What is a curd product? What is the difference between cottage cheese and curd product - which is better to choose?

We all know from childhood about the benefits of cottage cheese, some eat it with pleasure, for others the need to eat this product “overshadows” happy childhood, but it turns out that cottage cheese is also harmful, so we’ll talk about that.

First of all, it is necessary to separate the concepts of cottage cheese and curd product. The number of food products is growing every day, many new products have appeared that our grandparents had never heard of (in most cases, they were lucky that they did not know such food). Here is a curd product that appeared in our stores some time ago. What makes it special?

The curd product, unlike cottage cheese, is fermented not with milk fat, but with the help of vegetable oils: palm, coconut and vegetable fat "SOYUZ 52L".

"SOYUZ 52L" is a mixture that is made to replace butter in production confectionery(cookies, sweets, toffee, cakes and cream pies). That is, in simple terms, it is margarine. This mixture contains: vegetable oils(deodorized, partially hydrogenated, refined), natural dye, emulsifier.

By the way, there is also “UNION 71”, which is used for the production of products such as condensed milk, sour cream and curd products, fermented milk and milk drinks, as well as glazed curd cheeses.

The harm from these mixtures is identical to the harm from trans fats. If you use such products (instead of “Sour cream” - “Sour cream”, instead of “Cottage cheese” - “Curd product”) you can easily develop health problems.

However, regular cottage cheese can be harmful if consumed in unlimited quantities. Cottage cheese contains, an excess of which leads to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, the development of atherosclerosis, obesity, heart disease, and some forms of cancer.

Because cottage cheese rate per day - a portion of 200 grams and a maximum of two to three times a week.

Only cottage cheese whose shelf life is maximum 3 days will be useful, i.e. 72 hours. In addition, it is advisable to eat low-fat cottage cheese - the more fat in the cottage cheese, the less calcium is absorbed from it. In addition to calcium, cottage cheese contains other minerals and vitamins that strengthen the heart, kidneys, immune system, improve metabolism and prevent anemia.

If stored improperly, curds develop harmful bacteria For example, E. coli develops most quickly in cottage cheese. Therefore, you should not eat expired cottage cheese to avoid poisoning. Store cottage cheese in the refrigerator.

Watch the amazing facts about the dangers of cottage cheese in this short video:

  • Do not eat unprocessed cottage cheese purchased at the market. This may contribute to the development intestinal diseases. From market cottage cheese you can prepare a variety of delicious dishes(casseroles, cheesecakes, dumplings).
  • Choose products with an expiration date of no more than three days. This cottage cheese contains everything that is necessary for health: lactic acid bacteria, amino acids, etc.
  • Buy cottage cheese that is low-fat or low-fat with a separator.
  • Remember that sweet curd products, which contain nuts, raisins, chocolate and other additives, will not give the body anything but extra calories, and this will definitely affect your figure.

Now you know everything about the dangers of cottage cheese, what kind of cottage cheese you should eat and how to choose it correctly.

The invention can find its use in the dairy industry, in particular in the production of curd product. The curd product includes milk protein, milk fat, isolate soy protein and vegetable fat, with a ratio of soy protein isolate: milk protein from 1:3 to 1:6, and a ratio of vegetable fat: milk from 1.0:99.0 to 99.0:1.0, and the product has the following composition in%: milk protein 10.5 - 15.4, soy protein isolate 3.5-2.6, milk fat 0.18-17.82, vegetable fat 17.82-0.18, water the rest, acidity o T 180-200. The invention makes it possible to obtain a curd product for general, dietary and prophylactic use.

The invention relates to the dairy industry, namely to the production of curd products for general, dietary and preventive nutrition, for elderly people with heart problems. vascular diseases having overweight, as well as those living in places with an unfavorable ecological environment. A known product includes milk protein, milk fat and water in the following ratio, %: Milk protein - 14.0 - 18.0 Milk fat - 0.6 - 18.0 Water - Rest (Reference " Chemical composition food products"Book 1, Moscow, VO "Agropromizdat", 1987 p. 50). However, this product has high content cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. The technical result of the proposed product is to increase its dietary properties by significantly reducing the amount of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, increasing the yield of the finished product by 40 - 60% and, as a result, reducing costs. The technical result is achieved by the fact that the curd product, including milk protein, milk fat and water, according to the invention additionally contains soy protein isolate and vegetable fat, with a vegetable protein: milk ratio from 1: 3 to 1:6, and a vegetable fat: milk ratio from 1.0: 99.0 to 99.0 : 1.0, while the product has the following composition,%: Milk protein - 10.5 - 15.4 Milk fat - 0.18 - 17.82 Water - Rest
acidity o T 180-200. The introduction of soy protein isolate and vegetable fat into the product allows you to regulate the level of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. In addition, soy protein is characterized by a hypocholesterolemic effect and is hypoallergenic, so the product is useful for allergic diseases And bronchial asthma. The selected ratio of vegetable protein to milk is from 1:3 to 1:6, and the ratio of vegetable fat to milk from 1.0:99.0 to 99.0:1.0 is optimal and corresponds to obtaining high-quality protein product V more and much cheaper. In this case, the curd product has the following composition,%:
Milk protein - 10.5 - 15.4
Soy protein isolate - 3.5 - 2.6
Milk fat - 0.18 - 17.82
Vegetable fat - 17.82 - 0.18
Water - Rest
acidity o T 180-200. Example 1. Dry skim milk and soy protein isolate are dissolved and mixed, with the ratio of vegetable protein to milk protein being 1.0:3.0; add a mixture of milk and vegetable fat, taken in a ratio of 1.0:99.0, respectively, and curd starter. Mix, heat, separate the whey and obtain a curd product with the following composition, %:
Milk protein - 10.5
Soy protein isolate - 3.5
Milk fat - 0.18
Vegetable fat - 17.82
Water - Rest
acidity o T 180. The finished product contains 63% moisture, 14% protein. Example 2. Whole milk is mixed with soy protein isolate (pre-dissolved), with the ratio of vegetable protein to milk protein being 1.0:6.0; a mixture of milk and vegetable fat taken in a ratio of 99.0:1.0, respectively, is added, curd starter is fermented, heated and defatted. A product is obtained with the following composition, %:
Milk protein - 15.4
Soy protein isolate - 2.6
Milk fat - 17.82
Vegetable fat - 0.18
Water - Rest
acidity o T 200.

Formula of invention

A curd product comprising milk protein, milk fat and water, characterized in that it additionally contains soy protein isolate and vegetable fat, with a ratio of soy protein isolate: milk protein from 1: 3 to 1: 6, and a ratio of vegetable fat: milk from 1.0: 99.0 to 99.0: 1.0; the product has the following composition, %:
Milk protein - 10.5 - 15.4
Soy protein isolate - 3.5 - 2.6
Milk fat - 0.18 - 17.82
Vegetable fat - 17.82 - 0.18
Water - Rest
acidity o T 180 - 200.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to the dairy industry and can be used to produce curd products for general, dietary and preventive purposes, especially for feeding people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, those who are overweight, as well as for the population living in major cities with an unfavorable ecological environment

The invention relates to the dairy industry and can be used in the production of hard cheese in non-cheese shops (dairies, creameries) in the absence of such equipment as presses for pressing cheese

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The invention relates to the dairy industry, namely to the production of curd products for general, dietary and preventive nutrition, for elderly people, with cardiovascular diseases, who are overweight, and also living in places with an unfavorable environmental environment

Why do we eat it?

Cottage cheese is often called a food that can be eaten by everyone - old people and children, pregnant women and young mothers, healthy people and those who suffer various diseases. The value of cottage cheese lies primarily in the complete set of amino acids essential for the body, its content of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, milk sugar, as well as lipotropic substances (methionine, lecithin, choline), which reduce the percentage of fat accumulation in the liver and have an antisclerotic effect. Cottage cheese also contains various vitamins and milk fat.

Cottage cheese is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, the formation bone tissue, maintaining proper metabolism and preventing obesity, preventing anemia. It should also be eaten by those who suffer from heart and kidney diseases. However, everything beneficial properties cottage cheese can be crossed out by violations in the production process and improper storage conditions.

Not all cottage cheese samples are equally healthy

For examination, Komsomolskaya Pravda selected 5 popular samples from the most famous manufacturers. And then the first surprise awaited us: three samples turned out to be really cottage cheese, and two - a curd fermented milk product. What's the difference?

According to DSTU 2212:2003, cottage cheese is fermented milk product, which is produced by fermenting milk, buttermilk (cream plasma, which is obtained by processing cream into butter. - Author) or its mixture with milk using fermenting preparations using acid, acid-rennet or thermal acid protein coagulation methods, the head of scientific research explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda - research center for testing products "Ukrmetrteststandart" Vladimir Semenovich. - Unlike cottage cheese, the curd product (by the way, according to DSTU it is called “thermalized fermented milk product”) can be cooked at temperatures above 60 degrees. This significantly reduces the amount of beneficial microflora and, therefore, reduces the usefulness of the product itself.

For the same reason, the expert says, the amount of lactic acid bacteria in curd products (for more details, see Useful to know!) is not standardized - there is not a word about this on the packaging. At the same time, there is a clear standard for fermented milk cottage cheese: at least 1 million lactic acid bacteria in 1 gram. So between cottage cheese and curd product- big difference.

By the way, despite the presence of DSTU, all samples were manufactured according to technical specifications. The expert explains that there is no catch here. The fact is that, according to the standard, the shelf life for cottage cheese in polymer or polyethylene material is no more than 7 days. At the same time, most manufacturers (four out of five) indicate a much longer shelf life (see table for details). This suggests that the manufacturer, due to high-quality raw materials, modern equipment, packaging methods and ideal sanitary conditions in production, can guarantee a shelf life that far exceeds the 7 days established by the standard. Currently, changes to the standard are being prepared, according to which the manufacturer will be able, working according to DSTU, to set expiration dates in accordance with their capabilities.

Checking samples

Good news: no vegetable fats were found in any of the tested samples! Just as no coliform bacteria were detected. Fat content is also responsible established requirements and information indicated on the packaging. And in terms of organoleptics, both cottage cheese and curd products deserve high marks. All samples have a white or white with a cream tint, a uniform color and a pure sour milk smell, which fully complies with the requirements of regulatory documents.

The weight of the packages of the samples we purchased is 300, 340, 400 and 450 grams, so for ease of price comparison, we recalculated the cost per 1 kg. And it turned out that the prices differ by almost one and a half times: from 44 UAH/kg for a curd product from “Premiya” to almost 60 UAH/kg for fermented milk cottage cheese from “Prostokvashino”. You can see more detailed results of the analysis in the table.

With results comparative analyzes yoghurts, breakfast cereals, ice cream, chocolate, sausages, sweet desserts, cookies, marmalade, processed cheese, sunflower oil, tomato paste, mayonnaise, red caviar, champagne, wine, puff pastry, squash caviar, crab sticks, chocolates, herring, flour, seasonings, ketchup, dumplings with potatoes, biscuits, cherry nectars, kvass, sweet soda, bottled water from leading manufacturers you can find on the website > website.

Good to know

Lactic acid bacteria are the source of lactic acid fermentation. They break down sugar and form more than 50% lactic acid, which has the property of preventing the development of pathogenic microbes, and also removes toxins and improves immunity. Lactic acid bacteria have antisclerotic, anticancer and antiallergic properties. They interact with each other and some other substances, releasing various substances necessary for digestion and metabolic process enzymes.

Lactic acid bacteria are widely known in medicine and are used to produce various medicines. They are prescribed for dysbiosis, diarrhea, food poisoning and other disorders of the digestive system.


It is better not to eat raw market product

Many consumers prefer to buy cottage cheese at the market, believing that only “grandmother’s cottage cheese” can be truly homemade. And it often costs less. Today, in the capital's markets, cottage cheese is sold for 30-35 UAH/kg, while the manufacturer's price is on average one and a half times more expensive (see table). And yet, experts advise not to get carried away with market cottage cheese.

Factory production conditions are radically different from home ones, says Vladimir Semenovich. - We have repeatedly carried out examinations of market cottage cheese and almost always received the same results. This is cottage cheese with a very high fat content, which, as a rule, does not pass microbiological tests - in particular, bacteria of the group coli. At the same time, homemade cottage cheese does not reach the norm in terms of the number of beneficial lactic acid bacteria.

Therefore, if you nevertheless bought cottage cheese on the market, it is better to heat treat it by preparing cheesecakes, dumplings, and casserole. You shouldn’t eat it raw, and especially you shouldn’t give it to children.

Comparative analysis of cottage cheese


Price per 1 kg, UAH*

Fat content

Proteins/carbohydrates per 100 g

lactic acid
bacteria in 1 g of product


Expert comments**

curd fermented milk "Molochny Dvor"

Not specified

The cheapest of the presented samples. The product is a soft crumbly mass in the form of grains different sizes with a slight release of serum. On the front of the package there is only the name “Dairy Dvor”, but the fact that this is not cottage cheese, but a cottage cheese product is indicated on back side packaging in small letters. The presence of a hardening agent and rennet in the composition suggests the same thing. The number of lactic acid organisms is not standardized, but nevertheless, this time the buyer was lucky: there are 1.1x106 of them per 1 g. Although experts insist: this is not the rule, but rather an exception to the rule.


Cottage cheese
homemade fermented milk

Not less than 1.0x106

(see on packaging)

Whole cow's milk, skimmed milk, fermentation of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria

Soft consistency with slight coarseness and little whey release. Just 3 UAH. more expensive than the previous sample, but nevertheless, this is not a cottage cheese product, but a classic fermented milk cottage cheese.

The only thing that is a little inconvenient for the consumer is the shelf life is only 5 days. And, despite the confidence of many buyers that such a short shelf life only indicates the naturalness of the product, experts say that this is not entirely true. It would be more correct to say that sanitary conditions in production allow us to establish only such a minimum shelf life.

fermented milk "Cottage cheese" "Cottage cheese tradition"

Not specified

Normalized milk, hardening agent: calcium chloride, bacterial starter, rennet

Despite the promising inscriptions “Curd” and “Curd Tradition,” this, like the first sample, is a curd product, as evidenced by the inscriptions in quotation marks, as well as the information on the back of the package.

And the shelf life is 30 days, and all the research results turned out to be exactly the same as those of the first sample, which is not surprising: the manufacturer is the same! And almost 5 UAH. per kilogram is the difference between trademarks"Prize" and President.

Words "Yanochka"

Cottage cheese
fermented milk

Not less than 1.0x106

(see on packaging)

Cow's milk, normalized, starter

Here again we have classic natural fermented milk cottage cheese. Consistency - soft, spreadable, homogeneous. Color - white with a cream tint.

The number of lactic acid organisms in 1 gram is 1.1x106.

The shelf life is 21 days, which, according to experts, allows us to say that the manufacturer was able to achieve ideal sanitary conditions in production.


Cottage cheese
fermented milk

Not less than 1.0x106

(see on packaging)

Skimmed milk, whole cow's milk, reconstituted skimmed milk, starters of pure cultures of lactic acid microorganisms

The weight of the pack is only 300 g, so the price per pack is less than 18 UAH. may mislead the inattentive consumer. In fact, this sample turned out to be the most expensive of those presented, although you couldn’t tell by looking at it. Unlike the four previous ones, this packaging is soft, and the text is written in a circle, which makes it difficult to read.

As for organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, they are all normal. The consistency is homogeneous, spreadable, the color is white with a creamy tint.

The number of lactic acid organisms in 1 gram is 1.1x106.

Shelf life - 21 days (see above).

Our experts are nutritionist Larisa BUTKOVA, head of the chemical-analytical laboratory of Ukrmetrteststandart Tamara NAZARENKO, head of the research center for testing products of Ukrmetrteststandart Vladimir SEMENOVICH.

Curd product

In the food retail chain today you can see many inexpensive products with labels such as “kefir” or “curd product” on the packaging. And how do these products differ from just “kefir” or “cottage cheese”? What do such names mean and is it worth saving money by purchasing such products?

Products containing milk

Sour cream, curd and cheese products have a dense consistency and have a sugary-sweet taste, indicating the presence synthetic additives. They are quite enriched vegetable proteins and fats, as well as preservatives. These products contain no more than 75 percent milk. Such food will not cause harm to health, but it will not be beneficial either. The prices for these products are lower because vegetable fat is cheaper than milk fat.

As for the milk-containing product produced using kefir technology. In its production, a dry starter is used that contains lactic acid bacteria, which are not identical to kefir grains. Also, the composition can be subjected to heat treatment, leading to the destruction of beneficial microflora. Most manufacturers use powdered milk as a base.

We can conclude that the kefir product does not contain beneficial lactobacilli.

UHT milk

Some consumers ignore this product, believing that it lacks vitamins. And this is a misconception. There are several technologies for preserving the properties of milk and ensuring its safety - these are sterilization, pasteurization and ultra-pasteurization. What are they for?

Danger raw product is that it may contain microorganisms and viruses that cause diseases. The destruction of microbes occurs when heated. There is a relationship between the heating temperature of the product and the holding time at this temperature: the higher the temperature, the shorter the holding time.

During ultra-pasteurization, the product is heated to temperatures exceeding 130 degrees, and the holding time is no more than 4 seconds. Pasteurization technology is characterized by less high temperatures with exposure from 20 seconds to 5 minutes. In this regard, both pasteurized and UHT milk have almost the same nutritional value.

Spread (fat product)

Such products can be either completely edible or harmful. In this case, the composition of vegetable fats is fundamentally important. If the spread includes hydrogenated sunflower and soybean oil, then it’s better not to put it in your grocery basket. Regular use of such a spread can lead to cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Baby food with vegetable fats

Some parents are concerned about the presence of vegetable fats in their children's diet. But these fears are in vain. Vegetable fats, especially rapeseed oil, are rich, which are a necessary substance in the diet of babies. The packaging should contain information about what oil is included in the product. If this information is missing, then it is not worth taking. On the label, all components are usually listed in descending order, depending on the amount (weight) of content in the product.

Important information. During production baby food It is strictly forbidden to use dyes and preservatives!