There is a cuckoo cat at the edge of the window. Tongue twisters for the letter w

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Read Tongue Twisters Starting with the letter S and Sh

Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha,
Sashka hit a bump with his hat.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.

Sasha was given porridge
And Klashe - yogurt.

The mouse dried the dryers
The mouse invited the mice
The mice began to eat the drying
The teeth were immediately broken.

Sasha quickly dries the dryers.
I dried about six dryers.
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
Sushi Sushki to eat

Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Tasha make yogurt,
And Mishutka is a herring under her fur coat.

Even your neck, even your ears
You've stained yourself with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
Drier neck, drier ears
And don't dirty your ears anymore.

In the silence of the night by the reeds
The rustle of reeds is barely audible.

Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket.

There are six naughty girls in the hut.

Timoshka's mongrel barked at Pashka,
Pashka hits Timoshka's mongrel with his hat.

The little doll's earrings have disappeared,
Earrings I found an earring on the path.

Masha has a midge in her porridge,
What should our Masha do?
I put the porridge in a bowl,
And she fed the cat.

Proshka made a mistake with the bowl -
Proshka turned the bowl over.

Cannon paw soap ears
On the bench by the window,
The gun can be washed without soap,
because Cannon... (cat)

V. Levin

There's a tiny midge on the window
The cat deftly catches it with its paw.

Little cat on the window
I ate the porridge bit by bit.

An angry bumblebee arrived
An angry bumblebee puffed,
And the angry bumblebee said:
- Don’t come near me!

Pyotr Sinyavsky

Our Masha was given semolina porridge.
Masha is tired of porridge,
Masha didn’t finish her porridge,
Masha, finish your porridge,
Don't bother mom!

Jasper in suede became mossy.

Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.

Our sail is sewn conscientiously,
Even the storm will not frighten us.

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

They gave Klasha some curdled milk.
Klasha is dissatisfied:
“I don’t want yogurt, just give me porridge.”

Shishiga walked along the highway,
He walked rustling his pants.
The step will step, whisper: “Error”,
Moves his ears.

“Eat me,” asks the cherry,
For fear of being thrown out.

You are welcome to our hut: I will crumble the pies and ask you to eat.

The mice dried the dryers,
The mice invited the mice.
The mice began to eat the drying
The teeth were immediately broken.

The leaves rustle.
Whispers whisper with the grass.
The silence faded into silence.
“Hush, hush...” I heard.

Sasha accidentally hit a bump with his hat.

Only he envies his village,
The donkey speeds up his pace.
Don’t rush the donkey to the village,
You will fall from the mountain into a ravine.

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

Cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on the cuckoo's hood.
How funny he is in the hood.

Sasha quickly dries the dryers.
I dried about six dryers.
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
Sushi Sushki to eat

Our mice are quieter than yours:
They don't rustle through the cellars.
Our mice don't come to you -
Don't let yours come to us.

V. Stepanov

Even your neck, even your ears
You've stained yourself with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
My neck is dry, my ears are dry,
And don't dirty your ears anymore.

The lop-eared burdock came out into the meadow in the rain,
And wet and chilled passers-by
I gathered it into a circle under the leaf.

Our bunch - Pashkin's dad, Pashkin's mom and Pashka himself

Pike have scales, pigs have bristles.

Six mice rustle in the reeds.

They gave Klasha porridge with curdled milk,
Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.

I’ll walk the filly sideways along the strap, along the log.

Timoshka Troshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka.

From under sour milk, from under sour milk
Masha has whey in her porridge.

Shiltse, soap, crooked spindle,
Silk towel -
on the towel under the door.

Forty mice walked, carried forty pennies,
Two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

At the edge of a hut
Old chattering ladies live.
Every old lady has a basket,
There's a cat in every basket,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies,
Two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

Even though the pike is eager,
Don't eat the ruff off the tail,
A ruff is good for a ruff.

Sasha knocked the bumps off with his hat.
Sasha sewed a hat for Sanka.

Alyosha Ulyane
The signal is given.
Ulyana hears -
He will find Alyosha.

Erema and Thomas have sashes -
wide all over the back,
caps recapped, new,
Yes, the shlyk is well sewn,
covered with embroidered velvet.

The old women listened to the cuckoo crow at the edge of the forest.

You can hear the rustling in the reeds,
It makes my ears ring,
One hundred elderless frogs
The heron is scared in a whisper.

Sixteen mice walked
and six found pennies,
and mice, which are worse,
pennies are noisily fumbled.

The mouse whispers to the mouse:
“You keep rustling, you’re not sleeping.”
The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
"I'll rustle more quietly."

Met a beetle in one forest
Cute wasp:
-Oh, what a fashionista!
By and volte to meet.
-Dear passer-by,
Well, that sounds like a hundred percent!
You have no idea
How sultry you are.-
And the beautiful wasp
Flew off into the sky.
-Shitty citizen...
Probably a foreigner.
Annoyance bug with pretzels
Rushing across the clearing:
-It had to be like that
Go crazy!
How not to end up again
In this situation?
Need to get married urgently
Foreign language.

P. Sinyavsky

In the silence of the forest
Whispers rush to Rustle.
Whispers rush to Rustle.
Whispers rustle through the forest.
-Where are you going?
- I'm flying to you.
Let me whisper in your ear:
Shu-shu-shu yes shi-shi-shi,
Hush, rustle, don't rustle,
Prick up your ears -
Listen to the silence!..
Do you hear?
- I hear.
-What do you hear?
- There are mice scurrying around somewhere,
They rustle under the roots -
They peel off the cone together.
-Hush, Rustle, don’t breathe!..
Do you hear the reeds have died down?
Do you hear?
-I hear
Through the swamp
The herons went hunting.
The herons are in a hurry to have dinner,
They are looking and looking for little frogs.
-Do you hear?
-I hear...
Two bugs
We settled down to sleep in the chamomile,
They want to crawl under the sheet,
Petals rustle.
"Ring-ring-ring!" -
And this is Bumblebee
He slipped through and sat down on the spruce.
At the Dressmaker Bee Bumblebee
Sews a good overcoat.
He will return from this spruce
In a new silk overcoat
With a copper saber,
In ringing spurs -
And he studies to the fullest...
-What else do you hear, Rustle:
I hear

The letter Sh bought silk.
The letter knows a lot about silk.
Sews shorts, skirts from silk,
Hats, shawls, even fur coats.

Pashka has checkers, Mishka has cones.

The mouse whispers to the mouse:
“You keep rustling, you’re not sleeping.”
The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
"I'll rustle more quietly."

Sushi your fur coat Sasha,
It's her flank coat, not ours.

Our reed hut
for a baby mouse.

In the silence of the night near the hut
The rustle of reeds is barely audible

Checkers on the table
Cones on a pine tree

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

The okroshka crumble crumbles the potatoes.

Sixteen mice walked and six
found pennies, and mice, which are simpler,
pennies are noisily fumbled.

Six little mice rustle in the reeds.

The mice dried the dryers,
The mice invited the mice.
The mice began to eat the drying
The teeth were immediately broken.

Pasha waves his hat to Masha.

At the edge of a hut
Old chattering ladies live.
Every old lady has a basket,
There's a cat in every basket,

Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha,
Sashka hit a bump with his hat.

Grandma's crumpets and pancakes are good.

Silks rustle in the hut
Yellow Dervish from Algeria
And juggling with knives,
He eats a bunch of figs.

Cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on the cuckoo's hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

There's a tiny midge on the window
The cat deftly catches it with its paw.

Little cat on the window
I ate the porridge bit by bit.

Even your neck, even your ears
You've stained yourself with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
Drier neck, drier ears
And don't dirty your ears anymore.

Masha has a midge in her porridge,
What should our Masha do?
I put the porridge in a bowl,
And she fed the cat.

Sasha knocked off the bumps with his hat

The leaves rustle.
Whispers whisper with the grass.
The silence faded into silence.
“Hush, hush...” I heard.

Our Masha was given semolina porridge.
Masha is tired of porridge,
Masha didn’t finish her porridge,
Masha, finish your porridge,
Don't bother mom!

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

They gave Klasha porridge with curdled milk,
Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.

Our hut made of reeds for a baby mouse.

The fur coat is for our Natasha,
Ushanka hat for Sasha.

There are dryers for Proshe, Vasyusha and Antosha.
And two more dryers for Nyusha and Petrusha.

The mouse crawled under the lid
To gnaw the crumbs under the lid,
The mouse is probably dead -
The mouse forgot about the cat!

At the edge of a hut
Old chattering ladies live.
Every old lady has a basket,
There's a cat in every basket,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

You can hear the rustling in the reeds,
It makes my ears ring,
One hundred elderless frogs
The heron is scared in a whisper.

Sixteen mice walked
and six found pennies,
and mice, which are worse,
pennies are noisily fumbled.

The cat is sewing pants on the window,
and a mouse in boots sweeps the hut.

I walked along the path,
porcini mushroom found it.
I walked along the edge of the forest,
I found three waves.

The bear has a bump
the cat has a mouse,
the mouse has cheese.

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

Ruffe are good in Sheken, pike are also good.

I was walking along the highway with a walking stick and heard the noise of the chassis.

There's a midge in the porridge.
Hurry up, cat, eat from the bowl
Porridge with midges.

Our chess player will out-chess your chess player, out-chess.

Cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on the cuckoo's hood,
How funny he is in the hood!
(I. Demyanov)

Sixteen mice walked
And they found six pennies.
And mice, which are worse,
The pennies are noisily fumbled.

In the hut only the bumblebee makes noise.
There, curled up, Sasha is sleeping.

Hush, mice! Cat on the roof!
Make some noise - he will hear!

A hat and a fur coat - that’s our Mishutka.

I walked over the pebbles and found a silk fur coat.

Hurry up, don't hesitate,
Run for a nut.
And the nuts are good
Don't hesitate, hurry up.

They walked and walked and found the pie.
We sat down, ate, and moved on.

Misha knocked a bump off with his hat.

Our path is strewn with peas.
Take a spoon and eat some peas.

The cockerel whispers to the cat:
- Do you see the lush comb?
The cat whispers to the cockerel:
- Take one step and I'll take a bite!

The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
Neck, skin on belly.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
"Won't you rub my back?"

Shishiga walked along the highway,
He walked, rustling his pants.
The step will step, whisper: “Error”,
Moves his ears.

Cones on a pine tree
Checkers on the table.

There are six naughty girls in the hut.

Barrels mumble and shawls shuffle.

They put on Pasha's galoshes and gaiters.

At Andryushina's car
Good tires.

The wallet contains a meter of silk.

I write jokes for Dashutka and Mishutka.

The little mouse has crumbs in his hole.

Pies with potatoes are good for the road trip.

Sasha was walking along the highway.

funny jokes at Sasha and Mishutka's.

Six little mice rustle in a hut.

You are welcome to our hut.

Mother gave Romasha whey from yogurt.

The mouse whispers to the mouse:
- You keep rustling, rustling!
The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
- I will rustle more quietly!
(A. Kapralova)

Porridge is ripe in the meadow.
Porridge is the cow Mashka.
Masha likes lunch:
There is nothing tastier!
(A. Shibaev)

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies.
Two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

Our gray cat sat on the roof.
And your gray cat sat even higher.

Midges stuck around the lamp,
Thin legs are warm.
Be careful, midges!
You'll burn your feet!
(V. Lunin)

I sewed a fur coat - I sewed a skirt.
I sewed a hat - I sewed a slipper.
Natasha is a good seamstress!
(E. Blaginina)

Masha is tired of the hat,
Masha didn’t finish her porridge.
Masha, finish your porridge,
Don't bother mom!
(V. Lifshits)

Sasha sewed a hat soon,
The seam was quickly sewn with silk.
(A. Prosvetov)

Here are the kids Masha, Misha.
Masha is smaller, Misha is taller.
Misha is writing something to Masha.
Guess what Misha writes.
(M. Uspensky)

There's a puddle here, see, Lusha?
You go where there is dry land.
Go where the puddle is already!
Know steps into the puddle of Lusha.
(S. Lepilina)

Even your neck, even your ears
You've stained yourself with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
My neck is dry, my ears are dry,
And don't dirty your ears anymore.

Silks rustle in the hut
Yellow Dervish from Algeria
And juggling with knives,
He eats a bunch of figs.