The West Highland White Terrier is a small dog with the character of a highlander. Dog breed white highland terrier (white, white terrier) West Highland white terrier in different poses

The West Terrier (Highland White) is a breed of dog whose origins come from the beautiful and mysterious Scotland. The ancestors of the modern Highland Terrier were bred to hunt animals that lived in burrows, and therefore were called “earthen”.

A small, cheerful and willful dog, he will be a wonderful pet for families and single people. Smart, quick-witted, does not show aggressiveness, obedient. With proper upbringing and early socialization, the puppy becomes an ideal pet.

Today the West Highland Terrier is a favorite of most families. The small, slightly wayward dog makes excellent contact with small children and other inhabitants of the house. At the same time, the place where she lives is absolutely not important: she feels great both in a rural yard and in a city apartment.

A cheerful and flexible character is the first plus of a miniature representative. The ease of care and maintenance makes the breed popular in many countries; lovers of the breed are convinced that the dog is the best among terriers.

There are no exact established facts about the appearance of the animal. There are several versions. Homeland of origin: Scotland. The White is a Highland Terrier and was named after its habitat. Translated as Kern, terrier is a mountain dog.

  • Use: for catching small animals and predators, protection. The dog easily found and tracked wild animals in the rocky mountains.

Some sources claim that Edward Malcolm is recognized as the “father of the breed”. The first fancier to introduce the breed in 1907. Initially, the dog was not pure white in color; according to the description, the terrier could be: cream, coffee with milk and peach color. Afterwards the standard changed several times, it was set sourly - white color wool

Description of the breed

According to the breed description, the West Highland White Terrier is a small dog.

  • Its height does not reach 30 cm, and its weight is about 7 kg.
  • The round head has a slightly convex skull. Small dark eyes are shaped like tonsils. Erect ears with pointed tips.
  • The black nose is quite large. In summer it darkens, in winter due to lack of sunlight becomes light, and in the spring it again acquires a black color.
  • The dog's neck has strong muscles, and the back strong lower back. The dog's legs are quite short, but the muscles are strong.

Standard appearance:

  • Head and muzzle: completely covered with abundant hair, the transition from forehead to muzzle is pronounced. Muzzle with a slight narrowing towards the nose, black nose, with wide nostrils. Ears are small in size, triangular shape. Strong jaw, correct bite, full set of teeth, white, large fangs.
  • Body type: not large-boned, light. The back is wide, medium with good muscles, lower back without sagging. The chest is of medium volume, the ribs are well spread, not deep.
  • Paws, tail: saber-shaped tail, set high, straight. The limbs are of a short type, straight, even, and stand parallel. The thigh is wide, with developed muscles, strong.
    One of the legends about the West Highland White Terrier breed says that the dog’s tail is designed so that the hunter, grabbing it, can pull the dog out of the hole along with the prey. And the tail fully corresponds to this function. It is quite long, but straight and thick.
  • Coat and colors: abundant, pronounced undercoat, straight, hard. Pure white color.

The dogs have white coat color, which is quite hard, but has a thick and soft undercoat. One of the special characteristics of the terrier is that they do not shed on their own.


There are no standard varieties for the West Highland White Terrier. One standard is prescribed for all representatives. Dogs are distinguished only by belonging to a certain class.

  • "The show is great." Those intended for participation in exhibitions, with the best breed performance, participate in breeding;
  • “Pet is great.” A dog for the sofa, does not participate in exhibitions, is not used in matings, there may be a breed defect or minor defects in the exterior. It does not affect the quality of life and health of the pet.

Hound character

Cheerful and cheerful disposition, love to play. Smart, deep mind. Thanks to these qualities, Westies quickly win their place as favorites in the family. But, despite all the positive character traits, they are very selfish and proud, and therefore a feeling of jealousy is inherent in them. In addition, they can be very vindictive.

This breed is considered one of the most affectionate of all terriers. The dog is sociable, curious and cheerful. Perhaps you are just choosing a puppy for yourself, if the choice has finally fallen on this charming terrier, then without hesitation, take the baby home.

Active representatives of the breed with a bright mind and good memory. They are interested in the person, try to please the owner and earn praise. They love all family members equally, but they prefer to obey the owner. Dogs West Highland White Terrier inherited only positive qualities character of terriers.

They are patient with children and do not show aggression. They treat strangers with caution, but are always ready to communicate. They can be jealous and sometimes stubborn. They are attached to the owner, and if absent for a long time, they begin to feel sad and may refuse to eat. It is not recommended to leave it for a long time with strangers or in foster care.

Do not forget that behind the external softness and charm lies the hunting West Highland character. Therefore, they may develop a desire to dig holes. Getting rid of this habit is quite difficult. The only thing that can be done is to walk more often in nature, where the pet can calmly do its favorite thing.

Features of care and hygiene

All procedures are standard, except for haircuts and grooming features.


West Highland grooming is essentially caring for the dog's coat. Treatments vary by dog ​​breed and may include the following services:

  1. Washing wool followed by drying and styling;
  2. Shaving or haircut using a clipper or scissors;
  3. Trimming and rolling.

Washing wool

Don't wash your dog too often. With frequent contact with water, wool becomes more fragile and brittle. In addition, due to constant washing, a large amount of oil is released on the skin, which contributes to the rapid contamination of the white coat.

If your dog gets dirty, there are several ways to return its coat to whiteness without resorting to a full wash:
wait until the coat is dry, then comb it thoroughly with a comb. Instead of washing, use special dry shampoo or chalk. These products will make the coat white.

Shaving a dog with a clipper

Grooming may involve cutting the fur using a clipper. For best result It is necessary to cut with nozzles 9 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm.

Advantages of machine grooming:

  • Grooming with a clipper is quick and therefore easier on the dog.
  • Despite the West Highland breed standard, after grooming the coat becomes smoother.
  • Hair plucking or trimming.

The West Highland is one of the breeds of dogs whose coat does not change on its own, that is, the dogs do not shed. Because of this, a series of unpleasant problems: the pet begins to smell, the skin becomes irritated, and it begins to itch. To help them get rid of old fur, hair needs to be plucked. This procedure is called trimming.

It is necessary to trim a dog for the first time at 3-4 months. At this age, the puppy's coat matures and is easily plucked. Coarse and short hair remains.

How to trim

The procedure is carried out by hand. To do this, carefully grab the strand and remove it. In this case, you must try not to tear your hair. The plucking process is quite long and labor-intensive, so you can use a special trimming knife to speed it up.

Sequence of actions

The procedure must begin from the back, gradually going down to the tail. Next, hair is plucked on the sides, neck and chest.

After this, you can start processing the dog’s face. Removing hair on and behind the ears is quite painful, so be patient if she gets wild and starts fidgeting.

Lastly, we trim the tail. This procedure is also painful. First, the hair is cut using straight scissors. Then a rounding is done to give more natural look, and the wool is trimmed with special thinning scissors. Afterwards the hair is trimmed between the paw pads.

What else is trimming useful for?

It helps cleanse the hair follicles, which reduces the appearance of acne on the dog's skin.
Thanks to the procedure, the hair acquires a certain texture, because of this, dirt is less retained in it, which makes the hair cleaner and easier to care for.

  • A neutral option between clipper cutting and trimming is combing the coat with a brush. This method allows you to achieve results similar to plucking.

Clothes for your pet

Belongs to an active breed of dog. They love long walks, so they need different types clothes and shoes.

A dog's wardrobe should include:

  1. Jackets and overalls for spring, autumn and winter;
  2. Rain protection clothing;
  3. T-shirts, T-shirts for hot weather;
  4. Clothes for various holidays;
  5. Home clothes: pajamas, robes, dresses;
  6. Clothes for cool weather: blouses, sweaters, sweatshirts.
  7. All clothing should be comfortable for your pet. Choose clothes from high-quality and environmentally friendly materials.

Education and training

A West Highland White Terrier puppy is trained in commands from 2 to 3 months, after undergoing primary socialization. Once the puppy arrives at his new home, he will need time to get used to, he must get used to the collar and walking on a leash. The more often you take your baby outside, the more it will go better socialization.

You will need to get used to new sounds, strangers, cars, signals, and busy places. Change your usual road for walks, create a new route.

  • First commands: start with the simplest ones, training time is 40 - 50 minutes, gradually increase the duration, consolidate what you have learned and teach new ones. The first commands are: sit, lie down, place, come to me, ugh, you can’t, you can.

Show restraint and persistence. Don’t forget about praise, food, fruits, treats as treats.

When training, you should not punish, scold, or raise your voice. The animal needs to be interested; the more clearly the owner reacts to success, the more the puppy will want to earn praise.

Training with a professional from 3 to 4 months, you can take a general training course, sports programs and entertaining. Only the owner is involved in upbringing and training; be sure to use a reward system. Regular training will help you quickly and accurately train your pet.

How to feed

The hound's nutrition should be given special attention. After all, most of the diseases of this breed of dogs are associated precisely with improper or poor-quality nutrition. In order to avoid these problems, it is necessary to feed the puppy correctly:

  1. For the first 2 weeks after birth, West Highland puppies feed on their mother's milk. It is applied to the breast at least 10 times a day. If the puppy sleeps peacefully, it means he is eating. In case of malnutrition, he will whine and behave uneasy.
  2. After two weeks, you can start feeding your hound puppy. Cottage cheese is used for this. In order to avoid the appearance of rickets, use special product With high content calcium. The cottage cheese must be heated.
  3. In order for the puppy to taste the product and begin to eat it himself, it must be poked with its muzzle into the saucer several times. At 3 weeks you can start feeding meat. It is given to the puppy after he has eaten his mother's milk. Portions should be equal.
  4. IN one month old You can give your puppy a combined diet of meat, cottage cheese and porridge.
    You need to feed your dog after, not before, a walk. This is due to the physiology of the breed: predators digest food better when at rest.

Eating natural products

The food is calculated based on the weight and age of the dog, as well as its physical activity. Choose only premium breed lines of feed. The calculation is indicated on the packaging, do not overfeed your pet, the quantity is given strictly for 1 meal.

Advantages of feeding with industrial feed:

  • Easy storage;
  • Does not require preparation or additional processing;
  • No additional additives needed;
  • Doesn't spoil.

For natural feeding products selected:

  1. Lean meat - chicken, veal, turkey;
  2. Sea fish - without bones, entrails, cooked;
  3. Porridge - buckwheat, rice, wheat and oatmeal;
  4. Dairy products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese;
  5. Eggs (1 - 2 times a week);
  6. Vegetables/fruits/greens (parsley, dill, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, cabbage, zucchini);
  7. By-products - liver, brain, lung, kidneys, liver, stomach (offal), neck, large cartilage and joints (gnaw).
  8. Supplements – vitamins, minerals, vegetable oil in a bowl at each feeding, 2 teaspoons is enough.

Excluded from the diet: tubular bones, river fish, fatty meats, spices and salt, human food, pasta, beans, citrus fruits and strawberries, potatoes, processed foods, freezing, sweet pastries and sugar.

Health and life expectancy

As a hunter dog, the dog has good health and strong immunity, by following the vaccination rules and promptly showing the doctor, you can avoid serious and serious diseases. Good nutrition, physical activity and adequate hygiene can increase and prolong the life of a dog.

Average life expectancy: 14 - 16 years.

There are predispositions to certain diseases that are inherited:

  • Allergic reactions: skin and food dermatitis;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Diseases of the organs of vision;
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • Hearing loss (in adulthood or as a complication after otitis media).

The Terrier rarely gets sick on its own. Bitches may experience various diseases and violations endocrine system- provoked by childbirth and pregnancy. Girls may also experience difficulties with pregnancy and childbirth.

Preparation for mating

Having a girl of the West Highland Terrier breed, every owner sooner or later thinks about getting offspring from his favorite. However, if you decide to take this step, remember that breeding dogs of this breed is not a hobby; it is necessary not just to get offspring, but to preserve the pedigree.

To do this, you need to properly prepare the dog for mating: find a club, a breeder of male dogs, find out all the characteristics of a potential groom, and settle all the formalities.

If you have little experience in breeding West Terriers, it is better to contact professional consultants. They can give necessary advice so that the mating is successful.

How to choose and cost of a puppy

  1. Kids can cost from 20 to 60 thousand rubles, depending on the class. The most expensive are females and puppies from high-class parents with many titles.

Individual indicators of exterior, character and future prospects are all taken into account in the price of the animal. If the puppy is planned to be used for breeding, the cost may also increase.

When choosing, pay attention:

  • Harmonious physique;
  • Behavior and character;
  • Success of past litters;
  • Cleanliness of skin, mucous membranes, wool;
  • The exterior of the parents and their character;
  • Future prospects.


Moscow and MO nursery “Bright Noose”;
Mo and Moscow “Natalie’s Dream”;
St. Petersburg and LO “Stars Factory”;

The dog breed with the unusually long name of the West Highland White Terrier was bred in the hilly areas of western Scotland back in the 19th century. This is a small decorative puppy with a funny exterior and cheerful disposition, thanks to which the pet has won the world's love. The name of the breed translates as “high mountain white terrier" Initially white was considered an indicator of weakness and soreness, and was therefore rejected. Today it is not inferior in popularity to red and black.

Description of the West Highland White Terrier breed

The West Highland White Terrier breed (in English - Westie-highland-white-terrier) belongs to the hunting category. These little dogs are cute and nimble, but not at all couch animals, as many would like. Their main ability is to find rats in mazes. These rodents are very frightened by the cute face of the Highland Terrier. Even his angelic appearance does not prevent him from standing up for himself. The special character of this breed makes pets love and hate someone with equal intensity.

History of origin

This breed refers to those that do not have documentary evidence of the date of origin. The history of the West Highland Terrier is filled with rumors and speculation. According to one legend, this breed was developed after an unsuccessful hunt by Colonel Edward Malcolm. In the process, he mistakenly shot his own dog, mistaking it for a fox. For this reason, Malcolm began to allow West Highland White Terriers to be bred. They are clearly visible in the forest, which is why accidental injury to the pet had minimal risk.

The closest relatives of this breed are the Cairn and Scotch terriers. They were also admired by the English king James I, who bought several puppies, a couple of which he presented to the ruler of France. Until some time, Scotchies, Cairns and Westies had the same name - Scottish Terrier. Malcolm invested more in the development of the breed of the last of this group. Thanks to him, the process happened very quickly:

  • 1904 – recognition of the breed by Scotland;
  • 1905 – foundation of the VHUT (West Highland White Terrier) breed club in Scotland;
  • 1907 – opening of the second branch of the VKHUT club in England;
  • subsequently - a sharp increase in the popularity of the breed and its spread in Europe.


English dog experts characterize the West Highland Terrier as “the embodiment of terrierness.” Despite their small size, these dogs combine boundless assertiveness, enormous devotion and determination. Thanks to its compact size, the West Highland White Terrier gets along well in an apartment. Males have the following average parameters:

  • height at withers – about 25-28 cm;
  • weight is approximately 6.8-9.1 kg.

For bitches these parameters are slightly smaller. The pet is longer in length compared to its height. Small stature is due to short legs. But the dogs are very stocky, their body, although hidden by fur, is muscular and strong. The tail, unlike other terriers, was never docked. The length is not too long - 12-15 cm. Long wool visually makes West Highland White Terriers even shorter.

Mental abilities

Thanks to its intelligence, the West Highland Terrier is able to combine such different qualities as intelligence, courage, courage, perseverance, ingenuity and fearlessness. If you train your pet from childhood, then in the future the behavior should not have serious problems. A daily walk with toys and learning commands is the best option for training a white terrier with an active and courageous character.

West Highland White Terrier Standard

The Highland Terrier is a small burrowing hunter with strong bones, snow-white coat, well-developed undercoat and flat ribs. Main body characteristics Maintain a description in the breed standard, which is as follows:

  1. The head is rounded, visually larger than it appears, covered with thick hair. Well developed eye sockets, flat and strong cheekbones. The muzzle sharply meets the forehead, but the bridge of the nose is not curved upward. The frontal part is divided by a groove. The muzzle is short and level along the topline. The lips are black and close fitting.
  2. The nose is of medium size, with wide nostrils, looks large against the background of its snow-white shape, but does not protrude beyond the jaw line.
  3. The teeth are strong and large, the fangs are closed, the incisors are even.
  4. The eyes are set wide and deep, of medium size. The heavy brow ridges give the impression of a heavy gaze if the dog is concentrated.
  5. The body is as square as possible, the neck is long and held straight. The withers are well defined, the back is short and wide, as are the shoulders. Rib cage deep in the front, becoming thinner towards the croup.
  6. The ears are small, elegant, erect, triangular in shape, neatly rounded at the top. They have no decorative fur.
  7. The limbs are muscular, sinewy at the bottom and muscular at the top. Due to the elbows turned towards the body, the paws have a free release.
  8. The tail is carried high, even, without any knots or creases or combing. The usual length is 13-15 cm, docking is not performed.

Coat type and color

Westies are exclusively white in color. No stains or tints are allowed. Black pigmentation only on lips, eyelids and nose. The down of the coat is dense and soft. There is also guard hair up to 5 cm long, for which trimming is recommended. You can do the procedure yourself or seek help from a specialist. Particular attention is paid to the hair in the armpit area, because there it is prone to the formation of tangles.

Breed characteristics

Distinctive feature The character and behavior of the Highland Terrier is a hunting purpose. This quality is reflected in a lot of energy - the puppy loves to dig in the ground and chase other small animals. In addition to this feature, the character of the West Highland White Terrier is distinguished by the following:

  • the animal has a gentle and soft character, he loves the company of people, travels with pleasure with his owner, and is completely calm in public places;
  • the pet does not tolerate rough treatment, so you should be careful when leaving the dog with small children or other pets;
  • the animal shows impatience - it is difficult for him to wait while the owner fills the bowl or gets ready for a walk;
  • Westies love more than one owner, with whom they are more close;
  • thanks to its endurance, the dog can accompany its owner during active walks or even bike rides;
  • Hyperactivity is another main trait of West Highland White Terriers (if the pet is sitting or bored, there may be something wrong with it).

West Highland White Terrier puppies

Before purchasing, it will be useful to visit a couple of exhibitions to communicate with dog handlers, learn more about the breed and its characteristics. In addition, before purchasing a terrier, you will have the opportunity to look for a pet for yourself. Before making a specific choice, you should decide on the gender of the pet and the purpose of the purchase. If the animal is needed for the soul, then the process will be simpler. Those who need a future champion will have to pay attention to more the most various factors.

How to choose

Regardless of the purpose of buying a puppy, it is very important to know about the character and health of the animal. Active, but not annoying - this is the best option for a pet. A lethargic and dull West Highland White Terrier is not considered good choice. When examined, the animal should have clear eyes, shiny coat without bald spots, clean ears. Besides appearance To purchase a puppy, you need to consider the following criteria:

  1. Manufacturer's documents. We need to see what their form is, whether there are titles. The data is verified by contacting the official representative of the club.
  2. Pedigree. What generation is she from? If it is zero, then you should not buy a puppy for exhibitions.
  3. Parents. Is it possible to see both?
  4. Caring for a puppy. During the first month of life, the breeder controls the process, giving written recommendations. It is worth asking if the nursery has such a practice.
  5. Purchase and sale agreement. Based on this document, you can be sure of the purebred puppy.

Where to buy

Adding a pet of this breed to your home will not be cheap. The little Westie puppy is a representative of the elite class. It is worth considering that a puppy for participation in exhibitions or breeding will cost about 40,000 rubles. If you need a regular pet, you can find a cheaper option. It is fashionable to buy a puppy from private breeders, but in this case you need to be more careful in order to purchase a pure breed. A more proven option is to contact a nursery, examples of which are:

  • Sento Per Sento;
  • National West Highland White Terrier Breed Club;
  • Westis Planet;
  • cynological kennel "Natalie's Dream".

West white terrier puppy price

The cost of puppies of this breed is in the range of 20,000-40,000 rubles. The price difference is explained by the place of purchase and the characteristics of the puppy itself. Simple pets are cheaper than purebred ones. The pedigree and the puppy’s existing merits in various competitions influence. Approximate prices for Moscow and St. Petersburg are shown in the table:

How to properly raise a Highland Terrier

According to many reviews, the West Highland White Terrier is a very positive breed, even if it has a few character flaws. Such a pet is very active, because it has a natural hunting instinct. If you train the animal correctly from childhood, then Veti will be quite well-mannered and will not show aggression without reason. But even after a course of training, it is not recommended to let your pet off the leash without unnecessary need. Even the most well-mannered white terrier will still remain hyperactive.


The West Highland White Terrier is smart and at the same time stubborn and has a hunting instinct, which is why training will not be too easy. To train a pet, teams will have to spend a lot of effort and patience. Regular walks with active games, such as Frisbee or agility, will help you establish contact with your dog. It is useless to force a pet to do anything, especially through physical force. This will only cause rejection and aggression in response. Achieve good results training is possible only at the expense of your authority.

What to do with a dog's irrepressible energy

A leisurely walk will not satisfy such a dog. Her hyperactivity will still take its toll. This doesn't mean you need to run a marathon with your pet. A regular daily walk with active games will be enough for him. The Westie Highland White Terrier simply loves playing with the ball. The puppy is also good at overcoming obstacles, flyball, and chasing a plate. Using these games while walking will help prevent your pet from becoming hyperactive.

What to feed your West Highland White Terrier

To raise a healthy animal, you need to provide it with the right diet. The West Highland White Terrier requires special nutrition. The food can only be the one recommended by the breeder. Otherwise there may be problems with digestive tract. They can be caused by cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, fruits, and vegetables. Already adult dog You can gradually start giving meat and cereals when feeding. You should be careful, because the West Highland White Terrier is susceptible to rapidly growing allergies.

West Highland White Terriers do very well in an apartment. For them, this is private property, where they can run around and even rummage in the ground. This breed is not suitable for gardeners and flower lovers. Their passion for digging will not cause much joy. If you have a busy work schedule, it’s also not worth getting such a dog. An active and cheerful puppy is suitable for lovers of travel, trips out of town or sports. The pet will fit perfectly into a large active family, where everyone will be a good companion.

How to care for your pet's snow-white fur

Even if your West Highland White Terrier does not participate in shows, he needs proper care for wool. Due to the snow-white color, the puppy will have to be bathed often - once every 30-40 days. special shampoo. After eating food, you should rinse your pet's face with warm water. Not worth using natural products give those that are painted, especially before the exhibition. This applies to carrots and beets. In addition to washing, owners should brush their pet once every 2-3 days.

Haircut and trimming

When choosing between haircut and trimming, you should give preference to the latter. The reason is that trimming fur with scissors has a detrimental effect on it, although the procedure itself is easier for dogs to tolerate. If you use a clipper, the outer hair will lose its rigidity and become plump, like the undercoat. For this reason, most West Highland White Terrier owners turn to groomers for trimming. Plucking makes the coat coarser. Such procedures are done 5-6 times a year. Trimming helps solve the problem of shedding and “dog smell.”

Dog clothes

For a snow-white dog, clothing is a smart solution to the problem of frequent washing. In addition, funny costumes will make your pet even cuter. Accessories should fit as comfortably as possible and be made from high-quality materials. It is recommended to buy formal, casual street and versatile clothing. There are different styles of clothing for dogs:

  • blankets;
  • coat;
  • jackets;
  • robes;
  • shirts.

Breed health and genetic diseases

The West Highland White Terrier enjoys good health even though the breed has some genetic diseases. The lifespan of a Westie is about 12-16 years. Diseases characteristic of this breed are often the result of owner oversight or age. The list of pathologies includes:


The West High Land White Terrier originates from Scotland as well as Great Britain. It is a fact from history that the English king was partial to these little creatures and to show his generosity, he sent half a dozen terriers to the French king as a gift. Later, almost every French lady had a terrier. As soon as the first exhibition took place in London, this dog breed became very popular and everyone dreamed of purchasing this furry miracle.
Initially, the breed was considered a hunting breed.

Westies were small in size and therefore could deftly hunt small game such as rabbits, foxes, mice, badgers and other small animals. They could freely fall into holes and nests. This is where their name comes from. To date, it has not been possible to find out the exact time period of the appearance of terriers.

Description of the West Highland White Terrier breed

Very hardy, it has a wide chest, short and strong legs. Its height is approximately 29 cm, and its weight is from 6 to 10 kg. Dogs of this breed have jaws of a very interesting shape, a convex skull, a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The eyes of these terriers are dark, which pierce with their deep gaze. Small erect ears. The tail reaches about 12.5-16 cm. This breed belongs to the Domestic type of dog. They have smooth white fur. Due to the thick and soft undercoat, their coat is straight and without curls. Self-confident, lively and very loyal.

Vestas, although small, are dominated by large share decisiveness, assertiveness and dedication. However, shortcomings may also appear that do not correspond to the general qualities of the dog. The animal has a very funny body structure - the body is small, and the head is large due to dense vegetation.

Character traits

Due to its small size, this dog can easily live in an apartment in a multi-story building.
Due to its small size, this dog can easily live in an apartment in a multi-story building. But any breed of dog requires regular walks, care and feeding. Therefore, you need to devote enough time to your pet so that he is in a good mood and does not get sick.

This very peaceful dog, loves both adults and children. Every child will be glad to have such a friend, because in every way he looks like soft toy who has a lot of energy and loves to frolic, run and play. However, if something does not suit your pet he will immediately start showing his complex character. Westies have a very sonorous voice, which expresses both the dog’s joy and sadness.

They are easy to train, so you need to raise and train your pet from the very beginning early age. Westies love their owners very much and are always ready to protect them, regardless of their small size.

Diseases to which this breed is prone

Any breed of dog can be susceptible to diseases. Vestas are no exception. Diseases of such dogs include:

  1. Allergies and dermatitis.
  2. Pulmonary fibrosis.
  3. Atopy.
  4. Problems with femurs(usually necrosis or dysplasia of the joint).
  5. Eye diseases (including cataracts and conjunctivitis).
  6. Cardiomyopathy, osteopathy.
  7. Deafness.
  8. Less commonly, congenital meningoencephalitis.

This is a very difficult period in the life of little furries. During illness, their mood changes, they become less mobile and prone to sleep. To overcome the disease, you need to take the help of a veterinarian and support your beloved pets.

Daily care includes many actions. For a dog to have white fur, it needs to be brushed once a week and trimmed once every two weeks. You can wash your dog 1-3 times a month. Due to their thick coat, they have the ability to repel dirt and remain clean for a long time. Westies have hair growing quite actively near their eyes and ears, so to keep your dog comfortable, you need to pluck it from time to time.

If your pet will participate in exhibitions, you must take a more in-depth approach to caring for your pet in order to show all the extraordinary beauty of this breed.

As for nutrition, dogs of this breed have weak stomach. They must have decent food, so if you think you have little financial situation, then it is better to refuse to choose this pet.

Breed photo

The article focuses on a rather unusual and very interesting breed of dogs and puppies, which can be good friends for children and with which there are not always problems when keeping them in an apartment or private house.

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West Highland White Terrier hypoallergenic breed history, description, features, standard, characteristics, character

The West Highland White Terrier is a small and quite intelligent dog with roots in Scotland. Nowadays, the breed of these animals is classified as decorative, and not so long ago, West Highland White Terriers were used to hunt badgers and foxes, which were found in abundance among the local cliffs and rocks. It is believed that the breed owes its white color to the Malcolm family. These people took under their care and raised puppies with white fur so that hunters during hunting would not confuse them with foxes and would not shoot their own own dogs- after all, white cannot be confused with another color even in a dark hole.

From their distant ancestors, West Highland White Terriers inherited not only a white coat and the ability to run over rocks, getting into small crevices, but also a sharp mind, inexhaustible energy and a cheerful disposition. The standard for West Highland White Terriers is white color, compact build, powerful hips and a wide loin. The front legs of the breed should be longer than the hind legs, and the straight tail should be playfully raised. West Highland White Terriers are considered hypoallergenic, but before you get a puppy of this breed, you need to make sure of this truth, which is called “the hard way.”

West Highland White Terrier: cons and disadvantages of the breed, reviews, price, where to buy, pros and cons, kennels

Looking through the reviews of West Highland White Terrier owners about their pets, you will notice that there are at least two shortcomings in this breed - financial costs of maintenance and the absence of shortcomings as such. It is better to buy West Highland White Terriers by resorting to the services of specialized nurseries. Various breeders want to get from 150 to 600 US dollars for their pets.

Does the West Highland White Terrier have allergies, what to feed to avoid allergies, does she shed or not?

A person’s allergic reaction to a breed of dog such as the West Highland White Terrier is highly individual – some have it, others do not. The opinion that this breed is hypoallergenic is partly due to the fact that West Highland White Terriers are not subject to shedding.

But, oddly enough, allergies occur not only in people, but also in animals, and often the owner himself is to blame for its occurrence, who did not notice in time the reaction of his pet’s body to certain products food or chemicals. To avoid allergies, all “suspicious” products should be removed from the animal’s menu, and chemicals no longer used and placed outside the habitat.

West Highland White Terrier or Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, which one to choose?

In order to choose a certain breed of dog from the proposed options, and then not regret your decision, you need to at least superficially study the pros and cons of typical representatives of each breed and turn on your “sixth sense”.

It is no secret that the friendly and cheerful disposition of the above breeds and their excellent guard qualities, which contribute to the fact that the animal will every time bark loudly to notify its owners about the slightest rustle outside the door, will be to the liking of some, but may be very annoying to others. This means that any, even the most sincere advice on choosing a pet breed will be inappropriate.
Choose a candidate for your friendship with your heart!

West Highland White Terrier, boy or girl, who is better?

The eternal question that worries future owners of West Highland White Terriers, and dogs in general, is a boy or a girl, who is better?

Male West Highland White Terriers are taken under their wing by those who do not want to bother with periodically (1-2 times a year) puppies. Boys are considered the best guards; they are more responsible and fearless. But despite all the advantages, they also have a significant disadvantage - males mark their territory and it is almost impossible to wean them from this.

Girls are always a little shorter, more affectionate with children. They can endure for a long time when the owner intends to take them out for a walk, but they will not cope in the apartment. At the same time, the fair half of dogs can show miracles of cunning and ingenuity, and if they decide to do it their own way, they will do so, especially during the period of estrus, when the body actively produces sex hormones and the dog has a desire to mate.

In terms of the cost of puppies, males are sold cheaper.

And yet, much of the above can simply be forgotten, since the behavior of a dog, no matter what gender, largely depends on its individual characteristics, character and, most importantly, proper education, which means that all problems are not so insoluble.

West Highland White Terrier coat care and maintenance, nutrition, what is needed for care

The coat of the West Highland White Terrier is a double coat consisting of coarse guard hairs and a soft, close-lying undercoat. For such a fur structure frequent washing has the exact opposite effect - the dog’s fur gets dirty even faster and looks untidy, as the protective layer of sebum is washed off. But trimming, on the contrary, this breed of dog needs to be done at least once a month. For this purpose at home you will need regular and thinning scissors, a set of combs, trimming knives and cosmetics animal care.

In addition to trimming, twice a week, and sometimes more often, the West Highland White Terrier needs hygiene oral cavity and teeth, nail trimming, ear cleaning and treatment anus. It is best to get recommendations on feeding a West Highland White Terrier puppy from the breeder. Many of them prefer to use super-class dry food. This food is hypoallergenic, which is important for dogs with white hair, and contains components necessary for the development of the animal.

West Highland White Terrier white alpine how much does it cost

On the popular online resource OLX, they ask for a West Highland White Terrier puppy from 300 to 800 US dollars. Breeders of specialized nurseries also want to receive approximately the same amount for their pets.

West Highland White Terrier how long do they live, skin diseases, is there a smell, ears stand up, weight of an adult dog

West Highland White Terriers live to an average age of 13-15 years. The weight of an adult animal is 7-9 kg. Dogs of this breed may suffer hereditary diseases skin - epidermal dysplasia and ichthnosis, but such animals for breeding, as a rule, are not used and are discarded.

Healthy representatives of the breed do not emit a dog odor. Puppies' ears should stand up at 2-4 months, but may fall off during tooth replacement. Help in the correct formation of ears is rarely needed; usually they stand up without intervention, naturally.

West Highland White Terrier training at home

Training a West Highland White Terrier puppy at home begins immediately after he arrives at his new place of residence. The four-legged pet recognizes family members, gets used to cleanliness and masters the simplest commands - “Ugh!”, “Come to me!”, “Walk!”, “Place!”.

The key to effective initial training and successful parenting serves as a strong contact between the puppy and its owner. Therefore, the owner must perform the main tasks of caring for and maintaining the puppy, and all other family members can look after the new pet only in the absence or illness of the main owner.

West Highland White Terriers were bred in Scotland to hunt small game: fox, otter and badger. Initially, white terriers were inferior in popularity to black and red ones, since it was believed that white color was a sign of weakness and sickness, and such puppies were discarded.

White Westies began to be bred only in the second half of the 19th century. And soon this color became priority quality: such a dog is difficult to confuse with game during a hunt, which reduces the risk of an accident, and the coat, with proper care, has an attractive appearance.

Modern representatives of this breed play the role of companions, but occasionally among the owners there are enthusiasts who attend animal training classes with their pets.

Brief description:

Suitable for beginners Love for walks
Puppy cost Mind
Attachment Playfulness
Life with cats Dirt in the apartment
Noise from him Simplicity of character
Content complexity Security qualities
Health Trainability


The West Highland White Terrier is a compact, strongly built dog, quite muscular, with a deep chest. The average height at the withers is 26-28 cm.

In this photo - West Highland in full dress uniform. Informal options are a little lower in the article.

The skull, as described in the standard, has a slightly convex shape with sharply defined brow ridges. The small erect ears are pointed at the ends and have no fringe along their upper edge. Round ears are considered a defect. The head is covered with thick hair and tapers slightly from the ears to the eyes. The dog's dark eyes are set wide. The nose is black and large.

The back is flat, with a wide loin. The tail is straight, without dewlap, and covered with coarse hair. A tail curled or lying on the back is unacceptable. The limbs are short, strong, elbows pointing inward.

The straight white coat has a hard structure, underneath there is a layer of short, dense undercoat. There is no character description in the official standard; in our article we collected reviews from owners about living with them.


The West Highland White Terrier has moved from the category of hunting breeds into the category of decorative and companion dogs: fortunately, there are fewer and fewer hunting enthusiasts, and urban conditions are quite suitable for keeping them.

But the past of “burrowing” dogs still makes itself felt. Their irrepressible energy, their passion for digging holes and their hunting instinct can cause a lot of trouble for inexperienced owners.

We must not forget that, despite their toy appearance, they remain terriers with all the qualities inherent in this group. They need daily active long walks and regular physical activity, and this should be taken into account when purchasing a puppy.

The West Highland White Terrier is not the kind of dog that will idly while away time on the sofa. If the dog does not have the opportunity to throw out the accumulated energy during a walk, then, missing the active games, it is capable of causing serious damage to the owner's property.

On the other hand, selection recent years bears fruit, and lately there have been more and more apathetic, couch potato pets who are not interested in anything at all. For those who get a dog on the principle of “oh, what a handsome guy,” this temperament is convenient. However, in the future, such a distortion leads to degeneration of the breed.

This has already been done on Airedale Terriers, Giant Schnauzers, and the process continues in German Shepherds and dachshunds.


The natural intelligence of the West Highland White Terrier is combined with its hunting instincts and a bit of stubbornness, which makes training not the easiest task. To train a pet to listen and follow commands, the owner will have to be patient and learn to use behavioral characteristics for their own purposes.

For example, agility or Frisbee classes will help you establish contact with your dog and satisfy its need for active activities. physical activity. IN similar types Sports Wests are capable of achieving good results.

Photos from the competition: chasing "prey".

It is useless to try to break the will of the West Highlands and force them to do anything: violence will only cause retaliatory aggression. Success in training this dog can only be achieved by becoming an undisputed authority in its eyes and achieving interest in the result.

Features of care

Like all wire-haired dogs, this breed requires regular plucking of old dead hair, that is, trimming. Replacing trimming with a regular haircut leads to a deterioration in the appearance and quality of the coat, which becomes soft and lumpy.

At the same time, the wool loses its protective qualities that protect the dog from dampness and cold, ceases to be glossy and shiny, and quickly gets dirty.

Sometimes white wool requires a little more care than usual :)

The owner of a West Highland White Terrier can do trimming himself or leave it to a specialist. In any case, the first trimming should be carried out by an experienced groomer.

The hair in the armpits and on the belly is prone to matting. The owner must be careful to remove them in a timely manner. Hair from ear canal carefully plucked or cut with scissors with rounded ends.

The snow-white fur on the face tends to get dirty and stained while eating. Therefore, after feeding, it is necessary to wash your pet’s whiskers with warm water. If the dog eats natural food, you should refrain from adding coloring foods (carrots, beets) to the diet on the eve of the exhibition in order to avoid problems with the whiteness of the fur on the face.

Show pets require more attention and care than ordinary pets.

The coat can also turn yellow if the dog has an unbalanced diet, poor quality water or unsuitable dry food. The yellow coat of the West Highland White Terrier indicates increased content salts in the dog's saliva and secretions.

Newborn skin is prone to dryness and allergies. Therefore it is of great importance correct selection diet and quality of shampoo used to wash the dog.

Family life

Westies are successfully kept in an apartment, but they feel better in private property, where they can run around the yard and rummage in the ground to their heart's content. The passion for digging makes all terriers an unsuitable choice as a pet for lovers of flower beds and vegetable gardens. People with busy work schedules that do not allow them to devote enough time to long walks and upbringing should also not have these babies.

This dog is perfect for people with an active lifestyle who love sports, travel, and trips out of town. This is an excellent pet for a large family, which will not be burdened by the tendency to lead to noisy games and loud barking.

According to owners' reviews, West Highland White Terriers are attached to all members of their family, but only one of them is chosen as the owner and leader. If there are children in the family, it is necessary to teach them how to handle a dog. Despite the love of life and playfulness, this breed is quite proud and independent, so communicating with children can be a burden for them, causing irritation and even aggression. With older kids it’s easy to find news common language and will willingly participate in their games and walks.

West can make friends with a cat, but does not get along well in the same house with small animals. Even the most tender friendship can end tragically due to the dog’s extremely developed hunting instinct.

In the company of other dogs, the white West Highland White Terrier behaves peacefully. When meeting him on a walk, he shows moderate interest, but the owner always remains a priority.

When no one is home

In this video, the owner filmed the behavior of a West Highland White Terrier in his absence. Behavior that is not brilliant: the dog jumps on the sofa, tears the pillows.


West Highlands cannot be classified as sick dogs. They are quite hardy and tolerate temperature changes well, but several diseases inherent to this breed still exist:

  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • cataract;
  • diabetes mellitus
  • hip dysplasia;

Many of these diseases can be avoided if proper nutrition dogs and timely diagnosis.