Do sirens exist in real life? Are there mermaids in real life - fact and fiction?

In ancient times, our lands were inhabited by all kinds of creatures; our distant ancestors possessed non-mental secrets, which, alas, have been lost in our time. And one of these secrets was associated with amazing creatures who became the heroes of many legends and stories - and these are mermaids. The week, which lasted from Monday of Trinity Week and right up to the Monday of the following week, Spiritual Day, used to be popularly called “Russian” or it was also called “dirty week.” People believed that before this period, all mermaids lived quietly in bodies of water and did not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary.

Who are they, in fact, these creatures who, according to legend, frightened people with their laughter, and who could also tickle people to death? The origins of mermaids go back to ancient pagan times. Perhaps in those distant times these creatures were real goddesses of water, similar to the Greek nymphs. Our ancestors believed that mermaids appeared from the souls of deceased relatives. Previously, according to ancient customs, people were buried in mounds, at crossroads, in forests, and people were also buried by immersion in water.

In order to appease the soul of the mermaid, peasants came to the forest, where they held funeral feasts and made small sacrifices to the souls of the mermaids. Such hikes were organized on the modern Day of the Spirits or Trinity Day.

Russian Scientist V.F. Snegirev suggested that all beliefs about mermaids have a very similar origin. The differences are determined only by climatic conditions, soil and folk traditions.

The oldest legend tells about creatures similar to people, but who had a tail instead of legs and were born at the moment when Satan fell from heaven. Allegedly, those who were his like-minded people were also kicked out of paradise and fell into the water.

During pagan times, mermaids were considered not only goddesses of reservoirs who constantly demanded sacrifice, but they were also believed to be the guardians of countless treasures and were called enchantresses.

The term "mermaid" has several origins. The first is associated with the word “channel”, and the second is from the word “blond”, which meant the hair color of these creatures. Mermaids had long, thick brown hair. They flowed in light waves from their heads and covered their entire body, which was completely naked. In the West, people believed that mermaids were always gracefully dressed in fishing nets.

It was believed that mermaids replenished their ranks at the expense of small infant girls those who were born dead or those who died not baptized, as well as due to drownings and suicides. Of course, they used to think that a girl who wanted to swim without a cross could also doom herself to life among mermaids, but these days they reject this statement.

IN modern world many girls themselves would like to join the brotherhood of mermaids, because only mermaids had eternal youth and extraordinary beauty. Everyone thinks that mermaids live in beautiful crystal castles, which are located at the very depths, that their main one is the merman himself, and without his order they have no right not to destroy or scare a person.

Mermaids have a charming quality: their voice. There are many legends about the songs of mermaids that enchant people and attract people. Mermaids spend most of their lives in the water, but from the day of Semik to the day of Petrov they come to land and live in trees. During this period, mermaids indulge in all kinds of pleasures.

Trinity Eve best period in the life of mermaids. They can run through the rye without any signs of clothing, clap their hands and shout loudly: “Boom, bang! Straw spirit! My mother gave birth to me and laid me down unbaptized!” Our ancestors assured that after such pampering of the mermaids, the harvest was the best, even ordinary grass grew better where the mermaids ran. On such nights, mermaids often attacked people, but there were several remedies against them. People were protected by wormwood grass, crosses and crosses drawn on the ground. They drew a circle around such a cross and stood in it; this was the only way to escape, but not everyone could resist the lovely mermaid and went beyond the circle. Our ancestors even got used to catching mermaids; you had to grab her hand and tie it around her pectoral cross and it was possible to take her home. Mermaids deftly coped with any housework and were quiet, unlike meat women who loved to grumble; mermaids ate only steam. But they do not live in slavery more than a year and the next mermaid week they gain freedom and hide at the bottom of the reservoir.

There was a legend that if a mermaid chooses a chosen one, she will tickle him to death and take him to the bottom, where he will be resurrected and live happy life in luxury. Mermaids even had weddings that took place on sparrow night, which was the shortest.

Babies who did not have time to be baptized and who turned into mermaids could receive forgiveness. When they were seven years old, they were taken out into the air, where they asked three times to be baptized. If someone came, hearing their prayers, he had to say: “I baptize you, Ivan and Marya, in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Therefore, it was believed that if the child’s soul was heard, then the angels took it, and if not, then the evil spirits.

Modern scientists and various sciences cannot answer various questions that relate to these unusual creatures, and they are constantly looking for something new that can somehow lift the veil over this mystery. Maybe someday we will be able to find out at least part of what our Ancestors owned.

The possibility of the real existence of mermaids is evidenced by the fact that these water beauties are mentioned in ancient oral legends various peoples, which in those days were in no way, neither culturally nor ethnically, connected with each other. You can talk about whether mermaids really exist by learning about the details of their lifestyle and physiological characteristics.

How did you know about mermaids?

Tales of mermaids and references to encounters with them different nations dated different periods. Many historians and ethnographers consider the prototype of European mermaids ancient greek sirens . IN Ancient Rome they were known as water nymphs, undines and nereids . But if the sirens Ancient Greece had an insidious character, then in the legends of the Slavs, Scandinavians and Germans these incorporeal creatures, considered aquatic environment, have a mischievous disposition. They are also no strangers to rancor.

Later, with the development of mystical and metaphysical sciences, mermaids began to be considered a clot of energy that, when in contact with a person’s aura, under the influence of which a person was able to fulfill certain desires. Whether mermaids really exist can be found out by reading the available factual material about contacts with these creatures or observations of them.

The first mentions of mermaids in Europe

For the first time, the image of a woman with a fish tail, called Margigr , mentioned in the Icelandic sagas of the 12th century. However, no details were provided about where she was seen. In ancient legends, the fact of the existence of unknown humanoid female creatures was simply recorded, without any specifics.

The first reliable information about the discovery of something thrown out during a storm. female body, covered with scales and having a caudal fin instead of legs, similar to a fish, appeared in 1403 in Holland . This fact is reflected in the work of Cigo de La Fond and Joseph Aignan, where “extraordinary and worthy phenomena in the whole world” are systematized in alphabetical order. At the same time, Dutch naturalists mention that the mermaid lived among people for about 15 years, but did not learn to speak and always strived to return to her native water element.

In the 17th century, during one of the expeditions of the navigator Henry Hudson , two members of his crew watched a mermaid splashing in the sea. According to eyewitnesses, she looked like a charming girl with bare breasts and long flowing black hair. Instead of legs, she had a fin that resembled a mackerel tail.

Evidence from the 18th – 19th centuries

In 1737, a story about mermaid beaten to death . The creature was caught in nets and made noises when they were lifted. human sounds. Upon examination of the dead creature, it turned out that it was male. Despite the repulsive appearance of a sea monster, it clearly belonged to the human race. In this particular case, the question of whether the existence of a mermaid is a myth or reality , didn't stand. For some time, visitors to one of the English museums could see the creature's corpse preserved in alcohol.

Two years later, the same publication amazed its readers with the message that the sea mermaid caught by the crew of the Halifax vessel was eaten. According to the recollections of the “mermaid eaters,” its meat was soft and tender, and resembled veal in taste and texture.

In 1881, one of the weekly publications of the city of Boston informed readers about the discovery of the corpse of a female creature on the Atlantic coast. Above the waist, the body of this creature is completely identical to that of a woman, and below the waist it resembles a large fish tail.

Modern accounts of mermaids

At the beginning of this year, there was a sensational report that a mermaid had been found in India. However, later newspaper publications clarified that we're talking about O born in Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) female infant with congenital sirenomelia (mermaid syndrome). Her legs were not separated and fused from hips to toes. With some excess of imagination, one could mistake them for a fish tail. The child lived 10 minutes after birth.

Despite the fact that Southeast Asia is famous for various rumors and fables, stories that a mermaid was found in Thailand, China or India are quite rare. More reports are coming from other countries, usually from remote areas that are difficult to reach to verify sightings or search for mermaid-like creatures. In most cases, these reports turned out to be hoaxes.

In 2014, it was reported from Mexico that Veracruz coast The dead body of a female with a fish tail was found. Correspondents dubbed the creature with the name " Ariel " IN further history received detective development. Two men vacationing on the beach, after their discovery, called the police, who immediately reported the fact of the discovery to the Secret Service, and they were replaced by someone in civilian clothes speaking Spanish with an American accent. One of the eyewitnesses claimed that from the conversations of the Americans, he understood that the creature would be taken for further study to the notorious “Area 51,” where alien and anomalous artifacts are stored.

After the increase in circulation, one of the newspapers published information that the “mermaid” was a prop used in the filming of the film “On Stranger Tides” - the fourth part of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” film franchise. The question remains unclear as to why the object was not discovered earlier, between 2011 and 2014, and in what waters it was floating. In this regard, the question remains open: are mermaids a myth or reality?

In Poland, photographs were taken of a real mermaid, who is hidden from prying eyes by the military...

Mermaids are creatures whose legends can be found in the mythology of peoples living in all corners of the world. Wherever there are some bodies of water - lakes, seas or oceans, local mythology keeps stories about mysterious inhabitants of the depths. Even atheists and religious figures cannot call them fairy-tale characters with 100% certainty, because at least once a decade shocking evidence of the existence of mermaids appears.

Where do mermaids come from and what do they look like?

Siren, undine, naiad, Mavka - many names of the same creature, which in Slavic history called "mermaid". The ancestor of this term was the word “channel”, meaning a path laid by a river flow. It was believed that this is where the lost souls of unbaptized baby girls who died on Trinity Week, girls who drowned or committed suicide before marriage, and those who decided to become guardians of the waters of their own free will live.

To this day, in some villages of the Old Believers there are legends that if a representative of the fairer sex does not like life on earth because of loneliness, poverty or the death of her parents, she can ask the forest spirits to take her to a swamp or lake, so that find eternal peace.

Popular beliefs Mermaids are credited with the ability to transform into animals - birds, frogs, squirrels, hares, cows or rats. But more familiar to them is the appearance of a young girl or woman, who instead of legs can be seen long tail, resembling a fish. In Little Russia and Galicia, people believed that the mermaid could turn him into legs if she wished. By the way, the Greeks had a similar idea: they portrayed sirens exclusively as beautiful maidens, no different from ordinary girls. The sailor could understand that in front of him was a siren, and not a young charmer, only when he found himself face to face with own death: Sirens lured men with seductive singing and killed them mercilessly.

According to all nationalities, mermaids wear hairstyles made exclusively of loose hair. In ancient times, this sign made it possible to distinguish living girls from paranormal creatures. The fact is that Christian women always covered their heads with a scarf, so bare hair is a sign that a mermaid is standing in front of a person. In the church books of Ukraine there is a record of a girl who left home on the eve of her wedding and became a mermaid. Her father understood everything when he saw her at night near the house with her curls scattered over her shoulders and “wedded” her to a pillar so that her soul would no longer bother him.

Real eyewitness stories about mermaids

It is known that water nymphs choose exclusively men as objects of their hunt. In Scotland and Ireland, to this day, some of them always carry a needle with them in order to prick the mermaid, who is afraid of hot iron like fire, when attacked, in order to save their life. An encounter with it is life-threatening, because this creature will try to lure the victim into the depths and drown or tickle him to death. But history knows the stories of lucky people who miraculously survived after communicating with a mermaid.

The first documented mention of it dates back to the 12th century. The Icelandic chronicles Speculum Regale report about a woman with a fish tail who was caught and imprisoned in a cage by residents of a coastal village. It is not known whether she could speak and whether she survived the meeting with the superstitious peasants, but eyewitnesses said that they managed to give her the name Margigr.

In 1403 in Holland, the author of the book “Wonders of Nature, or a Collection of Extraordinary and Notes of Worthy Phenomena and Adventures in the Whole World of Bodies, Arranged in Alphabetical Order” and collector of rarities, Sigault de la Fond, meets a girl whom people found on the shore when she asked for help. She had a fin, and she was thrown out during a storm, so she was given the name Nereid. The mermaid was brought to the city, taught to cook, do laundry and care for livestock. It is known that Nereid spent more than 15 years with people - and every day she tried to return home to deep sea. One day she sailed away, never having learned to speak or understand human language.

On June 16, 1608, the navigator Henry Hudson, after whom the strait was later named, set off on a journey with a group of sailors. On the very first day on the open sea, far from civilization, they saw a girl rocking on the waves, singing in a charming voice.

“A young beauty with bare breasts, black hair and a mackerel tail, which we did not dare approach.”

So the sailors later wrote down logbook. Having learned about this case, Peter I asked the clergy from Denmark for advice on whether these stories could be believed. Bishop Francois Valentin answered him that the other day he personally saw the mermaid and there were fifty witnesses to it.

In 1737, the English newspaper for men, Gentleman's magazine, published a note about how, over the past weekend, fishermen, along with fish floundering in a net, brought a strange creature on board. Of course, they heard about mermaids, but they caught... a man with a fish tail! The strange creature frightened the poor people so much that they beat the prey to death. The monster's corpse was bought and displayed in the Exter Museum for several centuries.

Eyewitnesses reported:

“This creature was amazing and made human moans. When we came to our senses, we saw that it was a man with a white tail and a membranous fin covered with scales. The creature’s appearance was repulsive and surprisingly human-like at the same time.”

The year 1890 in Scotland was marked by the appearance near the Orkney Islands the whole family mermaids. Three girls swam in the water, laughed and fished, but never swam close to people. It cannot be said that they were afraid of the person; rather, they avoided them. In the absence of fishermen, the nymphs rested on coastal rocks. It is known that mermaids lived in these parts for more than 10 years. In 1900, a Scottish farmer managed to take one of the sea maidens by surprise:

“Once I had to go with my dog ​​to a distant ravine to pull out a sheep that had fallen into it. Moving along the ravine in search of the sheep, I noticed the unnatural restlessness of the dog, which began to howl in fear. Looking into the ravine, I saw a mermaid with red hair curly hair and eyes of color sea ​​wave. The mermaid was as tall as a man, very beautiful, but with such a fierce expression on her face that I rushed away from her in horror. While running away, I realized that the mermaid had fallen into a ravine due to low tide and was forced to wait there for the tide to swim back to the sea. But I didn’t want to come to her aid.”

Throughout the 20th century, mermaids were seen in Chile, the United States of America, Polynesia and Zambia. In 1982, nymphs were first discovered in the USSR, where they previously did not believe in stories about otherworldly creatures living in reservoirs. During training combat swimmers on Lake Baikal they encountered a school of fish with a female body underwater. After surfacing, they spoke about what they had seen and received orders to establish contact with the strange inhabitants of Lake Baikal. As soon as they swam to the mermaids, you threw them ashore as if by a blast wave, because of which the scuba divers died in a few days one after another, and the survivors became disabled.

The last mention of mermaids in the press were articles written by journalists from many countries after photographs from a military training ground in Poland appeared on the Internet in 2015. The photographs clearly show that people in protective suits are carrying something the size of a person, but with a fish tail. Their burden weighs quite a lot, because the stretcher was carried by six people at the same time.

The Polish government left the photographs without comment. And will conservative science be able to find an explanation for the existence of mermaids?

Explanation of the essence, calling the mermaid and rituals to the mermaid.

Today we will plunge into a mysterious world that is of interest to many people. Namely, let's talk about mermaids. Do they really exist and what needs to be done to cause them - this will be described below.

Myths and real facts about mermaids

The existence of mermaids is spoken of not only in fairy tales, but also in various legends that are spread throughout the world. Moreover, meetings with mermaids are described in different sources and at different times.

Sorcerers claim that mermaids are creatures, spirits of water, who can grant wishes and come to the aid of those in need. But it is impossible to see it, they only control the water element.

However, there are stories of people who saw mermaids with their own eyes. True, they describe these creatures in different ways. Scientists explain this by saying that the creatures seen by people may be located on different stages development.

So, we offer you documented facts that describe a meeting with mermaids:

  • In the 12th century, the chronicles of Iceland mentioned a creature that had the body of a woman and a fish tail. It was named "Margigr".
  • In 1403, in the chronicles of Holland, there is a record that after a storm, a discarded girl with a fin instead of legs was found on the banks of the Scheldt.
  • In 1608, the personal notes of the navigator Hudson described a meeting with a beautiful woman at great depths in the ocean. She had bare breasts and long black braids.
  • But in the 17th century, an interesting article was found in a Spanish newspaper about a guy who was sucked into the abyss while swimming. So, after some time, sailors from this area found this guy in the sea with scales instead of skin and membranes on his limbs.
  • In 1982, combat swimmers discovered an amazing creature on the western shore of Lake Baikal. At a depth of 50 m, they saw a 3-meter monster with shiny scales. This creature moved very quickly and as soon as the fighters tried to get closer to the mermaid, they were thrown ashore from a distance of 20 m. Scuba divers claim that the mermaid did this with the power of thought. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the ejection of eight people at the same time. After this, the fighters began to suffer from decompression sickness and three died the next day, the rest remained disabled.
  • In 1992, fishermen from the city of Florida, who sailed to remove their catch from their nets, discovered a strange picture. There were people near the nets, but when the fishermen began to approach, the people dived, and a tail appeared out, like a seal’s. When the fishermen approached the nets, it turned out that all the nets had been torn apart and the catch had been released.

It is possible that mermaids still exist, because many stories have been written about them for a long time. But there were still swindlers. Who stitched the corpse of a monkey and fur seal in order to gain fame. Therefore, it is impossible to completely deny the existence of mermaids, but it is also not possible to assert that they exist as real sea creatures.

What are the appearance and character traits of mermaids?

If mermaids do exist, then what do they look like? Let's collect all the information about the image of a mermaid and tell you about it step by step:

  • Mermaids have a feminine figure and a tail instead of legs.
  • The hair of mermaids is long and light, mixed with mud and seaweed.
  • It is generally accepted that mermaids are girls who died before marriage, but are already engaged.
  • Most often, mermaids are beautiful and slender girls in white clothes (the clothes they wore when they died or were buried). But encounters with fat, ugly mermaids who were pale and unapproachable are also described.
  • Mermaids have psychic abilities and with their singing they could bewitch fishermen and sailors, making them their slaves.

  • Mermaids do not like people because they constantly interfere with their habitat - swimming or fishing.
  • The intelligence and speed of thinking of mermaids is much higher than that of people.
  • During Trinity Week, mermaids came out onto land to visit their favorite places or a place where they had spent little time.
  • Mermaids can control natural phenomena. In a moment of anger, they can send hail, rain or drought. In addition, if they have a negative attitude towards a particular person, who is, for example, a farmer, the mermaids are able to cause damage specifically to that person’s field.
  • If a mermaid likes a man, she can pull him into the water and turn him into her slave.
  • Previously, when all people mostly worked in the fields, children were baptized almost immediately after birth, so that the mermaid would not take them. After all, mermaids love children very much and, having taken the baby, they want to make the unrealized dream of motherhood come true.

What should you do in the daytime to summon a mermaid at home?

In order for the mermaid to be kind to you, you should become related to the water element that owns this essence. In addition, it is important to understand that even kind mermaids can be very insidious and will easily bewitch you or take away your gift without fulfilling your wish.

But if you still decide to call a mermaid, then use these tips:

  • On the banks of a river or sea (if they are near your home), leave a gift for the mermaid. It should be a necklace with an odd number of shells or corals.

Say these words:

  • Before leaving, thank the water spirits for fulfilling the request and return home.
  • In 3 days your wish should come true.

How to summon a mermaid spirit that lengthens your hair?

Girls most often asked the mermaid beautiful curls, because this creature is famous for its long hair. But remember that the mermaid may demand gifts in return for your request, and ones that will be absolutely incommensurate with your request. And if you refuse, then both you and your loved ones may suffer from her anger.

If you still decide, then do the following:

  • On the banks of a river or lake, let your hair down and comb it with a new wooden comb.
  • Mentally imagine your curvy long braids.
  • Now take silver ring and say: “I see what is hidden at the bottom of the sea. Mermaid, come."
  • Throw a hair from your head and say: “Float my hair, attract the spirit of the waters, help me comb my hair.”
  • The appearance of circles on the water means that the mermaid heard you.
  • If there are no changes in the water, then say further: “Spirit of water, give me long braids, beautiful and healthy, and I will give you a gift for this.”
  • Finally, send the ring into the water to reward the mermaid and return her to the water world.

How to become a mermaid in real life and get her power on a full moon and without a full moon: rituals, conspiracies, rituals.

Modern films, cartoons and computer games are capable of stimulating the imagination. There are a lot of queries on the Internet search engine about how you can become a mermaid. We offer you several options, but we still advise you to think 100 times before doing something like this:

  • On a full moon, light a lot of candles.
  • Pour water into the bath and throw in a lot of sea salt

Lie down in the bathroom and say:

  • Next, look at the moon and go to bed

You can also use the above spell when doing the following:

  • On a full moon, go outside with a ladle of sea water.
  • Stand so that the moon is reflected in it and, having said the above words, pour this water over your face, wash your face and drink a little.
  • Also take another glass of the same water and soak the shell in it overnight.
  • In the morning, cast the spell again and drink water.

Swimming in a pond on a full moon greatly increases the possibility of becoming a mermaid.

If the full moon has already passed, and the desire is very strong, then:

  • Go outside in the evening with a bowl of water, a plate and a wooden comb.

After placing the comb in the water, close your eyes and say the following:

  • Without opening your eyes, touch the water.
  • Having taken out the comb, you can open your eyes.
  • While combing your hair, say the spell again.

Now let's move on to rituals with magical power. They are used less frequently, but are also very effective:

Ritual No. 1:

  • Apply some toothpaste to a piece of paper and place it on the edge of the sink.
  • Close all windows and doors, turn on the water.
  • Turn off the light and say: “Mermaid, come!”
  • You should catch a fishy smell or the rustling of scales.
  • Now ask the mermaid for a tail out loud.

Ritual No. 2:

  • Take fish scales, spring water in a glass, a bunch of your hair, a piece of paper, matches, 3-4 candles and 2 mirrors.
  • Burn hair in paper.
  • Place lighted candles around the mirrors, which are placed opposite each other.

Throw the ashes from your hair into a glass of water and say:

  • After extinguishing the candles and leaving the lights on, take a bath.

These rituals may cause you to mistrust and you may not even receive desired result. it depends on how much you believe and want to get the mermaid's tail and power.

How to become a mermaid in a month?

Transforming into a mermaid requires a long ritual that lasts a whole month. For this you should prepare carefully, namely, take:

  • 7 candles
  • A gift for spirits - it may not be too expensive a decoration or a wreath of flowers
  • Pectoral cross as a talisman against evil spirits

To perform the ritual:

  • Go to a body of water, preferably a large one - this way you will get more mermaid power
  • Choose a place you like, because in the guise of a mermaid, you will be in this particular body of water.
  • Make sure no one is nearby. This is a prerequisite for the ritual.
  • Next, taking off your clothes and placing the candles, say:

  • Get into the water up to your knees and say the following words:

Conspiracy on the River
  • Go out and get dressed.
  • Repeat these steps for a month.
  • On the last day, when you come out of the water, say: “For what I heard and allowed my plan to be realized. For not driving me away,” and throw the gift.

Remember that there is no turning back. Therefore, be careful and careful when performing this ritual.

Why do mermaids sing?

The singing of the mermaids is theirs magical influence on the human psyche. Since it is known that it is through singing that they can draw you into their world.

Mermaids use singing when they like a man to lure him and make him their slave. Also, by singing, mermaids cloud their thinking and can drag them into the abyss out of revenge or out of malice and deceit.

What grass are mermaids afraid of?

What mermaids fear most is wormwood. It was this grass that fumigated the home in mermaid week and it was woven into a wreath for Ivan Kupala.

Not only mermaids, but all evil spirits are afraid of this grass. That's why better protection Such evil is caused by grass hanging in the home, as well as fires with wormwood.

Spells to mermaids for rejuvenation

Mermaids are often represented as very beautiful and with long hair. But they are cunning and do not want to share their beauty with anyone.

No sources have information about what kind of conspiracy should be read specifically for mermaids in order to rejuvenate. But in turn, we would like to advise you not to contact mermaids with any requests, since these creatures often ask for gifts that are absolutely not commensurate with your request.

In addition, it is important to understand that you are somehow colluding with a magical creature. And it is not known how this will affect you in the future.

Video: Mermaids: myths or truth?

Should you believe in the existence of mermaids or refute myths? Readers of this article can make their choice: either take on faith the numerous stories of seasoned travelers, sea conquerors and conscientious farmers, or make sure complete absence scientific evidence the possibility of mixing humans and fish. However, sources containing descriptions of travel are filled with stories about mermaids. Is this evidence of the overdeveloped imagination of eyewitnesses?

Seeing mermaids with your own eyes

One of the sources of information about mermaids was the authoritative geographer Henry Hudson. The famous conqueror of the seas and discoverer of territories, after whom the bay off the coast of Canada, as well as the river and strait are named, while off the coast of Novaya Zemlya, made an entry with his own hand in the logbook: “Date: June 15, 1608 This morning a sailor overboard noticed something, looks like a mermaid. He called to those on deck, and another sailor joined in the observations. Meanwhile, the mermaid approached the ship and began to watch them with interest. After some time, a rushing wave overturned her. Above the waist, her body and head were similar to those of a woman, and her snow-white skin was set off by black long hair, falling down the back. The bottom of her body resembled the tail of a dolphin or porpoise, and sparkled like a mackerel. The names of the witnesses were Robert Raynar and Thomas Hills."

Records of sighted mermaids are also found in the memoirs of Columbus and some of his companions.

Also, descriptions of strange creatures can be found in the chronicle of Iceland of the 12th century “Speculum Regale”: “In the coastal waters of Greenland, residents encounter a monster called “Margigr”. The creature's head and body appear human from the waist up. People were able to see hair, arms and breasts similar to those of a woman. Below the belly it is like a fish - there is a scaly tail and fins.”

Some of them are much smaller than people. Little mermaids.

An event that occurred in 1830 on one of the Hebrides islands once again demonstrates that mermaids really exist, and not just in myths and fairy tales. Residents of Benbecula Island, as usual, collected seaweed left after the tide. The weather was calm and the sea was completely calm. Therefore, a sudden splash made one of the women turn around. Imagine her surprise when she saw a strange creature almost nearby, appearance resembling a miniature woman. How did the story end? You can read about it.

What do real mermaids look like? Beautiful brunettes with fishtails.

The Shipping Gazette of June 4, 1857 talked about true story Scottish sailors swore on the Bible that they all clearly saw a female creature short, black-haired with busty, which splashed near the shore, cutting the surface of the sea with its fish tail.

Lake and river mermaids actually exist.

Photo: River and water mermaids.

In places far from the sea, mermaids were known in two forms: the traditional one, with a fish tail, and without a tail - with legs. In the second case, the mermaid differed from an ordinary woman only in that she lived in the river. .

I saw a mermaid - kill her

Somewhere deep in the subconscious of every person there is a hunting instinct. For some it is securely hidden, while for others it often breaks out. Perhaps the boy who threw the stone at the mermaid did not pursue the goal of killing her at all. Like many in such cases, he obeyed the hunting instinct, like a kitten trying to catch a moving object and launch its claws into it.

Without thinking about the consequences, people rushed in pursuit of mermaids and often killed them in the heat of pursuit just like that, obeying the same hunting instinct.

Triton is a man with a tail instead of legs.

A similar incident occurred off the US coast near Portland in Casco Bay. One day one of the fishermen went out to sea on his boat to fish. Suddenly, a strange creature emerged from the water and grabbed the side with its hands. The fisherman decided that it was a “triton,” and, without thinking about the purpose for which the sea deity swam up to the boat, he grabbed an ax lying among the gear and cut off the hand of the son of Poseidon. The vile creature immediately sank to the bottom, and a bloody trail remained on the surface of the water for a long time. When the sailor looked around, he saw the hand of a sea monster at the bottom of the boat, which was exactly like the man’s hand.

They do not live in captivity. Did you find a mermaid? Release her back to the sea!

Many people thought about killing the mermaid fewer people than about her capture. The latter has been achieved more than once throughout history.

Photo: Mermaid caught in a net

At some point, Catholic missionaries had a special interest from a professional point of view in mermaids.

They used to come to us more often

Meetings of mermaids with people in most cases were for these amazing creatures adverse consequences and often ended in their death. Therefore, the mermaids began to avoid people. And if in former times they could be seen quite often, now such meetings have become more rare.

Is the mermaid getting married? Love between mermaids and people.

Spending a long time at sea without women, and meeting beautiful mermaids there, the sailors fell in love with them, as evidenced by literary works, legends and ballads. It is quite possible that all these creations have a very definite basis. There were cases when the love of a mermaid and a man was so passionate and strong that both could no longer imagine life without each other and romantic relationship found their continuation in marriage. In many cases, love was unrequited, and one person had to suffer from unrequited feelings.

It is worth noting that not all testimonies and stories about encounters with mermaids were reflected in the press. Some of those who heard the stories of eyewitnesses believed them, others, on the contrary, considered them crazy. But the fact remains a fact. Similar stories different people from absolutely different places indicate that mermaids really exist.

Mermaids really exist even now, in our days.

Despite the stories about marriages between a man and a mermaid and their successful life together, in most cases, people treated these creatures as game and always sought to pursue them in order to catch or kill them.

If there were people similar attitude, it is unlikely that they would want to appear where they would be met in this way.

Video: Mermaid on the Rocks – Amazing Mermaid On The Rock “Sirena” (Animal Planet, Special Analysis 100% TRUE)