into relationships with men;
  • enjoy life;
  • let go of past grievances, “shed” moral burden.

And in conclusion, a story from Valery Sinelnikov’s book. One girl came to see a doctor and demanded that she be prescribed miracle drugs that would help normalize her cycle, since hormonal treatment gave a temporary effect. She was dressed like a boy and was training to be a car repairman. The doctor immediately determined the cause of amenorrhea: the patient suppressed her feminine side and tried to look like a representative of the stronger sex. He advised her to reconsider her attitude towards herself.

Psychosomatics teaches that an ovarian cyst is formed due to problems with the inner world. Following simple rules will help you find peace of mind, get rid of an appendage cyst and prevent its reappearance. Sometimes, in order to feel good, it is enough to come into harmony with yourself.

Today, doctors are sounding the alarm - more and more chronic and acute diseases have begun to be of a psychosomatic nature. Psychosomatics is a complex science that requires thorough study. How to cure a cyst by eliminating psychological causes? You will learn about this below.

A cyst is a growth, a neoplasm that can be either benign or malignant. Most often it occurs when diagnosing the female genital area. Every second woman experiences an ovarian cyst. Some people manage to cure the disease using simple, sometimes even folk methods, while others may require surgical intervention.

Resentment leads to a cyst

In general, the cause of a cyst is the grievances that a person has driven inside himself. In order for the compaction to resolve (no matter where it is located), it is important to let go of these grievances. Forgive yourself and others. Regular forgiveness practices will help with this.

The most important thing is to throw out all the pain by any means. Learn the lessons and move on.

Women's health

Doctors draw special attention to women to the fact that not every one of them can cure the disease and prevent recurrence of the disease. What is this connected with? This is due to the patient’s psychosomatic problems. In some cases, the treatment process itself drags on for many years, and doctors just shrug their shoulders.

A cyst in the body of a healthy and active woman is an almost unique phenomenon. If a woman watches not only her body but also her thoughts, she will receive a one hundred percent guarantee that illness will never come knocking on her door. Doctors identify several negative factors that affect a woman’s health in a hidden way and can also lead to illness, regardless of her psychological health:

Bad environment;

Lack of sleep patterns;

Poor nutrition;

Bad habits;


Inflammatory processes in the pelvic area;

Pelvic injuries.

It is clear that a woman cannot influence the environmental situation in her area of ​​residence, but she can influence proper nutrition and establish a proper sleep schedule for herself. Many psychologists point to the fact that bad habits arise in women due to complexes. This, in turn, entails a number of related problems, such as abortion - due to rejection of one’s maternal and feminine principles.

Inflammatory processes and injuries to the pelvic organs arise due to the denial of one's feminine power. In such women, energy poorly circulates in the genitals, and stagnation is observed. As a result, neoplasms arise. Resentment towards the whole world is the main cause of a woman’s problems in the sexual sphere.

Psychosomatic cyst - treatment methods

Psychological correction has proven itself well in recent years in programs for healing the female body. What basic recommendations do doctors and psychotherapists give to patients who have a cyst in their body?

Don't blame yourself for your illness;

Accept your body the way nature created it;

Allow yourself to enjoy every day;

Constantly work through the basic affirmations;


Do yoga.

Many women resist treatment, they deny the possibility of psychological causes of the disease, and their conservative and surgical treatment is delayed for years. More than one psychologist often works with such patients. If the cause of the disease lies in domestic violence or the negative attitude of the partner towards the woman, then psychocorrection is indicated for both.

Do not give up - a person can heal his ailments. Women need to repeat to themselves more often that they love and are loved, that this world and themselves need them. And then not only your health will improve, but all areas of your life will return to normal. The disease will never make itself felt again, and the woman will blossom and begin to enjoy life.

Source -

The article “psychosomatics: ovaries” will be, first of all, interesting to women, since the topic is female. However, men can also learn a lot of interesting things for themselves.

The ovaries are a paired female reproductive gland where hormones are produced and eggs are formed. Typically, any disease in this organ will be associated with pain, inflammation, cancer and removal. Read about the psychosomatics of cancer to have a general understanding of the very nature of oncology.

Mental connection

The ovaries take part in two areas of the female body at once - reproductive and hormonal. Psychosomatically, any problems that arise in this area will be associated in a woman either with the ability to have children, or with the manifestation of femininity.

Whatever the problem, if the ovaries are involved in its development, then this will always indicate a loss or inability on the part of the woman to “create” and “create.” A woman who internally believes that she is not capable of something, especially if it has something to do with the manifestation of her feminine principle, will create anxiety, which, in turn, will begin to vibrate at a frequency that will create problems and with the ovaries.

Do not forget that treatment by a doctor is a prerequisite. You cannot work only on the mental side of the problem without consulting your doctor. The disease must be dealt with on all fronts, and if the help of a specialist is needed to treat the body, then you can try to deal with mental problems yourself.

Inner abilities

Initially, women often have problems with self-esteem, much more often than men. It is very important to restore inner harmony, to believe in your strengths and abilities. Women's power is different from men's; it is completely different in nature - flexible, intuitive. In the active world of men, this approach seems illogical and weak, but remember that where the coarseness of a hammer fails, the success of a fine pick will easily manifest itself.

Ovarian diseases occur in women who struggle to prove that they can be no worse than men. Such a struggle ends in nothing at best. Trying to play by the rules of the stronger sex, a woman suppresses her femininity, her femininity and is deprived of her natural nature, her true strength. The body, through illness, will tell you that you need to look for another path and certainly not prove anything to anyone.

The ovaries are an exclusively female organ and pain in it indicates a solution to purely female problems. Start by exploring your feminine nature, look deep within yourself and try to unleash your creative potential.

1. OVARY (PROBLEMS)- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

The ovary, or ovaries, is a paired female reproductive gland (the reproductive gland in men is the testicle), in which female sex hormones are produced and eggs are formed. The following problems are associated with the ovary: PAIN, OVARIAN INFLAMMATION, CANCER and OVARY REMOVAL.

Emotional blockage

The ovary is a gland that connects a woman's physical body with her sacred chakra (one of the seven main energy centers in the human body). This chakra is associated with a woman's ability create, create. Problems with the ovaries affect both their functions - reproductive and hormonal, that is, accordingly, a woman’s ability to have children and be feminine. Her body is telling her that she is out of touch with her ability to create, to create. She tells herself too often “I’m not capable of this” and experiences great anxiety when she has to create something on her own, especially if it has anything to do with her feminine functions. She does not like to start any business, since the beginning is usually very difficult for her.

Mental block

Your body is telling you that you should tell yourself as often as possible " I'm capable of this" and eventually believe it. If you are a woman, this does not mean that you are somehow weaker or worse. A woman who thinks this way may also have problems with menstruation. She often tries to prove to men that she is no worse than them, although deep down she does not believe this.

To create a child requires the joint efforts of a man and a woman; in order to create your life, you need the joint efforts of your inner man and your inner woman. You already trust the creativity of your inner man, so try to gain trust in the creativity of your inner woman. Believe in yourself, your ideas and intuition.

2. OVARIES- (Louise Hay)

They symbolize creative centers.

My creative flow is balanced.

3. OVARIES- (V. Zhikarentsev)

What does this organ represent in a psychological sense?

They personify the place where life is created. Creation.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I am balanced in my creative flow.