Renting non-residential premises: What the tenant and landlord should know. How to rent an apartment: what you need to know

The main question For any entrepreneur - where to find a suitable place to locate your business? The most common option is renting non-residential premises. The services market offers us the rental of office space, warehouse complexes, retail space and much more. Their cost varies depending on the area, cosmetic condition, size, newness and much more. But it’s important not only to find a suitable room. You also need to rent it so that the benefit is maximum and the risk is minimal. It is clear that the latter will be so only if there is a lease agreement, but practice shows that when drawing up this agreement, questions often arise, the solution of which determines not only the correctness of the document, but also the degree of legal risks inherent in it. So, what do you need to know and take into account when drawing up a lease agreement for non-residential premises?

Better double check

According to the Civil Code Russian Federation, the right to lease property belongs to its owner or a person authorized by the owner, - speaks Director of the outsourcing company "YurfinekS" Yuri Romanchenko. — Therefore, before signing the contract, you need to make sure that the premises are actually owned by the landlord. To do this, you must request from him a certificate of ownership of the leased object.

This document, lawyers warn, needs to be studied very carefully. It is important to make sure that the landlord actually has the right to sign this type of agreement (this must be specified in the charter or confirmed by a power of attorney). It would not be amiss to contact the territorial body that registers rights to real estate and transactions with it to clarify information about the availability of registered rights to the premises you are interested in. State registration is open, so it is quite easy to do.

An agreement signed by an unauthorized person may be declared invalid by the court., warns Yuri Romanchenko.

Naturally, a lease agreement for non-residential premises must be drawn up in in writing. The number of original copies is equal to the number of parties to the contract. True, if state registration of a document is required, another copy is drawn up for the registering authority.

It’s important to take everything into account

Now about what should be specified in the contract. And it must indicate all the essential characteristics of the premises: address, floor, location on the floor, name (non-residential premises, part of non-residential premises), inventory number, functional purpose(office, production, warehouse, etc.) and area.

In a number of cases, an agreement is recognized as not concluded if there is only the address of the building, area and floor plan with an explanation, since this information is not enough to identify the property,” Yuri Romanchenko emphasizes. — Their presence does not indicate the consistency of the leased item, since there is no indication of the location of premises in the building (floor), number non-residential premises, their numbers and other characteristics. Also, an agreement may be recognized as not concluded if the characteristics specified in the agreement do not correspond to the actual characteristics of the leased object.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rules and sometimes a lease agreement is recognized as concluded if the discrepancy between the actual and contractual characteristics occurred as a result of a technical error. But the fact that the error was technical still needs to be proven.

The courts do not have a common position regarding discrepancies in the descriptions of the object in the lease agreement and accounting documents, so the fate of such legal disputes is difficult to determine Most judges believe that in this case the lease agreement should be recognized as not concluded. A lease agreement can be recognized as concluded only if “the lessor does not have any other similar property” or the discrepancies in the description of the subject of the lease are insignificant.

No more than once a year

The essential aspect of the transaction is financial. The lease agreement for non-residential premises must indicate the size rent.

If there are no terms on the amount of rent in the contract, the document is considered invalid from the moment of signing, warn the lawyers of Yurfinek. — And the rules for determining the price provided for in the article of the civil code on the price for “similar services” under “comparable circumstances” do not apply in such cases.

According to the law, you can change the rent no more than once a year.

Therefore, the contract cannot include a condition providing for the possibility of changing the amount of rent more often than once a year, says Yuri Romanchenko. — Such a condition is void. Most courts interpret this condition to mean that the rent can be changed no earlier than a year after the conclusion of the transaction and no more often than once a year thereafter. It also follows that the amount of rent under an agreement concluded for a period of less than one year is not subject to change..

It must be borne in mind that, in addition to paying rent, the tenant must also bear the costs of maintaining the property. Of course, unless otherwise provided by law or the lease agreement. Property maintenance costs include expenses for compensation of utility bills, maintenance of the building and territory, etc.

Acts judicial practice additionally confirm that the costs of maintaining and repairing the common property of the building in which the rented premises are located are not included in the tenant’s expenses for maintaining the property, therefore they must be paid by the owner of the premises,” Yuri Mikhailovich clarifies.

In other words, the landlord is obliged to carry out major repairs, and the tenant – current ones. Conditions on the procedure for carrying out all types of repairs must be included in certain provisions agreement.

I would also like to note that the parties must stipulate the issue of improvement by the tenant of the premises, says Yuri Romanchenko. – This, for example, concerns redevelopment. According to the law, if the tenant has made improvements to the property (premises) at his own expense and with the consent of the landlord, he has the right to compensation for the cost of these improvements after termination of the contract. If there was no approval for the improvements, the cost, by law, is not reimbursed. However, this issue must certainly be clarified by the parties to the contract..

Every nightstand is important

Another important document is the act of acceptance and transfer of premises, which, just like the lease agreement, mandatory signed by both parties. This act must indicate the condition of the non-residential premises, its features, the presence of any property (equipment, furnishings) and other details that deserve attention and reflection in the document.

The absence of this act may be an obstacle to the use of the premises by the tenant, says Yuri Romanchenko. — In addition, it is with the moment of transfer of property that the courts associate the emergence of the tenant’s right to protect the leased property from the claims of third parties. It happens, of course, that the courts recognize the actual use of property as the transfer of property to the tenant, despite the fact that there is no act of acceptance and transfer of this property, but I would not recommend counting on the fact that your case will continue this series of exceptions.

It would seem obvious, but just in case, let us clarify that upon termination of the lease agreement, the leased property is returned to the lessor in compliance with the same rules as when concluding the agreement. But the documents necessary for concluding the transaction do not end with the contract and the acceptance certificate of the premises for rent.

The lease agreement for non-residential premises must be accompanied by the corresponding cadastral passports, floor plans, diagrams and explications, which indicate the premises that are the objects of lease, says Yuri Romanchenko. — If such plans and diagrams are available, the subject of the lease agreement is considered agreed upon.

The areas to be leased, lawyers warn, must be highlighted on the plan (diagram), and all changes (corrections) must be agreed upon by the parties. The annexes to the agreement and acceptance certificates must contain a reference to the agreement.

Required condition

Residential and non-residential premises are classified as real estate, the right to which and transactions with which are subject to mandatory state registration , says Yuri Romanchenko.

True, this is only if the lease agreement is concluded for a period of more than one year. If less, state registration is not required.

State registration is not required even if a real estate lease agreement concluded for a period of less than one year is subsequently extended for a period of less than one year.,” explains the director of “YurfinekS”. — In this case, the contract can be extended by concluding a new contract or automatically on the basis of the original contract at the end of the lease period and in the absence of an application from one of the parties to refuse to renew the contract.

Be that as it may, concluding such transactions is quite risky. Therefore, before entering into an agreement, be sure to consult with a lawyer. Carefully read all the clauses of the agreement and realistically assess your ability to pay. And only after that make the final decision. After all, you are choosing a place to implement your own business, and in such things, haste is highly discouraged.

Petrozavodsk, st. Andropova, 15, office 501, tel/fax: 59-45-00, 28-03-03

Our advice will be useful to those who enter into a lease agreement for the first time. commercial real estate and have not yet thought about what you should find out from its owner before picking up the keys and saying goodbye.

Communal issues

The lease agreement between the landlord and the tenant already determines who pays utility bills. If there is no such obligation of the tenant in the contract, then, by default, they are paid by the owner of the property.

If the tenant will pay for utilities, you should definitely find out:

Payment of utilities

  • what is the average monthly utility fee for your premises/building;
  • where and how to pay. Payment deadlines;
  • what types of services the meters are installed for (copy their readings into the acceptance certificate and certify them with the signatures of both parties). Find out when these meters were verified (they provide a special verification certificate for this) or whether you will have to do verification during the rental process;
  • list of supplier organizations utilities for this commercial property (name, address, telephone). It is advisable to obtain copies of agreements with these organizations from the landlord. With some of them, the tenant will have to conclude his own contract and pay utilities for the office/premises on his own behalf.

Where to put the garbage

  • Garbage removal - who carries out it and what is the mechanism. Or just find out where the dump is.

Where to call in case of an accident

  • telephone numbers of 24-hour dispatch services - in the event of an accident, which usually occurs suddenly, this will be very useful.

Are there any debts for utilities (will they turn it off)

  • Does the owner have any debts on utility bills?

Having received information on utility issues, you will be able to understand how many mandatory expenses await you, in addition to the rent itself and those taken into account by metering devices.

Features of the room/building

Take a good look around the premises before signing a lease and ask anything you don't understand. In the act of acceptance and transfer of space for rent, it is better to describe in detail all the problems and features of the building, the condition of the premises, and the equipment with which they are equipped.

This way, you will save yourself from disputes when returning this commercial property at the end of the lease.

Ceiling height

This parameter is important when renting premises for production or storage, so that tall equipment can be placed. And for some other types of business. Typically, ceiling heights are in simple office premises are from 2.5 to 3 m.

And in large hangars or workshops - from 6 to 12, so that a crane can fit there, and not just a person and a chandelier.

Toilets, kitchen and other utility rooms

If you decide to rent an office in a building where the toilet is shared by several rooms, find out the rules of use (key, payment for technical staff, etc.).

Alarms and fire fighting equipment

I advise you to find out in advance from the landlord the presence/absence of fire and burglar alarm indoors. And is there other fire-fighting equipment, or do you have to purchase your own?

Telephone and Internet

How many telephone lines are there in the room, is there internet and what type and provider (if this is important to you).

Is it possible to carry out these types of communications in offices and other premises if telephone and Internet are not available? If Internet access is possible, ask your providers; not all providers are ready to serve a specific building.

If the premises are in the basement or basement, and your employees will be there all the time, check to see if they work there mobile communications or you will have to install a signal amplifier so that you can reach your subordinates and receive calls from partners and clients.

Permitted electrical power

If you place a store with refrigeration equipment in the building, a modern printing house with a lot of equipment powered by electricity, or other energy-consuming equipment, then find out in advance what electrical power is allocated to your premises.

And will they be enough to service your office, store or enterprise?

Usually, if there is not enough capacity, this issue can be resolved at Inter RAO. But there are places in the city for which it is no longer possible to allocate excess electrical power for technical reasons.

Building opening hours

If you rent space in an office or shopping center with a common entrance, then usually such buildings have opening hours and are open to visitors only during these times.

You need to find out if the work schedule you require matches the work schedule of the rest of the building.

Keys and locks for premises

Discuss with the owner of the premises:

  • how many sets of keys does he have, which of them (or all) does he give to you?
  • do you have the right to cut into your lock;
  • when and how the owner has the right to enter the premises.

Possibility of advertising on the facade

For most tenants, outdoor advertising on the facade of the building is very important. Find out if the owner will allow you to place it.

For example, we are ready to provide outdoor advertising tenants.

Parking for the tenant's and his visitors' vehicles

A very important point. Find out if the rental space has free parking and where it is located. Paid/free.

Address, telephone numbers of the owner and tenants

Write down as much contact information as possible for your landlord. He may break/lose one phone, but you will know another or write him an email/snail mail. Or just go home.

Because you still have no idea how funny or difficult questions may arise during the operation of rented premises.

I advise property owners to do the same. You should always be in contact with your tenants and feel what is happening, help if it arises technical problems. And to see if the tenant is not coping, if his business is not going as well as he planned, that it is time to look for a new tenant.

Other issues of commercial real estate operation

I think that gradually, as situations arise and ways to solve problems are found, we will supplement our story with advice for tenants and landlords.

If you have other problems or want to tell a funny story related to renting commercial real estate, write to us. Let's consult. We can publish the story.))


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Many entrepreneurs, when starting a business, are faced with the problem of renting non-residential premises. In addition to the fact that you need to choose a room that suits all parameters, you also need to correctly draw up a contract. What should a lease agreement contain, what points should you pay attention to when signing it?

When concluding a lease agreement, you must clearly define the location of the premises or building. Moreover, if part of the premises of a building is rented, you should not limit yourself to just indicating the street and house number: this will give reason to assume that all the premises in it are rented. Another typical mistake is an incorrect address. For example, when instead of a property number they write a house number (from the point of view of identifying objects, these are completely different things), instead of a prospectus they write a driveway, etc.

The main thing is money

The next important point is the rent, the amount of which must be agreed upon by the parties in the contract. It can be calculated for 1 sq. m per year or for the entire premises per month. In addition, it is necessary to record how the payment will be made: if in rubles, then the rental rate is indicated; if in dollars or euros, then it should be noted that payments are made in rubles at the rate determined by the parties. Most often it is equated to the rate of the Central Bank of Russia.
Also, when determining the rent amount, it is necessary to indicate whether utilities are included in it. In some cases, the landlord reserves the right to issue separate bills to the tenant for basic utilities or for non-utility services, which include, for example, garbage collection, telephone service, Internet, etc.

Problems also arise when renovating the premises. In some agreements, the landlord obliges the tenant to repair the premises provided to him “if necessary,” but often this “case” is not defined. That is, formally, the landlord can demand repairs at any time. Another nuance concerns overhaul: it should only be carried out by the owner of the premises! Of course, specialists will carry out the work, but the responsibility for maintaining the premises (building) in proper condition rests with the owner.

Check it seven times...

If the lease agreement is concluded for a period of more than one year, it is subject to state registration. If the parties do not want to go through this procedure, it is worth concluding an agreement for a shorter period (for example, 11 months or 364 days) and provide for the possibility of its extension (prolongation) if there are no objections from any of the parties. In principle, this does not have to be specified in the contract. In accordance with the Civil Code of Russia, if the parties continue to fulfill their obligations under the agreement and have not expressed a desire to terminate it, such an agreement is considered extended for an indefinite period.

To avoid misunderstandings, it is advisable to note in the contract that the transfer of premises for rent does not constitute a transfer of ownership of it. In other words, a certain company X can use the premises under a lease agreement, but citizen Ivanov will still remain the owner. In addition, it is necessary to indicate on the basis of which document the lessor disposes of the premises, i.e., confirm ownership.

When concluding a sublease agreement, reference to the lease agreement is required. If you are a subtenant, you are required to obtain the owner's consent to enter into an agreement. After all, the latter has the right to prohibit the tenant from subletting the premises.

An important element of the lease agreement is the acceptance certificate of the premises attached to the agreement. It must indicate the condition of the premises at the time of transfer. It should be noted which communications are connected and functioning ( telephone cable, water supply and sewerage, heating network etc.).
When signing the act, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its contents, since the parties to the agreement sometimes choose rather strange wording, which is not always correct. Sometimes in the act of acceptance and transfer you can come across the names of very intricate mechanisms and systems. Thus, the author of these lines not long ago discovered in the act, among other engineering systems, a rodent control system.

Upon expiration of the rental agreement, an acceptance and return certificate is issued. This document also records the condition of the transferred premises. If the acceptance and return certificate indicates that it is in in good condition, suitable for further use, the former tenant can sleep peacefully. The act must stipulate that the parties have no claims against each other related to the execution of the contract.

Any contract provides for the rights and obligations of the parties. As a rule, a lease agreement implies the right of the landlord to freely enter the rented premises to check their condition. In addition, since the contract must specify the purposes for which the premises are rented, the landlord can check exactly how it is used. If this condition is not met, the lessor has the right to apply appropriate sanctions. As a rule, if the premises are misused, systematic non-payment or late payment of rental payments, as well as damage is caused, the lessor terminates the contract.

...Sign once

The rights of a tenant usually include the right to use the property. Accordingly, the agreement provides for the obligation of the lessor to provide the premises for use. If the lessor does not transfer the premises within the prescribed period or transfers it in a condition that does not meet the terms of the contract, the tenant may make appropriate claims. For example, a room is rented for use as an archive. However, when the premises are handed over, it turns out that it is damp and it is difficult to use it for storing paper documents. The tenant has the right to either demand that the landlord provide another premises or terminate the contract. In the first case, it is necessary to amend the lease agreement or enter into a new one. If the tenant decides to terminate the contract, but has already made an advance payment, he can demand that the landlord return the amount paid.

Be sure to check whether the parties’ details are correct in the contract: names, addresses, TIN, bank details, passport details (if the party to the contract is individual) etc. If one of the parties to the contract is an organization, it is necessary to clarify whether it has official specified in the contract, the right to sign such documents.

Renting out real estate is a very profitable business if you treat the procedure with maximum responsibility. Constant passive income is always pleasant, but what if the idea arose to provide commercial real estate for rent? This will require a slightly different approach, because there is a big difference between renting an apartment and a large office.

Step by step instructions

The process of leasing an object is divided into the following stages:

  1. Determination of rental value.

The first step is to review and evaluate greatest number available offers on the market. The larger the sample, the better the result (a more accurate indicator of the average rental cost for commercial premises).

During the analysis, you can use popular sites like Avito or CIAN. Information can also be studied in a variety of printed publications. If you have no desire to study other offers yourself, it would be wise to hire a realtor or broker.

The price for such services can hardly be called high, but retaining a decent share nerve cells and time is quite realistic.

The cost of renting commercial real estate should suit not only the owner, but also potential clients. A deliberately high bid is unlikely to be successful, but the following factors may influence the formation of the price tag:

  • location of the building/premises;
  • infrastructure (presence of cafes in the immediate vicinity, free parking, building security);
  • building class;
  • quality and level of repairs;
  • layout functionality;
  • various features communications (uninterrupted power supply, Internet, availability of bathrooms, etc.);
  • other bonuses that could potentially improve tenant productivity ( Wi-Fi router, coffee machine, comfortable furniture).

After analyzing the prices on the market, you can contact other landlords and try to reduce the cost. Often, the price indicated in offers is indicative and approximate. The value that can be achieved during negotiations will be enough to find out the average rental rate for similar proposals. 5-10 requests are enough to get comparative data on rental rates.

The most important thing for a commercial property landlord is to find the right client. You can do this yourself, or you can hire a realtor. Both situations have their pros and cons, so choosing what to do is a personal matter for everyone.

When searching for a tenant on your own, a serious advantage is having your own base. However, its absence will not entail big problems, but you will have to spend more effort.

In a good way Finding a suitable client means creating a website with a commercial offer. It is better to promote such a site using contextual advertising with an emphasis on key audiences. Thanks to such advertising, you can easily find an interested audience and avoid high commissions to agencies.

It is most advisable to do this when renting out premises with an impressive area. Such offers are sought by clients who expect high profitability from the planned activity, and most of all they trust sites.

If a person wants to buy a very expensive car, will he look for it on dubious resources or will he prefer the official website? The tenant of commercial real estate is of the same opinion.

A completely different matter is small premises for rent. There is no point in creating a website and free online message boards (even small ones) are perfect.

  1. Realtor services.

If you don’t want to search for interested parties yourself, there is the option of hiring a realtor. This person will independently find the right tenants, make contacts and even independently conclude the necessary agreement rent.

On the other hand, search the right people– the matter is delicate and quite complex/labor-intensive. Not all realtors will agree to this, but experts in their field in serious agencies will require such services sum of money in the amount of 50% of the rental price for 1 month. And sometimes even more than that.

But still, with this method of searching for tenants, the owner will free himself from significant difficulties. In the end, it will only be a matter of drawing up the contract and preparing all necessary documentation.

Payment for the realtor's services is made only after the conclusion of the lease agreement. If a realtor or agency requires you to make an advance payment or pay the amount earlier, they may be scammers.

  1. Required documentation.

After a tenant has been found and that's it key points If both parties are satisfied, you can begin to draw up the contract. An agreement on the lease of commercial real estate must necessarily contain the following clauses:

  • complete information about each of the parties;
  • exact address of the rental property;
  • amount and utility payer;
  • monthly rental amount;
  • the date when the property will be rented out;
  • necessary actions each party in the event of force majeure situations;
  • description of the quality of repairs and existing furniture;
  • Key conditions under which a lease agreement can be terminated.

If you lack the necessary knowledge or experience, it would be wiser to involve a qualified lawyer in the procedure for concluding a contract.

A contract is not the only thing you need when renting out real estate. You should also have with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document confirming ownership;
  • floor plan.

When all the documents are in hand and the parties have successfully concluded the contract, all that remains is to receive the proceeds and monitor the frequency of payments.

Commercial real estate includes office buildings, industrial premises, sports facilities, shops, garages, warehouses and even hotels.

You can speed up the leasing of commercial real estate by reducing the rental rate. Taking into account the constant costs of maintaining the premises, it would be more correct to rent out real estate at an average or even low rate than to put up high price, but for the whole year.

The price of such premises is also affected by the availability of:

  • parking;
  • points catering(in the same building or in close proximity);
  • infrastructure;
  • high cross-country ability, etc.

In such conditions, rents can be significantly higher than the market average. And, of course, there will be a client for it.

Openness to the wishes of future clients also plays a significant role in the delivery of commercial real estate:

  1. Help with planning.

A potential tenant may need help or advice with workspace layouts. It would be wise to prepare in advance and offer several ready-made options right away, and the key changes will be left to the client, which he wants to make.

It is much easier to change something ready-made than to create something from scratch. Similar attitude to the tenant will undoubtedly be appreciated.

  1. Discussion of details.

The color of the walls in the room, the number of maximum connections to telephone network or the Internet, as well as discussing all other features will help gain the tenant’s favor and persuade him to rent this particular property.

This is a small psychological trick: than more people goes into detail, the higher the chances that such a conversation will be etched in his memory. This means that he will focus on him first of all, weigh the pros and cons, etc.

However, if the entire rental process is based on such tricks, there will be a big risk of losing your reputation. If the quality of the rental is significant only in words, then this can lead to very serious consequences.

  1. Holidays.

If the commercial premises allocated for renting do not have finishing, then you can offer the tenant a payment holiday. That is, he will carry out repairs at his own expense, but while the repair crews are doing their job, the client will not pay rent for the premises.

This is quite a significant plus for a tenant who has clearly decided to rent the property:

  • if not extra funds to pay rent and repairs at the same time, then this action will cause exclusively positive emotions and will improve the reputation of the landlord;
  • Also, renovation holidays will help persuade a hesitant tenant to purchase this particular property/premises.

In general, it is possible to temporarily exempt a client from paying rent in the most different situations. The main thing is that there are no serious financial losses for both parties. These are basic features of doing business, and tenants (as well as landlords) of commercial real estate understand this very well.

That's why similar actions are widespread, although their use is not mandatory. Especially if the delivery of commercial real estate is not urgent.

  1. Lessor reliability.

This is a very important point, most clearly manifested when preparing documentation from the owner for the tenant. The more guarantees the client receives, the greater the chances of successfully leasing the premises.

An abundance of supporting documents, no tricks when signing an agreement and a good reputation are the keys to successful leasing of commercial real estate. The reason is simple:

  • when renting an apartment, the issue is often dealt with by ordinary citizens;
  • and if the premises are planned to be used in commercial purposes and seriously make money from this business, then the tenant will study each document as scrupulously as possible.

Risks and other difficulties

Not only the tenant is exposed to risks - the same applies to the landlord. Most common reasons conflicts are:

  • insufficient definition of the legal obligations of the parties regarding the leased property;
  • delays in monthly payments and other payments;
  • use of rented property for other purposes;
  • damage/loss of property belonging to the lessor;
  • taxation disputes (according to Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation to pay VAT is assigned only to the lessor with the possibility of deducting the tax amount by the lessee if the appropriate document is available).

All these conflict situations directly depend on the concluded contract. Each of the points should be described as accurately as possible, since this minimizes the risks for both parties at once. It is important to take a responsible approach to concluding a contract in order to avoid similar situations.

Renting commercial real estate is not much different, but has a number of key features. The most important thing is the conclusion of the contract. In any situation, the parties will rely only on it, therefore, when concluding a transaction, they need to concentrate their attention on this document.

This issue is always the main and most often controversial when signing a lease agreement between the tenant and the landlord. It is advisable to define the obligations for utility payments in detail in the contract itself. In the absence of this clause in the contract, the dispute between the tenant and the landlord is resolved in accordance with Russian legislation, i.e. Responsibility for utilities and their payment rests with the property owner (lessor).

Utilities are paid by the tenant

Receipt and transfer of leased property

When drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of premises for rent, you should note all the features of the building. Specify the area of ​​the premises, its condition, problems and shortcomings that existed at the time the premises were accepted for rent. List all installed devices and equipment. With such actions you can protect yourself from unexpected events on the part of the landlord.


High ceilings are important for placing production equipment in a rented space or for organizing a warehouse. The average height of an office building can be between 2.5 -3.0 meters. The average height in warehouse or industrial premises is 6.0 - 12.0 meters.

Utility rooms

Ancillary premises in a rented building include:

  • toilet;
  • kitchen, etc.;

When renting premises, you should always find out about the conditions for their maintenance and operation. It is advisable to include conditions for using such places in the lease agreement.

Fire safety

The presence or absence of a security alarm and fire-fighting equipment must be included in the acceptance and transfer certificate of the premises.


The cost of rent can be significantly affected by the availability telephone communication and Internet in the premises. If there are none, then you need to find out about the possibility of doing it yourself. telephone line and connect to the Internet. For basement or basement important point is the availability of cellular communications.


When renting a building for entrepreneurial activity Since there is a large amount of equipment that consumes electricity, you need to familiarize yourself with technical specifications and the permitted electrical power for this room. If necessary, increase the power of electricity consumed with the permission of the owner and in the presence of all the documents established for this type of operation.

Operating mode

The working hours are set by the tenant independently if no one else is working in the premises. In the case of renting premises in a building where many small firms operate or trade organization, and the entrance is common - the opening hours are the same for all tenants. It is usually agreed upon between firms. The new tenant must adapt to the established work schedule. In any case, when renting a building, check its operating schedule.

Handing over keys and locks to the tenant

The landlord is obliged, on the basis of the premises acceptance certificate, to hand over the keys and locks to the building to the tenant. The number of sets is not only clarified with the owner and information about this must be included in the lease agreement, but also the ability of the tenant to install their own locks on the premises.

Many real estate tenants plan to place outdoor advertising for their activities. To do this, you must have written permission from the owner.

Car parking

Availability of car parking is not only an indispensable condition for office and shopping centers, but a necessity when renting premises. You need to inquire about the availability of parking, who owns it, paid or free, its opening hours, area.


The tenant and the landlord have the right to exchange all their details: addresses, telephone numbers, etc. In the event of unforeseen circumstances related to the operation of the premises, the tenant and the landlord must be able to quickly contact each other.

And finally, landlords should always be in touch with the tenant; they will not distance themselves from problems, but rather help in solving them. It is advisable to be aware of the financial condition of the tenant; if it is unstable, then it is better to start looking for a new tenant.