Veiltail gold aquarium fish. Veil-tail goldfish - small treasures of Japanese emperors Aquarium for veil-tail

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Veiltail – contents

Veil-tailed goldfish can become a real decoration for your home, but in order to maintain them, you need to take into account their characteristics. These calm and good-natured fish coexist well with other inhabitants of the aquarium, but it is still advisable to give them the opportunity to exist without neighbors.

To keep them, you need a large aquarium, the volume of which will correspond to the rule: at least 50 liters of water per fish. An ideal option would be a 100-liter aquarium in which two veil-tailed goldfish will find shelter. The population density of the aquarium can be increased if you follow the principle: three to four fish - a 150-liter aquarium, five to six fish - a 200-liter aquarium. However, it should be remembered that when the population density increases, it is necessary to take care of water aeration. Otherwise, the fish will be uncomfortable due to lack of oxygen.

Veiltail goldfish have one peculiarity - they like to dig in the aquarium soil. Therefore, instead of soil, it is better to put pebbles on the bottom of the aquarium. This way the fish won’t scatter it. Also, in addition to the soil, the aquarium needs to be populated with special plants, preferably large-leaved ones. This necessity suggests that the aquarium for veil-tailed goldfish needs to be really very spacious.

Plants with delicate leaves will suffer from the fact that they are quickly spoiled by veil fish, and debris will settle on them - fine particles garbage. Therefore, for this type of fish, it is advisable to choose plants whose leaves are hard and whose root system is very strong.

For example, these hardy plants are ideal for proximity to veiltails:

  • Elodea

To prevent the fish and plants in the aquarium from dying, it must be well lit and the water filtered. All goldfish, including veiltails, can only exist in an aquarium with good aeration. This is more important to them than water temperature. As for water hardness, this parameter should fit within the range of 8 to 25 degrees, taking into account the acidity of 6-8 units. Periodically, water needs to be added to the aquarium; it takes away some of the water.

In terms of nutrition, goldfish are veil-tailed and not capricious; they eat almost everything and in large portions. Their diet mainly consists of living and plant origin. Veiltails are voracious, which means you need to control portions so as not to overfeed them. You can focus on the following rules: all food eaten per day should be a maximum of 3% of total weight veiltail.

They need to be fed twice a day, the first time in the morning and the second time in the evening. The fish should eat all the food within a maximum of 20 minutes. Anything they haven't eaten should be removed from the aquarium to prevent clogging of the water and the possibility of them eating more than they need. Adults are capable for a long time fast (for about a week), but provided that the rest of the time they try correctly.

Veiltail - breeding in an aquarium

Before spawning veiltail goldfish, the aquarium must be properly prepared. Firstly, there should be a lot of space and free space, secondly, constantly fresh water is needed in the aquarium, and thirdly, the number of plants needs to be reduced, giving preference to small-leaved ones. It is advisable to place the spawning tank under the rays of the sun for several hours, but it is better to leave it there until the fry appear.

As soon as spring comes, sexually mature individuals organize mating games: the males stay closer to the egg-laying shed and the female. At this time, it is better to place them in different aquariums, otherwise some males may begin to feed on eggs. During this spawning period, the food must be live.

Veiltail Spawning

Spawning begins by placing two or three males together with one female. In this case, you need to slightly increase the temperature of the water in the aquarium. However, it is undesirable to plant the first males you come across, even if they are individuals with a short caudal fin, otherwise it will be difficult for them to pursue the female. And the offspring will also have short fins. You can determine whether a male is ready for spawning by the color of his gill covers and pectoral fins. You can notice a rash (white grains) on them. The female is ready to spawn when her abdomen is noticeably full. She tries to stay closer to the bottom of the aquarium as she begins to spawn. The males pursuing her immediately fertilize these eggs.

The eggs stick to the leaves of plants because they have a sticky consistency. The diameter of the egg is one and a half millimeters. The next day the eggs lose their amber, and it becomes difficult to notice them. After spawning is completed, it is necessary to reduce the water level in the aquarium by about 15 cm. During this period, you need to carefully monitor the water temperature, since the slightest fluctuations can destroy the eggs.

Eggs that have not been fertilized must be removed, otherwise they will become overgrown with fungus and clog the aquarium. After 5 days, after 4 days incubation period, the fry appear. They need plenty of daylight, especially sunlight, but the aquarium should not be left open sun rays on long time(maximum 2 hours per day). At first, the fry feed on ciliates or rotifers; this food is enough for them. Then you need to purchase special food designed specifically for fry of this type of fish.

Veiltail compatibility with other fish

Veiltail goldfish do not get along well with other types of fish. It is especially difficult for telescopes, which nature has endowed with a veil tail. More agile fish prey on this fin, and for some reason they are very attracted to the eyes of telescopes. This type of fish is generally difficult to combine with others, so it is advisable to keep them separately - alone or in pairs. But if you still decide to add neighbors to your goldfish, then let them be friendly creatures, for example, guppies, cardinals, neons, gouramis, carps.

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Incredibly popular. They have a rounded, short body and a forked caudal fin. Although this is not the only thing that makes them popular. To begin with, this is an unpretentious fish, perfect for young aquarists, although it does have its own limitations. It digs quite heavily in the ground, prefers cool water, and also loves to eat, but sometimes eats itself to death.

Habitat in nature

The veiltail, like others, is not found in nature. At the same time, the crucian carp, from which this breed was bred, extremely widespread. The origin of the veiltail from such a strong and wild fish makes it so hardy and unpretentious.

First aquarium fish the veiltail, the description of which is given in this article, was bred in China, after which, somewhere in the 15th century, they ended up in Japan, and from there they appeared in Europe. Moreover, Japan is considered to be the birthplace of the veil tail. Nowadays there are different colors of fish huge amount, while his body shape remains traditional.


So, what does a veiltail look like? It has an ovoid, short body, which distinguishes the species from other fish in the family. Because of similar shape he is not the best swimmer, and when feeding he often does not keep up with the other fish. The tail is interesting - very long, forked.

The veiltail lives a long time: about 10 years or more with good conditions. At the same time, it is capable of growing up to 20 cm in length. There are many colors of fish; at the moment there are a considerable number of different colors. Of these, the most popular is the red or golden form, as well as a mixture of these types.

Veiltail aquarium fish: contents

Together with the Shubunkin, this is one of the most unpretentious. It is undemanding to temperature and water parameters, feels great in a pond, a simple aquarium, as well as in a round aquarium, and the fish live well at home.

Some breeders of veiltails or other goldfish keep them in round aquariums, without plants and alone. Yes, they live there and don’t complain at all, but round aquariums are very poorly suited for keeping fish, they slow down their growth and impair their vision. It is also necessary to remember that this fish loves cool water.


Feeding fish also has its own characteristics. Goldfish do not have a stomach, and food goes directly into the intestines. Therefore, they eat as long as they have food in the aquarium. At the same time, they very often eat more than they can digest, after which they die. In general, this is the only problem when feeding them. Veiltail aquarium fish are also interesting because it is better to feed them twice a day, and do it in portions that they can eat in 1 minute.

It is advisable to feed veiltails with special food intended for goldfish. For these insatiable creatures, simple food is too nutritious. While the special ones, in the form of granules, do not disintegrate quickly in water, they are much easier for veiltails to find on the bottom, and they are also easier to dose.

If it is not possible to feed the fish with special food, then you can give them any other food. Live, frozen, artificial - they eat everything.

When mentioning goldfish, the first thing that comes to mind is round small aquarium, in which a lone veiled tail swims. As mentioned above, veil-tailed aquarium fish grow up to 20 cm in length, and they are not only large, they also produce a lot of waste. To keep one fish like this, you need at least a hundred-liter aquarium; add 50 liters of volume from above for each subsequent one. In addition, a reliable external filter is required, as well as frequent water changes. Goldfish love to dig in the soil, digging up plants and raising a lot of dirt.

In contrast, the veiltail loves cool water (photo). Aquarium fish can live at water temperatures less than 10˚, therefore, they are not afraid of cool weather. If the air temperature in your home does not drop below zero, then you do not need a heater in the aquarium. It is better not to place it in direct sunlight, while the water temperature should not be raised above 22˚.

For the soil, it is advisable to use coarse gravel or sand. Goldfish rummage through it all the time, often swallowing it large particles, which is why they die.

Speaking about water parameters, it is worth noting that they can be very different, while optimal performance: ph - 6-8.0, 5-19° dGH, and water temperature is 20-23˚. It is worth noting that low temperature water is explained by the fact that this fish originated from crucian carp and tolerates a little coolness well.

Compatibility with other fish

Peaceful aquarium veiltail fish generally get along well with other fish. Only they require cooler water than other tropical breeds, and they can eat small fish. It is best to keep them with related species - shubunkins, telescopes. But you also need to keep an eye on them so that the veil-tails always have time to eat, and this is not always possible with their more nimble neighbors. For example, having guppies and veiltails in a shared aquarium is not a good idea.

If you still want to keep veiltails in a general aquarium, then avoid very small fish, as well as those species that can break off their fins - mutant barb, sumatran barb, thornetia, golden barb, tetragonopterus.


Veiltail aquarium fish can spawn in a 20-30 liter aquarium. To do this, you need to place sandy soil in it, in addition, plant various small-leaved plants. It is customary to place 1 female for spawning for 2-3 two-year-old males. They should be kept separately for 2-3 weeks before spawning.

At the same time, the temperature in the spawning aquarium should be maintained at 24-26°. To stimulate reproduction, you need to gradually heat the water until its temperature rises by 10°. At the same time, the males begin to rush incredibly fast. At this time, they will also chase females who are losing their eggs, which they scatter throughout the aquarium. It mostly stays on the plants.

The female lays approximately 10,000 eggs in total. After the spawning is over, it is necessary to remove the producers from the aquarium. For hatched fry, the initial food will be “live dust”. In addition, they can be given various special foods - these are now commercially available in abundance and are intended for feeding small goldfish, for example, Sera Mikron.

Veiltail is perhaps the most popular member of the goldfish family.

They can be found everywhere in our pet stores and bird markets. The veil tail has gained such popularity due to its unpretentiousness and, of course, beauty. Well, let's take a closer look at these representatives of the “golden family”.

A little history of the veiltail and goldfish

Veiltail (fantail) is an artificially bred, decorative breed of “goldfish” (lat. Carassius gibelio forma auratus (Bloch, 1782)), which is known for its elongated fins and a longer, more magnificent veil tail - compared to other representatives of this “species”.

It's interesting to know whatThe goldfish was developed in China more than 1,500 years ago, where it was bred in ponds and garden ponds on the estates of the nobility and wealthy people. To Russia for the first time goldfish imported in the middle of the 18th century. It is interesting to know that in China, and in many other countries, common name all goldfish - "tzuyu". So “goldfish” is just our associative Slavic and everyday name for this family of fish.

Currently, many breeds of goldfish are common and all of them are descendants. Complete scientific name The ancestor of goldfish was - CHINESE SILVER CRUCCIAN, but in Latin - Carassius auratus japonicus. That is, JAPANESE GOLDEN CRUCCIAN. Such a damn verbal confusion =) Crucian carp was a silver Chinese subspecies, and they called it Japanese gold. Now, a new name for the goldfish has been legalized - Carrassius gibelio forma auratus. This name eliminates confusion. You certainly shouldn’t confuse the ancestor of scrofula with our Russian “golden crucian carp” (Carassius carassius) - which has nothing to do with goldfish at all.

So, silver crucian carp turned out to be an excellent object for breeding work. As a result of long-term selection in China, Korea and Japan, several hundred breeds of this ornamental fish have been developed. In the domesticated state, they lost the mobility characteristic of their wild ancestor; the body of most breeds became shorter and wider. The length and shape of the fins have changed. Some breeds lack dorsal fins, while others have altered size and position of the eyes. There are fish with various growths on the head, with transparent scales. The variety of colors is especially great. There are several color variations: red, silver, black and others. The most varied combinations and changes of these characteristics give an extraordinary variety of forms.

With that said, it would be correct to say that there are no “species of goldfish” - they are all breeds and fixed mutations within the same species (like dogs). We kindly ask all readers to be literate and convey this information to others. There are big differences between species, breeds and hybrids. View- this is a single original individual.Breeds- these are selectively (artificially) fixed mutations within a species. But simply mutations within a species (natural - in themselves) are subspecies.Hybrids- these are mutations obtained as a result of crossing different types or morph of species (for example, swordtail with platies).

There is a legend version that all the genetic deformities of crucian carp (growths on the head, double tails, lack of a dorsal fin, etc.) were initially fixed unintentionally (by selection), but for religious reasons. Almost all goldfish breeders in the 7th and 8th centuries were Buddhists. Buddhism does not allow killing animals. Therefore, all the freaks from inbreeding were not destroyed, but settled in special “ponds of mercy” - where all these mutations, as a result, were fixed genetically on their own (the freaks multiplied in these ponds).”

Actually, here is a video clip on the topic discussed, which visualizes the essence of the problem.

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The color of the body and fins is red-golden, the back is darker than the belly. Other colors: pale pink, red, white, black, black-blue, yellow, dark bronze, fiery red. The goldfish has an elongated body, slightly compressed from the sides. It is possible to distinguish males from females only during the spawning period, when the female’s abdomen becomes rounded, and the males develop a white “rash” on their pectoral fins and gills.

As the volume of the aquarium increases, the planting density can be slightly increased. In particular, in a volume of 100 liters. you can place two goldfish (you can have three, but in this case it will be necessary to organize powerful filtration and increase water changes). You can plant 3-4 individuals in 150 liters, 5-6 in 200 liters, 6-8 in 250 liters, etc. This recommendation is relevant if we're talking about about fish measuring at least 5-7 cm, excluding the length of the caudal fin.

The peculiarity of the goldfish is that it loves to rummage in the ground. It is better to use coarse sand or pebbles as soil. The aquarium itself should be spacious and species-rich, with large-leaved plants*.

In a community aquarium, goldfish can be kept together with calm fish. Prerequisites for an aquarium - natural lighting, filtration and aeration, water changes are required.

Water characteristics: temperature can range from 18 to 30 °C. The optimal temperature should be considered in the spring-summer period 18 - 23 ° C, in winter - 15 - 18 ° C. The fish tolerate salinity well. At feeling unwell fish, you can add salt 5-7 g/l to the water.

Goldfish are unpretentious when it comes to food. They eat quite a lot and willingly, so remember that it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed them. Adult fish are fed twice a day - morning and evening.

Feed is given as much as they can eat in five to ten minutes, and any leftover food should be removed. Their diet must include both live and plant foods. Adult fish receiving proper nutrition, can endure a week-long hunger strike without harm. It must be remembered that when feeding dry food, it should be given in small portions several times a day, since when a fish enters the esophagus, it swells and increases significantly in size and can cause constipation and disruption of normal functioning. digestive organs, which may result in the death of the fish. To do this, you can first hold dry food for some time (10 seconds - flakes, 20-30 seconds - granules) in water and only then give it to the fish.

Long-bodied goldfish, under good conditions, can live up to 30 - 35 years, short-bodied ones - up to 15 years.

Well, now, with that said, let's get back to the veil tails.

Features of keeping veil tails

Firstly, Let's once again focus on the fact that the veiltail, like other goldfish, is rather large and requires a spacious aquarium. In stores, a newbie often sees “golden babies” and thinks that they won’t grow much. However, this is a misconception! On this topic, we recommend watching this wonderful film (video clip time 1:27).

Let's say briefly that at least one veil tail needs 50 liters, and better 100 liters. In such a large aquarium, the fish will feel comfortable and good. This will be a guarantee that she will live a long time and will not get sick.

Secondly, Let's say a few words about feeding*. Like any goldfish, veiltails are voracious beggars. Don't be fooled by them, feed them in a balanced and varied manner. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotuses. The article talks about this in detail, it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regime for fish.

In this article, we note the most important thing - feeding fish should not be monotonous; the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, you need to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include food in its diet either with the greatest content protein or vice versa with plant ingredients.

Good and balanced food for goldfish is Tetra food. Almost all experienced aquarists can agree with this. Therefore, we will give a link to the line of these feeds -. Special article on feeding the goldfish family -.

It should be noted that when purchasing any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy food in bulk, and also store the food in a closed state - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it.

Regarding veiltails, aquarists have noted cases when they grab food from the surface and simultaneously swallow air. And then they float like barrels, or even fall over on their side. If you notice this, then the fish needs to be put on a diet and not fed for 1-2 days.

Also, please note that goldfish are herbivores. This means that their diet should include mainly plant foods. It’s very good if you periodically feed goldfish, say, which they adore very much.

Thirdly, Taking into account gastronomic preferences, we note that living plants and veiltail are actually incompatible things. Sooner or later, even the most rigid-leaved plants, for example, will be gnawed by the “golden horde”.

Fourth, Many novice aquarists are at some point frightened by the change in the color of the veil tail - they bought a completely golden one, but it began to turn white, or vice versa, golden or black spots begin to appear on the white body. There is nothing terrible about this, as the fish grows up it can completely change color, even beyond recognition - become completely white =)

Fifth, at the same time, pigmentation should not be confused with ammonia burns, which are clearly visible on the body of goldfish. Ammonia burns are a consequence of high concentrations of nitrogenous compounds in the aquarium - poisons: ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. This is a signal to a beginner that he urgently needs to change the water and take everything necessary measures for removing poisons from the aquarium. More details - .

Sixth, what I would like to say. Veiltails often lie down on the ground and rest. And there is nothing wrong with this if the fish is healthy (active, eats well, there are no signs of illness).

And seventh, two words about temperature conditions. Veiltails and other goldfish are thought to be cold-water fish. However, now, many aquarists claim that “our scrofula” have already adapted to +25 degrees. Let us not be affirmative on this issue. Let us only recall the stability of the temperature regime. If it's +20, then it's stable.

Compatibility of the veiltail with other fish

The main and key factor in the issue of veil-tail compatibility still plays temperature regime. You should not add tropical fish to them, for which temperatures of +25 and above are the norm. Ideal neighbors are relatives of the veiltail (telescopes, orandas, pearls, ryukins, etc.).

If you still want to keep veiltails with other fish, then, of course, they should not be too small and/or aggressive. The veil-tail can swallow the first ones, but cannot fight back the second ones.

Breeding Veiltails

Veiltails reproduce on their own, without any hormonal injections or without creating too specific conditions. In fact, good content and proper feeding is a criterion and incentive for spawning of producers. All types of goldfish can spawn in small aquariums of 30 liters or more. However, best results can be achieved in aquariums larger size or in ponds.

You can learn more about the sexual differences of the veiltail and spawning from this.

All of the above is just the fruit of observation of this species. aquarium fish and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also with live emotions, allowing you to understand the world of aquariums more fully and subtly. Register on, participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your pets in the first person and first-hand, describe their habits, behavior and content, share with us your successes and joys, share and learn from experience others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every awareness of a mistake, which makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake. The more of us there are, the more pure and transparent drops of goodness there are in the life and everyday life of our seven billion society.

Interesting video about veil tails

Beautiful photo with veil tails

One of the most beautiful views goldfish - veiltail. Today, with the help of photos, we will be able to get acquainted with what these graceful beauties look like, and also learn the basic rules for their maintenance.



Veiltails are one of the artificially created and most popular. Its main difference from other relatives is that the fins are more elongated and quite lush. It is known that the birthplace of veiltails is Japan. It is there that the Ryukins live - their ancestors, who, as a result of selection, developed long and unusually beautiful tail fins. As a result of many years of selection, carried out in parallel in different countries, it was possible to develop two subspecies: classic and veil (distinguished by a more developed tail than that of the classic subspecies).

These beauties have a short, egg-shaped body, which makes veiltails not the best swimmers. This feature creates a number of problems for them when kept together with other species. Thus, when feeding, veil-tails often do not keep up with the rest of their relatives and are forced to eat only the remnants of their lunch. One more characteristic feature These fish have a beautiful forked caudal fin.

The coloring is quite varied. Most often you can find golden or red representatives of the species. But specimens of mixed colors are most valued: red, white or cream. Black veiltails are the least common species. The dimensions are quite large: with good care they grow up to 20 cm. In addition, this fish can easily live more than 10 years.

Perhaps the veiltail fish is the most unpretentious variety of all the golden beauties. They can feel comfortable in almost any environmental conditions. However, round aquariums are absolutely not suitable for them. The fact is that such a glass configuration can ruin the fish’s vision. In addition, for their convenience, the water tank should be designed for 100 liters for one individual. In addition, these animals require regular water changes and a powerful filtration system (they produce a lot of waste).

You also need to pay attention to the ground. Goldfish love to tear it apart, digging up all possible plants. Therefore, either sandy soil or very coarse gravel is best. Otherwise, the fish will be able to swallow it, which will lead to their death. Veiltail fish love fairly cool water (up to 22 degrees), and can survive in aquariums with water at 10 degrees. Water parameters must be maintained as follows: 5-19 dGH, and ph at 6-8.


This has its own peculiarities, the fact is that goldfish do not have a stomach, which means that food goes directly into the intestines. This leads to the fact that they can eat until they die. Therefore, it is best to feed them twice a day with the amount of food that they can eat in one minute. In addition, they should only be fed with specialized food for goldfish. They are the ones who guarantee sufficient quantity nutrients which will not lead to overfeeding.

Who do they get along with?

This animal gets along very well with other species of aquarium inhabitants. The only thing is that these must be those species that have the same love for cool water. In addition, these golden beauties can eat their small neighbors. Therefore, it is best to keep them with related representatives of the group: telescopes or shubunkins. It is very bad to place them in the same aquarium with fast guppies, Sumatran barbs, and thorns.



Reproduction in veiltails becomes possible only a year after the fry hatches from the eggs. Before the start of spawning, both the male and the female change significantly in appearance. Thus, the male’s first ray on the pectoral fin changes, and the female becomes significantly inflated in the belly area. These fish require a special spawning tank with a volume of about 100-150 liters. During one spawning, the female is capable of releasing up to 10 thousand eggs.


After spawning, the eggs begin to hatch into larvae. This usually happens on the 2nd day. And already on the 5th day, the grown fry begin to swim independently. At this time you need to feed them with rotifers.

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Video “Veiltails - another type of goldfish”

From the video “Veiltails - another type of goldfish” you will learn a lot of interesting things.

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Goldfish - Veiltail - one of the artificially cultivated ornamental breeds aquarium "goldfish" (lat. Carassius gibelio

forma auratus (Bloch, 1782)), which is known for its elongated fins and longer, bushier, veiled tail than other members of its species.

Origin story

From historical sources it is known that the birthplace of the veiltail (the Japanese name for the fish is “ryu:kin”, “ogiki-ryu:kin”, and the Chinese - “ya-tan-yu”) is Japan, Yokohama. The “ancestor” of veiltails is considered to be the Ryukin, a still existing breed of goldfish, distinguished by its unique body shape: short, swollen, with a characteristic “hump” from the head to the anterior ray of the dorsal fin. Breeders repeatedly selected from the offspring and crossed fish with the most outstanding exterior characteristics in terms of fins.

In Russia, several variations of veiltails are known, which were imported from China and Europe (mainly from Germany); Using the method of selection, their own lines were formed, which were sold in markets and pet stores. Due to the fact that in Russia there are no factory producers of aquarium fish and plants, many breeds of goldfish are losing their former superiority and exceptional forms, being replaced by Western ones: mainly American ones. We can say that the Russian national lines of veil tails are almost irretrievably lost.

The American name veiltail was coined by William T. Innes in the 1890s, when Franklin Barrett of Philadelphia, while breeding Japanese pets of the Ryukin breed, obtained new varieties of goldfish with a cut off tail. This led to the creation of a new line of veiltails, which became known throughout the world as the "Philadelphia veiltail", for which their own standards were developed.

Currently, there are two standards for veil tails: classic, and the so-called veil or veil: having a more magnificent and hanging caudal fin in the form of a “ribbon” and/or “fork”.

Interesting fact

In the book "The Amateur's Aquarium", published in 1885, Nikolai Zolotnitsky wrote that the most beautiful shape Veiltail is found in the USA, where the fish were brought from Japan - Mikado Gardens.
Two pairs of Veiltails were given to avid aquarium enthusiast Rear Admiral Daniel Ammen of the United States Navy. Upon arrival at home, the admiral was offered several thousand dollars (6,000 gold rubles) for a pair of these veil-tails. Over the course of several years, Ammen produced only 140 offspring. Most of the juveniles fell into the hands of rich and noble people, one of whom planted veiltails in cages with ordinary goldfish and received crosses that lost their original and original appearance, while others, receiving offspring, destroyed them out of selfishness.
This variety would have been lost forever if two pairs of fish had not fallen into the hands of the skilled fish breeder Mulert, who managed to reproduce them and maintain the type of this breed in complete purity. Soon the number of pure producers increased due to a new purchase from a well-known amateur in New York; however, the price for these veiltails is still high - $100 to $150 per pair and the fish are sold to order.


A short ovoid or spherical body, the profile of the head smoothly merges into the profile of the back, all fins are very long, thin, almost transparent; the anal fin is double, the caudal fin is unusually long: sometimes 6 times longer than the body of the fish itself, very wide and as thin and transparent as some lightest gaseous matter or mist - in a word, something so airy, which, without seeing, is difficult to imagine imagine, has a train-like veil-like forked appearance.
There are especially valuable specimens in which the tail consists not of two fused fins, but of three or even four, forming deep folds and falling down like a luxurious veil. The angle between the upper and lower blades of the tail of a ribbon veil tail is about 90º, or all the blades are equal - like a skirt tail.
The erect dorsal fin is equal to 1/2 - 3/4 of the body height in the ribbon veil tail, and higher in the skirt tail. The remaining fins are paired, strongly elongated, with slightly pointed tips. The eyes are slightly larger than ordinary ones, but are distinguished by a remarkable variety of iris colors, which can be of all colors, except green.
The most valuable thing in the selection of veil tails is precisely the length and splendor of their caudal fin with a spherical body (in contrast to the body of a comet). The dorsal fin stands vertically and its front rays are equal in length to the height of the body. The anterior rays of the ventral fins are of the same size. The anal and caudal fins are forked, with the caudal fin almost equal to the length of the body.

Size - up to 20 cm.

Color: Color varies: specimens with areas of bright red and white to light cream are especially prized. Most often, veiltails are found with a dark red cinnabar back and sides of the same color, a dark golden belly and similarly colored chest and eyes. Others have scarlet sides, chest, belly and corresponding fins and a milky white back. Others themselves are completely white, and the fins and tail are bright red, or vice versa.
Still others are covered, like pearls, with pinkish-red specks, and their eyes are light blue; the fourth ones are all white, and some of the eyes are large, bright red, purple. There are completely black ones, but they are extremely rare.

Calm in nature, peaceful Veiltail goldfish get along well with equally calm neighbors, but it is preferable to keep only decorative forms of goldfish in one aquarium. You need to keep veil-tail goldfish in a spacious high aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters per fish, it is better if it is an aquarium of at least 100 liters, in which a couple of fish will be placed.
By increasing the size of the aquarium, the population density can be increased slightly, so 3-4 fish can be placed in an aquarium with a volume of 150 liters, and 5-6 in a 200 liter aquarium, etc. But with increasing population density, attention should be paid to good water aeration. These aquarium fish love to dig into the soil, so it is better to use pebbles or coarse sand as it, then it will not be so easy for the fish to scatter it.
The aquarium itself is desirable to have a view and be spacious, in which you need to place large-leaved aquarium plants. However, veiltails quickly spoil delicate plants, or the surface of the leaves becomes contaminated by settling particles of waste suspended in water on them. To avoid this, plant plants with a strong root system and hard leaves in the aquarium.
Plants such as egg capsule, vallisneria, sagittaria, or elodea are very suitable, as they are the most hardy. The aquarium must have natural light and good filtration. All varieties of goldfish prefer good aeration. It is advisable to regularly change some of the water in the aquarium.


The sexual maturity of veiltails and the possibility of their reproduction occurs a year after the fry hatch from the eggs. A male goldfish ready to spawn has characteristic differences: saw on the first ray of the front pair of pectoral fins in the form of a series of notches and warts appear on the gill covers, usually the size of grains of semolina.
The female, mature and ready for marking, has a thick belly filled with eggs. If you look at it from above, you will notice the curvature of the fish’s body caused by the presence of caviar. The resulting curvature often remains after spawning.
Preparation for spawning is similar to that described for other cyprinids: the spawning tank is set up in the center of a 100 - 150 liter aquarium with a spawning grid, one or two sprayers and a bunch of small-leaved plants in the center. For one female there are 2 males. Fertility is from 2 to 10 thousand eggs. The larva emerges after 2 days. On the 5th day the fry begin to swim. Feeding the fry with rotifers.

For breeding:

Water hardness indicators (gH) 8-15°;
Water acidity (pH) 7.0-8.0;
Temperature (t) 22-28 °C.

Water parameters:

Hardness up to - 20°dGH, pH 6.5-8.0, water temperature 12-28°C.


Veiltails are unpretentious when it comes to food; they eat a lot of everything. Their diet should contain both living and plant foods. Despite the gluttony of goldfish, you should not overfeed them.
The amount of food they consume daily should be approximately 3% of the fish's weight. Adult fish should be fed twice a day - the first time early in the morning, and the second time in the evening.
The amount of food is calculated for 10-20 minutes of feeding, then the remains of uneaten food are removed from the aquarium. Adult fish that receive proper nutrition can endure a long week-long fast without harm to their health.