Methodological development on the topic: Scenario for the “Cosmonautics Day” holiday at a preschool educational institution. Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - ideas and scenario options

The theme of space is always interesting for children. Therefore, on April 12, Cosmonautics Day, educators hold holidays, competitions, and educational classes on the topic: Cosmonautics.

We invite you to conduct an educational lesson for preschoolers in the form of a thematic conversation.

Thematic conversation for Cosmonautics Day “Man rose to the sky”

Target: expand and deepen preschoolers’ knowledge about space.


— introduce children to the Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the history of the creation of the first space rocket, the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin;

— expand children's horizons and develop their imagination;

- to cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride for the Fatherland.

Equipment: paintings depicting the starry sky, outer space, portraits of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev and Yu.A. Gagarin, photographs of rocket launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome, photo albums about space explorers.

Preliminary work: conversations about stars, planets, space and astronauts.

Educator. Many centuries passed before humanity found a way to overcome gravity and rise into outer space. Guys, remember the fairy tales and legends. Whatever they flew on fairy-tale heroes! (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and beards of wizards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows...).

Just a few centuries ago, it would never have occurred to anyone that the most convenient “transport” for movement was a rocket. Mini-powder rockets have long been used to create fireworks or send signals in military affairs. In Russia, in the middle of the last century, artillery general K.I. gave the rocket its combat function. Konstantinov. Its missiles could cover a distance of up to three kilometers.

The first who saw in a rocket a projectile capable of carrying earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky. He said this about this: “The earth is our cradle, but you cannot live forever in a cradle.” A rocket does not need air, which means it can fly in the void, in space, and reach enormous speed there. It took a lot of work to create the first rocket. It was built by Russian scientists, workers, and engineers. It was in our country that the first artificial satellite Earth. Guys, do you know who the first astronaut was? What do you know about this person? When was the first space flight made?

The adult listens to the children’s answers and asks clarifying questions.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His call sign “Cedar” was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Although Gagarin spent only 108 minutes in space, making only one revolution around the Earth, this was only the beginning - the beginning of human exploration of outer space. Half a century has passed since then, but during this time cosmonauts from many countries, both men and women, have been in space. The first manned flight into space opened the era of international space stations, the desire to explore the planets closest to Earth - Mars and Venus. Listen to how the poet Alexander Tvardovsky speaks about the day of the first flight into space in his poems.

Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,

How he swept through people's hearts.

It seemed as if the world had involuntarily become kinder,

I was shocked by my victory.

What kind of universal music he thundered,

That holiday, in the colorful flames of banners,

When the unknown son of the land of Smolensk. Was adopted by the Earth-planet. Inhabitant of the Earth, this heroic fellow,

In his space vessel

In a circular pattern, forever unprecedented,

In the depths of the sky he waved over her...

Dynamic pause “Cosmonauts”

The teacher demonstrates some physical exercises, involving children in his actions.

To become an astronaut, children.

Needed from a very young age

Accustom yourself to order:

Make your bed

Do physical exercises.

Let's stand straight, shoulders wider,

Hands up, stay straight.

From such exercises

You will become stronger and stronger.

Didactic game “Choose a rhyme”

To add variety to the conversation, didactic game"Pick up a rhyme."

Among the blue fields -

The bright shine of a large fire.

The fire moves slowly here,

It goes around Mother Earth,

There is a cheerful light shining in the window.

Well, of course, it's... (the sun).

On clear nights

A mother and her daughters are walking.

She doesn’t tell her daughters:

- Go to bed, it's late! —

Because mother is the moon

And the daughters... (stars).

Letter A, letter A -

Alphabet head.

Vova knows, Sveta knows,

“A” looks like... (a rocket).

Educator. Sunny morning on April 12, 1961. The rocket quickly rushed into the sky, leaving behind a fiery trail of burning fuel. Thus, the first in history launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome spacecraft with a person on board. And our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became the first cosmonaut of the Earth.

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934. At first there was nothing unusual in the fate of this young man. He dreamed of heaven since childhood. But which boy didn’t want to fly airplanes back then? And Yuri became a fighter pilot. And when in 1959 I learned about recruitment into the test squad new technology, immediately submitted a report on enrollment. The selection for cosmonauts was tough: out of 3,000 volunteers, only 20 were accepted. Everything was taken into account: good health, height, weight, endurance, knowledge of technology... Preparation began. The pressure chamber created the conditions that a person had to endure when launching a rocket. In a furiously rotating centrifuge they simulated “cosmic” overloads, testing the body’s strength... The training was very difficult. But Yuri Gagarin endured everything and even joked at the same time, encouraging his comrades. The chief designer of all the first space rockets, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, took a closer look at Gagarin and decided: “This calm, cheerful guy will be the first cosmonaut.” And so it happened.

Today, space flights have become completely commonplace for us, the inhabitants of the Earth. It is believed that the exploration of other planets is not far off. But the beginning of this was laid by our Russian cosmonaut. American astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first earthling to walk on the Moon, said this about Yuri Gagarin’s flight: “He called us all into space.”

The teacher offers the following questions for discussion: What do you guys think was difficult about the first space flights? What qualities do you think an astronaut should have? Do you want to become an astronaut yourself?

The song performed by Yu. Gulyaev “Do you know what kind of guy he was...” (music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov) is played, during which children look at photographs of Yu. Gagarin in albums dedicated to the exploration of outer space.

Do you know what kind of guy he was?

The one who discovered the star trail?

There was fire and thunder

Freezing cosmodrome,

And he said quietly.

He said: "Let's go!"

He waved his hand

As if along Piterskaya, Piterskaya,

Swept over the Earth.

Video. "You know what kind of guy he was"

HOST: Hello, guys! You probably already know that every year on April 12, our country and the whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Do you want to know why April 12 and not some other day? The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961 that our cosmonaut made the world's first space flight. Do you know who was the first person to go into space? ABOUT children's answers.

HOST: And a mini-scene can also tell us about this... (2 boys)

CHILD: I asked my dad once:
“Who is Yuri Gagarin?
He's probably very important
But I don’t know much about him...”
And dad then answered me:
“I'm glad you asked me about this,
He is a brave and courageous pilot,
He glorified the country throughout the world.
Gagarin was the first in the world
Who once flew into space?
To the boys on our planet
He gave me the dream of becoming an astronaut.”
Now I'm proud to know
Who was Yuri Gagarin?
Ask me, I will answer you proudly:
He is the astronaut who was the first to reach the stars!

HOST: Thank you! The first person in the world to fly into space was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He flew around the globe on the Vostok spacecraft. And since April 12, 1961, we have celebrated Cosmonautics Day every year. Now let's imagine that we are young cosmonauts. What does it take to become an astronaut? Great! So, do you all dream of going to space?
Of course, all boys and girls dream of seeing at least once what is there, beyond our planet. Of course, you don’t know that there are women among the astronauts.

-Who knows who this woman is? The world's first female space flight was carried out by Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova from June 16 to 19, 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft.

TEACHER: Girls can also be brave and dexterous. And I invite the girls to play fun game, and at the same time we will test their dexterity.

Game "Pass it to someone else."
Game with balls. Two teams of 7-10 people. At a signal accompanied by music, children throw the ball back over their heads, starting with the first participant. The last participant with the ball runs forward of the column and also passes the ball back. The game continues until the first participant returns to his place.
TEACHER: Let's check how dexterous and brave the guys are? Let's check!

HOST: And this good idea. And what do you offer us?

TEACHER: Maybe we should play? we have a game. Just for agility, speed and endurance.
Competition "Pass the Obstacle".
Two teams of 6-7 people (boys) are participating. Along the way, you can set up any obstacles: going through a hoop, going up ladders, through modules. In general, any kind of obstacle accessible to children. At the end of the game the winning team is announced.

HOST: Well done, guys! Take your seats. Yes, sports are great, but to be healthy you also need to eat well. This is what I eat in the morning oatmeal, I drink milk... Do you know what real astronauts eat?
Okay, I'll ask it differently, How do astronauts eat in outer space? Do they place plates and pour some tea?
Guys, does anyone know how astronauts eat in outer space? Children's answers.

TEACHER: The fact is that in outer space there is no gravity of the Earth, everything seems to float in the air, as in water. It's called weightlessness , that is, everything becomes as light as feathers. And therefore it is impossible to eat from the plates; all the food will simply float away. And all the astronauts’ products are in the form of purees in tubes, like toothpaste. They drink water, compotes and tea through a straw. Let's imagine that we are in outer space and play the game "Cosmonaut's Breakfast".

Game "Cosmonaut's Breakfast".
1st option. Two teams of 4-5 people. Along the way there are cones that you need to pass through, and at the end of the path there is a table. There is a bag (0.5 l) of juice or compote on the table. Each participant is given a cocktail straw. At the signal, the first team member runs between the cones to the table where there is a bag, drinks a little (!) juice through a straw, then runs back, passing the baton to the next participant. Participants run to the table until the juice in the bag runs out. The winner is the team whose bag becomes empty faster, but at the same time each team member was able to drink juice at least once.
2nd option. Three or four participants. Each person has a bag of juice (0.2) and a straw. Who will drink juice through a straw faster?

HOST: Who knows which astronaut made the first spacewalk? The first human spacewalk in history was carried out by Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov during the expedition on March 18-19, 1965 (Voskhod-2 spacecraft, crewed by Pavel Ivanovich Belyaev). Alexey Leonov moved away from the ship to a distance of 5 meters and spent 12 minutes 9 seconds in outer space outside the airlock.

TEACHER: Well, we continue our holiday. And I suggest testing your knowledge. Let's do a mini-quiz. I will ask questions about space, and you will try to guess, but we don’t shout from our seats, but raise our hand.

Quiz game "Guessing".(you can run it between teams)

2.Natural satellite earth.(Moon)

3. A man who flies into space. (astronaut)

4.What is it called? aircraft, in which they fly into space? (spacecraft)

5.What is the name of both the animal and the constellation? (mother bear)

6.Why is there day and night on earth? (the planet revolves around itself)

7.Who was the first astronaut to fly into space? (Yuri Gagarin)

8What did Yu. Gagarin say in the first second of the flight? "Let's go!"

9. How long did the first manned flight into space last? 108 minutes

10..What was the name of the spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")

11. What is the name of the condition that an astronaut encounters during a flight? weightlessness

12 . What is the name of the town where Yuri Gagarin lived before his flight into space? Star

13. From which cosmodrome was the first spacecraft with a man launched?

On board? Baikonur
14. What holiday does the whole country celebrate on 12.04. - for speed

HOST: Well, well done, guys! Some people know more, some less, but now you and I know much more about space and the fact that there are thousands of stars in the skyDo you know that our planet is not the only one in the Universe? There are so many planets. IN outer space many galaxies. And our solar system is located in one of these galaxies. And our planet is the third in a row. And how many planets are in the solar system,… (child’s name) will tell us.

CHILD: In order, all the planets
Any of us will name: One - Mercury, Two - Venus,
Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five - Jupiter,
Six is ​​Saturn, Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row. And behind it, then, is the ninth planet called Pluto.

HOST: That's it, guys, there are nine planets in our solar system. True, recently some scientists do not consider Pluto a planet. And I suggest we also listen to the poems that the guys have prepared for us.

CHILD: There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,
It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise...
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!

HOST: What kind of garden planet is this? Now you and I know that an astronaut must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you, when you grow up, will realize your dreams and become an astronaut. And today, when you come home, tell all your loved ones what you know about space. And, of course, congratulate your family on the holiday, Happy Cosmonautics Day!

Abstract play activity for preschoolers "Journey into Space"

Description: The work is designed for educators preschool institutions and primary school teachers. For children 6-8 years old. The work is intended to expand children's knowledge about space.

Quiz for children of the preparatory group “Journey into space”

Target: Involve children in space exploration.
Tasks: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the planets, their place in the solar system, about the profession of “astronaut,” and spaceships. Form and develop coherent speech.
Cultivate friendliness, responsibility, endurance, and the ability to act in a team.
Develop creative thinking, imagination, cognitive activity, agility, attention.
Material: audio recording with space music, cut-out pictures, emblems: “rocket”. "star", tubes of toothpaste, plates, 2 scoops, 2 brushes, 2 tunnels, paper towels, space chips, 2 baskets.
Preliminary work: Conversations about astronauts, the solar system, planets. Reading a children's encyclopedia about space. Watching DVD films: “Journey to Mars”, “The Secret of the Third Planet” What the Stars Say.” Drawing and sculpting of an alien, applique theme: “Cosmonaut”. Poems about space.

Children enter the hall to the music
- Guys, do you like to look at the sky and stars? What are your dreams? (children's answers)
- What holiday is celebrated on April 12 in our country?
Educator: Yes, it's Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday of all people who participate in the creation of space rockets, space exploration and astronauts. I invite you to go on a space journey. We have 2 teams:
- Team “Rocket” captain...
- Team “Star” captain...
- Before the flight begins, I invite the teams to greet each other.
- Team “Star” greeting: “We always light the way!”
- Team “Rocket” greeting: “We will fly to any planets.”
- Our motto: “Only forward, never take a step back.”
Educator: For each competition you will receive space chips. Which team will have more of them will be the winners.

1 competition “This is interesting.”
I ask questions and you answer quickly.
Questions for the Zvezda team
-How many planets orbit the sun? (9)
-Rocket launch site? (cosmodrome)
-Which planet is named after the goddess of love, Venus? (Venus)
-Name the satellite of planet Earth. (Moon)
-Astronaut clothes. (spacesuit)
Questions for the Rocket team:
-Name the planet solar system, which in ancient times was called the “Planet of War” for its red color? (Mars)
-Why is the planet Saturn interesting and what does it consist of? (has rings, consists of stones and ice)
-Which planet is the coldest? (Pluto)
-Name the largest planet in the solar system. (Jupiter)
-What is our planet Earth from the Sun?

The jury's word...
Educator: Well done guys! We passed 1 competition. Let's go on a space journey, but on what? (rocket)

2nd competition “Building a Rocket”
I invite 2 pairs of children from each team (boys) Stand opposite each other, arms up, palms clasped together - this is a rocket. The rest of the team should wrap paper towels around her as quickly as possible. The team that completes the task faster wins.
The jury's word...
Educator: The rockets are ready, let's take off.

3 competition “The door to space is open for you.
Well, check yourself!
Questions for the Zvezda team:
-The largest planet in the solar system? Jupiter)
-The first man in space? (Yu. A. Gagarin)
-The source of life on Earth? (Sun)
-What is the name of a fallen stone from space? (meteorite)
-What animals were in space before the astronauts? (pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice...)
Questions for the Rocket team:
-What is the name of a person who flies into space? (astronaut)
-The first woman astronaut. (V. Tereshkova)
-What is the name of the biggest star? (Sun)
The jury's word...

4th competition “Walk into outer space”
2 tunnels (participants go into the “tunnel” one at a time, take a star, return and pass the baton to the next team player.
The jury's word...

5 competition "Riddles"
Riddles for the "Star" team:
1. Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep.
Let everyone sleep
She can't sleep
It shines for us from the sky. (Moon)

2. Far from the ground
You can't touch it. (Sky)
3. In a special pipe
Looks at the whole Universe. (Astronomer)

Riddles for Team Rocket
1. The grain scattered at night,
And in the morning there is nothing. (Stars)
2. There will be no knocking on the door or window,
And he will wake everyone up. (Sun)
3. Astronauts, sit tight
I'm going into space soon!
Around the Earth on a carousel
I'll spin around in orbit. (Rocket)

The jury's word...

6th competition " Space debris»
Each team has a brush and dustpan. Team players take turns collecting trash in a basket. The team that finished it faster won.
The jury's word...

7th competition " Space food»
You are given 2 tubes of toothpaste and 2 plates, whoever squeezes out the fastest toothpaste onto a plate (Team players take turns squeezing the paste out of the tube).
The jury's word...

Captains' competition "Collect an emblem"
Who can collect their team's emblem the fastest? Cut picture).
The jury's word...

Educator: Guys, you passed all the tests and proved that you know and can do a lot. We want you to always have a desire for new discoveries. Now we can return to Earth.
The jury sums up the results of the competition.

April 12, 1961 was the day that marked a new round in the development of science and technology. For decades before this, scientists different countries developed projects of space rockets - aircraft that help people go into space. Before this, in 1951, the first attempt was made to send dogs into space, however, the ship with the animals did not reach orbit - the dogs returned to earth. Later, after several more rocket launches with dogs on board, the world-famous successful flight of Belka and Strelka followed. Shortly before Yuri Gagarin became the world's first cosmonaut in 1961, a macaque monkey from the United States put on a spacesuit. In addition to these amazing flights, history knows the adventures of French cat-astronauts and even... turtles! In addition to mammals, various insects, plant seeds, algae, and microorganisms managed to visit orbit. The first person to set foot on the surface of the Moon was Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut. Since it was our country that was able to successfully send a person into outer space, for decades now we have been celebrating April 12, 1961 as Cosmonautics Day. This day is celebrated annually throughout Russia. Schools and kindergartens host holidays dedicated to space and everything related to astronautics. Together with the parents of the children, educators draw up scenarios for holding this holiday in the middle, senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten. Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten turns into a real intergalactic adventure for little boys and girls.

An amazing holiday for Cosmonautics Day 2017 in kindergarten - Scenarios for the April 12 event for children

The Cosmonautics Day holiday in kindergarten can be celebrated in different ways. Older children and preschoolers will be interested in a thematic conversation, the purpose of which will be to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about everything related to space. Showing slides during the conversation will help children understand how people came up with the idea of ​​​​building the first aircraft. Boys and girls are told about the role of K.E. Tsiolkovsky and S.P. Queen in the development of space shipbuilding. Of course, a monologue by a teacher or an invited guest, even if “flavored” by showing amazing pictures, would be boring, especially if such a story lasted a long time. That is why songs and poems about space are included in the scenario for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. They are read and sung by the children themselves. The more children are involved in organizing the holiday, the more interesting April 12th is in the kindergarten!

Ideas for Cosmonautics Day in Kindergarten - Scenario “Great Space Journey”

According to the “Great Space Journey” scenario, the holiday is opened by the host. He talks about why April 12 is usually called Cosmonautics Day. The presenter briefly tells the children the story of launching animals into space. Boys and girls look at photographs of Strelka and Belka. Perhaps some of the boys and girls have already watched a full-length Russian animated film about the adventures of dogs in orbit and their training. However, the presenter can tell the children that at the end of the matinee they will watch this funny cartoon. The script for the holiday must include a performance by the children with poems and songs about human flights into space. To do this, 7-14 days before the “Great Space Journey,” the teacher distributes to the children pieces of paper with poems about brave cosmonauts, about Yuri Gagarin’s first flight around the Earth. As the children were informed at the very beginning of the holiday, the matinee on April 12 ends with watching the cartoon “Belka and Strelka”.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - Scenario of a matinee for the middle group

IN middle group In kindergarten, 4-5 year old children do not all know how to memorize poetry well. However, at this age, children take part in various skits with pleasure. Since children cannot yet maintain attention for a long time while listening to a teacher or host of a matinee dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, the holiday script should include many short numbers - poems, dances, songs, skits. The kids will also be interested in the quiz - answers to questions about space and astronauts. Among other things, each of the kids, at will, can tell you everything he knows about rocket flight. The scenario for holding Cosmonautics Day in the middle group of a kindergarten may include holding a sporting event. Boys and girls already know that only the strongest and most trained people are hired as astronauts. The competition for the fastest, most dexterous and flexible will be enjoyed by all children without exception! Since space is always associated with riddles and secrets, children can be organized a “meeting with aliens.”

Celebration for Cosmonautics Day in the middle group - Scenario “Meeting with Aliens” in kindergarten

When spending Cosmonautics Day in the middle group of a kindergarten, it is not necessary to tell the children at length and in detail about the development of space shipbuilding. Children 4-5 years old are much closer to the ideas of everything magical, mysterious and unfamiliar related to space. Of course, they already know that life is possible on distant planets. Boys and girls secretly hope to meet aliens, see a UFO, a flying saucer. If you involve the most active parents of children in preparing the holiday, they will be able to play the roles of space aliens. Mothers can sew astronaut costumes for their children - “spacesuits”, and teachers and fathers can dress up as alien guests. In this case, young children become spectators of the big show “Meeting Aliens.” Of course, some of the children will recognize dad or mom in the aliens asking kindergarteners questions, but all the same, it will be fun!

Greeting the "alien"

Flying to you from afar
Bim-bim and I
Villager's planets
The TV show came to us
What fun and congratulations do you have here?

Is this some kind of guest here?
You'll look like a fool
Handsome and smart
What do we want them?

Pozhelyaka we are good-natured
Pozheljaka big guy
So that the old man doesn't live long
And a big wallet

We would like to sit down with you
But we need to fly away
To the planet Bim-Bonyako
Good luck to you guys
And you are fueled by cosmic energy
Dosvidyaka, dosvidyaka!!!
Fly away!!! Fly away!!!

Cosmonautics Day 2017 in kindergarten - Scenario for the preparatory group

The topic of space flight is always interesting for young children. Indeed, in childhood, not only boys, but also girls dream of becoming astronauts, going on a long journey to the stars and, perhaps, meeting representatives of alien civilizations there! The teacher, having involved the parents and older brothers and sisters of the children in the preparation of Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group of the kindergarten, can independently prepare a presentation about the history of human flights into space. To increase children's interest in the topic of astronautics, the adults responsible for the event collect materials about space in advance - photographs of animal astronauts, illustrations, posters, photo albums with photographs of explorers of interstellar space. The children are told about the first “flying” heroes of fairy tales and legends - the Little Humpbacked Horse, Icarus, flying carpets.

Celebration for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group - Scenario “I want to become an astronaut”

Preschoolers aged 6 years already memorize poems perfectly and actively participate in all events in honor of the holidays with pleasure. Children in the preparatory group of kindergarten can be invited to conduct matins “I want to become an astronaut.” Children's sports competitions, quizzes, and competitions must be included in the matinee script. Games and relay races included in the holiday script will bring great excitement to the matinee. For example, in the middle of an event, children may be divided into two teams. Each of these teams is given a construction set with large parts. Children compete with each other to build a rocket. Members of the winning team are always awarded homemade medals (for example, “Best Spaceship Designer” or “Future Cosmonaut”).

Sketch “I want to become an astronaut”

Dad is sitting at the table (the role is played by a boy). There is a second chair nearby.

HOST: Every boy dreams, of course,
That someday he will fly into space.
And the boy Seryozha was no exception,
I decided to be an astronaut when I grew up.

The boy Seryozha comes out into the middle of the hall.

SEREZHA: The astronauts are lucky,
They fly into space every day
They count the stars, walk on the moon...
How I want it the same way.
I want to become an astronaut
When I grow up and fly into space!

HOST: But first we need to find out
What does it take to become an astronaut?

Seryozha approaches dad.

SEREZHA: I’ll ask dad. Dad, tell me
What does it take to become an astronaut?

PAPA: Cosmonauts have their own special regime.
Exercise every day and they go to bed on time.
It's very important for health
Follow this special regime.
Jogging, push-ups, squats,
Douse with cold water.
At least start with this.

SEREZHA: Well, it’s a couple of trifles.
I’m already ready to do exercises.
And go to bed by the hour.
I can do all this myself.

DAD: Well, son, since you're ready,
Let's get started today.

HOST: He studied with dad all day,
And he did squats and push-ups,
I wiped myself with cold water,
And he even lifted the barbell.
He jumped, ran and skipped.
And by the evening I was terribly tired.

Dad and Seryozha pantomime depict exercises, running, wiping with water, etc.
On last words The presenter Seryozha sits down tiredly on a chair.

DAD: Are you so gloomy, son?
Have you changed your mind about becoming an astronaut?

SEREZHA: Now I understand - this is not easy work
Space flights.
I haven’t changed my mind about becoming an astronaut,
But I'm not ready yet
To such cosmic loads.
Being an astronaut is not easy!
Of course I won't be sad
I will develop strength in myself,
Do exercises in the morning
And go to bed on time.

HOST: All boys dream about space,
They read books about space.
They study the stars in the sky,
They dream of becoming astronauts.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten, senior and preparatory groups can turn into a fun and memorable event if you prepare for it in advance. We are sure that our ideas for scenarios for holding a matinee dedicated to space flights will help you hold a real holiday for children on April 12th.

Scenario sports festival, dedicated to the day Cosmonautics for older children preschool age"Space Travel"

Khachko Svetlana Nikolaevna instructor physical culture MBDOU No. 15 “Rucheyok”, Berdsk

This development is designed for children of older preschool age and is intended for physical education instructors and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Target: Developing endurance through means physical exercise mixed character.

Tasks in the main areas.
- strengthening the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.
- expanding and consolidating children’s knowledge about Space;
- consolidation of motor skills in relay races with different types activities;
- cultivate feelings of patriotism and love for our planet Earth.
- cultivate a desire for motor activity, attention when acting on the instructor’s signal.

Preliminary work:
Hall decoration: photo by Yu.A. Gagarin; illustrations depicting the solar system, spaceship, orbital station, an astronaut in zero gravity, an astronaut in a spacesuit.
Children learning poems on the topic
Making party invitations for parents

4 racks,
10 hoops,
skittles 12 pieces,
ribbons according to the number of children,
balls according to the number of children,
4 plastic bottles with cut out hole for legs,
2 fitballs,
2 cut plastic bottles with millet,
2 cups,
2 buckets,
multi-colored balls 40 pieces,
two magnetic boards with schematic representation The North Star and the constellation Ursa Major.

Progress of the holiday.

Leading: Hello dear guests. It is no coincidence that we have gathered in this festive hall today. On April 12, 1961, the first man on our planet, Yu.A., flew into space. Gagarin.

IN space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
(V. Stepanov)

No time to go for a walk today
We are busy with other things:
Unusual planets
We make things together.
Let them rotate in space
Rockets are flying towards them!
The brave astronauts
Kindergarten is playing.

We are brave pilots
We want to become faster
In real rockets
We'll fly into space.

The stars are bright above us
Will light up in the heights,
Russian flag let's raise
On Mars and the Moon.
(Ya. Serpina)

Leading: Guys, you all know that we live on planet Earth. The Earth is a huge ball floating in the endless expanse of Space. Space has always interested man. After all, it is important to know whether there is life somewhere else? Space still holds many mysteries...

Leading: Would you guys like to become astronauts?
What do you think an astronaut should be like? (healthy, strong, educated, smart, hardworking, brave, courageous, persistent, resilient).
If you try really hard,
If you really want it,
You can go to heaven
And fly to the Sun
And seriously, not in fun,
Meet the Moon
Walk around it a little
And return home again.

Leading: Attention! Attention! We invite all girls and boys to take a trip into outer space.
At our cosmodrome today there are 2 crews - “Mir” and “Kometa”.
Hoops are laid out in two lines on the floor. The hoops are the compartments of the ship.

The astronauts' motto:
To control a rocket
You need to be brave and strong
Weak people are not accepted into space.
After all, flying is not easy work!

Leading: Astronauts, stand still. Walk around to the left and march.

Game "Rocket Launcher".

Fast rockets are waiting for us (Walking on toes)
To fly to the planets. (Walking on your heels)
Whatever we want (Tilt down, spread your arms to the sides)
We'll fly to this one. (Stand up straight, hands behind your back)
But there is one secret in the game (Hands behind head)
There is no room for latecomers! (Sit down, back straight)

With the end of the words, the children run away and take up the rockets and hoops in pairs.
The Stargazer Fairy enters.

Fairy Stargazer: Hello children. I am a Fairy - Astrologer. I love watching the stars, the Sun, the Moon and other planets. For this I have many different instruments: telescope, space probes, binoculars, etc. I spend a lot of time near the radio telescope. With its help I travel around the planets. Guys! Where are you going? Take me with you.

Leading: Fine! In order not to get lost in outer space, we will mark our path with stars, and the Stargazer Fairy will help us with this.

Fairy Stargazer: I know everything, everything, and the biggest star - Polaris! I'll put it on your star charts. (Attaches to magnetic boards). Knowing its location it is easy to navigate in outer space, you can even find the constellation Ursa Major. Want it to show up on your star charts? Then you must try your best while making space travel. For completing the task, I will give you a star.

Leading: Crews prepare for flight. Please put on your space suits and go to your rockets. Hands are our seat belts.
Are the crews ready? Fasten your seat belts. Earth, do you allow takeoff? We begin the countdown 3-2-1 Start (in unison).
Flight director (call signs): “Mir”, “Comet”, take-off cleared!

Leading: 3,2,1, start! Let's fly! The music of the band "Spice" is playing
We found ourselves in zero gravity (WARM-UP to a soundtrack).
You conducted the warm-up very skillfully, for which each team receives a star. The Stargazer Fairy hands over the stars.

First stop on the Moon. (Show illustration posted on the wall).
1. What is the Moon? (Earth satellite)
2. The moon is larger or smaller than Earth, and the Sun?
3. Why does the Moon seem larger than the stars? (Close to Earth)
4. What kind of light will the Moon fly? (Reflected)
The moon has an uneven surface, it is difficult to move on it, lunar rovers will help us. Teams take starting places.

1 Relay race.
"Take a ride on the lunar rovers." Lunokhod - 5L plastic bottles with a cut-out hole for the leg. Put the lunar rovers on your feet, walk with long strides to the stand and back.

Leading: We return to the rocket. I propose to take a space trip to planets located closer to Earth. Our planet is the third from the Sun. We are flying to the second planet from the Sun - Venus. (Music accompaniment sounds). Fasten your seat belts. Venus is the hottest planet, surrounded by a dense atmosphere rich carbon dioxide.
We're about to land. Unfasten the seat belts. We move around the planet by jumping, since the planet is very hot. The Venerebols will help us.

2 Relay race.
"Jumping on venereal balls." Jumping on balls - fitballs.

The Stargazer Fairy hands over the stars.

Leading: We continue our journey. We are flying to the planet Mars. Children stand in columns, clasping their hands above their heads. (Music accompaniment sounds). In the night sky, the planet appears red because it is covered with red sand, and there is so much sand that all the rivers have dried up from it. Let's help the planet - collect red sand. We're landing.

3 Relay race.
"Let's move the Martian sand." There are empty containers near each team. At the counter, in transparent plastic jars, there is millet painted red. A child with a glass runs to the counter, picks up “sand”, runs to the team and pours it into the container. Passes the glass to the next person.

Leading. We continue our journey. We occupy the rockets. ( Musical accompaniment). We are flying to the planet Mercury. This is the closest planet to the Sun; this planet has no satellites. The planet can be hot during the day, and freezing rain can fall at night. Yesterday a lot of meteorites fell on Mercury, let's remove them to make it easier to explore the planet.

4 Relay race.
"Remove space debris." Each team collects colorful balls scattered around the hall into their basket. The Stargazer Fairy hands over the stars.
Now an intellectual task awaits you.

Riddles from the fairy astrologer.
The biggest and hottest star in the universe? (Sun)
Earth's natural satellite? (Moon)
The man who flies into space? (Astronaut)
What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? (Spacecraft)
Who was the first astronaut to fly into space? (Yuri Gagarin)
What was the name of the spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")
What holiday does our country celebrate every year on April 12? (Cosmonautics Day)

The Stargazer Fairy hands over the stars.

Leading: Our journey continues.

5 Relay race.
“Let’s assemble satellites with magnetotrons.”
Running in a hoop, you need to gather the whole crew one by one.

The Stargazer Fairy hands over the stars.

Contest “Collect the big bear.”
Guys, how many stars have you collected during your trip! Let's make a star chart to help us return home. Children collect the Big Dipper. The Stargazer Fairy hands over the last star from the constellation.

Leading: Thank you fairy. You have been a good help to us. It's time for us to return to Earth. The star map will help us. (Musical accompaniment). We successfully landed on our home planet. So the space journey has ended, you and I have returned home, to the best of all planets, planet Earth.

There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,
It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise...
All together:
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other like it!
(Ya.L. Yakim)

Song "Planet of Children" performed by children.
(lyrics by V. Kuznetsov, L. Shilov, music by N. Berestova)

Leading: You made wonderful astronauts. Now I want to give you a gift, a sweet prize.