What can you drink Dimexide from inside? Dimexide: an inexpensive medical miracle

Dimexide is a drug with a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, widely used for burns, acne, purulent wounds, inflammatory skin diseases. Liquid in concentrated form can cause chemical damage skin.

Before using the dimethyl sulfoxide solution, you must wear rubber gloves. This will prevent skin damage. Then apply the product to a gauze pad and apply to the affected area. The main thing is not to overdo the dose. Exceeding the dosage causes a burn with dimexide.

The main symptom of the injury is red skin that will look wrinkled and take on a whitish color. Other signs:

  • Skin rashes.
  • Painful sensations.
  • Burning.

Degree of damage

Chemical burns are classified according to the stages of damage. According to the depth of the lesion, the following degrees are distinguished:

  1. The first degree is manifested by slight hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the skin. The injury is treated at home under running water.
  2. In the second degree, redness of the skin with blisters is observed. The blisters contain a yellow, watery fluid and eventually burst, revealing a wound. Recovery occurs within ten days, no scar is formed.
  3. The third degree is characterized by necrosis of skin areas with the appearance of a dark-colored scab.
  4. In case of the fourth degree, immediate assistance is required medical care. In this phase, charring of the skin and muscles with joints occurs. The tissue falls off on its own after a few weeks, and ugly scars form at the site of the wound. A 4th degree burn from dimexide is likely only in prolonged contact of a body part with a concentrated substance.

First aid

Dimexide is often used as a basis for compresses for skin damage. If you do not follow the instructions for use and leave the product on the wound, you can get a serious burn. After misuse medication, excess medication must be removed with running water. If chemical damage has occurred, the affected area should be kept under cold running water. If this is not possible with a facial burn, do cold compress from clean water, change it often.

Do not rub the damage with napkins and towels of a rough texture, as this will cause the substance to penetrate even deeper into the dermis.

After the water droplets have evaporated, apply a loose gauze bandage. Next, first aid consists of visiting a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment methods

Burns can be treated and skin restored in a hospital or at home. You shouldn’t limit yourself to home treatment; a child may even have a burn. mild degree must be examined by a doctor.

In the hospital

Upon admission to medical institution the doctor will evaluate general condition patient, will determine the degree of burn damage. If the stage of damage is serious enough, then the injury must be treated in a hospital. For these purposes they use antiseptic solutions, irrigation with a mixture (furacilin and novocaine). Then the area is dried and the rough crusts are removed.

If there are large bubbles filled with liquid, they need to be opened, small ones should not be touched. This preventive measure from infection of the wound. At the doctor's discretion, a bandage is applied or the affected area is left open. IN mandatory human immunoglobulin is administered to prevent tetanus.

In case of surface rotting, daily procedures are carried out: dressings, treating the affected areas with anti-inflammatory medications. In urgent cases, when it comes to deep burns, surgical intervention is resorted to.

At home

For small lesions, home damage can be treated. Provide rest to the victim, after providing first aid, apply a sterile bandage and change it 2 times a day. Can be used sea ​​buckthorn oil and panthenol. These remedies will help relieve pain and swelling. Before application, rinse the skin thoroughly. For severe burns, use hydrocortisone and prednisolone ointment. Apply a thin layer to the burned areas.

Another way to soothe itching is to prepare a decoction of oak bark: add 1 teaspoon to boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. oak bark strain and apply as a lotion to the affected area. Treat for several days.

Dimexide is also used as a remedy against thermal damage to the skin. It is important not to rub it in with your finger to avoid getting burned.

You can cure skin lesions at home using a properly prepared solution of dimethyl sulfoxide 20-30%. It is necessary to dilute 2 ml of dimexide and 8 ml of water.

Dimexide for burns is used in the form of lotions and compresses. A treatment session is carried out according to the following algorithm: moisten gauze bandage in liquid, apply to skin. Make a compress on top cling film and natural fabric. Leave for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure for ten days.

_________________________________Hi all!___________________________________________


I want to talk to you about something so dangerous, but at the same time effective drug as dimethyl sulfoxide. It is also popularly called more simply - dimexide.

2. Release form, organoleptic characteristics, price, etc.

3. Indications for use

4. Contraindications

5. Side effects

6. Conclusions

1. Pharmacological action

Dimexide is a drug for external use that has antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Penetrates the skin through the mucous membrane, thereby increasing its susceptibility to the penetration of other drugs into it.

2. Release form, organoleptic characteristics, price

On sale you will find dimexide in 3 types:

1) gel or ointment 25%;

2) ready-made solution for external use;

3) concentrate for preparing the solution, 99%

I have a concentrate for preparing a solution.

Unfortunately, there is no box left, but I found it on the Internet

What is a concentrate?

A concentrate, in my understanding, is something that must be diluted with something and in no case used in its pure form, otherwise it can lead to very sad consequences.

Dimexide can be diluted plain water or various oils(vegetable, olive, burdock, etc.)

It is sold in a pharmacy. The price is about 100 rubles.

The packaging design can be any. But the following information remains unchanged:

Drug name: Dimexide;

Release form: concentrate for preparing a solution for external use, 99%

Manufacturer: OJSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty" Kazan

Directions for use: external

Volume: 100 ml

Storage conditions: store in a dry place, protected from light.

Sell ​​by: 09.2016


transparent oily liquid, colorless.


chemical, reminiscent of garlic. When I use dimexide, the taste of garlic automatically remains in my mouth.

Available without a doctor's prescription.

3. Indications for use

Dimexide is most widely used for:

Inflammatory skin diseases;

Systemic scleroderma;

Purulent wounds;

Erythema nodosum;



Pustular skin diseases;


Trophic ulcers.

According to the instructions, Dimexide is also used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

Traumatic infiltrates;

Rheumatoid arthritis;

Ankylosing spondylitis;



Deforming osteoarthritis;


Due to its main property - promoting the best penetration of nutrients and active substances into the skin, dimexide is actively used in hair masks.

I learned about these masks back in 7th grade. At that time my hair was very short and I wanted to grow it at any cost. It looked something like this

And then I quickly rewrote the recipe for this mask in my clumsy handwriting

For those who don’t understand, I’ll decipher it:

Hair growth mask


  • dimexide
  • vitamins A, E in oil
  • lemon juice

Mix all the ingredients, 2 teaspoons at a time, apply to the roots of your hair, wrap your head in a plastic bag and put on a hat. Keep for an hour. Wash off with shampoo 2-3 times. Do this mask once a week for 2 months.

Some of my explanations:

1) Dimexide, of course, is diluted with water or oils in a 1:2 ratio and stirred well.

As you can see, this is not written in the recipe. and I didn't bother to read the instructions for it. And then I experienced all the delights of blisters on my forehead, T So rule number 1: be sure to dilute dimexide!

2) be sure to wash it off 3 times to be sure. Oil masks are very difficult to wash off and it is impossible to do it in one go. For example, I washed it off just once and the next day I came to school with blisters and greasy hair...

Rule No. 2: wash off the mask properly, don’t skimp on shampoo!

As a result, after the first time of use, I was disappointed in the mask and abandoned it for several years.

I only remembered about it when I was 18 years old after an unsuccessful carving session. I bought dimexide again, but this time I turned the entire Internet upside down so as not to get into trouble in the same way.

And I realized: dimexide can be added to absolutely any hair mask. That's what I started doing.

I used this recipe:

Vitamin E solution in oil – 1 tbsp. l. Castor oil - 2 tbsp. l. Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.Vitamin A – 1 tbsp. l. Dimexide - 1 tbsp. l.

I added everything that was in the refrigerator and was good for hair: eggs, oils, honey, aloe juice, even store-bought alerana.

So a year passed. My hair has changed to this state:

My hair grows by 22 cm per year. On average, a person grows 12 cm per year. Thus, with the help of this mask, my hair growth per month was 1.8 cm, almost 2 cm. Very much so. I recommend a mask with dimexide.


I won't torment you. Dimexide perfectly removes glue from any surface!

In my case, I washed the glue from the laptop. Don't ask how it happened, but the stain was quite large and spoiled the whole look

I read this on the great Internet.

You need to moisten a cotton pad in dimexide and vigorously rub the stain for several minutes.

and after a few minutes the stain was wiped off!

Only a small but tasty drop was not wiped off, which I will continue to rub. But, as you can see, there is a result.

But again it was a mistake.


Otherwise, this will happen:

and nothing helps, I’m waiting for it to go away on its own. It does not hurt, does not itch, and does not cause discomfort.

In addition to wrinkled skin on your fingers, you will ruin your manicure. Dimexide corrodes varnish

4. Contraindications

According to the instructions, Dimexide is contraindicated for:

Hypersensitivity to the active substance;

Cardiovascular failure;

Impaired liver or kidney function;

Angina pectoris;




Severe atherosclerosis;

Comatose states.

Dimexide is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation. Elderly people are prescribed with caution.

5. Side effects

Sometimes allergic reactions, itching, redness, dizziness, insomnia or muscle weakness. If there is poor perception of the drug in in some cases Dry skin, nausea or bronchospasm may occur.

Well, besides the side effects, don’t forget about burns!

These are the blisters I had on my forehead after the mask.

And on the right is my hand: I scratched it lightly with my other hand, which was in dimexide, and behold, irritation.

God forbid you burn an area of ​​skin; immediately, to avoid pain and burns, place the area of ​​your body under a stream of ice water.

Thus, dimexide is really effective, but dangerous drug. Use it strictly according to the instructions and then it will benefit you! I'm taking off a star for the burns.

Briefly: People regularly write to us to have to drink at work: with bosses, at negotiations, corporate events, and so on. We offer effective way psychological preparation, which will allow you not to make mistakes.

Psychological preparation for the feast

Psychological preparation should begin a day before the upcoming drinking session and repeat 12 hours later.

Essentially, the so-called “ability to drink” consists of following the drinking regime that you have previously established for yourself, in keeping within the limits of your drinking norms. Below are a few simple techniques that will allow you to stop in time. Tune in advance to perceive drinking not as a pleasure, but as a necessary measure.

A few hours before the start of the feast, imagine, preferably in the form of visual images from the outside, what the sequence of changes in your own will look like. appearance, behavior and speech as the dose of alcohol increases. Place them on a mental scale from left to right - from the first dose to the moment you "pass out", that is, lose consciousness or fall asleep. Holding several such pictures in your head, mentally go through them in reverse order, from right to left, until you reach a state that you assess as acceptable.

Once again, move one position to the right and left of your chosen one, and compare how they differ for you in moral and physical sense. The chosen position should be located on your mental scale between the states “it’s still possible” and “this is no longer possible.” Having realized that you are in the right corridor, remember this state, first from the outside, and then internally: imagine what and how you are thinking about in this state, what you are talking about, how you react to others, and how you feel at this time. Count the number of control points to the chosen state and remember how much you will drink at each such point, as well as how often you will drink.

When the feast begins, remember the control points, compare your condition with the planned one. Adjust the speed at which you drink if necessary. When drinking your next glass, be sure to remember the proper parameters for the next checkpoint. Once you realize that you are in the penultimate control point And next state ends up on the far right of what is acceptable, stop drinking.

Additional special preparation measures before the start of the feast

12 hours before start: visiting a solarium or tanning outdoors. Cyclic 1 - 1.5 hours (running, skiing, treadmill or exercise bike).

4-3 hours before start: intravenous administration 2-4 ampoules (50 mg each active substance each) pyridoxine per 200 ml of saline solution, with the expectation of stopping the administration 2-2.5 hours before starting to drink alcohol. Even more effective would be the intravenous administration of Mexidol in saline (slow drips) at a dose of 250 mg of the active substance.

2 hours: high siphon enema.

1 hour: in case of complete unpredictability of upcoming doses of alcohol intake in serious situations, we can advise prophylactic appointment the drug ethylthiobenzimidazole (sold as metaprot", was previously available as "bemitil" and "bemactor"). Dose - 500 mg (2 tablets at a time). The maximum effect of the drug (3 hours from the moment of administration) in this case approximately coincides with the middle of the feast, which usually lasts 4-5 hours.

0 hours: mentally reproduce the intoxication scale that you have thought out in advance and begin mentally counting down the control points.

Why does dimexide protect against intoxication?

There are a number interesting information about the alcohol-protective and sobering effect of microdoses of locally irritating substances, which in normal doses increase the permeability of biological barriers. Thus, dichlordiethyl sulfide, known to everyone from the school NVP course under the name “mustard gas” - a chemical warfare agent with blister action - has a toxicity threshold of 0.05 mg * min / l.

It is curious that approximately 20-30 times smaller doses of this substance when inhaled reduce both the rate of onset of intoxication and the severity of previously occurring intoxication, especially in terms of the impact on behavior and the ability to perform intellectual actions.

A similar situation is observed with regard to the incapacitant toxic substance, the combat psychotomimetic quinuclidyl benzilate, known to Soviet schoolchildren under the name “BZ” (“bi-zed”). In everyday life, these substances are practically unavailable, but if necessary, you can try to use those sold in almost any Russian pharmacy and a drug legally used in rheumatology, traumatology, dermatology and cosmetology dimexide(dimethyl sulfoxide). In my own way chemical structure and its properties are clearly similar to mustard gas, but much less toxic.

How to use dimexide against intoxication

IN official description drug, it is reported that dimexide sensitizes the body to drugs for general anesthesia(anesthesia), and enhances the absorption and effect of ethanol. We are, of course, talking about therapeutic doses, however, by analogy with mustard gas, smaller (about 10 times) doses will have an alcohol protective effect.

Because of strong smell It is not recommended to apply the drug to the skin before a feast, however, you can dilute the standard solution with water, soak a piece of bandage or cotton wool in it, and then place the latter in a tightly closed bottle. The contents of this bottle can be sniffed while going out into the open air (for example, citing the need to make a call or receive a call) or to the restroom. This trick will really help you drink for a while and not get drunk.

If you feel that you are still overly intoxicated, but you urgently need to restore relative sobriety of thinking and perception (at least for a while), then use effective sobering up measures listed in a separate article, recommended by a toxicologist and helping to quickly sober up at home conditions

It can be difficult to stay within your norm once you have already started drinking. That's why psychological preparation need to start early. Read our article about why a drunk person forgets about his own promises and generally behaves differently than usual, why the next morning he is ashamed of yesterday, and also how intoxication differs between men and women.

This article was last updated: 01/11/2019

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Dimexide is a drug for local application. It is used for treatment various diseases joints, skin, ligaments and bones. It has antimicrobial, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Dimexide poisoning can develop due to improper or prolonged use. In this article, we looked at the symptoms that manifest this condition, first aid and treatment.

Description of the drug

Dimexide is available in the form aqueous solution, sold in 50 or 100 ml bottles. This drug is sold without a medical prescription.

This the medicinal product is intended for topical use only. Drinking and swallowing it is strictly prohibited.

When applied to the skin, the medicine acts not only locally, but also, when absorbed, enters the bloodstream. Before starting treatment with this drug, you should consult your doctor.

Effect of the drug

Dimexide has complex influence to the pathological focus. When applied to a problem area of ​​the body, it has the following effects:

  • removes pain syndrome. This drug used as a local anesthetic;
  • reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms that caused an inflammatory reaction;
  • makes resistant bacteria sensitive to antibacterial therapy.

Dimexide is quickly absorbed and can act not only on the surface of the skin, but also in joints, bones, tendons and ligaments. Based on this medicine compresses are often made with antibiotics, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Doctors call dimexide a “conductor”. If it is necessary to facilitate the penetration of a drug into the subcutaneous layers, it is used together with dimexide.


Dimexide is widely used in modern medicine for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • stretching ligamentous apparatus joints;
  • arthrosis and arthritis of various etiologies;
  • traumatic infiltrates;
  • bruises;
  • abscesses and phlegmons;
  • purulent wounds;
  • boils and carbuncles;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • trophic ulcers.


Dimexide, absorbed into the blood, affects the entire body. It should absolutely not be used for:

  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • allergic intolerance to the drug or its components;
  • coronary heart disease in the form of angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia;
  • elevated intraocular pressure, glaucoma, cataracts;
  • impaired consciousness of the patient, comatose state;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 12 years of age.

Drug poisoning

Dimexide poisoning can develop due to improper use or long-term treatment them. Also at risk are people who decide to self-medicate.

With topical use of dimexide, overdose occurs extremely rarely. She may occur if a person ingests the drug orally.

A child can be poisoned by medicine by accidentally drinking a bottle. Children love to taste everything, so all medications without exception should be stored in places inaccessible to them.

In case of an overdose of the drug, an acute allergic reaction may develop. Most often it occurs in the form of urticaria. The patient develops red, streakless rashes. This rash is characterized by severe itching.

IN in rare cases a more pronounced allergic reaction develops - in the form angioedema Quincke. At the same time, the patient’s face begins to swell, especially the eyelids and lips. Swelling can also develop in the oropharynx, leading to asphyxia and suffocation. The patient begins to cough and feel short of air.

What to do if you develop an allergy to a drug

With the development of acute allergic reaction need to call immediately ambulance . Describe the patient’s condition to the dispatcher and give the correct address. While waiting for doctors, you need to begin to provide first aid to the victim yourself. Below are its main components:

  1. Thoroughly rinse any remaining product from the skin.
  2. Open the windows in the room in which the patient is located, and make sure that no items of clothing interfere with his breathing.
  3. If in your home medicine cabinet There are antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs, give them to the patient to drink. In this case, you must strictly follow the dosage rules specified in the instructions.
  4. If poisoning has developed as a result of taking the drug orally, you need to give the poisoned person to drink several glasses of water and then induce vomiting. Then the patient needs to take a sorbent, for example, activated carbon, or enterosgel.

The ambulance team, upon arriving at the call, will examine the patient and determine the severity of his condition. For angioedema, the following drugs are administered intravenously:

  • antihistamines, for example, diphenhydramine or suprastin.
  • corticosteroids - dexamethasone or prednisolone.

If the patient’s condition does not improve after the medications are administered, he is taken to the nearest on-duty hospital to the therapy department.

Side effects of dimexide

The drug dimexide may cause the development side effects. They may occur even if the drug is used correctly. TO side effects Dimexide includes the following conditions:

  • dizziness;
  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • diarrhea;
  • general lethargy, fatigue, weakness;
  • bronchospasm;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach pain.

If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the drug. Then you need to wash it off the skin and contact your doctor.

Most of these symptoms disappear after stopping the drug. Your doctor will prescribe you a different medicine.

Dimexide is widely used to treat inflammatory diseases joints and skin. Before you start using it, you should definitely consult your doctor.. In case of an overdose of this medicine, allergies may develop in the form of urticaria or angioedema. If an acute allergic reaction develops, you should call an ambulance and take an antihistamine.

Joint problems often cause pain. Moreover, the nature of these pains can be predetermined by a whole group of various factors. These include developmental pathologies, infections, injuries, disruption of the blood supply, arthritis, and endocrine imbalance.

In terms of overcoming pain, Dimexide for joints can be considered one of the most effective means. It's about about a medicinal product produced in liquid form. This clear liquid, which smells like garlic.

Dimexide is a powerful antiseptic and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is thanks to the combination of these two properties that the drug is considered as great option to relieve joint pain. The most common way to use Dimexide is compresses.

Considering high efficiency drug, Dimexide is actively used as local anesthetic. At the same time this remedy completely non-toxic, which means it has minimal side effects.

Properties of Dimexide

At correct use solution you can get the following positive results:

  • relieving pain and excessive tissue tension;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • visible increase in the patient's recovery rate;
  • elimination stagnation in tissues;
  • reducing the likelihood of blood clots.

Advantages of Dimexide

As already noted, this drug is completely devoid of toxic effects. Dimexide quickly penetrates into tissues and immediately begins to act. The product is equally effective on soft and hard tissues.

It is believed that there is only one drawback to using Dimexide - shallow penetration, no more than 5 cm. It is impossible to ensure that the product affects the deep layers of tissue.

Indications for use

The drug is effective in treating the following diseases and conditions:

  • radiculitis in acute or non-acute form;
  • hematomas;
  • nerve pinching;
  • gout;
  • osteoarthritis of deforming properties;
  • burns varying degrees heaviness;
  • bursitis;
  • arthritis;
  • spondylitis or ankylosing spondylitis;
  • infections, including furunculosis, ulcers, erythema nodosum, fungi.

In each of these cases, it is necessary to comply with the doctor’s instructions and strictly follow the instructions for using the drug.


Treating the affected joint with Dimexide can be dangerous in some cases. The main contraindications to the use of the drug are as follows:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • liver or kidney problems;
  • angina pectoris;
  • recent heart attack or stroke;
  • glaucoma or cataracts;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • cases of individual intolerance.

Use of the drug

The main feature of Dimexide is that you can only use a solution of the drug, and not the liquid from the bottle in its pure form. This means that prerequisite dilution of the medicine with water is recommended. In this case, water quality plays a certain role. It is recommended to give preference to purified, boiled or distilled.

Treatment of diseased joints with Dimexide is carried out by applying a compress to the affected area. It is advisable to carefully study the instructions supplied with the medicine before creating a solution for the compress. Much is also predetermined by the severity of the damage to the squad, so it is always best option– this is following medical recommendations.

How to prepare a compress

The following rules must be observed:

  1. Standard proportions for creating a solution from which real effective compresses with Dimexide - one to one. Take equal parts of water and medicine.
  2. The liquids are carefully mixed.
  3. The resulting mixture is applied to gauze or loose fabric.
  4. After applying the compress to the sore joint, the top is covered with cellophane film and then secured with a napkin or other material.
  5. After half an hour, the compress is removed.

Duration similar treatment should be at least 5 days, but it usually does not last more than 2 weeks.

Combination with other drugs

Recipes are common in which Dimexide is mixed with novocaine, and sometimes some additional ingredients are added to them in different ratios.

It is permissible to refer to such recipes only in extreme cases, because they have a strong impact. The product helps get rid of severe pain and serious inflammation. Two anesthetics instantly block painful sensations, affecting nervous tissue.

Classic recipe: mix 50 ml of Dimexide 30% and Novocaine 2%, then apply it to a napkin, cover it with cellophane and insulate it with woolen cloth on top. In this case, Dimexide works both independently and serves as a conductor of novocaine into the tissues. The medications will take effect within half an hour. After this time, the compress is removed.

Side effects

The likelihood of their manifestation during treatment with Dimexide is minimal, but patients need to be prepared for some unpleasant manifestations:

  • itching and burning on the skin;
  • redness;
  • rashes;
  • chemical burns;
  • dizziness;
  • slight nausea.

To avoid such effects, it is better to use Dimexide with gloves; the dosage should not be violated; it is important to maintain tightness both when storing the drug and when applying compresses.