Scenario of the sports festival "zoological races". Fun starts "Zoological races" (lesson script)

Scenario sports festival

"Olympic Zoological Races"

Form: Competition.

Goals and objectives:

Promotion of health, education of the right attitude towards healthy image life.

Equipment: carrots, basins, medals, fins, balls, knee pads, gloves, signal whistle.

Holiday program

The action takes place in a hall decorated with posters, toys, and balloons.

Guests, parents, teachers and children are invited to the hall.

Leading: Hello guys! Or rather, animals! Because today we have not a simple relay race, but a zoological one. And they will take part in it different animals, or rather, you will attend every relay race “in the skin” of some animal. All relay races are aimed at speed and correct completion of a task, which players will perform in turn in each team.

Relay “Turtles”.

Leading: We will start the “Zoological Races” with the slowest animals, and they have no need to rush, since their body is protected from enemies by a durable shell. Many species of turtles live in the desert, where it is warm: they lay their eggs in the sand, from which small “turtles” emerge.

Exercise: The player stands on all fours and a pelvis is placed on his back. You need to move very carefully to go the distance without dropping it. Passes the baton to the next one.

Relay “Penguins”.

Leading: And now from the hottest desert - to the coldest point on the globe - Antarctica. Birds live there that have adapted to this harsh climate. These are penguins. Their body is covered with thick, waterproof plumage; a thick layer of fat helps protect them from frost. On land they are very clumsy and cannot fly, but in water they can compete with dolphins: their wings serve as excellent oars, with their help penguins can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h. Now you will become penguins who decided to compete on the shore.

Exercise: The player holds a box of matches between his knees and needs to go the distance without dropping it. Whose team is faster?

Relay “Centipedes”.

Leading: Guys, do you know why the centipede was named that? That's right, she doesn't have two pairs of legs, but many. This is such a beautiful caterpillar and it can move very quickly.

Exercise: In order to turn into a centipede, the whole team needs to squat down, take the shoulders of the person in front, without detaching from each other or getting up, and walk the distance together. Whose centipede is faster?

Relay race “Hares”.

Leading: Hares are forest animals: they sleep during the day and come out to feed at night. In winter they feed on tree bark, and in summer on leaves and grass; in autumn they do not mind eating cabbage and carrots in gardens. And now the “bunnies” will jump on two legs and steal carrots from the garden.

Exercise: Place two chairs for each team at a distance of 10 - 15 meters from each other. Place carrots on one of them. Players take turns jumping in a bag to a chair with a “carrot” and take it with their teeth. Without helping with your hands. Bring to another chair, return to the team and pass the baton to the next player.

Relay “Frogs”.

Leading: There are a great many frogs on earth; they live all over the world. Most common green frog, which, of course, everyone saw. This is a predatory animal. It feeds only on prey that it catches itself. Its diet includes ordinary insects and snails. She is not averse to having lunch with her fellow creatures. During the day, frogs bask in the sun, sitting comfortably on the shore of a pond. In case of danger, they rush into the water and, having reached the bottom, bury themselves in the silt. They meet the evening dawn big companies with obligatory choral croaking.

Exercise: Each team player moves “frog-like,” squatting, pushing off the floor with his hands. You need to croak with every jump. Whose team it will pass faster relay race?

Relay “Camels”.

Leading: The camel has many adaptations to live in the desert. Long thick eyelashes protect his eyes from sand driven by strong winds. If it becomes difficult for him to breathe due to sandstorms, the camel may close his nostrils almost completely. The toes on each camel's foot are connected by a calloused pad, thanks to which it does not sink into the sand. The heat has almost no effect on him. The thorn-insensitive mouth is capable of chewing any thorn. A camel can not drink or eat due to the fat reserves in its humps.

Exercise: Each player walks the distance, carrying a matchbox on his back between his shoulder blades, trying not to drop it.

Relay “Bears”.

Leading: Bears are furry heavyweights among predators, but they happily eat various grains, roots, berries, and nuts. They are ready to endure bee stings just to get to their favorite honey - their favorite delicacy. A bear usually prefers to avoid meeting a person, but in case of danger it can safely attack. It is very difficult to escape from him. Now you will be “in the skin” of a bear and try to move quickly.

Exercise: Participants stand on their hands and feet. You need to move while placing your left hands and left leg, then right hand And right leg, as if waddling from one side to the other.

Relay “Snakes”.

Leading: Snakes are different. For example, the anaconda is the most big snake on our planet. Anacondas live in or near water and are excellent swimmers and divers. They crawl ashore to warm themselves and dine on caught prey - fish or bird. They are also not averse to feasting on small domestic animals, causing panic in villages with their raids. Sometimes snakes attack fairly large animals, such as a pig, and sometimes they even decide to attack a person. There have been cases when anacondas tried to kidnap small children. Thick, shiny anaconda skin is tanned and used to make durable suitcases, boots, horse blankets and much more. Meat and fat are eaten, and they say that the meat is very tasty. A little sweet. In dense tropical forests, the anaconda feels like a master.

Exercise: Children stand one after another, holding onto the shoulders of the person in front. For each team, pins are placed on the floor. The team's task is to run around all the pins without coming apart. Whose team is faster?

The jury sums up the results.

The winning teams are awarded prizes and certificates.


, Cool management

Form: Competition.

Goals and objectives:

  • Health promotion,
  • Cultivating the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Holiday program

The action takes place in gym, which is decorated with posters, toys, inflatable balls.

Guests, parents, teachers and children are invited to the hall.

Host: Hello, guys! Or rather, animals! Because today we have not a simple relay race, but a zoological one. And different animals will take part in it, or rather, you will attend each relay race “in the shoes” of some animal. All relay races are aimed at speed and correct completion of a task, which players will perform in turn in each team.

Relay “Turtles”.

Presenter: We will start the “Zoological Races” with the slowest animals, and there is no need for them to rush, since their body is protected from enemies by a durable shell. Many species of turtles live in the desert, where it is warm: they lay eggs in the sand, from which small turtles hatch.

Task: The player gets on all fours and a pelvis is placed on his back. You need to move very carefully to go the distance without dropping it. Passes the baton to the next one.

Relay “Penguins”.

Host: And now from the hottest desert - to the coldest point on the globe - Antarctica. Birds live there that have adapted to this harsh climate. These are penguins. Their body is covered with thick, waterproof plumage; a thick layer of fat helps protect them from frost. On land they are very clumsy and cannot fly, but in water they can compete with dolphins: their wings serve as excellent oars, with their help penguins can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h. Now you will become penguins who decided to compete on the shore.

Task: A player holds a box of matches between his knees; you need to go the distance without dropping it. Whose team is faster?

Relay “Centipedes”.

Host: Guys, do you know why the centipede was called that? That's right, she doesn't have two pairs of legs, but many. This is such a beautiful caterpillar and it can move very quickly.

Task: In order to turn into a centipede, the whole team needs to squat down, take the shoulders of the person in front, without detaching from each other or getting up, and walk the distance together. Whose centipede is faster?

Relay race “Hares”.

Presenter: Hares are forest animals: they sleep during the day and come out to feed at night. In winter they feed on tree bark, and in summer on leaves and grass; in autumn they do not mind eating cabbage and carrots in gardens. And now the “bunnies” will jump on two legs and steal carrots from the garden.

Assignment: Place two chairs for each team at a distance of 10 - 15 meters from each other. Place carrots on one of them. Players take turns jumping in a bag to a chair with a “carrot” and take it with their teeth. Without helping with your hands. Bring to another chair, return to the team and pass the baton to the next player.

Relay “Frogs”.

Presenter: There are a great many frogs on earth, they live all over the world. The most common one is the green frog, which, of course, everyone has seen. This is a predatory animal. It feeds only on prey that it catches itself. Its diet includes ordinary insects and snails. She is not averse to having lunch with her fellow creatures. During the day, frogs bask in the sun, sitting comfortably on the shore of a pond. In case of danger, they rush into the water and, having reached the bottom, bury themselves in the silt. They greet the evening dawn in large companies with obligatory choral croaking.

Task: Each team player moves “like a frog”, squatting, pushing off the floor with his hands. You need to croak with every jump. Whose team will complete the relay faster?

Relay “Camels”.

Host: A camel has many adaptations to live in the desert. Long thick eyelashes protect his eyes from sand driven by strong winds. If it becomes difficult for him to breathe due to sandstorms, the camel may close his nostrils almost completely. The toes on each camel's foot are connected by a calloused pad, thanks to which it does not sink into the sand. The heat has almost no effect on him. The thorn-insensitive mouth is capable of chewing any thorn. A camel can not drink or eat due to the fat reserves in its humps.

Task: Each player walks the distance, carrying a matchbox on his back between his shoulder blades, trying not to drop it.

Relay “Bears”.

Presenter: Bears are furry heavyweights among predators, but they happily eat various grains, roots, berries, and nuts. They are ready to endure bee stings just to get to their favorite honey - their favorite delicacy. A bear usually prefers to avoid meeting a person, but in case of danger it can safely attack. It is very difficult to escape from him. Now you will be “in the skin” of a bear and try to move quickly.

Task: Participants stand on their hands and feet. You need to move by placing your left arms and left leg at the same time, then your right arm and right leg, as if rolling from one side to the other.

Relay “Snakes”.

Host: Snakes are different. For example, the anaconda is the largest snake on our planet. Anacondas live in or near water and are excellent swimmers and divers. They crawl ashore to warm themselves and dine on caught prey - fish or bird. They are also not averse to feasting on small domestic animals, causing panic in villages with their raids. Sometimes snakes attack fairly large animals, such as a pig, and sometimes they even decide to attack a person. There have been cases when anacondas tried to kidnap small children. Thick, shiny anaconda skin is tanned and used to make durable suitcases, boots, horse blankets and much more. Meat and fat are eaten, and they say that the meat is very tasty. A little sweet. In dense tropical forests, the anaconda feels like a master.

Assignment: Children stand one after another, holding the shoulders of the person in front. For each team, pins are placed on the floor. The team's task is to run around all the pins without coming apart. Whose team is faster?

The jury sums up the results. The winning teams are awarded prizes and certificates.

A man walks on two legs. Everyone knows this. How do animals and insects move? Invite children to master the methods of movement of some animals, and not just master them, but conduct “Zoological races”.
Such unusual relay races will fit well into the Nature Day program.
They are not only sporting and entertaining in nature, but also educational. By copying the movements of animals, children will at the same time get acquainted with some representatives of this world, learn about their habits, and appreciate their strength and dexterity.
Hare meandering through the forest
- All of you have probably seen a hare, at least on TV. Remember how he moves? He jumps, leaning on his front paws and pushing off the ground with his hind paws. Moreover, his hind ones go behind his front ones when he jumps. The hare has one more feature: when escaping from predators, it constantly confuses its tracks, that is, it does not run in a straight line, but winds.
3-4 chairs are installed along the line of movement - these are “trees”. Participants must move, imitating the running of a hare. The arms are the front legs, the legs are the hind legs. Moving forward, the participant must lean on his hands, pushing off the floor with his feet. Do not forget that you need to loop, that is, go around each chair - a “tree”.
Kangaroo with baby
- Kangaroo is a marsupial animal that lives in Australia. Distinctive feature kangaroo - excellent jumping ability. Thanks to its strong paws, the kangaroo makes its long jumps, while carefully carrying its baby in its pouch, which is located on its stomach.
Each team will need: a medium-sized bag or a large bag, a volleyball and rope.
The bag is tied to the participant at waist level. At the signal, participants place a ball in their bags and jump over the distance. You cannot hold the ball with your hands! It is important that the “baby” does not fall out of the bag.
- Penguins live in Antarctica. These are beautiful, graceful birds that cannot fly, but swim superbly and walk very funny. Remember their graceful waddle? Penguins walk by waddling from side to side. They have another one interesting feature: They manage to carry their newly hatched babies between their paws.
You only need 2 tennis balls. The participant’s task: holding the tennis ball at knee level, carry it to the turning mark and back. In this case, you cannot jump or run. You have to waddle like a penguin.
Turtle Traveler
- The turtle is a slow animal. Well, of course! Try to move quickly when you have a whole shell house on your back. And yet the turtle travels long distances through the desert.
You will need a plastic basin. The participant gets down on all fours, and a pelvis is placed on his back, bottom up. The result was a turtle. Now she must go all the way to the turn and back without losing her “shell.” Since the pelvis is not secured by anything, the participant must inevitably move carefully, and therefore slowly, like a turtle. Otherwise, there is a risk of being left without a shell, and for the turtle this is tantamount to death.
Cancer fleeing danger
“Unfortunately, it is now becoming increasingly difficult to find crayfish in our water bodies. He needs clean running water to live. But we hope you know what cancer looks like, so we won't describe it in detail. But there is one very interesting circumstance in the behavior of this animal. Fleeing from danger, the crayfish moves backwards, runs very quickly with its tail forward and at the same time keeps its claws ready for defense.
In the relay race, participants will have to move backwards, imitating the actions of a crayfish. The participant gets on all fours facing the team. At a signal, he begins to move to the turning flag and back to warn the next “crawfish” about the danger.
Frog on the hunt
- As you know, frogs prefer a mosquito or a fly for lunch. But in order for the hunt to be successful, she needs to get out of the water and cover a certain path to find the prey. How does a frog move? She jumps using the strength of her webbed hind feet.
For the relay you will need fins and tennis balls. Flippers will help you get used to the image of a frog, and tennis balls will be the frog’s “victim” - a mosquito or a fly.
The participant puts fins on his feet, squats down and, at a signal, begins to move, jumping like a frog. Having reached the turning point, he stops and turns to face the team. The next participant throws the “mosquito” ball to the “frog”. The frog must catch the prey and return home with it. Gives the fins to the second participant, and the ball to the third.
Nimble monkeys
- Who doesn’t know a monkey? This is a cute, funny, nimble and agile animal. You've probably seen in movies how monkeys can jump and climb trees. When jumping, they use vines on which they swing, like on a swing. Monkeys cling to vines with all four paws, and sometimes even with their tail.
The relay will require long ropes or ropes. They will be "vines". These vines are laid on the ground along the entire length from start to finish. Participants overcome the path there and back on all fours, that is, stepping on the rope with their feet and holding on to it with their hands.
Cockroach race
- This type of competition really exists. Cockroaches are even specially prepared for this. In case you forgot: the cockroach has 6 legs and runs very fast.
Each race must involve 2 team members. One gets on all fours, and the second hugs him around the waist. Only 6 legs. With such an unstable structure, you must try to develop greater speed.
Bactrian camel
- The camel is the ship of the desert. It can go without food and water for a long time thanks to its humps, in which it stores moisture reserves. A camel can run quite fast, but more often it strides sedately along the desert sand.
In the relay race, the position is the same as in cockroach racing, only the first participant does not touch the ground with his hands, and both participants hold the ball with one hand, which lies on their backs, so that the “humps” do not fall to the ground. After all, if a camel’s hump falls off, it means that its reserves have run out and it may die.
Squirrel carrying a nut
- The squirrel is a very nimble, agile and dexterous animal. Remember how great she is at jumping from tree to tree, while managing to carry mushrooms, nuts or berries.
For the relay you need: 5-7 hoops and 1 volleyball. The hoops are placed on the ground so that you can jump from one to the next. Moreover, they may not lie on a straight line. The “squirrel’s” task is to carry the “nut” - the ball, jumping from “tree” to “tree” (from hoop to hoop). Returning to his “hollow”, the participant passes the “nut” to the next “squirrel”. The relay can be made more difficult if there are 2 or 3 “nuts”.
- The snake has no legs, it cannot walk or run. The snake crawls gracefully, silently and very quickly. She bends her whole body at the same time. She smoothly avoids all obstacles in her path.
For the relay race, 5-6 chairs are needed, they are installed on the line of movement. The whole team lines up in a column one at a time, puts their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and squats together.
Task: cover the distance to the turning point and back, avoiding all obstacles and not touching them. It is important not to become disengaged and not to stand in full height, otherwise you will end up with a “snake with legs” or a “torn snake”, but this does not happen in nature.
Spider weaving a web
- The spider catches its prey by weaving intricate webs of its web. Sometimes its web is compared to lace. Unlike a cockroach, a spider has 8 legs, and the spider moves on them very quickly.
4 people take part in this relay race. They stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands, bent at the elbows. In such a coupling they turn into a “spider”, which has 8 legs. Now the spider needs to quickly cover the distance and return back. But you will have to move along the “thread of the cobweb” (a line drawn in chalk), it may have unexpected turns and zigzags.
Hardworking ants
- Walking through the forest, everyone probably met an anthill on their way. It is constantly in full swing with work. No wonder ants are considered the most hardworking insects. Moreover, if it is difficult for one, others come to the rescue. All together the ants can drag even a very heavy object into the anthill.
For the relay: 1 gymnastic stick for each team.
The first participant takes a stick and runs with it to the turning point and back to his “anthill” to ask for help. When the first one returns to the start, the second ant takes up the stick, and they go the same way together. Then they call the third, and so the whole team must grab the “heavy burden” and bring it to the “anthill”.
- You, no doubt, have observed more than once how the centipede caterpillar moves. She pulls up back body to the front, and then straightens, “throwing” the front part of his body forward. And so many times. Her mode of movement resembles a wave.
For the relay race you will need 10 ropes a little over a meter long, you can use jump ropes, as well as chairs or stands to secure these ropes.
On the line of movement, install stands with tensioned ropes at a distance of 3-4 m from each other. Each team needs to make 5 such obstacles.
The whole team takes part in the relay race at the same time. Participants line up in a column, placing their hands on the waist or shoulders of the person in front. At a signal, the caterpillar begins to move. When approaching an obstacle, the first player bends down to pass under the taut rope. Following him, everyone else will have to bend over or sit down. After passing under the rope, you can straighten up again. So, overcoming obstacles, the “centipede” will make wave-like movements, imitating a real caterpillar.

Zoological races- relay races in which different “animals” participate, and more precisely people imitate the movements of animals. At such events, children get acquainted with some facts from the life of animals, learn about their habits and methods of movement.

Kangaroo with baby

You need a medium-sized bag (or a backpack, or a bag), a volleyball and a rope. Bags or sacks are tied to the participants starting the relay at waist level. At the signal, the participants place the balls in the bags and cover the distance by jumping. It is prohibited to hold the bag with the cub with your hands. It is important that the baby does not fall out of the bag.


You need 2 tennis balls. The participant’s task is to hold the tennis ball with their feet at knee or ankle level and carry it to the turning mark and back. In this case, you cannot jump or run. You have to waddle, but as quickly as possible.

Turtle Traveler

You need a metal or plastic basin. The first participant gets down on all fours, and a pelvis is placed on his back, bottom up. Now you need to go there and back without losing your shell-pelvis.

Cancer fleeing danger

The participant will have to move backwards. Get on all fours facing the team. At a signal, he starts moving in this position, runs to the turn and returns.

Frog on the hunt

The first participant puts on fins, squats down and begins to move forward, jumping like a frog. Having reached the turn, he turns to face his team. At this time, the next participant throws a tennis ball - a mosquito - to the frog. The frog must catch the prey and return home with it.

Bactrian camel

2 participants are running. They stand one after another, bend over, and the second holds his hand on the belt of the first. A volleyball is placed on each participant’s back. Both participants hold them with one hand to prevent the hump balls from falling to the ground.

A squirrel carrying a nut. Prepare 5-7 hoops for each team, depending on the length of the distance, and one volleyball. Place the hoops on the ground so that you can jump from one to the next. Moreover, they may not lie on a straight line. The squirrel's task is to carry the nut - a volleyball ball, belching from tree to tree (from hoop to hoop), first to the turn and back. (you can give 2-3 balls)

Spider weaving a web

4 people participate at the same time. They stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands, bent at the elbows. Now the spider needs to quickly go from the start to the turn and back. But you will have to move not in a straight line, but along a thread of a spider’s web. Let it be a rope laid on the ground or a line drawn with chalk. The line may have unexpected turns and zigzags.

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Educational and sports game "Zoological races"


    introduce the movement of some animals in nature, help consolidate knowledge junior schoolchildren about animals, broaden children's horizons;

    promote the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, cognitive activity, student reactions, development of dexterity and coordination of movements;

    bring up friendly team, a sense of camaraderie to promote a love of nature and interest in the animal world.


    3 sheets of whatman paper, which depict the outlines of a kangaroo, ostrich, penguin (you can depict the outlines of other animals);

    3 markers (green, blue, red or brown);

    Landmarks (chairs);

    tennis ball – 3 pieces;

    backpack, ball - 3 pieces;

    skittles - 3 pieces;

    20 balloons;

  • 3 baskets (image on whatman paper with slots for putting in tokens);

    3 identical backpacks and 3 tennis balls.


1. Introductory part

Presenter: - Today we will not have a simple relay race, but a zoological one and it is called “Zoological Races”. Zoology is a science that studies the life of animals. Races mean we will run, imitating animals. Let's get acquainted with some facts from the life of animals. And different animals will take part in it, or rather, you will attend each relay race in the skin of some animal. All relay races will be based on the speed and correctness of the task, which the players will perform in turn in each team. In order to organize such competitions, I suggest dividing into 3 teams. For each competition, whoever comes first will receive tokens, and whoever has the most at the end of the game wins.

Assignment to the teams:

Come up with a team name, the name should be invented in accordance with the theme of the event, calling the team some kind of animal.

Create a team greeting.

Leading: - Diverse fauna. Nature gave some animals paws, and they move on the ground. Others have wings and can fly. Many animals have fins and flippers to swim. And there are also those who have no paws, wings, or fins at all. These animals crawl on the ground, through trees, and along the bottom of reservoirs. Thus, all animals have adapted to their environment.

Team presentation.

Warm-up: Game “Say the Word”

    The hare jumps, and the swallow... (flies);

    The worm crawls, and the fish... (swims);

    The horse gallops, and the snake... (crawls);

2. Relay races

Leading: - Guys, we have prepared tokens for you. If the team comes first, the jury gives 3 tokens to the second - 2 tokens, to the third - 1 token.

1 relay race “Drawing animals”: For each team, a Whatman paper and a marker are placed on the floor at a distance of 6 meters. On command, the player runs to the landmark, takes a marker, draws an animal's head, returns to the team, touches the next player. The second player runs to the landmark and draws the body, the third - the legs, the fourth - the tail, the fifth - the muzzle, the sixth - grass, sand, earth, the seventh - finishes the drawing.

Leading: - And now we will begin the “Zoological Races” with the slowest animals, and they have no need to rush, since their body is protected by a shell, which is very durable. What kind of animal is this? That's right, turtles. I think that we won’t see any slow turtles today, they will be fast. Turtles live in the desert, where it is warm. They lay eggs in the sand, from which small turtles hatch.

2nd relay race “Turtles”. Children get on all fours and walk the entire distance, back and forth, passing the baton to the next player.

Leading: - Ostrich is the most big bird on the ground. His egg replaces 18 chicken eggs. This bird cannot fly, but runs very fast. And now, imitating this bird, you will pass the next test.

3rd relay race “Ostrich racing”: On command, you will run around the landmark, trying to get ahead of your opponent.

Presenter: - And now from the hot desert we will find ourselves in the coldest point on the globe - Antarctica. Birds live there that have adapted to the harsh climate. These are penguins, their body is covered with thick, waterproof plumage, and a thick layer of fat protects them from bitter frosts. On land they are very clumsy and cannot fly. But in the water they can compete with dolphins. Their wings serve as excellent oars, with their help they can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h. In Antarctica it is very cold, so that the egg does not freeze, penguins put it on their feet and sometimes move along with the egg. In this relay race you will be penguins who decided to compete on the shore.

4th relay race “Caring Penguins”: The participant’s task is to hold a tennis ball (or matchbox) with their feet at knee level and carry it to a landmark. You can't jump and run. You have to move like a penguin. Try not to drop the ball. Return running with the ball in hand.

Leading: - And there are also such animals - hares; in our country the most common are the hare and the hare. Hares are forest animals; they sleep during the day and come out to feed at night. In winter they feed on tree bark, and in summer on leaves and grass; in autumn they are not averse to eating cabbage and carrots in gardens.

5th relay race “Hares”. Now the “bunnies” will jump on two legs and steal carrots from the garden.

Place a chair at a distance of 10 meters from each team. Place one pin on one carrot. Jump in the bag to the chair, pick up the carrot and come back, pass the baton.

Leading: And there is such an insect as a centipede. Why was the centipede called that? That's right, she doesn't have 2 pairs of legs, but many. This is such a beautiful caterpillar, it can move very quickly. The competition is to see whose tail and legs come first.

6th “Centipede” relay race. Everyone needs to squat down and take the shoulders of the person in front. Without unhooking, without getting up, walk the distance together. Whose centipede is faster? You can't uncouple.

Leading: - Rhinoceros is one of the oldest mammals; its ancestors lived on Earth 60 million years ago. They called him that because of the huge horn that adorns his nose. It weighs as much as 4 tons, its length is 2.5 m and it is on the verge of extinction. The reason for this was his formidable weapon - the horn. People came up with a myth that his horn saves people from many diseases, and a cup made from it will immediately show that poison is poured into it. But science has proven that rhinoceros horn does not have any healing properties.

7th relay race “Rhinoceroses”. On all fours, each player in turn must move the disposable cup with his nose a certain distance. Who's faster?

Leading: - A great variety of frogs live all over the world. The most common one is the green frog, which, of course, each of you has seen. This is a predatory animal. She feeds only on prey that she catches herself. Its diet includes insects, spiders, and snails. She is not averse to having lunch with her fellow creatures. During the day, frogs bask in the sun, sitting comfortably on the shore. In case of danger, they rush into the water and, having reached the bottom, bury themselves in the silt. They greet the evening dawn in large companies with the obligatory choral croaking.

8th relay race “Frogs”. Each team player moves “like a frog”, squatting, pushing off the floor with his hands. You need to croak with every jump.

Leading: - Let's talk about bears. Bears are furry heavyweights among predators, but they happily eat a variety of grains, roots, berries, and nuts. They are ready to endure bee stings just to get to honey - their favorite delicacy. The bear usually prefers to avoid humans, but in case of danger it can safely attack. It is very difficult to escape from him. Now you will be in the skin of a bear and try to move quickly.

9th relay race “Bears”. Get on all fours. You need to move around while placing left hand and the left leg, the right arm and the right leg, as if waddling from one side to the other.

Leading: - Now let’s return to the hot desert where camels live. The camel has many adaptations to live in the desert. Long thick eyelashes protect his eyes from sand driven by strong winds. If it becomes difficult for him to breathe due to sandstorms, the camel may close his nostrils almost completely. Both toes on each foot are connected by a calloused pad. Thanks to this pillow, he does not sink into the sand. The heat has almost no effect on him; his mouth, insensitive to thorns, is capable of chewing any thorn. A camel can go without eating or drinking for a long time due to fat reserves in its humps.

10th “Camel” relay race. Each player walks the distance, bent over, and carries a matchbox on his back near his shoulder blades. You must not drop it from your back.

Leading: - Kangaroos live in Australia. They move by jumping. In front they have a pouch containing their baby. Imitating a kangaroo, you will jump, trying not to drop the baby.

11th relay race “Kangaroo Jumping”: Put a backpack on the player. Put the ball in the backpack without closing it. Jump to reach the landmark and return back. Pass the bag to the second player, be sure to help him put on the bag.

Leading: - Do you know that some of the oldest animals with the most in a loud voice on the planet, crocodiles. Like birds, crocodiles hatch from eggs. They are mobile in water and move slowly on land.

12th relay race “Crocodiles”: The team’s task is to walk together around the landmark and return without getting disengaged. Between each player - balloon. One holds him with his back, and the other with his chest. This relay is not a speed race. Moving as a team, we imitate the movement of a crocodile on land.

Leading: - Let's talk about reptiles, snakes. Snakes are different. For example, the anaconda is the largest snake on our planet. They live in or near water and are excellent swimmers and divers. They crawl ashore to warm up and dine on caught prey - fish, birds, and are not averse to feasting on domestic animals, and with their raids they sow panic in the villages. Sometimes they attack fairly large animals, such as a pig, and sometimes they decide to attack a person. There have been cases when anacondas tried to kidnap small children. Thick, shiny anaconda skin is tanned and used to make durable suitcases, boots, horse blankets and much more. Meat and fat are eaten, and they say that the meat is very tasty, slightly sweet in taste. In dense tropical forests, they feel like mistresses.

13th relay race “Snakes”. Children stand one after another, holding the shoulders of the person in front. For each team, an equal number of pins are placed on the floor. The team's task is to go around all the pins without getting disengaged. Whose team is faster?

Leading: - Our “Zoological Races” competition has come to an end, I think that you and I have learned a lot from this event,

3. Conclusion.

Summing up. The jury counts the tokens for each team; the team that has the most of them wins.

Leading: - Let's sum up the results of the competition.

Teams are awarded prizes and certificates.

Leading: - And now, let’s thank each other for their active participation in the educational and sports game “Zoological Races” with applause. Thank you all for your work.