History of the emergence of the city of Ufa. Ufa

The date of the establishment of Ufa has been the subject of debate for more than a century. The first date in the chronicle of the city is 1574. However, it is known that already in the Paleolithic era there were settlements of primitive people here. Witnesses of that time - tools made of stone and bronze, weapons, clay shards - will still tell many interesting things to visitors to city museums.

The first wooden buildings appeared on the Ufa peninsula during the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. And the city grew on the high hills after his conquest of the Kazan Khanate, forever merging the fates of the Russian and Bashkir peoples together. In those days, the administration of the Ufa region was carried out from the city of Kazan; due to the huge distances, this was extremely inconvenient. Therefore, in 1573, the Bashkirs turned to Ivan the Terrible with a request to build a fortress on their land.

The events of 1917, which Ufa experienced as a provincial industrial and financial center with a population of more than 100 thousand people, became a time of difficult trials for the townspeople. The republic turned into an arena of bloody actions; for two long years, power in the city repeatedly changed hands. In June 1919, the Kolchakites were completely defeated.

Immediately after the revolution, the Bashkir people, who had suffered from national oppression for centuries, actively became involved in the process of creating their own autonomous state. In the history of Russia it was the first national-territorial formation.

It was necessary to restore the economy destroyed by the revolution and the Civil War in difficult conditions; there was not enough fuel, transport, and qualified personnel. Overcoming incredible hardships, people worked, showed ingenuity and initiative. By the beginning of 1925, the largest enterprises in Ufa were actually restored, and new construction gradually began. The housing problem was very acute in the city.

Landscaping work began in 1922. The roadway and roadways were paved, and Bolshaya Kazanskaya Street was re-cobbled. Old gardens and parks were put in order, trees and flowers were planted. The 30s of the twentieth century entered the history of Ufa as a new era in the development of industrial potential. In May 1935, construction began on the Ufa oil refinery. By 1940, the plant had become the largest enterprise in Russia.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Ufa residents rallied in the face of a common misfortune. Almost the entire industry of the city worked at that time for the needs of the front. During the war years, industrial output at city enterprises increased fivefold. Mechanical engineering developed at a tremendous pace, and new industries emerged - chemical, textile, electric lamps, and vitamins.

The transformation of Ufa into the largest industrial center of the Urals was also facilitated by the fact that in the first years of the war about 50 enterprises were evacuated there from all over the country. The city grew at a pace not envisioned by any projects.

First post-war years were marked by unprecedented labor enthusiasm and great achievements in many sectors of the national economy. Ufa was healing the wounds inflicted by the war, the industrialization of the city was proceeding very rapidly, factories and plants were switching to the production of peaceful products, new enterprises were created. In 1940, the General Plan for the reconstruction and development of Ufa was adopted. Industrial construction was carried out in its northern part, away from residential areas; new schools, hospitals, cinemas, and a circus were built.

On the right bank of the Belaya River, where the Smolensk Cathedral once stood, now stands the Monument of Friendship. The laying of the monument in honor of the 400th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Bashkiria into the Russian state took place in 1957. A lot has changed since then. On the streets of Ufa, mosques and temples are being built again, shopping malls and modern hypermarkets are sparkling with shop windows. But people still flock to the foot of the Monument, which remains one of the main symbols of the unity of the two peoples.

Average temperature in the city by month:

Ufa through the eyes of a resident. About climate, ecology, areas, real estate prices and work in the city. Pros and cons of living in Ufa. Reviews from residents and those who moved to the city.

General information and history of Ufa

It is generally accepted that Ufa was founded in 1574, but in fact, people lived here many thousands of years before the appearance of modern streets, as evidenced by the most ancient settlements. As for the first wooden buildings, they arose on the Ufa Peninsula during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. A short time later, a city grew on the high hills, uniting the destinies of the Bashkir and Russian peoples. The basis of the future city was considered to be the “Kremlin”, erected on the right bank of the Sutolka River. Today this place is known to all Ufa residents, because in its place stands the 33-meter granite Friendship Monument.

In the 70s of the 18th century, Ufa could boast of nine streets and there were more than 1,000 courtyards. The city at the beginning of the 19th century was not large at all; you could get around it in 2 hours (32 streets with settlements and alleys). A little later, in 1865, it became the center of the Ufa province. In the mid-19th century, a new general plan predetermined its face for a hundred years in advance; great credit for the transformation of Ufa belongs to the St. Petersburg architect V.I. Gesta.

In the 1920s, Ufa became the official capital of the Autonomous Bashkir Socialist Soviet Republic. At the same time, the city was gaining its power, and gross industrial output increased 16 times. During the first five-year plan, a thermal power plant and the Ufa Engine Plant were built, and later the Ufa Oil Refinery was built after the discovery of oil. In the post-war years, the capital actively developed chemical industry and mechanical engineering, several oil refineries were built.

Climate and ecology of Ufa

Being located in the north-forest-steppe subzone of the temperate zone, Ufa is characterized by a continental, fairly humid climate. Summers here are warm, winters are moderately cold, but long; above-zero temperatures are established only in April. However, global warming, which is discussed in lately Perhaps every resident of Russia and other countries of the world knows, it has already left its mark - in 2010-2012, already in April the thermometer rose to +20°C. At the same time, the warm weather very soon gave way to sub-zero temperatures, which is typical even for May.

The winters in Ufa have also become significantly warmer - if earlier the thermometer mark of 30°C was the norm, then in recent years Even in the coldest winter month, the temperature rarely drops below -20°C. Stable snow cover, however, invariably forms on November 10-15.

Unfortunately, the environmental situation in the city is not so rosy. The radiation situation in Ufa has remained virtually unchanged in recent years and remains generally satisfactory.

But... If 10 years ago based on federal law“On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” there were certain procedures for regulating emissions under unfavorable weather conditions, but today, in the pursuit of profit, this mechanism is a thing of the past. All this leads to the fact that a cap of smog hangs over Ufa all 230 calm days a year. Thus, we can conclude that Ufa deserves ninth place among the most polluted cities in Russia.

The year 2011 caused particular indignation on the part of residents of the Ordzhonikidze and Kalininsky districts, where, in their opinion, the level of atmospheric pollution by emissions from industrial enterprises exceeded all permissible standards. Last year, stationary sources emitted about 400 thousand tons of pollutants into the atmosphere of the republic. OJSC Ufaneftekhim and OJSC Novo-Ufa Oil Refinery close the top five “leaders” in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere among enterprises in Bashkiria (44.622 thousand tons and 41.585 thousand tons, respectively). Of course, not only atmospheric emissions have a negative impact on the city’s ecology; exhaust from vehicles also adds fuel to the fire.

If at the end of the 80s the USSR government had not adopted Resolution No. 556, known to the townspeople, and had not closed a number of “dirty” industries, it is unknown how the situation would have developed by 2012, because even taking into account all measures taken, treatment facilities do not allow achieving any significant reduction in extremely high pollution of water bodies. Every year, more than half of the total volume of wastewater in the republic is discharged into the city’s rivers. Until the treatment facilities built 30 years ago are modernized and new treatment technologies are introduced, it is not at all possible to talk about stabilizing the environmental situation in Ufa.

Every year, about 200 thousand tons of waste are stored on the territory of organizations, and another 300 thousand tons are transported to the city landfill. The city of one million people has been experiencing an urgent need for a plant for processing solid household and industrial waste with advanced technologies for many years. However, its construction is not even discussed, because it is much more important to build an underground road tunnel with illumination in the Akbuzat area, and meanwhile the owners of the largest industrial enterprises in petrochemicals, mechanical engineering, and energy continue to pollute the air of the city in which their relatives and friends live.

Population of Ufa

The million-plus city (ranked 11th), whose population in 2011 was 1,074,900 people, has been replenished with 22 thousand Ufa residents over the past 8 years. As before, there are many more women in the republic than men (there are only 836 men per 1,000 women).

Ufa is the only millionaire city in the Russian Federation, where natural population growth has occurred since 2008. In the second quarter of 2011 alone, it amounted to about 678 people. The absolute “leaders” in the city are residents of working age - 65.8%, as for people under working age, they account for 15.6%, the remaining part (8.6%) is occupied by residents over working age.

Ufa is a multifaceted and multinational city, despite the fact that it is the capital of the Republic of Belarus, Bashkirs are rare here. The bulk of the population is made up of Russians (54.2%), however, recent years indicate an increase in the number of Tatars and Bashkirs due to intensive migration from rural areas. Tatars (28.05%) also make up a significant part of the population. In addition, Ukrainians, Chuvash and Azerbaijanis, Mari and Belarusians, Mordovians, Armenians, as well as Germans and Jews live in Ufa.

In fact, the boundaries of the city are constantly expanding, thus the population of the capital is increasing, and at the same time, in the Ufa environs themselves there is a high population density. Some residents even live in the city and outside it seasonally - in winter they live in Ufa, and in the warm season they move to a dacha or a country house.

Every year, with the beginning of the new academic year, the city is replenished with students from nearby cities of the republic - Belebey, Beloretsk, as well as numerous villages, and then it seems that Ufa is about to catch up. In summer, the situation is exactly the opposite - the city, especially on weekends, seems to be dying out, October Avenue (the main transport artery) is empty, and only thick smog over the capital reminds us that this is the industrial center of the republic, in which more than 1 million people live peacefully - Tatars and Bashkirs, Russians and Ukrainians, for centuries they have been adopting each other’s traditions, sharing experiences, meeting together national holidays, becoming more and more united year after year. And this is not surprising, because they all have one thing in common - boundless love for their native land, for the heart of the republic - Ufa.

Districts and real estate of Ufa

Districts of the city of Ufa:

  • Territory of the Demsky district (highlighted in green). Area 56.2826 sq. km. Population density 946.189401677 people/sq.km.
  • Territory of the Kalininsky district (yellow). Area 201,432 sq. km. Population density 976.994684664 people/sq.km.
  • Territory of the Kirovsky district (blue). Area 136.85 sq. km. Population density 936.894368152 people/sq.km.
  • Territory of Leninsky district (purple). Area 71.3502 sq. km. Population density 1038.62362381 people/sq.km.
  • Territory of the Oktyabrsky district (pink). Area 91.0907 sq. km. Population density 2524.34117245 people/sq.km.
  • Territory of Ordzhonikidze district (orange). Area 145,505 sq. km. Population density 1246.34200828 people/sq.km.
  • Territory of the Sovetsky district (gray). Area 16.1479 sq. km. Population density 10286.4771165 people/sq.km.

Modern Ufa, occupying an area of ​​71 thousand hectares, is geographically divided into 7 main districts, which, like the seven petals of the kurai, determine the well-being and prosperity of the city. The Kirovsky district, located in the northeastern part, is called the center of scientific, political and cultural life. It is here that the main administrative institutions of the republic, most higher educational institutions and theaters are located.

More than 60% of the total volume industrial production Ufa falls in the Ordzhonikidze district. The Kalininsky district, where 25 large industrial enterprises are concentrated, is somewhat inferior to it.

A new era has begun for residents of the Leninsky district - after all, today large-scale construction has begun: old dilapidated houses are being demolished and modern high-rise buildings and shopping complexes, cottage villages are being built in their place.

There are also socio-economic transformations in the Sovetsky district, which makes a significant contribution to the improvement of the city. Located in the very heart of Ufa, it occupies only 16.2 square kilometers of area, but the population density is much higher than in other areas - there are more than 10 thousand people per square kilometer.

Demsky district is located in the southern part of the city. This is the homeland of Ufa railway workers, who watch the appearance of Dema transform year after year - wide streets and elegant squares have forever erased the former workers’ village from their memory.

Oktyabrsky is the largest and at the same time the youngest district of the Republic of Belarus. Every fifth Ufa resident lives here, which is not surprising, because the population of the Sipailovo microdistrict alone exceeds 110 thousand people.

The capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, like others major cities Along with the official administrative-territorial division, it has an unofficial geography. Historically, the city is conventionally divided by residents into several microdistricts, each of which has its own “popular” reputation.

For example, by concentrating various kinds industrial enterprises (OJSC Ufakhimprom (now closed), Ufa Electrolamp Plant SVET, OJSC Ufa Reinforced Concrete Plant No. 1, etc.), and the Chernikovka microdistrict was recognized as the most “gangster” district ( former city Chernikovsk), in which the Chernikovskaya industrial zone can be separately distinguished (north of Novocherkasskaya, M. Gorky, D. Donskoy, Dimitrov streets to the railway). The central part of Chernikovka is considered to be the square named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze; here is the Palace of Culture of the same name, now called the Palace of Youth, from which the streets radiate: Pervomaiskaya, Cosmonauts, Constitution, and the square itself is crossed by Mira Street.

The famous alley of larch trees stretches from the palace. Ulyanov Street, which crosses the main thoroughfare of Chernikovka, Pervomaiskaya Street, abuts it. Before the intersection with the noisy highway on Nevsky Street, there are houses with beautiful stucco moldings, balconies, arches, and courtyards, where it’s nice to wander around in the summer. Of course, not all of Chernikovka is so beautiful - later buildings, Khrushchev buildings, and even two- and one-story barracks, which are gradually being demolished, have found their place here. The village of Timashevo is located near Chernikovka. Buy a house here with an area of ​​70 square meters. m is possible for 2,500,000 rubles.

Previously, the microdistrict, located in the north of the capital, was classified as a workers' village; today it is one of the leading industrial areas of the city, which is often called the “working bone”. Basically, Chernikovka is “rich” in Khrushchev buildings, but 8-12 storey buildings are also not uncommon here. In addition, the area is currently being developed with new buildings.

From the north, the microdistrict borders on an industrial zone, which, of course, leaves its mark on the value of local real estate. Many residents of the northern industrial zone of the city complain about severe gas pollution. Chernikovka is surrounded from the south and west by railway stations, and therefore, when purchasing housing here, you need to be prepared to fall asleep, most likely to the sound of trains. However, you can protect yourself from extraneous sounds by choosing an apartment in a new building, which has double-glazed windows that practically do not let in extraneous sounds. 1 sq. m of such housing in Chernikovka costs 37.7 thousand rubles. As for the secondary market, the lower price level is presented in the range of 46.6 thousand rubles. per sq. m. The “Elite Housing” segment is represented very little. In fact, the reason lies not only in the notoriety of the area, but also in the many kilometers of traffic jams during rush hour (30-40 minutes), which are the main headache for residents of the former Chernikovsk.

So, what is the appearance of Chernikovka? Like all of Ufa, this area has many faces. For some, this is a quiet neighborhood without too much fuss, where ordinary people live, sincerely believing that they live in a beautiful place, where larch alleys turn into linden squares, and houses with beautiful stucco moldings and arches give way to majestic 8-story buildings. Others (residents of the Center) know for sure that the district’s population is mainly not “golden” youth, “working” people, pensioners who received apartments back in the 80s. They call Chernikovka the criminal center of Ufa, and in their own way they are right. Indeed, the crime rate here is high, but unlike in the 90s, no one walks the streets with pistols and scares civilians.

Despite the fact that there are gypsy households and drug addicts here, the rumors are greatly exaggerated by those who have never lived in the area. If you don’t look for trouble at night and don’t walk in deserted courtyards, Chernikovka will greet you quite peacefully and you can live here your whole life without knowing any worries.

Chernikovka is a large area. Here is the northern bus station of the city, the Lyalya Tulip Mosque, Victory Park and much more. By the way, it was in this area that the singer Zemfira once lived.

Dema is a remote residential area in the southwest of Ufa, located on the left bank of the Belaya River, at the mouth of the Dema River. It is recognized as the most “railroad” district of the capital of Bashkiria: there are several depots, the Ufa College of Railway Transport, and a large Dema station.

In the north, Dema borders on the Kirov and Leninsky districts. In the West of Dema you can mainly see private houses. Here, a “square” of housing in a new building will cost you only 35.7 thousand rubles. (resale), in a new building, apt. meter costs about 35-43 thousand rubles.

Dema is characterized by “autonomy” from the city public utilities system: the area has its own boiler houses, wastewater treatment plants, and several water intakes. The Demsky district today is a district of railway workers, builders, land reclamation workers... Despite the fact that “elite class” housing is rarely found here, today large-scale construction is underway in Dem. There are not as many industrial enterprises here as in Chernikovka, beautiful nature, many picturesque lakes nearby, but the disadvantage is the distance from the Center - residents have to spend up to 40 - 60 minutes on the road to work and back to the Center and other areas of the city.

Large-scale construction is currently underway near Dema - the Yarkiy microdistrict, which will increase the capital's housing stock by 700 thousand square meters, will be located in an ecologically clean place, surrounded by forests and several lakes. It is already called the “city of the future.” “Bright” will consist of 12 blocks, each of which will reflect the brightest architectural features the world's most famous capitals. Here you can see a piece of Sydney and part of France, etc. It seems that real estate prices in the “city of the future” will also be prohibitive.

Glumilino is a historical district of Ufa, which includes the former village of Glumilino. Its main attraction is the House of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). Most likely, in the coming years, real estate prices here will increase several times, since a water park is scheduled to open in the area in 2013. In fact, Glumilino today attracts the attention of both developers and buyers; it is located next to the Center and at the same time protected from city noise. A “square” of housing here can be bought for 33 thousand rubles.

The Molodezhny microdistrict is limited by Nikolai Dmitriev, 8 March and Bessonova streets, as well as Khadiya Davletshina Boulevard. It is located next to the Center, not far from the main transport artery of the city - October Avenue. Molodezhny is located in a lowland and people who are far from driving a car have to spend a lot of effort climbing the slope, since minibuses have to wait for several hours. Previously, the microdistrict was adjacent to a picturesque forest, but today, after the construction of Salavat Yulaev Avenue, which stretches for many kilometers, connecting almost all remote areas of the city, from the windows of many houses, instead of a picturesque landscape, there is a view of many kilometers of traffic jams. A one-room apartment in Molodezhny will cost you 1,800,000 rubles.

The Yuzhny microdistrict occupies a significant area on the southern slope of the city of Ufa. It is located in the very heart of the city and stretches from the Friendship Monument to the Stone Crossing. Yuzhny is rightfully considered the pearl of Ufa.

The adjacent Kuznetsovsky Zaton, in contrast to Yuzhny, is replete with motley houses - here there are majestic 4-story cottages and small village houses. You can buy a cottage here with an area of ​​260 square meters for an average of 4,000,000 - 6,000,000 rubles. This is an ecologically clean area with developed infrastructure, the habitat of the city’s bohemians, however, wealthier residents prefer to live away from noisy Ufa in cottage villages such as Alekseevka, Mikhailovka (the southern part of the city, there are several picturesque lakes nearby), Cooperative Polyana (houses here annually flooded), Zubovo (located next to the airport and hypermarkets such as Auchan, Ikea, Metro, Leroy Merlin). The average price tag for a cottage with an area of ​​250 square meters in such villages is about 7,000,000 rubles.

Returning to the Yuzhny microdistrict, we add that it consists of three residential groups, different in architecture, but connected in unified system. Houses on the street Sofia Perovskaya is represented by large structures, bulky forms, and there is a car passage here. In the second part of the South, smaller elements predominate. The third group is characterized by rectilinear architecture. Not everyone can afford to buy an apartment in Yuzhny - price tags here start from 51 thousand rubles. per sq. meter and above.

In fact, speaking of cottages located directly near the city center, there is no better place than the Kuznetsovsky district. Numerous cottages hidden on the slope offer a truly magical view of the Belaya River, and to the right there is a bridge connecting the city with nearby villages.

The new building is a residential area of ​​Ufa, located between Mendeleev Street and Salavat Yulaev Avenue, bordered on the south by the forest park named after Foresters of Bashkiria, and also limited by the Sutulka River, however, part of the latter was mercilessly hidden in a pipe a couple of years ago during the construction of Salavat Yulaev Avenue.

On the other hand, the new building is limited by the steep bank of the Ufa River (Karaidel). On the slope of the river since the 70s of the XX century. there is a complex of sports facilities for ski jumping, the microdistrict is framed by a dense forest, from the windows of high-rise buildings there is a picturesque view of the Ufa River and country houses located on the opposite bank.

Ufa residents often also call this area the Springboard. Residents of the entire city often ski and snowboard here, and also go down to the river on a cable car. In addition, the microdistrict is popular among fishermen - there is simply excellent year-round fishing, however, in the area of ​​the Kuznetsovsky Bridge you can also see fishermen in any weather... The main cultural institution of "Novostroika" is the NUR Theater. A “square” of housing in a new house here costs between 41-42 thousand rubles.

Backwater - remote residential area western part of Ufa (outskirts). It stretches for many kilometers along the old bed of the Belaya River. It is here that the winter stop of the Bashkir River Shipping Company is located, as well as the only command river school in Ufa. The microdistrict is famous for cheap housing, as well as eternal traffic jams in the summer; numerous dachas and gardens are located just beyond Zaton, and in order to get to your plot after work you have to stand together with the residents of Zaton for up to 40 minutes in a tiresome traffic jam. However, residents are in no hurry to move from here; they are quite comfortable in their small town, away from the hustle and bustle, especially since there are usually no problems with transport, and picturesque places for recreation - lakes and rivers are very close here. Buy an apartment in Zaton. meter of housing can cost 35.7 thousand rubles. (in a new house).

We are transported to northern region the city of Inors, which is surrounded on three sides by dense forest, and the Ufa River flows nearby. Previously, this microdistrict was considered unattractive for purchasing housing and was inhabited, as well as Chernikovka (especially since they are located next to each other), mainly by factory workers, etc. Today the situation has changed somewhat, since the area is being built up with more and more residential buildings. There are several official beaches near Inors: on Lake Teploe and the Belaya River. You can buy an apartment here cheaply – 35.7 thousand rubles. per sq. m.

Nizhegorodka is a residential area in the western part of the city, mainly built up with private houses. The microdistrict is 1-2 km away from the city center and is located in a bend of the Belaya River. The disadvantage of living here is the annual flooding of houses, since Nizhny Novgorod is surrounded by a river on three sides. The center of the district is especially popular among local residents, because Lake Dolgoe is located here, and the Ufa railway station is located nearby. Buy a cottage of 240 sq. m is possible in Nizhny Novgorod for 5,000,000-5,500,000 rubles.

Sipailovo is a residential area of ​​the city, hidden in a bend of the Ufa River. This is one of the microdistricts of the city, devoid of greenery, since it is located in a swampy area, in a lowland, which was previously flooded during floods. Later, the territory of Sipailovo was filled with a sand and gravel mixture, but the trees planted many years ago are just beginning their active growth, and therefore the area is somewhat gloomy. However, it also has its own attractions, namely the Kashkadan Culture and Recreation Park, located near the lake of the same name, which becomes the main vacation spot for local residents in the summer.

Despite the fact that many houses (along Naberezhnaya Street) offer beautiful views of the river and forests, housing here is quite affordable. This is explained by air pollution (there are numerous industrial enterprises nearby), as well as constant traffic jams at the entrance to the area, during rush hour - this is a common occurrence. In the area you will not see Khrushchev houses or barracks - this is a concentration of multi-storey buildings, many of which were built in the late 80s - early 90s. However, housing prices in elite residential complexes in Sipailovo amaze even Muscovites, so the area is very heterogeneous in its essence. You can buy an apartment in a standard panel house for 45 thousand rubles/sq. m.

Green Grove (Zelenka) is a microdistrict in the southeastern part of Ufa, also referred to by older residents as Staraya Ufa, located on the steep right bank of the Karaidel River. Green Grove is widely known both among Ufa residents and throughout Russia for the cardiological sanatorium of the same name, which is located in a forested area. In Zelenka there are large Ufa enterprises BETO, Condi (Harry’s), Teastan. This is where you can find the highest prices for real estate, this is due, first of all, to the fact that the area is located in an ecologically clean place, surrounded by dense forest, located away from the bustle of the city, eternal traffic jams and industrial enterprises. You can buy a “square” here in a new house for 48 thousand rubles.

It would seem that we had already looked at most of the capital, but that was not the case. After all, the very Center of Ufa, which, however, is not such from a geographical point of view, but acts only as its main historical part, remains on the sidelines. From the south, the Center is limited by the Belaya River, this is where the main cultural objects are concentrated, this is the legendary monument to Salavat Yulaev, and the Gostiny Dvor shopping and business complex, as well as the Congress Hall and the Neftyanik Palace of Culture, the House of the Republic, the State Assembly are also located here — Kurultai and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In addition, the Center is the most scientific part of the city - 8 universities, 8 colleges and 23 student dormitories, all of them are relatively close to each other, with the exception of USPTU, which is located in Chernikovka.

It was here, in the heart of Ufa, that the talent of the world famous dancer and choreographer Rudolf Nureyev was first revealed... Finally, it is the Center of Ufa that is the homeland of the popular rock performer, musician, and poet Yuri Shevchuk. His house is on the corner of Lenin and Dostoevsky streets, where he lived for many years, is well known to all fans. And, of course, one cannot talk about the Center without mentioning the garden named after S. T. Aksakov.

Housing prices in the center of the capital evoke no less emotions than the sights themselves; the city's elite live here - those who preferred city life to privacy in elite cottage villages outside the city. These, for example, include the village of Chesnokovka, located on the mountain of the same name, which offers a magnificent view of the river and sprawling forests and fields. Buy a cottage here? Easily! However, know that on average a house of 500 square meters will cost you 28,000,000 rubles. As for the cost per square meter in the Center, everything is more and more “budgetary” - only 60 thousand rubles. (secondary).

And finally, we come to the main transport artery of the city, connecting the south and north, to the main street of Ufa - October Avenue, which begins not far from the Bashkir State Agrarian University and adjoins Tonnelnaya Street on the road to Chernikovka. Five-story buildings stretch along the avenue - mostly Khrushchev-era buildings, but there are also high-rise buildings built in a later period of time, interspersed with new buildings and luxury houses.

For a very long time, Oktyabrya Avenue was the only avenue in the city, and therefore it is still referred to by residents simply as “Prospect”. After the Center and Green Grove, it is on Prospect that the most expensive apartments are located, which is primarily due to its convenient location; in fact, the geographical middle of the city runs along Prospect, from here it is convenient to get to any corner of Ufa, as well as beyond. Many years ago, the avenue was expanded (tram tracks were removed), thereby relieving traffic jams. However, during rush hour it becomes not at all clear how residents moved in those days when trams still ran here.

Living on Prospect is very prestigious, and therefore a “square” of housing costs 50 thousand rubles. However, those who can afford truly luxurious housing still choose the bohemian Center or the environmentally friendly Green Grove, while Prospect is for simpler people... It is very multifaceted, just like the people living here - both janitors and successful businessmen. There are more expensive options - in elite residential complexes - in the City Council area, there are cheaper ones - up to 40 thousand rubles / sq.m.

City infrastructure

In order to live up to the title of the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa went through a long period of development, and today it can boast of a completely transformed appearance. First of all, we are talking about the modernized international airport “Ufa”, or as local residents jokingly call it “Three Screws” - this name is not accidental, the whole point is that on the top of one of the airport terminals there is an inscription in the Bashkir language “ ӨФӨ". The writing really does resemble screw heads.

Another interesting fact is that the city’s airport is the only one of its kind that has a completely identical IATA code with the name of the city in both Latin (UFA) and Cyrillic (UFA). The airport building, again in order to meet the capital's level, was reconstructed in 2007. On internal lines can now serve up to 600 passengers per hour. 4 elevators and telescopic gangways, 3 escalators were installed, and the entire station area was increased. 3 years ago, Ufa Airport took first place in the annual competition “Best Airport in the CIS Countries” as the most intensively developing one. In 2011, about 1 million 688 thousand 570 people were served here. However, today “Three Screws” also requires modernization due to the constant increase in the number of flights; from here you can fly to almost anywhere in the world (the terminal’s capacity is not too large - about 200 people per hour, long queues are not uncommon here).

A real long-term construction project in Ufa is considered to be the railway station, located not far from the Center, near the embankment of the Belaya River; its reconstruction began back in 2006, but the work was not completed either a year later or 1.5 years later. It's all about problems with financing from JSC Russian Railways; passengers are still experiencing some inconvenience, however, the city authorities promise to solve all the problems in 2012 (the deadline for the completion of the first stage of the Ufa railway station). Currently, large-scale work is underway at the first launch complex. A major transport hub in Russia daily serves about 40 direct trains along with 60 suburban routes.

Arriving in the capital of Bashkiria, many remain here for permanent residence, some remain satisfied with life in the capital, while others find reasons for dissatisfaction in everything, from the annual increase in rent to constant traffic jams, etc. Here everyone is right in their own way; every city has problems of this kind to one degree or another, Ufa is no exception.

Of course, the rise in prices for utility services in the capital cannot be called prohibitive, no matter how much one wants to, but it does happen. However, the MUP UZhKh Sovetsky and other districts of Ufa cope satisfactorily with their responsibilities. As for the rise in prices, the most pronounced jump has occurred over the past three years; rents currently do not always “keep pace” with wage growth; the growth of the latter is clearly delayed by a couple of years. In general, in 2011, rent increased by 5% compared to a year earlier, but if we compare the receipts of 2012 (April) with 2010 (April), then there is a difference of 90 rubles.

The cost of housing and communal services provided to the population in 2011 on average in the republic was 58 rubles 68 kopecks per square meter per month. At the same time, residents paid 11 rubles 13 kopecks per cubic meter for water, 9 rubles 40 kopecks per cubic meter for sewerage cubic meter, as for thermal energy, Gcal cost 769 rubles 36 kopecks. Electric energy cost a city resident of the republic 1 ruble 91 kopecks per kW/hour. Gas cost 4 rubles 52 kopecks per cubic meter. In 2012, the situation changed somewhat, and not in the direction of lower prices, as you probably already guessed.

Who provides the capital with hot water, heat and other benefits of civilization? Housing and communal services engineering systems include 409 communal boiler houses (their capacity in total reaches 3381 Gcal), 315 water intakes (1.6 million cubic meters/day), coupled with 60 treatment facilities with a capacity of 946 thousand cubic meters, 4.5 thousand transformer substations (power 1.4 million kW). There are 4,110 km of heating networks across Ufa (two-pipe calculation), as well as 14,490 km of water supply networks and 3,605 km of sewer networks. Hot water in Ufa, he is in charge of Bashkirenergo OJSC, the same company supplies heat to the majority of Ufa houses (about 90%).

If you shift your attention from utility problems to health issues, then everything here is much rosier. The capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan copes well with incoming patients, since it has 55 medical and preventive institutions in its arsenal, including the popular All-Russian Eye and Eye Center Plastic Surgery, its permanent director for many years has been the legendary Ernst Muldashev.

Let's move on to the second problem of all Russian cities - roads. In general, the condition of the road surface, of course, leaves much to be desired, but compared to Volgograd or Samara, Saratov, everything does not look so bad, especially in the city center and on the main street - Oktyabrya Avenue, as for Salavat Yulaev Avenue (constant patching of holes , the tracks are predominantly asphalt of different grain sizes only aggravates the situation), the direction “Ufa-Zaton”, the road to the village “8th March”, Marshal Zhukov Street, Bakalinskaya Street, as well as Dema and Inorsa, Chernikovka, then there are potholes and up to 20 cm deep, often after getting into such a “surprise”, the car’s chassis requires expensive repairs.

The situation is no better with the roads in the courtyards - the coverage here is frankly terrible in some places. Of course, the authorities are not turning a blind eye to the current situation and are gradually solving problems, but the process is moving very slowly, and while in the Center you can move quite normally without the risk of being left without wheels, then closer to the outskirts, and especially in Nizhny Novgorod, the situation is clearly getting out of control.

The situation is also heated by the workers’ stubborn adherence to the technology of laying asphalt, which is called “in puddles”. The result of such “masterful” work is obvious - in the first few months of 2012 alone, 300 accidents occurred in the capital, their cause was the poor condition of the road surface. We can only hope that the city will slowly move away from laying the surface, which in reality is instantly subsiding crushed limestone and five centimeters of asphalt.

Things are no better with the expansion of roads, despite the fact that more and more new streets are being expanded in the city every year, the increase in the number of passenger cars circulating in the capital is clearly ahead of the curve. Today, there are more than 200 passenger cars per 1,000 residents of Ufa (2010 data), and therefore there is a real feeling that the roads are standing still, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

The result is felt by all residents of the metropolis - traffic jams, long waits at pedestrian crossings have become the norm, and not only during rush hour; as for the holiday period, in the summer months it becomes very difficult to leave the stuffy city and get out on the summer cottage plot, especially in the gardens located behind Zaton and in the Airport area - Ufa residents are guaranteed a 1-1.5 hour traffic jam.

Of course, the authorities are doing everything possible to resolve this situation (in recent years they have expanded: 50 Let USSR Street, O. Galle Street, Sipaylovskaya, etc.), but they have a hard time - the initial development of the city, especially in the central part was not designed for such a rapid increase in the number of vehicles. And therefore, neither the Center, nor Chernikovka, nor even Prospekt Oktyabrya, expanded due to the elimination of tram tracks, can cope with city traffic during rush hour. This state of affairs is aggravated by: small lanes, one-way traffic, narrow streets and large number pedestrian crossings, prohibition of many left turns, lack of the required number of parking lots. Even October Avenue, the main transport artery of the city, is constantly crowded with cars, as a result of which traffic becomes even more difficult.

Previously, on the descent to Sipailovo, residents of the microdistrict sat in traffic jams for hours, but at the end of 2011, to the delight of Ufa residents, the situation changed - Sipailovskaya Street was significantly expanded and from now on, after the Akbuzat hippodrome, the traffic flow no longer freezes for 20-30 minutes, but moves (although and not always as quickly as we would like). If this section had not been unloaded in the next year, after a couple of years the through transit route connecting Shaksha and Chernikovka with the City Center would most likely have been simply paralyzed.

Of course, the problem with traffic jams on city streets cannot be solved in one year, innovations are required here, there is not and cannot be a cheap solution, work in this direction from year to year requires considerable reserves. It is unknown how things would have been if a couple of years ago the city leadership had not seen the urgent need to relieve congestion on city roads, which led to the creation of a new street, Salavat Yulaev Avenue - a highway of continuous traffic, which originates from Zaki Validi Street, at the entrance to the southern bridge over the Belaya River and ends adjacent to Sipailovskaya Street, at the entrance to the Sipailovo district.

When it became obvious that neither the unloading of October Avenue nor the construction of Salavat Yulaev Avenue would solve all the problems associated with road congestion, there was talk of building a metro, which, however, quickly faded away. The thing is that the soil of Ufa and the karst voids under the city do not allow such construction; in addition, the construction of the metro would require blocking traffic along October Avenue for several years, which is impossible in principle today. As a result, despite the fact that more than 1.5 billion rubles had already been invested in the project, it was frozen... Then many projects followed, which subsequently suffered a less rosy fate.

The most promising project that can really solve the problems of road congestion today is the program developed by the Bashavtotrans company; it provides for the creation of comfortable and safe passenger transport in the capital. This system will relieve congestion on the central street of the city - October Avenue. Its essence lies in the strictly streamlined operation of shuttle buses, which are planned to run along a strictly designated lane, without the possibility of overtaking. This “Bus Metro” will move strictly along one route throughout its entire length with a clear time interval. For now, however, these are just words.

While the city authorities are struggling with traffic jams, more than 150 general education schools and about 200 preschool institutions. Largest quantity schools and kindergartens is observed in Oktyabrsky (24 general education and 39 preschool educational institutions of general developmental, compensatory and combined types) and Ordzhonikidze (54 kindergartens and 26 schools) districts. However, in reality these figures do not seem so large-scale, since in July 2011 the number of unsatisfied applications from parents of preschool children in Bashkortostan since the beginning of the year was about 70 thousand, over the last year about 20 thousand applications were received, previously this number was registered in three years... And if during the period from 2008 to 2010 the number of places in kindergartens increased by 17 thousand, then the number of children under the age of six increased by more than 30 thousand.

To be fair, it is worth noting that not long ago the city authorities decided to extend the validity of the republican target program “Development of the preschool education system in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2008-2012” for another year. With an additional 9 billion rubles allocated, about 24 thousand new places will be created for children. However, this measure will also not solve all the problems, and even if by the end of the program in Bashkortostan 195 thousand children will be able to go to kindergartens, according to forecasts, their number will increase to 315 thousand. There is a shortage of 100,000 places.

Enterprises and work in Ufa

In fact, in order to understand the current state of Ufa's economy, you need to take a short excursion into its past. According to the research of historians, once upon a time, on the site of the capital of Bashkortostan, there was a rich and large city; as for industry, it appeared in Ufa in the 19th century. A new impetus for the development of the city was given in 1870 by the opening of regular navigation on the Belaya River, coupled with the construction of the Samara-Zlotoust railway. The city began to develop intensively in the 30s of the 19th century, when industrial output increased 15 times. Later, during the first five-year plans, a thermal power plant and the Ufa Engine Plant, as well as the Ufa Oil Refinery, were built.

Today the city continues its intensive development, this is also facilitated by the convenient geographical and transport location along with the keen interest in the capital from foreign partners and investors. There are already about 200 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises concentrated in the city. As for the basis of the economy of Ufa, these are, of course, two diversified complexes: mechanical engineering and fuel and energy. Speaking about the national production volumes, let us add that the share of Ufa enterprises exceeds 50%, products are exported from Ufa to 55 countries of the world - impressive, isn’t it?

The most “industrial” districts of the city are Ordzhonikidze (more than 60% of Ufa’s total industrial production is produced here), as well as the Kalininsky district, where 25 large industrial enterprises are concentrated. Ufa oil refineries process 12% of all Russian oil. Every tenth ton of Russian oil is processed in the city; Ufa produces every eighth ton of motor gasoline and every ninth ton of Russian diesel fuel. In addition, one of the most powerful oil refining complexes is located in the heart of the republic...

Of course, such indicators are favorable for the city’s economy as a whole, and in addition, they contribute to optimal employment of the population. The average salary in Ufa is about 18,000 rubles. Returning to one of the fundamental sectors of the city’s economy - oil production and refining, we note that while on average in Russia the depth of refining averages 71-72%, in OJSC Ufaneftekhim - 77-78%, in OJSC Ufa Oil Refinery plant" figure exceeds 80%.

In general, we can say that at the above enterprises, as well as in such organizations as OJSC Ufimkabel and OJSC Ufa Electric Lamp Plant Svet, at reinforced concrete plants (JSC GlavBashStroy, etc.), at OJSC Joint Stock Company Vostokneftezavodmontazh”, OJSC “Bashstrom” (production of small-piece wall materials) are in demand for both blue-collar jobs with wages of up to 15,000 rubles, and management positions (average salary is about 35,000 -40,000 rubles). In many cases, the work involves frequent business trips, both in the Republic of Belarus and throughout Russia, mainly in the North.

Many Ufa residents work at OJSC Ufaorgsintez; about 55 types of petrochemical products and consumer goods are produced here; this is one of the largest enterprises in Europe, awarded the diplomas “100 Best Products of Russia” and “ Best products Bashkortostan".

In Ufa there is always work for power engineers - 6 largest enterprises, including OJSC Bashkirnergo, as well as Bashkir Electric Distribution Networks, etc. The undisputed leader in such an industry as the machine-building complex is OJSC Ufa Engine-Building Production Association, which specializes in the production of precise and complex, high-tech machines and equipment for numerous industries (turbojet aircraft engines, gas pumping and gas turbine equipment for the fuel and energy complex based on aircraft engines, etc. .p.).

OJSC "Bashkir Trolleybus Plant" produces equipment that runs not only in the cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan, but throughout Russia, in addition, the company also produces products for the needs of the CIS countries. FSUE Ufa Aggregate Production Association, FSUE UAP Gidravlika, Promsvyaz, FSUE Ufa Microelectronics Plant Magnetron, OJSC Ufa Plant of Elastomeric Materials, Products and Structures - this is not a complete list of the largest enterprises in Ufa that offer their employees a full benefits package and a stable salary. Another confirmation of this is the successful overcoming of the crisis several years ago.

The Ufa Vitamin Plant, now Pharmstandard OJSC, as well as the Immunopreparat branch of the FSUE NPO Microgen of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, which has been successfully operating for more than 100 years, also serve as the main city-forming enterprises of the capital.

A significant part of Ufa residents today are employed, including at 5 bakeries, at factories producing whole milk products - OJSC Ufamolagroprom and Ufamolzavod, OJSC Ufa Bread Products Plant, as well as at the Ufa Meat Canning Plant and Novoufimsky Meat Processing Plant LLC “Numik”, CJSC Tea Packing Factory “Teastan”, at the state farm “Alekseevsky” (one of the largest agricultural enterprises in Russia), OJSC “Bashspirt”. The average wage here is 10,000 -15,000 rubles.

As for designers and seamstresses, they are in great demand at the Ufa Knitting Factory, the Ufa Sewing Company named after 8 March and in dozens of ateliers at private enterprises. Here you have the opportunity to earn up to 20,000 rubles (excluding management positions).

Regarding the leading printing enterprises in Ufa, where the average salary is about 15,000 rubles, we note that this includes the state republican publishing house “Bashkortostan”, together with the Ufa Printing Plant, the publishing house “Kitap”, “White River”, etc.

There is always a lot of work for bankers in the city - branches of AkBars Bank, as well as Alfa-Bank, Gazprombank, along with MDM-Bank, Rosgosstrakh Bank, Sberbank of Russia, Uralsib, are successfully operating in Ufa. , Uniastrum Bank. Moreover, the Bashkir banking network is also widely developed, which plays an important role in the city’s employment market: Bashkomsnabbank, PromTransBank, Regional Development Bank, Sotsinvestbank - in total there are about 200 banks and branches in the capital.

Along with the development of industrial and fuel and energy potential, entrepreneurship is also actively developing in the capital of the Republic of Belarus. Almost all areas of the economy are covered in one way or another by small businesses; if we talk about average indicators, about 25% of the working population are involved here.

In general, we can say that it is industry that acts as a kind of springboard for the development of other sectors of the economy of Ufa; the further state of affairs in the city depends on the production results of large enterprises and factories. The rating of the RBC publication speaks volumes, which shows that the capital of Bashkiria has enormous investment attractiveness in terms of favorable business conditions, so in 2010, according to this indicator, Ufa even entered the top three, second only to Yekaterinburg and Krasnodar.

Trade workers also don’t have to get bored - the city’s trade industry is represented by five thousand enterprises catering and trade. Every year more than 100 new retail facilities open here. According to such an indicator as retail trade turnover in 2008, Ufa took fourth place in Russia.

The city has successfully operating retail facilities of large international, federal, local retail chains: “IKEA”, “Leroy Merlin”, “METRO”, “Auchan”, “Castorama”, “Okay”, “Carousel”, as well as “M.Video”, “Magnit”, “Bayram”, “Matrix” and etc. In recent years, such shopping and entertainment centers as “MEGA”, shopping and entertainment center “Gallery ART”, “Mir”, “Semya”, “Megapolis”, “Prostor”, “June” have been built in Ufa, the latter is not jokingly called by residents otherwise it is a long-term construction, since its opening has already been postponed countless times.

If we talk about the most popular professions in the city, then these are track fitter, doctor, insurance agent, gas welder, welder, as well as concrete worker and mason, etc. Cloakroom attendants and personnel inspectors have been the most undemanded of late. In general, the greatest demand has recently been recorded in the construction industry, but it is most difficult for personnel officers, watchmen, teachers, and accountants to find work. In fact, it is quite possible to find a job in Ufa; even students can find a job here, although not a highly paid one.

As for the most stable industry for city residents, this is the field of IT technologies; specialists in this area are very well employed. A similar situation can be observed in the financial sector, in contrast to the legal field - finding a job for a lawyer in Ufa is not very easy. But workers in trade and public catering, industry, and construction always have somewhere to go, although employers rarely offer large salaries.

The manufacturing industry is very promising and profitable to work in Ufa. Furniture production specialists, for example, can count on a salary of 25 thousand rubles, as well as finishers. The salary for working professions is about 30 thousand - but without education and knowledge of the profession, there is, as they say, nothing to do here.

We can say that today the capital’s labor market has practically recovered from the crisis. As for the crisis period, in the city, as well as in all regions of the country, bonuses were reduced, and crisis layoffs flourished.

Ufa is attractive for trading partners - dozens of countries around the world are interested in maintaining permanent business relations with the city; it is no coincidence that the capital is the venue for significant all-Russian and international forums ( annual Congress oil and gas industrialists of Russia, etc.).


What is a capital without crime? It doesn’t matter what we are talking about: the capital of Russia, or an autonomous republic - there are simply no exceptions to the rules here, and the city of Ufa is another confirmation of this - there has always been something to share: oil, vast territories, the Gypsy Glade, which has received a second name among the people: "drug addicts' yards." But if in the 90s crimes mainly concerned the division of territory, etc., today everything is tied to inter-domestic conflicts, as well as robberies and murders for one reason or another.

The year 2006 was marked for internal affairs officers by the capture of Oleg Zaikin (nickname Carpenter), who was wanted in almost all districts of Russia - in the capital of the Republic of Belarus alone, the maniac was accused of 11 burglaries along with rape.

In 2008, two 18-year-old BSU students were murdered, which received wide publicity throughout the Republic of Belarus. In the same year it was revealed, the criminals - three young men killed the girls only because they refused to satisfy them physiological needs, one of the girls had a screwdriver stuck in her heart, the other was strangled.

In the same year, an entire era ended for the residents of the Dema district, when the criminal “authority” Mukatdar Adigamov, who had “controlled” Dema for almost 20 years, was killed. His death became a real sensation. The cruel youth, whose plans had long been to get rid of Adigamov, easily dealt with the “authority”, just like the Adigamovites in their time - in the dashing 90s they removed from the spheres of influence the thieves in law who “held” the city with thieves "concepts".

However, the story in Dema did not end there; this was confirmed by the explosion that occurred in the Rainbow cafe; by a lucky coincidence, all visitors to the establishment remained alive - the bomb was planted in the possession of the opposing group. One could also hear about similar echoes of the “thieves’” division of territories in the future... According to rumors, today the power in Dema is established by the criminal group “Egorovskys”, it is headed by thief in law Egor Molodtsov, who allegedly also controls Chernikovka.

2009 was the most criminogenic year for residents of Ufa. Then, at the end of the year, brutal murders were committed every day for three days. Initially, the body of a woman with chopped wounds was found in one of the basements of the demo houses. A day later, a triple murder was committed in the Sovetsky district. On December 29, the most notorious crime of the year took place - the head of the economic security department of ANK-Bashneft OJSC Vladimir Butorin was shot dead by a killer.

In 2010, the investigation into a high-profile crime was completed in Ufa - it was solved 12 years later; we are talking about the contract killing of the former commercial director of WELZ-SVET, Tatyana Ogorodnikova. In the same year, a serial maniac was operating in the city, presumably the killer was Sergei Martynov, who killed 8 victims in different regions of the country, each of them had their chest and heart cut out. In Ufa, a 70-year-old pensioner died at his hands. In 2011, nineteen-year-old Vadim Nurislamov died in the park of Lake Kashkadan; the whole of Ufa was talking about this high-profile case - the guy was killed during a street fight in Kashkadan.

In total, in the second half of 2011, about 3,860 thefts, 600 robberies, 60 assaults and 9 rapes were recorded in Ufa.

Sights of the city of Ufa

If we talk about statistics, then Ufa, with its population of one million, is the greenest and most spacious (based on sq. m. per inhabitant) of Russian cities. If we talk about Ufa as a metropolis, about those places where not to visit is simply a sin, then first of all we need to note the Ufa monuments, which have become business card capital of Bashkortostan.

The monument to Salavat Yulaev, the national hero of Bashkiria and poet, is not just a figure of impressive size (the largest equestrian statue in Russia, its height is 9.8 m) and weight (about 40 tons), but also an opportunity to stroll through a picturesque square, admire beautiful view to the Belaya River.

On a warm, sunny day, you can walk from the Salavat Yulaev park to the embankment of the Belaya River, where the Friendship Monument rises - a 33-meter granite obelisk. This is an eternal memory of the 400th anniversary of the annexation of Bashkortostan to Russia. A staircase of one hundred marble steps leads to the foot. In fact, it is on the Monument, as it is popularly called, that young people gather in the evenings; in the summer the embankment is not crowded at all - hundreds of companies swim, sunbathe, listen to music, relax on hot days, enjoy barbecues and soft drinks in multi-membered tents, ride on ships and scooters. In winter, Ufa residents and guests of the capital come here to skate, admire the river, and go fishing.

If you climb up the slope from the embankment, you will find yourself in an equally picturesque place - the park named after. Krupskaya, you will be able to visit the hanging bridge of lovers, which offers a panoramic view of Old Ufa, the bridge over the Belaya River, and countryside landscapes. The place is famous not only for its picturesque nature, but every day loving couples and newlyweds come here to hang their castle on the bridge, which symbolizes eternal love. It is curious that in fact, the wooden bridge, which does not give a feeling of stability anyway, swaying with every step, was clearly not designed for the weight that hundreds of locks create, and therefore they are removed from time to time.

The area of ​​the Belaya River embankment is a place where it is so pleasant to stroll along the river on warm summer evenings, the shimmering water, the reflection of the majestic night city takes thoughts far from the bustle of the city, the tranquility of nature is conveyed to everyone who touches it, and at the same time, the city is pulsating , which does not stop moving day or night, is very close.

There is a place beloved by all Ufa residents in the historical center of the city - Gostiny Dvor (Verkhnetorgovaya Square). This is a shopping center of the European level, occupying 40,000 square meters of retail space, about 70 shops, numerous cafes and restaurants - all in one place, in addition, presentations and fashion shows are regularly held here. The square in front of Gostiny Dvor is decorated with an illuminated fountain. “Gostinka” is exactly what the name sounds like in common parlance, it is located next to UGATU, and therefore there are always a lot of young people here.

Victory Park (Victory Street), Park named after. I. Yakutov (Lenin St.) and park named after. M. Gafuri (on October Avenue) is a favorite vacation spot for young mothers with children, as well as schoolchildren and students. Attractions, cafes, bars, horse riding, restaurants, boating and catamaran rides on the picturesque lake (Park named after I. Yakutov), ​​as well as the opportunity to spend the rest of the evening in the fashionable nightclub “Pravda” (next to the park named after M. Gafuri") - all this is Ufa, so diverse, multinational, so beloved by every resident.

Significant meetings, first dates - all this is associated with Lenin. If you ever find yourself in Ufa and they make an appointment for you to meet with the leader, do not be alarmed, because we are talking about the same M. Gafuri park, about the monument to V.I. Lenin, located on a spacious square surrounded by forest. This place also has a second name - City Council (since a majestic building rises on the opposite side)... In summer, the City Council, along with the Gostinka and the Monument, are the main vacation spots for Ufa residents. Next to the City Council there is an excellent restaurant - “Moroshka” (October Avenue), spend a summer evening on one of the verandas, lost in the forest - what could be better? Verandas reliably protect from rain, as well as from prying eyes - this is best place for meetings with friends, romantic dinners and business lunches.

Residents of the Sipailovo microdistrict do not have to travel far from home in search of adventure; just take a walk to Kashkadan Park (Zhukov St.) - the highlight of Sipailovo. There is entertainment for every taste, you can ride a carousel, as well as on bicycles and roller skates, take part in attractions, walk around the lake - sunbathe in the summer, sit in a cafe with friends... In the warm months, residents of Sipailovo walk the streets in swimsuits and pareos, swimming trunks - which is not surprising, because the lake is, as they say, just a stone's throw away, and the embankment of the Ufa River is very close - and this is a well-maintained beach, scooter riding and many other entertainments.

In winter, residents spend their time on the ski slopes, where you can go tubing, in addition, there are trails for skiers and snowboarders - all this right in the city (in the Novostroika area), surrounded by dense forest, on the banks of the Ufa River (ul. Mendeleev) in ski center"Olympic Park" (ski resort "Ak-Yort"). Not only are ski slopes of varying degrees of difficulty built here (including for children), but also several jumps, where real masters of their craft stage demonstration performances; here is also the famous cable car in the city, leading down to the Karaidel River.

Not far from Ak-Yort, on the territory of the Green Grove sanatorium (on Mendeleev Street) on Lysaya Gora (as it is popularly called), there is an archaeological monument widely known in Ufa - Devil's Settlement, despite the fact that it is difficult to get to It’s quite difficult, but this doesn’t stop tourists and lovers of antiquities. And this is no coincidence - after all, we are talking about a city, the emergence of which dates back to the 3rd-4th centuries BC. Among the ancient attractions, it is also necessary to note the beauty of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin.

The cultural life of the capital is not limited to numerous museums and cinemas; film buffs are also not left out - you can watch the latest film releases in cinemas such as "World of Cinema" (October Avenue), "Iskra" (October Avenue), "Pobeda" (Chernikovka) , "Rodina" (Center), "Gallery Art" (Center), TRC "Megapolis" (Mendeleeva St.), TRC "Semya" (October Avenue), TRC "Megapolis" (Zelenka), TRC "Prostor" (Sipailovo) etc. You can experience virtual reality (IMAX 3 D) in the 21st century cinema (Iskra cinema complex), this is cinema in a “new way” - watching films on a 21-meter screen (12 meters in height).

The Megapolis shopping and entertainment complex is one of the most favorite vacation spots among Ufa residents: bowling, billiards, numerous cafes and restaurants, cinema halls, the Teatro night club, children's rooms, boutiques - all in one place. You can start your day here with a shopping trip, continue meeting with friends, say, in the summer restaurant "June", and end with a stormy night at the Teatro club, and in the morning take a walk along the main street of the city - the endless alleys of Oktyabrya Avenue, having a snack in one of the cafes - a great mood for the whole day is guaranteed!

However, you can spend an unforgettable night in the capital no less colorfully in the “Lights of Ufa” (50th Anniversary of October Street) - an entertainment complex that consists of the “Brauhaus” restaurant, famous for its excellent live beer, the “XXI” night club, and a karaoke club and the Coliseo megahall, where DJs and pop stars come from all over the world.

What does the word “Ufa” mean and where did the city get its name? The newspaper “Red Bashkiria” spoke about “dark water” and totem animals in January 1927. The Bashinform agency continues to introduce readers to materials from the Archive of the Republic Press.

From the preserved chronicle “Ancient Khanates” that has come down to us, we know about the ancient city on the site of which the original Ufa arose. Previously it was called Tura-tau, Turova Mountain, probably after the name of the Nogai Tura-khan, whose residence was located on this site. “The khan’s subjects, the Bashkirs, roamed in what is now old Ufa, and their nomadic territory extended for ten miles,” the newspaper says.

The publication is trying to find out when the city began to be called “Ufa”. Researcher Pyotr Rychkov believes that the city received its name under the Nogais. In his “Topography of the Orenburg Province” it is said: “About the title of the city of Ufa, one can guess that it was not given to it again, but rather the previous one was renewed, and the existing one with which the Nogai khans called their city.”

Judging by Russian chronicles, at the beginning of the 16th century, even before the annexation of Bashkiria, “Ufa” already existed as the name of the city. “In 1508, the “Prince of Ufa” is mentioned, whom Khan of Kazan Makhmet-Amin sent to Moscow to negotiate with Ivan III,” the newspaper notes.

According to the author of the article, the city got its name from the Ufa River. “It is obvious that at that distant time when this name first arose, the main city was located along the Ufa River, where the present “Old Ufa” is. As the city grew and the main center moved further from Ufa to the Belaya River, the old name “Ufa” was transferred to the new city.”

Local historian Mikhail Lossievsky believed that “Ufa” is a Hungarian word and means “buildings made of newly felled trees.” Researcher Vasily Shevich explained that “Ufa” is a Bashkir word that means “dark water.” Local historian Sergeev derived the word “Ufa” from the Bashkir “Uba” - mountain, hill and explained: “The city is built on high scattered hills, rising almost 100 fathoms above the Belaya River.”

The author of the publication is sure that “the term “Ufa” is not Russian, not Bashkir, but prehistoric, primitive, tribal.” Among some prehistoric people, the word “Ufa” was the tribal name of a totem animal. Perhaps it is related to the color designation, the publication suggests. The old tribal name “Ufa” passed into use by the new tribe of Bashkirs and “like something misunderstood” became the entire name of the river. Then the defining word “idel” was added to it - river, water. Together, “Ufa-idel” can mean a dark river, dark water, especially if we take into account the color of the water of Ufa and Belaya and if we assume that the tribal totemic term “Ufa” in a later era, by the color designation it perceived or by accidental consonance with a term of this order turned into an adjective with the meaning of color, the newspaper summarizes.

Reference. Since ancient times, fortified settlements have been known on the so-called Ufa Peninsula. In 1574 the Ufa fortress was founded. In 1586, Ufa received city status and became the administrative center of the Ufa district. In the 18th century, Ufa was part of the Kazan province, part of the Orenburg province, and since 1865 - the center of the Ufa province. In 1922, the province became part of the ABSSR, and Ufa became the official capital of the republic. Every year on June 12, Ufa City Day is celebrated.

Materials provided by the Book Chamber of the Republic of Belarus.

Ufa is a large scientific and cultural center of Russia, the capital of Bashkiria. This is one of the largest transport hubs (marina, railway station and airport). The multinational population of the city is more than one million inhabitants: 50% Russians, 25% Bashkirs, 20% Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, Mari, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Jews, Germans, etc.

The city itself is located on the banks of the White River (Agidel is a tributary of the Kama River) 100 km west of the Bashkir ranges of the Urals. Ufa is surrounded by beautiful picturesque landscapes.

Neighboring large cities: in the North - Ekaterinburg, in the East - Chelyabinsk, in the West - Kazan. The distance from Ufa to Moscow is more than 1500 km.

Ufa. Sights, brief history of the city's development

The history of the development of this region is interesting and varied, which attracts tourists. On one of the outskirts of the city you can see an ancient mound, on the banks of the Dema River - the “Hanging Stone”.

In the 16th century, on the site of Ufa there was an ancient settlement of Turatau (Devil's Settlement). In the second half of the same century, the Russian fortress of Ufa was built. It received city status in 1586. In 1773-1774, Ufa was besieged by the Pugachevites. 1788 - creation of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims in the city. In 1865, the Ufa province was formed. And since the end of the 19th century, Ufa has been a major transport center.

Ufa is rich in a wide variety of historical monuments. Its attractions are located almost throughout the city.

Administrative division of the city into districts

One of the oldest industrial areas in the city is Demsky.

Leninsky is notable for the fact that even before the Great Patriotic War it was the central district, since it was here that almost all authorities and institutions of Ufa were located.

The Ufa Engine Production Association OJSC (produces automobile and aircraft engines) is located in the Kalininsky district.

Kirovsky is the most developed and modern district.

Oktyabrsky is famous for its many large industrial, commercial and construction enterprises.

One of the largest is Ordzhonikidze district.

All areas are remarkable in their own way. Externally, the city of Ufa is very beautiful. Its sights can be seen in almost all areas, especially in the central part.

Ufa. City sights, monuments

Ufa can show its guests a huge number of historical places. The most interesting, attractive sights of Ufa, whose names are associated with memorable historical moments, will remain in the memory of many tourists. The architecture of Ufa is diverse. There are a lot of ancient monuments.

Monuments of temple architecture include the Smolensk Cathedral, which includes the Trinity Church (built at the end of the 16th century), the bell tower (1779) and the refectory (1824). The Church of the Intercession (1823), the Spasskaya Church built in 1824, and Cathedral Built in 1841. The White Mosque, built in 1830, is a monument of Islamic architecture.

Of the cultural attractions, the most majestic are the Bashkir Theater. M. Gafuri (20th century), Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theater and Drama Theater of the Republic of Bashkortostan (mid-19th century). The Aksakov House Museum is also notable in Ufa (it is located in the oldest wooden building in the city).

Most visited places

Ufa is multinational. The sights reflect the multifaceted life history of its peoples.

One of the historical sites is the Ufa mosque “Lala Tulip” (the tulip is a symbol of the Turkic peoples). The mosque was built in 1998 thanks to donations from city residents.

The Intercession Church in Ufa is decorated with a large icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, the image of which was painted by the outstanding Ufa icon painter Anatoly Lezhnev.

The Museum of Military Glory is not the last place among the attractions visited by tourists.

Unusual, interesting places for tourists

The Rock Museum is also quite interesting and unusual, where you can see a huge number of records, photographs, and cartoons of the most popular rock musicians of the 1970s. There are also museums of forests, cinema, communications, etc. in Ufa.

On a cliff above the Belaya River there is a monument to Salavat Yulaev, which was built in 1967. This hero is one of the leaders of the Peasant War, which took place in 1773-1775. The monument is also notable for the largest horse statue in Russia.

Ufa offers its guests wonderful and unforgettable attractions. Where else to go?

The Ufa Planetarium will help visitors see part of the Universe: the Milky Way, the flight of meteors, etc. Even a simple walk along the embankment of the Belaya River will allow you to see the beauty and majesty of the Friendship Monument. There is also a Monument to the Janitor in the city, and a symbolic sign “Zero Kilometer”, which is located in front of the entrance to the Main Post Office. It demonstrates the length of roads between Ufa and many cities in Russia and the world.

The territory of modern Ufa has a unique and convenient geographical location for human settlement. Early history area of ​​modern Ufa goes back to the distant past, during the Paleolithic era.

In the XI-XIII centuries, especially during the period Mongol invasion, river basin Belaya becomes an arena of constant movements of many Turkic-speaking tribes. The bulk of the Bashkirs were conquered by the Mongols in 1219-1220. The Mongols, having established themselves in the southwestern part of the Bashkir country, turned it into the main base for further conquests. The rest of the region was conquered by 1223. By 1236 The Mongols subjugated the lands of the Bulgars, Kipchaks, Burtases and Mordovians. The lands inhabited by the Bashkirs were divided between two uluses. The Trans-Ural Bashkirs became part of the personal ulus of Batu Khan, the Trans-Ural Bashkirs - the ulus of Khan Shiban (Batu's younger brother). The border between the uluses ran along the river. Yaik.

Like other conquered peoples, the Bashkirs were subject to tribute, carried out road, postal, bridge and other services, and had to give weapons to the Khan’s army. people with a year's supply of food. The main burden of taxation and other duties fell on ordinary Bashkirs. Local feudal lords acted as intermediaries between them and the center. Khan's power. The Bashkirs, dissatisfied with their position, rebelled more than once.

In the 14th century in the river basin. Dema and in the lower reaches of the river. Ufa is home to one of the largest Bashkir tribes - the Min tribe. Vivid evidence of the strong settlement of the territory are the remarkable monuments of medieval architecture - mausoleums (keshene - Iran. " House of the Dead") Tura Khan (XIV-XV centuries, located near Ufa in the Dema River basin) and Hussein Bek, (XIV century, located near the Chishmy railway station, 60 km from Ufa. Aboveground part with a dome built in 1911).

During the period of feudal fragmentation of the Golden Horde (from the 2nd half of the 14th century), the territory of Bashkiria repeatedly became the scene of clashes between opposing factions. One of major battles happened on June 18, 1391 on the river. Kundurche. In the middle of the 15th century Golden Horde split into several khanates. The territory of Bashkiria was divided between the Siberian, Kazan khanates and the Nogai Horde. The territory of modern Ufa came under the rule of the Nogai Horde.

After the defeat of the Kazan Khanate and the capture of Kazan (1552) by the troops of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Western Bashkir tribes, who were previously under the rule of the Kazan khans, accepted Russian citizenship. In 1555-1556, the Russian state included lands subordinate to the Nogai Horde, including the territory and environs of modern Ufa. In 1556-1557, Bashkir ambassadors traveled to Moscow, where they received royal letters of commendation outlining the conditions for their entry into the Russian state. Tsar Ivan the Terrible “compensated” his new subjects with special letters, which recognized the patrimonial right of the Bashkirs to their lands and provided guarantees of protection from military raids. For this, the Bashkirs were obliged to pay yasak (initially in furs and honey, later in money).

In 1957, in Ufa, in honor of the 400th anniversary of the annexation of Bashkiria to the Russian state, a Friendship Monument was erected.

Somewhat later, the Trans-Ural Bashkirs became part of Russia. They accepted Russian citizenship in the 80-90s of the 16th century. - beginning 20s of the 17th century. in the process of struggle and defeat of the Siberian Khanate. The Russian government guaranteed the Bashkirs protection from the claims of the Nogai and Siberian khans, from the invasion of external enemies; retained for the Bashkir people the lands they occupied on the terms of patrimonial rights; promised not to encroach on the religion of the Bashkirs and not to convert them to another faith; pledged not to interfere with inner life Bashkir society, leaving local power in the hands of Bashkir biys and princes. The Bashkirs, having recognized themselves as subjects of the Russian Tsar, pledged to bear at their own expense military service and contribute the land tax (yasak) to the treasury with honey and furs.

The administration of Bashkiria was carried out by the Moscow order of the Kazan Palace. The territory of the region was Ufa Uyezd, which was divided into four roads (regions): Kazan, Siberian, Nogai and Osinsk. This division arose from the former political fragmentation of the region and approximately corresponded to the former possessions of the Kazan and Siberian Khanates and the Nogai Horde. The Osinskaya road covered a narrow strip between the Siberian and Kazan roads. The term "road" comes from the Mongolian darug, which meant the position of the head of a region or city in the Golden Horde. Already in the 15th century, the term “daruga” had the meaning not so much of an administrative position as of a territorial one, i.e. Certain regions of Bashkiria were called darugs. The roads were divided into volosts, which were divided into clans (aimags). The boundaries of all four roads converged where the Belaya and Ufa rivers merge. This place is the natural-geographical and administrative-economic center of Bashkiria.

Initially, direct power and collection of tribute were exercised by the Kazan governor. To consolidate its power in the newly annexed region, organize its administration and transform it into a springboard for penetration into the Kazakh steppes and Siberia, the tsarist government needed a stronghold. In turn, the Bashkirs, who suffered from frequent raids by warlike steppe inhabitants, needed constant armed assistance from the Russian state. Only the garrison of the fortress city could provide them with such assistance. The Bashkirs also needed the city as a place to pay yasak, which they had previously been forced to transport to distant Kazan.

In 1574, a detachment of Russian archers under the leadership of governor Ivan Grigorievich Nagoy on the high right bank of the river. Beloy, near the mouth of the Ufa River, built a small fortified point, which was located extremely advantageously from a defensive point of view. In the south, the Belaya River presented the steppe inhabitants with an almost insurmountable barrier. The Sutoloka River flowing from north to south protected the fortification from the east. From the northeast it was defended by a special earthen rampart, the remains of which remained until the end of the 19th century.

The foundation of the future city was originally the “Kremlin”, founded in 1574-1586. It occupied the southern tip of a high cape on the right bank of the river. Confusion at its confluence with the river. White. The view of the Kremlin was a broken quadrangle, total area which did not exceed 1.5 hectares, the length of its walls was approximately 440-450 meters. The walls were built from huge oak logs placed vertically, so the Bashkirs first called Ufa Imen kala (Oak Fortress or Oak City). In addition, the fortifications included three towers made of oak, two of which were roadways, and one was pedestrian. Both passage towers were two-tiered (octahedron on octahedron) and ended with high tent roofs. The northern tower was called Mikhailovskaya, the southern - Nikolskaya (Sutolotskaya).

There are several hypotheses regarding the origin of the name of the city of Ufa, but the most likely seems to be the naming of the new city after the Ufa River (remember, for example, the city of Tobolsk, founded in 1587 on the Irtysh near the mouth of the Tobol River).

The city of Ufa, according to P.I. Rychkov, was surrounded by great mountains and was located “between eight great and deep gullies, of which in one, which runs across the city, flows a river called Sutoloka.” On the left bank of the Sutoloka there were settlements where service people lived.

In 1579, a stone church in the name of Smolensk was consecrated in Ufa mother of god". The existence of a stone church indicates the presence of a significant population for that time, which made up the church parish. In 1586, Ufa received the status of a city. Ufa became the administrative center of Bashkiria. The administration of the region was carried out by the Ufa governor, subordinate to the Kazan governor.

The appearance of a fortress city in the center of Bashkiria by the steppe neighbors of the Bashkirs (the Nogai Murzas, the Siberian Khan and other nomads) was met with extreme hostility. There were repeated attacks on Ufa, but all of them were successfully repelled by the garrison.