Saints with the name Daniel in Orthodoxy. Daniel's birthday

Daniel is always calm, measured and balanced. He always has many friends who appreciate him. The only thing that can truly piss him off is a lie. If he realizes that he is being deceived, he will explode. Of course, Daniel quickly cools down, but he will not forgive those who once deceived him. Daniil can succeed in any profession, it will depend on the hobbies developed in childhood. He will perform the work conscientiously and with the due amount of responsibility, for which he receives the respect of his manager and the favor of his colleagues.

He quickly chooses a wife, but soon realizes that his feelings are not enough to maintain the marriage. She loves her children and will always love them. But their upbringing, in his opinion, is the direct responsibility of the wife. He always has several marriages, the most memorable of which is the first. After his first marriage, he no longer has children. Daniel is used to devoting a lot of time to himself. Loves to go out into nature and spend time alone. Only in this way can he think carefully about everything and make the right decision.

Fate: Refers to men who weather the storm. Pioneer. Slow in thought, but decisive. The house is a full bowl, all around is full of things made by the ancestors. He cannot stand lies, he may even flare up, but he quickly moves away.

Saints: Daniil Pereyaslavsky (name day April 20), Daniil Stylite (name day December 24), prophet Daniel (name day December 30).

Angel Daniel Day

From the Hebrew language - “God is my judge”, God's judgment The Russian folk form is Danila. In mythology, he is a legendary Jewish righteous man and prophet-sage, whose adventures and visions are described in the biblical book that canonically bears his name (“The Book of the Prophet Daniel”). Daniel is a kind person, he never raises his voice. He seems invisible in a crowd, but his powerful mind, hard work and inexhaustible good nature soon distinguish him from his outwardly impressive rivals. Very great value gives family and kinship connections. This is sacred to him.

Usually he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Sociable and hospitable. He treats his home very carefully, completely sharing with his wife the troubles of arranging it. Refers to men who weather the storm. Pioneer. Slow in thought, but decisive. The house is a full bowl, all around it is full of things made by our ancestors. He cannot stand lies, he may even flare up, but he quickly moves away. He sometimes seems somewhat timid - a woman does not immediately recognize the masculine strength in him.

Daniel Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • January 2 – Daniel II of Serbia, Archbishop
  • January 12 – Daniil Pereyaslavsky, archimandrite (discovery of relics)
  • March 1 – Daniel the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr.
  • March 6 – Daniil (Alferov), smch., priest /new martyr/
  • March 17 – Daniil of Moscow, prince
  • March 31 – Daniel, St.
  • April 20 – Daniil Pereyaslavsky, archimandrite
  • June 4 – Daniil Reslavsky, stylite
  • June 5 – Daniil Grekhozarutsky (Uglich), martyr, abbot
  • June 26 – Daniil of Moscow, icon painter, icon painter
  • July 23 – Daniil Nikopolsky (Armenian), martyr.
  • September 12 – Daniil of Moscow, Prince (Discovery of Relics)
  • September 25 – Daniel, St.
  • October 4 – Daniil Shuzhgorsky, St.
  • November 25 – Daniel
  • December 9 – Daniil (Meshchaninov), smch., priest /new martyr/
  • December 11 – Daniel, Rev.
  • December 12 – Daniel, St.
  • December 24 – Daniel the Stylite, St.
  • December 30 – Daniel (in the schema Stefan) of Nivert, Egyptian, confessor; Daniel, prophet

What do everyone who bears the name Danil have in common? In this article we will look at the name Daniel: the meaning of the name, character and destiny. After all, it has been known since ancient times that a name determines how a person’s life will turn out.

Daniel: the meaning of the name, main character traits and fate

Origin and meaning of the name Daniel

Danya, Daniel: Origin and meaning of the name

First, let's find out the secret of the origin of the name Daniel and its meaning.

Translated from Hebrew, the name Daniel means “God is a judge.” This name has biblical origins. The Bible mentioned a prophet named Daniel, and believers greatly revere him. Later, several Christian saints bore this name.

Interesting fact: There are several forms of the name Daniil, one of them, Danilo, is Russian folk. The name Danila was very common inXIX century and was considered simple, peasant. These days this name cannot be called common, but it is not rare either.

What kind of character could the boy Daniel have?

The name also leaves an imprint on the internal qualities of a person. What is the character of a child named Daniel?

All Danils are characterized by calmness. They never fuss, they are difficult to anger, and they do not like bright manifestation emotions in others. They face all troubles armed with wisdom. They are willing to take decisive action to deal with problems. If Daniel is unable to influence environment, he patiently accepts reality as it is, he is not characterized by hot temper, aggression and irritation.

Daniel strives for excellence in everything he undertakes. Daniil understands that time passes very quickly these days, and thanks to science, new knowledge appears every day, so he studies always and everywhere, and tries to keep abreast of the latest discoveries. What irritates him the most is when other people say things based on outdated information. His curiosity makes him an excellent debater. He is good-natured, but fiercely defends his point of view. It’s a pleasure to watch Daniel when he talks about what he likes. He is ready to talk about his hobbies for hours, although to some he may seem laconic; Daniel simply prefers to remain silent if the topic of conversation is indifferent to him.

Daniel is very demanding of himself, which can cause dissatisfaction. If he is not happy with himself, he may begin to torment himself unnecessarily, which will cause psychological problems and internal conflicts.

Daniel treats others more leniently. But, having noticed shortcomings or changes not in better side, he will tell his interlocutor about them without hesitation. However, he does this in a very good-natured manner - rudeness is not characteristic of him - and therefore Daniel’s friends calmly accept all his comments and listen to his advice. Of course, for them he is an authority who knows everything.

Daniel is a monogamist by nature, but he always puts his friends above his chosen one, he values ​​​​friendship, he has a lot of friends whom he has known for many years. Daniil likes to spend free time It is with friends, family and wife that they must get used to this and treat this fact patiently. This in no way diminishes their feelings for them. But important holidays, New Year or birthday, D. prefers to spend with his family. Daniil is very hospitable, he loves to receive guests. Daniil prefers to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen and does not like to cook regular food. But in case of preparation for some kind of celebration, he gladly prepares exquisite complex dishes, which undoubtedly surprises the guests.

What fate awaits Daniel?

The meaning of the name Daniel, the main character traits and fate of Dani

Knowing a person’s character, one can draw conclusions about his life. In this section we will take a closer look at the name Daniel, the meaning of the name and fate.

In his youth, D. dreams of an ideal chosen one. He is not very relaxed in communicating with the opposite sex, and therefore it is not always easy for him to make acquaintances. Girlfriends see Daniil as more of a bosom friend than a potential partner. With age, he becomes more open and acquires the necessary seduction skills. A woman who becomes Daniel’s chosen one will be surrounded by care and affection. Although D. is not inclined to express his feelings openly. He is stingy with compliments and praise, even if he idolizes his companion.

Advice: Daniel's girlfriend shouldn't worry about the fact that the young man rarely tells her kind words. She should pay attention to non-verbal signs of his attitude towards her - glances, silent care, sometimes imperceptible signs of attention.

Having married, Daniel prefers to spend time at home with his wife. He is not averse to doing some chores around the house, and is happy to tinker with the children - he walks with them, takes them to sports clubs, watches cartoons.

As for his career, he can achieve success in many areas:

  • Creative professions. Daniel has a well-developed imagination, and therefore he can become an actor or writer.
  • Natural sciences. Daniel has a penchant for exact sciences; he will make an excellent scientist or writer.
  • Leadership positions. Daniil does not strive for leadership, but he always achieves highest degree mastery in any business he undertakes. Therefore, achieving career heights is inevitable for him, even if he himself does not want it.

What will the child named Daniel be like?

What character will a child named Daniel have?

So, have you decided to name your child Daniel? We will tell you about the name Daniel, the meaning of the name for a boy.

Little Daniel is quiet and calm child, which does not cause concern to parents. Daniel prefers to spend time alone, reading or playing. At the same time, he easily makes acquaintances with other guys, and he cannot be called shy or downtrodden. It is not difficult for Daniil to find a place for himself in any company, where he very quickly wins the love and respect of others. With age, Daniil begins to become more active, and it would be good for parents to find a sports section that the boy will like.

Daniel does not like to lie, and therefore parents and teachers can trust him. Daniel would rather admit to some of his misdeeds than to invent a false excuse for himself. He expects the same from others, and therefore it is better to be frank with him. D. does not like to argue and prefers to resolve conflicts through diplomacy.

Daniil studies well, although in some lessons he may receive bad grades. And the point is not that he is bad at these subjects - they are simply not interesting to him, and therefore he does not want to pay due attention to them. Good teacher will be able to instill in Daniel an interest in his subject, even if he initially hates it. If this does not happen, parents should think about finding a good tutor for him.

Daniil has authority among his peers; they often turn to him for help and ask his opinion on issues that interest them. D. willingly gives advice and helps with studies. Even if he does not have sufficient knowledge in some areas, he speaks very confidently, so that others have no doubt about Daniel's competence.

Comments from site visitors

    Very interesting information, but I’m interested in the question: is there a difference between the names Daniel and Danil? I just don't think so. And a friend, a philologist and part-time ardent fanatic, says that the Bible describes one prophet whose name was Daniel, and then God called him Daniel, and it seems like the meaning of the name changed. I'm not sure exactly, I wanted to ask you.

    Yes, Nadya, this is true. There is a difference, although to the eye it is purely symbolic. But every name has its own unique value and even such nuances have their differences. It’s just that Daniel is an older name, it appeared back when the Bible was written, and Daniel is more modern, a derivative of the first name, so what. If this is important to you, then try to find more information and choose which of the two names you prefer.

    my cousin name is Danil. Even as a baby, he was a very calm child, but also sociable. Once I even made friends on the beach with a child who spoke Turkish. And even though they didn’t know the language, they still somehow muttered and seemed to even understand each other!! And as for the chosen one, in general, 100 out of 100. Sometimes it seems to me that she is more of a sister/friend to him than a wife. I can’t even imagine the two of them in the same bed. Everything is very accurately noted)

    our Daniil, who is 5 years old, is a very active and stubborn and sociable child, maybe due to his age, he is already an adult)))) A very smart and mischievous kid, a very active child. He starts a fight himself, he can start waving his fists, a little defender, and when he is offended he will never complain about the offender, that’s how Daniels are.

    Hi all!
    I'm pregnant and achieve a lot in life. I want my son to be exactly like this.

    Mom told me that she chose my name based on the description. I really always strive for perfection, I really try to bring everything to the maximum. This is especially true for my work and my actions; I don’t show such categoricalness towards others, but sometimes I really want to be softer towards myself, but I can’t change my character.

    My wife wants to name her son Daniel. Daniil Denisovich, in my opinion it sounds good! After reading the article, I want to believe that the son will take only dignity from his name. Although, a lot depends on the person himself, but they say that the name predetermines fate, so let it be so. If there is a craving for sports, I will definitely give it to hockey. But in general, in life I will try to develop his character traits and guide him in the right direction. Thanks for the information.

    Daniil is also very businesslike and hard-working, he takes on any job. My 6-year-old Daniel today tore off the baseboards and unscrewed the hinges on the door, working with a screwdriver, screwdrivers and chisels. In the village he hammered nails, as soon as he started walking, he would find a hole and hammer a nail into it. No wonder they say Danila is a master. He’s inquisitive, he’s been reading for two years, plays chess... I haven’t regretted for a second that I called him by that name. Of course, she called it according to the calendar.

    My son is an exception. I also chose the name based on the description. There was no more hooliganism from the guy either in the kindergarten or in the classroom. Constantly misbehaves. One never liked to play; the little one never played with toys.

    We named our son Daniil, we really liked the name and its meaning. While he is still a baby, his character does not clearly manifest itself. He is no different from his peers; he sleeps, eats, and is awake. Let's see how it turns out, whether the character traits described here match

    Honestly, there is no one familiar with that name. I don't know if it's true or not. Do you believe in the meaning of a name and can a name influence the fate of a child? Now we are waiting for a new addition to the family, the gender is not yet known, we are racking our brains, we have already looked through a bunch of options and cannot choose

    My colleague is Daniil. He is calm and reasonable good friend. At the same time, he is straightforward, but this does not offend people, but rather attracts them. About the fact that he likes to argue, that’s for sure. When we go home after work, we always argue, and besides, he is an excellent conversationalist

    My husband is Daniel. I am surrounded by care and affection. Although Daniel is not inclined to express his feelings openly. He is stingy with compliments and praise; at first I thought that our feelings had cooled. But he’s like that, he doesn’t like to express emotions clearly and proves everything with actions

    My husband likes to spend his free time with friends, I’m used to it and am patient. But he prefers to spend important holidays, New Year or birthday, with his family. My husband is very hospitable and loves to receive guests. So everything written in the article matches

    We have a son, Daniel, who is a quiet and calm child and does not cause us any trouble. Really prefers to spend time alone, reading or playing. At the same time, he is sociable, easily makes acquaintances with other guys, and has many friends. Average student at school

    I am faced with choosing a university and getting a profession. I like both creativity and exact sciences. The fact that “he always achieves the highest degree of excellence in any task he undertakes” is about me. I like to get things done and achieve my goals.

    I didn’t even notice how by the age of 15 I had become much smarter. I was always a leader in my company without achieving this, and all decisions depended on me, where we will go and what we will do was chosen by me, and if I do not agree, then no one will do it. I am very kind, not sociable (closed off with strangers), I prefer solitude and spend time doing what I love, I trust (I open up my whole self) and communicate with people who have known me for a long time and have similar interests to me. I'm very inquisitive. I dream of bringing something new into this world, leaving something behind, making a discovery. I am very secretive, I will never tell my secrets even to my parents (they know me very poorly. In order for me to learn quickly, I need an individual approach (This will be useful for parents). I am very observant of people, I want to fully study human psychology. I must be smart and this makes it hard, it’s hard to understand a lot in this world, I’m in deep thought every night, for me the universe is a mystery that I try to solve every day, I believe in mysticism, I have a lot of thoughts about suicide, but I won’t do it because I haven’t experienced it yet. there are a lot of things in this life, and it would be stupid to just die. I would like to become an extrovert, but it’s not my choice, parents, to make a smart introvert (maybe it’s better for future science) or choose a different name and make a son. an ordinary person who doesn’t think about any bullshit, and he’ll live like everyone else normal people. This is just my opinion. I haven’t met anyone like me yet... maybe because I wasn’t looking for another Daniel, and he wasn’t looking for me either) it’s logical) Your choice.

Daniel - Hebrew Daniel - judge of God.

Daniel's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 2:Daniel II of Serbia, Archbishop
  • January 12:Daniil Pereyaslavsky, archimandrite (discovery of relics)
  • March 1:Daniel the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr.
  • March 17:Daniil of Moscow, prince
  • March 31:Daniel, St.
  • April 20:Daniil Pereyaslavsky, archimandrite
  • June 4:Daniil Reslavsky, stylite
  • June 26:Daniil of Moscow, icon painter, icon painter
  • July 23:Daniil Nikopolsky (Armenian), martyr.
  • September 12:Daniil of Moscow, Prince (Discovery of Relics)
  • September 25:Daniel, St.
  • October 4:Daniil Shuzhgorsky, Rev.
  • November 25:Daniel
  • December 11:Daniel, reverend
  • December 12:Daniel, St.
  • December 24:Daniel the Stylite, St.
  • December 30:Daniel (in the schema Stefan) of Nivert, Egyptian, confessor; Daniel, prophet

Characteristics of the name Daniel

Daniel is a very inquisitive child. He is rarely stubborn, receptive to affection, and good-natured. Willingly help around the house and will be happy to take care of your pet.

Daniel is interested in everything in the world. He absorbs knowledge like a sponge. He studies with great desire and is diligent, but sometimes he lacks the patience to listen to the end and complete the work he has begun. He loves to read, especially fairy tales and adventure stories. Secretly, Daniel dreams of performing feats, racing on a white horse towards danger, saving everyone indiscriminately. He is usually the best student in literature. Daniil also draws excellently and enjoys natural sciences, easy to learn foreign languages.

Daniel's character surprisingly combines practicality and sensitivity. He understands life well, but he cannot help but dream. He has a romantic nature, and will remain so for the rest of his life. At the same time, he is hardworking and smart. Daniel will be able to perfectly realize his abilities by becoming a writer, philosopher, scientist, and artist. He will make a magnificent man or architect. Daniil can generally engage in any type of activity, because he will treat his chosen profession with responsibility.

Daniel is a reserved and unhurried person by nature. He prefers not to share his problems and experiences with anyone. He talks about his life deep inside himself. Daniel has a philosophical mindset. He perceives the problems of other people with sympathy and understanding. He has an extraordinary huge amount friends. Probably, people are unconsciously drawn to Daniel due to his tact, gentleness and innate kindness.

Daniel often idealizes women. For him, love is shrouded in an aura of romance and mystery. He treats his chosen one with truly chivalrous nobility. takes into account her slightest desires. As a rule, he falls in love once and forever. He chooses a wife who is modest, capable of subtly feeling the beauty of the world. Daniel trusts his wife recklessly. He loves children, but he does not have enough time to raise them. Daniil is a caring family man and an excellent master of the house.

Nowadays, few people celebrate Name Day. And few people think about what this day means. Meanwhile, this is a rather important holiday, although it makes sense only when a person adheres to Orthodox or Catholic views. The fact is that name days are purely church holiday. A person's name day is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor he was named during baptism. Of course, there are many saints with the same name. But only one of them is chosen as the patron. If it happens that a person baptized in childhood does not know the saint in whose honor he was named, he can choose a patron for himself - either on the basis of personal sympathies, or according to the following practice: it is necessary to church calendar find the day of remembrance of your namesake closest to the date of birth. This saint will be considered the patron saint, and this day will be the name day. A choice once made cannot be changed in the future - the spiritual connection between a person and his saint remains forever.

Below we will look at the days on which Daniel’s name day may fall. Orthodox calendar. It is worth mentioning right away that although this is the main one, it is far from full list saints of the same name. There are no calendars that would contain the names of all the saints known in Orthodoxy. There are many locally revered, national, and foreign saints of God, glorified by the church, who are not known in Russia or who are not surrounded by all-church veneration. Therefore, when choosing a patron, you can show some flexibility and turn to the list of saints, for example, Bulgarian, Serbian, Alexandrian or some other Orthodox


On June 5, the name day of Daniel, named in memory of the hieromartyr of the same name, abbot of Grekhozarutsky, is celebrated. During his lifetime he was the abbot of a monastery in Uglich. He accepted death at the hands of Polish-Lithuanian soldiers along with 30 inhabitants of his monastery and 250 lay people.


July 23 - memory of the martyr Daniel of Nikopol. This Armenian saint died during the persecution of believers in Christ under Emperor Licinius in the 4th century.


On September 25, they celebrate the name day of Daniel, who bears the name of the saint who died in 840. During his lifetime, he was a virtuous monk, carrying out his monastic feat in a cave on the territory of modern Greece.


On October 4, Daniel celebrates his name day, associated with the memory of his venerable namesake from Shuzhgorskaya Mountain. In the days of his earthly life, he was a monk, a hermit, who spent his days on the mentioned mountain, where over time a monastery was formed. He lived in the 16th century and was buried in his own monastery.


On November 25, Saint Daniel is remembered. Apart from the fact that such a person existed, there is no information left about him, including why and when he was ranked among


December 30 is the name day of Daniel, the ward of the prophet of the same name, whose book is included in the canon of the Bible. He lived in the 7th-6th centuries BC. e. He came from a noble Jewish family, but together with his other compatriots he was taken into Babylonian captivity. Having received a Chaldean education, he served at the court of King Nebuchadnezzar, and later - Cyrus and Darius. He became famous for his gift of dream interpretation.


On January 2, the church honors the memory of the holy Serbian Archbishop Daniil II. This saint lived in the XIII-XIV centuries. He came from Serbia and was a close associate of the Serbian king. Later he became a monk and retired to Mount Athos, where he was the abbot of one of the monasteries. Then he was consecrated bishop, and then elevated to archbishop of Serbia. He lived in this rank for the last fourteen years of his life. Died in 1338.


On March 17, the name day of Daniel, named in memory of the Moscow prince, is celebrated. This saint was the fourth son of Nevsky. He was the founder of the Danilovsky Moscow Monastery, in which he died, having been accepted in 1303.


In early childhood, he is a calm, gentle and affectionate baby. He is very smiling and gets along well with children. The name itself largely contributes to this development of character, because Daniel even sounds soft and measured.

WITH early childhood The boy shows an acute aversion to lying, which is usually not typical for children, who often look for an opportunity to cheat or deceive. Despite his gentleness and calmness, Danya can by no means be called a quiet or withdrawn child. He adores active games and often chooses sports activities such as tennis, football, gymnastics, and martial arts.

The bearer of this name does not strive for high performance. For him, playing is simply great fun. Danikas have great creative potential, they can sing, dance, play music, so parents need to work hard to reveal and develop his incredible abilities.

IN adolescence Daniel maintains his calmness, gentleness and kindness. He becomes quite impressionable, so first love, some failures or disappointments can cause him strong feelings. Relatives should be attentive to the boy during this period.

Studying comes easy to Daniel. One of his traits is curiosity. Therefore, if he is lucky and meets a bright, talented teacher, he will be able to ignite in the boy a true love for his subject and even to some extent help him decide on an occupation in the future. But lack of contact with teachers can completely kill interest in learning, and it will become a simple chore for a teenager.

He never gives vent to strong emotions, and a critical situation only forces him to concentrate and mobilize. Reasoning and well-developed intuition help him resolve even the most difficult life situations.

The man Daniel is a very fair, calm, balanced and reserved person. It is unlikely that you will ever see him shouting, harsh or aggressive. For this he is highly respected by those around him.

Even in the most crucial and exciting moments, he maintains composure, as if immersed in himself. Such behavior invariably commands respect. In a dispute, he will not put pressure on his interlocutor. His style is to methodically and convincingly defend his point of view, trying to convey his opinion in a simple but convincing form.

The name Daniel is rare and no less rare for modern men it endows its owner with traits. He is not characterized by feelings of envy or rancor, he does not get hung up on searching for negative qualities in people, he is open and good-natured.