Pros and cons of urban. Ambient air pollution

Most people are children of a metropolis, and to understand whether this is good or bad, you need to understand what life is like in big city.

Even at the dawn of capitalism, many people flocked to big cities to earn money. This was especially true in winter for peasants, since agricultural work came to a standstill during this time. Some, having tasted such a life, subsequently became city residents.

What are the advantages of cities?

Most often, in big cities, people are attracted by several things:

  • the opportunity to find a well-paid job;
  • obtaining education (higher and vocational secondary);
  • opportunity professional development and growth;
  • developed infrastructure with theaters and museums, transport and catering, libraries and stadiums, hospitals and clinics;
  • availability of conditions for own implementation;
  • the opportunity to organize and develop your own business.

As you can see, there are plenty of advantages. Moreover, they are something that villages and small towns have never even dreamed of.

But, as you know in life, for all good things you have to pay, and the pros are usually followed by the cons, just as a black streak follows a white one. And city life is no exception to this.

Disadvantages of living in a big city

So what do you have to pay for living in the city? Let's try to list what a city dweller constantly faces:

  • environmental problems in which all the “charms” of life are concentrated - polluted air, saturated with exhaust gases and industrial emissions into the atmosphere. Factories and gas stations, nuclear power plants and industrial waste, landfills and dirt on the streets;
  • absence quality products, dry food, on the run and in fast food;
  • significant psychological stress, sensational chronic fatigue or prolonged depression. Headache Rural residents suffer from sleep deprivation much less frequently;
  • a constant lack of free time caused by the high pace of life and the time it takes to travel to work;
  • high cost of living associated with high prices for housing, food, goods and services;
  • radiomagnetic waves also do not bypass the human body, having a harmful effect on it;
  • cities gradually turned into sources of noise and not very pleasant odors;
  • the presence of criminals, beggars and homeless people;
  • high crowding of people contributes to the emergence and rapid spread of all kinds of infections and epidemics.

As you can see, the number of pros and cons of living in a big city is far from equal.

There are many more disadvantages than advantages, but people continue to be attracted to megacities.

Maybe this is because the pros are more obvious than the cons?

Or do they simply try not to think about the disadvantages once again when choosing where to live?

If you want to decide on a place of residence, it is apparently still worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages big cities. It is possible that it makes sense to settle in smaller and quieter ones?

If your work is connected to a large city, then it makes sense to decide to arrange your life in the suburbs. Or choose a larger city that is safer and cleaner from an environmental point of view.

The most difficult thing is to understand what is most suitable in your particular case. Maybe it makes sense to drop everything and leave the metropolis, moving to a small one in a timely manner?

Moreover, everything always has its own price, and the cost of living in a big city may accidentally turn out to be too high for a person and you should not forget about it.

The advantages of small towns...
At first glance, a provincial city has many advantages. At least from an environmental point of view. The polluted and smoky air of a metropolis cannot be compared with the fairly clean air of a small town. Take Vyksa, for example. Despite the fact that the plant occupies a significant part, we can breathe easy - numerous plantings and surrounding nature generally.
Speaking of nature. Another huge plus. It is unlikely that in a metropolis you will be surrounded by forests, fields and ponds.
Not only is there more vegetation in the province, but the people are much nicer and friendlier. Residents of big cities are used to living mainly for themselves; they rarely pay attention to others. In a small one, everything is completely different. Where else can you manage to make a couple of circles around the city in an hour and still meet a dozen acquaintances?
It teaches us to appreciate the beauty around us. And not only because its inhabitants are more closely connected with nature. It’s just always noticeable how the city comes to life and is updated. This is unusual for us and each new flowerbed is pleasing to the eye. Plus, a small town is easier to keep clean. And how nice it is to look at sidewalks, lawns and roads when there is nothing superfluous there!
And let in small town There are usually fewer so-called “opportunities”; we always find something to do and how to succeed in self-development. Both in the sphere of culture and in sports, people can achieve a lot even living in the provinces. After all, we can!

What we are missing so much...
Eh, whatever you say, if the city is small, then the opportunities are appropriate. For example, opportunities for self-realization. And if in some areas this is a lack of opportunities to “promote”, as in the music industry or on television, then in others it may be complete absence opportunities to try something. It is unlikely that in small towns you will be able to find sufficient quantity sports complexes that could meet necessary requirements. And in general, a sports complex is a rarity. So are good clubs. As are places for entertainment in general. Here the spectrum is clearly narrowed to a minimum.
This also applies to the number of quality goods, brands and equipment. For everything from clothes to technology, people go to big cities. Some people travel hundreds of kilometers to buy a new T-shirt from a famous fashion designer, others a good refrigerator, others a new car. But one thing is clear - in a small town it is very difficult to find something you like.
And there’s also less money circulating. Average wages a person from a metropolis is equivalent to the very prestigious salary of a person from a small town. Therefore, the average resident has to limit himself. It is unlikely that such a person will be able to afford such trips abroad as the “average” resident of a big city.
But, by the way, there is a phenomenon that is inversely proportional to the size of the city. This is the amount of town gossip. In the provinces they usually occur on a gigantic scale and spread at the speed of light. Here, not only does everyone know each other, here everyone knows everything about each other. And an event on one end of the city becomes a hot topic of discussion on the other.

Of course, everyone chooses for themselves where they feel most comfortable. If your energy and reserve nerve cells will allow you to live in the frantic rhythm of the metropolis, then go ahead! But I think that those born in the outback will always be drawn to their native lands. Where every person is like family.

TO positive aspects Urban life can be attributed to the presence of a comfortable apartment. In this situation, there are no problems with heating, electricity, or garbage disposal. In addition, the apartment has a cold, hot water and other delights of housing and communal services. As a rule, when living within the city, there are no difficulties with getting to work. If work activity is carried out close to home, you can walk, but if it’s far away, you can get there by metro, taxi, personal car or public transport. Preschool and school institutions are usually located in walking distance from home. A retail outlets can be located directly on the residential ground floor. The city has many entertainment venues.

In addition to the advantages, living in the city also has disadvantages. The apartment, although well-appointed, has limited space. This is especially felt when organizing a feast with a certain number of guests. The walls of the apartment have low sound insulation and do not allow loud music, singing, dancing, as all this disturbs the neighbors. IN multi-storey buildings there is a risk of being flooded by neighbors from above and a risk of flooding the residents themselves ground floor. The courtyards of houses are constantly filled with cars. There is practically no opportunity to breathe clean air in the city.

Advantages and disadvantages of living outside the city

There are many advantages of living outside the city. You can build yourself a house of any size. The main thing is not to limit financial possibilities. You can also arrange it according to at will. It becomes possible to organize parties with any number of guests. You can sing and dance until late - the neighbors will not make any complaints. In addition, guests can be accommodated overnight in guest rooms. It is very convenient that you don’t have to go far to pick up your car, since the garage is located next to the house. Outside the city, you can build your own bathhouse, gazebo, or lay out a lawn. There is an opportunity to start a household plot. An additional advantage is the presence of a river or forest in the nearby area. Away from the city, the air is clean and fresh.

Country life has its difficulties. In most cases, you cannot do without a personal car. Since it is not possible to get to the desired place by public transport, there is a certain dependence on vehicle. Daily gas costs can be daunting. Living outside the city during the cold season can be dangerous. Roads covered with snow do not always allow you to leave even if urgently needed. In addition to all this, you need to solve the issue of work and education of children - go to the city every day or get settled in your own locality. There is practically no entertainment in such places, which can become a burden for a family leading a secular lifestyle.

Thus, it is much more practical to live in the city. It is convenient to have a country house instead of a summer house. In the summer you can go there to take a break from the hustle and bustle, barbecue, breathe clean air, and, having gained strength, return to your favorite city.

In this complex issue, like “Is it good to have an apartment in the city center?”, of course, it would be easy and even logical to answer that “there is no friend according to taste.” But we will not look for easy ways and will still make an attempt to understand the situation.

First of all, let's divide this question into 3 parts

  • Possibility of living in large cities such as Moscow, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo and the like. The difference between these agglomerations is not small, of course. This is the price for square meter apartments and infrastructure development and, in general, differences in the culture and customs of states. But despite all this, their problems are in many ways similar, since these territories are increasingly copying each other, adopting experience, both positive and negative.
  • Opportunity to live in large cities with a population of over a million. Here the story is a little different. The problems of the center are not so pronounced in them, but are increasingly making themselves felt. After all, territories are constantly developing, population density is growing, and cities are acquiring the features of megacities, taking on the same difficulties.
  • Living in cities with a relatively small population, for example, about 500,000 people. Here, development is not proceeding at such a rapid pace and life in the center rather brings more advantages than disadvantages. This is due to the maximum concentration of socio-cultural objects and the development of infrastructure in the administrative centers of such territories.

Thus, we can transfer the projection of living in megacities to less major cities with all the advantages and disadvantages. Our civilization is developing at such a pace that literally in a few years the same problems will arise there too. As the closest and at the same time shining example you can rely on the living conditions in the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

Cost of buying and renting an apartment


If life so happens that you are the owner of an apartment in the center, then there are a number of advantages. It is clear that you are no longer an ordinary person, but a certain status. But living in the center is not only prestigious. And this is determined by the same value of your property. You are a rich man. If you decide to move from the center to any other area or even city, it is possible to improve not only your living conditions, but also acquire a decent additional condition. There are other opportunities to profit from real estate in the center. Especially if you are not tied to her by a place of work or anything else significant. Having rented or bought, say, an apartment with a mortgage, somewhere in a more remote area, your property in the center can be rented out and bring a significant and pleasant replenishment of the family or personal budget!


Buying an apartment in the center of any city, and even more so the capital, is a very expensive undertaking. Rental housing in the center also exceeds the city average, sometimes even by several times. Thus, prices per m2 of residential premises in the Central Administrative District of Moscow start at approximately $10,000 per square meter, and the total cost can amount to more than one million dollars. The average cost per 1 m2 in the center of the capital fluctuates around the figure of 400,000 -450,000 rubles. The range in rental prices is also large. This can be either 50,000 or 150,000 rubles per month.

Walking distance to work

Most of us go to work every day. And the choice of place of residence sometimes influences the walking distance to it.


The advantage of the city center over the outskirts may be a greater choice of employment opportunities in various fields and professions. This is due to the fact that the concentration of business centers, administrative and office buildings, and various companies is highest here. Also, thanks to this and pay level labor is usually higher. Step-by-step availability of work can free up a lot (!) of your time, which we so lack for personal life and rest.


There are no downsides to walking distance. And even if your profession involves working in an industrial zone remote from the center, you will still get there earlier than others. After all, you will be driving in the “countercurrent” of congestion and traffic jams. In the morning - from the center, and in the evening - on the contrary, in the opposite direction.

Car parking in the city center



Price parking space high in parking lots. There is also a fee for parking on roadsides and in courtyards. This significantly increases the overall cost of living in the city center. There is, of course, the option of living without a car, but it is not suitable for everyone.

For information

The cost of parking a car in the city center is 50 rubles per hour. Residents inside the Boulevard Ring now have the right to park for free, and only from 20.00 to 8.00.

Accessibility to cultural centers, theaters, exhibition halls


Walking distance to places that bring culture to the masses will allow you to easily follow the latest premieres and performances, without spending several hours in traffic jams and thereby spoiling the entire impression of the performance. As they say, as long as finances allow it.


The close proximity to crowded places can sometimes be annoying due to the abundance of visitors. They circle around looking for a parking spot, make noise, or are just overly excited.

Availability of shops and retail chains


Of course, all the most fashionable boutiques, beautiful shops, and modern shopping centers are concentrated in the center. By its architectural appearance and wealth interior decoration they are sometimes not inferior even to recognized monuments of architecture and art.


But for all these delights, of course, the buyer has to pay from his own wallet. Rental rates in such stores are very high, the cost of rent is ultimately included in the price of the goods - there is nowhere else to go. Large supermarkets of various well-known retail chains practically none. The reason for this is still the same - the lack of acceptable economic conditions and suitable sites for such construction in the center of the metropolis. If you decide to shop cheaper, then welcome to the city outskirts. There are more than enough super and hypermarkets here.

Availability of parks, squares and dog areas


The authorities diligently protect the city squares and parks existing in the center. They are well maintained and very beautiful and picturesque.


These parks, and indeed just green spaces in general, are sorely lacking. In addition, many of them strive to build up with seemingly “temporary”, but still structures. For example, cafes, bars, restaurants and their summer areas. As a result, there is practically no place left for walking... And what can we say about our smaller brothers - domestic animals. Involuntarily we have to go for a walk away from the center.

Road congestion


Getting from the city center to any point will be faster. At a minimum, you won’t have to travel from end to end. But this probably has more to do with the location.


The congestion of highways with vehicles is highest here in almost all directions. Streets in historical city centers are narrower and unadapted to modern realities. Even a short route can take a lot of time.

Ambient air pollution


The central part of the city has no advantages in this aspect.


There is only one drawback, but a very big one - increased concentration in the atmosphere. This has an extremely negative impact on human health. Mixing with dust, industrial emissions and fog, vehicle exhausts form smog, which hangs like a thick hat over many cities. And if on the outskirts the concentration of vehicles is not so high, and there are quite a lot of parks, squares or simply freely ventilated areas, then in the center it’s the other way around. The density of buildings and structures is maximum, cars flock from all sides, forming continuous rivers, lakes and seas. An insufficient number of green spaces cannot relieve the territory from gas pollution and smog.

Infrastructure and social services


In terms of availability per 1 m2 paid services very, very diverse, everything will be on top level. Shopping centers And transport interchanges always within walking distance.


But not always in to the fullest There are municipal services available, such as kindergartens, schools and hospitals. This happens because the population density in the center is growing, and the availability of places in such institutions is not at the same pace. An alternative is paid medical and educational services. But their cost is again not small. Let's say for the private kindergarten 35,000 rubles per month is not the limit at all.

Cost of living in the center


As you know, the cost of living consists of payment for consumed water and electricity, good technical condition of the home, taxes and additional fees. So, the advantages in this case include uniform tariffs for electricity, water, gas and heat for all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation. Regardless of their place of residence.



After reading this article, we hope that you have become a little better aware of the correctness and usefulness of your, so to speak, dislocation. Only you can evaluate and make a decision. We just tried to determine and streamline as much as possible the pros and cons of living in an apartment in the center of cities and megalopolises, for example in Rostov-on-Don this