Tibetan medicine. People constitution Slime

Mucus Constitution (Kapha Dosha) - Yin, or essentially cold, corresponds to the process of development and growth of the body, most often occurring in childhood. Subsequently, the action continues throughout life, providing protective functions, giving strength to joints and tendons, being responsible for the sense of taste and changes in feelings, participating in the regulation of metabolic processes, lymph circulation and hormonal status.

A person belonging to this group has a heavy, loose and round physique. They are calm, balanced, unperturbed. They have good patience, endurance, great strength and physical endurance. The skin is pale and cool, usually the joints of these people are swollen and stiff. They are good-natured, peaceful and sincerely friendly to others. They sleep well, long and deep. Metabolism and digestion are slow, persistent appetite. Indifference to food is often followed by overeating, which can turn into gluttony. Also, people of this constitution easily gain excess weight, which is then difficult to get rid of.

The way of life leads to disturbance of the constitution of Mucus, this is cooling of the body, laziness, long stay in cold and damp rooms, insufficient physical and mental activity, sleeping after eating, light clothes dressed inappropriately for the season, and also swimming in cold water.

Improper nutrition for this constitution is the consumption of Yin foods (milk and dairy products, raw greens, baked goods, confectionery and pasta, potatoes, pork), fresh and cold food, fatty and nutritious dishes, incompatible foods, poorly cooked food, stale vegetables , eating food before the previous one has been digested, as well as overeating, abuse of bitter and sweet tastes and excessive fluid intake (liquid exceeds the amount of solid food eaten), drinking large quantities of cold water and soft drinks. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with your constitution accordingly.

Mucus diseases occur when intercellular fluid, lymph, fats and mucus accumulate in the human body.

If the constitution of mucus is violated, indigestion (indigestion), belching is observed undigested food, rumbling in the stomach, which leads to aversion to food. A person may experience dizziness, with darkening of the eyes, a feeling of heaviness in the crown of the head, swelling of the joints, and swelling of the face.

As a result of a decrease in stomach functions, food is digested more slowly, stagnation occurs, this leads to the accumulation of mucus, which can provoke inflammatory processes with the formation of polyps. The stomach loses its ability to digest “fiery warmth”, a decrease in the “fire” of the stomach is manifested by a disturbance in appetite, laziness appears, and sometimes vomiting. This process spreads to the small intestine and then to the large intestine, with further accumulation of mucus and the formation of polyps, which can lead to cancer.

Excess mucus in the body subsequently enters the bloodstream and throughout the body enters parenchymal and hollow organs, skin, muscles, bones, joints of the limbs, and the genitourinary system. The skin becomes pale and sticky to the touch, cold sweat appears, and itching occurs in the groin area, perineum, as well as in the bends of the knees and elbows.

When it gets into the kidneys and ureter, a pain symptom occurs, radiating to the lower back, urinary retention occurs, and intensifies when exposed to cold. The same processes are observed in the joints, they become swollen, aching pain appears, and intensifies with their flexion and extension. Larger joints are most often affected by these processes: hip, shoulder-elbow, knee and ankle.

When the mucus constitution is disturbed, lymphostasis is observed, that is, disruption and accumulation of lymph and this leads to swelling in the tissues and the appearance of tumors in the organs.

Since the constitution of Mucus is of the nature of yin (cold), and all diseases based on disturbance of mucus are diseases of cold. The basis of this constitution is the elements of water and earth, so it is viscous, inactive, and heavy. The treatise “Chzhud-Shi” describes “mucus is the cause of all internal diseases”; five types are distinguished:

  1. Support - located in the chest and serves as a support for other types of mucus;
  2. Decomposing - in the stomach, it breaks down food that enters the stomach;
  3. Gustatory - on the tongue, responsible for the sensation of taste of food;
  4. Saturating - in the head, responsible for the senses;
  5. Connector - in all joints, flexes, connects, and extends joints.

A clear and obvious sign of disturbance in the mucus constitution is obesity. Excess fats and carbohydrates with slow digestion inevitably lead to an increase in triglycerides, cholesterol and blood sugar, which leads to atherosclerotic plaques.

Obesity can lead to various diseases. An overweight person almost always has an enlarged thyroid gland. Heavy weight puts a lot of stress on the bones and joints, which leads to changes in the musculoskeletal system, and the result is the development of arthrosis. There is also swelling in the sacral area, swelling of the intervertebral joints, and the normal circulation of energy and blood supply in the spine is disrupted.

When metabolic disorders occur, diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, goiter and cancer develop.

Cold is the nature of Mucus, so for treatment it is necessary to take warm herbal remedies and warming procedures; walking long distances is most beneficial. Food preference is salty, spicy and sour foods; sweet and bitter foods should be avoided. Seafood, lamb, and various spices are very healthy.

We often hear that all people are different. But what is behind this phrase? After all, anatomically, people are the same. Modern medicine does not see differences in people's bodies, and therefore the methods of treating diseases are the same. Tibetan medicine sees these differences in the unequal level of development of the three main systems in the human body, called the “Wind”, “Bile” and “Mucus” constitutions.

The proposed test will help you determine the constitution to which you belong - “Wind”, “Bile”, “Mucus”.

To do this, you need to evaluate the proposed statements in all three sections, assigning points for each statement:

0-2 – not applicable to me;

3-4 – partly applicable;

5-6 – fully applicable.

After that, add up the points scored for each type of constitution.


  1. By nature I am an active person, I manage things quickly.
  2. I have quick reactions and love to talk.
  3. I move a lot, I can’t stay in one place for a long time.
  4. I am vulnerable, impressionable, and sometimes touchy.
  5. I like to be in the thick of things, noise doesn’t tire me at all.
  6. I get tired quickly, but I also quickly regain strength.
  7. I love to talk, discuss, argue.
  8. I have a light, fast gait.
  9. I am thin and have difficulty gaining weight.
  10. My hands and feet are usually cold.
  11. I am sociable, sociable, my speech is fast.
  12. I get along with people easily and break up just as quickly.
  13. I prefer creative professions to physical labor.
  14. My mood changes often, but I am usually cheerful and cheerful.
  15. By nature I am a passionate person.
  16. I often get nervous and anxious, even over trifles.
  17. I love hot food, but cold food makes me feel bad.
  18. I don’t like winter, late autumn, rain, snow.
  19. I love summer and spring, I love to relax by the sea and in the sun.
  20. I have dry skin.
  21. My hair is brittle and dry.
  22. I often get colds.
  23. I am characterized by nervousness and excitability.
  24. My sleep is restless, I have trouble falling asleep.
  25. I sleep under a warm blanket and have difficulty keeping warm.
  26. My stomach often growls and I burp.
  27. I suffer from dizziness and headaches, and sometimes I have tinnitus.
  28. My appetite is fickle.
  29. A surge of energy is usually followed by a breakdown.
  30. I am often bothered by lumbago in the neck, flying, stabbing pain in the lower back, in the cervical spine.
  31. I make money quickly, but I also spend it quickly.
  32. My closest relatives suffer from heart disease, nervous system disease, osteochondrosis, neuritis, nervous tics, sleep disorders, and deafness.


1. I am determined and energetic, I have a strong character.

2. I have a sharp mind and I skillfully analyze a situation.

3. I love precision and neatness.

4. If I don’t like something, I always make a remark.

5. I am one of those who “meets me by my clothes, sees me off by my mind.”

6. I am considered a strong and strong-willed person in the family or at work.

7. I am a good speaker, and my words are usually listened to.

8. I am a cheerful person and not prone to depression.

9. I easily lose my temper if I see injustice.

10. At home or at work, I like to be a leader.

11.I have a good appetite, I like to eat delicious food.

12. I don’t like scalding food, but I prefer meat and fried dishes and use spicy seasonings.

13. I don’t like hot weather, summer, stuffiness.

14. I often get irritated, sometimes out of nowhere.

15. My hair is oily and I have a tendency to gray hair and hair loss.

16. I skillfully manage other people.

17. I always try to achieve my goal.

18. I don’t like skipping meals, which makes me irritated.

19. I can be quick-tempered and angry.

20. I always try to insist on my own.

21. I am critical of others and myself, but I don’t like it when people make comments to me.

22.If I take on something, I do it in the best possible way.

23. I don’t get colds.

24. I am prone to food poisoning.

25. When I'm angry, my face turns red.

26. I sweat a lot.

27. I sleep under a light blanket, with the window open.

28. I often have heartburn and a feeling of bitterness in my mouth.

29. My hands and feet are hot.

30. My skin is hot, prone to itching and allergies.

31. I often feel hot.

32. My immediate family suffers from cholelithiasis, hypertension, heart disease, baldness, diabetes, someone suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction.


1. I am a calm, balanced person.

2. I like to do everything slowly and thoroughly.

3. I gain weight easily and have difficulty losing it.

4. I don’t like empty chatter, I say little.

5. Skipping meals is not a problem for me.

6. I don’t feel hungry in the morning, but in the evening I often overeat.

7. I don’t like quarrels and conflicts, I always try to settle everything peacefully.

8. My sleep is deep and even.

9. I like to eat thoroughly, a lot, but without much appetite.

10. It's hard to piss me off.

11. In order to feel normal, I need to sleep at least 8 hours.

12. I remember slowly, but I remember for a long time.

13. I like to stock up for future use.

14. I am very attached to friends and family.

15. I can endure the whims and dissatisfaction of family and colleagues for a long time.

16. After eating I feel heavy and want to take a nap.

17. I am physically resilient and can do hard work.

18. I move slowly, my gait is measured.

19. In the mornings I have difficulty waking up and spend a long time “swaying.”

20. I can't stand dampness and cold.

21. I love hot summer, sun, sea beach.

22. I am prone to allergies, runny nose, bronchitis.

23. I have a large and massive body.

24. I do everything slowly, consistently, methodically.

25. I like to dig around on the ground, I can work late into the night.

26. I have smooth, soft skin that feels cool to the touch.

27. Most of all I like to lie on the sofa, watch TV, and not have anyone bother me, or sit by the fire and look at the fire or at the water in any body of water.

  • People who belong to the Slime type are cold people. Mucus is responsible for the functioning of the lymphatic and endocrine systems in the human body. And it is not surprising that representatives of Slime are distinguished by their calm, imperturbable character. They are very friendly, good-natured, peace-loving, respect the feelings and opinions of the people around them. They never get angry. If you have to get angry, it is done with extreme restraint. These are phlegmatic people.
  • Representatives of Slime are usually of large build and tall, but there are, of course, exceptions. Their body shapes are smoothed, their joints are rounded and inflexible. Swelling often occurs. The skin is smooth, pale and cool to the touch. It happens that the eyelids swell. These people are hardy, strong, patient, and restrained. They think about and weigh each of their actions for a long time. By nature they are slow, passive and lazy. This slowness affects mental performance. With a good memory, new material is difficult to assimilate. They eat slowly, sleep long and deeply, and love to soak in pastels. Fans of strong tea or coffee, especially in the morning. They can easily do without breakfast, but they like to have a hearty dinner, since their appetite increases in the evening.
  • Slime people love warmth. And it’s clear that summer is the best time for them, especially when it’s hot. But they tolerate the cold well, they just don’t like it. These are people who like to go to the sauna and bathhouse. Sedentary work is most suitable for these people, especially when it comes to material and financial resources. They live long thanks to their good, friendly character and slow metabolism. They are pragmatic, conservative, value family traditions, save money and constantly improve their material well-being. They love the comfort of home, a roaring fire in the fireplace and intimate conversation.
  • Tibetan medicine considers them lucky. Representatives of Slime usually have good health and good life resources. The world is received in bright colors, and they themselves radiate goodwill and show care. But despite all this, they may experience a lot of health problems. Laziness to move and the habit of overeating at night lead to the appearance of extra pounds, which are then very difficult to lose. In winter, they are overcome by a runny nose, bronchitis, pain in the joints, and the spine, which loses its mobility. And with age, memory deteriorates, taste sensations weaken, and all food seems monotonous. Not everything is all right with the psyche either. Calmness gives way to indifference and laziness. Stinginess and stubbornness appear. As a result, he turns out to be a sluggish, apathetic person, losing interest in life, experiencing melancholy and boredom. You can restore the lost balance by adjusting your lifestyle and nutrition. The main thing is to pay attention to your lifestyle in time. And the first signs to think about are a small tummy, swelling on the face, swollen ankles, and you want to sleep during the day. Start walking, increase physical activity, and go swimming. These recommendations are simple but effective if followed promptly. Otherwise, more serious diseases may arise - diabetes, hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), hypertension and even bronchial asthma. People of Mucus should avoid exposure to cold and dampness, swimming in cold water, and light clothing that is not suitable for the weather.
  • What Tibetan medicine recommends regarding nutrition for representatives of Mucus. First of all, they are not recommended to consume large quantities of fresh raw berries and vegetables, goat's milk, kefir, iced tea, undercooked or overcooked food. Don't overeat! Don't drink too much liquid! It's better to leave the table a little hungry. In Tibetan medicine, when choosing medicines and food, great importance is attached to the taste of a particular substance. Products of different tastes have different energy, which a person determines with the help of taste buds. For people of the Mucus constitution, food with a spicy, sour and salty taste is more useful than others. And the consumption of bitter and sweet foods should be limited. The list of recommended products for them looks like this: lamb, chickens, eggs, milk, butter, cheeses, apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries, grapes, persimmons, quinces, sea buckthorn, dried fruits, radishes, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions, eggplants, green vegetables, pumpkin, spinach, beans, peas, celery, parsley, buckwheat, millet, any spices, especially red and black pepper. In general, Mucus should not consume cold foods or drinks. They must be warm or hot.

The author of the book, Svetlana Galsanovna Choizhinimaeva, is the chief physician and founder of the first and largest Tibetan medicine clinic in Russia “Naran”, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Buryatia. Tibetan medicine has found unique ways to heal ailments, which it applies depending on the human constitution - the body's regulatory system Wind (nervous system), Bile (digestive system) and Mucus (lymphatic and hormonal systems). “Diseases of big people, or What is mucus?” - one of the books in the trilogy, in which each volume is dedicated to one of the constitutions, - talks about the representatives of the Slime constitution. Typically, such people have a large body, a calm and balanced character. Despite their heavy weight, they often freeze and do not tolerate cold well. Many of their diseases - obesity, diabetes, bronchial asthma, diseases of the thyroid gland and joints, goiter and colds - can be cured if you follow the advice of Tibetan doctors. This book describes the basic tenets of ancient Tibetan medicine in simple and accessible language. You will find practical tips and tricks that will help you learn more about yourself and your body. You will learn how to eat and behave correctly in order to grow two wonderful fruits on the tree of your life - health and longevity. And many interesting stories from medical practice will make reading easy and fun. Listen to the wisdom of Tibet and be healthy!

  • Constitution slime
From the series: ABC of Oriental Medicine

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by liters company.

© Peter Publishing House LLC, 2016

© Series “ABC of Oriental Medicine”, 2016

© Choizhinimaeva S., 2016

Constitution slime

In healthy people, the state of the doshas remains unchanged, they live a long time without knowing the suffering of disease. If the dosha changes, it harms the body and requires treatment.

"Chzhud-Shi", Tantra of Explanations

According to the ideas of Tibetan medicine, the basis of the life activity of the human body is made up of three principles (constitutions), called doshas: mucus, wind And bile. Depending on the dominance of one of them, people can be divided into three types: wind man, mucus man and bile man. Each is characterized by corresponding physical characteristics, mental qualities and psychological properties. Belonging to a certain type (usually inherited) also determines a predisposition to certain ailments.

Constitution mucus belongs to the cold Yin type, therefore the diseases that arise as a result of its disturbance are cold diseases. This is the most problematic constitution, in Tibetan medicine it is called “bad kan”. The word consists of two parts: “bad” - water, “kan” - earth. Thus, already in the name of the constitution its elements are defined: Water and Earth. In "Chzhud-shi" about mucus it is said to be oily, cool, heavy, dulling, soft, strong, sticky. Like any other constitution, mucus present in the body of every person; anatomically, it includes mucous membranes and organs, the lymphatic and endocrine systems. According to Tibetan tradition, its localization area is the upper part of the body. “The mucus rests on the brain, occupying a place at the top of the body,” as it is said in “Chzhud-shi.”

Period corresponding mucus, - childhood. In childhood, and especially in the first years, the body, in particular the immune system, actively develops. This is when the danger of outrage is very likely mucus due to poor nutrition and lifestyle, which leads to disruption of the mucous membranes and lymphatic system with the development of acute or chronic diseases, such as, for example, lymphadenitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, adenoids and nasal polyps, bronchial asthma. That is why parents have such a great responsibility for their child’s health and their future well-being.

Special attention to the constitution mucus demands to herself in the fall and spring - this applies to both children and adults - since it is then that her indignation occurs. Daily activation time mucus– from 6 to 10 a.m. and noon, and after meals.

The medical treatise “Chzhud-shi” speaks of five types slime: Prop is located in the chest and serves as a foundation for other types mucus; Decaying Slime is located in the stomach and affects undigested food, its function is the breakdown of incoming food; Flavor Slime located on the tongue and is responsible for the sensation of taste of food; Saturating Slime is located in the head and is responsible for the senses; Connecting Slime found in all joints, it helps them bend and straighten.

« Mucus gives strength to the body and soul, sends sleep, gives patience, makes the joints strong, and the body soft and fat” (“Zhud-shi”, Tantra of Explanations). According to the European classification, people have a constitution mucus correspond to phlegmatics (Greek. phlegma– mucus, phlegm). These are calm, balanced, imperturbable people with a large and loose body, usually (but not necessarily) tall. They are endowed with great strength and are distinguished by physical endurance, patience, and endurance, but they are prone to passivity, laziness, often indecisive, and slow in making decisions and taking actions. They remember everything new with difficulty, but if they remember something, they remember it thoroughly and for a long time, which is why there are many excellent professionals among them. Skin of people of constitution mucus pale and cool, smooth, dense, joints are usually swollen, stiff, urine is light and has a faint odor, the tongue is covered with a white coating, the gums are whitish, the eyelids are often swollen. Such people have long, deep and restful sleep. If a person has not slept the required 8-10 hours, it is better not to offend him again - you might quarrel. But in general, these people are good-natured and peaceful, sincerely friendly to others and know how to respect the feelings and opinions of others. They rarely get angry, do not aggravate relations, trying to maintain peace in any situation. Sympathy for other people, friendliness is not a pretense, but a natural property of the nature of people of constitution mucus. They feel a constant need to take care of others and radiate friendliness and cordiality.

If a conflict arises at work, a person of constitution mucus will not argue, wave his fists, foaming at the mouth to prove that he is right. Instead, he (or she) will sit down at his desk, on which there is always a treasured mug, make himself some hot sweet tea and slowly drink it with some butter bun until he finally comes to a state of peace. With reliable and self-confident men of constitution mucus women feel like they are behind a stone wall. Such a man will never raise his voice, much less raise his hand to his wife. Slime people like to do everything slowly and thoroughly, they move and speak slowly, and eat slowly. They love to wake up, soak in bed, and then be sure to drink a cup of strong coffee or tea. They say about such people that they sway for a long time.

The slime man endures thirst and hunger more easily than representatives of other constitutions. His digestion and metabolism are slow, his appetite is stable, but awakens gradually. In a state of Yang-indignation of the constitution, indifference to food in the morning is replaced by daytime and evening overeating, which threatens to turn into gluttony. At the same time, a man of the constitution mucus easily gains extra pounds, which he then finds difficult to get rid of. Despite their physical strength and impressive size, these people are thermophilic, often freeze and bundle up. They prefer to relax in the south to soak up the hot rays of the sun; they are ready to lie on the beach all day long, happily warming up their massive body.

Such people choose work related to the accumulation of material wealth. They do not mind doing monotonous work all day long, due to which a person of constitutions wind or bile I would lose my temper. They are pragmatic and not inclined to fantasize; they always rely on common sense. At critical moments they know how to remain calm and encourage others. Man of the Constitution mucus loves to accumulate and stockpile wealth, values ​​​​his property. He is very attached to his family. The best pastime for him is a long, leisurely and intimate conversation over tea. Wrapped in a blanket, he likes to sit by the fireplace, looking at the fire. Since these people belong to the cold Yin constitution, contemplating fire gives them true pleasure. If representatives of other constitutions prefer active games and long walks when relaxing, then these complacent bumpkins sit all the time by the fire, and then for a long time remember how great they had the time. In a normal, harmonious state of their constitution, they are characterized by peace and a bright worldview. Possessing a large supply of vitality, they live long and have good health. In the Tibetan tradition, this type is considered lucky.

At the same time, such people are more prone to being overweight than others. If their natural laziness increases and they fall into a half-asleep state with the only thought of what else to eat, this leads to a violation of the constitution mucus. Then they come across as lethargic, passive and even indifferent. In this state, other negative qualities also appear, such as tediousness, greed and annoyingness. They become stubborn, lazy and finally just plain boring. In this case, a man of the constitution mucus He experiences constant melancholy and boredom, he doesn’t want anything and nothing is interesting, he becomes apathetic. Heaviness and dullness appear in the head. The love of accumulation is replaced by greed, practicality turns into stinginess, calmness turns into indifference and heartlessness. A person turns into a bore, natural stubbornness intensifies and becomes unbearable for others. A person is not capable of making a decision, is not ready for change and gradually plunges into numbness and hibernation. His life becomes more and more monotonous, overeating takes on a chronic form, and now his weight is growing at an alarming rate, diets do not bring results - only a feeling of disappointment. During the transition of the constitution mucus In the Yin stage, a person stops struggling with extra pounds and, giving up on himself, falls into indifference.

A 27-year-old woman came to the clinic mucus. With a height of 168 cm, she weighed 129 kg. After getting married, Pavlina (that was her name) gave birth to a child, after which her husband insisted that she leave her job. She didn’t even have to go shopping: her husband brought groceries and loaded them into the refrigerator. Now she went out of the house less and less, and liked to lie down in front of the TV after eating. She quietly gained weight, and one day her husband reprimanded her about it. Offended at first, she decided to lose weight. I tried Herbalife, but to no avail. “I open the refrigerator,” she said at an appointment at the clinic, “and there’s so much stuff in there!” And everything is so delicious - the soul rejoices. I’ll fill the tray, eat, and in the evening I step on the scale – three kilograms extra. And in three days I gain back all the kilograms that I managed to lose with such difficulty.” So she became disillusioned with both Herbalife and diets, and she became indifferent.

It was difficult to work with her: she no longer wanted anything and did not believe in anything. She was convinced by appealing to maternal feelings: her daughter was quickly gaining weight. We found out what foods Pavlina prefers. It turned out that she loves yogurt from the refrigerator, makes herself complex sandwiches with ham, sausage, meat and fish, and washes it all down with Pepsi-Cola. In general, it was a complete set of Yin products that are contraindicated by the constitution mucus.

First of all, we recommended that the patient resolutely refuse cold foods, not season food with pepper and spices, and stick to three tastes in her diet: salty, sour and spicy. In addition, they advised to go for a walk, exercise in the gym, and do away with passive rest in front of the TV screen - move more, act, move, and not give yourself rest. Herbal medicines and procedures were prescribed to normalize the constitution mucus. As a result of comprehensive measures, Pavlina gained confidence that she could achieve normal weight, attractive appearance and health.

It should be noted that not only the amount of food consumed matters, but also its nature. Thoughtless reduction of diet, illiterate choice of diet can cause significant harm to the body. In order for a diet to truly be beneficial, you must first know which foods you can consume and which you should exclude. In addition, the method of preparing food and the timing of the meal are essential.

Food products are divided into yang (warming) and yin (cold) - depending on what energy they contain: yang or yin. The taste of food is of paramount importance. It is believed that a person recognizes Yin or Yang energy in himself with the help of taste buds. As stated above, people of the constitution mucus They recommend three tastes: hot, sour and salty, but they should avoid foods with bitter and sweet tastes. “Chzhud-shi” says: “Excess of bitter, sweet, “heavy”, “cold” and “oily”, sleeping in the daytime, rest after eating, lying on raw... light clothes... undercooked, burnt and sour food, cold tea and water, eating before the food eaten before has been digested - these are the conditions that give rise to diseases mucus».

When eating spicy foods mucus comes into motion, and its excess leaves the body through the “nearest doors.” Let me give you this example: here are two friends - the wind man and the slime man (both have cold constitutions) - having lunch at a Mexican restaurant, where all the dishes are hot and spicy. This food makes them feel warm, but if this does not affect the first one outwardly - he feels good, light, his mood has lifted - then the second one is sweating, clearing his throat, his nose is running, there is a lot of saliva - that is, all the signs of movement are evident mucus. The same thing happens during physical activity, and this is quite normal.

Constitution mucus, as a rule, is inherited by a person, and if a child has overweight and large parents, then it is likely that from an early age he will be overfed, and overeating is an ideal condition for disturbance of the constitution and the development of Yin diseases: sore throat, pharyngitis, chronic runny nose, sinusitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, various allergies.

A woman with her 12-year-old son came to the Naran clinic. The boy had skin problems: redness, itching, colonies of acne appeared on his chest and back - characteristic signs of a dosha disorder mucus. From the conversation it became clear that, having inherited the constitution mucus from the father, the child was born with a large weight, he had white skin and blond hair. He was pampered and overfed: he drank liters of milk, ate packages of sweet yogurt, and many sandwiches with ham, sausage and cheese. The boy grew up quickly, but not a month passed without him having a cold, and snot and cough were the most common occurrences. And then problems with the skin began.

Unfortunately, after listening to the advice of the clinic doctor, the woman did not heed them, and her son’s lifestyle remained the same - sedentary. Cold mixed foods have not changed either - pasta with meat, potatoes, dairy products, baked goods, buns, cold juices and drinks. At the same time, the food was bland, prepared without spices. It ended with the fact that at the age of 17, the boy’s elbow joint became swollen and began to hurt – fluid had accumulated in it. I had to go to the surgeon and get a puncture done.

It also happens that a person, born in a family where adults are overweight, does not want to be the same and does not allow himself to overeat, and does exercises. Such a negative example from parents has a particularly sobering effect on young girls: they try to keep themselves in shape. But then, after getting married, when their social circle is limited, they reduce physical activity. They develop laziness and a tendency to overeat, and, as a result, accumulate excess weight. Living in a metropolis with its long distances also contributes to this: you don’t want to go anywhere, you don’t want to get dressed and leave the house. City life forces a person to save energy and not waste it. And that's reasonable. But not when such frugality leads to a limitation of physical activities, to passive time spent watching TV on the sofa.

A young woman of 30 years of age contacted us mucus. With a height of 165 cm, she weighed almost 100 kg and could not lose weight. In a conversation with her, it turned out that in her youth she was a slender girl, but after getting married, she began to gain weight. Her husband loved her very much and tried to please her, spoiling her: he constantly brought chocolates and cakes, and carefully protected her from any physical activity. After becoming pregnant, she quit her job and became a housewife. I became addicted to milk and drank liters of it, cold, straight from the refrigerator. She didn’t limit herself in food either: she ate a lot of potatoes, fish and meat, and loved cold yoghurts. TV became her faithful and constant friend; it relieved boredom. During the day the woman liked to sleep. As a result, she gained 23 kg during pregnancy. She was unable to give birth on her own (although the baby was small - 3.4 kg), and she had a caesarean section. Excess weight was aggravated by mastopathy. While recovering from childbirth, she did not change her lifestyle and gained another 20 kg in a year. I tried to lose weight on my own, with the help of diets, but to no avail. And then I turned to Naran. Having found out that the reason for the dysfunction of the constitution mucus due to poor nutrition (primarily milk, as well as cold water, which she drank 2–3 liters per day) and lifestyle in general, the clinic doctor prescribed the patient a diet, physical exercise, a special course of treatment with herbal medicines, and procedures. Not immediately, but we managed to change the woman’s taste preferences, limit the amount she eats, and regulate the ratio of solid and liquid foods. Of course, my weight returned to normal and my health improved.

The “Zhud-shi” says: “When used wisely, food and drink support the body and life, but when consumed in excess, deficiency or improper use, they give rise to illness and can even end life.” Everything needs to be balanced: both nutrition and lifestyle. Ignorance is a poison that poisons a person, making him a victim of passions and, as a result, diseases. For example, some people like to sleep after a hearty lunch and do not see anything wrong with this; moreover, they find it a completely healthy activity. It’s not hard to guess what this leads to.

A young man of 18 years old, who has a constitution, came to the clinic mucus. Vadim’s parents (that was his name), according to his story, were tall, portly people, but as a child he himself was nimble, actively involved in sports, and almost never got sick. Upon entering college, there were dramatic changes in his lifestyle. Vadim quit sports. In between classes, I had a snack with friends at McDonald's, and when I returned home, I ate to my heart's content and sat comfortably on the couch to watch TV and take a nap. After sleeping for an hour or two, I went back to the kitchen to refresh myself before starting my homework. Having finished the educational material, he again rushed to the microwave to heat something up and have a snack. At the same time, Vadim consumed huge quantities of Coca-Cola and energy drinks, with the help of which he stimulated his performance. I whiled away the evenings at the computer. With this lifestyle, he gained 15 kg in a year and became clumsy, fat, and developed skin problems. Fortunately, the reasonable arguments of his loved ones had an effect, and the young man managed to stop in time.

Since people have a constitution mucus They are hardy and benefit from physical labor and sports exercises. However, to avoid the accumulation of lactic acid, which contributes to stagnation mucus In the body, when under load, you need to periodically give yourself rest. Cold procedures and winter swimming are contraindicated for them. This dosha itself is a Yin-cold constitution, so its owner gets cold, wraps himself in warm clothes, and does not tolerate the cold well. In their younger years, when internal organs are not yet so susceptible to changes, such people sometimes allow themselves to swim in a cold river or lake, but later pay for this with diseases of the joints, skin and other similar diseases.

For the constitution mucus The following periods of exacerbations are typical: spring-early summer, late summer-early autumn. The spring period can be especially stormy if mucus has accumulated in the body. In “Zhud-shi”, the Tantra of Explanations, it is written: “In winter, mucus collects in the chest, and in the spring, when the sun begins to warm up, it begins to move.” How does this manifest itself? The back begins to ache, especially in the lumbar region, joints ache, a runny nose and cough with phlegm appear, but the temperature does not rise, gastritis and other chronic diseases worsen, swelling of the body occurs and intensifies.

A 53-year-old woman came to the clinic. Large and tall, she had a clothing size of 58 and at the same time, according to her, she had been unsuccessfully trying to lose weight for 30 years. Valentina Petrovna, as the patient was called, was brought to an appointment at Naran for annual exacerbations of bronchitis that occur at the same time. At the end of spring, when most of her colleagues were making plans for their summer vacation, she began to get sick for no apparent reason. A violent cough was accompanied by whistling, breathing was difficult, everything was bubbling in the chest; at night Valentina Petrovna woke up sweating, shaking from severe coughing attacks. The cause of the disease was not established: the woman had never had pneumonia and did not smoke. Despite the fact that there were no inflammatory processes and the temperature did not rise, Valentina Petrovna tried to be treated with antibiotics. As a result of their intake, dysbiosis developed, which required treatment. Autumn came - a new exacerbation of bronchitis, again antibiotics, then dysbacteriosis... So the whole year turned out to be scheduled, and this was repeated from year to year.

The clinic doctor immediately drew the patient’s attention to the nature of her diet, although she claimed that she “eats almost nothing.” However, as the analysis of the day showed, not even half an hour passed without Valentina Petrovna pampering herself with yogurt, cottage cheese, a sandwich, herring with mayonnaise, or salad. However, she rarely cooked hot meals for herself. Day after day, consuming cold Yin food, she hoped to lose weight and was surprised at the persistently recurring bronchitis! For violation of the constitution mucus They also indicated aching joints, the initial stage of coxarthrosis, osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine, and varicose veins. Some of the dead veins were removed through surgery, but since only the symptoms were eliminated, and not the cause of the disease, less than a year had passed before varicose veins appeared again, in new places.

We prescribed the patient a course of treatment: massage, warming with jars and wormwood cigars, mustard plasters. In addition, they prescribed herbal medicines that normalize the constitution mucus. In addition and partly as a replacement for hot tea with raspberries, which Valentina Petrovna loved very much (it only alleviated her condition during coughing attacks), she was prescribed a ginger drink. As a result of treatment and changes in eating habits and lifestyle, the patient’s condition improved: seasonal coughing attacks no longer recurred, joint pain disappeared, and weight decreased.

Since mucus and water are heavy substances, they begin to accumulate in the lower parts of the body. In “Zhud-shi” it is said about mucus: “Being at the top, it falls down.” Then the ankles are the first to swell (shoes become tight in the evening), then the swelling rises to the hips and buttocks, and finally the whole body becomes swollen, becoming obese and shapeless.

A 42-year-old man who had the initial stage of diabetes mellitus contacted us. Tall, portly, Andrei Viktorovich was a typical representative of the constitution mucus. He had a successful scientific career, was a doctor of science and a professor. “I wrote my dissertation while reclining,” he said with a smile. “I don’t like to stand on my feet for a long time, so I don’t give lectures.” His meals throughout the day were always the same: hot tea with cakes, sweets or cake, which he consumed in huge quantities. These tea parties helped, he said, to cope with difficult situations and over the years they became an integral part of life. As a result, with a height of 186 cm, he weighed 130 kg. Problems began: our client could not buy clothes even in specialized stores, he had to sew them to order; he could fly on an airplane as long as there was a double seat; His legs constantly swelled, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis developed. The last thing that made Andrei Viktorovich wary was jumps in blood sugar levels as a signal of approaching diabetes. So he came to the reception at Naran.

The prescribed treatment required a decisive change in lifestyle: increased physical activity; I had to forget about sweet tea with cakes, as well as many familiar Yin foods, but overall the diet was not overwhelming. Just a month later, the weight dropped by 15 kg, the swelling disappeared, and my legs felt much better. As the constitution mucus returned to a harmonious state, the patient’s well-being improved. Serious health problems were avoided thanks to timely measures taken.

Significant disturbance factor mucus– staying in damp, cold rooms, regular hypothermia due to wearing too light clothes, especially if you have to spend a lot of time outdoors (for example, sellers working from street stalls suffer from this). Over time, this leads to the development of unhealthy obesity. Since the nature of the constitution mucus- cold, you need to influence it with heat. It is recommended to bask in the sun and by the fire, live in a dry, warm house, work in moderation, exercise, and not sleep during the day; eat hot food, drink hot food, even take medicine with hot boiled water.

End of introductory fragment.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Diseases of big people, or What is mucus? (S. G. Choizhinimaeva, 2016) provided by our book partner -

Hello, dear readers!

The topic of health has always worried people. Now more and more people are interested in proper nutrition and sports. Tibetan lamas have something to offer modern people, although Eastern medicine approaches treatment and healing a little differently.

So, the topic of our article today is “Tibetan medicine. Types of people - wind, bile, mucus ". Today you can meetEastern methods of treatment, determine what type of person you are by constitution and find out which food products will be most beneficial for you.

Basics of Tibetan medicine

According to Tibetan scientists, Tibetan medicine is about 8,000 years old, which means that it appeared in the Stone Age, during the Neolithic period.

The knowledge accumulated in the field of practical medicine is the result of the painstaking work of local doctors - emchi lamas.

Initially, the development of medicine was based on observations of animal behavior and natural phenomena.

For example, wounded animals were treated with certain herbs. The ancient Tibetans noticed this, put it into practice and, after successfully curing people, added it to their arsenal of medicinal drugs.

The animals helped them find about 25 medicinal plants in this way, which contributed to the healing of wounds, healing of fractures and healing from other diseases.

As for natural phenomena, the healing properties of hot mineral springs have been discovered. Various minerals were deposited at the site of their formation. They determined the specifics of the therapeutic effect.

The healing properties of different sources were different. It was experimentally determined which disease the water of each of them helps with. Sometimes the benefits of a particular substance were suggested by developed intuition, or it was discovered during meditation.

Chinese and Indian medicine began to interact with Tibetan medicine about 3,000 years ago. There is still debate about whose influence is primary. "Boom Shi" is the first documentary source from Tibet that contains complete knowledge of Tibetan medicine, including mantra healing.

Tibetan medicine is based on the position that the human body consists of five elements:

  • Earth,
  • water,
  • air,
  • fire,
  • space (ether).

The combinations of these primary elements form three vital principles:

  • wind (air and ether);
  • bile (fire and water);
  • mucus (water and soil).

An imbalance of any of the elements leads to problems with a specific organ of the body.

For example, if the ratio of land and water is disturbed, then it is necessary to apply therapeutic procedures affecting the head. The torso depends on the element of fire, the pelvis is influenced by the element of air.

Life principles are “responsible” for certain systems of the body.

The wind is for the nervous system. The following organs are associated with it in the body:

  • head,
  • throat,
  • shoulders,
  • breast,
  • heart,
  • abdominal cavity,
  • elbows,
  • large intestine
  • pelvic bones,
  • wrists,
  • hips,
  • knees,
  • ankles.

When an element of air is broken, they are warmed with their hands.

Other places in the body are associated with bile or mucus. In general, mucus affects the state of the lymphatic system, and bile affects the respiratory and circulatory system.

Diseaseoccurs when there is a violation of the relationship between these three vital principles and the five elements. During treatment, they strive to balance them. This complete balance is called “health”.

To establish this balance, you need to understand the reason for its violation. Tibetans believe that the secrets of all problems and illnesses lie in the mind.

Secondary reasons are poor diet, lifestyle and other factors.

Basic methods used in medical practice

A Tibetan doctor determines, first of all, a person’s energy level. Knowing it, he chooses one of four main methods or a combination of them for treatment:

  1. Diet correction.
  2. Recommendations for changing behavior and lifestyle.
  3. The use of medicines from herbs, animal components, minerals.
  4. External body treatments: acupuncture, warming with burning moxas, Ku Nye massage and others.

Treatment with various metals, precious stones, peacock feathers, and the use of mantras and astrology in the healing process deserve a separate article. For example, wearing gold helps rejuvenate the body.

Certain actions are also being taken to improve the health of the environment in which a person lives.

For example, to cleanse the room of viruses, the room is fumigated by burning rhododendron, juniper and other plants. This is the traditional Tibetan practice of Sang.

Three types of people according to the constitution

The three vital energy principles of the physical body correspond to three types of people: Bile, Wind and Mucus. A certain type of energy almost never manifests itself in its pure form, and a combination of all three is rare.

For the most part, a person has the characteristics of Bile-Wind, Slime-Wind and Bile-Slime. One principle in a pair is dominant, the second is weaker. By the way, Indian medicine is based on a similar system, and in it these principles are called doshas and are named as follows: vata (wind), pitta (bile) and kapha (mucus).

Knowing your leading “dosha”, you can regulate health problems, overweight or underweight.


People of the Mucus constitution are usually good-natured, sedentary, and prone to obesity. They sleep well and have rare changes in mood. Their reactions are not fast. Such people are often prone to edema.


People like Bile are extremely unbalanced. It is not easy for them to cope with their irritability and aggressiveness. The mood of such people changes quickly, and their sleep is also restless.

They are prone to heart attacks, high blood pressure, and liver problems. Emotions rule people with the Bile constitution.


Representatives of the Wind dosha are easy-going, cheerful, and impressionable. They are good at facial expressions and gestures, quickly lose weight and energy, which is then restored just as quickly. But it is difficult for them to gain weight.

Wind people react quickly to everything, but are unbearable. They have dry skin and hair, they can suffer from constipation, neuralgia and pain in joints of various locations.

They may also experience seizures. The digestive tract is their weak point.

Imbalance of doshas

As soon as the balance of the three vital energies in any person is disturbed, expect trouble. And this balance can be disrupted due to improper lifestyle and nutrition. The way you think also has a big impact.

For example, people who prefer to eat sweet (according to the Tibetan classification) foods accumulate mucus. Their companions are often:

  • diabetes mellitus,
  • joint diseases,
  • cardiovascular diseases,

If you often and randomly consume incompatible foods, the amount of mucus in the body will also increase. It will clog the blood vessels, and the flow of energy will begin to slow down. This is fraught with the occurrence of tumors.

Tibetan doctors warn that simultaneous exposure to a stressful situation and the accumulation of mucus leads to oncology.

If, under stress, bile becomes imbalanced, then you can expect a heart attack or stroke.

How to eat

Representatives of the type Mucus Salty, spicy and sour foods are beneficial. But bitter and sweet tastes adversely affect their constitution.

The following will help them balance their dosha:

  • bee products,
  • fish dishes,
  • lamb meat,
  • ginger drink,
  • salmon,
  • porridge,
  • aged wines.

It is useful for them to take food and drinks hot, or at least warm.

In the food of representatives of the constitution Bile There should be products with a predominance of bitter, sweet, astringent tastes. They are shown:

  • poultry or beef with pork,
  • different types of oil,
  • fermented milk drinks,
  • bittersweet ketchups,
  • various types of greens,
  • wide range of vegetables,
  • additives in the form of horseradish and mustard,
  • porridge,
  • nutmeg.

Food and drinks are best taken cool or warm.

Representatives of the type Wind must choose spicy, sweet, sour and salty foods. Fasting is not for them, as is bitterness in the taste. The following will help balance the dosha:

  • sesame oil,
  • sweets,
  • good wines
  • lamb meat, especially smoked meat,
  • horse meat dishes,
  • broths.

Eating all kinds of onions, garlic, and peppers will help increase the spiciness of dishes. Wild garlic is a useful herb.

It should be understood that the designations of the tastes of certain products do not always correspond to what we are used to. For example, meat is considered a sweet food, cinnamon is considered a salty food, etc.

Therefore, it is better to check the list of products belonging to the desired taste group before creating your menu. And, of course, it is best to consult a doctor of oriental medicine - he will accurately determine your dosha and recommend the type of nutrition that suits you best.

In general, it should be remembered that each of the six tastes enhances the manifestations of some principles and suppresses others.


Friends, all the best! Apply what you learn to stay healthy and share it on social networks.