Which saint should I pray for a job for my son? Strong prayers for work and a good salary addressed to various saints

There are several effective prayers for a job seeker to be hired. Before communicating with an employer and looking for a job, you need to pray to the saints, Blessed Mother Matrona or the martyr Tryphon. To get hired, they also turn to the Lord God. It is not necessary to pronounce ready-made texts; a person needs to understand what he is saying, so you can speak in your own words.

  1. You can pray anywhere - church, home, the main thing is that the person praying is mentally disposed to communicate with the Saints. It’s good if there is an icon of the Saint next to him, to whom the appeal is directed.
  2. It is best to say a prayer in a whisper, clearly pronouncing the words, understanding them, putting your soul into them.
  3. Words here are a reflection of the soul, so starting communication in an angry, desperate or irritated state is prohibited. The head must be cleared of problems, and thoughts must be freed from bad intentions. Before praying, you should cross yourself three times and finish it with the same action. Many people prefer to pray on their knees. A greater effect can be achieved by regularly visiting the temple.
  • Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

“Our holy blessed mother Matrona, with your holy prayers help the servant of God (name of the rivers) to find work convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, so that he may grow rich in God and not waste his soul on worldly things - vain and sinful. Help him find a merciful employer who does not trample on the commandments of God and does not force those who work under him to work on Sundays and holy holidays. Yes, the Lord God will protect the servant of God (name of the rivers) in the place of his labors from all evil and temptation, may this work be for his salvation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland, for the joy of his parents. Amen."

  • Prayer to Tryphon

“Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the representative! Hear now and forever the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory. You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord, and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone, in any need and in his sorrow, begins to call holy name yours, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen."

  • Prayer to the Lord God

“Blessed Lord God, nothing is impossible for you! You created the world and gave man the commandment to work! You Yourself said in Your holy commandment about the Sabbath: “Six days you shall work and do all your work, but the seventh day, Sabbath, is for the Lord your God.” I believe Your words and really want to fulfill Your command: “Work six days!” But, merciful Lord, I can't find the job I'd like to have. I know that You lack nothing! And in fulfillment of Your commandment “Work six days!”, send me work according to Your Holy Will, so that I have a worthy pay and consolation in fulfilling it, and I promise after six days of work, to sanctify and observe especially carefully the holiness of Sunday , dedicate it to worship You, good deeds and glorification of Your holy name! Oh, Lord, may it not be my will, but Your holy will! Help me find a job as soon as possible because I have no source of income. And open my eyes to see Your will! Blessed be Thy Kingdom! I ask you, Lord, to help me fulfill your instruction: “Work with your own hands.” You said, “I will bless the work of Your hands” and I will not “borrow.” Oh, Lord, accept my prayer, as it is written: “O Lord, bless his strength, and be pleased with the work of his hands.” Blessed be the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

Religious reading: a powerful prayer to find money work to help our readers.

A highly paid job is a fundamental component of the life path of a modern inhabitant of the earth; its absence causes significant financial problems, creates a number of unpleasant complexes, and provokes depression and mental disorders.

To find a suitable job, you have to work hard, because even a banal interview quite often ends with an unmotivated refusal on the part of the employer.

There are quite good companies that refuse applicants who have a higher education, honors diploma, work experience, appropriate character, and excellent appearance.

To prevent such failures in employment from occurring along the path of life, Orthodox Christians have developed a prayer for finding a job. Christians face similar annoying problems, but they have someone to turn to to erase this nuisance from their lives forever.

It is enough to pray correctly, and heavenly forces will support the one asking, protect him from troubles, adversity, and guide him along the right path. Find a suitable job, successfully pass an interview, internship, successfully complete probation really, if higher powers help. To be sure, a Christian believer only needs to select the right words, asking the Lord for help, a sincere prayer will be heard, and the one asking will receive a well-deserved reward.

Reading prayers requires following rules

To find good job, you don't have to be baptized Orthodox Christian, but when turning to heavenly powers, it is advisable to undergo the baptism procedure. Many who have to look for a prestigious job pray not in church, but at home. However, to achieve desired result, to find a truly profitable, good, favorite job, believers go to the temple of the Lord.

Prayer for finding a job, read in the walls christian church has incredible power; next to icons it is surprisingly easy to concentrate on ways to solve a problem and imagine the desired goal. First of all, choose a saint to whom the words of prayer will be addressed.

Prayer, the words of which resonated in the heart of a praying believer, helps you find a job; only then can you expect good, effective help.

Effective help from heavenly forces comes with a real desire to find a well-paid, favorite job. Try to pray, imagine a dream position that satisfies all your wishes. How do you imagine her? What will the team be like? wages? To better concentrate, the believer is advised to look at the candle flame and think about the saint to whom you are addressing.

To find the right one, effective prayer You can read the next part of our article; we chose the most effective words.

The best options for modern prayers

Regardless of who you pray to, the words addressed to the heavenly powers will become part of everyday life. Make a special daily ritual out of a prayer, for example, to the Holy Martyr Tryphon. Repeat it at least every day, looking at the icon of the saint. It is ideal to spend it in church, but it is almost impossible to achieve this every day, so you can read the words of prayer at home. Find a secluded corner, focus on your goal, namely the desire to find a job, read the words of prayer.

Orthodox priests claim that one of the prayers that helps in any life situation is "Our Father". Every self-respecting believer should memorize the words of this prayer and repeat them always, and not just during periods life difficulties. If you don’t believe this, ask your parents or grandparents which prayer they consider the most powerful and effective. Most likely the answer will be “Our Father.” She will also help you find a job, the main thing is that you believe in your strength, and heavenly powers will help you achieve your goal.

A difficult situation requires the intervention of the most powerful heavenly forces; if you don’t know who to ask for help, turn directly to the Lord God.

Exists large number prayers created specifically for this purpose, but the strongest is the prayer to the Lord. It is recommended to read it, looking at the icon of Jesus Christ, which is easy to find in the church; in the homes of Orthodox Christians, such an icon is far from uncommon. For better effect It is recommended to light a candle or lamp; the light of a burning candle will allow you to better concentrate on prayer and will not let you get lost. While reading the words of the prayer, be sure to imagine the goal so that its achievement becomes more realistic.

Popular prayers for work:

Prayers to find a job: comments

Comments - 7,

There were problems with work. I couldn't find a decent one. I decided that it was some kind of evil conspiracy. A friend advised me to read prayers about work, at first I didn’t believe it. But she said that it also helped her. I read it every day and soon I found a decent job and decent income, I don’t even know what I would do without this prayer. I didn’t believe in miracles before, but this incident made me believe. Thank you

I'm so happy for you. May God give you good luck on your new job. I beg you to send me this prayer. Thanks in advance. Good health to you.

Help, send a prayer to find a good job. Thank you!

I ask not for myself but for my granddaughter, I beg you to help me find a good one for my granddaughter high paying job I like her to fit into the team and get respect. I really ask for your help.

Good afternoon Help me, please write me prayers on how to find a job.

I haven't been able to find her for four years now.

I really ask all the saints! help in finding a good job for my beloved granddaughter! She has higher education and more courses, but he can’t find a job he likes. She is very hardworking and serious. She is very ashamed to depend on her parents and needs to have a decent job and respect in the team. With all my heart I ask for a job and health for my granddaughter.

Three strong prayers for money

Prayers help not only improve health and ward off trouble. With faith you can return wealth to your home and attract abundance.

Many people believe that it is a sin to pray for money. After all, Jesus Christ was not rich, and many Saints also made do with little. The church constantly mentions that wealth leads straight to hell and makes people sinners.

Actually this is not true. There are many prayers to the Lord God and his saints for prosperity in the home and financial well-being, and many successfully apply them in their lives. After all, money gives the opportunity to live happy life, make your dreams come true, as well as help those in need along the way and simply make the world a better place. Of course, in addition to monetary wealth, you need to learn how to correctly formulate your desires.

Three strong prayers for money

These prayers are addressed to three saints who have already proven their ability to work miracles. If you are sincere in your request and stop wishing harm to others, your prayers will be heard and abundance will become an integral part of your life. These three prayers are effective helpers, and you can choose any one. The main thing is that your choice falls on the saint with whom you feel the strongest connection. And to do right choice, read more about the saints in our religious section.

Money prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous

She helps well in any matters related to real estate, as well as in solving legal issues. You need to read it every morning for a week, or until you get what you want.

Saint Spyridon, glory! During your life, you helped the disadvantaged and the weak. He worked miracles and relieved poverty. Your name is on everyone’s lips, because you help even after your death. I also beg you for help. Protect me and my family from poverty and want. Protect and increase our finances. Send us abundance and wealth. Amen.

Prayer for money to Matrona of Moscow

Everyone knows that Matronushka helps everyone who comes to bow to her. But you don’t have to go to Moscow; it’s enough to buy a small icon for your home and read a prayer in front of a lit candle.

Matronushka-mother, I trust in you with all my heart and soul. You are the one who helps those in need and stands up for the poor. Send it to me prosperity and abundance into the house, but deliver me from greed and all kinds of sins. I pray for your help and ask for abundance of money so that there is no sorrow and poverty in my life. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for wealth and prosperity

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I pray for your help. Please be strict with me, but fair. Send me prosperity and abundance according to my faith and protect me from mistakes. Give me the wisdom to manage my money wisely and attract opportunities that will give me financial freedom. I trust in you, for you help everyone who asks. Let him be famous your name forever and ever. Amen.

In addition to money prayers, there are also prayers for good luck, which can not only monetary matters, but also in any other vital important issue. However, remember: in order for your requests to be heard, you do not need to sit at home and wait for insight. Move towards your goal, even if in small steps. But this is the only way you can get what you want. Believe in yourself, think positively and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Money prayers to Seraphim of Sarov

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Prayers for money

Money prayers

Money prayers are very effective way attract to own life wealth and prosperity. You should understand what it is prayer appeal will definitely be heard by the Lord. For this alone, it is very important to ask for financial well-being with pure thoughts and an open soul. It is important that money prayer is not aimed at harming other people.

Praying for money should not be considered a sin. There is such a conviction that Jesus Christ was not rich, and most of the Saints got by on little during their lifetime. Very often, church officials remind believers that the desire for wealth makes a person a sinner, and this is a direct path to hell.

This is actually a misconception. Exists huge amount prayers to the Lord God and the Saints for material well-being. These prayers are very effective, so they are recommended for believers.

Do prayers help improve the financial side of life?

If you pray sincerely, then money prayers will definitely help you put your financial sphere in order. But one should not think that this will happen overnight after a one-time prayer request.

It should be understood that financial prayer is a prayer appeal to To the Higher Powers, which is of a grateful nature. For money prayer to be effective, you need to let gratitude and kindness into your heart. Before praying, you need to drive away envy, hatred, and stinginess from your soul. We must strive to help people in life who need it. It is important to remember the covenant: “Let not the hand of the giver fail.”

A prayer for financial well-being will definitely be heard. If you pray but do not see results, you should be patient. You need to understand in this case that you have to work off some of your sins, and you should also remember that nothing is given right away. To make prayer for money more effective, you need to pray alone in front of the icons.

Which Saints are usually approached with a petition for financial well-being?

You can pray for financial well-being to different Saints. Most often, believers turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. As a rule, he never refuses in difficult situations. In a prayer appeal, you need to specify the current situation.

Prayers for money directed to the Guardian Angel, which is always given by God to every person at birth, are also considered effective. This messenger of God will definitely hear the money prayer. But it is very important that prayer for money to the Guardian Angel begins with repentance. In order to get what you want, you also need to fast for several days before praying.

The Holy Matrona of Moscow also helps resolve financial issues. A prayer that will be said near the icon in the temple will be more effective. You can also offer prayer for money at home.

A prayer for money to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is very effective. It is this prayer appeal that is considered the most effective; the main thing is to read it in the morning.

Powerful prayers for money and luck

Any prayers asking for financial well-being should be read with great inner strength. You cannot let anyone interfere with you while reading your prayer.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

To attract money and well-being in general, you should turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with the following prayer.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

One of the most powerful money prayers is a prayer appeal to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. This prayer can solve any problems in financial sector. It is often used to resolve real estate issues. It must be remembered that it is necessary to pray in front of the icon of the Saint.

When turning to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous, you should remember that you are asking for help, but at the same time you must act and believe in own strength. Only in this case will prayer be effective.

During his lifetime, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky worked miracles in order to help suffering people who had great financial difficulties. There is a legend that one day a peasant turned to the Saint for help. He was unable to purchase grain for sowing, and this threatened his family with famine in the future. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky asked the man to come again the next day. In the morning, the Saint gave the peasant a large piece of gold, but at the same time set the condition that he would definitely return the debt after the harvest was harvested. The peasant bought grains, sowed the field, and since the year turned out to be very fertile, he was able to reap a good harvest. According to the agreement, the peasant came to the Saint to repay his debt. Saint Spyridon took a piece of gold and immediately turned it into a snake. That is, in order to help the peasant, the Saint turned into material value animal performing a miracle.

The prayer appeal to Saint Spyridon is as follows:

How often to read prayers to get results

Prayers for money should be read constantly. It is very important to fill prayer texts with emotions and even passion. But we must remember that prayer for financial assistance should be positive, there should be no aggressive notes in words and phrases. In addition, the thoughts of the praying person must be pure, it is necessary to remove any sorrows and fears from the head.

It should be remembered that only people who lead a righteous lifestyle can count on God’s help in financial matters. You also need to know that, in addition, after any canonical prayer in church, you can say a prayer appeal for money to the chosen Saint.

Prayer for urgent money

Even when you urgently need money, you should not turn to magic, thereby committing a sinful act. You should resort to prayers and sincerely believe that they will help you get the required amount of money in the shortest possible time.

The most effective is considered to be a prayer appeal to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. If you need to raise a specific amount of money very urgently, then you should pray in front of the icon of the Saint several times a day.

The text of the prayer goes like this:

Prayers and conspiracies from Vanga for wealth

Prayers to attract wealth into life from the Bulgarian healer Vanga are in great demand. The great soothsayer never denied the importance of financial well-being in a person’s life.

Raising money

In order to attract money into life, it is necessary not only to read a prayer, but also to perform a special ritual. First of all, the day before the money ceremony, visit the temple and collect blessed water there.

The ritual takes place early in the morning at sunrise. It is important not to eat or drink anything before the ceremony, and you should not wash your face. In a separate room, completely alone, you should place a glass of blessed water and a plate with a slice of black bread on the table in front of you.

The following prayer is said over these attributes:

This prayer must be repeated three times. You can’t stammer, so it’s better to memorize the text first. Then you need to break off a piece of bread and eat it, wash it down with holy water. The remaining bread should be broken and distributed to your family members.

To quickly return the money debt

To return the money that was borrowed from you, you need to use the following prayer of the Great Healer. Prayer words are said immediately before going to bed with the lamp lit. church candle.

They sound like this:

To find a high paying job

The seer Vanga offered many prayers so that a person could call good luck into his own life. Texts that help you find a well-paid job are still in great demand today. You need to pray to your Guardian Angel during the waxing moon. When pronouncing words, you must sincerely believe that they will be effective.

The ritual consists of taking a glass of blessed water in your hands and saying the following words:

Any prayers for money will be effective only if they are read by a sincere believer. It should be remembered that you should not resort to magic even in the most difficult financial situations, because this is a sin that will take a very long time to atone for.

Each of our words has secret meaning. When we say a prayer, we always hope for help, and for good reason. Many. Encrypted codes always have an inexplicable effect on the object of the petition. Prayer to find a lost item is no exception.

Thanks to its faith and special consonance, prayer helps even in the most unexpected cases.

If you have lost something in the house

Many believers believe that the loss of any thing in their own home is the doing of a brownie. That’s what the grandmothers say, “he just took it out to play.” The power of prayer helps to drive away evil spirits, and find the missing. There are several ways to return an item:

  1. You need to take a regular handkerchief and tie it around the leg of a table or chair. And say the phrase: “Brownie, brownie, play. Play. Now give it back!” In a hidden corner, on a closet or on a table, you must definitely put a treat for the owner - cookies or sweets. After some time, the loss will definitely be found.
  2. The prayer to the martyr John the Warrior has a great effect. If you don’t know the words, you can simply call him by name and ask him to find the missing item.

If you lost something on the street

Having lost something on the street, a person believes that it will no longer be possible to find it. However, the power of prayer can work wonders. Try reading the prayer “Searching for Loss.” Don't forget to read the Lord's Prayer 3 times before each prayer. For your prayer to be heard, it is advisable to remain alone, remove unnecessary noise, and light a candle. After this, read the words of the prayer quietly and with your soul.

There is also a special conspiracy that should be read when returning to the place where the item may have been lost:

“Whoever finds what is mine, let him return it to me.

And if he stole it, he would suffer and suffer,

I didn’t know peace until I gave it back!

It will be as I say. Amen."

Most often, in their prayers, believers call on John the Warrior for help. But the texts addressed to Saints Tryphon and Theodore Tiron are no less powerful. John the Warrior was the protector of all those who were offended, and always tried to help many who were grieving.

People turn to Saint Tryphon mainly to find harmony in the family. Often he helps those who have lost something important.

The Holy Great Martyr Tyrone is famous for his miracles. He is always ready to help true believers and those who sincerely turn to him in prayer. It is he who helps to expose thieves and people who are dishonest. He is the reliable patron of all Christians on earth.

After your things are returned to their place, do not forget to thank the saint you addressed to for fulfilling your request.

Work plays a huge role in the life of every person. Therefore, when troubles begin in the business sphere, it causes a lot of everyday inconvenience. In such cases, you must definitely pray in order to harmonize the atmosphere around you.

Prayer for work can be used in any difficult situation that is associated with events in the business sphere. For example, prayer while searching can be very effective. suitable job. You should also turn to the Higher Powers if you want to climb career ladder. It is important to offer prayer for work near the icon. You should also remember about sincerity when praying, faith must be present in the soul, and all other additional attributes will allow you to create the right environment.

Orthodox prayers for good luck and success in business at work

In Orthodoxy there are many prayers that are used to attract good luck in work. Also, some of them have special powers and help you find a good job. It is very important to repent of your sins before reading a prayer for a good job.

If you are looking for a new good job, then you should turn to Saint Seraphim of Swarovsk with prayer. The peculiarity of such a prayer appeal is that after it practically nothing will need to be done, since the work itself will find you. Moreover, several will soon appear on the horizon suitable vacancies, so the right to choose will appear.

The prayer sounds like this:

“All-merciful Father Saint Seraphim, I, Servant of God, turn to you with a sincere request! I pray and appeal to your mercy. Ask God for forgiveness for my sins, known and unknown. Help, Father Seraphim, in solving my life problems. Guide me on the true path and do not let me succumb to devilish temptations. Support my aspirations to become a respectable person and choose the right kind life path so that my parents are proud of me. Help me, the Servant of God ( given name) find a new good and well-paid job as soon as possible so that I can live in abundance and fully provide for my family. Show your mercy and help me Venerable Seraphim, for you are a real protector of those who ask you and an assistant in worldly affairs, a protector from all troubles and misfortunes. Pray to the Lord God for us. Amen".

Prayer before an interview

If you have to go for an interview, then in order to be hired, you should read a special prayer. You need to turn to your Guardian Angel in such a prayer. As a rule, exalt prayer words you need to see your heavenly protector the night before. To do this, you should retire to a separate room and light a church candle.

You need to first explain in your own words the reasons why you want to get this particular job. It is very important not to be distracted by anything in the process of contacting the Guardian Angel.

This prayer should end with the following words:

“My Guardian Angel, I call you with me, go ahead of me, and I will follow you.”

It is noteworthy that such a prayerful appeal to the Guardian Angel always gives confidence and calms. With its help, you can properly prepare for the interview.

Prayer after an interview

After the interview, as a rule, the employer does not immediately inform the applicant about his decision. Therefore, in order to incline his choice in your favor, you should read another prayer when you come home.

Again, you definitely need to retire to a separate room and light a church candle.

Thinking only about desired job, you need to say the following prayer words with deep feeling:

“Lord God, Almighty and All-Merciful, hear me and help me. I, the Servant of God (my own name), am about to undertake the serious work of contracting. So I ask for your consent so that I can dress up in your clothes and reliably isolate myself from troubles with prayer to you. I hope to help you with your help and get this job. Help me, Lord Almighty, with your holy word and blessing. Encourage me and give me strength so that I can do the most complex tasks cope successfully. So that the bosses respect me, and I don’t feel afraid of them. Grant me confidence in my abilities and in my rightness. So that my cause was just, and this work was intended for me and not for anyone else. Amen".

After such a prayer, a call will soon follow notifying you that you have been hired for a new job.

Prayer that everything will be fine and prosperous at work

There are many prayers with which you can improve your business situation. It is advisable to contact the Higher Powers about success in work every day. This can be done both in the morning and in the evening. Only in the second case should you definitely thank God for your day, regardless of whether it was successful or not. You should also remember that it is necessary to read a prayer for good luck in work before any important task. This will not only allow you to achieve the desired result, but will also strengthen your position, which will contribute to career growth.

“Our Lord, All-Merciful and Almighty, Savior of the human race, Jesus Christ, Son of God. I ask for your blessing, I, the Servant of God (proper name), for hard work for good. Help me establish myself in the work field and complete all the tasks assigned to me efficiently and on time. Don't let me make serious mistakes and don't let me make offensive mistakes. May all my actions be successful and lead to positive result. Let my work progress and my salary increase. Let relationships with colleagues develop successfully, and let my boss not swear at me. Save and preserve from adversity and failure. Amen".

The Great Martyr Saint Tryphon is held in great esteem by Orthodox believers. During his lifetime, his miraculous work became widely known throughout the world. He saved entire villages from destruction and various disasters and cleansed souls from demonic influence. Today, people often offer prayers to him for protection from devilish temptations and for help in obtaining material benefits. If you pray to this Saint every day, then you can reliably protect yourself from any troubles in the business sphere. And even if problems arise, which is quite natural, they will be easy to solve.

Those who are planning to turn to Saint Tryphon for help in their work need to remember that during his lifetime he was a hard worker and often took on the most hard work. Therefore, being in the heavenly palaces, he helps only those who work honestly and strive to achieve well-being in life in an honest way.

“Holy Great Martyr Tryphon! I, the Servant of God (my own name), ask for help and support, for I know that to many who turn to you, you have become a reliable helper and suppliant before the Lord. I bow my head before your holy face and sincerely pray. Do not leave my prayer unattended, hear my sincere words. Beg for me forgiveness before the Almighty and All-Merciful Lord for all my sins, for which I sincerely repent and admit that I committed them out of my own foolishness and inexperience. I know you and honor you, because I know your good worldly deeds and the fact that you renounced everything to serve the Lord. Show your miraculousness for me, who sincerely calls for help and support. Help me in my work and protect me from all sorts of troubles, do not let me experience lack of money and poverty. Let your colleagues at work be kind and your boss accommodating. Let my work path be without any obstacles, help ensure that all work tasks are resolved positively and bring good income and moral satisfaction. Do not let me succumb to devilish temptations and make mistakes, deliver me from thoughts of bad and wrong actions. I promise that I will glorify your deeds in prayers for the glory of the Lord. Amen".

Prayer from an evil boss, envious people and ill-wishers at work

Very often, many people have an unfavorable atmosphere at work. The reason for this may be an evil boss, the presence of ill-wishers and envious people. A special prayer will help resolve this situation and improve relationships.

The prayer appeal directed to Saints Gleb and Boris is considered especially strong. They are the protectors from various human failures. Prayer will help resolve existing conflicts and harmonize relationships between management and work colleagues.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Oh, holy duo, Boris and Gleb, who served with faith and love the Savior of the human race, Jesus Christ! Hear my request, the Servant of God (proper name) who bows before your image. Intercede before Christ for the well-being of my life. Help me keep my soul pure, save me from unbelief and deception, protect me from all devilish temptations. Don't let me become embittered and tame all the anger that exists around me. I ask you to help me in my work and save me from troubles, for I sincerely repent of my sins, known and unknown, and I will ask forgiveness for them in prayers before our Almighty and All-Merciful Lord. Amen".

A prayer for help in work, which contains an appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, is always good support. You can pray not only in church, but also at home; it is very important to do this in front of the icon of the Saint in a secluded place with a lit church candle. You should not let anyone know that you are asking the Saint for help. This can only be done when you achieve real success. And, of course, you should remember that prayer can be effective if your soul is clean of evil thoughts and envious feelings.

It is recommended to read the following prayer addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker before starting any work.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Heavenly King, Lord God, Comforter, True for the soul, You are everywhere and in everything, forgive all my sins and fill my soul with purity, save and preserve me from evil spirits and devilish temptations. I address myself, the Servant of God (proper name) to the Pleasant of God, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. During your life, you were famous for your good deeds and helped all those who suffered. So bless me for my undertaking and help me, a sinner and repentant of my known and unknown sins, committed out of my own foolishness, to complete my work for the glory of God. I fall before your image and ask you to beg for me from the Lord God for forgiveness and the granting of strength to me to do godly deeds. Amen".

To resolve global issues in the business sphere, this prayer should be read on St. Nicholas Day, December 19 or May 22. You can supplement the above prayer in your own words by expressing specific requests.

Prayer for work and money to Matrona

Saint Matrona of Moscow always helps those who work hard.

A prayer request to her may sound like this:

“Our Holy Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, I, the Servant of God (my own name), turn to you for help and support. Hear me and do not leave my prayer unheeded. Help me establish myself in my work to improve my well-being. Do not refuse my request, for work gives salvation to the soul and helps to resist devilish temptations. Help me grow rich for good, without wasting my spiritual strength on worldly problems. Let me preserve my sincere faith and purity of soul. Make sure that my employer respects me and does not trample on me God's commandments. So that I can devote time to glorifying the Lord Almighty on weekends and holidays. Ask God, the All-Merciful and All-Good, to help me resist the evil machinations of Judas and sinful temptations, and also to forgive my sins that were committed by me due to my lack of understanding. May my righteous work be my salvation and give me hope for eternal life after death in Heaven. Amen".