The impact of pollution on human health. Section IV

Basics of bjj

Life safety in a broad sense is defined as “the science of optimal interaction between a person and his environment,” and the habitat is defined as a part of space and a set of real objects surrounding a person in his places of residence. Modern man in its everyday life inseparable from the world of machines, which is reflected in the term “technosphere”, understood as the world of technology, an artificial, man-made environment that enters the biosphere and interacts with it. And this interaction becomes more and more dramatic over time. Recent decades have been marked by a sharp increase in the number of accidents, human casualties, economic damage, and environmental degradation. In this regard, the immediate and strategic tasks of life safety as a scientific direction are identified. The immediate task is to ensure healthy conditions life and work, high life expectancy. The strategic task implies ensuring the survival and preservation of civilization in conditions of rapidly developing environmental and social crises.

Based on the logic of life, the typology of sources and threats, the list of security items, dozens, hundreds of types of security are distinguished. Let's name the most important of them: political, social, environmental, military, technogenic, spiritual, religious, sociocultural, state, genetic, food, medical, demographic, nuclear, informational and new, more subtle, at the level of mental phenomena, energy-informational psychological safety, demanded by the time .

This classification is to a certain extent conditional, since nothing exists in nature in its pure form, without connection with other phenomena and facts. Most often, a person deals with combined sources of danger and multidimensional manifestations of their impact. We can identify a natural-social-technogenic source of danger in the following chain: a natural disaster that caused a disaster at a chemical or other dangerous enterprise, the subsequent human casualties, material damage and destruction of nature. In this case we are talking about environmental, technogenic, social, medical, genetic and many other types of danger.

Political security occupies a key place in common system ensuring security. The loss of political control by society or its inconsistency with the capabilities and interests of society inevitably leads to its degradation and dependence. Political security requires a policy that is constitutionally protected and clearly defined by a constitutional framework.

Social security is a set of types of security determined by the structure of human life and its spheres.

Military security forms one of the foundations of national, regional and international security systems.

Environmental safety– this is a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from potential and real threats created by the consequences of anthropogenic impact on the environment, as well as from natural disasters and catastrophes.

Technogenic safety- a set of actions to ensure the design, construction and operation of complex technical devices in compliance with the necessary requirements for their trouble-free operation and compliance with environmental conditions.

Information security– this is the state of security of information resources, the technology of their formation and use, as well as subjects of information activity.

Collective Security– the quality of relations between the state and society, which ensures their joint protection from internal and external threats. Collective security includes a system of measures aimed at maintaining world peace, preventing war, providing collective resistance to aggression and collective assistance.

Regional security– the state of the relationship between socio-territorial communities of the population, formed in relation to the administrative-territorial division of a country or group of countries, within them or between them at micro- (settlement, district, region of the country) and macro- (country, group of countries) levels, with which ensure their fairly reliable existence and sustainable development; an integral part of the security of the overall system (national and international).

Security of progress- these are such relationships between a person and artificial formations created by him that allow him to fully and comprehensively reveal his capabilities, while at the same time excluding technological and moral-ideological dependence on the means and processes created by him. An example of the opposite phenomenon is the current situation. Humanity created nuclear weapons, considering it a great achievement, it has now turned into a factor threatening the existence of humanity on planet Earth. Technical progress, with a thoughtless attitude towards it and the priorities existing in the country, can contribute to the creation of factors of instability in society, instability in the development of the spiritual principles of a person and a country.

Energy-informational psychological safety– this is a fundamentally new direction of security, capable of giving a person in all types of security the missing and important part of the ability to control everything that happens at a higher level and act proactively in extreme situations.

The new direction of energy-information security is currently especially relevant for the newly formed police, because it has developed special methods for countering organized crime, terrorism and extremism in the information and psychological sphere.

Influence environment on human health

Health is related to social relations and “parameters” external environment. Man, as a living organism, exchanges substances, energy and information with the environment.

But man, as a social being, began not only to adapt to the environment, but also to adapt it to himself, began to produce necessary funds for life.

Humanity as an element of the ecosystem is connected with all terrestrial life forms: with air, water, soil.

The life activity of the human body occurs within certain boundaries established by nature. Normal temperature body and environmental temperature favorable for humans; normal pressure in blood vessels and atmospheric pressure around; normal amount of fluid in the body and normal air humidity, etc.

Physiological effects of meteorological conditions on humans:

Meteorological conditions include physical factors that are interrelated with each other: temperature, humidity and air speed, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, readings of the Earth's geomagnetic field.

Air temperature affects heat transfer. During physical activity, prolonged exposure to highly heated air is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, an acceleration of the pulse, and a weakening of cardiac activity. vascular system, decreased attention, slower reaction speed, impaired accuracy and coordination of movements, loss of appetite, fatigue, decreased mental and physical performance. Low air temperature, increasing heat transfer, creates a danger of hypothermia and the possibility of colds. Rapid and sudden changes in temperature are especially harmful to health.

Thin people are most sensitive to cold; their performance decreases, they develop a bad mood, and may experience depression. Obese people have a harder time withstanding the heat - they experience suffocation, increased heart rate, and increased irritability. Blood pressure tends to fall on hot days and rise on cold days, although for about one in three it rises on hot days and falls on cold days. At low temperatures There is a slowdown in the response of diabetics to insulin.

For normal feeling of heat great value has mobility and direction of air flow. The most favorable speed of air movement in winter is 0.15 m/s, and in summer – 0.2–0.3 m/s. When the wind changes, temperature, atmospheric pressure, and humidity change, and it is these changes that affect human health: melancholy, nervousness, migraine, insomnia, malaise, angina attacks become more frequent.

Change electromagnetic field causes exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, increased nervous disorders, irritability, fatigue, heavy head, poor sleep. Men, children and the elderly react more strongly to the effects of electromagnetic changes.

A decrease in oxygen in the external environment occurs when a warm air mass invades, with high humidity and temperature, which causes a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Promotion atmospheric pressure, increasing wind, colder temperatures worsen overall health and aggravate cardiovascular diseases.

Prevention of adverse effects of microclimate

The microclimate of enclosed spaces is determined by climatic conditions (the Far North, Siberia, etc.) and the season of the year and depends on the climatic factors of the external atmosphere: temperature, humidity, air speed, thermal radiation and temperature of fences, which must be taken into account when designing, choosing building materials materials, types of fuel, heating systems, ventilation and their operating modes.

The main role in the thermal state of the body is played by air temperature, for which sanitary requirements determine the value of thermal comfort.

Regulation of heat production occurs mainly at low temperatures. Heat transfer has a more universal significance for the heat exchange of the body with the environment. As the air temperature rises, evaporation becomes the main way of heat loss.

Increased sweating leads to loss of fluid, salts and water-soluble vitamins.

The effect of thermal radiation and high air temperature can cause the occurrence of a number of pathological conditions: overheating, heatstroke, sunstroke, convulsive disease, eye disease - occupational thermal cataract (“glassblowers’ cataract”).

Long-term exposure to a heating and especially radiation microclimate causes premature biological aging of the body.

Humanity, as a result of industrial practice, has turned into a powerful transformative force, which manifests itself much faster than the course of the natural evolution of the biosphere, and is capable of creating a “second nature” - the technosphere.

In a number of ways, human economic intervention into the biosphere has sharply disrupted the optimum of established natural harmony.

Disruption of the ecological balance – “ecological scissors” – is dangerous.

It is difficult to maintain health when a person, along with the benefits of civilization, is burdened with its costs - speed, overload, various types of environmental pollution, an overabundance of information, an ever-increasing separation from nature.

The concept of “external pollution” includes three components:

1) what is being polluted: the atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil;

2) what pollutes: industry, transport, noise, etc.;

3) what it is polluted with: heavy metals, dust, pesticides, etc.

They allow us to determine the quality of the environment in which a person lives. The external environment is considered unhealthy if it causes health problems and if it is difficult to adapt to it.

The city as a high-risk zone

In a city, especially a large one, the causes of discomfort and illness are gas and dust in the atmospheric air, high levels of noise or vibration, household and industrial waste, and pollution of the earth's surface and water bodies. The urban environment is dangerous.

The complex of negative factors in the working environment is characterized by diversity and high levels of impact on the working person. The most common factors include:

1) gas and dust levels in the air of the working area;

2) unfavorable temperature conditions;

3) increased noise;

4) insufficient lighting;

5) heavy physical work;

6) increased vibrations.


Types of danger: never play by someone else's rules and on someone else's territory, but play on your own territory and by your own rules, because you will lose.

Psychology of extreme situations is one of the areas applied psychology. It explores problems associated with assessing, predicting and optimizing human mental states and behavior in stressful situations.

Issues of human psychology in emergency situations must be considered in order to prepare the population, rescuers, and leaders for actions in extreme situations.

When considering issues of human behavior in emergency situations, much attention is paid to the psychology of fear. In everyday life, in extreme conditions a person constantly has to overcome dangers that threaten his existence, which causes (generates) fear, that is, a short-term or long-term emotional process generated by a real or imaginary danger. Fear is an alarm signal, but not just an alarm, but a signal that causes probable protective actions of a person.

Fear causes a person discomfort- this is the negative effect of fear, but fear is also a signal, a command for individual or collective protection, since the main goal facing a person is to stay alive, to prolong his existence.

Stress is a concept used to refer to a wide range of human conditions and actions that arise as a response to a variety of extreme influences (stressors).

Stressors are usually divided into physiological (pain, hunger, thirst, excessive physical activity, high or low temperature, etc.) and psychological (factors that act through their signaling value, such as danger, threat, deception, resentment, information overload and etc.).

Depending on the type of stressor and the nature of its impact, various types of stress are distinguished, in the most general classification - physiological and psychological. The latter, in turn, are divided into informational and emotional.

Information stress occurs in situations of information overload, when a person who bears great responsibility for the consequences of the decisions he makes cannot cope with the search for the necessary algorithm and does not have time to make decisions. right decisions at the required pace. Vivid examples Information stress comes from the work of operators of technical control systems.

Emotional stress occurs in situations that threaten a person’s physical safety (wars, crimes, accidents, disasters, serious illnesses, etc.), his economic well-being, social status, interpersonal relationships (loss of job, livelihood, family problems, etc.). p.).

Regardless of the type of stressor, psychologists study the effects they cause at the physiological, psychological and behavioral levels. With rare exceptions, these consequences are negative. Emotional shifts occur, the motivational sphere is deformed, the course of the processes of perception and thinking changes, motor and speech behavior is disrupted. A particularly strong disorganizing effect on human activity is produced by emotional stress that has reached the level of affect in one form or another (impulsive, inhibitory or generalizing.

The mass of our planet's atmosphere is negligible - only one millionth the mass of the Earth. However, its role in the natural processes of the biosphere is enormous. The presence of an atmosphere around the globe determines the general thermal regime of the surface of our planet, protects it from harmful cosmic and ultraviolet radiation. Atmospheric circulation influences local climatic conditions, and through them, the regime of rivers, soil and vegetation cover, and the processes of relief formation.

Modern gas composition atmosphere - the result of a long, centuries-old historical development globe. It represents mainly gas mixture two components - nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). Normally, it also contains argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide(0.03%) and small amounts of inert gases (neon, helium, krypton, xenon), ammonia, methane, ozone, sulfur dioxide and other gases. Along with gases, the atmosphere contains solid particles coming from the surface of the Earth (for example, products of combustion, volcanic activity, soil particles) and from space (cosmic dust), as well as various products of plant, animal or microbial origin. Besides, important role water vapor plays in the atmosphere (11, p. 117).

The three gases that make up the atmosphere are of greatest importance for various ecosystems: oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. These gases are involved in major biogeochemical cycles.

Due to the rapid development of motor transport and aviation, the share of emissions entering the atmosphere from mobile sources: trucks and cars, tractors, diesel locomotives and aircraft has increased significantly. Largest quantity pollutants are released when a car accelerates, especially when driving quickly, as well as when driving at low speeds. The relative share (of the total mass of emissions) of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide is highest during braking and idling, the share of nitrogen oxides is highest during acceleration. From these data it follows that cars pollute the air especially heavily when frequent stops and when driving at low speed.

In the last 10 - 15 years, much attention has been paid to the study of the effects that may arise in connection with the flights of supersonic aircraft and spaceships. These flights are accompanied by pollution of the stratosphere with nitrogen oxides and sulfuric acid (supersonic aircraft), as well as aluminum oxide particles (transport spaceships). Since these pollutants destroy ozone, it was initially believed (supported by appropriate model calculations) that the planned increase in the number of flights of supersonic aircraft and transport spacecraft would lead to a significant decrease in ozone content with all the subsequent harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the Earth’s biosphere (1, p. 56).

Noise is one of the harmful air pollutants for humans. The irritating effect of sound (noise) on a person depends on its intensity, spectral composition and duration of exposure. Noises with continuous spectrums are less irritating than noises with a narrow frequency range. The greatest irritation is caused by noise in the frequency range 3000 - 5000 Hz.

Working in conditions of increased noise at first causes rapid fatigue and sharpens hearing at high frequencies. Then the person gets used to the noise, sensitivity to high frequencies drops sharply, and hearing deterioration begins, which gradually develops into hearing loss and deafness. When the noise intensity is 140 - 145 decibels, vibrations occur in soft tissues nose and throat, as well as in the bones of the skull and teeth; if the intensity exceeds 140 dB, it begins to vibrate rib cage, muscles of the arms and legs, pain in the ears and head, extreme fatigue and irritability appear; at noise levels above 160 dB, rupture may occur eardrums(1, pp. 89 - 93).

Noise has a detrimental effect not only on hearing aid, but also on the human central nervous system, the work of the heart, and causes many other diseases. One of the most powerful sources of noise are helicopters and airplanes, especially supersonic ones.

The noise created by airplanes causes hearing impairment and other painful phenomena among airport ground service workers, as well as among residents of populated areas over which airplanes fly. The negative impact on people depends not only on the level of maximum noise generated by the aircraft during flight, but also on the duration of operation, the total number of overflights per day and the background noise level. The noise intensity and propagation area are significantly influenced by weather conditions: wind speed, distribution of it and air temperature at altitude, clouds and precipitation.

Especially sharp character The noise problem has arisen in connection with the operation of supersonic aircraft. They are associated with noise, sonic boom and vibration of homes near airports. Modern supersonic aircraft generate noise whose intensity significantly exceeds the maximum permissible standards.

All air pollutants, to a greater or lesser extent, have negative influence on human health. These substances enter the human body primarily through the respiratory system. The respiratory organs suffer directly from pollution, since about 50% of impurity particles with a radius of 0.01 - 0.1 μm that penetrate into the lungs are deposited in them (15, p. 63).

Particles that enter the body cause a toxic effect because they:

a) toxic (poisonous) by their chemical or physical nature;

b) interfere with one or more mechanisms by which the respiratory (respiratory) tract is normally cleansed;

c) serve as a carrier of a toxic substance absorbed by the body.

In some cases, exposure to one of the pollutants in combination with others leads to more serious disorders health than the effects of each of them separately. Statistical analysis made it possible to establish quite reliably the relationship between the level of air pollution and diseases such as damage to the upper respiratory tract, heart failure, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, and eye diseases. Sharp increase concentrations of impurities that persist for several days increase the mortality rate of elderly people from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In December 1930, the Meuse Valley (Belgium) experienced severe air pollution for 3 days; as a result, hundreds of people became ill and 60 people died—more than 10 times the average death rate. In January 1931, in the Manchester area (Great Britain), there was heavy smoke in the air for 9 days, which caused the death of 592 people (21, p. 72).

Cases of severe air pollution in London, accompanied by numerous deaths, became widely known. In 1873, there were 268 unexpected deaths in London. Heavy smoke combined with fog between 5 and 8 December 1852 resulted in the deaths of more than 4,000 residents of Greater London. In January 1956, about 1,000 Londoners died as a result of prolonged smoke. Most of those who died unexpectedly suffered from bronchitis, emphysema or cardiovascular disease (21, p. 78).

In cities, due to constantly increasing air pollution, the number of patients suffering from diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, various allergic diseases and lung cancer is steadily growing. In the UK, 10% of deaths are due to chronic bronchitis, with 21 per cent of the population aged 40 to 59 suffering from the disease. In Japan, in a number of cities, up to 60% of residents are sick chronic bronchitis, the symptoms of which are a dry cough with frequent expectoration, followed by progressive difficulty breathing and heart failure. In this regard, it should be noted that the so-called Japanese economic miracle of the 50s and 60s was accompanied by heavy pollution the natural environment of one of the most beautiful areas of the globe and serious damage caused to the health of the population of this country. IN last decades The number of cases of bronchial and lung cancer, the occurrence of which is facilitated by carcinogenic hydrocarbons, is growing at an alarming rate (19, p. 107).

Animals in the atmosphere and falling harmful substances are affected through respiratory organs and penetrate the body along with edible dusty plants. When absorbed large quantities animals can get harmful pollutants acute poisoning. Chronic poisoning of animals with fluoride compounds is called “industrial fluorosis” among veterinarians, which occurs when animals absorb feed or drinking water containing fluorine. Characteristic features are the aging of teeth and skeletal bones.

Beekeepers in some regions of Germany, France and Sweden note that due to fluoride poisoning deposited on honey flowers, there is an increased mortality of bees, a decrease in the amount of honey and a sharp decline in the number of bee colonies (11, p. 120).

The effect of molybdenum on ruminants was observed in England, California (USA) and Sweden. Molybdenum penetrating into the soil prevents plants from absorbing copper, and the lack of copper in food causes loss of appetite and weight in animals. In case of arsenic poisoning on the body of a large cattle ulcerations appear.

In Germany they observed severe poisoning lead and cadmium from gray partridges and pheasants, and in Austria lead accumulated in the bodies of hares that fed on grass along highways. Three such hares eaten in one week are quite enough for a person to become ill as a result of lead poisoning (11, p. 118).

Why is this dangerous?

In the process of evolution, which lasted several millennia, the human body adapted to a certain quality of the environment. In these conditions he feels comfortable and good. In other conditions - not necessarily. The main indicators that are extremely important to us are divided into several types:

Physical indicators (temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure)
Chemical indicators (composition of air, water, food)
Biological indicators (diversity flora and living beings)

If a person spends a long time in conditions that differ in quality from those to which his body is adapted, a destructive effect on health, well-being and the course of life is sure to manifest itself.

Everyone has the right to know what they breathe, what they eat and what they drink. Having realized the impending danger that inexorably follows an irresponsible attitude towards the environmental situation, we will begin to act and correct the situation, which in some places is becoming simply catastrophic.

How does chemical pollution of the environment affect human health?

Environmental pollution and human health are closely linked. The main source of biosphere pollution is economic activity people. Solid, liquid and gaseous waste from production, from keeping livestock, and inorganic means for increasing productivity enter the natural environment in terrifying quantities. You're not just breathing polluted air. The chemicals that make up the waste enter the soil, water, through the ecological chain from one link to another and enter the human body from different sources. There is no corner on the planet in which there would be no pollutants in one concentration or another. chemicals. It's about only about intensity. In large industrial cities it is catastrophic. Even in the ice of Antarctica, where there are no industrial enterprises, environmental scientists have discovered toxic waste.

With regular exposure to toxic substances, even in small quantities provoke chronic poisoning. Have you noticed how many of your friends complain of constant fatigue, inability to concentrate and forgetfulness, fatigue, apathy, drowsiness or insomnia, unexplained mood swings, cough, bronchitis? These symptoms are especially typical for residents big cities. Environmentalists say that all these are the first signs of body poisoning from industrial waste.

Why every year more and more patients with various lesions liver, kidneys, nervous system And hematopoietic organs? And again the root cause is the same - environmental pollution. Chronic poisoning is causing mass outbreaks in people allergic diseases.

Medical researchers have established a direct link between the constant increase in the incidence of cancer and chronic asthma with deteriorating environmental conditions. It is already known for sure that waste, which includes toxic chemicals, chromium, beryllium, asbestos, nickel, causes cancer. The situation is greatly aggravated by increased background radiation.

Who is most susceptible to environmental pollution?

The most vulnerable are the elderly, those already suffering from chronic diseases, and children. Things are very serious with children. Doctors studied the causes of the sharp and ongoing increase in the number of chronic diseases in newborns.

The results of the research were extremely alarming. A direct connection has been discovered between increased pollution of air, water and soil by chemical compounds in the region and an increase in cases of violations reproductive function, spontaneous miscarriages, complications during pregnancy, the birth of children with chronic diseases and developmental delays.

Most great danger for children, there is an increase in the level of lead, iron, sulfur dioxide, phosphorus anhydride, and nickel. These substances harm people even in small quantities. Interacting in air or water with each other, they create extremely dangerous compounds.

Relentless statistics confirm the results of doctors' research. In industrial areas the mortality rate is much higher. Spontaneous miscarriages in women living in rural areas, occur 2 times less often than among residents of large cities.

Babies born in big cities and industrial zones are much more likely to have a weakened immune system and begin to get sick from the first days of life. The only way to cure such children is to move to an area that is environmentally clean.

How to solve the problem?

City residents should monitor the operation of industrial enterprises, the installation of filters and waste disposal methods. Can one trust so much? important issues officials? The answer is known.

Why in European countries, which can boast of a favorable environmental situation, in city centers it is forbidden to travel by car and those who ride bicycles are supported in every possible way? How many trees have you personally planted in your city? What engine does your car have? Are you contributing to air pollution? hometown exhaust gases?

The problem of environmental pollution can only be solved by people who are forced to breathe and get sick due to the terrible environmental situation. There is simply no other way out, because everyone else, having not experienced the harm caused to nature, simply does not recognize the problem as such.

Environmental pollution and human health has an inextricable connection.

Unfortunately, for us both of these concepts are somewhat abstract.

Yes, we regularly hear about global warming, natural disasters, increasing the level oncological diseases, congenital pathologies.

Sometimes we even shake our heads reproachfully, complaining about the carelessness and irresponsibility of our species.

But does each of us individually realize the scale of the problem that has been hanging over people for a long time? Do we understand that everyone is involved in the catastrophe that has not yet broken out in full force?

Most likely not. Today Life Reactor will tell you why you should think about this problem using an example.

About the problem of environmental pollution in general terms

What kind of problem is this - environmental pollution? The first thing you need to pay attention to is the modernity of the phenomenon.

Through the efforts last generations The situation has reached the point that we, unfortunately, are seeing.

Man is just one of many varieties of organic life forms. We are as much a part of the biosphere as animals, plants, and microorganisms.

However, the human species is distinguished by one very important feature: presence of mind.

Nature has rewarded us with a universal tool for survival, which we learned to use so skillfully that at some point we lost our composure.

It was reason that should have revealed to us the simple truth: we are important part all processes occurring on the planet.

Thanks to human efforts, the state of the world's ecology today leaves much to be desired.

However, man used the mind differently: we tried to subjugate nature and create conditions so that our existence would be as comfortable as possible.

We did not want to look into the future.

The results of such carelessness are obvious. Today we have a whole series diseases whose existence is due to environmental problems.

Among them:

  1. Allergies
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  3. Respiratory dysfunctions
  4. Immunodeficiencies
  5. Genetic mutations

All of them are directly related to air and water pollution, use large quantity chemicals in food industry and even the noise level.

The mega-consumer society, the likes of which our species has never known, gave rise to an unhealthy environment in which nature was relegated to a seedy place on the margins of the global historical process.

But nature does not forgive such indiscretion. The incidence rate in countries where the environmental situation is particularly unfavorable is growing day by day.

There are no trends towards improvement, and where would they come from?

Do we stop consuming less and begin to treat forests, seas, oceans, and animals with more love and respect? No.

The saddest thing is that the main risk group suffering from environmental pollution is...

New generations are born weak. Already in the prenatal period, asthma and cancer are included in the life line of the future person.

Whatever good parents We were not alone, no matter how much we cared about the health of the child, all these efforts are practically nothing on a global scale.

One thing is consoling - the situation has not yet reached the point of no return, and we can change a lot.

Opinions of ecologists and doctors

Today, ecologists and doctors are joining forces to bring vital information to humanity.

In places where environmental protection organizations are created, doctors are required to act.

Especially in regions where the scale of the disaster has long assumed an apocalyptic character.

We're talking about small populated areas, which were not lucky enough to appear near places important for industry giants.

Oil fields, reservoirs, forests - if you are residents of Third World countries and your town is located near something similar, trouble is inevitable.

Sooner or later well-dressed people will come there to expensive cars, will appreciate the scale, come to an agreement with the local population, and ultra-modern equipment will follow them, which will begin to destroy, break, saw and make noise.

If you don't come to your senses today, pictures from horror films can become reality

Then two options for the development of events. Option one: industrial accident. This happens all the time.

This was the case, for example, in the Indian city of Bhopal. The trade secret of a chemical plant located in the town cost local residents 20,000 lives.

About half a million more Indians received various chronic diseases, of which 200,000 are children.

And remember Chernobyl. The damage caused to the environment due to careless handling of the atom will affect many future generations.

Ecologists and doctors agree that the main factors that determine the high incidence of cancer, asthma and other ailments are:

  1. Man-made disasters
  2. Application of low doses of chemicals in the food industry
  3. Soil contamination
  4. Infection of large bodies of water
  5. Ineffective management of industrial waste

We have already spoken about man-made disasters. Everything is very clear here.

But what do we know about the use of chemistry in production?

Various flavor enhancers, dyes, preservatives - are they as harmless as the manufacturers tell us? Of course not.

There has been an assumption among chemists for several decades that even low doses chemistry synthesized to improve the presentation of products can indirectly influence several subsequent generations.

Let's give a simple example: you eat processed foods every day.

They contain a whole range of different dyes and flavor enhancers. And there seems to be nothing wrong: you are not sick and feel good. Then a joyful event: a child is expected in your family!

There is no question of any semi-finished products! You eat food strictly prepared without aggressive heat treatment. And so, the child was born.

I grew up eating the same junk food and became a parent myself.

The new member of your family tree was born extremely weak or even with a congenital pathology.

Everyone shrugs! How so! And it’s very simple: your love for food is reflected instant cooking, and with a very high degree of probability.

With the contamination of water bodies and ineffective waste management, everything is obvious. These two things are closely intertwined.

Just go, for example, to the southern regions of Ukraine, where the Black Sea is. Collect some local water and take it to the laboratory for analysis.

The level of pollution will surprise you.

How can I help?

If the above information has helped you understand that every plastic bottle may turn into a terrible disease in the future, then you should have a completely fair question: how can I help?

So here's what you can do:

  1. Take regular part in community cleanups. Cleaning park or coastal areas of garbage is not only a guarantee good mood. This is an opportunity to slightly improve the environmental situation locally.
  2. Reduce your consumption of food of animal origin, or better yet, avoid it completely. To produce commercial types of meat, hectares of cultivated areas are irrevocably destroyed, rivers are dried up, and tropical forests are cut down.
  3. Support environmental organizations financially. 100 rubles a month is enough. Seriously, this will already be a tangible contribution. Even the smallest amount of money you spend not on a cup of coffee, but donated to a rainforest conservation fund, can make a big difference.
  4. Disseminate information about the relationship between the environment and human health. If necessary, use shock content. People get it best when they can project something onto themselves. Use social media as a platform: than more people realizes that exhaust fumes can cause a fatal illness for their child, the faster the situation will be resolved in better side. Make sure that the information from your environment about environmental pollution and human health does not remain at the level of the 8th grade life safety course. Knowledge is power!

Be conscious. Accept the fact that we, intelligent beings, are responsible for the planet.

We must protect it, not destroy it.

When a person reaches his former understanding with nature, then many problems will disappear, among which the incurable ones occupy one of the leading places.

The environment is the totality of everything that is around a person during his life. It consists of natural components such as: earth, air, water, solar radiation, and man-made, which include all manifestations human civilization. The health of the human body is directly or indirectly influenced by various properties and qualities of all environmental environmental factors. We are talking about this, about the influence of environmental factors on human health, with the editors of the website www..

Let's consider the most important of them:

1. Climatic factors

The well-being and normal performance of a person are influenced by weather conditions. No one will argue with this in our time. For example, if the air temperature has dropped significantly, you need to protect the body from hypothermia. Without doing this, a person risks getting sick with acute respiratory diseases.

Environmental factors such as: changes in atmospheric pressure, air humidity, electromagnetic field of the planet, precipitation in the form of rain or snow, movement of atmospheric fronts, cyclones, gusts of wind - lead to changes in well-being.

They can cause headaches, exacerbation of joint diseases, changes blood pressure. But weather changes have an ambiguous effect on different people. If a person is healthy, then his body will quickly adjust to new climatic conditions and unpleasant sensations will bypass him. A sick or weakened human body has an impaired ability to quickly adjust to weather changes, so it suffers from general malaise and pain.

Conclusion - try to maintain your health at the proper level, respond to environmental changes in a timely manner, and climatic factors will not cause you discomfort. To acclimatize your body, do exercises every day, walk for an hour, and follow a daily routine.

2. Chemical and biological factors

Technogenic activity of people leads to an increase in emissions of production waste into the environment. Chemical compounds from waste enter the ground, air and body of water, and then, through the consumption of contaminated food and water, and inhalation of air saturated with harmful elements, they enter the body. As a result, all human organs, including the brain, contain several milligrams of poisons that poison life. Impact toxic substances may cause nausea, cough, dizziness. If they regularly get inside, then it is possible to develop chronic poisoning. Its signs: fatigue, constant fatigue, insomnia or drowsiness, apathy, frequent mood swings, impaired attention, psychomotor reactions. If you suspect signs of chronic poisoning, you should undergo medical examination and take action, and perhaps even change your place of residence, if this threatens your life and health.

3. Nutrition

Eating food is one of the basic instincts of the body. Admission nutrients, necessary for normal life, comes from the external environment. The health of the body largely depends on the quality and quantity of food. Medical research showed that for optimal flow physiological processes A necessary condition is a rational, nutritious diet. The body needs daily a certain amount protein compounds, carbohydrates, fats, microelements and vitamins. In cases where nutrition is inadequate or irrational, conditions arise for the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive canals, and metabolic processes.

For example, constantly overeating foods rich in carbohydrates and fats can cause obesity, diabetes mellitus, diseases of blood vessels and heart muscle.
Use genetically modified organisms and products containing high concentrations harmful substances, leads to deterioration general condition health and development wide range diseases. But all this comes to a person precisely from the environment, so be careful when choosing food!

Of course, this review is not complete at all and is about the influence of each of the listed and not the listed factors environment per person, you can write something weighty... but the framework of an information article, unfortunately, does not allow this. But the main thing is not this; the main thing is to be puzzled by these problems as much as possible. larger number people – which is what I hope!


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