Hysterical personality type: character traits and behavior correction. Hysterical personality type

The term “hysteria” is actively used in a highly specialized field, for example, in medicine, and in everyday life. Many people perceive this concept in a negative context, associating it with uncontrollable emotions or actions. From a psychological point of view, such behavior is interpreted as a hysterical personality type, which has pronounced characteristics.

Features of a hysterical personality type

It is not difficult to recognize the histrionic character, since it main feature is egocentrism. The constant demand for attention to oneself is the prevailing motive for the actions of most “hysteroids”. Moreover, by what means the goal will be achieved (pretense, defiant behavior, nervous breakdown, etc.) it does not matter for these people.

The person being described attracts attention to himself in order to be sympathized with, praised, or noted for his outstanding abilities. Having received his portion of positive emotions, he calms down for a while, but after certain time the need arises again. In case of absence desired result, the emotionality of the “hysteroid” intensifies, and the options for achieving the goal become more and more sophisticated.

The list of main signs of histrionic character includes:

  1. The desire to shock;
  2. Theatricality of emotions;
  3. Inflated self-esteem;
  4. Open demonstration of feelings;
  5. Increased demands on the environment.

Hysterical type personality is extremely susceptible, and even a minor reason can serve as a catalyst for a violent reaction. At the same time, such a person will not fake emotions: if he finds it funny, he will laugh, if he is sad, he will be sad, if he is offended, he will express this state in every possible way through reproaches.

The feeling of empathy is unfamiliar to the “hysteroid”, because he does not know how to empathize with others. However, he would rather hide this feature so as not to “run into” a negative assessment from society. The desire to please everyone and in any situation completely subordinates a person’s actions. As a result, the hysterical type of person is cowardly and is not inclined to take on those things in which he may fail. Often such people become terrible pedants, striving for order in everything, from the love sphere to everyday issues.

Carelessly folded socks on a shelf or dirty dishes in the sink introduce logical dissonance into their worldview, leading to conflicts.

Appearance of hysterical people

Self-centered people usually pay a lot of attention to their appearance. In their form, everything from the tips to the heels should be perfect. Hence the desire to stand out from the gray mass, but not to be a black sheep. “Hysteroids” dream of catching the admiring glances of the opposite sex, pleasantly surprising and shocking the public. The clothes of such people are dominated by:

  • bright colors;
  • elegance;
  • unconventional cut;
  • fashionable combinations of accessories.

Persons of the hysterical type have expressive, lively speech, which makes it easy to win over the interlocutor, involve him in a discussion or convince him that he is right. They are not afraid to participate in public events, easily agreeing to the role of presenter, organizer, “highlight of the program.” Natural charm, strong charisma, and extraordinariness allow you to quickly make others fall in love with you and become their favorites.

Hysteroid disorders

Increased emotionality of the individual often leads to deterioration in health. It has been scientifically proven that patients with a histrionic character type are at risk. Among the main problems that such people experience are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • decreased vitality;
  • weakened immunity;
  • severe headaches;
  • etc.

As a clear example, here is a situation: a woman constantly complained of severe pain in the abdominal area. After a visit to a gastroenterologist, a diagnosis was made - light form gastritis, but taking the drugs did not lead to the expected results. Attacks of vomiting and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract did not leave the patient until she was advised to see a psychologist. Only a visit to a specialist helped to establish the true reasons for what was happening: fear of being fired from work, constant conflicts with my husband, fear of losing the respect of the team.

After psychological therapy, the health problems went away, but the woman still continued to attract attention at work with stories about problems in family life.

The main problems of hysterical personalities

The main problem of people with a histrionic character is increased emotionality, which leads to a sharp negative or joyful reaction. Personal behavior is characterized by sharp laughter, tears, anger, tenderness and other feelings. Unfortunately, they only appear if the situation affects the egocentric personality. When it comes to the problems (successes) of another person, the “hysteroid” remains indifferent to them.

The list of problems of this personality type includes:

  • lack of desire to overcome difficulties;
  • inability to perform routine work;
  • relationships in society;
  • striving for the ideal.

The main problems of hysterical personalities

Self-centered people, as a rule, do not know how to solve life's difficulties. Often they encounter a problem, realize that they will not be able to overcome it quickly, and immediately lose interest in it. The same can be said about monotonous duties that oppress “hysteroids” and cause them negative emotions. Too frequent problems and routine activities often lead this type of personality to prolonged loss of strength and apathy. This fact is explained by the body’s protective reaction (in particular, nervous system) for stress or overexertion.

The problem deserves special attention interpersonal relationships. The personality type in question does not have tact, restraint and modesty. On the contrary, he is too demonstrative, uncompromising, demanding, and this is a direct path to conflict. In a team, such people can become either a recognized leader or an outcast whose company will be avoided. Family life rarely resembles an idyll, more likely due to the constant nagging of the “hysteroid” than due to the shortcomings of the partner. Egocentric people a priori have few friends, because they do not accept the slightest contradiction in their views on life and other people.

Suicidal tendencies of “hysteroids”

The tendency of a person with a histrionic character to commit suicide occurs infrequently. Such deviations are observed in adolescence when, against the background of a hormonal surge, hysterical features begin to form. Often, suicide is another attempt to attract the attention of peers or parents to oneself. However, due to their inexperience, teenagers may not calculate their strength, which leads to tragic consequences.

In adulthood, the hysterical type rarely resorts to suicide, since he is so narcissistic that he cannot harm himself. The desire to cross the line arises only in depressive states, in particular if the person remains misunderstood by society, rejected or wounded.

Decreased feeling self-esteem, loss of authority among colleagues and relatives, humiliation from loved ones - these are the main reasons to commit suicide.


Psychotherapy for people with hysterical personality traits

Pronounced forms of hysteria are usually classified as psychological diseases. To make a diagnosis, the regular nature of the manifestation of a personality disorder, coupled with three signs of a hysteroid type, is sufficient. Most often these include:

  • egocentrism;
  • extravagance in clothing;
  • exaggeration of emotions, posing, theatricality.

Psychotherapy for hysteroid-type patients is carried out using special methods (cognitive, psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, group or individual). During such treatment, it is important for the doctor to find out the cause of the person’s condition, eliminate it and teach the patient to cope with emotions independently. The doctor is constantly obliged to monitor the distance, since the “hysteroid” will certainly try to shorten it, using all his charm and theatrical abilities.

Together with psychological methods, it is permissible to use medical supplies, mostly sedatives, neuroleptics, anticonvulsants, painkillers. Selecting a specific medicine, and its dosage is determined only by a specialist.

Taking potent medications is only possible for harmful psychological states (prolonged depression and stress).

A decisive step on the path to recovery and social adaptation A person of a hysterical type will become aware of the cause of his condition. Only constant monitoring feelings, experiences, behavior will allow you to cope with the problem, develop new views on life and learn to overcome difficulties. Histrionic personality disorder has a generally positive prognosis for recovery, but for this the patient and his treating doctor will have to make some efforts.

Thus, overexposure egocentrism indicates a hysterical personality type. She is characterized by increased emotionality, demands for the attention of others, and the desire for perfection. At the same time, the discrepancy between the expectations of the “hysteroid” and reality leads to conflicts, deterioration, and suicidal tendencies. It is important to recognize progressing hysteria in time, to select correct treatment and eliminate the cause of deviations.

Hysterical type

This type is described in many monographs and manuals and is included in a wide variety of taxonomies of psychopathy. Its main feature is boundless egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for constant attention to one’s own person, admiration, surprise, veneration, and sympathy. At worst, even indignation or hatred directed at oneself is preferred, but not indifference and indifference - just not the prospect of remaining unnoticed (“those thirsting for increased appreciation”). All other qualities of the hysteroid are fueled by this trait. Suggestibility, which is often brought to the fore, is selective: nothing remains of it if the situation of suggestion or the suggestion itself does not add grist to the mill of egocentrism. Deceit and fantasy are entirely aimed at embellishing one’s personality. Apparent emotionality actually turns into a lack of deep, sincere feelings with great expression of emotions, theatricality, and a tendency to show off and pose.

Hysterical features are often outlined with early years. Such children cannot stand it when other children are praised in front of them, when others are given attention. They quickly get bored with toys. The desire to attract attention, to listen to admiration and praise becomes an urgent need. They willingly read poetry in front of the audience, dance, sing, and many of them really show good artistic abilities. Academic success in the early grades is largely determined by whether they are held up as an example to others.

With the coming puberty Usually there is a sharpening of hysteroid features.

As is known, in last decades The picture of hysteria in adults has changed significantly. Almost disappeared hysterical fits, paralysis, etc. They were replaced by less severe neurasthenic-like symptoms. This situation also applies to adolescence. However, during this period, hysterical character traits manifest themselves primarily in behavioral characteristics, in specifically adolescent behavioral reactions. In addition, the acceleration of physical development has significantly changed the previous idea of ​​the infantile grace, fragility, and childishness of hysterical adolescents. Only with one of the options we describe (“labile hysteroids”) is it often possible to encounter a graceful appearance. In other cases, there may not be a trace left of it.

Among the behavioral manifestations of hysteria in adolescents, suicidality should be put in first place. We are talking about frivolous attempts, demonstrations, “pseudo-suicides,” “suicidal blackmail.” According to our observations, the first pseudo-suicidal demonstrations in accelerated adolescents often occur at the age of 15-16 years, and not at 17-19 years, as in the previous generation. In this case, the methods chosen are either safe (cuts to the veins on the forearm, medicines from a home medicine cabinet), or designed to ensure that a serious attempt will be warned by others (preparing for hanging, depicting an attempt to jump out of a window or throw yourself under a vehicle in front of those present, etc.). p.).

Abundant suicidal “alarming” often precedes or accompanies a demonstration: various farewell notes are written, “secret” confessions are made to friends, “ last words"on a tape recorder, etc.

Often the reason that pushed a hysterical teenager to “suicide” is called unsuccessful love. However, it is often possible to find out that this is just a romantic veil or just a fiction. The real reason is usually wounded pride, loss of valuable attention for a given teenager, fear of falling in the eyes of others, especially peers, and losing the halo of a “chosen one.” Of course, rejected love, a breakup, preference for a rival or a rival deals a sensitive blow to the egocentrism of a hysterical teenager, especially if all the events unfold in front of the eyes of friends and girlfriends. The suicidal demonstration itself, with the worries of others, the bustle, the ambulance, the curiosity of random witnesses, gives considerable satisfaction to hysterical egocentrism.

In searching for the reasons for a suicidal demonstration, it is important to note where it is committed, to whom it is addressed, whom it should pity, whose lost attention should be returned, who should be forced to make concessions or lose in the eyes of others. If, for example, the cause of suicide is declared to be a disagreement with a beloved, and the suicidal demonstration is carried out in such a way that she cannot see or know about it, but the mother becomes its first witness, there is no doubt that it is in the relationship with the mother that the conflict lies. Parents, however, often play scapegoat for hysterical teenagers for the “disappointments” that befell them among their peers. In cases of hysterical psychopathy, suicidal demonstrations can be repeated, especially if the previous ones were successful, and can turn into a kind of behavioral pattern. Suicidal demonstrations are accompanied by hysterical bravado of “playing with death” with a claim to gain a reputation as an exceptional person.

In addition to suicidal demonstrations, one encounters acute affective suicide attempts, which are more frequent in labile hysteroids. Such affective reactions are most often also caused by blows to self-esteem, humiliation in the eyes of others, loss of hopes for a special role, or the prospect of rising in someone else’s eyes. Affective suicide attempts are also usually filled with elements of demonstration and are aimed at attracting attention. However, against the backdrop of extreme affect, at some point a true suicidal goal may flash through. And even in its absence, the line of what is safe in affect can easily be crossed and the intended action, demonstrative, can end in complete suicide.

The “flight into illness” characteristic of hysterics, the depiction of unusual mysterious diseases sometimes takes place among some teenage groups, in particular those imitating: Western “hippies”, new uniform, expressing the desire to get into psychiatric hospital and thereby gain a reputation for unusualness in such an environment. To achieve this goal, they use the role of a drug addict, suicidal threats, and, finally, complaints taken from psychiatry textbooks, and various kinds Depersonalization-derealization symptoms and cyclical mood swings are particularly popular.

Alcoholism or drug use in hysterical teenagers is also sometimes demonstrative. True alcoholism is extremely rare, and in these cases there is usually a combination of hysteria with traits of another type. Hysterical teenagers drink a little, prefer mild degrees of intoxication, but are not averse to boasting about the huge amount they drink, their ability to drink without getting drunk, or their exquisite choice alcoholic drinks(“I only drink cognac and champagne,” declared one 14-year-old hysterical teenager). However, they are not inclined to portray alcoholics, since this role does not promise them either an aura of unusualness or greedily curious glances. But they are often ready to imagine themselves as a real drug addict. Having heard a lot about drugs or having tried this or that surrogate once or twice, a hysterical teenager begins to describe his drug excesses, an unusual “high”, mentions taking heroin or LSD, which he could not get anywhere, etc. A detailed questioning reveals that he cannot tell anything about actual sensations, that the information he picked up somewhere is quickly depleted. This mode of behavior, unfortunately, indicates that the role of a drug addict, unlike an alcoholic, is attractive in some antisocial teenage groups. Drug use, imaginary or episodic, can also be a way of appealing to loved ones, with the intention of attracting them to oneself. special attention. Offended by his mother, who focused all her worries on her sick brother, a 14-year-old hysterical teenager carried a syringe in his school bag for a week, hoping that his mother would find it. And when his mother never bothered to look into his briefcase, he began scattering injection needles around the apartment.

The delinquency of hysterical teenagers is usually not serious. We are talking about absenteeism, reluctance to study and work, because “ gray life“does not satisfy them, and to take a prominent place in study or work, which would please their pride, lacks both ability and perseverance. Conflicts also occur over defiant behavior in public places, harassment of foreign tourists, noisy scandals. In more serious cases you have to deal with fraud, forgery of checks or documents, deception and theft of people in whom you have gained trust. Hysteroids avoid serious crimes associated with violence, robbery, burglary, risk and, apparently, are relatively rare among criminal teenagers.

Running away from home can begin as early as the first grades of school or even in preschool age. They are usually caused by punishments that have taken place or expected, or due to one of the children's behavioral reactions - the reaction of opposition. This reaction in children and adolescents is most often associated with a loss of former attention from loved ones. Having run away from home, they try to be where they will be looked for, or to attract the attention of the police so that they are brought home or their parents are called for them. With age, shoots can become longer and acquire a romantic overtones. Their reasons are often the same as those that push them to a suicidal demonstration - loss of attention, collapse of hopes for an exalted position, the need to extricate themselves from history, which inevitably threatens to be ridiculed and thrown off the pedestal of honor. For example, having assured his acquaintances that his parents held a high position and told them about the luxurious lifestyle of his family, a 16-year-old boy ran away to distant lands when the demands of his friends to invite him to his home became too insistent.

Hysterical teenagers retain the features of childhood reactions of opposition, imitation, etc. Most often we see the reaction of the opposition to the loss or decrease in the usual attention from relatives, to the loss of the role of the family idol. Manifestations of the opposition reaction can be the same as in childhood - going into illness, trying to get rid of the one to whom attention has switched (for example, forcing the mother to break up with the new stepfather), but more often this children's opposition reaction is revealed by teenage behavior disorders - drinking, acquaintance with drugs, absenteeism, theft, antisocial company are intended to signal: “Give me back your former attention, otherwise I will go astray!” The imitation reaction can determine the behavior of a hysterical teenager. However, the model chosen for imitation should not overshadow the imitating person. Therefore, for imitation, an abstract image or a person who is popular among teenagers, but does not have direct contact with this group (“fashion idol”) is chosen. Sometimes imitation is based on a collective image: in the pursuit of originality, the stunning statements of some, the unusual clothes of others, the provocative manner of behavior of others, etc. are reproduced. The reaction of overcompensation is less characteristic of hysteroids, since it is associated with perseverance and perseverance, which they precisely lack. But the compensation reaction can be quite pronounced. One might think that it is this reaction that plays a significant role in the “cosmetic” lies characteristic of hysterics, in the fantasies that they force others to believe and, if they do not believe themselves, then enjoy them.

The fantasies of hysterical teenagers are clearly different from the fantasies of schizoids. Hysterical fantasies are changeable, always intended for certain listeners and spectators, teenagers easily get used to the role, behave according to their fantasies, Gennady U. was taken to a teenage psychiatric clinic after reporting to the authorities state security with a statement that he was recruited by foreign intelligence, instructs him to arrange an explosion at the plant, pointed to certain individuals as agents of this intelligence, etc. - all this turned out to be pure fiction.

Hysterics, prone to such myth-making, are often classified as a special psychopathic group of pseudologists. From our point of view, this is hardly justified for adolescence, since fantasies and lies that decorate one’s own personality are characteristic of almost all hysterical teenagers. And even when inventions constitute the main thing in behavior, seemingly overshadowing all other hysterical traits, all these tales are always fed by the basis of the hysterical character - insatiable egocentrism.

Specific adolescent behavioral reactions are also colored by this main hysterical trait. The emancipation reaction can have violent external manifestations - running away from home, conflicts with relatives and elders, loud demands for freedom and independence, etc. However, in essence, the real need for freedom and independence is not at all characteristic of adolescents of this type - they do not at all want to get rid of the attention and worries of loved ones. Emancipatory aspirations often slide onto the rails of the childish reaction of the opposition.

The reaction of grouping with peers is always associated with claims to leadership or an exceptional position in the group. Possessing neither sufficient sternness nor fearless readiness at any moment to forcefully assert his command role, to subjugate others, the hysterical strives for leadership in ways accessible to him. Possessing a good intuitive sense of the mood of the group, of the sometimes unconscious desires and aspirations still brewing in it, hysterics can be their first spokesmen, acting as instigators and igniters. In an impulse, in ecstasy, inspired by the glances turned to them, they can lead others, even show reckless courage. But they always turn out to be leaders for an hour - they give in to unexpected difficulties, easily betray their friends, are deprived of admiring glances, and immediately lose all their enthusiasm. The main thing is that the group soon recognizes behind the external effects their inner emptiness. This happens especially quickly when hysterical teenagers are not inclined to stay in the same teenage group for too long and willingly rush to a new one to start all over again. If you hear from a hysterical teenager that he is disappointed in his friends, you can safely assume that they have “seen through” him.

In closed teenage groups, for example in closed institutions With a regulated regime, where arbitrary change of company is difficult, in order to occupy an exceptional position, a different path is often chosen. Hysterical teenagers willingly accept formal leadership functions from the hands of adults - positions of prefects, organizers of all kinds of events, etc. - in order to take the position of an intermediary between the elders and the teenage group and thereby strengthen their special position.

Hobbies are almost entirely concentrated in the area of ​​the egocentric type of hobby. Only something that gives you the opportunity to show off in front of others can captivate you. If you have the ability, then amateur artistic activities open here greatest opportunities. Preference is given to those types of art that are most fashionable among the children of their circle (currently, most often - jazz ensembles, pop) or that amaze with their unusualness (for example, mime theater). It is impossible not to notice among modern teenagers low popularity of drama clubs and declining popularity of dance ensembles. Sometimes the chosen hobbies do not seem to belong to egocentric hobbies. However, in reality it turns out that the hobby foreign language, which usually comes down to mastering the most popular dialogues, is undertaken in order to show off in front of friends with a conversation with tourists, and a passion for philosophy comes down to the most superficial acquaintance with fashionable trends and is intended, again, to impress the corresponding environment. Imitating yogis and hippies provides particularly fertile ground in this regard. Even the collections serve the same purpose - to show off them (and yourself!) in front of your friends. Sports and other manual-physical hobbies are chosen much less frequently, as they require great perseverance. In contrast, leadership hobbies (the role of various kinds of organizers and managers) are more preferable, as they allow you to always be in sight. However, they soon begin to feel burdened by the formal responsibilities associated with them.

The sexual desire of hysteroids is neither strong nor intense. There is a lot of theatrical play in their sexual behavior. Male teenagers prefer to hide their sexual experiences and avoid conversations on this topic. Girls, on the contrary, tend to advertise their real connections and invent non-existent ones, are capable of slander and self-incrimination, and can portray libertines, enjoying the stunning impression on their interlocutor.

The self-esteem of hysterical teenagers is far from objective. Those character traits that are at the moment can make an impression.

Three variants of the hysteroid type occur most often in adolescence: the “pure” hysteroid type, the unstable hysteroid type, and the labile hysteroid type. The first of them does not require any special description. The labile hysteroid, which combines the features of the emotionally labile and hysteroid types, is described in the section devoted to the varieties of the labile type. As a rule, the basis here is precisely lability, and hysteria is either complemented by upbringing as a “family idol”, or is revealed in an emergency situation.

Unstable hysteroid is a variant of the hysteroid type, most common among male adolescents. Most of them lack the characteristic - classical descriptions for hysterics, immaturity and gracefulness. On the contrary, the acceleration of physical development is usually quite pronounced. Outwardly, when meeting for the first time, such teenagers may come across as unstable. Antisocial groups of peers, drinking, interest in drugs, idleness and craving for a “fun life”, neglect of all responsibilities, avoidance of study and work - all this really occurs. However, behind all this is not lack of will and thoughtlessness, not an almost instinctive craving for constant entertainment and pleasure, but the same hysterical egocentrism. All forms of antisocial behavior - alcoholism, drug addiction, delinquency, etc. - serve for bravado in front of elders and peers, in order to gain a reputation for exclusivity. In asocial companies, claims to leadership and unusualness are revealed. Alcoholism and drug use can be deliberately demonstrative. Idleness, idleness, and dependency are associated with high, virtually impossible demands regarding a future profession. Falsehood is not only defensive, as with truly unstable people, it almost always serves the purpose of embellishing oneself.

In addition to hysterical psychopathy, one has to encounter hysterical accentuation both in obvious and in hidden form. It should be emphasized once again that a blow to a weak link, capable of revealing a hidden accentuation or causing a strong hysterical reaction when it is obvious, most often results in infringement of pride, loss of attention, collapse of hopes for a privileged position, debunked exclusivity.

Diagnosis of the hysteroid type in adolescents should be carried out with caution. Don't be fooled by the apparent ease. Hysterical traits can be a superficial layering on the characterological basis of another type - labile or hyperthymic, most often. These same traits may be included in the picture of organic psychopathy. Demonstrative suicidal behavior in epileptoids can also erroneously suggest hysteria. To what has been said, we should also add the need to differentiate between hysteria and pronounced mental infantilism in adolescence, when one can also encounter unbridled fantasies, inventions, childish emotionality, suggestibility and many other traits similar to hysterics. However, the absence of pronounced egocentrism makes it possible to distinguish such teenagers from hysterics.


The main thing for demonstrative people is to constantly be in the center of attention, to receive as many signs of admiration, veneration, and approval as possible. People of this type are overly occupied with their own personality; in this sense, they speak of their extreme egocentrism. All other qualities are associated with this property and serve it.

The appearance of demonstrators is usually bright and attractive. Lively facial expressions, lively speech, open manner of communication - all this can be noticeable from childhood. Such children often become the favorites of parents, educators and teachers, they are pampered and praised. They love performing in front of guests. At school they willingly sign up for amateur activities.

Such a child early begins to appreciate the way he is dressed and draws the attention of other people to his suit or dress. Often hysterical children bring with them (to kindergarten, school) toys that add brightness to their owners. This is not a teddy bear - dear and worn, but super dolls in new dresses, a watch to go in with and impress other children, and then forget them somewhere under the table...). In addition, hysterical children notice early on adults’ jewelry: “What kind of beads you have, I want those too.”

It would seem that such behavior is often characteristic only of girls, but hysteria also occurs in boys. Example: “Maxim, entering the group kindergarten, announces his new role loudly, with some pause for emphasis, he is a firefighter. It’s okay that everyone is doing it at the moment. He is guaranteed attention for almost the whole day. Before him, no one had ever called himself a fireman or anything else. True, Maxim does not yet know what a fireman should do, but he has a red suit, and that says it all. The next day he came wearing his father’s tie (I must say that he looked very interesting), the tie reached to the floor, but this did not bother Maxim, he walked proudly and stumbled, which attracted the attention of both children and adults even more.”

The intonation with which hysterical children speak is also special. In every phrase one can hear mannerism and theatricality. This is noticeable even in those children who do not yet speak or speak “their own language.”

Such children should not be asked to stand in front of a camera. They pose themselves: they smile, take certain poses, do not allow other children to be photographed, stand in front of them all the time and, when you develop the film, you see that it contains the most photographs of little hysterical children.

At the same time, they play any role, easily change, easily switch in communication with one child or adult to another, if this allows them to become more noticeable or significant. Hysterical children are attached to those people who provide them with the desired admiration, worship, and help in overcoming difficulties. However, as soon as you stop paying attention to the hysteroid, he will reorient himself to someone else, more attentive to his person.


At first glance, demonstrative ones give the impression of being very emotional people. However, their emotionality is special: they react sharply to any events that affect them personally, and are much less attentive to the problems of others.

On " pain points“Demonstrative people are affected by everything that prevents them from looking special and exceptional. This could be any criticism of their statements, opinions or actions; refusal of their persistent requests; loss of attention and refusal of love; loss of authority in the company, loss of a prominent position. To all this, demonstrative people of any age give violent reactions.

The range of such reactions extends from the whims of a child with a theatrical fall on the floor to threats to drown himself or hang himself (which, as a rule, are not carried out). It is noteworthy that demonstrative people consciously or semi-consciously use their emotions in communication. At the most violent reaction, they carefully observe the effect of their “suffering” on others, and next time they repeat the same thing with greater force.

The ability to manipulate others using your emotions is one of the most characteristic features demonstrative. This ability is well illustrated by a famous dialogue with a child:
- Who are you crying to: mom or grandma?
- B-a-a-bushka!
The child is crying to his grandmother, but he is crying, that is, he is worried. Question: what is this experience? Is it sincere? Yes and no, because it is COUNTING on the feelings of the grandmother.

When faced with real difficulties and lack of attention, hysterical children quickly lose interest in what they are doing. Monotonous activities that require focus on details, consistency and perseverance quickly tire a hysterical child, especially if he is not observed and is not stimulated by his “undoubted success.”

Moreover, if a child cannot avoid difficulties, he may get sick. It should be remembered that in hysterical children, if it is impossible to avoid activities and tasks that cause mental stress, various, even physiological, defensive reactions of self-preservation may manifest themselves: gastrointestinal disorders, breathing problems, signs colds etc.


A demonstrative preschooler is often just lively bright child, sometimes, however, a little capricious and spoiled. However, from the beginning of school, problems arise due to the reluctance to work hard. Preparing home lessons is accompanied by tears, complaints about bad “not understanding” teachers, and bargaining with parents.

Relations with classmates are also turbulent. They are filled with acute feelings of rivalry, jealousy, resentment for inattention, and refusal to be friends. As a result, demonstrators enter into conflicts, accuse them of “treason,” and organize “coalitions.” IN junior classes they often take on the role of a “clown” or “jester,” thereby hoping to gain authority and sympathy.

Demonstrative teenagers also use different means: flashy clothes, fashionable hobbies, expensive watch or cell phones, fictitious stories about the father's position or the family's wealth, impressive stories from personal life. However, success among peers is short-lived. They quickly detect lies or attempts to rise up, not backed by real strength of character. Such a teenager finds himself in the position of “king for an hour,” and then he changes company in search of those who will appreciate him “at his true worth.”


A demonstrative child should not be praised or made into a “family idol.” It is for such a character that this is especially undesirable. When adults continuously admire and are proud of a demonstrative child, their ardent admiration is grist for the mill of his desire for a position of exclusivity. Over time, this can create the belief that success and worship are due in life, simply because that’s who he is. Praise for such a child should be strictly dosed.

The other undesirable extreme is, on the contrary, to deprive demonstrative attention and ignore it altogether. In this case he will suffer. The "middle ground" tactic is to show him your approval only when he works hard and conscientiously. It is in such cases that you should pay attention to it, but in others - not.

The next pitfall that awaits parents and loved ones is the emotional manipulation of a demonstrative child. In no case should one give in to his crying and screaming, which he makes in response to a ban or refusal to fulfill his desires. Moreover, you cannot give in when he screams and cries! A firm parental “no,” said without repetition, just once, and remaining calm are the only measures that will help a child get rid of the tendency to behave this way.

Finally, important direction educating the personality of a demonstrative child consists of overcoming his increased egocentrism. To do this, it is necessary to tirelessly draw his attention to others - their conditions, affairs, needs. It is worth positively reinforcing his every sympathetic movement towards another, care and concern for another. Based on the need for praise, this will help develop altruistic feelings.

Parents' self-care greatly contributes to weakening a child's selfishness. It’s good when they show not in words, but in deeds, that their interests are no less important and often have priority.

Psychology and psychoanalysis of character Raigorodsky Daniil Yakovlevich

Hysterical type

Hysterical type

This type is described in many monographs and manuals and is included in a wide variety of taxonomies of psychopathy. Its main feature is boundless egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for constant attention to one’s own person, admiration, surprise, veneration, and sympathy. At worst, even indignation or hatred directed at oneself is preferred, but not indifference and indifference - just not the prospect of remaining unnoticed (“those thirsting for increased appreciation”). All other qualities of the hysteroid are fueled by this trait. Suggestibility, which is often brought to the fore, is selective: nothing remains of it if the situation of suggestion or the suggestion itself does not add grist to the mill of egocentrism. Deceit and fantasy are entirely aimed at embellishing one’s personality. Apparent emotionality actually turns into a lack of deep, sincere feelings with great expression of emotions, theatricality, and a tendency to show off and pose.

Hysterical traits are often evident from an early age. Such children cannot stand it when other children are praised in front of them, when others are given attention. They quickly get bored with toys. The desire to attract attention, to listen to admiration and praise becomes an urgent need. They willingly read poetry in front of the audience, dance, sing, and many of them really show good artistic abilities. Academic success in the early grades is largely determined by whether they are held up as an example to others.

With the onset of puberty, a sharpening of hysteroid features is usually observed.

As is known, in recent decades the picture of hysteria in adults has changed significantly. Hysterical fits, paralysis, etc. have almost disappeared. They were replaced by less severe neurasthenic-like symptoms. This situation also applies to adolescence. However, during this period, hysterical character traits manifest themselves primarily in behavioral characteristics, in specifically adolescent behavioral reactions. In addition, the acceleration of physical development has significantly changed the previous idea of ​​the infantile grace, fragility, and childishness of hysterical adolescents. Only with one of the options we describe (“labile hysteroids”) is it often possible to encounter a graceful appearance. In other cases, there may not be a trace left of it.

Among the behavioral manifestations of hysteria in adolescents, suicidality should be put in first place. We are talking about frivolous attempts, demonstrations, “pseudo-suicides,” “suicidal blackmail.” According to our observations, the first pseudo-suicidal demonstrations in accelerated adolescents often occur at the age of 15-16 years, and not at 17-19 years, as in the previous generation. In this case, the methods chosen are either safe (cuts to the veins on the forearm, medicines from a home medicine cabinet), or designed to ensure that a serious attempt will be warned by others (preparing for hanging, depicting an attempt to jump out of a window or throw yourself under a vehicle in front of those present, etc.). p.).

Abundant suicidal “alarming” often precedes or accompanies a demonstration: various farewell notes are written, “secret” confessions are made to friends, “last words” are recorded on a tape recorder, etc.

Often the reason that pushed a hysterical teenager to “suicide” is called unsuccessful love. However, it is often possible to find out that this is just a romantic veil or just a fiction. The real reason is usually wounded pride, loss of valuable attention for a given teenager, fear of falling in the eyes of others, especially peers, and losing the halo of a “chosen one.” Of course, rejected love, a breakup, preference for a rival or a rival deals a sensitive blow to the egocentrism of a hysterical teenager, especially if all the events unfold in front of the eyes of friends and girlfriends. The suicidal demonstration itself, with the worries of others, the bustle, the ambulance, the curiosity of random witnesses, gives considerable satisfaction to hysterical egocentrism.

In searching for the reasons for a suicidal demonstration, it is important to note where it is committed, to whom it is addressed, whom it should pity, whose lost attention should be returned, who should be forced to make concessions or lose in the eyes of others. If, for example, the cause of suicide is declared to be a disagreement with a beloved, and the suicidal demonstration is carried out in such a way that she cannot see or know about it, but the mother becomes its first witness, there is no doubt that it is in the relationship with the mother that the conflict lies. Parents, however, often play scapegoat for hysterical teenagers for the “disappointments” that befell them among their peers. In cases of hysterical psychopathy, suicidal demonstrations can be repeated, especially if the previous ones were successful, and can turn into a kind of behavioral pattern. Suicidal demonstrations are accompanied by hysterical bravado of “playing with death” with a claim to gain a reputation as an exceptional person.

In addition to suicidal demonstrations, one encounters acute affective suicide attempts, which are more frequent in labile hysteroids. Such affective reactions are most often also caused by blows to self-esteem, humiliation in the eyes of others, loss of hopes for a special role, or the prospect of rising in someone else’s eyes. Affective suicide attempts are also usually filled with elements of demonstration and are aimed at attracting attention. However, against the backdrop of extreme affect, at some point a true suicidal goal may flash through. And even in its absence, the line of what is safe in affect can easily be crossed and the intended action, demonstrative, can end in complete suicide.

The “flight into illness” characteristic of hysterics, the depiction of unusual mysterious diseases sometimes takes on a new form among some teenage groups, in particular those imitating Western “hippies,” expressed by the desire to end up in a psychiatric hospital and thereby gain a reputation for unusualness in such an environment. To achieve this goal, they use the role of a drug addict, suicidal threats, and, finally, complaints taken from psychiatry textbooks, with various kinds of depersonalization-derealization symptoms and cyclical mood swings being especially popular.

Alcoholism or drug use in hysterical teenagers is also sometimes demonstrative. True alcoholism is extremely rare, and in these cases there is usually a combination of hysteria with traits of another type. Hysterical teenagers drink a little, prefer mild degrees of intoxication, but they are not averse to boasting about the huge amount they drink, their ability to drink without getting drunk, or their exquisite selection of alcoholic beverages (“I only drink cognac and champagne,” said one 14-year-old hysterical teenager). However, they are not inclined to portray alcoholics, since this role does not promise them either an aura of unusualness or greedily curious glances. But they are often ready to imagine themselves as a real drug addict. Having heard a lot about drugs or having tried this or that surrogate once or twice, a hysterical teenager begins to describe his drug excesses, an unusual “high”, mentions taking heroin or LSD, which he could not get anywhere, etc. A detailed questioning reveals that he cannot tell anything about actual sensations, that the information he picked up somewhere is quickly depleted. This mode of behavior, unfortunately, indicates that the role of a drug addict, unlike an alcoholic, is attractive in some antisocial teenage groups. Drug use, imaginary or episodic, can also be a way of appealing to loved ones, an intention to attract their special attention. Offended by his mother, who focused all her worries on her sick brother, a 14-year-old hysterical teenager carried a syringe in his school bag for a week, hoping that his mother would find it. And when his mother never bothered to look into his briefcase, he began scattering injection needles around the apartment.

The delinquency of hysterical teenagers is usually not serious. We are talking about absenteeism, reluctance to study and work, since the “dull life” does not satisfy them, and they lack both ability and perseverance to take a prominent place in study or work, which would please their pride. Clashes also occur over defiant behavior in public places, harassment of foreign tourists, and noisy scandals. In more serious cases, one has to deal with fraud, forgery of checks or documents, deception and theft of persons in whom they have gained trust. Hysteroids avoid serious crimes associated with violence, robbery, burglary, risk and, apparently, are relatively rare among criminal teenagers.

Running away from home can begin in the first grades of school or even in preschool age. They are usually caused by punishments that have taken place or expected, or due to one of the children's behavioral reactions - the reaction of opposition. This reaction in children and adolescents is most often associated with a loss of former attention from loved ones. Having run away from home, they try to be where they will be looked for, or to attract the attention of the police so that they are brought home or their parents are called for them. With age, shoots can become longer and acquire a romantic overtones. Their reasons are often the same as those that push them to a suicidal demonstration - loss of attention, collapse of hopes for an exalted position, the need to extricate themselves from history, which inevitably threatens to be ridiculed and thrown off the pedestal of honor. For example, having assured his acquaintances that his parents held a high position and told them about the luxurious lifestyle of his family, a 16-year-old boy ran away to distant lands when the demands of his friends to invite him to his home became too insistent.

Hysterical teenagers retain the features of childhood reactions of opposition, imitation, etc. Most often we see the reaction of the opposition to the loss or decrease in the usual attention from relatives, to the loss of the role of the family idol. Manifestations of the opposition reaction can be the same as in childhood - going into illness, trying to get rid of the one to whom attention has switched (for example, forcing the mother to break up with the new stepfather), but more often this children's opposition reaction is revealed by teenage behavior disorders - drinking, acquaintance with drugs, absenteeism, theft, antisocial company are intended to signal: “Give me back your former attention, otherwise I will go astray!” The imitation reaction can determine the behavior of a hysterical teenager. However, the model chosen for imitation should not overshadow the imitating person. Therefore, for imitation, an abstract image or a person who is popular among teenagers, but does not have direct contact with this group (“fashion idol”) is chosen. Sometimes imitation is based on a collective image: in the pursuit of originality, the stunning statements of some, the unusual clothes of others, the provocative manner of behavior of others, etc. are reproduced. The reaction of overcompensation is less characteristic of hysteroids, since it is associated with perseverance and perseverance, which they precisely lack. But the compensation reaction can be quite pronounced. One might think that it is this reaction that plays a significant role in the “cosmetic” lies characteristic of hysterics, in the fantasies that they force others to believe and, if they do not believe themselves, then enjoy them.

The fantasies of hysterical teenagers are clearly different from the fantasies of schizoids. Hysterical fantasies are changeable, always intended for certain listeners and spectators, teenagers easily get used to the role, behave according to their fantasies, Gennady U. was taken to a teenage psychiatric clinic after reporting to the state security authorities with a statement that he had been recruited by foreign intelligence , instructs him to arrange an explosion at the plant, pointed to certain individuals as agents of this intelligence service, etc. - all this turned out to be pure fiction.

Hysterics, prone to such myth-making, are often classified as a special psychopathic group of pseudologists. From our point of view, this is hardly justified for adolescence, since fantasies and lies that decorate one’s own personality are characteristic of almost all hysterical teenagers. And even when inventions constitute the main thing in behavior, seemingly overshadowing all other hysterical traits, all these tales are always fed by the basis of the hysterical character - insatiable egocentrism.

Specific adolescent behavioral reactions are also colored by this main hysterical trait. The emancipation reaction can have violent external manifestations - running away from home, conflicts with relatives and elders, loud demands for freedom and independence, etc. However, in essence, the real need for freedom and independence is not at all characteristic of adolescents of this type - they do not at all want to get rid of the attention and worries of loved ones. Emancipatory aspirations often slide onto the rails of the childish reaction of the opposition.

The reaction of grouping with peers is always associated with claims to leadership or an exceptional position in the group. Possessing neither sufficient sternness nor fearless readiness at any moment to forcefully assert his command role, to subjugate others, the hysterical strives for leadership in ways accessible to him. Possessing a good intuitive sense of the mood of the group, of the sometimes unconscious desires and aspirations still brewing in it, hysterics can be their first spokesmen, acting as instigators and igniters. In an impulse, in ecstasy, inspired by the glances turned to them, they can lead others, even show reckless courage. But they always turn out to be leaders for an hour - they give in to unexpected difficulties, easily betray their friends, are deprived of admiring glances, and immediately lose all their enthusiasm. The main thing is that the group soon recognizes behind the external effects their inner emptiness. This happens especially quickly when hysterical teenagers are not inclined to stay in the same teenage group for too long and willingly rush to a new one to start all over again. If you hear from a hysterical teenager that he is disappointed in his friends, you can safely assume that they have “seen through” him.

In conditions of closed teenage groups, for example, in closed institutions with a regulated regime, where arbitrary change of company is difficult, in order to occupy an exceptional position, a different path is often chosen. Hysterical teenagers willingly accept formal leadership functions from the hands of adults - positions of prefects, organizers of all kinds of events, etc. - in order to take the position of a mediator between the elders and the teenage group and thereby strengthen their special position.

Hobbies are almost entirely concentrated in the area of ​​the egocentric type of hobby. Only something that gives you the opportunity to show off in front of others can captivate you. If you have the ability, then amateur artistic activity opens up the greatest opportunities here. Preference is given to those types of art that are most fashionable among the children of their circle (currently, most often - jazz ensembles, pop) or that amaze with their unusualness (for example, mime theater). One cannot help but notice the low popularity of drama clubs among modern teenagers and the declining popularity of dance ensembles. Sometimes the chosen hobbies do not seem to belong to egocentric hobbies. However, in reality it turns out that a passion for a foreign language, which usually comes down to mastering the most popular dialogues, is undertaken in order to show off in front of friends with a conversation with tourists, and a passion for philosophy comes down to the most superficial acquaintance with fashionable trends and is again intended to produce impression on the relevant environment. Imitating yogis and hippies provides particularly fertile ground in this regard. Even the collections serve the same purpose - to show off them (and yourself!) in front of your friends. Sports and other manual-physical hobbies are chosen much less frequently, as they require great perseverance. In contrast, leadership hobbies (the role of various kinds of organizers and managers) are more preferable, as they allow you to always be in sight. However, they soon begin to feel burdened by the formal responsibilities associated with them.

The sexual desire of hysteroids is neither strong nor intense. There is a lot of theatrical play in their sexual behavior. Male teenagers prefer to hide their sexual experiences and avoid conversations on this topic. Girls, on the contrary, tend to advertise their real connections and invent non-existent ones, are capable of slander and self-incrimination, and can portray libertines, enjoying the stunning impression on their interlocutor.

The self-esteem of hysterical teenagers is far from objective. Those character traits that can make an impression at the moment are emphasized.

Three variants of the hysteroid type occur most often in adolescence: the “pure” hysteroid type, the unstable hysteroid type, and the labile hysteroid type. The first of them does not require any special description. The labile hysteroid, which combines the features of the emotionally labile and hysteroid types, is described in the section devoted to the varieties of the labile type. As a rule, the basis here is precisely lability, and hysteria is either complemented by upbringing as a “family idol”, or is revealed in an emergency situation.

Unstable hysteroid is a variant of the hysteroid type, most common among male adolescents. Most of them lack the infantility and gracefulness characteristic of hysterics according to classical descriptions. On the contrary, the acceleration of physical development is usually quite pronounced. Outwardly, when meeting for the first time, such teenagers may come across as unstable. Antisocial groups of peers, drinking, interest in drugs, idleness and craving for a “fun life”, neglect of all responsibilities, avoidance of study and work - all this really occurs. However, behind all this is not lack of will and thoughtlessness, not an almost instinctive craving for constant entertainment and pleasure, but the same hysterical egocentrism. All forms of antisocial behavior - alcoholism, drug addiction, delinquency, etc. - serve for bravado in front of elders and peers, in order to gain a reputation for exclusivity. In asocial companies, claims to leadership and unusualness are revealed. Alcoholism and drug use can be deliberately demonstrative. Idleness, idleness, and dependency are associated with high, virtually impossible demands regarding a future profession. Falsehood is not only defensive, as with truly unstable people, it almost always serves the purpose of embellishing oneself.

In addition to hysterical psychopathy, one encounters hysterical accentuation in both obvious and hidden forms. It should be emphasized once again that a blow to a weak link, capable of revealing a hidden accentuation or causing a strong hysterical reaction when it is obvious, most often results in infringement of pride, loss of attention, collapse of hopes for a privileged position, debunked exclusivity.

Diagnosis of the hysteroid type in adolescents should be carried out with caution. Don't be fooled by the apparent ease. Hysterical traits can be a superficial layering on the characterological basis of another type - labile or hyperthymic, most often. These same traits may be included in the picture of organic psychopathy. Demonstrative suicidal behavior in epileptoids can also erroneously suggest hysteria. To what has been said, we should also add the need to differentiate between hysteria and pronounced mental infantilism in adolescence, when one can also encounter unbridled fantasies, inventions, childish emotionality, suggestibility and many other traits similar to hysterics. However, the absence of pronounced egocentrism makes it possible to distinguish such teenagers from hysterics.

From the book Self-Teacher on Psychology author Obraztsova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

TEST 7. HYSTEROID CHARACTER Hysteroids are not suitable for tests based on self-examination due to their extremely inflated self-esteem, attributing all kinds of merit to themselves and denying their shortcomings. The difficulty of testing is also associated with the variability of behavioral reactions.

From the book Psychology of Lies and Deception [How to expose a liar] author Spiritsa Evgeniy

Hysterical (demonstrative) type A very complex character that requires deep understanding. Life would be very difficult for hysterical people (after all, accusations of capriciousness, eccentricity, insincerity, and the like rain down on them) if they did not have one thing:

From the author's book

Hysterical psychotype Internal conditions. The hysterical psychotype is based on a weak nervous system, but it is not just weak, it is also fast and agile. In neurophysiology, the strength or weakness of the nervous system is usually assessed by its ability or inability to

So, the concept of hysteria is not mental illness and does not indicate “constants”. This is simply how the hysteroid type is characterized.

Its most significant signs can be identified:

  1. Demonstrativeness

Such a person attracts attention to himself in every possible way, both consciously and “out of habit.” You've probably come across some of your classmates or fellow students whom “everyone remembers.” So, most likely, these were hysterical individuals.

They are always in the center, their behavior cannot go unnoticed, even if they are just drinking coffee. Their whole essence is built in such a way that they seem to be constantly playing something for the audience. This leads to two other important indicators:

  1. Theatricality
  2. The desire to shock

Moreover, this desire is not a “thoughtful move by image makers.” No, such a person intuitively chooses the moment. After all, he is always ready to amaze the crowd.

  1. Selection of extravagant and fashionable clothes

Naturally, clothing plays an important role in all this. Hysteroids carefully follow the latest trends and are regulars at fashion boutiques. But, in addition to the fact that they prefer fashionable looks, their images are also very bright and eye-catching. Of all the current trends, they will choose the most memorable and outstanding.

It is these signs that most clearly characterize women of the hysteroid type. Take a look around: did you notice an “outstanding beauty” in tiger prints, attracting attention with her gait, posture and even her gaze? You can meet her - this is her, the hysterical young lady. Although, of course, the severity of accentuation can make its own adjustments. And clothes can be more laconic and less flashy. But, you see, a suit of some amazing shade of green or blue will also not go unnoticed, even if it is assessed by strict connoisseurs as less tasteless.

  1. Problems with empathy and increased emotionality

It is believed that hysteria is the antonym of . They say that such a person is incapable of showing sincere empathy, he is always “playing”. And from the outside, sometimes it looks like this. But in fact, this is not entirely true, from the point of view of a hysterical personality. It’s just that such people are extremely emotional, but also quick to switch.

For example, a person will really be very worried about his well-being at the patient’s bedside and will react violently to this: cry, be killed, blush and turn pale. But, “out of sight, out of mind” is about him. As soon as he leaves the hospital and looks back into the light of God, all sorrows will go away and be forgotten. On the other hand, he is ready to move mountains for the sake of a sick relative, if at the same time similar action attracts everyone's attention.

For example, a hysterical person is ready to stand for days under the operating room without food or to stand on duty at the patient’s bedside for weeks, causing general delight and affection for both the staff and neighbors in the ward. His fatigue is completely compensated by everyone's attention; one can say that he is recharged by this, like a battery.

  1. Inflated self-esteem

Without this, hysteria is nowhere. As a rule, the development of unrealistic plans and unreasonable overestimation of one’s importance are more characteristic of the hysterical personality type of men. Women often cannot settle for the “bird in the hand” in their personal lives. Naturally, many end up with nothing. Surprisingly, not all such people fail.

Still, hysterics are distinguished by two more important qualities:

  1. Well delivered speech
  2. Erudition

The fact is that representatives of this type really know how to work with a crowd. They feel it, and therefore are eloquent and artistic when necessary. Their matches resemble well-strung and selected beads. In addition, they prefer to communicate with smart people, from whom you can learn and glean a lot of interesting things from different areas of our lives. True, this knowledge is most often superficial.

  1. Everything should be beautiful: both the face and the clothes...

There is no point in continuing the quote from A.P. Chekhov, because the basis of the hysterical personality type lies only in the first two components. Although, to tell the truth, not only in them. The hysteroid has beautiful handwriting, a well-groomed appearance, a fit body, and an excellent smile.

If the finances are a complete disaster and support your appearance it doesn’t work out at the level of Hollywood standards, a person will still strive to look better. This is his inner need. Otherwise, how can you pay attention? After all, we note that this attention must be enthusiastic. The attention just doesn't work that way. Although, sometimes this can take on bizarre forms in the form of a body completely covered in tattoos or an overabundance of piercings.

Take a closer look: if your sweet child doesn’t leave the mirror for hours and won’t go anywhere in something he doesn’t want to wear. If it is ready to perform anywhere and in front of anyone, then most likely we are dealing with a child’s hysterical personality type. But now, the show is over, the adults are busy with their own affairs. And I don’t seem to notice the baby at all.

Therefore, now something bad must happen: an overturned table, a tortured cat, or simply hysteria. But, everything is fine in fact: the baby got what he was looking for - attention to himself. This is what his mother will say about him, that the baby does not leave her alone for a minute and constantly demands attention. And this is not at all “over-loving” or problems of upbringing.

Such a baby should, simply must, be the center of attention. Therefore, he will only let his mother go when other enthusiastic ears and eyes appear.

  1. Love, love and a little sex

Continuing with increased, superficial emotionality: hysterics of both sexes love “soap operas” not only on TV. Passions can run high. And if we add demonstrativeness, then we will create a portrait of those “failed suiciders” who make these attempts not in order to commit suicide, but to attract attention to their loved one.

Moreover, many people will know about the impending attempt, so that at least someone will definitely prevent it. So it definitely won’t be boring with a hysterical person. Surprisingly, after noisy breakups, such a person quickly “licks his love wounds” and finds new love.

But loved ones cannot immediately forget such attempts. 80% of cases of appeals to a psychologist or psychiatrist by parents of teenagers who were diagnosed with hysterical psychopathy or hysterical character accentuations were associated with repeated suicidal demonstrations. As a rule, the first applications are associated with the age of 15 years, plus or minus a year.

However, not only love experiences can push him to such actions; often in this way an attempt is made to pity someone or avoid punishment. Thus, situations are described when “unrequited love from another city” led to a suicide attempt near the walls educational institution. And then it turned out that in this way they managed to avoid expulsion.

Therefore, you should not always believe the true reason for actions. Because only one thing is certain – the need to satisfy one’s inner egocentrism.

But the hysterical person’s constant love and affection, as a rule, is for his parents. No, he, of course, arranges “demonstration performances” for them and brings them to tears and heart attacks with his “dangerous demonstrations.” He also demands freedom, periodically leaving home so that people will run after him. But he constantly returns because he receives everything he needs: attention, care, rave reviews, warmth, comfort and financial assistance.

In sex, the hysteroid is very passionate, flexible and responsive. Ready for experiments, light sadomasochism and the use of toys. In addition, you may prefer unusual places privacy.

  1. Unnecessary, cowardice or caution, but everything is beneficial

A true hysteroid is a very unobligatory person. He finds it much easier to talk about honor and conscience than to follow the concepts he himself proclaims. He can become cowardly and betray. After all, the main thing for him is himself. It is this irresponsibility that becomes a cruel disappointment when living together with him.

Castles in the air and beautiful words crash into cruel reality - I forgot, didn’t do it, was late. And all because the spotlights beckoned to another place. At the same time, he very easily justifies his actions and internally to himself, parting with people because of this: “I’m tired of this petty company,” “she turned out to be a narrow-minded fool,” “he was constantly finding fault.”

  1. Escape and illness - a way out of the situation

People, and especially children with a hysterical type of character, are prone to running away for various reasons: firstly, to attract attention to themselves. In this case, they run away not far and are located where they will be looked for. Secondly, the desire for romance, exoticism and adrenaline. Gray everyday life is not for hysterics, and now is an opportunity to try yourself in a new role. Then these are, as a rule, “seasonal escapes” to “warm countries”, where you can impersonate anyone, even Agent 007.

Thirdly, avoiding exposure. This is more common among teenagers. They are ashamed to admit it. that they are ordinary children of ordinary parents with average earnings. The desire to boast plays a disservice: friends begin to insistently demand proof of “incredible wealth,” and the children go on the run.

Hysteroid disorders

Hysterical and psychosomatic disorders often occur together. It costs such people nothing to get sick. Their emotionality and self-importance easily raises a real temperature. And the desire to attract attention to oneself or to keep someone easily leads to truly felt and severe pain. And, if this works, the “disease” can become protracted or often recurrent.

The literature describes a patient who maintained attention in this way huge amount sympathetic people, experiencing debilitating stomach pain. At the same time, she really ate little, experienced bouts of nausea and vomiting, and lost a lot of weight. But gastroenterologists could not accurately determine the diagnosis.

Only work with a psychiatrist, and then with a psychologist, helped to understand true reasons illness: fear that her parents are going to deprive her of her inheritance; the belief that she was going to be fired from her job because she couldn’t cope with it and problems in her relationship with her common-law husband, while she was already mentally marrying him and secretly told everyone about it.

Naturally, the “illness” helped her get out of sticky situations without losing “her face and her significance”: parents could not deprive a sick child. She left her job due to a protracted illness. And the fact that the bastard man stopped talking about the wedding is understandable: “who needs a sick wife!” At the same time, she also received incredible support and attention from sympathetic “solidarity” friends.


However, in bright expressed forms and with constant suicidal tendencies and a tendency to run away, a diagnosis of hysterical personality disorder can be made, which, according to ICD-10, refers to mental disorders and should include general disorders personality and plus three or more characteristics:

  • exaggerated emotions, theatricality, posturing;
  • suggestibility and easy changeability of opinions and attitudes under the influence of environment;
  • superficiality emotional processes;
  • egocentrism and the desire to attract attention at any cost;
  • super-strong and sometimes inadequate seductiveness in external manifestations and clothes;
  • intense and obsessive preoccupation with physical attractiveness and physical appearance.

Making a diagnosis, and especially providing adequate assistance, should be done exclusively by a specialist - a psychiatrist, psychologist or psychotherapist.