Fortune telling for money at Christmas: interesting ways. Christmas is a time of tradition and fun

Since time immemorial, representatives of the fairer sex have been waiting for Christmas Eve, which is called Christmas Eve, and the reason for this was not only the festive dinner and kutya, but, of course, the opportunity to find out their future. We prepared for this evening in advance. The housewives organized delicious lunch, they invited guests, and the young girls locked themselves in the room and wondered: about their betrothed, about life, about fate, about children.

The roots of this festive evening go deep into paganism, then the days that became Christmas in Christianity were called Christmastide. With the advent of Christianity, any magical actions became strictly prohibited, but girls and even married women gathered secretly from supporters of the Christian faith in order to perform fortune telling on Christmas Eve. Then the relationship was simplified, and the girls gathered every year on this night in order to find out their future.

If you decide to find out your future on Christmas Eve 2020, do not forget that the main thing is to know what time to guess. Remember that heavenly forces are activated at midnight, so you should prepare everything in advance.

Fortune telling for girls on Christmas Eve

Fortune telling on the Night before Christmas was important point holiday festivities. For the most part, girls were engaged in fortune-telling that came true; they learned knowledge from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who gladly shared it, remembering their youth.

Layout on the cards

Cards can do a lot, for example, tell whether a wish will come true or predict the future. There are many different ways, we will offer one of the simplest but most effective ways to get to know your future.

In order for the information to be accurate, you need to be fully prepared: wait until midnight on Christmas Eve, take off all your jewelry, put on nightgowns without ropes or laces. Light the candles and place them in a semicircle, shuffling the deck and placing it in the center of the burning arch.

Then, with your left hand, lay out the cards, organizing them in a continuous circle, face down. You can remove them from any place, but place them at certain points for which you need to free up space. First, remove three cards while mentally asking the question:

“What and who will leave my life?”

And put them down, as if at your feet, mentally imagining yourself, with pictures of yourself, so that you can immediately see the result. Then ask the question:

“What and who will come into my life?”

Place these three cards on top, as if in the head. On the left you should place three cards that will tell you about your work, and on the right about your relationships with people. 5 cards are placed in the center, which will personify your thoughts and your heart. On top of the cards is one that is responsible for how things will end.



  • 6 – romantic road;
  • 7 – joyful event;
  • 8 – good news;
  • 9 – love, confessions;
  • 10 – meeting with your loved one;
  • B – love affairs;
  • D – mother’s care;
  • K – narrowed on the threshold;
  • T – the plan is destined to come true.


  • 6 – fun adventures;
  • 7 – intrusive memories;
  • 8 – intervention of higher-ranking persons;
  • 9 – possible proposal;
  • 10 – meaningless, empty conversations;
  • B – unnecessary worries about your loved one;
  • D – excessive guardianship;
  • K – fulfillment of desires;
  • T – interesting meeting.


  • 6 – serious, business meetings
  • 7 – doubts, remorse
  • 8 – minor experiences;
  • 9 – unrequited feelings;
  • 10 – decision making
  • B – separation, sadness;
  • D – troubles at work coming from a woman;
  • K – respectable person, guardian;
  • T – serious event.


  • 6 – obstacles on the way:
  • 7 – human envy;
  • 8 – longing for the past;
  • 9 – loneliness;
  • 10 – violent emotions, deceit;
  • B – suffering, betrayal;
  • D – gossip, insidious woman;
  • K – monetary interest;
  • T - fatal step.

On request

You can make a wish on the deck and draw any card from it, the answer will be the picture, suit and color of the card:

  • worms - will come true soon;
  • tambourines - it will come true, but not right away.
  • kresti - in the distant future;
  • peaks - will not come true.

If you get pictures, your wish will come true without interference from people (provided the suit is red), and if the numbers are red, then perhaps circumstances will be a little against you, you will have to try to fix everything. If there is a black suit, the pictures indicate that people are an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires; the number will say that circumstances are interfering with you.

Using a mirror

IN in this case used a rooster.

A mirror was placed in the room, and the girl had to observe the behavior of the rooster:

  • passes by - the husband will be hard-working, caring;
  • admires himself in the mirror - the man will be boastful, loving only himself;
  • brushes feathers in front of the mirror - he will be demanding, strict;
  • pecks himself in the mirror - he will be a bully, a drunkard;
  • crows - will be successful, but boastful;
  • knocks over a mirror - to widowhood.

If there was no rooster in the house, they used a cat, which is quite doable in the modern world. You can use a parrot or other bird. Of course, if you are doing fortune telling in an apartment, then this option is much more suitable for you.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas on wax

These seemingly simple manipulations require water, a wide candle and a bowl, but not everything is so simple, because the main thing is the interpretation of what you see.

Pour water into the bowl, light the candle, let it burn so that the wax begins to accumulate. Turning the candle over, let the wax flow into the water, but not just randomly, you must draw three crosses and circles in the bowl.

The meaning of the figures:

  • heart - someone loves you;
  • wreath, crown - wait for the proposal this year;
  • flowers - an easy year;
  • triangles - to gossip;
  • circle - closed circumstances, boredom;
  • transverse zigzags, waves - obstacles;
  • wavy road, longitudinal - adventure;
  • face - for acquaintance;
  • many dots - noise;
  • stars, sparks - joy;
  • square - routine, emptiness;
  • cobwebs - to gossip;
  • longitudinal stripes - fate is in your hands;
  • transverse stripes - a lot of foreign influence;
  • someone’s image - changes are coming;
  • triangle in a square - difficult circumstances;
  • tubercles - to obstacles in love;
  • home - long life.

Sometimes several pictures appear on the water at once, then you need to interpret everything separately and add a little imagination.

For the betrothed

For this fortune telling on the night before Christmas, you will need a basin and several types of cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, millet, oats. Everything needs to be poured out and mixed in one bowl.

On Christmas Eve, at midnight, you need to put your hand into the basin and scoop up as much grain as possible, then carefully pour it onto the tabletop. If white there will be more: the husband will be blond, the black one will be brunette. If the surface is flat - poor, if there are hills - rich. You can also read the name of your betrothed, but you have to try. Look carefully at the pattern and write down all the letters that you see in it; you can roughly add up your name or initials from them.

To bed

You need to carry out the actions at home, you will find out the name of your betrothed and get answers to some questions, but you need to sleep on a double bed. Before going to bed, write the names of men on pieces of paper and put them under the pillow, next to your spouse, as if your spouse is sleeping there. Under your pillow you need to put the numbers from 1 to 12.

Ask the angels for your betrothed to come to you in a dream, try to remember him, because on Christmas Eve you dream prophetic dreams. Pull out a piece of paper early in the morning and you will find out the name of your future spouse. You can take out numbers from under your pillow several times in a row:

  • first decide: in how many months will your betrothed appear (it will be your wedding, if you already have one);
  • then you can ask if he is blond or brunette: even blond, odd brunette;
  • rich or poor: even rich, odd poor;
  • whether you live in love or not: even in love, odd without it.

Fortune telling in company

They rarely told fortunes on Christmas Eve alone; most often they gathered in large and friendly companies. The girls prepared in advance for this evening, or rather night. They gathered for a holiday in a spare room and told fortunes about their fate in different ways.

Ritual on the ring

You will need several rings - gold with a stone, simple, wooden, silver, wedding, as well as millet, a red candle, a basin.

Pour millet into a basin and lay out each ring if the fortune telling process is taking place in a company of large quantity person, then you can put a pair of each ring in the basin so that there is enough for everyone. The girls take turns taking out the ring with their eyes closed. Elongated rings are interpreted as follows:

  • with a cane - promises a rich life in the near future;
  • simple - nothing will change in your life;
  • wooden - you will come across a very poor husband;
  • silver - someone loves you;
  • engagement – ​​a proposal awaits this year;
  • golden – sweet life.

For the betrothed

The most truthful fortune telling took place in the bathhouse, and not at home. For this fortune telling you will need: a candle, three basins filled with water,

Exactly at midnight, you should light a candle, wash yourself in three waters, mentally thinking to yourself that you are doing this for your betrothed, whose name you will soon learn. Dry yourself, get dressed and go outside for a walk and celebrate. On the way, you need to find out the name of the first man who calls you or turns to look at you - this will be the name of your future husband. If a girl calls out, it means she is not destined to get married this year.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve for married women

For married ladies, any fortune-telling manipulations were prohibited on the night before Christmas. In the old days, vigilant mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law kept an eye on this, but then it became easier and family members of the fairer sex also participated in fortune-telling. Usually on Christmas Eve they were interested in issues related to children, money and happiness.

In the bathhouse with a broom, for children

You need to sit on the shelves and say:

“Bath strength, I’ll show you the parenting place, in return I expect the number of children from you.”

  • a lot of leaves - to be married and rich in children;
  • one leaf prophesies one baby;
  • two - two children (if they different colors, children will be of different sexes);
  • three is a good sign, telling a woman not only about the number of children, but also that she is destined to be loved in marriage;

On a bath broom about money

After taking a steam bath, you need to go outside and throw a broom over right shoulder. Turning around, you need to look at how the broom lies - if the leaves are towards you, you will be rich in marriage, if the leaves are to the right, a lot of money will go into business, work, or, as they say now, into business. Leaves on the left side mean that a rival will receive money; upwards they predict a cash-strapped life or the spouse of a spendthrift.

Be that as it may, fortune telling on Christmas Eve is the most truthful and accurate fortune telling, especially if the people doing the fortune telling believe in them.

The night before Christmas is a time of miracles, mystical events and the fulfillment of desires. Our ancestors believed that it was during the period from January 6 to 7 that the Earth was visited by higher powers - good and evil spirits. The former strive to help people by lifting a mysterious curtain into the future for them, while the latter, on the contrary, can harm. But, despite the risk of meeting with evil spirits, our ancestors did not miss the chance to find out their future. Fortune telling at Christmas at home is one of the main traditions of Christmas Eve, which has been perfectly preserved in our time. As a rule, girls and young women tell fortunes on Christmas night, although boys can also participate in this custom. They usually cast fortunes on love, the betrothed, the future, health, material wealth and money. Next, we have collected for you the best options for ancient fortune telling for Christmas 2017, including love, which are very easy to reproduce at home.

Where did the tradition of telling fortunes at Christmas come from?

Before moving on to fortune telling, it is useful to know where the tradition of fortune telling at Christmas came from. Everyone knows that the Christian Church does not approve of fortune telling and other psychic activities related to prediction. So why is it possible to guess on one of the main church holidays of the year and it is not a sin? The fact is that fortune telling in the first days of the New Year was practiced long before the baptism of Rus' and this tradition has pagan roots. Our ancestors believed that with the beginning of the new year, the heavens open, and ordinary people have the opportunity to look into their future.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', attempts were made repeatedly to eradicate the pagan tradition of divination, but they all failed. In the end, the church, although unofficially, “turned a blind eye” to Christmas fortune-telling and declared the period from January 6 to 19, which is popularly called “Christmas time,” a time when evil spirits weaken and cannot harm believers. Consequently, fortune telling at this time turned from dangerous communication with dark forces into harmless fun for young people. Now, you know where the tradition of telling fortunes at Christmas came from, and you can follow this interesting custom yourself and find out predictions about the future and love.

Fortune telling methods for Christmas from January 6 to 7, 2017 for love and betrothed

It is no secret that the most popular fortune-telling for Christmas (January 6-7, 2017) are variants of fortune-telling for love and the betrothed. After all, most of the fortune tellers are girls and young women for whom issues of love, family happiness and marriage are very relevant. There are quite a few options for fortune telling for Christmas from January 6 to 7 for love and the betrothed. Next, we have collected for you popular fortune telling, which, according to experts, give the most accurate predictions about love.

Mirror and candle

Many people believe that at Christmas mirrors are the door to parallel worlds. It is on this belief that one of the current options Christmas fortune telling with mirrors and a candle. You need to cast a spell in a dark room alone, closer to midnight. A corridor is made from two mirrors - they are placed opposite each other so as to create the illusion of a passage. A candle is lit opposite one of the mirrors, and the fortuneteller sits next to it. Then the girl mentally or aloud calls on her betrothed with the words: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me.” After repeating three times, you need to start peering into the mirrored corridor until the image of a man appears in it.

Fence of love

This version of fortune telling for Christmas is very simple. You need to choose a wooden fence and stand near one of its edges. Then you should move to the opposite edge, counting each tablet with the words: “Rich, poor, widower, single.” Whichever word the fence ends with will be the groom. If a girl has several suitors in mind, then you can cast a spell on love in this way in their names.

The first person you meet

In the old days, this was one of the most popular collective methods of fortune telling among girls. Young people gathered in groups and went out into the street. Then every girl who saw the man she met asked his name. It was believed that this would be the name of her future husband.


On the night of January 6-7, you should put a simple comb or comb under your pillow. Before going to bed, you should say to yourself three times the phrase: “My betrothed, mummer, comb my hair.” In the dream, the groom should come and comb the girl. If he never appears in your dream, then you shouldn’t expect love this year.


For this version of love spell you will need a transparent glass of water, a simple ring and a thread. The glass should be filled approximately three-quarters full with water. Then the ring must be tied to a thread and slowly lowered into a glass of water. After this, the fortuneteller asks a question and slowly removes the ring from the glass. If the ring touches the right wall, then the answer is affirmative, and if it touches the left wall, the answer is negative.

Christmas fortune-telling on the night of January 6-7 at home for the future

Fortune telling for the future on the night of January 6-7 at home is an old Christmas tradition. Of course to this kind Many people treat predictions with distrust, but this does not prevent fortune telling from being used as a fun pastime at Christmas. A selection of Christmas fortune-telling on the night of January 6-7 for the future at home, which awaits you further, is perfect for large companies.


For this version of fortune telling you will need: empty walnut shells, paper, a large basin of water, candles. Each girl chooses for herself nut shell, and marks it, for example, with a colored cake candle. Write on small pieces of paper different words: wealth, marriage, child, house, work. Paper predictions are rolled into tubes and laid out at different edges of the pelvis. Water is filled into a basin and improvised boats with candles are sent out. Whichever of the paper tubes the shell sticks to is what awaits the girl in the near future.


Objects symbolizing various events from the future are placed in a large bag. For example, a pacifier can be a symbol of the birth of a child, and a wallet can be a harbinger of wealth. Each fortuneteller must, blindfolded, take one object out of the bag, which will symbolize important event in the near future.


For this method of fortune telling, you need to take a candle and a bowl of water. Mentally you should ask a question of interest and light a candle. When the candle has already burned out well, you need to pour the wax into the water. The future is “read” from the drawing that is obtained after the wax hardens in water.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas 2017 at home using money and wealth

Fortune telling at Christmas at home can be about money and material wealth. There are few options for such predictions, but they exist. For example, you can tell fortunes about money and wealth at home on the night of January 6-7 at Christmas time using a book. To do this, you need to ask a question regarding money, and then open the book to a random page. Select, closing your eyes, a page and a line and interpret the answer based on the content. Just like fortune telling for the future, love and your betrothed, you can cast fortunes for money at Christmas together with other fortune tellers. For example, you can take three plates and one bill, which will symbolize wealth in the near future. Then you need to ask someone to hide the bill under one of the plates, and if you find it the first time, you will soon be financially lucky. Another simple way to tell fortunes at home using money and wealth for Christmas is the option with coins. To do this, you need to take a small bag and fill it with coins of different denominations, but the same in size. The higher the denomination of the coin that a person pulls out with his eyes closed, the more prosperous his financial life will be.

Find out the future. Find the mistakes of the past, recognize them and try to correct them (or at least not repeat them). Understand the current state of affairs.

All this is possible during the magical Christmas season. After all, it was at this time that the mystical, mysterious and unknown world opens its doors. Fortune telling for Christmas is the most accurate and gives accurate results.

Let's try to penetrate the wonderful portal.

How to do this? Since ancient times, there have been certain rituals and rituals. And, although some of them are playful and staged in nature, others allow you to interact closely with subtle worlds.

However, otherworldly guests are more inclined to communicate during the dark hours of the day, which limit the holy weeks. Rituals performed on the nights of the 7th, 13th and 19th will give the most accurate answers and the most truthful predictions

Why? The beginning of the calendar year according to the Gregorian calendar is marked by the onset of the great church holiday The Nativity of Christ, which falls on the seventh day of the first month.

On Great Christmas Eve, the so-called Christmas Eve, the holiday weeks begin. They will last until January 19 and will end with the bright holiday of the Epiphany.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed at home

To perform rituals, it is better to use a space that is as comfortable as possible for evil spirits. Premises without icons and crosses, places where otherworldly entities live. In the bathhouse, the bathhouse spirit answered the questions of fortune tellers, and the brownie was tortured in the attic or in an abandoned house. The most desperate soothsayers were in the cemetery, where the border between the world of the living and the dead was the thinnest and most transparent.

Let's approach the issue more simply.

Release the appropriate one evening in the interval between Christmas Eve and Epiphany. No one and nothing should distract you from your work. Start doing magic in dark time of day, better after midnight. Choose a secluded place in the apartment. Better nearby with a threshold, door or corner of a room. Remove Orthodox paraphernalia, turn off the lights, light the candles.
Lingering and calm music for fortune telling will help create the right atmosphere.

Prepare for the ceremony:

  • remove bracelets, chains, crosses, untie knots and belts, unfasten buttons on clothes;
  • loosen your hair, comb it thoroughly;
  • do not cross your arms and legs.

In a dream

It is believed that we receive the most accurate predictions in our dreams. Bye physical body a person is resting, his thin shell connects to the information field of the earth and draws the necessary information from there. Sometimes this happens in encrypted form.

At times we receive clear images that are not burdened with a second meaning.

Are you planning to send your etheric body to the repository of universal information at night?

Prepare carefully:

  • keep the ceremony secret;
  • bed linen and nightgown turn inside out;
  • put the pillow at your feet and go to bed, turning 180 degrees;
  • concentrate on fortune telling, do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts and experiences;
  • After the ritual, do not talk to anyone, go straight to bed.
  1. Before going to bed, loosen and comb your hair, say a spell: I pray you, three holy kings, send me sleep this night. Who should I make the bed for, who should I sew the shirts for, whose name should I bear, whose bride should I be?

When you go to bed, think about your betrothed. At night you will have a dream in which you will see his image.

  1. Pour water into any container. Throw an impromptu bridge from one end to the other. You can mark it with several twigs from a broom. Say the words over the bowl: who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, let him take me across the bridge!

Place a container of water under the head of the bed and go to bed.

With sock

When getting ready for bed, put on your socks. Saying the betrothed-mummer, come take off my shoes, take off my left sock and put it under the pillow. You will see the groom in your dream.

With a comb

  1. When you get out of bed in the morning, comb your hair with a wooden comb.

Count the hairs remaining on the teeth:

  • empty comb - you have strong hair, but I couldn’t tell my fortune;
  • one hair is the most positive option, a fateful meeting will happen soon;
  • two hairs - indicate a dual situation: either good or bad news from the future groom;
  • three hairs - there will be third parties in your relationship;
  • four hairs - you will have to fight for your happiness;
  • five or more hairs on the comb - change the shampoo, but again you couldn’t tell your fortune.
  1. Don't comb your hair at night. Place your comb under your pillow. Before going to bed, whisper: betrothed, come and comb me!

As you fall asleep, think about who you want to meet. In the dream, the groom will appear and comb his hair.

On playing cards

To perform the ritual, buy a new deck. It is unacceptable to use cards that have been in the game for fortune telling.

You will only need kings and jacks. Take them out of the deck and shuffle them. At night, place it face down under your pillow. When falling asleep, say: my fiancé, dream about me in a dream and tell me about yourself.

After waking up, without saying a word, pull out the first card you come across from under your pillow. Is this a jack? Fate will bring you together with a man your age or a younger man. Dropped King indicates a groom whose age is significantly higher than the age of the fortuneteller.

The suit of the selected card also carries with it important information. Jack of Hearts or king I advise you to take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Fate is already nearby, but you don’t notice it. Peaks predict a relationship with a rich man. fell out diamond map? Relatives or friends will contribute to a fateful acquaintance. Cross hint at an unexpected meeting with the betrothed.

With a mirror and a candle

Mystical fortune telling with candles and mirrors will allow you to see in the reflection the image of the person destined for you by fate.

On the night of fortune telling, light it in a dark room. two candles. Place a mirror between them. Hold the second mirror in your hands opposite the first. You will see in mirror reflection long corridor, illuminated by a candle flame. Think about what you wished for, say: my betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner! Look carefully in the mirror. Soon you will see the silhouette of a man approaching you from the depths of the corridor.

Try to look at it in detail and remember it. As soon as the silhouette approaches, sharply lower the mirror with the reflective side down and say: forget me!

This ancient rite has a long history. Take it seriously. Don't let the otherworldly image get too close. This is fraught negative consequences for a fortuneteller.

In the name of the betrothed

1. On one of the Christmas Eves, preferably Christmas Eve or Epiphany, prepare 25 or more small paper strips. Remember male names and apply them to the prepared pieces of paper. Fold each leaf several times or roll it into a tube. Place in one bag, mix. At night, place it under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, take out one note. The name indicated on it will be the name of the future husband.

2.Make a wish to find out the name of your betrothed. Go outside the threshold and address the first male passerby. Your future chosen one will have the same name.

Christmas fortune telling for wish fulfillment with notes under the pillow

Divide a blank sheet of paper into twelve parts. Half of them will remain empty, fill the other half with your cherished desires. Before going to bed, hide it under your pillow with the words “come, come, come.” At the same time, imagine how your wishes come true.

When you wake up in the morning, immediately take out one piece of paper from under your pillow. Until you do this, don't talk or look in mirrors. Got a piece of paper with a wish? It will definitely come true this year.

Did you pull out a blank piece of paper? Alas, your plans will not come true.

Fortune telling with glasses for New Year and Christmas

Every new year brings new hopes and expectations. It would be nice to know in advance what fate has in store. Any day yuletide week gather a group of friends and lift the veil of secrecy.

For fortune telling, prepare a pinch of salt and sugar, a small piece of bread, a coin, a match and a ring. Divide it all into six glasses.

Blindfold your girlfriends one by one and bring them to the table with placed glasses. Let everyone choose their destiny for the current year. The choice is given only once. The next contender is blindfolded, and the glasses are swapped. If you are lucky enough to choose a glass with sugar, you will have good luck all year long.

A piece of bread symbolizes a prosperous, well-fed life, a coin - financial profit. Did you find a ring in the vessel? Get ready for marriage. The match foreshadows a new addition to the family. Only salt as a filling does not bode well. Whoever finds it at the bottom of a glass will cry all year.

How to tell fortunes for love for New Year and Christmas 2019

Higher powers often give us signs. It is important to understand them correctly and see them in time. The fabulous Christmas season traditionally surprises with the most unimaginable surprises and miracles that defy any logic.

  1. An ordinary kinder surprise can predict the development of events in the coming year. Before purchasing a treat, formulate in your mind the question you want answered. Open the chocolate egg in New Year's Eve after the chimes, on Christmas Eve or on the eve of Epiphany. Look carefully at its contents. Rest assured, with the help of a children's toy you have received important information regarding your future in 2019. It is important to understand and interpret it correctly.
  2. Turn off the lights. Scoop some wax from the candle into a metal spoon. Heat it on the flame of another candle. Focus on the issue of interest. Pour the melted wax into a bowl with cold water. Remove the figurine from the frozen wax and bring it to the candle flame. Consider the outline of the shadow it casts from different angles. The silhouette you see will answer the question posed.
  3. Fortune telling on burnt paper gives a true result. Prepare a plate with a thick bottom, a sheet of loose paper and a candle. Place a burning candle in front of a flat wall that allows you to fully view the shadow of objects on the table. Crumple up the paper and place it on the bottom of the plate. Light it and watch the shadows appear on the wall. The images that appear may depict a specific object or show the chronology of events. Decipher the result in accordance with the prompts of your own subconscious.

How to tell fortunes for the groom

The search for love and a happy marriage has always interested young and not so young girls. That’s why they turned to otherworldly forces with questions during the Christmas season. Folk fortune telling for the groom and future husband are still always popular.

With felt boots

Throw your felt boots on the road. By the direction of the sock you will understand which way you will get married. Perhaps, in the old Russian village, where all the brides and grooms were in conflict, this ritual was effective. In modern cities, especially large ones, such a result is unlikely to satisfy a potential bride.

With mirror

Go out to the crossroads at night, stand with your back to the full moon. Look in the mirror, say: betrothed, dressed up, show yourself to me in the mirror. After some time, you will see in the reflection the image of the mysterious man.

With thread

The girls simultaneously set fire to strings of the same length. The one whose fire burns out first will marry ahead of everyone else. Less than half of the thread burned out? Enjoy your freedom for another year.
With a saucer and various objects

Place in a saucer various items, select them blindfolded. Based on each choice, interpret the events and quality of life in the coming year.

Ring - marriage, onion - tears, sugar - prosperity, glass - fun, etc.

People have always tried to look into their future. For this there is huge amount customs and rituals. Many use needles, which have been considered a universal magical tool since ancient times.

On the number and gender of future children

  1. Take a regular needle and insert a white thread into it. Fold it in half and tie a knot at the end. Wrap a thread with a knot around the index finger of your right hand. Leave a free length of approximately 15-20 centimeters with a needle at the end.
  2. Connect the thumb and index finger of your left hand into a ring. Hang a pendulum with a needle over it. Lower the needle into the ring three times and raise it to the same height. Mentally ask the question about the number and gender of your future children.
  3. Open your palm. Fix above her in immobility right hand with a pendulum. The suspended needle will move. Does the pendulum swing along the palm of your hand? Look forward to the appearance of a son in the future. The circular movement of the needle indicates the birth of a daughter.
  4. Hold the pendulum over your palm until it stops on its own. A change in the trajectory of the needle means the appearance of children of different sexes. Count how many times the needle changes its movement pattern. Find out how big your family will be.

To make your wishes come true

  1. Draw an even circle on a blank sheet of paper. Mark its center. Inside the circle on the left above the center write the word “Yes”, on the right - “No”, on the side - “I don’t know”. Along the circle, write all the letters of the alphabet in order.
  2. Place the pendulum over the center of the circle. Fasten the needle at the middle point, lower the thread. The needle should calm down and become motionless.
  3. Ask questions. In response to you, the needle will move towards one or another designation. Don’t forget to thank otherworldly forces for the answers you receive, talk to them. This way you will win them over and can count on the most accurate predictions.

For marriage

  1. Take wedding ring. It is better if it belongs to the married spouse.
  2. In a deep plate large size add about 1 kilogram of millet. You can replace it with peas. Bury the ring in the cereal.
  3. Ask the question: “Will I get married this year?” Dip your hand into the millet, grab a handful of cereal as much as you can. Found a wedding ring in a handful? The answer to your question is yes. Is the ring still in the bowl? You'll have to wait another year for your happiness.

On a passerby

Getting out of bed in the morning, without washing your face and without speaking to anyone, go to the window. Wait for the first passerby. Is this a man walking towards you? To be married this year! Female passers-by and men walking past or in the opposite direction from you predict another year of single life for the fortuneteller.

Fortune telling at home for money, good luck for Christmas

Concerned about your financial well-being? Christmas time is exactly the time when you have the opportunity to get a description of your prospects almost “first-hand.” We offer fortune telling scripts that are simple and accessible for home execution.

Prepare for the ceremony: comb your hair, untie the knots and unfasten the buttons on your clothes.

On the water

Fill a large container with water. Pick up a handful of pebbles. Mentally ask three times about your financial condition next year.
Throw a stone into the water and count the number of circles formed by its fall. An even number means an affirmative answer to the question and no financial problems, odd symbolizes a negative answer to the questioner and predicts material difficulties for him.

Using the remaining pebbles, clarify other questions of interest.

On peas

The same principle underlies fortune telling with peas. With your eyes closed, lower your hand into the container filled with peas. Think about your question at this moment. Grab a handful of peas and count their number. An even number means “yes”, an odd number means a negative answer to the question.

Fortune telling by peas and pebbles is used in situations that require a categorical answer “yes” or “no” to the questions posed. Best result achieved when used to solve financial problems and satisfy material desires.

On paper

Cut a blank sheet of paper into equal strips of 15-20 pieces. Mark half of them with symbols of various banknotes, let the others remain blank. Twist the strips into a tube or fold them several times. Place in a bag and mix thoroughly. Grab as many pieces of paper as possible with your hand. Evaluate the result of fortune telling. Do blank pages predominate? The year will be unfavorable in material terms. Are there more signed pieces of paper among the pieces of paper you pulled out? You have nothing to worry about. In 2019, large profits and financial well-being await you.

On matches

Pour into a transparent glass clean water. Looking at it, formulate a question to which you would like to receive an answer. Light two matches and throw them into the glass. Carefully consider what position they took on the surface of the water.

A position parallel to each other characterizes a positive solution to the issue with maximum benefit for the questioner. Are the matches criss-crossed? There are serious obstacles to the implementation of your plans. Have charred particles separated from the matches?

A person from your inner circle is preventing you from resolving the issue favorably.

On the cat

Cats and cats are mystical animals that closely interact with the subtle worlds. Use their potential to determine your own financial security next year.

Lock your pet in the next room. Think of a desire or formulate a question from the material sphere. Call the cat.

Did the animal cross the threshold with its left paw? The issue will be resolved positively, and the wish will come true. Was the cat's right paw first to step across the threshold? Alas, accept the inevitable, the answer is no.

On banknotes

The most logical way to tell fortunes is with the help of money. Place several in an opaque bag paper bills of various denominations. For the purity of the experiment, place several clean sheets of paper of a suitable size. Blindfold your eyes and take out the first piece of paper you come across. The higher the denomination of the dropped bill, the more successful life will be in the coming year. Unlucky and pulled out a blank sheet? Sorry…

On nuts

Pick up 29 walnuts or hazelnuts. Mark them with a felt-tip pen from 1 to 28, leaving the last one without a number.

Place the nuts in the box, stir while blindfolded. At this time, say: 29 respondents - my advisors. You collected the juice of the earth into yourself, you recognized the world. Tell me what awaits me? Pull out seven pieces one at a time. Do most of the dropped nuts have odd numbers? The year will be successful in material and financially. Are most numbers even? Be careful in business, there is a risk of failure. Did you come across a nut without a number? Bingo! This year will be promising and generous with pleasant surprises.

Fortune telling for Christmas on Christmas Eve

For some people, luck follows on their heels and you don’t have to expend a lot of energy to achieve any goal. And some struggle “like a fish against ice” in pursuit of illusory success, but cannot realize their ambitions. What is the reason for such contradictions? It's simple: a person who strays from the path prepared for him by Fortune will never be able to achieve triumph. On Christmas Eve, perform a mystical ritual, and the Higher Powers will show you where you have deviated from the right course.

Turn off the lights in the room and light the candles. Take a deck of cards and mix them thoroughly. During this time, think deeply about your success. Imagine everything you want to achieve. Achieve a meditative state of consciousness, total immersion on a topic that interests you.

Select aces from the shuffled deck and arrange them in the order in which they appeared. In this state, place the aces under your pillow and go to bed. Before going to bed, say the spell four times: four aces, I ask you to listen to my instructions four times. How can I stand in your row?

In your dream, you will see, and maybe even hear, comprehensive indications of events and actions that will bring your success closer. Don't rely on your consciousness. Such dreams disappear very quickly. In the evening, place a sheet of paper and a pencil by your bed. When you wake up, immediately write down your dream. Don't miss a single sign, even if it seems illogical and insignificant to you.

Carefully consider the result obtained, interpret it from the point of view the question asked. With the correct interpretation, you will not only understand which way to move towards success, but also see a favorable area of ​​activity for yourself.

Fortune telling for Christmas for children

We are conducting . Within the framework. But sometimes it turns out right.

Fortune telling - not bad alternative to TV and electronic gadgets. For children 13 years and older, this is not only exciting communication with peers, but also effective psychological relief. First love, relationships with classmates, academic problems...

There are many difficulties in the life of teenagers, which are very difficult for a young person to understand. A positive prediction is an effective psychological motivator. A negative answer is also useful: it relieves the teenager of unnecessary illusions and helps him adapt faster in not the most favorable conditions.

On tangerines

The most popular New Year's fruit, tangerine, can be used in fortune telling to make a wish come true. Make a wish and choose the tangerine you like from the plate. Peel the peel and count how many slices there are in the fruit you come across. Is their number divisible by two? Your wish will certainly come true!

On the book

Choose one of your favorite books from your home library. Choose the work with the most interesting and dynamic plot.
Ask a question out loud that interests you, give the page and line number. The content of the hidden line will serve as the answer.

Most often, the plot of the book is not related to the topic of the question, and there is no obvious meaning in the resulting prediction.

It’s all the more interesting to come up with an interpretation and decipher the magical answer!

On rice grains

Prepare a glass of rice and a paper napkin. Cover the glass with your left palm and say your cherished wish.

Then take a pinch of cereal and pour it onto a napkin. Count the grains. An even number guarantees that your wish will come true this year. Is there an odd number of grains on the napkin? We'll have to wait until next year.

On notes under the pillow

Cut the blank sheet into small pieces. Write your wish on each of them. Roll the pieces of paper into several rows and place them under the pillow you will sleep on. The next morning, pull out three leaves. These wishes will be the first to come true in the coming year.

On a raw egg

Take a deep transparent vessel (glass bowl or jar). Pour hot boiling water into it. Smash raw egg. IN hot water the protein will fold and form fancy shapes and stories. Look at them carefully and find out what awaits you in the coming year.

Try proven and available methods Christmas fortune telling, leave reviews and comments. Listen to the tips of the Higher Powers, believe in yourself and in your happy future!

Christmas Eve 2018: fortune telling, rituals, signs and superstitions on Christmas Eve January 6, 2018. Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve, that is, the day before the holiday.

For a long time, Christmas Eve, January 6, has been considered a special time, full of secrets, magic and mysteries. There was a time when people believed that on Christmas Eve an evil spirit came out and walked the earth. Therefore, fortune telling and various rituals gained great popularity at this time.

Christmas Eve 2018: fortune telling, rituals, signs and superstitions on Christmas Eve January 6, 2018

Also, young people, old and present, go caroling on Christmas Eve on January 6th. They dress up in costumes and masks and go from house to house, singing ritual songs - carols. This is how the mummers congratulate the owners of the house. And the owners, in turn, give the carolers sweets, cookies, and fruits.

One of the signs says that on Christmas Eve, January 6, 2018, you must go outside and look at the night sky. Seeing a shooting star on Christmas Eve is great luck. The wish you make will certainly come true.

Christmas Eve 2018: fortune telling on the eve of Christmas January 6, 2018. Have always been particularly popular Christmas fortune telling. This was a favorite pastime for young girls on the night before Christmas. This ritual has survived to this day. Many modern girls also don’t mind telling fortunes on Christmas Eve.

There is an opinion that fortune telling on Christmas Eve is particularly truthful and almost always comes true. Perhaps this is some kind of superstition. However, this is precisely what frightens and stops many and few who dare to find out their fate.

The most popular fortune telling on Christmas Eve, January 6, is fortune telling on mirrors. When two mirrors placed opposite each other create a corridor. Being in complete darkness, the girl lights only two candles along the edges of the mirrored corridor and peers at the reflection. She should see her betrothed in the reflection.

This fortune telling is considered the most truthful, but also the most terrible. After all, you never know whose reflection you will see in the mirror.

Street fortune telling is also popular on Christmas Eve on January 6th. When girls throw their shoes over the fence and look where the toe of the shoe is pointing. In which direction he is looking, the groom should have been expected from there.

Also on the eve of Christmas, on January 6, girls went out into the street to find out the name of their betrothed. To do this, they asked the first person they met what his name was. It is believed that the future husband will also be called.

You can also see your betrothed in a dream. To do this, the girls ate something salty the day before and went to bed. Whichever young man serves you a drink in a dream will become your betrothed.

Christmas Eve 2018 is a rich day folk traditions, rituals, signs, superstitions. It is worth noting that the Orthodox Church does not welcome festivities, entertainment and fortune telling on Christmas Eve on January 6, but they still take place among the people. Many of them are so deeply rooted that people can no longer imagine Christmas Eve without them.

In addition to the fact that you can tell fortunes on Christmas Eve, which falls on January 6-7, you can also tell fortunes during the Christmastide period. Christmas time is the time from Christmas until Epiphany. On Christmas Day, January 7, you shouldn’t guess, but on the night of January 8-9 and until the night of January 18-19, you can safely guess and try out all kinds of rituals that catch your fancy.

Christmas Eve 2018 fortune telling: Fate by shadow

Fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7, 2018 for the future by shadow is one of the most effective and popular. The ritual itself is indeed extremely simple, which is what made it so wildly popular. To carry out fortune telling, take a sheet of paper, a plate, matches and a candle. You need to crumple a blank sheet of paper in your hands, while thinking about your future. Place the sheet on a plate and set it on fire. Wait until the paper burns, and then bring it to the wall so that the ashes cast a shadow on the wall in the candle flame. All that remains is to connect your imagination and understand what exactly fate has in store for a person.

For example, a wreath is for a wedding, a snake promises trouble, but the figure of a swan is good. The coffin speaks of death, the horseshoe always, including in this fortune-telling, brings good luck. You should not be afraid to interpret your visions, especially since, as a rule, they are extremely objective and understandable.

Christmas Eve 2018 fortune telling: For love using matches

It's simple and clear fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7 for love. You need to take a box of matches and take two out of it. Place them on the sides of the box and set them on fire. Each match should symbolize someone in the pair. By the way, you can guess not only for yourself. If the matches lean towards each other when burning, then the guy and girl for whom the fortune telling is happening will remain or become a couple. If the matches are bent in different sides, then you can simply forget about a happy future together.

Christmas Eve 2018 fortune telling: For the betrothed using the king of diamonds

This is an interesting fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7, 2018 for your betrothed, which can bring many surprises. When going to bed on Christmas Eve, you need to take with you the king of diamonds from a deck of cards. Place it under the pillow and ask it to help the betrothed-mummer fall asleep. It is possible that the King of Diamonds will show the betrothed. Even if this does not happen, then any dream seen that night promises to come true. The King of Diamonds will not deceive you, especially on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve 2018 fortune telling: Using needles on enemies

To carry out this fortune telling, you need to have 21 new needles. Not a single needle should have been previously used for this ritual. Place the needles on a plate and pour water, reports the portal The water will force the needles to take a certain position and you will get a picture. This should be a picture of your future life. When the needles form crosses, this indicates that there are people who are hostile against you. The more such crosses, the more hostile the environment you are in.

Christmas Eve 2018 fortune telling: “Yes” and “No”

With this fortune telling for Christmas at home from January 6 to 7, 2018, you can get an answer to any question that interests you. True, the answer to this question can be exclusively monosyllabic, exclusively affirmative or negative. To perform the ritual you will need a needle, which will be used as a pendulum. A red thread about 75 cm long is threaded into it. Tie the ends of the thread in a knot.

Next, you need a coin that belongs to the person who is telling fortunes. In the old days, they took a coin made of silver, but today any version of the product is suitable. Place the coin on the table, place the pendulum in the center, hold the thread by the knot. The fortuneteller sits at the table and can lean on his elbows. Ask yourself a question: if the pendulum does not start moving, this means that there is no clear answer to the question. If it starts to move laterally, then the answer is no. When driving in longitudinal direction the pendulum says “Yes.” Sometimes it happens that the pendulum begins to move in a circle. This means that the question was asked incorrectly and should be reformulated.

Christmas Eve 2018 fortune telling: For the future using nutshells

This is a version of fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7 using a candle and shell walnut. Take as many shells and cinders as a person guesses. You also need to take a bowl of water.

Each girl puts the cinder in her own shell and puts it in a basin of water. Whose candle burns out the fastest will be the first to get married. If the candle burns the longest, the girl will be the last to get married. The worst option is a drowned nut with a candle, which symbolizes that the girl will remain an old maid.

You can carry out such interesting fortune-telling on Christmas Eve from January 6 to 7, as well as during the Christmastide from January 8 to 18. It's up to you to decide whether to believe what fortune telling predicts. Remember that every person can influence his own destiny. Pay attention to how to make a wish for Christmas so that it comes true, you may not even have to guess.

Christmas Eve and the week following are an important time for Christians.

This evening, as well as the week-long period after the holy holiday, is associated with various beliefs, rituals, and fortune telling. Christmas Eve has always been considered special. At this time, mysterious and powerful good forces penetrate the earth. They allow you to realize your cherished desires and get answers to burning human questions with the help of effective rituals.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Rituals to attract money

    To attract wealth, you can use powerful rituals for the Christmas holidays.

    For coins

    To carry out this ritual for the whole family you will need to prepare kutya - the main thing Christmas dish, which is steamed cereal mixed with honey, nuts, raisins or dried apricots. A plate with coins is also placed on the Christmas table. Those present begin dinner with three spoons of kutya. Then everyone takes one coin and hides it under their plate, saying special words to attract money:

    • “So that money flows, God bless”;
    • “Serve my wealth, become my talisman”;
    • “The money in my pocket is increasing, and luck is smiling at me.”

    One prayer is selected. It must be repeated three times. The coin should remain under the plate until the end of the evening. Before finishing dinner, it is put in a wallet and carried there all year. On the eve of next Christmas, you can spend a coin and prepare a new talisman for prosperity.

    On a patch

    If you don’t have time for long rituals, you can use a simplified plot for a patch. On the evening of January 6, you need to take a nickel and knock it on the glass in the apartment, saying the words: “Christ the Savior is born, wealth is added.” The coin is then placed in the wallet and worn all year round. It is important not to confuse the charmed patch with another little thing.

    Ritual with a pillow

    The ritual allows you to call upon yourself good luck and financial well-being.

    When going to bed on Christmas Eve, several new banknotes of different denominations are placed under the pillow. They are laid out in a chaotic order. The next morning, before you open your eyes, you should put your hand under the pillow and, without looking, take any of the bills. A conspiracy for wealth is read on it:

    “Christ walked to Jerusalem, and the poor man walked behind him. The diva did a lot, the beggar got a little hit. Give me, Lord, riches, so that we will not know trouble and sorrow. Amen".

    The charmed bill is carried in your wallet all year. The ritual is kept secret from other people.

    Ceremony in the church

    This powerful ritual for attracting money is performed on the eve of Christmas, January 6th. You need to take a few directly to the church banknotes and whisper magic words to them: “To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father. Amen". The money is placed in a donation box. The larger the donation amount, the more money will come this year.

    Ritual using a pot

    To make money flow, a Christmas talisman is prepared on Christmas Eve. The ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Buy a beautiful flower pot and fill it to the top with soil.
    2. 2. Place three green wax candles around.
    3. 3. Then you need to read the “Our Father” prayer, carrying out index finger along the rim of the pot.
    4. 4. Say the spell three times.
    5. 5. Place the pot in a prominent place where everyone in the household can see it.
    6. 6. Candles around it must be lit for 12 days.

    Conspiracy words:

    “As loudly as all 12 months ring, so let the coins and bills in the wallet of me, the servant of the Lord (name), ring and crunch. Just as roosters crow 12 times at the red dawn, so they keep my money for 12 dawns. Gold to gold, silver to silver. Everything is mine with me. Amen".

    Christmas Traditions to Attract Wealth and Prosperity

    In addition to Christmas conspiracies, there are other traditions and customs that attract finance and luck next year. Before performing sacraments and fortune telling, it is useful to attract positive Christmas energy. Then the rituals will work more effectively. You can do this by observing holiday traditions:

    • On Christmas Eve, a table of 12 dishes is set.
    • During Christmas week they go to visit and receive guests at home.
    • During this period, gifts and treats are given.
    • It is important to visit the temple, bring home candles, blessed water, prosphora. They will fill the house with good energy.
    • You should give alms to the poor.

    Streams of good positive energy, descending to earth during Christmas week, bring health, happiness and finances to the house.

    Ritual to work

    Any new thing is worn at Christmas. It should be worn for three days. Before this the words are said: “ New thing I dress for Christmas, I make a new path for myself. Service and friendship come into my hands. In work - success, in people - understanding." After three days, the item should be rinsed in a basin with clean water and spray your workplace with it. The ritual makes it possible to make work easier, achieve career growth, and soften the hearts of those in charge.

    Plot for good luck

    The night before Christmas, all light sources in the house are extinguished. One candle is lit. It is installed on the window sill of a window facing east. Then you need to wait for the first star to appear in the sky and say the words three times:

    “The bright star of Bethlehem shines in the sky, proclaiming joy and peace to people. The baby Jesus was born, man was freed from sin and grief. A candle burns on my window, happiness and joy come to me. I, the servant of God (name), will be happy, and may grace come to me to fulfill all my good deeds. Amen".

    After this, you need to extinguish the candle and say in a confident voice: “So be it.”

    "Help me, little star"

    If you are planning an important undertaking or goal that requires the assistance of Higher Powers in the coming year, you can use next rite.To carry out you will need a glass of water, a candle and a red ribbon:

    1. 1. On Christmas Eve, when it begins to get dark, put a glass of water on the table so that the light from the celestial bodies falls on it.
    2. 2. When the first star appears, light a candle.
    3. 3. Dip one end of the ribbon into water, and carefully light the other end from a candle flame and immediately extinguish it.

    “The star of Bethlehem lit up in the sky,

    The merry trio hit the road.

    Frisky horses will ride to the city of Jerusalem,

    Beyond the forest, beyond the sky, beyond the seashore.

    Water and fire argue with each other,

    Meanwhile, my holy fast horse is flying to the city.

    So, Lord, bless my works,

    Remove all obstacles and bad weather with your Right Hand.

    Humble your enemies with meekness,

    A good people bestow grace.

    Star of Bethlehem, shine brighter,

    Help me complete the task. Amen, amen, amen."

    Carry the ribbon with you in your passport, or use it as a bookmark in important documents.

    Change of fate

    The power of Christmas rituals makes it possible to realize such a request as changing fate. The next sacrament transforms the path of life, protects from negativity, and attracts happiness.

    For the ritual you will need a sheet of paper measuring approximately 5x5 cm. One side is completely shaded with a red pencil. On top of the background you need to write your first name, last name, and date of birth.

    On the other side, three cherished dreams are written regarding changes in the path of life. For example, a promotion, meeting a life partner, getting rid of character flaws. The leaf is hidden under the pillow. The words are said three times:

    “What is written on the paper will come to pass by God’s mercy and kindness.”

    The leaflet is kept until next Christmas between the pages of the Holy Scriptures. Changes will occur over the next year.

    Christmas wishes come true

    Christmas magic allows you to fulfill your dreams and cherished desires. The next sacrament is held on Christmas Eve, in the evening or on the night of January 6-7. To carry out the ceremony you will need three sheets of white paper bright colors or markers. On each of the sheets a huge bag is depicted and they are “filled” with:

    1. 1. The first “adds up” all the sorrows and misfortunes of the outgoing year (problems, grievances, illnesses, quarrels). You can describe them in 2-3 words.
    2. 2. The joyful ones go into the second bag, positive points(shopping, dating, travel).
    3. 3. The third describes dreams and desires.

    The leaf with the first bag is burned in the flame of a Christmas candle. The second and third are placed in a secluded place with gratitude To the Higher Powers.

    Ritual to the stars

    The night before Christmas you need to go outside under open sky. You can perform the ritual at home. The words of the conspiracy are read into the stars seven times without stopping.

    “On Christmas night the star is lit. She brings happiness and peace. My holy angel, protect my peace. There are ways of the heart on earth so that people can find happiness. Little star, shine brighter, bring me love and joy. I want (pronounced wish)! »

    If the person saying the prayer has a lover, you can replace “me” with “us” in the final phrase and say both names - your own and the chosen one.

    Flatbread of happiness

    On Christmas Eve, three handfuls of rye flour and one glass of holy water from the temple are taken. While kneading the dough, you should imagine the fulfillment of your most cherished dream, wish your family and friends good luck, health, and prosperity. At the same time the conspiracy is read:

    The Savior was born into the world, the cross was erected.

    Archangel Michael shed tears at the gates of heaven.

    The Mother of God speaks:

    “I promise to give everyone

    Upon request, any grace.

    Whoever takes this cake into his mouth,

    The Lord will send grace to him.

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    To improve health

    In the evening from January 6 to 7, while treating loved ones with delicacies, a ritual for health is performed. When offering goodies, you need to read a special plot. Traditionally, the words are spoken by the oldest woman in the family. But in this case, you can deviate a little from the custom. Conspiracy words:

    “The Savior Christ was born, the people rejoiced and were baptized! Be healthy and joyful (name), do not be sad in vain. Amen"

    Spell for healing on a towel

    Held on January 6, Christmas Eve. On this day you should purchase a new towel from linen fabric. A conspiracy is read on it for healing from various diseases. If during the year one of the household members gets sick, you need to wipe him with a charmed towel.

    Conspiracy text:

    “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    I will speak this towel from 77 ailments

    For fever, for dryness, for cancer, for pain,

    From a terrible attack, from evil damage

    From vain hardship, from torment and cramps.

    The Most Holy Theotokos washed Her Son,

    Yes, I wiped it dry with a clean towel.

    Bless, Holy Lord God

    With His right hand my towel too.

    Whom I will wipe with this towel,

    Since then I will erase 77 diseases.

    Key, lock, tongue. Amen"

    Ritual for all ills

    The ritual is suitable for those who want to protect the whole family:

    1. 1. A thick candle is purchased in the temple ahead of time.
    2. 2. It lights up when the whole family sits down at the Christmas table.
    3. 3. A spell is recited over a burning candle. It is better if the words are spoken in chorus. This enhances the energy.

    Hex words:

    “I draw light into the house with bright Christmas lights. A wall has grown from the sky to the very heavens. Our family is saved and preserved. The Lord God protects from enemies and enemies. Burn brighter, candle! Be strong, high walls! Guard our house, reliably protect it from all enemies. Amen, amen, amen."

    After dinner is over, the candle stub is kept as a talisman until next year.

    Ritual on the crest

    The ritual is suitable for long-haired women. During Christmas week, you need to comb your hair with a new comb twice a day, mentally imagining safe life, complete luck, wealth and abundance. At the same time, a conspiracy is pronounced:

    “I comb the strands with a new comb, I comb out the terrible trouble. I call on God's Servants, the holy Angels, I cry out my humble prayer to Heaven. O Lord, save us from all troubles, take us away from seduction, and save our sinful souls from temptation. Tell me, Heavenly Powers, what to do, to obtain happiness and good luck for the glory of God. Amen".

    Attracting love

    To make a white Christmas love spell for a guy or a man, you need to attend a church service. The words are written on a white sheet of paper:

    “I, the servant of God (my name) and (the guy’s name), the servant of God, are forever together in love and harmony.”

    Holding this piece of paper in your hands, you need to approach the icon of the Mother of God and pray for the gift of love. Then say:

    “Most Holy and All-Glorious Mother of God, help me, the humble servant of God, and fulfill my request. By Your power, fulfill my heart’s desire.”

    Upon returning home, the leaf is placed under the Christmas tree. The words are spoken: “Let what is written be realized. What is asked will come true. Let great joy happen to me, the servant of God (your name).

    Fortune telling on things

    This Christmas fortune telling allows you to find out who your future husband will be:

    1. 1. The girl must be blindfolded. Objects symbolizing various professions are laid out on the table in front of her. A ring is also placed among them. You can take a computer flash drive (programmer), a book with laws (lawyer), pills (doctor).
    2. 2. The girl chooses an object at random.
    3. 3. If after three attempts the same thing falls into her hands, her husband will have a corresponding profession. If she only comes across a ring, she will certainly get married this year. But who the future spouse will be by profession is unknown.

    Prediction by thread

    You will need three needles and threads - black, white and red. A needle is inserted into each of them. The assistant carefully pins them to the fortuneteller's back. A person must feel them, but not know the order of their arrangement.

    Carefully remove one needle:

    • Red means marriage and having children;
    • White– there are no weddings planned this year;
    • Black- You should pay attention to your career.

    To strengthen feelings

    The ritual is suitable for those who want to renew love in a marriage. For the sacrament you will need two new white wax candles. On the night before Christmas, they need to be twisted together and lit. While they are burning, the spell is pronounced 12 times:

    “Bless us, Lord (names of spouses),

    From now until the end of time.

    How these candles burn brightly,

    So that we too love each other dearly.

    Until the human race begins to forget the Nativity of Christ,

    Until then, we won’t lose each other.

    A jar of salt to strengthen the family

    To perform the ceremony you will need glass jar, 1-2 kg of salt, 40 matches. On Christmas Eve, pour salt onto a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven. The salt must be heated until it begins to change color. Then take out a baking sheet and read the “Our Father” 40 times over the salt. In order not to lose count, it is useful to place 40 matches nearby before performing the ritual, and while reading the prayer, pull them out one at a time. The salt is cooled, poured into a jar and closed with a lid. Over the next year, you need to add a pinch of the charmed salt to a regular salt shaker.

    Fortune telling for children “Ring in the water”

    At night, pour water into a cup. They put the ring there. The mug is left on the street. On Christmas morning they go out and look: if the ice surface is smooth, without depressions and bumps, there will be no children. If bumps appear on the ice, a son will be born; depressions - daughter. The number of depressions and bumps is counted - how many there are, the number of children the spouses will have.

    Sacraments for beauty

    On Christmas, girls and women can perform a ritual to enhance their attractiveness and beauty. It used to be that you could keep your skin youthful until next Christmas by rubbing it with snow. Girls washed with festive snow bewitched men.

    Water collected during the Christmas holidays has a similar effect. It is stored all year. Before meeting her lover, the girl washes herself with it, saying the words:

    “Christmas water! Give me beauty. So that my beloved (name) loves me alone and does not take his eyes off me.”

    Weight loss ritual

    This conspiracy is proposed by the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. The sacrament helps to get rid of excess weight. To carry out the ceremony you will need a blue woolen thread, a crystal vase, and matches.

    Performed on the full moon closest to Christmas. After leaving the house, you should look at the full moon, then turn away from her and read the words 9 times:

    “From this night the Mother Moon is decreasing,

    My fullness disappears along with it.

    And in return comes harmony and beauty.

    The Full Moon will turn into a thin Moon,

    And my excess weight will completely disappear.”

    After returning home:

    1. 1. Take a crystal vase and pour clean water into it.
    2. 2. Three burning matches are thrown into the vase.
    3. 3. Water is charmed 9 times with the same words.
    4. 4. After saying the prayer in figure eight, the middle and ring fingers wrapped in a figure eight using blue wool thread. «
    5. 5. “Eight” is worn for seven days. Water is rubbed into areas where fat accumulates - legs, arms, stomach.
    6. 6. After a week, the thread is removed and burned. The ashes should be scattered to the wind.

    Signs for Christmas

    Signs and superstitions on this bright holiday tell you how to live further and what you should be wary of:

    • Women are not allowed to sew, knit or do other types of needlework. Otherwise, relatives will face illness.
    • Clear weather on the night before Christmas means a fruitful year is expected.
    • Spilling coffee, tea, juice means great luck. The sign does not apply to alcoholic beverages.
    • Breaking a mirror means trouble. It should definitely be wrapped in cloth and taken out of the house.
    • Losing an item means financial losses next year.
    • Finding something missing means unheard of wealth. Especially if a piece of jewelry is found.
    • Meeting a humpback is a great success. It’s even better if you can touch his hump with at least the tip of your fingers.
    • It also promises good luck to meet a big dog.
    • Accidentally stepping into manure (or excrement) pet) – also to great luck.
    • While the holidays are going on, all dreams are considered prophetic. By remembering them and interpreting them correctly, you can find out what fate has in store.

    It is important to remember that Christmas is a family holiday. If the whole family gathers at home at this time, the energy of any rite or ritual intensifies. On this bright holiday it is forbidden to quarrel. You should definitely visit the church. This will allow you to join the welcoming Christmas energy, and the whole next year will be filled with good deeds and joyful events.