Hypoallergenic baby formulas (for prophylactic purposes) - review of brands. Hypoallergenic baby formulas (for prophylactic purposes) - review of brands Allergy to NAN hypoallergenic what to replace

Being a mother is a responsible and troublesome task. You could even say that this is the mission, the purpose of feminine nature. You need to know what is good for the child and what should be categorically abandoned. Motherhood in itself involves taking on serious responsibility in a woman’s life. Perhaps her most important task, because what could be more important than the health of her own child?

Every mother knows that there is nothing better than breastfeeding. But if for some reason this becomes impossible, you have to look for an alternative. It’s good when a woman manages to breastfeed her baby for at least three months. In some cases, the mother is left without milk immediately after giving birth. Many women fall into despair, especially those who have given birth to their first child. An unpleasant surprise in the form of a lack of milk can befall every young mother, so you should not be sad and tear your hair out. There is a way out - the dairy exists. In this article, the hypoallergenic mixture “NAN” is presented to the attention of readers. Perhaps the information below will help someone make their individual choice.


"NAN hypoallergenic 1", reviews of which are mostly positive, is an excellent replacement for breastfeeding. If it really turns out that you are not able to feed your baby naturally, formula will help. Do not despair and neglect modern scientific achievements. By choosing proper nutrition for your baby from infancy, you will protect him from problems with the digestive system in the future.

“NAN hypoallergenic 1” has a good composition. Reviews from pediatricians only emphasize the need to purchase products from this company. This mixture is as close as possible to breast milk. The composition includes palm oil, various vitamins necessary for the growth and development of a newborn, microelements and prebiotics. The package contains a special measuring spoon, which is very convenient for scooping out the dry mixture. One jar lasts a long time, so you don’t have to constantly overpay. There is also a measuring chart and cooking instructions. Inexperienced parents do not need to worry - all the necessary steps are described in detail.

Impressions of mothers

“NAN hypoallergenic 1” has many advantages over other mixtures. Reviews about it help new parents understand the issues that concern them and verify the undeniable quality of the product. Mothers' impressions of the formula are in most cases positive. Women note that children have a good appetite, healthy sleep, and regular bowel movements. Only in some cases did someone experience negative changes caused by intolerance to individual components contained in the composition.

Does not cause allergies

It is known that not all formulas are equally good; many of them are simply not suitable for your child. It is clear that no one will want to experiment with their baby again. It would be too cruel to him. Sometimes a baby has an allergy caused by a specific mixture. If this happens, the first thing that comes to mind is to change products as soon as possible and choose the most suitable one.

The “NAN hypoallergenic 1” mixture practically does not have such a negative quality. Reviews about it allow you to make the right choice. The mixture is precisely aimed at minimizing any irritation in the child and relieving symptoms of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.


Sometimes it happens that you are looking for something and just can’t find it. This problem will not arise with the product “NAN hypoallergenic 1”. Reviews of the mixture confirm the fact that it is easy to find in any store. Go to a large supermarket or just go to a pharmacy - the product will be right in front of your eyes. Take it off the shelf, read the ingredients, instructions for use, and finally, ask a sales consultant. The availability of this product only adds to its enormous advantages over other analogues. This means that you don’t have to run around looking for formula when you need to feed your baby. This is what “NAN hypoallergenic 1” represents. Product reviews are quite convincing and you can trust them.

Cooking time

The mixture dissolves easily and quickly in water. It does not form lumps, which means the baby will be comfortable. The preparation itself also does not take much time: just dissolve one measuring spoon in warm boiled water, shake the bottle - and the delicious dish is ready! It’s simple; even a very young mother can cope with this task. The main requirement here, perhaps, is the quality of water: you cannot add raw water taken from the tap, too hot or cold.

Many parents note that the baby does not have constipation, and there is always an excellent appetite for this mixture. There is also a separate place to store a spoon, which is also very convenient. There is no need to handle the dry mixture with your hands and then prepare it for your baby.


What is the most important thing in baby food? Of course, it must taste good in order for the baby to like it. “NAN” is sweet, but, fortunately, does not cause diathesis. The baby will be happy to eat a delicious mixture prepared for him with love. Inexperienced mothers often say that they regret that they do not have milk, and even partly feel guilty about it. In fact, if you look into it, there is nothing wrong with this: you can always choose the right nutritious food for your baby. The NAN hypoallergenic 1 mixture has all the necessary characteristics for the development and growth of a baby.

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 15.07.2011

Filterable list

Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Composition and release form

NAN ® Hypoallergenic 1 with probiotics

Dry milk mixture 1 liter of prepared mixture (670 kcal)
fat 34.1 g
linoleic acid 5.2 g (16.7%)
alpha-linolenic acid 642 mg
docosahexaenoic acid 73 mg
arachidonic acid 73 mg
protein (including whey proteins - 100%) 12.8 g
carbohydrates 78.5 g
lactose 78.5 g
probiotics (culture of bifidobacteria (B. lactis)
minerals (ash) 3.1 g
sodium 170 mg
potassium 660 mg
chlorides 450 mg
calcium 420 mg
phosphorus 230 mg
magnesium 79 mg
manganese 160 mcg
selenium 20 mcg
vitamin A 670 µg PE
vitamin D 8.8 mcg
vitamin E 6.9 mg
vitamin K 53 mcg
vitamin C 94 mg
vitamin B 1 0.66 mg
vitamin B 2 1.5 mg
niacin 7.2 mg
vitamin B 6 0.46 mg
folic acid 120 mcg
pantothenic acid 5 mg
vitamin B 12 1.6 mcg
biotin 15 mcg
choline 69 mg
inositol 39 mg
taurine 46 mg
carnitine 10 mg
nucleotides 20 mg
iron 7.2 mg
iodine 98 mcg
copper 0.54 mg
zinc 6.3 mg
osmolality— 320 mOsm/kg

in jars of 400 g.

NAN ® Hypoallergenic 2 with probiotics

Dry milk mixture 1 liter of prepared mixture (670 kcal)
fat 30 g
linoleic acid 4.8 g (17%)
alpha-linolenic acid 589 mg
docosahexaenoic acid 55 mg
arachidonic acid 55 mg
protein (including whey proteins - 100%) 15.1 g
carbohydrates 85.1 g
lactose 51.7 g
maltodextrin 33.5 g
probiotics (culture of bifido- ( B. longum) and lactobacilli (L. rhamnosis)
minerals (ash) 3.8 g
sodium 320 mg
potassium 820 mg
chlorides 510 mg
calcium 750 mg
phosphorus 500 mg
magnesium 66 mg
manganese 140 mcg
selenium 21 mcg
vitamin A 750 mcg PE
vitamin D 12 mcg
vitamin E 5.9 mg
vitamin K 51 mcg
vitamin C 140 mg
vitamin B 1 0.73 mg
vitamin B 2 1.5 mg
niacin 6.3 mg
vitamin B 6 0.49 mg
folic acid 130 mcg
pantothenic acid 4 mg
vitamin B 12 1.5 mcg
biotin 15 mcg
choline 130 mg
inositol 59 mg
carnitine 8.6 mg
nucleotides 20 mg
iron 9.9 mg
iodine 96 mcg
copper 0.56 mg
zinc 5.9 mg
osmolality— 291 mOsm/kg

in jars of 400 g.


NAN ® Hypoallergenic 1 with probiotics— a dry mixture based on partially hydrolyzed whey proteins with probiotics for dietary (preventive) nutrition for children from birth.

NAN ® Hypoallergenic 2 with probiotics— a dry mixture based on partially hydrolyzed whey proteins with probiotics for dietary (preventive) nutrition for children from 6 months.

Component Properties

The partially digested protein contained in NAN ® Hypoallergenic 1 with Probiotics and NAN ® Hypoallergenic 2 with Probiotics has a dual effect on the immune system: it helps prevent allergies and gradually acclimate to milk protein.

NAN ® Hypoallergenic 1 mixtures with probiotics contain live bifidobacteria (B. lactis) and NAN ® Hypoallergenic 2 with probiotics - live bifidobacteria (B. longum) and lactobacilli (L. rhamnosis), which helps ensure the predominance of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the baby’s intestinal microflora - just like in breastfed children. This composition of intestinal microflora helps the proper development of immunity and, as scientifically proven, reduces the risk of developing allergies.

Indications of the drug NAN ® Hypoallergenic 1 with probiotics

NAN Hypoallergenic 1 with probiotics- as a preventive nutrition for children from groups with an increased risk of developing food allergies, from the first days of life.

NAN Hypoallergenic 2 with probiotics— as a preventive nutrition for children from groups with an increased risk of developing food allergies, older than 6 months.

Directions for use and doses

The dry mixture is first diluted with boiled water according to the instructions on the package, unless otherwise recommended by the pediatrician.

Storage conditions NAN ® Hypoallergenic 1 with probiotics

In a dry place, at a temperature of 2-25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life NAN ® Hypoallergenic 1 with probiotics

24 months After opening the package, store the contents for no more than 24 hours.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Instructions for use

Nan 1 optipro hypoallergenic dry formula for children from birth 400.0 instructions for use


vegetable oils (sunflower, coconut, low erucic rapeseed oil, Mortierella Alpina oil), partially hydrolyzed whey protein, calcium phosphate, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, L-arginine, fish oil, potassium phosphate, vitamins (sodium L-ascorbate, ascorbyl palmitate ( C), DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate (E), D-calcium pantothenate (B5), nicotinamide (PP), riboflavin (B2), retinol acetate (A), thiamine mononitrate (B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), folic acid (B9), phytomenadione (K), D-biotin (B7), D3 cholecalciferol (D), cyanocobalamin (B12)), sodium chloride, L-histidine, choline bitartrate, L-tyrosine, taurine, inositol, iron (II ) sulfate, L-carnitine, zinc sulfate, nucleotides, culture of bifidobacteria (not less than 106 CFU/g), copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenate.


The specially formulated blend of NAN® Hypoallergenic 1 OPTIPRO®HA has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of developing allergies, particularly atopic dermatitis, in the crucial first years of life. However, it should not be used without consulting a doctor if your baby is already allergic to cow's milk proteins. The introduction of other formula, as well as cow's milk, should be done under the supervision of a medical professional.

OPTIPRO® HA is an optimized, partially hydrolyzed protein complex obtained using a special technology. It has significantly reduced allergenicity and, as a result, reduces the risk of developing allergies.

Live BL bifidobacteria help train and develop your baby's immune system.

DHA and ARA are polyunsaturated fatty acids present in breast milk, play an important role in the development of the baby's immune system and contribute to the development of the brain and vision.

The product is made from raw materials produced by specially selected suppliers, without the use of genetically modified ingredients, preservatives, colors or flavors.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Storage conditions:

The contents of the jar must be used within 3 weeks after opening; it is not recommended to store in the refrigerator.

Before and after opening, store the product at a temperature not exceeding 25? and relative air humidity not more than 75%.

Shelf life: 24 months.

Date of manufacture (MAN), best before (EXP) and batch number are indicated on the bottom of the can


Nestle NAN Hypoallergenic 1 OPTIPRO dry formula was created specifically for feeding children from birth in cases where breastfeeding is not possible. It has a balanced composition and provides the baby with all the nutrients necessary for harmonious physical and mental development. This hypoallergenic mixture reduces the risk of developing allergies. Thanks to the unique OPTIPRO HA complex, the child receives exactly as much protein as he needs, and live BL bifidobacteria help strengthen his immunity. The mixture is made from high-quality raw materials and does not contain genetically modified ingredients, preservatives, dyes or flavors. It has a pleasant taste and will certainly please your baby. If your child is already allergic to cow's milk proteins, you should consult your doctor. The introduction of other formula, as well as cow's milk, should be done under the supervision of a medical professional.

Directions for use


The mixture should be prepared immediately before feeding. Follow cooking instructions exactly. The diluted mixture remaining after feeding cannot be stored or subsequently used. During feeding, it is necessary to support the child so that he does not choke. When your baby gets older, switch to cup feeding. Using unboiled water and unboiled bottles, as well as improper storage, transportation, preparation and feeding can lead to adverse effects on the baby's health.

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According to WHO statistics, in the modern world, every third child is at risk of developing allergies. Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1 was developed specifically for such children. The mixture is used to feed newborns up to 6 months who are susceptible to this disease. The product is made on the basis of whey proteins, which have undergone hydrolysis, and is used when the mother has insufficient breast milk or is unable to breastfeed. Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1 mixture is allowed to be used as a child’s only food.

Product composition and nutritional value

Nutrilon Hypoallergenic reduces the risk of atopic dermatitis and allergies to cow's milk protein. The mixture contains the following components:

  • lactose;
  • mineral and vitamin complex;
  • whey proteins that have undergone hydrolysis (due to this, the risk of allergies is significantly reduced);
  • prebiotics and emulsifier;
  • various vegetable oils - coconut, palm, sunflower;
  • fish oil;
  • L-carnitine;
  • choline, taurine, inositol.

The nutritional value per 100 ml of the finished mixture is indicated in the table:

Indicator, unit of measurement Per 100 ml of mixture
Protein, g1,5
Fat, g3,4
Vegetable fat, g3,3
Linoleic acid, mg421
Arachidonic acid, mg11
Carbohydrates, g7,2
Lactose, g6,9
Prebiotics, g0,8
Minerals, g0,32
Sodium, potassium, chlorides, calcium, mg25 / 73 / 41 / 46
Phosphorus, magnesium, iron, mg26 / 5,1 / 0,53
Zinc - mg, copper, manganese, selenium, mcg0,5 / 40 / 7,5 / 1,5
Molybdenum, chromium, iodine, mcg1,4 / 1,2 / 12
Vitamin A, D3, E, K1, mcg50 / 1,2 / 1 / 4,4
Vitamin B1, B2, niacin, B5, B6, folic acid, B12, mcg50 / 100 / 0,43 / 0,352 / 40 / 8,4 / 0,16
Biotin, vitamin C, inositol, choline, mg1,8 / 9,1 / 4,1 / 10
Carnitine, taurine, nucleotides, mg1 / 5,3 / 3,2
Energy value, kcal65

Nutrilon Hypoallergenic strengthens the child's immune system, which is especially important for children prone to allergies. It contains a complex of prebiotics, which are similar in properties to substances contained in breast milk. They help form natural defenses against infections.

Instructions for use

When a new formula is introduced, the child’s digestive system must adapt to the assimilation of the new product, since the activity of some enzymes, the rate of processing of components, and stool change.

The new infant formula should be given in small quantities from a separate bottle at the beginning of feeding before the usual formula. Gradually, the volume of the new mixture increases, and the old one decreases. This will make it easier for the digestive system to get used to the new product. In addition, during this time you can evaluate the baby’s reaction to the new composition.

An approximate scheme for introducing the mixture is described in the table:

100 ml of prepared mixture = 90 ml of water and 3 measuring spoons. 1 spoon contains 4.6 g of powder. The introduction of a new composition should take place after consultation with a pediatrician and under his supervision.

The table below presents approximate feeding recommendations depending on the age of formula-fed children, if Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1 is used as the only mixture:

From 6 months to a year use Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 2.

The volume of infant feeding presented in the table is an approximate value, since it depends on many factors, such as:

  • age;
  • appetite.

Method for preparing the mixture:

  1. 1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. 2. Sterilize the bottle and nipple.
  3. 3. Boil water and cool to 40 degrees. Re-boiled liquid cannot be used.
  4. 4. In accordance with the table, measure the required amount of water.
  5. 5. In order to measure the dry mixture, it is recommended to use a measuring spoon. Remove the slide with a knife or using the device on the jar.
  6. 6. Add the required number of level measuring spoons to the water. Adding more or less formula than normal can negatively affect the child's health.
  7. 7. Close the bottle tightly with the lid and shake in a circular motion until the composition dissolves.
  8. 8. Remove the cap and replace it with the nipple.
  9. 9. Drop the mixture onto the inside of your wrist to check the temperature of the finished mixture.
  10. 10. Use the prepared composition for 50-60 minutes.

The instructions for use provide the following recommendations:

  1. 1. Mix food immediately before use.
  2. 2. Do not leave or use leftover formula for the next feeding.
  3. 3. Do not heat the bottle in the microwave to avoid the formation of hot lumps.
  4. 4. Strictly follow the dosage and do not add other ingredients.
  5. 5. Do not leave the baby alone during feeding.