Rupture of knee ligaments: types, methods of therapy, recovery time. Limb sprain: how to restore ligaments after injury

The lower limbs of a person account for maximum load when moving: they take on the entire weight of his body. Partial ligament rupture is an injury typical not only for professional athletes, but also for ordinary people. Symptoms of the problem and therapeutic measures determined by the nature and severity of the damage. With a minor tear, a person experiences slight discomfort and limps on one leg; with a severe tear, a person feels burning, almost unbearable pain and cannot move without assistance. Therefore, questions such as “how long does it take for a torn ligament to heal,” “how to treat it,” etc. are very pressing, the answers to which will be given below.

Causes of ligament damage

According to statistics, sprains account for 20% of all injuries.

The most common causes of rupture are:

  • Impacts to the foot or shin area.
  • Rolling of the leg backwards, which can occur while jogging or walking quickly on stairs or uneven terrain.
  • Tucking the foot to the outside or inside, possible when moving on a flat surface, performing physical exercise.

Doctors identify a set of factors that make ankle ligaments more defenseless to external influences and prone to rupture.

This category includes:

  • physical inactivity, which makes the ligaments inelastic;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • excess body weight;
  • degenerative changes in bones and joints caused by a person’s advanced age;
  • congenital or acquired disorders of the anatomically correct position of the foot;
  • intense sports training;
  • wrong choice of shoes: uncomfortable models, 12-centimeter heels, etc.

Regardless of the reasons that led to ligament rupture ankle joint, the problem is treated for 2-5 weeks depending on the severity of the case. During this period, the person is forced to abandon the load on the lower limbs or move with the help of crutches.

Signs of torn ankle ligaments

The reason to consult a doctor are the first signs of ankle ligament rupture:

The appearance of these symptoms is a good reason to visit a doctor. At the emergency room, the person will be given an X-ray or MRI to determine how much tissue has been damaged, rule out the possibility of a fracture, and choose the right treatment.

Degree of ankle damage

There are three types of severity of ankle ligament ruptures. They depend on the number of torn fibers, which determines the intensity of symptoms and the severity of the case as a whole.

  1. First degree

The overall integrity of the ligament is not compromised, so it remains operational. Only its individual fibers suffer. Signs of damage are limited to mild ankle pain and lameness.

2. Second degree

This is a more significant, but incomplete tear of the ligament, which becomes inoperable due to the damage that has occurred. The person experiences unbearable pain, cannot move without a cane or crutches, and swelling appears at the site of the injury.

3. Third degree

This is the rarest and most serious type of injury. The ligament is completely torn, causing the person to lose the ability to move independently. Vivid symptoms occur: pain, swelling, hematoma. Often such damage is combined with a violation of the integrity of the bones.

To accurately determine the severity of the problem, external symptoms are not enough. To prescribe treatment for ankle ligaments, the doctor refers the person to laboratory tests: radiography and MRI.

First aid to the victim

The quality of further therapy and the speed of recovery are determined by the correctness and timeliness of first aid to the injured.

  • Remove the sock and shoe from the injured leg so that nothing puts pressure on the torn ankle ligaments.
  • Immobilize the affected joint. To do this, you can use an elastic or non-elastic bandage. To apply the bandage, you need to make a few turns around the ankle, and then wrap it in a figure eight, grabbing the foot. It is important that the revolutions are sufficiently tight, but do not disturb natural blood circulation.
  • Apply cold to the damaged area. This will relieve pain when the ligaments are torn, and stop the formation of swelling and hematoma.
  • Position the victim so that the injured limb is slightly elevated from the knee. This way the blood will drain away, the discomfort will decrease, and the formation of edema will slow down.

24 hours after the rupture occurs, heat can be applied to the damaged area. It is recommended to take a hot bath or use a heating pad.

In case of ligament rupture, timely contact with a traumatologist is necessary. Remember: only first and second degree damage can be treated at home. Therapy of the third is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting.

How to treat an injured limb?

Treatment of ankle ligament rupture has the following objectives: restoring the integrity of the fibers, eliminating unpleasant symptoms (pain, swelling, hematoma), normalizing gait and the functioning of damaged tissues of the lower limb.

The following methods are used to achieve therapeutic goals

1. Immobilization of the ankle area

It is necessary to apply a tight bandage to the affected leg, which will ensure its immobility and will not allow the torn ligaments to stretch. The bandage can be wrapped in the following ways:

  • "Sock". This is the most common type of bandage used for injuries of the first or second severity. An elastic bandage is wrapped several times around the ankle, then applied in a figure of eight pattern, gripping the foot.
  • Bandage. This is a type of minimal fixation bandage used for minor tears. I most often use it simultaneously with warm compresses, which improve blood circulation in the damaged area and help eliminate swelling and bruises.
  • Orthosis. Used in the treatment of ruptures of second and third severity. The design consists of rigid elements and laces that allow you to adjust the tension. The orthosis securely fixes the foot in anatomically correct position, it can be worn with regular shoes.

The healing time and wearing of bandages depends on the severity of the damage. For mild forms of ligament rupture, one and a half weeks is enough, for more severe forms - three weeks, in the most difficult situations - up to one and a half months.

2. Drug therapy

A torn ankle ligament is characterized by unpleasant symptoms: the patient feels severe pain, swelling appears, and the temperature rises. To eliminate discomfort, analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Nise and others. NSAIDs have a triple effect: they relieve pain, relieve inflammation and eliminate fever. At unbearable pain patients are injected with novocaine into the damaged area.

In the first hours unpleasant symptoms Ligament ruptures are removed by exposure to cold. One day after the injury, warmth is recommended. Warming external agents are used, for example, Finalgon, Capsicam and others.

To eliminate swelling and promote rapid resorption of the hematoma, a patient with torn ligaments is prescribed angioprotectors, for example, Troxevasin, Lyoton and others.

Important ! The use of ointments and gels is allowed only if there are no deep scratches, abrasions, open wounds . The list of medications used to treat injury must be agreed upon with your doctor.

3. Physiotherapy

What for speedy healing? Add physical therapy to drug therapy and immobilization. They can be started one day after injury. The greatest effect is achieved by baths with medicinal herbs, UHF, paraffin applications.

4. Therapeutic gymnastics

This is an integral element of the recovery period that begins after the end of the immobilization stage. The task of exercise therapy is to develop the damaged ankle, return it to normal state, which was undermined by injury.

If a person has a set of exercises selected with their attending physician, the first classes are conducted under his supervision. Subsequently, gymnastics can be performed at home.

How long does it take for a torn ligament to heal?

Patients who have suffered a torn ligament are interested in the question of how long the leg will recover after the injury. The duration of healing depends on the severity of the injury.

If the patient has a first-degree ligament tear, wearing a tight bandage will not take more than one and a half weeks. After this, you can return to your normal pace of life without delay.

In case of second degree damage, wearing the “sock” is extended to three weeks. A smoother exit from treatment is provided: you will need to undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy.

The most difficult answer to the question about a ruptured ankle ligament is how long it takes to heal, with damage of the third degree of severity. Treatment lasts from three weeks to one and a half months. In some cases, the patient will need to wear a tight bandage for up to two months: this will help restore the limb and prevent recurrent tears.

Important! To heal torn ligaments as quickly as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and abandon “amateur activities.”


Video - Ankle ligament rupture

Treatment of injury at home

To help damaged ankle ligaments recover faster, medical therapy can be supplemented with home treatment. On the second day after injury, it is recommended to apply heat to the affected leg. The best option– baths.

Doctors recommend water procedures with aroma oils: they relieve pain and inflammation, and have a beneficial effect on the patient’s general condition and mood. To make a healing composition, you need to add 1-2 drops of oil per liter of warm water. Geranium and mint are effective for inflammation, chamomile and bergamot for pain, geranium and patchouli for swelling.

To cure a simple sprain, you can use folk recipes. To avoid adverse consequences, it is recommended to discuss them with your doctor in advance.

To relieve swelling, there are the following tips:

  • Grate raw potatoes and apply to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • Make a “mask” from a creamy mixture of white clay and water. Keep on ankle for 30-40 minutes.

To get rid of pain, you can apply crushed aloe to your leg. The plant is reduced to a pulp state, applied to the damaged area and bandaged. The dressing needs to be changed as it warms up.

A rupture of the deltoid ligament of the ankle joint is a serious diagnosis that requires mandatory medical attention. The consequences of unsuccessful self-medication can be very serious: even loss anatomical functions feet. Immediately after receiving an injury, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics and follow all recommendations given by doctors.

The knee joint, or knee, is one of the most massive joints in the human body. It performs flexion and extension. The knee joint connects the tibia and femur, it also includes the patella, or kneecap. The powerful quadriceps tendon is attached to the patella.

Also, the strength of the joint is ensured by internal ligaments: anterior and posterior cruciate, medial and lateral. Quite often it is the ligamentous apparatus that is injured knee joint. How long does it take for a torn knee ligament to heal? To do this, you need to understand the type and mechanism of injury.

Tears and sprains of the ligaments and tendons of a joint are characterized by severe pain when attempting minimal movements of the knee. Injuries of this nature lead to loss of functionality of the knee joint and impair the ability to independent movement, therefore they require adequate and timely treatment. Most often, this type of injury occurs due to various movements that do not correspond to the physiological capabilities of a given joint. Excessive physical activity can also lead to tearing.

There is also a whole series risk factors. These include the following pathological points:

Types of ligament rupture

There are several types of knee ligament rupture.

  1. If their integrity is partially violated, only some areas are damaged connective tissue. This type of injury is called a sprain, but the functions of the ligaments are preserved and limited movements in the knee joint are possible.
  2. A complete rupture is characterized by an absolute violation of integrity, in which the ligament is divided into two parts. With such a traumatic injury, movement in the knee is impossible.
  3. The rupture may be aggravated by a dislocation or fracture of the bones that make up the joint.

In medical practice, there is an etiological classification of ruptures. Based on their origin, they are divided into two types:

  1. Degenerative rupture, characterized by dystrophic changes connective tissue against the background of insufficient blood supply to articular structures and surrounding tissues. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs due to the aging of the body, most often observed after 50 years.
  2. is the result mechanical damage, heavy lifting or sudden movement.

In any case, the main cause of damage ligamentous apparatus there remains excessive stress on the knee.

Signs of ligament rupture

The clinical picture can be described by the following pathological manifestations:

  • constant intense pain in the knee, sharply worsening with minor physical exertion;
  • severe limitation of range of motion in the knee joint (impossibility of flexion and extension);
    hematomas in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • periarticular tissues;
  • impaired sensitivity in the knee area (numbness or burning sensation, itching, discomfort);
  • when trying to perform movements in the knee or clicking.

In addition to the listed symptoms, there are also specific signs. After all clinical manifestations Each patient's disease has its own individual characteristics.

First of all, timely and adequate treatment is required, so you must immediately seek medical help. The very first actions should be aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition and relieving pain. It is necessary to eliminate the slightest load on the affected joint by fixing the knee, for example, with a bandage. You will then need to apply ice to the tear site to reduce pain and swelling. Next, you must immediately contact a traumatologist or orthopedist for full examination and treatment.

During treatment, the affected knee joint is provided with complete rest. If this does not happen, recovery will take longer, complications are possible, including in the form of contractures. For fixation, it is recommended to wear one that will hold the joint in a certain position. If the injury is aggravated by damage to the meniscus or bone fracture, then the load should be completely eliminated. In this case, use crutches.

Complex treatment involves drug therapy. It includes the following groups of medicinal substances:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress pain, relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • chondroprotectors that help restore and protect cartilage tissue from further destruction;
  • vitamins, especially B vitamins, which can be taken orally or as intramuscular injections.

Quite effective in their application local drugs– these are gels and ointments with anti-inflammatory, irritating or distracting effects. Their choice must be agreed with the treating specialist.

During a full course of treatment, physiotherapy methods are used. They are prescribed to relieve pain, inflammation and accelerate the regeneration of affected tissues. Typically, these procedures include electrophoresis, laser treatment, paraffin therapy, etc. The duration of the course of physiotherapy is determined by the attending physician for each patient individually.

If you do not seek qualified help in a timely manner, complications are possible that significantly worsen the prognosis. Recovery will be difficult motor function due to persistent limitation of movements in the knee. In addition to walking disorders, sensory disorders in the affected lower limb cause a lot of trouble.

Radical intervention

If conservative treatment is ineffective, the mobility of the knee joint is restored with the help of surgical intervention. Surgeries are performed for complete rupture of ligaments using arthroscopic techniques.

In case of ligament rupture, it is indicated only if conservative treatment turned out to be ineffective.

It is minimally invasive surgical manipulation. It is carried out using an endoscope, which is inserted into the joint through a micro-incision. In case of accumulation of blood in the joint, a puncture is first performed. After surgical interventions, long-term rehabilitation is carried out. It includes courses in massage, physiotherapy, and orthopedic correction.

The operation may be performed for urgent reasons, especially if the patient's condition is significantly impaired. In this case, it is carried out free of charge. If the operation is planned, then its cost on average is about 40 thousand rubles. The price of surgical intervention depends on the type and severity of the injury, the region of the country, and the level of qualifications of the operating specialist.

Folk remedies for torn knee ligaments

Traditional medicine offers alternative methods for correcting the condition of the body in case of dysfunction of the ligaments. Let's look at some effective recipes:

When using folk remedies For rehabilitation and restoration of ligaments, a preliminary consultation with the attending physician is required.

How long does it take for a torn ligament to heal?

The recovery and healing time of ligaments depends on the degree of damage.

If the tear involves less than 10% of the ligamentous fibers, timely treatment and full rehabilitation, recovery occurs within a few weeks. Treatment consists of pain relief and applying a cold compress to the injured area. In addition, it is recommended to wear it for proper fixation of the joint.

The second degree of damage is determined by significant swelling in the injured area. The ligaments are damaged quite badly, but not torn. Symptoms disappear after a few months; anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy is necessary; the knee must be fixed with a knee brace. To speed up recovery, physiological procedures and massage are performed.

In the third degree traumatic injury ligaments, the patient cannot bend the leg at the knee. Healing occurs only after 3-4 months. At the same time, treatment must be timely, comprehensive, and long-term rehabilitation is also necessary.

Only the attending specialist can determine the extent of the injury and prescribe adequate treatment.

Repairing a torn knee ligament

Rehabilitation after knee ligament rupture is carried out in mandatory both after conservative and surgical treatment.

In the first case, it is necessary to relieve swelling, pain and inflammation in the sore joint. For this purpose, cold compresses and physiotherapy (electric and phonophoresis, mud therapy, magnetic therapy) are prescribed. It is also recommended to carry out special therapeutic exercises that restore the strength of the muscles of the lower extremities and range of motion in the damaged joint. The exercises are mainly aimed at strengthening the muscles that surround the joint and hold it in place. During recovery, you must wear a knee brace to properly support your knee.

Postoperative recovery can last up to six months. It consists of several stages. The first stage lasts for a month. The main tasks of the period are to relieve swelling and pain. The second stage lasts 2-3 months. During this time, the damaged knee joint is developed with a gradual increase in the range of movements in it. This is achieved through massage and gymnastics with dynamic and static exercises.

The third period lasts 3-4 months, its task is to increase muscle endurance. During physical therapy exercises, pain should be completely absent. At the fourth and fifth stages, the functionality of the knee is completely restored with a complete absence of pain.

How long does it take for a torn knee ligament to heal? It depends individual characteristics body, the severity of the injury, careful and consistent implementation of medical recommendations. On average per complete cure rupture requires from 3-4 weeks to six months. But even after recovery, you need to continue the advice recommended by a specialist. physical therapy to prevent re-injury.

When walking, jumping, running, the ankle joint experiences increased loads, since it simultaneously performs the function of support and participates in movement. Patients with injuries to this particular joint most often turn to traumatology. When diagnosed, in 90% of cases, it is revealed that they are not elastic. They never stretch, but only tear. Treatment and possible consequences depend on the degree of fiber tear. In everyday life, a sprain is called a minor one, and a rupture is a complete or partial separation of fibers from the base of the bone, a violation of the integrity of the nerves and blood and lymphatic vessels supplying the ankle.

Damage classification

For ease of diagnosis and choice of treatment methods, injuries are divided into certain groups. The main criteria are the degree of tissue damage and clinical manifestations. Ligamentous rupture is classified as follows:

  • 1st degree. Minor tearing of individual fibers or bundles formed from them. The damaged ankle joint can be easily felt through the skin, the range of motion is slightly impaired or completely preserved. The patient is able to rest on his foot for a short time without feeling significant pain;
  • 2nd degree. A tear of a large number of connective tissue fibers is diagnosed. On palpation, the victim complains of pain, and the joint itself can hardly be felt due to increasing swelling. The symptoms are much more pronounced. All attempts by the victim to lean on the injured leg cause severe pain, similar to that arising from fractures;
  • 3rd degree. With such damage, a complete separation of one, and in some cases several ligaments, occurs from the bone base. Feelings after ankle ligament rupture resemble signs of a bone fracture. A hematoma also forms quickly. The functional activity of the foot is so reduced that emphasis on it is impossible for several reasons. Firstly, it is severe pain. It is so intense that the victim may lose consciousness. Secondly, the anatomical relationship of the articular elements is seriously disturbed.

Regardless of the severity of symptoms, the patient is indicated differential diagnosis. Its results will help to most informatively assess the degree of damage and the number of complications that have developed.

Clinical picture

Ankle ligament rupture Grade 1 in the first hours after injury may not manifest itself as pain. The victim continues to lead his previous lifestyle without restricting motor activity. But post-traumatic inflammation progresses. Hematoma and swelling occur, often spreading to the entire ankle. Now b, localized in the ankle. To reduce its intensity, the person tries not to lean on his leg and begins to noticeably limp. Symptoms of grade 2 and 3 ligamentous injuries are much more pronounced. What signs indicate ligament rupture or complete separation from the bone:

  • pain. Occurs immediately at the moment of injury. Its intensity often exceeds the pain syndrome associated with fractures. As long as extensive swelling has not developed, the victim can move independently. With more serious injuries, any load on the leg causes such severe pain that the person cannot even lean on the injured limb;
  • edema. The main symptom by which a traumatologist determines ligament rupture. Swelling can form on both the lateral and medial sides of the ankle. With a complete separation, it spreads to the foot, but this condition is diagnosed extremely rarely. Severe swelling persists for 5-7 days and then gradually disappears. Since the accumulation of exudate is always associated with damage to the capillaries, an extensive bruise forms at the site of the edema;
  • hematoma. A bruise is only an indirect sign of ligament rupture. A few days after the injury, it is localized on the injured side of the ankle. After about 2-3 weeks, the hematoma moves down to the foot. IN damaged tissues because of inflammatory process There is a gradual breakdown of blood cells. This is visualized by a change in the color of the hematoma. At first it is intensely dark blue, even purple. Gradually, a greenish tint begins to predominate in the color scheme, and then yellow.

A day after grade 2 and 3 injuries, the victim cannot fully lean on the injured leg and move. The occurrence of edema causes increased severity of pain. This occurs as a result of compression of the sensitive nerve endings by the accumulating fluid.

For severe ligament injuries with rupture joint capsule traumatic hemarthrosis occurs. This is the name for hemorrhage into the joint cavity as a result of rupture of the vessels that supply blood to the internal articular structures. Hemarthrosis can provoke the development of destructive and degenerative tissue changes. To extract accumulated blood, a puncture is performed, followed by treatment of the cavity with antiseptics.

First aid to the victim

The timing of restoration of the active functioning of the joint is influenced by timely first aid. In case of injury, it is applied to the ankle area as quickly as possible. It causes a reflex narrowing of blood and lymphatic vessels. Swelling and post-traumatic pain are relieved, and the severity of pain is reduced. What can be used for compress:

  • a bag of ice cubes;
  • packaging with frozen vegetable mixture;
  • frozen meat or fish.

A bag of cubes or frozen foods is wrapped in several layers of thick fabric and applied to the joint for 10 minutes. Then take a break for 20-30 minutes to prevent tissue frostbite. Such medical procedures indicated for patients in the first days of treatment.

An important part of therapy is fixation injured limb with an elastic bandage, holding it in a raised position. After diagnosis, long-term immobilization with a plaster cast, semi-rigid or cast is often required.

Basic principles of therapy

In the treatment of grade 1 and 2 ankle ligament ruptures, only conservative methods are used. Patients are not recommended to wear fixing bandages throughout therapy. After cold compresses, ointments with Voltaren are prescribed. They relieve swelling and inflammation and quickly eliminate pain. The therapeutic regimen also includes drugs that improve blood circulation:

  • Heparin ointment;
  • Indovazin gel.

The dosage regimen depends on the degree of ligament damage. It is usually enough to apply an external agent 2-4 times a day to resolve hematoma or swelling. After 3-4 days, patients are recommended to use: Finalgon, Viprosal, Capsicam. Under their influence, microcirculation improves, nutrients begin to flow to the affected ligaments, accelerating their healing.

Immediately after diagnosing a 3rd degree ligament rupture or their complete separation from the bone, surgery. At the rehabilitation stage, the patient is prescribed a course of venotonics (Phlebodia, Detralex) to restore blood circulation in the injured ankle.

Duration of treatment

The first thing that traumatologists are interested in is how long it takes for a ruptured ankle ligament to heal. Even an experienced doctor will only indicate approximate terms of treatment and rehabilitation period. The age of the patient matters. Children are characterized by an accelerated metabolism, so they recover 1.5-2 times faster than adults. In elderly patients, metabolism is slower, which affects the rate of regeneration of damaged tissue. When making predictions, the traumatologist also takes into account the following factors:

  • degree of damage to the ligamentous-tendon apparatus;
  • the victim's immunity status;
  • a history of acute or chronic diseases.

For example, a person with diabetes mellitus very slow metabolism. Therefore, even with minor injuries, he may be hospitalized. Treatment of the victim is carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of medical personnel.

Symptoms of grade 1 ligament rupture completely disappear after 2-5 days. Sometimes a slight hematoma or swelling remains, but the pain is practically not felt while walking. The speed of recovery is influenced by the quality of treatment and monitoring the dynamics of the patient’s recovery. With adequate therapy, a person with ligament ruptures of grade 2 and severity begins to lead a normal lifestyle after 3-4 weeks. IN in rare cases rehabilitation period lasts more than 2-3 months.

How long it takes for an ankle sprain to heal is also influenced by the patient’s discipline. If he strictly follows all medical recommendations, then full recovery occurs much faster.

Despite its small size, the ankle bears the full weight of the body when walking. By nature, it is sufficiently protected by the ligaments that connect the joints, but no one is immune from tearing or rupture of the ankle ligaments.

Joint injury can occur due to various reasons. Depending on the severity of the ligament damage, a person completely falls out of normal life for a certain period, since the ankle ceases to be functional.

Most believe that such injuries are typical for people involved in exclusively narrow sports: football, parkour, or, for example, dancing. However, according to medical statistics, this can happen to absolutely anyone. - quite common household damage.

Causes of ankle sprains

If we exclude the most dangerous species sports, in everyday life joint sprain injuries lower limbs happen under the following circumstances:

  • fall;
  • sudden change in the position of the foot during movement (walking, running)
  • ankle sprains when wearing unsuitable shoes on uneven or slippery surfaces (high-heeled shoes for women, various types of sports shoes that are not fixed on the ankle joint);
  • a blow or bruise that is traumatic and puts the foot in an unusual position.

Exists a number of factors that increase the risk of ankle sprain:

  • inherited weak ligaments at birth, increasing the likelihood of such injuries during life;
  • regular minor sprains, which can result in a more serious rupture;
  • heavy physical and sports stress on the ankle;
  • congenital high arch of the foot or abnormal development in initial period formation of the body;
  • various other pathologies.

How long does it take for a sprained ankle to heal?

Only when the moment of trauma comes does a person understand how important function perform the legs in everyday and habitual life activities. The immediate question that arises is: How long does it take for a sprained ankle to heal?

The duration of recovery depends on the complexity of spraining the ligaments themselves and natural tissue regeneration, while the joint cannot be moved, and stepping on the sore leg is strictly prohibited.

There are three degrees of damage: mild, medium and severe.

The first degree is a slight microstretch of several fibers of the ligaments, as a rule, occurs without swelling of the limb, a slight swelling forms at the site of injury, and mild pain is present. This sprain can be treated at home. Treated within 10-15 days.

Moderate - this is a more complex ankle injury. In the second degree of sprain, a person cannot stand; partial tissue rupture occurs, resulting in swelling with a pronounced hematoma. Any movement of the foot causes a sharp, sharp pain. Even in a calm state, the patient feels aching painful sensations. Minimum Duration of treatment – ​​three weeks. The leg must be completely immobilized for the entire period of time.

The degree is difficult serious damage ankle, accompanied by complete rupture of ligaments or dislocation of the joint. The injured limb has a pronounced hematoma and burgundy-colored edema. Severe pain, the absolute inability to step on limbs, sometimes to the point of loss of consciousness, characterizes the third, most dangerous degree ankle joint injuries. This cannot be done without hospitalization; sometimes it is used surgery to restore the integrity of ligament fibers. The duration of the therapy period is minimally from four weeks to one and a half months. The rehabilitation period, depending on the degree of difficulty, can last within three to six months.

The speed of recovery is greatly influenced by the first medical care, correct diagnosis and therapy, compliance with all doctor’s instructions.

Providing first aid

First of all, if you sprain the ankle joint, you need to consult a traumatologist to confirm an accurate diagnosis and analyze the degree of complexity of the injury. Only a doctor can diagnose the extent of damage to the limb.

X-ray is necessary exclude the presence closed fractures , dislocations and punctures on the bones.

An X-ray cannot show the presence of a sprain or rupture of ligaments; such a pathology can only be diagnosed by a traumatologist, based on appearance limbs and pain indications of the injured person himself. X-rays only exclude the possibility of dislocations and/or fractures.

If it is not possible to get to the nearest hospital or emergency room, first of all it is necessary to immobilize the diseased limb, that is, completely immobilize it, so as not to further damage the ligaments.

You should also remove your shoes; subsequently the swelling may increase, which will bring an additional set of concerns for the injured joint.

Place under the sore limb fabric folded in several layers, the joint should be above the level of the heart to ensure blood flow and reduce swelling.

It is important to apply ice to the injured ankle as quickly as possible for thirty minutes and continue to apply ice at intervals of 30/30 minutes for the first 48–72 hours. When cooled, blood vessels constrict, which eliminates pain and swelling. However, the skin should not come into direct contact with ice; it is better to put it in a plastic bag and wrap it in one layer of cloth. Hypothermia should also not be abused; cold ligaments will not contribute to a quick recovery.

During first aid, the next necessary step is to apply a tight elastic bandage on damaged ligaments, without tightening, but tightly fixing the foot. It's important to get it right bandage an injured limb and leave it motionless.

Under no circumstances should you take a hot bath or sauna for two to three weeks after the injury. Heat will negatively affect damaged ligaments and increase inflammation.

Drug treatment

It is impossible to cope with such a pathology without a traumatologist and x-ray. Just fixing bandages and cooling compresses too. There are a number medications groups of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and various analgesics, which relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Used in the form of tablets, ointments and injections.

First degree of ankle sprain - cooling is applied only on the first day.

It is important to relieve pain, especially severe in the patient. In drug treatment, a number of drugs are prescribed, such as Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nimesil, Ortofen, Tempalgin, etc.

A number of these medications have a number of contraindications. Use as directed by a doctor.

On the second or third day, they begin to use warming, anti-inflammatory ointments, such as Apizartron, Capsican, etc. The warming effect contributes to improved blood circulation and accelerated fiber regeneration.

Ointments are used to relieve swelling:

  • Troxevasin,
  • Venitan et al.

Ointments for the treatment of sprains without personal allergic intolerance do not adversely affect the body. Their medicinal the effect is local.

The fixing bandage is worn from three days to a week. After removing the elastic bandage, a minimal load on the ankle gradually begins to be added using therapeutic and preventive gymnastics. In the future, try to minimize certain time load on the injured leg.

Second degree rupture of the ankle ligaments - in addition to drug treatment, a plaster splint is placed for a period of 10–15 days. At first, it is important to place your foot on a hill as often as possible to drain the blood. On the second to fourth day, dry heat is applied to the site of local pain. You will have to move around on crutches, with the support point on your healthy leg.

After removing the splint a number of physiotherapy procedures are prescribed(electrophoresis, paraffin, magnet, UHF), exercise therapy, massage and health-improving gymnastics, with the introduction of a gradual, minimal load on the sore leg.

In case of such damage, massage should be carried out by a specialized massage therapist, otherwise, re-injury of the fibers is possible.

The third stage is the most difficult, therefore the treatment of this stage is the longest.

To fix the leg, a plaster cast is used for a minimum period of four weeks to one and a half months. It is recommended to spend the initial period in a hospital.

Painkillers prescribed by the doctor depending on the nature of the pain. These can be strong painkillers; in some cases, injections are prescribed.

Important! When restoring damaged fibers for any sprain, it is necessary to ensure absolute rest for the joint ligaments during the treatment period. Add loads during the rehabilitation period after the course drug treatment with great care. The absence of pain does not mean complete recovery!


Unfortunately, there is no prevention of the disease as such. To minimize the risk of an ankle sprain, you should warm up the ligaments special and proper exercises before various types sports Choose a convenient one orthopedic shoes prescribed by an orthopedist.

If an injury occurs and the correct procedure is performed, full course treatment together with rehabilitation, it should be remembered that heavy loads on the articular ligaments are contraindicated for a very long time.