When did you start getting enough sleep with your child? How to get enough sleep with a newborn

A child is born into a family. How to cope with the first difficult weeks, how to rebuild your life, how to learn to get enough sleep and cope with household chores? In this article you will find tips from experienced mothers and little tricks that will help you survive this period.

A woman who has just given birth experiences approximately the same transformation. Just a few days ago she was treated like a fragile jewel: don’t overwork, don’t bend over, don’t carry heavy things... And just a week later, having returned from the maternity hospital, she finds herself faced with a whole list of demands: the child must be well-fed, clean and calm sleep, and the house shine, and dinner must wait for the husband, and oh appearance we must not forget, if not, and postpartum depression will set in. They are bombarded with advice from all sides: diapers are harmful for boys, why doesn’t he suck a pacifier, you can’t eat anything but broccoli... And then the child behaves somehow wrong: instead of falling asleep peacefully after feeding, he falls asleep right on chest, and as soon as he is transferred to a wonderful canopy crib, he wakes up and starts screaming. Difficult period!

“A clean house is a sign of a wasted life.”
This is the inscription that appears on the American poster of the 50s. Such posters called on women to see their role reconsidered, which is not only and not so much about keeping the house clean. This is not what maternal work is all about, at least not at the first stage. Over time, this will follow, the mother will learn to keep up with everything, but first the main thing is to learn to feel her child, his needs and conditions. This is what all the time is spent on: the mother watches how her child behaves, how and what he reacts to, how he changes day after day. In fact, the mother seems to lend the child her personality for a while, her “I”, which he will only have around the year, and lives his life. In practice, this means that the mother knows how many times the child eats, how much he sleeps, how much he walks, what his mood is, whether he is cheerful, what color his skin is and what color, sorry, excrement (laugh with laughter, but this is a serious signal).

The first weeks are not the time for Stakhanov’s feats around the house. In all traditional cultures, a woman who has just given birth is not expected to participate in household chores for the first six to eight weeks of the baby's life. At this time, the young mother is simply not allowed anywhere! A simple conclusion follows from this: before giving birth, you should make sure that the refrigerator is full and there are some simple semi-finished products in the freezer. Even if it's not too much healthy eating, it will seriously help maintain the health of the young mother, and will not allow the young father to die of hunger. Don't trust store products- prepare before birth homemade food and freeze. It is ideal when a mother has a helper around the house. But specifically about the house, and not about the child: mother and baby should just be left alone and allowed to get to know each other during this period.

Actually, there are not so many things to do “for the baby”: feeding, swaddling (changing clothes, changing a diaper), walking, bathing and sleeping. And they all have their own subtleties and tricks that make life easier.

Feed, feed again and feed again
In “motherhood textbooks,” breastfeeding is described something like this: sit in a comfortable chair, dim the lights, turn on pleasant music, put a cup of warm drink on the table and feed. If you follow this advice, you can spend the first few months in this position, because feeding takes up most of the time. Having read during pregnancy that a newborn should have at least 8-12 feedings per day, and at least two of them should occur in the predawn hours, since this is necessary for production sufficient quantity milk, I thought: are they kidding me? What about things? What about sleep? A…

In fact, even twelve feedings is not the limit. Therefore, in order to optimize your time, feeding can and should be combined with other activities. To do this, learn to carry your child, holding him in one hand, with the baby's head lying in the crook of your elbow. This frees up one hand. In the mother’s arms, the child eats, sleeps and explores the world (and not the ceiling above the crib), and at this time the mother can pour herself some tea and even cook something simple, throw vegetables in a steamer, turn on a movie or read a book. Newborn babies see poorly and hear poorly, so almost nothing can prevent them from sleeping in their mother’s arms or at their side. Take advantage of this time, relax while your child is sleeping, read, watch your favorite films, because very soon he will sleep less and demand more attention.

No additional “accessories” are needed for feeding, no matter how intrusive advertising in pregnancy magazines tries to convince you otherwise. If you have problems with feeding, contact a lactation consultant, but remember that the consultant must be certified in WHO, La Leche League (League of Nursing Mothers) or breastfeeding support centers. In most cases, all problems can be solved without resorting to supplementary feeding.

You can carry a child in your arms, or you can wear a sling - a special device made of fabric for carrying children. A sling distributes weight better, takes the load off your arms, and is indispensable for long walks: it’s easier to move around in it than with a stroller, and you can feed your baby unnoticed.
Most babies fall asleep well on their mother's breast. After some time, the baby will fall asleep deeper and let go of the breast, and then the mother will be able to shift him and go about her business. Experienced mothers advise monitoring the evenness of breathing: the child adapts to the mother’s rhythms and, sensing a glitch, may wake up.

Swaddling, bathing, walking...
Swaddling a child has now ceased to be a generally accepted procedure, but diapers remind the baby of the womb, and he feels calmer in them. Many members of the older generation argue that disposable diapers are harmful. Everyone decides this question for themselves: you can, for example, let the baby’s skin breathe during the day and leave it in a diaper at night.

Bathing is considered a mandatory daily procedure and can cost a young mother several hundred every day nerve cells. Many children don't like water. If so, swim with your child or use the so-called adaptive bathing - in a diaper: babies are afraid open water. By the way, washing with soap or baby shampoo is also not necessary; you can wait until you start crawling.

In general, at first, almost any problem can be solved by mother’s closeness and mother’s breasts. You haven’t yet understood what happened to him: the baby got scared, or his stomach hurt, but the baby is already attached to the chest and is sleeping.

Walking is usually the quietest part of the day. Children sleep well in the air or look at the world with interest. Remember that the baby may ask to be held or want to eat at any moment. Many mothers, even breastfeeding ones, use a pacifier when walking. This is a dangerous practice: the baby may refuse the breast or suckle less effectively, which means producing less milk and poor weight gain. The pacifier is sucked differently from the breast, and the pacifier spoils the bite. It's better to buy special clothes for feeding, which allows you not to be naked in public, or feeding in a sling: you can’t even see the baby in it, let alone the breast.

Most big problem for parents is usually night sleep. It is completely normal for a baby to sleep with awakenings, and not only in the first weeks, but also in the first years. The easiest way to solve this problem is to put the child to sleep with you. This proposal immediately causes a lot of criticism - although it is not clear why. Here is the fear of “infecting the child with something” (although the microflora of a nursing mother and baby are the same), and the fear of “falling asleep”, of being crushed in a dream (and your nature will not allow this - the mother sleeps shallowly and lightly), and unclear ethical considerations. properties. But there is nothing better for a baby than sleeping next to mom and dad. Of course, you will have to sleep on one side and not move around. In this position, many people experience back pain; in this case, simply place another pillow under your back. For most cribs, you can remove the side and place it close to the parent’s, like a “motorcycle with a stroller,” then there will be enough space for everyone.

Find like-minded people
Many mothers complain that they “go crazy within four walls.” To feel more confident, it is useful to communicate with comrades in the happiness of motherhood. How to find them? Nowadays there are many support groups for young mothers: meetings are held for nursing mothers, meetings for “slingomas”, in addition, “mother’s” clubs can be found in parental centers and pre-birth preparation schools.

Getting used to uncertainty
The most difficult thing in this period is to rebuild your consciousness, stop trying to control everything, do everything “according to the books” or whatever wise advice, fit into modes. Control must be replaced by trust.

Now we must proceed from a situation of complete uncertainty. We don't know when the baby will wake up, how long he will stay awake, whether he will nurse for five minutes or forty. It is this first period of acquaintance that is intended to get to know the child, adapt to his rhythms, and learn to trust him. The calmer the pregnancy was, the better the birth went, the more chances you have to get calm baby. Over time, you will learn to plan your day and adjust your plans based on your baby's behavior. Things are planned in such a way that they can be interrupted at any moment: we are standing in line at the store, the child is crying - we leave the line, feed us, and return. A best way to fail everything means not to plan anything.

Young mothers know firsthand what sleep deprivation is. This is a harmful condition that affects nervous system. And strong nerves are necessary for any mother, because a baby requires so much strength. What to do? You need to learn to get enough sleep provided that you have a charming pink-cheeked “alarm clock” that sounds at intervals of 3-4 hours or even more often. How? Tips can be divided into several groups:

Optimize your daily routine;

Deal with the problems causing the child’s anxiety;

Provide a comfortable environment for yourself to fall asleep. These include: specific sequence actions before going to bed, the comfort of the bed, the nature of the lighting and other things.

Master one of the rash techniques.

Now let's talk about everything in order.

Daily routine of a young mother: looking for time reserves for sleep

As a rule, a young mother must not only care for her newborn, but also perform a bunch of other duties: go to the store, cook dinner, clean the apartment, do laundry, iron diapers. Many mothers like to do this “in a calm environment” when the baby is sleeping or goes for a walk with dad. But it's better to spend this time sleeping. Of course, taking several two-hour siestas every day is overkill. But you can easily afford to sleep for an hour during the day. Option: arrange for yourself " quiet time“Not every day, but every other day. It all depends on the needs of the body.

The baby sleeps little and wakes up often

Little children have many reasons for concern: from colic in the tummy to a blanket that is too warm. Every little thing can make the baby wake up and wake up the mother. To minimize the likelihood of your baby waking up prematurely, it is recommended to answer the following questions:

  • Did the baby fall asleep well-fed? If a baby falls asleep after barely sucking the breast, he may sleep much less than the required 3 hours. Within an hour or even half an hour the baby will want to eat again.
  • Is the baby's clothing comfortable? A thick seam or a protruding button can cause discomfort to the baby. Instead of a blanket that constantly slides down, it is better to use a sleeping bag or put the child to sleep in a special onesie.
  • What about the diaper? Children really don't like wet, dirty diapers. When putting your treasure to bed, make sure your baby's pants are dry and clean.
  • Is the room too hot? Comfortable temperature for children is 22°C. If the room is cooler, you may need to dress your baby warmer. If it's hot, let him sleep in one slip or bodysuit.

And a few more points that you need to pay attention to.

  • Bathing – great way calm the child and relieve stress. There are babies who, after a bath and evening feeding, instantly fall asleep in a sweet dream. Other little ones, on the contrary, from water procedures They get a boost of energy and don’t want to close their eyes for a long time. Which category does your baby fall into?
  • Is the child overtired? If during the day the baby was in a crowded place (clinic, supermarket), this can cause a whole bunch of emotions in him. A bath with a relaxing agent will help: sea ​​salt, chamomile.
  • Is the baby sick? Maybe he is worried about colic or gas in his tummy? There are many ways to combat colic: a warm diaper, dill water, laying on the stomach. You need to know these methods in order to be able to help your baby in time.

Comfortable sleep for a newborn

An important factor influencing the duration of sleep is the convenience and comfort of the baby.

A baby who is accustomed to the comfort of his mother’s tummy and has recently been born experiences a certain fear and anxiety if there is a lot of free space around him.

In order to solve this problem, unique devices have appeared on the market - cocoon-cradles for newborns, allowing the baby to feel protected. In such a baby cocoon, you can rock your baby to sleep, use it to carry the sleeping person and put him in the crib, without fear that precious sleep will be disturbed.
The best such device, according to neonatologists, is the Farla Baby Shell.

Comfort in the bedroom

You need to decide how you sleep most comfortably.

  • Many babies sleep better if their mother puts them in bed with her. This may not seem right to your spouse. But you need to try to explain to your husband: it is better when a wife gets enough sleep with a baby at her side than if she walks around tired, having run to the crib during the night. This is a temporary measure for the very first months of the baby’s life. But there is a danger: in the future, it may be difficult to train your little one to fall asleep in his own bed. This must be taken into account and not delay the issue of “relocating” the child back to his crib.
  • It may make sense to change the mattress, blanket or pillow, or purchase a special half-length bed that covers the entire body. A young mother has too little time to sleep, let it pass with maximum comfort.
  • During the day, when there is little time to sleep, and you want to fall asleep quickly, you can use a mask like those issued on airplanes.
  • Research shows that to fall asleep you do not need complete silence, but light, measured noises. There is a special device - a white noise source. It helps you fall asleep faster and not wake up due to extraneous sounds(baby crying is not one of them).

Dream as it is

It’s a pity for a person to spend a third of his life sleeping: 8 out of 24 hours every day. Therefore, many are looking for ways to get enough sleep in 6, 5, 4 hours in order to devote the freed up time to something more interesting.

Techniques are widely used short nap in special forces. Yogis also have their own secrets in this regard. They say you can set yourself a goal and learn to get a good night's sleep in 4-5 hours. The technique is based on alternating phases of fast and slow sleep. But while caring for your baby, you probably don’t need to conduct such experiments on your body. Just remember the following things:

  • Sleeping less than 7 hours a day is fraught with decreased attention, rapid fatigue, and deterioration of immunity. The result is frequent colds.
  • It is better to go to bed early, despite the fact that you will soon have to wake up and feed the baby. 1 hour of sleep before midnight is equal in its value for the body to 2 hours of night sleep.
  • The air in the room should be cool (don’t forget about evening ventilation), and the blanket, on the contrary, should be warm.
  • No need to eat at night. This will keep you awake for a long time. Why take away precious sleep time in favor of digesting a hearty dinner?
  • A short evening walk with your baby will help both mother and baby sleep better.
  • TV and computer create tension and make it difficult to “switch off” and fall asleep like a baby. Don't watch TV series before going to bed, don't read forums. Better - books and relaxing music.

While a woman is pregnant, she becomes the center of the universe for all her relatives and friends. Everyone worries: when is the birth, who will be there, how long is it, how do you feel, what do you want, but then a little bundle appears, and everyone forgets about mom. Now everyone is interested in who the baby looks like, how much weight he has gained, what he has learned to do, etc.

Mom may suddenly start crying for no particular reason. Mom gets terribly tired, worries about everything in the world and sometimes thinks of herself as the worst mother in the world, because, despite all her efforts, the baby either has a tummy ache, sometimes he can’t sleep, sometimes he cries in general. for some unknown reason, then he gains a little, then a lot... There are advisers everywhere and she does everything wrong...

Feelings of guilt, loneliness, misunderstanding, anger, and resentment often overwhelm the mother. It seems that there is no light and every day is like Groundhog Day. With all this, the woman still does not get enough sleep, because in the first months, even a generally well-sleeping baby, often wakes up to eat, and interrupted sleep, even lasting 10 hours, can be safely divided into three, its quality suffers so much.

Each mother can compile her own list of consequences of lack of sleep, but we don’t want to talk about the problem without offering a way to solve it. So what to do?

Many mothers know this advice, but don't follow it. It seems too simple and at the same time not always possible (after all, you also need to do household chores), but we will still start with it: RELAX WITH YOUR CHILD! (children). That is, when the child sleeps, go to bed with him. Whenever possible, go to bed!

Children up to 3-4 months old can wake up every 2-3 hours at night and sleep during the day in short cycles of 20-40 minutes. Don’t ignore your body’s need for sleep; without it you will last even less than without food. If you cannot sleep for your own sake, then sleep for the sake of your baby, because he needs a rested and kind mother.

It’s not for nothing that the first months of a baby’s life are called the fourth trimester of pregnancy. During this period, his nervous system is not mature enough and the child will often need help to fall asleep. During this period, do not be afraid to help him by rocking him to sleep and do not be afraid if he falls asleep at the breast. To establish breast-feeding co-sleeping during this period will be one of best options, and it will be easier to get up to your baby every 2-3 hours if he sleeps next to you.

The only thing worth remembering if your baby sleeps with you is safety, which means your baby should not sleep in a bed that is not fenced or has loose covers, blankets, or pillows. A child cannot sleep with his parents if even one of them has taken alcohol or sleeping pills. Definitely talk about sleeping together Not worth it if you sleep on a sofa or waterbed.

Tip 2: Ask for help and don't be shy about doing it.

Of course, maybe not everyone will decide to be alone with the baby, and it will be scary for the mother to leave such a baby, but why not let your family and friends, for example, cook dinner for your whole family or clean the house. If your relatives cannot do this, then ask your husband to provide you more help around the house. It is possible that for a while you could afford a house help so as not to torment yourself for an unprepared dinner or an unwashed floor.

By the way, speaking of gifts for the birth of a baby, one of the best options would be a dishwasher or multicooker, which will allow you to spend less time on household chores.

Tip 3. Don't be a perfectionist and don't judge your motherhood one day at a time or even a week at a time.

Often we drive ourselves into certain frameworks and standards, and then try hard to meet them. But every child is individual, every mother is special. And you got exactly the child for whom you have enough strength, and the baby has exactly the kind of mother who will be the best for him.

It's not every day that we can cook a three-course meal, keep the house perfectly clean and look 100%. Think about what is more important for you and your child today: if lunch is not ready, then do lunch, and the floors will wait. Use a sling or carrier to keep your baby close. Prepare simple dishes that don’t take much time, and let the delicacies remain for when the child gets older.

In order not to feel like a squirrel in a wheel, living the same way day after day, be sure to find something you like and devote at least half an hour a day to it.

You can play sports directly with a child in your arms, the baby will perceive it as a game, and it will invigorate you and set you in a positive mood.

Accept contrast shower, which will help improve the condition of the skin after childbirth.

Plan to “go out”, even if it won’t be so often, but only once every 2 weeks, but for a while nap on Saturday you could easily go meet your friends while grandma or dad watches the baby. These little joys are very uplifting and distracting.

At 4 months (plus or minus a month), babies experience the so-called sleep regression, or rather the child’s transition to adult sleep. Now he wakes up between sleep cycles. By this time, the mother needs to try to control the time she is awake, organize the right atmosphere for sleep, think through and observe rituals before bed, so as not to later struggle with a tired and irritated baby who stubbornly refuses to sleep.

In combination with bedtime rituals and a daily routine, the skill of falling asleep independently will allow the baby to sleep more peacefully at night, or rather, to fall asleep when waking up. If the baby has not mastered this skill, then the mother is often forced to get up to the baby every 40-90 minutes to give a pacifier or breast between sleep cycles, rock in her arms or with a fitball. And if these methods helped, then any mother would be ready to sacrifice her sleep and back, continuing to do this, but the baby’s sleep is superficial, fragmented and does not bring the expected rest.

  1. Organize your baby’s daily routine, which can be something like this, based on the biological rhythms of a 4-8 month old child:
    6:30-7:00 - rise
    8:30-9:00 - baby will fall asleep for the first nap
    12:00-12:30 - second sleep begins
    15:00-15:30 - at this time, organize the third nap (this nap is the shortest)
    18:00-18:30 - bedtime
    At 8-9 months. the third sleep goes away in favor of an early bedtime.
  2. Provide your child the right conditions for sleep: darkness - important condition for the formation of melatonin, the temperature should not be above 21 and below 18 degrees, humidity - will allow the baby to breathe calmly, white noise- will create a uniform background for sleep and allow you not to notice sharp sounds.
  3. Create daily bedtime routines that will help your baby get ready for sleep. The ritual is performed for 5-10 minutes just before bedtime and may include: light massage, wish Good night, lullaby, feeding.
  4. Eliminate negative associations, which for the most part prevent babies from sleeping peacefully. If the baby falls asleep and sleeps exclusively when moving or rocking, with the breast or with a pacifier, or may be able to sleep only in your presence, then the child has formed a direct relationship between this particular association and sleep. Breaking this connection is difficult, but quite possible! As with any training, everything will take time and patience, but kids learn quickly, and skill independent sleep, which does not depend on anything extra, is simply necessary for the child.
  5. No one sleeps all night long, but a person who is able to fall asleep on his own will not even remember the moment of waking up in the morning. A baby who waits “every day” for his mother to help him fall asleep receives fragmented sleep that is unable to restore his physical and emotional strength.
  6. Enlist the support of your family and friends and start taking action! Be patient and consistent, because first of all, in this way you show concern for the baby and his health, and secondly, you provide him with a kind and rested mother, which in total will make any child happy! And we are ready to help you, come to the nearest one and get step by step plan to improve baby's sleep.

Start implementing our tips in small steps to get away from the endless list of consequences of your mother’s lack of sleep:

  1. Red and swollen eyes are the smallest thing that starts it all
  2. Depleted from lack of sleep, the body begins to produce cortisol, which in turn destroys the collagen necessary for good condition skin
  3. Cortisol also begins to influence the increase in appetite, which can trigger weight gain. In addition, lack of sleep increases the production of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates hunger and cravings for foods with high content fats and carbohydrates. It is lack of sleep, not pregnancy and childbirth that happens common cause weight gain after baby is born
  4. Sleep deficiency affects reaction speed, concentration, ability to make decisions and generally think logically
  5. “Our mother is beautiful, and when she gets enough sleep, she’s also kind...” - this is not at all funny joke for moms. After all, insufficient sleep affects mental state. If a woman does not get enough sleep, then it is much more difficult for her to control her emotions, she is constantly irritated, often lashes out at loved ones and seems as if she is about to explode. Recently, a lot has been written about the so-called cervical syndrome, which leads to injury and even death of the baby and most often this is associated with a mother who shook the child in a state of passion.
  6. Absence good rest reduces immunity, because the body and its cells are restored during sleep. Lack of sleep affects the functioning of the pancreas, which leads to metabolic failure and the body begins to age earlier, the risk of heart attack increases, and the risk of hypertension increases by 37%.
  7. People who have only a few nights of sleep may experience a state of microsleep at the most unexpected moment, with a loss of contact with reality. What can we say about a mother who does not sleep properly for months and years. With regular lack of sleep, coordination of movements worsens, and for a mother who constantly carries a child in her arms or drives a car, this can be life-threatening.
  8. Chronic lack of sleep often leads to depression, part of which is apathy. To the mother who is in similar condition, it is very difficult to care for a baby, and the child, feeling this, begins to demand even more attention and care, which the mother is not able to give him. It turns out to be a vicious circle, from which it is very difficult for a woman to break out.

Have you suffered from lack of sleep after giving birth? How did you cope? Write in the comments, your opinion is important to us.

Optimize your sleep. There are babies who fall into the category of vigorous sleepers, sleeping no more than forty minutes at a time. Many mothers face daytime insomnia. They cannot sleep during the day, even if the child gives them this opportunity, and they have difficulty falling asleep at night. The reason is the overstrain experienced by the body and psyche.

Physically – recovery after childbirth and a qualitatively different load on the muscles. The psyche suffers overload from an unusual state of constant vigilance. When you go to bed, muscle tension spurs thoughts in your head about the child and the household, as a result you cannot sleep. Few people can fall asleep even while standing.

The task is to learn how to quickly relieve muscle tension and stop the chaos of thoughts that is present in the head. How to do this?

When the child fell asleep. You also need to lie on your back. Place a small pillow under your head; if you can do without it, then do not place anything. You will have a desire to get up and see if the newborn is sleeping normally. Make it a point that you won’t think about it for 30 minutes. If your thoughts return to your little one, then place the child next to him, just do not touch him, so that your body is free.

Do deep breath, exhale, as you exhale you should relax. Make your breathing deeper, slower. The air you inhale should feel cooler than the air you exhale. As air fills the lungs, the chest should rise and fall. This is healthy breathing.

How to get enough sleep with a small child

Continue to breathe in this way, imagine that all the thoughts that fill your head remain behind the doors of the room in which you are now, and anxiety, tension, fatigue remain there. The head should be empty and light as a balloon.

In the midst of this emptiness, continue to breathe slowly and deeply, focus your attention on your toes, feel them and as you exhale, relax as much as possible. Next, relax your knees bottom part abdomen, hands, elbows, chest, neck, lips, tip of the nose, eyes. Mentally go through the points, focus your attention from bottom to top, relax these places as much as possible. You will feel how tense your muscles were.

It is especially difficult to relax your shoulders and eyes. Located in the shoulders large share muscle stress, and eye strain is mental stress.

After you have gone through all the points, you will feel how your body has relaxed, it has become warm and heavy. You will feel a sense of peace, as if you are slowly floating on soft clouds across the sky, the sun warms your whole body, giving it strength and energy. There is no fatigue, no worries.

You will feel a colossal energy supply to the body. If you work for 15 minutes at this rhythm, you will feel as if you had rested for 2-3 hours, you had good sleep. The secret of the effect is simple - any mental stress, stress, anxiety is associated with muscle tension. The body relaxes and the head becomes lighter. And you removed all thoughts from there, if you succeeded in doing this for at least 15 seconds, then your brain gets tremendous rest. Anxiety goes away, mood improves.

It’s quite difficult to do everything right the first time, to instantly throw all thoughts out of your head. After 5-6 times you will learn to extract all the inherent benefits from it, rest for minimum quantity time. This method will be a real salvation for you.

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Good evening! Just talk it out. The child is one year and one month old. He hasn't slept well since birth. I don't sleep with him. As absurd as it may seem, it is possible chronic lack of sleep The adequacy and attitude of the mother is suspicious. I really only sleep 3 hours a night. I’ll say this: it’s simply impossible to live like this. Being a mother will seem not just difficult, but terrible.

In fact, after a year of sleepless nights, there is no strength or patience left. And here the instinct of self-preservation comes into play. I'm trying to find out the reason restless sleep child. Well, no luck... all my friends have children (of the same age) who sleep soundly all night long... In the morning, a rested and cheerful mother spends a day of happy motherhood... It’s not like that for me... I greet the day with bruises on my eyes ... There is no one to complain to: relatives consider sleepless nights with a small child normal... everyone has gone through this. And they survived. What did you want?...that’s how hard it is for children... I tried to give the child away to my mother-in-law for the night, but after a sleepless night she waved it off! So I’m trying to understand in a logical way: what interferes with healthy small child fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. I’ve been corresponding with sleep consultant Natalia for a long time, there are practically no results, and I’ve started to hate the night (and early morning too: again, the whole day is like a squirrel in a wheel, and I no longer have the strength in the morning. Sorry for these feelings, but it seems to me that you will understand me. And most importantly, the child is healthy: everything was examined. The pancreas is enlarged, but this does not affect sleep. During the day, the child is active, plays. But at night... The neurologist prescribed phenibut and magnesium to normalize sleep. treatment, I’m thinking: start giving the child something to drink or drink it yourself, so that I can sleep at night without my hind legs.....

Now I will try to describe the conditions: sleep in ideal conditions, at night it’s plus 7-10 degrees outside, we sleep with open window. We observe rituals, quiet games before bed. I give calcium daily from 6 months. Now the dose is 6 tablets.

Falls asleep at 9 pm after a heavy dinner. And away we go...

12 o'clock at night: humming, tossing and turning, waking up crying. At 1 hour 30 minutes the same thing. Last night I woke up at 2:30 and didn’t fall asleep until 3:00. 30 min. Then beeping every 30-40 minutes. And so on until 7 am. At night he eats every 3 hours. I tried to wean it off, but it stays at night until I give milk. And in the morning my wife has to go to work.

I just want to hear from moms who have been through this. Let them tell me that everything will pass. I will be patient... Just don’t deprive me of hope that soon I will sleep all night without waking up. And that it will be soon...

Mommies who have similar situation was, please support me with your word. I would appreciate your advice. Or maybe take the child to grandma's. Will he speak for a good dream????