Coursework: Features of creating dental activities. The guiding star of the dental business, or why a dental clinic needs a business model


The other day a client came to me who has his own dental clinic. He had no idea how to attract customers, scale his business and make big profits. It’s easy to increase dental profits by using a few tips from this article. Read on.

Today I will tell you about the difficulties that “young” dental entrepreneurs face, as well as those who have been in this business for a long time, but for some reason are still stuck in a dead spot.

In this article, using an example private dentistry, we will consider the following questions:

  • Why is it hard to start a business?
  • 5 principles that will sink your business.
  • How to increase customer flow by 30%?
  • Businessman or self-employed worker, who are you?
  • What will help you create a “tasty” USP?
  • Increase dental profits. Where to start?

Let's start from the beginning.

The collapse of a novice businessman's hopes

What does a novice entrepreneur count on when he opens his own business, in our example, his own dentistry?

The first, of course, is freedom. How long can you work for an “uncle” when you have enormous experience, professionalism and small capital. You can fulfill your dream and make a profit...

Dream. Many people strive for it. Each in their own way, based on their experience. And a professional in his field, he takes and leaves his hired job, opens his own business and begins to do what he used to do, only for himself.

The problem is that he is often not ready for this, simply because he does not have such skills. Yes, he is a professional, an excellent dentist, but not a businessman.

And the mistakes that he begins to make inevitably lead to problems in his business.

Let's look at a few mistakes my client made in his field. I would like to note that business processes are similar in many ways and differ only in the specifics of the field of activity, so not only dentists should be aware of these mistakes.

5 principles of “old-fashioned” marketing for dentistry or why you won’t have 300 thousand clients)

What principles do many self-employed businessmen, as well as novice entrepreneurs, still work by, what mistakes they encounter and what this leads to will be discussed later in the article.

1. If you want it to be good, do everything yourself.

Undoubtedly, an entrepreneur must understand many aspects of his business. However, by doing everything yourself, a colossal amount of time and effort is spent learning and implementing all those technologies, or at least a small part of them, that currently exist on the market.

“Do it yourself” is the principle of being the owner of your work. It is common to dentists, lawyers, attorneys, accountants and other professions engaged in private practice.

This is what distinguishes a business from self-employment. This is the principle that does not allow these people to become business owners and jump in over their heads.

This is understandable, there are 24 hours in a day. During this time, it is impossible for one person to serve an infinite number of patients, much less manage, develop and scale his business.

Classics of the genre, Robert Kiyosaki, “Quadrant” Cash Flow" Businessmen value their time and know that it cannot be returned. Therefore, they buy the time of others and then their day no longer has 24 hours. With someone else's hands they can do much more.

The ability to delegate is one of the key skills that distinguishes a businessman from a self-employed worker. The owner of his business is not limited to one clinic, he builds a network of clinics.

2. Advertising is the engine of trade.

It is IMPORTANT for any entrepreneur, including the owner of a dental clinic, to understand that advertising does NOT increase your sales! No matter how strange it may sound, it is a fact.

Advertising only allows you to increase the number of visits to the clinic. But the administrator who took this call Yes! It largely depends on him whether the client will reach us or go to someone else, more polite, for example.

3. The habit of paying twice.

There are some things you shouldn't skimp on. This is marketing and qualified personnel. I'll explain why.

Firstly, marketing is a system that attracts and retains customers in our company. Without attracting customers there will be no profit. Without customer retention, there will be no stability in business.

According to statistics, attracting a new client is 5-7 times more energy-labor-money-consuming than selling a product or service to an “old” one. Yes! Many dentists make this mistake! They treat their customer as “disposable”, not knowing or forgetting that the customer base is the golden asset of any business.

Secondly, the generated flow of potential clients must be translated into real ones. I wrote about this above in “advertising”. And for this you need a competent manager or administrator who can not only competently talk about the services, but also competently close the sale, so that the client does not even have doubts about choosing which clinic to go to.

Thirdly, the dentist himself and his colleagues must be professionals. Otherwise, “good marketing” will simply “kill” the business of an incompetent doctor. Why?

Because the army of clients created by “good marketing”, dissatisfied and embittered by the quality of services, will spread “the fame of the dentist’s great exploits.” And this is in the most favorable outcome. But there may also be lawsuits and compensation...

Therefore, it is important to be a professional in your field and hire professionals just like you or better!

The desire to save money where it is not worth doing can be very EXPENSIVE in the future.

4. Lack of understanding about your own business.

The lack of knowledge and skills does not allow you to create a viable business model, although it all should begin with an understanding of the business processes that will take place in your clinic.

5. One-time clients.

As practice shows, about 45% of dental clinics treat their clients as “disposable”, that is, they served them, made a profit and that’s it.

This is one of the biggest mistakes. Your customer base is your golden asset. Regular customers are the people who make your business stable.

Repeated sales, according to statistics, are 5 times less expensive than finding new customers and building relationships with them.

What is important for a novice entrepreneur to know and will help those who are “treading water.” We'll talk about this further.

6 rules for increasing dental profits

There are things that are painfully familiar, however, there are still a large number of those who do not use them, especially in offline business.

1. Determine who your target audience is (target audience).

Of course. Where will we go if we don’t understand who our client is? Whom we feed with bait, for whom we write texts, shoot commercials, create banners, headlines, describe values, press on calluses...

It’s trite, but a clear understanding of our target audience allows us to accurately shoot at clients and hit the target, rather than when we have a general blurred idea and fire at sparrows from the Tsar Cannon.

2. Create your USP (unique selling proposition).

Knowing who our client is, we can create a unique selling proposition for him. Or for them, if there are several such groups. Again, the gray masses of an endless number of clinics begin to get lost against the background of the quantity, no matter how good they are.

How can you choose where to go in this case? Help the client, make your unique offer, so that it is the most delicious compared to competitors! What is needed for this?

Yes, it is worth noting here that in many ways these 2 and subsequent points depend on what level your dentistry is: economy office, middle option or an elite clinic.

3. Use benchmarking.

Study your competitors, look at their tricks: how do they attract customers, generate leads, what tricks do they use offline and online? Analyze, maybe even use their service to know your friend from the inside. Take the best they have and apply it to your clinic or your business.

In addition, identify obvious shortcomings and weaknesses of competitors and make them yours strengths. Then, when choosing between you and someone, they will choose you.

Having analyzed your main competitors in this way, you will have a picture of their strengths and weaknesses. You will see what they offer, what their USP is, what their pros and cons are.

Take all the best, remove the weaknesses and create your own beautiful, bright, “tasty” product that your client will “eat” with pleasure. And you will be happy.))

After all, clients are becoming smarter and don’t go to the first dentist or hairdresser from the bright picture in the advertisement. They analyze what is good and what is bad and where is even better for the same money.

By finding the weaknesses of your competitors and turning them into your strengths, you will stand out from your fellow drillers.

4. Create trust - the source of sales.

The client’s further visit to you and not your competitors depends on what impression the client has about your clinic.

And there are no trifles here. In the literal sense, the client is influenced by everything, from the sign above the entrance and the smile of the administrator, to the cleanliness of the toilet and the presence of soap next to the washbasin.

And of course, the most important thing is the professionalism of the dentist himself. Because it’s one thing when a “soulless” uncle with a stony expression in his eyes treats you, and quite another thing when an open, good-natured, calming person treats you.

Going to a dentist is stressful, unpleasant, and often painful. That’s why we go to him so “often,” usually when we can’t bear it anymore. Routine preventive visits to the dentist have not yet become part of our culture.

To make the client feel comfortable and well, it is important to create trust from the moment the client crosses the threshold of your clinic.

A grateful client will come back to you again and again.

5. Use competent cross-sell.

One of the well-known techniques for increasing profits is cross-selling.
After quality work with the patient, his satisfied, grateful eyes, you can offer him to purchase related products.

Of course, this should not look like an imposed push for a new super trendy dental floss that penetrates even where others cannot.

Your clinic displays may contain good toothpastes, brushes, rinses and other oral products that will be truly useful to the client and bring you additional profit.

Without this, neither clients, nor profits, nor business will be visible. And vice versa, from practice, introducing these simple rules In your business, you can increase the number of clients by 30% in 1-2 months.

6. Money is nothing, REPUTATION is everything!

One serious mistake and your reputation will be completely crushed!

People choose a dentist once and for life. This is, of course, conditional, but in fact, I would rather go to the other end of the city to see my trusted specialist than go down to the next entrance to the newly opened dental clinic.

Therefore, how much quality or poor quality service you will provide your new patient depends on whether he will become yours for centuries!?) In this way, you, as a professional in your field, personally influence your reputation.

Word of mouth, as a result of your service, the news of the miracle dentist will spread throughout the area. And what this news will be like and how it will affect your reputation depends on how satisfied your client is.

Yes, and of course, it is important to collect positive reviews patients of your clinic, because the principle of social proof has not yet been canceled. Best review- this is a video review!

Reputation marketing deals with creating and maintaining a reputation. It is impossible to track everything on your own. And the larger your business becomes, the more and better you need to track everything that clients, competitors, media, blogs, social media say about you. networks, etc.

There are often envious well-wishers who, for a number of reasons from psychological to black PR, are one way or another trying to move you from the pedestal of honor of your impeccable reputation.

Reputation is a clean, transparent glass ball, once dropped, the pieces cannot be collected. And even if you collect and glue it together, your reputation will never be the same. Therefore, treat it with care and do not let anyone break it.

This is what reputation marketing is for.

Ask yourself questions:

  • Do you know your target audience?
  • Do you have a USP that sets you apart from the rest?
  • Do you know who your main competitors are and what marketing methods they use?
  • Are you building trusting relationships with your clients?
  • Do you sell related products?
  • Do you care about your reputation as a good specialist?

If there is at least one NO, it's time to think about your marketing!

In conclusion

Let me sum it up.

What is dentistry? This is business. The same business as others, with the same laws, only with its own specifics.

Like any other business, in order to manage it competently you need to have necessary knowledge, skills and experience. Often, in small clinics and private offices, the dentist himself acts as a businessman.

Be good specialist in dentistry and being a businessman are two big differences and, as a rule, one excludes the other.

It’s not for nothing that the owners of the most successful network clinics are not dentists. They create this profitable business, open clinics, hire staff, build networks. The ability to manage your own and other people’s time and delegate authority are some of the key skills that distinguish a business owner from the owner of his work.

And you have a choice. If you want to develop your business, you can start doing it yourself by implementing the rules that I wrote about. This will allow you to attract new clients to your clinic. However, remember that this flow will always be limited by your time.

Or hire specialists in this field, let them do it, and you continue to do what you love.


Subbotin Ivan

Ivan Subbotin Owner of internet marketing agency SaturDay and leading business consultant with a unique focus on social media. He came to this market with one goal, to raise from his knees Russian business. She uses 10 years of experience in digital, internet marketing and social media promotion. Stay in touch with me by joining my social media page on Facebook (

It is no secret that the number of people served in public dental clinics is constantly decreasing. Private clinics providing dental services on high level.

That's why Private dental practice is now becoming one of the most popular areas of business.

One of the most important components of a successful start of a dental office is the careful preparation of a business plan that is thought out in every detail. Only with him you can take into account all the nuances of the enterprise, quickly open and then successfully run your own business.

Features of the organization

First of all, you need to know some of the features of running your own business in the field of providing dental services. This will help you navigate and choose the right business model with which all steps and the opening plan are coordinated.

One of the features is the almost constantly high demand for dental services. Research shows that wealthy people, including doctors of all specialties, most often turn to a dentist for help.

Moreover, about half of the patients prefer to be served in private, cozy rooms.

Even in conditions of fairly fierce competition, this allows us to consider this type of business as one of the most attractive in terms of successful work and making profits.

Office or clinic?

Most in demand among the general population are precisely small private offices, which provide the most popular dental services. They are usually located in residential buildings on the ground floor, occupying one or two apartments.

Of course, the premises must be prepared in full accordance with the requirements. The list of services here is much smaller than in large clinics. This is due to many factors:

  • targeting a specific category of clients;
  • the impossibility of installing a large number of complex equipment due to lack of space, personnel, and too high initial costs;
  • complexity of work organization and much more.

Business model as previous research

First, it is necessary to talk about some difficulties that may arise in connection with opening an office professional dentist and a non-professional entrepreneur.

  • In the case when the owner of the future business is a specialist, he works out in detail all the details and elements of the treatment process itself. At the same time, leaving behind the scenes other pressing issues - marketing, maintaining accounting and other documentation, hiring staff, automation, etc.

    Here, the provision of dental services will be truly at a high level. However, most likely, there will not be the expected flow of customers, because to attract them you need competent advertising and much more. People won’t come to even the best clinic if they don’t know about it.

  • In another option, if dental office entrepreneur opens, who is not himself a specialist in the field of dentistry, quite often a completely different picture is observed. All questions related directly to healing process, including pricing and list of services, is usually decided by the hired doctor.

    However, this is completely wrong, because then there may be a discrepancy between the price level and the list of services themselves for the selected model.

From the above it follows that both sides of this business - directly medical and administrative - must necessarily be considered in close connection.

Price level discrepancy the niche in the market that was chosen for developing the business plan, will not allow you to make your business profitable and, moreover, profitable, even if there is large number clients.

Working day of the chair

You definitely need to talk about one more feature of private dentistry - duration and continuity of equipment operation. The chair may remain idle only during mandatory disinfection. The rest of the time it should work.

This is precisely the main difficulty and the main task.

The owner must ensure daily and continuous (over a 12-hour day) operation of the equipment and, accordingly, the workload of doctors.

What will be required to open?

Exists a few mandatory points things to consider when opening a dental office. It is with them, after developing a general model, that you will need to start.


The first thing you need is a suitable room for a private office to provide dental services.

There are two options - renting or buying it. The first option, rent, is considered less expensive, especially at the first stage.

However, in this case, the business owner risks being dependent on the decisions and whims of the landlord. At any time, the owner of the premises may want to terminate the contract in order to sell his property at a profit.

Besides, In the long run, renting is more expensive. Indeed, in addition to all current expenses, it will also be necessary to pay rent, the cost of which is quite high.

Having owned the premises, the entrepreneur does not have to worry about losing it. Plus, there is no need to include additional monthly expenses in the estimate.

When searching for premises you need:

  • focus on the range of possible clients. Most often, people turn to medical institutions that are located in close proximity to their place of residence. Large residential areas are ideal for a small dental office;
  • also necessary take into account the requirements that the law imposes on such premises. For a private office with one work chair, this is at least 14 m2. Moreover, these meters are also complemented by a hall and a bathroom.

    That is, in the end it comes out to about 30 m2, taking into account about 5 for the bathroom and 10 for the hall. When equipping additional workplaces, another 7 m2 should be added to each subsequent one.

Registration and licensing

Dental services subject to mandatory licensing. A license can be issued to a legal entity if there are appropriate certificates for the installed equipment, as well as the materials used in the work.

If the entrepreneur is a specialist in this field and intends to carry out the medical manipulations, then you should register an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur) and its own license. Otherwise, registration of an LLC will be suitable, and licenses will be issued to specialist employees.

In addition, it is necessary to register with a pension fund, tax office, and create a book of income and expenses.

You will need to open a new business account and order a seal. Additionally, provision should be made for the purchase, registration and maintenance of a cash register, as well as an agreement with a service specialist.

What are the most common mistakes encountered when opening a dental clinic, watch the video:


One of the most significant items of future expenses– purchase, installation and configuration of the necessary equipment. For an office with one workstation you will need:

  • the dental chair itself;
  • autoclave for sterilizing instruments;
  • set of tools;
  • equipment necessary for prosthetics.

This list can also include additional items that will correspond to the list of services that the company will provide.


When selecting personnel and agreeing on their number it is necessary to proceed from the existing standards of work for doctors. The working day of each doctor cannot be more than 6 hours.

Accordingly, for the office to work seven days a week for twelve hours, at least three specialists are needed.

Additionally, you will need to hire qualified assistants - nurses for each of the doctors, orderlies for cleaning, as well as administrative staff.

Appliances and furniture

There's not much work here. You will only need the bare essentials - chairs, a computer desk, a sofa and a few armchairs, as well as a large closet and several smaller ones.

The technology is also not very diverse - the already mentioned cash register, computer, refrigerator for storing medicines and materials.

Example of financial planning

We have already considered most of what is included in the business plan itself. Now you just need to count everything you need point by point.

The cost will be indicated in dollars, since most prices are negotiated in this currency.


The calculations should include, first of all, payment for the premises itself. If this rent, then from 150 - 200 dollars per square meter in remote areas or about 500 dollars in the center.

At purchase– about 3000–4000 dollars also per square meter.

The specificity of dental services also requires appropriate repair and refurbishment for connecting the chair to the water supply and sewerage, as well as the electrical network. This will require about $150 per meter.


  • Dental unit depending on the level and manufacturer - from 10 to 15 thousand dollars.
  • A set of tools – about 1.5–2 thousand.
  • Equipment for prosthetics – from 17 to 25 thousand.
  • Consumables – about 2–2.5 thousand dollars monthly.
  • The budget option for an X-ray unit is about $15,000.

License: d For each type of activity in in this case the approximate cost of a license will average $1,300.


The salary of an orderly is from 3,000 rubles, and a nurse’s salary is from 6–7 thousand.

A separate issue is the issue of remuneration for highly qualified specialists. Typically, in the case of a small dental office, the doctor receives monthly about 2–2.5 times the minimum salary, and an additional 15 to 25–30% commission, which is calculated taking into account the work performed.

Current expenses: in addition to employee salaries, monthly expenses will include the purchase of consumables, in particular, filling materials, as well as payment of rent and utilities. We should also not forget about taxes.

Price list: e that, in fact, is an income item. It is necessary to calculate the cost of each type of service provided, taking into account the pricing policies of competitors. Your prices should be about the same as theirs or slightly lower.

As a result, it turns out that opening a dental office will require quite large expenses - initially at least 300-400 thousand rubles. As you scale up, this amount will increase.

AKIMOV Viktor Vladimirovich,
Head of the Consulting Center "Consilium"

Success in the dental business depends entirely on a well-structured business model of a dental clinic. Just as the captain of a ship in a stormy sea is unlikely to find his way to shore without a life-saving compass, so the head of a dental clinic is unlikely to achieve success without a clearly thought-out model for the development of the clinic.

It is the chosen business model that ultimately determines the adoption of certain decisions related to the organization of the clinic’s work.

It is naive to believe that by opening just a “good” clinic, you will make it successful. It is necessary to absolutely understand in what market niche the dental clinic will operate, how exactly you will advertise it, how you will set the price for your services, and where exactly you will make a profit.

As a rule, a number of key mistakes are made when choosing a business model. If a dentist plans to open a clinic, he focuses exclusively on the details of the treatment process. Issues of marketing, automated clinic management, and advertising campaigns remain behind the scenes. As a result, patients do not come to the highest quality dental clinic, and the best doctors stand idle without work.

If a clinic is opened by a non-dentist entrepreneur, he most often transfers to the head physician all problems associated with the treatment process, including the list of services and pricing. But prices and services directly depend on the business model. If the pricing principles do not correspond to the chosen market niche, then even if there is a queue of patients, the dental clinic will not pay for itself.

The task of the owner of a dental business is to ensure the smooth operation of the dental clinic, and for this it is necessary that the flow of patients be constant. What good are good doctors and first-class equipment if they are busy for a couple of hours a day? Only a constant flow of patients ensures a sufficient level of profit.

The business model views the dental clinic not so much as a medical institution, but as a money-making enterprise. You describe all the sources of money coming in and all the items of money being spent. If you lose sight of even one significant type of cost, the clinic may soon go bankrupt. Therefore, there is no need to rush at the stage of developing a business model.

When building a business model, you must decide on the following questions:

  • Number of offices
  • Price segment
  • Set of dental services
  • Distinctive Features clinics
  • Pricing procedure
  • Functions and job descriptions employees
  • Payroll principles
  • Work technologies
  • Patient care procedure

The more detailed you describe the business model of a dental clinic, the faster and more accurately you will make decisions about choosing premises, purchasing equipment and hiring staff.

For example, you are deciding the issue of choosing dental equipment. How much should you spend? Solving this issue in isolation from the business model is pointless. If you are running a premium-segment clinic, then it is not advisable for you to consider cheap dental equipment.

And, conversely, when opening an economy class office, there is no point in spending money on luxury equipment.

If you hire staff but don't clearly define the clinic's business model, doctors and patients will end up having a hard time understanding each other.

Finally, from the first steps, the owner of a future dental clinic should understand that any business, including dental, is a system. A service, even if it is of excellent quality, is only an element of the system. The entrepreneur's task is to build the entire system.

In reality, there is a huge difference between a successful dentist and a successful businessman. A successful dentist is a person who knows everything about the business he is engaged in - that is, dental treatment. A successful businessman is a person who knows everything about the clients to whom he provides services: what they need, what they are willing to pay for, how convenient it is for them to visit the clinic.

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Dental services
at the Dental Clinic
low prices":

Among various directions medical business One of the oldest and most profitable is the dental practice. Which is not surprising. The demand for the services of dental hospitals is quite high and at the same time constant, independent of fashion and season, since human teeth are constantly exposed to various negative impact leading to various types of diseases. It should be noted that in the human body the teeth are the only ones in which permanent surgery without any harm to general health person.

The success of the dental business around the world is also due to the phenomenon that most people are afraid of visiting. As a rule, patients go to the dental hospital only when the problem is no longer solved by available means in the form of painkillers, etc. At the same time, the more often a person turns a blind eye to the need for periodic preventive examinations from a dentist, the more expensive it costs him to visit a dental hospital if necessary, regardless of whether it is private or public and in what price segment it operates.

Today, most of the commercial dental hospitals (about 70% of all operating institutions) are single; the rest of the dental services market is occupied by network and branch dental hospitals. Among them, the most common model of a clinic providing dental services is a center working in two directions: therapy and.

Any commercial dental hospital exists in conditions of fierce competition: only those who managed to find their market segment and fully demonstrate their competitive advantages survive. The dental services market is divided into segments by type of patients, by types of services and their cost, and by the size of the dental hospital itself.

There are three main formats for dental business: dental hospital, focused on mass customer service, delivered on stream. As a rule, these institutions provide economy-class dental services and are equipped with a large number of chairs with round-the-clock operation.

The second area in which dental hospitals specialize is servicing corporate clients within the framework of voluntary health insurance.

The third group of dental hospitals unites institutions specializing in VIP-class services. The main thing in their work is an individual approach to each client.

Based on the business strategy of the institution, it is built pricing policy, which is determined by two main factors: the level of service chosen by the dental hospital for its positioning in the market and the minimum costs of establishing work in the selected segment.

Dental hospital will become successful if you remember two main features of the dental business. Firstly, the client, when preparing to go to , is tuned in to pain and discomfort, so most people feel dejected and depressed. This is exactly what you can play with by using one marketing move - changing the client’s negative mood to a positive one, thereby relieving psychological stress.

Secondly, the quality of the services provided is assessed at the level of “it hurts - it doesn’t hurt”, “it interferes - it doesn’t interfere”. Few patients can give an objective assessment of the dentist’s work, so the success of a dental hospital in terms of economic results is only possible if such concepts as “to be” and “to appear” are identified.

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1 Allow for protection of vehicles and aircraft Head of department. Markhasin A.B. BACHELOR'S GRADUATE THESIS Informatization of business processes of a dental clinic Explanatory note Student Chumakov A.V. // Faculty of IVT Group IA-231 Head Lapova S.G. /.. / Novosibirsk 2016 1

2 Federal Communications Agency Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher education"Siberian state university telecommunications and computer science" (SibGUTI) DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND COMPUTING FACILITIES ASSIGNMENT FOR THE GRADUATE WORK OF BACHELOR STUDENT Chumakov A.V. GROUPS IA-231 APPROVED “2016 Head. department / A.B. Markhasin / Novosibirsk 2016 2

3 1. Graduation theme qualifying work Bachelor's degree Informatization of business processes of a dental clinic was approved by order of SibGUTI dated February 20, 2016 4 (159o-16) 2. Deadline for the student to submit the completed work is June 22, 2016 3. Initial data for the work 1 Special literature 2 Network materials Internet 4. Contents of the explanatory note (list of questions to be developed) Deadlines for completion by section Date of issue of the task February 20, 2016 Supervisor signature Accepted the task for execution February 20, 2016 Student signature 3

4 ABSTRACT Graduate qualification work Chumakov A.V. (Last name, I.O.) on the topic “Informatization of business processes of a dental clinic” Volume of work - _33 pages, on which _17_drawings are placed. When writing the work, _6 sources were used. Keywords: business process, information structure, IDEIF0 standard, Database, BPWin, ERWin Work performed at the Department of TSiVS (name of enterprise, division) Tasks to be solved 1. Development Internet technologies and expanding the scope of use of Internet applications 2. Analysis of business processes in dental clinic 3. Justification for choosing a business process modeling standard for the subject area under consideration Development of your own structure. 4. Database design Main results 1. Description of the LAN architecture of the dental clinic. 2. Software implementation and debugging *This section should reflect the main results of the study 4

5 Federal Communications Agency Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics” (SibGUTI) REVIEW on the final qualifying work of student Chumakov A.V. on the topic “Informatization of business processes of a dental clinic” Chumakov A.’s final qualifying work is dedicated to current topic building a working model of business processes of a dental clinic using functional modeling methodology. The work formulates the purpose and objectives of the research, provides brief description object of study, characteristics of the BPWin software package chosen as a tool for analysis and model building. However, it should be noted that the work has significant drawbacks: the subject area has not been sufficiently studied; the list of functions and the list of data for constructing functional diagrams of business processes have not been defined; an infological data model for the subject area under consideration has not been built; the choice of software for database development is not justified; program text is missing. Thus, A. Chumakov did not solve the problem in full. The final qualifying work of Chumakov A., with appropriate protection, deserves the grade “SATISFACTORY”, and Chumakov A. is awarded the qualification “Bachelor”. 5

6 Competencies General cultural OK-1 has a culture of thinking, is capable of generalizing, analyzing, perceiving information, setting a goal and choosing ways to achieve it OK-2 is able to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly construct oral and written speech OK-10 uses the basic laws of natural science disciplines V professional activity, applies methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research Professional PC-2 to master methods of using software to solve practical problems PC-5 develop components of software systems and databases, use modern tools and programming technologies PC-7 prepare presentations, scientific and technical reports on the results of work performed, draw up research results in the form of articles and reports at scientific and technical conferences The level of competencies is high average Low The work has practical value The work has been implemented I recommend the work for implementation I recommend the work for publication The work is done using a computer The topic is proposed by the enterprise The topic is proposed by the student The topic is fundamental I recommend the student for master's degree I recommend the student for graduate school Checking using the Anti-Plagiarism program showed 78% of the originality of the text. Position of the head signature Lapova S.G 6

7 Contents INTRODUCTION NEEDS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE SERVICES INFORMATION SYSTEM OF AN ORGANIZATION Concept of an information system Description of the goals and objectives of the organization Information structure of the clinic Classification of business processes SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION FOR BUSINESS PROCESSES IN A DENTAL CLINIC Business process analysis methodologies Rationale for choosing a standard modeling Description of business processes in Healthcare facilities MODELING AND DEVELOPMENT OF A DB FOR THE PATIENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Creation of a logical model of a dental clinic Software implementation CONCLUSION REFERENCES USED

8 INTRODUCTION To run a successful business, it is necessary to constantly study the needs of the market and improve the range of services of an enterprise or company. To better understand ways to improve system functioning processes, business process modeling is increasingly being used. Modeling allows you to identify relationships between business processes and identify the most important directions and eliminate duplication. Models can represent the entire system or only include a description of a part business processes, can be designed in “width” or “depth”, i.e. processes can have varying degrees of detail. In this case, the purpose and objectives of the modeling must be clearly defined, the answer to which will allow the construction of the model to be considered complete. Currently, the description and analysis of enterprise business processes is based on the use of computer technology. Modern software tools support various modeling methodologies. The most popular software package due to its functionality at present rightfully recognized as Platinum BPWin. It is this package that was chosen as a tool for modeling the process of organizing the activities of a private dental clinic for the purpose of this qualifying work. It is no longer possible to imagine the organization of treatment and preventive processes without the introduction of information technology. Most information systems for dental clinics are focused on automation of services, mainly on support specific functions, such as maintaining an electronic database, scheduling patient appointments, accounting for services provided, settlements with insurance companies, financial and statistical reports, etc. This functionality is the basis for any similar systems, useful and in demand by customers. The purpose of my work is to develop a business process model in dental clinic based on CASE technologies. 8

9 In connection with this goal, the following main tasks are being solved: 1. Familiarization with BPWin methodologies. 2. Analysis of existing structural solutions. 3. Development of the proposed structure of health care facilities. 4. Creation of an infological data model. The object of the study is the document flow for recording services provided in a dental clinic. Purpose of the work: studying existing approaches to modeling business processes, conducting a structural analysis of the service delivery system, building an informational data model for accounting for the services provided. Scope of application: the developed model should be designed for use in small dental clinics to automate the accounting of services and draw up work schedules for employees. 9

10 1 NEEDS FOR ONLINE SERVICES DEVELOPMENT Now it is impossible to imagine a world without online services. Online services make life easier for all humanity. Today you can easily go to the website of an online store and buy something; this is the first benefit of this example; and then you can track where your product is online, no need to sit and wait for the unknown. We don’t have to stand all day in a stuffy room in a huge line to get the coveted doctor’s certificate, register a car, get a passport, get a driver’s license and many other possible services in human activity. You can simply go to the website, submit an application, select the date and time when it is convenient for you to arrive, click your computer mouse a couple of times and now you are at the dentist, at a time convenient for you. And you didn’t waste two hours of your valuable time just making an appointment with a doctor. You need a clinic website where you can check opening hours, location, phone number, and you can even consult a doctor online. You don’t need to keep a big yellow book with phone numbers, you just go to the search, type in the name of the clinic and now you’re on the website, where there is all the information you need. What if my contact details change? Your friends may also have outdated information. We went to the website, and everything had already changed. Faster than any other source. In the near future, there will be a general patient database where you can go in and see when and what you were treated for, and what actions the doctor performed. 10

11 2 INFORMATION SYSTEM OF AN ORGANIZATION 2.1 Concept of an information system An information system of an organization is an interconnected set of information, technical, software, mathematical, organizational, legal, ergonomic, linguistic, technological and other means, as well as personnel, designed for collecting, processing, storing and issuing economic information and management decision making. The constituent elements of the system: Computer Computer network People Information support Software The purpose of this system is to produce professional information. Information system processes: Entering information from external and internal sources Information processing Information storage Displaying information in an accessible form 2.2 Description of the goals and objectives of the organization The goal of the organization is to obtain maximum profit. The activities of the dental clinic are related to the provision of highly qualified services for dental treatment and prosthetics. The main services include 11

12 1. Therapeutic treatment. Cosmetic treatment; Installation of modern dental fillings; Root canal treatment; Teeth whitening; Professional teeth cleaning; Treatment of caries using an intraoral camera. 2. Surgical treatment. 3. Prosthetics. Installation of bridges; removable dentures; dental inlays; crowns; veneers; Of no small importance for the effective functioning of health care facilities is the properly organized work of the registry, the main function of which is recording patients and maintaining a file cabinet. For this section of the IS, an analysis will be carried out in the future and a diagram of the interrelationships of work will be constructed. Most often, in dental clinics, patient records are kept manually. That is, the outpatient card is filled out by hand, all information is entered into an Excel document, where patients are counted using various formulas. With such an accounting system, the following main problems arise: Large volume card index, inconvenient to search. Why do you need a large archive room? Difficulties in finding patient outpatient records and the associated time costs; Time spent filling out patient records; 12

13 Loss of data (patient records); A large share of routine work of workers and the associated share of personnel engaged in data processing and not related to the main activities of the clinic. The goal of automating business processes is to eliminate all of the listed shortcomings. The use of patient databases largely solves the problems of accounting for services, searching and integrity of information. An important role is played by modern Web technologies, which offer patients new opportunities for making appointments, online consultations, etc. 2.3 Information structure of the clinic The structure of the clinic is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 information structure of the clinic 13

14 2.4 Classification of business processes The main business processes of a dental clinic are: Management Treatment Providing After identifying the main groups of business processes, you can begin to create models. To create models, I decided to use a simple and accessible method, the structural analysis method (SADT - Structured Analysis and Design Technique), a family of the IDEF0 standard. The standard diagram of this method is a diagram in which on the left is the input, on the right is the output, on top is the control, and on the bottom is the mechanism. Figure 2 shows simple circuit IDEF0 standard. Figure 2 IDEF0 diagram A distinction is made between main and auxiliary processes. Core processes are those that add quality. In our case, these are the processes of providing quality medical care (quality medical services) to the patient. Auxiliary processes form the infrastructure of the organization; in a medical institution they create conditions for performing the diagnostic and treatment process. 14

15 The medical information system is designed to provide information support for both the main and auxiliary business processes of a medical institution. Therefore, the first stage of its design is a formalized description of these business processes, i.e. building an informational model of the enterprise. As will be demonstrated below, this model is not equivalent to the structural-functional model of the enterprise. 15

16 3 SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATIZATION OF BUSINESS PROCESSES IN A DENTAL CLINIC 3.1 Methodologies for analyzing business processes Formalization and description of business processes of any enterprise is carried out on the basis of the IDEF methodology. Its distinctive feature is the emphasis on the subordination of objects. In the IDEF0 standard, the system under study appears to developers and analysts as a set of interrelated functions (functional blocks in IDEF0 terms). The IDEF1 standard is a methodology for modeling information flows within a system, allowing you to display and analyze their structure and relationships. The result of applying IDEF0 to a system is a model of that system consisting of a hierarchically ordered set of diagrams, documentation text, and vocabularies that are cross-referenced together. The two most important components that make up IDEF0 diagrams are the business functions or activities (represented as box diagrams) and the data and objects (represented as arrows) that connect the activities. In this case, the arrows, depending on which face of the work block they enter or from which face they exit, are divided into five types: Entry arrows (entering the left face of the block) depict data or objects that change during the execution of the work. Control arrows (included in the upper edge of the block) depict the rules and restrictions according to which the work is performed. Output arrows (extending from the right edge of the block) represent data or objects that appear as a result of the work being done. 16

17 Mechanism arrows (entering the bottom edge of the block) depict resources necessary to perform the work, but do not change during the work process (for example, equipment, human resources, etc.) Call arrows (exiting the bottom edge of the block) indicate access to the block included into another part of this model or another model. 3.2 Justification for choosing the BPWin and ERWin modeling standard from Computer Associates. Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA) is one of the five leading manufacturers software, offering modeling tools, backup, enterprise infrastructure management (networks, servers, etc.), information security, business intelligence, etc. The BPWin package is based on the IDEF methodology and is intended for functional modeling and analysis of enterprise activities. IDEF methodology, which is the official federal standard USA, is a set of methods, rules and procedures designed to build a functional model of an object in a particular subject area. The IDEF functional model displays the functional structure of an object, i.e. the actions it performs and the connections between these actions. BPwin features: supports three standard notations at once - IDEF0 (functional modeling), DFD (data flow modeling) and IDEF3 (work flow modeling). These three main perspectives allow us to describe the subject area in the most comprehensive manner; allows you to optimize procedures in the company; Fully supports volumetric costing methods economic activity(functional cost analysis, ABC); 17

18 facilitates certification to ISO9000 quality standards; integrated with ERwin (for database modeling), Paradigm Plus (for modeling software components), etc.; integrated with Arena simulation tool; contains its own report generator; allows you to effectively manipulate models - merge and split them; has a wide range of tools for documenting models and projects. The advantages of this software package are: Completeness of description of business processes Ease of documenting processes Complexity in decomposition (migration and tunneling of arrows) Possibility of aggregation and detailing of data and information flows (division and merging of arrows) Availability of strict methodology requirements that ensure the production of process models standard view Compliance of the approach to describing processes in IDEF0 with ISO 9000:2005 standards. The listed advantages justify the choice of Bpwin for modeling business processes in health care facilities. 18

19 3.3 Description of business processes in health care facilities Let's consider an example of using the IDEF0 methodology to analyze business processes and build a functional model of a hospital-type medical institution. Figure 3 shows a generalized model of his work: hospital staff (the resource necessary to perform the work) treats the patient (an object that changes during the work), the results of which are a discharged patient and an invoice register for the medical services provided to this patient. Figure 3 - Generalized IDEF0-description of the work of the hospital After completing the medical history, work with the patient in the admission department continues (Figure 4): he is examined, a diagnosis is made upon admission, if there are indications, a conclusion on hospitalization is taken and he is directed to a specific healing branch of the hospital, or provide the necessary outpatient care and direct them to the necessary medical institution. 19

20 Figure 4 - IDEF0 description of work performed in reception department. IN medical department(Figure 5) the patient is examined, the diagnosis is clarified and an examination and treatment plan is drawn up, prescriptions are made and carried out, etc. until his discharge. Figure 5 - IDEF0 description of patient treatment in the hospital department. The stage of discharge or closing the medical history itself (Figure 6) includes the doctor making a decision on discharge, drawing up a discharge summary and, if necessary, sick leave, as well as issuing 20 to the patient

21 recommendations for further treatment, lifestyle, etc. Based on the results of the patient’s stay in the hospital and on the basis of the total calculation of the cost of medical services provided to him (including the cost of medicines and medical products consumed during the treatment), an invoice register is formed for the medical care provided, presented medical institution insurance medical organization. Figure 6 - IDEF0 description of the process of closing a medical history. Another standard of the IDEF family is the IDEF1 methodology, which allows you to model information flows occurring within the system, display and analyze their structure and relationships. The result of its application is an information model that represents the structure of information necessary to support functions production system or environment (Figure 7). 21

22 Figure 7 - Scheme of hospital information flows 22

23 4 MODELING AND DEVELOPMENT OF A DB FOR THE PATIENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM 4.1 Creating a logical model of a dental clinic To create a business process model, we use the CA ERWIN process modeller r7.3 program. The key business process of the designed system is the process of automating the registration of a dental clinic. The subject of the business process is “Registration of a dental clinic.” The appropriate data is received as input: a database of applications. DB of the duty doctor's work schedule. DB of clinic services and prices. Picture with code (to protect against automatic access) The control is: DB Server The mechanisms for executing the process are: System Client The output is: Application number Price list Updated DB Based on this model, the main IDEF0 diagram is presented in Figure 8. 23

24 Figure 8 Diagram IDEF0 “Informatization of the registry in a dental clinic.” The leading business functions of the process of “Automation of the registration of a dental clinic” will be. 1. Make an appointment. 2. Application editor. 3. Withdrawal of the application. 4. Table of prices and services. 5. Entering data into the database. A more complete diagram of IDEF0 “Informatization of the registry in a dental clinic” is presented in Figure 9. 24

25 Figure 9 Complete diagram IDEF0 “Informatization of the dental registry.” In turn, these business functions, such as “Making an appointment”, “Editing an application” and “Entering data into the database” are decomposed even higher. A diagram with a decomposition of the business functions “Make an appointment”, “Edit an application”, “Entering data into the database” is presented in Figures 10, 11, 12, respectively. Figure 10 Making an appointment 25

26 Figure 11 Edit application Figure 12 Enter database 26

27 4.2 Software implementation The patient can perform certain actions in relation to the information system: “Make an appointment”, “Edit an application”, “Submit an application”, “Price list”. The main window of the program is shown in Figure 13. Figure 13 The main window of the program “Registration of a dental clinic” Window “Make an appointment” In the window “Make an appointment” the registrar sends a request to the database server. When the registrar presses the “Make an Appointment” button, the following algorithm occurs: 1. The system opens the “Make an Appointment” window. 2. The registrar enters the name. 3. The registrar enters the name. 4. The registrar enters the passport number. 5. The registrar selects the appointment date from the drop-down list. 6. The registrar selects the reception time from the drop-down list. 7. The registrar clicks on the “Done” button. 27

28 8. The system enters information about the patient into the database. 9. The system returns the application number. The “Make an appointment” window is shown on the screen in Figure 14 Figure 14. window of the “Make an appointment” program If everything is entered, the system will send the application number. Option for selecting the “Edit application” window In this window, the registrar can change the date and time of the appointment with the doctor. When the registrar clicks on the “Edit Application” button in the main program window, the following algorithm begins to execute: 1. The system opens the “Edit Application” window. 2. The registrar enters the application number. 3. The registrar enters the passport number. 4. The registrar selects a new appointment date from the drop-down list. 5. The registrar selects a new appointment time from the drop-down list. 6. The registrar presses the “Done” button. 28

29 7. The system updates the database 8. The system closes the “Edit request” window and goes to the main window. If, when entering your data, the registrar entered an incorrect passport number, the system will display an error. On the screen, the “Edit Application” window is shown in Figure 15. Figure 15. - “Editing Application” window Selecting the “Withdraw Application” window. This is where the doctor's appointment is deleted. After clicking on the “Withdraw application” button, the following algorithm occurs. 1. The system opens the “Request Withdrawal” window. 2. The registrar enters the application number. 3. The registrar enters the passport number. 4. The registrar clicks on the “Done” button. 29

30 5. The system saves changes in the database. 6. The system closes the “Request Withdrawal” window and goes to the main window. The system will generate an error if the registrar enters an incorrect application number or an incorrect passport number. If everything is done correctly, the system will display a message with the text “the application has been deleted, the changes have been saved.” On the screen, the “Request Withdrawal” window is shown in Figure 16 Figure 16. “Application Withdrawal” window Selecting the “Price List” button The price list window displays information about services and their prices in the dental clinic. Algorithm for performing the action of the “Price List” button: 1. The system opens the “Clinic Price List” window. 2. The system displays a list of services and their prices. On the screen of the “Clinic Price List” window is shown in the figure

31 Figure 17. Price list 31

32 CONCLUSION As a result of this final qualifying work, an information system for a dental clinic was designed. 32

33 REFERENCES 1. Sheer A.V. Business processes. Basic concepts. Theory. Methods / August-Wilhelm Scheer; lane from English Mikhailova N.A.; edited by Kamenova M.S., Gromov A.I. M.: VestMetaTechnology, p. 2. Berseneva E.A. Introduction of a comprehensive automated information system implemented using Workflow technology as an integral stage in the development of a medical institution / Berseneva E.A., Golukhov G.N. // Doctor and information technology S Vozny A.V. Prospects for improving orthopedic dental care population of the region / Vozny A.V., Dolgintsev V.I., Semenyuk V.M. Tyumen: Mandr i K, p. 4. Quality management [Electronic resource] - MODELING OF BUSINESS PROCESSES: - Cap. from the screen. language rus 5. Reengineering [Electronic resource] - Analysis of modern business process modeling tools: - Cap. from the screen. language rus 6. Welling L., Thomson L. Development of Web applications using PHP and MySQL, 3rd ed.: Per. from English M.: “Williams”, p. 33

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