IBS treatment clinic. Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome– intestinal dysfunction caused by disorders nervous regulation and psychoemotional disorders. Accompanied by discomfort and constant aching or sharp pain in the abdomen, which goes away after defecation, and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. An imperative urge to defecate is characteristic, mucus may be released with feces, a change in stool frequency, and stool consistency. Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics aimed at excluding organic pathology digestive tract. Treatment of the syndrome includes diet therapy, psychotherapy, and medication.

General information

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the large intestine, a symptom complex characterized by prolonged (up to six months) and regular (more than three days per month) occurrence of abdominal pain and bowel dysfunction (constipation or diarrhea). IBS – functional disease, is associated with disorders of intestinal motility and food digestion. This is confirmed by the irregularity of complaints, a wave-like course without progression of symptoms. Relapses of the disease are often provoked by stressful situations. No weight loss is noted.

Among the population of developed countries, irritable bowel syndrome occurs in 5-11% of citizens; women suffer from it twice as often as men. Most typical for the age group 20-45 years. When identifying symptoms of IBS after 60 years, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination for organic pathologies (diverticulosis, polyposis, colon cancer). Irritable bowel syndrome in this age group occurs more than one and a half times less often.

Causes of IBS

Currently, the causes and mechanisms of development of irritable bowel syndrome are not well understood. Several factors have been identified that influence functional state large intestine and contributing to its irritation. The most obvious dependence is clinical course irritable bowel syndrome from psychological factors, which suggests psycho-neurogenic mechanisms for the development of the disease. It was noted that in 32-44% of cases, the onset of pathology was preceded by a strong psycho-emotional shock; many patients with IBS experience depression, hypochondria, insomnia, various phobias and other neurotic disorders.

Factors contributing to the onset of the disease, experts in the field of modern proctology include physical trauma and infectious diseases of the intestine (dysentery, escherichiosis, salmonellosis, etc.) in the anamnesis, visceral hyperalgesia (intestinal hypersensitivity), hormonal status(women are prone to irritable bowel attacks during menstruation), genetic predisposition(IBS is more common in both twins in identical pairs than in fraternal pairs).


The clinical classification of irritable bowel syndrome is based on the predominance of certain defecation disorders: IBS with a predominance of constipation, diarrhea, mixed and unclassified.

Symptoms of IBS

Basic clinical manifestations irritable bowel syndrome: pain and stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea, their alternation). Abdominal pain in IBS is usually localized in the lower abdomen, has a dull, aching character, but can also manifest as acute cramping attacks. The pain intensifies after eating, weakens after defecation; in women, attacks often occur immediately before and during menstruation. Night pain that interferes with sleep is uncommon.

A change in the nature of bowel movements can be either in the direction of constipation (stool less than once every 3 days) or in the form of diarrhea (frequent and loose stool). Diarrhea usually occurs in the morning and rarely occurs more than 2-5 times a day; at night it usually does not bother. Often there is an alternation of periods of constipation with diarrhea. In addition, patients may notice an increased urge to defecate, increased gas formation. With irritable bowel syndrome, the total mass of feces excreted per day usually does not increase.

Extraintestinal manifestations of IBS may include nausea, belching, vomiting, pain in the right hypochondrium, dysuria, headaches, weakness, and chilly fingers. Sometimes there are sleep disturbances, difficulty breathing, and the inability to lie on the left side. In many patients, irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by neuropsychiatric disorders and sexual dysfunction.

Criteria indicating the organic nature of the problem include: old age patients, cancer-complicated family history, fever, changes internal organs during physical examination (hepato- and splenomegaly), identification of pathological markers during laboratory tests, unjustified loss of body weight, clinical manifestations at night. If these signs are noted, then it is necessary to suspect any organic disease colon and conduct a comprehensive examination to exclude it.


The examination is carried out by a proctologist. Along with clinical symptoms and physical examination data, laboratory and instrumental studies are used as diagnostic measures for suspected irritable bowel syndrome, aimed primarily at excluding or identifying other chronic organic pathologies of the digestive tract, which may manifest with similar symptoms.

Laboratory research methods are represented by general and biochemical blood tests, stool analysis for occult blood, steatorrhea, coprogram, and stool culture. Changes normal indicators at laboratory diagnostics talking about organic character pathological process, with IBS, the test results are normal.

TO instrumental methods diagnostics applicable for irritable bowel syndrome include abdominal ultrasound, CT scan of the intestine, radiographic examinations (irrigoscopy, intestinal radiography), endoscopic examinations(colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy). These studies also exclude organic lesion intestines, confirming functional character disorders. In addition to examining the digestive tract, women are advised to consult a gynecologist. Patients with IBS should consult a psychotherapist.

Treatment of IBS

Treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome is difficult due to insufficiently studied mechanisms of its occurrence and development. Today there is only one effective scheme no treatment has been developed. Worth noting high percentage the effectiveness of placebo in the treatment of this pathology, which indicates a significant dependence of its course on psychological attitudes. The significant role of the psycho-emotional factor implies the participation of a psychotherapist in the treatment.

The complex of therapeutic techniques in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome includes dietary nutrition, an active lifestyle, influence on emotional state patient and if necessary drug therapy for relief clinical symptoms. Recommendations for dietary nutrition vary depending on the prevalence of constipation and diarrhea in the clinic, but all patients with IBS should avoid foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa and contribute to excess production. gastric juice and bile, as well as rough food that can mechanically damage the intestinal wall. In case of diarrhea, products containing plant fiber are also removed from the diet, astringents are recommended, while when constipation predominates, cereals, vegetables, bread with bran are introduced into the diet and foods that impede the passage of dietary juice are excluded.

For patients with irritable bowel syndrome, physical activity, walking, and aerobics are recommended. Physical therapy courses are often prescribed. In addition, it is advisable to normalize the daily routine, give up activities rich in stressful situations, and try to avoid emotional stress and stress. Psychotherapeutic techniques are recommended.

To restore and normalize the natural intestinal flora, patients with irritable bowel syndrome are prescribed medications intestinal bacteria. In addition, medications may be used to relieve pain (antispasmodics), relieve diarrhea (loperamide), and relieve constipation (laxatives). plant origin- lactulose). In case of pronounced neurological symptoms may be appointed sedatives(valerian, motherwort, etc.), mild sleeping pills. Reflexology, neurosedative massage, electrosleep, relaxing aromatic baths and herbal baths with valerian are indicated. Tranquilizers, antidepressants, antipsychotics are prescribed only according to indications after consultation with a psychiatrist.

Prognosis and prevention

As preventive measures For irritable bowel syndrome, it is worth noting the normalization of diet and lifestyle ( balanced diet, regular meals, avoiding physical inactivity, abuse of alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, spicy and fatty foods), maintaining a positive emotional environment, taking medicines strictly according to indications.

Irritable bowel syndrome is not a progressive disease; despite its long course, it is not prone to complications. In 30% of cases there is a cure. Sometimes it goes away on its own due to a change in the psychological situation and its normalization. The prognosis is favorable, cure largely depends on the correction of concomitant neuropsychic manifestations.

  • We treat the intestines without drugs
  • Noticeable improvement after 1-3 sessions
  • We restore the intestines comprehensively

Have you noticed any disturbances in your bowel function? Do you constantly feel discomfort? So, it's time to fight irritable bowel syndrome. And this is best done with the help of specialists.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder that is not considered a disease; it is classified as a set of symptoms that cause cramping, diarrhea, flatulence and constipation. With IBS, the patient is bothered by abdominal pain, which goes away a little or completely disappears after defecation. You can normalize digestion and get rid of symptoms without antibiotics and other medications, using only oriental medicine.

Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If intestinal dysfunction occurs in the human body due to irritable bowel syndrome, then the patient is concerned about:

  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • abdominal pain that disappears after bowel movement;
  • diarrhea (stool more than 3 times a day);
  • constipation (stool frequency less than every other day);
  • sudden attacks and cramps in the abdominal area;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • bloating in the abdomen and flatulence;
  • unpleasant burning sensation in the intestines;
  • the presence of mucus and undigested pieces of food in the stool.

If symptoms persist for three months, then in this case we can say that the patient has IBS. In such a patient, the doctor must exclude the presence of:

  1. blood in stool;
  2. increase or decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, increase in the level of leukocytes;
  3. night abdominal pain;
  4. increased body temperature;
  5. liver enlargement;
  6. weight loss;
  7. enlarged spleen.

Causes of IBS

IBS belongs to the group functional disorders. There are no exact factors that cause this disease. But among the main causes of irritable bowel syndrome, first of all, we can highlight:

  • prolonged stress;
  • depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • low mobility;
  • feeling of constant anxiety;
  • post-traumatic conditions;
  • heredity;
  • Not proper nutrition;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • application hormonal drugs etc.

Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Today, treatment methods for irritable bowel syndrome are very diverse:

  • Acupuncture - eliminates pain, regulates metabolic processes in the gastrointestinal tract, restores the balance of the body, improves immunity.
  • Acupressure biologically active points Gastrointestinal tract: stimulates the metabolic process, allows you to better cope with increased fatigue and stress, improves overall well-being.
  • Moxibustion therapy with wormwood cigars: warms up bioactive points of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates pain, restores the patient’s energy.
  • Stone therapy: eliminates stress, relieves fatigue, activates metabolic processes, improves the general condition of a person, normalizes blood circulation and the functioning of many internal organs.
  • Herbal medicine - restores the gastrointestinal mucosa, has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects, calms the nervous system, increases immunity and improves the digestion process.
  • Nutrition correction - promotes speedy recovery patient, prevents exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome at the Paramita clinic

People who take their health seriously choose to treat irritable bowel syndrome in our clinic. By becoming a patient, you will receive not only highly qualified medical care, but also a lot of other advantages: an individual approach, attentive attitude on the part of the medical staff, developing an individual diet and course of treatment, improving the general condition of the whole body.

In addition, our specialists treat IBS exclusively using Tibetan medicine methods, without any drugs or medications. Therefore, the absence of any side effects guaranteed.

"Have you thought about own health and contacted us - with this step you trusted us with their lives. We highly appreciate your choice, and on behalf of the Paramita clinic team, I want to assure you that we will do everything possible to justify it.”

Ilya Grachev
Chief physician of the clinic

  • Bowel movement is preceded by a slight pain syndrome.
  • The phenomenon of flatulence and bloating is often observed.
  • The pattern or frequency of bowel movements has changed for no apparent reason.
  • The intestines react one way or another to the emotional mood.
  • The symptoms progress to such an extent that they begin to bring some discomfort to their usual existence.
  • Nausea, heartburn, and loss of appetite appear depending on the fullness of the intestines.
  • The feces acquire a clearly abnormal structure (too liquid or hard with mucus particles).
  • Weight loss is noted.
  • Symptoms such as bleeding, blood particles in the stool, dense formations in areas of concern may appear.

If these signs occur for six months, and in the last three months for at least 3 days in a row, you need to consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of the disease in our clinic is carried out complex method. The first stage includes effective oriental techniques that allow an accurate diagnosis.

  • Primary visual diagnostics. Having received special practice in eastern clinics, our doctors can understand the nature of the disease from the first minutes of communication with the patient. Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of behavior, gaze, appearance and the patient's breathing.
  • Survey. A conversation with a patient is based on certain questions and allows you to understand the state of the body at the energy level. This oriental technology definitions fine tuning body.
  • Inspection. Conducted using traditional and unconventional methods collecting information about the patient's health status. This combination allows you to identify hidden problems and determine the causes of the disease.
  • Pulse diagnostics. Our doctors were trained in this method of accurate diagnosis in leading clinics of Chinese and Tibetan medicine.

The second stage of diagnosis is carried out using hardware and laboratory research, which are able to provide information about the state of the body with maximum accuracy and adjust the course of treatment of the intestines, starting from the root cause of the disease.

The listed diagnostic methods will help to promptly identify concomitant diseases and will be given the opportunity to take appropriate action.

Sometimes intestinal irritation is the body's reaction to an unhealthy lifestyle. To prevent such moments from becoming the norm, you should:

  • organize proper nutrition - eating regimen, healthy foods;
  • monitor your emotional background, use it for balance nervous system special exercises, herbal decoctions;
  • do not neglect the rules of hygiene;
  • limit consumption of harmful drinks.

Diet for irritable bowel syndrome

If you pick up proper diet, the intestines will not disturb usual course life. The basic principles of this diet:

  • include foods containing fiber in your diet;
  • drink as much liquid as possible - water, rosehip decoction;
  • avoid smoked, fatty, sweet, dairy and large quantity fruit;
  • Avoid cabbage and legumes, as they cause gas.


A useful step in the treatment of the disease would be to regularly perform physical exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles:

  • Lying on the floor, raise and lower your body with crossed arms (on your chest or behind your head).
  • From the same pose, slowly raise your straight legs perpendicular to your body, then return them to the starting position.
  • Do the cycling exercise or go for a bike ride.

Full complex medical procedures requires an understanding of the general condition of the body, so doctors prescribe for each patient therapeutic exercises according to an individual program.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that is based on dysfunction gastrointestinal tract. Most often, the syndrome is manifested by stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation, or their alternation), bloating and intestinal spasms.

This can happen during lessons, meetings at work, on the road and is associated with a person’s emotional background, more often with stress - this creates serious problems and can significantly worsen a person’s life.

Gastroenterologists do not consider irritable bowel syndrome to be serious and dangerous condition, since it is not based on organic pathology. However, for patients this condition is very painful and can significantly complicate their usual lifestyle.

According to statistics, the disease is common, affecting about 20-30% of people worldwide, with women experiencing the syndrome twice as often as men. Middle age The patient is 20-45 years old.

Causes of irritable bowel syndrome

There are several reasons for the formation of the syndrome:

  • Psycho-social factors including stressful situations, impaired coping (ability to overcome stress) and insufficient social support
  • Violation nerve innervation and connections between the brain and the intestines - in this case, the brain cannot control and regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Low threshold for pain sensitivity - in such people, even slight overeating and, as a result, slight stretching of the intestines can cause discomfort
  • Previously transferred inflammatory diseases intestines and infectious diseases
  • Intestinal dysbiosis, which causes bloating and diarrhea
  • Change hormonal levels– for example, it has been statistically found that symptoms increase in women during menstruation and menopause
  • Eating disorders, diets (prevalence in the diet of a large number of vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, legumes, spicy and fatty foods)
  • Hereditary predisposition

Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome can be suspected by characteristic features– abdominal pain that disappears after defecation, constipation and bloating, belching and nausea. Often, after visiting the toilet, there is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, forcing you to return there again and again. As a rule, such attacks appear or intensify during excitement, after heavy mental or physical labor, or under stress.

Summarizing the description of the disease, a number of symptoms can be identified:

  • Intestinal spasms
  • Abdominal pain during the day and morning
  • Relief after defecation
  • Flatulence or bloating
  • Strong urge to defecate
  • Feeling of fullness immediately after bowel movement, feeling of incomplete evacuation
  • Discharge of mucus from the anus
  • Often pain and discomfort in the stomach cause depression and anxiety

Of course, the disease adversely affects the quality of life and is a real torment for many people who experience it. Also, the presence of IBS may be accompanied by complaints not related to the functioning of the intestines, namely:

  • Dyspepsia (occurring in 15 – 44.6% of patients with IBS)
  • Pain in the lumbar region, muscle and joint pain
  • Urological symptoms (nocturia, frequency and urgency of urination, sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder)
  • Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse) in women
  • Night sleep disturbance

When examining patients with IBS, attention is drawn to the discrepancy between a large number complaints made, long course illness and satisfactory general condition sick.

The sensitivity of the problem for many is an obstacle to timely seeking help. Therefore, before going to the doctor, patients self-medicate and take anti-flatulence medications, antispasmodics, and fixatives, but this does not make them better.

Anxiety symptoms are NOT characteristic of IBS

The symptoms below may be a manifestation of organic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and should serve as an indication for an in-depth examination by a gastroenterologist.

Complaints and anamnesis:

  • Weight loss
  • Onset in old age
  • The appearance of abdominal pain at night
  • Colon cancer, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in relatives
  • Constant abdominal pain as the only and leading symptom of gastrointestinal tract damage
  • Progressive course of the disease
  • Fever
  • Changes in internal organs (hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, etc.)

Laboratory indicators:

  • Decreased hemoglobin levels
  • Leukocytosis
  • Increasing ESR
  • Availability hidden blood in feces
  • Changes in biochemical blood test
  • Steatorrhea and polyfecalia

Types of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Depending on the manifestations of the disease, there are three forms of irritable bowel syndrome:

  • IBS with diarrhea
  • IBS with constipation
  • Mixed IBS, in which diarrhea and constipation alternate

Diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome

In order to confirm irritable bowel syndrome, it is necessary to first exclude all organic pathologies.

For this, the gastroenterologist prescribes a comprehensive examination:

  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity
  • Clinical and biochemical tests blood
  • Stool analysis - coprogram
  • Testing for celiac disease is a condition in which the body is unable to digest gluten (found in barley, rye, barley). The disease is characterized by frequent loose stools
  • Irrigoscopy - x-ray of the intestines with a contrast agent
  • Sigmoidoscopy – examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon
  • Colonoscopy – examination of the large intestine

Before performing colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy, special training: diet for 2-3 days and use of laxatives and special solutions on the eve of the study.

For patient comfort, the procedure can be performed under anesthesia and even general anesthesia. During research in anus a special flexible tube with a video camera at the end is inserted, thanks to which the doctor can see on the monitor screen large intestine from the inside. Colonoscopy helps to assess the condition of the intestinal mucosa and walls, and, if necessary, perform a biopsy - a painless collection of a piece of tissue from the intestinal mucosa for further histological examination.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

To normalize digestion and reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of irritable bowel syndrome, it is first recommended to improve your diet. To do this, you need to exclude alcohol, soda, fatty, fried, spicy food, coffee, strong tea, fast food, limit anger and sweets.

Regarding drug therapy, then treatment should be carried out simultaneously in two directions - psychological and gastroenterological.

A psychologist or psychoneurologist prescribes drugs that normalize emotional background, for example, antidepressants.

In addition to drug therapy, psychological trainings are also prescribed:

  • Group or individual lessons with a psychologist to identify the reasons increased anxiety, self-doubt and depression. The specialist teaches the patient how to deal with problems, the rules of auto-training
  • In severe cases, when the cause of the psychological basis of irritable bowel syndrome cannot be identified, hypnotherapy is recommended to the patient. This treatment helps not only to identify the cause of the syndrome, but also to help the patient cope with pain and discomfort in the intestines during special artificially induced sleep.

The gastroenterologist, in turn, relieves the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, recommending:

  • Antispasmodics, prokinetics, which normalize intestinal tone, relieve spasms and reduce pain
  • Laxatives for constipation
  • Consolidating medications for frequent episodes of diarrhea
  • Intestinal antiseptics for normalization intestinal microflora, pro- and prebiotics - that is, preparations containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli or stimulating the growth and reproduction of beneficial intestinal microflora. This helps to cope with intestinal dysbiosis - the most common cause of increased gas formation.
  • Psychotropic drugs

Benefits of treating irritable bowel syndrome at MEDSI

  • Diagnostic equipment latest generation from world leaders in medical technology
  • Fast and accurate diagnosis diseases
  • Experienced gastroenterologists with extensive experience in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Irritable bowel syndrome(bear disease) is a psychosomatic disorder in which the immediate reaction to an external stimulus is loose stool.


An urgent urge to defecate, diarrhea mixed with undigested food, bile, blood, a burning sensation and pain in the intestines.


Such a sensitive intestine, which reacts painfully to even the most ordinary situations, and especially stressful ones, has emotional and vulnerable people Constitution Wind and mixed type Wind-Bile. Symptoms of bear disease usually occur against the background nervous exhaustion, traumatic events (death of loved ones, divorce, job loss).

The main cause of irritable bowel syndrome is a malfunction of the nervous system: Tibetan medicine– The wind that cleanses downward and corresponds to the lumbar ganglion, which controls the intestines. Psychosomatic disorder occurs as a result of suppression negative emotions. Finding no way out, they increase the excitability of the autonomic nervous system, which is expressed in uncontrolled bowel movements and the release of bile into the intestines.

This causes severe irritation: abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. If dyspepsia is not treated, the stool subsequently becomes bloody mucus. This is a sign that the intestinal lining is inflamed and blood vessels are bursting.


Diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome at the Naran Clinic is carried out by traditional Tibetan
  • methods using:
  • survey,
  • inspection,
  • pulse diagnostics.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

Naran doctors advise changing lifestyle and nutrition according to the patient’s natural constitution, and eliminating main reason illness is a “disturbance” of the Wind.

It will help relieve emotional instability, calm the nervous system, eliminate inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, normalize the microflora and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract. complex treatment"Naran" clinic,
which includes:

  1. taking Tibetan herbal medicines,
  2. external procedures:
  • acupuncture,
  • moxotherapy,
  • acupressure,
  • stone therapy, etc.


At home, it is recommended to regularly take valerian, motherwort, mint, peony tincture - depending on what suits the patient best. For frequent attacks of diarrhea, tea made from the leaves or roots of bergenia will help, and the latter has more strong action. You can also eat astringent foods such as quince, pomegranate, bird cherry, sea buckthorn, and persimmon. For intestinal spasms and persistent constipation, enemas with flaxseed oil are useful.

You should eat often - more often than 4-5 times a day, and little by little, avoiding fried and fatty foods, raw fruits and vegetables. Food should exclude coarse, difficult-to-digest components (mushrooms, for example); it is better to thoroughly chop it before eating. Porridge made from oatmeal and buckwheat in water with a small addition of spices, mashed potatoes, and stale bread are useful. If a lot of mucus is released with stool, it is useful to drink a glass daily on an empty stomach. hot water with a pinch of ginger and two tablespoons of honey.

A widespread disease that affects a significant (according to some sources - up to 30%) part of the population of our planet. Moreover, people in the prime of life suffer from this disease. The age of patients is usually 30-40 years. The disease affects women more often than men.

Gastroenterology Center GMS Clinic has everything necessary equipment for carrying out diagnostic studies in the diagnosis of intestinal diseases (sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy with biopsy, irrigoscopy, virtual colonoscopy using computed tomography, other types of laboratory and instrumental studies).

Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is not complicated and includes such simple methods as:

  • impact on a person’s psycho-emotional state
  • rational and balanced nutrition
  • promotion physical activity
  • medications to normalize intestinal motor activity
  • physiotherapy

But we will talk about them at the end of the material. Let's start with the symptoms and causes of the disease.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

There are several of them, and each of them separately can occur in other diseases. The very word “syndrome” in the name of the disease indicates that there is a set of symptoms that have general pathogenesis (common reasons occurrence). Thus, for the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, it is important, firstly, the totality of certain signs, secondly, their recurrence over a certain period of time, thirdly, the exclusion of the diagnosis of other diseases that have similar symptoms.

When diagnosing, they are guided by the so-called “Roman criteria”, which are a list of signs whose manifestation within twelve weeks of the year (and these weeks may not be consecutive, alternating with “good” weeks) allows us to say that the patient has irritable bowel syndrome .

What are these symptoms?

  1. First of all, abdominal pain (stomach pain). Characteristic Features these pains are following signs:
    • The pain can have the most different character. They can be cutting, stabbing, pulling, aching, and can be felt as a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen.
    • After defecation, pain relief occurs.
    • The process of defecation may be accompanied by pain.
    • The patient never experiences pain during sleep. Despite this, pain may occur through short time after waking up.
  2. Next characteristic symptom should be considered a change in stool consistency. Moreover, patients may suffer from both diarrhea and constipation. The consistency of stool may vary in the same patient.
  3. Another sign of this disease- change in frequency of bowel movements. If a patient has stool more than three times a day or less than three times a week, we can talk about the patient having a disease.
  4. Also characteristic is the feeling of incomplete bowel movement, as well as the nature of bowel movements.
  5. Mucus in the stool, bloating and flatulence, according to the Rome Criteria, are also signs of the disease.

If you notice such symptoms, you should see a doctor.

Our Gastroenterology Clinic employs highly qualified gastroenterologists who will perform a thorough diagnosis of the disease. Statistics say that worldwide, two out of three people suffering from this disease do not see a doctor. And in vain!

After all, as already mentioned, the symptoms characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome can also occur with much more serious, sometimes fatal dangerous illnesses. And who, if not the patient, is interested in starting treatment as soon as possible!


Modern representations suggest that the main reasons for its occurrence lie in psycho-emotional sphere. This is a disruption of the central nervous system. This is stress caused by the impact of social and professional factors on a person. These are different mental disorders and diseases. Dysbacteriosis, a diet poor in fiber, and a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to deterioration of intestinal motility, can also trigger the development of irritable bowel syndrome.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

Patients with irritable bowel syndrome receive treatment aimed at eliminating the causes listed above. First of all, the patient needs to streamline his life: change his routine, find time for physical activity, establish proper nutrition (we are not talking about some kind of strict diet, nutrition should be correct, moderate, balanced, with sufficient quantity fiber and fluid). This is not difficult. It is more difficult to overcome stress and change the patient’s attitude towards the surrounding reality. A neuropsychiatrist can help with this and, if necessary, prescribe antidepressants.

Physiotherapy and acupuncture (acupuncture) provide good results in the fight against the disease.

With the right and integrated approach favorable for the treatment of this disease. Treatment for irritable bowel syndrome at GMS Clinic usually lasts about two months, and most patients make a full recovery. Just call us by phone +7 495 781 5577, +7 800 302 5577 , and we will help you solve your problem.