An unusual modern autumn ball for high school students. Skits on an autumn theme in elementary school

The time has come for autumn balls in schools. Everyone prepares for them, but most of all, of course, high school students. They are the ones who are waiting for it, preparing for it, buying ballroom dresses. But any holiday is doomed to failure if there is no plan for the event. That's why we offer you our funny scenario autumn ball for high school students with competitions and games. It will be held in the form of a game and you will have to choose the main star of the autumn ball.

The entire game program will be in the form of competitions. Therefore, you need to select a jury that will evaluate the competition participants and give them marks.
When the jury is there and the participants are ready, we can begin.

The first competition is, as always, a performance. But our performance will not be quite ordinary, but theatrical! That is, when a participant goes on stage, he takes out one card from the bag, on which is written the task that must be completed. But you can’t talk about what’s written. After the show, the presenter himself announces what it was, and the jury decides whether it looks similar or not, fun or not, bright or not, theatrical or not.
Examples of tasks in cards:
1. Walk as if your shoes are pinching you;
2. Walk as if you were carrying heavy bags;
3. Walk as if you were walking through a swamp and jumping from hummock to hummock;
4. Walk as if you were on the red carpet;
5. Walk as if you just got off a roller coaster;
And so on. Come up with other funny situations.

Second competition.
The ball involves dancing. And since this is an autumn ball, it might rain. That's why we organize dances with umbrellas. First we start the dance with a closed umbrella, and during the dance we open it, but effectively. And towards the end of the dance we close the umbrella again, and also do it effectively.

Third competition.
The ball is also beautiful outfits and costumes. Therefore, in this competition, participants will have to come up with some zest for the outfit of any volunteer from the audience. And the highlight will have to be made of paper. Therefore, each participant in the competition calls any volunteer and goes backstage with him for five minutes. And when the time is up, they come out and the participant explains what he did and why it is the highlight.

Fourth competition.
And again we return to the theater competition. Everyone knows that it is in the fall that animals and birds begin to prepare for winter. So our participants will show how they do it. They can choose from the following:
1. The bear is preparing for hibernation and is looking for a female bear for the whole winter;
2. A mouse or hamster runs into the forest and stuffs full cheeks supplies, and then drags them into his hole;
3. The crane dances a farewell dance before flying away to warmer lands;
And so on.

Fifth competition.
And the final competition, after which the winner of the autumn ball will be announced.
Autumn is harvest time. And when the harvest is harvested, it must be sold. How to do this so that they buy it and also pay good money? That's right - we need good advertising. Therefore, our competitors will have to advertise autumn harvest. Everyone gets one thing: an apple, potatoes, cabbage. Beets and so on. Three to five minutes to prepare. And the funnier and more original the advertisement, the higher the jury's score. And most importantly, don’t forget to come up with an advertising slogan for your harvest. For example:
Beets are very healthy!
Eat it everywhere, always,
And you will be slim
So do I!
I eat it in the evening.
And I fall asleep peacefully!
Fried potatoes are the best sleeping pill!

After all competitions, the jury adds up the scores and announces the winner.

Early autumn is a bright time, inspiring poets to write heartfelt lines. But after gentle September comes slushy October and dank November. Nature is preparing for rest: the days are getting shorter, and the sky is overcast with gray clouds. Students sit at their desks, sadly remembering sunny days summer. It's time to hold an interesting event called "Autumn Ball" or "Autumn Symphony", the decoration of which can be school scenes about autumn.

"Yeralash" to help

If the school does not have a drama club, skits can be taken from finished form- from the children's "Jumble" for example. Most children do not have acting talent, but they can imitate remarkably well. This is not bad: to become a master, you first need to master the craft. Viewers will be doubly interested: they will be able to enjoy not only the funny plot, but also the transformation of their classmates. Many issues of a children's magazine perfectly show the beginning academic year and autumn chores. You can use early stories that have not been shown on television for a long time.

Autumn is the time for hiking in the forest and picking mushrooms. Do the guys know how to collect them? “Mushrooms” - a sketch about autumn. they will be happy to role-play her, and the audience, represented by parents and classmates, will laugh at the unlucky hero.


A boy in the forest collects mushrooms with exclamations: “Well, wow!”, “But here’s a whole family!” In a few minutes, the basket is completely filled with the gifts of the forest. Tired, he walks, leaning on a stick, towards the stop. Two girls his age are waiting for the bus. They look at each other slyly and talk to each other.

First girl: Wow! I picked up some toadstools.

Second girl: And why does he need them?

Boy (thinks and asks with interest): Are you local? Do you understand about mushrooms?

Both girls (almost in unison): Certainly! We are from this village, we can help.

The boy hands them a basket, and the girls, one after another, throw all the mushrooms onto the ground with the words: “Oh, toadstool!”, “And one more!” The bus is coming. The boy pours the remaining mushrooms onto the ground and jumps onto the step with the empty container. The bus is leaving. The girls pull out baskets from the bushes and begin to collect scattered mushrooms.

First girl: Wow! How lucky!

Second girl: Yeah! Another naive one!

A skit about autumn is funny if the children manage to convey the intrigue after the heroes of “Jumble”.

Fairy tales

The amazing role of fairy tales. Why?

  • This is the easiest way to experience life.
  • Through the relationships of the characters, children learn what friendship, deception, meanness, and love are.
  • There are no halftones in fairy tales: the hero is either positive or negative, which is easier to understand.
  • The total victory of good instills confidence in children.
  • Belief in the good becomes the main principle of life.
  • Through fairy tales, children learn the wisdom of centuries.

Therefore, it’s very cool if a fairy tale is a scene about autumn. Primary school is the period when it is through allegory that it is easier to convey educational points to children. For autumn event a traditional piece can be remade to add additional interest.



We open the curtain.

Once. And two. And three!

New one about turnips

Look at the fairy tale.

One day in spring

Our grandfather has not forgotten

And in the garden

I planted a turnip.

Autumn has come.

Harvest harvest

All your family

Grandpa started calling.

Grandfather (grandmother):

Dear wife,

Come out and help.

The turnip was born

It's like it's inside.


What are you doing, grandpa?

Did something fall from an oak tree?

I should dig in the ground

Manicure was in the way!

I'm also now

I'm in a hurry to get a massage.

Granddaughter is on the Internet.

I'm leaving!


Grandfather bravely

He's calling his granddaughter.

And in response he hears...


The number will not work!

I still need lessons

Do it for two hours.

Sadness set in

There's a streak in life!

Well, Bug will have to

I'll call you instead.


Why do I need a turnip?

It's time for me to go for a walk!

Well, all that's left is Murka

Just ask.


And I want to sleep,

How could you forget?

Concerts at night

I love to give.

And now I need

Lie down for an hour or two!


And alone left

Our grandfather was sad.

Even about a mouse

Out of grief, he forgot.

And that rodent is small

He took it and ran.


What happened, grandpa?

Did I hear, emergency?

You and I are great

We can handle it together.

The song “Hey, let’s whoop!”

We'll sing now.

(They pulled out the turnip and found a bag).



What kind of nonsense is this?

Look, a bag of gold!

This is a miracle garden!

A skit for schoolchildren about autumn will be interesting for children of any age if it has an unexpected ending. The following ending is proposed:

We are now, my little mouse,

Let's live together with you!

(Everyone is running after grandfather).

All in chorus:

Forgive us grandpa

This is all for the last time.

Let us start life again

We will help you spend it!


Grandfather forgave

Yes, only him

I took all the money...

To the orphanage!

The scene about autumn is dedicated to the theme of the harvest, so it will be relevant at any autumn event.

For middle management

Autumn is the beginning of the school year. The guys met with classmates after the holidays, so it is very important to talk about friendship at the holiday. In the proposed scene “In autumn forest"A completely unexpected ending. Costume performances are interesting for younger teenagers, so the mini-play is based on an allegory that will require dressing up. The costumes should not completely match the image; just a hint is needed, which will make the viewing more interesting. At first glance, the scene about autumn does not look funny, but rather philosophical. Here the right mood will be created by the acting, in which there is no tragedy. Some pathos in the voice and detachment will cause positive emotions and a smile. And the final scene will do the rest.

For a mini-play, three characters are needed: a presenter and two wolves - a wise old man and a young leader. In a mass scene, several participants pretend to be a pack.

"In the autumn forest"

Leading: The old wolf, the leader of the pack, on a slushy autumn morning did not feel the strength to lead others on a hunt. He nominated a young leader, remaining in the thicket in anticipation of prey.

Young leader: Don't be sad, we won't return empty-handed in the morning.

Leading: Morning came, and the elder saw a flock descending from the hillock. The wolves were with prey, but with bloody muzzles and paws.

Elder: What's happened? You're all covered in blood!

Young leader: We met seven hunters, fought with them and won, wisest one.

Elder: Well... now you can replace me in everything. Tomorrow you will lead the pack again.

Leading: In the evening, the flock went hunting again, and the old man waited for the wolves in the forest. The next morning he saw one young leader descending from the hill without prey. His whole face was covered in blood.

Elder: What happened, where is the pack?

Young leader: The pack is no more, oh wisest one! We ran into people again!

Elder: And how many were there?

Young leader: Three!

Elder: How so? Yesterday there were seven hunters, but you were able to defeat them. And today there are only three, but the whole flock died! Were they armed with a gun?

Young leader: No, they had no weapons at all. Three schoolchildren collected a herbarium. But they turned out to be... friends!

This is a very unpredictable scene about autumn. The funny ending doesn't detract from it at all. important content which she carries.

For high school

School years are a wonderful period. This is not only a time of academic success and failure, but also the experience of disagreements with teachers, finding friends and falling in love for the first time. Textbooks and notebooks, lessons and breaks, homework and school holidays - this is the fabric from which school life is woven. In high school, educational and professional activities come first, but students are especially sensitive to activities that allow them to reveal their other talents and express themselves in front of the opposite sex. The autumn ball is one of the most beautiful holidays, where the queen of the ball is chosen, the guys show their dancing skills. Therefore, a skit about autumn would be appropriate, switching the participants to the musical part of the holiday.

If you have creative high school students, you can write the script yourself. The main thing is to have a team of those who will feel confident on stage and will be able to dilute the anxiety of participants in various competitions by adding positive mood. An example would be a scenario called “Autumn Syndrome.” This is a universal skit that can be shown to both parents and younger children.

Skits about autumn for high school students: “Autumn Syndrome”

Participants: two doctors and a patient - a high school student.

First doctor: How are you?

Second doctor: The student was admitted here alone, diagnosed with “Autumn Syndrome.” I just can't figure it out...

First: I understand...Is your body aching?

Second: No... this one has the blues.

First: I quickly cured one of these. I turned on Malakhov’s program right in the ward, and after the second one he began asking to go home. He says: better autumn slush than a brain explosion.

Second: The method is not bad, but my patient, I suspect, won’t even look at the screen.

First: Well then universal remedy- castor oil...

Second: I tried it. It helps, but not for long.

First: What about sweets?

Second: He fed me chocolates.

First: Well, where is he? ( The orderlies take out a patient who is muttering poetry about autumn...) Listen, maybe he should have some Rastishki?

(The scene about autumn will be funny if the patient manages to play apathy).

Second: If only you mix mustard in there.

Patient: And it doesn’t matter to me: with or without mustard...

First: Did you give him toys?

Patient: I haven't played since the tenth grade...

Second: Maybe try Rammstein? A strong remedy. ( Music is playing. The patient gets scared and hides behind a chair).

First: ABOUT! At least he reacts. He needs music. Just have fun. ( Cheerful music sounds. Everyone starts dancing).

Second: This is the medicine he should be prescribed. For every day!

If you need a short sketch about autumn

There are situations when you need a very small miniature on the theme of autumn (KVN, humor evening). It should be fun and original, so more important than the content are those ideas that can make you want to improvise. We can offer:

  • The creative process of writing an autumn poem... A. S. Pushkin.
  • An unexpected meeting in the autumn forest with talking leaves, animals, trees.
  • I will meet with an alien who needs to explain what autumn is.
  • Writing from life.
  • School scenes in September days.

Roll call in a class where half the students are missing is a scene about autumn. The funny situation is based on the fact that high school students will not get involved in the educational process.

Teacher: Ivanov?

Answer from class: And he was exempted from exams, why should he go to school?

Teacher: Petrov?

Answer from class: And he had a headache, so he went to the first aid station. And Sidorov, Popov, Gorokhov, Nikolaev and Vertushkin took him there.

Events are very important and funny scenes will help overcome that slight blues that everyone experiences on cloudy days.

One of the most mysterious and unpredictable times of the year is autumn. So much has been written about it by famous poets and writers... But they are not the only ones who love and idolize this time.

For all schools and preschool institutions There are various events dedicated to the golden time, the last glow of warmth and joy of summer.

Our script is for Autumn ball at school for high school students, but it is perfectly adaptable for holding events in the middle classes of a secondary school.
The script contains an interesting literary skit, competitions, games and amateur performances.

The children participating in the performance will be able to show their talents, discover and demonstrate their artistic abilities to their peers and teachers.

Ball decoration

Musical accompaniment of the holiday

1. Screensavers for competitions: children's laughter (club), Chuck Berry – Roll Over Beethoven, Paul Pritchard – Amazing Butterflies.

2. Music dance screensaver: Interface – Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

3. Recording of "Viennese Waltz".

It is necessary to prepare several dance numbers in advance. The very first – the opening of the Autumn Ball – is a composition from the “Viennese Waltz”, which turns into Interface – Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

Prepare several amateur performances. These could be songs about autumn, magic tricks, sports numbers, acrobatic sketches, and so on. The guys must think up a mini-concert for the “Autumn Ball” themselves.

For Queens And King of Autumn Signed ribbons and crowns will be needed.

Props and scenery

The autumn ball is traditionally held either in the school assembly hall or in the sports hall. The room must be decorated in the colors and motifs of the autumn theme.

Garlands of flowers and colorful leaves are hung along the walls and backdrop of the stage. In a swirl of yellow maple leaves there is a poster “Autumn mood!”

On the sides there are candelabra, the legs of which are also entwined with multi-colored garlands of flowers, interspersed with bunches of rowan berries.


1. Presenter. The girl is wearing a light top and dark bottom.

2. Leading. The boy is wearing dark trousers and a light shirt.

3. A.S. Pushkin. Dressed in a tailcoat. There is a cylinder on the head. Whiskers.

4. A. Tolstoy. Dressed in a traditional costume with a bow tie. Smoking pipe in hand.

5. S.Ya. Marshak. Round glasses on the nose. Hairstyle with a straight parting.

6. A. Tvardovsky. Dressed in military uniform times of the Great Patriotic War and a sword belt.

7. N. Nekrasov. Long jacket. Butterfly with pointed ends. Characteristic elongated beard.

8. M.Yu. Lermontov. Dressed in the uniform of an officer of the tsarist army.

9. F. Tyutchev. Dressed in a tailcoat. Instead of a tie - a dark bow. There are glasses on his nose.

10. S. Yesenin. Dressed in a gray suit. The shirt is unbuttoned a couple of buttons. On the head is a checkered cap or hat.

Note: If it’s difficult to find clothes for poets, you can simply make either badges or attach inscriptions to the costumes explaining who is who.

Scene #1

Dance and musical composition “Autumn Waltz”. The recording of “Viennese Waltz” and Interface – Chi Mai (Remix Original Version) is playing.

Presenter: Dear guys! Today we are at a real Autumn Ball of the last century, where, believe me, you will be very interested!

Leading: And as you know, it was in those very times that all our great poets lived. Well, not all, of course, but many!

Presenter: And so, we decided to gather at our ball everyone who gave us, their descendants, the most beautiful poems dedicated to this amazing time of year - Golden Autumn!

Leading: Let's imagine, guys, while our teachers are in different classes they select poems for us so that we can learn them, what a dispute can take place between the great poets who wrote them!

Sketch “Poetry battles of great poets about autumn!”

Appearing on stage in turn: A.S. Pushkin, A. Tolstoy, S.Ya. Marshak, A. Tvardovsky, N. Nekrasov, M.Yu. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin.

Poets prove to each other who is the best at writing about autumn.

A.S. Pushkin:

“The sky was already breathing in autumn...”

I'm here alone! One by right!

I have never seen competition!

In Russian literature I am a Star!

A. Tolstoy:

"Autumn. The whole poor garden is crumbling..."

Sorry, my friend, but it's not my fault!

What about this time,

I will give all poets a head start!

It’s better not to write about autumn!

I am a Star - no need to make things up!

S.Ya. Marshak:

"In October, in October!"

I wrote it on the table!

And about the leaves falling,

I'm always happy to compose!

So, fellow writers,

You are not leaders at all!

I wrote about the rain -

I became a Star a long time ago!

A. Tvardovsky:

“Blueness appeared between the thinning tops!”

These are all my poems! Come to your senses, you guys!

N. Nekrasov:

My syllable will stop you

I will say the opposite.

"The mournful wind drives

The clouds are flocking to the edge of heaven!

F. Tyutchev:

Stop arguing immediately, friends!

I write better about golden autumn!

And you should all be in harmony, in unison,

To say briefly: BYE!

“There is in the primordial autumn,

A short but wonderful time!

A. Tvardovsky:

"The webs are floating

Above the sleepy stubble..."

Go away guys

Still alive for now!

M.Yu. Lermontov:

“The leaves in the field have turned yellow!

And they spin and fly!”

Children at school from all the poems,

Only mine want to teach!

S. Yesenin:

“The golden foliage began to spin,

In the pinkish water of the pond..."

Well, why swear like that? Don't know…

I still can’t find better lines!

Indignant screams are heard behind the stage. Knock on the door.

Pushkin: And this, in fact, who else wants to get into our already very “friendly” and large company?

Lermontov: So these are other poets who also wrote about autumn! Oh, so many of them!

(The musical theme “Amazing Butterflies” plays. The poets all get scared, grab their heads, someone gets into a boxing stance. They freeze in such poses, then bow and leave.
This is followed by amateur performance numbers).

Scene #3

Presenter: Our Autumn Ball is in full swing! It's time to play!

Leading: Are you ready to show your wits, speed and sense of humor if needed?

All in unison: Yes!

Presenter: Well, then let's start! Our first competition is called...

Competition No. 1 “Mixed leaves”

For the competition you need real leaf shapes or cut out from multi-colored paper: oak, birch, poplar, apple and willow. These leaves are scattered chaotically on the floor of the hall.

1. 10 people are divided into teams of 2 participants.

2. Each team is given the name of a tree whose leaves they need to collect.

3. The team that collects all its leaves correctly and quickly wins.

Prizes in all competitions can be autumn items and things: umbrellas, raincoats, hats, scarves.

Competition No. 2 “Autumn Gifts”

1. 3 desks are placed in a row, with 6 chairs next to them.

2. 6 participants sit on chairs at their desks. The guys are blindfolded.

3. An autumn gift (vegetables, fruits, nuts, pine cones, etc.) is placed on the table in front of each player.

(For example: distribute to the participants (1 item each) a potato, onion, pine cone, mushroom, pear, apple. In the next round, swap them or replace them with other autumn gifts).

4. The task of each player is to determine by touch what he got.

5. The one who correctly guesses the object time after time wins.

Competition No. 3 “Ballroom autumn outfits”

This is a massive competition. It will fit perfectly into the scenario if the holiday is celebrated together in all classes at once. You will need a lot of colorful leaves, threads, cones, twigs and other autumn attributes.

Each class chooses its Queen and its King of Autumn. The task of each class is to create outfits for them from prepared autumn materials. For example, boys from their classmates dress up the king, and girls dress up as the queen. Time allowed for preparation: 15-20 minutes.

At the end of the time, a competition is held between all pairs of kings and queens for the best outfits.
The winner is chosen based on audience applause and comments.
The winners are awarded ribbons and crowns.

Competition game No. 4 “Autumn Associations”

The presenter names the words, and the guys must name the autumn association for this word.

Examples of words that the presenter asks one by one:

1. Tree.

4. Vegetable garden.

Possible responses of the children to the words of the presenter:

1. Leaves.

2. Rain or puddles.

3. Day of knowledge or study.

4. Harvest.

5. Rye, wheat.

7. Red, yellow.

8. Wet.

9. Leaf fall.

10. Halloween.

Scene #4

The chosen King and Queen of Autumn are opening an Autumn disco!

Students dance and communicate in a free style.

The disco should not exceed 2 hours in time.

At the discretion of the school management, you can arrange a “sweet table” with tea.

A few words about costumes

Kids are delighted with costume events, these can be both balls and masquerades, as this is a great opportunity to show off their new look. In addition, during such celebrations, various competitions are held in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Autumn holidays are also organized in the form of a masquerade, which requires the creation of an appropriate costume: elegant, bright, unusual and memorable.

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Photo gallery: Funny scenes for the Autumn Ball for high school students and students in grades 5-8 (topics for the script)

Autumn ball is the first holiday after the holidays, adored by all schoolchildren without exception. Girls compete for the role of “Miss Autumn”, guys compete in talents and jokes. Tea parties are held everywhere with mass rehearsals and preparations for the grand celebration. On the occasion of the autumn ball, concert participants sew, alter and decorate their outfits, trying to outdo each other. During the event, the hosts conduct funny autumn competitions that amuse guests, musical and choreographic performances, short funny scenes for the Autumn Ball for high school students, 5th, 6th, 7th grades and elementary schools. Taking into account the age of schoolchildren, the organizers of the holiday select suitable scenarios for scenes in advance. different topics to teach them their roles with selected “actors”.

Interesting topics for skits for the Autumn Ball at school

The most interesting topics for scenes at the Autumn Ball are associated with the daily life of schoolchildren, as well as seasonal holidays and attributes:

  • Autumn scenes on a "vegetable" theme
  • Episodes from school life (lessons, breaks, exams, graduation, etc.)
  • Dramas about animals
  • About relationships between schoolchildren (friendship, quarrels, falling in love)
  • Russian remake folk tales
  • Humorous skits about the weather and autumn months: September, October, November

Among them it is easy to find the best scenarios for autumn scenes for junior schoolchildren, high school students and students in grades 5-9. Instructive and educational dramatizations about plants or animals will suit the little ones. Middle classes can play out the works "Fedorino's Grief", remade to an autumn motif. High school students can have fun and surprise guests by staging a funny weather forecast, an improvisational skit with active gestures, or a parody of an episode from a popular fairy tale or film.

Often the Autumn Ball is held in the style of a harvest festival. In this case, it is better to select the themes of the skits, focusing on the general style of the event. If the girls are in folk costumes with kokoshniks, and the guys in shirts and trousers, you can act out a humorous episode of “Three girls under the window” or any of the popular Russian fables. Surely the kids will like this idea. And especially creative organizers can remake the fable for their school, devoting a little time and showing imagination.

Funny scenes for the Autumn Ball for high school students

The most honored guests at the autumn ball are high school students. For 11th grade students, the autumn holiday will be one of the last in a long series school events. High school students are always more serious than others when it comes to writing a script, decorating the scenery, choosing outfits and preparing scenes. Due to the age of the students, they can make sharper and sparkling jokes at the autumn ball, but even in the senior class you need to remember the norms of etiquette and the rules of decency. When it's offensive, it's not funny! Humor should be kind and unambiguous. No insults, double meanings or hidden hints.

“Weather forecast for autumn” - a funny scene for the Autumn Ball for high school students

A humorous school weather forecast is a fresh idea for an autumn ball. To perform it, you need to draw a map with synoptic symbols and successfully select a sociable and artistic presenter. The schoolgirl stands next to the map, takes a pointer in her hand and reads out an approximate forecast:

Text of a funny scene

Good afternoon There is a weather forecast on air especially for school number and me, Nastya Dozhdikova!

After the hurricane that happened the day before, losses have been calculated. The hurricane took away glass in the teachers' lounge, 17 pies from the school cafeteria and Petya Koshkin's notebook with homework. Today, weather forecasters predict that the hurricane will subside, but turbulence is still elevated above 10-B. Their class teacher I've been on sick leave for a month now. Morning heavy rains washed away the marks for the last test over 8-A, as a result of which the atmospheric pressure teachers to students. No significant precipitation is expected in Class 1 and Class 2 areas. It's warm, dry and sunny there, as always! There are deep frosts on the 3rd class line. All three classes watched the play instead of going to the swimming pool, confusing the Sports Palace with the Palace of Culture. After the request to bring parents to school, the frost intensified even more. Further forecast in class 3 is still unknown even to meteorologists. Starting tomorrow morning, the nebula in area 7-A will increase. On test work there will be poor visibility, which means it’s better for the teacher to walk through the rows looking for cheat sheets. This coming Saturday, an approaching cyclone will cover the school grounds with precipitation and wet snow, which means it’s better to cancel the cleanup.

That's all, Nastya Dozhdikova was with you!

Funny scenes for the Autumn Ball for students in grades 5-8, video

Funny scenes for the Autumn Ball for students in grades 5-8 can be divided into two categories:

  • pre-prepared and rehearsed
  • improvisations and surprises

In the first case, the characters of the selected scene for the autumn ball receive their roles in advance, learn the texts of monologues and dialogues, prepare autumn costumes and musical accompaniment. Such scenes are often instructive and developmental. In contrast, the second option is intended for entertainment and amusement not only of guests and spectators of the holiday, but also of the students themselves. In most cases, participants for improvisational skits are recruited during the event and are completely unaware of the upcoming actions. For example, a sketch about “how one grandfather went into the forest.”

Script for a funny scene for the Autumn Ball “How Grandfather Went to the Forest” (video and text)

To participate, the presenter calls 8 random participants and gives them signs with roles:

  • Bunny
  • Wind
  • Owl
  • Stump
  • Elka2

Then the presenter reads the text, pausing after each subsequent phrase, and the characters play their funny roles:

One day Grandfather was going to the forest to get a Christmas tree. I came, and it was autumn. The wolf howls, the wind rustles, the owl hoots. Bunny came running, saw Stump and let's drum on him. I saw Grandfather, got scared and ran away. Grandfather looked around, “Here are the Christmas trees.” He approached the first Christmas tree and liked it. I touched it, shook it - a good Christmas tree. Grandfather just swung his ax, and lo and behold, he was gone, forgotten at home. Then, just like that, he swung. And Elochka begged: “Don’t ruin me, old man, I won’t be of any use to you. I’m all sick: the trunk is crooked, the needles are falling.” Grandfather looked and it’s true that the Christmas tree is not good. He walked up to the other and touched it. The legs are straight, the needles are held. He wanted to cut it down, but the Christmas tree said: “Why are you waving? Pull the roots.” Grandfather pulled and pulled, but the Christmas tree resisted. Grandfather is tired and thinks: “Why do I need a Christmas tree in the fall? I’d rather come in December.” And he went back home.

Skits for grades 5-8 about school booths, exams and fun recess are quite popular. Even at the autumn ball there is room for a humorous dramatization about a funny physical education teacher, a pedantic mathematics teacher, or an art teacher who is always “hovering in the clouds.”

Funny scenes for the Autumn Ball for elementary school

Scenes for elementary school for the Autumn Ball should not only be fun and funny, but also instructive and educational. Any performance at a school holiday can teach little students kindness and justice, honesty and generosity, basic rules behavior and respect for others. When choosing a funny scene for the Autumn Ball for an elementary school, you need to make sure that its meaning is simple and understandable to children. Complex productions with confusing plots are not suitable for students aged 7-10 years.

Do not forget that the scene for the Autumn Ball should be related to the peculiarities of the seasonal nature. Best option- a scenario with characters animals, birds or vegetables. You can also act out an instructive episode of a popular children's fairy tale, lasting no more than 5-7 minutes. The main thing is to ensure that each little actor thoroughly learns his role in a timely manner.

Funny scene for the Autumn Ball for elementary school - The Tale of Why the Tomato Turned Red

(Leader, Tomato, Cucumber, onion, cabbage, hostess, Crow).

Leading: In ancient times, vegetables lived in the same garden.
(The vegetables come out one by one and introduce themselves.)

I'm a cheerful fellow, I - green cucumber.
-The garden bed is empty without me, but my name is cabbage.
- Without me, you are like without hands, every dish needs onions.
-Children have long loved the delicious, sweet tomato.
Leading: The owner loved her little green garden and watered it every day.
Mistress:(walks around with a watering can and “waters” the vegetables)
I will water my garden, he also drinks water.
Leading: The vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived amicably and never quarreled. But one day the tomato decided that he was better than everyone else and began to show off.
Adults and children love me more than anyone in the world.
Listen, it's just a laugh to brag that you're better than everyone else.
He won’t understand, brothers, it’s not nice to wonder.
And the tomato kept saying its own thing.
I am the tastiest, roundest, greenest in the world.
Adults and children love me more than anyone else on the set!
He boasted, he boasted (in chorus) And he fell from the bush!
At this time, the hostess came to the garden to collect vegetables for lunch. I took everyone with me, but didn’t notice the tomato.
(The hostess takes away all the vegetables).
A raven flew past.
Kar! Kar! Disgrace! Nightmare! Didn't want to be friends with us
No one will need you!
The tomato felt ashamed. He began to cry and blushed with shame.
Forgive me, friends, take me with you.
The hostess heard these words, took pity on the tomato, came and took it with her. Believe it or not, but since then, tomatoes have always turned red in the fall.

Short scenes for the Autumn Ball at school, video

We offer you a few more short sketches for the scenario of the fall ball in middle and high school. Their stories are fresh, interesting and not primitive. When using ready-made texts, do not forget to adapt them to your educational institution: Change the names of teachers, the name of the class, the initials of students to avoid offensive coincidences.

A short scene for the Autumn Ball "Battle of the Teachers"

Host: So we begin the program, “battle of teachers” - today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this difficult task. We hasten to warn you that everything is fair with us and without any setups, tricks, tips or steps.

Primary school teacher Marya Ivanovna Ivanova is invited to complete the task. Marya Ivanovna you will have to enter the classroom today and force third-grade student Vasya Sidorov to give him a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give me the diary.
Student: I won’t.
Teacher: Sidorov, open your briefcase, take out your diary.
Student: My grandmother took it from me to read before bed.
Teacher: Vasya, give me the journal, otherwise I’ll put two in the journal.
Vasya: And for what?

Host: Unfortunately, time is up.
We invite the second teacher - Petrov Petr Petrovich.

Teacher: Vasily, give me the diary, and I’ll give you some candy.
Student: My father is the director of a candy factory.
Teacher: Vasily, I’ll put you in a corner!
Student: And what didn’t I see there?

Presenter: It’s unfortunate, but the second teacher didn’t have time to complete this task either. We invite our third candidate Sidorova Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why don’t you give the diary to teachers?
Student: I forgot at home (slides down the desk)
Teacher: Give me the diary, PLEASE.
Student: Nope. (uncertain)
Teacher: I’m calling my father (takes out his phone and pretends to select it from his contacts)
Student: (takes out the diary he was sitting on) Mom on the diary, just don’t call your father! those.

Host: As our program showed, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental help it can be very difficult for them. The cooperation of teachers and parents yielded results this week - you will find out what the next battle will be tomorrow.

School years are a wonderful time of textbooks and notebooks, lessons and recess, friendship and light conflicts, first love and bright extracurricular holidays that remain in memory for a lifetime. One of them is the Autumn Ball at school. To make such an event truly unforgettable, the organizers have to work hard on a script for grades 5-7 and high school students, concert numbers for elementary schools, greetings from the king and queen, ballroom dancing, and a wall newspaper with an announcement article. It is very important to think through all the details and little things, but it is even more important to preserve the spirit and atmosphere of the real autumn season. The stage of the assembly hall, the hall and even the corridors should remind schoolchildren of the upcoming event with their yellow-purple decorations and decorations.

Funny scenario for the Autumn Ball at school for grades 5-8

There is not a single school in the entire post-Soviet space that does not celebrate the autumn holiday. Some people call it the Autumn Ball, others call it the Harvest Festival. And despite the fact that the names of the event are different, its content is the same for everyone. The cycle consists of a school fair, a wall newspaper and poster competition, a classroom decoration competition and a final festive concert. The latter can be school-wide or individual for junior school, 5-7 grades and high school students. Be that as it may, staging a traditional Autumn Ball at school requires the preparation of a high-quality script and all the elements related to it.

So, for students in grades 5-7, a funny scenario for the Autumn Ball at school is more suitable than a lyrical one. Due to their age, teenagers are more interested in laughing at funny jokes and amuse the holiday spectators with humorous scenes, rather than touching on deep emotions inspired by the autumn mood. Unlike high school students, students in grades 5-7 of the school are quite naive and spontaneous, which should not be forgotten when drawing up a script for the autumn ball.

What to consider when coming up with a scenario for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-8

All rooms must comply with the following rules:

  1. Safety. Competitions, skits and productions must be safe for participants, spectators and guests. Launching fireworks or performing tricks with knives and darts by yourself is not permitted.
  2. Relevance. The selected numbers in the scenario for the Autumn Ball at school must correspond to the time, place and age of the students.
  3. No insults. You cannot use offensive parodies of teachers, principals, and staff for the Autumn Ball or any other school holiday. If the names in the selected scenes coincide with the initials of real teachers, it is better to replace them.
  4. No ambiguity. When writing a funny script for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7 at school, remember the rules of decency. Literally everything, including outfits and musical accompaniment, should be restrained and devoid of ambiguous hints.

Ideas for competitions and skits for the scenario of the Autumn Ball for middle school

Of course, you can’t do without choosing the king and queen of the ball. This tradition will never end. But what about other program numbers? In order for the script to be truly funny, competitions and skits must be fun, lively, and humorous. For example:

  • Autumn leaf fall. Competition for boys and girls in grades 5-7. The stage is divided into two parts by a rope or a cord stretched between the chairs. The same number of prepared bright leaves is laid out on both halves. When the whistle blows, two teams on both sides of the barricade throw their leaves to the other half. The team with the fewest sheets left on its half will win.
  • Theatrical. A competition similar to forfeits. Several participants are asked to draw a leaf from the task of depicting some scene (related to the autumn season). Options: a hedgehog collects mushrooms, a bear is preparing for hibernation, a crane says goodbye before flying away. Watching such a spectacle will be at least fun.
  • Round dance. Autumn Ball game for the little ones. The presenter prepares masks or signs in advance with images of different vegetables (cabbage, pumpkin, cucumber, etc.) and distributes them to those wishing to participate before the start of the competition. Then they turn on the music and the presenter reads the verse in a perky voice:

We'll go to the garden and start a round dance.

We will sing and dance and gather the harvest.

You little onion, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, carrot, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, potato, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, cabbage, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, cucumber, don’t yawn, quickly get up for the round dance!

You, tomato, don’t yawn, quickly get up in a round dance!

You, beetroot, don’t yawn, quickly get up for the round dance!....

The less free space left on the stage, the funnier the “vegetable” round dance will look.

  • turnip. Funny scene with active gestures. The presenter calls several participants, one for each role in the fairy tale “Turnip”. Then he gives the task to each character to make a certain gesture when he hears the name of his hero. For example: grandmother - crouches, grandfather - claps, granddaughter - stomps her feet, Zhuchka - whistles, etc. The presenter begins to quickly read the fairy tale out loud, and the participants in the skit begin to respond to their names with hidden gestures. The participants have fun, the spectators have fun!

Funny modern scenario for high school students for the Autumn Ball at school

Autumn is a wonderful time. Clear skies, warm weather, the quiet rustle of dry leaves, peace of mind - such delights inspire romance and peace in everyone except teachers. At this time, teachers are working painstakingly to create a beautiful scenario for the Autumn Ball at school for high school students. The process is quite labor-intensive, and to appreciate the scale of the event you need to see it with your own eyes at least once in your life.

How to come up with a scenario for the Autumn Ball at school for high school students

A beautiful scenario for high school students for the Autumn Ball consists of a set of mandatory points:

  • interesting idea
  • ceremonial entry
  • best vocal and theatrical performances
  • games and competitions
  • choosing a king and queen
  • lyrical waltz
  • beautiful ending
  • permanent musical accompaniment
  • suitable lighting
  • thematic decoration of the stage and hall

Only with a harmonious combination of all of the above will the holiday at school turn out to be bright and memorable.

Modern script for high school students - “We’re making a movie about autumn”

Interesting idea for the script for the Autumn Ball at school - shooting a film about first love. Each participant in the program will receive their role according to the script. Some will become a director, some will be a cameraman. The rest will portray current characters - a random couple, their friends, etc. During the filming of the film, event participants will hold competitions, sing, read poetry, dance and act out skits.

Script for high school students - "TV studio "Autumn Evening!"

Script for the Autumn Ball for high school students - "Strings of Autumn"

A lyrical scenario that resembles a real ball more than others. It contains instrumental melodies and autumn poems by many writers from school curriculum, it features a delightful waltz between the king and queen and even makes the presenters look like straight out of an Academy Awards program. The event, in a subtle and sincere atmosphere, excludes funny skits and humorous competitions, but welcomes any romantic dramatizations, creative numbers, serious songs with deep meaning, and performances with classical musical instruments. In such a holiday, the main role is assigned to the hero of the occasion - Autumn, as well as to the king and queen of the ball.

Greetings to the Autumn Ball at school in verse

While preparing the ideal scenario for the Autumn Ball for high school students or grades 5-7, organizers often forget about a beautiful formal greeting. But in vain! The opening speech of the hosts at the celebration sets the tone for the event and creates the appropriate atmosphere. A ceremonial greeting in verse for the Autumn Ball at school should not be too long. Otherwise, the audience will get bored. A few lyrical quatrains are enough to sincerely congratulate all schoolchildren and teachers on the autumn holiday.

Autumn leaf, ticket to the ball,

A golden carriage is flying...

And the Prince was almost late,

And a flock of cranes took off.

And the neckline is slightly open,

A mountain ash leaf got stuck there...

Everyone is rushing towards their dreams,

Everyone is rushing to the ancient ball...

The harpsichord does not stop,

The leaves are flying to Chopin's waltz,

The sunflower hung over the tyn,

He definitely dreams of going to the ball.

And circling in the gold of foliage,

Until dawn in a whirlwind of leaf fall...

White waltz with Prince Charming,

I don't need more happiness.

August is leaving. Everything is ready for the ball.

Everyone is on parade. From head to toe.

And here she is! A little late...

Scarves fly from yellow leaves...

The wind will spin her in a Viennese waltz,

In a cape the color of red wine.

The leaves will whisper in your ear: “Stay...

Winter is very cold with me."

There is a secret hidden in her autumn eyes.

Leaving all the answers for later,

I'll get to this ball by chance...

In an airy raincoat, with a blue umbrella.

But the rain treated me so kindly,

Lifting the wet veil...

And flew through the city streets

Summer's carriage, driving off into the distance...

The autumn day is so bright and radiant,

He spent spring and summer in a den...

And like a letter, a maple leaf flies,

And in it I read that rain is on the way.

And the park is ready. He waited for the guests for a long time.

Almost completely undressed from the breeze.

And so sad. It's the rainy season.

Queen Autumn came to her domain.

Dance for high school students at the Autumn Ball. video

In order for the name “Autumn Ball” to be fully justified, the event program will have to include several vocal performances with theme songs. They will come in handy and will perfectly complement the seasonal atmosphere of the holiday. For the Autumn Ball, you can choose any suitable composition by a popular artist or remake an already known song, textually linking it to your class or school. The most common variants of autumn songs:

  • "Yellow Leaves" Tea for two
  • "Autumn" DDT
  • "The Rustle of Leaves" Katya Lel
  • "What is autumn" DDT
  • "Leaves are falling" Alexander Buinov
  • "Autumn" Lyceum
  • "It's Autumn Time" Pilot
  • "The summer rains have ceased to be noisy" Shura
  • "IN last autumn"DDT
  • "Autumn Radio" Dmitry Malikov

Of course, no ball is complete without a dance part. This is an integral element of the program, giving it a deep autumn mood. In fact, dances can be very different: lyrical and fiery, sad and cheerful. But the presence of symbolic attributes in costumes, makeup and surroundings is necessary. These could be suspended golden ones balloons under the vault of the stage, fallen leaves on the girls’ dancing dresses, flexible branches of autumn trees or crimson tinsel as attributes played out.

The dances of graceful high school girls in outfits decorated with yellowed leaves look amazing at the autumn ball. They involuntarily create the effect of magical leaf fall in the middle of the school assembly hall. To complete the picture, dances for high school students at the Autumn Ball can be diversified with musical competitions, exciting skits and pantomimes accompanied by classical instrumental melodies.

DIY wall newspaper and article for the Autumn Ball at school

Regardless of where the Autumn Ball is held - at a school or university - there are always many people willing to participate in the creation of a thematic wall newspaper. Basic condition creative process- use of natural materials ( autumn leaves, acorns and nuts, sprigs of rowan and late flowers), as well as various “seasonal” elements

It's hard to even list possible options wall newspaper for the Autumn Ball at school:

  • printed, drawn or combined,
  • black and white or colorful,
  • with illustrations or pasted compositions,
  • with a beautiful feature article or a short congratulatory slogan.

Regardless of the chosen style of design and content, the wall newspaper for the Autumn Ball at school will definitely turn out to be successful. After all, everything made by children’s hands carries a warm and sincere message. The article in the wall newspaper for the autumn ball deserves special attention. Often editors prefer prose text to the rhymed lines of famous poets. This way you can independently compose a beautiful, inspiring congratulation or invitation to an upcoming special event. A high-quality article for the autumn ball can become a kind of announcement of the school holiday scenario, and the wall newspaper itself can become an intriguing and promising poster.

The autumn ball at school is an important and long-awaited event for primary school students, senior students and teachers. This means literally everything: from the script for high school students and grades 5-7 to dance, music and wall newspapers, must be perfectly thought out and prepared!