What is cystitis in dogs? A delicate disease - cystitis in a dog: symptoms, treatment at home

Cystitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane bladder. Often occurs with inflammation urethra– urethritis.

Cystitis in dogs can occur in acute and chronic forms.

By character inflammatory process can be catarrhal, purulent, diphtheritic and phlegmonous.

The disease is promoted by low mobility and unbalanced feeding of the dog.

Microorganisms penetrate into the bladder cavity in various ways: ascending - from the urethra (urethral), descending (from the kidneys), lymphogenous - from neighboring pelvic organs, hematogenously - from more distant inflammatory foci. In dogs, the ascending route of infection into the bladder is more common. The bitches have their strength anatomical structure genitourinary system(the urethra in bitches is wider, shorter and located closer to anus), cystitis is more common.

Pathogenesis. Products of inflammation of the bladder walls cause changes in the composition of urine; pus, bladder epithelium, red blood cells and pieces of necrotic tissue appear in the urine. As a result of pathogenic microflora entering the bladder, the urine quickly rots. A sick dog’s body temperature rises, the neuroreflex excitability of the inflamed mucous membrane increases, which causes frequent contractions of the bladder and increased urination. in small portions.

Absorbed inflammatory products lead to changes in metabolic processes the body, which is manifested by an increase in the number of leukocytes, especially neutrophils.

Clinical picture. At acute form cystitis, the owner notices a change in behavior in his dog, usually clean, she begins to leave puddles in the corners or demonstratively dirty the furniture, sometimes suddenly begins to whine. The dog becomes lethargic and apathetic or, on the contrary, overly aggressive, the dog develops increased thirst and frequent urination in small portions. Whining immediately after or at the end of urination. Purulent, bloody or mucous discharge from the genitals appears. During clinical examination we detect slight increase body temperature, the abdomen becomes tight upon palpation, sometimes it is possible to detect an enlarged bladder, the dog avoids touching the abdomen. The urine is cloudy and comes from her bad smell. Males have discomfort when urinating (males usually lift their paws and begin to sit down). Sometimes a sick dog may experience nausea and vomiting. When examining urine in a veterinary laboratory - high content leukocytes, erythrocytes, microbial bodies and salt crystals. An ultrasound scan reveals sand, stones, and inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bladder.

Diagnosis put on the basis clinical picture(frequent painful urination) and urine analysis (sediment microscopy reveals a high content of leukocytes, red blood cells, exfoliating epithelium, microbial bodies, ammonium urate crystals). Blood test (general and biochemical). Pap smear for genital infections. An ultrasound is performed (stones, sand, the condition of the kidneys and bladder are detected). X-ray examination.

Differential diagnosis. When carrying out differential diagnosis exclude, etc.

Treatment. We provide the sick dog with complete rest, drink plenty of alkalized water, prescribe dietary feeding - a milk-vegetable diet (oatmeal and millet porridge, milk), exclude dry food, fried and spicy food from the table.

In the absence of blockage of the urethra, in order to accelerate the release of inflammatory products from the bladder, the dog is given decoctions of herbs that have a mild diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect ( lingonberry leaf, corn silk, bearberry leaves, horsetail).

After it is possible to restore the outflow of urine or when the outflow of urine has not stopped, they begin to rinse the bladder with antiseptic solutions (potassium permanganate, boric acid, furacillin, ichthyol, etc.) or saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride) in order to release the accumulated mucus, blood clots, fine sand and other cellular elements.

If the dog whines and does not allow palpation of the abdomen, we prescribe an analgesic (analgin, cystone, but-shpa). If there is blood in the urine, hemostatic agents are prescribed ( calcium chloride, vikasol, gelatin, dicinone).

If the inflammatory process in the bladder is the result of infection with pathogenic microflora, after testing the isolated pathogen for antibiotic sensitivity in a veterinary laboratory, antibiotics are used (baytril, cephalotoxime, ciftriaxone and others).

To reduce harmful influence antibiotics on the intestinal microflora, a course of sorbents, probiotics and hepatoprotectors is prescribed.

Whenever infectious complications sulfonamide drugs are used (furagin, urolex, furodonin, furosemide, children's biseptol).

In some cases, a sick dog needs to undergo a course of treatment using immunocorrectors (Gamavit, Anandin, Vestin, Immunofan, Roncoleukin, Ribotan, Fosprinil, etc.).

If a sick dog has symptoms of intoxication, a drip is used.

Drug treatment of cystitis is best carried out comprehensively, taking into account the urine reaction; for an acidic reaction, hexamethylenetetramine is prescribed, for an alkaline reaction, salol. To accelerate the release of inflammatory products from the bladder, ammonium chloride, potassium acetate and phyto-remedies are used internally.

In the treatment of cystitis, the use of stop cystitis for dogs, which has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic and saluretic effect, is effective. It is used in the form of a suspension or in tablets, the tablets are used with food or administered to the root of the tongue for therapeutic purposes 2 times a day in a dose according to the instructions for the use of feet - cystitis.

During treatment, you can use the drug phytoelite, “Healthy Kidneys” and “Cat Erwin”.

When a pathogen is released from the bladder infectious disease They treat the underlying disease that caused cystitis in the dog.

Prevention. Prevention of cystitis in dogs should be aimed at preventing the causes leading to the development of cystitis. Dog owners should protect them from drafts and hypothermia, and promptly treat dogs with gynecological pathology (vaginitis, endometritis). While in heat, bitches should not be walked in areas where strays roam.

A male dog cannot be mated with an untested female dog. In long-haired dogs, it is necessary to trim the hair under the tail to prevent feces from getting on the genitals. Maintain hygiene of the animal and its habitat. Provide proper feeding dogs. See the article on our website. Take your dog for walks regularly.

Carry out periodically preventive examinations at the veterinary clinic. For preventive purposes, give your dog cranberry juice, which prevents the formation of stones in the bladder and has antibacterial properties.

As a result of hypothermia of the animal, weakened immunity and concomitant diseases The lining of the bladder may become inflamed. As a result, veterinarians diagnose cystitis. In dogs, the pathology manifests itself quite specifically, so it is difficult not to notice the problem. The pet turns from a calm and friendly creature into a nervous and frightened one. At the moment of urination, the dog squats unusually, whines and tries to quickly lick the genitals. This behavior is more likely to indicate inflammation.

Predisposing factors

Any in the intestine healthy dog inhabited by a wide variety of microorganisms. When the pet is healthy, bacteria cannot harm the body. But as soon as the immune system fails, they immediately begin to attack. Cystitis in dogs is caused by coli, streptococcus and staphylococcus. It is these microorganisms that are the first to rush into the bladder in case of health problems.

Pets that are constantly in inappropriate conditions are most susceptible to the disease and receive poor quality food or subject to constant stress. Dogs that are frequently ill and regularly suffer from hypothermia are also at risk.

Cystitis in dogs can develop against the background of inflammatory processes. However, treatment depends on pathogenic microorganisms who attacked urinary tract. In animals diagnosed with urolithiasis or nephritis, a larger share bladder inflammation is likely to develop.

The problem often affects females who have pathologies of the genital organs. If you have problems with the uterus or ovaries, you need to take preventive measures against cystitis.

Cystitis in dogs can develop due to low-quality food. Cheap brands contain too many flavors and dyes, which cause changes in the composition of urine. Increased acidity irritates the walls of the bladder. The mucous membrane gradually becomes thinner and becomes more vulnerable to the penetration of bacteria.

Types of pathology

Treatment of cystitis in dogs depends on the form of the disease. Indeed, often the pathology affects not only the bladder, but also goes down, causing concomitant diseases. Veterinarians can diagnose the following types of cystitis:

  1. Hemorrhagic. Noted increased level hemoglobin.
  2. Catarrhal. Characterized by increased protein content in the urine.
  3. Dystrophic. During a urine test, a specialist diagnoses the content of particles of inflamed and dead epithelium.
  4. Purulent. Dangerous form when there is pus in the urine.

Treatment of cystitis in dogs should only be entrusted to a specialist. Based on the tests performed and medical history taken, the veterinarian will prescribe necessary medications and procedures.


There are dog breeds that are at risk. Animals with short legs, such as dachshunds, more likely development of the disease. In females, the bladder is more likely to become inflamed. This is due to the structural features internal organs, frequent pregnancies and childbirth.

Veterinarians consider mating of the dog to be a nonspecific cause. The procedure may affect the course of a sluggish process or cause a new disease. The latter happens in the case of an uncontrolled choice of a sexual partner for an animal and the introduction of infection.

If cystitis is diagnosed in a pregnant bitch, then its treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. This is due to the fact that many well-known drugs become contraindicated. If the pathology develops into chronic cystitis In female dogs, sterilization is recommended. The point is that constant pregnancies undermine the immune system and the disease is difficult to treat, because many pills are contraindicated.

Cystitis in a dog: symptoms

Loving and caring owner usually notices immediately early signs diseases. If previously the animal was affectionate, friendly and playful, then with inflammation of the bladder it becomes nervous, irritable and often refuses to communicate. Painful sensations force the pet to constantly ask to go outside, but in the end there is no urine at all or it is released in small drops.

In order to start treating cystitis in a dog in time, every breeder should know the symptoms of the disease:

  • Constant urges make the dog irritable. She often asks to go outside and may begin to crap in the house.
  • During urination, the animal makes sounds, squats and constantly licks the genitals.
  • When trying to go to the toilet, liquid comes out in small streams. In complicated cases, it stops coming out completely.

If the above signs of cystitis in dogs are considered specific, then pain in the lower abdomen and elevated temperature signal about general intoxication of the body. Lethargy and apathy of the animal also provokes complete failure from food.

Any breeder should be wary if a dog does not allow itself to be petted. The pet is especially nervous about attempts to palpate the stomach.

Acute cystitis

Medicine for cystitis for dogs is selected taking into account its form. The disease is divided into acute and chronic. In the first case, the signs of cystitis in dogs appear quite noticeably and any veterinarian will immediately make a diagnosis. If treatment is prescribed on time, the prognosis is favorable.

In the acute course of the disease, the clinical picture is clearly expressed and the symptoms clearly characterize progressive inflammation. But it is necessary to take a smear and urine test to identify the nature of the pathogenic microflora. After this, a course is assigned antibacterial therapy and taking medications aimed at eliminating specific symptoms. It is also important to calm the dog and relieve pain. Therefore the doctor will recommend lungs sedatives and painkillers.

After a properly prescribed course and following all the veterinarian’s recommendations, the animal is completely cured. The whole process takes no more than a week. Relapses are rare if preventive measures are followed.

Chronic form of the disease

Cystitis in a dog brings many unpleasant moments. How to treat inflammation is decided depending on the form of the disease. If the pathology has acquired chronic form, then it is important to find out the reason that provokes exacerbations. Chronic cystitis is extremely rarely an independent form of the disease. Most often it is provoked by a number of other problems:

Therefore, if chronic cystitis is diagnosed in a dog, how to treat it and the complex of examinations should concern the root cause. Only a doctor, based on the collected medical history, is able to determine the underlying disease.

Necessary diagnostics

An appointment with a specialist begins with a general examination and palpation of the abdomen. To do this, you will need to completely empty the bladder, which can be difficult when there is inflammation. Therefore, the doctor may insert a catheter. Enough unpleasant illness is cystitis in dogs. Treatment at home is acceptable, but if acute course diseases. A blood and urine test, in which leukocytes and red blood cells are sharply increased, will help determine the form of the pathology.

But before home procedures, you should undergo a full examination. Only a doctor can prescribe all the necessary medications. For this purpose it is revealed general level pH in urine and sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial therapy. At chronic course disease, the initial problem is established, causing constant inflammation. For this you need the following mandatory procedures

When treating at home, you can carry out many activities yourself. But to carry out the above procedures you will have to contact veterinary clinic.

Therapeutic measures

If cystitis is diagnosed in dogs, the doctor should select medications for treatment based on the form of the disease, the general condition of the pet, its age and health. It is important not to delay contacting a veterinary clinic, otherwise the problem may develop into a chronic one. However, not always measures taken lead to lasting results. If your pet has genetic predisposition to the disease, it can return again and again. In this case, only strict adherence to all recommendations and implementation preventive measures will help lead to stable remission.

It is useful for any pet owner to know how to treat cystitis in a dog at home. Of course, all procedures are carried out under constant control veterinarian Shown to a sick pet dry heat in the abdomen and pelvis area. You can use special heating pads, in the absence of one - ordinary plastic bottle. However, you can only use warm water, avoiding hot water. The heating pad is kept in the bladder area for up to 20 minutes. You can carry out 3-4 procedures per day. If the animal goes outside, then cold period From time to time it is necessary to put on the dog warm pants with a hole for urination.

It is important to completely review your pet's menu. Cereals are excluded during treatment. Salty and spicy food prohibited. Doctors recommend feeding a sick pet with meat broth for the first 2-3 days. If the dog is completely switched to dry food and weaning is not planned, then you should purchase a treatment line.

Medicines used

To effectively and quickly defeat the disease, cystitis tablets for dogs should be recommended by a doctor after full examination. The optimal dosage regimen and dosage may depend on urine and blood tests obtained. So, if the acidic environment predominates, "Urotropin" will be effective. If there is an alkaline environment in the urine, then it is necessary to prescribe "Salol".

However, tablets and mixtures will not have the desired effect if the dog does not consume fluid in the required amount. The owner must strictly monitor drinking regime pet. If necessary, water is injected forcibly using a syringe. This is the only way to speed up the elimination of pathogenic bacteria. Ammonium chloride can enhance the effect.

But it is not always possible to cure a dog at home. If cystitis is accompanied by the discharge of pus, temporary hospitalization will be required to flush the bladder. The doctor uses a catheter to inject anti-inflammatory and antiseptic solution. The most commonly used is furatsilin, boric acid, potassium permanganate. A similar procedure better to carry out in conditions medical office under anesthesia.

Use of antibiotics

Antibiotics for cystitis in dogs are prerequisite complete cure. But you can choose the right drug after tests, and it’s better if they are prescribed according to individual scheme. The most prescribed medications are:

  • "Ceftriaxone";
  • "Monural";
  • "Baytril";
  • "Amoxicillin."

Often practicing veterinarians prescribe homeopathic medicines. They help reduce frequent urges and reduction pain. Similar remedies include “Nux vomica-Homaccord” and Atropinum compositum.”

People's first aid kit

Dog owners always come to the rescue folk remedies, which have proven themselves to be excellent. However, they cannot be completely replaced complex treatment recommended by a doctor.

To reduce the acidity of urine and constant irritation mucous membrane, you can offer your dog cranberry juice. But it's worth remembering that large number berries leads to precipitation of oscalates.

Quite effective and have therapeutic effect healing herbs. If you have difficulty urinating, lingonberry leaves and nettle help well. Besides antiseptic action, the infusion has a diuretic effect and promotes rapid elimination pathogenic organisms.

Prevention is important

In order not to provoke inflammation of the bladder, it is always important to complete treatment infectious diseases. If the veterinarian finds it necessary to prescribe antibiotics, it is important to take them for the recommended time and not stop them after the main symptoms of the disease disappear. Pathogenic microorganisms can be suppressed, but not completely defeated, and as soon as taking the pills ends, they rush from the intestines down the genitals. This is how cystitis often occurs.

It is important to ensure that the animal does not become hypothermic. If this decorative dog or lacks a thick undercoat, then veterinarians advise walking your pet in winter special clothing covering the belly. Craftswomen can sew such a jumpsuit themselves. The main thing is that there is a hole in the abdomen for free urination.

During chronic infections It is important to find the source of their spread and purposefully influence it. After all, sometimes there are cases where cystitis is caused by completely unrelated pathologies. Such problems include periodontitis or gingivitis. Veterinarians advise closely monitoring your pet, regularly conducting preventive examinations and at the slightest suspicion of feeling unwell seek advice from a specialist.

How you can help at home

If you can’t show your dog to a doctor, then until that moment you can help the pet yourself and remove pain syndrome. To do this, you must always have home medicine cabinet medicines for cystitis. There is a special type of drug that is designed for pets. Veterinarians recommend using the Stop Cystitis suspension. The product helps relieve pain, relieves inflammation, removing pathogenic microflora, and has a diuretic effect.

You can use tablets that are used in the practice of treating cystitis in people. "Furadonin" gives a fairly good effect. The drug has a low price, but has powerful action against many pathogenic bacteria. The tablets are almost tasteless, so they can be mixed into food. However, it is better to entrust the dosage calculation to your doctor. It is important to consider the dog's weight and well-being. The drug often causes vomiting, so use is strictly supervised by a specialist. Among the contraindications is pregnancy of the animal.


It is better to prevent the development of cystitis in a dog than to treat it later. The disease is quite unpleasant and makes a friendly pet nervous and disobedient. An animal may begin to crap at home, but scolding it is not recommended. Such incidents are caused by constant urge and uncontrolled urination. If the problem has gone too far, you can put a diaper on your dog at home.

The owner quickly realizes that his four-legged friend has an inflamed bladder. This disease cannot be left unattended and waited for it to go away on its own. Inflammation can cause complications in other organs of the genitourinary system, and this can lead to even greater troubles for both the animal and the owner.

Causes of bladder inflammation in dogs

In dogs, cystitis often occurs with simultaneous inflammation of the urethra (urethra), and sometimes it is a consequence of developed process in the kidneys (pyelitis, nephritis, vaginitis,).

Most often a dog gets sick after severe hypothermia . A walk in the lingering rain, a long swim in a cold river helps sharp decline body resistance.

Hypothermia can cause cystitis in a dog.

At this time, the microflora living in genitourinary tract(streptococci, chlamydia, staphylococci, pasteurella, as well as microscopic fungi) is activated, its virulence increases, and it begins to develop rapidly, causing an inflammatory reaction.


The disease has several types.

Cystitis can be either acute or chronic, lasting long and indolently. And the nature of the inflammation can be purulent, catarrhal, fibrinous.

Cystitis can also be caused by tumors or allergies to certain drugs and food.

Symptoms of inflammation

  • The general condition of the animal initially does not cause concern. , but an increase in temperature can be detected by simple touch. In this case, the animal will experience increased thirst.
  • Observing the behavior, the reason becomes clear. An inflamed bladder increases neuroreflex excitability, muscle walls it contracts more often than necessary and this causes the urge to urinate. In this case, the bubble itself may be empty, which causes The dog is even more anxious .
  • The dog crouches, or the male raises his paw unnecessarily, while the puddle is of a completely insignificant size . Sometimes a male dog may involuntarily sit down due to a painful reaction when passing urine. The animal does not choose a place to urinate, and may make whining sounds. Urination may be accompanied by whining both at the end and at the beginning.
  • If no help is provided and the inflammation continues to increase the dog becomes apathetic, sometimes aggressive . Urinary discharge acquires an unpleasant, pungent, unusual odor due to the developing microflora. Upon careful examination of the discharge in the urine, you can see blood, fibrin threads, and turbidity.
  • If you try to palpate the abdominal area, this may be problematic due to the pain reaction . Place the dog's head away from you and slowly, with stroking movements, try to run your hand over the abdomen; it will be tight and painful.
  • Due to the weak outflow of urine, waste products are absorbed and this may cause your dog to vomit or vomit .

During illness, the dog's body temperature rises.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture, in which they find increased content leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelium, microbial bodies.

A urine test will be required to make a diagnosis.

At ultrasound examination Identifying bladder inflammation is not difficult. This may reveal sand and rocks.


  1. To relieve spasmodic contractions it is prescribed no-spa, cystone, analgin .
  2. The use of antibiotic therapy is mandatory. If possible, it is necessary to conduct research to identify the most sensitive microflora; if this is not possible, antibiotics are prescribed wide range(baytril, ciftriaxone, cephalotoxime).
  3. It is necessary to use one of the sulfonamide drugs in combination ( furodonin, urolex, furogin ).
  4. After conducting a urine test, pH is an important indicator for bladder inflammation. If the reaction is alkaline, use salola, and when acidic, it is prescribed hexamethylenetetramine .
  5. To quickly release inflammatory products, drink plenty of herbal diuretics; for this purpose, bearberry leaves, dill or fennel seeds and oregano flowers are brewed. From veterinary drugs good effect has a drug " Stop cystitis" A herbal suspension can be given to a dog, either with food or separately, as in medicinal purposes, and preventive.
  6. If cystitis is detected quickly and a comprehensive treatment is prescribed, correct treatment, then the symptoms disappear after 1–2 days. The course of treatment lasts up to 7 days, during which time the inflammatory reaction on the mucous membrane completely disappears.
  7. If the animal has already developed cystitis, the owner should be careful and understand that this his dog’s “weak” point . For prevention purposes, hypothermia of the body and the occurrence of gynecological complications should not be allowed.

Cystitis is inflammatory disease bladder, which can affect not only people, but also animals. Pets with reduced immunity are especially susceptible to this disease. The symptoms of this disease are most often not very clear and vague, so the owner does not immediately notice that the dog is sick. In order to recognize cystitis in time and help your pet as early as possible, you should study the signs of the disease, the causes of its occurrence and various methods treatment.

Causes of cystitis in dogs

Dogs of any breed can be affected by the disease, but females are most often affected. The most common causes of cystitis are:

  • hypothermia;
  • inflammatory processes located next to bladder organs;
  • various types of infections;
  • physical injuries;
  • stress;
  • malfunction of the kidneys.

Inflammation of the bladder in a dog can also be caused by poor quality water, which the pet drinks, and bad food. If your dog is dry food, then it is recommended to buy holistic and premium brand food for it that does not contain components harmful to the animal.

Cystitis in a dog: signs and symptoms

The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. It is difficult not to notice the acute form of cystitis, during which the following symptoms appear:

As soon as you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, who will order tests, make a diagnosis and select the correct treatment.

It happens that acute form of cystitis goes away with virtually no obvious symptoms and develops into chronic. In this case, the dog seems healthy and only occasionally “misbehaves,” that is, it may go to the carpet or to another place other than the toilet. During a walk, the dog often sits down. In some cases, yellow or pink spots, and there is blood on the penis or the end of the loop.

If chronic cystitis is not treated, it worsens, and the symptoms of the disease become much more pronounced than in the acute form of the disease:

  • the dog often pees, and sometimes sits down idle;
  • the pet is reluctant to move and lies a lot;
  • the dog whines during and after urination;
  • the dog has a tight and painful stomach;
  • there is mucus, clots, blood in the urine.

When visiting a doctor, it will be necessary to confirm the diagnosis using tests, for which The following studies are being carried out:

  1. Pap smear for genital infections.
  2. Bacteriological analysis.
  3. General analysis of urine and blood.

Based on the results of the study, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment for the pet, which the owner will carry out at home.

How to treat cystitis in a dog?

Begin symptomatic treatment the animal can be treated immediately after the tests, without waiting for their results. The doctor may prescribe:

Already at the first visit, the veterinarian should give advice on keeping and caring for a sick dog. In no case should they be neglected, since any little thing can worsen the pet’s condition.

As soon as the tests are ready, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Generally cystitis is treated comprehensively:

  1. If the cause of the inflammatory process is bacteria, then after checking for sensitivity, antibiotics are prescribed. It is necessary to choose a drug specifically against certain bacteria in order to cure the disease and get rid of a lot of problems. In addition, the dog should be prescribed one of the sorbents or hepatoprotectors that reduce the harmful effects of antibiotics on the body.
  2. Natural antibiotics, which include licorice, rhubarb, and elecampane, can help cure cystitis. By taking these herbs in a ratio of 2:2:0.5, adding a pinch of bearberry to them, and pouring boiling water over everything, you can prepare a decoction for your pet, which he will have to drink 1-2 glasses throughout the day. This decoction is also very suitable for douching the animal, which is recommended to be done in the morning and evening during cystitis.
  3. Almost always, for cystitis, diuretics are prescribed, with the help of which pathogenic microflora is removed from the body. Instead of medicines As a diuretic, you can give your dog a decoction of parsley infused in a water bath (4 tablespoons per glass of boiling water). The pet should take two teaspoons of the decoction 3-4 times a day.
  4. To increase antibacterial activity, prevent the formation urinary stones and reducing the acidity of urine, it is recommended to add a little cranberry juice to the food of a sick dog.
  5. You can support the body’s immunity not only with special medications and vitamins, but also with the help of a decoction of tartar or thistle. In combination with antibiotics, these herbs have a positive effect on general condition pet.

In addition to treatment, the dog needs a diet, which should consist of meat broth, milk, millet and oatmeal. It is also necessary to ensure that your pet always has clean drinking water in his bowl.

You should know that it will take at least three months to treat cystitis, during which the dog will have to regularly take all medications or decoctions prescribed by the doctor. If the course of treatment is completed, and some symptoms still remain, then a break is taken for a month, after which treatment continues. All therapy must be agreed upon with a specialist.

Prevention of cystitis in dogs

In order not to treat cystitis, you need carry out the following preventive measures:

Cystitis in dogs can be cured. The main thing is, at the first suspicion of a disease, do not delay your visit to the doctor, who will prescribe the correct treatment. By following all the specialist’s recommendations and paying more attention to your pet during illness, you will ease his suffering, and favorable prognosis will be guaranteed.