Domestic creatures. Unusual pets: who will soon replace dogs and cats? Desert fox or fennec fox

Have you been dreaming of having a pet for a long time, but you are already tired of dogs, cats, and fish, and want something unusual? Exotics? Especially for you, the Music of the First TV channel has collected the most amazing pets from all over the world who could become your friends. By the way, Salvador Dali had a giant anteater at home. Who do you want more - a raccoon or an armadillo?

1) Short-headed flying squirrel

It is otherwise called the “sugar flying squirrel.” And in the air they can soar as much as 45 meters, jumping, say, from one tree to another. However, this little joy is awake only at night. There are two nuances: you can’t really stop looking at her during the day, but at night,
All in all, it won’t let you sleep. It is also necessary that trees be placed throughout the house (lots of branches, albeit artificial ones). So it won't be a hassle. But what joy - big eyes!

2) Tarantula spider

Not such a bloodthirsty, predatory insect as it might seem at first glance. Quite the contrary! Look how shaggy and fluffy it is. And it doesn't attack people. Almost.

3) Kinkajou

This cute creature eats insects and plants. And they live for more than 40 years. By the way, Paris Hilton has such a wonderful animal. She was bitten a couple of times and had to go to the hospital. But overall, kindness itself!

4) Hedgehog

Well, why not, exactly? It doesn't sting that much, it's not that dangerous. And a calm animal, quiet and peaceful (just don’t touch it again). True, they like to stomp heavily. So hello, happy nights!

5) Anteater

Yes, Salvador Dali launched fashion in 1969. Do you want the same cute creature for yourself? They will lie on your laptop, ask for food (and yes, they really eat insects), and will not allow themselves to be petted for too long - well, they do not like these calf tendernesses.

6) Snail

Well, they are very unpretentious animals and happy under any conditions. Do you need to leave for a couple of weeks? Yes please! She will immediately go into hibernation. So you shouldn’t perceive them solely as a delicacy. A snail, by the way, can also be a friend to a person.

7) Raccoon

Yes, the tenderness at the sight of these charming animals is simply off the charts. But don't forget that they are predators. It’s better to think a hundred times and... buy yourself a raccoon once. Or not to buy? Well, there are a lot of advantages: you can brag to your friends, and a good mood is guaranteed. But there are also quite a few disadvantages. For example, a raccoon may wake up one fine morning in a belligerent mood and attack its owner. And what outweighs the pros or cons?

8) Mini pig

Smart, affectionate, and, attention, clean! In general, a domestic pig. Neat domestic pig. Shall we take it?

9) Skunks

By the way, they are not that bad-smelling. They use their secret weapon only in case of danger. Well, or when they are very tired of someone. True, their character is not easy, but if they really fall in love, then hold on!

10) Armadillo

Don't look at the name, don't! The armadillo is a peaceful, meek, kind and slightly vulnerable creature. Well, it’s not a clumsy thing that requires care, but to make sure everything is clear and precise, there are whole instructions. But it's worth it. Admit it, did you want to pet it?

11) Scorpio

This handsome man will absolutely not give a damn about you. Just feed it and don’t touch it again. That's it, that's enough. It’s not clear what attracts him, but something attracts him. They especially love the imperial species, which, as you understand, is already on the verge of extinction. The creatures are independent and strong, we warn you right away. Are you ready for such joy?

12) Ocelot

Yes, a cat, but a wild cat. Wild! Lives in the vastness of North and Central America. In order to accustom the miracle animal and cloud all predatory instincts in its consciousness, you need to separate it from its mother even before it opens its eyes. Otherwise, the ocelot will no longer become a house cat. However, the habits of a true predator remain for life. Dangerous kitty. But so cute!

13) Capybara

A rodent of gigantic size. Melanie Tipaldos from Texas was once on vacation in Venezuela and saw a capybara and realized: this was fate. I bought it and have never regretted my decision. And they live together, and travel, and enjoy life. Beauty!

14) Monkey

Well, naturally, we simply could not ignore these cutest animals. It’s no longer exotic, of course, but, you see, it’s unusual to be friends with a monkey. But you know for sure that you won’t be left without work - go and perform. By the way, monkeys require constant attention - they are scary owners! They will be jealous of everyone. To everything. Are you ready?

15) Bison

Do you think it's fantasy? Okay, there’s an anteater, but a bison! But for the Sautner family this is the real reality. He lives in a house. Right in their home. And he causes a lot of trouble, but they love him madly - they’ve already spoiled him. Bailey, that's the name of the buffalo, broke down both doors and walls in the house many times.

16) Bear

Seriously. Bear. Tame bear. Of course, at first it was an ordinary wild bear, but after he was saved from death (this was in Pakistan), he decided to stay with the saviors and became tame. Admit it, you want a bear too. Just please don't eat from his plate or sleep on his bed. No joke. This animal, oh, how it needs personal space!

17) Iguana

These beauties have a wayward character, interesting habits, but, most importantly, their appearance - so much color! And they can become tame, as you can see. True, you will have to try. Try hard.

18) Hyena

There are very few people in the world who have managed to train this animal, which is harsh in character and way of life. For example, a resident of Lagos, Nigeria, decided to check his pet’s teeth. With this handsome man he performs in the streets and squares. We say for sure that you won’t go wrong with unusual animals.

19) Crocodile

Yes, this happens too. True, this lady had to file her pet’s teeth, since during a fun game he broke her hand several times. But these are minor things. Look better, what an idyll. Just look, he starts purring.

In the modern world it is already difficult to surprise anyone with anything. Although the most unusual pets, the list of which we want to show, are not only surprising, but also causing specific bewilderment. There are people who can’t get enough of an ordinary dog ​​or cat, so they keep completely strange and sometimes even dangerous wild animals as their pets. Exotic lovers get skunks, squirrels, spiders, monkeys, an anteater or even a pig.

It is unlikely that you will meet a person who wants to buy home an animal with such a bad reputation as a skunk. Indeed, they emit a disgusting smell, but only when protected.

But it so happens that skunks do not always adequately recognize this very danger, and can spoil the air simply when frightened, for example, from loud noise.

And the pioneers, who decided to domesticate this non-domestic animal, found a way out - simply remove the gland that secretes fluid.

2. Anteater

My first thought when I saw an anteater was that a collie dog had its muzzle sucked into a vacuum cleaner. But when you pay attention to the clubbed legs, you understand that this is an anteater.

Nowadays it is fashionable to have wild animals at home, and some animals are very suitable for the role of pets, and this is our case. These cute animals have excellent character and intelligence.

3. Capybara

The capybara, or as they are also called, the capybara, is essentially a guinea pig, fattened up to the size of a large piglet. From the language of the South American Indians, where it comes from, the name translates as “Lord of Herbs.”

The capybara is simply enormous in size, it is the largest rodent on Earth, and there is a belief that their ancestors were the size of a rhinoceros.

Unlike guinea pigs, capybaras in their natural environment spend most of their lives in water, hence the second name. But they also feel great in city apartments as a pet.

4. Flying squirrel

Flying squirrels really look like a flying mitten, because when they jump, their body is spread out and looks completely flat. When a flying squirrel sits on a branch, it sometimes seems that she is wearing a gray fur coat that is two sizes too big for her!

5. Desert fox or Fenech

The miniature fennec fox is increasingly becoming a pet. Despite the high cost of fennecs, more and more people want to acquire this funny big-eared animal.

6. Giant snail Achatina

Land gastropod mollusk from the subclass of pulmonate snails. Widely distributed in countries with tropical climates, it is a highly invasive species and is a pest of agricultural plants, especially sugar cane.

It is on the list of the 100 most invasive species. Currently, further expansion of the Achatina range has been stopped due to strict quarantine measures.

7. Tarantula spider

A family of spiders from the suborder Mygalomorpha. Adults are characterized by large sizes, in some cases exceeding 20 cm in leg span. Tarantulas are widely kept as exotic pets.

8. Mini pig

The original reason for the appearance of miniature pigs was their use as a delicacy and raw material for replacing human organs. But the size and character of mini-pigs attracted so many people that today they are full-fledged household residents.

Today there are already about 30 breeds - for every taste and color.

9. Ferret

Ferrets are kept in apartments as pets. If you know the secrets of keeping, feeding, hygiene, then this animal will become your reliable friend.

10. Monkey

If you decide to keep a monkey at home, you must evaluate your capabilities. Macaques are wild creatures, they need certain living conditions. You need to know what to feed the animal, where to house it, and how to care for it. If you are able to do all this, you can buy a monkey that will become a full member of the family.

Watch the video and find out what kind of unusual pet friend even you could make, with minimal damage to your home or apartment

It's no secret that people like to communicate with animals and even live next to them. Cat and dog lovers, who are the most numerous on the planet, try to prove to everyone that their pet is the best. In addition to dogs and cats, a large number of people keep birds, reptiles and rodents and a lot of other exotic animals.

In addition to the unusual name, this animal is also very rare. It is not often possible to find a capybara among pets. Capybaras are guinea pigs, but large in size. These are the largest rodents in the world, their weight can reach 45 kg, and their body length is 120 cm. It is not recommended to have a capybara in a family with children, as this is a solitary animal, has sharp teeth and behaves like a real wrestling dog .

Everyone is familiar with the stick insect from school biology courses. These are unique creatures; they really look like a twig. The insect's body length is from 7 to 10 cm and with good care it can live for several years. The stick insect needs attention and good company so as not to feel lonely.

A donkey may not be called an exotic animal, but donkeys are very funny and cute. If you go to visit someone who has a miniature donkey, you can have a lot of fun. Despite the mini prefix, its height is about 1 m, and its weight reaches 100-160 kg. To keep such a donkey, you need a lot of space where he can walk and graze. Miniature donkeys are very friendly and children can play with them.

This tiny funny creature belongs to the class of marsupials. The sugar glider got its name because it can soar in the air while jumping. These small rodents weigh less than 500 g, and their body length is about 10 cm. The flying squirrel is a herd animal, so you will have to buy a couple so that they are comfortable together.

The wallaby belongs to the class of marsupials, therefore, keeping it is the same as keeping an ordinary kangaroo. They mostly live with Australian families. Wallabies can reach a height of 1 m and weigh 24 kg. Wallabies also like to live in a herd, so they need the company of their relatives. Be warned that they are not trainable.

In the US, keeping skunks as pets is illegal in many states. Skunk owners say they are cute creatures with character. Everyone is interested in the question of the smell, the secretion that the skunk releases from the glands. It's not a problem. The fact is that many skunk owners remove these glands from the animal at the age of 4 years, turning to a veterinary clinic. A skunk can live up to 10 years in captivity.

For most people, any insect causes unpleasant feelings, especially cockroaches. They are usually perceived as the dirtiest and most terrible bugs, despite the fact that many around the world have cockroaches living in their homes. Surprisingly, there are people who keep cockroaches as pets. The cockroach is considered unpretentious in keeping, as it can live in a limited space and does not sting or bite.

The fox is a wild animal, a predator that can easily become a pet. People manage to domesticate the common red fox and other species, but domesticating the fennec fox is easier than ever. The fennec cat grows to the size of a chihuahua and can be trained like any cat or dog. This is a fairly active animal, so it needs space to play and human company.

People who have cats cannot help but like the Serval, because it is a cat whose homeland is South Africa. The serval looks like a miniature leopard. This animal needs a large home to live. A serval can live for about 19 years. The animal, in addition to care and training, requires constant attention. Servals are naturally carnivorous and quite successful in the wild, so this is something that needs to be taken into account first.

All rodent lovers will love the chinchilla, which looks like a very fat squirrel, but is much more beautiful. This animal can live from 15 to 22 years and, like any animal, requires care and attention. Chinchilla fur does not allow water to pass through, so instead of water treatments, chinchilla prefers dust and sand treatments.

The axolotl is a species of salamander that lives in water. These amphibians are native to Mexico. The most interesting thing about them, besides their name and appearance, is that they are able to regrow lost limbs.

More and more people are getting hedgehogs. It is not an exotic animal, but it is very cute and not very common as a pet. It's sad, but a hedgehog can only live from three to eight years. In addition to fruits and vegetables, hedgehogs love insects, and worms are considered a delicacy for them.

Like the cockroach, the tarantula is not a cute, funny animal and is not able to win over everyone. But to their credit, tarantulas are not annoying. He can live from 10 to 25 years. The Guinness Book of Records records a record - a tarantula lived for 49 years. The tarantula, like a snake, is capable of shedding its skin, and in this case its shell, as the body grows.

Incredibly, there is a growing interest in sloths, especially their images, in the online community. It's strange that in a world of fast technology, people like a very slow animal. Sloth lives up to its name. This is a very lazy animal, but it is quite difficult to keep it. Sloths eat vegetables that are not always available at the supermarket down the street. Those vegetables that everyone is accustomed to contain, according to the sloth, a lot of fiber, which is difficult for its digestive system to digest.

The armadillo cannot be called cute and cute, and not many people would want such an animal to live nearby. Unfortunately, you shouldn't expect much from him. Armadillos mostly sleep in their burrows for 16 hours a day, and when they wake up, they eat various insects. These animals not only look menacing, but also smell bad.

Keeping a pet is a gigantic responsibility that requires a huge amount of hard work and dedication, which, let's face it, isn't available to everyone. On the other hand, choosing a pet is a piece of cake, because it usually comes down to choosing between a dog and a cat (or a fish, if you are as prosaic as tattered wallpaper). But doesn't it seem wrong to you to some extent? The choice of pets should be more than the number of sides of a coin, and if you also think so, you are absolutely right, because there is one. In fact, there are dozens of wonderful and completely legal alternative pets that you can go out and buy right now:

10. Mini pigs

After all the creative ways to produce bacon-flavored ice cream, perfume, and candles, the moment finally came when people wanted one as a pet. Thus, mini pigs appeared, hitting the eardrums of men or women all over the world.

Mini pigs are also known as miniature pigs, micro pigs and tickap pigs, but the name is not so important. What's important is that they're cuter than five puppies hugging a teddy bear at the same time, and they're also one of the strongest arguments for going vegetarian. However, they are not only adorably cute faces, they are just as smart, if not smarter than dogs and just as easily develop affection for humans.

The only downside is that less scrupulous breeders often pass off regular pigs as miniature ones, which, unfortunately, only becomes apparent when your pink micro miracle turns into a 200-pound piglet that takes up half of your living room. In addition, Paris Hilton apparently started the micro pig craze, which takes some of the fun out of owning them.

9. Starling

The common or European starling is a small bird with black and speckled feathers that some people sometimes keep as a pet. In addition, starlings can speak.

Well, not really, to be precise. Starlings really only have the ability to imitate frequently repeated phrases and natural sounds of their own environment, which is what parrots essentially do. But let's be honest: if you ever see and hear a bird talking that doesn't look like an immigrant from the Brazilian forest, your first thought probably won't be, "Oh my God, what a great example of avian mimicry," but rather, "That bird just talked." ? Bring the holy water quickly!”
But the potential to scare your friends and family isn't the only reason to get a starling, as they are very playful creatures and quickly bond with their owners, combining a dog's adoration with the ability to fly and repeat your favorite curse words. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that these birds poop a lot, for about 20 years.

8. Imperial Scorpion

The emperor scorpion (Pendinus imperator) is the closest thing to a real Pokémon: a 10-centimeter armored arachnid with giant pincers and a comically exaggerated stinger at the end of its tail. And you can buy one for yourself today... and there are reasons for this.

To be fair, emperor scorpions are actually very gentle creatures, which (given their intimidating appearance) practically makes them the Michael Clarke Duncan of the animal kingdom. They don't require an awful lot of care, and their stings aren't lethal to humans (unless you're allergic to the venom), so if you've ever wanted to own a miniature fear creature created by Mother Nature herself, an emperor scorpion - this is the best option.

Plus, if you put him in the same tank with the action figures and turn on the heavy metal, you can recreate the entire plot of the Clash of the Titans remake.

7. Long-eared hedgehog

Long-eared (or Egyptian) hedgehogs are not only one of the cutest alternative pets, but they are also a contender for the title of "Easiest Animal to Photoshop." But while they may look like the result of hastily slap a pair of bunny ears on everyone's favorite spiny mouse, these spiny bunnies are actually very real and completely legal to keep as pets in most countries.

Hedgehogs are generally considered to be timid and peaceful creatures, and the big-eared variety is no exception. However, they are considered quite difficult pets because they are not as easily tamed as regular pets and you will need to put in a lot of effort to properly housetrain them to an apartment and a person. However, once you do this, hedgehogs are, as many breeders say, very interactive and easy to handle, and their only drawback is that hedgehogs don't really like to curl up into balls and roll around collecting gold coins or fighting armies of robotic animals.

6. Skunk

Unlike hedgehogs, it turns out that pop culture hasn't been lying to us about skunk behavior, because pet skunks, like Pepe le Pew, are curious, stubborn, and require tons of affection. Despite this, they are less harmful, making them a great alternative to dogs and cats. Additionally, it is important to note that their scent glands are surgically removed at an early age.

There are many places in North America where you can purchase a pet skunk, you will just need to make sure that it is legal to own one in your country. In fact, there is no reason not to want to own such a miracle. Not only are skunks incredibly smart, but they also love affection so much that they can even turn into “couch skunks” (according to professional breeders), constantly asking to be snuggled into your lap. You probably never suspected this about skunks, live and learn.

5. Madagascar hissing cockroach

On the list of what makes a good pet, cockroaches rank somewhere between rusty razor blades and Siberian wolves. When you add in the ability to make a distinct hissing sound, the Madagascar hissing cockroach begins to look more like devastating proof that there is no God... which you should have already guessed.

First of all, there's something incredibly cool about having as a pet a creature that can survive a nuclear attack or having its head removed. In addition, the Madagascar hissing cockroach is also an amazing climber, able to climb up smooth glass without any problems, making it the love product between Wolverine and Spider-Man. Given their rather peaceful nature, it is not surprising that the Madagascar hissing cockroach is often considered an excellent first pet, although in some states in America you need to obtain a special license to own them. Plus, if you wake up in the middle of the night with your cockroaches hissing at you from a dark corner of the room, you'll likely never stop screaming.

4. Pygmy goat

Do you have a private yard? Are you tired of dogs but want something like them to ward off the inevitable realization that no one loves you? Then give the opportunity to a dwarf goat or female goat to fill the sadness center of your brain with pure and sugary tenderness.

As their name suggests, pygmy goats are tiny versions of nature's favorite evil-eyed trash packers, and today they are bred exclusively as pets. Pygmy goats are very curious creatures that constantly require tons of love and attention, so if you can't provide it to them, you need to check if you haven't had your heart removed, you're an insensitive monster. Their advantage is not only that they are very sociable and playful, but also that they can adapt to almost any environment/food, so if you can't love them for their cuteness, you can at least respect them for their Rambo-like survival ability.

However, it is worth taking into account that in most countries they are considered livestock, so it is worth checking out local laws before you decide to get yourself one of these charms.

3. Prairie Dog

Prairie dogs exist because someone once bet God that he couldn't cross a puppy with a rat and get something that looked absolutely adorable. That man obviously lost, and prairie dogs continue to inhabit the Earth and the living rooms of the happiest pet owners on the planet.

Prairie dogs are technically rodents, but their main characteristic is the attachment they quickly develop towards people. If you adopt a prairie dog at a young enough age, she will immediately mistake you for her mother and become attached to you forever (which is why Batman hires Robins at such an early age). After that, according to their breeders, you will live with a hyperactive puppy who never grows up, which is exactly what everyone has been asking scientists for the last few hundred years.

2. Sugar glider

Just look at this incredibly charming creature in the photo. This is not a real animal, but actually Mort, a character from the Madagascar cartoons, voiced by Andy Richter. But the main thing is that the sugar glider actually exists in real life, and you can buy it right now, because it is clear that you would like to have one. However, if you've already fallen in love with this Australian possum and named him Sir Furry Tail, get ready to shell out a pretty penny, because sugar gliders are still considered exotic animals that usually cost a lot more than regular animals (this also applies to showgirls). .
But while they are quite expensive and will cost even more to keep, their overall level of fluffiness, cuteness and playful nature may convince you to skip a few visits to the dentist in order to truly enjoy owning your very own sugar marsupial flying squirrel. . And before you ask, yes, they can actually fly short distances through the air.

1. Fox

Would you like to get yourself a fox? Yes? Then good news for you: you can do it, and it's all thanks to the Soviet Union.

The point is that we have been beating around the fact that, in fact, any animal can become a pet if it is tamed. Even the puny Chihuahuas were once powerful wolves, bred through selective breeding to the size of a pocket rat that knows its place and can therefore be kept as a pet. So the question is why can't we domesticate foxes? Because it will take “hundreds, perhaps thousands of years”? Come on, you clearly underestimate the Soviet people and their ability to give a damn about all sorts of “facts” or “logic”. Just look at Soviet geneticist Dmitry Belyaev, who has been trying hard to breed domestic foxes in Siberia since 1959... and apparently succeeded.

Here's something to understand about foxes: even if you buy a bag of "tamed" foxes in any other part of the world, they will still be wild animals that will attack your face and dignity if you try to dress them up in a Robin Hood costume. So what about Belyaev's domesticated foxes? These foxes are just real pets, the front paws of which you can freely take and make them dance with you... although, of course, you shouldn’t do this, and not because it will scare the poor animals, but because it’s the wrong way to treat with an animal costing about $8,000, it's probably not worth it.

Human domestication of wild animals began several million years ago. Once fierce enemies and rivals turned into friends and helpers. Excavations of primitive people have shown that even in the Mesolithic, almost all those species that today cannot be imagined in the wild were domesticated. But even today, people seem to continue the work of their ancestors, bringing into their home more and more wild and unsuitable species for living. Below we will tell you about the most unusual animals that people are trying to tame today.

Wolves. Wolves are close relatives of ordinary dogs. It seems that making these animals your friends is quite simple. However, the animal still remains wild and unpredictable. An example of this is the story that happened to 50-year-old Sandra Piovsan. A pack of wolves lived in her house from birth. Although relatives warned that such a neighborhood was dangerous, the woman did not pay attention to it. According to her, wolves give their love and devotion much better than dogs. However, raising predators at home ended tragically - Sandra's body was found in a cage with wolves, with numerous soft tissue injuries. Beloved pets killed their owner.

Foxes. In nature, foxes are cautious and timid, they avoid humans. However, if these animals are raised from birth, they can become excellent pets. A 10-day-old fox cub was brought to one of the pet stores in Dichilling, England. The owner of the establishment, Stephen Adinkton, immediately took a liking to the little fool. He decided to raise the red animal and then release it into the forest. A wild, but sweet and defenseless creature became part of Stephen's family. The little fox was loved and given the nickname Miss Snooks. When the time came to part with the pet, the animal returned back after a couple of hours. The Edinktons made several attempts to introduce the fox cub to its natural environment, but the devoted creature constantly returned to people. At the same time, Miss Snook hid in a corner, making it clear in every possible way that she was offended by the owners. According to the Edinktons, the fox resembles a cat in habits - the animal sleeps on a soft blanket, loves scratching behind the ears and sharpens its claws. And the fox eats chicken, cat food and, for some reason, coffee beans.

Crocodiles. For some, these creatures are soulless killers, while others see them as pets. For example, Vicky Loving from Melbourne raises the African narrow-snouted crocodile Johnny at home. The woman says that the reptile crawled to her doorstep in 1996, which scared her a lot. She tried to drive the crocodile away, but he did not want to leave. As a result, the animal remained at home, having lived there for 15 years. Vicky says that this is an affectionate pet who constantly asks to be held. True, the owner was forced to start filing the crocodile’s teeth, since in the heat of the game he had already broken her hand several times. Johnny loves fried chicken wings, bacon and frozen rats. The owner has to constantly be on guard, because if you step on the pets, they will immediately attack in response. That's why the lights are always on in the house. Vicky was not afraid to leave the toothy creature alone with her little son; today Andrew is already 16. The house is also home to lizards, a turtle, a horse and a couple of crocodiles.

Tigers. Big cats, like their small relatives, have long been perceived by people as pets. However, owners should know that they are still dealing with strong and dangerous animals. Even surgery to remove claws is almost impossible, because damage to the skin of the fingertips can lead to tigers walking incorrectly. And the result of this will ultimately be paralysis, because a heavy animal needs a correct gait for normal development. However, there are those who do not see such cats as dangerous. For example, 66-year-old Norman Buwald actively fought for the rights of people to keep tigers in their homes as pets. The man himself had a 300-kilogram beast in his own home. One day, while cleaning his cage, he bit his owner to death. As a result, both the naive Buwald himself and his pet, who became guilty of murdering a man, suffered.

Lions. Lions are not considered as pets as often as tigers. However, there are such brave souls who keep the king of beasts in the house. One of them is the Czech Jaroslav Kann. The owner of a small pump manufacturing company owns Leo the lion and even takes his pet for a walk, leading him on a rope. It must be said that domestic lions look so kind and flexible only in photographs. Not long ago, one tame animal attacked its owner without warning and killed him while he was simply cleaning his cage. The wife of the deceased discovered traces of the tragedy and immediately called the police. As a result, the sheriff was forced to shoot the “domestic” lion.

Skunks. There are few people in the world who adore skunks so much that they are even willing to keep them at home. Deborah Caprine, 51, is a professional breeder of furry but smelly animals. True, when they see her with her pets on walks, people start screaming and running away. But these are very clean creatures who use their protection in exceptional cases. Every morning the owner gets up at 6 am to feed all her pets before work. In total, up to 80 skunks sometimes live in her house. It costs $700 every month to maintain them. Animals love vegetables, fruits, chicken, dog food, cheeses, and oatmeal. The breeder considers issues of proper feeding important, since if the approach is incorrect, the animal will begin to lose bone mass and die.

Anteaters. These unusual animals are becoming increasingly fashionable in America. American Angelina Goodwin, a resident of Oregon, got herself two anteaters at once, I will give them the nicknames Stevie and Paul. The woman says that her pets are very smart. If they are hungry, they simply run to the refrigerator, open the door and eat human food. The animals respond to their names and love to play with each other or with rubber mice. Although in the wild anteaters eat only insects, Goodwin says that in her home the animals eat everything, including holes in socks. The animals also liked the cake, made from minced meat, yogurt, ketchup and cheese especially in honor of Paul’s first birthday.

Bears. These forest animals also found their place next to humans. In the old days, bear cubs were even specially taken from their mother in order to tame them and force them to do things unusual for the animal. And all for the sake of people's pleasure! Today, bears end up home after becoming victims of accidents. Naturalist Casey Anderson worked for a rare animal rescue organization. On one of his hikes, he came across a small 10-kilogram grizzly bear cub, which was hovering around its mother, who had been shot by poachers. The baby would have died, but the naturalist took him home and named him Brutus. 8 years have passed since then, Brutus has grown into a 380-pound monster who loves to splash in the pool, eat potatoes and play with his savior. The bear even has his own place at the table; as Casey's best friend, he acted as a witness at his wedding.

Bison. Bison can usually live in a person's home, occupying a pen or separate barn. However, in Canada there is a Sautner family that keeps one of the largest animals in the world at home. Bailey Junior, 2, weighs 725 kilograms and lives with a married couple. Of course, it wasn't without problems. Thus, it turned out to be impossible to toilet train a pet, so “surprises” sometimes end up right on the owners’ bed. The giant runs around the house and loves to suck his owner's hand. Bailey is a lazy animal who loves to eat heavily. In the house, the bison did not waste time exploring the corridors, but simply made a passage from his room to the kitchen. Wanting to take a walk, the animal simply goes to its goal, not noticing the doors. It’s good that the Sautners, tired of renovations, made a door that opens outward. The owners adore their pet, but it will continue to grow and gain weight for another couple of years.

Hippos. Of all the unusual pets, the hippopotamus is the best. This is a very dangerous creature; according to statistics, hippos kill more people in Africa than anyone else. In the city of Hoedspruit, in South America, a huge mammal weighing more than 2.5 tons has been living in one family for 10 years. It all started when Tony and Shirley Gibbert rescued a newborn hippo during the floods in May 2000. Good people understood that the baby would die without their participation, so they decided to go out and set her free. The hippopotamus was named Jessica; the girl quickly learned to respond to her name, flying into the room and spinning around her savior. The pet grew quickly, so they decided to build a barn for him. However, Jessica did not want to leave the house, deciding to sleep on her parents' bed. In addition, the hippopotamus loved watching TV and eating from the dining table. The Gibberts tried to close the doors, but this did not become an obstacle for the two-ton beast. One day, Jessica was so eager to greet her owner on his way home from work that she even tore down the wall. When the hippopotamus turned 5 years old, he was moved out onto the porch, and now his pit bull terrier friend sleeps on the mattress next to him. When Jessica was 11 years old, she finally joined the herd of hippos, starting an independent life. Nevertheless, the animal returns to its favorite rookery almost every evening. Jessica basks in the mistress's massage and falls asleep sweetly.

Coyotes. Experts say that these animals are among the most unpredictable. After all, they can attack a person even in a dream. However, 32-year-old writer and photographer Shreve Stockton does not agree with this opinion; she has been raising Charlie the coyote in her home for more than two years. Such an unusual pet was given to her by her boyfriend Mike, who worked as a hunter. The man had to shoot wild animals that got too close to human habitations. One day, a hunter found a small newborn coyote in a hole. Mike decided not to drown the baby, but gave him to his beloved. At first, Shreve decided that this was an ordinary puppy, and the gentleman did not dare to dissuade her. When the woman took her pet to the veterinarian, he “delighted” her by telling her that she was raising a dangerous animal, a coyote. When asked to euthanize him, Stockton refused. As experts predicted, the coyote eventually ate all the domestic animals. However, only the cat that nursed Charlie survived. The woman herself is afraid that the predator will attack her in her sleep, so she made a fenced enclosure for her pet and installed electricity there.

Sheep. Few people dare to let sheep into the house, because they have an unpleasant smell. But Australian Kate Shelton has 27 of these pets living in her house, she regularly cleans it herself and we don’t have any problems with odors. True, for some reason friends and relatives do not like to come to visit such a “farm”. One day a young man came to Kate on a date; he frowned for a long time and asked about the source of the stench. When he approached the door, he chose to urgently retreat. And Kate found her first lamb right next to the house. She picked up the wounded and hungry baby, unable to leave him on the street. A year later she bought 10 more lambs, and that’s how it all began. Miss Shelton says that her pets are very clean - the sheep gnaw fleas from each other, pee in trays, even if they don’t always get it. Animals also love to bathe directly in the bathtub. And with the onset of spring, the sheep are allowed to go outside, although most of them prefer to lie in front of the TV.